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Groundbreaking ceremony held Town Crier for Army Reserve center Friday, April 12, 2013 Volume 24, Issue 15 Est. 1989

MN Street Market holds membership drive

It’s a great time to become a member of Minnesota Street Market Food and Art Cooperative in downtown St. Joseph. The Market launches its membership drive from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, April 13. Join us for food samples, specials and free reusable bags. New members receive a coupon for 15-percent off. All members can receive a coupon for 15-percent off on purchases of $35 or more. Five-dollar credit to current members for member referrals.

Earth Day Run April 19-20

Central Minnesota’s largest running event returns with the April 19-20 Earth Day Run. About 4,500 runners, spectators and volunteers are expected to participate. For more information, visit and click on Criers.

International Spring Festival

The annual International Spring Festival will show how people share common experiences in family, workplace and religious settings across cultures from 5-7 p.m. Saturday, April 13 at St. Cloud State University’s Atwood Memorial Center Ballroom. The event, “From Sunrise to Sunset,” is hosted by the International Students’ Association. The public is invited to experience music, performances and tasty cuisine from around the globe. Tickets may be purchased at the event.

Help homeless students

St. Cloud School District 742 and the Southside Boys and Girls Club are piloting a two-month afterschool tutoring program for homeless students from Talahi School. Responsibilities include helping students who are facing homelessness and need academic support. Students will be kindergarten through 5th-grade at the Southside Boys and Girls Club. Volunteers will receive instructional materials and coordination from a District 742 teacher. Volunteers are asked to commit to one or two shifts per week for the duration of the program, April through early June. For more information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit and click on Criers.

Tax forms unavailable at GRRL after 2013

Preprinted income tax forms will not be available at Great River Regional Library locations after this current tax season. The library has made tax forms available at each of its 32 locations in Central Minnesota for many years, but has found the process increasingly burdensome. Beginning in 2014, library staff will provide assistance in locating the IRS and Minnesota Department of Revenue sites online and taxpayers will be able to use library computers to print forms they need, but the library will not provide preprinted tax forms. For more information, visit and click on Criers.

by Cori Hilsgen

Lt. Col. Francis Court of St. Joseph has waited a long time for a new Army Reserve center. On April 5, he was a part of the gold-plated shovel ground-breaking ceremony for a new center. The new facility is scheduled to be built on 10 acres of land located along Hwy. 75. Funding for the $11.8 million project was received in 2012, and soldiers are expected to move into the center in late 2014 or early 2015. Plans for the center include 40,000 square feet of administrative and educational office space, a learning center, library, assembly hall, weapons simulator, fitness area, along with another 1,200 square feet of storage area for military and private vehicles. The current facility, located in St. Cloud, does not have enough space for units to meet their mission requirements. The new facility will provide the needed space. Speakers for the opening ceremony included Army Major Gen. Karen LeDoux of the 88th Regional Army Reserve Support Command of Fort McCoy, Wis. LeDoux, a two-star general, spoke about how important it is to have appropriately sized facilities that support the unit’s mission here in St. Joseph. “Our facilities are our homes for our Army families,” LeDoux said. “Their reserve center is their family-reunion location where they come together to form units to improve their readiness and to improve their training, but importantly also to form

photos by Cori Hilsgen

Above: Distinguished guests and members of St. Joseph put on hard hats and vests and picked up gold-plated shovels for the ground-breaking ceremony of a new Army Reserve center and storage building. Pictured (left to right) are Harry Sieben, civilian aide to the Secretary of the Army; Mayor Rick Schultz; Karen Miller, representative to Congresswoman Michele Bachmann; Army Maj. Gen. Karen LeDoux; Paul Monteen, state chair employer support to the Guard and Reserves; Col. Tom Haugo, Lt. Col. Francis Court, Col. James Lundell and Lt. Col. Eric Larson. At right: Lt. Col. Eric Larson, commander of the 367th Engineer Battalion, spoke about the process of acquiring the new center and thanked St. Joseph residents for their support.

that important link with the community. Our soldiers are citizen soldiers. They are members of the military, but they are also members of the community. That is a unique relationship that we have in the Army Reserve.” LeDoux said the new cenCenter • page 4

Mayor solicits funds for community center by TaLeiza Calloway

Plans to construct a community center in St. Joseph gained more visibility after St. Joseph Mayor Rick Schultz shared the city’s vision with a state Senate panel recently. That was the goal, he told elected officials. “This is the first time the For additional criers, visit www.thecity has gone through the and click on Criers.

ing process,” Schultz said. “This was the first step. I wanted to get some visibility on what we’re trying to do.” Schultz testified April 4 at a legislative hearing for a bill that would provide $1.5 million in state bonding funds to help build a community center near the Lake Wobegon Trail Head. The mayor told elected officials he’s been working for the

last few months with State Sen. Michelle Fischbach (R-Paynesville) on the bill. St. Joseph is in her district. The estimated cost to construct the community center is $2.5 million with a portion of that being covered by local half-cent sales tax, local fundraising and city financing, according to city documents. The cost includes land acquisition. The community center is

projected to be a single-story, 28,100-square-foot building of meeting and activity space. A second phase of the project could include the addition of a government center. The government center would be adjacent to the community center. The existing city hall was built in 1979 as a bank building and converted to a city hall in Mayor • page 3

St. Joseph Newsleader •



contributed photo

Post 328 American Legion members Gary Kraft (left) and Fran Court (right) were recently recognized for 26 consecutive years of membership growth, an all-time high in membership. Presenting the certificate of recognition is American Legion National Commander James Koutz (center). Kraft is the Children and Youth Director and Court is the Post membership chairman.

