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Newsleader St. Joseph

Friday, March 1, 2013 Volume 24, Issue 9 Est. 1989

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Residents reflect on history of school building

Town Crier

Warming house is closed for season

The warming house at Memorial Park in St. Joseph is closed for the season. St. Joseph Public Works Director Terry Thene said residents should also note with the strength of the sun lately, the ice rinks will not hold up much longer in town. For more information about parks and recreation in St. Joseph, visit the city’s website at

Register to be bone marrow donor

photos by Cori Hilsgen

Register to become a bone marrow donor on Tuesday, March 5 As construction continues connecting the All Saints Academy school to the St. Joseph Catholic Church, area residents reflect on from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the As- the many purposes the school has served. pen Room at St. Cloud Hospital, throughout the years. Studer recalled the school met there. 1406 6th Ave. N., (park in the by Cori Hilsgen St. Joseph Area Historical served as a gathering space for “There was a skating rink North parking lot/ramp and enter Society members Ellie Studer many reasons. Some of them between the church and the at North lobby) or from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Cloud Technical and As new construction con- and Andy Loso recalled several included Saturday pingpong school,” Studer said. Community College, 1540 North- necting the All Saints Academy shared memories. When Studer was in high games in the basement and basway Drive. All you need to provide school building (formerly the Studer has lived in St. Joseph ketball games upstairs. She said school, she was a pin setter for is a cheek swab sample. You will St. Joseph Laboratory School) all of her life and graduated many Halloween parties and the four-lane bowling alley that be contacted if you are a possible match for a patient. There is no cost to the St. Joseph Catholic with the eighth-grade class in wedding and funeral dinners was located where the current were served there. The Chris- school library/computer lab is. to participate. Candidates should Church is taking place, St. Jo- 1947. “The building served so tian Mothers and Young Ladies Studer said she thought she be between the ages of 18 and seph residents are taking time 44. Every four minutes someone to reflect on the many purposes many purposes,” Studer said. Civility group, which Studer was paid 10 cents per game to in the United States is diagnosed the school building has served “The basement was a plus.” said was like youth group, also School • page 4 with a blood cancer. Many will need a bone marrow transplant to survive. About 70 percent of people in need of a transplant do not have a matching donor in their family. by TaLeiza Calloway conditions after a recent city pied rental license for a prop- property owner has lived For more information, call 320-654- council vote. erty owner who has tried to there for at least two years as 6195 or visit www.thenewsleaders. Council members on Feb. sell his or her home without a primary residence. The inicom and click on Criers.

Council approves housing law change

Property owners who are having a hard time selling Hy-Vee dog food issued a volun- their homes can now tempotary recall throughout the Midwest rarily rent them under certain

Dog food recall

Feb. 22. The company is recalling certain bags of Hy-Vee Complete Dog-Complete Nutrition, and HyVee Complete Dog-Bites, Bones and Squares, after random routine testing performed by the Iowa Department of Agriculture found higher-than-normal levels of alflatoxin in some samples of the food. Alflatoxin is a naturally occurring toxic chemical contaminant found commonly in corn and other foods that has been linked to liver damage. For a complete list of recalled product, visit and click on Extra Extra.

Seeking donations for Project Homeless

Donations are being collected for Project Homeless Connect, an event for people who are homeless or near homeless in St. Cloud. Donations, which will be accepted until March 15, can be personal hygiene products, new socks, new clothes, cash to support the event and gift cards. Contact Cheri Klassen, Tri-CAP, at 320-251-1612. For more information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers.

21 voted 5-0 to amend the city’s R-1 Single-Family Residential zoning restrictions to allow a non-owner-occu-

success. The amendment requires proof the home has been on the market for at least three months and the

tial proposal was for the property owner to live there for at least one year, but city offiCouncil • page 8

