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Newsleader St. Joseph

Friday, Feb. 8, 2013 Volume 24, Issue 6 Est. 1989

Munden a top fundraiser in polar plunge

Town Crier

by Dennis Dalman

Council hosts meeting about community center

For taking an ice-cold plunge, MaryBeth Munden of St. Joseph raised almost $1,700 for the Minnesota Special Olympics. She was one of the two top fundraisers among the 1,000 “plungers” who took an icy dip into a lake at Maple Grove Feb. 2. It was the third of 16 “Polar Bear Plunge” events scheduled for this winter throughout Minnesota. Sponsored by law-enforcement agencies, the plunge events raise funds, through pledges, for Special Olympics Minnesota. This was Munden’s fourth time in a Polar Bear Plunge, which is now in its 16th year. “It was cold, but it was fun,” Munden said. “The temperature was about 15 degrees. But we all had a good time. And they had the event set up really well this year so we didn’t stay cold for long. Right after our plunge, we sat in hot tubs for awhile.” The 1,000 plungers, divided into smaller teams, all took their frigid plunge

City Council representatives will host a meeting to discuss the proposed community center and elements that should be included in a facility at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12 in the St. Joseph City Council Chambers. All residents are welcome.

Pastiche performs

Pastiche, the faculty chamber music ensemble from the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University, will present a concert at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 9 in Escher Auditorium in the Benedicta Arts Center on the campus of the College of St. Benedict. The program will feature a wide variety of music from Bach, Beethoven and Puccini to David Evan Thomas, Duke Ellington and others. Featured performers include David Arnott (violin), Andrea Fedele (oboe), Carolyn Finley (mezzosoprano), Marcie Hagen Givens (soprano), Ted Godbout (piano), Amy Grinsteiner (piano), Patricia Kent (soprano), Lucia Magney (cello), Bruce Thornton (clarinet and flute) and Edward Turley (piano). 320-363-5777.

Candlelight trails night set Feb. 15

Ski, snowshoe or hike 1.4 miles of trails by candelight from 6-9 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15 in Charles Lindbergh State Park, Little Falls. Afterward, visitors can relax in a 1938 wood-heated log-cabin-style shelter building. Ski rentals are available in Little Falls. Snowshoe rentals and vehicle permits are available at the park office. In case of bad weather call 320-616-2525. The park is located at 1615 Lindbergh Drive S., on the southwest side of Little Falls. For more information, visit and click on Criers.

Volunteers sought for reading, math support

St. Cloud Area School District 742 needs volunteers to assist students with their reading fluency and comprehension as well as their basic math skills. Volunteers should know basic math as well as have experience with reading. For more information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit and click on Criers.

Postal Patron

within one hour. Munden had two fellow team members – her boyfriend, Rick Welch of Sartell; and her long-time friend since childhood, Jill Vonfeldt, who flew to Minnesota from Colorado for the event. Munden, who is the dispatcher for the St. Joseph Police Department, grew up in Colorado. So far, the Maple Grove Polar Plunge raised $126,231, but those are only online pledges, and more are still coming in. Plunge • page 5 contributed photo

Holding hands and gritting their teeth, MaryBeth Munden of St. Joseph and Rick Welch of Sartell prepare to take the plunge Feb. 2 at a lake in Maple Grove. The couple and their teammate, Jill Vonfeldt of Colorado, raised nearly $1,700 for the Minnesota Special Olympics for their brave participation in the “Polar Bear Plunge.” The Maple Grove plunge is one of 16 scheduled for this winter throughout the state. It’s sponsored by law-enforcement agenices throughout Minnesota.

Rajkowski reacts to sentencing

contributed photo

Ron Rajkowski was killed Oct. 13, 2011 when a car veered into a construction site along a road in Burnsville. A coworker, Craig Carlson of Ramsey, was also killed. by Dennis Dalman

