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Newsleader St. Joseph

Friday, March 14, 2014 Volume 25, Issue 11 Est. 1989

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Skahen plays lead role of ‘Danny’ in ‘Grease’ by Dennis Dalman

Town Crier

Sexual assault center seeks volunteer advocates

The Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center in St. Cloud is looking for individuals who would like to learn how to work with crisis calls, serve as sexual-assault advocates to victims at the hospital, and provide services to victims dealing with the criminal justice system. A 40-hour training is required and will be offered on Monday evenings starting March 17 for seven Mondays and two Saturdays. Call Renae to sign up at 320-251-4357 or go online to www. for more information.

Stearns County seeks input on transportation plan

Stearns County is seeking public input on its transportation plan from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, March 20 at Albany City Hall, 400 Railroad Ave., Albany. The transportation plan is used to help identify longterm transportation needs and their relationship to other planning activities, while respecting community values and assets. The purpose of this study is to update the 2008 Plan, which was developed as a section of the Stearns County Comprehensive Plan. The event will include a review of the plan’s draft goals and objectives, as well as other components of the plan. Project staff will be on hand to listen to your ideas and answer questions. For more information, visit

An essay on biodiesel may yield college cash

The American Lung Association in Minnesota is seeking entrants to the 2014 Clean Air Choice® Biodiesel Scholarship. The scholarship is open to any Minnesota high school senior and offers a $1,000 firstplace and $500 second-place award to the winners of a brief (1,000 words or less) essay contest about biodiesel, a cleaner-burning alternative fuel produced and used in Minnesota. For more information, visit

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If you’d like to receive the Newsleader hot off the press, send us your email address and we’ll notify you with a link when our website is updated, which is typically by noon a day in advance of the print edition. Send your email to and you should start receiving your reminder at that address within a week. Notify us otherwise. For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.

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St. John’s Prep School students Tom Skahan of St. Joseph and Lily Joo of Collegeville have the two lead roles as Danny and Sandy in the perennially popular musical, Grease, a rollicking and tuneful send-up of teenagers in the 1950s.

Tom Skahen of St. Joseph gets to have fun strutting around as a 1950s cool-dude greaser in the St. John’s Prep School version of the rock ‘n’ roll musical, Grease, which will be performed by St. John’s Prep School students March 22-23 at the Paramount Theater in downtown St. Cloud. Performances are set for 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 21 and Saturday, March 22; and 2 p.m. Sunday, March 23. Tickets are available at Skahen is one of nine SJP students from St. Joseph who have roles in the play. The others are Ilia Bauer-Jones, Skyler Figallo, Marisa Gaetz, Adam Lepinski, Ben Lepinski, Sarah Schrup, Brenna Skahen and Anja Wuolu. The son of Jennifer and Sean Grease • page 5

Smith-Strack says city on rebound by Cori Hilsgen

St. Joseph Economic Development Authority Director Cynthia Smith-Strack, who presented the 2013 annual report to the city council at its March 6 meeting. Smith-Strack said the EDA typically focuses on four types of core functions: organizational, business, market and infrastructure. Last year, the EDA’s main focus was on business development with some on organiza-

St. Joseph is rebounding from the long recession. That’s the good news, according to Smith-Strack

tional and market but none on infrastructure development. For new commercial construction value, which shows how much industrial development has been added to the tax base since the beginning of the EDA, nearly $42 million has been added since 2000. Smith-Strack said it has been a goal of the EDA to diversify the tax base since 2001 and it continues to be a goal. This shows the

city is rebounding nicely from the recession. Unemployment and employment wages were compared to other cities. The EDA expects unemployment to continue to decrease. Wages in the area continue to be lower because of retail and service jobs are often filled by students at minimum wage. In the area of housing starts, City • page 3

Science Express visits ASA by Cori Hilsgen

All Saints Academy firstgraders Ethan Brown, Sylvie Bechtold, Austin Baird and others couldn’t wait for their turn to try out the dynamometer and thermometer connected to the graphing screen Feb. 25 in the St. Cloud State University Science Express bus. Before Brown got his chance to try, he questioned whether another student was going to get a shock from the dynamometer. The lesson about measuring was taught by SCSU biological sciences professor Bruce Jacobson, who heads the mobile science lab. He

helped the students understand how graphing could tell stories about their strength, measured by the dynamometer, and how cold the snow was, measured by the thermometer. Jacobson, assisted by SCSU graduate student Sam Hansen, showed students how to measure their right-hand strength, left-hand strength and combined-hand strength. ASA teacher Joanne Schneider said the Science Express is one of many favorite activities for her first-grade class. She talked about the students’ week-long experiences. “The class had the amazing opportunity to experience Science • page 4

photo by Cori Hilsgen

ASA first-grade students Maleah Thielen (left) and Austin Baird check the temperature of snow in the SCSU Science Express.

