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Newsleader St. Joseph

Friday, May 16, 2014 Volume 25, Issue 20 Est. 1989

Town Crier Saints Baseball Camp June 9-11 at Schneider Field

The 25th annual Saints Baseball Camp will be held from 9 a.m. to noon Monday-Wednesday, June 9-11 in Schneider Field, Memorial Park, St. Joseph. The camp is being offered to area youths between the ages of 6-14. Campers learn the basics of both baseball and softball in this camp instructed by St. Joseph Amateur Baseball team players. Registration forms may be picked up at City Hall. For more information call 320-309-2791 or email pats@

Apple Duathlon set May 24

The 32nd annual Apple Duathlon will take place Friday and Saturday, May 23 and 24 starting at the Sartell Middle School, 627 3rd Ave N. The Apple Kid’s Duathlon begins at 6 p.m. Friday. The Apple Duathlon begins at 8:30 a.m. Saturday; it’s a 5k-run, 33k-bike, 5k-run event. All ages and abilities are welcome. For more information, visit

CentraCare offers ‘Hit me with your best shot’ May 22

Practice simple, self-defense martial arts moves with your daughter and American Martial Arts instructor Claude Hancock at “Hit me with your best shot,” a free program from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, May 22 at CentraCare Health Plaza. Elizabeth Riesgraf, MD, CentraCare Clinic, will share how recommended immunizations function and how they protect you and your daughter at every age. Light snacks and a door prize included. Advanced registration is required. For more information, visit and click on Criers.

Who Lived in My House? at Stearns History Museum

Who Lived In My House?, a workshop designed for people interested in researching the history of their St. Cloud home, will begin at 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 21 at the Stearns History Museum, 235 33rd Ave. S., St. Cloud. In this class, archivist Sarah Warmka will explain the steps people should take when tracing a home’s past, and the many resources available in the Museum’s Research Center that help facilitate home history research. To register or for more information, visit and click on Criers.

For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.

Postal Patron

Nagel to remain principal at Kennedy by Cori Hilsgen

Dr. Judy Nagel will remain principal at Kennedy Community School for the 201415 school year. She was hired as an Nagel interim principal for the 2013-14 school year to replace Diane Moeller, who took a job as the district’s assistant superintendent. “I am excited and honored to continue on at Kennedy working with the wonderful students, families and staff members and as part of the District 742 administrative team,” Nagel said. “It’s been a great first year, and I’m appreciative of the support and encouragement I have received from the community.” Nagel had said she originally applied for the 2013-14 Kennedy position because of its excellent reputation and supportive people. She doesn’t anticipate many changes for the new year and said staff will continue working together on ideas and plans that

have been generated through the leadership team. Nagel said she and other staff are excited to have an assistant principal as part of their staff next year. She said they are currently interviewing for this position. Nagel earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Minnesota-Duluth, majoring

in psychology and minoring in health education. She earned a master’s degree in special education (emotional/behavioral disorders) from Mankato State University and a doctorate in education leadership, policy and administration from the University of St. Thomas. Nagel has taught many grade levels and worked as a parapro-

fessional with early childhood and elementary students while completing her coursework for her teaching credentials. Her teaching and administrative experiences include positions in Winsted-Crow River schools, Prior Lake-Savage schools, Minnetonka High School, Chaska Middle School East and Waconia High School.

Newsleader receives visit from sidewalk-chalk elf

photo by Tara Wiese

The Newsleader staff and guests were treated to a cheery good-morning chalk greeting along their front sidewalk May 8 from some anonymous artist(s). The good tidings were acknowledged Thursday and then melted away with the weekend rain.

Little Saints celebrates ‘Week of Young Child’ by Cori Hilsgen

teach their children.” Thirty children from Little Saints Academy participated in Little Saints Academy rea field trip to “Rock House Stucently celebrated the “Week of dios” in St. Joseph where they the Young Child” by recording recorded their school song and their school song, helping with were able to bring a compact disc of that song home. “I liked hearing us sing on the big speakers and playing the big guitar,” Norah Hern, 5, said. They also collected a truckload of food for the St. Joseph Food Shelf, met Minnie the lamb from a farm in Freeport, learned about bike safety, had an ice cream social and more. “I liked bringing my food to share with the people who don’t have enough food in their cupboards and loading the truck with the police officers,” Reece Kalla, 4, said. Little Saints Academy is a child-care center based on the belief children benefit in contributed photos learning by providing music Above left: Tommy Vee from Rock House Studios visits with preschoolers Reece Kalla, 4, and and movement. Bonfig said 121 Norah Hern, 5, during the “Week of the Young Child” at Little Saints Academy. Above center: children, ages 6 weeks to 12 Brook Mueller, 5, holds Minnie the lamb. Above right: Officer Matt Johnson, St. Joseph Police years, are currently enrolled at Department, helps preschooler Reece Kalla carry boxes of food for the food drive. the academy. the food shelf and even meeting Minnie the lamb. Academy owner Amy Bonfig said the week is a time to recognize the importance of learning. “It’s a time when we em-

phasize the importance of children’s learning and our amazing teachers who give the very best to the children every day,” Bonfig said. “We also take time to appreciate the parents who trust us to love, care for and



Charles D. Browne, 61 St. Joseph Dec. 26, 1952 - May 4, 2014

C h a r les Douglas Browne, 61, of St. Joseph, formerly of Lander, Wyo., died Sunday, May 4, 2014 at the St. Cloud Hospital. Memorial services will be held at a later date. Funeral arrangements were made by Benson Funeral Home, St. Cloud. Browne was born Dec. 26, 1952 in Oakland, Calif. to Charles

St. Joseph Newsleader •

R. and Rose N. (Vogan) Browne. He served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam era. He married Linda Kringle on Sept. 22, 2001 in Lander. He was a great cook and would do anything for anybody. He was a wonderful husband and friend. Survivors include his wife of St. Joseph; sons, Charles Browne Jr. and Douglas Browne; daughter, Charlene Browne; stepchildren, Kelli Darr of Franklin, Tenn.; Markie Dickinson of Lander; Jonas Dickinson of Missoula, Mont.; and four step-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents.

