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Newsleader St. Joseph

Friday, May 10, 2013 Volume 24, Issue 19 Est. 1989

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College of St. Benedict kicks off centennial year by Cori Hilsgen

Town Crier

The College of St. Benedict is planning a celebration, and St. Joseph will be experiencing many of the benefits. After several years of planning, excitement is in the air because the festivities are about to begin. CSB will kick off its centennial celebration after the last graduation commencement ceremony of the college’s first century on May 11. Various festivities will continue throughout the year until the first commencement of the second century on May 17, 2014. Kim Motes, vice president of Institutional Advancement for CSB, and also one of the co-chairs of the centennial, is excited to share her excitement of the celebrations planned for the upcoming year. Motes said the planning com-

Farmers’ Market opens today

The St. Joseph Farmers’ Market opens today, Friday, May 10 and runs every Friday through Oct. 18. Hours will be from 3-6:30 p.m. The market is located north of St. Joseph on C.R. 2 next to the Wobegon Trail Center (near Resurrection Lutheran Church). Come and purchase locally grown produce and more while enjoying the great outdoors. All are welcome.

Citywide garage sale set next weekend

The St. Joseph City Wide Garage Sale, sponsored by the St. Joseph Jaycees, will be held Friday and Saturday, May 17-18. Maps are available at Sentry Bank and all gas stations in St. Joseph.

Lake Wobegon Marathon set Saturday

More than 400 runners are registered for the sixth annual Lake Wobegon Trail Marathon, sponsored by the St. Cloud River Runners, to be held at 7 a.m. Saturday, May 11. The race begins in Holdingford. Participants run on the trail through Albany and Avon to finish in St. Joseph. From 3-6 p.m. Friday, May 10, events will include a “Recovery from Marathon/ Endurance Events” seminar with local professionals, a pre-race dinner, sale of Boston Tribute shirts and registration packet pickup at Gorecki Center at the College of St. Benedict. For more information, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers.

Property taxes due

The first half of the 2013 real estate tax is due and payable by Wednesday, May 15. This is the last day to pay the first half without penalty. Stearns County has several payment options including online payment, auto deduction, in person or by mail. Residents can now sign up for paperless statements. For more information, visit and click on Criers.

Bromenschenkel sets local meeting

Stearns County Commissioner Mark Bromenschenkel invites constituents to meet with him from 10-11 a.m. Saturday, May 11 at the Blue Line Sports Bar and Grill, 1101 2nd St. S., Sartell. The meeting is the latest in Bromenschenkel’s many get-togethers to learn what’s on the minds of his constituents. Bromenschenkel represents Sartell, St. Joseph, Waite Park and the townships of Le Sauk, St. Joseph and St. Wendel. For more information, visit www. and click on Criers. For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.

contributed photo

The St. Benedict College and Academy as it was in 1911.

College • page 5

Archery Country to host grand opening of city range by TaLeiza Calloway

As the weather gets warmer, some arrows will fly with the opening of the city’s archery range. Archery Country will host a grand opening event from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, May 18. St. Joseph Public Works Director Terry Thene said the event is free and open to the public. “It’s going to be a lot of fun,” Thene said. “They will have bows for people to try it out.”

The range is in the southeast corner of the city at the water-treatment plant site next to Kelp Road. Public works staff recently took advantage of the warmer weather and installed a pavilion at the archery range. The work is slated to be completed in the coming week. The city partnered with Archery Country in September to bring the amenity back to the city. This is the second time St. Joseph has had an archery range. The first archery range was in Millstream Park. Thene said it

eventually closed because it was in conflict with other activities that took place in the park. Archery Country donated 10 targets. The targets cost about $300 each and are already installed.

The Waite Park business indicated previously it will host clinics on site, staff the site and assist with archers’ equipment and technique. Archery Country also said it would provide maps to Range • page 4

Spring at last?

City relocates compost site by TaLeiza Calloway

The city’s compost site opened this week in a new location and welcomed a few new users. The city entered a three-year contract with C and L Excavating in St. Joseph to move compost operations from west of town on Stearns County Road 75 to 7939 Ridgewood Road in St. Joseph. City officials signed the contract with the company May 1. St. Joseph City Administrator Judy Weyrens said the site is open not only to residents of the city but residents of St. Joseph and St. Wendel townships and the city of St. Cloud. Weyrens said because C and L officials had received

requests from residents in west St. Cloud to use their site for composting, the accommodation was included in the contract. C and L Excavating is responsible for maintenance of the site, and the city will oversee the selling and issuing of the permits, according to the contract. The agreement will be reviewed annually. The cost of permits is $30 for city and St. Joseph Township residents; $60 for St. Wendel Township residents and $45 for St. Cloud residents. The city of St. Cloud allows residents from neighboring cities to use its compost site. Weyrens said the price of $45 is the same cost St. Cloud charges non-residents to use its site. Compost • page 4

photo by Cori Hilsgen

People enjoyed Sunday’s warm weather by stopping for treats at the Cone Castle grand opening. Jakob Schmitz, 7, of St. Joseph enjoyed sliding down one of the Party Time Inflatables. “It’s really fun,” Schmitz said.


