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Friday, Feb. 15, 2013 Volume 24, Issue 7 Est. 1989
Town Crier
Snow, snow, more snow!
Free CPR training
Classes will be offered from 6 to 10 pm Monday, April 1 and Wednesday, April 3 at the St. Joseph Community Fire Hall. Participants need only attend one class, and there are 25 spaces available per class. If interested, individuals should contact the City of St. Joseph at 363-7201 to register for the class. Upon completion of the course, individuals will receive their Heart saver/AED CPR card and certification. The class is free to residents of St. Joseph, St. Joseph Township and St. Wendel Township.
photo by Cori Hilsgen
St. Joseph received more than 8 inches of snow during last weekend, breaking past records for the month of February.
St. Cloud Diocese hosts spiritual retreat
A Spiritual Retreat for Catholic women (and men) of the St. Cloud Diocese will be held from 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturday, March 9 in St. Edward’s Church, Henning, Minn. The theme is “Journey of Faith,” with morning speaker Fr. Greg Paffel and afternoon speaker Dcn. Randy Altstadt. Other agenda items include registration, refreshments, Mass, lunch and more. The retreat is sponsored by the St. Cloud Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Cost is: $15 prior to March 1; $20 after. Send registration check to: Marilyn Stenger, 30415 410th St., Dent, MN 56528. For additional information, call Eva Koep at 218-862-4710.
Mayor will host town hall meeting
St. Joseph Mayor Rick Schultz will host a town hall meeting Saturday, Feb. 16. The meeting is set for 9-10 a.m. at the Local Blend, 19 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph. The purpose of the townhall meeting is for residents to ask questions about city projects and discuss community issues.
Snowmobile Ride for Cancer
The first annual Stearns County Snowmobile Association Cancer Run is being held Saturday, Feb. 16. Members of the St. Joseph Sno-Joes and St. Stephen River Runners, along with many county snowmobile clubs, are sponsoring the event. Proceeds will be donated to the Keller Family Community Foundation, which supports research, education and informational activities to increase public awareness and to prevent and treat chronic health conditions and diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and depression. You can pick up a pledge sheet from any local snowmobile club member. For more information, visit and click on Criers.
Appliance Smart
Local residents present at conference by Cori Hilsgen
Several St. Joseph residents recently presented re-
ports at the “Living in the Avon Hills” conference held on Saturday, Feb. 2 at St. John’s University. Some of the presenters
included gen, Steve san Kroska Kroska. Hansgen
Diane HansRuprecht, Suand Dr. David
ies You Will Love,” about successful planting methods and how to choose the right lily to have a garden of
presented “Lil-
Conference • page 4
Council decides hiring process for chief by TaLeiza Calloway
City council member Steve Frank agreed with the idea of hiring internally as a way to
The pool of candidates seeking to replace St. Joseph Police Chief Pete Jansky will include fa- Jansky miliar faces and a few new ones. The St. Joseph City Council voted 4-1 to post the job both internally and externally Feb. 7. His last day is Aug. 22. Jansky, who announced his retirement Jan. 17, suggested looking internally first to fill his post as an effort to save time and yield candidates who already know the community. He said the City of Sartell went that route by appointing an interim chief, monitoring performance and finalizing the hire. “I think it would save the city time to look at what you have internally,” Jansky said. “You can expect (at least) 30plus applications.”
speed up filling the looming vacancy. St. Joseph Mayor Rick Schultz suggested post-
ing the job and interviewing internally and then looking Council • page 8
Girl Scout sells big at fishing contest
contributed photo
Seven-year-old St. Joseph resident Evie Wing, who is a member of Girl Scout Troop 996, sold 50 boxes of Girl Scout cookies Feb. 2 at the St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club’s 20th annual fishing contest. Caramel Delights were the fishermen’s favorites. From left to right: Chas Scepaniak, Evie and Darci Wing.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
St. Joseph Rod, Gun Club 20th annual ice fishing contest
Friday, Feb. 15, 2013
contributed photo
Logan Scholz, a fourth-grader at All Saints Academy, St. Joseph, reads to first-graders. Every day during February (also known as “I Love To Read” month) a different fourth-grader reads to the first-grade class.
contributed photos
Dan Henry holds the largest catch of the day, a 6-pound, 14.5-ounce northern. He was the big fish winner of the contest. Jane Monarski Scepaniak of St. Joseph enjoys the day on the lake. The 20th annual St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club ice fishing contest was held Feb. 2 at Kraemer Lake, St. Joseph. The winners of the contest for game fish were as follows: Dan Henry, first place with a 6-pound 14.5-ounce northern; Matt Anderson, second place with a 3-pound 14-ounce northern; and Kevin Meyers, third place with a 2-pound 14.5-ounce northern. The winners of the pan fish were as follows: Brandon Janull, first place with a 7.5-ounce crappie; Christian Brandon Janull holds $200 in prizes from the St. Jo- Forster, second place with a 7.5-ounce seph Rod and Gun Club Ice Fishing Contest. During the crappie; and Dalton Turck, third place contest, 578 fish were caught and returned to the lake. with a 7-ounce crappie. More than 400 people attended.