Koo earns award at Math Meet A St. John’s Prep School senior, Minjun Koo, earned a second-place award at the 46th annual Math Meet April 4 at St. Cloud State University. In her category, a student from Mounds View High School (Arden Hills) placed first, and another student, also from Mounds View, placed third. More than 2,000 students

from 46 schools throughout Minnesota, grades seven through 12, competed in the event. Area schools that also earned honors at the Math Meet are Sartell Middle School, St. Cloud Tech and St. Cloud Cathedral. Mounds View High School won the most awards, both individual and team, at the event.

If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.

arrested for DWI. Transported to Stearns County jail. 3:53 p.m. Harassment. Baker Street E. Female complained of receiving more than 160 text messages from an ex-boyfriend during the month. Officer advised female to save text messages. Also advised her to ignore messages, get a new number or pursue a harassment restraining order against the ex-boyfriend. No threats made. 6:01 p.m. Vandalism. Cedar Street E. Apartment manager called for a police report of a glass door that was vandalized. The door was spray painted sometime between 5-6 p.m.

March 28 6:44 p.m. Car accident. Minnesota Street W and 1st Avenue W. Female driver was trying to get out of her parking space and was hit by male driver. No injuries reported. March 30 1: 2 p.m. DWI. CR 75 and College Avenue S. Officer stopped vehicle going 79 mph in a 60-mph zone. Tested and

March 31 9:45 a.m. Welfare check. 1st Avenue NW. Officer assisted with welfare check of male who had lost his telephone. Male called his father in the presence of officer.

CMAB/McKnight artist awards go to nine local artists Nine CMAB/McKnight Individual Artist Award recipients were recently announced. A panel of six professional artists volunteered more than 29 hours reviewing applications and art samples before making a recommendation to the CMAB board of directors who accepted the panel recommendations at their March 13 board meeting. The IAA program awards outstanding artists in the region who have demonstrated prominent artistic achievement. The $5,000 Established Artist Award is designed for artists with a history of exhibition, performances, publications or other notable contributions to their local arts community through personal creative output. The $3,000 Emerging Artist Awards recognize and encourage outstanding artists in various stages of their careers. Established Artist Award recipients were Mary Bruno, St. Joseph, letterpress printer; and Douglas Wood, Sartell, author of children and adult books. Emerging Artist Award recipients included the following: J.D. Jorgenson, St. Joseph, wood-fired ceramics; Stephen Zapf, Sauk Rapids, wood-strip canoes; David Paul Lange, O.S.B., Collegeville, figurative sculptures; Dan Mondloch, St. Cloud, water-media landscape


6:11 p.m. Assist. Elm Street E. Male called about a wire sticking out of the ground at his residence. Officer called power company and waited for arrival. April 1 1:13 p.m. Garbage complaint. College Avenue S. Complaint of large amount of garbage in and around apartment dumpsters. Spoke to owner and letter was sent. April 2 2:47 p.m. Suspicious activity. 1st Avenue NW and Elm Street W. Complaint of a male chasing a female. Officer checked the area with negative contact. April 3 6:25 p.m. Welfare check. Baker Street E. Report of intoxicated female outside with her child. Female’s mother picked up child to watch for the next

paintings; Glenn Quist, Elk River, acrylic paintings; Andrea Fedele, St. Cloud, oboe musician; and Kao Lee Thao, St. Cloud, vinyl and ink paintings. For more information and to view samples of the artist’s work online, visit the Central Minnesota Arts Board website at ing. CMAB awards Artist In Residency Grants to area schools The Central Minnesota Arts Board, at its March meeting, awarded four Artist In Residency Grants totaling $11,832. Kennedy Community School received $2,970 for “Transformations for Kids.” Artist David DeBlieck will work with Kennedy fourth-grade teachers to improve student proficiency and attitude in math and dance while reducing performance anxiety in both. Teachers and artist will both expand teaching strategies in their work together including kinesthetic activities to address a broader range of learners. Artist in Residencies provide financial assistance to schools and nonprofit organizations to expose students to a unique arts experience that ties into a lesson plan or curriculum. The intention is to increase interaction between students, community members and professional artists. Resident artists are chosen on

few days. Officer called Social Services and started a file with them. April 4 00:55 a.m. Unwanted person. Minnesota Street W. Complaint of intoxicated female who keeps wanting to sit in employee’s lap and was attempting to make advances on him while he was working. They had advised female to leave and she kept trying to get back in. Another female came and took responsibility for the intoxicated female. 5:05 p.m. Suspicious activity. Ridgewood Court. Report of suspicious activity at storage. Vehicle identified by license plate and report was filed. April 5 8:31 a.m. Accident. Elm Street E. A truck and a motorcycle were cutting across a parking lot and collided. The

