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Newsleader St. Joseph

Friday, March 29, 2013 Volume 24, Issue 13 Est. 1989

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Quilters stitch together and give back

Town Crier Jean Matzke award goes to MN Street Market

The Millstream Arts Festival Board of Directors held its annual meeting on March 13 and voted to award the 2012 Jean Matzke Art Award to the Minnesota Street Market Art Co-op. The Art Co-op Committee will receive a check for $500 to use toward building a hub for local artists to display and sell their work and to hold community art classes and workshops. The award was established in 2009 in memory of Jean Matzke, co-founder of Millstream Arts Festival. Past recipients of the award are Kennedy Elementary to help expand their art program and the Local Blend for their contribution toward bringing local art and live music to downtown St. Joseph.

Bunny winners announced

The winners for the Newsleaders’ Bunny Promotion are as follows: Once Upon a Child, Mary Jo Long, Dassel; Jacob Anderson, Sartell; Wenner Co. - Cold Spring, Duane Rieland, Richmond; Verizon, Savanna Hansen, Royalton; Local Blend, Debbie Emery, St. Joseph; Casey’s, John Nornberg, St. Joseph; Subway - St. Joseph, Claire Blaskowski, St. Joseph; Avon State Bank, Roger Jeffers, Avon, Sue Mosiman, St. Anna; McDonald’s - St. Joseph, Nick Clark, St. Joseph; Movies Etc., Joe Baggenstoss, St. Joseph; Russell Eyecare and Associates, Mary Moening, St. Joseph; and St. Joseph Meat Market, Mary Moening, St. Joseph.

Nazi hunter to speak April 8

Eli Rosenbaum, the Nazi Hunter and executive officer for the U.S. Department of Justice, will deliver a speech at 7 p.m. Monday, April 8 at the Adath Jeshurun Congregation (Synagogue), 10500 Hillside Lane W., Minnetonka. Rosenbaum has invited two soldiers, Larry Tillemans from Sartell and Gerry Boe from Crosslake, as his guests. Tillemans has received the U.S. Army “Medal for Excellence” for his more than 450 Holocaust presentations of the war crime trials at Nuremberg and Dachau. Tillemans was a Third Army clerk typist for the trials.

Free tax prep

Free tax preparation for Central Minnesotans is being offered from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Tuesdays at Catholic Charities, 157 Roosevelt Road, Ste. 100, St. Cloud; from 5-7:30 p.m. Thursdays at St. Cloud Technical and Community College, 1540 Northway Drive, St. Cloud; and from 4-7 p.m. Wednesdays and 9 a.m.3 p.m. Saturdays at the Salvation Army, 400 Hwy. 10 S., St. Cloud. The services is provided to individuals making less than $30,000 per year or families making less than $50,000 per year. For more information, visit or call 320-251-1612 or 888-765-5597. For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.

photos by TaLeiza Calloway

Quilters (from left to right) Eloise Westby, Rene Krueger and Bonnie Kabe work on a quilt March 20 at Resurrection Lutheran Church in St. Joseph. Quilters meet every Wednesday at Resurrection Lutheran Church to make quilts that have been donated to various causes statewide and beyond. by TaLeiza Calloway

Sunday is not the only day for fellowship at Resurrection Lutheran Church in St. Joseph.

About 12 women and members of the congregation find fellowship and more during their weekly quilting gatherings on Wednesdays. The women have been

meeting since 2006 and have made quilts for organizations statewide and beyond. Quilter Ellen Chovan said the group began at the suggestion of a church intern years ago and

never looked back. “It’s a reason for us to get together,” Chovan said, “so we can fellowship and do some good in the community.” Quilters • page 8

Visitors get a sweet treat at the sugar shack by Cori Hilsgen

On a cool and windy day, March 16, visitors enjoyed maple-syrup sundaes and hot chocolate at the sugar shack during the Maple Syrup Festival at the St. John’s Arboretum. All who tasted the treats were pleasantly surprised by the sweetness of the syrup. Those who made it to the sugar shack were able to view the new $22,000 stainless-steel evaporator, learn about the process of making maple syrup and identify various fur pelts such as skunk, raccoon, mink, rabbit, deer, beaver and others. A Native American demonstration of how things were done many years ago and children’s scavenger hunts for prizes were also offered. John O’Reilly, the educational coordinator for SJU programming, explained how some logs had been taken from the forest. Tom Kroll is the arboretum’s director and land manager, so he determines what wood gets taken out. The cutters are Forest Stewardship Council-certified and do not clear-cut any wood. Being FSC-certified means the Arboretum harvests timber on a rotating cycle in order to promote forest diversity.

O’Reilly said the logging is done in the winter so they are not damaging the forest when the ground is soft, but instead are driving and hauling wood on the frozen ground. At five-minute intervals, visitors took tours into the woods to observe the actual sap collection.

