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Newsleader St. Joseph

Friday, Jan. 3 2014 Volume 25, Issue 1 Est. 1989

Town Crier

CSB hosts St. Joe Day

The College of St. Benedict Atheltic Department will host St. Joseph Day at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 6 in Claire Lynch Hall on the CSB campus. The Blazer basketball team hosts Augsburg. Free admission for St. Joseph residents and employees.

First-time homebuyer workshop set Jan. 15

Home Stretch, a first-time homebuyer workshop that takes participants through the entire home-buying process, will be offered from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 15 at Liberty Savings Bank downtown. In one day, you will learn about credit, qualifying for a mortgage, shopping for a home, the closing process, basic home maintenance and affordable mortgage products that may be available to first-time homebuyers. To register for the Home Stretch workshop and for more information, visit and click on Criers.

Commissioner to meet with citizens Jan. 4

Stearns County residents are invited to have coffee with Commissioner Mark Bromenschenkel and discuss county-related issues from 11 a.m.-noon Saturday, Jan. 4 at American Burger Bar, 2010 CR 75 in St. Joseph. Citizens are encouraged to stop in anytime to discuss their issues, share what’s on their minds, raise concerns they may have or simply meet the commissioner. Coffee with Bromenschenkel is generally held the first Saturday of every other month and alternates between three locations in District 2 – St. Joseph, Waite Park and Sartell. Anyone who isn’t able to attend can contact him anytime at P.O. Box 190, Sartell, MN 56377, by phone at 320-493-9180 or by email at mark. Commissioner Bromenschenkel represents the Cities of St. Joseph, Sartell and Waite Park and the Townships of St. Joseph, St. Wendel and Le Sauk.

Snow removal help sought

Volunteers are needed to help with snow shoveling and other outdoor chores to help people remain independent in their homes. Responsibilities include volunteer orientation, snow-removal services, be respectful of the care receiver’s home and aware of safety procedures. For information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers. For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.

Postal Patron

Year in Review

2013 brings changes, continued growth for St. Joseph by Cori Hilsgen

2013 brought much expansion and change to St. Joseph. The completion of projects such as Mill Stream Village, a housing development for seniors; the Church of St. Joseph parish center; continued construction for a new Army Reserve center and storage building; a new police chief; a new bishop and pope; a new principal at Kennedy Community School; a new superintendent for St. Cloud School District 742; a new headmaster at St. John’s Prep School; a new president for All Saints Academy; a new football coach at St. John’s University; the opening of a McDonald’s restaurant and a new boutique store; and the adoption of a social-host ordinance are just some examples of some of the expansions and changes that occurred last year. photo by Mike Nistler All of those expansions and Firefighters take a breather after they battled a controlled burn changes illustrate how St. JoThe St. Joseph Park Board King Jr. and the school dediseph is a thriving city. Here is sought volunteers to assist cated a week to honoring his a look back at what else hap- with Cloverdale Park improve- memory on campus. pened: Dr. Erika Vora, a St. Cloud ments. The board had budgeted woman, shared her story about $25,000 for improvements. January Eight Animal-Assisted Ther- her family’s journey from PoThe beginning of the year apy program therapy dogs vis- land as the Soviet Army moved brought fundraisers – including ited College of St. Benedict westward toward Germany afa three-band concert at Rocori first-year students to help calm ter World War II in her book High School and several at them before testing. “The Will to Live: A German local salons – for slain police Kennedy fifth- and sixth- Family’s Flight from Soviet officer Thomas Decker, who grade students participated in Rule.” was killed in the line of duty on the Science Rocks! educational St. Joseph Police Chief Pete Nov. 29, 2012. event at St. Cloud State Uni- Jansky announced his plans to Gary Fasching was hired to versity. The event included retire in August after 34 years. fill St. John’s University’s foot- more than 30 different science St. Joseph City Council ball coach position when John sessions. members adopted a social-host Gagliardi retired after spending Kennedy principal Diane ordinance. This law holds peo60 years at SJU. Prior to Ga- Moeller was named the 2013 ple criminally responsible for gliardi’s retirement, Fasching science, math Principal of the hosting events or gatherings had been his defensive assis- Year. Third-grade teacher Jodie where people under the age tant for 17 seasons. Kragness nominated her for the of 21 possess or consume alJerry Lahr received Cathe- award. cohol regardless of whether dral High School’s highest CSB students shared their the event’s host supplied the honor, the Golden Crusader views on a Freedom Wall in alcohol. award, for his many years of honor of Dr. Martin Luther The 21st annual St. Cloud coaching and supporting the school. Joseph and Valerie Silva opened a McDonald’s restaurant in St. Joseph and planned by Cori Hilsgen and surrounds St. John’s Unia grand-opening fundraiser for versity. the Brian Klinefelter FoundaOU offers environmenThe St. John’s Abbey Ar- tal and outdoor education tion. The couple moved from Chicago to central Minnesota boretum announced last week through events, classes and it has changed its name to St. other programs with St. John’s before opening the restaurant. The Amber Wiese family John’s Outdoor University. University and the College of The OU includes more than St. Benedict. thanked the Giving Tree project for their generosity. They were 2,500 acres of lakes, oak savanDirector Tom Kroll stated one of five families who bene- nah, prairie and woods which the new name better reflects is owned by St. John’s Abbey what they do and inspires a fited from the program.

June 29. Ice Bowl disc golf tournament was held at Millstream Park. This tournament is part of a national fundraising effort to support local charities. More than 100 participants raised more than $10,000. President Obama was expected to name St. John’s University graduate Denis McDonough as his chief of staff. McDonough was a key advisor to Obama during the 2008 campaign and after the election was named to the new administration’s National Security Council as head of Strategic Communication.


Governor Mark Dayton appointed resident William Rudolph to the statewide Independent Living Council. Rudolph was one of 10 people appointed 2013 • page 3

Arboretum changes name

growing vision of the OU and their place in the area. Because of the growth they have seen in all aspects of their programming, he said they believe the name will identify them as leaders in environmental and outdoor education, leadership development and land stewardship.

