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Newsleader St. Joseph
Friday, May 2, 2014 Volume 25, Issue 18 Est. 1989
Town Crier
Rain could lead to unexpected flooding
Much of Central Minnesota, including Stearns County, has seen rainfall and high winds which started last Sunday and continued through this past Wednesday. Water levels are rising. This rainfall may begin to cause isolated local flooding issues in low-lying areas, on certain roadways, as well as in lakes and rivers throughout the county. The National Weather Service indicates both the Sauk and Mississippi rivers rising to the “action stage” which is the water level immediately preceding flood stage. The county’s emergency management department also received a few reports of trees that have fallen due to high winds and saturated ground. Residents are reminded to be aware of their surroundings and remember it is never safe to walk or drive through flood waters. Additional information about flooding can be found on the Stearns County website at
Pack the Mac – package food for local food pantries
Volunteer to help Kids Fighting Hunger package Macaroni and Cheese meals to be distributed to local Central Minnesota food pantries who are in desperate need of child-friendly food for the summer months when students are not in school. The goal is to package 150,000 nutritious vitamin-fortified macaroni and cheese meals. Pack the Mac runs from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, May 17 at the St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center. Volunteers are asked to sign up for a twohour shift and bring a suggested donation to help cover the cost of the food package. For more information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers.
MS Walk 2014 seeks volunteers
Volunteers are needed to assist at the annual MS Walk to be held on Sunday, May 4 at Apollo High School. Volunteers are needed for volunteer sign-in, walker registration, assist in running games for participants and clean-up between the hours of 6:30 a.m.-noon. Contact Brenda Eggerth at Opportunity Matters at 320-240-1900 ext. 205.
For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.
Bee Line Service Minnesota Street Market
Postal Patron
Big crowd debates government-center plan by Dennis Dalman
At least one member of the St. Joseph City Council, Steve Frank, opposes a new city government center – at least as the plan now exists. At a public meeting April 29 at the St. Joseph Community Fire Hall meeting room, Frank, who was sitting in the audience stood up and told the audience that at this time the city cannot afford both a government center and a community center. Maybe in the future, Frank said, but not now. He also said adding a “community room” to a newly built government center is a “bastardization” of the meaning of a “regional” project, thus an excuse to use half-cent sales-tax money for a new government center. About 160 people attended the open meeting, which lasted one hour and 45 minutes. At least 25 people spoke, some of
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An artist’s conception of the St. Joseph Government Center shows how the facility would look from the east. The plans for the center remain controversial among many city residents. them several times. The mood of the meeting, especially as it began, was feisty and even angry, with some residents raising their voices in opposition to the center project and others demanding a referendum so the voters could decide whether or not to build
one. The meeting was led by St. Joseph Mayor Rick Schultz. Besides Frank, who had to leave the meeting early, there were council members Bob Loso, Renee Symanietz and Dale Wick, and city administrator Judy Weyrens.
Those members stood against the north wall of the meeting hall, along with many residents because of the standing-room only conditions in the room. Also attending the meeting were people known for their Center • page 8
Schug publishes seventh book of poems by Cori Hilsgen
page long. He has been writing poems most of his life but began writLocal poet Larry Schug re- ing poetry for publication when cently published his seventh he was in his mid-30s. He said book of poems, At Gloaming. he turned to poetry to help him Schug’s poetry covers many deal with his grief of his partopics including baseball, na- ents’ deaths. His parents died ture, dealing with grief and within several years of each more. Most of his poetry is one other. Schug remembers his thirdgrade teacher telling him his contributed photo Local poet Larry Schug re- poem about a rainbow was cently published his seventh good. He said her comment book of poetry, At Gloaming he knew how to write poetry didn’t register until years later. by North Star Press.
His first published poem, The Roots Know, was published in a magazine called Z Miscellaneous when he was in his mid30s. Schug published his first book, Scales Out of Balance, in 1990. Other books he has written include Caution: Thin Ice, Obsessed with Mud, The Turning of Wheels, Arrogant Bones and Nails. Schug has won two Central Minnesota Arts Board Individual Artist awards, a 2014 Central Minnesota Arts Board Schug • page 5
Smith receives first CSB Centennial Service Award by Cori Hilsgen
College of St. Benedict junior Kathryn Smith received the first Centennial Service Award at the Bennie Day of Service March 22 at the CSB Claire Lynch Hall. The award recognizes a current CSB student for her service in the local area. Smith is studying nursing. She is the daughter of Lisa and Bart Smith of Hermantown. She was nominated by All Saints Academy Funzone Director Connie Bonacci. Smith has worked with the All Saints
Academy aftercare program for three years and Bonacci is her supervisor. “I was very surprised and honored to be nominated for this award,” Smith said. “I did not know that an award was being presented until I received an email notifying me I would be receiving it. She said she was especially honored to find out Bonacci had nominated her. “Connie is one of the strongest, most generous and kindhearted people I’ve ever met, and I have been blessed to be Smith • page 5
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College of St. Benedict Dean of Students Jody Terhaar presents Kathryn Smith (right) with the first Centennial Service Award during the "Bennie Day of Service" on March 22. Smith was nominated because of her strong leadership skills and commitment to serving.
