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Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid St. Joseph Newsleader St. Joseph, MN 56374 Permit No. 21 ECRWSS Postal Customer
Newsleader St. Joseph
Friday, March 15, 2013 Volume 24, Issue 11 Est. 1989
Town Crier
Dollars for Scholars applications available
Applications for Dollars for Scholars are now available to pick up at the Newsleaders office located at 32 1st Ave. NW, north of the St. Joseph Meat Market, or Sentry Bank, 400 4th Ave. NE, St. Joseph. The application deadline is Monday, April 8; applications must be mailed to the P.O. Box on the front of the application or delivered to Doug Danielson at Sentry Bank.
Winter farmers’ market sets ‘Eggstravaganza’
It’s an “Eggstravaganza” at the St. Joseph Winter Farmers’ Market from 3-6 p.m. Friday, March 22 in the fellowship hall of Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 C.R. 2 N., St. Joseph. Activities will include free egg decorating for children, live music by Ordinary Folk, food samples and recipes, and the RLC youth group returns with their homemade soup. There will be goods available from area growers including eggs, artisan bread, meats, preserved goods, honey, sunflower oil and more.
Maple Syrup fests set March 16, April 6
Maple syrup season is a celebration that gives true meaning to the phrase “Home, sweet home.” If you’re looking for a family event to give you a sweet taste of home, join St. John’s Arboretum for the annual Maple Syrup Festivals from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, March 16 and April 6, at St. John’s Abbey and University. Registration will be near St. John’s Prep School. Advanced registration is the Friday before each date. Call 320-363-3163 or visit and click on Criers.
55+ driver course offered at Kennedy
A 55+ driver improvement eight-hour first-time course will be held from 5-9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, March 18 and 19 in the media center at Kennedy Community School, 1300 Jade Road, St. Joseph. Registration is required. A Minnesota Highway Safety and Research Center certified instructor teaches this class. For more information, visit and click on Criers.
Postal Patron
Serenity babies: Peace through the gift of art by TaLeiza Calloway
The babies born at the Loving Hearts Nursery in St. Joseph look and feel so real you wouldn’t know you were holding a doll until someone told you so. That’s the point. St. Joseph residents Cindy and Daryl Lindbloom create the three-dimensional interactive art so others can experience the comfort and healing that can come from holding a baby. “They give a comforting, relaxing mood,” Daryl said. “They’re kind of like a de-stressor.” “They are serenity babies,” Cindy said. “They bring peace to people wherever they are.” Cindy said they have made babies for a variety of clients that include mothers who have lost children, as well as for nursing-home residents in the Babies • page 4
photo by TaLeiza Calloway
St. Joseph resident Cindy Lindbloom plays with one of the serenity babies she and her husband Daryl make at Loving Hearts Nursery. Though life-like, the babies are three-dimensional interactive art.
Meeting set for future of government center plans by TaLeiza Calloway
Members of the St. Joseph City Council will have an informal meeting to discuss the future of a new government/ community center next week. The meeting is slated for 5
p.m. Tuesday, March 19 at city hall. Council members will talk with members of the city’s facilities committee to determine the next step in the process. “It will be an interactive meeting,” St. Joseph Mayor Rick Schultz said. “It’s open to the public.”
Easter Bunny Giveaway
ernment/community center. To date, only a rough schematic drawing has been provided to show a possible layout for the building. The existing city hall was built in 1979 as a bank building and converted into a city Meeting • page 2
Flower baskets will return to city’s downtown by TaLeiza Calloway
Beauty will return to the city’s downtown with the re-
turn of hanging flower baskets along Minnesota Street and College Avenue. St. Joseph resident Margy Hughes told city council mem-
Bankruptcy, credit issues seminar set March 18
A community-education seminar on bankruptcy and credit issues, sponsored by the Volunteer Attorney Program for Central Minnesota Legal Services in St. Cloud, will be held from 10:30 a.m.-noon Thursday, March 18 at the Great River Regional Library, 1300 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud.