St. Joseph Newsleader •



Teaching artist receives grant for Kennedy Elementary School residency M a r y Bruno received $1,425 from the Central Minnesota Arts Board to conduct a “Basics of Letterpress Printing” residency to begin in January 2014 for fourth-grade students at Kennedy Elementary School in St. Joseph. Students will learn the basics of printmaking, the principles and importance of good design, the impact and influence of typography in conveying a specific idea, and will have strategies to critique their own and peer samples created in the class. The basics of printmaking would include the following: how to set type, how to create a hier-

archy of importance of text based on size, shape and color. Students will learn how to lock up images and type in a poster press, along with inking and printing the text to make a poster. Bruno, a letterpress printmaker, is the owner and operator of Bruno Press and a Central Minnesota Arts Board Teaching Artist. The Central Minnesota Arts Board values opportunities for collaborations between artists, educators and community to convey artistic viewpoints in all disciplines of learning. For more information about the Central Minnesota Arts Board visit or call the office at 320-968-4290 or toll free at 1-866-345-7140.

If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Nov. 24 3 a.m. Stolen vehicle. Minnesota Street W. Officer was approached by owner of vehicle stating his vehicle was stolen from the parking lot with keys inside and running. He stated he was warming his truck up in the west parking lot of Sal’s Bar. It was started about five minuted before it was reported to the officer. Complainant came out to leave and the vehicle was gone. Had officers check St. Ben’s and had SJU security check their lots for the vehicle. Dispatch entered the vehicle as stolen. Prior to officer clearing the scene, the complainant returned and said he found the vehicle near the barbershop but the keys were missing. He did not want any further action taken because he just wanted to get the vehicle back and was afraid if the officer started talking to people he would not get any cooperation and the keys would be gone for good. The vehicle was removed from the system as stolen and no further action was taken. 4:54 a.m. Verbal. First Avenue NE. Complainant called to stop female from leaving the residence with their children. They had gotten into an argument and he told her to leave. She was attempting to pack up her and the kids to leave and he told her she could not take the kids. She explained to the officers that she had five kids; two before she married the complainant and three with him. She was told if she wanted to leave with the kids and had a place to go she could. The complainant did not want her to leave with his kids and it was explained she could if she wanted to and she would not be stopped. After a brief time the female stated she would leave the kids with the complainant because she did not want to take them out in the cold. She left and the complainant was advised to get counseling and to call the police office if he needed anything. 6:34 p.m. Animal complaint. College Avenue S. Complainant stated her boyfriend was outside with the dogs and the beagle from across the street came over and attacked her dogs. Officer observed wounds to the dog’s nose and spoke to the owner of the beagle. He stated he pulled into the yard and the dog jumped out of the car and ran across the street when he saw the other dogs. He stated the dog is not licensed and last had rabies vaccine over a year ago.


He was advised of the dog-at-large ordinance. Nov. 25 7:09 p.m. Tobacco compliance check. Conducted tobacco compliance checks at the businesses in St. Joseph which are licensed to sell tobacco. There were no violations. 8:34 p.m. Medical. College Avenue S. Report of female having an allergic reaction with difficulty breathing and broken out in hives. Officer arrived on scene and security was already present. Assisted until rescue and Gold Cross took over. Nov. 26 6:10 p.m. Suspicious activity. Graceview Loop. Report of a black pickup backed up from Baker Street. Appeared they were loading up an ATV or snowmobile. Officer checked the area and did not locate. Dec. 1 4:59 p.m. Found property. Third Avenue S. A pink purse with a Minnesota driver’s license along with other items was found. Purse was placed in police property. Dec. 2 1:27 a.m. Suspicious vehicle. CR 75 W. Vehicle with one occupant parked with lights out at basketball court in Millstream Park. Officer asked where he was coming from and the reason he was parked alone after park hours. He stated he was driving from Melrose back to St. Cloud and was getting tired so he pulled over. Stated he was awake now and would not have a problem making it back. 3:38 p.m. Property-damage accident. 320 Street/CR 133. Vehicle one slid into the back of vehicle two which was stopped behind another car at a stop sign. Minor damage to both vehicles. Dec. 3 1:14 p.m. Warrant. Baker Street E. While doing a welfare check officer found a male at the residence who had a warrant. He was arrested and transported to Stearns County jail. 2:28 p.m. Trespass. Baker Street E. A male had been served a trespass notice from the manager of the apartment complex at 9:45 a.m. Dec. 3. He was found hiding under the basement stairs at approximately 2:10 p.m. on the same date. He was arrested for trespassing. Dec. 4 6:29 p.m. Structure fire. 10th Avenue NE. Upon arriving on scene, officer observed smoke coming form the attic. Complainant stated it was insulation burning. Complainant’s extinguisher ran out. He believed he could extinguish the fire with the squad extinguisher. Squad extinguisher could not reach the fire. Assisted complainant out of the attic and out of the building. The

Friday, Jan. 3, 2014 St. Joseph fire department arrived on scene and extinguished the fire. Complainant denied medical treatment for smoke inhalation. Complainant advised he was grinding sheet metal in the attic and believed a spark caught the insulation on fire. Dec. 6 12:56 p.m. Animal neglect. College Avenue S. Investigated two cats left in an apartment causing an extreme stench. Officer spoke to the owner about the cats who stated she has developed an allergy in the apartment to something and has been staying elsewhere until she figures it out. She stated she stops daily and feeds the cats. She was advised to have the apartment cleaned and the smell fixed by Dec. 11. 2:23 p.m. Noise complaint. Graceview Loop. Complainant stated someone dropped off a vehicle at neighbor’s residence approximately two hours ago. They left the vehicle running in the driveway and no one appears to be home. Caller is concerned because it’s very noisy and it’s an unattended running vehicle. Officer spoke to the owner who stated he would be there within 30 minutes to get the car in the garage and turned off. Driveway is too icy to back it in and the engine won’t start if it is turned off. Dec. 7 8:49 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. CR 75 E. Male and female in the back seat of parked vehicle in Millstream Park. Officer spoke with them. Both OK. Vehicle left scene after speaking with them. Dec. 8 10:15 p.m. Medical. College Avenue S. Officers responded to a report of a female who was bitten by a black dog. Dog fled the area. Officers observed female victim sitting on the living room floor with a towel wrapped around her left forearm. Also observed a male with a towel wrapped around his left forearm. He had several puncture wounds on his left arm and one on his right arm. He stated he was bitten trying to get the dog off the female victim. Officers bandaged the bites and Gold Cross arrived and transported both victims to St. Cloud Hospital. Officers searched the area but were unable to locate the dog. Dec. 9 3:46 p.m. Property damage accident. Old Highway 52/Birch Street W. Received a call of a black SUV that drove through a fence at Centennial Park and left the scene. Received a call from a witness stating the same vehicle pulled in and parked at Snap Fitness. Found the vehicle and determined it was the suspect vehicle. Identified the driver who admitted driving through the fence and got scared and left. Update with dollar amount will follow.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen

The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Jan. 3, 2014

2013 from front page to the statewide council. Janna LaFountaine received the College of St. Benedict’s Breaking Barriers Award. Area students competed in the annual Knights of Columbus basketball free-throw championship. About 50 people packed into the lobby of the new McDonald’s restaurant to celebrate the opening of the business and to remember Brian Klinefelter. It marked the 17th year since Klinefelter was shot and killed in the line of duty. Seven-year-old Evie Wing, a member of Girl Scout Troop 996, sold 50 boxes of Girl Scout cookies at the St. joseph Rod and Gun Club’s 20th annual fishing contest. MaryBeth Munden took the Special Olympics “Polar Plunge” at Maple Grove and raised almost $1,700. Munden works for the St. Joseph Police Department. Jodi Rajkowski reacted to the sentencing of the man who caused the death of her husband, Ron Rajkowski, who was killed when a car veered into a construction site along a road in Burnsville. Minnesota Intelligent Transportation Systems renamed an annual award the “Carlson-Rajkowski Award” in memory of Ron Rajkowski and Craig Carlson, who were killed while working at a roadside construction project. St. John’s Prep High School competed in the “Class A” Knowledge Bowl season after having won three times in the past seven years. The St. Joseph City Council decided the hiring process for replacing Police Chief Pete Jansky. It decided to post the job both internally and externally. The St. Joseph City Council implemented a street-light utility fee and ended the Thursday Tri-County Action Program busing service. St. Joseph received more than eight inches of snow and broke past snowfall records for the month of February. Local residents presented at the “Living in the Avon Hills” conference held at St. John’s University. Ron Stewart taught drivers 55 and older new driving skills. Participants who complete the course and take refresher courses are eligible for discounted car-insurance rates. The St. Joseph Park Board hosted a Joetown Snowtown event. Those who attended the event enjoyed the outdoor activities. Organizers had hoped for a larger turnout of people. Mitchell and Haley Schleper were two of the first patients to benefit from the CentraCare Cleft Palate Team. St. Cloud Area School District 742 School Board con-

ducted community-at-large meetings with three prospective superintendent candidates.


Residents reflected on the history of the All Saints Academy school building as construction for a new parish center continued. Kennedy students learned the value of service at the KidStop program by making and donating fleece blankets to the Children’s Hospital. The St. Joseph City Council approved a housing law change allowing non-owner-occupied rental licenses for property owners who had tried to sell their homes without any success. Willie Jett was chosen as the new superintendent for the St. Cloud Area School District 742. Jett was an assistant high school superintendent for St. Paul Public Schools before coming to St. Cloud. The St. Joseph amateur baseball team held its annual fish fry and silent auction for the start of the baseball season. Sartell resident Lydia Anderson won first place in the national “Image Maker Photo Contest” sponsored by the local Boys and Girls Club. Construction for the new Church of St. Joseph parish center continued on schedule despite the snowy February. Casey’s General Store in St. Joseph sold T-shirts and pins in memory of Cold Spring police officer Tom Decker who was killed in the line of duty. Daryl and Cindy Lindbloom create serenity babies at Loving Hearts Nursery so others can experience the comfort and healing from holding a baby. St. Joseph City Council held an informal meeting to discuss the future of a new government/community center. Flower baskets returned to downtown St. Joseph. Fifty baskets were available for purchase by businesses, local service organizations and individuals. With the addition of a media center that includes a 60-inch television and DVD player, the American Legion of St. Joseph presented films, lectures and discussions on topics of interest to residents. The new WACOSA Thriftworks store opened in Waite Park and sought donations. Sartell resident Bill Riner was recognized as a mentor in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program as a Big Brother to St. Joseph resident Skyler Figallo. The BBBS program of Central Minnesota had 190 children who were waiting for mentors. Local leaders were pleased with the 266th pope chosen to lead the Roman Catholic Church. Jorge Mario Bergoglio chose Francis as his pontical name. Despite a Minnesota State Boys High School Hockey Tour-

nament loss, the Apollo High School hockey season was a winner. St. John’s Prep High School presented the “Wizard of Oz” at the Paramount Theatre in St. Cloud. St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club hosted the 20th annual birdhouse-building night in St. Joseph. Resurrection Lutheran Church quilters made and donated quilts to various causes statewide and beyond. They have donated 175 quilts in the past seven years. Visitors got a sweet treat at the Maple Syrup Festival at the St. John’s Arboretum. More than 150 volunteers helped tap 1,200 of the seasons taps on a previous weekend before the festival. Sartell residents Jakin and Nicole Koll shared their stories about Lyme disease, which is caused by a bite from an infected deer tick.


Seventh- and eighth-grade students at Kennedy Community School collaborated to create a mural for the school. Tom Dullinger shared his business story and experiences with owning his “Reliable Rolloff” business. Distinguished guests and members of St. Joseph put on hard hats, vests and picked up gold-plated shovels for the ground-breaking ceremony of a new Army Reserve center and storage building. Mayor Rick Schultz testified at a legislative hearing for a bill that would provide $1.5 million in state bonding funds to help build a community center near the Lake Wobegon Trail Head. According to city documents, the estimated cost to construct the community center is $2.5 million, with a portion of that being covered by local halfcent sales tax, local fundraising and city financing. The cost included land acquisition. The St. Joseph City Council approved the purchase of iPads as a way to save paper and money. They also continued to explore options for compost space. Emergency-response women held a fashion show at the CSB Gorecki Center to offer information about careers involving emergency response and emergency management. A national American Legion task force requested comments from women veterans about medical services they have received. The Granite City Gearheads for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology won first place at a regional competition and headed to St. Louis for national competition. Officer Joel Klein was offered the position of St. Joseph police chief to replace retiring Police Chief Pete Jansky in Au2013 • page 4











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St. Joseph Newsleader •


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gust. He discussed his career path as a police officer and his plans as he moved toward his new role as the St. Joseph police chief. The St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce hosted its first annual community showcase at Kennedy Community School. Between 400-500 people attended the event designed to introduce new and existing businesses in the city to area residents. Larry Hosch returned home safely after completing the Boston Marathon during the explosions that occurred at the marathon. Minnesota Poet Laureate Joyce Sutphen visited ASA students as they celebrated National Poetry month. The Koltes family farm was designated a century farm because of family ownership of the farm for the past 100 years. The St. Joseph Farmers’ Market expanded its offerings to enhance the market experience. Plans for a community garden were put on hold until the city could find a partnership to assist with the cost of maintaining it. Cone Castle in St. Joseph planned a grand opening the first weekend in May that included Party Time Inflatables. Sartell resident Erin Lemke supported those who died or were wounded in the Boston Marathon bombing attack by selling T-shirts. Local residents Maria and Mark Reber and other family members participated in the GREAT Theatre production of “The King and I.”