Students learn value of service at Kidstop by TaLeiza Calloway

Students attending Kennedy Kidstop do more than play bingo and board games. They’re learning the value of community service as they run and play through the cafeteria of Kennedy Community School in St. Joseph. The latest service project underway is the collection of towels to be donated to the Salvation Army’s Emergency Shelter. The after-school program will collect towels and washcloths until the end of the month. Collection of the towels started in January. “I just figured they are here every day,” Erika Jagiella said. “They can make a difference.” Kidstop is a school-aged child care program for K-6

located at 13 schools in the St. Cloud, Sauk Rapids-Rice, Sartell-St. Stephen and Rocori school districts. Jagiella is the program manager for Kennedy Kidstop in St. Joseph. She brought the idea of collecting towels to her students after a fellow church member announced the Salvation Army’s need. While collection has been slow, her goal is not for students to get caught up in the number of towels collected but for them to know they can help those in need in their communities. “My goal is to teach them something every day,” Jagiella said. “Whether it’s one child or one lesson, that’s important to me.” The effort to help the Salvation Army is not the only Students • page 3

photo by TaLeiza Calloway

Kennedy Community School Kidstop students (from left to right) Westin Hiltner, 10, Reanna Borger, 9, and Mitchell Hieserich, 11, look over the knots in a fleece blanket they made Feb. 14. The blankets will be donated to the Children’s Hospital in March.

St. Joseph Newsleader •



If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 3638250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.

Jan.31 1:28 a.m.. Intoxicated individuals. Minnesota Sreet W. Officer observed two females and one male walking. One female and the male appeared to be intoxicated. Gave all a ride home. 9:42 a.m. Car accident. College Avenue N. Two-car accident involving male and female drivers. Female pulled out in front of male and he hit her at a 90-degree angle. No reported injuries. Feb. 1 6:51 a.m. Traffic control. C.R. 75 and C.R. 134 Officer provided traffic control for a tractor/trailer combo that became separated so it could be reconnected. 6:54 p.m. Car accident. C.R. 75 and College Avenue N. Male was stopping at red light, facing south. Another driver traveling westbound, attempting to turn north, slid straight and hit the first driver. First driver complained of head-and-neck injury and was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Feb. 2 4:38 a.m. Domestic assault. TriCounty Mobile Home. Officer stood by for officer safety to assist if needed in the arrest for a domestic assault. Suspect lived in St. Cloud. 10:50 p.m. Officer assist. Birch


Street W. Officer assisted St. Cloud to check for a hit-and-run vehicle. Nothing was observed. 11:33 p.m. DWI. College Avenue S. CSB security requested assist with a vehicle driving without headlights that had almost struck security. Officer detected odor of alcohol on driver. Male driver admitted having alcohol and said he was 19 years of age. He failed the sobriety tests, and officer transported to jail.

Travis Brattensborg, son of Jackie and Paul Brattensborg of St. Joseph, was selected as the bass guitar player in the Inaugural 7thand 8th-Grade Honor Jazz Band, sponsored by the Minnesota Band Directors Association. Brattensborg performed at the Minneapolis Convention Center with the Honor Jazz Band on Feb. 15. He is a 7thgrader at Cathedral Middle School, St. Cloud.

Feb. 4 10:18 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. Cedar Street E. Officer observed a suspicious vehicle behind a store. Turned out to be the owner of the store waxing the floors.

Three St. Joseph students from St. John’s Prep recently ranked in the annual National German Exam. They and their rank are as follows:

Feb. 6 2:05 a.m. Drive-off. C.R. 75 and C.R. 3. Officer was asked to assist with a drive-off at local gas station. Officer stopped vehicle and identified driver who stated she had used her credit card at the pump. Gas station said they had authorized the pump from inside. Driver went back and took care of the matter. 7:32 p.m. Traffic stop. C.R. 75 and Sauk River. Officer stopped vehicle with suspended license plate. Driver stated he had paid his fine more than a week ago and was told he could drive. He stated he had nothing in writing to prove that. Officer issued citation and advised him he had 30 days to pay it or set a court date. Driver had friends come and drive his truck. Feb. 10 11:21 a.m. Vehicle in ditch. C.R. 75. No damage to anything. Officer called for a tow and stood by until the vehicle was removed.

Samuel Schrup, senior, 89.76 percent, ranking 16th in Minnesota, Level IV (104 students in Minnesota); Thomas Skahen, sophomore, 93.83 percent, ranking 10th in Minnesota, Level III (146 students in Minnesota); and Justin Terhaar, freshman, 86.67 percent ranking 28th in Minnesota, Level II (275 students in Minnesota). The National German Exam is administered each year to nearly 24,000 high school students in the second, third and fourth level of German. Exam results provide a means of comparing students in all regions of the country.

