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Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid St. Joseph Newsleader St. Joseph, MN 56374 Permit No. 21 ECRWSS Postal Customer
Newsleader St. Joseph
Friday, March 28, 2014 Volume 25, Issue 13 Est. 1989
Town Crier Maple syrup operation tours set at Kraemer Lake County Park
The public is invited to tour the maple syrup operation from 1-4 p.m. the last weekend in March and first two weekends of April at Stearns County’s Kraemer Lake – Wildwood County Park, southwest of St. Joseph off CR 51 at 29709 Kipper Road. Tours are free. Look for signage. For more information, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers.
Tillemans to be featured on ‘On the Road’ March 30, 31
Sartell resident Larry Tillemans will be featured in a three-minute interview about the Nuremberg War Crime Trials by TV journalist Jason Davis on KSTP Channel 5 at 10:30 p.m. Sunday, March 30 and at 11 a.m. and noon Monday, March 31 in Davis’ “On the Road Again” segment and also on his website.
Training set April 5 for therapeutic horseback riding
Volunteer training for Project ASTRIDE will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 5 at Avon Hills Paints and Quarter Horses in Avon. This is a 100-percent volunteer organization providing therapeutic horseback activities to individuals with cognitive and physical disabilities. Contact the program at or visit
MAT scholarship apps now available
IN GlobW etrott ticket er s!
First ‘Fare for All’ is a huge success by Cori Hilsgen
The parking lot filled early and cars lined the road as people arrived at the first “Fare for All Express” food program held March 17 at Resurrection Lutheran Church. People arriving at the door were greeted by organizer Mary Plafcan who handed them a number. They were directed past the Tri-Cap information table to learn about services available. Tri-Cap self-sufficiency counselor Janel Heinen and St. Cloud State University intern Chelsea Anderson explained some of the services available, including Financial Fitness, Wings, Energy Assistance and more. Shoppers proceeded into the church to wait in pews and view an overhead screen about
options of food products available and their costs. Food options included a produce pack of five varieties of fresh vegetables and two varieties of fresh fruit for $10, a minimum of 3-5 pounds of four assorted meat items for $11 and more. The products usually vary at each event. Volunteers explained products and directed people to a room where they placed their orders and paid for them. Then, volunteers loaded and pushed carts out to vehicles for shoppers. MaryLynn Roles and Joan Holtz volunteered at the information table. “We’ve answered a lot of questions about the products people are getting,” Roles said. “It’s really good products at reasonable prices.” Laura Hern and Laurie Birr
by Cori Hilsgen
The St. Joseph’s Farmers’ Market held its second-to-last indoor Winter Market March 14 at the Resurrection Lutheran Church fellowship hall. About 10 vendors were set
up in the hall. Those vendors offered a variety of produce from storage, such as farmfresh eggs, artisan breads and baked goods, mushrooms, sunflower oils, meats, maple syrup, dried herbs, herbal tea, pottery, wild rice, preserved goods and more.
Volunteers Bea Imholte (left) and Delores Stang sort various bread products. were obtaining email addresses so shoppers could be notified about other sites where Fare for All also stops. “It’s just awesome,” Hern said. “It’s just a blessing there
are so many people here.” Judy Herdan was helping direct people into the product room. “It’s a great turnout,” HerFare • page 5
Terri Emmerich from Emmerich’s Produce, located between Avon and Albany, said she offers 50 varieties of herbs. She had many dried herbs, herbal teas, fresh eggs, jams, popcorn and more to offer. She has been selling at the market for 10 years.
“This is the time of year the chickens are starting to get very active,” Emmerich said. Cathie English played her guitar and sang at the market. Her children bought her the guitar for her 50th birthday, and she has been learning and Market • page 3
Annual birdhouse event draws a crowd by Cori Hilsgen
Hot off the press
For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.
photo by Cori Hilsgen
Farmers’ Winter Market held at RLC
The Minnesota Association of Townships is again offering a township scholarship program for high school juniors in the state of Minnesota. Up to four $1,000 scholarships will be awarded. The Minnesota Association of Townships Scholarship Program is designed to heighten awareness among young people about Minnesota’s Grassroots Township government. The program encourages high school juniors to participate in this scholarship program. Deadline is May 1. For more information, visiti www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers.
If you’d like to receive the Newsleader hot off the press, send us your email address and we’ll notify you with a link when our website is updated, which is typically by noon a day in advance of the print edition. Send your email to and you should start receiving your reminder at that address within a week. Notify us otherwise.
Postal Patron
photo by Cori Hilsgen
Chris Westerhoff helps his daughter, Morgan, 7, put together a birdhouse.