The Kennedy Colts Honor Choir participated in the Great River Chorale presentation of “The Great American Sing” concert. Twenty-five area students were chosen to receive scholarships from the 19th year of St. Joseph Area Dollars for Scholars program. The St. Cloud Area School District 742 approved a threeyear contract for incoming superintendent Willie Jet with a unanimous vote. The St. Joseph Knights of Columbus named Tom and Meg Klecker as the Family of the Year and Lloyd Bruemmer as the Knight of the Year. Fr. Jonathan Licari, OSB, was chosen as the next headmaster for St. John’s Prep school. The St. Joseph Catholic Church quilters created an 18hole golf-course quilt to be auctioned at the July 4th parish festival. They made a total of 19 queen-sized quilts and 17 baby quilts. Dr. Michael Contardo beat

the odds after facing oral cancer. He has been cancer-free for 14 years. The College of St. Benedict kicked off its centennial year of celebrations with various festivities scheduled to continue throughout the year until May 17, 2014. Archery Country hosted a grand opening at the city’s archery range. The city had partnered with Archery Country to bring the amenity back. This is the second time St. Joseph has had an archery range. The city relocated its compost site and entered a threeyear contract with C and L Excavating in St. Joseph. Barry Hudock discussed his new book “Faith Meets World: The Gift and Challenge of Catholic Social Teaching,” at the Catholic Worker House. Joe Town Pizza and Grill in St. Joseph welcomed new owners Matt and Kami Roquette. The new owners employ 10 people at their business. The Local Blend celebrated its fifth year in St. Joseph as a coffee shop and wine bar. The outdoor St. Joseph Farmers’ Market opened for the season. Camp Invention invited students to experience hands-on learning at their upcoming July camp. CSB sophomore student Emily Boettcher was featured in the student spotlight. St. Joseph resident Martha Kitzerek celebrated her 90th birthday at Arlington Place in St. Joseph. Pam Ertl opened her Key to Wellness business at the Natural Source Holistic Health and Training Center in St. Joseph The Lake Wobegon Marathon ended in St. Joseph and the fifth annual We Walk! Marathon, half marathon and 50K began and ended in St. Joseph. The Church of St. Joseph catholic church gave members a tour of the new parish center. Residents of St. Joseph held a communitywide garage sale. An artists’ reception was held for several local artists at the Minnesota Street Market. Members of the American Legion and others gathered at the old cemetery in St. Joseph for the Memorial Day ceremony. Police Chief Pete Jansky reminded residents his department would begin enforcing the new parking-pad ordinances on June 1. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities students Mike Schmit and Chelsey Hinnenkamp were featured in the student spotlight. Kennedy Community School students experienced a double blackout day when Stearns Electrical Co. had a power outage on the day they had chosen to participate in an energy-saving day. The Satellite Gallery at the Millstream Shops opened as

Friday, Jan. 3, 2014 a space for local and international artist exhibitions. Several All Saints Academy students presented their work as part of a “Preschool Picassos” exhibit at the Satellite Gallery. The Bradshaw and Bryant Law Office donated 100 helmets to the Kidstop program at Kennedy Community School.


Kennedy Community School students celebrated with a fun fest for their efforts and funds raised for their annual walkathon. Apollo sophomore Josie Thelen was featured in the student spotlight. “Elvis” entertainer Jim Schmidt entertained residents and guests at the annual summer picnic at Arlington Place assisted-living community. Much participation by audience members was involved. Volunteers were requested for a nationwide American Cancer Society cancer study. The St. Joseph Y2K Lions members raised money for “Wings of Mercy,” a group of volunteers who donate time, planes and skills to provide free medical air transportation for people with limited financial funds. The 14th annual “Caramel Roll Ride” and the “Lady Slipper Ride” were held on the Lake Wobegon Regional Trail. North Dakota State University graduate student Briana Goebel was featured in the student spotlight. St. John’s Prep graduated their first class of the International Baccalaureate Diploma program. All Saints Academy graduated the first kindergarten class under its new name. Former Newsleader reporter TaLeiza Calloway married Richmond Appleton at the St. Cloud Country Club. Chris Schellinger was named as the new All Saints Academy president. Schellinger is a St. John’s University graduate with an extensive business background. Kennedy Community School co-workers, friends and other supporters held a benefit for teacher Pat Forte who has battled thymic carcinoid cancer for the past seven years. St. Joseph resident Ed Brophy was inducted into the Minnesota Trapshooting Association Hall of Fame. The St. Joseph City Council discussed replacing the present government center with a new one. The facilities committee planned to have options and cost estimates within a month. Local realtor Cory Ehlert sought support to secure state funding for restoring rental houses in the city. St. Joseph residents experienced some stormy weather which knocked down trees and left others without power.

Friday, Jan. 3, 2014 Police Chief Pete Jansky was named as the grand marshal of the July 4 parade sponsored by the St. Joseph Lions Club. The first all-school College of St. Benedict reunion was held as part of the centennial celebration. Principal Diane Moeller said “goodbye” and “thank you” to Kennedy school students and the city of St. Joseph as she accepted a new position as assistant superintendent for the district.