St. Joseph Newsleader •


Two St. Joseph students were among the top 10 honor students graduating this spring from St. John’s Preparatory School, Collegeville. They are the following: Zachary Dehler, son of Mary and Al Dehler, and Luke Teigen, son of Marcia and Cliff Teigen. Dehler participated in baseball, basketball and soccer. He was the vice president of Student Council and a member of the Dehler National Honor Society. He was an evaluator of the school’s literary magazine, The Triangle. Dehler will attend St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minn. where he plans to major in accounting. Teigen was on the varsity baseball and basketball teams for four years, the football team for one year and the soccer team Teigen for three years. He was also in jazz band for three years and had been in the pit band for the spring musical twice. He was a member of the National Honor Society. Teigen will also receive an International Baccalaureate Diploma, an optional two-year program of rigorous study

Art Fischer, St. Joseph, is a new member of the American Angus Association®, headquartered in St. Joseph, Mo. The association, with more than 25,000 active adult and junior members, is the largest beef breed association in the world. Its computerized records include detailed information on more than 17 million registered Angus. The association records ancestral information, keeps production records on individual animals, and develops industry-leading selection tools for its members. These programs and services help members select and mate the best animals in their herds to produce quality genetics for the beef cattle industry and quality beef for consumers.

A story that appeared on the front page of the May 3 edition of the St. Joseph Newsleader about the incoming St. Cloud superintendent’s contract should have included the following salary in-

formation. Under the contract, Willie Jett will be paid $170,000 for 2013-14, $173,950 for 201415 and $178,200 for 2015-16. The salary will be paid in 24 equal installments each year.

during a student’s junior and senior years. He is undecided about where he will attend college in the fall. He plans to major in biology or biochemistry and take a pre-medicine track. St. John’s Prep will hold its 156th commencement ceremony Saturday, May 25 at St. John’s Abbey Church, beginning with a 10 a.m. Baccalaureate Mass, followed by the presentation of diplomas to 51 graduates. Erin Nelson, daughter of Leah and Kevin Nelson of St. Joseph, was recently accepted for the 2013 fall semester at Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall, Minn. She plans to major in special education.





If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or TriCounty Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.


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Friday, May 10, 2013

Knights name Bruemmer Knight of the Year contributed article Lloyd Bruemmer is a faithful, active member of the Father Werner Council and daily lives out the Knights of Columbus tenets of unity, charity, fraternity and patriotism. He serves the community, church and his family with energy, dedication and passion, and gives generously of his time and talents. We are all proud of him and are blessed to have him as a member of the council. In the council Bruemmer has served as the grand knight and is currently a trustee. He also serves in the district as an active member of the Public Relations Committee. He is the lead volunteer who provides an annual dinner for the parishes confirmation students and has been the co-chair of the KC hamburger stand for several years. Bruemmer is a fourth-degree member. He helps during the council free-throw contest and is a judge for the council drug and alcohol poster contests. He has presented rosaries to the parish’s first-communion children for the council. When the Knights of Columbus gather Bruemmer is there. Bruemmer has served on the building committee for the past 28 years. During that time, he has devoted many hours of volunteer service maintaining parish property. He served two years on the liturgy committee. During that time the committee was looking at the purchase of an ambry to store the three holy oils in the church.

The cost was considerable so Bruemmer built the beautiful ambry that’s currently used in our church. In addition to building the ambry, he built the wooden holy water wall stands in the back of our church. He does not hide his talent in the wood shop when it comes to the church. Bruemmer has been an usher for several years, always looking dapper. He has worked in various stands and positions for the 4th of July, most recently and currently as the co-chair of the Joe burger stand. He was instrumental in introducing french fries to the festival. Bruemmer has a devotion to the unborn and was forerunner for and instrumental in obtaining an ultra sound machine for the St. Cloud Birthline as a member of the Public Relation Committee of the district. He recently participated in a prayer vigil in front of the St. Cloud Planned Parenthood in support of pro-life during this year’s 40 Days for Life. He is prolife and proudly wears a prolife rose on his jacket. In the community, Bruemmer is currently the chair of the Post Home Committee of the local American Legion Post 328 and was the main force in the replacement of the heating and air conditioning units in the club this past year. Bruemmer is a proud and dedicated member of the Legion Honor Guard, which provided honors for 17 veterans during the past year at the Little Falls Veterans Cemetery and locally in St. Joseph.


April 20 1:52 a.m. Medical. Minnesota Street W. Officer responded to a 19-year-old female having difficulty breathing. Arrived and found her lying on the sofa in the living room. She was having a panic attack. Attempted to get her to slow her breathing. Gold Cross arrived and assessed patient. No Transport. 2:15 p.m. Open container. West Birch Street. Young male observed carrying a Keystone Light can. Officer stopped and spoke to him. He had no identification on him. He was asked to sit in officer’s vehicle until he could be identified. Officer asked him what he had in his pockets and he volunteered several items including a “dugout” containing a green leafy substance. He admitted to it being marijuana and consuming and possessing alcohol. Citation issued for underage consumption and possession of drug paraphernalia. 5:12 p.m. Public urination. College

