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Newsleader St. Joseph

Friday, April 25, 2014 Volume 25, Issue 17 Est. 1989

Town Crier

Meeting set to discuss proposed government center

A meeting explaining the proposed plans for a new government center for the city of St. Joseph has been scheduled by the city council and city staff at 6 p.m. Monday, April 28 at the St. Joseph Community Fire Hall, 323 4th Ave. NE. The meeting is to provide residents with information regarding the proposed plan and an opportunity for questions and ideas from residents. All residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Freedom concert to be held April 27

A Salute to Freedom concert, a grand musical celebration commemorating the upcoming 70th anniversary of D-Day, will be presented by the Great River Chorale at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 27 at the Paramount Theatre, 913 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. Special guests include the East Central Minnesota Chorale, a civic choir comprised of singers from Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs and Pine counties, and the 34th Infantry Division Red Bull Band based in Rosemount, Minn. More than 130 performers will join together to present Randall Thompson’s seldom-heard masterpiece The Testament of Freedom, a fourmovement work for band and choir based on the writings of Thomas Jefferson. The concert also features patriotic and World War II-era popular music. There will also be an exhibit in the lobby displaying WWII uniforms, artifacts and information, courtesy of the Minnesota Military Museum. For more information, visit www. and click on Criers.

Bunny winners announced

The winners for the Newsleaders’ Bunny Promotion are as follows: Angel’s Touch Massage, Abby Dierkes, St. Joseph; Wenner Cos., Joyce Birk, Kimball; Casey’s General Store, Simon Batterberry, St. Joseph; Local Blend, Rylin Dierkes, St. Joseph; Auto Body 2000, Kennedy Beacom, Big Lake; St. Joseph Meat Market, Nadia Correri, St. Joseph; Avon State Bank, Jack Welle, Freeport; Russell Eyecare, Mike Simon, St. Joseph; Once Upon a Child, Harlee Cleveland, Camby; McDonald’s St. Joseph, Debbie Emery, St. Joseph.

For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.



Postal Patron

Bit by history bug, Court relishes discoveries by Dennis Dalman

One day about three years ago, when Rosie Court walked into the St. Joseph Historical Society’s museum, she became hooked on local history, and it was contagious as a flu bug – a good flu bug. When Darol and Ellie Studer greeted Court, she was bowled over by their friendly welcome and then by their nearly encyclopedic knowledge of and love for local history. Court, who was raised in St. Joseph, stopped at the museum that day because she was researching her father’s years as manager of the St. Joe Baseball team in the Great Soo League in the late 1930s and 1940s. Darol and Ellie Studer were two of the founders of the historical society nearly 15 years ago. “The Studers are a wealth of knowledge and so interesting to converse with,” Court said. “It was amazing how much I learned in that hour. Because of their dedication and commitment I wanted to be part of that

organization to help preserve the history of St. Joe.” After meeting the Studers, Ellie mentioned she was planning to do a tour of the three local cemeteries where some Civil War veterans are buried. Court was pleasantly stunned because she herself had been doing research about Civil War veterans from the St. Joseph area. Since Court had written an essay for the St. Joseph Newsleader about the Dakota Native American conflict in Minnesota in 1862, Ellie suggested she write another essay about Civil War veterans. Court’s essay and Studer’s Civil War cemetery tour will coincide. The tour will take place on Memorial Court • page 4 contributed photo

To most people, hiking in Death Valley doesn’t sound like much fun. Rosie Court, however, hiked all through the Death Valley’s Painted Canyon and was awe-struck by the uniquely beautiful setting. The harsh terrain and extreme temperatures required careful preparation.

Run the world with ‘She’s the First’ 5K at SJP April 26 by Cori Hilsgen

St. John’s Prep High School juniors Sarah Schrup of St. Joseph and Gabrielle Kolb of St. Cloud, along with the SJP “She’s the First” Chapter, will host a 5K contributed photo

St. John’s Prep High School students Sarah Schrup (left) and Gabrielle Kolb held a cupcake bake sale fundraiser earlier this year for “She’s the First” which educates girls in developing nations. They are also hosting a 5k run/walk April 26.

run/walk. It will take place at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 26 on the logging trail behind the Tower Field at the St. John’s Outdoor University, Collegeville. Participants can choose to walk or run the event. The event supports the SJP chapter of the “She’s the First” organization. All proceeds from the event will go toward sponsoring girls’ education in developing countries. “She’s the First” works to educate girls from the middle school years through graduation. The organization sponsors girls’ education and gives many

of them a chance to become the first in their families to graduate from secondary school. Schrup and Kolb are both full International Baccalaureate Diploma Program students at SJP. In order to receive an IB diploma, students are required to organize creativity, action and service projects. The 5K is their CAS project. It’s also the spring semester fundraiser for SJP’s chapter of “She’s the First,” of which Kolb is the president. She established the chapter this past summer, and this is SJP’s first year as Run • page 3

Soldiers walk to raise awareness by Cori Hilsgen

contributed photo

Soldiers continue on their walk past St. Joseph March 29. More than 15 solders walked a 12-hour-trek from Albany to St. Cloud to honor fallen soldiers and to raise awareness about veteran suicide.