People Luke Lafrentz, St. Joseph, will graduate with honors May 10 with a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall, Minn. Students must maintain a 3.3 overall grade point average to achieve honors. Moriah Novacinski, daughter of Cheryl and Grant Novacinski of St. Joseph, was among more than 1,000 students who were recognized for achievement during Honors Day convocation on May 2 at St. Olaf College, Northfield,

Minn. She is a biology major and was awarded membership in Beta Beta Beta. Honors Day recognizes students who have been awarded scholarships and fellowships, including Fulbright scholars, Goldwater scholars, and senior members of leadership and academic honor societies. It also recognizes academic achievement. Candace Pflipsen, St. Joseph, recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in exercise science from Minnesota State University, Mankato.


Some of the information in the “Soldiers walk to raise awareness” story (April 25 St. Joseph Newsleader) was incorrect. Carl-

son said the veteran suicide rate is 22 percent and she has been sending care packages for the past 12 years.

If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.

burn the place down and start doing crazy stuff. Officer viewed the texts. Complainant just wanted documentation for future legal action and restraining order. He was advised to save the texts.


April 21 10:16 p.m. Harassment. Minnesota Street E. Complainant requested information how to go about getting a restraining order. Officer supplied information how to proceed and also told her to call her cell phone provider and have the harasser’s phone number blocked. April 22 7:59 p.m. Threat. Schneider Drive. Complainant stated his estranged wife had been texting him requesting he pick her up. Suspect has trespassed and is not allowed on property. He told her she is not allowed to come over. She texted back she would come over and

April 24 7:28 p.m. Loud party. Minnesota Street E. Officers drove through the area and observed approximately six college-aged kids on the roof of the house. There is a door leading from the house out onto the roof. Noise was at a reasonable level and not determined to be a violation. April 25 11 a.m. Theft. Cedar Street E. Sometime between 5 p.m. April 24 and 8 a.m. April 25 an older 1940s flag was taken. Owner might have video and will call police if he does. Value $50. April 26 8:08 a.m. Vandalism. Minnesota Street E. Business owner reported broken flower pot in front of her Blotter • page 5


Susan and Gary Kuefler

Friday, May 16, 2014

Dolores and Alfred Torborg

Knights of Columbus names Family, Knight of Year The Knights of Columbus Father Werner Council 7057 of St. Joseph recently named Gary and Sue Kuefler as the Family of the Year and Alfred Torborg as the Knight of the Year.

Gary and Sue Kuefler

This family exemplifies service to the church and community and are loved and respected by many. Gary and Sue Kuefler exemplify the value of responsible Christian living. They generously serve each other and others with love that extends out to their church and the greater community. Gary has been a member of the Father Werner Council for eight years. The Kueflers became members of St. Joseph’s Parish in 2006. Since joining they have worked tirelessly helping out where they were needed without reservation. They were general chairs for the 4th of July celebration and continue to work during that event. They are part of the dedicated parishioners who bring communion to the homebound. The Kueflers work at St. John’s University for the Parish Quilters, giving their time so the quilters can buy materials needed to make quilts. Sue has taken the minutes for the pastoral council meetings and the 4th of July meetings with keen insight and accuracy. In the Diocese of St. Cloud, the Kueflers have established a donor advised fund with the Catholic Foundation in memory of their departed spouses, James Reichmann and DeNile Gaida Kuefler. The couple appreciates donations to this fund. In the community, the Kueflers also serve with distinction. Gary volunteers with the Faith in Action grocery shopping for elderly and homebound clients. Gary also volunteers as a driver to bring clients to appointments for Tri-Cap and delivers Meals on Wheels. Sue serves as the webmaster for the St. Joseph Lions Club and is the club’s secretary.

Both have helped with Buckthorn Control at Stearns County parks. In the council, they both serve with energy and talent. Gary helps with the Knights of Columbus breakfasts, the Knights of Columbus burger sales, for the state-run bowling tournament for Special Olympics, the councils youth free-throw contest, distributes Roses for Life on Respect Life Sunday, distributes Tootsie Rolls to earn funds to help children with special needs and helps with the luncheon at the Ordination for priests and deacons of the diocese. Sue was also involved with the Knights of Columbus when her deceased husband was a Knight. Sue has been editor of the newsletter for the Sauk Rapids Council and the St. Joseph Council. The couple also takes part in the Adopt a Highway project of the council. The Kueflers deserve the distinction of Family of the Year because of their selfless service to others. This honor is bestowed on them because of the manner they support church, the Knights of Columbus and the community showing others the value of generous stewardship of time, talent and treasure. The couple stands firm in support of the unborn and respect for the aged. They demonstrate in many ways how the Catholic Church, through its people, serves the Kingdom of God. We as a council applaud their strong and unwavering support of Catholic values and tenants.

Alfred Torborg

The 2014 Knight of the Year Alfred J. Torborg is a faithful member of the Father Werner Council and daily lives out the Knights of Columbus tenets of unity, charity, fraternity and patriotism. He serves the community, church and his family with energy, dedication, passion and gives generously of his time and talents. We are all proud of him and are blessed to have had him as a member of the Council for 62 years.

In the council Torborg has worked at the hamburger stand for several years. He also works at the breakfasts serving coffee to those needing a cup or refill always with a smile and a cheerful comment. In the church our Knight of the Year has been an usher for several years. He has helped with the set up activities for the 4th of July celebration for as long as anyone can remember, leading the way with his trusty pickup. In the community Torobrg is an active member of the American Legion serving as a color guard member, a flag bearer at funerals of Legion members, as a contributing member on several committees and for several years has been the chairman of our highway clean-up operation. He drives and delivers meals for Meals on Wheels and as a member of the Rod and Gun Club has taught fishing skills to children at the club’s youth introduction to fishing on Kraemer Lake. As he offers his talents and time for the benefit of the church or the community, Torborg does so with a smile and a dedication we can all emulate. He is truly a leader with the trait of generous service and hospitality to and with others. Torborg has a master’s talent in the wood shop, his hobby for many years. He patiently taught his sons and daughter his fine craftsmanship. He has a devotion to the unborn and supports the Knights of Columbus Roses of Life Fundraiser and the Tootsie Roll Drive to raise funds in support of children with special needs. Torborg is married to an equally giving and talented person. Dolores is a dedicated mother and grandmother and she and Al have together raised six children. Dolores said “Al, while farming, taught his children the value and dignity of good, hard work and to take responsibility for their actions.” Sage advice for all.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Coborn’s