Nick Kroll led visitors on a tour of the tapping process. Kroll is a graduate of St. John’s University and the son of Tom Kroll. On the walk in the woods, Kroll also talked about how the arboretum manages the forest. Workers cut out the non-maple and unhealthy trees. Kroll explained they have a very healthy,

well-managed forest at the arboretum, explaining it is a certified 100-percent sustainable forest, which means throughout the entire arboretum they only cut as much wood as grows every year. Kroll said almost all the trees are maples. Thus, sap-gatherers can be selective and select the better trees. Sugar • page 4

Happy Easter!

contributed photo

All Saints Academy St. Joseph’s Montessori preschoolers display their Easter Eggs. Each egg contains a symbol of Jesus’ last days on earth. Pictured from left to right are: Grace Nicoll, Carter Kuehl, Maya Anderson

St. Joseph Newsleader •


People Two St. Joseph and two Avon students recently received scholarships from Central Minnesota Credit Union. A total of $15,000 in scholarships was awarded; $11,000 for video scholarships; and $4,000 for essay scholarships. Every year, CMCU offers scholarships to CMCU members to further their education at a two- or four-year college. This year, more than 148 students applied for the scholarships throughout CMCU’s field of membership. Video scholarships were based on a creative and unique 30-second to one-minute video commercial for CMCU. Essay scholarships were based on the question, “If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?”

The $1,000-video scholarship winners are: Zachary Dehler – St. Joseph; Nathan Neuman – Avon; and nine others from Sartell, Albany, Freeport, Melrose, Perham, Bowlus and West Union. The $500-essay scholarship winners are: Brittney Jones – St. Joseph; Alli Kremers – Avon; and six others from Long Prairie, Waite Park, Cokato, Eden Valley, Melrose and Paynesville. “We are honored to have the opportunity to present these students with scholarships,” said Central Minnesota Credit Union President/CEO, Rick Odenthal, “they are the future leaders and we encourage them to continue to work hard and make a difference.”

Friday, March 29, 2013

Tiny ticks cause big misery by Dennis Dalman

Tiny ticks have caused big miseries for Jakin and Nicole Koll of Sartell. Both are suffering from Lyme disease, which is caused by infected deer ticks, so tiny they are slightly smaller than the head of a pin. The ticks, if they are on the skin long enough, bite their hosts and then “drink” their blood. If the tick contains the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, the host will likely catch it. Lyme documentary The Kolls are inviting anyone

If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-3638250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. March 9 6:21 p.m. Suspicious activity. Birch Street W. Caller reported three people trying to get in a house. Owner locked himself out and had to go through the window to get in. March 10 10:46 a.m. Assist. College Avenue S. Caller reported water coming into his lower-level apartment through the walls. He asked officer to call his landlord since the landlord was not returning his calls. Officer left a message with the landlord. Caller reported infiltration is into the northwest bedroom and the carpet is wet several feet into the bedroom. He has placed his entertainment up on blocks to protect it, but cannot move his bed because of the support system. Caller wanted officer to call the city inspector. Officer advised he would not call the city inspector on a Sunday, since the smell in the room told him this was an ongoing issue, but advised the caller to call on Monday morning. March 11 2:25 a.m. Suspicious activity. Elm Street E. Business caller reported suspicious activity in the parking lot. Male got out and entered store, then female got out and entered store, then the vehicle left and came back again and was sitting in the parking lot. Passengers reported they had gone inside store to buy a dog chew toy and then cigarettes. Driver was sober. Officer

and everyone to view a documentary movie about Lyme disease that will show just how insidious the disease can be. The movie will be shown at 6:30 p.m. Monday, May 6 at the Sartell School District Services Center in the Watab Room. The 87-minute movie is free. The Kolls are on a mission to share their story and others’ stories about what ongoing misery a tiny biting tick can cause. They hope by educating others, more can be active in informing others. The movie night is sponsored with the help of the Sartell-St. Stephen Community


confirmed insurance and they were allowed to leave. Caller called back informing of two more individuals that had gotten a ride from the driver and were looking for a ride home. Officer gave the two a ride to apartment after speaking with the juvenile’s mother who was aware of his location. March 12 5:28 p.m. Assist. College Avenue N. Caller reported a fraud. She currently lives in St. Joseph, but has a St. Cloud mailing address. Officer took her report and forwarded it to the St. Cloud Police Department. March 13 :59 a.m. Traffic stop. C.R. 75 E. and 4th Avenue N.E. Officer observed Minnesota license facing south in the northbound lane of traffic on College Avenue N. at C.R. 75. Officer stopped the vehicle and identified the driver by name and date of birth. Driver stated he left his driver’s license at home, along with his insurance papers. Officer ran his name through the state computer which showed his license was revoked. Officer issued a citation for driving without proof of insurance and driving the wrong way down a oneway. 8:38 p.m. Suicidal male. College Avenue S. Suspect had emailed spouse and stated he was depressed and feeling suicidal. Officer attempted to make contact with the male, but there was no answer at the apartment. Vehicle was parked in the lot. Officer gained entry into the apartment by taking the hinge pins off the door and found the male inside. Male stated he was depressed and felt suicidal. Officer transported him to the St. Cloud Hospital for evaluation. March 14 9:49 p.m. Open gate. C.R. 133. Caller complained of an open gate to her backyard. Officer found the north gate open, checked the area, everything appeared to be all right.