If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Jan. 11 1:04 p.m. Citizen contact. Kennedy Community School. Officer was requested to speak with two students in regards to discipline issues. Jan. 14 2:31 p.m. Hit and run. 1st Avenue NW and Minnesota Street W. Driver was strapping in her children with her left rear door open. Motor vehicle pulling farm implement came by and caught door forcing it forward. 10:51 p.m. Medical. Baker Street E. Six-year-old male was throwing up blood and stated he had a tummy
ache. He was holding his left side but would not allow officer to take a look. Officer monitored patient until St. Joseph Rescue and Gold Cross Ambulance arrived. Patient transported to hospital. Jan. 15 11:25 a.m. Dog at large. Able Street E. Complainant stated neighbor’s dog was running loose and doing its business in other people’s yards. Officer arrived and located dog which looked to be a shepherd/ lab mix across the street. Officer will send letter about licensing and dog-at-large warning. 5:06 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. College Avenue S. Report of a white SUV possibly a Honda Pilot that sits in the Township Hall parking lot between 3-6 p.m. daily. Complainant’s wife owns a daycare and some of the parents have witnessed this vehicle parked in the Lions’ Park just down the road. There are usually two people in the vehicle, a black male, 25-35 years of age, and a white female around
40. Male gets out after meeting and walks toward town, female leaves the area in vehicle. Complainant would like extra patrol during that time frame. Jan. 17 12:09 a.m. 4th Avenue SE. Noise complaint. Caller could hear thuds and screaming from apartment unit directly above. Officer made contact with a female tenant there who stated everything was fine and there was no problem. She said she had two friends over and all may have been talking too loudly. Officer advised to keep the noise down. Jan. 18 1:18 a.m. Intoxicated female. Sal’s Bar. Officer witnessed two female students helping another female across the street after leaving Sal’s Bar. The one female fell and was lying in the middle of the street. Breathalyzer indicated a reading of .178. Officer gave the females a ride to Luether Hall. One of the female’s roommates said she
David Herdan, of St. Joseph, recently received a bachelor’s degree in music education from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. Ten St. Joseph students were among 1,128 who recently graduated from St. Cloud State University. They, their majors and honors are as follows: Michele Braun, master’s in higher education administration; Sarah Covelli, bachelor’s in community health; Stephanie Hern, master’s in marriage and
family therapy; Hannah Justin, bachelor’s in psychology, magna cum laude; Daniel Krippner, master’s in biological sciences; Courtney Kroska, bachelor’s in biochemistry and bachelor’s in biomedical sciences, magna cum laude; Jordan Onnen, master’s in business administration; Julie Pratt-Blenker, bachelor’s in technology management; Randy Quistorff, master’s in sports management; and Jenna Stoneking, graduate certificate in learning disabilities.
A correction is needed for a story in the Feb. 8 Newsleader that was about Jodi Rajkowski of St. Joseph, whose husband was killed Oct. 13, 2011 after he was struck by a car while working on a construction project in Burnsville.
Rajkowski stated there should be an increased fine of $10,000 for motorists who strike a road-construction person. The monetary amount stated in the news story was far less than that because of a numerical typo.
would take responsibility for the intoxicated female. 8:30 p.m. Noise complaint. College Avenue S. Report of a male grinding metal in the laundry room. Officer advised party to discontinue and male stated he was done for the night. Officer advised next time would result in a citation. 11:48 p.m. Underage consumption. College Avenue N. Observed a White Bear Lake male standing on the sidewalk holding a gallonsized bottle of alcohol. As officers approached, male attempted to hide the bottle under his jacket, attempted to flee and was taken down to the ground. Officers charged male with underage consumption, underage possession of alcohol, obstructing legal process and possession of false ID. Officer was assisted by reserve officer.
since they broke up about two weeks ago. Officer advised to seek restraining order if it continues. Complainant said he wanted incident documented.