The back room of the American Legion in St. Joseph was filled with the sounds of shuffling boards, electric drills and lots of chatter March 17 at the 21st annual St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club birdhouse-building event. Al Kalla, chairman of the event, said they had a very good turnout. Kalla was busy helping Charlene Harker, 19, put her bluebird house together. Harker was busy drilling nails while Kalla put the boards in place and held them together. Next to Kalla was Ray Bechtold with his two grandsons – Maison Zimmer, 12, and Brandon Zimmer, 10, who were busy assembling wren and bluebird
houses. Their mother, Kristi Zimmer, had just left the event after helping put together a woodduck house. “We enjoy it, otherwise we wouldn’t be back every year,” Bechtold said. “It’s kind of fun to take time out of our day to build a house,” Brandon Zimmer said. “It’s really fun when the birds go in them and when you find cracked egg shells in them.” Jeff Brody brought his 3-yearold grandson, Easton Frieler, to build some bird houses. Brody said his daughter, Kelli Frieler – Easton’s mother – lives in St. Joseph. Easton put together wren and bluebird houses. This was the first year they attended the event. Chris Westerhoff was busy helping his daughter, Morgan Birdhouse • page 4
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Coolio is a 4-year-old neutered Pug and Miniature Poodle mix. In his previous home, Coolio lived with another dog, a cat, chickens and all ages of children. He loves attention and playtime is always on his list of things to do. Coolio enjoyed swimming in the summer and liked tagging along on car rides whenever his owners went somewhere. He is house-trained and always looks forward to his daily walks. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 19 Puppies - 2 Rat - 1
Cats - 28 Kittens - 2 Cockatiel - 1
Rabbit - 1 Ferret - 1
Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302
Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.
E t h a n Carlson, son of Mary and John Carlson of St. Joseph, was recently awarded a freshman Honor Scholarship Carlson for the 2014-15 school year at Mayville (N.D.) State University. He will pursue a major in fitness and wellness and also plans to play baseball for the Comets. Scholarship awards are based on previous academic performance and participation in extracurricular activities. They reflect the student’s past accomplishments and potential contributions to the Mayville State community. Two St. Joseph residents recently received Central Minnesota Arts Board/McKnight Individual Artist Emerging Artist awards. If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. March 4 8:33 a.m. Found property. Minnesota Street W. Complainant found a green zippered case containing a glass pipe with marijuana in it. Officer took the property and placed it in evidence. March 6 7:21 a.m. Dog at large. Iverson Street W. Complainant stated the dog is on the town homes property often, but it’s the first time they’ve called. Officer spoke to owner. She stated they were trying to train the dog to stay in the yard and the dog comes in the town homes because kids play and feed it. Officer warned her if the dog runs around the city again it will be picked up and a citation issued. 2:27 p.m. Welfare check. Hackberry Drive. Male called and stated his son was upset and mad about him not coming home. Wanted officer to check son’s welfare and thought the son might be breaking
Friday, March 28, 2014
They are Johnne Mcmahan and Jill Dubbeldee Kuhn. The $3,000 Emerging Artist Awards recognize and encourage outstanding artists in various stages of their careers. To view samples of the winning artists’ work, visit and click on People. St. John’s Prep School won first place in the Class A final round of Regional Knowledge Bowl competition held March 20 at Resource Training and Solutions, Sartell. Central Minnesota Knowledge Bowl Teams Advance to State Knowledge Bowl Competition. Members of the team are Maria Gaetz, Nick Haeg, Sam Rogers, Amelia Broman and Justin Terhaar. They are coached by Charles Miller and Jen Daiker. Eighteen teams competed in the Regional competition. The top five regional teams will compete at the State Knowledge
things in the house. Officer found the son in the garage, locked out of the house. Called the dad and said he locked son out to teach him a lesson. Dad was not sure if he could leave work. Officer transported the son to the Holiday store to keep warm. Father then stated he was on the way to pick up his son. March 7 9:37 a.m. Property damage accident. Minnesota Street E/First Avenue SE. Vehicle #1 was westbound on Minnesota Street and was hit when vehicle #2 tried to cross Minnesota Street northbound. Vehicle #2 did have a stop sign and did stop but failed to yield to vehicle #1. March 8 2:33 p.m. Ordinance. City. Multiple verbal and red-tag warnings were issued for failure to remove trash bin from roadside within 24 hours. 8:16 p.m. Threat. 10th Avenue SE. Complainant stated a male became upset over some comments made on Facebook. Complainant stated she received second- hand information the male stated he was going to come to St. Joseph to “take care of her” and “shut her up.” Complainant stated she wanted incident documented and requested extra patrol for the eve-
Bowl competition on Thursday and Friday, April 10 and 11 at Cragun’s, Brainerd. Knowledge Bowl is coordinated by the Minnesota Services Cooperatives throughout the state. More than 400 teams compete throughout the Knowledge Bowl season. Sandra Cordie is the regional coordinator for central Minnesota. Four St. Joseph students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. They and their majors are as follows: Lauren Holan, junior, accounting; Joseph Justin, junior, chemical engineering; Nicholas Maleska, sophomore, Hispanic studies; and Jared Walz, sophomore, theatre. Students must achieve a minimum grade-point average of 3.5 to receive this honor.
