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Friday, Feb. 7 2014 Volume 25, Issue 6 Est. 1989
Town Crier Dollars for Scholars apps now online
2014 Scholarship applications are available online at: http:// StJosephAreadollarsforscholars. org. Click on: Students and Parents tab. Click on: Click to Login. Click on: “click here” above Student Login to register. If you need assistance, call 320-363-7721.
Anna Marie’s seeks support for new pet shelter
Local domestic violence nonprofit is seeking community support to raise funds for a new pet shelter to be built onsite, which will provide women fleeing domestic abuse with a safe place to keep their pets. Approximately 48 percent of domestic violence survivors delay leaving an abusive relationship because they do not have a safe place for their pets. Anna Marie’s Alliance is upgrading its current pet facilities with the help of PetSmart, who has already donated $10,000 and Cheryl Lightle, who has agreed to match up to $10,000 in donations in honor of her schnauzer, Willie. Anna Marie’s is asking the community to step up to this generous challenge match and consider a donation in any amount. For more information, visit and click on Criers.
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If you’d like to receive the Newsleader hot off the press, send us your email address and we’ll notify you with a link when our website is updated, which is typically by noon a day in advance of the print edition. Send your email to and you should start receiving your reminder at that address within a week. Notify us otherwise.
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New baby barges into 11-below morning by Dennis Dalman
What kind of baby would want to be born in a Dodge Ram truck in 11-below-zero weather? Well, tiny Neely Erickson didn’t seem to mind. Not at all. She was ready to barge into the world and so she did, thank you – in the parking lot in front of CentraCare clinic near the Coborn’s Super Store in St. Joseph. Her parents, Kristian and Monica, were quite surprised. In fact, they were shocked. And so was St. Joseph Police Chief Joel Klein, who masterminded the sudden delivery. It happened on the morning of Friday, Jan. 31. On that bitterly cold morning, Kristian and Monica were at their home in Sauk Centre when suddenly Monica started feeling unmistakable labor contractions. The baby’s delivery date was esBaby • page 11
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Baby Neely Erickson nestles snugly in the arms of her mother, safe and sound in the St. Cloud Hospital after coming into the world in her father’s Dodge Ram truck during an 11-below morning in St. Joseph. St. Joseph Police Officer Matt Johnson (left) and Police Chief Joel Klein assisted with the surprise birth. The Ericksons said they want to thank all of the St. Joseph agencies who arrived at the birth scene for their kindness, expertise and professionalism.
Hiemenz has served rod, gun club for 40 years by Cori Hilsgen news@thenewsleaders
St. Joseph resident Ken Hiemenz is a man who has served on several organizations for long periods of time. One of those organizations is the St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club. Hiemenz, 79, has been with the club since 1961 and has
Great River Area FIA seeks volunteers
Great River Area Faith in Action is looking for volunteers to complete light housekeeping, routine cleaning and other light chores for an older adult or person with a disability. Volunteers must enjoy working with people, a desire to establish a relationship with an older adult or physically challenged person and comfortable with physical disabilities. The time commitment is about two hours per week or as needed. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age. For more information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit and click on Criers.
ve Song -7
pages 6
photo by Cori Hilsgen
Ken Hiemenz has been involved with the St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club for 52 years and has served on its board for 40 years, many of those years as the club president.
spent 40 of those years serving as president and other positions on the board of directors. At one time, he was asked to return to help the club get re-organized again. Hiemenz has also been the firearm safety instructor for the club since 1987. The club was formed after 58 citizens met to form a sportsman’s club in 1954. Three citizens – Cyril Schneider, Frederick J. Reber and Elmer Reber – executed articles of incorporation Aug. 12, 1954. Hiemenz became the club president in 1961 after he returned from active duty in the U.S. Army. He had been sta-
tioned in Germany and was sent on tours to France. He has been with the club for 52 years. Hiemenz said he was able to help organize the club. When he first became a member, club membership included 35 people. Membership has grown to 600-650 and now includes females and families. Other things that were accomplished while Hiemenz was president include paying for property on Kraemer Lake, purchasing property for an access on Watab (Long) Lake and building club funds through fundraisers. Hiemenz • page 10
Kennedy fourth-graders participate in math dance by Cori Hilsgen
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Kennedy Community School fourth-grade students have been busy learning about transformations in math through movement and dance with artist-in-residence David DeBlieck. DeBlieck is a dance instructor who works with teachers to improve student proficiency and attitude in math and dance while reducing performance anxiety in both. He and teachers collaborated to include kin-
Kennedy fourth-grade students get ready to do a translation (slide) during their math dance performance at a concert on Jan. 30. esthetic activities to reach a wider range of learners. Fourth-grade teachers Carol Ramler, Mary Radunz and Kelli Ritter, along with music teacher Kristen Bauer and art teacher Peggy Eigen, helped the students learn the dance moveDance • page 3
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Sexual Assault Center seeks support counselors Volunteering at Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center is both a rewarding and challenging way to get experience helping individuals to overcome a crisis in their life. Volunteering will help to build skills for future career choices and give you the satisfaction of helping an individual through a traumatic time in their life.
Our main volunteer opportunity is on our crisis line, taking phone calls from victims and their support people, responding to local hospitals and working with law enforcement. For more information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit www. and click on Criers.
For All Your Hardwood Floor Needs! • Installation • Sand and Finish • Custom Design
Todd Theisen St. Joseph Since 1989
Quality Assurance Technician (NIGHTS) PouchTec Industries is looking for a Quality Assurance Technician for our Night Shift. We are a flexible food packaging facility, located in Foley, MN that has a long history of satisfying customer needs through innovative flexible packaging techniques and resources. The available position is a 12-hour shift (shift time is 6 p.m.6 a.m. on a rotating work day schedule). This position will assure PouchTec’s quality system which includes monitoring the sanitation program. The quality policies, GMP’s, HACCP, and Allergen program are enforced. Incumbent will use excellent verbal and written communication skills to train on quality, Kosher, organic and customer requirements. Decision-making, problem-solving and teamwork skills are essential. Experience in a previous manufacturing experience is necessary for consideration. A background in food safety and sanitation is a plus. Incumbent must have previous experience in areas of quality assurance in beverage-bottling or food-manufacturing environment; and strong analytical skills and decision making, problem solving and teamwork skills are a must. Must possess good computer skills. Familiar with food safety and FDA regulations/audits for food and dietary supplements helpful.
