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Newsleader St. Joseph

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Friday, March 21, 2014 Volume 25, Issue 12 Est. 1989

Town Crier Lions seek involvement during open house March 27 The Lions invite community members to get involved by attending an open house at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 27 in the American Legion, 101 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Everybody is welcome to find out more about the Lions mission of helping others around the world. The St. Joseph Lions and the Y2K Lions have many fundraisers during the year like the Fourth of July parade, fish fries and brat sales to raise money for charities like the St. Joseph Food Shelf, Can Do Canines, Leader Dogs and many others.

photos by Cori Hilsgen

Equipment is stationed along Stearns CR 2 between St. Joseph and Cold Spring as work continues on the latest phase of the CapX 2020 project.

Work continues on CapX 2020

Older worker opps available in county

by Cori Hilsgen

Older residents of Stearns County who are having difficulty finding a job have a local resource that might be able to help. The Experience Works Community Service Employment Program, a nonprofit organization operating in Minnesota, provides paid community service assignments at local public and non-profit organizations, training, referral to needed services and job search assistance for eligible individuals. With updated skills, participants use their community service training as a springboard to permanent jobs with local employers. The Experience Works SCSEP is currently accepting applications. Program applicants must be age 55 or older, unemployed, live in Stearns County, and have incomes of $14,588 per year or less for a family of one ($19,663 for family of two). For more information, visit and click on Criers.

People traveling on Stearns CR 2 between St. Joseph and Cold Spring have probably noticed work crews and helicopters working on the latest phase of the CapX 2020 highvoltage transmission line. CapX 2020 is a joint project of 11 utilities to expand the

electric transmission grid to meet the increasing demand for energy in Minnesota and surrounding areas. When finished, it will run from Fargo through the St. Joseph area and to the Quarry power substation west of the city. The power lines are being strung on 120- to 150-foot single-circuit and 140- to 170foot double-circuit steel tower

A helicopter pulls a conductor line wire to a tower located on land between St. Joseph and Cold Spring for the latest phase of work being completed for the CapX 2020 high-voltage transmission system. structures spaced 800 to 1,000 feet apart. Helicopters are often used to string the wires from tower to tower so drivers are cautioned not to be distracted by the work crews. The Upper Midwest electric transmission grid has not been updated in 30 years, but electricity consumption in the

state has increased greatly. Much of this increased need is attributed to greater use of electronic items and appliances, along with increased size of homes. CapX 2020 line construction is expected to be completed in 2015.

Council approves new townhomes by Cori Hilsgen

The St. Joseph City Council approved a new townhome development at their March 6 meeting. The development by JLT Partnership will be located

north of Elena Lane off 4th Avenue SE and includes two three-unit and two two-unit townhomes. The area currently includes single-family homes and a 60-unit apartment building, Graceview Estates Apartments. Council members also voted

to move forward with bids for maintenance work on the existing water tower located near the Wobegon Trailhead. Council members also approved the staggering of terms for the Human Rights Commission. The Joint Human Rights Board requested member cit-

ies to approve the amendment to the joint-powers agreement to stagger the terms for the commission. The staggering of terms will prevent all members’ terms from expiring at one time and help retain experience and knowledge of members as time goes on.

Spring is near

Hot off the press If you’d like to receive the Newsleader hot off the press, send us your email address and we’ll notify you with a link when our website is updated, which is typically by noon a day in advance of the print edition. Send your email to news@ and you should start receiving your reminder at that address within a week. Notify us otherwise. For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.

photos by Kelly Brown

These photos were taken on the Wobegon Trail. Kelly Brown often takes his bike or hikes from St. Joseph to Avon.

St. Joseph Newsleader •


People Two St. Joseph students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul. They are the following: Jeffrey Maleska and Katrina Johnson.

FREE Comp ESTIM A e Insur titively Pri TES! a c



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Fish Fry

St. John the Baptist Parish Center, Collegeville Just west of St. John’s University Campus on Fruit Farm Road

Friday, March 28 4:30-7:30 p.m.

Tickets at the door: Adults: $10, Children (ages 5-10): $5 Children under 5: FREE Menu: Fried fish, macaroni & cheese, baked potatoes, beans, coleslaw, bread, dessert buffet and beverages Take out available. Our dining room is handicap accessible.




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Pippa is a 3-year-old tortoiseshell cat. She’s described as a friendly cat who has a bit of an independent streak. She lived with a dog and held her own. Pippa also did fine with children who would come over to visit. She purrs when held or while you stroke her fur. Pippa’s always been an ‘indoor only’ cat and would probably do best if it stayed that way. Stop by to meet Pippa and make her purr! “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 16 Puppies - 15 Rat - 1

Rental rehab loans available

Zero-interest deferred loans are now available for improvements to rental units through the Central Minnesota Housing Partnership. The deadline for filing applications is April 10. Jason Krebsbach, community development director for CMHP, explained how the loan program works: Owners of rental properties

can use the loans for a variety of approved, permanent upgrades such as mechanical systems, roofing, siding, windows, doors and appliances in some cases. Those who apply must do so for at least six rental units. The maximum loan amount per unit is $45,000; the maximum for multiple units, all told, is $300,000. The rental units must be considered “af-

fordable,” – that is, those expressly for low- to moderate-income people. All applications will be rated according to a criteria process, then loans will be granted until current allocations are used up. To obtain an application or for more information, go to Or call Krebsbach at 320-258-0672.