Jan. 19 7 p.m. Harassing phone calls. Iris Lane E. Complainant said he’s been receiving phone calls and text messages from his ex-girlfriend
Jan. 20 3:20 p.m. Dog at large. 7th Avenue NE. Complainant found dog at large and said she would keep it until someone claimed it and police could call her then. Jan. 20 11:15 a.m. Dumping complaint. CR 75 and Old Hwy. 52. Complainant called in a garbage truck which was losing garbage along the road. Officer found truck and spoke with driver who then went back to pick up the garbage. Jan. 22 3:16 p.m. Hazard. 3rd Avenue NW and Minnesota Street W. Report of a line down. Officer assisted with blocking street until Midcontinent came and raised Charter’s cable line.
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon Editor Dennis Dalman
Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen
The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office
Design/Layout Tara Wiese
Contributing Writers TaLeiza Calloway Mark Lauer
Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke
Contributing Writer/ Administrative Assistant Cori Hilsgen
Delivery Glen Lauer
P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Feb. 15, 2013
Street light utility fee Bus service in St. Joseph will end takes effect in March by TaLeiza Calloway
by TaLeiza Calloway
The St. Joseph City Council voted, 3-2, Feb. 7 to implement a street-light utility fee despite some reservations by city officials. Council members Steve Frank and Dale Wick voted against the move. “I just don’t think it was the best option,” Wick said. Collection of the fee will begin in March. Residents will see an increase of $18 per year, and businesses will see an increase of about $20 per year, St. Joseph City Administrator Judy Weyrens said. The utility fee is based on a per-unit system and is not as simple as paying for the light by one’s home, Weyrens told officials. “It really is systemwide,” Weyrens said of the fee. “It’s an asset. Everyone should pay the same share of the asset.” Wick said he would have
liked to have seen more options on how to distribute the fee. Sue Palmer, vice president of finance and administration for the College of St. Benedict, spoke during a public hearing about the fee Feb. 7. Palmer asked officials to explain the basis for the fee. She said the city should perhaps consider an alternative way of distributing the fee or offer CSB a credit for the lighting costs the college already pays. Under the approved change, the college will pay about $600 per light per year. Street lighting is generally included in the city’s property-tax levy, but in December 2012 officials voted to remove it and institute a street-light utility fee. By pulling the street-lighting expense from the levy, instead of residents and businesses paying taxes to the county for street lighting, they will pay the city directly every two months, staff said previously.
Home Stretch set Feb. 23 for first-time homebuyers Home Stretch, a first-time homebuyer workshop that takes participants through the entire home-buying process will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 23 at the office of the Central Minnesota Housing Partnership. Homebuyer education is also offered as an online course. Framework is a new online tool to prepare you for successful homeownership. Framework will provide you with the facts you need to become a knowl-
edgeable buyer. Many lenders have approved Framework to meet homebuyer education requirements. For more information, visit and click on Criers.
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Busing services provided by the Tri-County Action Program on Thursdays in St. Joseph will end after a recent city council vote. Tri-CAP recently informed the city ridership is too low to maintain the route. The city weighed the option of paying for the continuation of the scheduled bus service Feb. 7 but unanimously voted not to move forward with the service due to cost. This is the second adjustment to bus service in the city. The route went from two days a week to one day a week in 2011 due to the radius of Tri-CAP’s ser-
vice area shrinking last year and budget reductions. The twice-weekly bus service in St. Joseph began in 2009. Through the collaboration of the city, St. Benedict Monastery and the St. Joseph Lions Club, the city entered an agreement with Tri-CAP. The cost of the contract was about $2,400 with each unit contributing $800. St. Joseph City Administrator Judy Weyrens said it would have cost the city about $54 per hour and $324 per week to keep the Thursday service. The prices include the cost of fuel, the driver and the bus, she told officials during the council meeting. “It would’ve been quite
costly,” Weyrens said. “The nice thing is residents can still use the Dial-A-Ride service.” Last year, the city had 534 one-way trips. Overall ridership last year did not meet transportation requirements from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Weyrens said. MnDOT requires five passengers per hour in cities and three-plus passengers per hour in rural areas. St. Joseph has about 2.79 passengers per hour in the city and about 1.46 passengers in rural areas. The last day of the route is still being determined.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
