St. Joseph Newsleader - Jan. 13, 2017

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Newsleader St. Joseph

Friday, Jan. 13, 2017 Volume 29, Issue 2 Est. 1989

Wobegon Trail extension supported by council

Town Crier

by Frank Lee

K of C to sponsor free-throw championship

The St. Joseph City Council re-affirmed its financial support of extending the Lake Wobegon Trail from St. Joseph to Waite Park provided other area cities and the county chip in to help cover the cost of the planned project. The council unanimously approved it at its Jan. 9 meeting, agreeing to spend $200,000 to cover a funding shortfall of $823,802 to extend the trail, and the governments of Waite Park and St. Cloud also agreeing at separate meetings on Jan. 9 to assist with $200,000 coming from each city. “At one point, there wasn’t a contribution from anybody other than St. Joseph,” St. Joseph City Administrator Judy Weyrens told members of the council at the meeting before

All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the 2017 Knights of Columbus Free Throw championship. The local competition will be held Saturday, Jan. 14 at the All Saints Academy gym in St. Joseph. Registration and practice is at 1:30 p.m., and the contest begins at 2 p.m. All contestants on the local level are recognized for their participation in the event. Participants are required to furnish proof of age and written parental consent. For any additional information contact Mark Berg-Arnold at (320) 363-1077. For more information, visit and click on Jan. 13 Criers.

Fare for All set Jan. 16

Fare for All’s next distribution will be from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 16 at Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR 2, St. Joseph. Fare for All is a budget-stretching program that allows people to save up to 40 percent off fresh fruits, vegetables and frozen meats. Distribution is once a month. Fare for All is open to everyone who wants to stretch their grocery dollar. Cash, credit, debit cards and EBT cards are accepted. For more information please visit our website at or call 1-800-582-4291.

‘Dyslexia, the Gift’ workshop set Jan. 21

A workshop entitled “Dyslexia: the Gift” will be held from 8:15 a.m. to noon Saturday, Jan. 21 in the Gorecki Conference Center on the campus of the College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph. Three clock hours may be earned. Deadline to register is Wednesday, Jan. 18. For more information, visit or contact Paulette Hauge at or Carolyn Garven at

Postal Patron

the vote. “Now, if we all divide up the shortfall, the trail can be built this year.” The Lake Wobegon Trail is a 46-mile long, 10-foot wide, bituminous-surfaced hiking-and-biking pathway that opened in 1998 and extends from St. Joseph to Osakis. “If the three of us pay $200,000 each, Stearns County will pay the difference,” Weyrens said of the almost $233,000 the Stearns County Board of Commissioners was supposed to approve to extend the trail 3.3-miles from St. Joseph to River’s Edge Park in Waite Park. The Lake Wobegon Trails Association recently made sure to keep the memory of St. Joseph native Jacob Wetterling alive by honoring the 11-yearold boy with signs along the trail, urging trail users to pracTrail • page 2

City Administrator Judy Weyrens prepares to administer the oath of office to Mayor Rick Schultz at the St. Joseph City Council meeting Jan. 9 after smiling and looking at someone in the audience. Schultz was re-elected with more than 2,600 votes, or about 97 percent of the total votes cast, in the Nov. 8 general election.

2016 Year in Review Part 2:

Growth, exciting developments, fiscal health (This is Part 2 of a two-part series. Part 1 was published Jan. 6.)


A wave of sadness followed the sudden death of former St. Joseph City Council member Dr. Stephen I. “Steve” Frank, who died as a result of surgical complications June 22 at age 73. Besides being a council member for seven years, Frank was a long-time professor of political

science at St. Cloud State University, where he taught for 38 years before his recent retirement. Frank served on the St. Joseph City Council from January 2008 through December 2015. Benedict Gorecki, a generous benefactor to the College of St. Benedict and other places, died July 9 at the age of 87 at his home in Milaca. During his long life, Gorecki donated millions of dollars to help the needs

of central Minnesota, including $2.2 million for expansion of the Benedicta Arts Center at CSB, as well as $3.5 million to build the Gorecki Dining and Conference Center, also at CSB. Moving from the wide-open wilderness of Alaska to the relatively tame forests and plains of the Midwest may sound a little subdued to some, but Katrina and Sean Wherry, family medicine physicians, are eager to make Central Minnesota their

long-term home. The married couple, set to join the medical team at CentraCare Clinic in St. Joseph on July 18, recently moved to St. Augusta along with their children – Ferguson, 5; Charlie, 3; and Julia Mae, 20 months – after a three-year stint at a military-based clinic in Anchorage, Alaska. When motorcyclists sported red bandannas and T-shirts on July 23, thoughts of Cody NuckReview • page 3

Kennedy students explore Apollo by Cori Hilsgen

St. Ben’s hosts Girls, Women in Sports Day

The College of St. Benedict will host a celebration for National Girls and Women in Sports Day at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1. The community is invited to join us for this celebration and the CSB basketball game vs. St. Olaf. The 2017 Breaking Barriers Award honoree Marcia Mahlum will be honored at halftime along with a performance by the CSB dance team. Player autographs will be available after the game. All girls and women wearing a sports jersey will receive free admission to this event. For more information visit

photo by Frank Lee

contributed photo

Kennedy Community School staff and students are working to create a better connection with Apollo High School. Kennedy hosted a panel discussion recently, during Teacher and Family conferences, titled “Apollo for You: Getting to know the Apollo High School Community.” Panel attendees included (left to right) Rick Larson; Nancy Meller; Cheryl Novacinski; Madeline Haeg; Susan Shobe; Ilse Shobe; and Erik Heyerdahl.