Avenue N. Officer observed a male urinating near a snow pile in the corner of the Holiday gas station parking lot. He admitted to urinating and was issued a citation. 11:20 p.m. Found property. Minnesota Street W. Chief Pete Jansky found an Apple iPhone 5 in front of the Legion and turned it in until owner could be found. Owner came to the station and verified it was hers. She stated she knew it was at the police station through her “Find My iPhone” application. 11:37 p.m. Assist person. Minnesota Street W. Request to assist person with getting his driver’s license back from bouncer. Bouncer took license because he did not think it was the person’s license. Officer identified him by his SCSU ID card and two other credit cards he had with him. April 21 12:08 a.m. Suspicious vehicle.

contributed photo

Bruemmer was recently named Knight of the Year by the St. Joseph Knights of Columbus Father Warner Council 7057. He is currently heading up the reroofing project for the Legion club. In the community Bruemmer provides free or greatly discounted work on heating/air conditioning units for elderly and disabled parishioners and people of St. Joseph. He works at St. John’s University for the parish quilters, earning money for them to buy fabric and other materials for the 30-40 quilts they make each year and sell at the 4th of July Quilt Auction. Also in the community he works with the Junior Olympic Volleyball fundraiser helping with travel funds for the team. Bruemmer is married to an equally giving and talented person, Juanita, who is a dedicated mother and grandmother and the couple regularly provides childcare for their grandchildren. Third Avenue SW. Officer observed car parked in driveway with trunk open and purse in trunk. Made contact with owner and advised. 12:34 a.m. Verbal. Second Avenue NW/Minnesota Street W. Officer flagged down by male and stated his girlfriend had been hitting and pushing him around. Male did not want anything done. Female was located by west entrance to college. She stated male got upset with her and hit her and she struck him back. She stated she did not want anything done as well. Both went their separate ways and were told not to have contact with each other. 9:08 a.m. Theft. College Avenue N/ Minnesota Street E. Male came to police station to report license plates were stolen off his vehicle while he was at church. He signed a stolen property report and the plates were entered as stolen. He was advised to go to DMV and get new plates.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon Editor Dennis Dalman

Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen

The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Contributing Writers TaLeiza Calloway Angelica Gentile Cori Hilsgen Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, May 10, 2013


Hudock to discuss new book at the Catholic Worker House by Cori Hilsgen

Throughout history, the Catholic Church has taken slow but steady strides toward recognizing human rights, contributed photo especially in Hudock the last century or so, according to local author Barry Hudock. Hudock will talk about his new book at 7:15 p.m. Monday, May 13 at the Central Minnesota Catholic Worker House in St. Joseph. The name of his book is “Faith Meets World: The Gift and Challenge of Catholic Social Teaching,” published by Liguori Publications. At the gathering, he will read selections from the book and discuss Catholic social teaching. In the book, Hudock discusses historical events and church documents that are the basis for Catholic social teaching. He also discusses ideas and how to put those ideas into action in everyday lives and society. Hudock said Catholic social teaching is all about the moral aspects of living together as people in society. A strong point has been the way it has applied principles to the ways society has developed in different periods. He gave examples of how, during the Industrial Revolution, Pope Leo insisted workers are not like tools that employers can buy and do whatever

they want with. During the Cold War, Pope John called for international peace and respect for human rights. And just recently, during the recession, Pope Benedict criticized the moral failures of capitalism and pushed for an economy marked by kindness rather than greed. Hudock said the church has learned from the world about human rights, a development that happened relatively quickly, but not overnight. He finds it to be a fascinating story. He gave examples of how in the 19th Century the church was against the idea of human rights. But, a century later, John Paul II was one of the greatest defenders of human rights. Much of his understanding, experience and ideas for the book came from his own personal experiences with poverty. Hudock worked as a director of two agencies serving people living in poverty in central Appalachia, one of the poorest regions in the country. He was the executive director of the ABLE Families and Christian Help nonprofit organizations headquartered in Kermit, W.V. “It’s a beautiful region with wonderful, strong people,” Hudock said. “That made seeing the poverty there all the more discouraging. The whole situation offers a great example of the fact it’s not just luck or fate or an individual’s willingness to work hard that help determine who is poor and who isn’t. It’s also the economic structure we set up. Catholic social teaching knows this very well.”

Mayor Rick Schultz

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Hudock said it took him about three years to write his second book. He said he usually gets up at 4 a.m. every day, including weekends. He walks his dog and then writes. Hudock also works full-time at the Liturgical Press at St. John’s University in Collegeville. “It’s a little rough at times, but the topics I choose to write about, like this book, are always topics I really enjoy, so it’s not too hard,” Hudock said. Hudock came to Stearns County two years ago to work at Liturgical Press. He said it’s a privilege because it has such an amazing history. “I always go to work in the morning thinking how cool that I get to work here,” Hudock said. The 44-year-old Hudock lives in Albany with his wife, Antoi-

nette, and their seven children. Hudock said they like the Albany area and really lucked out when they moved here two years ago because they had to do their house hunting by longdistance from West Virginia. Wife Toni came up for a day, looked around and found their house while he stayed home with their children. He said he never saw the house until the day they signed the mortgage

and moved in. Hudock’s first book, “The Eucharistic Prayer: A User’s Guide,” also published by Liturgical Press, was published in 2010. The Catholic Worker House is located at 35 2nd Ave. S.E. in St. Joseph. A simple meal will be served at 6:30 p.m., followed by prayer and discussion with Hudock at 7:15 p.m.