Last month, council member and facilities committee member Dale Wick said they are at the point where contractors need direction to move forward. Members of the city’s facilities committee held two open houses to see just what residents want in the new gov-
photo by Christian Gilman
American flags and flower baskets decorate street lights throughout downtown St. Joseph, adding a splash of color to “main street.” Additional baskets will be added this spring.
bers March 7 that more baskets will be available this year with plans to have them up by Memorial Day. After discovering vivid flower baskets in the city of Red Wing, Carol Theisen brought the idea of adding similar baskets in St. Joseph. The venture started last year with the purchase of 30 baskets. This year, 50 baskets will be available for purchase and on display this summer. Organizers are working with Thomsens Greenhouse and Garden Center of St. Joseph to provide the flowers for the baskets this year. Hughes said they ordered an additional 10 brackets that will be added along the designated streets. Their goal is the beautification of the downtown area, she said. “We just wanted to add more,” Hughes said. “They look(ed) so nice and we
thought we didn’t have that many going north on College Avenue or west on Minnesota.” Businesses, local service organizations and individuals can purchase a flower basket at the cost of $150 for a full basket and $75 for half of a flower pot. Individuals can purchase a pot in honor of someone and/ or in memory of a loved one. Hughes also said those who purchased baskets previously will be contacted to see if they would like to continue their support of the project. Then, donor applications will be sent to them. Those supporting the project through donations will be featured in a paid advertisement in the St. Joseph Newsleader. For more information about purchasing flower baskets, call Theisen at 320-249-7676.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Meeting from front page hall in 2000. Options considered in preliminary meetings about a new center include adding onto the existing building; leveling the site and building a two-story facility with the police department on the bottom or on the main level, with city offices on another level – something believed to allow for more parking; or leveling the site and finding parking
externally and using the entire site for a one-level shop. Using space at the former Kennedy School was once an option but was eliminated due to cost. A cost analysis showed the preliminary construction to remodel Kennedy could be about $9.2 million for a 30,000 square-foot building. About $3 million of that projection is land costs. The building is currently occupied by Little Saints Academy and Headstart. It’s about 7,000 more square feet than the roughly 22,000 square feet
planned initially for a new government/community center. In addition to the cost of remodeling, the age and the shape of the building were deterring factors, architects told officials previously. The cost to remodel the existing city hall is estimated at $3.6 million; to construct a new building on the existing site would be about $4.3 million; and to construct a new building off-site would be about $5 million, said Murray Mack of Hagemeister Mack Architects.
Mattress Outlet
Two St. Joseph students have earned the distinction of being named to the fall-semester dean’s list at St. John’s University, Collegeville. They are the following: Benjamin Carlson, son of Michelle and Tom Carlson, a senior environmental studies major; and Spencer Frie, son of Elaine and Roger Frie, a senior music major at SJU. Students must have a semester grade-point average of at least 3.80 to qualify for the honor.
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contributed photo
St. Joseph Lions Club President Greg Kacures is shown with a plaque presented at District 5M-8 Lions Convention in Hinckley, Minn. in recognition for making the largest contribution in the district to the “Leader Dog for the Blind” program during 2012. District 5M-8 consists of 76 Lions’ Clubs in central and northern Minnesota.
Two St. Joseph students were among 297 students who recently graduated from Bemidji (Minn.) State University. They are the following: Rita Dingman, bachelor’s degree in career and technical post-secondary education; and Molly Ruhr, bachelor’s degree in elementary education, cum laude. Amber Locnikar, St. Joseph, was recently named to the fall honors list at Vermilion Community College in Ely, Minn. Students named to the honors list have attained a minimum grade-point average of 3.0.
Friday, March 15, 2013
If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.
Feb. 18 9:57 a.m. Suspicious vehicle. Elena Lane. Complaint of a darker-colored van parked in his driveway. When the van noticed the occupant was awake, they pulled out of the driveway went to a neighbors mailbox and left. Owner requested extra patrol. Officer advised owner to call 911 if the scenario happens again. Feb. 21 9:53 a.m. Unreturned merchandise. 17th Avenue SE. Male stated he shipped five laptop computers to a buyer in Virginia. The buyer contacted Paypal and opened a dispute to return all five laptops for a full refund, but only shipped back three of the laptops. Male stated he has been unable to contact the buyer by email or phone regarding the remaining two laptops and needed a police report for refund. Laptops valued at $620 each. Feb. 22 9:42 p.m. Accident. 12th Avenue SE and Minnesota Street E. Officer responded to a two-vehicle property-damage accident. One person was traveling east on Minnesota Street E. and the other driver was traveling north on 12th Avenue SE and failed to stop for stop sign causing the other driver to strike his vehicle on the driver’s side rear quarter. Driver was issued a citation for stop-sign violation. No injuries. One vehicle drove away and the other one was towed. Feb. 23 4:41 a.m. Complaint of people kicking fence. Birch Street W. Officer walked around the property and found no tracks in the snow at all anywhere near the fence.