Transitioning from a familiar school to a larger high school in a new location can be scary and intimidating for many ninthgrade students. To help make transitioning from middle school to high school easier, Kennedy Community School Principal Laurie Putnam and middle-level staff are working hard to create connections with Apollo High School. They recently hosted a panel Nov. 22 during teacher-and-family conferences entitled “Apollo for You: Getting to know the

Apollo High School Community.” They invited Kennedy students who are now enrolled at Apollo, their parents, Kennedy and Apollo school counselors, and staff from Apollo. The goal of the panel was to help students and families become more familiar with the high school and to have a chance to ask questions and discuss concerns. The panel included Madeline Haeg and Ilse Shobe, both former Kennedy students and current Apollo students; Erik Heyerdahl, foreign exchange stuStudents • back page

St. Joseph Newsleader •


People Daniel Grebinoski of St. Joseph was recently named to the fall president’s list at Minnesota State Community and Technical College in Fergus Falls. Students must maintain a minimum 3.5 grade-point average to qualify for this honor. Fifteen St. Joseph students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at St. Cloud State University. They and their majors are as follows: Jennifer Barg, elementary/K-6 education; Nathan Bedel, athletic training; Andrew Figallo, art history; Seth Hennagir, chemistry professional ACS-approved; Hannah Kalla, elementary/K-6 education; Payton Kalla, finance; Bryce Kirchner, health and physical education; Summer Knudsen, elementary/K-6 education; William Morgan, social work; Kelsey Osendorf, nursing; Shannon Osendorf, elementary/K-6 education; JoAnn Otte, nursing; Vanessa Ulrich, nursing; Richard Welch, accounting; and Joshua Wallin, physics education grades 9-12. Gabrielle Langerud of St. Joseph was recently named to the fall dean’s list at South Dakota

State University in Brookings. Students must maintain a 4.0 grade-point average to qualify for this honor. Langerud is majoring in education and human sciences. Elena Danielson of St. Joseph was recently named to the fall dean’s list at Bradley University in Peoria, Ill. Students must maintain a minimum 3.5 gradepoint average to qualify for this honor. Scott Essington of St. Joseph was recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of Wisconsin-Superior. Students must maintain a minimum 3.5 grade-point average to qualify for this honor. John Howeison, who drives for Brenny Specialized in St. Joseph, was among the drivers nominated by the National Association of Small Trucking Cos., which represents more than 7,000 trucking companies in the United States and Canada that employ more than 91,000 drivers collectively. Howeison has driven for Brenny Specialized for more than seven years, has been a professional driver for more than 17 years and has driven more than 3.5-million accident-free miles.

Have any Achievements? Grad. from HS/College, Military Honors, Awards Submit to For contact purposes only, please include first/last name and phone. FREE Comp ESTIM A e Insur titively Pri TES! a c



ed nce W ork!


Avon July 11, 1914 - Jan. 5, 2017

Lucia Catherine Meyer, 102, of Avon, died Jan. 5 in her home, surrounded by her loving family. Her funeral was held Jan. 10 in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in St. Joseph. The Rev. Jerome Tupa, OSB will officiate with burial in the parish cemetery. Meyer was born July 11, 1914 in Minot, N.D. to Peter and Margaret (Frost) Holbach. She married Jerome Meyer on Aug. 27, 1940 in Minot, N.D. Meyer met her future husband Jerome, when he was working in Minot, N.D.

2 Blocks West of Mills Fleet Farm

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St. Joseph Lions Club Annual

‘CHICKEN & HAM’ DINNER Friday, Jan. 20 from 5-8 p.m. Sal’s Bar & Grill

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per p late

Jacob Wetterling Resource Center to receive all proceeds. Children under 10 are $5 at the door

Meat Raffle • Silent Auction

They moved back to Central Minnesota and lived in Waite Park many years. They moved to Avon in 1974. She was a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and did volunteer work for the Wetterling Foundation. The couple had 10 children and she tended to many necessary housekeeping and child-rearing duties for a large family. Meyer also maintained meticulous financial records for the construction business Jerome had begun and ran for many years. She enjoyed sewing, crocheting, embroidering, flower gardening, bird watching, jigsaw puzzles and watching the Minnesota Twins. Meyer’s family meant the world to her and she enjoyed every minute spent with them. She will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved her.

Survivors include the following: her children, Marvel Brown, Geri Twedt (Mike) and Jay Meyer, all of St. Joseph, Mike Meyer (Cheryl) and Wayne Meyer (Cheri), both of Avon, Jeanine Okland (Dale) and Lynette Lozinski (Bob), all of St. Cloud, Marlene Meyer of St. Louis Park, Georgia Mehr (Ron) of Eau Claire, Wis.; 18 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; and sisters Esther Ruelle of Minot and Dorothy Cooper of Boynton Beach, Fla. She was preceded in death by the following: her parents; husband, Jerome on July 17, 1999; infant daughter Mary, 1951; brothers, John and Frank Holbach; and sisters Bertha Holbach and Helena Twite.

Basketball free-throw contest set Jan. 14

by Cori Hilsgen

The annual Knights of Columbus basketball free-throw competition will be held Saturday, Jan. 14, at the All Saints Academy-St. Joseph upper-floor school gym. Registration and practice begin at 1:30 p.m., and the contest begins at 2 p.m. Participants are required to provide proof of age and written parental consent. The event is open to boys and girls ages 9 to 14. They will compete in their own age divisions. Participants at the local level are allowed three practice shots

Trail from front page

Foreign & Domestic Auto and Heavy Truck Repair & Refinishing


Lucia C. Meyer, 102


Friday, Jan. 13, 2017

tice the traits Wetterling valued. Wetterling was abducted and killed in 1989. “Everything is done with all the properties they had to purchase?” council member Matt Killam, who sits on the St. Joseph Park Board, asked of Weyrens regarding the proposed trail extension. “No, there is one the county is meeting in closed session tomorrow (Jan. 10), so if there is an overage cost, that will get added to the county’s portion,” Weyrens told Killam. The Lake Wobegon Trail has been very well used since its construction, both for family and individual bikers and for

and then make 15 free-throw attempts. Ties are determined by successive rounds of five free-throws per participant until a winner emerges. Winners at the local level advance to the district level and make 25 free-throw attempts. Those who win at the district level go on to compete at the regional and state levels. International winners are announced by the Knights of Columbus international headquarters based on scores earned at the state-level competitions. Last year, more than 20 children participated at the St. Joseph competition. More than 120,000 children competed in

more than 3,600 local competitions. Local resident Mark Berg-Arnold has been helping coordinate the event for the past 20 years. He began organizing the event when his oldest son was 10 years old and said he planned to continue to do so as long as he had a child who is eligible to participate. The event is hosted by the Father Werner Council 7057 of the Knights of Columbus. The event has usually been held on Sunday, but will be held on Saturday this year. For more information, contact Berg-Arnold at 320-3631077.