The St. Joseph Public Works Department will flush water hydrants Monday, May 20-24. Residents are advised during this process they might experience discoloration of water. It’s not uncommon for water to become discolored shortly after the hydrant has been flushed. Despite discoloration,

the water is safe to consume at all times. If your water is discolored, turn on your tap and run until the water becomes clear. Maintenance staff flush the water hydrants in spring and fall of each calendar year. Flushing of hydrants helps remove stale water from the system, according to the city.

City to flush hydrants next week


St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, May 10, 2013

Joe Town Pizza, Grill welcomes new owners

photo by TaLeiza Calloway

Matt and Kami Roquette are the new owners of Joe Town Pizza and Grill in St. Joseph. by TaLeiza Calloway

For Matt and Kami Roquette St. Joseph is home. That’s why it was easy to take ownership of a local business in a town they have grown to love. The Roquettes are the new owners of Joe Town Pizza and Grill in St. Joseph. The restaurant

is at 14 College Ave. N. When the couple married four years ago, they didn’t set out to buy a restaurant. Matt is a realtor for Edina Realty in St. Joseph and Kami works in outside food supply sales for Strategic in St. Cloud. While they have other careers, they were always looking for a good business opportunity. That opportunity came March 27

when they bought the St. Joseph business. Kami, who is originally from Sauk Centre, has a lot of customer-service experience in the food industry. She worked for a Dairy Queen in her hometown for years and served as its manager for about seven years. Coming back to the restaurant industry was something she knew she would do. Matt grew up in St. Joseph. He and Kami have two children and one on the way. Their son Mason is 3 and their daughter Tenley is 1. The nice thing about owning the restaurant is it’s literally a few blocks away from their home. “We had been looking for a business opportunity for a while,” Matt said. “We found this, sat down with the owner and it just seemed like a good fit. It was also close to home and that was important to us. We thought if we’re going to do business somewhere it’s important to be in the community.” The restaurant has 10 employees. One of the 10 employees is full-time and the rest are parttime. The price range of offerings starts at $7 for a small pizza up to $23. They have a full-delivery menu that includes salads, wraps

and sandwiches in addition to the pizza. Service includes dine-in and carry out. All of the dough is made from scratch and they sell an 11-inch gluten-free pizza. They serve a five-mile radius that includes the cities of Avon and the west end of St. Cloud. They’re not looking to make major changes to the business but will add what Kami calls “a little touch of us,” to the business. They’re working on introducing specialty pizzas into the menu lineup and plan to introduce a new offering every month to see what the response will be. The co-owners also plan to expand their menu to include more desserts. Kami said the hope is to launch something new by July 4th weekend. If you ask the Roquettes what makes a good pizza, their answer is simple: dough and sauce. Both are made in-house. “Anybody can put toppings on,” Kami said. “We handtoss our crust. It’s just good.” What she likes most is the customer-service aspect. She admits she had to get used to the pace of the pizza grill as it’s a little slower than the fast food vibe of Dairy Queen. “I love food business,” she said. “I can’t nail down the reason why, but I do.” As a sales rep, she goes into restaurants and proprietors buy their supplies from her. She says it’s not the same as being behind the counter or in the kitchen

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alongside them. The couple says the feedback has been positive since they took ownership of the restaurant. “Business is good,” she said. “People support businesses in this community.” Joe Town Pizza and Grill is open 11 a.m.-10 p.m. seven days a week. For more information, see their coupon this week on page 8.

Range from front page the St. Joseph archery range and recommend the site to its customers, Thene told council members previously. It will take city staff about two hours per week to maintain the site during summer months. It’s estimated to cost $500 per year for repair and maintenance issues. Thene said many community groups such as the St. Joseph Lions Club and businesses have helped bring the range to the community. Kay’s Kitchen is donating water and caramel rolls for the upcoming grand opening festivities, he said.

Compost from front page The compost site will be open 2-7 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and 8 a.m.-noon on Saturdays. Permits can be purchased online via the city’s website, http://www.cityofstjoseph. com/ and in person at city hall, 25 College Ave. N. When purchasing a permit, residents are asked to provide their vehicle make/model and license-plate number. Materials that will be accepted include leaves (separated from branches), twigs and garden waste. No soils, rocks or construction debris will be accepted.

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St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, May 10, 2013

College from front page mittees looked at many aspects of the centennial. “How do we mark this major milestone in the life of the college?” Motes said. “It only happens once in a century, so we have to make the most of it.” People will notice the banners hanging around campus. “This community will know there is something happening with the college,” Motes said. Diane Hageman, who is the interim co-director of Communication and Marketing Services at CSB, is chairing the Community Outreach Committee for the centennial festivities. Hageman said she is excited to be chairing the committee. “St. Joe is our home and we are very excited to be planning some fun public events,” Hageman said. “We hope the residents of St. Joseph and the greater St. Cloud community will join us in celebrating this wonderful milestone.” Hageman said several public events and happenings will occur during the next year to help celebrate the centennial. For example, the college will be a major sponsor of the Joe Town Rocks concert and will have a booth set up. This is the first time the college is helping sponsor the event. CSB will host a family picnic before the July 18 Sunset Stages Robert Robinson performance. On Sept. 13, CSB will host the St. Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce. That includes Sartell, St. Cloud and Sauk Rapids members. At the Millstream Festival on Sept. 29, CSB will host the Millstream Mile – a one-mile family run. CSB also plans to host the annual Christmas party for the St. Joseph Chamber members. An all-school reunion will be held from June 28-30. Hageman said it will bring a lot of people and business to the St. Joseph area. Motes said they have invited all 20,000 alumni back to campus for the reunion. They have already received responses from more than 700 alumni who have registered to come back to celebrate. They are anticipating 800-1,000 alumni to return to the campus to celebrate. Several families of grandmothers, mothers and daughters are planning to attend the reunion. Generations of women are bring-