Friday, April 12, 2013 the basis of their ability to enhance programs and curriculum design and may include visits to professional artists’ studios, performances by professional theatre, dance or musical groups Resident artists are chosen on the basis of their ability to enhance programs and curriculum design and may include visits to professional artists’ studios; performances by professional theatre, dance or musical groups; readings by writers; and visits to art galleries, exhibitions and other locations pertinent to the creation and exhibition of art. Other recipients included Talahi Community Elementary, Discovery Elementary and Foley High School. The CMAB is one of 11 regional art councils in the State of Minnesota with the purpose of supporting and promoting art appreciation throughout region 7W, consisting of Benton, Sherburne, Stearns and Wright counties. 2013 funding for the AIR program was provided through appropriations from the Minnesota State Legislature with money from its arts and cultural heritage fund that was created by a vote of the people of Minnesota on Nov. 4, 2008. For more information about the Central Minnesota Arts Board grant opportunities and services go to or call the office at 1-866-345-7140.

motorcycle driver had to lay down his bike and slid part way under the truck. The motorcycle driver had some road rash but no other injuries. A witness stated the motorcycle driver was driving too fast. An accident sheet was filled out and given to both parties. Minor damage to the bike and a reported scratch on the truck. 8:34 a.m. Medical. 16th Avenue SE. Officer arrived on scene and victim was lying in bed. Staff was with her. Officer stood by until St. Joseph Fire Department and Gold Cross arrived. 4:36 p.m. Harassment. Elm Street E. Female stated male had called her cell and was yelling at her that he was going to sue her. No threats made. Officer advised her to not answer his calls, delete his number and or block it. Also advised her to get a harassment restraining order.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon Editor Dennis Dalman

Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen

The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Contributing Writers TaLeiza Calloway Mark Lauer

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke

Contributing Writer/ Administrative Assistant Cori Hilsgen

Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Friday, April 12, 2013

St. Joseph Newsleader •


City Council approves purchase of iPads by TaLeiza Calloway

The St. Joseph City Council will join the paperless revolution after a recent vote to invest in technology. Elected officials voted April 4 to purchase iPads as part of an effort to save paper and money. The vote was unanimous to trade in paper council packets for digital ones. The city will pay about $2,700 for the transition that includes the cost of the devices and setting up email accounts for elected officials. Copying paper packets and staff time costs between $3,500 and $4,000 per year, according to city documents.

Each council member will be issued an iPad. The change means council-meeting packets will be emailed to each member. Staff is currently working on setting up the email accounts. City Administrator Judy Weyrens told officials packets containing information about the city budget and tax levy will be printed. With the city’s Laserfische system, staff already sees a reduction in paper use, she said. Council member Steve Frank asked about using his personal iPad during the transition and if he’ll have access to city documents that would be available on the city-issued devices. Weyrens said he could use his personal device if he chose to

do so. She also told officials the transition to electronic packets is not a requirement. “Copying the packet is an option,” Weyrens said. “If someone doesn’t want to move forward, they don’t have to. It’s just a matter of getting used to it.” Council member Bob Loso said he would need some training on how to use the iPad and apps city officials would possibly use. The iPads provided to council members are for conducting city business. The devices purchased for officials will have the city’s software downloaded on it so city documents are readily accessible. One iPad will also be purchased for staff use.

The city is one of several area cities to make the electronic conversion. The cities of Sarell, St. Cloud, Sauk Rapids and St. Augusta have also chosen to eliminate paper council

packets. During the meeting, Weyrens told council members the city of St. Augusta spent about $5,000 to purchase laptops for council members.


with city offices on another level – something that could allow for more parking. 3. Leveling the site and finding parking externally, then using the entire site for a one-level shop. The city is working with construction management firm R.A. Morton and architectural firm Hagmeister Mack Architects for the project. Elected officials have not approved any final plans for the community center.

from front page 2000. Options considered in preliminary meetings about a new community/government center include these: 1. Adding onto the existing building. 2. Leveling the site and building a two-story facility with the police department on the bottom or on the main level and

Search for compost space continues by TaLeiza Calloway

Sharing the City of Sartell’s compost site to help keep up with demand in St. Joseph is no longer an option. St. Joseph Public Works Director Terry Thene recently told city council members it would cost about $5,000 to rent land at Sartell’s compost site. “Financially it doesn’t make sense to do it,” Thene said. City officials said they will explore other options and pres-


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ent them to city-council members at a later date. Thene said there is a need for more compost space, hence the investigation into sharing space with Sartell. Residents of St. Joseph Township purchase about 40 permits per year while city residents purchase 600, said Judy Weyrens, St. Joseph city administrator. If the proposal to share space moved forward, staff would spend about three hours every two weeks to maintain compost space in Sartell, she said.