Kay’s Kitchen The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, May 16, 2014


25 students receive ‘Dollars’ scholarships by Dennis Dalman

Dollars for Scholars scholarships of $250 each were awarded to 25 students for post-secondary education May 7 during an awards banquet at the St. Joseph Community Fire Hall. The awards presentation was conducted by four people who have been very instrumental for two decades in the success of the St. Joseph Area Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Program. They are Mike Hazen, president of the scholarship board; Doug Danielson, treasurer; Margaret Evans, chair of the scholarship board; and Jane Litchy, board member. All funds for the scholarships, which total $6,250, were raised through contributions by area businesses and industry, through individual contributions and through an annual phone-a-thon. The recipients are as follows, in alphabetical order: Jennifer Barg, daughter of Janelle and Jeff Barg. The Apollo High School graduate is now in her second year at St. Cloud State University, studying education. Scholarship sponsor: St. Joseph Manufactured Home Community. Nathan Bedel, son of LuAnne and Brian Bedel. A graduate of the Immaculate Conception Academy of St. Cloud, Bedel is in his first year studying physical therapy at St. Cloud Technical College. Sponsor: Michael Contardo, DDS. Calvin Birr, son of Joy and Leon Birr. An Apollo High School graduate, Birr is a firstyear engineering student at Arizona State University, Tempe. Sponsor: St. Joseph Jaycees. Ethan Carlson, son of Mary and John Carlson. A graduate of Apollo High School, Carlson will study health and medicine at Mayville (N.D.) State University. Sponsor: St. Joseph Lions. Leela Cofell, daughter of Monica and David Cofell. A St. John’s Prep School graduate, Cofell will attend St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minn. She has not yet decided a course of study. Sponsor: St. Joseph Firefighters. Matthew Danielson, son of Carol and Doug Danielson. A graduate of Apollo High School, Danielson will study marketing at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Sponsor: St. Joseph Area Dollars for Scholars phone-a-thon. Elias Drake, son of Mary and Tim Drake. The home-schooled Drake will study engineering at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Sponsor: St. Joseph Area Dollars for Scholars phone-a-thon. Jeffrey Fasching, son of Linda and Gary Fasching. A graduate of Cathedral High School, Fasching will study business and economics at the University

contributed photos

Front row, left to right; Shannon Osendorf and Kelsey OsendDollars for Scholars scholarship winners include (front row, orf; (back row) Jennifer Barg, Nathan Bedel, Tyler Meyer and left to right) Leela Cofell and Ethan Carlson; (back row) Max Cortney Kostreba. Nelson, Jeffrey Fasching and Beau Maciej. of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Sponsor: Collegeville Credit Union. Brooke Johnson, daughter of Marcia and Steve Johnson. A graduate of Apollo High School, Johnson is a first-year student studying business and economics at St. Cloud State University. Sponsor: Pam’s Auto. Cortney Kostreba, daughter of Annette and Mike Kostreba. A Holdingford High School graduate, Kostreba will study health and medicine at St. Catherine University in Minneapolis. Sponsor: Styles, Cotton, Milbert, DDS. Rosalia Kremer, daughter of Kathy and Henry Kremer. A graduate of Holdingford High School, Kremer is a third-year student studying business and economics at St. Cloud Technical College. Sponsor: St. Joseph Area Dollars for Scholars phone-a-thon. Alli Kremers, daughter of Krista and Keith Kremers. A St. John’s Prep School graduate, Kremers is a first-year culinary arts student at Johnson and North in Miami, Fla. Sponsor: Steve Schirber. Beau Maciej, son of Kim and Al Maciej. A Holdingford High School graduate, Maciej is a first-year electronics student at St. Cloud Technical College. Sponsor: Precise Refrigeration. Logan Mehr, son of Michelle and Dave Mehr. A graduate of Cathedral High School, Mehr will study music and music education at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Sponsor: Midcontinent Communications. Tyler Meyer, son of Jenny and Mike Meyer. A Cathedral High School graduate, Meyer will study computer science at St. John’s University. Sponsor: St. Joseph Jaycees. Max Nelson, son of Ann and Bob Nelson. A graduate of Rocori High School, Nelson will study biology at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn. Sponsor: St. Joseph Area Dollars for Scholars phone-a-thon. Kelsey Osendorf, daughter of Rose and Bruce Osendorf. A graduate of Cathedral High School, Osendorf is a secondyear nursing student at St. Cloud State University: Sponsor: Dr. Thomas Newton/CentraCare Clinic. Shannon Osendorf, daughter of Rose and Bruce Osendorf.

A graduate of Cathedral High School, Osendorf will attend St. Cloud State University. She has not yet decided on a field of study. Sponsor: Sunset Manufacturing. Katie Schleper, daughter of Ruth and Tom Schleper. An Apollo High School graduate, Schleper will study biology at Front row, left to right; Katie Schleper, Emily Schneider, Theresa Minnesota State University, Schneider and Rosalia Kremer; (back row) Alli Kremers, Logan Mankato. Sponsor: St. Joseph Mehr, Elias Drake, Benjamin Thell and Nicholas Thell. Lions. Emily Schneider, daughter thon. is a second-year student studyof Marsha and David SchneiAmelia Walz, daughter of ing psychology at the University der. A graduate of Apollo High Nancy and Steve Walz. A gradu- of Minnesota, Morris. Sponsor: School, Schneider is a third- ate of Apollo High School, Walz St. Joseph Newsleader. year student studying business and economics at the College of St. Benedict. Sponsor: Iver Linneman/American Legion of St. Joseph; Knights of Columbus. Theresa Schneider, daughter of Joanne and Kurt Schneider. A Cathedral High School graduate, Schneider will study biology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Sponsor: Collegeville Credit Union. Benjamin Thell, son of Janelle and Mike Thell. A Cathedral High School graduate, Thell will study psychology at the College of St. Scholastica. Sponsor: Sentry Bank. Nicholas Thell, son of Janelle and Mike Thell. A Cathedral High School graduate, Thell is a second-year student studying physical therapy at St. Mary’s University in Winona. Sponsor: St. Joseph Lions. Amanda Walz, daughter of Nancy and Steve Walz. An Apollo High School graduate, Walz is a second-year biology student at the University of Minnesota, Morris. Sponsor: St. Joseph Area Scholars for Dollars phone-aAre you energetic with a positive attitude? Do you want to make a difference in the life of a senior? Home Instead Senior Care is looking for experienced CAREGivers in the St. Stephen area for a variety of day shifts and possible overnights.