ing their daughters to introduce them to the college and asking, ‘Don’t you want to be part of this sisterhood?’ The earliest class from which alumni will come is the Class of 1939. They are also inviting all the 2013 graduates. Anyone who attended is invited back to the campus. A series of alumni awards will be presented at the reunion. Two “Circle of Sisters Awards” for groups of alumni that have done something remarkable together or have stayed together; a ‘Legacy Award” to a family who has had generations of alumni attend; and 14 centennial “President’s Awards” (signifying they have had 14 presidents in their history) will be given. The range of years goes from 1939 to 2000 in areas of accomplishments with those 14 awards. CSB will host a series of events throughout the centennial year. The Fine Arts programming series will open with Broadway legend Patti LuPone. The year will focus on women artists. The Literary Art Institute is bringing in a signature author, academic departments are looking at bringing special speakers to campus and some classes will focus on the centennial and roles of women in the area. Outreach opportunities will include merchandise that is branded especially for the centennial. They include such things as a signature line of “Sisterhood” jewelry, wearing apparel, a one-of-a kind mug and other items that will be available in the CSB bookstore and at the On A Lark gift shop. CSB has commissioned a book on the history of CSB with one of its history faculty, Annette Atkins, that will come out in June. They are launching an app for the iPhone which will connect to their main website, and people can then connect through the website. Organizers are hosting a series of trips that people are invited to join, including a cruise to the Bahamas and trips to Chili and Argentina, the United Arab Emirates, Italy and Greece. Culinary services will create an official centennial dessert. CSB is considering what should go in a time capsule. A “Bennie day of service,” during which CSB alumni all over the world will do something to serve their area at a certain time on a certain day, no matter where they


contributed photo

College of St. Benedict students are shown moving in to Centennial Commons on move-in day 2012. are, is being planned. Motes said the banners reflect how it’s been a century of connections. “It’s a whole theme of the century of connection – connections that are made here in this community and how we are all connected out in the world,” Motes said. “There is an immediate connection with Bennies and we really want to celebrate those ties that bind us.” Motes emphasized how in 1913 women did not yet have the right to vote. It was seven years before they achieved that right. She said if you stop to think what the world was like in 1913 and you had these strong women. There were six Benedictine Sisters who had this vision about starting a college for women. They had the foresight to build the main building which included classrooms, dormitories, a library, dining hall, biology and chemistry labs and other things. Motes said the dorm rooms were still in use until about 1988. She herself stayed in the dorms her first year of college and is a 1989 graduate of the college. “We have to think about women in the world at that time and how women have evolved, how the opportunities have become greater and greater for women over the last 100 years,” Motes said. “Could they have predicted what the college would look like 100 years from now? It was courageous and audacious at times.” Motes said they then built a state-of-the-art Benedicta Arts Center in the 1960s far away from the main building and in essence they said here’s where we think the campus will grow to. At the time, the BAC was unlike anything else in the Midwest. As they are ready to celebrate the 100th anniversary, the college has grown beyond the BAC.

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Get back into the swing of life

photo by Cori Hilsgen

Kim Motes (left) and Diane Hageman work for the College of St. Benedict and are involved with much of the planning of the upcoming year-long centennial celebrations for the college. Many activities, including an all-school reunion, have been planned to celebrate the 100-year anniversary. “As we have arrived at this milestone, if those sisters who started the college could see us today, they would probably be amazed, but also say – ‘Well yes, of course!’,” Motes said. “We are thinking a lot about that 100-year point, but we are also thinking about what will the college look like 100 years from now? When the community is celebrating the 200-year anniversary of the college, what will they look to? When they look at the centennial of the college, what will they say about what we do today as far as propelling the college forward? That will be the question 100 years from now: Were they as courageous?” Motes said she thinks they are. She said she believes CSB president MaryAnn Baenninger has good vision. CSB graduates are also going out across the world

and doing amazing things. They are taking the Benedictine values and the strong education they get from CSB into the world and are making a difference. “We see this as a way of energizing our community, including the St. Joseph community – it’s about telling our story to as wide of a network as we can,” Motes said. “It’s about propelling the future vision. It’s about looking back but also really celebrating the vision moving forward for this women’s college and also celebrating our partnership with St. John’s and really thinking very consciously about this moment in our history. CSB will continually update its Centennial website. They encourage people to check it frequently. For more information, visit www.