Apply by sending resume to:
age to qualify for the honor. Nicholas Kirick of St. Joseph, recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in animal science from North Dakota State University, Fargo.
Erik Jarosch, son of Mary Moe and Edward Jarosch, both of St. Joseph, recently graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. Air Force Airman Jarosch completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Jarosch is a 2013 graduate of Apollo High School, St. Cloud. Two St. Joseph students were recently named to the fall dean’s honor list at Minnesota State University, Mankato. They are Candace Pflipsen and Tanner Walsh. Students must earn a minimum 3.5 grade-pointe averIf any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Jan. 7 3:04 a.m. Property damage. Date Street E. Officer spoke with complainant who stated she would like extra patrol during the day if possible. She stated she believes someone she knows is cutting her extension cord that connects to her vehicle’s block heater. She stated she has filed other reports already in regard to similar damage he has caused her. Approximate cost is $75 per complaint. Extra patrol for house given. Jan. 8 9:08 p.m. Assistance. College Avenue N. A coffee maker started on fire and was shut off at the breaker. Officer assisted in venti-
Dancia Smith of St. Joseph, was recently named to the fall dean’s list at Creighton University, Omaha, Neb. She is a freshman majoring in arts and science. Students must earn a minimum 3.5 grade-point average to qualify for the honor. Eighteen St. Joseph students were recently named to the president’s and dean’s fall lists at St. Cloud Technical and Community College. Those earning president’s list status with a minimum gradepoint average of 4.0 are the following: Nathan Bedel, liberal arts and sciences; Nicole Bunnell, liberal arts and sciences; Katelyn Butkowski, accounting; Cole Douvier, machine tool technology; Justin Feld, electrical construction technology; Vanessa Hansen, cardiovascular technology and liberal arts and sciences; Samantha Knudsen, office technology assistant/ medical; Emma Plantenberg, dental assistant; Dean Scherer, machine tool technology; Lau-
lating the building.
Jan. 9 4:27 a.m. Suspicious activity. 2nd Avenue SE. Report of lights on in home and front door unlocked. Officers checked the residence and no one was home. The house had water damage similar to a pipe bursting. The house was full of frost and was being dried with floor driers. 8:05 a.m. Warrant. Schneider Drive. Officers assisted with a search warrant. Officer saw a vehicle leaving the residence and pulled in behind and stopped it. The sole occupant and driver was ID’d by his Minnesota driver’s license. His driving status was revoked and he had two warrants. He was arrested and booked into Stearns County Jail. Jan. 10 3:37 p.m. Vandalism. 19th Avenue NE. Complainant stated the lock was cut on his storage unit. Lock is missing. Nothing was taken but looks like boxes were moved. No other storage sheds appear to be tampered with.
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014 rie Schuneman, administrative assistant; Adam Solarz, electrical construction technology; and Kevin Weyer, machine tool technology. Those earning dean’s list status with a minimum grade-point average of 3.5 are the following: Adam Anderson, accounting; Matthew Bedel, business management and liberal arts and sciences; Dawn Herbst, nursing - LPN to ADN mobility; Randy Larson, machine tool technology; Raechel Lodermeier, liberal arts and sciences; and Theodore Spile, carpentry. Andre Estevez, son of Ellen and Joseph Estevez, a senior, was recently named to the fall headmaster’s honor roll at St. John’s Preparatory School, Collegeville. Students must attain a minimum 3.5 grade-point average to earn the honor. Two St. Joseph students were recently named to the fall principal’s honor roll at St. John’s Preparatory School, Collegeville. They are Maura Cofell, daughter of Monica Cofell, eighth-grader; and Thomas Skahen, son of Jennifer and Sean Skahan, junior. Students must attain a minimum 3.0 grade-point average to qualify for the honor.
Jan. 11 8:48 a.m. Property-damage accident. CR 75/CR 133. Vehicle #1 was behind vehicle #2 in the northbound turn lane. Vehicle #1 thought the light had turned green to go and hit the rear of vehicle #2. Minor damage to both vehicles. Jan. 14 11:51 a.m. Medical. Third Avenue SE. A male was shoveling his driveway and slipped on ice. Officer arrived and waited for Gold Cross to arrive. He was transported by Gold Cross. Jan. 18 2:36 p.m. Snowmobile crash. Cedar Lake Road, Millwood Township Stearns County. Freeport Fire Department, Melrose Ambulance and Stearns County Sheriff’s Office responded to a two-sled collision approximately four miles northwest of Freeport. A 22-year-old male from St. Joseph and a 27-year-old male from Sartell were transported to the Melrose Hospital via ambulance. The crash is under investigation by the sheriff’s office.
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen
The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office
Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon
Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen
Editor Dennis Dalman
Design/Layout Tara Wiese
Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer
P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014
Dance from front page ments. Students traveled to the Paramount Theatre in St. Cloud to experience dance in the rehearsal hall. Ramler said students learned about Kabuki, a Japanese form of drama/dance on the stage. They also created six-pointed stars in one of the art studios. DeBlieck also worked with the students in each of the fourth-grade classrooms teaching the transformations through dance and movement. Students created a dance that had translations (slides), reflections (flips) and rotations (turns). “The students enjoyed learning math through dance with David,” Ramler said. “One of the highlights was visiting the Paramount and seeing where the artists rehearse and perform.” “My students enjoyed the museum we made, using our bodies as the statues,” Ritter said. “Three students created three-dimensional shapes with their bodies and the rest of the class visited the museum. Another treasure of this experience was to see all the students participating and responding to David in such a positive manner. The students mentioned they could tell he enjoyed teaching because he was always smiling.” “What a great time we have had with David,” Radunz said. “The students chant ‘We do math, we do dance, we do math and dance. This is fun.’” DeBliek said he especially enjoyed observing the students using their imaginations. “It has been a treat investigating the authentic intersections between dance and math with Kennedy fourth-graders,” DeBliek said. “I have really enjoyed their imaginative ideas and inquisitive reflections.” Weather closings made it somewhat difficult for DeBlieck, teachers and students to coordinate the time needed to learn the dance, but students performed their new dance at the Jan. 30 third- and fourthgrade concert. DeBlieck’s residency was made possible through a grant from the Central Minnesota Arts Board grant and the Kennedy Parent Teacher Association. Resident artists are chosen for their ability to enhance programs and curriculum design and increase interactions between students, residents and professional artists.