many group events and fundraisers. For example, it was part of the 17th annual Caramel Roll Ride held June 11. The ride started on the trail in Albany, but participants could choose their own routes and bicycle their way to Holdingford, Bowlus and the Blanchard Dam, to Freeport or to Avon and St. Joseph. Among the last items discussed at the Jan. 9 meeting of the St. Joseph City Council was what to include in a time capsule to be stored at the new St. Joseph Government Center. Last year, the St. Joseph City Council authorized the issuance and the sale of $4.28 million in bonds to build a new government center that will open next month near Colts Academy. “We’re down to a point

where we need to put what we want in there,” Weyrens said of the time capsule, a wooden box that would be located behind the new building’s dedication plaque. “We can put issues of the Newsleader in it.” The 18,000-square-foot new government center will provide more space for the police department and city administration and may someday be connected to Colts Academy, which is slated to be converted into a community center. “They (will) put the time capsule behind the dedication plaque because if the building is taken down, that’s the first place they would look,” said Weyrens, who suggested the city council decide within a week what to store in the time capsule for future residents of St. Joseph to discover.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

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Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

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Operations Director Tara Wiese

Assignment Editor Frank Lee

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Friday, Jan. 13, 2017

Review from front page olls will be on their minds. Cody the lively kid with the big laugh. Cody the boy who was so eager to start kindergarten. Five-yearold Cody was struck and killed in a hit-and-run accident on April 13, 2015, in front of his St. Joseph home. Once again, the Fourth of July festivities in St. Joseph attracted an estimated 20,000 people to the city’s downtown for two days of fun that included an evening filled with pop-rock music and fireworks, and a day featuring the big parade, games, a quilt auction, and lots and lots of vendor food. The annual festival is now 110 years old. Lee and Elaine Eisenschenk were chosen as this year’s Senior King and Queen, sponsored by the St. Joseph Y2K Lions. Residents near a senior-housing development objected to the height of the three-story building in Graceview Estates. But the St. Joseph City Council voted 3-2 to allow for the 47unit apartment building with three detached garages located west of Seventh Avenue SE and Dale Street E. The College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph plans to build athletic fields by the Renner House, the college president’s house, which is located on College Avenue across the street from the main entrance of St. Ben’s. The project is expected to cost $12 million, with $9 million coming from bonds and the rest from fundraising from family donors, sponsors and other sources. The construction of a Kwik Trip gas station at the former El Paso location in St. Joseph neared completion with signage looking to hire employees. Hugs and tears abound at the National Guard Facility at the St. Cloud Airport when 20 soldiers, all members of B Company, are given a warm send-off by family, friends and guest speakers. The men then left for a tour of duty in Afghanistan.


National Night Out, Aug. 2, will be observed locally in several cities and neighborhoods in central Minnesota, including St. Joseph.

St. Joseph Newsleader • The Fare For All distribution, which will be held at the Resurrection Lutheran Church in St. Joseph on Aug. 15, will include shoes. “Good in the Hood,” a local nonprofit and hunger-relief organization, which began a “Shoe Away Hunger” initiative in 2012, will distribute the shoes. St. Joseph voters Aug. 9 will determine which eight candidates will compete for four open seats on the St. Cloud School Board in the Nov. 8 election. Luke Reber of St. Joseph rehearses his lines as “Lord Farquaad” in Great Northern Theatre Company’s upcoming production of Shrek the Musical Aug. 5-7 and 10-12 in Cold Spring. The legislation to name the Collegeville Post Office after Minnesota’s own Sen. Eugene McCarthy was signed into law. McCarthy attended and taught at St. John’s University in Collegeville prior to his two decades in public office.. One hundred children from the St. Joseph area gathered for a week of Vacation Bible School from July 24-28 at Resurrection Lutheran Church. Children, ages 4 years old through sixth grade, learned about faith through this year’s theme of “Barnyard Roundup: Jesus Gathers Us Together.” Stearns County commissioners approved a tentative master plan for the development of Kraemer Lake-Wildwood County Park Aug. 2. As it currently stands, the plan exists as a four-phase implementation of improvements, including a picnic shelter, canoe launch, beach and ecological restoration. The winning streak of the St. Joseph Joes continued last weekend at Sartell’s Champion Field, guaranteeing the team will enter the Class C State Amateur Baseball Tournament. New stained-glass windows that were recently installed in the interior front doors of the Church of St. Joseph Parish Center offer both beauty and glimpses of the history of the church. According to the parish business manager, Sandra Scholz, the windows were originally removed from the church when major renovation of the church was done in the early 1970s. Parents of Kennedy Commu-

nity School students can now learn more about the nutritional value of the meals offered with a new digital online menu that provides nutrition facts. An appreciation picnic to honor local police officers, first-responders, volunteer firefighters and the sheriff’s department will take place Aug. 23 at Millstream Park in St. Joseph. Parents who drop off their children at Kennedy Community School will have an easier time doing so when school resumes Sept. 7 because of a $570,000 driveway reconstruction project by C&L Excavating of St. Joseph. St. Joseph Park Board members presented a budget request at the St. Joseph City Council meeting Aug. 22 that included a proposal to build a new park shelter at an estimated cost of about $500,000. The park board spent more than a year evaluating Millstream Park, which is located north of CSAH 75 and east of CSAH 3 on the northwestern edge of St. Joseph’s city limits, and it reviewed the city’s needs and wants.


The 11th annual Lake Wobegon Regional Trail Ride will take place Sept. 10, but the event is not a race and is instead a family fun event. Central Minnesota residents – and people far and wide – are stunned to learn that the body of Jacob Wetterling has been found buried in a farm grove near Paynesville. People

expressed a mixture of emotions ranging from horror and sorrow to relief and closure. Jacob, 11 at the time, was abducted and, as it turned out, murdered 27 years ago on a road near his St. Joseph home. Confessed killer Danny Heinrich, whose most recent home was Annandale, led authorities to the body and admitted he kidnapped the boy, molested him and then shot him in the head, killing him and then burying him. Heinrich agreed to a plea deal, to confess the crime and to reveal the body’s location so he would not be charged with murder. Heinrich, however, later received a sentence of 20 years in prison for possessing child pornography at his Annandale home. Heinrich also admitted to kidnapping and sexually assaulting another boy in the Paynesville area about eight months before Jacob’s abduction-murder. Hindsight is often 20/20, they say, but it’s difficult for many people to understand how Jacob Wetterling’s abductor and killer, Danny James Heinrich, slipped under the radar so often when the dots to be connected were clearly there. Some or all of those “dots” point to the 53-year-old from Annandale. Now that Wetterling’s remains have been found and Heinrich has confessed to the crime, the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office, and others will conduct a thorough re-examination of the Wetterling case, and much of the investigation will involve how those connections were missed