St. Joseph Newsleader •


People Meghan Wick of St. Joseph recently won a $500 essay scholarship from Central Minnesota Credit Union. A total of $16,000 in scholarships was awarded; $12,000 in video scholarships, and $4,000 for essay scholarships. Every year, CMCU offers scholarships to CMCU members to further their education at a two- or four-year college. This year, more than 169 students applied for the scholarships throughout CMCU’s field of membership. Video scholarships were based on a creative and unique 30- to 60-second video answering the question “If you had $75 to go out and make a difference in your community, what would you do?” Essay scholarships were based on the same question. “We are honored to have the opportunity to present these students with scholarships,” stated Central

Minnesota Credit Union President/ CEO, Rick Odenthal. “They are our future leaders and we encourage them to continue to work hard and make a difference.” Christian Gaetz, son of Rose and Rick Gaetz of St. Joseph, was recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. He is a sophomore mathematics major. Students must eearn a semester grade-point average of at least 3.666 to achieve this honor. Christian Gaetz, son of Rose and Rick Gaetz of St. Joseph, was recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. He is a sophomore mathematics major. Students must earn a semester grade-point average of at least 3.66 to achieve this honor.

Want to meet people, have fun and support Come and join us! your community?

Lion’s Open House Thursday, March 27 6-8 p.m. Brought to you by the St. Joseph Lions and the Y2K Lions Club.

American Legion Post 328 101 Minnesota St. W. St. Joseph

Derald Timm, 73 St. Joseph Sept. 3, 1940-March 5, 2014

D e r a l d Timm, 73, of St. Joseph, died March 5 surrounded by his loving family. His funeral was held March 10 at Westwood Community Church in St. Cloud. The Rev. Steve Schoepf officiated and burial was in the Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery near Little Falls. Timm was born Sept. 3, 1940 in Lamoure, N.D. to Arnold and Alma (Ronning) Timm. He served his country in the U.S. Army. He

If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or TriCounty Crime Stoppers at 320255-1301 or access its tip site at www.tricountycrimestoppers. org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Feb. 20 5:22 a.m. Assist business. College Avenue N. Customer had pumped some fuel and got some other merchandise. When he went to pay for it his debit


married Lois Mortenson on June 1, 1963 in Hallock, Minn. They have lived in the St. Joseph area since 1977. He worked in the printing industry and was self-employed for the last 15 years. Timm was a member of Westwood Community Church where he served on the Shepherding Committee, and was involved in bible study, greeters and volunteered in the kitchen. He enjoyed restoring old cars, volunteering at the Salvation Army, fishing, playing and coaching hockey, the Minnesota Wild and Vikings, taking his grandkids for rides and playing cards. Timm was a jack of all trades, strong-willed, quiet, kind and humble person. He loved his family and friends. Survivors include his wife; daughter and sons, Jody (Russell)


card was denied. Customer stated he was heading to work and could pay when he got off. He stated he would be back no later than 3 p.m. with payment. Employee agreed that would be OK. 8:28 a.m. Suspicious vehicle. Fourth Avenue SE/Callaway Street. Complainant called and stated a faded blue minivan was in the area of her kids’ daycare the previous day around 4 p.m. She stated the van drove by a couple of times and then stopped and appeared to take pictures or video while the kids were playing outside. She was able to provide a partial license