While enroute to the call, officer squad car had a collision with a deer which disabled the squad. 2:53 p.m. Assistance at College Avenue N. Male found a deer on the side of County Road 51 that was already hit. He called the DNR and they advised him to go to the St. Joseph Police Department and get a permit. After confirming the DNR dispatch, officer issued permit. 2:17 p.m. Irregular driving. McDonald’s. Officer observed vehicle matching the description in the drive-thru at McDonalds. Officer followed vehicle as it left and did not witness any driving misconduct. Stopped the vehicle and made contact with the driver who stated he had been at a bowling tournament all day and was now heading over to his parents’ house. Feb. 24 12:09 p.m. Alarm. Elm Street E. Officer responded to alarm call. Found building to be secure upon arrival. Keyholders were not responding and no vehicles in the lot. 2:43 p.m. Snowmobile complaint. 7th Avenue SE and Baker Street E. Female reported a snowmobile had driven through her backyard. Officer followed tracks to the driver’s residence. Driver admitted to driving in the area. Officer advised him to stay next to the road and to watch speeds. Feb. 25 9:02 a.m. Medical assistance. First Avenue NW. Officer arrived on the scene and the door was already open. Resident was using a nebulizer already and had oxygen. Officer stood by until St. Joseph Fire Department and Gold Cross arrived. 12:38 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. Jade Road W. Officer received a call from Kennedy School of someone who was sleeping in a car in the parking lot. They requested check of the area. Officer found the vehicle with nobody inside. Possibly was a parent who had entered the school. Kennedy was advised and told to call back with issues.
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon Editor Dennis Dalman
Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen
The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office
Design/Layout Tara Wiese
Contributing Writers TaLeiza Calloway Mark Lauer
Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke
Contributing Writer/ Administrative Assistant Cori Hilsgen
Delivery Glen Lauer
P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, March 15, 2013
American Legion events to start dialogue on civic issues by TaLeiza Calloway
After the recent purchase and installation of a media center, American Legion Post #328 in St. Joseph wants to provide a forum for community dialogue on civic issues. The plan is to present films, lectures and discussion on topics of interest to residents. The first effort is slated for 6:30-9 p.m. Thursday, March 21. The first presentation is the showing of the film, “In the Womb,” a recorded journey that starts from the moment of concep-
tion to birth. The presentation is free. “This is the first time we’ve tried something like this at the community level,” Post Commander Norman Hansen said. “We’re just trying it out.” Hansen said with the addition of the media center that includes a 60-inch television and DVD player, more opportunities to host events like this will be possible. While the film is directed at teenagers and young adults, everyone is invited to attend, said Tom Klecker, the chaplain for Legion Post #328, who sug-
gested the idea of hosting presentations for the public. The aim is to inform and get civic responsibility on the minds of attendees. The effort has been in the works for the last eight months. “We hope they gain a proactive (sense) of what it means to have a civic responsibility,” Klecker said. “We’re also encouraging families to make it a ‘night out’ with their teenager.” The film has been viewed and approved by three local churches in St. Joseph. Previewers include Pastor Bruce Tessen from Gateway Church,
Ask a Trooper
Are farm licenses still issued? by Sgt. Jesse Grabow of the Minnesota State Patrol
Q: Is there still such a thing as a farm license? I remember some of my friends having one but that was a long time ago and they basically used it to drive all the time. A: Yes, there is still a restricted farm-work license in Minnesota. The statute is M.S.S. 171.041. Young persons are eligible for this at age 15 in Minnesota, although other states might have different age restrictions. The license can be used solely to assist parents or guardians with farm work only during daylight hours and within 20 miles of the farmhouse. The restricted farm-work li-
cense may not be used to drive to or from school, or in a city with a population of more than 100,000 people. As an interesting note, during my career virtually every single one of the young persons I have stopped that were using the restricted farm-work license was using it unlawfully. I have heard the same thing from many other officers throughout the years. I even attended a fatal crash caused by a 15-yearold person who was driving (unlawfully) with only the restricted farm-work license. Parents are strongly urged to consider all the facts and restrictions before allowing their teen to obtain a restricted farmwork license and to monitor its use very carefully if their teen
has one. Most of these teens have had virtually no formal driver training and this can make for a very dangerous situation on our roadways. Teens are much safer when the parents are involved in the driver instruction. This also allows the teen to become a much better driver. Remember, the number one cause of death for teens is motor-vehicle crashes. If you have any questions concerning traffic-related laws or issues in Minnesota, send your questions to Trp. Jesse Grabow, Minnesota State Patrol, at 1000 Hwy. 10 W., Detroit Lakes, Minn. 56501-2205. You can follow him on Twitter @ MSPPIO_NW or reach him at,
Did you find the melted snowhills? Photo one is located on West Ash Street behind the St. Joseph Meat Market. Photo two is located by Minnesota Street by
photos by Cori Hilsgen
the loft apartments. Photo three is located by the St. Joseph Township Park. Photo four is located by the Kennedy Com-
munity School. Photo five is located near the College of St. Benedict.