3 right after the abduction and in the nearly 27 years since. Local talent will gather for a “Rock for Alzheimer’s” event Sept 24 at the Bad Habit Brewing Co. in St. Joseph. The event is being held in conjunction with the Alzheimer’s Association/Walk to End Alzheimer’s being held that morning in St. Cloud. Even though Dan Rassier feels vindicated by recent developments in the Jacob Wetterling case, he said he does not want to dwell on vindication. However, he told Minnesota Public Radio earlier this week he intends to file a lawsuit over the way he was treated for years as a suspect in the Wetterling abduction. He said he intends to sue a television station and one of its reporters, the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department, the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Rassier told MPR he was treated badly and unjustly for years by investigators who tried to get him to confess to a crime he did not commit. The second annual St. Joseph Jaycees Fall Fest 5k and kids 1k run will take place Sept. 24; both races will begin and end by the new city center building (Colt’s Academy) located at 124 First Ave. SE in St. Joseph. The annual Millstream Arts Festival took place Sept. 25 in downtown St. Joseph. The event is an outdoor juried art show that draws many people to the Review • page 4


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St. Joseph • 320-363-1116

BEAUTY Mary Kay Cosmetics Joyce Barnes St. Joseph • 320-251-8989 CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Jerry Wetterling College Ave. • 320-363-4573 CHURCHES Gateway Church - St. Joseph Saturday 6 p.m. • Sunday 10 a.m. Northland Plaza Bldg. • 708 Elm St. E. 320-282-2262 • Resurrection Lutheran, ELCA

Sunday Worship 8:15 & 10:30 a.m. WoW! (Worship on Wednesday) 6:30 p.m.

610 N. CR 2, St. Joseph 320-363-4232 St. Joseph Catholic Church Masses: Tuesday-Friday 8 a.m. Saturday 5 p.m. Sunday 8 & 10 a.m.

St. Joseph • 320-363-7505 YOUR INDUSTRY Your Business Address City • Phone • Website

DENTISTRY Drs. Styles, Cotton & Milbert 1514 E. Minnesota St. St. Joseph • 320-363-7729 Laser Dentistry 26 2nd Ave. NW St. Joseph • 320-363-4468 ELECTRICAL HI-TEC Electric • St. Joseph Residential • Commercial Remodeling • General Services 320-363-8808 • 320-980-0514 EYECARE Russell Eyecare & Associates 15 E. Minnesota St., Ste. 107 St. Joseph • 320-433-4326 PUBLISHING Von Meyer Publishing 32 1st Ave. NW St. Joseph • 320-363-7741 TECHNOLOGY Computer Repair Unlimited 24 W. Birch St. St. Joseph • 320-492-2814 TRUCKING Brenny Transportation, Inc. Global Transportation Service St. Joseph • 320-363-6999

Call the St. Joseph Newsleader at 320-363-7741

if you would like your business included. Check out the online Business Directory at which hyperlinks to each business’ website.

St. Joseph Newsleader •


photo by Carolyn Bertsch

St. Joseph Police Chief Joel Klein, who also served as a bike parade judge for the children of the St. Joseph Mobile Home Community, waits as the participants line up to take their places. There were a record nine National Night Out block parties in St. Joseph this year.

Review from front page

area and includes a variety of music, dancing, visual arts, literature and poetry, foods, children’s activities and more. The 17th annual Harvest

Festival features locally grown fruits and vegetables, balloon animals, live music, pumpkin decorating, apple cider and pie, and pork chops, burgers and brats. An investigation continues into the multiple stabbings by a St. Cloud Somali man at Crossroads Mall. The assailant was

shot dead by an off-duty Avon police officer who happened to be in the mall at the same time. Fortunately, none of the people who were stabbed in the rampage suffered life-threatening injuries. Authorities believe the man was “inspired” by terrorist propaganda. A musical about Bobby Vee will be performed from Oct. 1-30 at the History Theatre in St. Paul. Teen Idol: The Bobby Vee Story was written by Bob Beverage in collaboration with Vee’s sons, Jeff and Tommy Vee, and is directed by Ron Peluso. George Maurer, who has been Vee’s musical arranger for many years, provides musical direction and arrangements for the production. The production follows the life of 15-year-old Bobby Velline who charmed audiences at the Winter Dance Party in Moorhead on Feb. 3, 1959, when local talent was asked to fill in after Buddy

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Walk-ins Welcome

DR. JERRY WETTERLING 363-4573 103 N. College Ave St. Joseph

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Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper were killed that same day in a plane crash. Construction on the Fortitude Senior Living of St. Joseph apartment building is expected to be finished next May. A community service is held at the College of St. Benedict for Jacob Wetterling and is well-attended by officials, including Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton. Friends and families eulogize Jacob as a happy-go-lucky – sometimes humorously mischievous – child who had a kind heart for one and all.


To extend the lease or not extend the lease regarding Colts Academy? That was the question before the St. Joseph City Council that would affect plans for a community center. The St. Cloud Area School District is seeking a lease extension which would allow the district to keep early childhood programs at Colts Academy in St. Joseph. Eight local candidates are vying for four seats on the St. Cloud School Board this November. They are the following: Scott Andreasen, Al Dahlgren, Peter Hamerlinck, Shannon Haws, John W. Palmer, Jeff Pollreis, Monica Segura-Schwartz and Ric Studer. Election day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. Receiving the diagnosis of ALS (or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a degenerative nervous-system disease), could cause a person to turn inward with despair, but not so with Glenn Hommerding. The late St. Joseph resident and his wife, Brenda, and their children chose instead to give back to the ALS Association through the St. Cloud Walk to Defeat ALS after Glenn’s 2010 diagnosis. The Hommerdings completed their sixth annual St. Cloud Walk to Defeat ALS at Lake George Sept. 10, and it was the third they’ve done without their inspiration, Glenn, alongside them. Kennedy Community School students, staff and area residents raised almost $20,500 at an annual walkathon event held Sept. 30, the second-highest

Friday, Jan. 13, 2017 amount raised since the event was started. Two St. Joseph residents are running unopposed for two city council seats in the November elections. They are Troy Goracke and Bob Loso. Should a new St. Cloud high school be constructed? Should the current Apollo High School undergo major improvements? Those are two related ballot questions voters in the St. Cloud School District will be asked to decide in the Tuesday, Nov. 8, general election. St. Joseph Police Chief Joel Klein said a recent application for an Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant to hire a ninth officer for the department was denied. It was hoped the grant would cover about 75 percent of the new officer’s salary for about three years. The St. Joseph All Saints Academy’s 33rd annual “Saints in Service” workathon day will take place Oct. 29. For many years, ASA-St. Joseph students have participated in the event to offer services such as raking leaves, clearing gardens, clearing brush, moving wood and more to assist elderly and disabled residents of the St. Joseph area, as well as raise money for their school. Sartell residents Mark Bromenschenkel and Joe Perske will vie for the Stearns County Commissioner District 2 position this Nov. 8. Legendary pop singer Bobby Vee dies of Alzheimer’s disease. The famed rocker and his family chose to live first in St. Cloud and then in Cold Spring for many years. He and his sons set up a recording studio in the old bank building in St. Joseph. The Vees were known to share their talents, gratis, for many good causes, including fundraisers for years for Cathedral High School (where his children attended school) and for years at the Fourth of July Joetown Rocks music festival in St. Joseph. Vee, whose fame endured through decades, sang many gold-record hits in the late 1950s and early 1960s, such as Take Good Care

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St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Jan. 13, 2017 of My Baby and Devil or Angel.