Friday, March 14, 2014 Navratil of Sartell, Bryan (Patty) of Rice, and Marc (Heather) of St. Cloud; and grandchildren, Jakob, Joshua, Julia, Jenna, Jordan, Austin, Spencer, Kallie, Dylan, Taylor, Harley, Pyper and Skylar; and his buddy Skooby. He was preceded in death by his parents; brother, Charles “Chuck;” and sisters, Melvina Dahley and Joyce Jones. The family would like to thank their Westwood Community Church family and many wonderful friends, relatives and neighbors for the love and support that has been shown to them; and also to St. Croix Hospice for the excellent care given to Timm. Obituary and guest book available online at:

plate number. She was advised to call the police immediately if she saw the van in the area again and to advise her daycare provider of the same. 9:27 a.m. Dog. Ash Street E. Complainant called stating the neighbor’s dogs were running loose. He wanted this documented and was going to try talking to the neighbor before police were involved. Feb. 21 5:57 a.m. Motorist assist. CR 133/Elm Street E. Public works called to report a semi blocking CR 133. Officer assisted on the call. The semi’s brake lines froze up but was able to move to the side of the road. 12:53 p.m. Neighbor dispute. Dale Street E. Complainant called to report he had pushed snow to the neighboring property’s fence and went there to talk to the neighbor. When he did, he said she was unruly and screamed at him. He said he then talked to the daughter who was much more calm. He wanted this documented for future reference. Feb. 22 1:21 a.m. Theft. Minnesota Street W. Complainant reported someone stole his black Columbia ski jacket from Sal’s Bar. He estimated the value of the jacket at $150. He was advised to check with the bar in the morning and see if someone returned it or if they found it inside somewhere. 7:52 p.m. Lost property. CR Blotter • page 4

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen

The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Friday, March 14, 2014

St. Joseph Newsleader •

DFL candidates seek March 15 endorsement On Saturday, March 15, 140 DFLers from Senate District 13, which includes St. Joseph and Sartell, will gather at 9:30 a.m. at Kennedy Community School in St. Joseph. They will hear from congressional candidates, including Jim Read from Avon and Joe Perske of Sartell, seeking to replace Rep. Michele

Bachmann, who is not seeking re-election for the 6th Congressional District seat. They also will select 14 delegates and 14 alternates to go to the May 3 congressional district endorsing convention in Monticello, which will endorse a DFL candidate for the open congressional seat.

True Friends seeks volunteers

True Friends Leadership Development Volunteering offers individuals ages 16+ a unique and well-rounded program, particularly in assisting counselors and campers in Annandale. Through volunteering with their core programs, you will be infused in activities that lead to personal growth, self-discovery and leadership development. Volunteers

will work hand-in-hand assisting agency staff and campers within a diverse range of activities such as swimming, arts and crafts, music, nature study, rock-climbing and other fun camp-based activities too. For more information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit and click on Criers.

City from front page Smith-Strack said platting appears to be picking up. She said it’s been, and continues to be, a main goal of the EDA since 2005 to get utilities extended to I-94. Other goals include market outreach, revitalization of downtown areas and responding to inquiries and pursuing viable leads. The EDA met 12 times in 2013. Meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each month at city hall and are open to the public.


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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Science from front page

photo by Cori Hilsgen

Instructor Bruce Jacobson helps ASA first-grade student Ethan Brown check the temperature of snow in the SCSU Science Express.

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Science Express in kindergarten as well,” Schneider said. “Tuesday morning, they saw the truck outside as they arrived for the day. They entered our classroom buzzing about it.” Schneider said the students remembered the experiences they had in kindergarten and were excited for the new experiences to come as first-graders. She said the Science Express brings high-tech equipment not normally available to elementary schools. Schneider said all ASA classes got to visit the Science Express three or four times. “This week my class used dissecting microscopes, vortex mixers and a centrifuge,” Schneider said. Students Anthony Brown and Lily Schmitz commented on their experiences. “It’s very scientific for me,” Brown said. “It was awesome to look at my vest under a microscope,” Schmitz said. “It was like glowing. You can see colors and stuff.” Jacobson said this is his fifth year of traveling with the Science Express. The bus travels to about 30 schools each year and reaches more

