Class of 2015
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Leticia Abonce
Matthew Adler
Parents: Rebecca Noyola & Miguel Abonce In the future I plan to attend college in the St. Cloud area.
Parents: Nichole & Kurt In the future I plan to attend SJU.
Preston Angen-Determan
Mary Ariola
Ahmed Al Mafrachi
Parent: Dalya Al Mafrachi In the future I plan to attend SCSU to become a chiropractor.
Ana Armour
Parents: Shelly Angen & Mark Determan In the future I plan to attend U of M – Twin Cities.
Parents: Carol & Dean In the future I plan to attend Concordia College in Moorhead to major in writing. I hope to write for a newspaper some day.
Parents: Amy & Eric In the future I plan to study orthopedic surgery at the U of M – Duluth.
Casey Becker
Airianna Beitler
Drew Bertelson
Parents: Liz Simoneau & Bill Becker In the future I plan to attend SCTCC and then continue my education in Chicago to pursue a career in ministry with the Salvation Army.
Parents: Bethany & Adam In the future I plan to attend St. Thomas University for elementary education.
Parents: Debbie & Kurt In the future I plan to attend the U of M.
Parents: Hani & Majedah In the future I plan to attend U of M – Twin Cities to study biology with a focus in pre-medicine.
Parents: Trinitie & Chad Kedrowski In the future I plan to take the year off of studies and work.
Parents: Brenda & Jim In the future I plan to attend SCTCC to become an electrician.
Haley Anderson
Parents: Robert & Melissa In the future I plan to attend the University of Wisconsin – River Falls.
Hunter Anderson
Mohammad Ayyub
William Bachman
Amelia Barkley
Darick Beam
Tanner Bechtold
Hosam Alkhatib
Benjamin Bierscheid
Parents: Scott & Kristine Bierscheid and Karla Pallansch In the future I plan to attend SJU and major in biology.
Chloe Alvarez
Parents: Beth & Philip In the future I plan to attend Montana State University.
Courtney Boe
Abe Anderson
Parents: Julie & Jim In the future I plan to attend CSB.
Parents: Lori & Jim In the future I plan to attend SCTCC as a preliminary for a mechanical engineering or water resource engineering degree.
Parents: Kirsten & Brian In the future I plan to study computer science at SCSU.
Nicholas Boyle
Hunter Bradford
Matthew Brattensborg
CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2015! Sartell - St. Stephen Education Foundation
Through SSEF Scholarships and the David and Alice DeZurik Scholarship, the Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation has awarded over $93,000 to graduating seniors.
Emily Brix
Reagan Buske
Cassandra Capps
Andrew Carlson
Samuel Chappell
Parents: Henry & Dianne In the future I plan to attend SCTCC.
Parents: Dale & Cathy In the future I plan to attend Winona State University and major in computer science.
Parents: Paul & Polly In the future I plan to volunteer as a camp worker/canoe guide in the Canadian Boundary Waters.
Parents: Stacy & Terry In the future I plan to work as a managerin-training at McDonald’s.
Samantha Clow
John Cook
Zachary Cook
Cassandra Costanzo
Garrett Counter
Justin Courson
Samantha Czeck
Isaac Dammen
Travis Decker
Tyler Deeb
Laurana Deuel
Melanie Dimond
Mackenzie Dockendorf
Hayden Buchholz
Parents: Darren & Jennifer In the future I plan to study criminal justice at the University of St. Thomas.
Parents: Darin & Suzanne In the future I plan to attend UND.
Levi Christy
Daniel Daffinrud
Parents: Vonda & Kevin In the future I plan to attend Southern Texas Farming University.
Parents: Steve & Jane In the future I plan to attend Minot State University.
Henry Buelow II
Parents: Rose & Duane In the future I plan to attend SCTCC for automotive service technician.
Parents: David & Estella In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Duluth.
Parents: Dan & Julie In the future I plan to attend Central Lakes College in Brainerd for automotive.
Parents: Randy & Cathy Van Vickle In the future I plan to attend SCSU for elementary education.
Parents: John & Yvette In the future I plan to attend MSU – Mankato.
Samira Christle
Parents: Mike & Julie In the future I plan to attend Winona State University for nursing.
Jesse Dummer
Parents: Michael & Melissa In the future I plan to attend U of M – Duluth for mechanical engineering.
: by n Y s a H o ot km AP h c p e R h aj TOG O PH
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Kent Edeburn
Erin Eikmeier
Ciara Eilers
Abagaile Filsmyer
Zachary Fisher
Justin Fladung
Natasha Gaarder
Miranda Garman
Parents: Parents: Patrick & AnnElise Jeff & Michelle In the future I plan to In the future I plan to attend SJU majoring study nursing or athletic training at CSB. in nursing.
Parents: Amy & Dean Parents: In the future I plan Curt & Jessica In the future I plan to to attend Drake Uniattend Winona State versity. University for social work.
Parents: Michael & Kristin In the future I plan to attend SCTCC majoring in forensic science.
Parents: Robert & Christine In the future I plan to study nursing at Concordia College.
Parents: John & Annette In the future I plan to attend Concordia for music education.
Greta Evavold
Parents: Terry & Jackie In the future I plan to attend the U of M.
Patrick Fabel
Jake Fleischhacker
Caleb Forberg
Nathan Frank
Rebecca Elliott
Parents: Brian & Janelle In the future I plan to attend SCTCC.
Jared Gaytan
Parents: Jose & Ruth In the future I plan to attend SCTCC.
Alexis Gent
Parents: Matt & Diane In the future I plan to attend SCSU for business marketing.
Mitchell George
Parents: Kristine Kussman & Scott George In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Twin Cites.
Parents: Deb Frank & Brian Greiman In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Twin Cities majoring in neuroscience and Spanish.
Abigail Gessell
Parents: Chad & Mary Anne In the future I plan to attend Beloit College in Wisconsin to play volleyball and major in biochemistry or molecular biology.
Jake Farris
Brandon Ferns
Parents: Tad & Pam In the future I plan to attend SCTCC to study business management and sales.
Parents: Doug & Tammy In the future I plan to attend Hamline University majoring in business and playing football.
Megan Franz
Brady Freese
Mikayla Gessell
Jacob Gieske
Parents: Mark & Jody In the future I plan to attend Concordia College.
Parents: Parents: Mike & Tamara Joe & Bethany In the future I plan In the future I plan to to attend North Da- attend SCSU. kota State College of Science to become a dental hygienist.
Heather Gjemse
Taylor Goebel
Parents: Tom Gjemse & Carin Bzdok In the future I plan to attend MSU – Mankato.
Parents: Tanya, Eric, Mary & Jim In the future I plan to attend SCTCC.
Taylor Grzybowski
Angelica Hagen
Nicholas Hayes
Parents: Scott & Carrie In the future I plan to become an automotive technician.
Austin Gohl
Gabrielle Hagen
Parents: Terrance & Michelle In the future I plan to attend Winona State University majoring in psychology.
Parents: Julie & Dave In the future I plan to attend CSB.
Hannah Heerts
Jordan Heinen
Parents: Timothy & Anna Maria In the future I plan to attend SCSU.
Austin Granzow
Parents: Shannon & Cindy In the future I plan to attend MSU – Mankato.
Alexander Halverson
Kalli Hengemuhle
Parents: Darla Schmidt & Timothy Gratke
Kennedy Gratke
John Grebenc
Parents: Sandra & John In the future I plan to attend SCTCC.
Kia Grindland
Ellie Hamilton
Haley Hanson
Cortland Harstad
In the future I plan to attain my bachelor’s degree from SCTCC and transfer to the U of M – Twin Cities for my master’s in psychology.
Jacob Heun
Parents: Paul & Heidi In the future I plan to attend SCSU for mechanical engineering.
Parents: Patty & Eric In the future I plan to attend Concordia – St. Paul, majoring in elementary education.
Emma Hill
Parents: Harlan & Jenny In the future I plan to attend the U of M majoring in either biology or chemistry with the hope of becoming a physician’s assistant or physician.
Parents: Wendy & Duane Halbe & Jeffery Rutten
Caleb Grosz
Jordan Haukos
Parents: Brian Gustafson & Melindy Haukos
In the future I plan to attend Minneapolis Technical College and Minneapolis College of Art and Design majoring in animation.
In the future I plan to go into retail management.
Tyler Hinnenkamp
Juliette Hiza
Parents: Chap & Pauline In the future I plan to finish an associate’s degree at SCTCC.
Congratulations Class of 2015! This graduation edition brought to you by:
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Brittney Holland
Emily Honek
Parents: Beth Doherty & John Honek
Parents: Scott & Karla I am currently a certified firefighter and EMT wanting to pursue a job as a full-time firefighter and EMT. In a year I will go to medic school at SCTCC to become a paramedic.
In the future I plan to attend SCTCC.
Hunter Jarnot
Seth Jenkins
Carter Kasianov
Parents: Shawn Hoffman-Bram & Fred Kasianov In the future I plan to attend the U of M majoring in architecture.
Morgan Huver
Sahreen Ijaz
Parents: David & Celene In the future I plan to attend U of M-Duluth majoring/ minoring in psychology and business to become an I/O psychologist.
Connor Junes
Parents: Ross & Sue In the future I plan to attend Iowa State University to study architecture.
Nicholas Jensen
Parents: Richard & Tashia In the future I plan to attend South Dakota State University.
Edward Jones
Tanner Kobylinski
Matthew Koch
Zachary Kohls
Parents: Connie Felix & Steve Kobylinski
In the future I plan to attend the U of M majoring in computer engineering.
Abigail Imholte
Parents: Najma & Ahmad In the future I plan to attend SCTCC and study adult education care.
Parents: Perry & Nancy In the future I plan to attend Alexandria Technical and Community College for law enforcement.
Parents: Amy & Dennis In the future I plan to attend UMD majoring in chemical engineering.
Jacob Koltes
Parents: Toby & Denise In the future I plan to attend college to obtain a degree.
Brady Jackels
Parents: Scott & Heather In the future I plan to attend SCTCC then transfer to NDSU majoring in civil/mechanical engineering.
Gavin Jungels
Jason Koopman
Parents: Bryan & Joleen In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Twin Cities.
Jessica Jacobs
Joseph Jansen
Matthew Jurek
Nicholas Karpinski
Parents: Jeff & Julie In the future I plan to take a year off and get a job.
Parents: Stacey & Carl In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Twin Cities to major in computer engineering.
Ryan Kororll
Parents: Thomas & Diane I plan to attend the U of M – Twin Cities Carlson School of Management while majoring in finance.
Jacob Krantz
Parents: Gina & Rod Smith and Steven Kris In the future I plan to work for a year, go to a tech college, have kids, and make money.
Parents: Randy & Tami In the future I plan to study videography at Central Lakes College.
William Kulus
Parents: Bob & Kathy In the future I plan to attend Arizona State University.
Johnathan Kwolik
Samuel Locke
Jacob Lund
Clay Mackenthun
Brady Madden
Tyler Kris
Brandon Kruzel
Parents: Dietrich & Caryn In the future I plan to attend UND for mechanical engineering.
Parents: Laura & Chris In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Twin Cities.
Taylor Marthaler
Jacob Martin
Parents: Philip & Mary Parents: In the future I plan to Joe & Peg In the future I plan to attend the University attend SCTCC for ar- of Nebraska – Lincoln. chitecture.
Parents: Steve & Laura In the future I plan to attend the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Elisabeth McCabe
Parents: Bill & Caroline In the future I plan to attend Gustavus Adolphus College.
Parents: Heather Moline, Wade Madden In the future I plan to attend the College of St. Scholastica.
Megan McDermott
Parents: James & Yvonne In the future I plan to attend SCSU.
Grant Lahn
Parents: Matt & Melissa In the future I plan to attend Concordia College in Moorhead to play football and baseball.
Nicholas Leen
Parents: Penny and Steve In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Duluth for chemical engineering.
Austin Leither
Ethan Licht
Noah Maehren
Matthew Markman
Raymond Marstein Jr.
Lindsey Martens
Parents: Michelle & Jay In the future I plan to pursue video editing, graphic design and/or computer technician.
Parents: Mike & Kathy In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Twin Cities.
Parents: Raymond & Anna In the future I plan to attend Milwaukee Area Technical College.
Rowan McDonnell III
Jessica Meichsner
Isaac Menke
Parents: Rowan & Toni In the future I plan to attend the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Parents: Jodi & Jon In the future I plan to attend SCSU.
Parents: Brian & Erica In the future I plan to attend SCTCC.
Parents: Erich & Nancy In the future I plan to attend the University of Wisconsin.
Grant Meyer
Parents: Gordy & Michelle In the future I plan to attend the University of St. Thomas for engineering.
Class Colors Royal Blue and White
Class Flower White Tulip with Royal Blue Glitter
Kaylin Meyer
Parents: Kimberly & Tab In the future I plan to attend college in North Carolina.
Lucia Miadokova
Parents: Lubomir Miadok & Dana Miadokova Host Parents: Danial Heim & Sue Heim
Jordan Nelson
Trey Nelson
Kyle Och
Jenavieve Olson
Parents: Tim & Gina In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Morris.
Parents: Jessica Olson In the future I plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree in biology from the U of M.
Haris Mian
Nathaniel Miller
Amber Minkel
Parents: Michelle Miller and Edward Miller In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Duluth.
Danny Nguyen
Darian Nguyen
Dylan Nicol
Randy Nieman
Nathan Olson
Ryan Orth
Matthew Osga
Mitchell Olson
Parents: Kelli & Gary In the future I plan to study to become a heavy diesel technician at SCTCC.
Parents: Todd Minkel and Chris Torborg In the future I plan to attend SCTCC.
McKenna Moynan
Parents: Uzma Amer & Amer Mian In the future I plan to attend SCSU.
Parents: Todd & Conni In the future I plan to study engineering, SCSU.
Parents: Michelle & Sean In the future I plan to attend Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania for middleschool education.
Parents: Frank & Lori In the future I plan to attend MSU – Moorehead.
Anna Neeser
Parents: Kelley & Greg In the future I plan to attend Gustavus Adolphus College.
Aidan Nelson
Parents: Kristen Nelson and Reid Nelson In the future I plan to attend Winona State University to major in chemistry.
MacKenzie Nies
Amanda Nordmann
Nicholas Palm
Tony Paul
Parents: Jason & Kim In the future I plan to attend Concordia College – Moorhead.
Parents: Tim & Lisa In the future I plan to attend SCTCC.
Parents: Deb & Doug In the future I plan to attend NDSU for landscape architecture.
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: by n Y s a H o ot km AP h c p e R h aj TOG O PH
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Alayna Matthew Paurus Paulsen-Trombley Parents: Greg & Lisa
In the future I plan to attend U of M – Duluth majoring in biology with a focus in pre-med.
Jacqueline Pinkerton
Austin Poepping
Allison Payonk
Benjamin Rengel Parents: Debbie & Mitch
In the future I plan to In the future I plan to attend the University attend MSU – Manka- of St. Thomas. to and hold down a job.
Jade Peterson
Nathaniel Pfeiffer
In the future I plan to attend the University of Mary in Bismarck, N.D. to wrestle and study pre-med.
In the future I plan to attend Gustavus Adolphus College.
In the future I plan to attend the University of Wisconsin – Stout.
In the future I plan to attend SCSU majoring in biochemistry.
Tayler Quaal
Tianna Raden
Jesse Rajdl
Katlyn Ramseth
Kendra Raths
In the future I plan to attend North Dakota State College of Science.
In the future I plan to attend Gustavus Adolphus College.
In the future I plan to attend UND for nursing.
In the future I plan to attend U of M – Morris.
Ginessa Ross
Tristan Ross
Nicholas Ruigh
Kareem Sabir
In the future I plan to attend U of M – Duluth for music education.
Darien Prow
In the future I plan to attend UND.
Parents: Glenda Barney & Harry Reid
Grace Peterson
Parents: Phil & Sue In the future I plan to attend UND Majoring in commercial aviation.
Parents: Jon & Brett
Ashley Reid
Jonathan Pelach
Chad Peichel
Parents: Lisa & Mark Bartels
Hannah Rodness
Parents: Brian & Teresa
Parents: Jon & Nicole
Parents: Pam & Scott
Parents: Jeff & Holly
Summer Rossow
Parents: Kate Peterson
Parents: Erik & Karen
Parent: Andrew Ruigh
In the future I plan to attend U of M – Duluth and hold down an on-campus job.
Parents: Nancy & Blaine
Parents: Chris & Renee
Bryan Sanchez
Parents: Anne & Jamie In the future I plan to make bank.
Cameron Schneider
Parents: Scott & Sam In future I plan to go up to Brainerd and do some graphic design.
Stephen Sinn
Parents: Kristi & Brad In the future I plan to attend SJU then transfer to Black Hills State for marketing.
Destiny Sawyer
Olivia Schneider
MacKenzie Schad
Parents: Charles & Jennifer In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Duluth in hopes of becoming a physician’s assistant.
Parents: Schuchard Scott & Sam Parents: I’m still deciding Timothy & Amy where to attend col- In the future I plan to lege but plan to major attend the University in psychology. of St. Thomas.
Erik Skoe
Parents: Anne & Steve In the future I plan to attend U of M – Twin Cities.
Madeline Smith
Paige Schaefer
Parents: Rob & Denise In the future I plan to attend Winona (Minn.) State University
McKenzie Schuneman
Parents: Traci & David In the future I plan to attend MSU – Mankato majoring in nursing.
Tasha Smith
Parents: Jessica Platz & Jason Smith In the future I plan to attend MSU – Mankato.
Annalena Schicktanz
Paige Seegers
Parents: Diane Seegers & Rick Reller
Ryan Schmitz
Tatum Seguin
Lucas Shaw
Carly Siemers
Leah Southerland
Abby Spanier
Parents: Janell & Michael In the future I plan to attend SCSU.
In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Twin Cities with hopes of possibly becoming a high school English teacher.
Brandon Snoberger
Parents: Jeremy & Nicole In the future I plan to attend Gustavus Adolphus College.
Tessa Schmitz
Samantha Schiller
Madison Sorensen
Parents: Mike & Kate In the future I plan to attend the University of St. Thomas.
Parents: Parent: Janet & Tracy Lisa Shaw In the future I plan to In the future I plan to keep working to save attend CSB for nursup for college. ing.
Parents: Chris & Jeff In the future I plan to attend CSB.
Keegan Spanier
Branton Stowell
Darek Stachowski
Rachel Stroh
Austin Stainbrook
Parents: Bruce & Shiela In the future I plan to attend SCSU.
Parents: Sara Held & Scott Stark In the future I plan to attend Ridgewater College studying cosmetology and also doing some generals.
Kendra Stark
Amanda Starz
Parents: Aaron & Shelly In the future I plan to attend North Central University majoring in youth ministries.
Trent Steinhoff
Hannah Supan
Samuel Sykora
Parents: Craig & Carrie In the future I plan to study law enforcement at Alexandria Technical and Community College.
Parents: Debra & Patrick In the future I plan to attend the University of St. Thomas majoring in pre-med/chemistry.
Courtney Strom
Parents: Mike & Mindy In the future I plan to attend Arizona State University.