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Above: Mary Radunz’s fourth-grade class creates a three-dimensional pose and holds it for 5-10 seconds. Above right: The students create a triangular pyramid and rotate it.
Lenora Hilsgen turns 95 photo by Cori Hilsgen
Arlington Place Assisted Living resident Lenora Hilsgen turned 95 last week.
by Cori Hilsgen
Lenora Dorothy Hilsgen, a resident of Arlington Place Assisted Living, turned 95 in January. Hilsgen was born Jan. 28, 1919. She was the ninth of 11 children born to Michael Zimmer and Mary Himsl Zimmer and is the only child still living. Hilsgen said she never expected to reach this age. “I always thought I would live to about 85,” Hilsgen said. She said it’s sometimes hard when you get older because a lot of your friends and family have already died. Hilsgen married Chris Hilsgen in June 1946. They had five children, 14 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Until last April, when she moved to Arlington Place, Hilsgen lived independently.
HELP WANTED Part-time Warehouse St. Joseph, MN
Overstock Bait is looking for an energetic individual part-time in our warehouse. Shipping experience and/ or computer skills will be a plus. Individual must be able to be on their feet all day. Send resume to:
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Our View
Heeding seven good tips can prevent identity theft
There is a silver lining in the wake of the news about Target accounts being hacked by crooks. The good news is more people are paying attention to the many devious ways these scoundrels breach security. Scott Merritt, an expert in identity theft and CEO of the Michigan-based Merritt and Associates, has some very good, updated tips on how to keep personal information safe. People should read and heed the following seven tips: 1. Be aware of where identity thefts can occur. Most occur in places where you do daily business so be careful when divulging any personal information in those places, and make sure you are dealing with reputable people. Try not to enter into transactions you yourself did not initiate. 2. Make sure all of your personal information is consistent. Check information down to the smallest detail. Discrepancies, such as using your middle initial on some documents but not others, or having different addresses, can cause big problems if ever you need to prove your identity. Such mismatched information can also affect credit scores. 3. Change your passwords at least twice a year on a non-scheduled basis. Don’t be predictable. Have a strong firewall if you shop online and only access sites protected by a strong firewall and the highest industry standards. Access accounts of a financial nature only from your athome computer. 4. Protect your banking information. When in your bank, keep all account numbers and other data out of sight and avoid stating account numbers others might overhear. When planning a bank visit, do all your deposit and withdrawal slips in advance. 5. Photocopy everything in your wallet: photos, credit cards (front and back), membership cards – every single item. Place the copies in the order the items are arranged in your wallet. Place them in a strong box or safe. It’s also a good idea not to carry credit cards in your wallet. Just take them with only when you are going to use them. 6. Account for all interactions with vendors. Every time you do business with someone, write down the time, the date and the outcome of the transaction. If identify theft occurs on the vendor’s end you will be able to trace prior transactions effectively. Also, be sure to note any animosity or reluctance from the vendor. 7. Never carry on your person your birth certificate or Social Security card. Keep them in a safe or firebox. If you know someone will need a copy of your birth certificate or Social Security card, make copies of them ahead of time. That will avoid the necessity of some employee leaving the room with such information and copying it down in some back room. We hope our readers discuss – and share – these tips with everyone they know. Remember, knowledge is power. And, not to forget, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, especially when it comes to identity scams.
Fairness and ethics
Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014
Opinion Beatles were ‘soundtrack of our lives’ Fifty years ago, Feb. 9, 1964, after seeing the Beatles perform on the Ed Sullivan Show, my neighborhood was abuzz with conversation. Some alarmed parents, freaked out by the hordes of screaming girl fans, thought the world was coming to an end. They had barely had time to get over the shock of “Elvis the Pelvis” in the 1950s when their eyes and ears were assaulted with four lads from Liverpool with mop haircuts that made them look like invading barbarians. We kids, of course, thought the Beatles were cool – cooler than cool. We were wild about their music. Our conversations centered around bets we made about how long the Beatles would last on the Hit Parade. Back then, it was the Age of Fads – Davy Crockett hats, hula hoops, ant farms, magic rings in cereal boxes, you name it. Many parents hoped and prayed the Beatles were just another fad – hair today, gone tomorrow. I bet my buddies the Beatles, much as I loved their songs, would be kaput in six months. In those days, the very notion of a rock ‘n’ roller performing much beyond the age of 25 was utterly ridiculous. Oh, were we wrong! And I’m so happy to have been so wrong. As someone (I forget who) once insightfully said, “The Beatles were the soundtrack of our lives.” So true. One snowy day in the winter of 1963, I was sitting in a lounge chair in my living room by the bay window, reading Charles Dickens’s “David Copperfield.” The radio was on
Dennis Dalman Editor low – KDWB-Channel 63. I wasn’t listening to it. All of a sudden I dropped the book. A song had captured my attention. It was the strangest song – a kind of happy explosion of energy with the oddest chord changes I’d ever heard. I didn’t know its name or who sang it. It was something about “holding your hand.” A few days later, I popped over to the house of twins Judy and Janey Townsend. They wanted me to hear a new album they’d bought. It was called “Meet the Beatles.” My jaw dropped when I saw the cover – four strange-looking guys with caveman haircuts. Weird! Judy put on the album, and I was instantly hooked, stunned to hear “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” the song that captivated me days earlier on the radio. The next year, the Beatles made their historic Sullivan Show appearance. Still later, their album “Rubber Soul” blew us kids away with its luscious tunes, amazing harmonies, astonishing lyrics and musical innovations that included the mysterious sound of an Indian sitar on “Norwegian Wood.” Still later, we friends would sit for hours listening to “Revolver,” which was even more musically innovative,
a dazzling series of songs that combined surreal poetry with stunning studio sound effects so new and fresh to our ears. There was no doubt, after that album, the Beatles were not only superb musicians and incredible singers but accomplished poets who, with a song like “Eleanor Rigby,” had married words and music in a somber lyrical vision of a woman whom life had passed by. And still later, along came “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” which took our minds right off the hinges. And then there was the double “White Album,” another astonishment, followed later by “Abbey Road,” which we played constantly until the album wore out. Years later, in 1980-81, I was studying in London, living just six blocks from the Abbey Road studio where the Beatles had recorded so many masterworks. One morning while getting ready for school I heard the news: John Lennon had been shot and killed in New York City. It took many mournful days for that news to sink in. Years later, George Harrison’s death of cancer was another shock. And now there are two – just two Beatles. Such a shame they all couldn’t have lived longer, reuniting to make more great albums. But then, why wish for the impossible? Let’s just be grateful those four lads from Liverpool, in a seven-year creative miracle, left us so many songs that still have the power to astonish us, as much as they did in those young happy days when we first heard them.