Apply on line at or call for an application 320-656-2182

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, May 16, 2014

A historical perspective from 25 years ago May 12, 1989

Expansion in St. Joseph more than evident by Janelle Von Pinnon

Dr. Contardo and his staff will move into this new clinic on Monday, May 15. Since November, Contardo has operated a full-time practice in St. Joseph

Contardo opens doors to new clinic building Dr. Michael Contardo will move his existing dental practice to the new clinic building on First Avenue NW and be open for business beginning Monday, May 5. “We need more space,” Contardo said. “We are tired of bumping into each other all the time. We have been operating in a tiny office meant to be utilized for part-time practice. There was nothing to suit our

needs that we could rent or lease so we built a new building so we could customize it to meet our needs.” Originally from Duluth, Minn., Contardo took a liking to the St. Joseph area during a summer internship from college. “I had the unique opportunity to spend a summer between my junior and senior year, working at the St. Cloud

St. Joe’s Best Kept Secret

VA Medical Center and Dental Clinic. “The people I worked with really impressed me. I enjoyed the area, its people and values. I found it a place I’d like to live and eventually raise a family.” So, after he graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1978, Contardo became a partner in Family Dental Providers, St. Cloud. For the past 10 years, he worked two to three days a week in St. Joseph; the other two or three days were spent in St. Cloud. Last November, the partnership dissolved and Contardo chose to begin his full-time practice in St. Joseph. “The primary reason to start in St. Joseph was to be with the same patients all the time – give my best to the community of St. Joseph,” Contardo said. “I love people and I love helping them. Dentistry is a unique way of helping people and getting to know them.” The old building was 600 square feet while the new building is 1,600 square feet. Contardo said the average solo office space is generally 1,500 square feet. The new clinic has a generous reception area, file room, office space for Contardo, a lab, a lounge and four treatment rooms. “All four rooms can be utilized for hygiene or dental treament,” he continued. “The equipment we will be using is still excellent, but I felt we should change over while we

had the chance. I sent our used equipment – chairs, X-ray equipment and hand pieces – to the orphanage in Port-auPrince, Haiti, where I had done some missionary work. “The decision to go out on my own is due, largely, to the support of my staff. They are a big part of my clinic. They

are fantastic people to work with – very talented and caring. There’s no doubt the people you work with is what makes a clinic.” Contardo is married to Marilynn Olsen. Together they are raising their family of four children: Cori, 17, Eden, 8, Briana, 6, and Matson, 4.

Mike Deutz and Dale Schneider display the live bait fish tank in the new St. Joseph Gas and Bait, Highway 75, St. Joseph, which opened this week. The shop also offers fishing gear and convenience items.

Deutz, Schneider open gas and bait shop

(formerly Benton Drive Mini-Serve)

store (half the building) and a bait and tackle shop (a quarter of the building). “The bait shop will sell a full line of bait as well as tackle items and fishing gear,” Deutz said. He and Schneider will rent out the other quarter of the building once the interior construction is completed. Dominos Pizza was considering the space but backed out of the deal a few weeks ago. Schneider also owns Sal’s Bar, St. Joseph. Deutz owns Central Motorcar Specialties carwash and body shop, also in St. Joseph.

Is now accepting applications for its new location opening


St. Joseph Gas and Bait, Highway 75, opened for business Wednesday. Last October, Michael Deutz and Dale Schneider bought the Union 76 station and switched to the Amoco Oil Co. “We bought the station with the idea of adding a bait shop and convenience store,” Deutz said. “The other bait and tackle (shop) closed up in October.” The new 4,000-square-foot building houses a convenience

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St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, May 16, 2014


Register by May 16 for a Camp Invention discount by Cori Hilsgen

and innovation,” Clarke said. “If they discover early that the STEM-related subjects are fun, they are much more likely to pursue those subjects as they get older. The focus on creativity, problem-solving, teamwork and group decision-making in the Camp Invention curriculum also helps them develop valuable skills that they will use in school and later in life.” This year’s camp program is MORPHED. It features the Super Go module, which allows participants to design a small, motor-powered vehicle. Along, the way, children collect energy coins to build bridges, tunnels and ramps for the Super Go Road Rally. Camp participants will receive personalized challenges from National Inventors Hall of Fame inductees during the Design Studio: Morphed module. With the Amplified module, children invent bionic gadgets while journeying for superhuman senses. At the I Can Invent Pinbug module, children use

tools and electronics to build an insect-themed pinball machine. During the camp, children work together to find solutions to real-world problems. They rotate through four classes each day, working on various challenges, some individually and some in group settings. Together, they come up with ideas, test and make group decisions, and evaluate and revise their ideas. “Camp Invention inspires children to be confident in their natural ability to dream and create,” Clarke said. “Our programs are designed to reflect the spirit of invention, inspired by the inductees of the National Inventors Hall of Fame.” The camp at CSB will be directed by Missy Tellinghuisen, taught by qualified local teachers and will have a one-to-eight staff-to-student ratio. High school and college students will help guide groups through the four daily classes. Even if a child has participated in the camp in past years,

seph Rescue. 4:13 p.m. Stolen vehicle. 4th Avenue NW. Complainant reported vehicle stolen out of his driveway. Keys were in the vehicle and unlocked. He observed the theft and advised the vehicle went westbound on Minnesota Street W. Vehicle was located a short time later by Cold Spring Police. Driver was identified and arrested for DWI. Vehicle was processed and returned to owner. 8:19 p.m. Intoxicated person. College Avenue S. St. Ben’s Security called about an intoxicated male in their security office. He had been partaking in “Case Day” and his girl friend had just dumped him. He also had gotten into a heated conversation with his father over the telephone. He stated he had no sober friends to come take care of him. He was issued a breathalyzer and tested a .170. Due to his agitated state and no sober friends to come take care of him, it was decided the best op-

tion would be to take him to Detox.