Friday, May 2, 2014
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Two St. Joseph students were recently named to the National Honor Society, Virgil Michel chapter, at St. John’s Preparatory School, Collegeville. They are sophomores Gaetz Marisa Gaetz, daughter of Rose and Rick Gaetz, and Savannah O’Hare, daughter of Amy O’Hare of St. Joseph and Peter O’Hare of Hixson, O’Hare Tenn. The NHS is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who demonstrate excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service and character. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its
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beginning in 1921. Today, it is estimated more than one million students annually participate in activities of NHS and its middle-level counterpart, the National Junior Honor Society. NHS chapters are found in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, many U.S. territories and Canada. Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but also challenges them to develop through involvement in school activities and community service. Both NHS and NJHS were founded by and are programs of the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Gabrielle Martone, daughter of Lisa and Mark Martone of St. Joseph, was named one of the top 10 honors seniors who will graduate May 24 from St. John’s Martone Preparatory School. She was a member of the tennis team for two seasons,
Call the Newsleader at 363-7741
basketball team for five seasons and the softball team for four seasons. She was the editor of the school yearbook, The Pine Curtain both her junior and senior years. She was also a member of the National Honor Society. Martone will receive an International Baccalaureate Diploma, an optional two-year program of rigorous study during a student’s junior and senior years. She plans at attend Boston College majoring in biology and economics and follow the pre-medicine path. Payton Kalla, daughter of Kelly and Rick Kalla of St. Joseph was recently inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma, an international honor society for top business students at St. Cloud State University. Kalla, a junior finance major at SCSU, was among 36 students honored at an induction banquet March 22. Beta Gamma Sigma recognizes high academic achievement in business students at schools accredited by AACSB International – the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. April 7 7:02 p.m. Found property. College Avenue N. Waite Park officer gave St. Joseph officer a white iPhone with a Visa card, college ID and Minnesota driver’s license that was attached to the iPhone case. Owner was contacted and she met the officer at the St. Joseph police station. She matched the description on the ID and property was returned to her. 10:14 p.m. Harassment. Minnesota Street W. Officer spoke to both parties involved who stated they are being harassed by each other. Complainant #1 stated her neighbor is spraying perfume outside her door because she knows she is sensitive to it. Complainant #2 says she is being harassed by complainant #1 because of the accusations. Complainant #2 had a can of room air freshener on her person, but stated she was bringing it to her mother’s house and did not spray it at complainant #1’s door. Both were advised of civil possibilities they could attempt to pursue, but nothing at scene warranted charges at the time.
Kosel receives certificate for 60 years of service to Legion
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Legionnaire Marcel Kosel (left) of St. Joseph is presented a certificate of 60 Consecutive Years of Service by Commander Chuck Kern at the membership meeting April 22. Kosel is a veteran of the Korean conflict.
April 8 8:38 a.m. Property-damage accident. 12 Avenue SE/Minnesota Street E. Vehicle #1 proceeded northbound on 12th Avenue SE from the stop sign at Minnesota Street E. Vehicle #2 was eastbound on Minnesota Street E. Driver of vehicle #1 did not see vehicle #2 due to sun. Vehicle #2 struck vehicle #1 in the front right tire causing severe damage to both vehicles. No injuries. 7:56 p.m. Theft. College Avenue N. Complainant stated his son was transferring vehicles at Kay’s Kitchen and forgot to put the tailgate up when they drove off. His suitcase fell out the back. He stated when he went back to Kay’s Kitchen, the property was gone. A lady across the street stated she observed someone in a four-door burgundy car occupied by two females pick up the bag and drive off with it. April 9 12:03 a.m. Ordinance violation. Ash Street E. Officer drove by and observed a keg sitting outside the residence with a tapper still attached. Checked and no permit was applied for. Spoke to residents and they stated they did not have a permit. They said they were told they could have one keg per residence and that was all they needed to worry about. Officer gathered tenants names and took possession of the keg and tapper. Citations issued for violation of keg ordinance.
April 11 2:45 a.m. Loud music. Old Highway 52. Received loud-music complaint. Officer could hear loud music coming from residence as he approached. Made contact with renter and issued citation for noise violation. April 12 2:35 a.m. Assist officers. Cedarwood Court. Assisted Waite Park Police Department with checking the area around Discovery School for three males dressed in dark clothing that took off on foot. Did not locate anyone in the area. 6:58 a.m. Theft. Dale Street E. Complainant stated someone during the night took his JVC CD radio out of his car that was in the driveway unlocked. Nothing else taken and no damage to the car. Value $100. April 13 2:43 p.m. Traffic stop. Minnesota Street E. Officer ran a random license-plate check on vehicle and it showed the registered owner of the vehicle had a suspended driver’s license. Male driver appeared to match the description on the driver’s license. Stopped vehicle and identified the driver as the owner. He stated he took care of everything and paid all the fees, but did not have any of the paperwork with him to show that he took care of it. He also did not have any proof of insurance on the vehicle. He was issued a citation for driving with suspended license and no proof of insurance.