LEgal notICE RESOLUTION 2013-002 AUTHORIZING SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE 75 RECITALS: THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: WHEREAS, on Jan. 17, 2013, the City Council for the City of St. Jo- 1. The City Council has reviewed seph adopted Ordinance 75, en- the proposed Summary Publicatitled “Social Host”; and tion and finds the summary of the Ordinance clearly informs the pubWHEREAS, the City of St. Joseph lic of the intent and effect of the desires to publish the Ordinance Ordinance. by Summary Publication; and 2. The City of St. Joseph directs WHEREAS, the intent of the pro- the City Administrator to publish posed Ordinance is to discourage the Ordinance by Summary Pubunderage possession and con- lication. sumption of alcohol, even if done within the confines of a private Adopted this 17th day of January, residence, and intends to hold per- 2013, by a vote of 4 in favor and 1 sons criminally responsible who opposed. host events or gatherings where persons under 21 years of age pos- CITY OF ST. JOSEPH sess or consume alcohol regardless of whether the person hosting the By Rick Schultz, Mayor event or gathering supplied the alcohol. By Judy Weyrens, Administrator Publish: March 1, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

Obituary Glenn M. Hommerding May 5, 1965-Feb. 24, 2013 Glenn M. Hommerding, 47, of St. Joseph died Sunday, Feb. 24 at home surrounded by his loving Hommerding family after a two-year battle with ALS “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.” His funeral was held Feb. 28 in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in St. Joseph. The Rev. Jerome Tupa, OSB, officiated. Burial was in the parish cemetery. Hommerding was born May 5, 1965 in St. Cloud, Minn. to Wally and Marion (Libbesmeier) Hommerding. He graduated from Melrose High School and attended St. Cloud Technical College for Auto Body. He married Brenda L. Heinze on Sept. 12, 1987 at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Elrosa. He lived all of his married life in St. Joseph and was employed as a route driver for the Epilepsy Foundation. He was a member of St. Joseph’s Parish. Hommerding enjoyed sitting in a “clean” garage, coffee dates at Caribou, riding his Harley, four-wheeling, camping and above all spending time with family, “the boys” and friends. He also enjoyed car shopping and going to auctions. Hommerding was always the first to lend a hand and was a volunteer with Relay for Life. He will always be remembered as “Uncle Goofy” by many nieces and nephews. Survivors include his wife; sons, Matthew, Jeremy and Tyler, all of St. Joseph; mother, Marion Hommerding of Melrose; brothers, Gene (Lori) of Dayton, Ken (Gail) of Melrose, Dale (Marla) of Blaine, Gary (Marge) of Hancock, Keith (Brenda) of Holdingford, and Lee (Karen) of Anchorage, Alaska; many nieces, nephews, relatives and friends; and beloved dog, Dixie. He was preceded in death by his father, Wally in 2011; infant brother, Gerard; and sister-in-law, Lynn Hommerding. Memorials are preferred to the ALS Association.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon Editor Dennis Dalman

Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen

The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Contributing Writers TaLeiza Calloway Mark Lauer

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke

Contributing Writer/ Administrative Assistant Cori Hilsgen

Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Students from front page service project the after-school program has done. Other service projects include preparing and donating Thanksgiving boxes filled with complete meals for local families, collecting and donating hats and mittens and working with the local giving tree to assist families during the holidays with gifts. Jagiella also hopes to coordinate a park-restoration project in Waite Park once the weather gets better. Like most Kidstop locations, the Kennedy site has a Torch Club. This is a group of older students at the club who serve as role models for the younger students. Some of the members

