Congratulations Class of 2016
To accomplish great things, we must not only act,
but also dream, not only plan, but also believe. ~ Anatole France
Alec Adelman
Caleb Anderson
Chase Anderson
Nathan Anderson Parents: Michele & Joseph
Parents: Wendy & Timothy I plan to attend the University of Minnesota Duluth.
Parents: Lori & Gregory I plan to attend the University of Minnesota Duluth.
Emily Baxa
Alexandra Becker
Joseph Becker
Charles Beckering
Parents: Chris & Dean I plan to attend University of St. Thomas, St. Paul.
Parents: Diana & Donald I plan to attend Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa.
Nathan Boenish
Parents: Susan & Matthew I plan to attend Minnesota State University-Mankato.
Parents: Richelle & Eric
Parent: James Becker I plan to attend the College of St. Benedict.
Christopher Braaten-Kapsch Parent: Lisa Braaten & Shawn Kapsch
Parents: Tammy & Ross
Logan Anding
Timothy Asfeld
Nicholas Baggenstoss
Adam Baloun
Karissa Bienusa
Dillion Blommer
Parents: Deb & Brian Parents: I plan to attend St. Martha & Bruce John’s University. I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.
Parents: Elizabeth Simoneau & Bill Becker I plan to attend the University of Minnesota- Duluth.
Parent: Pam Beckering I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.
Joshua Behrendt
Parents: Corrine Skoog & John Behrendt I plan to attend St. John’s University.
Kyah Bengston Parents: Elizabeth & Jason
Parents: Patricia & George I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical & Community College.
Parents: Stefanie & Dereck I plan to attend Dunwoody College of Technology, Minneapolis.
Jessee Bramstedt
Nolan Brenhaug
Hannah Brennan
Logan Brookins
Courtney Buley
Maiah Cameron
Parents: Cindi & Dean
Parents: Janna & Paul I plan to attend University of MinnesotaDuluth.
Congratulations Class of 2016!
HEY GRADS! Luther Honda of St. Cloud
Parents: Heather & Patrick I plan to attend University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Parents: Pamela & Barry I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical & Community College.
Parents: Lynn & Chris
Parents: Anne & Troy I plan to attend Concordia College in Moorhead.
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Brittany Casper
Parents: Erin & Rhett I plan to attend Utah Valley University.
Alexis Cottrell
Lynn Chan
Parents: Sarah & Henry
Aaron D’Allesandro
Cullen Chisholm Dilan Christiansen
Parents: Lucy & Luke I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.
Parents: Jenni & Craig I plan to attend University of WisconsinMadison.
Michael Davis
Kyle Decker
Jessica Deters
Parents: Melinda Jacobsen & Brandon Cottrell I plan to attend Brainerd Central Lakes College.
Parents: Kelly & Aaron Molitor I plan to join the U.S. Navy.
Parents: Karen & Shon I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical & Community College.
Parents: Rose & Duane I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical & Community College.
Olivia Dols
Devin Douvier
Kianna Doyel
Tatum Duea
Parents: Pamela & Paul I plan to attend either Bethel University in St. Paul or Crown College in St. Bonafacius, Minn.
Amy Conard
Parents: Eve & John I plan to attend St. John’s University.
Parents: Parents: Victoria & Scott Sheri & Ronald I plan to attend Uni- I plan to attend University of North Da- versity of Hawaii Maui. kota, Grand Forks.
Parents: Kari & Tim I plan to attend North Dakota State University, Fargo.
Parents: Dykhuizen Amiee & Benjamin Parents: I plan to attend St. Lynn & Brian Cloud Technical & Community College I plan to attend Unito become an automo- versity of Minnesotative service techni- Duluth. cian.
Kathleen Connolly Parents: Lori & Michael
Diana Deuel
Katchen Conway-Haehn
Parents: Ryan & Heather Haehn I plan to attend the College of St. Benedict.
Lindsay Dierkes
Alexyss Corpus Parent: Kelly Rieder
Kacy Dobe
Parents: Estella & David
Parents: Amy Gilchrist & Troy Dierkes I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.
Parents: Diane Schiffler-Dobe & Dave Dobe I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.
Mathew Eisenschenk
Trevor Erickson
Samuel Fandel
Parents: Brenda & Keith I plan to attend Milwaukee (Wis.) School of Engineering.
Parents: Sheri & David I plan to attend University of Denver.