Education Program. The Kolls will also start a Lyme Disease Support Group and are hoping the movie will spur others to help them form and sustain such a group. Kolls’ chronic disease In most cases, Lyme disease, if caught early enough, can be cured by a regimen of antibiotics over a period of two or three weeks. However, the Kolls were not so lucky. Nicole, for example, has had Lyme disease for six years. Jakin has had the disease for several years. Neither of the Kolls is positive exactly Ticks • page 3

Officer contacted keyholder who requested officer secure the gate. Closed the gate and secured it with the padlock. March 16 1:22 a.m. Fight. College Avenue N. Officer observed two males pushing and shoving each other and then one male throwing the other male in a snowbank. Each time the male would attempt to get up he would get thrown down again. Colorful language was being used during this encounter. Identified both males by their drivers’ licenses. They stated they were just friends messing around. 1:32 p.m. Alarm. College Avenue S. Alarm was going off. Officer checked and all appeared OK. Checked inside the building with keyholder, all appeared OK there also. They have been dealing with boxelder bug issues. It’s unknown if that is setting off the sensor. 6:20 p.m. Alcohol minor consumption. C.R. 2 and 3rd Avenue N.W. Officer stopped male after he was falling and stumbling in the road. Male state he was drinking and had two bottles of booze in his backpack – Spiced Rum. Officer took a breathalyzer test with a result of .172. Issued a citation for underage consumption and a warning for possession. 9:12 p.m. Suspicious activity. 12th Avenue S.E. Caller said she saw flames at a new construction house across the street with a heater inside. Checked and two NIPKO heaters were running to keep on-going construction warm. No issues. March 17 1:01 a.m. Medical. Minnesota Street W. Caller stated woman was unresponsive in the women’s bathroom. Upon arrival, officer found female responsive and identified her by her Minnesota ID card. She was with her roommate. Security escorted both home.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon Editor Dennis Dalman

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The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Contributing Writers TaLeiza Calloway Mark Lauer

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke

Contributing Writer/ Administrative Assistant Cori Hilsgen

Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, March 29, 2013

Ticks from page 2 how long they’ve had Lyme disease because neither remembers being bit by a tick, and neither developed the well known “bulls-eye” rash – a reddish ring around the bitten area. What most frustrates the Kolls, besides the misrable symptoms they suffer, is the fact they, like others in their predicament, are at the very center of a raging controversy. Many doctors and some researchers do not believe Lyme disease can develop into such a chronic condition. Most doctors will not prolong antibiotic treatment beyond a month or so. “It’s a big controversy,” Nicole said. “They are always debating the issue. Too many doctors view people like us as some kind of hypochondriacs. We are not.” Nicole spent nearly three years in a constant search for a doctor who had enough faith in the existence of chronic Lyme disease to treat her and her husband. It was a wild-goose chase that had the couple feeling utterly helpless. At long last, Nicole managed to find a doctor who agreed to give her ongoing treatments. Part of her regimen includes taking two different kinds of antibiotic pills each day, along with a drug for rheumatoid ar-

thritis. She also takes probiotics to build up her immune system. “The medication helps tremendously,” she said. “I haven’t felt like a whole person in years, and now I’m beginning to. No one knows how bad Lyme disease can be until they get it.” The St. Cloud doctor who treats Nicole sees up to 15-20 patients at a time, and genuine camaraderie has developed among them based on empathy of what all have suffered. Nicole’s Lyme disease symptoms have included, off and on and not all at once, the following: a skin rash (but not the bulls-eye kind), flaking skin, stuttering, depression for no known reason whatsoever, trouble with concentration, difficulty in reading and with daily tasks, extreme fatigue, muscle aches and lack of energy. At one time, she also developed a balance problem that would cause her to walk toward her left, to the point she would actually walk into a wall. She went through so many tests she couldn’t begin to count them, including tests for allergies and even tests for attentiondeficit disorder. Constant challenges Through all the pain and frustration, Koll managed to keep a job at Resource Training and Solutions. She also managed to attend the Minnesota School of Business and to graduate with


contributed photo

Jakin and Nicole Koll enjoy a board game with their two sons – Kaden (on floor) and Conor. a bachelor’s degree in business administration. She now works part-time for the St. Cloud Technical and Community College, where she helps organize customized health-training teams for businesses in the area. She feels fortunate she can work only part-time because that gives her the time to take care of her two boys and her husband. Her two boys are Kaden, 7; and Conor, 5. Husband Jakin has suffered symptoms of constant chronic headaches and joint pain so

severe it virtually cripples him at times. The doctor has been giving Jakin a series of tests on his immunity system. Once those tests are completed, soon,

Jakin can begin a long-range treatment similar to his wife’s. Jakin is a meteorologist for MnDOT. He helps install computer

Lyme disease bacteria is devious by Dennis Dalman

The cause of Lyme disease was not identified until 1981 when a man named Willy Burgdorfer succeeded in identifying the bacteria that causes it – a bacteria spread by certain types of ticks, most commonly in the United States by deer ticks (see related story). Burgdorfer was a researcher at the Rocky Mountain Biological State Health Department. The spiral-shaped, devious bacteria he discovered is known as “Borrelia burgdorfen sensu stricto,” with the bug getting the “burgdorfen” part of its name from Burgdorfer himself. Lyme disease is named after the city of Lyme, Conn., where many cases of a mysterious illness occurred in 1975. The disease is the most common form of tick-borne disease in the Northern Hemisphere. It affects an estimated 32 people per 100,000 in the states where it’s most common. And, in fact, 96 to 99 percent of Lyme disease cases occur in just 13 states, mainly in the New England area and parts of the Upper Midwest, places where white-tailed deer (the tick’s main hosts) are common. Those states are Minnesota, Wisconsin, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont

and Virginia. From 2002-11, cases in the United States have ranged from a low of 19,800 in 2004 to a high of 29,970 in 2009. There were about 24,000 cases in 2011. The vicious little bacteria that causes Lyme disease is apparently as old as civilization. The “Otzi the Ice Man,” who was found well preserved in an Austrian Alps glacier about 20 years ago, is estimated to have died suddenly and violently 5,300 years ago. Scientists found a DNA sequence in Otzi that matched up with the Borrelia bacteria. How it happens Deer ticks like to feed on mice and other rodents when they are in the nymph stages. Later, they tend to feed on white-tailed deer. The ticks are most common in grassy or weedy areas. When they manage to get onto a human host, they will release a numbing agent onto the skin before they bite and



begin to ingest the host’s blood. Because of the numbing agent, many victims do not know they have been bitten. Most Lyme disease is caused when the very tiny nymphs bite humans. That is because the ticks are so tiny at that stage they are very hard to detect for early removal from the skin’s surface. The good news is only about 1 percent of tick bites result in Lyme infection. Another bit of good news is if the tick is removed within 24 hours of biting a host, chances of being infected are rare. Still more good news is if the victim is treated with antibiotics for a period of two to four weeks, chances of a complete recovery are excellent. In some cases, however, the disease can return after the initial treatment, causing various symptoms that range from fatigue to joint pains, from muscle aches to tingling in the hands. It’s waiting until later that Lyme • page 8 FREE Comp ESTIM A e Insur titively Pri TES! a c ed nce W ork!


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Ticks • page 5

St. Joseph Newsleader •



Friday, March 29, 2013

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“Out here in the sugar bush we have a lot of maples, which makes it easy,” he said. When looking for a tree to tap, they prefer to tap the bigger and healthier trees. Kroll explained the smaller the tree is, the more it is going to be affected. Smaller trees don’t heal as well. On the previous weekend, more than 150 volunteers helped tap 1,200 of the season’s taps. The trees to be tapped had earlier been paint-balled to make it easier for the volunteers to spot them. “It will wash off in the first rainstorm, but it’s a good way to mark the tree,” Kroll said. For the visitors, Kroll measured the diameter of a tree. A 12-inch tree can be tapped once, and an 18-inch tree can be tapped twice. Kroll pointed out an 18-inch tree. He said if the branches look good, there are no splits and the tree looks healthy, then they can put two taps in. Kroll pointed out old tap holes. He showed a tap hole that was less than 10 years old that was almost healed. He said tapping does not hurt the tree. In tapping, between 1 and 3 percent of a tree’s sap is taken. He said sap-gatherers don’t like to collect sap above or below an old tap hole because the tree works like a “bundle of straws.” After sap comes out of those “straws,” gatherers avoid tapping into the same “straws” from the previous year. Kroll offered visitors a chance to hand-drill a hole in the tree and then gently tap a metal spile in about one-inch deep. The spile is used to help the sap flow from the tree to the bucket or bag that collects the sap. Volunteers who tap the majority of the trees use battery-powered drills so it goes much faster. The drill bit then

photos by Cori Hilsgen

John O’Reilly, the educational coordinator for community and university programing, stands by some of the harvested wood from the Arboretum, which is Forest-Stewardship-Council certified and does not clear-cut any wood. needs to be reversed and not just pulled out of the tree trunk. The spile needs to be deep enough so it can hold the weight of the collecting bag or bucket as it fills with sap. If a bucket is used, a metal cover is placed over the bucket to prevent anything from going into the sap. “Maple syrup is a natural source of sugar,” Kroll said. He was surprised when he noticed the back side of a tree was actually flowing, even though he thought it shouldn’t have been. Kroll said it should have been frozen. He said even though the outdoor temperature was cool, the tree was warm enough for the sap to flow. Visitors were able to taste the sap which tastes a lot like water. Kroll said at the time the sap comes from the tree it’s a concentration of only about 1 percent sugar. “In a week or so, if we will get a good run, you’ll have just about 2 percent sugar,” Kroll said. “On a good, warm day you will have a drip, drip, drip, but you will never have a spout gushing down.” Josie Belter, a junior at the College of St. Benedict, ex-

plained what happens to the sap once it is collected from the trees. Belter has been an employee of the arboretum for the last three years. “I love it out here,” Belter said. Volunteers, she explained, empty bags and buckets into blue barrels. A tractor then drives around and pumps the sap into a tank on a trailer pulled by the tractor. It’s then stored in barrels on the hill above the sugar shack. The flow of gravity brings the sap down into the evaporator, a fire is built in the firebox and the sap goes into one end and flows through on the pans on the top of the evaporator. As the fire heats it up, the water evaporates away and the sugar is left behind. Belter explained how during the cooking process some of the nutrients and minerals, such as calcium and silica, harden into a chalky element and are filtered through so the remaining syrup is smooth and doesn’t have a gritty taste to it. She said the syrup is then bottled. Gary Gillitzer, a volunteer and a teacher at CSB, was in the sugar shack answering questions and explaining about the colors of maple syrup. Different syrups vary in color and taste. The lighter syrup comes from early-season sap collection. The darker syrup, which is often sold in stores, comes from late-season sap collection. Syrup makers are optimis-

Friday, March 29, 2013

St. Joseph Newsleader • tic about the season this year. Last year’s sap produced a poor quality of syrup. Even though the sap was collected in the beginning of the season, all the sap was late-season sap because everything warmed up so fast. Tapping maple syrup at SJU Nick Kroll, volunteer tour guide, demonstrated how the maple trees are measured to determine if they should be tapped for the sap to make maple syrup. A 12-inch tree can be tapped once and an 18inch tree can be tapped twice.