Stearns County Service Center now processes driver’s license renewals

252-8931 USED CARS

Friday, March 21, 2014

Cats - 32 Kittens - 11

Rabbit - 1 Ferrets - 4

Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302


Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.

Driver’s licenses and Minnesota ID cards can now be renewed at the Stearns County Service Center, 3301 CR 138, Waite Park, one block west

If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Feb. 25 8:43 a.m. Harassment. Fir Street E. Complainant stated she broke up with her boyfriend several months ago and told him several times not to contact her. He continued to send her things about getting back together and also called her family members. Officer spoke to boyfriend and advised him no more contact or he would face charges. He agreed to stop all contact with her. 11:10 a.m. Driver complaint. Ash Street W. Security flagged officer down and stated they thought a driver had a bottle of Blue Moon beer. Driver was just getting in his car. Officer found it to be a bottle of rootbeer. Feb. 26 11:09 a.m. Junk-car ordinance. Birch Street E. Letters were sent out and the car was not taken care of per ordinance. Letter with citation mailed. 11:20 a.m. Junk-car ordinance. Sixth Avenue NW. Letter was sent and vehicle still on property and not taken care of per ordinance. Letter with citation mailed. Feb. 27 7:26 a.m. Suspicious vehicle.

of Mills Fleet Farm off 28th Avenue S. Driver’s license renewals, lost cards, changes of name, class and address can all be processed at License Cen-


Jade Road. Complainant called to report a suspicious vehicle. Turned out to be another employee’s vehicle. 1:53 p.m. Welfare check. College Avenue N. Female in vehicle was sleeping. All OK. Feb. 28 6:05 p.m. Property damage accident. College Avenue N/Minnesota Street E. Three-vehicle accident occurred north of intersection Minnesota Street/College Avenue. Car #2 was stopped on College Avenue N. facing north waiting while a vehicle exited from a parking lot. Car #1 struck car #2 on the back right. Then car #1 struck car #3 which was parked unoccupied in a parking spot on College Avenue N. No injuries sustained. Heavy damage to all three vehicles. March 1 12:40 p.m. Medical. College Avenue S. Male fell and hit his head during a basketball game at CSB. He was complaining of neck pain and tingling in his fingers. He had a “C” collar on when officer arrived and was being stabilized. Officer stood by until Gold Cross arrived and he was transported. March 2 5:29 p.m. Assist person. Elm Street E. Vehicle #1 was traveling north at an uncontrolled intersection in the Coborn’s parking lot while vehicle #2 was traveling west at the same intersection. According to driver of vehicle #2 collision was at a very slow speed. The roads were snow cov-

ter West. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. For more information, visit www. and click on Criers.

ered. Officer stood by and helped driver exchange insurance information and take pictures of damage to vehicles. Minor damage to both vehicles and no injuries. March 3 9:55 a.m. Found property. Elm Street E. A backpack was found by employees at McDonald’s. Officer checked for identification in the backpack and was able to make contact with the owner, who agreed to come and pick it up. 6:14 p.m. Suspicious smell. Baker Street E. Arrived on scene and met with subject. She stated she was waiting there with her kids until tenant arrived home. Subject allowed me to enter the apartment. Very faint odor that possibly resembled marijuana was present. Officer asked about the smell and she stated there were a couple of friends who just had left that were smoking. Officer asked if there was any marijuana presently in the apartment to which she stated there was none. Officer advised civil action could possibly be taken by renter if behavior at the apartment persists. 8:13 p.m. Medical. Baker Street E. Officer arrived on scene and met mother who stated her child was now fine. Entered residence and the child was walking and alert. Mother stated the child fell off the table, hit head and started gasping for air. Advised to cancel rescue and continue with Gold Cross. Gold Cross arrived on scene, checked and cleared the patient.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen

The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Friday, March 21, 2014

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Student spotlight: Thelen says college life brings more responsibilities by Cori Hilsgen

Allison Thelen is a busy college student who says college life brings many more responsibilities to stay on task and succeed. Thelen is the 19-year-old daughter of Ann and Dave Thelen. She is a sophomore studying veterinary technology at North Dakota State University, Fargo. Thelen has one sister, Josie, 16. Fun Facts about Thelen : Favorite subject: “All of my veterinary-technology classes,” Thelen said. “It’s going to be my future career so it’s very interesting to me. Also, I love to be with the animals and be able to help them.” Activities she is involved with: Veterinary Technology Club Favorite leisure activity:

“Hanging out with my awesome friends I’ve made at school,” Thelen said. Favorite movie: Safe Haven Thelen said she loves Julianne Hough and Josh Duhamel. Favorite music: She said she appreciates all genres of music. Favorite restaurant: Ciatti’s Favorite food: Pasta, pasta and more pasta! Favorite thing she likes to help other people do: “I love to help people organize,” Thelen said. “I can be a clean freak, so if someone needs something to be organized, I’m their girl.” Favorite quote: Thelen said she tells people to be themselves. “Don’t change for anyone and stay true to your heart,” she said. What is one of the hardest obstacles you have had to

overcome in the school environment? “I think the hardest thing about college is you are now on your own and you have greater responsibilities,” Thelen said. “No one is there to push you to get good grades and stay on track.” Have you ever witnessed bullying at school? “Not really in college, but in high school I did,” Thelen said. “In college people just kind of mind their own business.” What is your favorite technology device? My iphone. “I use it all the time for multiple purposes,” she said. Do you like using technology at school? “I definitely like using technology in school,” she said. “My computer is my life. It’s what I use every day for assignments and quizzes.” What is the biggest chal-

lenge college students face today? “I think the biggest challenge for college students today is it’s really easy to get off track with homework, and (I’m) more focused on the social aspect of college,” she said. How does college life differ from high school? Thelen said in college students have a lot more responsibilities. They are in charge of getting everything done as well as doing well and getting good grades. What she wants to do when she graduates: Thelen said she would like to come back to St. Joseph and find a job around town at a veterinary clinic as a veterinary technologist. “I have always loved animals as a child, so I think this would be the best job for me,” she said.

contributed photo

Allison Thelen is a sophomore studying veterinary technology at North Dakota State University, Fargo. When she graduates, she would like to return to the St. Joseph area and work in the veterinary field.

Students will discuss aging, dental care by Cori Hilsgen

As we age, we develop more dental problems, making it harder for us to retain our teeth. With people living longer, it’s becoming more important to try to preserve those teeth. Students in the St. Cloud Technical and Community College dental-hygiene program will offer some tips about aging and dental care from 9-10 a.m. Friday, March 28 at the Church of St. Joseph Heritage Hall. Dental-hygiene instructor Barbara Henkemeyer noted the theme for the session will be “Keeping our smiles for a lifetime.”

Second-year dental-hygiene students Connie Schulz, Sara Rooney and Bekki Carriere will cover topics such as changes in the mouth as we age, dry mouth, cavities, bad breath, how to prevent or manage dental problems as we age, how poor oral health affects general health and the options to replace missing or broken teeth and more. The three students are in their final year of dental-hygiene education. The college has a dental clinic on the campus that is open to the public for preventive dental services. Some of the services include oral cancer screenings, cleanings, radiographs, fluoride treat-

Furniture movers needed The Community Furniture Program is looking for volunteers and community service workers to help move furniture out of the St. Cloud Holiday Inn Express and Suites behind McStop and into the Community Furniture Program warehouse. They will be working from approximately 3 to 7 p.m. every Sunday through April 20. They will be moving 11 rooms of furniture each Sunday in that timeline until fin-

NOW HIRING! Sheet Metal Installer Experience preferred. St. Cloud area. Great pay and benefits. Call 320-363-7761 or email METRO PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 545 8th Ave. N.E. St. Joseph

ished. This is an incredibly generous donation from the Holiday Inn, one that will help sustain the CFP for several months. Volunteers who can do heavy lifting or someone who can pick up a lamp, they need your help. If needed, transportation can be provided within the St. Cloud area. For more information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit and click on Criers.

ments, sealants, periodontal scaling, nutritional counseling, tobacco-cessation counseling and oral-hygiene instructions. The dental session is hosted by the Church of St. Joseph Health and Wellness Committee. It’s free and open to the public. No registration is required. Health-and-wellness minister Marjorie Henkemeyer said there is no limit to the number of people who can attend. “It’s just a wonderful opportunity to learn about aging

Coffee, Toast & Conversation

You are invited to experience Benedictine hospitality at Mill Stream Village with Sister Jean each Friday morning at 9:30 during the Lenten season. Complimentary toast, coffee & tea. 308 College Circle, St. Joseph 320-363-7656 All are welcome.

HumAN SeRviCeS PoSitioNS DiReCt CARe PRoviDeR Catholic Charities operates six homes for individuals with developmental and physical disabilities under license with the Minnesota Dept. of Human Services. The caring staff work with approx. four long-term clients in each home. Currently hiring Float positions and every other weekend positions. Starting wage between $10.93-$11.92 per hour.

Apply online at: Contact: Luanne at 320-685-8626 (Cold Spring Foster Home) or Human Resources at 911 18th St. N., St. Cloud • 320-650-1529 Join our team of approx. 600 providers & staff!


and dental care and how good dental care can help maintain good general health,” Henkemeyer said.

For more information about services and fees or to schedule an appointment at the college, call 320-308-5919.

Opening Soon

for the Season!

JunioR Golf ReGiStRation Saturday, March 29 • 10 a.m.-3 p.m. information on memberships, leagues and rates now available. leaGue MeetinGS • 6 p.m.