St. Joseph Police Chief Joel Klein and St. Joseph Fire Chief Jeff Taufen recently spoke about equipment requests their departments could use, at the October Y2K Lions meeting held at the Church of St. Joseph Parish Center. Their requests included a defibrillator, batteries, extrication gloves and even an aerial drone. If Jeny Meyer could make a wish come true, she’d wish for 50 new members for the St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce. But wishing won’t make it so, and that is why Meyer, the Chamber Board and other members plan to kick off a membership drive by early winter. In July, Meyer was named administrator for the Chamber, which currently has about 100 members. More than a dozen veterans from American Legion Post 328 of St. Joseph took part in the Veterans Day Parade and Social at the campus of the St. Cloud VA Health Care System. Jerry Reischl of St. Joseph was one of those veterans in the 10th annual parade in St. Cloud and a member of the St. Joseph post for more than three decades. On Nov. 8, voters have their say-so. Nationally, Donald Trump is elected as president, winning the most electoral votes but coming in second in popular votes. In St. Joseph, the following are elected: St. Joseph Mayor: Rick Schultz (incumbent); St. Joseph City Council: Troy Goracke (new) and Bob Loso (incumbent); and St. Cloud School Board: Al Dahlgren (incumbent), Shannon Haws, Jeff Pollreis and Monica Segura-Schwartz. The St. Cloud School District bond question results are as follows: Yes to a new high school, no to renovations at Apollo High School. Students, faculty and staff from St. John’s Prep School in Collegeville shared the spirit of Thanksgiving by donating food

and money Nov. 15 to the St. Joseph Community Food Shelf. SJP delivered 20 boxes of meals and $1,030 in cash to the food shelf. The St. Joseph City Council discussed an on-going proposal to build a dog park in Millstream Park at its recent meeting that included a financial breakdown of expected costs. The St. Joseph Park Board decided to donate $10,000 to build a fence for the proposed dog park, which is about an acre in size, if the group could find the funds to match it. Mary Munden, a dog park supporter, has started a Facebook fundraising page for the project to raise the additional $10,000 by Dec. 1, 2018 so the fence could be installed as soon as possible. The St. Joseph Lions have also donated $1,000 toward the project.


Two men, who claim their civil rights were violated, plan to sue local law enforcement for actions taken after two notorious murder cases – that of St. Joseph boy Jacob Wetterling and of Cold Spring-Richmond Police Officer Tom Decker. Dan Rassier, who lives just down a driveway from the rural road where Jacob Wetterling was abducted 27 years ago, intends to sue for alleged defamation against him. Rassier is claiming those law-enforcement personnel and agencies treated him unjustly for years, implying he was a person of interest in the Wetterling case when there was absolutely no credible evidence against him. Another lawsuit is pending in a similar case, brought against the same law-enforcement agencies by Ryan Larson, who claims he was defamed after the murder of Cold Spring Police Officer Tom Decker almost five years ago. Salvation Army bell-ringers are ringing for a good cause. The bell-ringing goal this Christmas season is to raise $429,000 overall, with about $200,000 of that raised directly from kettle

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donations. St. John’s Prep eighth-grade student Jack Skahen was recently named to the American Choral Directors Association of Minnesota Honor Choir for the second year in a row. The honor recognizes outstanding young Minnesota choral musicians. The St. Joseph City Council approved the 2017 budget and levy at its meeting Dec. 5, which included hiring a ninth officer in July for the police department after failing to receive a hopedfor grant. The general fund budget for next year increased from this year by almost $187,000 and was approved at the meeting at $2.9 million. Twenty-four Apollo High School students, many from St. Joseph, as well as 20 other volunteers, recently volunteered at the November Fare For All food distribution at Resurrection Lutheran Church. Students from the Apollo National Honor Soci-


photo by Mindy Peterson

Sarah Jacobs of St. Joseph takes a photo of the Veterans Monument made by Coldspring, a local granite company, at the Sept. 11 dedication at the Rockville Fire Hall. The names of her brothers – Adam Theisen, a St. Cloud resident and Waite Park volunteer firefighter, and Robby Theisen, a Cold Spring resident and a Stearns County sheriff’s deputy – are etched on the monument because of their on-going service to Central Minnesota residents. ety and swim team volunteered for the distribution. Christmas came early this year for the St. Joseph City Council and Police Chief Joel

Klein at the council’s meeting where they were presented a check to buy an automated external defibrillator. Local repReview • back page