Jodi Rajkowski knows all too well the sentencing of the man who caused her husband’s death won’t bring her husband back, but she’s hoping Ron’s death might cause drivers to

slow down and not drive foolishly – especially in work zones. Last week, a Dakota County judge sentenced Kirk Edward Deamos, 23, to 30 days in jail and 200 hours of community service, as well as a fine of $100. Earlier, Deamos, who is from Raymore, Mo., pleaded guilty to one count of careless driving, which is a misdemeanor. The stiffest sentence Deamos could have received was up to 90 days in jail, a $1,000 fine and possibly a restitution amount. On Oct. 13, 2011, Deamos was driving on Hwy. 35W in Burnsville when his car veered to the side into a construction site, striking two workmen and killing them. The workers were Ron Rajkowski, 44, of St. Joseph; and Craig Carlson, 47, of Ramsey. According to the prosecutor in the case, Deamos could not be charged with a felony for two reasons: He was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the incident

and he did not flee the scene. Therefore, gross negligence could not be proved. The widows of Rajkowski and Carlson (Jodi and Deb), who have become friends, agreed jail time would be rather pointless for Deamos. Instead, they urged the attorneys and the judge to require Deamos to do an increased amount of community service and to either do work with children who have autism or do road work. “We’d rather have him put in community service by working on roads,” Jodi said. “That might help him understand the dangers those workers (construction workers and law enforcement) have to face every day.” Rajkowski and Carlson are contacting legislators, urging them to increase penalties for distracted driving, especially in work-zone areas. “The fines should be doubled,” Jodi said. “These kinds of accidents can happen so quickly and so easily. We are

all guilty of sometimes being distracted while driving, but we all have to learn not to do that. These kinds of deadly incidents can happen to any of us – even to someone on the side of the road fixing a tire. We’ve got to realize that.” Jodi said she firmly believes stricter penalties would have an impact, just as tightened penalties have decreased the rate of drunken driving and increased the use of seatbelts. “There should be an automatic $100 fine for hitting a construction person,” she said. The two widows are also pushing for enhanced safety features at roadway construction sites, such as more barriers. “It’s so sad,” Jodi said. “There’s nothing we can do for Ron or Craig, but at least we can try to get something done before it happens to someone else. Those workers out there are doing their jobs and working on our behalf. We should Rajkowski • page 4

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, Feb. 8, 2013

St. Benedict’s Monastery hosts Cathedral High School senior retreat by Mark Lauer

Sometimes a learning experience can turn out a little different than what was planned. Take the 2013 Senior Retreat at Sister Lois Wedl St. Cloud Cathedral High School, for instance. The retreat is an annual event for the senior class at CHS, planned and implemented by the school’s campus ministry. During the past years, Cathedral seniors have met at different locations for the retreat, which is designed to provide them with a chance to bond as a class. It also gives them a chance to begin to say goodbye to one another. Last year’s retreat was held at St. Benedict’s Monastery on the campus of the College of St. Benedict. The 2012 event was so well received by last year’s seniors this year the class of 2013 decided they wanted the same experience. So on Jan. 9, they boarded a bus, preparing to experience the retreat for themselves. But what began as their at-

If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 2551301 or access its tip site at www. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Jan. 1 8:07 a.m. Welfare check. 4th Avenue NE. Report of improperly dressed male in a long-sleeved

tempt to get to know the nuns better turned out to be a kind of awakening for their hosts, too. Sister Lois Wedl, OSB, is the director of vocation ministry at St. Benedict, and she was also the overseer of the day’s events. The retreat did provide the Cathedral seniors with a first-hand look at what monastery life is like. But they weren’t the only ones who had their eyes opened that day. The nuns ended up receiving a gift from their guests, too. “I think the Sisters got just as much out of interacting with the high school students,” Wedl said. “It was refreshing to have those young people come into your life again. It was definitely a mutual situation.” When the CHS seniors arrived at St. Benedict’s Monastery, there were almost as many visitors on the scene as there were hosts. About 120 seniors made the trip, and there are 135 nuns at St. Benedict. There are an additional 132 nuns from the Benedictine community serving the outlying area in various capacities. The CHS retreat began with a brief orientation period, and then the seniors split into five groups to take part in the day’s events.

shirt and jeans walking outside improperly dressed in 6-below F. weather. Last seen walking westbound on County Road 75 from Caseys. He said he was looking for Margeritaville. Checked area with no contact. Also checked Margeritaville and no male had shown up there. Jan. 2 12:53 p.m. Assisted with traffic control at 10th Avenue S. and 1st Street S., Waite Park due to suicidal male. We cleared once the subject

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Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.