St. Joseph Newsleader • of the Torch Club at Kennedy have made fleece blankets to donate to the Children’s Hospital in the Twin Cities. They will deliver the blankets in March. Students are eager to see the reaction to their work. “It feels good to help someone else,” Westin Hiltner said. “One day they could write you and say ‘thank you.’” Hiltner, 10, of St. Joseph is a member of the Torch Club. Fellow club members Mitchell Hieserich, 11, and Reanna Borger, 9, also like knowing they can make a difference from a distance. Borger said helping others could inspire more to do the same. “It makes me feel good inside,” Hieserich said of community service. “I’m learning how to be a better person and how to make a difference.” Jagiella said teaching stu-

dents about the value of community service early is beneficial to their overall development. Her favorite thing to see is the sense of accomplishment on their faces. Community service is important to Jagiella and something she grew up witnessing from her mother who is a nurse in Wisconsin. The St. Cloud State University alumna brought this value with her to St. Joseph and hopes her students don’t forget the value of community service as they advance. Teaching them early is key. “I feel it’s important (to teach them early) so it continues as they grow,” she said. Kennedy Kidstop is open 2:10-6 p.m. Monday-Friday at Kennedy Community School, 1300 Jade Road.


St. John the Baptist Parish Center, Collegeville Just west of St. John’s University Campus on Fruit Farm Road

Friday, March 8 4:30-7:30 p.m.

Fish Fry Tickets at the door: Adults: $9, Children (ages 5-10): $5 Children under 5: FREE Menu: Fried fish, roasted potatoes, beans, coleslaw, bread, desserts and coffee

Take out available. Our dining room is handicap accessible.

LEgal notICE CITY OF ST. JOSEPH PUBLIC HEARING The St. Joseph City Council shall seph Church (diagram 2, see beconduct a public hearing on Thurs- low.) day, March 7, 2013 at 7 p.m. at the All persons wishing to be heard St. Joseph City Hall. The purpose will be heard with oral testimony of the hearing is to consider is- limited to 5 minutes. Written tessuance of two outdoor special timony may be submitted to the events. They are as follows: City Administrator, City of St. Joseph, P.O. Box 668, St. Joseph, Friday, May 10, 2013– Sal’s Bar MN 56374. – Senior Farewell (diagram 1, see below) Judy Weyrens, Administrator Wednesday, July 3, 2013 – St. Jo-

Publish: March 1, 2013

1. Proposed outdoor event, Sal’s Bar - May 10, 2013

2. Proposed outdoor event, Church of St. Joseph - July 3, 2013

St. Joseph Newsleader •


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Friday, March 1, 2013

School from front page set up pins. Loso, the current parish custodian and the new vice president of the St. Joseph Area Historical Society, said the building has hosted many events. “From the beginning until at least the 70s or 80s – some would argue longer or shorter – the building has been a community center,” Loso said. “It has hosted hundreds, if not thousands, of funeral dinners, Fourth-of-July chicken dinners, Knights of Columbus breakfasts, wedding and anniversary dinners, craft fairs, Halloween parties, visits from Santa and the Easter bunny. Bingo nights were also held for many years in the school dining room.” Loso recalled how St. Joseph resident Herb Galama had told him a story about the new school. Galama had shared a

story of one of the nuns needing to rescue a student who had gotten her tongue stuck on the water-pump handle when she had licked the ice. Galama was in fifth grade when the school opened and said the new school had running water, and students no longer were getting their tongues stuck on the pump handle. Loso said the building was designated as a fallout shelter after World War II. He said rations were stored in the building, and fallout-shelter placards were hung up around the building, showing the capacity of people it could hold. He said at one time a marquee was added over the northeast door of the school, announcing the plays and movies that were to be shown. Ticket windows were also installed in each of the north stair wells. “Upstairs, above the curtain, is a large screen which the movies were shown on,” Loso

LEgal notICEs RESOLUTION 2013-004 AUTHORIZING SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE 74 WHEREAS, on Jan. 17, 2013, valid driver’s license from another the City Council for the City of jurisdiction. St. Joseph amended Ordinance 74, entitled “AN ORDINANCE THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY LIMITING POSSESSION OF RESOLVED: CERTAIN CONTAINERS OF 3.2 1. The City Council has reviewed PERCENT OR INTOXICATING the proposed Summary PublicaMALT LIQUOR”; and tion and finds the summary of WHEREAS, the City of St. Joseph desires to publish the Ordinance by Summary Publication; and

the Ordinance clearly informs the public of the intent and effect of the Ordinance.