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than 15,000 students. Jacobson has been with Science Express since its beginning. He spends about one-third of his time teaching and the other two-thirds talking and listening to everyone such as politicians, CEOs, people at church or the grocery store and other places. He said the goals in the beginning were to understand SCSU’s mission as a regional comprehensive university and committed partner with central Minnesota, assess and identify the strengths and challenges of our region, and to invest in and address challenges and prepare for the future. Three areas that were identified included partnership in science, technology, engineering, arts and math education, expanded undergraduate research opportunities, and collaboration with regional businesses. “The role we defined was one of servant leadership and the Science Express is one of the manifestations of that commitment,” Jacobson said. The Express originally focused on middle- and highschool students, but it now focuses on elementary students. Jacobson said the express gets the younger children inspired about science. “Over the last two years, we have shifted the focus of the (bus) trailer to elementary schools and implemented two

Blotter from page 2 75 W. Dispatched to lost property call relayed from Waite Park. Party had lost their iPhone at the Taco John’s in St. Joseph at approximately 5:30 p.m. Officer went to Taco John’s and the staff had the phone behind the counter. Spoke with complainant and he advised he would stop by the St. Joseph police station to pick it up. Feb. 23 12:09 a.m. Welfare check. CR 75/20th Avenue SE. Found male walking east on CR 75. Identified him by his Minnesota driver’s license. He was trying to get to St. John’s. He ap-

Friday, March 14, 2014 lending programs – one based on the Science Express activities and the other directed toward technology education, the Technology and Engineering Express,” Jacobson said. The lending program shares equipment between middle schools and high schools and is expected to serve more than 5,000 students this year. “In addition to inspiring students, the Science Express and associated lending programs represent a deliberate and proactive effort to strengthen the relationship between SCSU and preKthrough 12th-grade educators and administrators in our region,” Jacobson said. “The challenges of education and the demands placed on teachers and schools are constantly growing while funding seems leaner every year. Our goal is to work alongside the teachers in our schools, understand their challenges and brainstorm together to find solutions.” Initial funding for the Express was obtained from a $200,000 MnSCU grant. Medtronic donated the trailer and Innovative Laboratory Systems donated the laboratory furniture. Funding also came from the Morgan Foundation. The Express is also supported by SCSU and the SCSU Foundation.

peared to be confused and very intoxicated. Breathalyzer results indicated a reading of .225 blood-alcohol level. Citation issued for underage consumption. He was unable to find anyone who would take responsibility for him. Transported to detox. 12:53 p.m. Agency assist. CR 2/CR 75. Stood by for traffic control for multiple vehicles in the ditch at CR 75 just west of CR 3. One vehicle rolled hitting an All-Care tow truck. 5:30 p.m. Assist person. Cedar Street E. Door to car wash would not go back up. Truck stuck inside and trailer outside. No damage to vehicle or door. Owner was called and responded to assist.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, March 14, 2014


Niebauers give $100,000 scholarship to SJP by Cori Hilsgen

St. John’s Preparatory School recently received a $100,000 gift to establish the Caroline and Walter Niebauer E n d o w e d Br. Niebauer Scholarship. Their son, Br. Paul-Vincent Niebauer, established the memorial scholarship fund in honor of his late parents to help seventh- through 12th-grade students who have financial need and who are not resident students but attend SJP. Br. Niebauer is on the SJP Board of Regents and is the director of its upcoming spring

Grease from front page Skahen, Tom plays “Danny,” one of the two leads in the play, the other being his girlfriend, Sandy, played by Lily Joo. Skahen, 16, said the role of Danny is a lot of fun to perform because he is such a colorful character. “He’s cocky, arrogant, and he thinks he’s bigger than he really is,” Skahen said. “There are some things that happened in his past that make him feel a bit superior. He’s an egotist.” Skahen described Grease as “lighthearted fun” complete

musical Grease that will be performed at the Paramount Theatre in St. Cloud. In a recent press release, Niebauer said his parents loved the arts. “My mom and dad loved the arts – music, art, dance and drama,” Niebauer said. “Prep has always considered a healthy arts curriculum and program to be a necessity of an excellent school.” Walter and Caroline “Kay” Niebauer met at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. They were married in 1943. Kay graduated in the first class of medical technologists and Walter became a doctor. After World War II, the couple moved to Phillips, Wis., and raised three sons after Walter started a medical practice. Niebauer said his mother believed educating our children in with the look of teens in the 1950s: jeans, leather jackets, white T-shirts, hair greased and swept back in pompadour style – “cool” looks popularized by 50s teen idols James Dean and Marlon Brando. Skahen has performed in SJP productions since eighth grade, including roles in Our Town, Damn Yankees and A Woman Called Truth. In 1971, Grease debuted on Broadway and became a hit movie later, starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John. The 1950s-style rock ‘n’ roll musical by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey has been an international favorite, and many of its songs have become classics.