ning but did not want the officer to speak to the male who made the threats. March 9 7:39 a.m. Medical. College Avenue N. Female had been throwing up for three hours. Gold Cross arrived just after the officer who stood by while they loaded her for transport. 4:52 p.m. Verbal. Northland Drive. Complaint from neighbors about yelling. Couple had broken up and were having an argument about a car. Male stated he was trying to leave and she wouldn’t let him. She was standing behind the car to prevent him from leaving. Car is registered to both parties. Officer advised he could not stop the male from leaving with the car. Female has another car of her own. Advised they were both pushing disorderly conduct and if it was not resolved in a civil manor they would both be arrested. Female stated she was done arguing and advised the male to contact her attorney. She went inside residence and the male left with the car. 7:30 p.m. Noise complaint. Northland Drive. Officer arrived at apartment and listened outside the door for about a minute. Could not hear anything other than the TV. Made contact and advised of complaint and asked for the TV to be turned down a bit.
Drive Carefully! School is in Session Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen
The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office
Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon
Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen
Editor Dennis Dalman
Design/Layout Tara Wiese
Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer
P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, March 28, 2014
Market from front page playing ever since. She has been attending the market for a couple of years. Joel Cherrico had some of his pottery on display. Cherrico graduated with an art degree from St. John’s University in 2010 and took out a smallbusiness loan to make and sell his artwork. He said thanks to “The Local Blend” for displaying his work and it’s because of his many customers, he is pursuing his dream. Cherrico started attending the Sartell Farmers’ Market two years ago and was invited to join the St. Joseph’s market. He plans to have his portable kick pottery wheel at the summer markets. Ron and Joyce Neumann from Neumann Farms, Princeton, offered their antibiotic-artificial hormone-free pork and beef products. The Neumanns raise hogs and cattle, processed at McDonald’s Meats in Clear Lake. In the summer Joyce also has pies and sweet breads to sell. They have been attending the St. Joseph and Sartell markets for seven years. “We enjoy this market – especially in the summer since it is on the grass instead of asphalt,” Joyce Neumann said. Sierra Kaptain from the St. Ben’s Nutrition Club offered the recipe of the week and nutritional facts. Mary Ann Friederichs of Collegeville Artisan Bakery offered a variety of breads . Her
Freelancers sought
The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/ photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to
REAL ESTATE PLAT BOOKS with 911 addresses, legal descriptions. Stearns County. Other counties available by order. Available at the Newsleaders, 32 1st Ave. NW, St. Joseph. Regular price $40; $30 spiral bound. NO REFUNDS. tfn-f
photos by Cori Hilsgen
Kate Ritger visits with Russ Willenbring from Produce Acres at Cathie English plays her guitar and sings at the St. Joseph Winthe winter market. Ritger said Willenbring often has fabulous ter Farmers’ Market. The guitar was a gift from her children for her 50th birthday. asparagus and sweet corn at the markets.
brother, Steve Friederichs, was selling mushrooms for Forest Mushrooms Inc. He also had his creamy caramels to offer. Russ Willenbring of Produce Acres, Cold Spring, offered sweet dill pickles and a variety of produce and preserves. He has been attending
the market since it opened in 2000. Visitors explored those booths and more. The final indoor market will take place from 3-6 p.m. Friday, April 11 and then the summer weekly market schedule will begin in May.
Hollow Park Apartments in St. Joseph, Minn.
Now accepting applications for a two-bedroom apartment.
Apply online to Requisition #13-0373 at:
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If interested please stop by for an application or call Karen Hennessy at (320) 363-1313. 21 16th Ave. SE St. Joseph, MN 56374
A nationwide provider with over 30 years experience serving people with disabilities is hiring quality, dedicated caregivers to empower and assist individuals in realizing their own potential! Possible hours are: every other weekend and asleep overnights located in St. Cloud, Sauk Rapids and Foley. Experience is preferred but not required. Minimum requirements: 18+, valid driver’s license and good driving record and high school diploma/GED. Excellent pay and benefits, 401k & PTO! Responsibilities: provide direct care, medical administration, transportation to activities, light housekeeping and cooking.
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Duties include: daily personal care, grooming, dressing, light meal prep, medication administration and light to moderate housekeeping.