Is your child interested in designing a small, motor-powered vehicle that zooms? If so, then Camp Invention might be a good summer option for your child. Camp Invention is a weeklong science day-camp program that is returning to the College of St. Benedict for its ninth year this summer. The camp is for students entering grades one through six. The week-long experience encourages children to discover their own creativity and inventiveness through hands-on science, technology, engineering and mathematics and helps children engage their brains during months they are usually not attending school classes. Last year 72 children participated in the St. Joseph camp. Susan Clarke is the camp’s regional consultant. “Camp Invention is designed to spark children’s interest in science, technology, engineering

Blotter from page 2 property. Pot valued at $250 and approximately $50 in flowers. 12:38 p.m. Fight. Minnesota Street W. Complainant stated there is a party going on and there are red Solo cups on tables in the yard. Stated in the backyard two large males were fist fighting. 3:05 p.m. Accident. CR 138. A large group of motorcycles riding in a charity event were traveling southwest on CR 138. As the group began to slow, a motorcycle went off the road and the driver was thrown. He was transported to the St. Cloud Hospital by Gold Cross ambulance. His injuries did not appear to be life threatening. The Stearns County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by St. Joseph Police Department, Waite Park Police Department and St. Jo-

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Camp Invention, a week-long science day program, is coming to the College of St. Benedict again this year. These children attended last year’s camp and are using tools to take apart broken appliances to discover how they work. he or she can benefit from new challenges at this year’s camp. Students who are entering grades seven to nine can register as counselors-in-training to gain leadership experience. The camp is a program of the national non-profit Invent Now and was created in partnership with the National Inventors Hall of Fame and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

April 28 10:31 a.m. Attempted entry. Elena Lane. Complainant found some damage on the screen on the basement window on the east side of her home. She wanted the officer to check the damage. He photographed the window and found another window with damage. He advised her he would document the incident.

GOT EXTR A SPACE? We are looking to lease or rent a building in St. Joseph with approximately 3,000 square feet. To further discuss the details please call 320-282-2262.

Saint John’s Abbey is accepting applications for a part-time, benefit eligible, three days per week CNA position in the Abbey Retirement Center (night shift, 11 p.m.-7 a.m.). A fill-in CNA position is also available, all shifts. Registered or Certified Nursing Assistant credentials preferred. LPN A fill-in LPN position is available, all shifts. The Abbey Retirement Center is a small facility and creates a program of health care that meets the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of each Abbey Retirement Center resident. A favorable background check is required as a condition of employment. Applications accepted on-line only at:

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Our View Denying man-made climate change makes matters only worse

Everyone dreads these words: “It’s too late.” Those words are dreadful when it comes to cancer diagnoses, blasted chances for plans and, last but not least, scientific warnings. Someday, that winter vacation to Florida will become impossible unless you and the family want to go scuba diving in a place where Florida used to be. Someday, Manhattan will be a mere memory. Someday, people will be living crammed together on high plains and mountain slopes. Someday, the border of the United States will be so different most of us wouldn’t recognize it on a world map. Sadly, it’s the coming generations who will have to live (or try to live) with this rapidly altered world we left to them. The latest news is that icy Antarctica is indeed melting so fast sea levels are bound to rise by as much as a foot in the next 100 years and will accelerate rapidly up to 10 feet after that. Coastal lowlands won’t just be flooded, they’ll disappear; they’ll be part of an ocean floor. Two groups of scientists are about to publish papers on the crisis in Science and Geophysical Research Letters, according to the New York Times. This doomy news comes on the heels of a report released just two weeks ago that man-made climate change (global warming) is, in fact, occurring, with the average temperature having increased an average of about 1 degree in the past century. Scientists think the abnormally rapid melting of the massive glacier sheets at Antarctica are caused by a combination of global warming, warmer ocean currents in that area and depletion of the ozone layer above that continent. Science-deniers derive glee from blasting any talk of man-made climate change. It is, they claim, nothing but kooky nonsense cooked up by egg-head scientists and by liberals like Al Gore. So-called global warming, they insist, is nothing but part of the natural weather cycles of the Earth. They would rather drown in a quickly rising ocean than admit any climate problems are even remotely man-made. Then there are the eternal optimists, those people who think even if climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels, we’ll be able to “fix” the problem with new technologies in time to avoid disaster. We might even be able to flee to a colonized Mars by that time. Heck, nothin’ to worry about. Then there are the defeatists who say, “Oh, well, we’ve all got to come to an end sooner or later so why worry about it?” Fortunately there are the realists who are trying to address the problem and to do something about it. They have to fight reactionary forces all the time, factions that are stubbornly – and often self-servingly – opposed to development and deployment of safe-energy alternatives like solar and wind power. It will be difficult to initiate the changes required to slow this planet’s warming and pollution. China, for example, has become one giant power plant spewing out zillions of tons of carbon dioxide and pollution from oil- and coal-burning facilities. It’s going to be hard to stop such a destructive juggernaut. Europe has taken giant strides toward energy alternatives. The United States is becoming a leader in that regard, too. But everybody on the planet should do more now – not in some distant future. What could be most helpful is if all these scoffers, optimists and defeatists would someday soon agree there is a man-made problem and then join the realists in demanding solutions.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, May 16, 2014