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the best way possible helped to create a better world. She said she felt SJP provides a unique education for a child in every way – academically, spiritually, physically and emotionally. “She also believed Prep provides a particularly supportive environment for both traditional and nontraditional students,” Niebauer said. “The adolescent years can be very challenging for a myriad of reasons. Prep’s size and culture allow for students with a variety of interests and backgrounds to flourish together.” The scholarship will be added to the existing $10.8 million endowment SJP uses to help offer financial assistance to students. Each year, 41 percent of SJP students receive more than $675,000 of financial aid, both need-based and merit-based. Originally, the Broadway version of Grease was considered bold and raucous, riddled with vulgarities. But subsequent productions were toned down to more family-friendly versions, including the current production by St. John’s Prep School. SJP’s Grease features students who hail from five countries. The musical examines the love woes of 10 teens from working-class families at Rydell Senior High School. The show’s two main characters are Danny Zuko and Sandy Dumbrowski, who go through the ups and downs of young love. Among the others in the play are members of a clique called the “Pink Ladies” and the

contributed photo

Kay and Walter Niebauer are pictured in 1942. One of their three sons, Br. Paul-Vincent Niebauer, has recently established a memorial scholarship fund in their name to help sevenththrough 12th-grade students attend St. John’s Preparatory School. “Burger Palace Boys.” The play includes lots of dancing, chorus showstoppers and 14 songs. The SJP version also contains a few tweaked surprises for those familiar with the movie version. The tweaked lines have to do with the importance of affirming one’s own true identity, even under peer pressure. There are 65 SJP students in Grease, which include 27 actors, work crew and backstage helpers. It is directed by Brother Paul-Vincent Niebauer, with musical direction by Jeff Engholm. In his long career at SJP, Niebauer has directed 35 plays and 20 musicals, as well as an opera workshop and theater

productions in St. Cloud. Niebauer said audiences will likely be wowed by the stage set, which took three huge trucks to move to the Paramount stage. The scenery rolls on and off the stage during the production, and there is even a garage where the musical’s famed car, “Greased Lightnin’” is parked. The orchestra-band is perched at the very top, on the highest level of the stage setting. “I’ve always enjoyed music and dancing,” said Niebauer, who is 62. He is confident audiences will greatly enjoy the energetic dancing and singing in Grease.


Our View Raise wage for the young, and for all struggling workers Since when did a consensus develop that young people, when it comes to wages, are second-class citizens? In so many recent debates about raising the minimum wage, opponents are quick to point out those who work minimum-wage jobs are mainly young people, in their teens or early 20s, and since they are not primary wage-earners, they don’t need a higher-than-minimum wage. What contorted reasoning. It’s even downright mean-spirited. First of all, shouldn’t we honor young working people by paying them wages that will make them proud to be part of the work force, members on their way to achieving the American Dream? Second, why would it matter if young people are living at home and are not primary wageearners. Not to forget, many of their parents may be minimum-wage earners, too, or struggling to pay bills and provide for their children. Doesn’t it make sense to pay young people a decent wage to help their parents make ends meet. And whether they live at home or not, isn’t it the right thing to do to pay them enough so they could save some money to help pay for college or training to improve their lot in life? There’s another good reason for boosting the minimum wage for young people. In starting out fresh in life, they have a lot of extra expenses, such as buying and maintaining a used vehicle, car insurance, high gas prices, rent, utilities and escalating grocery prices. Even established adults working for minimum wage cannot afford all of those necessities. There is yet another good reason to up the minimum wage, even if one believes young people do not need a wage boost. Many minimumwage workers are not young people; a good many of them, as anyone ought to know, are ages 30 and up, many even in their 60s. Just stop at a fastfood restaurant and see how many older people are handing you burgers and fries. There are an estimated 360,000 people in Minnesota making $7.25 an hour (the federal minimum wage) or below that amount. The Minnesota minimum wage is $6.15. It is cruelty worthy of Ebenezer Scrooge to expect any human being to squeak through on that paltry pay. In buying power, adjusted for inflation, the minimum wage is worth one-third of what it was in 1974, according to the Minnesota Department of Labor. Obstructionist Republicans and some Democrats in the U.S. Congress have been balking about raising the minimum wage, even though up to 80 percent of people, including vast numbers of Republican voters, agree it should be raised. Many states have boosted their minimum wages this past year to more than $10 an hour. In the Minnesota Legislature, there is an effort to raise it to $9.50 by 2015. It should be done. To do anything less is inexcusable, a slap in the face to young people and to all others struggling to make a living in this unfairly lopsided economy.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, March 14, 2014


