TallaghT News ©
commuNiTY workers JoBs iN DaNger
6TH FEb 2012 P.O. bOx 3430, TallagHT, DublIN 24 TEl: 451 3822 email: info@newsgroup.ie web: www.newsgroup.ie
Dublin South West TD Seán Crowe raised under Topical Issues in the Dáil the imminent job loss of four community safety workers employed
the Estate under Network’s Management Scheme in Tallaght and Clondalkin. The scheme was recently informed by the Department of the Environment that
75% of their funding had been cut with the remainder to end in March. Deputy Seán Crowe said that “the context of my appeal is relation to
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four people who look likely to lose their jobs and who do vital work in areas which are blighted by high unemployment, drug abuse and a range of other social difficulties. “Two of the Tallaght based workers affected by this cut in funding have been 20 years in the job, with ten years done on a voluntary basis. This shows their commitment to the community whom they serve and the loss of these jobs while devastating for them personally will have serious implications for the communities who have benefited greatly
DuBliN ciTY of scieNce 2012
Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richare Bruton T.D. with the St. Patricks Festival performers Rachel Lally, Vijaya Bateson and Grace Kelly at the launch of the Dublin City of Science 2012 Programme and ESOF (Euroscience Science Open Forum), Europe’s largest science meeting which Dublin will host from 11 – 15 July 2012. (Pic: Justin Mac Innes / Mac Innes Photography)
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calls for garDa crack DowN oN fuel smuggliNg
Fine gael Dublin Mid-West TD, Derek Keating, is calling for a special six-month garda operation to be set up to specifically target fuel smugglers. “Fuel smuggling as an illicit trade is having a
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hugely negative impact on our economy. Those involved are not only depriving the State of tax revenues, they are putting motorists in a situation where they may be unwittingly putting unsafe fuel into their cars. It also gives
unscrupulous hauliers an unfair advantage over those who are trying to uphold the law and keep their heads above water in an industry that has been severely hit by rising fuel costs. This is a dangerous and criminal activity, and must be stamped out. “I asked the Minister for Finance whether the two-colour current diesel fuel system could be abolished and replaced with a rebate system for tax
compliance hauliers. “The Minister said such a system would not be effective and would still be open to abuse. He is of the view that the establishment of an extensive repayments system would give rise to a significant administrative burden and cost for oil traders, users and Revenue, as as posing well significant cash-flow costs for those who currently use marked oil.
“I accept the Minister’s views on the issue, and as a result, I am calling for a special six month garda operation to be set up to specifically target fuel smuggling. This would allow for a targeted crack-down on the illicit trade. I believe this focussed approach of enforcement, combined with ongoing controls on the sale and distribution of oils, would bring significant dividends for the State.”
commuNiTY workers JoBs iN DaNger from Page 1
from the work they do. “The common denominator behind this decision is that areas that have suffered greatly down through years of deprivation are yet again being targeted. “The work that is being done by these people is second to none and cannot be replicated. The suggestion that the local authority or garda might replicate what they do is simply hot air.“These workers are
the glue that helps hold communities together. Just this week we had two petrol bomb attacks on homes in Tallaght and a pipe bomb left outside another. These are the type of issues faced by people living in these estates on a daily basis and they must not be abandoned by the government. The Minister needs to reverse these cuts and find an alternative way of making savings must be found.”
healTh coNTriBuTioN refuNDs - clarificaTioN
The Department of Social Protection is currently receiving a very high level of enquiries in relation to requests for refunds of the Health Contribution. The Department would therefore like to take this opportunity to clarify the position in relation to Health Contribution Refunds. l If you earned more than €26,000 in 2008, 2009 and 2010 you were liable to pay the Health Contribution and you are not due a refund. l If you earned less than €26,000 and never earned more than €500 in any one week you would not have been charged the Health Contribution and are not eligible for a refund.
l You may be entitled to a refund of the Health Contribution if you have earned less than €26,000 in 2008, 2009 or 2010 and earned more than €500 in any particular week in those years. l Your P60 Form will give you details of your earnings. l You must make an application for a refund within four years of 31 December of the year you paid the contribution. For example you must apply for a refund of the Health Contributions paid in 2008 by 31 December 2012 and so on. l any contributions paid prior to 1 January 2008 are outside the time limit for making a claim. l The Health Contribution was included
in the universal Social Charge (uSC) with effect from 1 January 2011 and no Health Contribution refunds arise after that date. l The amount of refund you receive will vary depending on the amount of Health Contribution paid. For example if you paid the Health Contribution for only one week in 2008 your refund could be €10. l If you satisfy the earnings conditions outlined at 4 above you should write to the address below and include your name, address, Personal Public Service Number and your date of birth. Department of Social Protection, PRSI Refunds Section, Oisin House,Pearse Street,Dublin 2.
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DelaY iN New NaTioNal chilDreN’s hosPiTal highlighTs DifficulTies of PreferreD siTe
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Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD Seán Crowe believes the decision by an bord Pleanála to defer for a month a decision in relation to the new National Children’s Hospital reflects the difficulties associated with locating the €650 million building in the city centre. Deputy Crowe, who in conjunction with his council colleagues submitted oral and written submissions on the issue, said that the complexities of the case means that it is important adequate
time is taken to closely scrutinise the application. He continued: “There are very well-founded concerns about the suitability of locating the new hospital on the site of the Mater Hospital. access problems and the fact that the city centre is too location restrictive could cause serious difficulties in the future. “before submitting our objections we travelled on public and private transport from south west Dublin to the proposed site and this
highlighted just how inaccessible the hospital location is. “at 68 metres high, the new building would be taller than liberty hall and will dominate a very historical part of the city. There are fears that the hospital will be out of character with the georgian architecture in the area. “The reason given by an bord Pleanála for the delay is the “depth and complexity” of the case, which in my opinion succulently sums up just how problematic this site is.
I am also concerned that difficulties arose in concluding this review because of the fact that there are now only four board members conducting this review after the contracts of other board members were not renewed. This illustrates the difficulties that are associated with cuts that have been imposed on the public sector. “It is important, that a of this decision magnitude exams all of the issues associated with this site thoroughly even if this means delaying the decision.”
geT iNvolveD iN worlD recorD aTTemPT!
local Fine gael TD and Minister of State brian Hayes is urging the local Tallaght Community to get involved in the guinness World Record attempt for most penalty shots in Tallaght Stadium on February 15th. Minister Hayes said, “This is a great event to have happening in our area. It is been organised by the Collage Football association, the FaI and IT Tallaght and being supported by many local businesses and community organisations. Minister Hayes continued, “There is a great atmosphere amongst the organisers and a strong belief that they can succeed. The current world
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record was set last year in New York with 742 shots and the aim on the 15th is to reach 1000. There are strict rules however with only each person being allowed to take one shot and each shot must be taken within 30 seconds.”
Minister Hayes concluded, “To date a number of schools have signed up to participate but the strict timing means that from the starting time at 8:30am a penalty shot has to be taken every 30 seconds. For this to succeed participants are needed and I encourage everyone to register on www.charitypenaltykick.org.”
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DisaPPearaNce of maNhole covers coNDemNeD Your FREE Local Newspaper
Sinn Féin Councillor Máire Devine has condemned the recent spate of manhole cover theft in the Tallaght area. Earlier this week a concerned resident
contacted Cllr Devine in relation to two manhole covers that had gone missing on the Fortunestown Road. On following up on the matter with South
Dublin County Council, it has come to light that this is not a rare occurance and is in fact becoming a worrying trend in the Tallaght area. The council informed Cllr Devine that the increased value of scrap metal has led to the theft of manhole covers and both the ESb and Eircom have also had metal covers targeted. The theft doesn’t stop there, further research into the matter has shown that residents in some parts of Tallaght have had their gates stolen and ghost estates such as those in
bancroft have been stripped of metal. “This growing trend in the theft of metal is really worrying and in the case of the manhole covers it also poses a serious threat to public The safety. perpetrators of these crimes have no social conscience and are leaving children and elderly people at risk of serious falls” said Cllr Devine. “It is impossible for the local authority to police and I would appeal to people to be extra vigilant and to report any suspicious activity they see to the gardaí”.
The local authority have replaced missing covers as soon as their absence was reported but they are relying on the public providing this information. Cllr Devine is submitting a question to the Council on the cost implications of replacing these covers. “South Dublin County Council are challenged by budgetary constraints and these thefts are putting extra pressure on their finances, which can only lead to cuts being made from other services” added the Sinn Féin Councillor.
Cllr Máire Devine with Sinn Féin Activist John Mills
Teachers of pupils across Ireland were urged to join hundreds of schools taking part in amnesty's annual Week. Friendship actress brenda Fricker and author Cathy Kelly spoke movingly about the impact of friendship in their lives, ahead of
Friendship Week which begins on 6 February. Colm O'gorman, Executive Director of amnesty International Ireland, said "Friendship Week is both a celebration of human rights education and a way to practically challenge racism and
homophobia in the classroom." amnesty International provide free educational resource full of packs information for teachers and students about human rights and how it relates to the lives of children of all
ages, in all countries. Some schools take part with one lesson; some devote a day or the whole week. This seeks to initiative empower children and to equip them with the skills to identify what they can do for human rights, both locally and
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five New social workers for local area 7
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Minister Frances Fitzgerald has announced an additional 4 social workers and 1 Team leader for the Clondalkin, Newcastle, Rathcoole, Saggart, Palmerstown and lucan area. The additional social workers will cover child protection in these areas and the creation of their posts is part of the HSE’s nationwide campaign to employ 60 additional social workers, as recommended by the Ryan Report. “Since my first day in office
I have been committed to implementing the recommendations of the Ryan Report. among the key recommendations made in the report was the recruitment of an additional 60 social workers in the area of child protection. I am pleased to announce that 4 of these social workers and 1 team leader will be based in my own constituency to help cover child protection throughout lucan, Clondalkin, Palmerstown, Saggart, Newcastle and Rathcoole.
These workers will provide additional support to our services here in Dublin Mid West and will work to ensure the protection of children throughout our communities,” said Minister Frances Fitzgerald. "last year I personally took over the Chair of the Ryan Report Implementation group. The Ryan Report Implementation Plan committed to the recruitment of an additional 60 social workers in 2011. The latest available
information from the HSE indicates that 58 of these posts have been either filled or accepted. The delivery of this important commitment, despite the pressures on the HSE to pause recruitment during 2011, shows the absolute commitment and determination of the government and I to deliver improved child protection and family support services as part of our ongoing ‘change agenda’,” continued Fitzgerald,
Minister for Children & Youth affairs. “These additional social workers will be targeted at priority areas of the service having regard to an overall assessment of workload undertaken by the HSE’s National Director of Children and Family services, gordon Jeyes to support the ‘change agenda’. “I am pleased to have succeeded in ensuring that
DuBliN Bus calleD oN To hoNour commiTmeNTs oN firhouse Bus services
labour Party Councillor for Tallaght South Chris bond has called upon Dublin bus to honour commitments to provide an extra bus service for Firhouse. Councillor bond recently organised a petition signed by hundreds of Firhouse residents in relation to maintaining services on the lower ballycullen Road, where the construction of a Quality bus Corridor was recently completed. ‘’bus users in Firhouse have been left in the dark since the withdrawal of the 74 Service. Millions of Euro of public money has been spent on the construction of a new bus corridor on the Firhouse and ballycullen Road yet there has been a net reduction in services on that Corridor. This New QbC was
provided for on the basis that Dublin bus would in turn provide a high frequency service to operate the QbC. There is also a need for a bus Service on the Killininny Road which to date has had no regular bus service’’ ‘’There is a clear demand for a service connecting Tallaght, Firhouse and Old Court with Rathmines, Rathgar and the South Inner City. Residences who had to endure much disruption during the construction of the bus lane should at the very least expect an improvement in services as opposed to a reduction.’’ ‘’I call upon Dublin bus to take the on board the concerns of residents, and provided a long anticipated extra bus route’’
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these additional social workers were recruited thus fulfilling the Ryan report recommendation and delivering on my commitment to this issue. The additional supports of these five trained individuals here in my own area are a welcome resource for our communities across lucan, Clondalkin, Palmerstown, Newcastle, Saggart and Rathcoole,” concluded Fitzgerald.
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Pictured are PJ Gallagher and David O’Brien from Down Syndrome Ireland
ouT of The TraPs for DowN sYNDrome irelaND fuNDraiser aT The Dogs
Ireland’s best-loved comedian PJ gallagher took to the tracks at Shelbourne Park to launch a unique partnership between Down Syndrome Ireland and the Irish greyhoundboard. The Irish greyhound board will host a benefit Night at the Dogs in greyhound Stadia across the country to raise much needed funds for Down Syndrome Ireland on the 25th February 2012.
the DSI benefit Night at the Dogs and the turnout at the events held across many of our venues is testament to the importance of the work carried out by Down Syndrome Ireland. We urge everyone to put the 25th February into their diaries for a great night out.”
greyhound stadia across the country taking part in the Down Syndrome Ireland fundraiser include Shelbourne Park, Dundalk, galway, lifford, limerick, Mullingar, Newbridge, Tralee, Thurles and Waterford.
Mr. Clarke also included: “On their behalf, I’d like to ask everyone out there to get involved and support this fantastic event which is sure to offer a very entertaining night with Shelbourne Park even hosting an auction with great prizes including dinner with Eamon Dunphy at Dobbins restaurant”.
Thousands of people are expected to attend the benefit Night all across the country and Down Syndrome Ireland (DSI) are hoping to raise over €100,000. The Irish greyhound board are working with DSI to create a good-value, family friendly event for a very worthy cause with competitions, raffles and goodie bags for all children attending on the 25th February.
Dawn Quinn for the Irish greyhound board said, “This is the second year we will host the Down Syndrome Ireland benefit Night at the Dogs. We are excited to announce the Irish Examiner as our media partner for the event. Due to the huge success of last year and the incredible support from everyone we are delighted to be involved once again.
Down Syndrome Ireland is an incredible organisation helping thousands of families in Ireland, last year was the first year of
Speaking at the launch of the benefit Night at the Dogs, Mr. Pat Clarke, Chief Executive of Down Syndrome Ireland said: “We are delighted to once again be working with the Igb to deliver our benefit Night at the Dogs. These are difficult economic times for every family, particularly those who have a child with a disability. With ever more cuts in services, our 3,000 members are increasingly reliant on Down Syndrome Ireland to give them the vital services and supports they may not be receiving.
Funds raised from this year’s nationwide Night at the Dogs on the 25th February 2012 will go directly to support a wide range of Down Syndrome Ireland’s services at both local and national level. For more information log onto the the Irish greyhound board’s website www.igb.ie or Down Syndrome Ireland’s website www.downsyndrome.ie
search To fiND 2012 Texaco chilDreN’s arT comPeTiTioN wiNNers lauNcheD
For the fifty-eighth year since the competition was first held, the search is underway to find the young students who will win awards in this year’s Texaco Children’s art Competition.
brochures setting out details of the competition have been sent to all primary and second level schools throughout Co. Dublin in which the attention of pupils and teachers is drawn to the closing date for entries which is Friday, 24th February next. Copies of the brochure are also available through Texaco service stations and on-line at www.texacochildrensart.com Judging will take place throughout the month of March
and winners will be announced in mid-april with prize giving to follow in mid-May. annually, some 30,000 students compete for the 161 top prizes that are awarded across seven age categories, including one exclusively devoted to special needs students. Distinguished past winners include Minister for Education, Ruairi Quinn TD, artists Dorothy Cross, graham Knuttel and Robert ballagh, fashion designer Paul Costello, broadcasters Thelma Mansfield and Terry Prone, ICTu general Secretary David begg, actress Jean anne Crowley and musician Ethna Tinney
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miNisTer raBBiTTe highlighTs imPorTaNce of DigiTal skills TraiNiNg for BegiNNers
Your FREE Local Newspaper
“Every citizen has the opportunity to embrace our increasingly digital world. If you are planning on being around for a while you may as well get on-line now” Communications Minister Pat Rabbitte said as he presented certificates to one of the first groups of trainees to complete
basic internet training under the latest phase of the benefIT scheme run by the Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources. The trainees have all recently completed training as part of the “get Ireland On-line” initiative run by ICS skills under the
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Minister’s benefIT 3 scheme. Minister Rabbitte congratulated all the trainees on what they have achieved and hoped that they would go on to reap the advantages of their newly acquired skills for many years to come.
Speaking at the event – which took place at ICS Skills’ offices in Dublin the Minister said, “For me as Minister one of the most satisfying aspects of my job is seeing positive outcomes for people. That’s why digital inclusion is so important to me. Without the skills to use technologies like the internet, the substantial investment being made in Ireland’s infrastructure is under-utilised. as a result, our potential as a nation is not being fulfilled and opportunities are being lost.
PersoNal iNsolveNcY legislaTioN keY sTeP iN solviNg morTgage DeBT crisis
I want to ensure that no one is left behind - that every citizen has the opportunity to embrace our increasingly digital world. The technology is getting easier and cheaper all the time. Many services are now more easily accessed on-line. Training and support is available from the government. If you are planning on being around for a while you may as well get on-line now. ”
Training, like the basic training being recognised here, is now all over available Ireland - empowering thousands of people and opening up new opportunities for them. I would certainly encourage anyone whatever their background or age who was thinking that they might like to explore the many opportunities the internet has to offer, to avail of these training opportunities.”
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local Fine gael TD and Minister of State brian Hayes, has said that the Personal Insolvency bill is a key step in solving our mortgage debt crisis. The Heads of the bill have been published by the Minister for Justice, alan Shatter, and the Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan. “This draft bill puts forward a range of options that will provide much needed relief for those struggling with personal debt. This is an extremely complex area and one of national importance; the challenge of getting to grips with the mortgage problem is one of the biggest issues facing this government. What we have today is a series of solutions, which will form a key part of the government’s strategy for dealing with mortgage arrears. “The write-down of small debts, up to the value of €20,000, will be made possible through the issuance of Debt Relief Certificates. This will essentially function as a six year deal with the lender, where the person in debt can be discharged from loans they are unable to pay. For those with larger personal debts, a Debt Settlement arrangement may be agreed, which also allows for the write-down of personal loans. “These two schemes will directly help the thousands of people in this country who have found themselves drowning in debt in recent years - with credit card bills, car loans, overdrafts – and are currently unable to chart a way out of their situation. by helping these people, we may be able to avoid further mortgage defaults and the unsustainable escalation of personal debt. “For those struggling under the burden of spiralling mortgage debt, the new Personal Insolvency arrangements contained within the bill will provide a lifeline. Through agreement with creditors, the PIa will help mortgage holders to restructure their debts and ultimately reduce their repayments. “The final, crucial, element of this legislation is the reformed bankruptcy arrangements, which reduce the period of time that a person will be considered bankrupt from 12 to 3 years. The existing regime is punitive and out of date. bankruptcy should always be considered a course of last resort. However, for those who find themselves with no other option, this proposed new legislation will make the process quicker and easier. “This bill is an excellent start; it will now go before the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice for its consideration and it’s hoped it can be published in full by the end of april. between now and then, the government wants to hear the views of the Opposition and the public. This government is determined to chart a way out of this crisis by helping people who are feeling overwhelmed by debt to get back on their feet.”
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maYor visiTs lucaN grouP iNvolveD iN social creDiTs scheme
South Dublin County Council’s Mayor, Caitriona Jones, visited Foxborough Maintenance association, lucan to congratulate them on their participation in the Social Credits Scheme. The Mayor congratulated the group and said “I am
delighted to be here to witness the positive results of the members of Foxborough Maintenance association. This is an excellent example of communities getting involved in their area and making a difference. It very evident that
Foxborough is a place where people care and are willing to take action to maintain it. I wish them continued success and look forward to coming here again”
The Social Credits Scheme is an initiative run by South Dublin
To apply to the scheme, community groups can visit the website www.socialcredits.ie and complete an application form or contact SDCC directly on (01) 4149000 or by email info@sdublincoco.ie for further information.