Opinion Northstar ride leads to breezy conversation Last Sunday afternoon, when I boarded a Northstar railroad car in Minneapolis, I thought for a split second I’d entered a railroad time machine from The Twilight Zone. As I walked down the aisle of the nearly empty car, there in front of me sat a man reading a newspaper with a big front-page headline about Martin Luther King Jr. being assassinated. “What?!” I thought, stopping in my tracks. A second later, I noticed the discolored newsprint. The man said to me, “Hello, why don’t you sit down here and read these papers with me?” I sat down. I noticed he had two newspapers, both from 1968, the San Francisco Examiner about King’s murder, the other the Oakland Tribune, which screamed with bold headlines about another assassination, Robert Kennedy’s. We introduced ourselves. Steve Berkness and his teen son, Jon, had just returned from a trip to San Francisco for a visit to his eldest daughter. After taking the rail link from the airport, they’d transferred to the Northstar bound for Elk River. The newspapers, I learned, he’d bought at a garage sale in California. Apparently, someone had saved them for posterity because of the momentous but tragic news they contained. For a few minutes, we both perused those papers. Glancing at the movie page, I smiled when I saw an ad for that great comedy, The Graduate, which I’d seen in 1968 and several times since. We put the papers down and began to talk: about the Civil Rights era, about too many kids lacking discipline these days, about our jobs. He works in a group home for troubled young people. One of them, a muscular hot head, attacked Steve one day

Dennis Dalman Editor and punched him repeatedly with such force his shoulders were dislocated, requiring two surgeries. Steve’s son, Jon, who was in another train seat, then came over to join our conversation. We razzed Jon, of course. “Oh, what do these kids know?” I said. “Yeah, they don’t know much, that’s for sure,” Steve agreed. Jon, grinning with a scoff, tossed jabs right back in a game of verbal tennis. I learned that Jon, in fact, is bright and responsible for his age (16), that he knows how to resist peer pressure and that he wants to become a cop. From the moving Northstar train a lot of spray-paint graffiti can be seen on bridges, on tunnels, on rusted debris in junk lots, on the butt-ends of decrepit brick buildings. “Why,” I asked, “don’t these graffiti spray-painters use their talents for some other kind of art form, like canvas paintings?” Just then, a young man sitting behind us popped up like a jumping jack and sat across the aisle from us. “They’re not called graffiti spray-painters anymore,” he told us two old-timers. “Now they’re called taggers, and I’m one. I’m a tagger.” Besides being a tagger and a Honda motorcycle mechanic, the young man, Ethan Allbrink, is an Army veteran who served

in Afghanistan, was wounded and now has a titanium right knee. He had travelled all through Europe, working on farms here and there. His tagging is another kind of adventure. He assured us he doesn’t deface private property. Most of his work is commissioned from people who want to see outdoor artwork here or there. Artistic talent runs in his family, and he does many forms of art, but he doesn’t want to stop tagging. It’s a challenge and, what’s more, it pays for itself, including all the cans of spray paint he buys at Home Depot. Ethan lives in North Minneapolis and was on his way to visit his mother in Elk River. The four of us had so much fun talking and laughing, it was a sudden disappointment when the train came to its Elk River stop, and the three of them, with hasty goodbyes to me, had to leave. I’ve had fun conversations like that so often when riding trains. Why is it that strangers can be so conversationally interesting? It might have something to do with knowing you’ll never meet again and so you relate to one another here and now, in the moment, breezily, briefly, with no long-winded stories, with no regard for the future beyond the next train stop. Sunday was my first time on Northstar. I took it from Big Lake to Minneapolis to see the magnificent Matisse exhibit at the Institute of Art. It cost me only $3.50 round-trip. Heckuva deal, and I didn’t have to worry about my directional dyslexia while driving in the big city. I recommend everybody take a ride on the Northstar, at least once. It’s a relaxing ride, and you just might happen into a spirited conversation up or down that line.

Letter to editor

Reader responds to ‘It’s time to abolish executions’

Dolores Schuh, CHM Davenport, Iowa I read the Newsleader online. This morning I read your fine column on the death penalty by Dennis Dalman (May 9). I am vehemently opposed to capital punishment and have learned a great deal during the past two years as I have a pen pal on death row in Raleigh, N.C. There are 150 inmates on death row in Raleigh and most of them have been there well over 10 years; some as long as 25 years. I have joined the National Coalition for

the Abolition of the Death Penalty, which is working hard to abolish it in the 32 states that still use this inhumane form of punishment. I wish a federal law would be passed to abolish these executions in all 50 states. I think it so unfair a guy who has committed a crime in North Carolina can be sentenced to death row and be executed and if he happened to have committed the same crime in, say, West Virginia, he would not be on death row. As a retired nun of the Congregation of the Humility of Mary who worked on the

campus of St. John’s Abbey and University from 1974 to 2004, my ministry at this time is to send birthday cards to each of the 150 death-row inmates in Raleigh and to find pen pals for those inmates who would like to correspond with someone “on the outside.” As Fr. Don Tauscher, OSB, a monk of St. John’s Abbey, has reminded us, death-row inmates are some of the most forgotten people in the world. Thank you for calling attention to a national problem. I pray each day the death penalty will be abolished nationally.

America owes huge debt to vets Today, as a veteran, I am enraged. I am enraged 40 veterans have died waiting for treatment at a VA facility in Phoenix and we are now hearing there may be more, many more. I am enraged some 400,000 veterans are waiting for their promised benefits. As an American citizen I am enraged by the callous and sometimes lethal disregard demonstrated by incompetent bureaucrats who seemingly care less about the very veterans they are employed to care for, those veterans whose sacrifices have allowed this great country to exist. Throughout history victorious armies have returned from battle to cheers, accolades and rewards. Citizens have long known their very existence depends on the warriors who come to their defense. Citizens have long known their treasuries, their way of life, their very futures all depend on a strong victorious military. Unlike armies of old, however, our veterans do not seek accolades nor do they seek reward. They just want what has been promised to them. Here in our country the fact we even have a treasury is because of our powerful military. The fact we have a country is the direct result of our warriors’ willingness to suit up, take up arms and step into harm’s way. Freedom has never been free and we,