presentations for 15 years. She said she was hooked after her first presentation at the LaPlayette Bar in St. Joseph when she presented vegetable gardening to a group of women from the Cold Spring school district. She belongs to several gardening organizations. Last year, she was asked to be a part of the Minnesota State Horticulture Society’s garden tour, which was held in St. Cloud. Starting in April, Hansgen begins yearly presentations in various cities. Topics she has presented include perennials such as peonies, photos by Cori Hilsgen hostas and ferns. A new Local master gardener Diane Hansgen talked about lilies at the topic she will discuss this “Living in the Avon Hills” conference held Saturday, Feb. 2 at year is ornamental grasses. St. John’s University. The all-day event offered opportunities Steve Ruprecht, who is for people of all ages to attend sessions on a first-come, first- the nursery manager at served basis throughout the day. Thomsens Greenhouses, presented a report on “Tree Pruning Made Simple.” He pink. She shared many other discussed how and when to interesting details about lil- prune various trees. Rupreies. Her talk included how cht said late winter, or now from front page martagon lilies like shady through March, is the best color from spring until fall. areas where roots are kept time to prune. Some trees Hansgen discussed OT hy- cool and can provide a good such as silver maple, sugar brids, which produce large, border in a wild flower or maple, spruce and white fragrant, trumpet-shaped woodland setting. Hansgen pine will “bleed” or leak flowers; the altari lily which said if you brush the pollen tree sap. Early summer or grows to heights of more off of the anthers, lilies will May when the tree leaves than four feet; LA hybrids, keep longer and make excel- have fully expanded is a which make very good cut lent cut flowers for bringing good time to prune those types of trees. flowers; and how tiger lil- indoors. Trees have different bud Hansgen, who is a master ies only grow in the colors arrangements, either opof orange, yellow, red and gardener, has been giving posite or alternate. Ruprecht said pruners want to cut the branch so it grows away from the tree. A forked VOTED VOTED branch on old, established BEST BEST SOUP SANDWICH trees can cause a tree to IN TOWN! IN TOWN! split in half. Ruprecht said VOTED the pruner can drill through BEST QUICK LUNCH the two sections and brace IN TOWN! the branches with bolts. The SUBS • POCKETS • GYROS • SCHWARMA tree bark will grow over NEW PUB GRUB MENU the bolts. He recommendat Downtown St. Cloud Location ed using a three-point cut Try our Tuesday-Thursday Midweek Specials on branches that are bigger • 50¢ Wings • $5 Flatbread Pizzas Any Sandwich than one inch. A three-point • $2 Stuffed Crab • $2 Mozzarella Stix With purchase of cut involves undercutting • $2 Breaded Shrimp • $2 Chips ‘n Cheese sandwich of equal • $2 Shrimp Cocktail • $2 Onion Rings the branch, then making a or greater value • $1 Jumbo Egg Roll • $1 French Fries second cut above the first Expires 03/14/13 More New Menu Items Coming Soon! cut and lastly cutting the branch right along the collar • 3 AREA LOCATIONS •
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Susan Kroska spoke about baking bagels and other breads. She handed out samples of her “Everything” and “Asiago Cheese” bagels. Kroska’s husband, David, also presented on tomatoes at the conference. of the tree branch. Ruprecht said it’s good to remove broken branches and suckers from a tree because they can draw some of the energy from the tree. This is Ruprecht’s third year of speaking at the Avon Hills conference. “It’s a really good place to get in touch with the Avon Hills crowd,” Ruprecht said. “It’s always good to see your neighbors and introduce them to what is new this year.” Susan Kroska presented a report on “Susan’s Artisan Bread.” She talked about how to make bagels that are crispy on the outside and soft and chewy in the middle. Kroska passed out samples of her “Everything” and “Asiago Cheese” bagels and also samples of her scones. Kroska, who attended the San Francisco Baking Institute and also took classes in Canada and San Diego, said she has loved baking since
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she was very young. Kroska’s husband, Dr. David Kroska of ACME Tomatoes, also presented a report called “Tomatoes: Tips, Tricks and Trivia” at the conference. The keynote speaker was Stan Tekiela, a Minnesota author, photographer and naturalist. The day was broken down into four 45-minute sessions. People who attended the conference were able to choose to attend any session on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the day. Organized by the Avon Hills Initiative and other individuals, the all-day conference is held on a Saturday each winter, and usually covers a variety of topics on land use, natural history, alternative energy, the arts and more. The conference is meant to be a learning experience for the whole family and several of the sessions are designed especially for children. The AHI is an organization of concerned citizens who are working to preserve the rural and natural character of the Avon Hills, an area of about 50 square miles of land in St. Joseph, Avon, St. Wendel and Collegeville townships. The AHI works through educating and organizing local government to increase awareness of land-development pressures facing the Avon Hills. Members try to communicate with involved people to try to preserve the history, natural beauty and differing biological elements of the hills for future generations, while still respecting the individual landowner’s rights.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Feb. 15, 2013
Stewart’s classes improve driving skills by Cori Hilsgen
Drivers 55 and older are learning some new driving skills through classes taught by Ron Stewart, a St. Joseph resident. Drivers who take the eighthour course, and renew it with a four-hour refresher course every three years, are eligible for
the class when they first start but usually feel they learned something by the time it’s finished. He said with the roundabouts and diamond interchange being built in the area, people enjoy learning new information. During the class, Stewart talks about ways to combat driving fatigue. He said average
St Joseph resident Ron Stewart teaches driver improvement classes to people 55 and older. The classes help refresh old driving skills and also teach new driving information. a 10-percent-or-more discount on their auto insurance. The requirements and discounts are mandated by state law. The classes help older drivers to improve driving skills and learn about recent changes in laws, highway design, technology and other things. In the class, Stewart also discusses changes in physical health, how it affects your driving skills and different methods of adjusting to the changes. Stewart said some participants aren’t sure about taking