I know pornography when I see it Back in 1964, the U.S. Supreme Court was hearing a case to determine whether certain publications or movies were pornography or obscenity and therefore illegal under the law. There had been many attempts to get a definitive ruling to make clear what the law could and would allow. It was during that case Justice Potter Stewart made his famous statement. He said, and I will paraphrase, I really can’t define pornography but I know it when I see it. That statement is the basis for this column. Did you see the Grammys? How about Miley Cyrus’s performance on another of the many awards shows that permeates the television screen? I confess I don’t watch these kinds of shows because I have no interest in these awards. I did, however, see numerous news reports and snippets of the performances. I will further add I am not unhappy I missed those particular pornographic displays. If you watched either of those shows, I’m pretty sure you would have to agree they were pure pornography. Now I recognize some will disagree. Some might even think these displays are “free speech” and as such are protected by our constitution. This then brings us to the point of “community standards.” What does the community allow? Under our constitution, what can the community al-
Ron Scarbro Guest Writer low or forbid? Can an individual run around undressed? Can the perverts among us expose themselves without fear of repercussion? Can couples engage in overt sex acts in public? Of course not. We have, through legislation, passed laws forbidding those activities in public. Not too long ago there was the famous “wardrobe malfunction.” You remember. A young singer “accidentally” undid the young girl singer’s gown exposing body parts which the community had decided must be covered in public. The television network was fined for the offense. Well, clearly, that was nothing when compared to Miley Cyrus’s on-stage sexact simulation, as well as Beyonce’s similar performance on the Grammys. What have we become? First, let me assure you I am not a prude. In my years I have seen and experienced a lot. I appreciate art. I appreciate the beauty of the human form. But, there is a time and a place. The time is not “prime time.” The place is not net-
work television going into the homes of young families with children glued to the screen. The same is true of language. I am a military veteran. There is probably no word or combination of words I have not heard. But again, there is a time and a place. Network television at prime time is neither the time nor the place for vulgarity. Communities have decided public use of obscene language is illegal. Even in the face of “free speech,” some speech is illegal. Radio and television networks subscribe to codes of conduct. They recognize we all have standards that must be met. I have tried to listen to some of the lyrics in the so-called music my grandchildren like. To me these lyrics are just obscene garbage. Their only value is to shock the listener. Fortunately I have an on/off dial on my radio and television I use liberally. While that works in my house, I fear for the many kids who have no parental control or restriction. Their minds and souls are being poisoned and there will be a price to be paid. That is not a happy thought. Justice Potter Stewart knew pornography when he saw it and so do I. I believe we all know. The question is what, if anything, will we the community do about it?
The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374 Email:
Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only).
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Student spotlight: Zimmer sees opportunities in challenges by Cori Hilsgen
Maison Zimmer challenges himself by participating in sports and school activities. While these activities can sometimes conflict with each other, he rises to the occasion and sees the conflicts as opportunities to live life. “Sometimes I have to choose between two activities and I hate missing out on things,” Zimmer said. When it’s necessary for Zimmer to choose between activities, he said he chooses the one he feels is the most important. Zimmer is in sixth grade at Kennedy Community School. He is the 12-year-old son of Kristi and Randy Zimmer. He has three siblings – a brother, Riley, 14, and a twin brother
and sister Brandon and Lindsey, 10. Fun Facts about Zimmer: Favorite subject: Math because it’s challenging. Activities he’s involved with: Basketball, baseball, orchestra, honors choir, yearbook and U.S. Academic Triathlon. Zimmer has been playing the violin in orchestra for two years. Favorite leisure activity: Relaxing and playing cards. Zimmer likes playing solitairelike games such as “Pyramid” and “Good Measure.” “I really like to do card tricks,” Zimmer said. He learned how to do card tricks from a book he has and from other people. Zimmer’s favorite card trick to perform is the x-ray vision trick where he lays down three piles of
cards and tells the other person what the top card on each of the piles is without looking at them. Favorite movie: “Elf” because it’s so funny. Favorite music: The Beatles. His favorite song is “Blackbird.” “I like classic rock,” Zimmer said. Favorite restaurant: Olive Garden “I love Italian food, especially lasagna, “ he said. Favorite food: Apples Favorite thing he likes to help other people do: “I like to make people smile and help them figure out problems,” he said. Favorite quote: “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity
in every difficulty.” -Winston Churchill What he wants to do when he graduates: “I don’t know what I want to do when I grow up, but I definitely plan to go to college,” Zimmer said. What he would like to be doing five years from now: “I would like to have my driver’s license and a job,” he said. Something people might not know about him: “I know how to crochet,” he said. He learned how to crochet from his maternal grandmother, Bobbie Bechtold. So far, Zimmer has made a couple of scarves and hopes to make a hat some day. The thing he likes best about St. Joseph:
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Maison Zimmer challenges himself by participating in various school activities. Even though these many activities can sometimes conflict with each other, he chooses to participate in the ones he’s able to. “I like living in a smaller town, because you know so many of the people,” he said.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014 Friday, Feb. 7, 2014
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A. More than words - extreme B. lucy in the sky with diamonds - The Beatles C. going to the chapel - dixie cups D. Red Red Wine - UB40 E. brown-eyed girl - van morrison f. Knock on wood - David Bowie g. money can’t buy me love - THE beatles h. Daisy Jane - America I. in your eyes - peter gabriel J. you don’t bring me flowers - barbara streisand and neil diamond K. songbird - fleetwood mac L. MEXICAN FOOD LOVE SONG - MY ANCHOR HOLDS M. theme from ice castles - melissa manchester N. BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S - DEEP BLUE SOMETHING O. falling in love at a coffee shop - landon pigg P. escape - rupert holmes Q. every time two fools collide - kenny rogers and dottie west R. puppy love - paul anka S. can’t smile without you - barry manilow T. HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE - BEE GEES
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014
STEM aims to boost skills for future jobs by Cori Hilsgen
Teachers at All Saints Academy are teaching Science, Technology, Engineering and Math because those subjects are the keys that will unlock successful futures in an increasingly competitive world. ASA Administrator Karl Terhaar said according to Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce, by 2018 STEM occupations
will account for about 8.6 million jobs in the U.S. economy. This is an increase from 7.3 million jobs in 2008. He said the United States currently ranks 25th in math and 17th in science when compared to other countries on international assessments. Because technological and scientific advancements have resulted in an ever-increasing demand for students who have these skills, the staff of ASA in St. Joseph has decided
Fiona is a one-year-old spayed Doberman and is fawn colored. Fiona came to us because she thought the grass was greener in other people’s yards. She has done well with other dogs as well as school-aged children. Fiona has been around cats but she seemed rather afraid of them. Like lots of dogs, especially in an environment like the shelter, she can be a bit shy when first meeting new people but is much more relaxed once she gets to know you. Fiona enjoyed playing with any kind of crunchy dog toys, but her favorite is the ones that have empty water bottles inside of them. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 13 Puppies - 4 Fish - 2
Cats - 29 Kittens - 1
Rabbits - 5 Gerbils - 3
Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302
Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.