The theme for the senior retreat was “The Journey,” and the time spent at the retreat was meant to be a chance for the students to look at the people who had been important in their lives, in shaping who they are and what they have become. Many of the exercises held during the day’s retreat were focused on quiet reflection and meditation. One was called “Walking the Labyrinth,” which is a slow, quiet walk around a circular path outside the campus Spirituality Center. It’s intended to quiet the mind while thinking about the path that one’s life is taking. It’s a practice that dates back to ancient times. “It’s a time for contemplation,” Sister Lois said. Students also spent another 45-minute quiet session inside the Eucharistic Chapel in absolute quiet. No talking. Quite a contrast to the lives most young people lead during their school day and other social activities. How often do teens spend 10 minutes without talking to one another? But Sister Lois is not surprised these young people seemed to embrace the more contemplative lifestyle, if only for a day.


was secured.

Jan. 3 13:51 p.m. Expired credit card declined. Escorted customer from gas station at College Avenue N. to his residence to get a check to pay. All turned out OK. 18:05 p.m. Firefighters had received a call about a gas smell on Minnesota Street. Stood by until St. Joseph Fire Department arrived. Jan. 4 12:53 p.m. Welfare check. 2nd Avenue NE. Resident stated her phone was off the hook and she would be calling her daughter to let her know she was OK. Jan. 5 00:39 a.m. Traffic stop. County road 121. Transported male to jail because of felony warrants and turned vehicle over to father. 22:37 p.m. Traffic stop. Clearwater road and 22nd street. Stopped a vehicle for speed. Smelled marijuana coming from the vehicle. After investigation, the right rear passenger admitted he had marijuana on him and gave it to officer.

“I believe there is a spiritual hunger out there,” she said. “And I think a lot of young people are looking at the world and wondering what’s going to feed that hunger.” The students’ physical hunger was satisfied in other ways. Last year’s seniors came back from the retreat with fond memories of the food they were served at St. Benedict. The cheeseburger soup, homemade buns and Special K bars were all rated very highly. And from the sound of it, the class of 2013 enjoyed them very much, too. “Hospitality is one of our Benedictine values, one of our intentional values,” Sister Lois said.

Sister Lois joined the Order of St. Benedict in 1949 and taught classes at CSB until two years ago. She still lives in a residence hall on campus. Wedl said she thoroughly enjoyed those many years of teaching college students from CSB and St. John’s University, and she loves being around young people so much she makes it a point to get to as many CSB athletic events as she can. “I am a huge Blazers fan,” she says, referring to the CSB athletic nickname. Sister Lois noted with some irony in her voice that many of their visitors from Cathedral, a Catholic high school, had never spent any time with nuns before. Retreat • page 3


M a u r a Cofell, daughter of Monica Cofell of St. Joseph, was recently named to the fall semester principal’s honor roll at St. John’s Preparatory School, Collegeville. She is a seventhgrader at SJP. Students must

achieve a grade-point average of 3.0 to 3.499 to receive this honor.

Officer asked passenger to step out of the vehicle and he also gave the officer a pipe. Issued a citation for possession of small amount on a person and for possession of drug paraphernalia.

get out of it because it’s making them fight. Officer advised that sounded like a good idea. She did not wish to press charges and husband left to run errands and cool off. She will call if things do not improve.

Jan. 6 15:33 p.m. Landlord inspection. College Avenue N. Resident called about her landlord removing her items from the property. Advised resident to try to work this out with landlord or with a civil attorney. Jan. 8 2:50 p.m. Suspicious person. Date Street W. Caller stated she woke up to someone outside of her bedroom yelling in a language she could not understand. Officer checked the area and was unable to locate anyone. 20:10 p.m. Verbal domestic. College Avenue S. Female stated she and her husband have been arguing a lot lately. She stated there had been some mutual pushing and shoving but no punches were thrown. She stated they have been getting mixed up in the apartment complex drama and they need to

Caleb Traut, St. Joseph, was recently named to the fall semester dean’s list at the University of Minnesota-Crookston. He is undecided on his major. To qualify for this honor, students must maintain a minimum 3.66 grade-point average.