How can olive oil be ‘extra virgin?’ What the heck is “Extra Virgin Olive Oil?” I’ve often wondered that. Every time a TV cook used that phrase, I would chuckle. How can any oil (or person, for that matter) be an “extra” virgin? Last I checked, you’re either a virgin or you’re not. Anybody who claims they’re extravirgin must be a saint in shining armor. The other day, curiosity led me to my computer where I spent some time researching the subject of olive oil. I learned a lot of interesting facts I’d like to share with readers. I even learned what extra-virgin olive oil is – or is supposed to be. I say “supposed to be” because fully 70 percent of olive oils sold in the United States and in many other countries as “extra virgin” are anything but. So, as they say, caveat emptor – let the buyer beware. Genuine extra-virgin olive oil is derived from the first cold pressing of fresh olives right off the trees. It must contain no more than 0.8 percent acidity and must past the taste test, with no “sensory defects,” which are described as the oil tasting musty, fusty, winey (vinegary) or with muddy sediments. A “first cold press” means the olives were crushed just one time using no high heat or chemicals. Only about 10 percent of all olive oils sold are genuine extra-virgin. Just plain old “virgin olive oil,” if it’s the real thing, can have acidity levels of up to 1.5 percent and must be deemed to taste “good.” Then there are lower grades of olive oil, which are OK, but they are derived from many processes usually resulting in inferior grades of olive oil, blended before bottling, from many sources in many countries. I used to think if a bottle was stamped

Dennis Dalman Editor with “Product of Italy,” it must be the real thing. Not necessarily so. I learned oil may be bottled in Italy, but its contents are often a mongrel melange of inferior oils from far and wide. In 2008, 400 Italian police raided 85 farms and arrested 23 people in what was known as “Operation Golden Oil.” These so-called olive-oil producers had been adding chlorophyll to sunflower oil and soybean oil and passing it off as “extra-virgin olive oil.” Years ago in Spain, an estimated 700 people may have died after consuming an extra-virgin olive oil that was, in fact, rapeseed oil adulterated with aniline (an industrial lubricant). Another example of olive-oil fraud is Swedish turnip oil, flavored and colored, posing as the real thing. I don’t mean to alarm people. I’m sure all olive oils, including inferior ones on market shelves in the United States, are likely safe. I’ve purchased almost all brands of oil available at local markets and found most to be at least decent-tasting. But then again, I’ve probably never tasted the genuine article – the extra-virgin. Sales of olive oil amount to about $1.5 billion in the United States, because in recent years, heart-healthy olive oil, like fine wines, has gained a wider consumer base. So it comes as a disappointment to learn we’ve been paying inflated prices for inferior oils labeled as “extra-virgin.”

According to olive-oil experts, known as oleologists, there are ways to read bottle labels that can give strong indications if extra-virgin is, in fact, extra-virgin. 1. Look for a harvest date. Highquality olive oils should be used within 60 days of that date. 2. The region of a country the oil is from. 3. The “cultivar” (type of olive used). Fake olive oils don’t have this on their labels. If a bottle does not have that information, it’s probably not extravirgin or even virgin. Like good wines, the best oils impart unique tastes due to climate and soils. The tastes can have hints of green-apple skin, fresh-cut grass aroma, banana, pine nut, almonds or other, depending on where they’re from. They can also have peppery or floral “finish.” But unlike wines, olive oils do not age well. Not at all. The fresher the olive oil the better. Store the bottle in a cool, dark place. According to experts, here are the brands to avoid if you are seeking the finest oils: Bertolli, Carapelli, Colavita, Pompeiian, Newman’s Own. Those are, unfortunately, the most common brands in local markets. Here are some of the finest, whose prices range from very reasonable to costly: Omaggio, Ottavio, Corto Olive, Trader Joes, Oleostepa, Lucini, Kirkland Organic, Cobram Estate, Lucero, McEvoy Ranch Organic, California Olive Ranch. Today, I ordered two bottles of the latter from It cost $11.39 for a 25.4 fluid-ounce bottle. Not a bad price. Shipping was $4.95. I’m eager to try a genuine extra-virgin olive oil, probably for the first time in my life.