WHEREAS, the intent of the proposed amendment is to require any person desiring to obtain a permit to possess a keg will fill out an application at the City Offices setting forth the applicant’s full name, address and telephone number and the address within St. Joseph where the applicant will be possessing the keg. In addition, the applicant will be required to provide proof of identify and age in form of a valid Minnesota driver’s license or identification card, or

2. The City of St. Joseph directs the City Administrator to publish the Ordinance by Summary Publication. Adopted this 17th day of January, 2013, by a vote of 4 in favor and 1 opposed. CITY OF ST. JOSEPH By Rick Schultz, Mayor By Judy Weyrens, Administrator Publish: March 1, 2013

RESOLUTION 2013-014 AUTHORIZING SUMMARY PUBLICATION ORDINANCE 52.27 WHEREAS, on Feb. 21, 2013 the City Council for the City of St. Joseph amended Ordinance 52.27, entitled “R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT;” and WHEREAS, the City of St. Joseph desires to publish the Ordinance by Summary Publication; and WHEREAS, the intent of the proposed amendment is to add a provision to the R1 Zoning District for non-owner-occupied rental license if a property owner has tried to sell their home without success. The new provision would allow for a one-time two-year interim-use permit affording the property owner the opportunity to make application for a rental license and interim-use permit. If granted the interim-use permit and rental application must be renewed for the second year, expiring at the end of the second year.

THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: 1. The City Council has reviewed the proposed Summary Publication and finds the summary of the Ordinance clearly informs the public of the intent and effect of the Ordinance. 2. The City of St. Joseph directs the City Administrator to publish the Ordinance by Summary Publication. Adopted this 21st day of February, 2013, by a vote of 5 in favor and 0 opposed. CITY OF ST. JOSEPH By Rick Schultz, Mayor By Judy Weyrens, Administrator Publish: March 1, 2013

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, March 1, 2013 said. “Up in the ‘crow’s nest’ the steel film vault is still in the wall, along with the steel fire door which was to protect the reels in case of fire. The red lights that once lit the area so you could see the film and yet see your way to the bathroom were there until recently when the ceiling was upgraded.” Loso said many people came to watch a play or see a movie. He was told by local resident Bill Wasner that boys who were bored with the movie or play might have sneaked out on the roof to throw snowballs down at passing trucks. “This building served as the community center of this town, long before community center was a common phrase,” Loso said. The parish purchased the public School District 9 building and began a parochial school called St. Joseph’s Parochial School, after a ruling by the Minnesota attorney general in 1914 that the wearing of religious garb by teachers while teaching in the public schools was unlawful. The All Saints Academy school building was constructed in 1927. According to Idelia Loso’s book, “St. Joseph: Preserving a Heritage,” the cost of the 104-x-102-foot, two-story,

brown brick, colonial-style building was almost $95,000. The school building included a large dining hall, kitchen, meeting rooms and classrooms on the first floor. The second floor included more classrooms and a central area with an auditorium, with seating capacity for 600. After much discussion, a full basement was put in at the time of construction. The basement was built for recreational activities and future classrooms. In 1935, bowling alleys were installed in the basement. Local residents such as Studer were paid to set the bowling pins up. In 1950, the bowling alleys were removed and converted into five classrooms. A new roof was put on and the schoolyard was fenced in during the 1952-53 school year. Beginning in 1952, the school served as a laboratory school for students from the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University. Elementary education majors from the colleges obtained their practical teacher-training experience in the school. During 1961–66, the stage was rebuilt and a complete lighting system was installed. After that, many plays were

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produced and movies were shown on the stage. The two north stairwells currently have wall indentations that originally served as ticket booths. Grades seven and eight were discontinued in 1968, and a Parish School Board was started in 1969. Kindergarten began at the school in 1973. The name of the school was changed to the St. Joseph Laboratory School in 1970, and just recently the name of the school was changed to All Saints Academy, reflecting the merging of area Catholic schools. The preschool program was added in 1998. The highest enrollment at the school was 438 students in 1964-65. Current enrollment is 157 students and includes preschool through sixth grade.