Ticks from page 3 screens in MnDOT vehicles throughout the state and then coordinates weather reports on those screens for the drivers – typically plow drivers – and their supervisors. Nicole and Jakin Koll are hoping and praying the longterm treatments will finally keep the disease at bay, if not totally eradicate it from their bodies. Nicole estimates they have spent perhaps as much as $100,000 on medications throughout the years. They have also visited doctors, clinics and hospitals far and wide – Brooklyn Park, the University of Minnesota, Plymouth, Sartell, St. Cloud and many others. Jakin was even referred to an orthodontist because a general doctor thought he might be suffering from grinding-teeth syndrome, thus causing his relenteless headaches. He also consulted with neurologists and allergists, in addition to doing occupational and physical therapies. Even botox nerve injections were tried. Nothing really worked. His suffering continued. Dormancy What most people do not know, Nicole said, is Lyme disease can lay dormant in the body for years before it erupts

again – something that obviously happened to her and her husband. “A lot of people have it and don’t even know it,” she said. “Many are being treated for something else, something else they don’t even have. Lyme disease is caused by a litte spiral-shaped bacteria, and it can affect everything in your body, including the musculo-skeletal system. Some people become very crippled by it. Lyme disease is extremely expensive because most insurance companies won’t cover treatments after the first initial weeks of treatment with antibiotics, so people have to pay for services out of their own pockets, Nicole said. Avoidance The Kolls often see weedy, grassy, wooded areas as battlefields where tiny enemies lie lurking. “We are constantly looking for ticks,” Nicole said. “We always use sprays, and we wear clothing that includes longsleeved shirts. And we always inspect our bodies after being outdoors.” Koll wants people to know that no safeguard is 100-percent certain. That is why, she said, people should wear light-colored clothing and pants should be tucked into boots, preferably. A tick lotion or tick spray should also be used diligently. If a family has dogs, they should be

thoroughly checked once they’re back in the house as ticks can move from a dog to humans, especially children who tend to play up-close physically with pets. Families should do a ritual tick search of bodies as soon as they come in from outdoors, and the entire body, including the hair, should be searched for the tiny ticks. If a tick is found, always put it in a plastic baggy, seal the bag and keep it in a safe place. And then, if any family member comes down with a rash or flu-like symptoms, that person should see a doctor immediately, and the tick in the baggy should be brought along. Nicole said it’s important to remember not everyone infected with Lyme disease will have a bullseye rash, although some other more generalized rashes can be noticed in many cases. The earlier people see a doctor, the better, Nicole advises. Help others For all of the above reasons – suffering, frustration, expense, lack of understanding – the Kolls are determined to help educate others about the disease and to form a local support group so sufferers of the disease have somewhere to turn in a world that often seems disbelieving or downright skeptical of chronic Lyme-disease victims.

began in the 1940s when the monastery learned the maplesyrup production process due to sugar rationing during World War II. At the arboretum, maple syrup is made in the spring of the year when temperatures are below freezing in the evening and above freezing during the day. Ideal temperatures are low 30 degrees at night and 40 degrees during the day. It takes almost 40 gallons of sap from the maple trees to make one gallon of maple syrup. Only water gets added to the sap to make maple syrup, so it’s a “natural” food that con-

5 tains no colors, preservatives or additives. Once a tree is big enough to be tapped, it can be used year after year. A tap can yield 1012 gallons of sap, about one quart of finished syrup, during a season. St. John’s Arboretum is 2,830 acres of lakes, prairie, oak savannah and woodland that surrounds St. John’s Abbey and University. Visitors will have another chance to visit the arboretum for the Maple Syrup Festival on Saturday, April 6. For more information, contact 320-363-3163.

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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, March 29, 2013


Our View

Volunteer beyond routine events

Earth Day is just around the corner as the month of April is just days away. It’s the time of year when students and community members rally, unite and pledge to help clean up a neighborhood park or two. That’s great, but don’t wait until Earth Day to give back to your community. Volunteer year-round. It’s easy to sign up for a volunteer project when a list is posted at your local church or school, but what about when there is no invitation? The St. Joseph Park Board is seeking volunteers to help with improvements to Cloverdale Park. Some of the work includes clean up, the planting of trees and installation of a gazebo. Additional plans are to add weaving walkways to the park. At the last meeting of the park board members earlier this month, board members and city staff said they plan to recruit volunteers to assist with improvements to the neighborhood park. Help the park board out, St. Joseph. This is just one example of an upcoming chance to help out in town. However, volunteerism is a hallmark of the state as a whole. Let this be a reminder to get out and do a little more if you can. Minnesotans take volunteering seriously. There are countless statistics available to support that argument. Here are just a few that confirm just how active one’s neighbor might really be – both here and beyond. Minnesota ranks fourth in states with the highest percentage of volunteers and those doing favors for neighbors, according to data from the Volunteering in America website. Minnesota is also among the top five states for parent volunteers. No surprise. According to data from the Corporation for National and Community Service via the Volunteering in America website, about 1.61 million Minnesota residents volunteered 189.8 million hours of service through or for a nonprofit or community organization in 2010. Also in 2010, about 11.4 percent of Minnesotans volunteered informally, totaling about 469,020 people hours. Use of the word “informally” notes people are choosing to give back in some way on their own and not through a specific organization. Between the years of 2008-10, on average there were about 15 million volunteers statewide. Data shows the whole concept of “Minnesota Nice” is not a figment of one’s imagination but is part of the fabric that makes a Minnesotan. Volunteering is not a new concept in St. Joseph. Countless volunteers make major community events happen like the Fourth of July Parish Festival, the Joetown Rocks concert and the annual Christmas tree-lighting event. It’s all familiar territory, but we should try to make time to do more.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