to transition to a STEM school. At a STEM school, students learn problem-solving and critical-thinking skills through use of hands-on and collaborative projects focusing on science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Lead STEM teacher Tess Koltes said third-, fourth-, fifth- and sixth-grade students are involved with math, and kindergarten, first- and second-grade students are involved with science classes. “We are making an effort to teach at least 50 minutes of math each day and at least three solid units or 120 days of science instruction,” Koltes said. Fifth- and sixth-grade students recently worked on a geometry math lesson. Educators from various other schools came to observe the lessons and how receptive students were to it. “Students are familiar with having visitors in the classrooms, as we rely on college helpers through the America Reads program to assist us with various tasks,” Koltes said. “On the whole, students enjoy having other educators in the classroom because there are more people to look to if they have a question.” Mary Cheryl Opatz from the ASA, St. Cloud campus, was one of the people who observed the students. “I felt privileged to be involved in the STEM observation/feedback team,” Opatz said. “It was fun watching the kids engage in math so heartily. I especially enjoyed listening to the students ‘talk math’ and use the vocabulary. It was amazing how many ways they found to approach the same problem. I also saw wonderful dialogue from the professional learning teams that ‘hashed out’ a lesson and the dedication of the teachers who then met again in their professional learning committees to
rework their lesson for the second go round. The revised lesson really demonstrated the value of this STEM process.” Third- through sixth-grade students are in the second year of a three-year commitment to math. Kindergarten through second-grade students are in their first year of a three-year commitment to science. Third- through sixth-grade teachers are using different methods to teach math. They are asking the students to justify their answers more. Examples of questions they are asking the students include, “How did you get that?,” “Why does this work?,” “Are there any other strategies to solve this problem?” and others. Last school year, the ASA teachers began using Measure of Academic Proficiency testing. This is computer testing done in the fall, winter and spring of the year. Student lessons are based on areas of the most need. The focus last year for STEM math was algebra and this year the focus is geometry. Last year’s test results showed student improvement. They are hoping for similar results this year. Educators at ASA are involved in a three-year STEM project with half of the staff attending workshops for improving math instruction and the other half to improve science instruction. They form professional learning communities to improve their skills of teaching in these areas. They then attend regular in-school staff development sessions to share what they are learning with each other. In math, teachers Robin Kremer, Theresa Fleege, Tess Koltes and Susan Huls average about once each week for meetings. Some weeks they meet two or three times and others not at all. Fifth- and sixth-grade teachers have completed a lesson study on area
of rectangles and triangles, and third- and fourth-grade teachers will teach attributes of shapes. Fleege teaches fourth grade at ASA and is one of the teachers that has been at the St. Joseph campus the shortest period of time. “I am currently in my second year of the math portion of STEM along with the third-, fifth- and sixth-grade teachers,” Fleege said. “This program focuses on collaboration among teachers through creating, teaching and team evaluation of lessons. Through the workshops we have been exposed to ways of demonstrating (and) teaching concepts that allow the students to discover what is happening instead of being told. In my classroom, students are able to prove and then communicate the why of math versus just stating an answer. This has allowed for a greater understanding of the concepts and has helped the students self-check their own work.” The math community of teachers has attended three training sessions and will attend another in February. The training usually begins in July and is scheduled in October, December and February. Teachers are encouraged to complete at least two lesson studies in the classrooms in one academic school year. “The beauty of it is a group comes together to plan and support each other in teaching,” Koltes said. “It challenges all of us to be better educators.” Because ASA does not have a computer teacher, teachers have also incorporated technology into the classroom. They have also purchased additional hands-on science kits and math manipulatives to improve instruction in those areas.
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Bobby Vee, his ‘Brothers’ create new CD by Taylor Reaves
“My body is bent and broken By long and dangerous leaps I can’t work the fields of Abraham And turn my head away I’m not a stranger In the eyes of the maker.” – “The Maker” by Daniel Lanois
The voice that sings this is a familiar one. We first welcomed him into our homes in the 1960s, a time between rock ‘n’ roll’s birth and the British Invasion, and then we watched him make his way around the world before settling among the St. Joseph community with his wife Karen and four children. Over a half-century later American artist and entertainer Bobby Vee returns to us for a final performance, but he’s not alone. To share in his ultimate collection, he invited his Brothers. He was not searching for backup vocals or bass players. The Brothers in the St. John’s Abbey Gregorian Chant Schola, including Br. Richard Crawford, Br. Lew Grobe, Br. Nick Kleespie, Br. David-Paul Lange, Br. Nicholas Moe and Br. Paul Richards, were chosen for something more personal – spirituality often is. Three years ago at the age of 67, Bobby Vee was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Shortly afterward, his entire family traveled to Tucson, Ariz. to be together as they made sense of the news. As always, music was their outlet.