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Coborn’s
Kay’s Kitchen The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office
Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon
Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen
Editor Dennis Dalman
Design/Layout Tara Wiese
Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer
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Friday, May 2, 2014
St. Joseph Newsleader •
SJP Knowledge Bowl team wins at state by Cori Hilsgen
The St. John’s Prep Knowledge Bowl team, competeing against more than 40 other teams, won the State Knowledge Bowl Meet held April 11 at Cragun’s Resort by Brainerd. The SJP winning team consists of one freshman – Amelia Broman, daughter of Evelyn Erickson and Bruce Broman of St. Cloud; and four sophomores - Sam Rogers, son of Sara and Joe Rogers of Avon; Marisa Gaetz, daughter of Rose and Rick Gaetz of St. Joseph; Justin Terhaar, son of Jody and Karl Terhaar of St. Joseph; and Nick Haeg, son of Claire and Benedict Haeg of Sauk Centre. Knowledge Bowl teams compete in both written and oral
rounds of academic questions. Coach Charles Miller said this is the second time in three years that SJP has won the state title. They also won in 2006, 2008 and 2012. None of the current students was on the 2012 team, but Marisa Gaetz’s brother, Christian Gaetz, was a 2012 state champion. “The spokesperson for the team was Sam Rogers,” Miller said. “He has been a captain of Knowledge Bowl on my teams since he joined in sixth grade. Everyone on the team competed seriously in middle school as well.” Miller said the youth of the team helped them stay relaxed and not get too serious about things if they hit some bad luck on questions or rough buzzing. “They are excited to return as a team next year and try to repeat,”
Miller said. SJP has a tradition of going bowling in Brainerd before the meet starts. This year while they were competing boys against the girls, the song Rock Lobster by the B-52s started playing on the radio and everyone on the team started bowling really well. The team decided that Rock Lobster would be their theme song and they sang it throughout the tournament. SJP practices about 1.5 hours twice each week from Thanksgiving through April. To prepare specifically for state competition, the team met before school and also scrimmaged against Albany and Sartell to refresh the teams. “There is a long break between the regional meet and the state meet every year,” Miller said.
Ask A Trooper ‘Did you know’ facts about motorcycle saftey, training With spring upon us and motorcycles sharing the highways once again, I wanted to use this opportunity to bring some attention to the subject. Here are the “did you know” facts. Did you know, in Minnesota, more than half of motorcycle crashes are single-vehicle crashes? Motorcycle use is at an all-time high and the two primary factors involved when they crash are “driver inexperience” and “speed.” Did you know one main reason that motorcyclists are killed in crashes is because the motorcycle itself provides virtually no protection? The occupant protection that is built into our passenger cars protects us greatly, but cannot be incorporated within a motorcycle. Nationwide, 80 percent of reported motorcycle crashes result in injury or death; a comparable figure for automobiles is only 20 percent. Did you know, nationwide, 25 percent of motorcycle operators killed in crashes are not licensed or are improperly li-
censed to operate a motorcycle? Did you know approximately half of all fatal single-vehicle motorcycle crashes involved alcohol? Driving a motorcycle requires more skill and coordination than driving most other vehicles and impairment, even at lower levels, diminishes judgment and motor skills greatly, first and foremost. Did you know it is not advisable to buy a motorcycle you cannot push or pull upright by yourself? A motorcycle must be the right fit for the person and the style of the cycle should fit the use. But still, almost half of all motorcycle crashes involve a collision with another vehicle. In many crashes, the driver never saw the motorcyclist — or didn’t see the rider until it was too late. There are many reasons why other drivers do not see motorcyclists. So it’s important for everyone to pay attention. For more information on Motorcycles, crash facts, training course and research go to:
Motorcycles . If you have any questions concerning traffic-related laws or issues in Minnesota, send your questions to Trp. Jesse Grabow – Minnesota State Patrol at 1000 Hwy. 10 W., Detroit Lakes, MN 56501-2205 or follow him on Twitter @MSPPIO_NW or reach him at, jesse.grabow@state.
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The St. John’s Prep Knowledge Bowl team recently won the state title in Brainerd. The winning team includes (left to right) Assistant Coach Jen Daiker, Amelia Broman, Sam Rogers, Marisa Gaetz, Justin Terhaar, Nick Haeg and Coach Charles Miller.
NOW HIRING! QWIK STOP (formerly Benton Drive Mini-Serve) Is now accepting applications for its new location opening soon at the intersection of C.R. 29 & Benton Drive in east Sartell. Call 320-252-3040 and ask for Anne to receive an application and set up a possible interview.
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, May 2, 2014
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Bradford J. Folta Jr. has spent much of his life being around rocks. The geologist will lead a contributed photo A massive derrick is one of the historical artifacts at Quarry granite-history tour Saturday, May 10 at Quarry Park. Park. For many decades, the derrick lifted mined blocks of granite from the quarry for further cutting and processing. The granite in the quarry was formed a billion years ago.