Letter to editor

Resident comments on Park Terrace issue from homeowners perspective John Niedenfuer, St. Joseph As a resident of the neighborhood in question, I’d like to make a couple of points in response to Cori Hilsgen’s recent article on the Park Terrace matter. First, I wonder if she spoke to any residents. She writes: “Many residents agree the project is needed...” but doesn’t actually quote anybody. I, for one, have profound doubts about the engineer’s assessment of the state of our infrastructure. After all, it’s in the city engineer’s financial interest to see this project undertaken. Also, and importantly, it isn’t about residents “want[ing] the benefit to equal the assessment,” as in it’s something that would be nice to have, like a warm spring or a day off with pay. It’s our right under law. This is from a Minnesota House of Representatives brief: “The assessment amount charged to the property cannot exceed the amount by

which the property benefits from the improvement, as measured by the increase in the market value of the land due to the improvement.” To assess more than the gain is “a taking of property, and violates the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the Minnesota Constitution.” Put another way, when the city assesses more than the property owners gain in the value of their homes, the city is stealing from its residents. This city has always assessed without any regard whatsoever to gain, choosing instead an arbitrary 60/40 split of the project costs. And as long as nobody griped, they were going to keep right on doing that. But two years ago, we did gripe, and to their credit, when reminded of their constitutional responsibilities, your city government took a long stride toward the light. They hired an appraisal to be conducted on Park Terrace in order to establish the likely gain. The figure arrived at

was $4,000 to $5,000 per residence, regardless of front footage. But in the end that was not enough to meet a threshold in the bonding statute, and the matter was tabled. Now it’s back – with a new appraisal promised. This time by someone coming up from the Twin Cities. It’s my sincere hope the city has not been shopping for a firm that will give them a number they can use. I do wonder why they had to go so far afield when there are many fine local appraisers who could do the work. It’s key to bear in mind special assessments are intended to pay for new improvements to neighborhoods, such as paved streets, municipal sewer and water, police and fire protection. Park Terrace already has working city services. It has water, sewer, curb and gutter. It has police and fire protection. Repairs to existing systems are not “improvements,” and trying to couch them as such is a shameful act, unworthy of this city.

Send it to: The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374

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St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, March 14, 2014


Community Calendar Friday, March 14 Discovery Day, students in grades 5-11 are invited to tour. To RSVP call 320-363-3315, option 3. St. John’s Prep. Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR 2 N., St. Joseph. Nun Banquet, 4:30-7 p.m., meatless soups/chili, bread and cookies, St. Benedict’s Monastery dining room, St. Joseph. Benefits Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity. Fish Fry, 5-8 p.m., Stride Academy fundraier, El Paso Sports Bar & Grill, St. Joseph. Saturday, March 15 Women’s Health 101, free


health screenings, speakers, educational booths, 8 a.m.2:30 p.m., CentraCare Health Plaza, 1900 CentraCare Circle, St. Cloud, 320-229-4980. Community Tapping Day, 2-5 p.m., inaugural maple syrup tapping day for 2014, St. John’s Outdoor University, Collegeville. www.csbsju. edu/OutdoorU.htm Fish Fry, 5-7:30 p.m., Immaculate Conception Church, 145 2nd Ave. NE, Rice. 320393-2725 Sunday, March 16 Sunday at the Abbey, 7 p.m. St. John’s Abbey Chapter House, Collegeville. Sister Ephrem Hollermann, OSB, “Whatever Happened to Sunday? The Rule of Benedict and Sabbath Rest.”