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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, March 1, 2013

Opinion Our View

EDA’s annual report is a telling document

With countless news reports of a struggling economy and cities refocusing efforts on creating and sustaining economic development, it can be hard to think ahead to easier times. However, small strides can make a big difference. Cynthia Smith-Strack, the St. Joseph Economic Development Authority’s consulting director, presented the EDA’s annual report for 2012 to the city council last month. Economic development has been an active process in the city of St. Joseph. While it’s a shifting and continuous process, here are some examples of its activity in St. Joseph. During the past five years, 251 jobs have been added in the city. Of those, most were added from the expansion of business versus businesses starting up, according to data from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, highlighted in the report. More jobs were lost from decreases in business volume than the closing of businesses. In the first and second quarter of 2012, there were 1,798 employees, 125 business establishments and an average weekly wage of $666; all three are up from 2011, according to the report. Last year the EDA addressed four functions: organizational development, infrastructure development, business development and market development. Of those four functions, 62 percent of the EDA’s time was devoted to business development, down from 75 percent in 2011, according to the annual report. The city welcomed several new businesses in 2012. They include Cone Castle, Bello Cucina and McDonald’s. Additional development progress includes the construction of the first phase of the Villages of CSB, a residential development owned by Collegeville Cos. Organizational development came in second for strategic direction as 26 percent of staff time went to that area, up from about 16 percent from 2011. The increase in this area stemmed from an emphasis on goal setting. Third place went to market development with 11 percent of the EDA’s time dedicated to that area. That is up about 6 percent from 2011. An example of work in this area is the conversion of the new city website, according to the report. These are just a few examples of the progress that continues to take place in the city. More is ahead as officials work to create a master plan for downtown development. The report is worth reading to understand the impact of development in your community and what lies in the future. While numbers can be daunting, the report is packaged in a way that summarizes highlights and core functions of the EDA. The annual report is available on the city’s website in the city council packet from Feb 21. Visit: Take a look.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Community events have purpose beyond socialization When we’re out and about and we see that 100th flyer about that annual fish fry or garage sale or another fund-raiser, it’s easy to ignore it. After all, you might have been to the same garage sale for the last five years and you’ve tired out from the unlimited walleye. However, most fund-raisers and community events have a greater purpose than bringing people together for a good meal and a good time. I recently attended the annual Nun Banquet hosted by the Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict in St. Joseph. While this banquet has been held for the last eight years, this was my first time attending the event that supports Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity. The mission of Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity is to gather communities to transform lives through affordable homeownership. Specifically, the banquet supports the organization’s Women Build Program. The year 2012 marked the ninth year for the program that celebrates women working together to build community, according to the organization’s website. Women Build provides women of all ages and abilities the chance to come together to build not just homes, but

TaLeiza Calloway Reporter friendships and networks, personally and professionally, according to Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity. Those women who participate directly support the building projects through gifts of cash and volunteering. When I think of those who build homes or anything that has to do with construction, the first person who comes to mind is not a woman. As a woman, if I had a choice to write a story or hammer a nail, my choice should seem obvious. However, the Women Build program brings women of all ages together to build homes for those in need. Everyone can offer something to the project even if their background is not in construction. If working together to build a home with your own hands is not enough to make you want to put down the notebook and grab a hammer, I don’t know what is. Some of the Sisters of the Order of Benedict in St.

Joseph have been volunteering for years and supporting this effort with the Nun Banquet. They are right there alongside other volunteers working to build homes for others. About six nuns volunteered by helping to paint last year. While the nuns have a mission to serve and be connected to the community, it’s encouraging to them to know their work is enabling someone to have a better life. One nun told me one of the most wonderful aspects of the experience was working alongside the mother of the family who would live in the home once it is complete. While the mother had put in what the program calls “sweat equity,” she was so excited to be there, she continued to work on the project until it was done, the nun said. I enjoyed hearing about the experiences of the nuns during the banquet. The more than 200 people who attended the banquet didn’t just come for the soup. Yes, most people come to visit with the nuns and to enjoy the variety of soups offered, but many come to help support the cause. It’s the cause we should consider the next time we walk by that 100th flyer announcing an upcoming fund-raiser or community event.