Ron Scarbro Guest Writer the people, have a debt. We owe our military and our veterans for their service. We made a promise and we need to keep that promise. The first fruits of our treasury should belong to our military. With that in mind, can someone please tell me why we have 400,000 veterans waiting for their promised benefits? Can someone tell me why 40 veterans died waiting for promised care? I want an explanation. Who is responsible for this? Is it the bureaucracy? The Veterans Administration is granted money to do their job. Generally that amount is decided by the budget requests of the administrators of VA medical facilities. So what’s the problem? Is it possible bonuses are paid to administrators who come in under budget? Is it possible some of these administrators care more about their bottom lines than about the veterans in their care? The more money they

can wring out of their budgets, the higher their bonus. Who do you suppose suffers from this? Certainly not the administrators. As a veteran myself, I have received treatment at VA facilities in St. Cloud and across the country. For the most part that care has been exceptional. But not always. Some of the facilities are understaffed. Many have out-of-date equipment. Some are nearly impossible to reach by phone. Appointments for care are often set months into the future. Do these administrators receive big bonuses for “efficiency?” It’s a fair question. For the majority of my working career I worked as a manager. I learned early on as a manager I was the one responsible for everything that happened, both the good and the bad. Any success was my success but by the same token, any failure was my failure. The same is true for a VA medical facility. The good ones have excellent administrators. The bad ones have something less. Is it time for a changing of the guard? I think VA head Eric Shinseki has some explaining to do. Some in Congress are demanding his resignation. Personally, I don’t care who runs the show; I just want this mess fixed. This country has made promises and frankly we owe our military and our veterans. America has a debt.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, May 16, 2014

LEgal notICES

CITY OF ST. JOSEPH PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given the St. Joseph City Council will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 5, 2014 in the City Hall Council Chambers to consider, and possibly adopt, the proposed assessment for delinquent city invoices. Adoption by the council of the proposed assessment may occur at the hearing. The proposed assessment role is on file for public inspection at the city clerk’s office. The total amount of the proposed assessment is $2,661.11. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting. No appeal may be taken as to the amount of an assessment unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the city clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to


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the presiding officer at the hearing. The council may upon such notice consider objection to the amount of a proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon such further notice to the affected property owners, as it deems advisable. An owner may appeal an assessment to district court pursuant to Minn. Stat. 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the mayor or clerk within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within 10 days after service upon the mayor or clerk. Judy Weyrens Administrator Publish: May 16, 2014

GARAGE SALE 9TH ANNUAL GARAGE SALE: Thursday-Saturday, May 2224. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 4 miles south of Avon. County Road 50 - near Grotto. 20-1x-p.


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Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks Form 60.2.1 (2009)

May 9, 2014


YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT default has occurred in the conditions of the following described Mortgage: INFORMATION REGARDING MORTGAGE TO BE FORECLOSED 1.

Date of Mortgage: April 8, 2004


Mortgagors: KAASI, Inc., a Minnesota corporation


Mortgagees: Plaza Park Bank, a Minnesota banking corporation

4. Recording Information: Recorded on April 14, 2004, as Document Number 1107512, in the Office of the Stearns County, Minnesota 5.

County Recorder

Registrar of Titles of

Assignments of Mortgage, if any: None.


Tax parcel identification number of the mortgaged premises: 04.01752.0001 and 04.01752.0002.


Legal description of the mortgaged premises: See Exhibit A Check here if all or part of the described real property is Registered (Torrens)


The physical street address, city, and zip code of the mortgaged premises: 38440 55th Avenue North, Sartell, MN 56377


The person holding the Mortgage: (check one) is a transaction agent, as defined by Minn. Stat. 58.02, subd. 30 The name(s) of the transaction agent, residential mortgage servicer, and the lender or broker, as defined in Minn. Stat. 58.02 is/are _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The transaction agent's mortgage identification number, if stated on the Mortgage, is __________________________


is not a transaction agent, as defined by Minn. Stat. 58.02, subd. 30 The name(s) of the residential mortgage servicer and the lender or broker, as defined in Minn. Stat. 58.02, is Not Applicable 10. If stated on the Mortgage, the name of the mortgage originator, as defined in Minn. Stat. 58.02, is Not Applicable.

INFORMATION REGARDING FORECLOSURE 11. The requisites of Minn. Stat. 580.02 have been satisfied. 12. The original principal amount secured by the Mortgage was $375,000.00. 13. At the date of this notice the amount due on the Mortgage, including taxes, if any, paid by the holder of the Mortgage, is: $470,619.65. 14. Pursuant to the power of sale in the Mortgage, the Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the mortgaged premises will be sold by of Stearns County, Minnesota, at public auction on July 1, 2014, 10:00 Uniform a.m., atConveyancing Stearns County Office Minnesota BlanksSheriff’s Form 60.2.1 Pagethe 2 ofSheriff 3 Civil Division, 807 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56303.

15. The time allowed by law for redemption by Mortgagor or Mortgagor's personal representative or assigns is six months after the date of sale. Page 1 of 3


16. Minn. Stat. 580.04(b) provides, "If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, the notice must also specify the date on or before which the mortgagor must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property redeemed under section 580.23." If this statute applies, the time to vacate the property is 11:59 p.m. on Not Applicable.


Name of Attorney for Mortgagee: ____________________________________________ Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks Form 60.2.1 Adam D. Maier, Attorney

EXHIBIT A Legal Description

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, May 16, 2014

Summer Lunch, Learn program meeting to be held by Cori Hilsgen

A Joe Town Summer Lunch and Learn program meeting will take place from 7-8 p.m. Monday, May 19 in Heritage Hall at the St. Joseph Catholic church. The summer lunch and enrichment program is for youth 18 and younger. The lunches would be made in St. Cloud through the YES network, which is an organization started by a

number of individuals working for change in our area. The YES network plans to serve lunch at several locations. Enrichment activities such as art, games and more will also be offered at the St. Joseph site. Current plans being considered include possibly offering the lunches and activities at Centennial Park and Klinefelter Park three to four days a week from mid-June to mid-August. The summer lunch program