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Monday, March 17 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Swanning Around St. John’s, 6:30-8 p.m., natural history lecture series, New Science Center, St. John’s University, Collegeville. www. St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion in St. Joseph.


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Thursday, March 20 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-363-7201.

Saturday, March 22 Fish Fry, 5-7:30 p.m., Immaculate Conception Church, 145 2nd Ave. NE, Rice. 320393-2725 Sunday, March 23 Concert, 6 p.m., Hip hop/ rock artists KJ-52 and Jason Dunn, Avon (Minn.) Community Church. 320-356-9001.

Tuesday, March 18 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 Friday, March 21 p.m., American Red Cross, Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. American Red Cross, 1301 W. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Wednesday, March 19 Fish Fry, 5-8 p.m., St. Joe Car Seat Clinic, 3-6 p.m, Baseball fundraiser, El Paso certified technicians check the Sports Bar & Grill, St. Joseph. safety and fit of your car seat

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St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, March 14, 2014

Cy's music a big hit at the farm show by Cori Hilsgen

Local resident Cyril “Cy” Pfannenstein had a popular booth at the 47th annual Central Minnesota Farm Show held Feb. 25-27 at the River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud. His booth offered visitors a chance to purchase a variety of old-time music and polka favorites. The Central Minnesota Farm Show is organized and coordinated by the St. Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce and is one of the largest in the Upper Midwest states Pfannenstein, 61, owns “Cy Pfannenstein Music Service” and sells a variety of compact discs. He played his polka music throughout the show and many people stopped to visit at the booth. Pfannenstein said many commented on how they remember their parents playing that kind of music on the radio. “Polka music is always happy music,” Pfannenstein said. “We had a fun, fun time at the Farm Show.” Pfannenstein said his mother, Ginny Pfannenstein, 81, is his right-hand helper at the shows. She had some health issues this fall but still enjoys the shows. “She said as long as the good Lord gives her the strength, she’ll keep going to the shows,” Pfannenstein


said. Pfannenstein is a former band member who played the drums, trumpet and concertina in bands for more than 35 years. He had one 10- by 10-foot booth at the Farm Show and sold only polka music. He also sells at Albany Pioneer Days in September and usually sets up three 12- by 16foot booths there. Pfannenstain offers a variety of music at Pioneer Days, including gospel, country, bluegrass, polka and more. Some of his compact discs are also available at the St. Joseph Meat Market. Besides selling music, Pfannenstein also hosts a Sunday morning radio show on KASM radio station of Albany, and is in charge of the sausage department at the St. Joseph Meat Market. Pfannenstein has been married to Janet for 41 years. They are the parents of three children. Central Minnesota Farm Show’s special events coordinator Ginny Kroll said this year’s show attracted more than 3,200 visitors with more than 370 booths and 216 exhibitors. Exhibits included a robotic milking display, corn stoves, tractors, trailers and more. Educational seminars on “Fundamentals of Tile Drainage” and “Keeping the Farm in the Family” were also offered.

Craft & Vendor Spring Fling March 22 10 a.m.-2 p.m. El Paso Bar & Grill 200 N.W. 2nd Ave. • St. Joseph

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Vendors include: Scentsy, 31 Gifts, Avon, Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Young Living and many more! Handmade blankets, jewelry, wooden decor, etc. Food and drink specials! **Please bring a canned or non-perishable food item for the local food shelf.**

contributed photo

Mother and son, Ginny and Cy Pfannenstein, worked at Cy’s booth at the 47th annual Central Minnesota Farm Show held Feb. 25-27 at the River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud. Pfannenstein played and sold polka music at the booth.

Ten percent of annual revenues generated from the show supports agriculture in central Minnesota, such as Dairy Day in Sauk Centre, area seminars and more. Kroll said a total of 190 scholarships, for a total of $66,000, have been awarded to people pursuing agricultural careers. This year again, eight $400 scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors who will go into agricultural careers. “Each year we do our best to make (it) bigger and better,” Kroll said. “It gives farmers a unique opportunity to check out the newest products in agriculture. It also gives exhibitors a chance to meet their customers in person. The Central Minnesota Farm Show offers something for everyone with an interest in agriculture.” For more information or to order Pfannenstein’s music, call 320-290-9867 or visit his website

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