The city’s compost site is open 2-8 p.m. Wednesdays, 4-8 p.m. Fridays and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays. The compost site is open only to city residents and St. Joseph Township residents. Permits can be purchased at St. Joseph City Hall. Additional information can be found on the city’s website: www. The city’s compost site is west of town on Stearns CR 75. The entrance is just east of Millstream Park.

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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Center from front page ter will add additional capability in the event of area disasters, if required. “You are very fortunate to have this new capability here in St. Joseph,” LeDoux said. She said this month also marks 105 years of the Army Reserve of citizen soldiers serving within their community. LeDoux thanked Mayor Rick Schultz and St. Joseph for welcoming the 367th Engineer Battalion and their team

Friday, April 12, 2013

to St. Joseph and for making them feel so warm and welcome. Karen Miller, a representative of State Rep. Michele Bachmann’s office, spoke on behalf of Bachmann and read a statement from her. Miller read from the statement that the new facility will be a wonderful addition to our military, the city of St. Joseph and the great state of Minnesota. She added how it will allow our soldiers to receive the highest training while remaining close to the central Minnesota communities. Miller read from Bachmann’s statement that said

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Distinguished guests sat for opening ground-breaking ceremony remarks for a new Army Reserve center and storage building scheduled to be built in St. Joseph. Pictured (from left to right) Col. James Lundell, Lt. Col. Francis Court, Col. Thomas Haugo, Army Maj. Gen. Karen LeDoux, Karen Miller and Lt. Col. Eric Larson.

Downtown St. Cloud

St. Joseph


photos by Cori Hilsgen





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the unit is part of the greatest military force in the world and on behalf of the sixth district and Bachmann herself thanked the soldiers for keeping America safe. Mayor Schultz said St. Joseph will welcome the facility and work with people in any way they can so building the facility proceeds without any trouble. “The center addresses the need for continually improving our military readiness,” Schultz said. “Congratulations on this milestone. St. Joseph welcomes you, and if there is anything we can do to make this transition smooth, or any assistance you need, call. As it goes forward, I hope to be around for the ribbon cutting, as well.” Lt. Col. Eric Larson, commander of the 367th Engineer Battalion, spoke of the history and the process of acquiring the new center. “What a wonderful facility it is here to be able to maintain our equipment and to be able to make sure we in the Army Reserve are prepared to go,” Larson said. “When Army Maj. Gen. Karen LeDoux of the 88th Regional Army we moved to this area (with Reserve Support Command of Fort McCoy, Wis. spoke at the the storage facility) we were ground-breaking ceremony. welcomed with absolute open arms in the community. We felt very much more wel- served and honored us with and other complications. The comed than you could be- your support during these St. Joseph location was selieve. The battalion sustained deployments and the trying lected after 13 other sites had two deployments in that time, times we had,” Larson said. been rejected. He was the civilian staff one to Afghanistan and one “I thank you all, I thank to Iraq.” you for being here and the supervisory administrator for Larson talked about how support of getting the facility the Army Reserve’s 409th Inovercrowded the present fa- and the support you all have fantry Battalion of St. Cloud cility is and how it will be “a shown our Army and Army years ago at the time an offidelightful treat” to have the Reserve throughout the years cial search for an armory site began. facilities and capabilities to and into the future.” Court supervised 33 fullbe able to do their mission Court said an armory was and to serve their cities and scheduled to be built in St. time personnel (active milineighbors. Joseph as far back as 1989 tary and civilian) working in “We are here to serve but has been put on hold sev- the cities of Walker, Fergus the community as you have eral times because of funding Falls, Marshall, Paynesville,

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, April 12, 2013


Mayor Rick Schultz welcomed the 367th Engineer Battalion and their team to St. Joseph.

Lt. Col. Francis Court, a St. Joseph resident, listened to opening remarks for the ground- breaking ceremony. Court said the center has been put on hold several times in the past because of lack of funding and other complications.

Cambridge and St. Cloud. He was given the additional assignment to find property for an Army Reserve Armory site. Court served simultane-

ously in a military Army Reserve capacity for units in St. Cloud, Fort Snelling and Fort McCoy, Wis. His final military assignment before retiring was as commander of the 409th

Infantry Battalion. Court sat with other distinguished members such as Cols. James Lundell and Thomas Haugo, all retired Army, for the opening ceremony. Lundell and Haugo currently serve as Army Reserve ambassadors and represent the Army Reserve at various military events and functions. Court worked with both men while he was active. People who moved to the ground-breaking area to pick up gold-plated shovels to help break ground on the new facility included ceremony speakers Court, Lundell, Haugo and Harry Sieben, who is the Minnesota civilian aide to the Secretary of the Army. Sieben reports directly to the Secretary of the Army on all defense and soldier issues for the state. Also included was Paul Monteen, employer support to the Guard and Reserves, who is the state chairman and who recognizes employers for their support of deployed soldiers.