Photo 4
Photo 5
2013 Community Showcase “Innovation”
Photo 1 y ored b Spons ing ld Spr o C e th er hamb Area C merce m of Co
Saturday, March 16 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
ROCORI High School
Cold Spring Historical Society Breakfast Fundraiser • 8-10 a.m. Featuring 100+ businesses and area organizations! TOWNHALL MEETING • 11 a.m.
Speakers: Sen. Michelle Fischbach, Rep. Jeff Howe and Stearns County Commissioner Jeff Mergen
“Seminars & demos”
Photo 2
• Thompsen Greenhouse Miniature Gardens (9:30 a.m.)
• ROCORI Area Community Foundation Leaving a Community Legacy (10:30 a.m) • Robotics Demos - 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. • Tinnnitus & Hearing Loss (11:30 a.m.)
Benefit Concert diamondBack • 2 p.m. Habitat for Humanity Rocori Build Project
Photo 3
Free concert. Tickets are limited.
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Kids’ Games Meet the Easter Bun Bring your cam ny! Inflatables era! Build-a-Birdhouse Face Painting Crafts and much more!
Memorabilia display of vintage wedding dresses, military uniforms, Springer Baseball and ROCORI band items
For more information call 320-685-4186 or visit us at
Youth and Family Coordinator Sandy Spiczka of Resurrection Lutheran Church and Marian Bach (Faith Formation) from St. Joseph Catholic Church, Klecker said. Midway through the film, there will be a short intermission and light refreshments. In the coming months, the Legion plans to have presentations on topics including the U.S. Constitution, suicide, economics, and marriage and
family (death and dying). In May, as part of the new effort, the Legion will host a twopart presentation on anger and violence. Through film and lecture, a retired psychologist will offer perspectives on this topic. The legion is located at 101 Minnesota St. Those planning to attend are asked to enter through the rear door on the east side of the building.
MENU: Deep fried fish (all-youcan-eat – dine-in only), potato salad, carrot sticks, baked beans, bread and butter, milk or coffee. Eat in or take out - Open to the public
Pre-Sale tickets are available at All Saints Academy Schools, St. Joseph Parish House and from school families.
(Formerly known as “Lab School”)
Friday, March 22 • 4-8 p.m. St. Joseph Campus 32 W. Minnesota St. American Legion of St. Joseph 101 W. Minnesota St.
Eat in
St. Joseph Parish House 12 W. Minnesota St.
Tickets Pre-Sale: Adults $9 ~ Children $6 At Door: Adults $10 ~ Children $7 All Saints Academy will receive a matching grant of up to $500 from Catholic United Financial
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, March 15, 2013
Babies from front page Twin Cities area. Their inspiration came from a desire to comfort those residents. What they like most is seeing how senior citizens react to the babies. It doesn’t matter the baby can’t hear them as they talk to them. For the person holding them, it reminds them of their own children and in that moment offers companionship. “You don’t have to believe they’re real to get any enjoyment out of it,” she said. Two hearts make up the logo for Loving Hearts Nursery. The bottom of the hearts – the shape of two letter “Vs” stand for Viola and Vivian. The Lindblooms launched the business to honor those two women,
photo by TaLeiza Calloway
Ashley, one of the serenity babies born at Loving Hearts Nursery in St. Joseph, sits in an infant seat March 5 in St. Joseph. Cindy said. Viola and Vivian had spent some time in a nursing home before they passed on. The Lindblooms’ focus has been on serving nursing-home communities, but they do take custom orders. “It’s our way of them still giving their heart to those in nursing homes,” she said. “We’re trying to kind of carry on their (memory) and have them still being able to give.” The launch of the nursery just came naturally. Cindy happened to see the dolls while on a trip out East. They stopped
at a doll market, and she went in and thought “This is really cool.” They haven’t looked back.