Parents: Kelly & Neil I plan to attend University of MinnesotaTwin Cities.
Wyatt Fenlason
Parents: Julie & Rick I plan to attend the College of St. Scholastica.
Jorah Forthun
McKenzie Fossen
Parents: Kari & Kip I plan to attend either St. Cloud Technical & Community College. or St. Cloud State University.
Olivia Garner
Jacob Fernholz
Benjamin Fern
Parents: Rhonda & Tim
Parents: Tamara & Scott I plan to attend St. John’s University.
Jacob Fisher
Parents: Amy & Dean I plan to wait a year before making any definitive plans.
Alyssa Franzmeier Jacob Fredrickson
Parents: Paula & Martin I plan to attend Macalester College in St. Paul.
Parents: Kerry O’Neill & Kyle Fossen I plan to attend University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Andrew Grant
Ethan Gibb
Parents: Kelly Cox & Mark Fredrickson
Kaleb Fisher
Parents: Amy & Dean Koshiol I plan to attend Concordia College in Moorhead.
Devon Gahlon
Parents: Noelle & Brian I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical & Community College.
Alyssa Griepentrog Zakary Guetter
Parent: Parents: Parents: Shani ChristopherNcole Depetro & Dawn & Jerome Wilson I plan to attend UniJeremy Guetter versity of North Da- I plan to attned Uni- I plan to attend St. versity of Minnesota- Cloud Technical & kota, Grand Forks. Duluth. Community College.
Grandparents: Parents: Paulette Disburg & Louann & Bill I plan to attend MinBrad Alexenko nesota State Universi- I plan to attend Monty-Mankato. tana State University in Bozeman.
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Madison Flaherty Amanda Flemming
Morgan Forbes
Parents: Stacie & Robert
Parents: Susan & Jeff I plan to attend Concordia College in Moorhead.
Parents: Julie Blum & Clay Forbes I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical & Community College.
Taylor Gainsforth
Alysa Gallagher
Eden Garman
Colton Gunderson
Anngel Gunion
Parent: Taunja Moe
Parents: Shawn & Brian
Parents: Julie & Scott
Parents: Chris & Robert I plan to attend Concordia University in St. Paul.
Abigail Haehn
Parents: Parents: Jill & Michael Anna & Allan I plan to take a year I plan to complete my generals at St. Cloud off. Technical & Community College.
Tessa Hager
Parents: Jennifer HermannCastro & Matthew Hager I plan to attend University of MinnesotaDuluth.
Isaac Hesse
Kira Haglin
Rachel Haider
Parents: Parents: Amy & Kevin Joyce & Keith I plan to attend Min- I plan to attend Minnesota State Universi- nesota State University-Mankato. ty-Mankato.
Nicholas Hill
Wyatt Hill
Robert Hesse & Jennifer Morrissette-Hesse
Parents: Lisa & Kenneth I plan to attend Hamline University in St. Paul.
Parents: Jennifer & Harlan I plan to attend University of MinnesotaDuluth.
Crystal Huston
Matthew Immelman
Kayley Isaacson
Parents: Cecilia & Lowell I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Parents: Pamela & Aubrey I plan to attend St. John’s University
Parents: Rebecca & Tom I plan to attend the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul.
Ethan Hanson
Taylor Harren
Hunter Haugeto Parents: Daniel & Teresa Fletcher
Michael Heim
Parents: Sue & Daniel I plan to attend North Dakota State University, Fargo.
Hunter Held
Brianna Hinnenkamp
Miranda Holland
Kiahna Hubert
Tyler Hubert
Jacob Hughes
Parents: Parents: Shawna & Jeffrey Candace & Curtis I plan to attend Uni- I plan to attend St. versity of Minnesota- Cloud State UniverTwin Cities. sity.
Parents: Michelle Hinnenkamp & Shane Gohman In the future I plan to
Jordan Jacobson
Parents: Angela Hughes & Jonathon Jacobson I plan to Minnesota State UniversityMankato.
Parents: Karla & Scott I plan to take a year off to earn money.
Parents: Berlie Lee Hale and Jessica Eisenschenk
Gavin Jansen
Jonah Jemming
Parents: David & Dawn
Parents: Christine & Brian
Marsha & Matt
Colin Johnson Parents:
Rachel & Ed
Parents: Wendy & Scott
Parents: Tammy & James I plan to attend Minnesota State University-Mankato.
Elli Johnson
Parents: Dawn & Matt Hanson and Jack & Kimberly Johnson I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.