More than 15 soldiers walked a 12-hour-trek from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. March 29 to honor fallen soldiers and to raise awareness about veteran suicide. The walkers traveled from the American Legion in Albany to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Granite Post 428 in St. Cloud. Each of the walkers carried a 30- to 50pound backpack during the trek. The walk was part of a national event called “Carry the Fallen” to raise awareness for veterans suffering from post-traumatic Soldiers • page 5


St. Joseph Newsleader •


A clarification is needed for the story about a man going on the Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. (“Borgert plans for Honor Flight” in the April 18 Newsleader). Some readers might have inferred from that story that the Honor Flight program is affiliated with or sponsored by the U.S. Veterans Administration. It is not. The veteran in the story, Eugene Borgert, heard March 26 1:31 p.m. Dog complaint. Ceabout Honor Flight from a woman who happened to work at the St. dar Street E. Complainant stated he opened his girlfriend’s apartment Cloud VA Medical Center. If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at www.tricountycrimestoppers. org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.

Drive Carefully! School is in Session

door and a pit-bull-type dog ran down the hallway growling at him. The dog did not attack or bite. The dog owner stated she yelled at the dog and it came back. She just got the dog and said she would get a license by the end of the week. Officer advised complainant to let management know about the incident because in an apartment it’s not a dog at large and the police can’t do much about it.

Friday, April 25, 2014


2:45 p.m. Ash Street W. Suspicious activity. Received a call of someone drilling out a lock on a door at a home in foreclosure. Officer arrived on scene and met with person who works for a property management company to change locks and take care of foreclosed homes. He showed the officer his paperwork. All OK. March 28 6:30 p.m. Hit and run. CR 75/First Avenue NW. Complainant stated they were traveling eastbound on CR 75 in the south lane. They signaled to move over into the north lane and a truck sped up and sideswiped the vehicle breaking off the driver side mirror. Suspect vehicle described as a green Dodge pickup 2005-2010 continued eastbound. No plate and unknown damage on truck. March 29 2:50 a.m. Phone harassment.

Morningside Loop. Received a call from complainant who stated she was receiving threats over the phone. Officer met with her at her residence. She stated no threats of physical harm were made. Threat was made by her house mate to kick her out of the house. They were drinking in downtown St. Cloud and she and her brother left him there. He showed up in a taxi cab while officer was at the residence. He was advised to find somewhere else to stay for the night and he left in the taxi.

son Street W. Officer met with complainant who stated neighbors were arguing outside but wasn’t sure what about. Spoke with both neighbors involved. Female neighbor stated her doorbell rang and thought her neighbor had done it then ran. Male neighbor stated he didn’t ring her doorbell and was trying to tell her and they began yelling at each other. She also stated his truck is too loud and they were arguing about that as well. Both stated the argument was over and wouldn’t continue.

11:58 p.m. Welfare check. CR 75/ Coborn’s. Report of three juveniles walking on CR 75 by Coborn’s. Officer stopped two females and a male who said they came from Coborn’s. They called a taxi but they said it would be at least 30 minutes until it arrived. They decided to walk back to campus. Everything alright.

April 3 5:36 p.m. Fraud. Cedar Street E. Complainant was attempting to sell a bed on Craig’s List. She was contacted by “Daniel Smith” wishing to purchase the bed. She agreed to sell the bed. “Smith” sent a check for $2,400 advising her to cash the check and send the excess money back. She was advised it was a fraud and not to cash the check. She turned over the check, emails and UPS shipping info. All items had different states for the addresses. She was informed the incident would be documented.

March 30 11:06 a.m. Damage to property. 16th Avenue SE. Complainant called to report his mailbox along with two neighbors mailboxes were damaged overnight. Upon arrival, officer found all three boxes are next to each other. Also found parts which appear to be from the passenger side of a silver vehicle. All mailboxes were damaged. Mailbox value is approximately $50. No suspects. Any leads will be documented at a later time. March 31 10:05 a.m. Vandalism. Minnesota Street E. Front windowpane of Bello Cucina measuring approximately 60 x 80 inches was broken. Officer spoke to employee who had a BB gun pellet saved that was found on the sidewalk outside the business. Estimated approximately $700 for the glass replacement. Pictures were taken of both the window and pellet. Pellet placed into evidence. April 1 9:02 p.m. Neighbor dispute. Iver-

April 4 11:29 p.m. Disorderly. College Avenue S. Responded to the CSB security office on a report of a disorderly male who had calmed down. Male was subsequently arrested for underage consumption. He was booked and released on the underage consumption and cited for underage consumption and disorderly conduct. April 6 9:49 a.m. Trespass. Minnesota Street W. Sometime during the night, someone went on the roof of the priest’s residence and gained entry through the upstairs door. Unknown if it was locked. Nothing was taken but a brown kneehigh boot was left upstairs and a tube of lipstick was left at the bottom of the steps. No forced entry, nothing damaged or taken.

Park Terrace Final assessment hearing May 1 by Cori Hilsgen

St. Joseph City Administrator Judy Weyrens said the council authorized the final assessment hearing for the Park Terrace improvement project to be held



on Thursday, May 1. To view the benefit analysis report recently done by Nagell Appraisal and Consulting Inc. of Plymouth or other information, visit the city website at

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Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen

The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, April 25, 2014


from front page an active chapter. There are nearly 100 chapters throughout the United States. SJP is one of four in Minnesota. “Sarah and I both needed to complete a CAS project, and as the president of our school’s “She’s the First” chapter, I also wanted to organize a 5K fundraiser for the spring semester,” Kolb said. “Our Run the World 5K was the perfect marriage between the two. Sarah and I are also both passionate about supporting girls’ education, and we wanted to do something

meaningful to support a cause we are so inspired by during high school.” Kolb and Schrup hoped to have more than 100 participants at the 5K and raise $1,500. They have met both of those goals. Last semester, SJP’s chapter raised $400 from a November cupcake sale. Kolb said total funds raised from all fundraisers so far this year are about $2,500. The students were able to pay for first-grade student, Tsion T.’s, education in Ethiopia. With the additional funds, they plan to send three more girls to school in Ethiopia. SJP assistant principal Paul Menard said many girls in developing countries aren’t taught

basic sex education or personal-hygiene skills. They often cannot afford books or shoes to attend school. Some of the girls are removed from their homes in eighth grade to attend school, so they are not forced to be the main homemaker for their family at the age of 14. Menard said the girls, because of the “She’s the First” program, not only receive monetary support, but they are also aware other students are supporting them. “They are aware there are young ladies and men who are supporting and communicating the importance of education, and encouraging and supporting the students to continue on their