OK, spring you can come anytime now Spring, you can come anytime now. Really. I’m thinking spring hasn’t settled in because we’re getting payback from the light winter we had last year. And you know it’s bad when people who were born and raised here start saying things like, “Winter has never seemed this long,” or “The last time I can remember a March with this much snow on the ground, I was a kid.” This winter has broken several records already, and the amount of snow cover we have at this month’s end is sure to set another. While signs of spring include more sunlight and warmer days with rain rather than snow, this year that was not the case. March 20 was the first official day of spring. That might have been the date on the calendar, but one couldn’t tell when walking outside. It felt more like Jan. 20. The temperature was a whopping 11 degrees below zero with a windchill that made it feel colder than it already was.

TaLeiza Calloway Reporter I know this weather is true to Minnesota form when it comes to what can be expected during winter. I also know that complaining gets you nowhere, but I think the winter we’ve had – and unfortunately are still having – has run its course. Enough is enough. We deserve a real spring. I think we’ve earned it this year. Maybe that’s just me. As someone who has lived here for four years, I should be used to the winters here. But I am a greenhorn. The way I know I’ve adjusted to the cold is when I start to sound like the true Minnesotans who grew up here, who own fishhouses and don’t wear longjohns even when it’s 10 degrees outside. I wish I was that

brave. I really knew I was used to the cold when I walked outside recently and was glad to see is was 29 degrees. That 29-degree day felt like 50 degrees after a string of days with freezing temperatures. I think the most frustrating feature of the winter is its inconsistency. One day it will be 30 degrees, and the next day it’s below zero. When the rest of the world is boasting spring’s arrival, I wish we Minnesotans could do the same on March 20 or at least by March 22. Maybe that’s what makes this state so interesting. We never really know when spring will come so when it does it’s more appreciated. After all, by the time it comes we’ve been waiting a brutal four months for it to arrive. The upside to the lingering cold is it gives us something to look forward to. Well, here’s my formal invitation: “Dear spring, come on down! We’ve patiently waited for you and would like a break from the white stuff. Love, TaLeiza.”

‘Bridges help people cross rivers’ Did you know Lady Diana was still alive before she died? I didn’t, either. Not until the other day, when I saw a headline that stated: Diana was still alive hours before she died Shocking. Just imagine – alive, then dead. That’s one of many headlines a news colleague emailed me last week. In the email attachment, there are about two dozen headlines that have been photographed from a variety of newspapers. I have to wonder, though, if some are hoaxes because a few are so obscene and/or just plain dumb I cannot imagine how any headline writer could have written them – even in haste – without knowing how “bad” they are. It’s hard to imagine how such headlines could have escaped the eagle-eyed attention of a proofreader, unless the proofreader called in sick that day. However, I know all too well how “blooper” headlines can happen. During a hectic day, when a newspaper staff is scrambling under deadline pressure to put together a paper for publication, the hurried last-minute writing of some headlines can lead to awful mistakes. It can happen within hastily written stories, too. My own most regrettable blooper is: “Adolescence is the confusing corridor that leads from childhood to adultery.” When I read goofy headlines, I laugh, but then I cringe, knowing first-hand how easily they can happen. Here are some of the other “bloopers” sent to me, with my parenthetical reactions: Barbershop singers bring joy to school for deaf

Dennis Dalman Editor (Those singers must have been awfully good-looking.) Missippi’s literacy program shows improvement (So does Minsota’s, I’m told) Hospitals resort to hiring doctors. Physician shortage prompts move, administrators say (Good grief, what next?! Will they soon be hiring paroled killers?) New sick policy requires 20-day notice (You feel a sneeze coming on, you better call the boss quick.) Bugs flying around with wings are flying bugs (You don’t say! I kept wondering what the heck those buzzing pests were.) Worker suffers leg pain after crane drops 800-pound ball on his head (Poor guy. Anatomically challenged, apparently.) Bridges help people cross rivers (Oh, that’s so good to know. Now I can leave my swim trunks at home.) Man accused of killing lawyer receives new attorney (Sure hope that man likes attorneys better than lawyers.) Police arrest everyone on Feb. 22 (Not me they didn’t. On that day, I was hiding under the bed.) Starvation can lead to health hazards (You can say that again. Just try my

new no-fat, no-salt diet once. It’s killing me.) Total lunar eclipse will be broadcast live on Northwoods Public Radio (Can’t wait. I’ve always wanted to hear a total eclipse. It’s probably really loud.) Miracle cure kills fifth patient (Always, always ask, before any kind of cure, miracle or not, “Hey, doc, am I your sixth patient?”) Marijuana issue sent to a joint committee (I bet those legislators had a high old time that day.) Statistics show teen pregnancy drops off significantly after age 25 (Well, duh! That’s not surprising. It’s because teens older than 25 tend to be more responsible about birth control.) Homeless survive winter: now what? (Here’s what: They might have to survive summer, too – like the hot, humid, hellish summer we all had to survive last year.) Homicide victims rarely talk to police (I don’t blame them. When I’m dead I’m going to keep my mouth shut. Can’t believe some goners have the gall to keep talking, especially to police.) Federal agents raid gun shop, find weapons (Yup, smart agents. That’s a good place to start looking for weapons.) Parents keep kids home to protest school closure (Those moms and dads finally have their thinking caps on. Now the kids won’t have to hang around on the playground all day, hungry and cold, waiting for the school to open.)