Laura Johnson
Taylor Johnson
Johnathan Killmer
Samantha Killmer
Parents: Jean & Jeffrey I plan to attend South Dakota State University in Brookings.
Parents: Linda & Wayne
Jasmine Johnstone
Bethany Joul
Parents: Parents: Angela & Kevin Brenda & Steven I plan to attend the I plan to attend ConModel College of cordia College in Hair Design. Moorhead.
Megan Knutson
Christine Koch
Alexis Kaas
Tyler Kadlec
Halie Kaufman
Ethan Kiffmeyer
Parents: Michelle & Steven I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.
Parents: Stephanie & Mark I plan to attend University of WisconsinEau Claire.
Parents: Teresa & Darren I plan to attend the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul.
Parents: Makenzie Landsberger & David Kiffmeyer I plan to attend St. Scholastica-Duluth.
Audrey Kotaska
Kevin Krauel
Bree Kreutzer
Gabrielle Kringstad
Parents: Amber & Nathan
Parents: Kim & Wayne I plan to attend North Dakota State University in Fargo.
Parents: Christine Berger & Pete Knutson I plan to attend Ridgewater Community College in Willmar.
Parents: JoAnn & Karl I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.
Parents: Melissa Warner & Paul Kotaska I plan to attend St. Catherine University in St. Paul.
Parents: Chad & Susan I plan to attend University of MinnesotaDuluth.
Parents: Tiffany Belland & Scott Kreutzer
Parent: Andi & Dane
Austin Krusemark
Garrett Kukowski
McKenna Lalim
Olivia Lamont
Jillian Lawson
Trenton LeMieur
Cole Lewis
Jacob Lieberg
Parents: Jenny McDanel & Lee Krusemark I plan to attend Alexandria Technical and Community College.
Parent: Kristi Yates
Parents: Mary Jo & Kraig
Parents: Carey & Jared
Parents: Lisa & Michael I plan to attend University of MinnesotaTwin Cities.
Parents: Angela & Thomas I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Parents: Philip & Karin I plan to attend St. Cloud Tech.
Parents: Julie & Michael I plan to attend South Dakota State University.
Parents: Amy & Scott I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.
Parents: Mary Kay & John I plan to attend University of WisconsinEau Claire.
Parents: Linda & Brian I plan to attend Bemidji State University.
Parents: Diane & David I plan to attend University of MinnesotaDuluth.
Parents: Cynthia & Keith I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Keenan Lund
Parents: Megan & William
Anthony Lunde Parents: Veronica & Heath
Parents: Madonna & Kevin I plan to attend Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Va.
Erik Maas
Melissa Maas
Sara Maas
Madison Marthaler
Daniel Matveyev
Collin May
Madison McGrew
Chase Meyers
Anna Lindell
Nicole Lindmeier
Gabrielle Linn
Parents: Madonna & Kevin I plan to attend Arizona State University in Tempe.
Parents: Madonna & Kevin I plan to attend Loyola University in Chicago.
Parents: Leslie & Matt I plan to attend Winona State University.
Matthew Michaud
Claire Miller
Elise Miller
Parents: Shelly Smith & John Michaud I plan to attend St. John’s University.
Parents: Debra & Todd
Parents: Debra & Todd I plan to attend the University of Minnesota College of Biological Sciences.
Sydney Lloyd
Parents: Carrie Gasperlin & Keith Marthaler
Justin Miller
Parents: Jennifer Landgreen & Tim Miller I plan to enroll in the U.S. Army.
Emily Locnikar
Parents: Galina & Aleksandr
Parents: Lisa & Duane I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Jonathon Mills
Clare Minnerath Madison Molitor
Parents: Michelle & Jon I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Parents: Sylvia & Dale I plan to attend Providence (R.I.) College.
Parents: Andrea & Chris
Parents: Kimberly & Troy I plan to attend San Diego (Calif.) State University.
Bridget Maas
Parents: Lori & Kevin I plan to attend University of North Dakoita, Grand Forks.
Matthew Moran
Parents: Kris & Ron I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.
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Cole Moritz
Karissa Muehring
Parents: Michele & Trevor I plan to attend North Dakota School of Science in Wahpeton.
Parents: Deb & Greg I plan to attend Bemidji State University.
Chelsea Nies
Tyler Nies
Bailey Mumm
Parents: Tonya & Michael I plan to attend Minnesota State University-Mankato.