City of St. Joseph Summary Financial Report For the Year Ended 2013


educational path,” Menard said. Menard said “She’s the First” is an organization that has gained momentum on the national level during the past several years. SJP students said they felt this was an organization that seeks to change the entire culture in developing countries, to give women equal access to education. SJP was able to choose the country, and the organization assigns the students to sponsor. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and the race begins at 9:30 a.m. Because this is a fundraising event, there will be no refunds due to weather cancellation. In case of cancellation, organizers will call the event by 6 a.m.

contributed photo

Through previous fundraising, St. John’s Prep students sponsored first-grade Ethoiopian student Tsion T. and will send emails notifying participants. For more information, visit www.

CITY OF ST. JOSEPH Summary Financial Report For the Year Ended 2013

The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of financial information concerning the City of St. Joseph to interested The complete may be aexamined at theof Cityfinancial Offices, 25 information College Thecitizens. purpose of this financial report statements is to provide summary concerning the City of St. Joseph to interested citizens. The complete Ave N. Questions regarding this report should be directed to Lori Bartlett, finance director, 320-363-7201. may be examined at the City Offices, 25 College Ave N. Questions regarding this report should be directed to Lori Bartlett, finance director, The following summaries are from the General Purpose Financial Statements of the City of St. Joseph The following summaries are from the General Purpose for the year ending Dec. 31, 2013.

Financial Statements of the City of St. Joseph for the year ending Dec. 31, 2013. STATEMENT OF NET POSITION - PROPRIETARY FUNDS As of Dec. 31, 2013

Revenues and Expenditures for General Operations (Governmental Funds)


Taxes Sales Tax Franchise Fees Licenses and Permits Special Assessments Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Fines and Forfeits Miscellaneous

Expenditures: General Government Public Safety Streets and Highways Culture and Recreation Economic Development Capital Outlay Debt Service Interest and Fiscal Charges

Total Revenues Per Capita

Total Expenditures Per Capita Excess of Revenues Under Expenditures

2013 1,759,686 360,902 117,894 97,192 467,496 928,965 472,610 45,439 121,779

2012 1,770,537 314,621 116,668 138,631 730,531 776,313 477,297 62,065 309,371

% Increase (Decrease) (0.61) 14.71 1.05 (29.89) (36.01) 19.66 (0.98) (26.79) (60.64)

4,371,963 659.52

4,696,034 713.79

(6.90) (7.60)

485,778 1,405,347 345,052 199,950 152,833 1,188,218 1,210,000 268,566

500,670 1,290,614 353,552 213,485 186,613 1,170,617 1,605,000 333,855

(2.97) 8.89 (2.40) (6.34) (18.10) 1.50 (24.61) (19.56)

5,255,744 792.84

5,654,406 859.46

(7.05) (7.75)




Total Long Term Indebtedness Per Capita

25,462,338 3,841.05

25,603,105 3,891.64

(0.55) (1.30)

General and Special Revenue Funds Unreserved Per Capita

1,133,625 171.01

1,145,820 174.16

(1.06) (1.81)


OPERATING REVENUES: Charges for Services Misc Operating Revenues Total Operating Revenues

Water $

OPERATING EXPENSES: Wages and Salaries Materials and Supplies Repairs and Maintenance Professional Services Insurance Utilities Depreciation Contracted Services Equipment Miscellaneous Total Operating Expenses

713,136 713,136

Sanitary Sewer $

662,011 47,881 709,892

Refuse $

298,123 298,123

Storm Water $

102,009 102,009

Street Light Utility $

43,066 43,066

158,503 49,686 29,225 23,480 12,356 72,752 377,590 320 9,614 733,526

136,991 37,173 28,813 15,164 9,854 15,820 388,699 176,148 716 809,378

28,675 2,366 1,725 14,140 735 6,506 254,883 7,057 316,087

47,139 379 15,250 8,667 97,226 1,628 170,289

814 602 46,174 48 47,638






NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Investment Income Special Assessments Interest Expense Amortization of Bond Premium Bond Costs Other Income Total Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses)

20,663 5,234 (361,429) 4,669 31,763 (299,100)

780 3,069 (143,925) 5,272 (55,213) 255 (189,762)

Income before Capital Contributions and Transfers






678 364,900 (45,000)

678 47,200 (45,000)

42,015 -

678 (18,250)

8,500 -





Operating Loss

Capital Contributions Transfers In Transfers Out Change in Net Position


End of Year

75 362 437

62 22,378 22,440

21 26 -


ASSETS: Current Assets: Cash and Investments (Including Cash Equivalents) Cash with Fiscal Agent Special Assessments Receivable: Delinquent Deferred Accounts Receivable Interest Receivable Total Current Assets Noncurrent Assets: Capital Assets: Land Easements Construction in Progress Buildings Plant and Lines Machinery and Equipment Sewer Rights Total Capital Assets Less Accumulated Depreciation Net Capital Assets Total Assets LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable Contracts Payable Due to Other Governments Salaries and Benefits Payable Interest Payable Due To Other Funds Long-Term Liabilities Due Within One Year Total Current Liabilities Noncurrent Liabilities: Compensated Absences Notes Payable, Net Unamortized Premiums Bonds Payable, Net Unamortized Premiums Net Other Post Employment Benefits Obligations Less Amounts Due Within One Year Total Noncurrent Liabilities Total Liabilities