Reader-friendly world is fading fast A frustrated woman, who lives in Kensington, has my undying sympathy. In a regional newspaper, there is a paragraph item in a “Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down” column, a compilation by the editor of praises and peeves submitted by readers. The woman’s complaint is titled “Dumb Labeling.” Here it is: “A Kensington woman was frustrated with a change in how her prescription medicine is labeled. The name of the medicine and the refill number are now printed in dark blue over a black label, making it nearly impossible to read. If there is anything that should be easy to read, it’s prescription medicine. Companies doing the labeling should realize that.” Exactly! Just the other day, I picked up my bottle of cholesterol medication to double-check how many milligrams per pill. Squinting to decipher the tiny print, I felt like I was on a scavenger hunt in a haystack, looking for the needle. Finally, there it was, the tiny thing, playing peeka-boo with me: 20 mg. In many daily respects, this world isn’t very reader-friendly anymore. I’ve had one heckuva time trying to read words on food boxes, on bills, on medical forms and in magazines. Why do these designers/printers assume we all have 20/20 vision? Even the eagle-eyed have trouble reading some printed material these days.

Dennis Dalman Editor The very worst example is that miserable weekly, TIME magazine, a magazine I grew up with and read just about every week of my long life. The wretched thing has become virtually unreadable. My TIME subscription is about to run out, never to be renewed. Good riddance to it. And here is why. On page after page, there are words printed in very light yellow on the white pages, or very light blue on white, or white on light blue. The words are so tiny, you have to haul out your microscope, if you have one. This printed lunacy is a “light” variation of the “dark” version (blue on black) mentioned by the frustrated Kensington woman about her medication bottles. I have written TIME, via email and actual letters, several times complaining about their “invisible-ink” printing methods. I knew when I wrote that it would likely do not a bit of good, but I was hoping others – going rapidly blinder from trying to read TIME – would also complain, and a critical mass of tiny-print critics would cause them to change their ways. Obviously not. I just received the Feb. 25 issue, with the departing Pope

on the cover. There is a full-page in the section called “The Culture” (silly pretentious title) about Oscar picks by TIME critics. The background of the page is outer-space black. The black is filled with colored circles, as if they fell from a clown’s costume. The circles are connected by zippy lines leading here and there. The entire production number looks like a diagram of an exploding atom inside a particle accelerator. The circles, garishly colored, are filled with tiny, tiny print. The white print on the orange is fiendishly unreadable. I didn’t even try to read that page. Whoever designed it should be adjusting his medication for severe Scatterbrain Disorder – that is, if the designer can manage to read the directions on the pill bottle. That TIME page is exactly the kind of razz-ma-tazz nonsense that makes this world so reader-unfriendly: zippy graphics at the expense of words. It’s a sad sign of a post-literate world in which more people, so seduced by online eyecandy, are getting their “information” from photos, graphics, symbols, signs. Who needs those second-fiddle nuisances called “words?” Dear frustrated Kensington woman, I wish I had a solution for this plague of faded, tiny, disappearing, unreadable words. All I can recommend is you buy a big magnifying glass. I did. But I won’t read TIME with it. I’ve had it up to here with its infuriating unreadability.

Send it to: The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374

or email us at: Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only).

Friday, March 1, 2013

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Community Calendar

Friday, March 1 World Day of Pray, an ecumenical celebration of informed prayer and prayerful action. 10 a.m. Love of Christ Lutheran Church, 1971 Pine Cone Road, St. Cloud. Folk rocker “The Wrong Omar” solo acoustic show, 8 p.m., at the Local Blend, downtown St. Joseph. Saturday, March 2 Sartell Farmers’ Market Saturday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N.


Joe Town Pizza Now Hiring COUNTER/WAITRESS POSITION. Part-time lunch hours Monday-Friday. Looking for people who are motivated, have positive energy, reliable and willing to work hard. Stop in today to fill out an application. 14 N. College Ave. St. Joseph. 9-1x-p.