Reese Nordin
Katherine Muntifering
Parents: Kathleen & Mark I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.
Gavin Oftedahl
Mitchell Murtley
Parent: David Murtley I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.
Grant Olson
Jonah Nebosis
Christen Neil
Parents: Parents: Beth & Kevin Deborah & Timothy I plan to attend St. I plan to attend St. Cloud State UniverJohn’s University. sity.
Kayla Olson
Parker Olson
Katie Pierskalla
Tyler Prasnicki
Parents: Rhonda & Roy I plan to attend Winona State University.
Parent: Jennifer Peters
Parents: Shelly & Paul I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.
Parents: Nicole & Eric I plan to attend University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Parents: Parents: Parents: Brenda & Roger Amie & Ross Kristin & Kyle I plan to attend Uni- I plan to attend Uni- I plan to attend St. versity of Wisconsin- versity of Minnesota- Cloud State University. Twin Cities. Madison.
Samuel Overland
Matthew Partch
Paige Pawlenty
Logan Pedersen
Gavin Pfefffer
Parents: Angela & Royce
Parents: Denise & Brad
Parents: Mary Jo & Kenneth I plan to attend University of St. Thomas in St. Paul and major in accounting.
Parents: Janice & Dan
Parents: Lisa Root, John & Amber Pfeffer
Parents: Maggie & Kevin
Parents: Mary & DeWayne I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.
Carter Neuenschwander
Parents: Kim George & Rod Neuenschwander I plan to attend University of St. Thomas in St. Paul.
Zachary Omann
Parents: Barb & Peter I plan to attend St. John’s University.
Gopi Ramanathan
Parents: Vasugi & Gajendranathan
Cold Spring Monticello Princeton Sauk Centre
Parents: Karen & John
Parents: Tammy & Chad I plan to attend St. Paul College.
Parents: Lois & Mathew I plan to attend University of WisconsinEau Claire.
Matthew Rickers
Parents: Deborah & Thomas I plan to attend North Dakota State University, Fargo.
Kathryn Ringhand
Morgan Rohlfs
Jordan Roller
Cody Rose
Lauren Rutten
Jacob Sanderson
Bethany Reber
Taylor Regnier
Addison Rengel
Parents: Shirley & Mark I plan to attend University of MinnesotaTwin Cities.
Parents: Chrstine & Bradley I plan to attend South Dakota State University in Brookings.
Parents: Joyce & Trace I plan to attend Northland College in Ashland, Wis.
Parent: Kimberly Rose I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Parents: Alison & Bradley I plan to attend North Dakota State University, Fargo.
Parents: Lisa & Robert I plan to attend St. Cloud State University for freshman year and then University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.
Kaylee Schelonka
Derek Schmidt
Kempton Schneider
Alyssa Schoon
Jake Schramel
Rachael & Joseph
I plan to attend University of WisconsinRiver Falls.
Doreen & Karl
I plan to. attend University of MinnesotaTwin Cities.
Parents: Cori & Scott I plan to attend Montana State University in Bozeman.
Parents: Lisa Haro & James Schoon
Class Colors Royal Blue and White
Class Flower White Lily
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Parents: Kelli & Jody I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College. for the electrical program.
Rose Rodriguez
Garrett Roelofs
Spencer Sathre
Reid Schaefer
Travis Schroeder
Adam Schroer
Parents: Parents: Terri & Anthony Suzanne & Brian I plan to attend the I plan to attend MonCollege of St. Bene- tana State Universitydict. Bozeman.
Parents: Parents: Susan & James Denise & Robert I plan to attend South I plan to attend St. Dakota State Univer- Cloud State University in Billings. sity.
Dawson Rogers
Parents: Meredith & Peter I plan to attend University of WisconsinMadison.
Nicole Schefers
Parents: Elaine & Kelly I plan to attend Minnesota State University-Mankato.
Jacob Schumacher
Parents: Parents: Parents: Nicole & Louann Dummich & Elizabeth & Paul Jesse Douvier I plan to attend Uni- I plan to attend UniAaron Schroeder I plan to join the Minnesota versity of Minnesota- versity of WisconsinArmy National Guard and Duluth. Madison. attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Peter Schumer
Mark Siekawitch
Abigail Silman
Parents: Marilyn & James I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Parents: Elizabeth & Larry I plan to. attend either Northwestern University or St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Parents: Danette & Joseph I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Robert Sobania
Joselyn Specht
McKenzie Specht
Parents: Heather & Joseph I plan to attend University of WisconsinStout.