drivers are now getting one hour a day less sleep than they did in the 1950s. Sister Michaela Hedican, OSB, and Dale and Marilyn Haug attended Stewart’s class at Kennedy Community School. Hedican said the class is required for anyone at the St. Benedict Monastery who drives. She said she learned about new technologies and the future of self-driving cars. Self-driving cars are computer-controlled. “It helps us to be safe drivers,” Hedican said. “It’s a good
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refresher and teaches us new technologies and prepares us for the future as well as the present.” The Haugs took the class to keep up to date on driving skills and to learn new things. “It reminds us,” Marilyn Haug said. “A lot of laws have changed since we took driver’s training classes.” No books or tests are required for the class. Participants can follow the outline and take notes through a booklet. A certificate is given at the end of the class. Stewart is a certified instructor and received his training from the Minnesota Highway Safety Research Center at St. Cloud State University. He has been teaching the class for four years. Stewart said the course can be sponsored by any organization and can be taught through churches, schools, senior centers and other businesses. Stewart uses humor while stressing the importance of improving driving skills. He uses a multi-media approach to keep a person’s interest. He said the classes are interactive and very informative. Stewart teaches the course at Kennedy Community School through the community-education program. He also teaches it at the Whitney Senior Center in St. Cloud, as well as places in Sauk Centre and Long Prairie. St. Joseph usually averages about 15 people in his classes, while the other locations usually average about 30-35 people and fill very quickly.
photos by Cori Hilsgen
Dale Haug (left), Marilyn Haug and Sister Michaela Hedican, OSB, recently attended a driver-improvement class for people 55 and older. Participants who complete the course receive a discount on their car insurance rates. “We are trying to develop (it in) the St. Joseph area,” he said. Stewart grew up in Minneapolis. He and his wife, Sandy, originally from Chicago, have four adult sons. Two of their sons are married, and the Stewarts have four granddaughters. Ron and Sandy have been married for 44 years. Stewart has more than 30 years of pastoral ministry experience. The Stewarts moved to the area 15 years ago when he accepted a position as pastor at the Avon Community Church. He also served as pastor at the Park Side Community Church in St. Joseph.
The family lives in Graceview Estates in St. Joseph. “How appropriate is that for a retired pastor to live in a community with that name,” Stewart said, smiling. He also has volunteered in the Emergency Trauma Center at the St. Cloud Hospital for more than four years. Sandy is a paralegal with Quinlivan and Hughes law firm in St. Cloud. The next class offered at Kennedy will be a four-hour refresher course on March 11 and an eight-hour course for first-time students on March 18 and 19. To register or for information, call 888-234-1294.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Feb. 15, 2013
Opinion Our View Thinking outside the box about gun control Dear residents: Don’t sleep As readers probably already know, Another bright idea I’ve recently heard the Newsleader has been battling it out about – and believe it’s already being Janelle on opportunities for help between both sides of the gun-control implemented although not fast enough There are only 24 hours in one day. Time can get away from us and before we know it the next day has arrived. However, sometimes a pause is warranted. When possible, it’s important for residents to take advantage of help when it’s offered by cities. With tight budgets and a struggling economy, these opportunities can become scarce. A recent city council decision has firmed up one of these opportunities. Members of the St. Joseph City Council unanimously voted to move forward with a small cities development grant application in partnership with the Central Minnesota Housing Partnership. Applying for funding from the Department of Employment and Economic Development has gone from discussion mode to action. The city held a public hearing Feb. 7 and an open house previously to gauge interest. While turnout was low, the city has heard from about 45 property owners, officials said. Don’t sleep on this opportunity, St. Joseph. The Small Cities Development Program helps cities and counties with funding for housing, infrastructure and commercial rehabilitation projects that benefit people of low and moderate incomes, according to the Department of Employment and Economic Development. Projects must meet three objectives. Those objectives are a benefit to people of low and moderate incomes, elimination of slum and blight conditions, and elimination of any urgent threats to public health or safety. Specifically, the City of St. Joseph is submitting a proposal to DEED requesting funding for needed repairs to homes and commercial businesses. Funding is being requested to assist homeowners in two identified target areas. One target area is from Minnesota Street N. to Birch Street between 5th Avenue NW and 3rd Avenue NE. The other area is from Minnesota Street south to Baker Street between College Avenue and 8th Avenue SE. If the city receives the funding, the grant can provide zero-percent deferred forgivable loans to assist homeowners in completing needed repairs to include new roofing, siding, windows and doors, as well as mechanical and electrical updates. Exact loan amounts will be determined on a per-project basis. This is just one of many examples of collaboration at its best. It’s also a way to help residents help themselves. While it is a community investment on behalf of the city, it’s up to the residents to show the investment is worthwhile. For more information about the grant process, call St. Joseph City Hall at 320-363-7201.