Take a tour of billion-year-old rocks by Dennis Dalman
Granite quarry rocks have a big story to tell – a billionyear-old story. They also have a shorter story to tell, one that started a mere 130 years ago. People in the greater St. Cloud area are invited to “Geology in the Park,” a free guided tour of what the quarry rocks
have to tell us. It will take place Saturday, May 10 at Stearns County Quarry Park and Nature Preserve. The four-hour adventure tour will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. One-hour tours will take place at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. The conductor of the educational tour will be Bradford J. Folta Jr., a geologist who graduated from the University of
Minnesota, Duluth. Throughout this summer, Folta will donate his time as an intern for the Stearns County Parks Department. Folta loves to share his knowledge of geology – the history of rocks – with anyone who will listen. “The reason I’m doing the tours for Stearns County Parks is because it’s fun,” Folta told the Newsleader. “I love getting people excited about rocks, and I love talking about rocks and answering questions. I am not a know-it-all by any means, but I just happen to know a lot. The reason I want a higher degree is so some day I can teach at a university level. These tours are great practice for learning and perfecting how to teach.” During the May 10 Quarry Park walking tour, Folta will share his knowledge of the granite outcroppings that were formed a billion years ago, the result of molten rock (magna) that slowly cooled, then uplifted toward the surface of the earth. Granite, one of the hardest rocks on earth, is usually a combination of quartz, mica and feldspar. The central Minnesota area has been one of the prime places on the planet for quality granite, which has
been used in building projects and monuments throughout the world, including recently the creation of the Martin Luther King Jr. monument in Washington, D.C. People who take the May 10 tour will also learn about the industrial uses of granite and why St. Cloud is known as the “Granite City.” In the late 1800s, a Scotsman, Henry Nair Alexander, founded a granite-mining operation in Richmond. After his death, his two sons Patrick and John moved the company to Cold Spring. By 1930, the quarry operation was the biggest in the country. Its fine granite, known worldwide, was used for benches, buildings, markers, pillars, statues, gravestones and many other uses. The granite quarry in what is now Waite Park was famous far and wide for its fine, high-quality red granite. In 1992, Stearns County bought the granite holdings in Waite Park, which became the Stearns County Quarry Park and Nature Preserve. The park opened to the public Jan. 1, 1998. One good reason for the May 10 tours – other than a fascinating introduction to billion-
year-old rocks – is to introduce people to the many amenities of Quarry Park, a 684-acre tract. Known as the most unique park in the United States, Quarry Park offers a swimming quarry (112 feet deep), cross-country skiing, walking trails, snowshoeing, rock climbing, scuba diving, picnic areas, trout fishing and nature observation with lots of native flora and fauna. Folta said he is excited about sharing his knowledge of granite with local people, many who probably have no clue as to how granite and its importance have shaped the central Minnesota area. Folta has done studies in volcanic seismicity, including analyses at Mount St. Helen’s, which erupted catastrophically, famously in May 1980. Folta, after this summer, will travel to Cape Cod, Mass. where he will do an internship studying the rocks of that area. To get to Quarry Park, go south past the Menard’s store in Waite Park, then at the first stop sign a few blocks after that take a right, go about a half mile and you will see a big sign saying “Quarry Park and Nature Preserve.”
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, May 2, 2014
Schug from front page Established Artist award and a 2008 McKnight Fellowship for Writers award. His book Caution: Thin Ice was a 1993 Minnesota Book Award finalist and Arrogant Bones was a 2008 Midwest Book Award finalist. Schug is an avid reader and was able to read before he started school. An aunt who was a teacher and lived with his family when he was young taught him to read. Schug was born in Glencoe and moved to St. Cloud in the second grade. He graduated from Cathedral High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in geography with a minor in environmental studies from St. Cloud State University. Schug worked at the College of St. Benedict for 34 years. His positions
Smith from front page able to work with her these past two years,” Smith said. Smith was notified several days in advance that she had been selected to receive the award. “I was able to be in touch with my parents and they came down to see me receive the award,” Smith said. Some of her roommates, friends and others also attended the award ceremony. “The award was presented by Jodi Terhaar, whose daughter I work with at All Saints Academy, so it was an incredibly special moment,” Smith said. “I have been absolutely floored by the support of the CSB/ SJU community, my friends in St. Joseph and my family and friends in Duluth.” Smith’s experience with service began with her church in Duluth. Her parents were involved with teaching Sunday School, doing maintenance projects and staffing the nursery outreach programs. Smith started volunteering in the
included grounds-keeping, maintenance and he was the recycling coordinator. He has been married to Juliann Rule for 38 years. They live in St. Wendel Township with their dog and three cats. Schug currently volunteers as a writing tutor at the College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University Writing Center and as a naturalist at the St. John’s Outdoor University. He also speaks at area schools, including CSB, SJU, Apollo High School and more. For more information about Schug, visit Poem from At Gloaming:
By April, sour red stalks push elephant-ear leaves into near-earth atmosphere. Rhubarb plans ahead, years, decades even,
nursery and at a local soup kitchen when she was 8 years old. She later volunteered at Essentia Heath/St. Mary’s Medical Center in Duluth for six years. Smith said she is inspired by the diversity of interests and the passion for service at CSB. Many of her experiences at the college have been through her participation in the Bonner Leader Program, which is a nationwide program focusing on civic engagement and social justice. Bonner provides a scholarship and a work-study position, with a requirement that the work-study position be filled through a local position. Smith began work with the ASA after-school program in October 2011. She has also worked with their Study Buddy tutoring program. “The people I have met through my work at ASA have become an integral part of my life,” Smith said. “I cannot imagine my college experience without them, and I am thankful to have one more year to work at the school.” Smith has also been involved with the United Cerebral Palsy Halloween party and stationary
lives sustainably on the interest of sunlight stored underground, having folded up its solar collectors in September, when the days grow too short to make sugar. See how simple is a miracle. Schug’s first poem published:
The Roots Know
bare bleached bones; bear, bison, beaver, betrayed bowmen, buried beneath broken bluestem, become wedded in the wheat. The roots know where to go.