Jan. 9 2:16 p.m. Property damage. Fifth Avenue NW. Responded to a call about an intoxicated male who had caused some property damage to a vehicle in the driveway. Male was arrested for criminal damage to property and disorderly conduct and transported to jail. Jan. 10 14:48 p.m. Dog complaint. College Avenue S. Complaint of a barking dog in an apartment. Officer heard two dogs barking, Complaint dogs are barking at all hours and have no license. No answer and officer tried to make contact several times. Officer was finally able to make contact and explained a business card means to call back not to just tuck it away. Dog owner will call the office and the city office for a dog license.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon Editor Dennis Dalman

Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen

The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Contributing Writers TaLeiza Calloway Mark Lauer

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke

Contributing Writer/ Administrative Assistant Cori Hilsgen

Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Friday, Feb. 8, 2013

St. Joseph Newsleader •


St. John’s Prep hopes to continue its winning tradition by Cori Hilsgen

St. John’s Prep High School is in the middle of its Knowledge Bowl season and is hoping to continue its winning tradition of competing for the state championship. SJP has won the “Class A” state tournament three times in the past seven years, including last year. At the recent Jan. 26 Elk River Invitational, SJP took first place in the varsity division; Sartell High School took second place; and Buffalo High School took third place.

Retreat from page 2 There are no longer any nuns teaching classes at CHS. “At one time there were more than 1,600 students at Cathedral, and they were primarily taught by the Sisters,” Wedl noted. “They were some of the key people who began the school.” Cathedral’s current enrollment is 439 in grades 9-12, with another 215 in grades 7-8. “This was a chance for them to get to know the Sisters a little bit, and see what the monastery experience is like,” Sister Wedl said. And that experience, Wedl

In the junior varsity division, Buffalo took first, SJP took second and Sartell took third. The winning SJP varsity members included senior Brenden Wichman; junior Alivia Tacheny; sophomore Tom Skahen; and freshman Sam Rogers. The SJP junior varsity team that placed second included sophomore Eric Magaw and Hannah Moen; and freshmen Nick Haeg and Justin Terhaar. Wichman was on last year’s state championship team. He has competed for five years. “I enjoy the chance to encounter other people of a similar intellectual mindset,” Wichman

said. “The state tournament is a wonderful opportunity to compete with the best teams in the state in Knowledge Bowl. This year has been great because I know my teammates this year outside of Knowledge Bowl as well as friends, which I enjoy. Wichman believes SJP has a chance at continuing its winning tradition. “I think we have a good chance of getting back to the state tournament this year because we’ve been doing well, have a good spread of knowledge and are getting progressively better each meet,” Wichman said. Tacheny has been in Knowl-

says, was generally perceived as a positive one. “They (the students) liked being in an environment where spirituality is the norm,” she said. Before the day’s events were over, before the closing mass at Sacred Heart Chapel, the seniors had one last chance to get to know one another a little better. There were 120 large paper plates set on a table inside the monastery Gathering Place. Each plate had the name of a CHS senior written on it. The ‘task’ was to find the plate of someone you knew and write an appropriate message on it. When the retreat was over, each student’s plate would have messages on it from many of his/her classmates. The plates would be delivered back to

the high school to be distributed to their owners, presumably by placing them on the student’s locker. It was a way for the seniors to connect, like signing a yearbook. “This was one of the last times they would really be together as a group until graduation,” Sister Lois said. “They have to learn to live with various types of people, and to get along with other people.” Wedl thanks the Cathedral class of 2013 for one important gift they left at the monastery that day. That was the gift of themselves, the gift of youth. “They were just an exceedingly wonderful group of young men and women,” she said. “They gave the Sisters a new hope.”

edge Bowl since fifth grade. “This is my seventh year,” Tacheny said. “I participate in Knowledge Bowl because it’s fun. A lot of people think of it as work, or extra school, but it’s actually really enjoyable. You get to spend lots of time with friends, meeting people from other schools with similar interests and winning trophies, without any physical activity.” Beginning in November, team members practice twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for more than an hour. Practices include different strategies for buzzing in quickly and brushing

St. John the Baptist Parish Center, Collegeville Just west of St. John’s University Campus on Fruit Farm Road

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up on knowledge that is not always learned in class, such as details about grammar, history and other things. “In practice, we run through questions from old meets and try out different combinations of people for teams,” Tacheny said. Competitions are usually allday events and take place on Saturdays during the months of January and February. SJP has six teams that compete at Knowledge Bowl meets. Most meets consist of 60 to 75 teams of three to five competitors. Schools can bring as many Knowledge Bowl • page 8