Sanitary Sewer

3,590 4,682,985



7,389,083 (165,361) 7,223,722 $


7,638,466 (28,354) 7,610,112 $


291,687 291,687 $


4,196,465 4,196,465 $




Street Light Utility

Storm Water

78 15,409 117,494 575 4,820,131

285 3,611 127,435 227 1,961,038

204 314 59,259 82 314,196

37 22,700 19,656 68 248,260

26 10,603 (1) 10,648

604 42,060 334,447 951 7,354,273

372,941 46,066 7,502,432 8,908,669 192,511 17,022,619 (3,674,373) 13,348,246 $ 18,168,377


4,941 31,300 617,983 7,432,835 430,941 8,531,687 17,049,687 (3,722,155) 13,327,532 15,288,570

45,540 45,540 (6,506) 39,034 $ 353,230

67,915 6,864 4,854,489 1,846 4,931,114 (1,029,486) 3,901,628 $ 4,149,888



377,882 67,915 84,230 8,120,415 21,195,993 670,838 8,531,687 39,048,960 (8,432,520) 30,616,440 $ 37,970,713






4,871 593 3,799 28,852 5,016,048 5,054,163

7,073 8,208 46,980 2,415 65,186 467,542 597,404


23,288 2,828 654 128 26,898

205,799 -

269 785 332 1,386



$ 254,337 -

20 -

2,673 4,000 6,673



2,293,226 4,682,985

38,174 8,208 50,401 7,653 94,038 4,000 5,484,050 5,686,524

44,008 10,838,785 22,659 (5,016,048) 5,889,404 10,943,567

44,008 5,377,850 2,394,611 18,497 (467,542) 7,367,424 7,964,828

7,510 2,775 (128) 10,157 37,055

13,006 2,775 (332) 15,449 16,835


108,532 5,377,850 13,233,396 46,706 (5,484,050) 13,282,434 18,968,958

7,369,461 (144,651) 7,224,810

5,555,071 1,768,671 7,323,742

39,034 277,141 316,175

3,901,628 231,425 4,133,053

3,975 3,975

16,865,194 2,136,561 19,001,755


$ 353,230

$ 4,149,888


$ 37,970,713

Net Position: Investment in Capital Assets, Net Related Debt Unrestricted Total Net Position Total Liabilities and Net Position


1,829,480 -

$ 18,168,377




CASH FLOWS - OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Receipts from Customers and Users Payments to Suppliers Payments to Employees Other Miscellaneous Receipts Net Cash Flows - Operating Activities

Water $

Sanitary Sewer

686,487 (206,197) (162,946) 32,368 349,712


688,766 (283,006) (142,708) 13 263,065

Refuse $

Storm Water

297,090 $ (277,585) (29,530) 437 (9,588)

101,822 (26,057) (41,750) (27) 33,988

Street Light Utility $

32,463 (44,965) (12,502)

CASH FLOWS - NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Loan from Other Funds Transfer from Other Funds Transfer to Other Funds Net Cash Flows - Noncapital Financing Activities

364,900 (45,000) 319,900

47,200 (45,000) 2,200


(18,250) (18,250)

4,000 8,500 12,500

CASH FLOWS - CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Principal Paid on Debt Interest Paid on Debt Bond Payable Proceeds Acquisition of Capital Assets Net Cash Flows - Capital and Related Financing Activities

(405,000) (274,907) (9,904) (689,811)

(352,215) (154,953) 2,573,168 (778,817) 1,287,183

(3,525) (3,525)



CASH FLOWS - INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Interest and Dividends Received Net Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents

NET POSITION: Beginning of Year Change in Accounting Principle Beginning of Year, Restated

financial statements 320-363-7201.

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS: Beginning of Year End of Year


























St. Joseph Newsleader •


contributed photo

To celebrate her 65th birthday, Rosie Court decided a celebration should be a challenging one so she registered for a 10-mile kayak race on Lake Superior, part of the Kayak Festival at Two Harbors. She had two goals: to finish the race and not to finish last. She accomplished both.

Court from front page Day (Monday, May 26). More information about the tour as it becomes available will be published sometime in mid-May in the St. Joseph Newsleader.

Extraordinary things Court has always enjoyed reading about history, but her delving into local history (especially St. Joseph history) is what intensified her interest. Court has become a volunteer for the historical society and also is a member of the American Legion Auxiliary of St. Joseph, which is also rich in history. “History is ordinary people doing extraordinary things, that’s how I think of it,” Court said. “I like learning facts, information and what made people do what they did.”

Hometown girl The daughter of Matt (“Coxie”) and Rose Court, Court was raised on a farm 1.5 miles west of St. Joseph and graduated from St. Cloud Tech High School in 1966. Until she was 32, she worked as an appraiser for the City of St. Cloud. After she retired, she worked as a gardener in the spectacular Munsinger-Clemens gardens in east St. Cloud for 10 years, a job she loved. “I was a supervisor in the perennial garden there, and I met people from all over the world.”