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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Our View

County law change is positive step forward The Stearns County Board of Commissioners recently approved the allowance of chickens in residential areas. The move comes after a long debate about whether the animals were an appropriate fit. They are. If they are contained and coops are kept up, the commission determined chickens pose no hindrance to the quality of life. The board’s decision is a positive step forward for the area. With a heightened environmental awareness of how our food is grown and where it comes from, the allowance supports a burgeoning movement toward healthier living such as raising freerange chickens. Specifically, the board of commissioners voted April 24 to change the county’s Land Use and Zoning Ordinance to allow for chickens in R-1 and R-5 districts. In R-1 zoning districts, up to 12 chickens will be allowed per residence. In R-5 zoning districts, 15 chickens will be allowed per acre, with an additional four permitted per additional acre up to five acres, allowing for a maximum of 31 chickens in an R-5-zoned residence, according to the county. All chickens in residential districts must be confined with a coop and/or fence and set back 10 feet from all property lines. The raising of chickens in residential districts will be allowed as a provisional use. This means the birds must be registered with Stearns County’s Environmental Service Department. Commissioners will revisit the rule in one year to see how its working. Knowing more about your food is at the forefront of not only health discussions but part of a push for more sustainable living. In recent years there has been a push for raising chickens in backyards. Advocates for backyard chickens argue the eggs pose less risk of salmonella, taste better and are higher in protein. Concerns from opponents include worry about odor and safety. Many area cities – Sartell, Waite Park, Sauk Rapids and St. Cloud – classify chickens as farm animals and allow them only in areas zoned for agricultural use, effectively outlawing most backyard flocks. St. Joseph considered modifying its laws to allow backyard chickens years ago, but it did not move forward. The cities of Brainerd and Mankato have made provisions to allow urban flocks. While the board’s decision applies to very large lots, it’s still a sign of progress.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Opinion Farewell Minnesota, it’s been ‘nice’ to know you

I will soon trade in the snow and cold for wind and possible earthquakes. Yes, you read correctly. I’m moving to a place where earthquakes are more prevalent than the blizzards I’ve become accustomed to here in Minnesota. I will be married next month. The big day is June 15. That’s approximately 35 days away but who’s counting? It went from being one year away to a matter of days. It’s all very exciting once you get over the fear of the cake not arriving on time or my favorite dream – me forgetting my veil and refusing to walk down the aisle without it. I actually dreamt this. My fiancé, Richmond, attends graduate school in San Francisco. We met on a snowy evening in February in downtown St. Cloud. This was after he was accepted into graduate school, but he didn’t let the distance stop him. On my first visit there two years ago, he proposed. I said yes and for the last year and a half have been preparing for the transition into married life and the move to the Golden State. Richmond and I talk every day. Many of our conversations include exchanges about the work day, school work, the upcoming wedding and weather. I think our discussions of the weather are the reason we’re not going to live in Minnesota after we wed. I tried to make Minnesota ap-

TaLeiza Calloway Reporter pealing, reminding him this is the place that brought us together. As a writer, I like to think I have a way with words so I say things like, “Wouldn’t it be nice to live where it all began?” or “How romantic it will be to live in the same city where we met.” While I know he loves me, he doesn’t buy it. I’ve even tried the argument, “At least in Minnesota we’ll experience all four seasons.” He still won’t budge. After the spring we’ve had, I can kind of understand (I probably should’ve embellished the snow stories a little more). A native of Liberia, Richmond lived in Minnesota for eight years but has no plans to return – yet. I’ve lived here for four years and it will be hard to leave. Even though I’m a Clevelander at heart, Minnesota has become my home, snow and all. I did a lot of growing here. I moved here from Cleveland to pursue my jour-

nalism career. After an internship at the St. Cloud Times in 2007, I was invited to join their staff the following year. I was there for three-and-and-a-half years before joining the staff of the St. Joseph Newsleader. I covered the city of St. Joseph for the Times so joining the Newsleader staff was a great fit. In the year I’ve been with the Newsleader, I’ve not only learned more about the city but made some friends along the way. I will miss my colleagues and the people who’ve allowed me to interview them and share their stories. I’m grateful to have been trusted with those moments. Journalists work to inform. It’s not their job to make friends along the way. We have a responsibility to defend the public’s right to know. Well, as I did my job, it was hard not to make connections. These connections will stay with me as I journey to California. When I moved here, I had heard of the whole “Minnesota Nice” culture. I moved here alone and hoped it was true. It was reflected constantly during my internship so I was comfortable returning as a full-time resident. In the four years I’ve lived here, I can honestly say “Minnesota Nice” is not a cliché but a way of life. Minnesota has certainly been “nice” to me.