Work of art
Each baby is one-of-a-kind with a starting price of $650. Made of German vinyl, they are sculpted, painted and custommade. It can take 30-40 hours to make one baby from start to finish, they said. The sculptures of the baby’s head, arms and legs are shipped from Germany and the Lindblooms do the rest. Daryl, who dabbled in canvas-painting in high school, paints the babies, and Cindy finalizes the child’s details that include hair, lips, wrinkles and eyelashes. They make premature babies, infants and toddlers. “It’s a labor of love,” she said. “Our whole life is about children.” Aside from their own children, they have seven grandchildren. Some of the grandchildren have expressed an interest in the art form. One of her 12-year-old grandchildren helps make bags for accessories the babies are sent home with, and Cindy’s 83-year-old mother-in-law makes hats for the little ones. This kind of three-dimensional art in the form of babies is not a new concept. In fact, it is well known in England and Australia, the Lindblooms said. It is, however, new to central Minnesota, hence the delayed response they have received so far, she said. Some view their work as a craft. Another misconception is the serenity babies are toys. The Lindblooms liken the babies to priceless pieces of art – something normally kept out of the hands of children. ‘They’re not meant for chil-
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, March 15, 2013
dren,” she said. “Picture (art) brought to life that you can interact with.”
Baby steps
Interest has peaked locally since the St. Joseph couple gained media attention. While the babies are Caucasian, they are working on creating babies of color. The Lindblooms admit this is something they are trying out to make a difference for others. If their journey ended tomorrow, the Lindblooms would be satisfied, they said. Their goal in launching Loving Hearts Nursery is not to get rich; it’s to give comfort and to honor Viola and Vivian. “We’re just going with God’s direction,” she said. “If it stops tomorrow, that’s OK. We’re OK with whatever happens. It’s
photos by TaLeiza Calloway
Little hands and feet rest peacefully March 5 on one of the serenity babies in St. Joseph. not about us.” For more information about Loving Hearts Nursery, visit:
They will also be featured in a book written by New York Times reporter Rebecca Martinez.
Daryl and Cindy Lindbloom of St. Joseph hold some of their serenity babies March 5 in St. Joseph. The doll artists said they create the babies to provide comfort for others.
New WACOSA Thriftworks store seeks donations by Cori Hilsgen
Ask Ann Kennedy and her co-workers such as Lisa Anderson about re-using and thrifting, and you will see excitement on their faces and hear it in their voices. Kennedy is the sales and marketing manager at WACOSA, and Anderson is a team leader. Both are excited about a new business opportunity, “Thriftworks,” which is a training program to help those without county funding find gainful employment. Thriftworks is a new thrift store located in the old Vilo Lanes building in Waite Park. The building was recently renovated and includes WACOSA administrative offices, the Thriftworks retail space and a back room for sorting and accepting donations. All proceeds from Thriftsworks will benefit WACOSA. WACOSA is a business that employs people from the St. Joseph and Sartell areas that has been serving people with disabilities for more than 50 years. It is a nonprofit business whose mission is to provide people with disabilities the chance to work and live in their community. WACOSA has locations in
EnviroTech Now Hiring! Office cleaning positions near St. Joseph/Waite Park. Shifts are 4 hours per evening starting at $9 per hour. 2 positions are 2 nights per week on Tue./Fri. 5-9 p.m. and one is 5 nights per week 4-8 p.m. Must be 18 or older. Great 2nd job. More jobs also available in St. Cloud area. Apply online at or call 320-251-4385.
Waite Park and Sauk Centre and a senior program that is housed at Whitney Senior Center in St. Cloud. In 2012, WACOSA served more than 575 adults with disabilities in those three locations. At WACOSA, emphasis is placed on capabilities and strengths and a “can-do” attitude in which they focus on what employees can do instead of what they cannot do. According to Kennedy, people with disabilities “are such a
wonderful, untapped resource. They show up on time and they’re there every day. They are fiercely dedicated.” Thriftworks was part of a plan to work with people with disabilities who have no county funding available and are not getting services in the community. “The goal is to provide jobs to existing consumers who we currently serve, but to also bring in people with Asperger’s Syndrome, which is one
Check out our new
form of autism,” Kennedy said. Asperger’s Syndrome is often called the invisible disability since there usually are no visual cues. “In many cases, there is no
county funding to help these people find meaningful employment,” Kennedy said. The goal of Thriftworks is to set up a training opportunity Store • page 8
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Our View
Retreat-like meeting could be good for city officials Boards and commissions play an important role in cities and townships. They are the partners of city council members in decision-making. And there lies the idea. During a recent meeting of the St. Joseph City Council, Mayor Rick Schultz announced an upcoming meeting or retreatlike gathering for all council members and board and commission members. The meeting is slated for later this month, and the goal is not only to get to know one another but to create a common ground. Schultz described it as an informal gathering. Cities continue to evolve and St. Joseph is no different. With the addition of new businesses, improvement projects within the community and future plans, a united front is always a good idea. Some commissions gained new leadership recently. The planned meeting is one way to meet and welcome them. Newcomer Gary Osberg was appointed to the economic development authority, city council hopeful Troy Goracke joined the park board and council hopeful Matt Killam and Chad Hausmann were additions to the planning commission. The park board also gained new leadership with the addition of Jodi Keehr. While boards and commissions have their own meeting times and agendas, the idea of coming together to learn more is a good idea. It’s something that used to be done but faded throughout the years, according to officials. It can’t hurt to bring it back. Often interaction between officials is fleeting or comes in the form of a report from the city administrator or council liaison providing an update on a board meeting. This informal gathering will allow officials to speak to one another directly. Companies that hold retreats do so with goals that include improving productivity, gaining more cooperation, and building morale and improving communication. Studies and media reports show those areas can be positively affected after successful retreats or gatherings of staff. Cities have staff members and leaders who are charged with the tasks of governing and keeping order. While the city is not a company, these areas are relatable when it comes to running a city. And to that end, we commend city officials for extending their time and effort to move the city forward on a positive note.