Adventures Court has packed an amazing series of wildly varied adventures into her life. She has been a dog-sled musher; she’s camped in Death Valley; she’s kayaked everywhere from Lake Superior to the Sea of Cortez by Mexico; when she turned 55, she tandem-skydived near Hutchinson; she loves bicycling

be travelers, explorers, discoverers, people she’s met like Arctic scientists Will Steger and Ann Bancroft, like Paul Schurke the legendary dog-sledder from Ely, like astronaut Sally Ride, like Libby Riddles – the first woman to win the Iditarod dog-sled race in 1985, and like the late Chuck Lindberg, who was one of the soldiers who raised the flag at Iwo Jima in the World War II Pacific – an event that became the subject of one of the most famous photos of all time. Years ago, Court had heard of Lindberg, who live in Richfield, and decided to pay him a visit of respect. She, Lindberg and his wife became very good friends and would have dinner twice a year together without fail. Lindberg, who died six years ago, was the only surviving member of the Iwo Jima raise-the-flag group.

and riding motorcycles (she has five of them, including a Harley). It may sound like Court is in a frantic hurry to complete a “Bucket List,” but she’s taking her sweet time, adding things to what she calls her “Life List.” Among the items on that list, which she plans to do in the near future, are a trip with medical volunteers to help the poor of Guatemala and a long leisurely drive along the iconic Route 66, which stretches all the way from Chicago southwest to California. She also plans a trip to the Gettysburg battlefield in Pennsylvania and other Civil War battlefields. Since she’s never been to West Virginia and Mississippi, those two states are “musts” on her Life List. “Some people call what I do wanderlust and adventure,” Court said. “To me, its just normal. I love to experience life. It’s Local treasures like Death Valley. Most people Court lives on Brown’s Lake think it’s this horrible hot place. Well, it is hot, alright, but it’s also very beautiful – the blooming cacti, the canyons. It’s absolutely gorgeous.”

Living history An intrepid camper, Court loves to combine camping trips with kayaking and hiking and once did that in a “Circle Route” all around Lake Superior. And everywhere she goes, Court connects with history and the way the past, the present and future all come together in so many fascinating ways. To Court, history is very much alive, not dead. Throughout her adventures, she keeps in mind her beloved role models, people who actively make history and who tend to

SAINT JOHN’S PREP Summer Program Day and Residential Camps • ACT Prep Course • Art and Nature • Chinese • German • Leadership • Science

Friday, April 25, 2014 near Eden Valley, but she loves to visit St. Joseph every chance she gets and relishes her time spent with members of the historical society. She often wishes more people would join the society or at least visit its local artifacts in the museum. As Court has learned first-hand, local history can be every bit as exciting as history anywhere else. People who spend time in the St. Joseph Historical Society Museum will quickly discover that fact, and they will become fascinated by the historical treasures right under their noses, Court believes. Membership dues to the historical society are $5 a year. The museum is open from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. the first Friday of the month and from 4-7 p.m. the third Friday of the month. In some cases, it can be opened by special appointment. The society meets at 7 p.m. the fourth Wednesday of the month in the museum, which is located at 25 First Ave. NW.

Second ‘Fare for All’ bigger than the first

by Cori Hilsgen

Organizer Amanda Roles said the second “Fare for All Express” food program held April 14 at the Resurrection Lutheran Church was even bigger than the first. “We ran out of everything this time, besides the a la carte items,” Roles said. “We ended up turning people away after we gave out 350 numbers. We gave out gift certificates that can be redeemed at the next Fare for All.” Roles said volunteers sold 498 packs of food and 283 packs of ala carte chicken and served about 366 households. That is more than 100 packs more than what they distributed at the first Fare for All distribution. Organizers are planning for two trucks to deliver food at next month’s distribution. “This will mean that we will have over 800 packs of food to sell,” Roles said. “Let’s hope we don’t run out.” The Fare for All program is for

everyone who wants to save up to 40 percent off of grocery-store prices. The program buys vegetables, fruits and frozen meat in bulk through wholesalers. Foods are grown locally or sent from all over the country, depending on the season. Fare for All aims to help make affordable, healthy foods available to all. The program is meant to supplement people’s grocery purchases and provides produce and meat items that many might not be able to afford otherwise. When it first launched in 2007, it served about 5,000 households in nine Twin Cities locations. By 2013, it had grown to 24 locations and sold food packages to more than 37,000 households. The program is open to everyone and does not require any registration. Other distribution dates include May 12, June 9, July 7, Aug. 4, Sept. 15, Oct. 13, Nov. 10 and Dec. 8. To help volunteer or for more information, contact Mary Plafcan at 320-249-5718.

Friday, April 25, 2014

St. Joseph Newsleader •


ASA celebrates National Nutritional Awareness Week

by Cori Hilsgen

All Saints Academy students recently celebrated National Nutritional Awareness week March 24-28 by assisting food-service coordinator Mary Kay Pelkey with serving fresh fruits and vegetables during lunch. On Tuesday, kindergarteners prepared and served yellow apples and kiwi. On Wednesday, first-graders served broccoli and white and purple cauliflower. Second-graders served a fruit salad made of mangos, star fruit, plantains, red bananas and

blood orange on Thursday. On Friday, third-graders offered a salad bar of lettuce, spinach, peas, cucumbers, eggs, tomatoes, croutons and carrots. “It was literally a ‘hands on’ activity for our primary students, and all students benefited from the experience,” Betty Pundsack said. “We hope to continue finding ways to make STEM an integral part of our campus. Thanks to Mary Kay for assisting with the events of this week. She even had paper foodservice hats for each of the students who worked in the lunch line and the students thoroughly

enjoyed the experience.” Staff at the ASA St. Joseph campus continue to work toward recognition as a STEM school, and teachers applied science to the nutrition lessons. ASA primary teachers attended science workshops and applied what they learned at those workshops with kindergarten through third-grade students, lessons about nutrition, food portions and food types. Math lessons will also be applied by creating a survey to gather students’ reactions and opinions on the healthy choices.