Letter to editor

R e a d e r s a y s ‘ t e a r d ow n t h a t w a l l ’ Paul Ritzenthaler, St. Joseph I remember my first impression of St. Joseph. It came after my wife convinced me that my world went through a small community that wasn’t even a post office zip code...Pleasant Acres. I had set my eyes on a home in Cold Spring, but my wife fell in love with Pleasant Acres. I stood (back then) in the midst of downtown St. Joseph, the closest community to our new residence in the “Pleasant” addition (Yup, wife won the habitation battle), and admired. I was impressed! There, standing majestically in the “Joetown” daylight sun, was a church that drew me back to the quaint village edifices that I had so admired in the midlands of England when I was stationed there in the Air Force circa mid-60s. Those were churches that had defied time-barriers and stood strong – unspoiled and unchanged – as the basic roots of the communities that grew up around them. Now, back to St. Joseph, Minn., and St. Joseph, the sanctuary. What a wonderful focal point for a “city center,” I thought – a beautifully erected, stone structure that demanded more than a casual look. It was surrounded by magnificent pines and lush oh-so-green grass. No cathedral could rival the picturesque, demure configuration that overwhelmed the surrounding buildings. No, I wasn’t a Catholic, but I could relate to the pride of anyone who stepped through the beautiful doors of that church. Allow me, now, if I may, to introduce you to one of the most destructive words

in any community-driven or religiousdrive agenda – PROGRESS. You see, so many times there are those who believe change is progress. They elect to ignore the fact their personal “vision” doesn’t relate to one integral fact – change often dismisses and destroys traditional values. So, today, the lush lawns of the St. Joseph church are asphalted in part. Progress! The beautiful stone structure has been partially obliterated by a brick something that is going to be part of a “Meeting Place.” Progress! The stately pines are chopped down and the barren area in front of the church never looked more desolate. Progress! Well, I have heard there are reasons for those progressive changes. Let’s start with the asphalt that replaced the grass in front of one portion of the church. I am told it was done in an effort to provide a more user-friendly venue for the handicapped. It seems to me part of that area has been replaced by a “Meeting Place” building. So, you “handicapped” have to walk a little further, but remember you now have a “meeting place” IF you can find a handicapped “meeting place” parking space. The trees, I am told, came down because either 1. they were being replaced by more asphalt for parking, or 2. They were going to die within the next 10 or 20 years. Well, if the answer is 1. Maybe, those decision-makers should have left the former “meeting place” area as an asphalt parking space/meeting place for pre-church tailgate parties like they have during the Vikings Games – less rooms, more asphalt, more brats, and, perhaps,

more play area for the school kids, and less need for more asphalt where once there were stately pines in front of the church. Or, if 2. Maybe said decisionmakers should rely on God to decide when the trees should be replaced. I mean – Him forbid – those suckers might have had another 30 years under their branches. Finally, we come to the “meeting place.” Might I direct those (and I’ll bet it’s a very minimal number of the congregation, because most of the congregation I have talked with, feels they will rarely be meeting at the “meeting place”), anyway, might I direct those who came up with this preposterous idea, to step back from their lofty goals, step across the street, and take a look at what they’ve done to a very beautiful edifice in the name of progress. Then, I propose they tear down that wall – well at least that hideous brick portion that covers the wonderful stone facade on the northwest side of the church. By the way, (in the form of a history lesson) for those who promoted the building of the “meeting place:” Did you know the Quakers and Amish have for years – nay centuries – built their churches to also be schools and boardrooms and gymnasiums, and yes, “meeting places,” and... well, you get the idea. Perhaps, you might look inside the church structure itself to find ways to utilize a building that sits dormant most of the week. It is, after all, as beautiful inside as it once was outside.

Send it to: The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374

or email us at: Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only).

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, May 10, 2013 Friday, May 10 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain, St. Cloud. 1-800RED CROSS or Brat sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Lions Club, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market. Eat to Live, 10 a.m., Whitney Senior Center, 1445 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. 320-255-7245. Saturday, May 11 Plant sale, 8:30 a.m.-noon (or until sold out), St. John’s Arboretum, New Science Building 104, Collegeville. 320-363-3163. 55+ driver improvement course, (four-hour refresher course), 9:15 a.m.-1 p.m., Miller Auto Plaza-Community Room, 2930 2nd St. S., St. Cloud. 1-888-234-1294.

Community Calendar

Brat sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Lions Club, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market. Pitch, Hit & Run, sponsored by Major League Baseball, youth ages 7-14, noon-5 p.m., Whitney Park, 1445 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. Birth certificate and signed parent/ guardian waiver form required. 320257-5231. Monday, May 13 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain, St. Cloud. 1-800RED CROSS or Market Monday, 3-6:30 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell. Tuesday, May 14 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301



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W. St. Germain, St. Cloud. 1-800RED CROSS or Sartell Chamber of Commerce, 11:45 a.m., City Hall. 320-253-2171. Holistic Moms Network, 7-8:30 p.m., Good Earth Co-op, St. Cloud. 320-252-2489. “Compassion fatigue, the stress of caring too much,” 7-8 p.m., St. Cloud Hospital Hoppe Auditorium, 1406 6th Ave. N, St. Cloud.

Thursday, May 16 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Rasmussen College, 226 Park Ave. S., St. Cloud. Dealing with Difficult People, noon-1 p.m., professional development for busy people, Resource Training and Solutions, 4150 2nd St. S.,

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Suite 550, St. Cloud. 320-255-3236. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. Pillow Cleaning/Perennial plant sale, sponsored by the Y2K Lions, 5-8 p.m., St. Joseph Community Fire Hall. Evening Book Club for adults, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Al Ringsmuth Public Library, 253 5th Ave. N., Waite Park. 320-253-9359. St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-363-7201. Friday, May 17 Pillow Cleaning, sponsored by the Y2K Lions, 7 a.m.-3 p.m., St. Joseph Community Fire Hall. Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud.