Ask a Trooper

Could you explain the zipper merge? by Sgt. Jesse Grabow Minnesota State Patrol

Q: Could you explain the zipper merge for merging into construction zones in Minnesota? Is it law or just a rule of thumb? The Minnesota Department of Transportation website explains some of this, but leaves out some information. Also, I have tried using the zipper merge many times. It seems hardly anyone else on the road knows about it. While doing it, I seem to irritate many other drivers who have merged into the open lane way before the actual merge, even to the point of being blocked from proceeding in the lane that’s about to close. If another driver intentionally blocks a lane, isn’t that impeding traffic? What are the fines for impeding traffic? A: The “zipper merge” is a Department of Transportation idea. It’s not necessarily law, but it is “within” the applicable laws for that situation and it’s more than just a “rule of thumb.” It’s what we’re teaching drivers in all class formats, for example, driver

education, defensive driving and more. This came about several years ago and is getting a lot more attention as years of education and experience come to fruition. More and more people are finding out about it all the time and it will get better as time goes on. Hopefully this will help, especially with road-construction season beginning. As an example, if you are driving in the right lane on a four-lane highway and you see a “left-lane closed ahead” sign, be prepared to allow those vehicle in the left lane to come over into the right lane. Keep in mind the left lane is open until it’s actually closed. That means vehicles can legally stay in that left lane until they reach the spot where there are barrels, barricades and usually a “merge here” type of sign. Then, the left- and right-lane vehicle drivers should take turns getting through that merge spot, in a “zipper” type format. This is what we all need to do to prevent road rage and to make traffic flow smoother even if you

don’t agree with it. Some people have argued it slows down traffic more than just letting everyone fend for themselves and we should make everyone get into the right lane sooner (in that example). Studies show the “zipper merge” works the best to keep traffic flowing, especially when there is a lot of traffic. The “zipper merge” also helps prevent road rage from drivers who intentionally go slow in the lane that is closing, and blocking other drivers from passing or getting through. That is against the law. Lane blocking or impeding traffic fines are approximately $139 and the offense goes on your driving record. We are watching out for lane blockers in all situations. If you have any questions concerning traffic-related laws or issues in Minnesota, send your questions to Trp. Jesse Grabow – Minnesota State Patrol at 1000 Hwy. 10 W., Detroit Lakes, MN 56501-2205 or follow him on Twitter @MSPPIO_NW or reach him at,


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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, April 12, 2013


Our View

Support old, new city traditions

There’s nothing like a good comeback. That second time around might be just what was needed to revive an event or start a new tradition. Well, the St. Joseph Park Board is in comeback mode and it should be commended for it. While lack of funding of projects and not having enough volunteers are easy deterrents in moving projects forward, this city board is forging ahead with new ideas to bring people together. The most recent idea executed by the board was the introduction of Joetown Snowtown, a winter event that featured ice skating, sledding, snowshoeing and chili tasting. The event was held in February. Despite low attendance, park board members plan to do it again next year and make it even better, officials said. They view it as a learning experience and not a total flop. City traditions are what shape a place and its people. Whether old or new, they are worth the investment and the park board understands that. They should not stand alone in their efforts. As city officials work to collaborate to make St. Joseph a destination point, more consideration should be given as to how to support the comeback of city traditions and how to contribute to the success of new ones. Members of the park board are also working on bringing back a 5K event in St. Joseph. They hope to host the event during the weekend of the annual Millstream Arts Festival, typically the last Sunday in September. It’s been about three or four years since the city has hosted the 5K event. Why not bring it back? There are so many events for which St. Joseph is known. Signature events include the Fourth of July Parish Festival and the Joetown Rocks concert, the annual Millstream Arts Festival and the holiday tree-lighting ceremony. All of those events are popular with people far and wide but are associated with St. Joseph simply because they are held within its city limits. That’s fine, but there are few events that are solely sponsored by the city. Maintenance of events like Joetown Snowtown and the revival of the 5k event is one way to change that. These efforts deserve support.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Secret-service appointment is sign of progress It’s safe to say there have been a lot of “firsts” during the tenure of President Barack Obama. His election is the most notable as the first African-America president. Another first came recently when Obama named the first woman as the head of the secret service. He appointed Julia Pierson as the next director of the U.S. Secret Service on March 27, making her the first woman ever to hold that job. Hooray for progress! I was happy to read about that appointment. It not only shows times are changing but are changing for the better when it comes to gender equality in employment and leadership. The 53-year-old was chosen for her experience rather than her gender. Her 30 years of experience was enough to lead to her promotion. Pierson was named director while she was serving as the chief of staff for the secret service, the agency that, among other things, is expected to protect the president, Vice President Joe Biden, the first family and other designees. She succeeds former Director Mark Sullivan in the post. Sullivan announced his retirement earlier this year follow-

TaLeiza Calloway Reporter ing almost 30 years with the agency and almost seven years of which he was director. All I could say was “Wow!” as I continued to read the newspaper article. I hope other women and girls who learn about this historic feat do the same someday. It should make us all proud. After I read the story I started to think about other women who stand out in leadership roles. I thought about Condoleeza Rice and Hilary Clinton. Rice served as the 66th U.S. Secretary of State and was the first female AfricanAmerican to serve in that post. Rice also served as President George W. Bush’s National Security advisor during his first term, making her the first woman to serve in that position. Clinton is an American politician who was the 67th U.S. Secretary of State from 2009-13, serving under