Click-it or ticket returns

Seat-belt and child-restraint violations will be the target May 19-June 1, as troopers, deputies and city police officers work together to save lives and prevent needless tragedies on Minnesota roadways during the annual May Click-It or Ticket seat-belt enforcement campaign. Since many of our crash injuries and fatalities involving the non-use of seat belts occur at night, about half of the enforcement hours can be expected to be held during the time period between 4 p.m. and 1 a.m. Minnesota’s seat-belt law is a primary offense, meaning you can get stopped

for not being appropriately restrained. Memorial Day will be a main focus time period, as it is in the top six dangerous holidays on our state roadways. Looking back from 2009-13, the Memorial Day holiday weekend was the deadliest of the holidays, with at least 31 deaths and more than 2,060 reported crashes. Preliminary data provided by the Department of Public Safety’s Office of Traffic Safety shows in 2013 there were 94 deaths and 247 injuries where the vehicle occupant was not buckled up. To read the article in its entirety, visit

St. Joseph Joes Baseball Schedule Memorial Park, Schneider Field Sauk Valley League Games Sunday, May 11 1:30 p.m. vs. Sartell *Saturday, May 17 1:30 p.m. @ Nisswa Sunday, May 18 1:30 p.m. vs. Litchfield Wednesday, May 21 6:15 p.m. vs. St. Cloud Beaudreau’s (formerly Ultimate Snappers) Saturday, May 24 1:30 p.m. vs. Clear Lake Sunday, May 25 1:30 p.m. @ Foley *Wednesday, May 28 6:15 p.m. @ St. Augusta Sunday, June 1 1:30 p.m. @ Clear Lake *Wednesday, June 4 6:30 p.m. @ Avon Sunday, June 8 1:30 p.m. @ Foley June 9-11 25th annual Saints Baseball Camp 9 a.m.-noon Wednesday, June 11 7:30 p.m. @ Sartell Sunday, June 15 1:30 p.m. vs. Sartell *June 20-22 TBD @ Green Isle Tournament *Wednesday, June 25 6:15 p.m. vs. Nisswa (Sentry Bank Night) Friday, June 27 6:30 p.m. vs. Opole Saturday, June 28 1 p.m. Saints/Joes Alumni Day (no game) Sunday, June 29 1:30 p.m. vs. Litchfield *Thursday, July 3 6 p.m. vs. St. Augusta Sunday, July 6 1:30 p.m. @ Litchfield Wednesday, July 9 6 p.m. @ Clear Lake Sunday, July 13 1:30 p.m. vs. Foley Saturday/Sunday, July 19-20 League Playoffs begin Aug. 2-10 Region Tournament TBD Aug. 15-Sept. 1 State Tournament @ Belle Plaine/Jordan *Exhibition Games – FREE


is a partnership event of the Central Minnesota Catholic Worker, St. Joseph area churches, College of St. Benedict Community Kitchen and other members. Church of St. Joseph member Erinn Hawkins said she hopes to see relationships formed among youth and adults. She also hopes to see children sharing food and fun together. Hawkins said she chose to be involved because summertime is a great time for her children and her to become more connected and involved in the area. She also said she loves to feed people. “I think the Summer Lunch program is needed in order to help support families in our community – plain and sim-

ple,” Hawkins said. “Losing the school-lunch option for summer can place a significant strain on a family’s budget and the Summer Lunch program is a simple way to help ease that burden.” Another St. Joseph Catholic church member, Mary Plafcan, hopes this program will bring people together as they work to solve the needs of others. “As a community we need to try to ensure all children have proper nutrition and learning opportunities,” Plafcan said. “I feel so blessed and want to be able to use my time and talents to bless others.” Resurrection Lutheran Church member Jeanie Wilkins became involved with the program because of a study initi-

ated by the Central Minnesota Catholic Worker which revealed how many people are struggling financially and otherwise in St. Joseph. “I agree with the philosophies of the Central Minnesota Catholic Worker, which is leading the Summer Lunch and Learn and Joe Town Table and seeking to learn more ways in which they and local faith communities can make St. Joseph a better place to live,” Wilkins said. Anyone who is interested in participating, volunteering or learning more about the summer-lunch program for youth 18 and younger should plan to attend the meeting or contact

Friday, May 16 Pillow cleaning/perennial plant sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Y2K Lions, 7 a.m.-3 p.m., feather pillows and comforters cleaned and put in new ticking, crushed foam and polyester pillows sterilized and recovered, cleaned while you wait, St. Joseph Community Fire Hall, 401 7th St. S. 320-363-8825. Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800733-2767. Singles Dance, sponsored by St. Cloud Singles Club, 8:30 p.m.12:30 a.m., all singles welcome, American Legion, 17 2nd Ave. N., Waite Park. 320-217-8779 or

Plant sale, sponsored by Stearns County Master Gardeners, 8:30-11 a.m., rain or shine, Riverside Park in the shelter, 1725 Killian Blvd. SE, St. Cloud. VA Women’s Wellness Fair, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., women veterans invited, River’s Edge Convention Center, 10 4th Ave. S., St. Cloud. or call 320255-6353.

Waite Park. 1-800-733-2767. Tours of Anna Marie’s Alliance, 4:45-5:45 p.m. Registration required. 320-251-7203, jacquef@

Community Calendar

Saturday, May 17 Spring birding day, 5:30 a.m.1 p.m. and 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., fee includes guided birding walks, breakfast and buffet lunch, St. John’s Outdoor University, Collegeville. Roofing • Siding • Gutters • Windows • Metal Roofs HAAG™ Certified Roof Inspectors for hail/wind

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Monday, May 19 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800733-2767. St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion in St. Joseph. Spring choir concert, 7:30 p.m., Sartell High School auditorium. Tuesday, May 20 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800733-2767. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., Moose Lodge, 1300 3rd St. N.,

Wednesday, May 21 Car Seat Clinic, 3-6 p.m, certified technicians check the safety and fit of your car seat in your car, Gold Cross Ambulance garage, 2800 7th St. N., St. Cloud. Free service. 320-656-7021. Thursday, May 22 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800733-2767. Spring orchestra concert, 7 p.m., Sartell Middle School multi-purpose room. Friday, May 23 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800733-2767.

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