Fairness and ethics
Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Opinion Motown on Broadway is a great fit for a musical I wish someone could have pinched me as I read that Motown, the Detroit record label that helped discover the talents of the Jackson 5, Marvin Gaye, the Temptations and Smokey Robinson, was coming to Broadway in the form of a musical. I couldn’t believe it and then again I could. It will make for a great musical. Decades since it began, the “Motown Sound” is still woven through music we hear today and now we get to travel back to where it all began: Motor City. As much as I like Minnesota, despite the brutal winters, I wouldn’t mind being a New Yorker just to see “Motown: The Musical.” I haven’t even seen it, and already I know the music will be more than memorable. It’s set to premiere in April. Yes, you might be thinking, “You could just plan to fly there and see it.” Well, not so much. I will be married in June, and the wedding is my priority until I say, “I do.” I’m 29 years old, but my friends say I’m an old soul. It’s true. Any given day you could get in my car and hear Gladys Knight and the Pips, the Four Tops or
TaLeiza Calloway Reporter Stevie Wonder. Don’t get me wrong; you’ll also hear some modern R&B music too, but the oldies are favorites of mine. For as long as I can remember, that has been the case. My love of music comes from my father. Music was always one of the best things about riding in the car with my father (I call him “Papa”). The sound was always clear and the bass was just right. My younger sister and I used to joke we could hear our father coming from around the corner because he played his music so loud. As I got older, I thought it might be because he couldn’t really hear it. Over time I learned it was just his way of enjoying his tunes. I’m guilty of keeping my radio cranked at times, too (but only when the song is really good). I can only imagine how exciting it will be to hear the sound of Motown under
the lights of Broadway. According to the news article, the musical will portray Motown’s first 25 years through the eyes of Berry Gordy, Motown’s founder, who is played by Tony-nominated actor Brandon Victor Dixon. For those who know the story of how Motown got started, the scene will be a familiar one. From the $800 Gordy family loan that got it started to the triumphant “Motown 25” show in 1983 where Michael Jackson wowed us with his famous moonwalk, those lucky enough to go will be more than entertained. More than half of the two-and-one-half-hour show is set in Detroit, where Gordy’s courtship of a young Diana Ross is a key source of drama. The unique sound of Motown is the soundtrack. That soundtrack includes music from Michael Jackson, the Supremes and more. This show has been in the works for years, and Gordy said in the article he waited so it could be done right. I’m glad the wait is over. The music of Motown is timeless. I figure if I can’t go see the musical, I can certainly play the music of the Jackson 5 at my wedding reception.