bike race, the Joe Town Table events and a campus ministrysponsored program known as Alternative Break Experiences. Last year, she travelled to Kansas City, Mo. to work at Operation Breakthrough, which serves children living in urban poverty. This year, Smith and another student from St. John’s University, Adam Kunkel, led a sex-trafficking awareness Alternative Break Experience to St. Paul. They worked with a Twin Cities-based organization, “Breaking Free,” which is dedicated to helping women out of sex trafficking and addresses the societal and systemic problems that contribute to sexual violence in our society. She also recently helped plan the Sex Trafficking Awareness Week at CSB and SJU. “Sex trafficking and other forms of sexual violence seem to be taboo issues, but they are the heartbreaking reality,” Smith said. “Not just overseas, but in the Metro area, St. Cloud and my hometown, Duluth.” Smith also teaches Sunday School at Resurrection Lutheran Church. Through the nursing program, she spent
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Larry Schug has written and published seven books of poetry. His poetry covers a variety of topics.
three weeks in Otavalo and Esperanza Azama, Ecuador in May 2013 and helped set up a dental clinic. Smith said she feels she has received far more than she has given with her experiences. “I do not think I would be able to be as involved in the community if it were not for the incredible women and men I am surrounded with on a daily basis,” Smith said. “Bennies and Johnnies and the faculty and staff who inspire us daily are passionate, intelligent and dedicated. If I am able to make a difference, I owe a great deal of credit to the campus community and the St. Joseph community at large that makes it possible through encouragement, instruction and inspiration.” Criteria for receiving the Centennial Service Award includes a dedication to Benedictine values – respect for persons, listening, dignity of work, hospitality, stewardship, common good and justice – and a commitment to the local area through leadership, civic engagement and serving the common good. CSB vice president for stu-
dent development Mary Geller said the award is meant to honor someone who has given of her time and talent to the local and/or global communities. Geller served as one of two co-chairs on the Centennial committee for the college. Bennie Day of Service was planned as a way to celebrate the Benedictine value of service to others for the common good. She said they are planning to continue this annual award. “We are called to serve, to be God’s hand on earth and when we serve we are in communion with those we serve,” Geller said. “We learn as much if not more than we give. To serve is to feed the human spirit.” A committee of three people – a CSB student, staff member and nun – determined Smith should receive the first Centennial Service Award. The committee unanimously agreed Smith deserved the award based on her strong leadership skills at ASA. They said they felt Smith leads with an example of what service should be about. About 200 people participated in the Benny Day of Service.
Saturday, May 10 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. ARLINGTON PLACE ASSISTED LIVING in St. Joseph POSITION AVAILABLE Part-Time Days/Evenings
HOME HEALTH AIDE 7-11:30 a.m. & 3:30-8 p.m. 3-4 days per week
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Our View
Congress should approve anti-gun-trafficking law
Despite terrible crimes like the slaughter of children at a school in Connecticut, nothing gets done about keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. At the very least, an iron-clad law addressing criminal background checks could have been passed, but because of enormous lobbying efforts by gunmanufacturing interests it was not. Currently, some members of the U.S. Congress are considering passing a law that would make gun trafficking a federal crime. It’s about time. The trafficking of guns puts guns into the hands of tens of thousands of criminals every year. Americans are killed with guns at a rate 20 times higher than in other developed countries, according to the Care2 website. At least 85 percent of guns involved in crimes committed in New York City were brought there from outside of the state, illegally because of gun-trafficking. Due to the lack of a federal law governing guntrafficking, prosecutors have had to rely on a weak trafficking law similar to the ones agains trafficking of livestock or chickens. Because of that, according to Care2, prosecutors refuse to prosecute three in four gun-trafficking cases. Legislation now before the U.S. Senate would make gun-trafficking a federal crime and much easier to prosecute. Gun lobbyists, like the National Rifle Association, have long claimed there is no need for any new gunrestriction laws because, in their opinion, if current gun laws were enforced as they should be, we could stop criminals in their tracks when it comes to keeping guns out of their hands. That is what they claim, but the truth is guns are still easily obtained, often without background checks, especially in a guntrafficking network where guns can be purchased or bartered as easily as candy in a candy store. Gun advocates do have a point, however. If criminals are determined to harm people, they will find a way, legal or not, to obtain guns, knives, bombs or any other destructive devices. However, why in the world should we make it easier for them to obtain their guns? Some, with proper laws, would be stopped in their tracks and prosecuted, as they should be. A federal gun-trafficking law is long overdue, as are mandatory criminal background checks. Urge your senators to vote for the proposed anti-trafficking bill. To sign a petition, go to the Care2 website. That site is hoping to get 15,000 signatures on the petition by June 5. So far there are more than 12,000 people who have signed it. Wouldn’t it be nice if 12 million people or 120 million people sign it? One fine day – it’s inevitable – this nation will finally have reasonable laws to make it harder for the bad guys to obtain weapons. Let’s start now by passing the federal law against gun-trafficking.