Obama. She was previously a U.S. senator from New York from 2001-09. These are just two examples in the government sector. But what about the representation of women in other areas? According to the 2012 Catalyst Census, women representation in Fortune 500 business has stagnated in recent years. In 2012, 14 percent of executive officers at Fortune 500 companies were women. Their representation made up 14.1 percent in 2011. During the same year about 16.6 percent of board seats were held by women. In 2011, 16.1 percent of board members were women. Those percentages remained close to the same for the last three years and only increased by a few percentage points since 2009 when women made up 13.5 percent of executive officers and about 15 percent of boards. It’s taken years for women to achieve high-leadership posts so when they do it’s worth noting. I was happy to see Pierson’s accomplishment on the front pages of national and local newspapers. In my opinion, her promotion is definitely worth noting.

Early education investments will place kids on path to success Much has been written about the longterm benefits of high-quality early education and all-day kindergarten, especially for poor children. Research abounds to support investments in young learners as a critical way to close achievement gaps and improve student outcomes. Gov. Mark Dayton’s budget contains significant new investments for both early childhood education and all-day kindergarten, and every sign indicates substantial investments for early learning will be coming out of the legislature as well. Minnesota is home to some of the most compelling research on the high return of investment for early learning – up to $16 for every $1 invested according to former Federal Reserve Chair Art Rolnick. And there’s more: Childdevelopment researchers at the University of North Carolina recently published a study that found low-income students who attended preschool had higher math and reading scores in third grade than their low-income peers who did not. City University of New York conducted a study showing one in six students who can’t read at grade level by third grade will not finish high school by age 19 – nearly four times the rate of their more proficient peers. A study begun in 1962 in Michigan tracked two groups of low-income students – those who attended preschool and those who did not – and found at age 40, participants who attended preschool had attained higher levels of education, earned higher wages, were more likely to own a home and were less likely to have been incarcerated than those who did not attend preschool. Yet, despite the evidence, pockets of opposition continue to question the wis-

Brenda Cassellius MN Commissioner of Education dom of early childhood education. To which I say this: if you want a real life success story that illustrates the potential for high-quality early education to change a life, look at me. I was a Head Start baby. I can personally attest to the value of early learning, not only the early benefits to a poor girl growing up in the projects of south Minneapolis, but the long-term effects on my life. I could easily have ended up in a cycle of poverty and dependence, but I didn’t. Why? For many reasons, including hard work and a little bit of luck, but also because of the early opportunities I received and the parenting support given to my mother, who had my sister at 16 and me at 20. Head Start allowed me to develop school-readiness skills and a love of learning that have lasted a lifetime. I remember the fun of outlining my 4-yearold body on a big sheet of paper and labeling my parts, of watching a celery stalk turn red in a glass full of tinted water, of reading my first book, Harold and the Purple Crayon, and imagining my own dreams for adventure as I drew them with a purple crayon. My best memory, though, is when my teacher would round us up in a circle at the end of the day to touch the tip of her “magic wand” to the top of our heads, and if we were good and had done all of our work, the magic star on the end would light up. Why do these experiences matter now,

nearly four decades later? Because they taught me perhaps preschool’s greatest contribution to a students’ future success; the so-called “soft skills,” which help children learn how to pay attention and stay on task. My earliest teachers shaped me by instilling not only a love of learning, but also the principles of hard work, goodness and perseverance. These qualities cannot be measured by a test, but they matter a great deal in a competitive and diverse global economy and are necessary for success in life. I’ve been lucky. Lucky to be born in the right decade and that my mother had access to resources and support. Lucky to have had great teachers who pushed me to be my best. Lucky that wise Minnesotans who came before me realized a good education for every child was the surest way to strengthen our state’s competitive edge, leading a generation’s War on Poverty and crafting a Minnesota Miracle along the way. But should it come down to luck? The Governor and I believe not. We believe all children deserve access to the same great start I had. Investing now, this year, in our youngest learners – with more scholarships for high-quality earlyeducation programming and increased access to all-day kindergarten – gives us the best chance to fully leverage the potential that lies within every child. We may never be able to fully measure the profound impact early learning has on life success. Or maybe we can. Maybe we’re just waiting for a future education commissioner – a little girl or boy learning and dreaming in a sun-filled classroom today – to show us just how it’s done. Send it to:

The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374

or email us at: Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only).

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, April 12, 2013


Community Calendar Friday, April 12 Knights of Columbus Burger Sale, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW, St. Joseph, 320-363-8834. Saturday, April 13 Spaghetti dinner, sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 84, 4-7:30 p.m., American Legion Post 328, 101 W Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Llama Llama Read to Me with CSB Volleyball Team, 11 a.m.-noon at the Waite Park Library, 253 5th Ave N., Waite Park, Advanced registration required. 320-253-9359. Monday, April 15 55+ driver improvement (eight-hour first-time course), 5:30-9:30 p.m. tonight and April 16, Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. 1-888-234-1294.