Trever Studer
Spencer Terhaar
Emily Then
Anthony Thene
Carson Thompson
Parents: Terry & Lynn In the future I plan to attend South Dakota State University.
Parents: Stacy & Charles In the future I plan to attend SCTCC.
Lauren Stock
Porcia Stock
Sarah Symanietz
Rachel Teigland
Parents: Doug & Mary In the future I plan to attend Bemidji State University.
Parents: Tracy & Raymond In the future I plan to attend MSU – Mankato.
Parents: Anthony & Sherri In the future I plan to enlist in the military (Army Reserves).
Parents: Stephen & Susan In the future I plan to attend College of St. Scholastica for preprofessional health care.
Parents: Kim & Rick In the future I plan to attend Winona (Minn.) State University majoring in nursing.
Jennifer Thompson
Anna Tillotson
Lauren Tilstra
Hunter Torrance
Parents: Kristina & Charles In the future I plan to attend UND majoring in medicine.
Caitlyn Trane
Blake Tunnell
Parents: Brad & Shelly In the future I plan to attend CSB.
Parents: Warren & Colleen In the future I plan to attend Central Lakes College.
Jack Vierzba
Daniel Vitale
Parents: Jay & Christy In the future I plan to attend SCTCC.
Hailey Winter
Parents: Scott & Diane In the future I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College for marketing.
Abigail Vagle
Rubi ValenciaMontañez
Parents: Maria Montanez & Jorge Valencia In the future I plan to attend SCTCC.
Payton Voss
Jessica Warzecka
Parents: Sandy & Keith In the future I plan to attend Concordia College in Moorhead.
Makayla Wittmer-George
Parents: Chad Wittmer & Jill George In the future I plan to attend UND.
Tiana Wood
Parents: Kimberly Mitchell & Lee Wood In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Morris or the University of Tampa.
Hanan Zafar
Dylan Vance
Parents: Angela & Shawn In the future I plan to attend college for automotive.
Duncan Watson
Parents: Morris Cortney & Jennifer Watson In the future I plan to attend the U of M.
Katharine Zoeller
Parents: Diane & David In the future I plan to attend SCSU for psychology.
Benjamin Veitch
Samantha Venables
Parents: Staci & Brent In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Twin Cities.
Zachary Weiler
Christian Welch
Jack Verkuilen
Parents: John & Michelle In the future I plan to attend the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth to pursue a nursing degree.
Nathaniel Whitley
Parents: Eileen & Jerry In the future I plan to attend the U of M – Duluth.
Spencer Zwiener
Parents: Rob & Chris In the future I hope to play junior hockey for a couple of years and then go to college.
CSB: College of St. Benedict MSU: Minnesota State University SCSU: St. Cloud State University SCTCC: St. Cloud Technical & Community College SJU: St. John’s University U of M: University of Minnesota UND: University of North Dakota
2015 National Honor Society Hosam Alkhatib
William Bachman
Amelia Barkley
Samy Czeck
Laurana Deuel
Mackenzie Dockendorf
Kent Edeburn
Greta Evavold
Miranda Garman
Mitchell George
Kia Grindland
Gaby Hagen
Matt Jurek
Carter Kasianov
Jason Koopman
Ryan Kororll
JJ Lund
Clay Mackenthun
Lindsey Martens
MacKenzie Nies
Alayna PaulsenTrombley
Grace Peterson
Jackie Pinkerton
Tianna Raden
Madeline Smith
Congratulations 2015 Graduates and Good Luck to you in the Future!
Abby Spanier
Anna Neeser
Kendra Raths
Ginessa Ross
Rachel Stroh
Congratulations Class of 2015!
Remember Sartell Grads... I can meet your future needs with wedding invitations, garters and more!
Congratulations 2015 Grads! 320-252-6450
Brandon Snoberger
Rowan McDonnell
Philip E. Peichel Agency
1121 2nd St. S., Ste. 103 Sartell
3409 Mayhew Lake Road NE Sauk Rapids 320-281-5315