An estimated 35,000 people attended two days of festivities for the Church of St. Joseph’s annual July 4 celebration. Sartell high school senior Gaby Ruegemer was featured in the student spotlight. The St. Joseph Fire Department conducted a controlled burn of an abandoned building. Hundreds of onlookers gathered to watch what was happening. Old-timers participated in a baseball reunion of former St. Joseph players. Many stories were recalled and shared among the players. ASA teacher Susan Huls shared her story of fighting Stage II breast cancer and all the support she has received from family, co-workers, students and others. Barb Kettler of St. Joseph displayed her designs at the “BRAasterpiece” show at the River’s Edge Convention Center to raise awareness about breast cancer. A carnival benefit was held for 2-year-old Riley Petron, who was diagnosed with a very rare form of neuroblastoma. He is one of 80 cases known worldwide. St. John’s Prep 1983 graduate Patrick Marker was asked to leave a reunion at SJP. In 1991, he claimed Fr. Dunstan Moorse had abused him when he was a student at the school. “Summer Arts on the Farm” was held at Rocky Acres north of St. Joseph, with several artists displaying their crafts. The St. Joseph Joes baseball team advanced to the second round of playoffs. Albie and Kathy Kraemer hosted the second annual “Fishing Without Boundaries” event at their home on Big Fish Lake. Twenty-eight anglers and 50 volunteers participated. SJP school expanded its art and music programs. This included adding a course in music theory and analysis, high-level visual-art classes, reintroducing theater classes and other things. Pitchers from the St. Cloud Rox baseball team visited Arlington Place Assisted Living to play bingo with the residents and passed out ice cream cones afterward.


The St. Joseph Park and Ride moved to a new location about

St. Joseph Newsleader • one-third mile east of the old location on the south side of Minnesota Street. Professor Annette Atkins wrote a book about some of the history of the past 100 years of CSB. The book “Challenging Women Since 1913: The College of St. Benedict” discusses the changing needs of women. The Tri-County Humane Society turned to Facebook to help boost their cat and kitten adoptions. Homeschooled senior Rose Berg-Arnold was featured in the student spotlight. Chuck Czech and Mary Christen Czech, husband and wife, were awarded a bronze “Telly” award for a documentary called “Arrival: Women’s Visions for a New Home.” The film features four local women who immigrated to Central Minnesota. More than 200 bow hunters applied for a chance to hunt at the St. John’s campus land. This was the 12th controlled deer hunt held since 1933. Vacation Bible School celebrated its 30th year at Resurrection Lutheran Church with 93 participants. Stanley Idzerda, the CSB’s eighth president, died. He was the first male and first lay president at the college. SJP prepared for a new school year with IPads for students in grades 6-12. The St. Joseph Fire Department hosted a controlled burn at the Idzerda House located on the south end of the CSB campus. St. Joseph Coborn’s hosted a “Fuel up to play 60” children’s event to encourage children to be active for 60 minutes a day. More than 30 children attended the event. SJP sophomore Justin Terhaar was featured in the student spotlight. Dr. Judy Nagel was chosen as the interim principal to replace Diane Moeller at Kennedy Community School. St. Joseph Police Chief Pete Jansky said goodbye as officer Joel Klein took over as the new police chief. The church of St. Joseph dedicated its new parish center. The Rev. Jerome Tupa, OSB; Abbot John Klassen, OSB; and Joseph Feders, OSB, were present for the dedication. Five new potential volunteers attended a training session to work with the Project Adapted Specialized Therapeutic Riding Involving Disabled Equestrians program at Avon Hills Paints and Quarter Horses. Local lawmakers attended a ceremony for the USS Minnesota. It was the first time since 1907 that an advanced naval warship was named after the State of Minnesota. SJP started using a flipped classroom model for the 201314 school year.



Tom and Vickie Wicks of Collegeville township won the “Best Edible Garden” in the “Country Gardens Annual Garden Awards.” Their garden was pictured on the cover of the magazine. Breanna Osendorf competed and won the local 24th “Best Bagger” contest held at the Sauk Rapids Coborn’s Superstore and went on to compete at the state level. The 25th annual “Woofstock Companion 5k Walk,” an annual fundraiser for the TriCounty Humane Society, took place at Wilson Park in St. Cloud. Dave Carlson shared his business experience with starting and running “Food Dudes Delivery” services. More than 130 people biked in the eighth annual “Lake Wobegon Regional Trail Ride” to raise funds for the Catholic Charities St. Cloud Children’s Home, a residential treatment home for youth at risk. Many people volunteered for the “United Way of Central Minnesota Day of Caring” to help do community projects throughout the area. A new boutique store “Retail Therapy” opened for business. The store is the result of Kayla Welz-Schulzetenberg’s dream of owning her own business. The 14th annual Harvest Festival was held on the grounds of the Resurrection Lutheran Church, offering more than 30 booths with a variety of produce, meats, dairy products, pottery and other things. The fourth annual “Twenty-six in the Sticks” roller-blading marathon raised funds for Lindsey Johnson, 22, diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma. College of St. Scholastica graduate Sam Bechtold was featured in the student spotlight. The American Legion Club in St. Joseph hosted learning sessions on the U.S. Constitution. Joel Cherrico shared his journey to becoming a full-time potter. The country prepared for a major health-care reform program called the federal Affordable Care Act. Blake Thoennes shared his journey as a computer nerd to owning a successful business called “Computer Repair Unlimited.” Holdingford High School senior Ashley Jonas was featured in the student spotlight.


Local artist and potter James Loso was honored at a special exhibit called “The Loso Legacy Exhibit” at the Satellite Gallery. This coincided with the annual Millstream Arts Festival. The visions of 395 artists were displayed in a vast mural called the “Minnesota Disability Mural Project” at the Gallery 2013 • page 8