'Song of Wonder' music concert May 1 by Cori Hilsgen

A South Indian and Judeo-Spanish music concert, “Song of Wonder,” will be performed at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, May 1 at the Sacred Heart Chapel at St. Benedict’s Monastery. Vocalists and string musicians Nirmala Rajasekar and David Jordan Harris designed the concert. Percussionists Thanjavur Muruga Boopathi and Mick LaBriola, stringed musical instrument player David Burk and vocalist Shruthi Rajasekar will also per-


form. The concert will feature excerpts from a piece of notated Jewish music, improvisational performances by Nirmala Rajasekar, Judeo-Spanish and Hebrew chants from Bosnia, Morocco and Turkey Jewish communities, as well as new arrangements. Rajaseker is the artistic director of the Naadha Rasa Center of Music In Plymouth, Minn. and teaches South India’s music. At age 13, she debuted as a solo performer on the seven-stringed veena in Bangalore, India. She has performed at New

arrived in St. Cloud. Walkers were greeted with a 21-gun salute, Taps and a steak dinner. from front page “Some of the veterans who stress disorder. walked were hurting when they Post 428 Ladies Auxiliary got to the VFW,” Carlson said. member Becky Carlson of St. She said the current alarming Cloud was among the group who rate of veteran suicide is 22 solgreeted the veterans when they diers per day.

York City’s Carnegie Hall, the United Nations’ Symphony Space and more. Harris is co-founder and artistic director of Voices of Sepharad, based in the Twin Cities. He has studied and performed Judeo-Spanish music in countries throughout North America. He is a singer, actor and dancer who has performed at the Guthrie Theater, Minnesota Opera and more. The free concert is sponsored by the Jay Phillips Center for Interfaith Learning in collaboration with the Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict.

contributed photo

All Saints Academy third-grade students served salad bar options during National Nutritional Awareness Week March 24-28. Third-grade students (left to right) are Jack Loso, Clara Schleper, Jackson Phillipp, Bree Muske and Taylor Schaefer.

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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Our View

State’s anti-bullying law should be lauded, supported

Minnesota’s new anti-bullying law for schools is long overdue. It will require training for administration, teachers and staff to recognize the signs and symptoms of bullying behavior, which are often not easily seen. It will also require schools to come up with very specific and – hopefully – effective ways to deal with incidents of bullying. No child who goes to school should ever be bullied, period. Most people, we’d like to think, would agree with that, but for far too long the old lame (and even cruel) responses persisted: “Oh, well, being bullied is part of growing up. It makes for true grit in a kid.” “We were bullied when we were in school, and we turned out just fine.” “If kids would learn to fight back against the bully, it would stop.” “Just ignore the bullies and they’ll stop.” It’s a sure bet people who went to school even a couple decades ago, if not last year, have heard those lame excuses, all of which were pathetic rationales to protect the bully, not the bullied. Many of us can remember teachers or staff witnessing incidents of bullying in hallways or playgrounds and doing nothing about it, not even scolding the bullies. It’s shameful how what we’ve learned not to tolerate in the workplace, some people tend to wink away when it comes to schools and children. The legislature’s law emphasizes creating detailed policies and rapid responses to deal with bullying for all parties involved, and that includes incidents of bullying via texting and on social media. Detractors of the bill, naturally, have been howling about how the law is a big over-reach, an unfunded mandate, a time-destroyer. One of them, Rep. Jim Newberger (R-Becker) even compared the law to George Orwell’s nightmare novel about Big Brother, 1984. It’s true there’s a blurry line about how far should schools pursue investigations into out-of-school bullying via cyberspace, but if it harms students it absolutely should be pursued by parents, the schools and the law. The two Columbine killers, by the way, had extensive threats and detailed hideous plans about how to kill their fellow students – plans spelled out on their computers and their texting chat. At least two parents complained, the police investigated and then did nothing about it. They dropped the ball, and we all know what happened. Detractors of the law say all the state’s schools have bullying policies and so there is no need for any state mandates. On the contrary, many school districts have “policies” that are a few sentences long, so vague as to be meaningless. The much-touted “local control” often means, in reality, “lack of control” over festering problems, including bullying. If the state or the federal government has to step in to fix those problems, so be it, just as they will have to step in to combat cases of voter suppression growing rampant these days. “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you.” Absolutely not true. Even if bullying doesn’t lead to violence, it can still cause emotional discomfort, fear and in some cases lifelong lack of confidence in students who should feel at all times comfortable, safe and secure both in and out of schools. That is what the Minnesota law now acknowledges, and we should, too. We should acknowledge the bullying problem by welcoming and supporting this new law.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Opinion Gabriel Marquez, a giant, has fallen One day in November 1922, Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Egyptian King Tut, filled with dazzling treasures. Carter poked a hole through a wall of rubble and thrust a flickering candle into the tomb’s chamber, sealed in darkness for nearly 3,000 years. Then he peered through the hole. “Can you see anything?” someone asked impatiently. His voice quaking with excitement, Carter answered: “Yes, wonderful things!” Carter had been “struck dumb by amazement,” as he put it. That is exactly how I felt one day in September 1980 when I opened a novel entitled One Hundred Years of Solitude. It was like opening a treasure chest filled with wonderful things. Amazing things. Utterly new and never-beforeimagined things. I had read so many classic books in the decades before 1980, but nothing prepared me for the astonishing, gorgeous, dreamlike prose of that novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Marquez died in Mexico City last week at the age of 87. A giant has fallen. Marquez has now joined the pantheon of the greatest writers of all time, the best of the best. He wrote in a style often dubbed “magic realism,” a mystical brew that combines the real with the unreal, the mundane with the extraordinary – a blend of realism, myth, magic, legend and hallucinatory phantasmagoria. Reading Marquez is like experiencing an extremely vivid, bizarre but wonderful dream-nightmare while fully