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7 Saturday, May 18 Spirituality for the 21st Century talk/discussion, 10-11:30 a.m., St. John’s Abbey guesthouse. 320557-0136. Plant Sale, sponsored by Stearns County Master Gardeners, 8:3011 a.m., Riverside Park Shelter, St. Cloud. Communitywide Garage Sale, sponsored by the St. Joseph Jaycees, today and May 19. Sunday, May 19 Communitywide Garage Sale, sponsored by the St. Joseph Jaycees. Sunday brunch, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., St. John the Baptist Parish, St. Joseph.


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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, May 10, 2013

The Local Blend marks five years of brewing in the city by TaLeiza Calloway

It’s hard for Jeff Engholm to imagine St. Joseph without the Local Blend. He doesn’t feel this way because he’s co-owner of the coffee shop and wine bar. He was a customer first and it’s simply always been there. Before Engholm and his wife, Stacie, took ownership of the business years ago, he would frequent the business as a customer while working as an audio engineer for Rockhouse Productions, the coffee shop’s next door neighbor. It was routine for him to stop by and grab a cup of coffee from what was then called “The Meeting Grounds.” In the last five years, the town hub houses much more than coffee, and plans are to keep growing. This year marks the fifth year the Local Blend has been in business. “Earth Day is our birthday,” Engholm said with a smile. “April 22, 2008.” Those five years have been memorable, and he’s looking forward to the next five.

Blending in

Engholm is a music teacher at St. John’s Preparatory School in Collegeville. Stacie serves as the general manager of the business. They live right above the Local Blend. To say it’s their home reiterates the true meaning of a family business. Engholm is also a musician so adding a musical element to the establishment was one of the first things he wanted to do when he and his wife bought the business. They have an open mic night every Tuesday and several musical performances throughout the year, including live music

every Friday. One recent addition was hosting a Songwriters Weekend for local artists. The Meeting Grounds opened in the early 90s. The St. Joseph location was one of the first stores to open. Before the Engholms took over, the coffee shop was a little smaller in terms of volume and was privately owned. The owners, who consisted of a group of couples, were interested in selling the business and eventually approached Jeff and Stacie about the opportunity. The owners before them changed the business name to “The Local Blend.” “It was an offer we couldn’t refuse,” he said. “We figured they had just changed (the name) a year before we bought it and it worked. So, why change it?” The name reflects the vibe of the business’ atmosphere. Whether it’s a family stopping in for dinner or students gathering to study, there’s a blend of interaction that takes place at 19 W. Minnesota St. Some of the most notable changes in the last five years include the addition of music, building a new stage and installing a sound system. Music offerings went from occasional events to a more regular occurrence. “We have a regular schedule of music and an open mic,” he said. “Being a musician myself, I wish I would’ve had a space in my early days to explore and experiment. I thought it was a good fit and it turned out to be.” Songwriters Adam Hammer and Dave Cofell spearhead the open mic and keep it going. He’s grateful for their help. “One of the best things that

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happened to this place was these two,” he said. Other changes include modifications to the food department. Customers can not only grab a coffee or hot chocolate but dinner and desserts. Within the first year, Stacie led the building of a bakery in the back of the business and expanded the food menu, improving the ingredients. When the business started, there wasn’t much of a lunch crowd. That is no longer the case and quality products are key. “That was always a priority for us to use top-quality everything and be as local and photo by TaLeiza Calloway organic as we possibly could,” Jeff Engholm, co-owner of the Local Blend in St. Joseph, said he said. “That was important this year marks the fifth year of business for the local coffee shop and wine bar. to us.”

Steady growth

As the business continues to grow, space is a constant issue. The next step is deciding what to do to address the increase in service. “There’s two ways we could keep growing,” he said. “We could expand our seating or we could expand the catering and bakery end of things and become more of a delivery bakery.” The vision they had years ago is always changing but is coming to fruition. They’ve gotten away from hiring parttime employees and instead have invested in staff training to make sure everyone can do everything. Whether it’s making sandwiches or preparing beverages, all hands know the operations of the business. The Local Blend has 13 em-

ployees. That includes two fulltime bakers and the rest make up the barista crew. There are six full-time employees. In the past year they’ve created a management structure. Vahna Ahlbrecht lives just blocks away from the St. Joseph business. The 23-year-old has worked as a barista for the Local Blend for three years. “I love my job,” Ahlbrecht said. “I love the regulars. The business is fitting for St. Joseph.” When you walk into the Local Blend, you’ll see that it’s an informal place where one can be comfortable. That’s the vibe the owners are going for. “It’s kind of a community center,” Engholm said. “A lot of business deals get done here, grades entered and student

meetings.” People like that the baristas on staff know the customers and what they’re going to order. “You’ve got to make everybody feel like they’re a part of the community,” Engholm said. In the next five years, Engholm said he’d like to see the bakery do more and tackle space needs. The city has been supportive of the business and he hopes that support continues in the future. Looking back, he’s pleased with how far the business has come. “It grows and grows. We had four years of just unbelievable growth,” Engholm said. “We were growing 25 percent annually in terms of volume. It’s coming along. It’s a longterm investment.”

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