Fairness and ethics
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Friday, May 2, 2014
Opinion Newsleader celebrates quarter-century mark From the April 28, 1989 edition (first edition of the St. Joseph Newsleader and still pertinent today) Welcome to the St. Joseph Newsleader I hope you are enjoying the new format of this edition of the St. Joseph Newsleader, formally the St. Joseph Newsletter. Prepared solely on a MacIntosh computer, the Newsleader now offers more depth, breadth and life to St. Joseph news and events. Not only have I changed the size to better accommodate the amount of news, and the name to show professionalism and dedication to the town of St. Joseph, I’ve added photographs, improved advertising, written in-depth articles and
Janelle Von Pinnon Publisher columns, while at the same time increasing the aesthetic appeal of what I hope St. Joseph wants and what I know it can support – a real newspaper. St. Joseph citizens may shudder at the thought of yet another newspaper trying to get a foothold in town only to fold within a year of existence. Yet, after 18 months, working side-by-side with area
businesspeople in the fastest-growing suburb of St. Cloud, I feel St. Joseph residents are yearning to break away from the bigcity mold, to create their own self-image, a unique identity. I’m not expecting to create this overnight, but I guarantee without a voice, a source of information, an individual identity – a newspaper – this goal will never be attained. I’m devoted to this cause because I’ve come to appreciate St. Joseph’s assets – its optimistic outlook, its small-town appeal and most of all its enthusiastic people. Let us know how you feel, good or bad, about the St. Joseph Newsleader. Your feedback will help determine the future of this publication.
Bundy’s not a patriot; he’s a lawbreaker
It looked, at first, like scenes from a Technicolor wide-screen western epic movie, circa 1950s. There stood rancher Cliven Bundy, tall and proud, next to his two pardners, all three puffed up with sagebrush bravado. Behind them was the grandeur of the Nevada range country. All three men were wearing big white cowboy hats, the kind the good guys always wore in the movies. These men, it first appeared, were courageously defending Bundy’s cattle-grazing rights against that evil varmint, the Federal Government. These gruff-spoken good guys, white hats blazing in the sun, claimed they were protectors of our liberty. Freedom fighters. Rough-ridin’ vigilantes for Good. And, sure enough, it wasn’t long before a bunch of rough-and-tumble guntoters showed up to help the victim, Bundy, protect his rights and the rights of all Americans from government over-reach into our lives. In a gun-wagging standoff, the government men backed down, and the Bundy-ites declared a victory for freedom. It was dubbed the “Battle of Bunkerville.” The rebels had won, and them goldarned government sidewinders had slithered back into the hills where they’d been hatched. And, go figure, it wasn’t long before right-wing Republicans began to hail Bundy as a true patriot, standing up heroically for all Americans so threatened by the forces of wicked Big Government. Chief among the right-wing cheerleaders was Fox News Channel’s right-wing preppy darling Sean Hannity. Politicians like Mike Huckabee,
Dennis Dalman Editor Rand Paul and Ted Cruz quickly got into line. They’d found a cause on the good ol’ frontier that they could champion. Then, all of sudden, one day – whoops! – Bundy opened his big mouth and said the following, concerning African-Americans: “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under a government subsidy?” When his words hit the air waves, many Bundy supporters, including the lineup of right-wing politicians, went running for the hills. Whoops! Bundy’s not the most shining example of a freedom fighter, after all. And he’s also a hypocrite, whining about subsidies for “cotton pickers” while range ranchers have had federal subsidies for years, including a lower-than-private rate in fees ranches pay the government to graze their cattle on federal lands. That is something Bundy has refused to do for 10 years, and that is why he owes the federal government – us – about $1 million in grazing fees – the
same fees other law-abiding ranchers have paid for decades. To their credit, right-wing politicians condemned Bundy’s racist filth. However, they shouldn’t have waited so long. He should have been roundly condemned earlier as a lawbreaker, not a freedom-loving patriot. Bundy, in fact, is not much better than other cult figures, who were lawbreakers but who gained status among some disaffected sorts for their “stands” against the government: people like Gordon Kahl of North Dakota, Randy Weaver of Ruby Ridge, Jim Jones of Jonestown, David Koresh of Waco – to name just four. In all those cases, a conflict with the government ended badly – very badly. In some cases, yes, perhaps the government over-reacted and came down too hard (such as at Waco). However, it was the blatant lawbreaking that brought the government to the doors of those men’s fortress mentalities. These so-called freedom fighters, like Bundy, have always been self-alienated oddballs with a chip on their shoulders, a deep-seated penchant to defy any authority, a chilling sense of paranoia and a longing for martyrdom (unfortunately, by taking others with them on their march toward assisted suicide). These “patriots” should not be emulated or applauded; they should be rejected and in many cases arrested and tried in a court of law. To call them freedom fighters is not only inaccurate, it’s insulting to those true patriots who did – and continue to – fight for freedom.