Tommy Mc Motor Mechanic / Breakdown Recovery
South Dublin County Council’s Mayor, Caitriona Jones with members of the Foxborough Maintenance Association
County Council empowering local to communities undertake positive, environmental and sustainable projects and actions which directly affect their locality. In return, community groups can of rewards avail including access to Council facilities and services. The association have completed a range of local projects including community cleanups, anti-graffiti programmes and weeding of footpaths and have received cleanup supplies, free public swims in Clondalkin leisure Centre and will attend drama productions in the Civic Theatre, Tallaght.
€5.2 millioN fuNDiNg aPProveD for imProvemeNT aND maiNTeNaNce of souTh DuBliN couNTY couNcil roaDs Fine gael Councillor, brian lawlor, has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Transport, leo Varadkar, that funding of €5.2 million has been approved for the improvement and maintenance of roads in Tallaght,lucan Clondalkin . Cllr. lawlor said “The road infrastructure in Tallaght has vastly improved over the past decade or so and it is important that S.D.C.C continue to maintain and improve the roads in Tallaght, to ensure the safety of all those that use them on a daily basis.”
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ciTYwise eDucaTioN wiN awarD aT irish firsT lego league challeNge 2012
Citywise Education from Tallaght in Dublin won the Robot Technology award at the national finals of The FIRST lEgO league Championships 2012 which took place in galway recently. The team from Citywise were one of three Dublin teams to take part. The other 2 Dublin teams were from St. Killian’s german school in Clonskeagh. This year’s overall winners were the termin8tors from Moycullen in Co. galway and they will represent Ireland at the European finals in germany in June. The
global theme for this year’s competition was food safety, and the “termin8tors” won with their project “Food Safety buddy” - an educational app to help the user shop, store and prepare food safely. In total, 23 teams from all over the country took part in this year’s final.
Pictured are Malte Christian Kaufmann (Business Objects Software/SAP) presenting the Robot Technology Award to Citywise Education Tallaght and MC for the event Paul Sleem. (Photo:Andrew Downes)
The Legal Column upper age limit has been abolished.
IN THIS MONTH’S EDITION, ROMaINE SCallY OF ROMaINE SCallY & CO. SOlICITORS, MaIN STREET, TallagHT, DublIN 24 (01 4599 506) DEalS WITH THE QuESTION OF JuRY SERVICE. ROMAINE SCALLY & CO. SOLICITORS, MAIN STREET, TALLAGHT, DUBLIN 24 TEL: 01 45 99 506 FAx: 01 45 99 510 EMAIL: legal@scally.ie wEB: www.romainescally.ie Can you explain what jury service entails. Is it compulsory? I have often wondered what exactly happens if you are requested to do jury service. Can you be fined if you don’t show up? I would not be able to attend for jury service if I was called up as my employer is not good about taking time off work. would this be a valid excuse not to attend?
Jury service is governed by the Juries act, 1976 as amended by the Civil law (Miscellaneous Provisions) act 2008. Every Irish Citizen from eighteen years upwards, who is entered on the register of electors, is eligible for jury service. Previously, there was an upper age limit of seventy years but since the 1st January 2009, this
Jury service is intended to be an expression of service to one’s country. under S29 of the 1976 Juries act, when an employee (or an apprentice) is called for jury service, he/she is deemed to be employed during the period he or she is absent from work. In other words, jury duty does not constitute a break in service and all pay, annual leave and other benefits due to the employee will continue to accrue. Employers can verify attendance at jury duty by asking the employee to produce a certificate of attendance which will provided by the County Registrar of the Court. anyone with a contract of employment is entitled to be paid by their employer while they are on jury service. any contractual agreement that attempts to exclude or limit an employer’s liability for the payment of wages during any such absence is void. However, the 1976 act does not set out any method for calculating pay and difficulties can arise in relation to the calculation of overtime, commission
and bonuses. Employers will often take the position that the most reasonable solution is to average the employee’s pay.
an employee may receive a Jury Summons specifying the date and time their attendance has been requested for jury service. This Summons will set out the list of persons that are ineligible, disqualified or excusable as of right from jury service. S7 of the 1976 act sets out persons who are deemed ineligible for jury service. Such persons include; those involved with the administration of justice eg. Judges, solicitors, gardai, prison officers etc, those who are incapable of serving by reason of physical or mental illness, or those who have a disability or are unable to read.
In addition, there are certain people who are disqualified from jury service and those persons are set out in S8 of the 1976 act and include Those sentenced to a term of imprisonment of five years or more, or Those who have been
sentenced to a term of imprisonment or a period of detention in a mental institution of three months’ duration within the last ten years.
an employee may apply to be excused from jury service in accordance with S9 and Part 2 of the First Schedule of the 1976 act. The employee can apply to the Registrar who summoned him/her and state the reasons why he/she should be excused as fully as possible on the relevant form J2. The employee should enclose certificates or documentation that support this application. Such an application may be made on the employee’s behalf where he/she is too ill or injured to apply. However, an employer cannot make such an application on behalf of any of it’s employees. a self employed individual, whose attendance at jury duty may mean he/she cannot earn a living, may also qualify for excusal. If the Registrar refused to excuse the individual, this decision may be appealed to the Court at which he/she has been summoned to
olDer & BolDer calls oN goverNmeNT To acT oN law reform commissioN recommeNDaTioNs
Older & bolder has called for the implementation of the law Reform Commission recommendations on professional home care and for a wider public debate on long-term care. Patricia Conboy, Director of Older & bolder said, “We welcome the law Reform Commission report which takes a holistic and person-centred view of the care of older people. “as the report states, the HSE is not legally required to provide home care services and this, in Older and bolder’s view has led to a “poor cousin” treatment of home-care in Ireland. The whole area is seriously underfunded. Older people have no statutory right to home-care and this had resulted in an ad-hoc approach which is at best confusing for people relying on the services at a most vulnerable time in their lives. “There is a commitment in the Programme for government to review the financing of long-term care and we are now calling for a public debate about how that care is financed and legislated for.”
by Romaine Scally attend. The decision of the Court is final. under S60 of the 2008 act, failure of an individual to serve without being excused may result in a fine of up to €500.00. an employee is not entitled to travel expenses from the State for attending jury service but will receive a lunch if they are actually serving on a jury.
Figures released to RTE under the Freedom of Information act 1997 in 2007 showed that out of a total of 41,500 people who received a Jury Summons, over 22,000 were excused. The figures showed that 15,844 were disqualified because of their job, on health grounds or due to their age and a further 7,018 were excused at the discretion of the Registrar. Despite the implementation of the increased fine of
€500.00 since the 1st January 2009 for failure to comply with the Jury Summons, there is still criticism of the unrepresentative nature of Irish juries as a consequence of the number of excusals granted. However, it is understandable how there is a huge financial disincentive for self employed individuals to sit on a jury. In May 2008, following claims of discrimination by groups such as age action Ireland, the Minister for Justice, Equality and law Reform announced that the government had approved a proposal to abolish the upper age limit for jury service. The proposal was implemented by the 2008 act and brought into effect on the 1st January 2009. We hope you have found the above helpful.