St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion, Post 328, 101 W Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. 1-800RED CROSS or redcrossblood. org. Sock Knitting Workshop, 5:30-8 p.m. today and April 22 at the Waite Park Library, 253 5th Ave N. Waite Park, Preregistration required.320-253-9359. Tuesday, April 16 “Lazy Landscaping,” a Master Gardener seminar, 1-2 p.m., Great River Regional Library, 1300 W. St Germain St., St Cloud. 320255-6169. 4-H 4-Paws Dog Project meeting, 6:30 p.m., Midtown Square Mall, 3400 First St. N., Room 218, St. Cloud.

LEgal notICEs CITY OF ST. JOSEPH PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the ing. The council may upon such council will meet at 7 p.m. Thurs- notice consider objection to the day, May 2, 2013 in the City Hall amount of a proposed individual Council Chambers to consider, assessment at an adjourned meetand possibly adopt, the proposed ing upon such further notice to assessment for delinquent city in- the affected property owners, as it voices. Adoption by the council of deems advisable. the proposed assessment may occur at the hearing. An owner may appeal an assessment to district court pursuant to The proposed assessment role Minn. Stat. 429.081 by serving nois on file for public inspection at tice of the appeal upon the mayor the city clerk’s office. The total or clerk within 30 days after the amount of the proposed assess- adoption of the assessment and ment is $2,750.23. Written or oral filing such notice with the district objections will be considered at the court within 10 days after service meeting. No appeal may be taken upon the mayor or clerk. as to the amount of an assessment unless a written objection signed Judy Weyrens by the affected property owner is Administrator filed with the city clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to Publish: April 12, 2013 the presiding officer at the hearCITY OF ST. JOSEPH NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of St. Joseph will meet in the St. Joseph Community Fire Hall, 323 4th Ave NE at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 25, 2013 to consider the making of an improvement on the following streets: Baker Street, from 2nd Avenue SE to 7th Avenue SE; 7th Avenue SE from Baker Street to Minnesota Street E; Ridgewood Court, from Ridgewood Road (CR 134) to the cul-de-sac, approximately 1,100 feet west of Ridgewood Road (CR 134); Cedar Street E, from 1st Avenue NE to Northland Drive; 1st Avenue NE, from Cedar Street to Date Street E; Date Street E, from College Avenue N (CSAH 2) to 1st Avenue NE; Date Street W, from 1st Avenue NW to College Avenue N (CSAH 2); and 1st Avenue NW,


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from CSAH 75 to Date Street W by bituminous overlay, pursuant to Minn. Stat. §§ 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement includes benefiting property in the area described above. The estimated cost of the improvement is $450,000. Additional information on the proposed street improvement project can be viewed on the City’s Home Page, Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Judy Weyrens Administrator Publish: April 12 & April 19, 2013


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Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. Cloud 1-800-RED CROSS or Wednesday, April 17 Ninth-grade Career Conferences, 8:30-11 a.m., Apollo and Tech high schools. 320-202-6892. Thursday, April 18 Chronic Pain Self-management, 9-11:30 a.m., today and April 25, May 2, 9, 16 and 23, Realife Cooperative at Mueller Gardens, 6670 Northwood Lane, St. Cloud. 320-229-4591. iPad Basics, professional development for busy people, noon1 p.m., Resource Training and Solutions, 4150 2nd St. S., Ste. 550, St. Cloud. 320-255-3236. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. Cloud

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1-800-RED CROSS or Fortify your Spine, diagnosis and treatment, 6:30-8 p.m., Windfeldt Room, CentraCare Health Plaza, 1900 CentraCare Circle, St. Cloud. 320-229-5139 or Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-363-7201. “Fiddler on the Roof,” 7 p.m., Sartell High School, 748 7th St. N. Sartell. Friday, April 19 St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall, 610 N. C.R. 2, St. Joseph. “Heart & Soul: Community Journalism in Minnesota,” a First Amendment Forum, 9 a.m.-


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noon and 1:15-3 p.m., Atwood Memorial Center Little Theatre, St. Cloud State University. Blood drive, 8 a,m,-2 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. Cloud 1-800-RED CROSS or “Fiddler on the Roof,” 7 p.m., Sartell High School, 748 7th St. N., Sartell. Saturday, April 20 “Fiddler on the Roof,” 12:30 p.m. and 7 p.m., Sartell High School, 748 7th St. N., Sartell. Scout Expo 2013, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Sartell Middle School North Gym, 627 3rd Ave N, Sartell. 320656-3701. Knights of Columbus Burger Sale, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW, St. Joseph, 320-363-8834.