“There was only so much you could talk about these things,” said Jeff Velline, Bobby’s son. “Making music was how we could turn the energy into something positive.” With no audience, no spotlights and no stage, they played for seven days. They recorded songs that had meanings, memories and familiarities among them all. Some the family had written over the years and others they took from the legends. They explored their new reality in the only way they knew how. “We made music every day for a week, just for us,” Bobby Vee said in a letter to his family, friends and fans. “For the joy of making music. For the joy of being together. For all of the reasons I ever picked up a guitar or sang a tune in a Fargo garage back in ’59. I have truly come full circle.” In the garage of his newly built adobe home in Tucson, Bobby Vee and his family cut live records for what is now titled “The Adobe Sessions,” including 16 tracks and two bonus songs. “There is an interesting parallel as ‘adobe’ building is essentially taking something from the ground and shaping something substantial that lasts,” Jeff said. “I think we were essentially doing the same thing metaphorically.” A song that followed them on the road was “The Maker,” originally written by Daniel Lanois and covered by artists including Dave Matthews and Willie Nelson. Thematically centered around John the Baptist, the story describes a transition and renewal from being a stranger to one who is not in the eyes of God.
“’The Maker’ was chosen for most of the same reasons as all of the other songs. It was a piece of material that connected to memories,” Jeff said. “It also happened to have a deep spiritual connection that felt almost cathartic in light of everything going on as we played it together for the first time ever that night in Tucson.” For this tune, Bobby Vee had a particular vision, not seen but heard – a chant. Making a special connection with S. John’s after coming to call St. Joseph home, Bobby Vee reached out to the chant schola at the neighboring Abbey as production began. “We were not sure exactly what we were getting into when we agreed to take on the project,” Schola director Br. Nick Kleepsie said. “But their excitement helped us to recognize this would be a good experience. All of the monks who took part really enjoyed recording and adding our style of music to Bobby Vee’s style.” Br. Nick selected the chant “Ut Queant Laxis” or “Hymn to St. John the Baptist.” For three hours the schola recorded with the Rock House Production team run by the Vellines. “So that your servants may, with loosened voices, resound the wonders of your deeds, clean the guilt from our stained lips, O Saint John,” they chanted in its original Latin form. “We chose the particular chant because if fit well with the lyrics of Bobby Vee’s song, ’The Maker,’ which makes references to St. John the Baptist, Br. John, and has an array of baptismal imagery,” Br. Nick said. “Of course, St. John the Baptist is also the patron saint
AgStar seeks scholarship apps The AgStar Fund for Rural America, the corporate giving program of AgStar Financial Services, is now accepting applications for its high school senior scholarship program, which awards up to 25 students with $1,000 scholarships.
The AgStar High School Scholarship Program is designed for students who have an interest in an ag-related field, are pursuing an ag-related degree or those with an ag or rural background. To apply for the scholarship, students should
visit to download the application form. Applications must be postmarked by April 1 to be considered. For more information, visit www. and click on Criers.
Ask A Trooper
‘Automatic’ headlights don’t always ensure other required lights are on Q: My car has running lights and I always assumed that meant my rear lights were on as well, but my husband let me know one day as he was following behind me in the fog that my tail lights were not on. Since then, I have noticed many other drivers must assume the same thing. You might want to let them know they need to actually turn on their lights during the day when it’s foggy or they risk being rear ended. I think this is a good idea for an article, thanks. A: Very true! We have been
fighting that battle for many years now and I hear about it all the time from people. I have always taught motorists to drive with their headlights on at all times, even during the day, so they can avoid the whole issue of when to have headlights on. Even if you think you have headlights on all the time, you might not. Turn them on manually; then you will know for sure. Daytime running lights cannot be used in lieu of actual headlights during the times that actual headlights are required
to be on. During those required times of headlights, all the other lights also are required (e.g., tail lights, marker lamps, etc.). Those other lights are not always on when the so-called “automatic” lights are on either. If you have any questions concerning traffic-related laws or issues in Minnesota, send your questions to Trp. Jesse Grabow – Minnesota State Patrol at 1000 Hwy. 10 W., Detroit Lakes, MN 56501-2205 or follow him on Twitter @MSPPIO_NW or reach him at, jesse.grabow@
of St. John’s which connects the music in a special way to this place.” “We gave them no direction,” Jeff said. “We had suggestions if they asked, but they never did, and we couldn’t be more pleased with the final product.” This track won’t resemble earlier versions of “Suzie Baby,” “Take Good Care of My Baby,” one of his 36 other record hits, or the other 17 on the collection. However, it will not disappoint. Instead, this song will remind audiences of the spiritual side of the legend who has lived next door to us for so long. “Everything you do in the way of art can live forever,” Jeff said. “This CD leaves something behind. This is the stuff that outlasts us.” The CD was released digitally Feb. 3 on CD Baby and iTunes. That date marked the 55th anniversary of the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly,
Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper and the anniversary of Bobby’s first show – filling in for his idol Buddy Holly that fateful night along with his band The Shadows in Moorhead, Minn. You can find the story of “The Adobe Sessions” on For more information go to: or www. Are you energetic with a positive attitude? Do you want to make a difference in the life of a senior? Home Instead Senior Care is looking for experienced Caregivers in St Cloud and surrounding areas including Sartell and St. Joseph. We have a variety of shifts available. Must be experienced with Senior Care.
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
10 contributed photo
Current St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club president John Melancon has been a member of the club for nine years.