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Our View

History will rate Obama as very good president The Barack Obama presidency, despite eight years of irrational and vicious clamor from his detractors, will likely get good marks in the pages of history. First of all, he inherited an economy on the brink of catastrophe caused mainly by reckless, greedy investors (let’s use the proper name – “crooks”) on Wall Street. In his economic-recovery plan, Obama insisted on bailing out the banks, despite howls of what seemed like justified outrage. But that, along with other emergency measures, worked, and the banks paid back the money. He also saved America’s car industry from virtual collapse. In what was the worst recession since the 1930s, the Obama administration saved not only America’s economy but indirectly also the world economy. Yes, the road to recovery was slow, but in Obama’s eight years in office, 11.3 million jobs were created. The unemployment rate fell from close to 10 percent to below 5 percent. Too bad, though, the crooks didn’t go to prison where they belong. Second, Obama brought us the Affordable Care Act, the first bill passed toward the goal of universal health-insurance coverage in American history. Thanks to the ACA, there are now at least 20 million more people insured who couldn’t access health insurance before. Millions more just recently signed up. The law also brought scores of other guarantees, such as no denial for pre-existing conditions, no discrimination in women’s health policies and children being able to stay on their parents’ policy until age 26. Contrary to the uproar from its critics who only want to howl about the ACA’s drawbacks (and yes, it needs to be improved), the ACA has been a success, overall, not a “train wreck.” Even if ACA enemies repeal the law, it will stand as a landmark for future forms of health-care policies, such as a one-payer system, which the United States is going to have to adopt, like it or not, in the not-too-distant future, just as all other civilized nations have. As promised, Obama also drew down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; Osama bin Laden was killed under his watch and orders; he enhanced fuel-efficiency standards; he increased supports for returning veterans; he tightened sanctions on Iran and a deal to compel that country to quit its nuclear-bomb production; he improved the foodsafety program; he expanded and protected wilderness and watershed protection; he improved school nutrition, he expanded hate-crimes protections; he helped push for legalizing same-sex marriage, and allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military; he boosted the size of AmericCorps, the national-service program; he pushed for greenenergy programs and tirelessly worked for an international recognition that man-made climate-change is, in fact, happening, which is now recognized via a treaty by almost every country on Earth. Those are just some of the Obama achievements created by him or led by him during his years in office. What’s so discouraging is all of those accomplishments have gone unnoticed by so many Americans because of all the nonsense, noise, lies and propaganda perpetrated by the Obama-haters who were so obsessively determined to deny him any credit at all – for anything at all. Last but not least, President Obama, his wonderful wife Michelle and their two intelligent, lovely daughters brought constant grace and dignity to what was a refreshingly scandal-free eight-year residence in the White House.

The ideas expressed in the letters to the editor and of the guest columnists do not necessarily reflect the views of the Newsleaders. Letters to the editor may be sent to news@thenewsleaders. com or P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374. Deadline is noon Monday. Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only.) Letters must be 350 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for space.


Friday, Jan. 13, 2017

China ivory ban might save elephants Some very good news for the new year: China announced Dec. 30 it will ban all commerce in ivory by the end of 2017. That move will – hopefully – shut down the worlds’ largest ivory market (China) and strike a blow to the vile practice of the poaching of elephants in Africa. Like so many of the creatures we share this planet with, the magnificent elephant is teetering toward extinction because of the vicious killers who shoot them and then hack their husks out of their faces to sell on foreign markets or illegally through criminal channels. China’s commendable decision follows action by the United States last year to stop the domestic ivory trade. China and the United States have long been the biggest markets for ivory and ivory products. An estimated 30,000 to 35,000 elephants are slaughtered each year, and at least 100,000 have been killed in Africa in the past decade, which was one third of their total population. On average, one elephant is killed every 15 minutes. Some of these poachers, so aggressively vicious, not only kill the elephants but also murder the conservation officials who are paid and trained to protect them. That happens despite an international ban on ivory trade approved 15 years ago. With the new orders to shut down all marketing of ivory in whatever form, especially in China and the United States, killer-poachers will find it less lucrative to perpetrate their disgusting butchery. There’s long been a debate about “raw” ivory fresh from the tusks of killed elephants and “older” ivory in the form of knick-knacks and art

Dennis Dalman Editor works, some of them carved hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Some “raw” ivory can be concealed to look like “old” ivory, and that blurred definition opens the floodgates for the criminal trade. Up to 70 percent of smuggled ivory ends up in Chinese markets, mainly in its many ivory-carving shops. The Chinese State Council said it will shut down all ivory processing and sales outlets in stages throughout this year. The good news is at least partly the result of negotiations last year between the United States and China. Chinese President Xi Jinping, during a visit to Washington, D.C., met President Obama, and both agreed their nations should impose total bans on ivory imports and exports. What’s really encouraging is so many animal conservationist groups such as Save the Elephants and the International Fund for Animal Welfare are convinced China is sincere and serious about shutting down the ivory trade once and for all. In central Africa, poachers and rebel groups work together, killing thousands of elephants, so they can sell the ivory to buy weapons for their never-ending conflicts. As usual, innocent animals, along with innocent civilians, are the victims caught between

the barbaric butchery of rebel factions. Allowing the legal sales of ivory not only condones the massacre of elephants, it also complicity allows those vicious rebel groups to get their weapons. It’s time shame and good conscience put a stop to such violence. Until recently, many nations’ ivory markets were regulated rather than shut down. Even though international trade in ivory was banned, there were exceptions that made possible the sale and purchase of carved antique ivory pieces. Well, imagine the glaring loopholes. There are so many good people fighting to protect elephants. But, unfortunately, as we know all too well, a relatively small number of “bad guys” can cause widespread pain, misery and death to people and animals. One of the “good guys” is James Baker III, who was U.S. Secretary of State under President George H.W. Bush from 1988 to 1992. Baker and Bush both actively fought for the 1989 ban on ivory trade, which helped result later in a unilateral ban on ivory imports. There are thousands of conservationists like Baker and scores of wildlife-protection agencies. That fact brings hope the hideous practice of slaughtering elephants can be reversed, and halted once and for all. Make an effort to learn about elephants and their terrible plight. There are many good websites dedicated to elephants and other endangered species. Google “elephant protection,” and you will find a wealth of good information and ways to help. These international pressures really work, especially if all of us stand up to support the work of the “good guys.”

Letters to the editor:

Reader urges contacting President-elect Trump about ICE arrests

Jim Graeve, St. Joseph On Nov. 25, in the USA section of the St. Cloud Times, an article appeared stating the new President-elect Donald Trump and his advisors were considering the use of local law enforcement, police and sheriff to assist in arresting undocumented immigrants. Immigration laws are a federal requirement under the U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement Agency, commonly referred to as ICE. St. Cloud Times column writer Pia Lopez on Dec. 27 wrote an excellent column on immigration stating as early as 1842 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled states are not required to carry out duties of the national government. Lopez goes on to encourage all central Minnesota citizens to make our community a place of welcome for all our residents.

There are several reasons why ICE actions are harmful to area residents, such as: 1) Stop-andfrisk has been declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. 2) Such ICE activities send a chilling effect through minority communities. 3) Such ICE actions make it more difficult for all law-enforcement agencies to establish a trusting relationship with migrant/minority communities. 4) Such actions by ICE would strongly diminish the good results of the community responses to the Sept. 17 stabbing and shooting at the mall at Crossroads Shopping Center. Let us citizens of central Minnesota contact President-elect Donald Trump informing him we do not wish any additional burdens be placed on our law-enforcement agencies and our minority communities. President-elect Donald Trump can

be reached by phone at 646-736-1779 or trump@ realdonaldtrump.

