st. Joseph
2016-2017 ResoURce GUIDe
2016-17 St. Joseph Resource Guide•
2016-2017 St. Joseph Resource Guide•
Mayor’s welcome St. Joseph began as a German settlement in 1854, and officially became a city in 1890. It is comprised of 3.89 square miles nestled west of St. Cloud, north of I-94. As Mayor of St. Joseph, it is with honor and a deep sense of ap- Schultz preciation I serve this city I am so very proud of. On behalf of the citizens of St. Joseph, I would like to extend a warm welcome to visitors and residents to our city. I invite you to spend some time here, shop in our stores, dine in our restaurants and talk to our residents. I am sure you will find the time you have spent in St. Joseph to be a unique experience and leave with many wonderful memories and a desire to come back soon. To our citizens, I want to thank you for entrusting me with leading the City of St. Joseph into the next exciting phase of our history. Harnessing the tremendous strengths, talents, creativity and diversity of our people, I know the City of St. Joseph will realize its full potential as one of the most unique and charming cities of Minnesota. St. Joseph is home to award-winning Kennedy Community School, a 138,000-square-foot, PK-8 school that received Gold LEED certification. Designed to accommodate the needs of 750 students, this building was constructed to operate
using 49 percent less energy than a typical school building of the same size. Kennedy Community School was also named among the first ever U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools, schools that demonstrate compelling examples of the ways schools can expand their coursework while also helping children build real-world skill sets, cut school costs and provide healthy learning environments. I welcome students from every part of our state, throughout our country and around the world who have come to St. Joseph to pursue their academic dreams and goals at one of our two exemplary post-secondary institutions – the College of St. Benedict and St. Johns University. We are committed to ensuring St. Joseph remains a safe and vibrant place for you to seek your education and enjoy your experience. Careful planning has allowed the city to maintain a significant amount of open space, park land and recreational areas. In addition to these areas, St. Joseph is the trailhead to the Lake Wobegon Trail, a 62-mile (100 km) trail along a former Burlington Northern Railroad line. This trail runs parallel to I-94, which passes through the cities of Avon, Albany, Freeport, Melrose, Sauk Centre and West Union and ends in Osakis. The redevelopment efforts currently underway in downtown are vital as we evolve into a more vibrant, energetic center where our community gathers. Our restaurants and retail stores have laid a strong foundation on which to build this redevelopment initiative within the heart of the city. In addition we have seen a keen interest
Stop, look and listen Cover photo by Kelly Brown
The Lake Wobegon Trail is one of my favorite spots on the planet. We are all so lucky to have it right here in our backyard. Sometimes the simplest things can be the most magical. A butterfly on a wild flower is a perfect example of this. All we have to do is stop, look and listen and you never know what you will find. I hope everyone has a great summer. Kelly.
in future developments on corridors that surround our community. Our friendly community is host to a variety of activities…July 3 Joetown Rocks Festival, July 4 Parish Festival, St. Joseph Art Crawl, the Farmers Market and Millstream Arts Festival. I encourage visitors to make plans to experience the festivities. The city website is designed to help you gain access to important resources in your city government and community. In our ongoing efforts to communicate effectively with the people of our city, our website ( will provide you with information about the city and community, and allow you to become involved with our city’s many programs and initiatives. You will find links to many of the departments you may need to access as residents or visitors in our city. I hope you find the website useful and informative. Please feel free to contact my office or leave input on our website as I value your comments, opinions and feedback. I am here to serve you and the city of St. Joseph and am very respectful and appreciative of the opportunity to do so. I look forward to working with you in the years ahead. Again welcome to the city; we are glad you are here. Mayor Rick Schultz 320-260-0393
Table of contents
City services/government..............................4 Education.......................................................6 Calendar of events................................8 & 10 City map..................................................12-13 Parks.............................................................14 Day-care providers......................................16 Pedestrian delight..............................18 & 20 Advertising index........................................23 This resource guide is published annually by Von Meyer Publishing Inc., publishers of St. Joseph’s official newspaper, the St. Joseph Newsleader.