Wednesday, March 26 - Men’s league tuesday, april 1 - Men’s league Monday, april 7 - ladies’ league

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2014 Community Showcase “Building a Better World”

y ored b Spons g Sprin ld o C the amber h C a e Ar merce of Com

Saturday, March 29 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

ROCORI High School Cold Spring

Historical Society Breakfast Fundraiser • 8-10 a.m. Featuring 90+ businesses and area organizations! TOWNHALL MEETING • 11:30 a.m. “Seminars & demos”

• What’s hot and trendy with perennials for 2014? - Thomsens Greenhouse (9:30 a.m.) • All Stressed Up and Nowhere to Go - Dave Faust, Stonehouse Resources (10:30 a.m.) • Your Heart’s Health - Dr. Frank Barnaby, Cold Spring Medical Clinic (11:30 a.m.) • Leaving a legacy - ROCORI Area Community Foundation (12:30 p.m.) • Feedback Session - Cold Spring Downtown Improvements (10:30 a.m)

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Fun Activities for Kids!

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Music by Max Monnens 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. For more information call 320-685-4186 or visit us at

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, March 21, 2014

Munden’s team tops goal for Special Oympics by Dennis Dalman

MaryBeth Munden was a bit disappointed she didn’t meet her goal, but she’s still happy her ice-cold lake plunge raised $1,285 for Special Olympics Minnesota. Her goal this year was $1,500. Her team, however, did in fact collectively raise more than the goal – a total of $1,665. Recently, Munden and her contributed photo team took the “Polar Bear Mark Welch of Sartell and MaryBeth Munden of St. Joseph take Plunge” at a lake in Eden Praithe “Polar Plunge” together to raise money for Special Olym- rie. The event was one of 16 pics Minnesota. held throughout Minnesota as

part of the annual “Law Enforcement for Special Olympics Minnesota.” Munden is the dispatcher for the St. Joseph Police Department. She also works at the El Paso Bar and Grill and Kay’s Kitchen, both in St. Joseph. In her scarce spare time, she also sells Avon products. Munden has become an intrepid polar plunger, year after year. Her team this year was named “Mary, Mark and the Rest of the Family.” The team was comprised of Munden, her boyfriend Mark Welch of Sartell, Welch’s younger sister

Grace and Grace’s boyfriend, Blake. Altogether, the team members earned the $1,665 amount. It’s not too late to donate money to Special Olympics Minnesota. Checks can be made out to “Special Olympics Minnesota” in care of MaryBeth Munden, P.O. Box 546, St. Joseph, MN 56374. Contributors can also stop at the St. Joseph Police Department and drop off a check there. Department hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. To donate online, go to marybethmunden.

Kennedy choir performs at ‘Night of the Stars’ contributed photo

The Kennedy Colts Honor Choir participated at the 13th annual LEAF “Night of the Stars” concerts on Feb. 21 and 22. The choir sang under the direction of Kristen Mattick. Pictured are the following (front row, left to right) Emily Anderson, Isabelle Hoeschen, Gabbie Frank, Kallie Larson, Courtney Larson, Mallory Schneider, Caitlin Popp, Maison Zimmer and Gavin Buersken; (second row) Paige Cox, Faith Mercader, Katie Lygre, Greta Neigum, Monica Rodel, Parker Cox and Zach Schiltz. Not pictured but performed on Feb. 21 are Jan Rose Davis, Caylan Guse, Sophie Houghton, Haley Joos, Anna Penticuff and Lydia Peters. by Cori Hilsgen

The Kennedy Colts Honor Choir performed on Feb. 21 and 22 at the 13th annual “Night of the Stars” benefit

Visit Saint John’s Prep for

Discovery Day

held at the Paramount Theatre. This is the first year Kennedy performed in the program. Most of the performers were students from Apollo and Tech high schools. The choir’s director is Kristen Mattick. “Kennedy students had a blast performing in front of

approximately 600 people on both nights (to) nearly sold out audiences,” Mattick said. The variety show benefit was first held in 2002 by the St. Cloud School District’s Local Education and Activities Foundation to save junior-high-school activities. Money raised benefits the student-activities program.

Friday, April 11 Students in grades 5-11 are invited to experience Prep! Call 320-363-3315, option 3 to RSVP and reserve your space.

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Serving Stearns, Benton, Sherburne & S. Mille Lacs counties

Coffee, Toast & Conversation

Brought to You by Sister Jean Schwartz, OSB Experience Benedictine hospitality with resident and concierge Sister Jean each Friday morning at 9:30 during the Lenten season. Complimentary toast, coffee & tea, & conversation. All are welcome.

308 College Circle, at Callaway Street and College Avenue, St. Joseph 320.363.7656

Friday, March 21, 2014

St. Joseph Newsleader •


CSB dance teams place first at nationals by Cori Hilsgen

skills training. This helped to get their minds and bodies in the right place prior to nationThe College of St. Benedict als - it allowed us to walk in Dance Team placed first in the confident(ly) and prepared to Open Class Pom Division at the compete at such a high level.” 2014 Universal Dance Associa“The CSB dance team is very tion’s College Cheerleading and unique in how it’s structured,” Dance Team National Cham- Milan said. “It’s gone through pionships recently held at the a lot of change since it started, ESPN Wide World of Sports in but the members and alum are Orlando, Fla. very passionate about the proOrange Coast College of gram and do what they can to Costa Mesa, Calif. placed sec- help it grow and progress.” ond; Minnesota State UniverThere are three parts or seasity, Mankato placed third; sons to the team: fall/football and St. Cloud State University season, competition season and placed fourth in the competi- spring season. tion. Fall/football season starts in The teams are coached by August when 70 dance-team Alexandrea “Ali” Milan and Al- members arrive on campus a lison “Allie” Seifert. Milan was week before school starts for a on the CSBDT from fall 2008 week of “three-a-days.” These through spring 2012. Seifert days include an intensive workwas a member from fall 2005 out program and learning the through spring 2009. football routines for the season. Milan said the final six teams The team performs at all of were separated by less than a the St. John’s University home point. football games and other area The CSBDT has only com- events. The routines are mainly peted in the pom division for pom/dance team dances. two years and won both years. Competition season also beThey have also competed in the gins in August. The top 18 jazz division for 10 years and members attend a four-day have placed in the top 10 each camp at the Wisconsin Dells of those years. They placed fifth with other colleges from the in the Open Class Jazz Division Midwest to learn routines and this year. choreography for the season. Seifert said she is very proud Team members also attend St. of the dance team. Cloud area dance shows in the “They have worked so hard late fall. The CSBDT hosts an in practice to perfect their skills annual dance show in Decemand routine, but they also put in ber. Teams and studios from many hours outside of practice across the metro area attend working on building both their the event to showcase their rouphysical and mental strength,” tines for the season. The comSeifert said. “They did this with physical workouts and mental

contributed photo

The College of St. Benedict Dance Team placed first in the Open Class Pom Division at the 2014 Universal Dance Association’s College Cheerleading and Dance Team National Championships. Pictured are the following: (front row, left to right) Mary Lenz, Taylor Grootwassink, Tori Grootwassink, Sarah Bellissimo, Kelsey Novak, Alyson Pulvermacher, Brittany Billiet and Madison Peitz; (second row) Taylor Berry; (third row) Allison Steen and Tasha Herlofsky; (fourth row) Ashley Winden, Tess Troyak and Kailey McCoy; and (back row) Marissa Rinowski and Alex Pattee. petition team then performs at the University of Minnesota’s “Best of the Best” dance show in the Twin Cities in January and competes at the “Spirit of America” dance competition hosted at the Mall of America in Bloomington. The season ends with nationals in Orlando, where they perform in the open pom and jazz divisions. Spring season begins in January. The 50-girl team learns a hip-hop dance they perform in many CSB/SJU basketball games. They perform at a Minnesota Swarm lacrosse game in February. The team also hosts a children’s dance clinic in March where children can learn routines and skills from the CSB dancers. High school girls who are interested in trying out for the team can attend the clinic to get tips for tryouts and learn what a season consists of on the team. “Representatives from this team also take part in volunteer opportunities such as helping with the Kaleidoscope Girl

Scouts conference in April,” Milan said. Tryouts for the dance team are hosted the April before the season. Milan said this year’s tryouts will be held April 11 and 12. Dancers can choose which season they would like to take part in but must participate in the fall team in order to take part in the competition team. To be on the CSBDT, members of the team must be a registered student attending CSB, must have a current physical on file and must maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average.

Team practices are usually held from 7-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday and consist of learning and drilling choreography, reviewing skills and training. Weekly individual and team goals are also discussed at the start of each week. “An interesting fact about the team is that the fall 2008 team had 30 dancers on the fall team with no coaches,” Milan said. “To date, there are 70 girls on the fall team (and) there is now a spring team with 50 girls and there are two coaches.”

JUST BACK: From Ixtapa, Mexico A group of 19 central Minnesota residents recently spent a week in warm, sunny Ixtapa, Mexico. The entire group agrees that the “FULL BODY MASSAGE” did wonders for this gentleman, but the jury is still out on the success of the “FACIAL.”

Pat “Gunky” Stock of St. Joseph relaxing in Ixtapa, Mexico.

Hollow Park Apartments in St. Joseph, Minn.

Now accepting applications for a two-bedroom apartment.

St. Joe’s Best Kept Secret For applications, please contact: Catholic Charities Housing Services 157 Roosevelt Road: Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56302 320-229-4576 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

CHECK US OUT ON THE WEB P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. NW St. Joseph, MN 56374


Howie Zimmer, of St. Joseph, at the helm of the fishing boat. “Gilligan’s Island, here we come!”


Our View Jet’s disappearance reminds us once again of dark forces afoot

The baffling disappearance of Flight 370 and its 239 passengers is like something out of that old TV series, The Twilight Zone. In some episodes of that series, people or objects would vanish into another dimension. Flight 370 is just as perplexing, maddening and mysterious as anything in the realm of science fiction. For weeks, questions – questions seemingly without answers – have abounded, leaving mostly nothing but guesses and wild speculations. It was a massive in-flight mechanical failure. The plane suddenly depressurized, causing everyone in it to lose consciousness as the plane kept flying on auto-pilot to its doom. The plane was commandeered by terrorists. One of the pilots was in a plot to hijack the plane. Hijackers landed the plane on a remote air strip so it can be used as a weapon in a future attack somewhere. No one, not even aviation experts, has any good answers. There is something very disturbing, sinister and downright spooky about the disappearance. And the final explanation, we must suspect, will not be a good outcome. It is sadly and tragically likely all people on that plane are dead. The suffering they must have endured is unimaginable. If a catastrophic malfunction had downed that jet, there would be evidence by now, on land or sea, under its designated flight path from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. At this point, it’s almost certain something sinister occurred. But what? We may never know. When the Titanic went down on its maiden voyage, the entire world was shocked because that ship was supposed to be “unsinkable.” Its sinking was a terrible reminder even the best and most up-to-date technology can, indeed, be catastrophically fallible. The Challenger shuttle disaster was another reminder of the limits of so-called “foolproof” technology, as was the explosion near re-entry of another space shuttle years later. The disappearance of Flight 370 is a reminder, once again, of how just one or two terrorists, hijackers or extortionists – in other words, obsessive and vicious criminals – are more than willing to risk the lives of so many people or to purposely bring those people to their deaths. That conclusion, of course, depends on whether someone purposely caused the tragedy. It’s such a depressing thought. Flight 370, in any case, is a chilling reminder of just how dangerous this world can be and how fleeting and vulnerable is human life. It’s so ironic, in this wondrous Age of Marvels, we can be hounded and plagued by murderous zealots. All it takes is a few to wreak such destruction and death. Probably the only lesson we can learn from such horror is to enjoy every minute of life, to stop worrying about petty things and to develop more love, respect and kindness for our fellow human beings.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, March 21, 2014


Iditarod champs have local ties Few people know the famed Alaskan Iditarod sled-dog race has connections to St. Joseph and St. Cloud. One of the most arduous, dangerous races in the world, the Iditarod is a 1,200-mile trek from Anchorage to Nome. Dallas Seavey, 26, won the race in record time March 11, his second win in three years. Last year, Dallas’s father, Mitch, won the Iditarod – his second win, too. And Mitch is the son of Dan Seavey, originally from St. Cloud, who helped establish the great race in 1973. Dan completed the race four times but never came in first. In 1963, Dan and wife Shirley moved from St. Cloud to Seward, where Dan took a high school teaching job. He’d always been intrigued by sled-dog racing so Alaska was the ideal destination. Seavey’s love of the race has become generational. Grandson Dallas was the youngest musher to win the race, age 25, in 2012; son Mitch was the oldest person to win it, 53, in 2013. Dan is now 74. The first woman to win the Iditarod was Libby Riddles in 1985, with a time of 18 days, 10 minutes and 17 seconds. Her extraordinary achievement was the subject of jubilant international news. Riddles, during her late teen years, lived in St. Joseph – from 1970 through 1973 before moving to Alaska. Her father was a teacher at St. Cloud State University. I was fortunate enough to have known Libby during the summer of 1973. I’d met her through a mutual St. Cloud friend, Jim, and the three of us and others hung out together quite a few times at social gatherings

Dennis Dalman Editor and parties that summer. Libby was intelligent, with a quick sense of humor. She was a tall willowy blonde, eerily beautiful because of her pale, delicate, almost ghost-like skin and white-blonde long hair. After the summer of 1973, Libby just disappeared, and all I knew is that I’d heard she’d moved to Alaska. Flash forward to March 1985: Jim, the mutual friend, called me longdistance one day, his voice filled with flabbergasted amazement. He had some really good news to share. “You remember Libby Riddles?” he asked. “Well, of course I do,” I said. “She just won the Iditarod!” I was speechless; I just couldn’t grasp it. I would never have dreamed that Libby, so pale and delicate, would ever become a hardy musher. A case of true grit if ever I heard one. Flash forward to 2007: One day, Jim’s mother in north St. Cloud was cleaning out stuff stored in her basement when she came across an olive-drab backpack. She later showed it to Jim to ask whose it could be. What a blast from the past! It belonged to Libby Riddles. It had been tucked away in that basement for 34 years. Jim couldn’t wait to show me what he called “a hippy artifact uncovered from the past.” It did look “hippy-esque” because of the colorful yarn sewn long ago onto

its surface by Libby in the shapes of stylized birds and a turtle. Jim and I sat and marveled at that “artifact” returned magically from the distant past. Then Jim told me to keep it. Flash forward to January 2014: While digging through one of my memory trunks, I saw that old backpack. I decided I’ve just got to get it back to Libby. I googled her name and found her snail-mail address. I put the backpack in a box with a letter and mailed it. Then I sat back and imagined, with a grin on my face, her surprise when she’d open it. Two weeks later, a package from Libby arrived. It contained a very nice letter that began: “Hi Denny! Wow, I get a lot of things in the mail, but this was special. A blast from the past is RIGHT!” The package also contained an autographed copy of Race Across Alaska, a book written by Libby and co-author Tim Jones about her historic 1985 win. I started it and couldn’t put it down. What a pageturner! “Race” is a vividly detailed, almost hour-by-hour personal account of that harrowing but exciting trek across some of the coldest but most beautiful territory on the planet. It was a courageous, dangerous journey led by Libby’s trusty sled dogs. Her love for those wonderful dogs and her uncanny understanding of the unique needs and personalities of each of them shines through on every page. I haven’t read a book that interesting in a long, long time. I highly recommend it. A signed book and more about Libby’s fascinating life can be had on her website: www.

Letter to editor

Resident says city raised instead of rebated water charges Tom Hell, St. Joseph With this winter’s bitter cold, many cities are recommending homeowners run a continuous trickle of water to guard against waterlines freezing. Since this procedure is a costly burden, some public utilities that felt it prudent to do so have offered rebates to homeowners. I note St. Joseph’s response was to raise the rates on water and sewer. Since I am new to the area, I guess I will consider the price hike my gift from the Welcome Wagon.

(City Administrator Judy Weyrens responds: The City of St. Joseph, like area surrounding cities, does credit homeowners for sewer in the event they have to run water to prevent freezing. The maximum any resident will be charged for sewer is the amount they were charged in November/December. Using this billing cycle provides residents with the greatest credit for sewer. The cost of running water is less than having to hire a contractor to thaw a frozen line. Based on charges encountered by residents, the cost has been between $500-$750. There are of course some that are very simple and can be done

for less. The minimal cost for coming out is $250, $50 for first hour and $150 for every hour thereafter. Annually, when the budget is approved in December of each year, utility rates are reviewed and adjusted as necessary to keep the system operating. The utility rates increased Jan. 1, 2014, which were first reflected on the March bill. All municipalities review rates with the budget and adjust as needed. Unfortunately, the rates were applied the same time residents started running water. The rate increase, which was planned in December, had nothing to do with the water-line-freeze situation.)

Send it to: The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374

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Friday, March 21, 2014

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Community Calendar

Friday, March 21 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Fish Fry, 5-8 p.m., St. Joe Baseball fundraiser, El Paso Sports Bar & Grill, St. Joseph.

Park. 1-800-733-2767.

Sunday, March 23 Joe Town Table, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., American Legion, 101 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph. centralmncw@ Benefit for Brandon Ertl, 4-8 p.m., Eagles Club, 730 41st Ave. N., St. Cloud. 320-260-0649. St. Joseph resident recovering from a lengthy hospital stay and therapy with Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Burgers, silent auction and raffle. Concert, 6 p.m., Hip hop/rock artists KJ-52 and Jason Dunn, Avon (Minn.) Community Church. 320356-9001.

Wednesday, March 26 Part-time and seasonal summer job fair, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Atwood Ballroom, St. Cloud State University. Desiree at 320-308-3756.

Monday, March 24 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Legion, 17 Second Ave. N., Waite


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Tuesday, March 25 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767.

Thursday, March 27 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Cloud Technical College, 1540 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Open House for St. Joseph Lions and Y2K Lions, 6 p.m., American Legion, St. Joseph. Learn about the Lions mission of helping others around the world through the many annual fundraisers like the Fourth of


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7 LEgal notICE

July parade, fish fries and brat sales to benefit charities like the St. Joseph Food Shelf, Can Do Canines, Leader Dogs and many more. Albany Area Schools Kindergarten registration, 6:30 p.m., Avon Elementary School cafeteria, 410 Avon Ave. N., Avon. 320-356-7346 x 7100 or 320-845-2171 x 5060. Mended Hearts Chapter 10, support group for individuals and family who have had heart surgery, 7 p.m., CentraCare Health Plaza, 1900 CentraCare Circle, St. Cloud.

Friday, March 28 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Fish Fry, 4:30-7:30 p.m., St. John the Baptist Parish, Collegeville. 320363-2569. Fish Fry, 5-8 p.m., Stride Academy fundraiser, El Paso Sports Bar & Grill, St. Joseph. Saturday, March 29 St. John’s Maple Syrup Festival, 1-4 p.m., St. John’s Outdoor University,

Freelancers sought

The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to


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CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to Chapter 333, Minnesota Statutes, the undersigned, who is or will be conducting or transacting a commercial business in the State of Minnesota under an assumed name, hereby certifies: 1. The assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted is: Brian Klinefelter Foundation. 2. The stated address of the principal place of business is or will be: 1517 Pebble Creek Drive, Sartell, Minn. 56377 USA. 3. The name and street address of all persons conducting business

under the above assumed name including any corporations that may be conducting this business: Brian Klinefelter Memorial Foundation, 1517 Pebble Creek Drive, Sartell, Minn. 56377. 4. I certify I am authorized to sign this certificate and I further certify I understand by signing this certificate, I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Minnesota Statutes section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath. Dated: Feb. 24, 2014 Filed: March 14, 2014 /s/ Jason Klinefelter Publish: March 21 and 28, 2014

Now Hiring: CNA Saint John’s Abbey invites applications for a part-time, benefit eligible, three-days-per-week, CNA position in the Abbey Retirement Center (3 p.m.–11 p.m. shift, every other weekend). Registered or Certified Nursing Assistant credentials preferred. A favorable background check is required as a condition of employment. A fillin (provisional) position is also available for all shifts. Applications accepted on-line only at:

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, March 21, 2014

House for homeless youth to open in April by Dennis Dalman

Starting this early April, some homeless youth in the area will have a safe, warm home, thanks to the new transitional youth-house project of Catholic Charities of St. Cloud. The home was created in an old, refurbished home right by St. Cloud State University, at 374 4th Ave. S. in a historic neighborhood right across from the First Presbyterian Church. Any homeless children in any city of the greater St. Cloud area will be potential candidates for the homeless-project house. Stacy Pederson of Sartell is program manger for the Catholic Charities youth-house project. “We’ve been talking about this need for a long time,” she said. “We did a lot of brainstorming with others. We gathered numbers and kept ourselves informed.” A major share of the funding for the house project comes from the Minnesota Department of Human Services, with some from the United Way and the West Central Initiative Foundation, as well as from many individual donors. To begin with, the house will be able to accommodate up to seven youth ages 18-21. Later, that number will be expanded to up to 13, each person with his or her own room. Catholic Charities also hopes to have some short-term emergency beds available. Homeless youth will be able

to live in that house for up to 24 months. The house is the core of a transitional program that will help the homeless youth daily in a number of ways. They will have help with schooling, learn life-sufficiency skills, assistance in finding jobs and a variety of support programs that will encourage positive social activities. Those who may be having problems with drug and/or alcohol must keep working toward sobriety, including treatment sessions, or they will not be allowed to stay there. There will be a trained adult staff at the house on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week. The house, Pederson said, is an ideal location because it is close to bus service, the public library and walking distance to many places where homeless youth can connect with services they may need. Who are they? Prospective tenants for the house will be carefully screened. Catholic Charities homeless-outreach worker Jennifer Walker will make contacts with homeless youth. She frequently meets such young people at places where they “hang out,” such as the St. Cloud Public Library, Place of Hope, the Lake George and downtown area, and the Salvation Army. After she meets such young people, she finds ways to help them. Now, thanks to the homeless-youth house, she will be able to find qualified candidates a safe home base. Catholic Charities has always been concerned with homeless-


is seeking Part time Program Counselors We are seeking Direct Care Professionals/Program Counselors to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities; behavioral or medical complexities. As a Program Counselor, you will support our consumers with daily activities that may include personal cares, exercise and meal preparations/ planning. Program Counselors may accompany the consumer(s) out into the community on a regular basis in order to facilitate the consumer’s participation in a range of activities. Your specific duties will vary, depending on the consumers you support and the hours you work. requirements: Must be 18 years of age (must be at least 21 for our Monticello location) or older with a valid driver’s license and acceptable driving record as determined by Pinnacle Services policy. You must have a vehicle that is covered with current insurance and successfully clear local and/or state background checks. Preferred candidates: Will have experience working in a group home and working with persons who have developmental disabilities and have excellent behavior management skills. All job offers are contingent on a cleared background check and clean driving record. Paid training will be provided to those offered a position. We offer flexible hours and scheduling PLUS paid training. We are currently hiring in various locations around the Twin Cities area.

You can apply by going to the following link: or contacting Human resources at 612.977.3128

ness and homeless youth, Pederson noted. In some cases, they were able to be placed temporarily in apartment units, and in other cases they were offered other kinds of assistance. Last year, Catholic Charities helped 75 homeless young people, 16 of them under the age of 16. Some of them even had children of their own, making their needs especially acute. Pederson described the range of problems that cause young people to become homeless. Most she said, are estranged from their parents because of a variety of issues and, thus, those bonds have been damaged, sometimes seemingly beyond repair. Almost all homeless youth simply do not have any money or resources to find a home base. Many of them have had unhealthy relationships and broken friendships, leaving them no place to stay. Because of all those factors, and more, homeless youth are particularly vulnerable, Pederson noted. Needs Recently, Sartell resident and Catholic Charities Board member Sarah Jane Nicoll hosted a “shower” get-together at the homeless-youth house. She was helped by another Sartell resident and friend, Lisa Mauer. People who attended the shower brought a variety of gifts that will be needed at the home, such as linens, kitchen ware, laundry soap and other miscellaneous household items. Such ongoing contributions will be important to the success

contributed photo

This is one of the refurbished rooms in a large old house that will be used to shelter homeless youth in the greater St. Cloud area. The Catholic Charities “homeless home” is located in a historic neighborhood right by St. Cloud State University. of the home, Pederson said. Here are some of the other ways area residents can help: Anyone who is adept at fixup projects in older homes and is willing to volunteer their time and skills would be appreciated. For example, eventually the furnace or water heater might need to be fixed or replaced. There are also still some areas of the home that need some fixup tweaking. Contributions to help pay for fix-up projects are also needed. Volunteers willing to come to the house to help lead activities are also needed, such as people this spring and summer to teach basic gardening skills, helping youth with resumes and work applications, assisting with and teaching cooking and hosting occasional game nights (i.e. Trivial Pursuit and other board games). Anyone who wants to con-

tribute time, money or skills – as in the list above – should call Catholic Charities Volunteer Coordinator Kathleen Mulligan. Her number is 320-229-4590. Another way to help is to purchase household items online. There is a wish list at Target just for the homeless-project house. Go to com, then go to Registries and pull down that menu. Then under “Target wedding registries,” click on “Find.” In the two blank boxes, first type in “Catholic Charities” where it says “First Name.” Then in the second box, where it says “Last Name,” type in “shy.” Then click “Find” and the registry list will pop up. To learn more about Catholic Charities Supportive Housing for Youth (SHY) go online to People can contribute on that site, as well.

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