NOW HIRING ** Direct Support Staff **
For applications, please contact: Catholic Charities Housing Services 157 Roosevelt Road: Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56302 320-229-4576 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
photos by Cori Hilsgen
St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club members Al Kalla, Jerry Jonas and Ray Bechtold (left to right) helped build birdhouses at the 21st annual birdhouse building event on March 17.
Chairman Al Kalla (left) helps Charlene Harker put together a birdhouse at the 21st annual birdhouse building event held at and Gallup worked on another the American Legion in St. Joseph. house. The event was scheduled helping at the event. Dave Gallup and Mike West- from 4:40-6:30 p.m., but Kalla erhoff were busy helping Amber said they ran out of houses at from front page Wiese’s three children – Dom- about 6 p.m. He said he hoped people who didn’t get to put a Westerhoff, 7, put together a inic, 10, Amara, 7, and Morhouse together weren’t too disgan, 3 – build wren and bluehouse. Morgan’s grandfather, appointed. bird houses. Dominic was busy Mike Westerhoff, is a club mem“I want to thank all the people working the drill while Westber. Morgan’s cousin, Scott Westwho donated and all the Rod and erhoff held the pieces together erhoff, 12, was also building and
Family Owned & Operated 648 NE Lincoln Ave., St. Cloud SCRAP: 320-252-4002 • NEW STEEL: 320-258-3003 800-246-4002 •
NOW HIRING! Sheet Metal Installer Experience preferred. St. Cloud area. Great pay and benefits. Call 320-363-7761 or email METRO PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 545 8th Ave. N.E. St. Joseph
Gun Club members who came to help put houses together,” Kalla said. “This is one of the best years we’ve had for a long time.” Club member Ron Rennie said it was one of the best-attended birdhouse building events they have had.
Friday, March 28, 2014 “We had an unbelievable turnout,” Rennie said. “The woodduck houses were gone by 5:30 p.m. It seemed like everyone was having a good time.” People of all ages were invited to the event and could make as many houses as they wanted as long as they plan to put the houses up for the birds. The birdhouses were all precut by Rod and Gun Club members Kalla, Ron Rennie, Marvin Bierschbach, Neil Loso, Mike Westerhoff and his grandson Scott Westerhoff. Supplies were donated by Lee’s Ace Hardware, Manion’s and the St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club. Kalla said they used 198 birdhouse kits that included two styles of wren and bluebird and one style of wood-duck houses. About 15 people volunteered to help put the houses together at the event. Rennie said they put together 87 wren houses, 86 bluebird houses and 25 wood-duck houses.
SCSU hosts History Day More than 260 students from schools in Central Minnesota will present their exhibits, documentaries and performances at the regional History Day event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, March 29 at Atwood Memorial Center at St. Cloud State University. The event includes 6th- to 12th-graders from public, private and home schools in the region. Student exhibits and performances will explore the theme “Rights and Responsibilities” as part of a statewide program co-sponsored by the Minnesota Historical Society and the University of Minnesota history de-
St. John the Baptist Parish Center, Collegeville Just west of St. John’s University Campus on Fruit Farm Road
Friday, March 28 4:30-7:30 p.m.
partment. The local History Day event is sponsored by the SCSU history department. Thousands of students statewide are researching topics of their own choosing, and going beyond facts and dates to create in-depth projects about their findings. In the process, they learn skills used by exhibit designers, filmmakers and scholars. Winners of the regional events will advance to State History Day on May 5 at the University of Minnesota. State winners are eligible to go on to the National History Day competition in June in Washington, D.C.
Fish Fry Tickets at the door: Adults: $10, Children (ages 5-10): $5 Children under 5: FREE Menu: Fried fish, macaroni & cheese, baked potatoes, beans, coleslaw, bread, dessert buffet and beverages Take out available. Our dining room is handicap accessible.
Visit Saint John’s Prep for
Discovery Day Friday, April 11 Students in grades 5-11 are invited to experience Prep! Call 320-363-3315, option 3 to RSVP and reserve your space.
***Win a 4-pack of Globetrotter Tickets!*** Send an email by noon, Friday, April 4 with your first and last name, town you reside in and phone number and you will be entered to win. Contest winners will be notified by phone by 1 p.m. Friday, April 4. Good luck!
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, March 28, 2014
Fare from front page dan said. “I think it’s wonderful.” Delores Stang and Bea Imholte were busy sorting breads on the bread table. “It’s been busy and well received,” Imholte said. Organizer Amanda Roles was busy directing volunteers, including her father-in-law, Tom Roles, and mother-in-law, MaryLynn Roles. “’Fare for All’ has said they never empty their trucks,” Amanda said. “We want to be the first.” “I think it’s good,” Tom Roles said. “Everyone says thank you.” Fare for All worker Rodney Moore said he has been with the program for six months. As he unloaded food products, he said he thought it’s a good program. “I think it’s a good thing,” Moore said. “It’s good, cheap food and it helps the community out.” Organizer Mary Plafcan said
she handed out 287 numbers. “We had a very successful grand opening,” Plafcan said. Roles said they sold 387 packages of food and 332 a la carte items. They ran out of several products before the event ended. “I would just like to apologize to the people who did not receive the packs they may have wanted due to running out,” Amanda said. “It was our first time and it was difficult to gage the number of people who would be attending. We will try our best not to let it happen again.” Plafcan said TriCap representatives will be available at the next Fare for All event to answer questions about services that might be available to people. She would like to encourage people to visit the table. “We are glad so many people came out,” Plafcan said. “The more people who use the program, the better prices are for the whole community.” “I would like to thank the volunteers. They were excellent,” Amanda said. “They were what made this event run
smoothly and (are) responsible for making this event a success.” Plafcan said some shoppers mentioned if they couldn’t use all of the food products, they planned to donate them to the St. Joseph Area Food Shelf. Fare for All is for everyone. The program buys fruits, vegetables and frozen meat in bulk and saves up to 40 percent off grocery-store prices. Amanda said food is purchased through wholesalers. Depending on the season, it is either grown locally or sent from all over the country. Other distribution dates for 2014 include April 14, May 12, June 9, July 7, Aug. 4, Sept. 15, Oct. 13, Nov. 10 and Dec. 8. To help volunteer or for more information, contact Plafcan at 320-249-5718.
photos by Cori Hilsgen
Organizer Mary Plafcan distributes numbers to shoppers as they enter the Resurrection Lutheran Church entry.
Read to children for Llama Llama Read-A-Rama Llama Llama Read-A-Rama is a St. Cloud Area community initiative to encourage reading with children, starting at birth. The St. Cloud Times and United Way of Central Minnesota are working with community partners to move this important message forward. Volunteers can read to children and assist with projects in preschools, Head Start Reach Up
Inc., and Boys and Girls Clubs on April 10-11. All readers are encouraged to talk about their work/daily life as part of their volunteer experience so children hear about the importance of reading in everyday activities. For more information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit www. and click Organizer Amanda Roles (above left) greets shopper Joyce Hasch in the distribution room. At right: Volunteer MaryLynn Roles helps at the information table. on Criers.
***Great Opportunity*** COMPETITIVE WAGES & BENEFITS!
We are a progressive, state-of-the-art steel fabrication shop.
Three-years experience and/or Technical College required! We need experienced welders with a production welding background.
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Our View State, country make progress in workplace discriminations
There’s good news for Minnesota in the latest annual report on workplace harassment and discrimination from the U.S. Economic Employment Opportunities Commission. The report clearly shows a steady decline in charges against employers since 2009. Last year, in Minnesota, there were 982 charges of harassment and/or discrimination reported to the EEOC. That’s a decrease of 12 percent since 2012 and 81 fewer cases than in 2009. Moreover, there has been a steady decline in such cases in every category of issues handled by the EEOC. For 2013, here is a breakdown of the number of cases reported in those issue categories: race 349, sex 245, national origin 114, religion 37, color 29, retaliation by employers 554, age 260, disability 358 and pay issues 17. Those numbers add up to more than the 982 total because in some cases, individuals filed charges in more than one category. Nationally, too, there has been progress. In 2013, there were 93,727 charges nationwide, a 5.7 percent decrease from the 99,412 charges received in 2012. Among all charges, alleged retaliations by employers against employees was the most common charge (38,539, or 41 percent of all charges). Such retaliation can include firings of employees because they reported the employers did something illegal or unethical; or for other things employees might have said or done that angered employers. The next most-common charges were in the categories of race discrimination, sex discrimination (including sexual harassment and pregnancy) and discrimination due to disabilities. Of course, we should remember not all charges reported are necessarily true. However, we can safely assume the steady decline in charges filed against employers indicates an improved, more enlightened and healthier work climate by and large. It’s obvious that widespread educational efforts, a growing respect for others and a rejection of all types of discrimination and harassment is taking hold and paying off in the workplace. Like all good changes, such as seat-belt use, the fight against workplace injustices has taken time. There is still progress to be made, but it’s heartening to know Minnesota and the nation are heading in a good direction. Local, state and federal agencies deserve much credit for this. By wielding enforcement powers, they have reminded people, through lawsuits and fines, that discriminatory actions are not only illegal but unwise. Those kinds of reminders filter down, slowly but surely, and they help to change, for the better, healthy, productive and mutually respectful workplace relationships among employers and employees. In 2013, the EEOC resolved 209 lawsuits, resulting in $39 million in monetary benefits to victims of illegal discrimination, plus wide-ranging injunctive relief against the offenders. Lawsuits filed under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were the most common (78) followed by lawsuits filed under the Americans With Disabilities Act (51). Some sweet day, we can hope, that after more enforcement efforts and more personal enlightenment, there will be virtually discrimination-free workplaces far and wide for one and all. And just maybe, who knows?, a discrimination-free society, period.
Fairness and ethics
Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, March 28, 2014
Opinion Local grocers clean up on aisle four It’s been happening with regular occurrence. I go into a grocery store, order the products that are advertised as being on sale and upon checking my receipt, find I have been overcharged for an item that was advertised as being offered at a lesser price. I will, if you have the time to read on, give you five such situations. The most recent encounter I had was in St. Joseph. I planned to purchase that most staple of all staples – toilet paper. I found the product being advertised “on sale” for $1.98 was not in stock. There was, however, another brand that was being offered in lieu of what I wanted. When I asked for a rain check, I was told it could not be issued because there was a replacement item I was “obligated” to purchase. The difference between the brand I sought to purchase and what was being offered as a replacement was something akin to a BMW versus a golf cart. Since I was in need of that most basic staple, I elected to suffer the consequences and defer to the lesser of bathroom evils. Let’s face it, dinner napkins sitting next to the privy just doesn’t bode well. And, alas, I don’t get the Sears catalog anymore. After purchasing said secondary choice and submitting my coupon, I discovered the price of the product I purchased had swelled to $3.98. When I objected, I was told the price had increased because the product was of greater value than what I initially had intended to purchase. When I asked for my coupon back, I was told that because it had been applied to my purchase it was no longer available to me. Can you say “bait and switch?” Can you see dinner napkins next to your toilet?
Paul Ritzenthaler Guest Writer Let me, if I may, review some other situations. Same corporation, different store name, same staple, same scenario – i.e. BMW versus golf cart – BUT, at least they corrected the problem after I vehemently complained while standing in the fast checkout line. This time, the dinner napkins were spared. But, I was not loved by a lot of fast checker-outers. At this other location (in St. Cloud), I was overcharged for a bottle of tomato juice because the price indicated on the signage in front of the product had not been changed (my fault, I guess for not being a sign mindreader). Same store, different day: frozen vegetables, SELECTED VARIETIES! Don’t you just love selected varieties? Some “unselected varieties” just happened to be mixed in with “selected” in the selected-varieties area. For that faux pas, I was charged double the amount on said unselected that I selected; and not allowed to use my “selected coupon” because I didn’t have enough of “selected.” It does get complicated, doesn’t it? I left groceries sitting in the fastcheckout lane and took the time to get enough “selected” to make the coupon valid. Once again, I was not loved by the lady behind me, who was in a hurry to check out her 18 or so items in the lane that says “approximately 8 items or less.” But, that’s another story. Finally, not once, not twice, but on three occasions in the last three months, coupons I had submitted were not swiped (or, if they were,
they didn’t register). Oh yes, once again, I made a lot more friends in the checkout line. So why this extensive missive about grocery-store blunders? Well, let us just suppose that said grocery store (or stores) make a $1 error in their favor for every 10 (or even 20) purchases. In the course of a day, they can “clean up” on aisle four and every other aisle to the tune of hundreds of dollars – if not thousands – at the cost of you and me. May I suggest you check your receipts and react accordingly if you have been bamboozled by a store that has a lot more money to play with than you or me. Am I the Don Quixote of selfdefense against a corporate conglomerate? No, I am not alone. Consider the following: I know of a gentleman – let’s call him Mr. G – who lives and works in the St. Joseph/Sartell area and refuses to purchase anything from this unnamed grocery store because of more than one purchasing issue he had with “unnamed.” He drives out of his way to make his purchases because of the way he was treated by that store. He refuses to step through the front door of that store. Most recently, an elderly couple that were in front of me in the checkout line at one of the aforementioned grocery stores noticed they too had an issue regarding a coupon. The lady apologized to me for holding up my purchasing activities, to which I replied, “God bless you.” Please take time to take these market-money magicians to task, because the more they get away with ignoring these serious issues, the less they will do to resolve this problem.
Letter to editor
Resident implores council to turn off water-tower lights Wayne Birkholz, St. Joseph I’m requesting a city council review of this organization, and its goal of global involvement in shutting off non-essential lights for one hour at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, March 29. My suggestion is to shut off the lights on the St. Joseph water tower. However, I suggest we keep them off permanently for the following reasons: First, it’s simply an eyesore. To my knowledge, a water tower has never been the subject of design awards or artistic criticism. It’s a monolith by
day and should be left in the dark at night. Second, it’s an obvious source of cost savings. It’s not much money in the scheme of things, but it’s the cost/benefit analysis that’s important. It costs money to have it lighted, and there is absolutely no derived benefit. (The red light on top can stay lit.) Third, it’s a source of light pollution. That’s my personal biggest objection. When I’m outside on a pleasant evening, I get great satisfaction from looking at the stars. Any light source that diminishes the view of the night sky is objectionable. In addition
to that point, the city has ordinances against glare from lighted signs and more. The cumulative effect of the lighted buildings that have been built in the time I’ve been living in St. Joseph is such that I don’t need to turn on lights in my home at 2 a.m. The ambient light from outside is enough to navigate my “dark” house. In addition to considering my request of shutting off the lights to the water tower, I ask the city council invite local businesses and institutions to shut off their lights as well. Thank you for taking this matter into consideration.
Send it to: The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374
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St. Joseph Newsleader • LEgal notICEs
Friday, March 28, 2014
Friday, March 28 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Fish Fry, 4:30-7:30 p.m., St. John the Baptist Parish, Collegeville. 320363-2569. Fish Fry, 5-8 p.m., Stride Academy fundraiser, El Paso Sports Bar & Grill, St. Joseph. Saturday, March 29 History Day, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 6thto 12th-graders from schools in central Minnesota present exhibits and performances, Atwood Memorial Center, St. Cloud State University. 320-308-2104 St. John’s Maple Syrup Festival, 1-4 p.m., St. John’s Outdoor University, St. Cloud Freedom Flight fundraiser, 4-10 p.m., steak fry, silent and live auction. VFW Post 428, 9 18th Ave. N, St. Cloud.
Pursuant to Chapter 333, Minnesota Statutes, the undersigned, who is or will be conducting or transacting a commercial business in the State of Minnesota under an assumed name, hereby certifies:
Pursuant to Chapter 333, Minnesota Statutes, the undersigned, who is or will be conducting or transacting a commercial business in the State of Minnesota under an assumed name, hereby certifies:
Friday, May 16, 2014 - Sal’s Bar – Senior Farewell
Judy Weyrens Administrator
1. The assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted is: Brian Klinefelter Foundation.
Thursday, July 3, 2014 – St. Joseph Church
Publish: March 28, 2014
1. The assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted is: Health Care Agent Literacy Project.
PROBLEMS with the IRS or State Taxes? Settle for a fraction of what you owe! Free face to face consultations with offices in your area. Call 1-888-606-6673 (MFPA)
PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1,000 A WEEK mailing brochures from home! Genuine opportunity! No experience required. Start immediately! (VOID IN SD) (MFPA)
2. The stated address of the principal place of business is or will be: 1517 Pebble Creek Drive, Sartell, Minn. 56377. 3. The name and street address of all persons conducting business under the above assumed name including any corporations that may be conducting this business: Brian Klinefelter Memorial Foundation, 1517 Pebble Creek Drive, Sartell, Minn. 56377.
Proposed outdoor event, Sal’s Bar – May 16, 2014.
Dated: Feb. 24, 2014
Dated: March 25, 2014
Filed: March 14, 2014
Filed: March 25, 2014
/s/ Jason Klinefelter
/s/ Deborah Day Laxson
Publish: March 21 and 28, 2014
Publish: March 28 and April 4, 2014
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Proposed outdoor event, Church of St. Joseph – July, 3, 2014.
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3. The name and street address of all persons conducting business under the above assumed name including any corporations that may be conducting this business: DayJOY, LLC, 6013 Rolling Ridge Road, St. Cloud, Minn. 56303. 4. I certify I am authorized to sign this certificate and I further certify I understand by signing this certificate, I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Minnesota Statutes section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath.
2. The stated address of the principal place of business is or will be: 6013 Rolling Ridge Road, St. Cloud, Minn. 56303.
4. I certify I am authorized to sign this certificate and I further certify I understand by signing this certificate, I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Minnesota Statutes section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath.
Medical Alert for Seniors – 24/7 monitoring. FREE equipment. FREE shipping. Nationwide service. $29.95/ month. Call Medical Guardian today. 1-888-721-6758. (MFPA)
Friday, April 4 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Fish Fry, 5-8 p.m., St. Joe Baseball fundraiser, El Paso Sports Bar & Grill, St. Joseph. Luther College Cathedral Choir, 7 p.m., freewill offering at the concert, Celebration Lutheran Church, 1500 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell, Free-Will offering. 320-255-0488.
All persons wishing to be heard will be heard with oral testimony limited to five minutes. Written testimony may be submitted to the City Administrator, City of St. Joseph, P.O. Box 668, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
Tuesday, April 1 Blood drive, 1-7 p.m., Atonement Lutheran Church, 1144 29th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767.