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St. Joseph Newsleader •



Our View

Legislators deserve scorn for assault against the poor

It is to be hoped our legislators, especially Tea Party Republicans, during their at-home recess, hear howls of righteous outrage from good citizens Coast to Coast in this nation. Republicans in the U.S. Congress refused to extend unemployment benefits to 1.3 million American workers, who were hung out to dry right after Christmas. Talk about Scrooge and lumps of coal in stockings! After cutting food stamps, the Republicans and some Democrats, in their despicably misplaced “wisdom,” have now fired another salvo, this time at unemployed workers. The very victims of a massive Wall Street-induced recession of almost six years ago are being villainized by ultra-right-wingers. Here is their twisted rationale: People who receive food stamps, at least “most” of them, are lazy whelps who lay around, allergic to work. People who receive unemployment benefits have become soft and shiftless and want to keep collecting government handouts rather than go to work. These right-wingers have become adept at convincing too many gullible citizens that “some” is “most.” Of course there are some lazy do-nothings in this country, most notably (ahem!) in the U.S. Congress. But using the “lazy” label to deny working people food and to cut off financial life support to so many willing workers looking desperately for work is absolutely unforgivable and immoral, especially coming from a right-wing faction that constantly gives lip service to family values and Christian compassion. These Republican naysayers have said they might go along with an unemployment extension if they and their colleagues can come up with an offset to pay for the estimated $24-billion bill. OK, that’s fine. It’s a no-brainer. Just revoke some of the billions in welfare and tax breaks for the super rich. Cancel those extravagant and needless subsidies so freely given to giant corporations that spend so much money to keep these legislators elected and dancing to their tune. Some of these mean-spirited right-wingers have become nearly vicious, advocating an economic-social Darwinism comparable to dogeat-dog. Theirs is a “tough luck, buddy” policy that says, in so many words, “If you’re broke and hungry, you must be lazy, so get a job or maybe two jobs and quit your whining.” Never mind there are three applicants for every one job in many states these days. This assault against the working poor and the unemployed has increased to cruel proportions in recent years, with right-wingers adamant against even increasing the pathetic federal minimum wage, which most Americans do favor. Their rationale for their do-nothingness on that issue is the government should not be in the business of helping people – just businesses. Wouldn’t it be sweet justice, some fine day, if these mean-spirited grinches were all dis-elected from their do-nothing congressional jobs? And wouldn’t it be nice to see the worst of them standing in a soup line and begging for work, even for a job with a pathetic minimum wage? It’s called “bad karma.” And their day is coming.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Friday, Jan. 3, 2014

Mama mia! It’s pizza to die for If I were on death row, and the warden, keys jangling, walked up to my cell to ask me, “Dalman, what do you want for your last meal?,” I wouldn’t pause for a second. “Pizza,” I’d say. “A really good pizza.” I’ll never forget tasting my first pizza in the mid-1950s. A place called Sammy’s opened in St. Cloud, and my oldest brother would order this yucky-looking horror he called pizza. It resembled squashed road kill. One night, though, I dared to take a nibble. It was love at first bite. I never managed to make a really good pizza. Three years ago, I was determined to master pizza-making. I came somewhat close, but it was hit-and-miss – mostly miss. But now, dear readers, I am happy to report I can finally make pizzas that are as good as any I’ve ever tasted, including one I ate in Naples, Italy – the birthplace of the pizza. I can’t take any credit for my success. That honor goes to a book entitled “The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day” by Dr. Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe François. That book proved to be a revelation. Thanks to its good tips, I now make pizza fit for a king. The secrets are these: that book’s recipe for pizza dough, anise seeds, a superhot oven, a baking stone, a pizza peel and corn meal. A baking stone is a non-glazed tile on which to bake the pizza. A pizza peel is shaped like a large wooden paddle from which you gently slide the pizza onto the stone.

Dennis Dalman Editor I would like to share the keys to my success with my pizza-loving readers: First, the dough. This recipe can easily be halved. Olive-Oil Dough 2-3/4 cups warm water (100 degrees or less). 1 Tbsp. dry yeast. 1 to 1-1/2 Tbsp. kosher salt. 1 Tbsp. sugar. 1/4 cup olive oil. 6-1/2 cups all-purpose flour. In a 6-quart bowl or food container, mix all ingredients except the flour. Then add flour gradually while stirring constantly. Do not knead the dough. Cover with a towel and let sit at room temperature for two hours, then place in the fridge. It can sit, covered, in the fridge for up to 12 days, and thus you can use as much or as little of it whenever you like. Preparing the pizza Place the stone on the very lowest oven shelf. Turn the oven to 500 degrees to heat the stone for at least 20 minutes. Meantime, take a glob of dough about the size of an orange and press it out on a floured surface into a thin

circle. Sprinkle with flour now and then as you press it out. Get all ingredients handyready: pizza sauce (I use Contadina squeeze-bottle sauce), shredded mozzarella, about 1/8th tsp. of anise seeds, red-pepper flakes (if you like them; I do), a pinch of salt, a bit of fresh-ground black pepper and any toppings you like (my favorite happens to be fresh mushrooms sautéd briefly in a bit of olive oil, butter, a dash of salt and a pinch of dried thyme). Don’t overdo the toppings. Remember, you are making a pizza, not a deep-dish casserole. Put about a teaspoon of corn meal on the pizza wheel and spread it all over. You can use a rimless cookie sheet or stiff piece of cardboard if you don’t have a peel. The corn meal acts like tiny “ball bearings” so the pizza slides right off. (Note: You will have to clean the scorched corn meal off the stone and the oven bottom after every pizza, but it takes only a minute.) Rub a thin layer of flour on both sides of the dough circle. Then transfer the circle onto the peel. That is when you’ll put on the ingredients. Open the oven and holding the peel at a 15-degree angle above the baking stone, gently wiggle the peel, then while pulling it back, let the pizza slide gently onto the very hot stone. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes. Your happy nose will tell you when it’s ready. Open the oven, slide the pizza onto a large plate and – Mama mia! – you’ll die of joy and go to heaven every time.

2014 will be a very interesting year Did you know 98 state legislators from 32 states met in December in Mt. Vernon, Va. to discuss the possibility of the states calling for a “Constitutional Convention” for the purpose of amending the U.S. Constitution? To remind you of high-school American history, our constitution can be amended by a two-thirds vote in congress and then ratified by three-fourths of the states. But you may not remember that according to Article Five of our constitution, if two-thirds of the states call for a “Constitutional Convention,” they can make amendments to the constitution with the ratification of three-fourths of the states without the involvement of congress. Neither the congress nor the president can stop it or do anything about it. The amendments then become law. You might be interested to know that two of the proposed amendments by these state legislators are term limits on congress and a required balanced budget each year. It’s obvious congress would never pass such legislation on its own so it will be left to the states under Article Five to handle it. Reaction from the liberals is typical and expected. “These are just disgruntled Tea Partiers” and “This will all go away.” They had better