IC on the second Wednesd ay of every month from 2.00pm until 6.00p m at their offices at Main Street, Tallaght, Du blin 24.
No Appointment is neces sary. We look forward to an swering your legal queries in person.
Romaine Scally is the principal in the firm of ROMAINE SCALLY AND COMPANY SOLICITORS Main Street Tallaght, Dublin 24 TEL 4599506 FAX 4599510 email: legal@scally.ie
Your FREE Local Newspaper
TallaghT sTaDium welcomes aslaN coNcerT
Your FREE Local Newspaper
Raglane Entertainment is very proud to present aSlaN: Celebrating 30 Years at Tallaght Stadium, Dublin on Saturday June 30th. This will be the very first music concert to take place in Tallaght Stadium and Ireland’s best loved band will mark thirty years of thrills and spills with a huge celebration that kicks off at 1pm and will last long into the Summer night. Irish and international bands also performing at this huge outdoor Summer
Tallaght Stadium, Dublin Saturday 30th June, 2012
celebration will be announced shortly and fans can expect plenty of great food, convenient bars and fantastic musical fare. under 16’s are welcome but must be accompanied at all times by a parent or guardian. Speaking of the announcement of the concert, aslan’s Christy Dignam said: ‘We can’t believe that we are thirty years together this year and to be playing Tallaght Stadium this June in front of
20,000 people is a dream for us. We have a lot of very special guests lined up for the day and we would just like to say a big THaNKS to everyone who has supported the band over the years and helped us reach this milestone. We are really excited that younger fans will get the chance to see us live in a big stadium and we are honoured that aslan will be the very first music concert at Tallaght Stadium”. ‘South Dublin County
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Council is delighted that the very first concert in Tallaght Stadium will feature aslan, one of the best bands to ever emerge from Dublin. We look forward to welcoming aslan fans from all over the country to the gig. The people of Dublin are proud of aslan and the people of Tallaght are proud of Tallaght Stadium, so it’s a great combination that brings the two together in this “Crazy World”’. Willie Sheils, South Dublin County Council.
crackiNg low Prices This auTumN aND wiNTer
Ticketmaster outlets nationwide plus 24 hour Telephone bookings - ROI 0818 719 300/ N. Ireland: 0844 847 2455 / International: +353 818 719 300 and Online bookings at www.ticketmaster.ie
Telephone and internet bookings subject to a service charge of €3.35 per ticket up to €28.50, 12.5% per ticket over €28.50 (Max €6.35) / Outlets €2.25.
Under 16’s must be accompanied by a parent or Guardian aged 18 years or over.
sTorYlaND NeeDs Your voTe
The band is currently gearing up for the release of
their brand new studio album on EMI Records this year. Entitled ‘Nudie books and Frenchies’, the album title is a tongue-in-cheek, nostalgic nod to their teenage years. aslan have also been busy wrapping up production on a documentary, which chronicles the adventures of the band from 1982 to present day. This will be screened and released in 2012. Tickets on sale from the 3rd of February at 9am Tickets €49.65 standing/€54.65 seated including booking fee from
It seems like only a couple of years ago that nobody had heard about the Hardy bucks, which is true. Nobody had, it wasn’t until the lads got involved with RTE through the online Storyland competition that we got to enjoy some exciting new Irish comedy. Now a new show is airing through Storyland that hopes for similar exposure. Student Teacher is about a young man named Conor Shaw (played by Conor O’Toole, a young Dublin comedian from greenhills) who leaves school when he’s fifteen to get a teaching degree but then finds out he can
only get a job in his old oddball school, teaching his old class who all hate him.
Storyland is a competition so Student Teacher needs as many votes as it can get so they can make another episode. at the moment the cast are appearing in schools, putting on free stand-up shows and asking everyone to “like” their Facebook page (Facebook.com/Studentteachershow) and vote for them when the competition open on the rte.ie/storyland website on February 13th.
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aDulT exercise equiPmeNT To Be iNsTalleD iN local Parks Your FREE Local Newspaper
Fine gael Councillor, Emer Higgins, has congratulated Council Management on the rollout of adult exercise equipment in parks across the County. “In response to my
motion earlier last year asking the Council to investigate the practicalities of offering exercise equipment in parks, Management have now secured funding for
eleven projects throughout the county including at griffeen Valley Park, Waterstown Park, Hermitage Park, Corkagh Park and, Rathcoole Park; and I am pleased to confirm that these trails are due to be installed by april,” said Cllr. Emer Higgins. “I am delighted that we have been able to deliver on this project for park users and pleased that this equipment will be
Cllr. Emer Higgins
operational by april, as the weather improves and evenings get longer. I raised this issue a number of months ago in the context of the wider public debate on tackling obesity. There is a national trend towards outdoor activities and with every home in the country affected in some way or other by the recession, there is a particularly strong demand for free amenities. I have seen
exercise trails in operation in other parts of the county, and indeed other countries, and I believe this facility is something we should be providing in our area. I was pleased to receive such a positive response to my motion and delighted when Fine gael’s Minister Ring made available funding towards such exercise equipment for a number of our local parks and I thank my colleague Minister Fitzgerald for pursuing this with him,” explained Cllr. Emer Higgins.
“On foot of my motion Management applied for funding to the Department of Transport, Tourism and and I am Sport delighted that all eleven applications for funding for these trails in our County were approved. The Council have since gone to tender and the company who are contracted to oversee the installation of these
exercise trails are due to complete the project by March. I am delighted that this facility will be offered in our parks, I think they will be an attraction that will draw more park users through our park gates and a welcome addition to many people’s exercise routines. We have fantastic amenities in our public parks and anything that encourages more people into our green spaces is a positive. I look forward to seeing this project delivered for residents throughout our area and to being one of the first to try it out,” continued Cllr. Emer Higgins. Exercise trails are a series of gym-like installed equipment around a track or route and can be used in all weathers by adults of fitness types. all Funding has been made available by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport for equipment to be installed at eleven
locations throughout the county including at griffeen Valley Park, Hermitage Park, Waterstown Park, Corkagh Park and Rathcoole Park.
“Investments in health and wellbeing must still be made, despite the current economic conditions. Exercise trails offer not just fitness opportunities but can also incorporate equipment that focus on wrists and other joint areas often prone to arthritis. They can be specifically developed to contain anti graffiti property, laid out in a route format to discourage any potential anti social behaviour they may otherwise invite and are heavy duty to ensure they weather our climate well and do not rust or break easily either by accident or as a result of vandalism. They work well in other parts of the country and will be a positive investment for our area,” concluded Cllr. Higgins.