Reader compliments ‘Catholic of Year’ article S. Michaela (Hedican), St. Joseph (Editor’s note: The following is in response to the Jan. 6 front-page article in the St. Joseph Newsleader about Sister Michaela Hedican, the prioress at St. Benedict’s Monastery, being named one of the “Catholics of the Year.”) You captured so well the community spirit in your article. Thank you for all your time and energy getting out the story of what St. Ben’s is doing and why. May our Muslim brothers and sisters know of our care and concern. Warm blessings be yours!

Print news remains a major standard News media is a very important part of society. Without it, we would have to rely on person-to-person interaction to find out what is happening outside of our immediate environment. For years, newspapers were the dominant source of this information. With the advent of television and the Internet, however, it has become a different story. While many benefits can be argued for these new methods, many web and television outlets use print stories and local reports as a basis for their programming. If print media continues to decline, the entire news sector will also feel the pinch. With the invention of the printing press in the 15th century, people no longer had to rely on word-of-mouth for their information. Books and other writings could be replicated at a speed never heard of before. The first newspapers sprung up shortly afterward, and the modern press was born. Through many centuries, print journalism grew and developed in Europe, America and the rest of the world. Most settled cities had their own local papers, which became an essential part of each town’s culture. Even more astonishing is the sheer amount of information to which people then had access. One copy of a major newspaper could contain more information within it than a person in years past had ever been exposed to in a lifetime. This was revolutionary, and it helped to dramatically increase participation and awareness of topics such as politics and global events. Everyone could be conscious of happenings in ways only royalty could before. That trend continued with the advent of radio and later television. Now not only could local news be covered and national news brought in from other places, but events could be covered

Connor Kockler Guest Writer live and sent to the entire country in seconds. People in New York could hear and later see what was happening at that very second in California or vice versa. That was later expanded with the creation of television stations solely devoted to news. While many channels had nightly or morning news programs, some stations such as CNN would do news reporting 24/7. The Internet would increase the expansion even further. Thousands of new websites and blogs popped up, offering articles or commentary on events. Newspapers and television stations also shifted to this new frontier by setting up digital versions of their content. Social media and related sites provided a further medium for information. Over time, newspapers have provided a smaller and smaller share of total news consumption. A Pew Research Center survey in February 2016 asked adults in the United States about the media they used to find information, specifically the presidential election. They found 78 percent of Americans used television, 65 percent digital, 44 percent radio, and 36 percent print (These numbers do not add up to 100 due to overlap.) Print’s share is substantially lower in younger age groups. Lost in this discussion however is the basis

for other reporting that print newspapers provide. How many times have you heard a news story on television or the Internet cite a print source? In my own experience, it has been often. The larger an area an organization has to reach, such as a national media outlet, the harder it is to use exclusively their own reporters or information. For example, it would be very timeconsuming for the national news to cover the weather of each area of the country in detail, so that’s done by local stations. Blogs and Internetmedia outlets may have no reporter staff at all and run by analyzing information collected from other sources. Without local print and broadcast media to relay events up to the national level, television channels would have to invest many more resources into on-the-ground reporting and information gathering. Local newspapers are also part of our cities. The reporters and editors are our friends and neighbors, colleagues and acquaintances. To lose local media would be to lose the personal feel added by having a news source that covers just our area, that has the time and the print space for the stories that are closest to home. While national sources can cover the events happening on a wider scale, a local newspaper is the most effective way to communicate the events that affect us most, those in our cities and rural areas. While appreciating the benefits new technology has brought to us, I would also encourage people young and old to look at, use and support local print media. Our awareness, our local neighborhoods and the world will be better for it. Connor Kockler is a Sauk Rapids-Rice High School student. He enjoys writing, politics and news, among other interests.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Jan. 13, 2017

Community Calendar

Is your event listed? Send your information to: Newsleader Calendar, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374; fax it to 320-363-4195; or, e-mail it to news@thenewsleaders. com. Friday, Jan. 13 Tae Guk Kwon Do, 3-4 p.m., Independent Lifestyles, 215 N Benton Drive, Sauk Rapids. 320-267-7717. Saturday, Jan. 14 Youth Free-Throw Championship, for boys and girls ages 9-14, sponsored by Knights of Columbus, 1:30 p.m., gymnasium, All Saints Academy, 32 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Monday, Jan. 16 St. John’s Preparatory Discovery Day, Collegeville. 320-3633315. Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1-2:30 p.m., Independent Lifestyles, 215 N Benton Drive,

Sauk Rapids. 320-529-9000. St. Joseph Food Shelf open, 1-3 p.m., Old City Hall, Btw. Minnesota and Cedar Street on First Avenue NW, St. Joseph. Fare For All, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR 2, St. Joseph. 1-800-582-4291. St. Joseph City Council, 6 p.m., council chambers, St. Joseph City Hall, 25 College Ave. N. 363-7201. St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club, 7 p.m., American Legion, 101 W Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Wednesday, Jan. 18 Free Car Seat Safety Checks, 3-6 p.m., Gold Cross Ambulance Garage, 2800 Seventh St. N., St. Cloud. Call 320-656-7021 to make an appointment. St. Joseph Economic Development Authority, 5 p.m., St. Joseph City Hall, 25 College Ave. N. 320363-7201.


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Thursday, Jan. 19 St. Joseph Food Shelf open, 1-3 p.m., Old City Hall, Btw. Minnesota and Cedar Street on First Avenue NW, St. Joseph.

Friday, Jan. 20 Tae Guk Kwon Do, 3-4 p.m., Independent Lifestyles, 215 N Benton Drive, Sauk Rapids. 320-2677717. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church fellowship hall, 610 CR 2. St. Joseph Area Historical Society open, 4-7 p.m., Old City Hall, 25 First Ave NW. St. Cloud Singles Club Dance, 8 p.m.-midnight, American Legion, 17 Second Ave. S., Waite Park. 320339-4533.

Court File No. 73-PR-17-71

Sunday, Jan. 22 Free Community Meal, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., American Legion, 101 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph.