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St. Joseph Newsleader •



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respect that and show it in the way we drive. Those guys shouldn’t have to be afraid to go to work.” The two women are urging everyone they know and those they meet to contact their state legislators and tell them penalties for reckless or distracted driving in work zones should be increased dramatically. The Rajkowski sons are “doing well, overall,” Jodi said. Blake is 9, Chase is 7. “They’re doing OK,” she said, “but their dad should be here, teaching them things, playing baseball with them, learning things, doing things with them. Ron was our best friend. There was nobody else like him. There are still times when I feel so lost and empty. Ron and I knew each other so well we could finish each other’s sentences. There will never, ever be another Ron.”

contributed photo

Jodi Rajkowski gives her two boys a hug before going out to trick-or-treat last Halloween. Blake is on the right. Chase is on the left.

SCSU Women on Wednesday sets spring schedule The Women’s Center at St. Cloud State University is focused on “Compelling Voices: Decades of Courage and Activism” for the spring schedule of the long-running Women on Wednesday series. All lectures will be held from noon-1 p.m. Wednesdays in the Atwood Memorial Center Theatre. Admission is free and open to the public. The following topics will be discussed: Feb. 13 – 15

years of V-Day: “Until the Violence Stops;” Feb. 20 – One Woman’s Role in Brown vs. Board of Education: The Life of Dr. Mamie Phipps Clark; Feb. 27 – 40 Years of Title IX: A National Champion’s Story; March 6 – Recent Activism through the Occupy Movement Improving Women’s Lives; March 20 – Responding to Clinic Violence: Profiles of Courage and the FACE Act; March

Mayor Rick Schultz

Meet, Greet, Talk

Saturday, Feb. 16 • 9-10 a.m. The Local Blend

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27 – Challenging Violence against Women: Local Leaders Share their Stories; April 3 – Women’s Safety and Security: What is the Status of Violence Against Women on Campus?; and April 10 – Ushering in The Safe Harbor Act: Stopping Sex Trafficking and Prostitution. For more information, visit and click on Criers.

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Friday, Feb. 8, 2013

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Award named for Rajkowski, Carlson by Dennis Dalman

Two men who were killed at a construction site in Burnsville are being honored by having an award named after them. Ron Rajkowski of St. Joseph and Craig Carlson contributed photos of Ramsey were killed on Rajkowski Oct. 13, 2011 while working at a roadside construction project when a car veered Carlson out of control and struck the two men. (For more details, see related story in today’s Newsleader.) Now an award has been renamed the “Carlson-Rajkowski Award” in their memory. The award is given by “Minnesota Intelligent Transportation Systems annually to outstanding individuals working on projects related to transportation. The award used to be known as the ITS Professional of the Year Award. An ITS official described Carlson as an innovative outdoor electrical leader at the Egan Co. (the electrical company for which he and Rajkowski worked). Carlson was an expert in designing signal-priority systems, traffic-signal optimization and similar traffic-related technologies. Rajkowski was praised for leading field construction and deployment efforts for the Egan Co. and his excellent supervision at projects. “Both Craig and Ron were committed to building and maintaining an intelligent, safe Minnesota transportation system,” said an ITS spokesperson.

contributed photo

Cold-water shock hits like a hammer as teammates (from left to right) Jill Vonfeldt, Rick Welch and MaryBeth Munden take the plunge into a lake at Maple Grove.

Plunge from front page Statewide, the three plunges so far have raised more than $1 million in online pledges. Last year, about 12,000 participants raised $2.8 million, which is double the amount raised in 2010. Munden said she would like to thank again all of those who pledged money for

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a good cause. The next polar plunge will take place in St. Cloud Feb. 16. For more information

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or to register, visit the polar plunge website at www.