We are all responsible for our choices Little Falls is making national news. Not because it is a beautiful little community tucked away in one of the most gorgeous parts of this country, but because of a murder trial. It probably is not news to you that on Thanksgiving Day in 2012 homeowner Byron Smith sat armed with a gun in his house waiting for burglars he thought would come. He believed they would come because they had come before, broken in and burglarized his home. Well, indeed they did come. When they broke into his house this time, he shot and killed them. If that was the entire story, that would be tragic enough. But as always, the devil is in the details. Smith has been charged with premeditated first-degree murder for the shooting of the burglars. He is currently on trial. When I was a resident of Minnesota, I decided I wanted to buy a handgun and get a conceal/carry permit. The requirements were simple. I had to have a background check, and I had to attend a course to learn the laws and rules governing the use and the misuse of a firearm. The training was rather intense. I was taught when it is OK to shoot and when it isn’t. For example, if someone breaks into my house and steals my TV set and runs out the front door, I cannot shoot him. But if he breaks into my house, steals my TV and in any way threatens me or any-
Ron Scarbro Guest Writer one in my house, I have every right to shoot him and to continue shooting until the danger to me and mine passes. If I am walking down the street and I witness someone assaulting someone else, I am allowed by law to stop the assault even if it means I have to shoot the perpetrator. There are many more laws and rules. In fact far too many to cover in this column. Here then is the question. Did this homeowner have the right to kill his intruders? The law says if he felt his life was threatened, he did have that right. The problem for this homeowner was after he had shot one of the burglars and completely disabled her, he shot again specifically to kill her. The prosecutor alleges once the intruder was incapacitated, she no longer posed a threat. This quickly goes then from self-defense to murder. The prosecutor further alleges in this case since the homeowner “lay in wait” for the break-in, that then became premeditated murder. Personally I think the charge
of premeditation is an overcharge. The jury will decide. Based on the information published so far, I do believe Smith is probably guilty of a degree of murder in this case and should be punished for his action. This brings me to the crime of breaking and entering. With all the guns in the hands of citizens in this country, when one breaks into another’s house, they are basically begging to die. It would be similar to pointing a gun at a police officer. It doesn’t matter whether the gun is real or fake, you are begging to die and you will probably get your wish. For the record, while I don’t believe breaking and entering deserves the death penalty, if someone breaks into my home, I will not spend a lot of time debating the issue. I will do what is necessary to end the threat. We are all responsible for our choices. If one chooses to break into another’s house, they may well face a person who has chosen to defend his home, and it probably won’t end well. (Editor’s note: On Tuesday, April 19, the jury, after a three-hour deliberation, found Smith guilty of first- and second-degree murder and he has been sentenced to life without parole.)
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, May 2, 2014 Friday, May 2 Rummage sale, 7-11 a.m., $1/ bag, St. John the Baptist Parish Center on Fruit Farm Road, just west of St. John’s campus, Collegeville. Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. 5K Walk/Run to benefit Anna Marie’s Alliance, 6-8 p.m., Atwood Mall, St. Cloud State University. 320-253-6900. “Comeback When You Grow Up: The Bobby Vee Story,” 7:30 p.m., one-man tribute show starring Justin Ploof, presented by Great River Arts, 122 SE 1st St, Little Falls. 320-632-0960. Saturday, May 3 Bike Rodeo, 10 a.m.-noon, sponsored by Sartell Police Department and BLEND. Any child who cycles through the course will
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Community Calendar
get a $2 token to spend at the farmer’s market along with other great prizes and events. Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N., 320-251-2700, ext. 77529. Sartell Farmers’ Winter Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. “Our Asian American Histories,” 4-6 p.m., open mic and musical performances celebrating Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, Central Perk, 906 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud, 320-3093087.
American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. 401 7th St. S., St. Joseph. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733Blood drive, 2-8 p.m., Bethle2767. hem Lutheran Church, 4310 CR Blood drive, 1-7 p.m., Atone- 137, St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. ment Lutheran Church, 1144 29th Ave., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Friday, May 9 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Wednesday, May 7 American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Blood drive, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733Minnesota Department of Trans- 2767. portation, 3725 N. 12th St., St. Brat sale, sponsored by St. JoCloud. 1-800-733-2767. seph Y2K Lions, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Area Historical grilled brats and hotdogs, St. JoSociety, 7 p.m., Old City Hall, seph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW. St. Joseph. www.stjosephhistoriArt Opening, 6-8 p.m.,
Monday, May 5 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Jazz/pop concert, 7:30 p.m., Sartell High School auditorium.
Thursday, May 8 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. St. Joseph Senior Citizens, 1:30 p.m., Community Fire Hall,
Tuesday, May 6 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.,
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Freelancers sought
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ings and jewelry by Lou Tollefson on display through June, The Change Hair Salon, 2385 Troop Dr., #204, Sartell, 320-764-3909. Saturday, May 10 Annual spring plant sale, 8:30 a.m.-noon, St. John’s Outdoor University, new science center, St. Johns University, 320-363-3163. Brat sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Y2K Lions, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., grilled brats and hotdogs, St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW.