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RESOLUTION 2016-058 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUMMARY PUBLICATION ORDINANCE 520 – ZONING ORDINANCE RECITALS: owner or non-owner occupied Bed of the intent and effect of the Orand Breakfast in the B-1 District dinance. WHEREAS, on Dec. 5, 2016, the and adds a Bed and Breakfast as a City Council for the City of St. Conditional Use in the B-1 District. The City of St. Joseph directs Joseph amended the text to Ordithe City Administrator to publish nance 520, entitled “Ordinance 520 WHEREAS, the full text of the the Ordinance by Summary Publi– Zoning Ordinance.” amended Ordinance is available at cation. the City Offices, 25 College Ave. WHEREAS, the City of St. Joseph N. or on the City website, www. Adopted this 19 day of December, desires to publish the Ordinance by 2016. Summary Publication; and THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY CITY OF ST. JOSEPH WHEREAS, the intent of the RESOLVED: amendments are to address changes By Rick Schultz,Mayor within the zoning ordinance related The City Council has reviewed to rules and definitions and the B-1 the proposed Summary Publication By Judy Weyrens, Administrator Central Business District. The or- and finds the summary of the Ordinance amendments allow for an dinance clearly informs the public Publish: Jan. 13, 2017 AU TO M O B I L E S / M OTO RC Y C L E S WANTED MOTORCYCLES: TOP CASH PAID! For Old Motorcycles! 1900-1979. DEAD OR ALIVE! 920-371-0494 (MCN)


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In Re: Estate of Rachelle Lina Leigh, deceased. ORDER AND NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION OF INTESTACY, DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP, APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS It is Ordered and Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of February, 2017, at 8:45 a.m., a hearing will be held at the above-named Court in St. Cloud, Minn., for the adjudication of intestacy and determination of heirship of the Decedent, and for the appointment of Kathy Kantos, whose address is 13934 Duluth Court, Apple Valley, Minnesota as personal representative of the estate of the abovenamed decedent in unsupervised administration, and that any objections thereto must be filed with the Court. That, if proper, and no

objections are filed, a personal representative will be appointed to administer the estate, to collect all assets, pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, and sell real and personal property, and do all necessary acts for the estate.

Notice is further given that ALL CREDITORS having claims against said estate are required to present the same to said personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four (4) months after the date of this notice or said claims will be barred. BY THE COURT Dated: Jan. 4, 2017 /s/ Honorable Kris Davick-Halfen Judge of District Court /s/ George Lock Court Administrator /s/ Courtney Slack-Quinn Daniel A. Eller Attorney at Law - #26438 2103 Frontage Road N. Suite 25 Waite Park, MN 56387 320-253-3700 Publish: Jan. 13 and 20, 2017

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St. Joseph Newsleader •



tions to receive college credit. The two also spoke about a recent field trip they took to the University of Minnesota. Putnam said the two students credit Apollo with extending their education beyond the classroom walls and providing them with the tools they need to be successful both now and in the future. “There is something for everyone at Apollo,” Ilsa said. “It can be sports, robotics, academics, foreign language, theater, music – just about any club you can image. And the students are very involved.” Novacinski said one of the greatest strengths of Apollo High

School is the diversity of the student body. The staff at the high school, she added, know students well and go out of their way to make them feel welcome. She also shared a story about a custodian who drove out of town to watch her son, Ethan Novacinski, play basketball. Kennedy eighth-graders will also tour Apollo High School, so they can become more familiar with the building. “Our students have many options for high-school attendance, and our goal is to help students transition successfully to Apollo High School,” Putnam said.

resentatives of Rug Doctor presented an $800 check. “We need to support our police – not shoot them,” said Kris Haugen, a Rug Doctor area representative who was a reserve officer for the City of St. Joseph and is a friend of Klein’s. Addy Salzer, 3, spoke with Mrs. Claus after selecting a candy cane at All Saints Academy during Winter Walk held Dec. 2 in downtown St. Joseph. When Mrs. Claus asked Addy if her class behaves

well for their teacher, Addy replied with honesty, “Sometimes we’re good and sometimes we’re not.” Local resident Joyce Stock has been busy sewing dresses for people in Haiti. She and her sister, Janice Stock of St. Cloud, have sewn more than 200 dresses and 30 skirts this year. They now have totes packed full with the dresses and skirts, to be transferred to bags and taken to Haiti in February. St. Joseph resident Linda Heinen was recently honored at the All Saints Academy dinner held Nov. 19 at St. Paul’s Parish in St. Cloud. She received the 2016 Inspire Award. Heinen has worked

at the school for 27 years and has helped students, faculty, staff, parents and others with everything from finding their way around the building, to stopping bloody noses, putting on bandages, distributing information and much more. Joe and Joanne Bechtold were also honored at the dinner for their many years of volunteering with serving lunches to the students, helping in the library and more.

Visit Saint John’s Prep for

Country Manor Extended Services Community Homecare

from front page dent from Norway living with the Shobe family; Rick Larson, Apollo school counselor; Nancy Meller, Apollo teacher and Kennedy parent; Cheryl Novacinski, former Apollo parent and current Kennedy teacher; and Susan Shobe, former and current Kennedy parent and current Apollo parent. Ilse and Madeline shared their experiences with advancedplacement courses, which allow students to study college-level curriculum and take examina-

Review from page 5

Discovery Day Monday, Jan. 16 Students in grades 5-11 are invited to visit Prep! Call 320-363-3315 to RSVP and reserve your space.


Are you interested in building meaningful relationships and enriching the lives of seniors within your community?

Homecare Opportunities: Community-based Home Health Aides & LPNs Country Manor offers competitive wages, shift differentials, benefits and opportunities to grow. We’ll pay for your CNA class if you are not registered! 320-253-3343 AA/EOE

Great Northern Theatre Company Proudly Presents “Musical version of the funniest play in the English Language!”

Ernest in Love Anne Croswell

Thursday, Friday, Saturday Feb. 10 & 11 (evening) Sunday, Feb. 12 (matinee) Tuesday, Feb. 14 Valentine’s Day - Invite your sweetie! Thursday, Friday & Saturday Feb. 16-18 (evening) Show times: Social Hour 5:30 p.m., Dinner 6:30 p.m., Show 7:30 p.m. Matinee: Social hour at noon, Dinner 1 p.m, Show 2 p.m.

Held at The Great Blue Heron, Cold Spring Meal choices: Chicken Romano or Roast Beef au jus. Special needs call tickets line.

Ticket Price $38 (ticket, meal & gratuity) Visit Call 320-241-GNTC(4682) to order tickets.

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Friday, Jan. 13, 2017

Face off photo by Mindy Peterson

A lone boy guarding the goal faces off against two other hockey enthusiasts one recently cold night while enjoying the popular Minnesota activity at an outdoor ice skating rink in St. Joseph.

Administrative Aid The St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce is looking to hire an administrative aid who will provide support to the Chamber members and Board of Directors, including communication, membership recruitment and retention, event planning and administrative services. It is a contract position consisting of approximately 40-60 hours per month. Please contact Leslie Lane at 1-888-330-8482, ext. 1701, if interested.

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