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Now You caN fighT faT arouND The clock Your FREE Local Newspaper
The latest scientific weapon in battling the bulge:
Science has discovered a way to reduce body fat 24 hours a day. A combination of three active ingredients taken at different times, can shape up your figure and make you slim and firm.
This is the time of year where many of us are trying to stay motivated and stick to our New Years weight loss resolutions. There are tons of ways to lose weight, but one remedy has gained particular interest among dieters: a supplement that makes it possible to burn fat around the clock - even while you sleep.
a whole new combination of three active compounds may help overweight people lose excess body fat and get a firm and slim figure. Scientists have discovered that Cla (conjugated linoleic acid), green tea extract, and a substance called carnitine can boost the body’s ability to burn fat, and when the active ingredients are combined in a special way they work around the clock.
Lose fat while you sleep
Studies have shown that Cla alone can reduce body fat by up to 9% and green tea extract can increase the turnover of fat by more than 30%. What really makes a difference is when you split the ingredients up and take them at different times of the day. The tablets which consist of green tea and carnitine should be taken at lunch time, while the capsules containing Cla should be taken with an evening meal. The reason for this is that Cla has been shown to increase nocturnal fat turnover by about 14%, making you lose fat even while you sleep.
Energy during the day
as dieting usually results in a reduction in calories, many dieters suffer from fatigue – meaning more time on the sofa and less time being active. The combination of green tea extract and carnitine, helps to keep your energy levels up in the afternoon. green tea contains EgCg (epigallocatechin gallate), an active compound that boosts energy levels, while carnitine works by continuously pushing fat into the cells, where it is converted to energy. The more energy you have, the easier it will be to stay motivated and stick to an exercise routine.
Shrink that bottom
Recent research conducted by Danish scientists has shown that in women, Cla seems to have an affinity for fat around the hips and waist. National newspapers published a story where Cla was presented as “the ideal remedy for shrinking your bottom”. Interestingly, another study carried out on male subjects demonstrated that Cla, when given in supplemental form, tended to reduce their belly fat. apparently, the substance has somewhat different effects depending on your sex.
Amazing but true – burn fat while you sleep
a recent study conducted by american researchers from the Department of Nutritional Sciences, university of Wisconsin-Madison, demonstrated that participants who were given a daily supplement of Cla burned 13.4% more fat during sleep, compared with those who were given a placebo. an impressive fact that gives hope to those who are struggling with their weight.
Source: Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Sep;86(3):797-804.
The safe way to a lean and firm body
Dieters often focus on bMI (body mass index), a measure that pitches your weight against your height. This measure has serious flaws. Most importantly, it fails to distinguish between fat and muscle. Since muscle weighs more than fat, someone with relatively high muscle mass may find themselves in the overweight category, when in reality this is far from the truth.
Instead, the hip-waist ratio
can be used. This measure gives you an idea of how much fat you have around your waist. Since abdominal fat is assoiciated with an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes, it is important that people who have unhealthy levels of abdominal fat try to reduce it. Cla, green tea and carnitine is a very useful and safe combination for reducing fat and making your body leaner and firmer – all day long.
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TiDY TowNs PuBlic iN TallaghT sTaDium 16Th feBruarY
Your FREE Local Newspaper
a South Dublin County Tidy Towns public meeting is taking place in Tallaght Stadium on Thursday 16th February at 7.30pm. Speakers will include a Tidy Towns competition Public adjudicator, Realm Designer, speaker from lucan Tidy Towns group and representative from the recycling online system Freetrade.
any member of the public can attend especially those who are interested in making their town or village a better place to live in and who are willing to get involved in Tidy Towns? To reserve a place, book online at www.sdcc.ie. The meeting will give people an opportunity to get advice, discover details of support and
establish a network to work together in their area The Mayor Caitriona Jones said “Tidy Towns is a wonderful concept and this is very evident when you visit a town or village that has been active in Tidy Towns. The competition is a national one and the format, planning and feedback is useful in developing and
progressing a locality. The Tidy Towns competition is not only about landscaping but now includes recycling and biodiversity as well as litter control and management” . Mayor encourages Jones everyone in the county to get involved saying “I would greatly encourage everyone to get involved in Tidy Towns and attend the public
meeting in Tallaght Stadium on 16th February. I am delighted that a speaker from lucan is attending as well as an adjudicator from Tidy Towns and other experts. The residents of lucan have long experience of Tidy Towns and this is plain to see in the village. I look forward to many mentions of the County in future results”
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Summerhill House Hotel, Enniskerry. The Wedding Specialist is a premier Wedding venue in a beautiful location offering a personal, professional and dedicated service to make special day your unforgettable. Enjoy good honest hospitality at The Summerhill House Hotel, Enniskerry and visit us on our Open Day for a great opportunity to view the hotel facilities, meet with the banqueting team and have a chat with our dedicated and experienced
Wedding Coordinators. With an established reputation for excellent cuisine, as an intimate location and an unforgettable atmosphere we look forward to seeing you.
The Summerhill House Hotel, set on 5 acres of private landscaped grounds at the end of a long tree lined avenue is probably the most idyllic venue for your wedding reception. Catering for just one wedding party per day affords you the luxury of being the centre of
attention for our experienced management team. are you having a civil ceremony? We can host your entire wedding in just one location talk to us about hosting your civil ceremony or partnership.
With our location opposite Powerscourt gardens and Just 12 miles south of Dublin City Centre the Summerhill House Hotel, Enniskerry, is central to both Wicklow & Dublin City & County.