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St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Feb. 8, 2013

Opinion Our View Proposed law change helps all rental property-owners Housing is one of the most important areas of focus for many communities. The City of St. Joseph is no different and within the city of about 7,000 residents its focus has lately been on rental housing. City officials are considering changes to city ordinances to help rental-property owners in the R1 zoning district. Specifically, the city ordinance requires new rental property to be owner-occupied with the owner residing at the residence, renting out a room. Given the state of the economy, the city has received requests to change that requirement. The planning commission held a public hearing this week about the proposed change to the law that would allow property owners who have actively tried to sell their homes without success to rent their homes without living in them. The proposal is to allow rentalproperty owners to rent their homes without living in them for a period not to exceed two years and would require the provision of an interim-use permit. Changes to rental regulations in St. Joseph are an ongoing issue. One of the first changes in that area came in 2011 when elected officials approved a similar change for those residents serving in the military. At that time, the city council also approved the creation of a rental-housing committee. St. Joseph Mayor Rick Schultz also commissioned an ad hoc committee to do similar work previously. The difference between the two groups is the rental-housing group can make recommendations to the city council. Last year, city council members approved an exception for deployed military personnel who own rental properties. City law requires owners of residences to live in the property being rented. Residents serving in the military can now apply for an interim-use permit that will be valid only during deployment and active duty. The permit will be renewed annually with an initial term not to exceed two years. The move to extend that provision to all rental property owners shows the city is not ignoring the requests of residents for assistance during an economic downturn. It also shows it acknowledges those serving in the military need assistance in upholding an ordinance that can be hard to heed in a slow housing market. The next step for the proposed change was unknown at the time this edition of the St. Joseph Newsleader went to press. The results of the hearing and city-council recommendation will be reported in an upcoming edition of the Newsleader.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Super Bowl is filled with memorable moments The Super Bowl is one of the most viewed events of the year. Watched by millions, who include sports lovers and non-sports lovers alike, people tune in whether their favorite team was lucky enough to make it to the big game or not. That group includes me. I rooted for San Francisco this year and I’m from Cleveland, Ohio. I guess I’m a little partial to that team since my fiancé is attending the University of San Francisco and as a teen my best friend and I rooted for Deion Sanders when he played for the 49ers. Even though the 49ers got off to a rough start in Super Bowl XLVII, they fought back as hard as they could before their defeat was finalized. While I am not a sports buff, I enjoyed watching the game and yelling at the television. Who doesn’t do that while viewing sports? Nevertheless, some of the best parts about watching the Super Bowl have nothing to do with the game. This year was filled with memorable moments. One of those moments was hearing the Sandy Hook Elementary children’s choir perform “America the Beautiful” with award-winning singer/actress Jennifer Hudson. While it’s hard to hear the name of Sandy Hook and not be reminded of the mass school shooting that brought such horror and grief to that city last year, hope was present in the faces of those children singing Sunday. It was touching

TaLeiza Calloway Reporter to see them as part of the festivities. Another memorable event was the half-time show featuring Beyoncé and the return of Destiny’s Child, the female R&B group that helped launch the Grammy-winner’s solo career. While there is so much that attracts people to watch the Super Bowl, what I liked the most this year were the commercials. For some people, that’s the only reason they like watching the football game in the first place. It’s one of the reasons I watch every year other than to see who wins. Some of the commercials didn’t keep my attention, but there was something I noticed this year I missed in year’s past. Several commercials were presented in Spanish. I was glad to see that. Here’s just one example of one of the commercials that had music playing in Spanish as the soundtrack. One of these many commercials featured a group of residents from a retirement home. The start of the commercial for Taco Bell shows a nurse putting a patient to bed and saying, “Goodnight.” The patient says “Goodnight” and then hops out of bed, sneaks out with his friends and hits the town. All are clearly in their

70s and 80s and are partying like they’re in their 20s. It was hilarious. Music as we all know is a powerful thing. Picture the above scene with the following chorus sung in Spanish in the background: “Tonight, We are young So let’s set the world on fire We can burn brighter Than the sun.” The song is written by a group called FUN. Well, the seniors in the commercial definitely looked like they were having fun. They probably had a lot of fun shooting the video because for that night they were young again. Advertisers could have easily gone mainstream and had the song played in English but the choice to do it Spanish made it better, in my opinion, and showed an embracing of diversity. More than 108 million people watched the Super Bowl this year. The game actually comes in third place on the list of most-watched television events in U.S. history, according to “Media Reports.” In 2011, 111.3 million viewers tuned in to watch the New York Giants and the New England Patriots battle in the Super Bowl. With that much attention paid to a single event, it’s important advertising or any presentation be inclusive while being entertaining. I was glad to see that reflected beyond the football field this year.

Making good last: Hillary Clinton’s contribution by Jill Iscol and Peter Cookson Jr. With the departure of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, now is the time to reflect on her legacy, not just in the field of diplomacy but her broader vision for the United States as a catalyst for turning idealism into action. Recently we have seen the rise of a new humanism – the desire of people to do something bigger and more lasting than themselves. Making Good has become the ethos of a generation committed to making a more just world. But how can we mobilize and organize the efforts of individuals and small groups into a sustainable long-term movement? Secretary Clinton’s work provides an answer. Under her leadership, the State Department created a suite of public/private initiatives that brought together visionaries from the two sectors in groundbreaking programs. These coordinated cross-sector actions can accomplish amazing things. They must become an essential part of on-going American foreign policy. Take the Clean Cookstoves Alliance, for example. Every year, nearly 2 million women and children die prematurely from the toxic fumes of traditional cook-

Guest Writers stoves and open fires. The Alliance raised more than $160 million in support of the goal of 100 million clean cookstoves by 2020. This is just one program under Secretary Clinton’s ground-breaking umbrella organization, the Global Partnership Initiatives, headed by Kris Bladerston. He has identified four elements that contribute to successful public/private partnerships. Each of which is worth emulating. The first is leadership. Without a strong visionary leader, inertia and routine become the enemy of action. Second, a successful partnership requires a platform. Bringing activists together through the convening authority of an influential organization expands the conversation and connects projects and people. Third, the partnership itself is critical. Mutual support and teamwork isn’t just about money, it’s also about networking, shared values and communication. The communication revolution is a vast network for collaboration and combining resources. Finally, professionalism is key. Sus-

taining long-term change means engaging with the issues in a progressively informed and agenda-setting atmosphere. We need professional programs for those who want to make a career of making good. These four elements are a good place to start building a culture of commitment that is broad and deep. Turning idealism into action is a natural extension of the new humanism; the time has come to build an organizational infrastructure to support this new movement. We have yet to learn what Secretary Clinton will do in the coming years to extend her work at the State Department. We hope she will continue to advocate for public/private partnerships and remain a leader in the worldwide movement to embrace the power of making good to transform lives. There is no way forward without risks. But inaction is the greatest risk of all. Action combined with careful planning is a lesson we have learned from the Clinton State Department; let’s not forget it as we take the next step forward. Iscol and Cookson are authors of Hearts on Fire: Stories of Today’s Visionaries Igniting Idealism into Action, published by Random House January 2013.

Send your opinions to: The Newsleaders • P.O. Box 324 • St. Joseph, MN 56374 or email us at

Friday, Feb. 8, 2013

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Community Calendar

Friday, Feb. 8 St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall, 610 North County Road 2, St. Joseph. Sue Borgeson benefit, 4:307 p.m., Westside Learning Center, 1001 2nd St. S, Sartell. Borgeson, a paraprofessional at Apollo High School and a Sartell resident, has battled breast cancer for the past year and won, and now has been diagnosed with colon cancer. She had surgery on Jan. 16 and is recovering. Family and friends are trying to aid her family with their medical costs, which will be matched up to $2,000 by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Amadeus Chamber Symphony concert, musicians from Central Minnesota, 7:30 p.m., Church of St. Augustine, 442 2nd S. SE, St. Cloud. www.amadeuschambersymphony. com.

Saturday, Feb. 9 League of Women Voters annual membership luncheon, 11:30 a.m., the Stearns History Museum, 235 33rd Ave. S., St. Cloud, Minn. “Celebrating our successes,” by keynote speaker Sherri Knuth from the state LWV followed with a guided tour of the museum. 320-529-0146.





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Sunday, Feb 10 Celebration of Commitment, sponsored by PFLAG of St. Cloud/ Central Minnesota, 1:30-4:30 p.m., Unity Spiritual Center, 931 N 5th Ave. Sartell. pflagstcloud@gmail. com. Monday, Feb. 11 Blood drive, from noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit 55+ driver improvement course, eight-hour first-time, 5- 9 p.m., today and Feb. 12, Kennedy Commu-

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nity School Media Center, 1300 Jade Road, St. Joseph. or call 1-888-234-1294.