Kota is a 9-and-a-half-year-old spayed and declawed cat. She came to the shelter because she didn’t get along with the other pets in the home. Kota has been around younger children but was rather timid around them. She enjoys being brushed and doesn’t even mind getting a bath once in a while. If you have a quiet home without any resident pets, Kota could be just the right cat for you. She qualifies for the Name Your Own Price Promotion and would be free to a veteran or senior “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 9 Puppy - 1 Rats - 4
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Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Center from front page strong opposition to the center as currently proposed. They included Mike McDonald, who has written several letters to local media in opposition; and Irene Reber, who spearheaded a petition in favor of a voter referendum. Based on the majority of comments at the meeting, it was apparent most were opposed to a government center, an estimated $4.5-million building that would be constructed on the current city-hall/police department building once that structure is torn down. The project would include a community-meeting room that could be used by anybody and rented even by outof-towners since it would be designated a regional facility. The project would be paid for by a combination of city taxes and the half-cent regional sales tax.
come up with a project all could support. That, Schultz said, is why the meeting was called to begin with – to hear concerns by opponents or doubters so a consensus could maybe be achieved by and by. Schultz also said there are maybe up to 200 people in the meeting room that night but there are about 4,000 voters in the city. A couple members of the audience agreed voting college students could skew the results of an election into something most residents would probably oppose. Almost none of the speakers identified themselves. One woman said the power of democracy should be trusted, a referendum should be held and residents must inform themselves before they vote. Several more speakers, however, said being informed is difficult because the city council and staff have not done enough to communicate with the public the exact details about the government-center proposal. Schultz said he agreed communication should be better, but he also said in late March the city held a public-input meeting about the government center and only 20 people attended. News about the center has been published in local media, including the St. Joseph Newsleader, but people said they either hadn’t noticed the news or there were not enough details about the center. One woman suggested the city print council minutes verbatim in the Newsleader. Schultz said that could prove to be very expensive but he will check into it.
Mayor Schultz told the audience he wanted the meeting to be a civic dialogue and that those who speak should speak only on behalf of themselves, not others in the room. However, as vocal opponents voiced their opposition to the plan – especially a sentiment in favor of a referendum – the applause and vocal yeah-saying made it clear most in the audience were against the center or skeptical about it. Schultz said he personally is opposed to a referendum. It Rationale Council member Symanietz would be far better, he said, if all people could get together told the audience the city’s faciliand work out their differences to ties committee, of which she is a
member, worked for months on a government-center project, considering input from many people. The St. Joseph Economic Development Administration, she said, strongly favored building a center in the downtown area. Space at the current city-hall building is extremely tight to hold both the police department and city staff. And the current building has all kinds of structural issues, including a leaky roof and heating problems. In addition, it is not structurally feasible to build a second story on the current building, council members noted. Symanietz said the facilities committee and council considered many options, including retro-fitting the old Kennedy Elementary School as a city center, including community spaces, but all other options proved to be prohibitively expensive, she added. Council member Loso said the council struggled over the word “regional” as regards spending the half-cent regional sales tax. The state, he said, never gave a good, working definition of the word. The state requires any project built with sales-tax funds be regional in nature – such as buildings, roads or parks that can and will be used by people not living in that particular city.
Can’t afford it
Many speakers at the meeting emphasized the citizens just cannot afford to pay taxes toward a new building. “It’s our money!” an elderly man said, anger in his voice. “You people get a raise. We don’t get a raise. Obama won’t give us one.” A woman said St. Joseph has
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No community room
Several speakers, in no uncertain terms, said they do not want or need a community room. There are, they said, plenty of other meeting places in town: the fire hall, the church, the Wobegon Trailhead meeting room. Adding a community room is a waste of money, they said. A community survey done some years ago indicated a community center was at the top of people’s wish lists, Symanietz noted. Some speakers agreed a community center might be a good idea for the future but a community room is not needed.
Council member Wick said preliminary bids just opened by the city indicate the lowest bid is about $250,000 less than its $4.5 million cost. Several speakers complained about the $452,000 already spent toward a government center, a cost that includes architectural planning and design, pre-design, contractor management and soil testing, among other charges. One man said contractors come to the city and convince the council they need something new just because other cities, like Sartell or Sauk Rapids, have new facilities. “It’s like keeping up with the Joneses,” he said. Mike McDonald said the city has given misleading information about how much the government
center would cost residents over a 20-year period in taxes. The figure given per year was about $12 on average, but the real cost would be about $129 a year for a house valued at $150,000, McDonald alleged.
In favor
Several people at the meeting said they do see a need for more space for the police department and city offices, but exactly how to fulfill that need remains a big question, they noted. One man said if the city would divulge exact details of a plan, then the residents would know precisely what they’re voting for, should the issue come up for a vote. A woman said she does not oppose the plan – just its proposed location. Others insisted the building could be repaired and then expanded. A male speaker said there is no doubt there is a need for more space for both police and city staff. “I fully support this plan,” he said. “Let’s step up to the plate. It should be done in downtown St. Joseph.”
Not done deal
Schultz told the audience the government-center plan remains a plan only, not a done deal. He promised the audience there will be more meetings and more efforts to reach a consensus on what kind of building to construct. “We’re not there yet,” Schultz said. “We’re not going through with anything. We wanted this feedback. We would rather work out a consensus. I think we will eventually.”
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a 22 percent poverty rate. In light of that, she said, it makes more sense to spend money on park amenities for children than spending $4.5 million on a government center.
Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 11.
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