Hiemenz from front page The club has been and still is active in many areas of environmental conservation and area events. Some of them include maintaining the lake accesses at Kraemer and Watab lakes and helping stock both lakes with walleyes since 1991. The club also offers free birdhouse-build-
Part- & full-time Line Positions Responsibilities include: aircraft fueling, towing, de-icing, ground handling, maintenance, quality assurance, fire safety training, computer reporting and data entry. This position requires supervisory skills, flexible working hours and the ability to lift a minimum of 50 pounds. Email your resume, available hours and salary requirements to: (320) 253-1500 • 1544 45th Ave. SE • St. Cloud •
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ing classes, and sponsors a boys/girls fishing clinic and firearms safety training. For more than 30 years the club has sponsored up to four children, ages 12-15, to the Long Lake Conservation Camp. It also supports Girl Scouts’ Camp, the Dark House Association with its Big Brothers Big Sisters winter fishing contest, sponsors an ice-fishing contest, has sponsor memberships in the Thunder’n Toms Wild Turkey Federation and Pheasants Forever and is an affiliate of the Minnesota Conservation Federation, which is the official state affiliate of the National Wildlife Federation. It’s also taken care of northern rearing ponds, purchased and helped the Department of Natural Resources obtain Big Watab Lake access, done carp removal on Kraemer Lake and on the Watab River where it runs out of Watab Lake, fed deer and pheasants in the winter months, offered a swimming program and built a handicapped-accessible fishing pier on Kraemer Lake, worked with developers of some of the Kraemer Lake homes and assisted St. Wendel Township during development of some of the Pleasant Acres homes regarding lakeshore issues. Because the club serves on the annual DNR Round Table, it has input on fishing, camping, snowmobiling, skiing, ATVs, parks and trails, statewide hunting, and many other biological
and environmental activities. Fundraising efforts for the club have included life memberships, fish fries, raffle-ticket sales, silent auctions, breakfasts, summer picnics, sales of jackets and other apparel, and more. In March 1989, the club received a certificate of commendation from Gov. Rudy Perpich for its endorsement and support of the Environmental and National Resources Trust Fund; in September 1989, the club received the MCF President’s Award for outstanding membership; and in 1990, the club was honored by the NWF for its contributions to environmental conservation. The club’s membership conservation pledge is: “I give my pledge as an American to save and faithfully defend from waste the natural resources of my country – its air, soil and minerals, its forests, waters and wildlife.” Hiemenz said during his membership with the club it has met and voted to remove a few members due to unsportsmanlike conduct. When new members join the club, Hiemenz said he offers helpful advice. “We appreciate the fact they support the club and our programs,” Hiemenz said. “If they’ve never fished the lakes before I also give them ideas of where they can start fishing on the lakes.” Because his wife’s health now
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014 requires more care, Hiemenz has decided it’s time for him to reduce his hours spent volunteering. He decided not to submit his name for president but is the current treasurer of the club. Hiemenz has lived in St. Joseph most of his life, except for a year spent working in Montana and the time he spent in the Army. Various jobs Hiemenz has held include working as an appraiser and realty specialist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service, as a supply technician and recruiting supervisor for the U.S. Army and as a nursing assistant at the St. Cloud Veterans Administration. He met his wife, Aloisia (Luise), while he was in the Army, and they were married in Germany. They have three sons and seven grandchildren. Other organizations Hiemenz has volunteered with include serving as mayor of St. Joseph, serving on the St. Joseph City Council planning and zoning committee, serving as the Commander of the American Legion of St. Joseph, co-founding and serving as president and treasurer of the Central Minnesota Emergency Chaplaincy Service, serving as treasurer of the Reserve Officer Association, cofounding and serving on the board of the Minnesota Environmental Fund, serving as president of the Minnesota Conservation Federation Association, helping with the articles of incorporation for the St. Joseph Food Shelf and the St. Joseph Area Historical Museum, and others. His role with many of those organizations included helping to pay off debts, growing funding budgets and often helping the organizations get back on their feet. The club’s current president, John Melancon, has been a member of the club for seven years. “I love to hunt and fish,” Melancon said. “I had never belonged to a conservation club before and I have found this to be a good outlet and have enjoyed it.” He said he didn’t realize he was on the ballot last year when he was voted in. Melancon has served on the board for the past
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014 six years and as president since last April. The current president usually conducts an annual meeting to update members. After the meeting, the new president takes office. The offices of president, first- and second-vice president, treasurer and secretary are one- year terms and the other directors are three-year terms. Melancon said he has not made many changes as president because the program has a lot of wonderful members who organize and plan club events and they continue to run the programs that are successful. One change the club has made is to develop a website. A
club member was able to set up the website and Melancon said it has been working well. They have had several people sign up to become members through the website. “We are kind of going modern and getting into high-tech,” Melancon said. Melancon, 70, is a retired veterinarian who earned his degree in veterinarian medicine from the University of Minnesota. He lives in Pleasant Acres. Because Melancon is retired and travels extensively around the United States, Europe and other locations, he does not plan to run for president this year. “My wife, Nancy, and I love
to travel and we want to do it while we can,” Melancon said. Melancon’s wife, Nancy Gilbert, formerly owned Nathan B’s restaurant in St. Cloud. “We have five children and grandchildren scattered from Toronto, Canada to Denver,” Melancon said. The fee for joining the St. Joseph Rod and Gun club is $18. People who want to join can pick up applications at both of the lake accesses, at SpeedStop Bait shop, or contact any board member. The website is www. and the mailing address is St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club, P.O. Box 374, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
Community Calendar
Saturday, Feb. 8 Sartell Farmers’ Winter Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. “Are You Thirsty?” 1 p.m., presented by In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre. First United Methodist Church, 1107 Pine Cone Road, Sartell. All are welcome to learn about water; free-will offering. or call 320251-0804. Sunday, Feb. 9 Project ASTRIDE benefit breakfast and silent auction, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. (auction to 12:30 p.m.), Moose Family Center, 1300 3rd Street N., Waite Park.
Monday, Feb. 10 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. 55+ Driver Improvement program (eight-hour first-time course), 5-9 p.m. today and Tuesday, Feb. 11, Apollo High School, 1000 44th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-888-234-1294. Tuesday, Feb. 11 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St..
Medical Alert for Seniors – 24/7 monitoring. FREE equipment. FREE shipping. Nationwide service. $29.95/ month. Call Medical Guardian today. 1-888-721-6758. (MFPA)
Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Sartell Chamber of Commerce, 11:45 a.m., City Hall. 320-253-2171. Holistic Moms Network, 7-8:30 p.m., Good Earth Co-op, St. Cloud. 320-252-2489. “Birth of Flight: Post WWI Barnstorming,” 7-8:30 p.m., Lindbergh Historic Site Film Series, Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site, 1620 Lindbergh Drive, Little Falls, Free admission. 320-616-5421.
Wednesday, Feb. 12 St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce, 11:30 a.m., St. Joseph Community Fire Hall. The Beauty and Challenge of Living in Multiple Worlds, noon-1 p.m., Women on Wednesday series, Atwood Memorial Center Theatre, St. Cloud State University. jolsen@ Thursday, Feb. 13 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. St. Joseph Senior Citizens, 1:30 p.m., Community Fire Hall, 401 7th St. S., St. Joseph.
Sunday, Feb. 16 Sunday at the Abbey, 7 p.m. St. John’s Abbey Chapter House, Collegeville. Brother David-Paul Lange, OSB, “Praying in a Modernist Space: Thoughts on Marcel Breuer’s Design for the Abbey and University Church.”
timated to be Feb. 4, but nature was calling – early. They bundled up and climbed into the Dodge truck. Then they set out on the freeway to go to the St. Cloud Hospital. Just about the time they approached the Hwy. 75 exit from the freeway, Monica told her husband he’d better pull over quickly, like right now!, she told him. Kristian, by then, was on the phone after dialing 911. He continued driving until he found someplace safe – the parking lot by CentraCare just to the east of Hwy. 75. Police Chief Klein, clued in about the emergency, pulled up immediately. Kristian quickly but gently put Monica in the back seat of the truck. Klein put on latex gloves and prepared for an imminent birth. Kristian, frantic with concern, leaned over the front seat, talking to his wife, trying to soothe and calm her, worrying about the cold winter coming in through the open truck doors, hoping with all his heart the baby would be OK, concerned his wife would have medical problems. Monica, naturally, was in pain, but it wasn’t long before Klein’s gloved hands were holding a squirming newborn. Suddenly, wailing cries filled the air. Kristian cranked up the heat full blast in the truck. Just then, first responders arrived at the scene. One of them
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Friday, Feb. 14 Discovery Day, 8 a.m,, St. John’s Preparatory School, Collegeville Registration required. 320-363-3321. Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Blood drive, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., St. Cloud Hospital, 1406 Sixth Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Youth Valentine Celebration, 6:30-9:30 p.m., 5th-, 6th-, 7th-grade students, music, food, fun, prizes. There is a fee; bring a toy for the local food shelf. Rockville Parish Center, Broadway Street, Rockville, 320-2532917.
from front page
expertly cut the umbilical cord, helped clean off the slippery baby and swaddled it snugly in a fleece blanket. Within seconds, mother, father and newborn were hustled off in a Gold Cross ambulance for a smooth ride to the St. Cloud Hospital. In the cozy warmth of the hospital, surrounded by amazed and loving caregivers, they all soon learned mother and child were doing just fine. Neely weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces, with dark-blue eyes and a full head of brown hair. “Well, of course I never expected that kind of birth,” Kristian told the Newsleader four days after the birth. “But it was a great experience, getting to assist in the delivery of my child.” Mother and father were both impressed and thankful for Chief Klein’s cool, collected grace under pressure as he assisted with the birth. The Ericksons, both originally from Minnesota, recently moved back to the state and decided to make their home in Sauk Centre, where Monica’s parents live. Kristian, a captain in the U.S. Army, is an assistant professor of military science at St. John’s University, the College of St. Benedict and St. Cloud State University. The couple has one other child, a 17-month-old daughter named Ainslee. “Is Neely the new baby cute?” asked the Newsleader. “Is she cute?,” said Kristian, incredulous. “Cute? Are you kidding? She’s gorgeous!”
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Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Blood drive, 1-7 p.m., Community Church, 204 Avon Ave. N., Avon. 1-800-733-2767.
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014
‘Crazy-but-smarter’ Munden to take icy plunge again by Dennis Dalman
MaryBeth Munden admits she’s crazy. Every winter she willingly plunges into ice-cold water. “Yes, I’m crazy,” she said, laughing. “But I’m getting smarter. This year I won’t be taking the plunge until March.” On March 8, Munden will take a deep breath and then jump into a lake at Eden Prairie, along with other people. It’s all part of the annual “Polar Bear Plunge,” a statewide fundraiser for Law Enforcement for Special Olympics Minnesota. The Eden Prairie event is one of 16 Polar Plunge gatherings throughout the state. Many local people know Munden as the dispatcher for the St. Joseph Police Department. Others are familiar with her through her work at El Paso Bar and Grill and Kay’s Kitchen, both in St. Joseph. Still others have gotten to know Munden as their “Avon Lady,” as she sells Avon products on top of her other jobs. “I work a lot of jobs because I love to travel,” Munden said. “I was just in Jamaica. Soon I’m
taking my boyfriend, Rick Welch, to Mexico for his birthday. I’m planning a trip to Italy in September, and next Christmas I’m going to Japan.” Welch, Munden’s boyfriend, is a member of her Polar Plunge team. Last year, at a Polar Plunge in Maple Grove, Munden and her team raised $1,700 for Special Olympics Minnesota. They hope to top that amount in March. This year, her team’s name is “Mary, Mark and the Rest of the Family.” Munden has always been a bit of a daredevil. She said she likes adventures. Plunging into frigid water comes easily to Munden. “Before plunging in I always talk to the guys on the edge of the ice to make sure they’ll save me if I don’t come back up,” Munden said, chuckling. “I’ve got to make sure they’re bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and ready to save me. Then I just hang on to my sunglasses and jump in.” It is a body shock, she admits, but fortunately there are dry towels and a heated tent to enter as icy water streams down her body. Anyone who wants to donate money to Special Olympics Min-
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contributed photo
MaryBeth Munden of St. Joseph and Rick Welch of Sartell prepare to take the plunge at last year’s “Polar Bear Plunge.” nesota can send a check made out to “Special Olympics Minnesota” to MaryBeth Munden, P.O. Box 546, St. Joseph, MN 56374. They can also stop at the St. Joseph Police Department and drop off a check there. Department hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. weekdays. To donate online, go to www.
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