Monday, March 4 Blood drive, 2-7 p.m., Celebration Lutheran Church, 1500 Pinecone Road N., Sartell. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit

Tuesday, March 5 Bone Marrow registry, 11 a.m.3 p.m. in St. Cloud Hospital, 1406 6th Ave. N, St. Cloud, or from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Cloud Technical and Community College, 1540 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. 320-654-6195. “Becoming a Love and Logic Par-

Freelancers sought

The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to


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7 LEgal notICEs

RESOLUTION 2013-009 AUTHORIZING SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE 47 WHEREAS, on Feb. 7, 2013, the the proposed Summary PublicaCity Council for the City of St. tion and finds the summary of Joseph adopted Ordinance 47, en- the Ordinance clearly informs the Wednesday, March 6 titled “Street Light Utility;” and public of the intent and effect of Living Well with Chronic Condithe Ordinance. tions, 9-11:30 a.m., today and March WHEREAS, the City of St. Joseph 13, 20, 27, April 3 and 10, Realife Cooperative at Mueller Gardens, 6670 North- desires to publish the Ordinance 2. The City of St. Joseph directs by Summary Publication; and the City Administrator to publish wood Lane, St. Cloud. 320-229-4591. the Ordinance by Summary PubSt. Joseph Area Historical Society, lication. WHEREAS, the proposed amend7 p.m., Old City Hall, St. Joseph. www. ment provides for the health, safety and general welfare of the Adopted this 7th day of February, Thursday, March 7 citizens of the City of St. Joseph 2013, by a vote of 5 in favor and 0 Coffee and Conversation, a sethrough maintaining a city-wide opposed. nior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country street light utility. All costs of opManor, Sartell. eration, maintenance and capital CITY OF ST. JOSEPH St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., shall be charged proportionately to City Hall. 320-363-7201. all property owners. By Rick Schultz, Mayor ent” registration deadline, to be held 4-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 12 and 19, Resource Training and Solutions, 4150 2nd St. S, Suite 550 St. Cloud. www.

Friday, March 8 St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall, 610 North County Road 2, St. Joseph. Fish fry, 4:30-7:30 p.m., St. John the Baptist Parish, Collegeville. Fish fry, sponsored by St. Joseph Joes Baseball Team, 5-8 p.m., El Paso Sports Bar and Grill.


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THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: 1. The City Council has reviewed

By Judy Weyrens, Administrator Publish: March 1, 2013

RESOLUTION 2013-006 AUTHORIZING SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE 112 WHEREAS, on Jan. 17, 2013, the tion and finds the summary of City Council for the City of St. Jo- the Ordinance clearly informs the seph amended Ordinance 74, enti- public of the intent and effect of tled “Disruptive Intoxication;” and the Ordinance. WHEREAS, the City of St. Joseph desires to publish the Ordinance by Summary Publication; and WHEREAS, the intent of the proposed amendment is to provide for the safety, health and welfare of the public while prohibiting certain harmful conduct of intoxicated persons. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: 1. The City Council has reviewed the proposed Summary Publica-

2. The City of St. Joseph directs the City Administrator to publish the Ordinance by Summary Publication. Adopted this 17th day of January, 2013, by a vote of 4 in favor and 1 opposed. CITY OF ST. JOSEPH By Rick Schultz, Mayor By Judy Weyrens, Administrator Publish: March 1, 2013


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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Council from front page cials thought the stay should be longer than one year. If those conditions are met, a homeowner can make application for a one-time twoyear interim-use permit. The permit is not renewable after the two-year period but must be renewed for the second year. That change marks the second revision to the city’s R-1 ordinance. The first change to the R-1 Single-Family Residential ordinance came in December 2011 when an exception was made for deployed military personnel who own rental properties. City law requires owners of residences to live in the property being rented. Residents can now apply for an interim-use permit that will be valid only during deployment and active duty. The permit will be renewed annually with an initial term not to exceed two years.

The recent change grew from a recommendation from a rental-housing committee and the planning commission. St. Joseph City Council member Steve Frank questioned whether those future renters would be aware of the R-1 codes. He said he was also concerned about the perspective of residents who moved into a neighborhood for a certain lifestyle and will now live in rental properties. Frank argued there are illegal rentals in the area that need to be addressed. Council and staff explained there are processes in place to handle noise and code violations. Police Chief Pete Jansky said the recent adoption of the social-host ordinance, for example, is one tool that can help if problems arise with renters. Mayor Rick Schultz said the city’s planning commission plans to revisit the change in 18 months to see how it’s working.

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