Ron Scarbro Guest Writer hope this will all just go away. My opinion is even if it doesn’t get off the ground, it’s at the very least a “shot across the bow” not just to the Democratic Party and their agenda, but to the entire congress as well. Polls today are not good news for any of them. They will all be held accountable for, among other things, Obamacare and the runaway spending. Not a very good position for any of their re-election bids. Of course Obamacare will continue to dominate the news. The success or failure of this gigantic effort to “fundamentally change America” is going to be interesting to watch. The smart money sees Obamacare collapsing under its own weight. As people discover the costs as well as the restrictions, not to mention the increasing lack of medical-care providers, what little popularity it has had will fade quickly. This, along with other noteworthy scandals, will continue to be thorns in the side of our elected “leaders.” The polls are showing Obama sink-

ing faster than the Titanic. Politicians will be politicians, which means they will abandon Obama like rats from a sinking ship for their own political futures. Polls today have the Republicans defeating the Democrats in the next election primarily because of Obamacare. This brings us to the next interesting event for this year, the 2014 elections. There is a strong move all across this country to get rid of all sitting congress members. Throw all the bums out and start over. In reality I don’t think that’s going to happen, but there will be some surprises from this next election. Members who believe they are secure in their jobs will be unemployed. Many, many people are fed up. We expect more from our elected representatives. We expect oversight, which has been missing. We expect integrity, which has been absent. Most believe we are not getting our money’s worth. The big news coming out of the 2014 election is how 2016 is going to look. If the Republicans do well, that portends well for their presidential hopes in 2016. Of course they are going to have to put forth a candidate who reflects the values of all America, not just special-interest groups. Any way you look at it, 2014 is going to be a very interesting year.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Jan. 3, 2014

Community Calendar

Friday, Jan. 3 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Saturday, Jan. 4 Intervention workshop, 9 a.m.noon, alcohol- or drug-addiction intervention workshop facilitated by trained specialists. Free. No registration required. Recovery Plus, 713 Anderson Ave., St. Cloud, 1-800742-4357 or visit Monday, Jan. 6 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767 Blood drive, 1-7 p.m., St. Michael’s Church, 1036 CR 4, St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 5:30-9:30 p.m., Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud, 1-888-234-1294.

Tuesday, Jan. 7 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St..


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Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Blood drive, 1-7 p.m., Atonement Lutheran Church, 1144 29th Ave. N, St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 5-9 p.m., Apollo High School, 1000 44th Ave. N., St. Cloud, 1-888-2341294. 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 5-9 p.m., Kennedy Community School Media Center, 1300 Jade Road, St. Joseph, 1-888-234-1294. Wednesday, Jan. 8 St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce, 11:30 a.m., St. Joseph Community Fire Hall. St. Stephen City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 251-0964. St. Joseph Area Historical Society, 7 p.m., Old City Hall, St. Joseph. Thursday, Jan. 9 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell.


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7 LEgal notICES

Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. St. Joseph Senior Citizens, 1:30 p.m., Community Fire Hall, 401 7th St. S., St. Joseph. 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 5-9 p.m., Gilleland Chevrolet-Geo Inc., 3019 Division St., St. Cloud, 1-888-234-1294. St. Joseph Action Group, 7 p.m., American Legion, St. Joseph. 320363-7666.

CITY OF ST. JOSEPH RESOLUTION 2013-063 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUMMARY PUBLICATION Ordinance 109 (Transient Merchants, Peddlers and Solicitors) RECITALS: WHEREAS, on Dec. 19, 2013 the City Council for the City of St. Joseph rescinded in its entirety Ordinance 109, entitled “TRANSIENT MERCHANTS, PEDDLERS AND SOLICITORS,” and replaced in its entirety. WHEREAS, the City of St. Joseph desires to publish the Ordinance by Summary Publication; and

Friday, Jan. 10 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. WHEREAS, the intent of the proGermain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733- posed amendment is to allow for licensure or notification when so2767.

liciting within the City limits.

proposed Summary Publication and finds the summary of the Ordinance clearly informs the public of the intent and effect of the Ordinance. The City of St. Joseph directs the City Administrator to publish the Ordinance by Summary Publication. Adopted this 19 day of December, 2013 by a vote of 5 in favor and 0 opposed. CITY OF ST. JOSEPH

Rick Schultz, Mayor Saturday, Jan. 11 Sartell Farmers’ Winter Mar- THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: Judy Weyrens, Administrator ket, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. The City Council has reviewed the Publish: Jan. 3, 2014 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), CITY OF ST. JOSEPH 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Miller Auto Plaza RESOLUTION 2013-065 Community Room, 2930 2nd St. S., RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUMMARY PUBLICATION St. Cloud, 1-888-234-1294. Ordinance 21

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RECITALS: WHEREAS, on Dec. 19, 2013 the City Council for the City of St. Joseph amended Ordinance 21, entitled “ORGANIZATIONS AND PROCEDURES OF THE CITY COUNCIL;” and WHEREAS, the City of St. Joseph desires to publish the Ordinance by Summary Publication; and WHEREAS, the intent of the proposed amendment is to allow the Council to have regular sessions in the City Hall on such days and at such times as determined by Resolution of the City Council. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: The City Council has reviewed


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the proposed Summary Publication and finds that the summary of the Ordinance clearly informs the public of the intent and effect of the Ordinance. The City of St. Joseph directs the City Administrator to publish the Ordinance by Summary Publication. Adopted this 19 day of December, 2013 by a vote of 5 in favor and 0 opposed. CITY OF ST. JOSEPH Rick Schultz, Mayor Judy Weyrens, Administrator Publish: Jan. 3, 2014


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Skippy is a neutered 4-year-old Jack Russell terrier who is looking for a companion with an active lifestyle! He came to the shelter with his friend Bella because sadly, his owner was admitted to the hospital. Skippy would thrive in a quiet home without small children or felines since he tended to be cautious towards both in the past. Make sure you pick up a squeaky toy for Skippy. Any will do and the more, the merrier! “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 14 Puppies - 5