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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, April 12, 2013

Emergency-responder fashion show set for April 15 by Dennis Dalman

Emergency-response women will strut down the runway, modeling their responder gear, during a fashion show called “Response Couture” from 4-6 p.m. Monday, April 15 in the ballroom near the Gorecki Center on the campus of the College of St. Benedict. If the weather is decent, the event may take place outdoors. “Response Couture” is free and open to anyone. The fashion show is a chance to give women and men information about careers involving emergency response and emergency management. Organizers of “Response

Couture” are members of E M P OW E R- M i n n e s o t a , which means “Emergency Management Professionals for Women’s Enrichment.” One of those members is Jill Luehmann, a Sartell police officer. The purpose of the organization is to let women know there are professional-development opportunities available for careers in emergency response and management. The runway modeling shows will take place at 4:15 p.m. and again at 5:15 p.m. At the fashion show there will be many women from area police departments, fire departments, emergency-management agencies, public health, the American Red Cross, community emergency-response teams

and the Minnesota Responds Medical Reserve Corps. This year, the target group for the event is Girl Scouts of Central Minnesota, as EMPOWER-Minnesota wants to make young girls aware of the potential for rewarding careers in those fields. Rachel Erickson is the emergency-preparedness specialist for the St. Cloud Hospital. As a member of EMPOWER-Minnesota, she serves as logistics and coordinator for events. EMPOWER is a nationwide network of organi-

zations. Its local groups are non-profit. EMPOWER-Minnesota was started three years ago. There are eight core members, each of which has a specific duty in its chain-of-command structure. Erickson said she hopes people of all ages and walks of life come to the “Response Couture” event because there are so many things to learn there. For example, there will be a “rollover simulator” that gives participants a firsthand feel of what it’s like to roll over in a vehicle during

an accident. The professionals at the event will all have equipment on hand, and they will show visitors how they use that equipment in an informal setting. They will also answer any questions visitors may have. There will also be ambulances, fire trucks and other emergency equipment at the event. People don’t have to register; they can show up. They are also welcome to attend part of the show and leave, Erickson noted.

Task force seeks comments from women veterans by Dennis Dalman

A national American Legion task force will take comments from women military veterans at a “Women Veterans Town Hall” meeting from 6-7 p.m. Monday, April 15 at the American Legion Club in Sauk Rapids. Any women veterans in the area are encouraged to attend the meeting to share their thoughts and feelings, both pro and con about medical services they have received. Men veterans may also attend the meeting. What is needed are comments from the veterans about the quality of care they have received from Veterans Administration medical centers, in St. Cloud or elsewhere. The committee gathering testimony is known as the “System Worth Saving Task Force.” It was created in 2003 to evaluate the quality of care at VA facilities throughout the nation. The task force interviews veterans far and wide. After all of the visits and interviews,

the force will compile a detailed report this fall after their visits to 15 cities where there are VA medical centers. After they are through, the conclusions and recommendations will then be shared at the U.S. Congress’s veterans affairs committees and with the president. After the April 15 meeting in Sauk Rapids, the task force will spend time at the St. Cloud Veterans Administration Medical Center interviewing veterans there. The task force goes through that process every year, but this year it will concentrate mainly on the kinds and quality of care women veterans have been receiving. The task force’s ultimate goal is to improve the quality of care for all veterans in the nation. Phil Ringstrom of Sartell is keenly interested in the task force’s work, and he will be present during the meeting in Sauk Rapids. Ringstrom is chairman of the American Legion’s Department of Minnesota Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Committee.

Recently, he returned from Washington, D.C. where he and other Minnesotans were lobbying on behalf of veterans’ needs. There are five veterans on the Rehabilitation Committee, including Ringstrom, two

men and two women from throughout Minnesota. The committee members will join the national task force during its visit to the St. Cloud VA Medical Center April 15. “We’ll be there mainly as observers,” Ringstrom said.

Ringstrom is encouraging women veterans, of whatever age or years of military service, to attend the Sauk Rapids meeting. The Sauk Rapids American Legion is located at 415 Benton Drive N.

Cloverdale upgrades continue by TaLeiza Calloway

Work to spruce up Cloverdale Park could begin as early as June after city council members approved funding for planned improvements. The St. Joseph Park Board voted previously to spend no more than $25,000 on the park improvements. Because the estimated cost of improvements is more than $3,000, the project required council approval. The city council must approve expenditures that exceed $3,000 under the city’s ordinance. Park-board members have established a subcommittee

to oversee the project with St. Joseph Public Works Director Terry Thene leading the project. Thene told officials he has requested help from the Sentence-to-Serve program to help bring down development costs. Upgrades include the addition of a gazebo in the middle of the park, plantings and a weaving walkway around the neighborhood park. The goal is for it to be transformed into a contemplative park. Improvements to Cloverdale Park are part of the city’s master park plan. Created in 2008, the park plan proposed upgrades that include the addition of a gazebo, labyrinth,

a walking trail, granite monuments, landscaping and other site amenities. The estimated cost of the proposed improvements in the 2008 park plan is about $230,000. Park board members scaled down improvements due to the high price tag. The park improvements for Cloverdale are slated to be completed next year. Volunteers are needed to help with the project. Those interested in collaborating with the park board on the Cloverdale project can email board chairman John Anderson at:

www.j lwc h

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