issue – some tout enacting legislature to limit military-style assault weapons and enforce stricter gun-licensing rules; others advocate their Second Amendment rights saying “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” Although both sides are adamant in their beliefs and adhere strictly to their positions, most would agree something needs to be done to curb these appalling, senseless, and all-too-common killing frenzies. The latest incidents include a former cop from California on the loose for nine days after several shooting sprees leaving at least four dead, including two police officers. And, closer to home, a shooter in the Twin Cities suburb of Oakland who randomly riddled bullets at any moving target, including a minivan with a mother and her 9-year-old son coming home during suppertime Monday evening. The innocent boy, Devin Aryal, died and several others were seriously injured from that rampage. During his State of the Union speech
Von Pinnon Publisher
Tuesday evening, President Obama mentioned there have been more than 1,000 gun-related deaths just since the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre in early December. As a society we need to say “Enough!” Maybe we need to start thinking outside the box when it comes to gun control. I was heartened to hear of a Twin Cities police chief who is taking action. His department spends $1 million annually on guns and ammunition. To do his part, he said he would purchase only from responsible gun dealers who self-impose limits on the purchase of semi-automatic weapons and multiple ammunition clips. I hope this catches on like wildfire and spreads to other communities, large and small. After all, no change is effective unless it hits the source in their pocketbooks.
for me – is new technology that allows a gun to be fired only by its licensed owner. Others who may try to fire it would disable the gun altogether. And yet another technology-based thought, one of the most ingenious ones to date I think, came from my 18-year-old daughter who, while discussing this same issue thoughtfully and sensibly, offered the suggestion if we can use relatively inexpensive GPS tracking in cars to pinpoint our location and can microchip our pets so they can be found if lost, why couldn’t this same technology be used to track guns and those using them? And maybe there needs to be a combination of all those ideas and many more that are still surfacing out there. Somehow, those current technologies as well as new technologies and the new ideas of our future generation give me hope. I just wish, in the meantime, no more innocent lives would be taken by gunfire, but, unfortunately, this is probably only wishful thinking.
True listening is crucial to judicial fairness While interviewing to become a judge, I was asked how my experience as an attorney had prepared me for the position. I responded that trying cases for 20 years in state and federal court had been like studying to become a judge. I admit I wondered how different this “studying” would be in relation to the “test” of everyday judging. Specifically, I questioned how difficult it would be adjusting from being an advocate, pleading and arguing on behalf of a client, to the role of neutral decision-maker. The Minnesota rules which govern lawyers’ conduct say a lawyer’s duty in representing a client includes the responsibility to “act with commitment and dedication . . . and with zeal in advocacy upon the client’s behalf.” In my years as a lawyer, I zealously advocated for a wide variety of clients. As a legal services attorney, I advocated for victims of domestic abuse. As a criminal defense attorney, I represented men and women charged with crimes ranging from traffic tickets to homicide. As an attorney in a law firm, I represented families fighting for better education for disabled children. In each of those roles, I did what lawyers do – worked at being as persuasive as I could to help my clients. When I took the bench in March of last year, my responsibilities changed dramatically. The rules governing the
Sarah Hennesy District Court Judge conduct of judges provide “a judge . . . shall perform all duties of judicial office fairly and impartially.” They also say “to ensure impartiality and fairness to all parties, a judge must be objective and openminded.” According to Webster, I am impartial if I “treat or affect all equally.” I am no longer an advocate. I am a fair and impartial decision-maker with the ultimate duty of insuring justice is served. Prior to taking the bench, I found myself wondering how the skills I had developed as “a zealous advocate” would apply to this new undertaking. I’m finding it’s easier to let go of my role as an advocate than I thought it would be. I still get to do what I value most – listen to people’s stories. The only way I could do my job well as an attorney was to listen, patiently and attentively, to my clients. As a judge, I have the privilege of being able to spend my days listening to people tell me about their lives, their work and their families. I spend more of my day listening now than ever before. I might spend the morning hearing a child’s tes-
timony about her abuser, how he hurt her but she loves him and doesn’t want him to go away. My next case might involve an assistant county attorney fighting to protect the public from a man who cannot or will not stop drinking and driving. Later that morning, a public defender will ask I send a client addicted to prescription drugs to a treatment program rather than prison. The afternoon might begin with an attorney representing a creditcard company that cannot get a debtor to pay and end with a woman who cannot afford an attorney fighting on her own to get visitation with her child. These stories can be hard to hear. At the end of a long day, it might be tempting to assume you know the story behind the person in front of you without giving him or her the chance to tell it. My experience in advocating for clients taught me the only way to really understand the person standing before you is to listen to him or her with an open mind. I have committed myself to open-mindedly listening to each party before me. This is the foundation for treating those who come before me equally and for making fair and balanced decisions. (Judge Sarah Hennesy of St. Cloud is district-court judge for Minnesota’s Seventh Judicial District, which includes Benton and Stearns counties.)