Tuesday, Feb 12 Blood drive, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit Dairy Farm Safety Course (Part 1), from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Midtown Square Mall, Room 218, St. Cloud. 320-255-6169. Holistic Moms Network, 7-8:30 p.m., Good Earth Co-op, St. Cloud. 320-252-2489. “The Lesson,” a St. Cloud State University Theater Department production intended for a mature audience, 7:30 p.m. today-Saturday, Performing Arts Center, SCSU. www. theatre/season or 320-308-4636. Wednesday, Feb. 13 St. Joseph Area Chamber of


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Commerce, 11:30 a.m., St. Joseph Community Fire Hall. “The Lesson,” a St. Cloud State University Theater Department production intended for a mature audience, 7:30 p.m. today-Saturday, Performing Arts Center, SCSU. www. theatre/season or 320-308-4636. Thursday, Feb. 14 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, from noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. Blood drive, from 1-7 p.m., Community Church, 204 Avon Ave. N., Avon. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit “The Lesson,” a St. Cloud State University Theater Department production intended for a mature audience, 7:30 p.m. today-Saturday, Performing Arts Center, SCSU. www.


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St. Joseph Newsleader •


contributed photo

These St. John’s Prep varsity knowledge bowl participants recently took first-place at the recent Elk River invitational. Gathered around a plasma ball are (clockwise, from upper right) junior Alivia Tacheny; senior Brenden Wichman; freshman Sam Rogers; and sophomore Tom Skahen.


45-question oral rounds covering a wide range of academic subjects. SJP knowledge bowl is from page 3 coached by Charles Miller, an teams as they choose. Junior SJP physics and astronomy invarsity teams usually consist of structor. Its assistant coach is Jen freshmen and sophomore stu- Daiker, an SJP history instructor. dents; varsity teams are usually Miller said the school has had made up of juniors and seniors. a lot of success in Knowledge Most meets begin with teams Bowl. “SJP has won a spot in the competing in a written round of 60 questions, followed by four ‘Class A’ state tournament for all

seven years I’ve been at Prep,” Miller said. The tournament season begins in March. Five teams from the region later go on to the state tournament, which is divided into three “Class AA” teams and two “Class A” teams based on enrollment size. The Minnesota State Knowledge Bowl meet is held in April. Due to a measles outbreak the year the tournament was to be held in Thief River Falls, it’s now held in the Brainerd Lakes Area at resorts such as Cragun’s, Madden’s and Breezy Point. “Having the tournament at Cragun’s Resort was a more relaxed setting than a school building would be,” Wichman said. It’s a two-day event which is sponsored and governed by the Minnesota Service Cooperatives. On the first day, all teams are introduced at an evening banquet. Next, a written round of 60 questions is scored and teams are ranked. Teams are then grouped by their current standings and are “power-ranked,” or grouped together by their current standing, for five 45-question oral rounds. The team that finishes with the highest total score is the state champion. The top three winning teams receive trophies and the top six teams receive medals. Any ties among the top six are broken by a 15-question “overtime.” A Heritage Spirit Award is given to one team from each class that demonstrates a positive attitude and sportsmanship, as voted on by the meet readers, coaches, computer operators and other teams.

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Friday, Feb. 8, 2013

The winning tradition at SJP was started by two mothers, Sandy Harrison and Karen Lund, who coached a team to their first state championship in 2006. Miller said 2012 had the best team yet, leading the state tournament from start to finish. The

g Starrin ident r h ep es St. Jos Busse. Brad

members of that team are currently students at Columbia University, Scripps College and the University of Minnesota, plus Wichman, who hasn’t yet decided where he will go to school next year.

11th Annual Dinner Theater

‘Something’s A foot’

Where: The Great Blue Heron Supper Club (Hwy. 23, Cold Spring) When: Friday-Sunday, Feb. 15-17, 22-24 and Valentine’s Day Thursday, Feb. 14. Valentine’s Day, Fridays & Saturdays: Feb. 14-16, 22 & 23 Social Hour at 6 p.m. Dinner at 7 p.m. Show at 8 p.m. $35 Sundays, Feb. 16 & 24: Social hour at 1 p.m. Light meal served at 2 p.m. and curtain at 3 p.m. $25 Call 241-4682 (GNTC) for reservations or visit and download a form to be sent or emailed back to

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