Dennis Dalman Editor awake. Marquez is haunted by the past (personal, cultural, political, historical). He reminds me of a sleight-of-hand magician who weaves the strands of his spell to evoke tales of love and death and violence, of hope and despair, of rollicking humor, of passionate obsessive characters living their lives in the strangest settings. There is an incredible tropical, exotic luxuriance in Marquez’s prose that he must have internalized while growing up among the hothouse eye-popping flora and fauna of the Latin American places where he lived, most especially his native Colombia. His prose is so brilliant that each stunning sentence is like a jewel that you want to turn over and over until you have absorbed all of its sparkling facets. It’s for that reason I could never read his novels quickly. It’s best to take your time, to relish every sentence a dozen pages at a time. Then put the book down and come back to it the next day or week. First published in 1967, Solitude was translated into 37 languages, with 30 million copies sold. It’s a rare example of a masterpiece finding favor with everyday readers, despite some of the book’s difficulties. Solitude is the spellbinding saga of

seven generations of the Buendia family in the mythical town of Macondo, a mirage of a rainforest city visited by ghosts, illusions, lust, revenge, pride, foolishness, cycles of history, colonial oppression and a heavy sense of impending doom. It’s not a depressing novel, however. It’s a work bursting with exuberant life and brimming with humor, like all of Marquez’s books. Another of his sumptuous novels is Love in the Time of Cholera, also a bestseller. It’s about an interrupted love affair in all of its obsessions, disappointments, quirks and little triumphs. Love in Marquez is never a mere Valentine. It can at times be corrosive and even sinister. Blocked by 50 years of separation, the affair begins again when the couple is in doddering old age. It’s so difficult to describe Marquez’s writing style. The best way is to dip into his fabulous books and discover the magic for yourselves. Here’s a passage about aging from Cholera: “A few years later, however, the husbands fell without warning down the precipice of a humiliating aging in body and soul, and then it was their wives who recovered and had to lead them by the arm as if they were blind men on charity, whispering in their ear, in order not to wound their masculine pride, that they should be careful, that there were three steps, not two, that there was a puddle in the middle of the street, that the shape lying across the street was a dead beggar, and with great difficulty helped them to cross the street as if it were the only ford across the last of life’s rivers.”

Letter to editor

Resident urges all to attend meeting of proposed government center Irene Reber, St. Joseph By now the citizens of St. Joseph should have received a postcard from the city council in regard to the meeting at 6 p.m. Monday, April 28 at the

St. Joseph Community Fire Hall. I want to thank all of the people who have signed the petition to put a referendum on the Nov. 8 ballot whether or not to build a St. Joseph Government Center.

Please attend the meeting to voice your opinion. You will be able to sign the petition at the meeting. Hope to see you there. Thank you.

I will fear the bomb, Russia’s aggression no more I was born and spent my early childhood in East Tennessee. My home was just a few miles from a little town known as Oak Ridge. At that time Oak Ridge was the home of the development of the atomic bomb. Little was publicly known or reported, but everyone who lived near there knew. My father worked as a guard there. He didn’t talk about it but we all knew. I point this out because I remember well the fear we all had. We knew in the event of an attack from anyone, Oak Ridge would have been the first target. In our school we had bombattack drills. The bell would ring and we would crawl under our desks and cover our heads, waiting to hear either the bomb drop and explode or the all clear. Especially for children it was a scary time. There were the bomb shelters. People would buy and bury huge tanks and fully stock them with several weeks of supplies. A lot of entrepreneurial people made big money selling fear. It was an intense time in our history. Many of you will doubtless remember that time. I am sure the bomb drills happened everywhere. I am sure the fear we felt was felt in many if not all parts of the country. That fear was a

Ron Scarbro Guest Writer part of my life for many years. It was the Japanese, then the Germans, then the Russians. Somebody was going to get us; it was just a matter of time. The Russians, or as we were told the “Red Menace,” were the worst. They also had the bomb. Russian spies stole our secrets and gave them to the Russians so now they had the bomb. The fear I had lasted until a fellow named Ronald Reagan, along with a lady known as Margaret Thatcher, decided to bring this fear to an end. Essentially they got together and priced the Soviet Union out of existence. I was thrilled when the Berlin Wall came tumbling down. I was thrilled to know the “Red Menace” was just a paper tiger after all. The Soviet Union broke apart. Today a little fellow known as Vladimir Putin has apparently decided to reconstitute the old Soviet Union. He and his cohorts have looked over the world situation and decided neither