Send it to: The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374

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St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, March 29, 2013

Community Calendar

Monday, April 1 Sartell Superstars 4H club meeting, 7 p.m. Contact Kris at 320-828-1121. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. 1-800-RED CROSS or

Tuesday, April 2 55+ driver improvement (fourhour refresher course), 5-9 p.m., Apollo High School, 1000 44th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-888-234-1294. Blood drive, 1-6 p.m., Atonement Lutheran Church, 1144 29th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-800-RED CROSS or Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. 1-800-RED CROSS or Wednesday, April 3 Healthy Eating for Successful


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Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail-order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75% on all your medication needs. Call today. 1-800-406-9568 for $10 off your first prescription and free shipping. (MFPA)

Living, 9-11:30 a.m., today and April 10, 17, 24, May 1 and 8, Coborn’s Superstore Learning Center, 110 1st St., Sauk Rapids. 320-2294591. St. Joseph Area Historical Society, 7 p.m., Old City Hall, St. Joseph. www.stjosephhistoricalmn. org. Health and Fitness Fair, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. Thursday, April 4 St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-363-7201. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. 1-800RED CROSS or Friday, April 5 St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran

Church, Fellowship Hall, 610 North County Road 2, St. Joseph. www. Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. 1-800-RED CROSS or Saturday, April 6 Maple Syrup Fests, 1-4 p.m., St. John’s Arboretum. Registration is near St. John’s Prep School. 320363-3163 or Project ASTRIDE volunteer training, 9 a.m., Avon Hills Paints and Quarter Horses in Avon. www. 320-468-2524. State Basketball free-throw competition, sponsored by Knights of Columbus, 9 a.m., Cathedral High School gym, 312 7th Ave N, St Cloud. 320-333-1598.




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Freelancers sought

The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to


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Motorcycle rider training schedule now available online Motorcycle rider training courses are available for new and experienced riders April-October. The Office of Traffic Safety is investing federal grants totaling more than $7 million to 317 law enforcement agencies and community partner groups for enforcement and education campaigns. With the rise in the number of rider fatalities in 2012, rider training is a critical and potentially life-saving option.


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“Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 13 Cockatiels - 2

Puppies - 2 Rabbits - 2

Cats - 23 Guinea Pig - 1

Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302


Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.



Mary Kay Cosmetics Joyce Barnes St. Joseph 320-251-8989

Barbara G. Backes, M.S., LPC, P.A. Marriage, Family & Individual St. Cloud 320-420-6195



Dr. Jerry Wetterling 103 N. College Ave. St. Joseph 320-363-4573

CHURCHES Gateway Church - St. Joseph Easter Services: Saturday at 6 p.m., Sunday at 10 a.m. Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday, 7 p.m. Wednesday, 6 p.m. Saturday

106 2nd Ave. NW • 320-282-2262 Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11 a.m. WoW! (Worship on Wednesday) 6:30 p.m.

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The March Madness college basketball tournament sure brings excitement for sports enthusiasts this time of year- but not everyone is cheering for Duke University. We are fans of our own “Duke,” the two-year-old German shorthaired pointer. Duke is at TCHS because his previous owner had to move. Duke may not be a basketball star, but he stands taller than your typical pointer. He recognizes the words treat and toys and gets very excited when he hears those words. Duke is neutered, house-trained and eager to please whoever his new people will be.

Resurrection Lutheran, ELCA

Mattress Outlet

New and experienced riders can benefit from a wide range of affordable training courses to earn a motorcycle license, build and hone crash-avoidance skills, learn bike maintenance and more. Training is available at 30 MnSCU sites across Minnesota April through October. For more information, visit

610 N. CR 2 St. Joseph 320-363-4232 St. Joseph Catholic Church Masses: Tuesday-Friday 8 a.m. Saturday 5 p.m. Sunday 8 and 10 a.m.

320-363-7505 St. Joseph

Michael F. Contardo D.D.S. 26 2nd Ave. NW St. Joseph 320-363-4468 Drs. Styles, Cotton & Milbert 1514 E. Minnesota St., Box 607 St. Joseph 320-363-7729

DESKTOP PUBLISHING Von Meyer Publishing 32 1st Ave. NW St. Joseph 320-363-7741

EYECARE Russell Eyecare & Associates 15 E. Minnesota St., Ste. 107 St. Joseph 320-433-4326

PLUMBING & HEATING Metro Plumbing & Heating 545 8th Ave. NE St. Joseph 320-363-7761


Quilters from front page In the last seven years, the women have donated 175 quilts for various causes. They include the People’s Church in Bemidji, Anna Marie’s Alliance in St. Cloud, Lutheran World Relief in Minneapolis and Habitat for Humanity. Most of the materials used are donated, and sometimes they host fundraisers to get additional supplies. Chovan said they sometimes plan shop hops to go buy supplies together. Eloise Westby is the group’s historian. Westby, who lives in Cold Spring, said when the ladies first started to meet, they used traditional quilt patterns but have evolved over time. “We’ve gotten fancier,” Westby said with a smile. This growth could be seen on a recent Wednesday as