Owner/Publisher: Janelle Von Pinnon Production Manager: Tara Wiese Operations Assistant: Cady Sehnert Editor: Dennis Dalman Delivery: Bruce Probach To reach us for comments or questions, call 320-363-7741 or email
2016-17 St. Joseph Resource Guide •
City Services St. Joseph City Council
The mission of the St. Joseph Area Historical Society is to collect and preserve the history of the St. Joseph area through family histories, interviews, photos and artifacts and to share them with residents both young and old. Our collection includes: • Photos and artifacts of early businesses • Early baseball photos • Family histories • Video/audio histories of local residents
• Scrapbooks • Military uniforms and photos • “History of Stearns County” Volume 1 and Volume 2 • Obituary files
The City of St. Joseph operates under the mayor-council form of government with one mayor and four council members. The mayor serves a two-year term, and council members serve four-year terms. Led by Mayor Rick Schultz, the council’s members are Matt Killam, Bob Loso, Renee Symanietz and Dale Wick. The council oversees an annual budget of about $2.7 million. Council meetings take place at 6 p.m. the first and third Mondays of the month in St. Joseph City Hall. For the most up-to-date information, see the calendar in our weekly paper, or head to Mayor Rick Schultz, 320-260-0393 or Matt Killam, 612-245-4652 or Bob Loso, 320-363-8703 or Renee Symanietz, 320-980-1461 or Dale Wick, 320-363-0221 or
St. Joseph City Hall
25 College Ave. N. • 320-363-7201
The city administrator is Judy Weyrens, who leads a staff of 22, including maintenance and police.
Stop by to browse, see many more St. Joseph area artifacts and learn about your history.
St. Joseph Township
25 First Ave. NW • St. Joseph
320-363-8428 •
935 College Ave. S. • 320-363-8825
The St. Joseph Township Board officials are Jeff Janssen, chairman; Dan Rassier, treasurer; Ann Reischl, clerk; Jerome Salzer; and Brenda Stanger. Township meetings take place at 8 p.m. the second and fourth Mondays of the month in Township Hall, located at 935 College Ave. S.
Fire Department 323 4th Ave. N.E. • 911
Led by Fire Chief Jeff Taufen, the state-of-the-art St. Joseph Fire Department has 30 highly trained volunteers who not only fight fires, but also help on medical calls, car accidents and many other emergencies.
Police Department
25 College Ave. N. • 911 • Non-emergency: 320-363-8250
Led by Police Chief Joel Klein, the police force is comprised of eight full-time officers and two part-time officers. The administrative secretary is MaryBeth Munden.
Omann Insurance Agency St. Joseph 320-363-7233 Sartell 320-253-6822 Waite Park 320-252-6175 Cold Spring 320-685-7215
Since 1916, Auto-Owners Insurance has been teaming up with your local independent agent – a person focused on you, the customer. It’s a break from the norm...and that feels good. That’s why we’ve been doing business this way for the last 100 years.
Local agent who specializes in working with buyers, sellers and new-construction clients.
First Realty, Inc.
Wendy Loso, Realtor 320-980-5920
24 Division St., Waite Park
2016-2017 St. Joseph Resource Guide•
Promoting economic, commercial, industrial, educational and civic interests in the area.
Learn More About The Voice of Business in St. Joseph For more information please visit our website or call
We Welcome You to Join Us at Our Monthly Meetings, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. the second Wednesday of every month at the Fire Hall in St. Joseph, 4th Street & Minnesota Street.
2016-17 St. Joseph Resource Guide •
Education Kennedy Community School 1300 Jade Road • 320-363-7791
Kennedy teaches Pre-K through eighth grade with approximately 800 students. Its academic programs are designed to provide a safe and secure environment that fosters continuous improvement and positive relationships. Kennedy boasts a wonderful staff of highly committed individuals who are child-centered, work toward incorporating best practices in instruction and believe in continuous improvement. As educators, Kennedy staff inspires students to achieve their potential and encourages parents and families to join in this process. There is an active Parent Teacher Association, in addition to various excellent partnerships within the community.
All Saints Academy
32 W. Minnesota St. • 320-363-7505, ext. 150
This Catholic school for grades pre-school through grade 6 has served the community of St. Joseph since 1856. Although the building, people and name have changed throughout the years, it continues to provide an outstanding, Catholic education to the people in the area. The school benefits from a good relationship with CSB/SJU with many college students volunteering their time in the classrooms and after school tutoring. All Saints Academy provides great programs starting with its Montessori preschool, STEM program, Spanish, band, support services for students with dyslexia and many more. For more information, visit
St. John’s Prep School
2280 Watertower Road, Collegeville • 320-363-3315, option 3
St. John’s Prep is a Catholic/Benedictine, co-educational, international baccalaureate college preparatory school for students in grades 6-12. It’s located within the 2,700 acres of beautiful lakes and woods of St. John’s Abbey and University.