Parents: Lisa & Shane I plan to attend Grand Canyon University in Phoenix.
Brianna Steffes
Joseph Steinberg
Parents: Sherry & Terry I plan to attend Winona State University.
Parents: Becky & Mat I plan to attend North Dakota State University, Fargo..
Katelyn Sinn
Parents: Kristi & Brad I plan to attend Iowa State University in Ames.
Alex Spoden
Parents: Deanna & William I plan to attend Minnesota State University-Mankato.
Parents: Michelle & Chad I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Jake Stodolka
Benjamin Strom
Parents: Tracy Winters & Kenneth Stodolka I plan to attend University of MinnesotaDuluth.
Parents: Tanya & Chad
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Zachary Sinn
Parents: Kristi & Brad I plan to attend St. John’s University.
Katelyn Stalboerger
Parents: Deb & Chris I plan to attend the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Ashley Stumvoll Parents: Michelle Harter & Mark Stumvoll
Molly Skoog
Parents: Beth Johnston & Gregory Skoog
McKenzie Stanley
Theresa Slivnik
Parents: Annette & Frank II plan to attend the College of St. Benedict.
Amy Steffen
Markia Smith
Parents: Ruth & David I plan to attend Northland College in Ashland, Wis.
Tyler Steffen
Parent: Diane Stanley I plan to attend University of WisconsinRiver Falls.
Parents: Lori Vold & Robert Steffen I plan to attend University of MinnesotaTwin Cities.
Parents: Lori Vold & Robert Steffen I plan to attend University of MinnesotaDuluth.
Austin Sura
Shelby Teske
Makaela Towner
Parents: Michelle & Rick I plan to attend University of Notre Dame in Indiana.
Parents: Beth & Rick
Parents: Carrie Gramke & Emil Towner
Katlin Traut
Parents: Brenda Wenning & Kary Traut
Hunter Welsh Parents: Melissa & Tod
Thomas Trnka
Parents: Lisa & Mike I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Justin Weyer
Parents: Michelle & Mark
Tron Trondson Parents: Terri & Tron
Olivia Wheeler
Alyssa Vande Vrede
Parents: Cathy & Adam I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College for pre-optometry.
Joseph Whitney
Parents: Connie & Kevin
Parents: Julie & Daniel
Michael VolgmanMercuri
Madison Vonderahe
Parents: Mary Ellen & Albert I plan to attend Gustavus Adolphus.
Ali Wicklund
Parents: Rebecca & Adam I plan to attend Minneapolis College of Art and Design.
Parents: Melinda & Adam
Taelyre Winegar
Parents: Heather Winegar & Adrian Miller and Jenifer & Daniel Encinger I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Georgia Ward
Chandler Welle
Jesse Winkelman
Hannah Wohletz
Parent: Gregory
Parents: Jaclyn Opatz & Timothy Winkelman
Parents: Paige & Ron
Parents: Sandra & Frank I plan to attend the College of St. Benedict.
Congratulations Class of 2016! This graduation edition brought to you by:
Not pictured:
r Hannah Yackley
Parents: Dawn Scott-Yackley & Jonathan Yackley I plan to attend University of WisconsinLa Crosse.
Nicole Yang
Parents: Cristen & Henry I plan to attend University of MinnesotaTwin Cities.
Wyatt Zapzalka
Parents: Stacey & Bradley I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College for automotive services training.
Ryan Zayas
Parents: Jennifer & Ruben I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Isabel Drake Hannah Ronyak Bryce Walters
2016 National Honor Society Kathleen Connolly Jessica Deters Mathew Eisenschenk Samuel Fandel Amanda Flemming McKenzie Fossen Eden Garman Alyssa Griepentrog Michael Heim Nicholas Hill Halie Kaufman Samantha Killmer Kevin Krauel
Jacob Lieberg Anna Lindell Nicole Lindmeier Gabrielle Linn Bridget Maas Matthew Michaud Elise Miller Clare Minnerath Madison Molitor Bailey Mumm Gavin Oftedahl Grant Olson Kayla Olson
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Paige Pawlenty Gopi Ramanathan Kathryn Ringhand Derek Schmidt Adam Schroer Zachary Sinn Katelyn Stalboerger Austin Sura Michael Volgman-Mercuri Hannah Wohletz Hannah Yackley Nicole Yang
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