NATO nor the United Nations nor the United States will do anything to stop them from their desire to once again try to obtain world dominance. So far it appears they were right. They moved into Crimea and took over with no resistance from anyone. Now they are doing the same thing in Ukraine with little or no resistance or interference from the West or anyone. To me this is doubtless an attempt to re-establish the old Soviet Union. I have a simple question. Will we sit by and allow Russia to get away with this or will we stop it? Will we submit to this international terrorism or will we stop it? To date our record under this President has not been very good. Our stinging letters of protest have not been very successful so far. It would appear the Russians don’t speak “stinging protest.” The only language they understand has a little more force behind it. I refuse to be afraid anymore. I refuse to allow my children and grandchildren to be afraid. It’s time to stand up to Putin and his henchmen. Do you recall the commercial that says, “You can pay me now or you can pay me later?” We can deal with Russia now or we will surely have to deal with her later. Let’s stop this aggression now.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, April 25, 2014 Friday, April 25 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. St. Joseph Y2K Lions Brat Sale, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW. All tips and portion of profit donated to the American Diabetes Association Needlepoint. Old glasses, hearing aids and cell phones will be collected. Saturday, April 26 Rose Education Day, 8:15-11:45 a.m., Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. Registration required. 320-255-6169. St. Joseph Y2K Lions Brat Sale, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., at the St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW. All tips and portion of profit donated to the American Diabetes Association Needlepoint. Old glasses, hearing aids and cell phones will be collected. Vendor Expo, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. American Cancer Society Relay for Life fundraiser, American Legion, 101 Minnesota St. W., St. Joseph. 320-293-6636. Sunday, April 27 “Joe Town Table,” 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., American Legion, 101 W. Min-


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Community Calendar

nesota St., St. Joseph. “God’s Home Among Us,” 2-4 p.m., exhibit opening celebrates the 100-year story of the Sacred Heart Chapel, Haehn Museum, St. Benedict’s Monastery, 104 Chapel Lane, St. Joseph. 320-363-7098.

Monday, April 28 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Blood drive, 1:30-7:30 p.m., St. Mary Help of Christians Parish, 24588 CR 7, St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. New St. Joseph government center meeting, to explain the proposed plans for a new government center, 6 p.m., St. Joseph Community Fire Hall, 323 4th Ave. NE. “The Typist,” 7 p.m., free public screening of documentary that depicts the experiences of a Minnesota soldier, Larry Tillemans of Sartell, believed to be the last living clerk-typist at the Nuremberg Trials. Stearns History Museum, 235 33 Ave. S., St. Cloud. 320-253-8424. Tuesday, April 29 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.

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nior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Great River Regional Coin Club, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Miller Auto Marine Sports Plaza, 2930 2nd St. S., St. Cloud. St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall, 25 College Ave. N. 320363-7201.

Wednesday, April 30 Job Fair, sponsored by Central Minnesota Builders Association, 3-7 p.m, dress in interview attire and bring copies of your resume, Holiday Inn, 75 37th Ave. S., St. Cloud. 320251-4382.


Thursday, May 1 Rummage sale, 7 a.m.-7 p.m., St. John the Baptist Parish Center on Fruit Farm Road, just west of St. John’s campus, Collegeville. Coffee and Conversation, a se-


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Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. 55+ Driver Improvement program (eight-hour first-time course; two four-hour sessions), 5-9 p.m., today and Wednesday, April 30, Apollo High School, 1000 44th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-888-234-1294. “Protecting Your Good Name,” part of a financial fitness workshop series, 6-7 p.m., Room 208, Great River Regional Libraray, 12th Avenue and St. Germain St. W., St. Cloud. “Her Story, Her Song,” presented by SCSU Department of Music, 7:30 p.m., Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 4310 CR 137, St. Cloud. 320-308-3223.

The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to



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7 Friday, May 2 Rummage sale, 7-11 a.m., $1/ bag, St. John the Baptist Parish Center on Fruit Farm Road, just west of St. John’s campus, Collegeville. Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Saturday, May 3 Sartell Farmers’ Winter Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N.

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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, April 25, 2014

Home renovations for a personalized touch You might love your home and your neighborhood, but perhaps a few things about your house bother you, such as your kitchen cabinets, which depress you, and your windows, which are definitely old-fashioned. In short, you want to make some changes but you don’t want to move. The solution? Renovate!

save a lot of time. The renovations will progress more quickly, as the contractor can work full-time and is a real expert in this domain. As for you, you’ll be able to continue with your usual activities. CHOOSING A CONTRACTOR For your project to run smoothly, it is vital to choose a qualified, well-established contractor. Ensure the contractor has a permit and civil liability insurance by doing some research at your local consumer protection website.

Of course, renovating is definitely not a walk in the park, but if you’re well organized and make the right choices the work shouldn’t cause you any headTHINK LONG-TERM aches. Lastly, be sure to make the most DO IT YOURSELF OR HIRE profitable investments. Money A CONTRACTOR? invested in renovations should If you love working around the increase the value of your home. house and are reasonably skilled For example, renovating a bathyou could do the work yourself. room or kitchen, installing new You’ll certainly save a lot of money windows, or putting on a new this way. On the other hand, if you roof are all wise choices that pay give this work to a contractor, you’ll off at the time of resale.

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Building a new home: a world of possibilities Building your own house means having free reign to create a customized home that is adapted to your lifestyle, your needs, and your personal tastes. It’s also a long term project, whose results depend on thorough planning and a lot of organizational skills. Because of this, building a new house is only recommended for buyers who already have experience in owning their own home. Why is that? Because home ownership is the best way to define your real needs. With all the energy, time and money you’ll put into this project, it would be frustrating to realize that you’d have preferred an open plan concept after you’ve moved in. And don’t forget all the many options you’ll be faced with when the time comes to choose materials and styles of flooring, siding, windows and doors, handles, worktops and moldings. Sometimes having too much

choice makes things even more difficult, and it’s easy to get lost in the sea of possibilities. Here are a few points to take into consideration before doing anything else. Be sure to think about budget, site, move-in date, possibility of living in the home even if there’s still work to be done, type of exterior architecture, interior layout and specific needs. After this you can think about an architect, building contractor and construction permits.

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