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2 ceNTres…2 sTePs…To a more healThY BalaNceD lifesTYle iN 2012 aT TallaghT & cloNDalkiN leisure ceNTre Your FREE Local Newspaper
It's almost time to start thinking about dusting off your springtime wardrobe and getting
fit for the brighter days ahead. Tallaght and Clondalkin leisure Centres can help launch
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your healthy New Year regime and make the transition easy with two simple steps. Step one: swimming… .and step two: fitness classes to suit all levels! Whichever takes your fancy; you can choose a level, time and exercise type that’s ideal for you, with a little help from fully qualified trainers and instructors. Swimming and fitness classes are available as ‘pay as you go’ at Tallaght and Clondalkin leisure Centres, making it easy for you to work around your own busy schedule. Step one: So why choose swimming? Swimming is a lifelong healthy activity that benefits the body and the whole person. In fact scientists have recently discovered that swimmers are 50% more likely to live longer than those who don’t swim. The benefits of swimming are numerous and vast,
therefore it’s definitely worth a dip! Whether you’re a beginner, improver or expert, swimming is an excellent activity to tone your entire body, while providing a fantastic cardiovascular workout. It strengthens your heart and lungs and improves delivery of oxygen to muscles. Swimming is great for general fitness, putting very little strain on joints and depending on how much effort you put in, you can burn up to 850 calories an hour! One of the best things about swimming is that your family and friends can also participate. Sharing the exercise experience with others can motivate you to reach your goals and provide a rewarding feeling of achievement and well-being Pregnant together. women can also benefit from swimming, helping them strengthen their abdominal and shoulder muscles. Water
exercise can also reduce the joint stiffness, high blood pressure, and discomfort associated with pregnancy. (always contact your doctor before exercising). both Tallaght and Clondalkin leisure Centres also cater for those who are slightly unsure of their swimming ability. Swimming lessons are an excellent way of providing you and your child with new found confidence levels, life skills and improved physical fitness. The expert teachers at Clondalkin and Tallaght Centres leisure recognise the importance of providing this vital service to local their communities. Step Two: If swimming is not your thing, why not try step two in our ‘get Fit for New Year’ plan and take part in an exciting Fitness Class. Studies show that regular exercise boosts
your body confidence, even before you see the physical benefits – so it’s a win/win situation! The extensive range of fitness classes at Clondalkin and Tallaght leisure Centres include step aerobics, body conditioning, spinning, aquafit™ to name but a few. Catering for all levels, participants find that the group setting
of a fitness class provides added motivation and enthusiasm, in a unique fun atmosphere. The dedicated fitness teams at both centres will ensure you enjoy the benefits of exercising in an enjoyable, friendly environment, getting the maximum benefit from your workout time.
For the full fitness class timetables or swimming pool and swimming less on details, log onto www.tallaghtle isure.com or www.clondalkinleisure.com Tallaght leisure Centre, Fortunesto wn Way Tallaght Tel: 01-4523300 Clondalkin leisure Centre, Old Nan gor Rd Clondalkin Tel: 01-4574858
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cervical caNcer PreveNTioN week weeklY ProTesT agaiNsT ausTeriTY aND for JoBs
– cloNDalkiN village
Dublin Mid-West Sinn Féin has launched a weekly protest in Clondalkin Village against austerity and for investment in jobs. The protest will take place every Saturday at 1.30 at the Civic Offices, Clondalkin Village. The aim of the protest is to provide a focal point for people to express their anger at the savage cuts and tax hikes introduced by Fimne gael and labour in December’s budget and to call for a new
approach based on investment in jobs and growth. Sinn Féin representative Eoin Ó broin said that “Fine gael and labour have been in government now for almost a year. unemployment and emigration are rising. Mortgage distress and financial hardship are deepening. Poverty and inequality are at a 10 year high. “There is a growing anger at the failure of government to invest in
jobs creation and economic recovery. “People see the billions of taxpayer’s money that continues to be wasted on toxic bank including the €3.1bn that is due to be given to anglo Irish bank on March 31st. “Yet Fine gael and labour are cutting funding to vital front line services. Community employment schemes, community safety schemes, funding for teachers in
disadvantaged schools, nursing home beds have all been subject to savage cuts in December’s budget. “and to make matters worse the government are heaping additional charges like the household taxes on hard pressed families, pushing them further into financial stress and damaging the local economy. “In recent weeks we have noticed a growing anger among ordinary people, fed up with the
cuts and charges and bank bailouts. “So we have decided to organise this weekly protest to provide people with a focal point to express that anger and to demand a change of direction from government. We are urging all people who want an end to austerity and bank bailouts and who believe investment in job creation must be the governments priority to join us at the protest on Saturday.”
against the backdrop of CSO figures released showing over 75,300 young people on the live register the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) is urging government to draw down Eu monies to fund incentives and public works to employ young jobseekers. “The European Social Fund still has a staggering €30 billion of funding uncommitted to projects which must be allocated by the end of
2013. In December the head of the European Commission Mr barroso invited member states to put forward proposals for this funding to address youth unemployment. We are calling on the Irish government to urgently engage with the Eu Commission with a view to securing some of this funding to tackle the stubbornly high levels of youth unemployment in this country,” said James Doorley, assistant
Director at the NYCI. “We urgently need a new plan which will give young people hope and options other than the dole or emigration. among the measures which the government should initiate are; firstly they should provide incentives to employers in the form of a wage subsidy to take on young jobseekers - as has recently been announced by the uK government. Secondly, we support the call from
the National Economic and Social Council for direct employment or public works projects which are providing required services or enhancing existing infrastructure. as well as beginning to address the serious youth unemployment problem in the country and providing young jobseekers with valuable skills and experience, targeting the funding in this way would bring tangible
benefits to the economy as a whole - addressing the need for infrastructure and also providing a much needed spending boost to the local economies,” continued Mr Doorley. “It is imperative that we act now to send out a positive signal that practical measures are being taken, in order to give young people hope, reduce unemployment rates and stem the tide of emigration,” concluded Mr Doorley.
calls To Draw DowN from €30 BillioN eu fuNDs To aDDress YouTh uNemPloYmeNT
aviva Health announced in conjunction with the Students union of Ireland and Point of Care, that it is to support an initiative to mark European Cervical Cancer Prevention Week 2012 that will offer discounted cervical cancer vaccinations to nearly 12,000 female uCD students on campus on Thursday, 23rd February. uCD is the first university to engage in the initiative but the uSI hopes that it will be rolled out amongst the other Irish universities over the next 12 months. universities interested in taking part in the programme can email Point of Care at info@pointofcare.ie or call loCall 1890 304 305. Pictured are UCD students, Christina Kelly, from Dublin, Orla Ward from Cavan and Rachel Breslin from Donegal.
cloNDalkiN school selecTeD as a graND fiNalisT iN The NaTioNal our worlD irish aiD awarDs Your FREE Local Newspaper
local school, Our lady of apostles, Clondalkin, have been selected as a grand finalist in the national Our World Irish aid awards. The school is among just eleven finalists chosen from across Ireland to participate in a special awards ceremony in Dublin Castle on February 21st. More than 9,000 students, 450 schools from entered the competition. The annual Our World Irish aid awards is a great Primary schools initiative which young encourages people to explore the lives of children of their own age in developing and to countries
understand the work that Irish aid undertakes across the world. The theme of the awards this year was ‘Caring for the Planet, Feeding Our World’. Our lady of apostle’s project, entitled ‘Sowing the Seeds for Change’, featured a display, short film and newsletter!
The teachers and pupils are really thrilled to have been chosen from so many schools and are very excited about their trip to Dublin Castle in February. Pictured is David Toomey: Class Teacher with pupils of 3rd class.