St. Joseph remains strong with promising future First, I want to recognize three who have concluded their service as St. Joseph board members. Sr. Kathleen Kalinowski served on the St. Joseph Planning Commission for 33 years. Her leadership and knowledge will be missed. Lonnie Abbott faithfully served on the St. Joseph Park Board for 16 years. Tom Skahan served on the St. Joseph Economic Development Authority Board as a supporter of our active business community for the past 10 years. I thank each of you for your service to our city. I am pleased to tell you, the state of your city remains strong and our future is as promising as ever. In a time of less money and fewer resources St. Joseph continues to advance on key city goals, and we continue to ensure our city’s financial health. As we move forward during the next several years and as the overall economy continues to make progress, our future budgets will focus on three simple things: continue to fund core services; monitor the current and future debt levy so growth and infrastructure improvements are managed and planned; and set funds aside for capital-improvement projects that maintain our assets, as well as attract private investment and new homeowners. We will protect the public’s safety. We owe a debt of gratitude to our dedicated firefighters and police officers who serve St. Joseph. The police department continues to respond to the challenge of keeping our city safe with smart, proactive strategies. The results speak for themselves. Unfortunately, the leadership of Chief Pete Jansky is coming to a close. Having announced his retirement earlier this year, the city faces the chal-
St. Joseph Mayor
Rick Schultz Guest writer lenge of replacing his knowledge and expertise in the coming months. We will restore our downtown and other neighborhoods. Our downtown should be a showpiece, the center of activity and civic affairs. The city has participated in several efforts to address ways, methods and designs to restore St. Joseph’s neighborhoods and revitalize our downtown. The city’s EDA Board is committed to three things in our business district and neighborhoods: 1.) work directly with residents/business owners to understand their vision for their neighborhoods; 2.) evaluate land-use laws and ordinances that may contribute to the problems, assisting developers through the planning and redevelopment process; and 3.) line up diverse resources to aid in this effort. With the collection of half-cent sales tax, the design and shape of a new community center is underway. The city anticipates developing a center and meeting facility on a parcel located within the city. The city welcomed several new businesses: Cone Castle, Bello Cucina and McDonald’s. Construction progress continues with the first phase of the Villages of CSB, a residential development owned by Collegeville Cos. We will do all we can to support downtown revitalization, but at the end of the day, it’s the private-property owners who will ultimately determine down-
town’s fate. Next year, we expect to add several other new businesses into the mix. The Army Reserve Center design is underway, and we are working with a biomedical company whose plan is to relocate to St. Joseph. We will enhance our parks, trails and youth programs. The park board has dedicated resources to redeveloping Cloverdale Park, adding new amenities and a sitting area. In addition, they completed the last phase of the playground equipment in Northland Park. In an effort to promote active recreation, the park board has developed a new archery range that will open this spring. This could not have been completed without the generosity of the local service clubs and business community. We will fund sidewalk and trail extension to create connections to the Wobegon Trail. The extensions should be completed by mid-summer. We will enhance and increase communication. The year 2012 included a major rebuild of the city website, entering into an agreement with Civic Plus to host the site. The new website provides an expanded option for keeping residents up-to-date on events in the city, as well as easy access to resources and online bill payments. I have made it a point to host town meetings at the Local Blend throughout the year, inviting anyone with concerns or ideas to discuss them. I will continue this practice throughout 2013. As the city continues to grow and change, I welcome your feedback and involvement. It is not the city council, its boards or city staff who drive this city. It is those who live and work here who will ultimately determine its future.
Send it to: The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374
or email us at: Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only).
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, March 15, 2013 Friday, March 15 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., St. John’s Preparatory School, 1857 Watertower Road, Collegeville. 1-800RED CROSS or visit redcrossblood. org. Fish Fry buffet, sponsored by the Sno Joe’s Snowmobile Club, from 5-8:30 p.m. at the El Paso Club, St. Joseph.
Community Calendar
High School Auditorium. The St. John’s Boys’ Choir will perform from noon-1:30 p.m.
brary, St. Cloud. 320-255-6169.
Wednesday, March 20 Car-seat checkup, 3-6 p.m., Gold Cross Ambulance Garage, 2800 7th St. N., St. Cloud. 320-229-5139.
Saturday, March 16 Maple Syrup Fests, 1-4 p.m. today and Saturday, April 6, St. John’s Arboretum. Registration is near St. John’s Prep School. Call 320-3633163 or visit Central Minnesota Credit Union annual meeting, 1:30 p.m., Melrose
Monday, March 18 Wood duck, bluebird and wren house building night, 4-6:30 p.m., American Legion, St. Joseph 55+ driver improvement program, (eight-hour first-time course), 5-9 p.m., tonight and March 19, Kennedy Community School, Media Center, 1300 Jade Road, St. Joseph. St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion in St. Joseph. Tuesday, March 19 “Vegetable Gardening in Small Spaces,” a Master Gardener seminar, 1-2 p.m., Great River Regional Li-
Thursday, March 21 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-363-7201. Dementia, There is Hope, 6:308 p.m., Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 4310 C.R. 137, St. Cloud. 320-2570699.