Lyme from page 5 causes problems, partly because the bacteria seems to go dormant or unnoticed in the body (it can mimic and change), then bursts forth with a vengeance. The bad news is deer-tick bites can cause co-infections, making an accurate diagnosis of Lyme disease very difficult. Often victims are misdiagnosed as having multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, Crohn’s disease, HIV and other auto-immune or degenerative diseases. Lyme disease symptoms can include headaches, aching muscles, fatigue and unexplainable depression. At its worst, it can also cause memory loss, facial palsy, cognitive impairment, panic attacks, anxiety disorder and even delusional behavior. However, people suffering one or more of such symptoms should not assume automatically they

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, March 29, 2013

the women worked on a quilt made from strips of cloth with varying designs and color. The quilt was being made on behalf of the Heritage Quilters for the Eagle’s Healing Nest in Sauk Centre, a place that offers support for veterans. Westby is also a member of the Heritage Quilters group, she said. Often, the women bring personal projects or team up on group efforts. On that same Wednesday, some of the quilters also worked on fleece blankets to be given to graduating seniors of the church, an annual tradition. Cindy Klocker of St. Joseph likes the gesture of the blankets. “It’s just a nice remembrance for our students who are graduating,” Klocker said. She said she has quilted for years but has learned a lot about sewing from the weekly gatherings. St. Joseph resident Kay Reardon makes a point not to miss out on Wednes-

days. She says she works so sometimes she comes dressed for work so she can quilt first before going to her job. “I really like coming here,” Reardon said. Her fellow quilters share her feelings. Whether it’s sharing stories about recent trips, family or a newly discovered quilting pattern, every Wednesday the fellowship hall at Resurrection Lutheran Church turns into a living-room setting filled with friends. Nancy Holy of St. Cloud joined the quilting group shortly after it got started in 2006. She says it’s like a day out for her. “I look forward to Wednes- photo by TaLeiza Calloway days,” Holy said. “It’s just nice Cindy Klocker of St. Joseph cuts cloth March 20 for a fleece to get together. We have a lot blanket at Resurrection Lutheran Church in St. Joseph. The of fun.” women make quilts in support of different causes. Rene Krueger of Waite Park has been sewing her whole life, “I like the camaraderie,” that’s what Wednesdays are so the weekly quilting group is Krueger said. all about. familiar territory. From 9 a.m. Bonnie Kabe also likes the “You become friends,” Kabe to noon on Wednesdays she is camaraderie that comes from said. “That’s the best part.” in her element. the weekly gatherings. For her

have Lyme disease. Usually Lyme symptoms appear in about two weeks after exposure, but in some instances, the symptoms don’t appear until long after the tick infection, in some cases months or even years. An almost certain symptom of the start of a Lyme disease infection is a red-rash “bulls-eye” ring around the spot where the tick fed on the skin. But such a rash is not always present in a Lyme infection so it’s important for people to take precautions and search for the tiny ticks on the entire body. Dogs should also be examined carefully as soon as they enter the house after playing in a wooded, weedy or grassy area. Special attention should be paid to the dog’s face, nose, neck and ears. In rare cases, Lyme disease has been known to kill dogs and people, but such cases are exceedingly rare. Controversy Most doctors and researchers tend to dismiss the idea of “long-

term chronic Lyme disease,” and most won’t treat it with ongoing regimens of antibiotics as such treatments can prove toxic. The Lyme disease controversy rages on in medical literature, causing disagreements among doctors, researchers, patients and insurance companies. For a number of reasons, including the devious, ever-changing bacteria, making a 100-percent certain Lyme disease diagnosis can be very difficult, if not impossible. According to the National Center for Disease Control, anywhere from 10-20 percent of people with Lyme disease will

develop later symptoms after their initial antibiotic treatments. Guard against it The best way to avoid Lyme disease is to be very aware of the ticks that cause it and their environment. Always wear, if possible, light-colored clothing when in a woody, grassy or weedy area. That includes long pants tucked into boots, preferably, long-sleeved shirts and a hat. The light-colored clothing makes the tiny brownish ticks easier to spot. Use a good tick spray or lotion that contains an ingredient named DEET. Always be sure to check pets

(especially dogs) when they come into the home after being outside. Also make sure to check for ticks on children’s bodies, preferably when bathing them right after coming into the home from playing outside. If a tick is found, place it in a plastic bag, then seal it. If a person shows any symptoms, meet with a doctor immediately and bring the bagged tick along. Note: Information for the story above came from a variety of news sources, including the Mayo Clinic website, the Center for Disease Control and other medical-information sites.

CMCU Summer Job Fair

Stop by the Melrose branch on April 1st between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. for on-site interviews and to learn more about the positions. Be sure to bring your resume/application!

Teller (Temporary) Melrose, Albany, Paynesville, Sauk Centre, Long Prairie Temporary Full-Time summer positions available. Greets and assists members in a timely, accurate and courteous manner and maintains a cash drawer. High School Diploma or equivalent; or pursuing a High School Diploma. Six months customer service experience. Hours include Friday evenings and Saturday mornings on a rotating basis.

Call Center Representative (Temporary) St. Joseph Temporary positions available starting immediately with flexible hours increasing to 30-40 hours per week during the summer. Responsible for assisting Credit Union members over the telephone. Responds to member inquiries and directs phone calls to the appropriate areas as needed. High School Diploma or equivalent. Post-high-school coursework in a business-related area preferred. Six months previous experience in banking or call center preferred; or equivalent. Hours include Friday evenings and Saturday mornings on a rotating basis.

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