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acTioNs NoT Promises NeeDeD To Deliver JoBs Your FREE Local Newspaper
PuNTers PaY more for waTer ThaN Beer iN DuBliN PuBs
Fine gael Senator, Catherine Noone, has expressed her outrage after discovering that punters are being forced to fork out more for bottled water than beer or stout. Senator Noone has carried out a price survey in more than 100 Dublin pubs, looking at the average per litre price of drinks. “I find it somewhat surprising and very disappointing that pub customers in the capital are being charged more for their bottled water than for their beer. My office carried out a survey in 109 pubs in the city, and the findings speak for themselves. “The average price of mineral water per litre was €9.44, compared with €7.92 for stout. and the difference is even starker if we take a look at other non-alcoholic drinks. brand-name beer costs €8.71 for an average litre, while brand-name cola costs a whopping €13.45 – the most expensive product per litre in the survey. “at a time when we are supposed to be discouraging excessive alcohol consumption, this survey shows that it’s actually more expensive to spend your night sipping on water or soft drinks, instead of beer or stout. How can this make sense? Surely we should be using a price incentive as the most obvious way of encouraging people to drink less alcohol. “We need to change our drinking culture, and break down the link between going out and consuming alcohol. but this argument is very hard to progress if people are being charged more in volume terms for non-alcoholic beverages. at the moment, price is serving as a disincentive to opt for non-alcoholic alternatives, and this approach should be changed. “This isn’t just about encouraging people to drink sensibly. It’s also about the fact that punters are clearly being ripped off.”
ISME, the Irish Small & Medium Enterprises association, reacting to the live Register figures, published by the CSO, has demanded that the government knuckle down to the of business implementing an ‘action Plan’ for jobs, and cease the never ending round announcements of without substance. The association outlined that the focus must be on assisting enterprise to create and retain
employment by putting the proper platforms in place to allow them to trade successfully. according to ISME Chief Executive, Mark Fielding, “How many more people must we lose to emigration and unemployment before we see some action from this somnolent The government? seasonally adjusted live register figures confirm that a massive 439,600 people are claiming assistance.
the Consequently, standardised unemployment rate stands at 14.2%”. “To date all we have had is announcement after announcement of government promises, rather than actually addressing the causes of severe unemployment. With close to half a million people out of work we cannot afford to be wasting time and need to immediately implement the over promised and long
fingered jobs plan. This initiative needs to activate a coherent implementable strategy will create that verifiable jobs and not be just another wish-list, window dressed as a jobs plan”. “We require clear and targeted pro-enterprise policies to address the concerns, business including cost competitiveness, access to finance, late payments and red tape. Then the labour
intensive SME sector will have the confidence to start investing and creating employment”.
Minister Rabbitte has launched the pilot SMS service for enhancing access to Emergency Call answering Services using the 112 telephone number. This is a service aimed at facilitating those who are unable or have difficulty in communicating verbally with the emergency services. This includes deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired citizens. “by providing
these people with access to an SMS service for contacting the Emergency Services, we are taking a step closer towards parity of access for all to the emergency services.” said Minister Rabbitte. This Pilot service will, if successful provide a vastly superior solution to accessing emergency services, than the current system. The pilot is being launched on foot of a
public consultation by the Department. It was decided that new technologies would enhance access for end-users, using technologies other than traditional voice communication. The consultation identified the use of SMS as the preferred mechanism for this communication. as SMS is not a “real time” communications technology, it was decided it would be
tested with a six month trial where it would be reviewed before a decision is made on its future use. The Minister said “There are technical challenges which will have to be addressed, but I believe these can be overcome. If you wish to use the service you will need to identify your location via text, and identify your home address when signing up to the service”.”
Minister Rabbitte finished by saying “This trial represents another step in the provision of a better emergency call answering service. I and my Department look forward to working with the representatives of people with disabilities to continue to improve the service, not alone during this trial but also in the consideration of other technologies that will serve us even better.”
“The reality is that, almost a year in power, this government has promised a lot but delivered little. It is crucial therefore that the upcoming jobs plan delivers for business and provides them with the impetus and security to create badly needed jobs”, concluded Fielding.
service for eNhaNciNg access To emergeNcY call aNsweriNg services for Deaf, harD of heariNg aND sPeech imPaireD ciTizeNs lauNcheD
7 waYs To make moNeY from home
as the jobs situation is not looking great for the next couple of years, and getting the finance to set up a new business is not easy, more and more people are trying to find ways to earn a part time income from home. With the growth of the internet and social media, it has now
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become possible to have a successful l even international business from your laptop.
Here are some suggestions on how you could start earning from home.
1. Selling goods on line/off line. One of the quickest ways to
get money is to sell goods you have at home, either on an on-line website, or bring a car load to the local Car boot sale. If you have something more valuable then you could try a Dublin auctioneer. 2. Customer Service. You could hand emails and calls for
company who don’t want the cost of employing someone full time. 3. Internet Marketer. You can sell on line other people’s products and services. You don’t have the cost of purchasing stock and you earn a commission on every order. For this you would need a good
database of potential clients 4. Teaching a skill. You may have a skill that is in demand that you can teach from home. Examples would be teaching a musical instrument, teaching a language (even English), or any skill you may have that other’s want to learn.
5. Write an article or book. If you are knowledgeable about some topic, it might be of interest to a magazine or newspaper. as you expand your experience in writing, it could lead to writing your own book. 6. On line surveys. Frequently companies need people to complete questionnaires and they will pay for that. The earning will be low but
it requires little skill. 7. Independent Sales agent. There are many companies out there with great products that promote mainly through word of mouth. It is called Network Marketing, where you earn a commission on product sales working from home and also if you build a team to work with you, the company will pay bonuses on your team’s orders as well.
Do you know someone who drinks coffee at least occasionally? Of course you do, coffee is the biggest selling drink on the planet. Why not find out how you can earn money from the fastest growing home based business opportunity in the world. Contact austin at aokcafe@gmail.com with your details and let’s get you earning from home.
The laurels chariTY crew galway 2 Dublin 2012
With approximately 12 weeks to the cycle we have started our training cycles on Sunday mornings at 11.oc from the laurels car park. These are a good and easy way to build up your stamina. We will also have a training program up on the web site www.laurelscharitycre w.com for anyone who cannot make it on Sundays. On our most recant registration day we reached 150 cyclists, which is fantastic. This year through our fundraising we will be funding two life-changing operations for children who have severe
orthopaedic conditions. This is being done through the Straight ahead program an initiative from the surgical team and nurses in Our lady’s Hospital Crumlin. We will also be continuing our pledge to purchase more vital equipment for the orthopaedic ward. Should you wish to donate you can do so through our web site and if you would like a challenge while raising some money why not join us in april 20th – 22nd on our galway 2 Dublin cycle. You can contact us at 01-4570833 or e-mail thelaurels@ fitzgeraldgroup.ie.
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