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p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall, 610 North County Road 2, St. Joseph. Fish fry, 4-8 p.m., All Saints Academy, 32 W. Minnesota St. and American Legion, 101 W. Minnesota St. Take-out at Parish House, 12 W. Minnesota St. Matching grant from Catholic United Financial. “The Wizard of Oz,” 7:30 p.m. Paramount Theatre, St. Cloud. 320259-5463 or Saturday, March 23
Horticulture Education Day, 8 a.m.-3:45 p.m., St. John’s University, Collegeville. 320-255-6169. Aglow Gathering, 9:30 a.m., Michael’s Restaurant, 510 Hwy. 10, St. Cloud. RSVP Vera 320-252-5351 by March 20. “The Wizard of Oz,” 7:30 p.m. Paramount Theatre, St. Cloud. 320259-5463 or Sunday, March 24 “The Wizard of Oz,” 2 p.m., Paramount Theatre, St. Cloud. 320-2595463 or
Friday, March 22 St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6
St. Joseph Farmers Market is accepting applications for the coming season for unique products. Visit our website at www. for an application or call Terri at 320-845-7353 for more information. 10-1x-p.
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Tisha is a black lab and German shorthair mix who is five years old, housetrained, spayed and micro-chipped. Tisha’s family was unable to keep her because she was too good of a “watch dog” for the business environment they had in the home. She has a good supply of energy and would make a great running partner for someone. She’s described as loyal and loving – she just needs a home with less traffic. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 8 Rabbits - 3
Kittens - 1 Gerbil - 1
Cats - 21 Guinea Pig - 1
Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302
Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.
Mary Kay Cosmetics Joyce Barnes St. Joseph 320-251-8989
Barbara G. Backes, M.S., LPC, P.A. Marriage, Family & Individual St. Cloud 320-420-6195
Dr. Jerry Wetterling 103 N. College Ave. St. Joseph 320-363-4573
CHURCHES Gateway Church - St. Joseph
Michael F. Contardo D.D.S. 26 2nd Ave. NW St. Joseph 320-363-4468 Drs. Styles, Cotton & Milbert 1514 E. Minnesota St., Box 607 St. Joseph 320-363-7729
Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday, 7 p.m. Wednesday, 6 p.m. Saturday
106 2nd Ave. NW • 320-282-2262
Von Meyer Publishing 32 1st Ave. NW St. Joseph 320-363-7741
Resurrection Lutheran, ELCA Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11 a.m. WoW! (Worship on Wednesday) 6:30 p.m.
610 N. CR 2 St. Joseph Russell Eyecare & Associates 320-363-4232 15 E. Minnesota St., Ste. 107 St. Joseph 320-433-4326 St. Joseph Catholic Church Masses: Tuesday-Friday 8 a.m. Saturday 5 p.m. Sunday 8 and 10 a.m.
320-363-7505 St. Joseph
PLUMBING & HEATING Metro Plumbing & Heating 545 8th Ave. NE St. Joseph 320-363-7761
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Store from page 5 to help adults gain some “soft” skills. Soft skills WACOSA employees would be gaining would include skills such as making eye contact, being comfortable dealing with different situations that arise when working with customers, filling out applications, going through the interview process and learning real-life skills, such as working in a retail environment. Kennedy said WACOSA chose to create a retail business because St. Cloud has a lot of retail options. She said it made sense to work with retail because there are a lot of jobs in the St. Cloud area, and it would be an easy transition
from their training program into an actual employment situation. “It’s a way for them to bring in some income, pay them a livable wage while they’re working here, and then get them back out in the community,” Kennedy said. “We thought this would be a unique way to help people in our community.” A grand opening is planned for May 4. The store will be drawing for prizes. People can enter the drawing by stopping at the store and again if they donate items. Thriftworks is seeking donations now and has a drivethrough drop-off currently open from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Store hours after May 4 will be from 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Saturday and noon-5 p.m. Sundays. Items accepted at Thriftworks include clothing, books, movies, games, toys, small household appliances, housewares, jewelry, linen and bedding, tools and furniture that has been reviewed and approved. Items not accepted include hazardous waste or items such as computers, VCRs, TVs, monitors, stereos, turntables, speakers, phones or answering machines that contain hazardous waste. Also, microwave ovens, mattresses or box springs, infant equipment such as cribs, highchairs, pack-nplays, car seats, sleeper sofas, food, flammable products, weapons, explosives, construc- contributed photo tion materials, carpeting and Lisa Anderson, a WACOSA Thriftworks team leader, shows off any other non-resalable items several new displays recently set up in the Thriftworks store, are not accepted. scheduled to open May 4. Thriftworks needs donations.
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Drop this registration at participating businesses
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Deadline for registering is Sunday, March 24. Winners will be announced in the March 29 edition.