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St. Joseph Newsleader •


2013 from page 5 St. Germain in downtown St. Cloud. The 12th firing of the Johanna Kiln in its 18-year history took place at SJU. Carol Spychala and Carole Euerle taught a painting class to more than 10 young artists at the St. Stephen City Hall. The artists created “grape abstract” watercolor masterpieces. Construction of the Xcel Energy CAPX2020 power-transmission system continued in the St. Joseph area while helicopters hovered near tall towers south of the city. Kennedy fourth-grade student Allison Moon was featured in the student spotlight. Almost 100 St. Cloud School District community members gathered to share ideas, explore opportunities and identify challenges at a “World Cafe” event at Whitney Center in St. Cloud. The event was one of two events held as part of a comprehensive strategic visioning process to shape the future of the district. Mike Lyon shared his thoughts after retiring from the St. Joseph Volunteer Fire Department. Lyon was a member for 20 years. ASA students worked hard to raise funds at the 30th annual Workathon. If students met the goal, Administrator Karl Terhaar offered to dye his beard pink. Hundreds of people walked the woods of St. John’s University and its arboretum to view the array of fall colors. Many came to attend the 11th annual Collegeville Colors event hosted by SJP and the Arboretum. Kennedy seventh-grade student Amber Moon was featured in the student spotlight. Brandon Le and Hoang Huynh shared how they want customers to enjoy their experience at Solar Nails, a new salon that opened for business in April. Le immigrated to the United States from Vietnam when he was 10 years old. MaryAnn Baenninger, 14th president of CSB, informed the Board of Trustees that she would step down from the presidency on June 30, 2014. The Collegeville Community Credit Union president and members shared the 75-year history of the credit union. More than 40 Kennedy stu-

dents attended “We Day” at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul. The event was organized with “Free the Children” and the “We Act Program” to help young people get involved in social change through volunteering and fundraising.


The third annual citywide food drive was held. Many local area organizations were involved with the drive. SJP and CSB graduate and author Heather Slee wrote a book entitled “Seven Chances,” which is about the vicious world of bullying. The book is a novel for young people. CSB joined with hundreds of other college campuses to celebrate Food Day. More than 4,500 events in all 50 states were planned for the day. Marcia Allard taught “Yoga Calm” relaxation and self-control techniques to ASA students. Several school districts in Minnesota are incorporating “Yoga Calm” into their curriculum. Fifth- and sixth-grade students at ASA prepared for and attended “BizTown” in Maplewood to apply the facts and information they had learned about running their own businesses. Drake Dierkhising learned he had been an honorary member of the CSB class of 1942 and shared how proud he was to have been the home-management department’s practice baby for college seniors who took the class. Jeff and Sandy Eiynck shared their collection of Plains Native American artifacts with area students for a field trip experience. The Eiyncks have been collecting artifacts for more than 30 years. The Lake Wobegon trail started to show some wear and tear, including cracks from tree roots and other usage. Stearns County has identified places where the surface needs to be repaired. Attorney Ralonda Mason gave a presentation on the new MNsure Health Insurance Exchange. Mason is a supervising attorney at the St. Cloud Office of Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid. Bishop Donald Kettler, 68, was installed as the bishop of the Diocese of St. Cloud. He is the ninth bishop to oversee the 131 Catholic parishes in the diocese. Twin sisters Amber and Allie Hilsgen were chosen to be door greeters at the solemn ves-

pers service for the installation of the bishop. Longtime St. Joseph residents Darol and Ellie Studer hosted some members of the American Legion of St. Joseph as they gathered to set up flags in honor of the 238th birthday of the United States Marine Corps and Veterans’ Day. Mike Stringer and others joined together to form the St. Cloud Family Support Group for family members, friends and caregivers who live or deal with people who have mental-health issues. Mill Stream Village opened for both working and retired adults. Shared-care cottages are available for an assisted-living experience or private homes can also be built in the Village. CSB and SJU students presented “The Good Woman of Setzuan” play by German playwright Bertolt Brecht. Larry Tillemans was the subject of a documentary by Chuck Czech and David Klassen. Tillemans is one of the only known living survivors of the Nazi war-crimes trial in Nuremberg Germany and has given more than 450 talks about remembering the Holocaust. Residents used the Church of St. Joseph Heritage Hall to stay physically fit by participating in “Forever Fit” classes instructed by Paula Woischke. Marcella Cheeley, 90, of Cold Spring was killed in a car crash at the bypass near Interstate-94. The bypass was completed about a year ago to route truck traffic away from downtown St. Joseph. St. Cloud Federal Credit Union and its two branches launched a program called “Financial Fitness” to help all of their customers better manage money to bring their lives into balance financially.

Friday, Jan. 3, 2014

photo by Cori Hilsgen

Kennedy Community School students Haden Jansen (left) and Dallas Berg-Kalsheuer shave Mike Stuber's hair for the school’s annual walkathon.

wide who give 1.2 million gifts to more than 700,000 seniors. The City of St. Joseph’s planning commission reviewed current regulations, market needs and changing technology as it related to digital or electric lighting signs. Cathedral High School senior Logan Mehr was featured in the student spotlight. The Sisters from the Order of St. Benedict celebrated its 150th anniversary of moving from St. Cloud to St. Joseph by hosting parishioners to cinnamon rolls and coffee at a post-Mass reception in the Church of St. Joseph Heritage Hall. A list of 18 St. John’s Abbey priests or monks, living and deceased, was released by the Abbey. Men on the list are those who had been “credibly” accused of sexual misconduct. A Grinch or grinches of Christmas took and then returned several figurines from December Eight 12-foot-by-12-foot sec- the traditional nativity scene in tions of the 54-ton AIDS Me- front of the St. Joseph Catholic morial Quilt were displayed at church. Local authors Duane Kuss the Minnesota Street Market and Don Calhoun wrote a in recognition of the 25th year self-discovery book called of celebrating World AIDS day “Dance with the Elephant: on Dec. 1 to increase awareLife’s Cosmic Equation.” ness and understanding of the ASA students presented the disease. “Legend of the Christmas King” The “Be a Santa to a Senior” performance at the CSB Escher program brought holiday cheer Auditorium. to senior citizens. The program Stearns County Highway Dehas 60,000 volunteers nation-

partment reviewed the CR 2 bypass road because of crashes and a fatal accident that killed a Cold Spring woman. A traffic signal will be installed where CR 2 meets CR 75 and larger stop signs, intersection lights and 45-mph speed-advisory signs were added to slow down traffic where CR 2 meets Minnesota Street. The seventh annual “Christmas in the Barn,” was held in a very old dairy barn at the Chad and Amy Leither farm just north of St. Joseph. The event usually attracts around 250 to 300 people. The St. Joseph City Council voted in favor of having consultants prepare documents for bids for a new government center/police station project. City staff hoped to have the request for bids out in early spring. The Salvation Army redkettle donations were down for December. Many volunteer bell-ringers worked hours to encourage donations that are used throughout the year. To read any of these stories in their entirety, visit and search for a key word.

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