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Friday, Feb. 15, 2013
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Community Calendar
Friday, Feb. 15 “The Lesson,” a St. Cloud State University Theater Department production intended for a mature audience, 7:30 p.m. today-Saturday, Performing Arts Center, SCSU. or 320-308-4636. Saturday, Feb. 16 55+ driver improvement course, four-hour refresher course, 9:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m., Miller Auto Plaza, 2930 2nd St S, St. Cloud. or call 1-(888)-234-1294. “The Lesson,” a St. Cloud State University Theater Department production intended for a mature audience, 7:30 p.m., Performing Arts Center, SCSU. www. season or 320-308-4636. Sunday, Feb. 17 “The Lesson,” a St. Cloud State University Theater Department production intended for a mature audience, 2 p.m., Performing Arts Center, SCSU. www. season or 320-308-4636. Monday, Feb. 18 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., St. Cloud State University, 720 4th Ave. S., St. Cloud. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion in St. Joseph.
1301 W. St. Germain St.. St. Cloud. 1-800RED CROSS or visit Blood drive, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., St. Cloud State University, 720 4th Ave. S., St. Cloud. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit “Starting Seeds Indoors,” a Master Gardener seminar, 1-2 p.m., Great River Regional Library, St. Cloud. 320-2556169.
Wednesday, Feb. 20 Criminal Justice Career and Internship Fair, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Atwood Ballroom, St. Cloud State University. The fair offers students and alumni opportunities to meet with state, federal and private employers including detention centers, residential facilities, sheriff and police departments, prisons and private security agencies, the FBI and others. No registration is required. Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Great Hall, St. John’s University, Great Hall, Collegeville. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit Artificial Nutrition and Hydration at the End-of-Life, a Hospice Foundation of America annual teleconference, 1-4:45 p.m., Windfeldt Room, CentraCare Health Plaza, St. Cloud. Registration begins at 12:30 p.m. 320-251-2700, ext. 55642. Car-seat checkup, 3-6 p.m., Gold Cross Ambulance Garage, 2800 7th St. N., St. Cloud. 320-229-5139.
Tuesday, Feb. 19 Dairy Farm Safety Course (Part 2), 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Midtown Square Mall, Room 218, St. Cloud. 320-255-6169. Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Great Hall, St. John’s University, Collegeville OR St. Cloud Blood Donation Center,
Thursday, Feb. 21 55+ driver improvement course, eight-hour first-time, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Life Assembly of God, 2409 Clearwater Road, St. Cloud. or call 1-(888)-234-1294. Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit
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55+ driver improvement course, four-hour refresher course, 1-5 p.m., Salem Lutheran Church, 90 Riverside Drive SE, St. Cloud. or call 1-(888)-234-1294. St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-363-7201. Friday, Feb. 22 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall, 610 North County Road 2, St. Joseph. www.stjosephfarmersmarket. com. Fish fry, 4:30-7:30 p.m., St. John the Baptist Parish, Collegeville. Night of the Stars, sponsored by District 742 Local Education and Activities Foundation, 7 p.m., Paramount Arts Theater, 913 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 320-259-5463.