Saturday, April 5 St. John’s Maple Syrup Festival, 1-4 p.m., St. John’s Outdoor University, Collegeville. OutdoorU.htm Messiah in the Passover Banquet, 5 p.m., Seder meal, Park Fellowship Church, 32932 Veterans Drive, Sartell. Free-will offering. 320-281-3201.
The St. Joseph City Council shall conduct a public hearing at 6:45 p.m. Thursday, April 17, 2014 at the St. Joseph City Hall. The purpose of the hearing is to consider an issuance of two outdoor special events. They are as follows:
Sunday, March 30 Spring Coin Show, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Great River Regional Coin Club, Kelly Inn, 100 4th Ave. S., St. Cloud.
Thursday, April 3 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Great River Regional Coin Club, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Miller Auto Marine Sports Plaza, 2930 2nd St. S., St. Cloud. St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-363-7201.
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, March 28, 2014
St. Joseph Meat Market brings home the ‘bacon’
Pictured above are (front row, left to right) Harvey Pfannenstein, Gerard Hoffarth; (back row) Carol Pfannenstein, Paul photos by Cori Hilsgen Pfannenstein, Jesse Stueve, Bob Raab, Rich Pfannenstein, AlCy Pfannenstein (above left) and Jesse Stueve work ice Mayers and Cy Pfannenstein. Right, St. Joseph Meat Marin the sausage kitchen. Pfannenstein is the sausage ket owner Harvey Pfannenstein stands by the smokehouses in department manager. the St. Joseph Meat Market. by Cori Hilsgen
Once again, the St. Joseph Meat Market brought home some gold plaques to add to their wall filled with other state and national awards. The Meat Market won eight awards at this year’s Minnesota Association of Meat Processors’ annual convention held March 13-15 at the River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud. The awards included a grand champion award for a prepared food item for the market’s smoked beef brisket, reserve grand champion for cooked summer sausage and dried beef, champion for bacon, reserve champion for specialty snack sticks, fresh sausage and poultry class (chicken brat), and a first-place award in the innovative processed beef category for its swiss cheese snack sticks. Meat Market owner Harvey Pfannenstein said about 72 meat markets and plants and 53 suppliers of products were at the convention this year. There were 546 products entered in the competition. The Meat Market entered 24 categories of the competition. Pfannenstein, 58, said the contest is getting tougher every year. He believes one reason for this is because of information shared through the convention workshops.
The Meat Market participates in and hosts workshops. Meat scientists from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute in Marshall come to the Meat Market, set up bleachers, teach and give demonstrations. “We actually learn the science behind making the product instead of just doing it the way we used to do it,” Pfannenstein said. “Now we know why we are doing it.” At the workshops, the scientists break it down and show what to do first, what to do last, how to add the salt, how to extract protein, how well to mix things, smoke schedules and more. Pfannenstein said this year there were 61 people in the Meat Market sausage kitchen all learning the same thing, which included dry-curing bacon, hams, pork loins and how to make shelf-stable summer sausage and jerky. “When you take all that good information and put it into that product showroom, that’s the rewarding part – seeing all these markets, all this product bettering itself,” Pfannenstein said. “By that, competition gets stiffer. You probably take (home) not necessarily less awards, but there are other people winning too, which is good to see. It’s definitely bettering the product for the consumer.”
Sausage department manager Cy Pfannenstein said the competition has gotten very competitive. He compares the competition to 4-H where you see how you compare to others with the same products. He said some contestants will study and analyze their products for hours before the competition. The addition of the sausage kitchen, which started production in 2001, has allowed the Meat Market to process product at a faster rate, and offers more freezer and cooler space that allows them to accept more wholesale accounts and still keep up with demands of the retail end. Currently, the market processes about 6,000-7,000 pounds of sausage each week.
The Meat Market has won several national awards. Pfannenstein plans to attend the American Association of Meat Processors’ convention in June in Milwaukee, Wis. He said every day of the convention is filled with seminars on topics such as protein extraction, tumbling, curing and smoking, and more. “These workshops and these conventions are so important,” Pfannenstein said. “You can’t keep up and do it all on a personal level, and that is why these organizations are so important and are such a benefit for us.” Pfannenstein has worked at the Meat Market for 46 years. He has been the owner since 1997. His father owned it be-
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fore him and he began working there when he was 12 years old. His siblings also worked there, and many family members still do. Pfannenstein employs 26 full- and part-time employees. During deer-hunting season and Christmas, he employs up to 40 people. Pfannenstein has been married to Carol for 37 years. They have five children – four daughters and one son. They have nine grandchildren. All of their children work at the market at some time during the year. Their son, who works full-time, is studying law enforcement. Two daughters are registered nurses and two are teachers.
Christie Russell-Villnow, O.D.
Friday 6 a.m.-7 p.m., Saturday 6 a.m.- 5 p.m. Closed Sunday