Admissions • 320-363-2196
The College of St. Benedict (for women) and St. John’s University (for men) were both founded by Benedictine religious communities. Besides bringing a climate of cultural diversity to the area, the colleges provide a hefty economic boost to St. Joseph and surrounding cities.
Enro ll child your now!
We provide Head Start, Early Head Start, child care and family support services for eligible children and families in Benton, Sherburne and Stearns counties in central Minnesota.
350 Hwy 10 S., St. Cloud 320-253-8110
2016-2017 St. Joseph Resource Guide•
2016-17 St. Joseph Resource Guide•
Calendar of events July
Independence Day Celebration A tradition in St. Joseph since 1904, the Fourth of July celebration attracts many thousands of people for its Lions-sponsored parade and the Catholic church bazaar, which includes games, dinner, a quilt auction, sales of crafts and baked goods, karaoke and live-band music. On the night of July 3, JoeTown Rocks features music by the Graduates, the Crown Jewels, Matt Vee Family and Friends, and Maiden Dixie as well as fireworks. Tour of Saints A long-established tradition in the St. Joseph area is the mid-summer Tour of Saints, a recreational bicycle tour with loops of 35 and 50 miles through some of the most beautiful hilly country in Minnesota. The Tour of Saints attracts hundreds of cyclists of every skill level each year. To register, visit Hometown Pride Days - Cold Spring Cold Spring hosts its annual “Hometown Pride Days” the fourth weekend in July. Cold Spring, world-famous for its quality granite, is 12 miles south of St. Joseph on County Road 2.
Millstream Arts Festival The last Sunday in September, St. Joseph hosts a juried art sale along Minnesota Street in downtown St. Joseph. Food vendors, entertainment and music abound.
St. Stephen Parish Festival The St. Stephen Parish Festival is held annually on Labor Day Weekend. The two-day event features live music, games, food, a rummage sale, bingo, auctions, prize drawings and a lot of socializing.
Community Halloween Party Each year Kennedy Kidstop hosts a community-wide Halloween Party for local children.
Winter Farmers’ Market Two Fridays each month, the winter farmers’ market hours are from 3-6 p.m; location rotates between Resurrection Lutheran Church and Minnesota Street Market.
Easter party A community Easter party, sponsored by the St. Joseph Jaycees, is held the Saturday before Easter in All Saints Academy-St. Joseph.
Dollars for Scholars awards night Each year scholarships are given to local students, including older non-traditional students, to help them pursue their post-secondary education. Calendar of events • page 10
2016-2017 St. Joseph Resource Guide •
Collegeville Community Credit Union Join Us! Local – Friendly – Focused Collegeville Community Credit Union
Two locations! SJU at Sexton Commons 14284 Fruit Farm Road, Collegeville 320.363.7751
2016-17 St. Joseph Resource Guide•
Calendar of Events (cont.) May-September
Farmers’ Market The St. Joseph Farmers’ Market is open every Friday during the warmer months from 3-6:30 p.m. It’s located next to Resurrection Lutheran Church, one-fourth mile north of the intersection of Hwy. 75 and College Avenue. The market’s annual Harvest Festival will take place from 3-6:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16.
Avon Spunktacular Days This weekend festival takes place in Avon, a city five miles west of St. Joseph. It’s usually scheduled for mid-June. Caramel Roll Bike Ride Bicyclists ride the Lake Wobegon Trail in mid-June. Sartell SummerFest Each summer, the Sartell SummerFest is scheduled second weekend in June. Sartell is five miles northeast of St. Joseph. Waite Park Family Fun Days In early June, the Waite Park Family Fun Days is a week-long series of entertainment and celebration. Waite Park is five miles east of St. Joseph. Rapids River Days - Sauk Rapids This three-day event, which takes place usually on the last weekend in June, is a perennially popular gathering in Sauk Rapids Municipal Park along the Mississippi River. Sauk Rapids is about 10 miles northeast of St. Joseph. St. Cloud Granite City Days – St. Cloud The four-day celebration is held in late June.
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2016-2017 St. Joseph Resource Guide •
Explore Open to the Public!
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Shopping and dining are a great way to make it a one- or two-day trip with family and friends!
Pine Grove
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St. Joseph 2016-17 St. Joseph Resource Guide•
2 5
PARK KEY 1. Brian Klinefelter Park 2. Centennial Park 3. Memorial Park 4. Millstream Park 5. Monument Park 6. Northland Park 7. River’s Edge Park 8. St. Joseph Township Park
2016-2017 St. Joseph Resource Guide•
2016-17 St. Joseph Resource Guide•
Parks Brian Klinefelter Memorial Park
Millstream Park
This spacious park next to a residential area of southeast St. Joseph boasts a path that winds through wildlife wetlands and a vast expanse of grass. It was named for Brian Klinefelter, a police officer who was killed in the line of duty on Jan. 29, 1996. In the park is a marble memorial of Klinefelter.
This large park with a stream meandering through it offers camping sites, nature trails, fishing, volleyball, horseshoe, baseball, a soccer field, two lit softball fields and even a disc golf course. Picnic areas are located throughout the park, and a park shelter complete with fireplace is available for rent. For rental, call the city offices at 320-363-7201.
10th Avenue S.E.
Just off Highway 75, west of town
Centennial Park
Northland Park
Centennial offers courts for volleyball and basketball, horseshoe pits, as well as playground equipment areas and a newly remodeled community building with new restrooms. For rental, call 320-363-7201.
This 5.6-acre neighborhood park featuring a play area, sand volleyball court, picnic tables, benches and off-street parking was constructed in conjunction with the Northland Housing Development.
2nd Avenue N.W., close to downtown
Monument Park
Corner of Birch Street W. and 2nd Avenue N.W.
A monument featuring a bit of St. Joseph history stands by a small rest area with trees, flowers and a picnic area. A new addition is a black-marble monument honoring area veterans.
Memorial Park 28 3rd Ave. N.W.
In summer, Memorial Park is very popular for its baseball games and skate park. In winter, people enjoy hockey games and recreational ice skating.
West of Hackberry Drive
River’s Edge Park
(to be developed next to Kennedy Community School along Sauk River)
St. Joseph Township Park and Shelter South of town on Highway 121
This small roadside park is also a perfect place to stop and rest or to enjoy a picnic lunch. For information, call Ann Reischl at 363-8825.
A parks key is located on the city map on pages 12 & 13.
Not just for Golfing
Gresser Motor & Sport Center Hwy 23 Cold Spring
2016-2017 St. Joseph Resource Guide•
2016-17 St. Joseph Resource Guide •
Evens, Jo Ann
35 5th Ave. NW
Fritz, Katie
304 4th Ave. SE
Kinnear, Rebecca
911 Callaway St.
Krey, Mandy
612 Hill St. W
Kurtz-Thomes, Janet
304 Western Court
Lawwell, Melissa
110 Able St. E
Louks, Sherry
410 Elena Lane
Primus, Melanie
115 2nd Ave. NE
Roquette, Kamila
425 Elena Lane
Schmitz, Jenifer
425 7th Ave. SE
Schreifels, Ann
728 College Ave. S
Schwegel, Katie
309 10th Ave. SE
Struzyk, Joan
706 1st Ave. SW
Waverek, Christine
314 9th Ave. SE
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2016-2017 St. Joseph Resource Guide •
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Love What You Do!
2016-17 St. Joseph Resource Guide•
RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH Summer Worship Schedule: Sundays: 9:30 a.m. Fall Worship Schedule: (begins Sept. 11) Sundays: 8:30 & 11 a.m. Worship WoW! Worship on Wednesday: (all year) 6:30 p.m. Ice cream afterward (summer) 610 N. County Road 2 St. Joseph, MN 56374
320-363-4232 •
Family & Couple Counseling • Equine Facilitated Therapy • Individual Therapy • Training & Intensives • Psychological Evaluation • Early Childhood Evaluation & Therapy Locations: 1511 E. Minnesota St. • St. Joseph 16016 233rd St. • Little Falls Call or email for appointment requests! 320-632-5524
St. Joseph Mutual Insurance Co. Serving Farms and Homes For Over 125 Years! 13 W. Minnesota St. St. Joseph, MN 56374
Pedestrian delight The first place visitors might want to stop in St. Joseph is the St. Joseph Newsleader office, which also serves as a visitor’s center. Brochures, guides and maps are available free of charge. The Newsleader office is located at 32 First Ave. NW. Office hours are 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Telephone: 320-363-7741.
A pedestrian’s delight St. Joseph is proud of the many interesting and beautiful places it offers both residents and visitors. The city is exactly the right size for a leisurely stroll that takes in many sites and historical points of interest. In fact, many of St. Joseph’s most beautiful areas, such as the lush green college campus with its nooks and crannies of quiet restfulness, can only be seen and appreciated during unhurried strolls. The following are just a few of the city’s attractions: College of St. Benedict 37 S. College Ave. The campus right in the heart of downtown St. Joseph includes an intriguing blend of Old World-style and modern architecture. Visitors can enjoy lunch at the Gorecki Dining Center, stroll the tree-lined walkways, visit the museum and maybe even take in a play or other cultural event at the arts center. For more information about what the college has to offer, call 1-800-249-9840. Sacred Heart Chapel St. Benedict Monastery Located on the grounds of the St. Benedict Monastery just off Minnesota Street (St. Joseph’s main street), the Sacred Heart Chapel is a beautiful, quiet retreat from the busy world. Many visit the domed structure and its cloistered rooms to pray or meditate in its silent hush made soothing by filtered light and timeless stone architecture. Many visitors remark on the pervading sense of inner peace they experience while visiting the chapel. Tours and information are available by calling 320-363-7100. Art and Heritage Center St. Benedict Monastery The Haehn Art and Heritage Center and Whitby Gallery, 104 Chapel Lane, are also located on the St. Benedict Monastery grounds, just west of the Sacred Heart Chapel. The building includes spacious galleries that specialize in showing exquisite Benedictine art works and historical exhibits. Its gift shop offers crafts and art made primarily by Benedictine sisters. For more information, call 320-363-7147. Pedestrian delight • page 20
2016-2017 St. Joseph Resource Guide •
Free Medicare and Senior Surf Computer Classes Medicare Class - Are you new to Medicare? Would you like to understand Medicare better? This class helps you understand Medicare and the important decisions you need to make at the time you enroll. Senior Surf Class - teaches seniors how to surf the internet. These classes are for seniors who have little or no experience with computers. Classes are located at the Whitney Senior Center, St. Cloud. Call Senior LinkAge Line to register or for more information. ®
Funding in part by the MN Board on Aging and local United Way
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320-253-5018 Call Today!
2016-17 St. Joseph Resource Guide•
Pedestrian delight (cont.) Libraries/Art Center Visitors might want to check out the superb libraries in the area, including the Clemens Library at the College of St. Benedict and the Hill Monastic Library at St. John’s University. The latter contains the most complete collection of originals and copies of manuscripts from the Medieval Age and is a magnet for medieval scholars throughout the world. Visitors should also be sure to check out the Benedicta Arts Center, which offers stimulating plays, concerts, poetry readings and other arts events throughout the year.
St. John’s University Located five miles west of St. Joseph just off Highway 75, this great “cousin” of the College of St. Benedict is also a perfect place for a stroll among its ivy-covered buildings and its spectacular landscape of hilly wooded land. The autumn leaves around the campus are so blazingly beautiful they attract people from far and wide. For more information about the university, call 320-363-2011.
Abbey Church The bell tower of this church rises magnificently – massive yet graceful – above the treetops and buildings of St. John’s University. Designed and built by the pioneering architect Marcel Breuer in the mid-1960s, the church is world-famous as a masterpiece of the cantilevered style. Its stained-glass windows alone are worth a trip to see it.
Church of St. Joseph
• Birthdays • Family Gatherings • Corporate Events • Children’s Festivities
• Classes • Magic • Balloon Twisting • Face Painting
(320) 493-9278 Find us on Facebook
Find us on Facebook
This Catholic church in the heart of downtown St. Joseph was constructed more than 150 years ago with stones hauled from parishioners’ fields. It’s the oldest consecrated Catholic church in Minnesota and still meets the needs of the 1,200 parish families today. The addition of a parish center in 2013 which connects the church and school building which houses All Saints Academy, now provides expanded opportunities for community and parish social events. For more information, call the parish office at 320-363-7505.
Wobegon Trail Completed in the spring of 2004, the Lake Wobegon Trail now extends all the way from St. Joseph to Sauk Centre with a northern link to Holdingford and beyond. In early summer 2004, a beautiful Welcome Center, which resembles the style of an old train station, was built at the start of the paved trail. Local residents and visitors from far and wide love to use the trail for hiking, biking, inline skating and, in the winter months, snowmobiling and/or cross-country skiing. Winding through beautiful scenery, the trail has become the pride and joy of the cities it connects. Built on an abandoned railroad bed, the trail was named for famed writer Garrison Keillor’s mythical Minnesota city. Keillor was present at the dedication ceremony when the trail’s first extension was built from Sauk Centre to Avon. A connection to St. Cloud is also in the planning stages.
2016-2017 St. Joseph Resource Guide •
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Worship Schedule: 6 p.m. Saturdays • 10 a.m. Sundays 7 p.m. Wednesdays, Prayer and small group studies St. Joseph 320-282-2262
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HEATING PLUMBING Call 320.253.4859
2016-17 St. Joseph Resource Guide •
12 W. Minnesota St. • St. Joseph, MN 56374
Father Jerome Tupa, OSB, Pastor
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J and J Holmes Inc. is the areas premiere corporate foster care provider working with persons diagnosed with a developmental disability or related conditions. Our goal is to improve the person’s overall quality of life throughout their day and settings. We offer a variety of services ranging from supported living and crisis/respite care to technical assistance and consultations. If you are looking for an exciting, challenging career where you make a difference in someone’s life, then becoming a Direct Care Specialist with J and J Holmes may be right for you! Compassionate, determined and responsible individuals will be provided all required training. Apply online at or in person at 2137 Troop Drive, Sartell. Walk-in interviews offered each Thursday from 1-3:30 p.m. EEO/AA Employer
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Collegeville 14241 Fruit Farm Road, St. Joseph, MN Just west of St. John’s University Campus on Fruit Farm Road
Fr. Greg Miller, OSB Summer Worship Schedule: Saturdays: 5:30 p.m. Sundays: 8:30 a.m.
320-363-2569 •
2016-2017 St. Joseph Resource Guide•
ADVERTISING INDEX All Saints Academy...................................6 Arlington Place Assisted Living Community...17 Associated Montessori Schools.................7 Auto Body 2000 Inc................................10 BoDiddley’s Pub & Deli.........................23 Brenny Transportation Inc.......................8 Catholic Charities....................................22 Cedar Street Salon & Spa..........................16 Central Minnesota Arts Board...................7 Central Minnesota Credit Union...............11 Century 21-Wendy Loso...........................4 Church of St. Joseph.................................22 Coborn’s....................................................5 Collegeville Community Credit Union.....9 CSB/SJU.................................................24 Drs. Styles, Cotton & Milbert Family Dentistry...10 Dungarvin................................................17 Evergreen Village....................................19 Gateway Church......................................21 Gressor Motor & Sport Center................14 Heartland Security...................................22
Home Town Title......................................3 J&J Holmes.............................................22 Just4Laffs................................................20 Kennedy Community School....................2 Knights of Columbus...............................10 Laser Dentistry..........................................9 Little Falls Convention & Visitors Bureau...11 Little Saints Academy...............................7 Local Blend.............................................19 Mechanical Energy Systems....................21 Mustang Signs & Graphics......................15 Omann Insurance Agency..........................4 Pediatric Dentistry...................................16 Pine Cone Pet Hospital.............................21 Reach-Up..................................................6 Resurrection Lutheran Church.................18 Russell Eyecare & Associates..................17 St. Cloud Area Mattress Outlet................10 St. Cloud Federal Credit Union................23 St. Cloud HRA........................................11 St. Cloud Medical Group..........................9
St. Cloud Orthopedics..............................15 St. John’s Outdoor University...................7 St. John’s Preparatory School....................6 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church......22 St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce...5 St. Joseph Area Historical Society............4 St. Joseph Mutual Insurance...................18 St. Joseph Newsleader.............................23 St. Joseph Rod & Gun Club....................10 Sartell Tax Service..................................16 Scherer & Sons Trucking........................21 Senior LinkAge Line...............................19 Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict........14 Stearns County Abstract & Title.............10 Sterling Park Senior Living.........................5 Tri-CAP...................................................19 Tri-County Humane Society......................6 True Balance............................................18 Wacosa DocuShred/Thriftworks.............26 Welch Dental...........................................15 Yapel Orthodontics....................................8