Saturday, Feb. 23 Gardening Knowledge for Free by Stearns County Master Gardeners, 8:15 a.m.-noon, Whitney Senior Center, St. Cloud. 320-255-6169. Sartell Community Showcase, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sartell Middle School, 627 Third Ave. N., Sartell. A free, family-focused event with a “Cirque du Sartell”(circus) theme includes booths from many area businesses/organizations, kids’ activities, games, inflatables, open swimming and door prizes.Entertainment from various groups will be held at 10 a.m. and noon. The LeSauk Lions will sell food at the event too. Call 320-258-6061, e-mail or visit www. Night of the Stars, sponsored by District 742 Local Education and Activities Foundation, 2 and 7 p.m., Paramount Arts Theater, 913 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 320-259-5463.
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Freelancers sought The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to janellev@thenewsleaders. com. tfn REACH NEARLY 1 MILLION HOUSEHOLDS! Do you have a product, service, or business that would be helped by reaching nearly 1 million households throughout Minnesota? The Minnesota Classified Network will allow you to reach these potential customers quickly and inexpensively. For more information concerning a creative classified ad call this publication or Minnesota Classified Network at 800-866-0668. (MFPA)
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Meet Lia, a 13-year-old spayed and declawed black-and-white cat. Lia was surrendered because her owner was moving and sadly, was unable to take her along. In her previous home, Lia was buddies with a dog and another cat. She is a great lap-warmer and enjoyed receiving attention from all ages of children who came to visit. Despite her age, Lia is still very playful, especially with jingle balls and a laser pointer. Lia would be FREE to a senior citizen and someone who is or was in the military. She also qualifies for our “Name-Your-Own-Price” promotion.
“Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 10 Puppies - 3
Cats - 22 Rabbits - 2
Mice - 2 Guinea Pigs - 3
Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302
Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.
Mary Kay Cosmetics Joyce Barnes St. Joseph 320-251-8989
Barbara G. Backes, M.S., LPC, P.A. Marriage, Family & Individual St. Cloud 320-420-6195
Dr. Jerry Wetterling 103 N. College Ave. St. Joseph 320-363-4573
CHURCHES Gateway Church - St. Joseph
Michael F. Contardo D.D.S. 26 2nd Ave. NW St. Joseph 320-363-4468 Drs. Styles, Cotton & Milbert 1514 E. Minnesota St., Box 607 St. Joseph 320-363-7729
Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday, 7 p.m. Wednesday, 6 p.m. Saturday
106 2nd Ave. NW • 320-282-2262
Von Meyer Publishing 32 1st Ave. NW St. Joseph 320-363-7741
Resurrection Lutheran, ELCA Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11 a.m. WoW! (Worship on Wednesday) 6:30 p.m.
610 N. CR 2 St. Joseph Russell Eyecare & Associates 320-363-4232 15 E. Minnesota St., Ste. 107 St. Joseph 320-433-4326 St. Joseph Catholic Church Masses: Tuesday-Friday 8 a.m. Saturday 5 p.m. Sunday 8 and 10 a.m.
320-363-7505 St. Joseph
PLUMBING & HEATING Metro Plumbing & Heating 545 8th Ave. NE St. Joseph 320-363-7761
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Feb. 15, 2013
Joetown Snowtown is this weekend Got a comment?
An opportunity to celebrate the close of winter is slated for this weekend. The St. Joseph Park Board will host Joetown Snowtown Saturday, Feb. 16 in Millstream and Centennial parks. Activities for youth include a medallion hunt, broomball, skate races and snowman-building for children from 1 to
4 p.m. in Centennial Park, south of Highway 75 at the corner of Birch Street West and Old Highway 52. Additional festivities for adults include a chili-tasting, bonfire and flashlight snowshoeing from 5 to 9 p.m. in Millstream Park, north of Highway 75 1 mile west of the intersection of College Avenue and C.R.
2. Refreshments and some snowshoes will be provided. Some activities are dependent on weather and could be cancelled. For more information and clues for the medallion hunt, visit the city’s website,
The next step is for city staff to finalize the job description and set a timeline for the hiring process. Jansky’s 34-year career in law enforcement started June 15, 1979. He worked as a pa-
trol officer in St. Joseph from 1981-87 and has been the city’s police chief since 2001. He also previously served as police chief in Albany and Lakefield.
from front page outside the St. Joseph Police department if no candidate was selected. City council member Bob Loso was in favor of looking within and outside of the city for the hire. “I’d like to see what’s out there,” Loso said.
NOW HIRING!!! Journeyman Electrician
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Free electronic filing 20+ years experience Reasonable rates Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday or by appointment
Post it on our website at
Now Hiring: Freelancers sought
The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/ personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/ photo samples to
32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph