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Newsleader St. Joseph
Friday, May 24, 2013 Volume 24, Issue 21 Est. 1989
Postal Patron
Church members tour new parish center
Town Crier
Support the downtown hanging flower baskets
Purchase/donate for the project. Contact Carol at 320-249-7676 or Margy at 320-249-6779. Also support the Y2K Lions Brat Sale on May 2425 at the St. Joseph Meat Market; profits to benefit the hanging-flower-baskets project.
American Legion sets Memorial Day service
photos by Cori Hilsgen
Memorial Day services will be held Monday, May 27 starting with Mass at 9 a.m. at the Church of St. Joseph. The American Legion Post 328 of St. Joseph will hold a cere- by Cori Hilsgen mony at the old cemetery starting at 9:35 a.m.
Bachmann to host cybersecurity seminar
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann will host a cybersecurity seminar, “Safeguarding U.S. Technology and Information in an Era of Globalization,” from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday, May 28 at the Stearns History Museum, 235 S. 33rd Ave., St. Cloud. The seminar will feature agents from the FBI Minneapolis Field Office and is for business owners, government officials and others who are looking to learn more about the threat of cybercrime and present practical tools and ways to best protect themselves and their businesses online. For information, visit www.
Members of the Church of St. Joseph took guided tours after weekend Masses to see the progress that has been made on the new parish center.
Members of the Church of St. Joseph Catholic church toured its new parish center after Masses this past weekend. Tour guides explained the progress of the building, plans
For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.
Salute to grads See page 8
Cub Cadet
ment, such as a dishwasher, freezer, refrigerator, carts and racks and other items which are estimated to cost about $50,109; meeting-room partition walls will cost $100,000 and audio visual equipment $10,000. Many parishioners expressed approval of the progress made
on the facility, its size, the south windows, partitioned spaces and other ideas that went into the planning of the new area. They also commented on the location of the playground in front of the parish house, landscaping designs and the layout of stands for the parish festival.
Dollars for Scholars awards 26 scholarships by Cori Hilsgen
The 19th annual St. Joseph Area Dollars for Scholars awarded 26 area students with scholarships May 15 at the St. Joseph Community Fire Hall. Each of the recipients received Recipe contest a $250 scholarship. More than half of the students are graduseeks entries Celebrate June Dairy Month by ating from Apollo, Tech and Caentering the “I Dairy’ou to Cook!” thedral high schools in St. Cloud recipe contest. Enter an original rec- and Holdingford High School. ipe that includes your favorite dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt and/or ice cream. Three finalists in each of three categories will compete in the live championship tasting round to be hosted June 8 at the St. Cloud Area Farmer’s Market. Prepared recipes will be judged by a panel of area celebrity judges. There will also be a ‘virtual’ People’s Choice championship round hosted online for those who do not live near the St. Cloud area but wish to enter. Winner of the People’s Choice round will be announced June 30. Prizes will be awarded to a winner in each category at the live tasting event. An over-all champion will also be chosen for the grand prize. For information on how to register, visit
for items not yet completed and equipment and furniture that is still needed. Tour participants received a list of things still needed. The Heritage Hall needs tables and chairs, which will cost about $31,150. The kitchen area needs various pieces of equip-
One recipient is home-schooled, and the other students are currently studying at post-secondary schools. Many local businesses served as sponsors for the scholarships this year. Some of those businesses have consistently donated for the past 10 years. In the past 18 years, 430 scholarships, totaling almost $108,000, have been awarded. President Mike Hazen recognized DFS board members and
the students. He said many of them have been with the organization since the beginning. Because of tremendous fundraising calling efforts, Hazen said the group was able to offer several more scholarships this year. Board members Janelle Von Pinnon and Marcia Johnson presented the awards. This year’s recipients are Ted Bechtold, son of Pat and Bruce Bechtold, studying criminal justice at St. Cloud State University;
Nathan Bedel, son of LuAnn and Brian Bedel, attending Immaculate Conception; Calvin Birr, son of Joy and Leon Birr, studying engineering at Arizona State University; Collen Blenker, son of Julie Pratt-Blenker, studying business at St. John’s University; Jake Bragelman, son of Lisa and Gerald Bragelman, studying education at the University of North Dakota; Katelyn Butkowski, daughter of Pamela ButScholars • page 3
Treasures galore at Communitywide Garage Sale by Mike Nistler
Hundreds of St. Joseph residents opened their garages Friday and Saturday for the Communitywide Garage Sale. A walk-through of any neighborhood promised a treasure trove of items. In one neighborhood alone, this is what we found: Elnor Benkowski of Ortonville was helping her daughter, Kim Essinger, at their sale at 601 Second Ave. NE. One of the most unique items they had for sale were four Sesame Street take-apart toys that were about 40 years old. The toys belonged to Elnor’s son, Larry, now 41, when he was just a toddler. Down the block at 606, Cara Schmidt was peddling all kinds
of stuff, including some antique black baby boots that belonged to her mother, Penny Bottorff, of Brainerd. The hightop button boots were part of a collection she had gathered throughout the years. And across the street from the Schmidt house was a sale being held by Joan Hengel, who has lived in St. Joseph for 17 years and has had garage sales almost every year. One of the prized items Hengel was parting with was a record collection that belonged to her late sister, Bea Knoll, Holdingford, who passed away five years ago at the age of 66. Hengel said it was hard to part with the record collection, photo by Mike Nistler but as of Saturday morning she These black leather children’s boots were among the antique items hadn’t sold any of the records. that Cara Schmidt was selling. The high-top, button-up boots belonged to her mother, Penny Bottorff, Brainerd.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-3638250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.
contributed photo
Dave (left) and Mark Traut
Traut Wells recognized for growth Water Right, an international manufacturer of water treatment products, recently recognized Mark J. Traut Wells Inc. for their growth in the industry. Traut Cos. is Water Right’s second largest water treatment dealer based on market size and the fifth largest dealer in the nation. The designation is based on the volume of water treatment products supplied in 2012. “Owners Mark and Dave Traut have always been willing to innovate with an eye toward company growth,” said Jim Gruenke, water
treatment division manager. “By doing so, we are now positioned as the ‘go to’ dealership for solving unique water-treatment challenges throughout our area.” In addition to their water treatment and purification services for farm, home and business, Traut Cos. offers municipal and commercial well-drilling services and products, irrigation wells for farm and in-ground lawn irrigation, residential products and services, and features a water analysis laboratory. Learn more at
April 30 1:12 a.m. Assistance. Third Street N and 7th Avenue N. Juvenile male was on a bike after curfew. Officer requested assistance with transporting the bike to the juvenile’s residence. He had no way of transporting it himself. 6:01 p.m. Complaint. Northland Drive. Report of several four-wheelers on private property. By the time officer arrived the vehicles were gone. May 1 5:23 a.m. Alarm. 15th Avenue NE. Responded to an alarm at business. Officer arrived and was flagged down by an employee. Employee stated he went in the wrong door and set off the alarm. He could not remember the code to shut off the alarm so he had to run back out to his truck to get his wallet to get the code.
Stamp Out Hunger says ‘thank you’ to residents
Mary Eisenschenk of St. Joseph was recently selected to receive free fuel from Tanks of Thanks, a program that rewards people who do good deeds to help make their community just a little bit better. The Tanks of Thanks program from Cenex®, the CHS energy brand, encourages people to nominate friends, family and neighbors for free fuel as a way to say thank you for doing good in the community. Each month, 100 nominees are randomly selected to receive free fuel from the Tanks of Thanks program. Eisenschenk was nominated for coordinating contributed photo local blood drives, serving as St. Joseph postal carriers Fred Holthaus (left) and Mark Glatzel show off 825 pounds of food collected from St. Joseph residents a member of the Parent Teachers Association, organizing variduring the annual Stamp Out Hunger event held May 11. ous community events including Spunktacular Days and being a member of the Avon Chamber of Spring Commerce. Earlier this month, cleanin g! Eisenschenk was selected to re-
11:29 a.m. Vandalism. County Road 75 E. Graffiti found on the back of the St. Joseph Business Center sign. Photos taken. An estimate to fix the sign will be sought. 3:09 p.m. Counterfeit bill. Elm Street E. The Central Minnesota Credit Union reported someone brought in a counterfeit $100 bill. It was brought in by a party who requested it be checked because it did not look right. The party found the bill at the Lions Park in Rockville, Minn. May 2 6:45 p.m. Property damage. College Avenue S. St. Ben’s security reported two of their security vehicles each had two tires slashed while parked in front of the security office between 10:40 and 10:50 p.m. Estimated cost to replace tires is $800. 7:40 p.m. 911 open call. College Avenue S. 911 received a call with no conversation and TV in background. Resident stated he had just gotten a new phone and was trying to figure it out. No problems. May 3 9:16 p.m. Welfare check. College Avenue N. Female having a mental breakdown related to school and Facebook. From what officer could determine she had posted items
ceive a $50 Tanks of Thanks gift card redeemable at any Cenex location. “There are people doing good things in every local community, and these acts of kindness do not go unnoticed or unappreciated,” explains Akhtar Hussain, CHS refined fuels brand marketing manager. “Congratulations to Mary Eisenschenk, and thank you for your contribution to the community.” Five St. John’s Prep students recently earned top scores in the National Spanish Exam. The are the following: freshman Ilia Bauer-Jones, daughter of Stacy Bauer of St. Joseph and Zack Jones of St. Paul, earned bronze-medal status, level 1; eighth-grader Lauren Kissela (98th percentile), daughter of Marcia Allard and Chad Kis-
Friday, May 21, 2013
on Facebook that were not well received. She was talking very fast and not making much sense. She tried on several occasions to give the officer her cell phone because she thought someone had bugged it. She finally agreed to go to the hospital with her boyfriend. Officer had boyfriend follow him to the hospital where she checked herself in. He contacted her parents who were already en route because they had spoken to her earlier and were concerned.
May 4 5:37 p.m. Welfare check. Elm Street E. Caller reported a very jittery female next to a car in a handicapped stall. Several customers commented on her behavior. Caller agreed to go check on her and wait for officer to arrive. Someone showed up with jumper cables to assist her. When officer showed up, she had gone. 9:05 p.m. Public urination. Minnesota Street W. While standing outside the police station, officer noticed male walk out the back of a bar. He walked to the side of another business and started to urinate. Officer approached him and when he finished he looked at the officer and said he was sorry and zipped his pants. He was issued a citation.
sela of St. Joseph, earned goldmedal status, level 2: sophomore Emily Powers, daughter of Bridget and James Powers of Collegeville, and freshman Anja Wuolo, daughter of Lorie and David Wuolo of St. Joseph, both earned bonze-medal status, level 2; and sophomore Sarah Schrup, daughter of Myra and Thomas Schrup of St. Joseph, earned bronze-medal status, level 3. More than 2,300 students in Minnesota took the exam. Awards are based on national performance. gold medalists ranked above the 94th percentile while bronze medalists above the 74th percentile. The gold medal winners (only 90 in the state) were honored May 18 at a banquet at the Wellstone Center in St. Paul.
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Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen
The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office
Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon
Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen
Editors Dennis Dalman Mike Nistler
Design/Layout Tara Wiese
Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer
P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, May 24, 2013
cal therapy and pediatric prosthetics at SCSU; Peyton’s studying accounting at SCSU; Abbi and Alli Kremers, daughters of Krista and Keith Kremers, Abbi’s studying biology/German/business at St. Mary’s, Winona; Alli’s studying international business and criminal justice at St. Mary’s, Winona; Rosalia Kremer, daughter of Kathy and Henry Kremers, studying business at the SCTC; Erika Lowell, daughter of William Lowell, studying paramedicine at the SCTC; Beau Maciej, son of Kimberly and Allan Maciej, studying energy specialties at the SCTC; Jeff and Nicholas Maleska, sons of Jackie and Jim Maleska, Jeff’s studying political science/Spanish at the University of St. Thomas; Nicholas is study-
from front page kowski, studying accounting at the St. Cloud Technical College; Matthew Danielson, son of Carol and Doug Danielson, studying business at the University of Minnesota-Duluth; Kathryn Evenson, daughter of Margaret and Mark Evenson, studying psychology at the University of Minnesota-Morris; David Flynn, son of Patrick Flynn, attending the University of Dallas; Brooke Johnson, daughter of Marcia and Steve Johnson, studying nursing at SCSU; Hannah and Peyton Kalla, daughter and son of Kelly and Richard Kalla, Hannah’s studying physi-
City of St. Joseph Summary Financial Report For the Year Ended 2012
ing medicine at U of M-Duluth; Maria Reber, daughter of Anita Reber, studying cosmetology at the SCTC; Rajahna Schneekloth, daughter of Janelle and Bruce Schneekloth, studying music and psychology at SCSU; Emily Schneider, daughter of Marsha and Dave Schneider, attending the College of St. Benedict; Kevin Schreiber, son of Patricia and Ken Schreiber, studying IT security at SCSU; Catlin Terres, daughter of Teresa and Robert Terres, studying nursing at the CSB; Amanda and Amelia Walz, daughters of Nancy Walz, Amanda’s studying biology and pre-med at the U of M-Morris; Amelia’s studying psychology/human services at the U of M-Morris. Local businesses and people
that contributed scholarships included Boulder Ridge Apartments; Collegeville Credit Union; Michael Contardo, DDS; Styles and Cotton, DDS; Iver Linneman/ St. Joseph American Legion and Knights of Columbus; Midcontinent Communications; the St. Joseph Newsleader; Dr. Thomas Newton/CentraCare Clinic; Pam’s Auto; Precise Refrigeration, Heating and Air; Steve Schirber; Sentry Bank; St. Joseph Area Dollars for Scholars Phon-a-thon; St. Joseph Firefighters; St. Joseph Jaycees; St. Joseph Lions and Sunset Manufacturing. All donations go toward scholarships. To see photos of the scholarship winners, visit
Discussion to focus on eating gluten-free
Gastroenterologist Paul Dorsher, MD, CentraCare Digestive Center, will speak about the possible signs of celiac disease such as gas, bloating and abdominal pain and how to live a gluten-free life from 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, May 30 in the Hughes Mathews Room at CentraCare Health Plaza, 1900 CentraCare Circle. Early diagnosis and treatment can help one avoid the long-term effects of celiac disease. The free event is sponsored by St. Cloud Hospital Women and Children’s Center and CentraCare Digestive Center. For more information or to register, call 320-229-5139.
CITY OF ST. JOSEPH Summary Financial Report For the Year Ended 2012
The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of financial information concerning the City of St. Joseph to interested citizens. The complete may beaexamined at theof City Offices, 25information College The purpose of this financial report statements is to provide summary financial concerning the City of St. Joseph to interested citizens. The complete financial statements Ave N. Questionsmay regarding this report should be directed to Lori Bartlett, finance director, be examined at the City Offices, 25 College Ave. 320-363-7201. N. Questions about this report should be directed to Lori Bartlett, finance director at 320 363-7201. The following summaries areThe from the General Purpose Financialare Statements City of St. Purpose Joseph following summaries from of thetheGeneral for the year ending Dec. 31, 2012.
Financial Statements of the City of St. Joseph for the year ending Dec. 31, 2012. STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS - PROPRIETARY FUNDS As of Dec. 31, 2012
Revenues and Expenditures for General Operations (Governmental Funds) Revenue: Taxes Sales Tax Franchise Fees Licenses and Permits Special Assessments Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Fines and Forfeits Miscellaneous Total Revenues Per Capita Expenditures: General Government Public Safety Streets and Highways Culture and Recreation Economic Development Capital Outlay Debt Service Interest and Fiscal Charges Total Expenditures Per Capita
2012 1,770,537 314,621 116,668 138,631 730,531 776,313 477,297 62,065 309,371
2011 1,738,290 299,384 115,583 141,035 821,881 873,391 790,344 69,592 214,703
% Increase (Decrease) 1.86 5.09 0.94 (1.70) (11.11) (11.12) (39.61) (10.82) 44.09
4,696,034 713.79
5,064,203 775.05
(7.27) (7.90)
500,670 1,290,614 353,552 213,485 186,613 1,170,617 1,605,000 333,855
492,861 1,277,072 374,154 204,518 278,723 560,923 1,580,000 431,821
1.58 1.06 (5.51) 4.38 (33.05) 108.69 1.58 (22.69)
5,654,406 859.46
5,200,072 795.85
Excess of Revenues Over (under) Expenditures
8.74 7.99
Total Long Term Indebtedness Per Capita
25,603,105 3,891.64
24,003,860 3,673.69
6.66 5.93
General and Special Revenue Funds Unreserved Per Capita
1,145,820 174.16
1,032,115 157.96
11.02 10.26
Published May 24, 2013
Water OPERATING REVENUES: Charges for Services
OPERATING EXPENSES: Wages and Salaries Materials and Supplies Repairs and Maintenance Professional Services Insurance Utilities Depreciation Contracted Services Miscellaneous Total Operating Expenses Operating Loss
Sanitary Sewer $
173,263 59,117 40,200 24,887 17,873 53,761 382,530 6,809 758,440
153,965 37,123 27,803 19,204 5,187 14,151 262,746 160,447 588 681,214
Refuse $
Storm Water
41,346 2,376 6,279 2,931 794 237,966 4,427 296,119
Total $
41,346 196 18,788 10,210 97,351 1,617 169,508
NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Investment Income Special Assessments Gain on Disposal of Asset Interest Expense Amortization of Bond Premium Amortization of Bond Costs Other Income Total Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses)
52,313 939 15 (347,264) 10,800 (25,919) 31,619 (277,497)
10,687 563 (108,943) 4,995 (6,113) 4,780 (94,031)
7,071 735 945 8,751
5,145 337 5,482
75,216 2,574 15 (456,207) 15,795 (32,032) 37,344 (357,295)
Income before Capital Contributions and Transfers
155,425 (48,000)
196,900 (48,000)
352,325 (117,250)
Transfers In Transfers Out Change in Net Assets NET ASSETS: Beginning of Year End of Year
7,691,235 $
7,804,126 $
284,057 $
4,280,405 $
Noncurrent Assets: Deferred Charges Capital Assets: Land Easements Construction in Progress Buildings Plant and Lines Machinery and Equipment Sewer Rights Total Capital Assets Less Accumulated Depreciation Net Capital Assets Total Noncurrent Assets
Sanitary Sewer
952 4,770,733
LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable Contracts Payable Due to Other Governments Salaries and Benefits Payable Interest Payable Long-Term Liabilities Due Within One Year Total Current Liabilities Noncurrent Liabilities: Compensated Absences Notes Payable, Net Unamortized Premiums Bonds Payable, Net Unamortized Premiums Net Other Post Employment Benefits Obligations Less Amounts Due Within One Year Total Noncurrent Liabilities Total Liabilities Net Assets: Investment in Capital Assets, Net Related Debt Unrestricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Storm Water
$ 267,112 -
10,858 90,845 2,749 4,876,137
585 106,309 522 383,373
593 58,226 345 326,276
332 19,469 251 209,869
12,368 274,849 3,867 5,795,655
4,941 4,736,891 617,983 7,432,835 421,127 3,057,013 16,270,790 (3,334,054) 12,936,736 12,965,090
$ 18,756,752
7,847 8,208 45,524 2,968 36,376 353,452 454,375
11,989 2,239 3,681 30,078 406,949 454,936
275,957 -
372,941 45,896 7,502,432 8,908,669 182,697 17,012,635 (3,297,381) 13,715,254 13,880,615
Total Assets
409,920 98,812 93,070 57,232 23,060 68,706 742,627 398,413 13,441 1,905,281
ASSETS: Current Assets: Cash and Investments (Including Cash Equivalents) Cash with Fiscal Agent Special Assessments Receivable: Deferred Accounts Receivable Interest Receivable Total Current Assets
189,817 -
$ $
733,838 4,770,733
67,915 6,864 4,854,489 1,766 4,931,034 (932,859) 3,998,175 3,998,175
377,882 67,915 4,789,651 8,120,415 21,195,993 605,590 3,057,013 38,214,459 (7,564,294) 30,650,165 30,843,880
$ 326,276
$ 4,208,044
$ 36,639,535
19,834 2,961 582 611 23,988
402 691 378 1,471
51,852 11,248,454 19,376 (406,949) 10,912,733 11,367,669
51,852 4,980,569 560,836 15,817 (353,452) 5,255,622 5,709,997
7,443,249 (54,166) 7,389,083
7,395,331 243,135 7,638,466
291,687 291,687
3,998,175 198,290 4,196,465
18,836,755 678,946 19,515,701
$ 326,276
$ 4,208,044
$ 36,639,535
$ 18,756,752
8,839 2,373 (611) 10,601 34,589
40,072 8,208 50,724 7,922 66,454 761,390 934,770
8,113 2,373 (378) 10,108 11,579
120,656 4,980,569 11,809,290 39,939 (761,390) 16,189,064 17,123,834
STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS - PROPRIETARY FUNDS For the Year Ended Dec. 31, 2012 Water CASH FLOWS - OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Receipts from Customers and Users Payments to Suppliers Payments to Employees Other Miscellaneous Receipts Net Cash Flows - Operating Activities
Sanitary Sewer
616,401 (202,075) (165,790) 32,854 281,390
506,213 (438,618) (147,730) 5,234 (74,901)
Refuse $
Storm Water
296,102 (256,107) (40,591) 2,131 1,535
CASH FLOWS - NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Transfer from Other Funds Transfer to Other Funds Net Cash Flows - Noncapital Financing Activities
155,425 (48,000) 107,425
196,900 (48,000) 148,900
CASH FLOWS - CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Principal Paid on Debt Interest Paid on Debt Bond Payable Proceeds Payment to Escrow Account Proceeds from Disposal of Capital Assets Acquisition of Capital Assets Net Cash Flows - Capital and Related Financing Activities
(395,000) (371,878) 4,860,000 (4,770,733) 15 (677,596)
(347,995) (118,691) (14,579) (481,265)
CASH FLOWS - INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Interest and Dividends Received Net Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents
End of Year
101,077 (31,019) (40,302) 758 30,514
Total $
(21,250) (21,250)
1,519,793 (927,819) (394,413) 40,977 238,538
352,325 (117,250) 235,075
(742,995) (490,569) 4,860,000 (4,770,733) 15 (14,579) (1,158,861)
1,343,480 $
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, May 24, 2013
Artists’ reception held at the Minnesota Street Market by Cori Hilsgen
If you are seeking some unique pieces of art for yourself or possibly to give as gifts, then the Minnesota Street Market would be an excellent place for you to stop, browse and find some pieces of art. An artist reception of several local artists was held May 10 at the Minnesota Street Market. The
public was invited to meet and greet the artists and view their new pieces. Featured local artists included Mark and Kathryn Bjorke, glass artists; Justin Anderson, printmaker; Samuel Johnson and Anne Meyer, potters; and Patrick Trenam, painter. The Bjorkes, husband and wife, work in the medium of glass as a team. Mark has worked with FREE Comp ESTIM A e Insur titively Pri TES! a c ed nce W ork!
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stained-glass art for more than 20 years, and Kathryn has worked in the field of art and graphic design for more than 25 years. Kathryn started working with the glass when she married Mark five years ago. Mark said one of his biggest challenges is not cutting fingers when working with the glass because it can be very sharp. He finds the creative process very re-
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photos by Cori Hilsgen
Glass artists, Mark and Kathryn Bjorke, have some of their work on display at the Minnesota Street Market. Kathryn is showing a glass dragonfly they created to a guest at the artist reception that was recently held at the market. warding. “Like any craft, you have something that is physical and you can see and handle it when it is done,” Mark said. “I have fun seeing the finished pieces,” Kathryn said. “You have all these millions of little pieces and all of a sudden it is together and looks very cool.” The Bjorkes said it varies in the time it takes to create the glass works. Simple picture frames can take a couple of hours, and a detailed panel can take as long as 30
hours to complete. Various pieces created include picture frames, lamps, panels, clocks, garden stones, windows, doors and other decorative items. Mark previously sold his glass work at craft shows, but he has not shown anything lately until now. In the past, Kathryn and Mark have created their art on their dining-room table, but they recently built a new house in St. Joseph and now have a studio in which to work. The studio allows more room and space to create their work.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, May 24, 2013 Mark said it’s easier to keep going when they don’t have to pick up in the middle of their work. To contact the Bjorkes (MK Glass Art), call 320-557-0096. Anne Meyer and Sam Johnson are potters. Meyer graduated with an art degree from the University of Minnesota-Morris, 12 years ago. She studied studio art with a ceramics emphasis and first started working with pottery when she was at the university. She then apprenticed under master potter Richard Bresnahan at St. John’s Pottery. Meyer said it has been a challenge learning to work with the clay. “Years ago it was a many, manyyear process of learning to control the clay rather than the clay controlling me,” Meyer said. “Now it is more about the effort of working with local materials.” Some of the clay Meyer works with is dug at the Meyer farm on Stearns CR 121 in St. Joseph. She is in the process of renovating the farm into art space to offer community-ed level programming to youth and adults. Several annual bouja-dinner fundraisers where clay bowls are sold have been held. This year’s annual fundraiser will be held Oct. 26,-28 and also Nov. 2-3 at the American Legion in St. Joseph. “There is a fair amount of challenge learning about the materials in our backyard that you can actually make pottery from, what heat level they want to be fired at,” Meyer said. “They each have their own temperament and characteristics, so it’s more about learning how to work with them.” Meyer has found working with the materials and the physical effects of her effort very rewarding. She said she gets to see the effort she puts into her work. Meyer said she would like to encourage people to support the co-op because St. Joseph is fortunate to have one. To contact Meyer, visit her web-
Lic # BC631037
site at Samuel Johnson has been creating pottery since 1995. He moved to the St. Joseph area in 2005. Johnson is an associate professor of art at St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict. He teaches all levels of ceramics and has also taught other art classes. Johnson earned his bachelor’s degree in studio art from the University of Minnesota-Morris, and his master’s degrees from the University of Iowa. He apprenticed under Richard Bresnahan at SJU in the 1990s. Johnson also lived and worked in Europe as a guest of the Design School in Copenhagen, Denmark; worked at the international ceramic center in Skealskor; and in two porcelain studios in Copenhagen. He was also a studio guest in Japan and worked as an assistant to a wood fire potter in New York. Johnson finds it exciting to work within the functional ceramic tradition. “There is sort of this notion that freedom comes from being limitless, but I don’t find that to be true,” Johnson said. “I find that working within the structured form allows for interesting new discoveries and creativity.” Johnson said he really enjoys working creatively and also physically. “I feel like I can apply all aspects
of myself, the physical, intellectual and creative and I admire that in other people when they are working,” Johnson said. To contact Johnson, email him at Patrick Trenam is an acrylic painter. He has been drawing his entire life but began painting about eight years ago when he moved here from Arizona. Trenam’s paintings are abstract. He said the most challenging part about his work is deciding when it is done. “It always feels like you can add more or modify it in some way or another,” Trenam said. He said he finds it rewarding to see the expressions on people’s faces. “Seeing people’s faces and hearing the feedback is rewarding,” Trenam said. “Little kids’ eyes light up when they view the paintings.” Trenam lives in St. Joseph and can be reached at 320-310-8657. Justin Anderson is a printmaker. He has been involved with art for many years but has not had access to a print shop until he began attending the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Anderson currently attends the university and has been taking print classes. He’s also been spending many hours in the print studio on extra-curricular print work. Anderson said the technical
Patrick Trenam adjusts one of his paintings that is on display at the Minnesota Street Market. Trenam creates abstract paintings.
Samuel Johnson shows one of his pottery pieces to a guest at an artist reception held at the Minnesota Street Market. Johnson is a professor at CSB/ SJU who has studied art in Europe.
parts of printing can be challenging. “There are so many variables when working with any type of print medium,” Anderson said. “There are many things that can go wrong, and it takes a lot of time, patience and mindfulness to solve and prevent problems from occurring. Ink is very permanent and mistakes can be costly.” Even though the medium can be challenging, Anderson said he also finds his craft rewarding.
“While I really enjoy (the) creative process and find the physical labor and repetitive activity very wholesome and healthy, I’d say the most rewarding part of printing is being able to make multiples of a piece of art for low cost,” Anderson said. He said he’s able to give away identical pieces he’s created to many people and can sell them at very affordable prices. To contact Anderson, email him at
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Our View
You can make a difference by being aware Recent news out of Cleveland, Ohio, about the discovery of three women who had been missing for more than a decade has caused many locally to pause. St. Joseph and the surrounding area have had its share of tragedy and heartbreak when it comes to missing people. Of course, Jacob Wetterling is the name everyone knows and thinks of when abductions are mentioned. However, let’s not forget Joshua Guimond who also disappeared from nearby Collegeville and St. John’s University in 2002. The discovery of the women in Ohio makes many wonder if Wetterling, Guimond and others might still be alive. We as citizens can play an important role in cases like this. We need to become ultra aware of activities around us and in our neighborhoods and communities. In the Ohio case and others like it that have been reported nationally, people have spotted these missing individuals and rare occurrences. Some have ignored the incidents and others have reported them to police. In the Ohio abductions, it seems, police didn’t thoroughly investigate some of those sightings fully. For instance, a neighbor reported seeing one of the abducted women crawling naked in the backyard of the residence where she was being held captive. The neighbor called police, but for whatever reason, the follow-through didn’t occur. We as citizens may see things from time to time that just don’t add up, make sense or seem a bit out of place. We may tend to ignore those suspicious things and justify ignoring them by reasoning we don’t want to be over-reacting or we may not want to get involved. However, times have changed. Citizens are becoming an even more crucial part in helping law-enforcement officials do their jobs. The more eyes and ears that are on alert can make a difference in not only helping solve missing persons’ cases, but also perhaps even preventing a tragedy like those that are becoming more prevalent in our schools, at movie theatres, shopping malls or the finish lines of marathons. We used to think law-enforcement officials might roll their eyes at a tip from a citizen. Not any more. Times have changed.
Fairness and ethics
Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Opinion Seasonal job at landscape center a great escape Besides beginning work for the Newsleader this spring, I also began another new adventure. I’ve started working a seasonal job at Scenic Specialties, a local landscape, garden and pond center. I’ve always been a big fan of outdoor water features. I started my first pond about 20 years ago. It was nothing special, but my family and I got tons of enjoyment from it, and we even stocked it with fish. I eventually graduated to a pond I dug by hand that measured 30-feet long, 6-feet wide and about 4-feet deep. I accessorized it with a waterfall, beach, dock, fish and boulders galore. It was amazing. So when I learned that Scenic Specialties — the place where I bought my pond equipment and got expert advice — was hiring, I thought I’d give it a go. I think it must be my agrarian roots that drew me to Scenic Specialties. Located on Stearns CR 133, Scenic Specialties sits on the site of an old farm. Many of the original buildings still stand and serve as storage facilities. Each day I drive to work and pull up into the driveway of the old farm site, I
Mike Nistler Reporter feel kind of like a farmer. And some days, I get just about as dirty. Driving bobcat isn’t the same as plowing, planting or harvesting, but it comes close. I get to work with trees, shrubs, plants and get my hands dirty. It feels great after having a desk job for so many years. Somehow a day’s work outside doing manual labor brings a different kind of reward than sitting behind a computer and writing. If you haven’t been to Scenic Specialties, you should put it on your to-do list. It’s sort of like visiting a state park, I tell my friends. There’s a huge pond out front that’s affectionately known as Lake Scenic. It’s stocked with fish you can feed and has a fountain you can enjoy as well.
The pond I constructed was 30feet long and included a waterfall, beach, dock and fish. There’s also a really neat meandering man-made stream that was built by the folks at Scenic that runs from behind and alongside the big red barn. It’s not Niagra Falls by any means, but then you don’t have to drive across country to enjoy it, either. The pond I constructed was 30-feet long and included a waterfall, beach, dock and fish.
Mr. President, don’t let bloodhounds salivate This is my open letter to President Barack Obama: Dear Mr. President, Why are you playing right into the hands of your enemies? For years, I have been defending you in print and verbally against the jerks who have been hounding you, nipping at your heels, sabotaging everything you proposed and accusing you of insanely ridiculous charges – everything from not being a born American to being a socialist destroyer. The attacks against you, in fact, have been so baseless, so unrelenting, so racist and so disgusting I was – and still am – eager to defend you. However, in recent days, I have become crestfallen by your rather passive reactions to the chorus of accusations against you concerning three troublesome issues: Benghazi, IRS and the Associated Press. One or more people in your administration, on your watch, put a public-relations spin (or flat-out lied) about the security lapses that led to the deaths in Benghazi; one or more people in the Internal Revenue Service zealously pursued audits on ultra-conservative organizations, such as the Tea Party; and one or more people in the White House tried to intimidate and obstruct reporters trying to do their jobs. Those kinds of tactics are more worthy of a president like Richard Nixon, who had an “enemies list” and who broke the law by trying to “get even” with his political opponents. Mr. President, you shouldn’t waste another day downplaying those issues or dismissing them as just more examples in the long line of Republicans’ ridiculous charges. If you don’t answer those charges head-on, letting the chips fall
Dennis Dalman Editor where they may, the rest of your presidency will be truly “lame duck,” to put it mildly. If their charges are not true, if you did not know about these things, then say so loudly and clearly. Obviously, there has never been a president in history who has not made mistakes and who has not told a lie now and then. To give just a few examples: President Lyndon Johnson lied about an attack in the Gulf of Tonkin that got us heavily involved in the long senseless war in Vietnam; Nixon was impeached and had to resign because of his lies relating to the Watergate scandal; Reagan was less than forthright in dealing with the scandal of illegally selling arms to the contras in Nicaragua; Clinton blatantly lied when he said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” Being president of the United States has got to be the most difficult, loneliest job in the world. It’s hard to imagine anyone in his or her right mind wanting such a job where crises are always ready to explode in your face, dealing with a deadlocked Congress would be enough to drive anyone crazy, your every utterance and action is scrutinized mercilessly – often by hostile opponents. Being a president must be like having to hole up in a bunker with attacks coming from all sides. And that is probably the root of the problem – that bunker mentality that sets in. All of the presidents mentioned
above developed a bunker mentality to one degree or another, and all of them stonewalled or lied now and then. We’re told you, Mr. President, are slow and deliberative in your decision-making processes, that you are not a schmoozer and your approach to problems is cool, detached, cerebral. However, while those may be qualities to some degree, they can just as well be drawbacks. They can lead to disconnection and even distortions in a president’s perception of reality. In recent days, Mr. President, it has become painfully plain that you are not using your leadership skills. I have been absolutely astonished by your grace under pressure, the way you held your head high while having to endure the steady barrage of lies and character attacks from the ultra-right-wing paranoid-fantasy fringe. It’s understandable why you would go into a defensive mode, having to deal with lunatics like that. Nevertheless, it is time to level with all those who, like me, enthusiastically voted for you twice. If those who are now accusing you of so many things are not on the level, say so now to prove how wrong they are and then lay out the proofs. Or if one or more people in the White House, the State Department or the IRS did wrong, fire them immediately. You’ve already taken some of those steps, but do more. Be more forthright. Mr. President, your enemies smell blood; they are licking their chops. Do something decisive, even if it hurts. Be a courageous leader we elected you to be. Don’t let those bloodhounds salivate any longer.
Send it to: The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374
or email us at: Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only).
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, May 24, 2013
Community Calendar
Friday, May 24 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Brat sale, sponsored by the Y2K Lions, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market. Proceeds go to city flower baskets.
Lions, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market. Proceeds go to city flower baskets.
Saturday, May 25 Blood drive, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Brat sale, sponsored by the Y2K
Monday, May 27 Memorial Day Service, hosted by Sartell Post 277, 9 a.m., Sartell Legion Park. Market Monday, 3-6:30 p.m., 125 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell.
Wednesday, May 29 Student information program about the St. Cloud Youth Leadership Academy and St. Cloud Area Chamber’s Student Summer Internship, 7:30-9 a.m., St. Cloud Police Department. or 320-656-
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3824. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., Dickey’s BBQ, 2956 W. Division St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Thursday, May 30 St. Joseph Spring cleanup collection day for customers enrolled in the City refuse program. Curbside collection before 6 a.m. Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-
Friday, May 31 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Brat sale, sponsored by the Y2K Lions, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market. Proceeds go to Wings for Mercy. Saturday, June 1 Brat sale, sponsored by the Y2K Lions, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market. Proceeds go to Wings for Mercy.
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Scout is a neutered cat, just under 2 years of age. He came in with an old injury to his eye, so we had his eye fixed up to prevent any future complications. Scout spent some time in foster care and his foster family described him as an affectionate and playful lap-cat. His unique “wink look” is actually quite fitting for his spunky and curious personality. Scout has a history of living with and being friendly toward kids of all ages, however he has been returned for not getting along with the resident cat and dog. Scout qualifies for the “Name Your Own Price” promotion. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 13 Rabbits - 2
Cats - 25 Fancy Mice - 2
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Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.
Mary Kay Cosmetics Joyce Barnes St. Joseph 320-251-8989
Michael F. Contardo D.D.S. 26 2nd Ave. NW St. Joseph 320-363-4468 Drs. Styles, Cotton & Milbert 1514 E. Minnesota St., Box 607 St. Joseph 320-363-7729
CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Jerry Wetterling 103 N. College Ave. St. Joseph 320-363-4573
CHURCHES Gateway Church - St. Joseph Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday, 7 p.m. Wednesday, 6 p.m. Saturday
106 2nd Ave. NW • 320-282-2262 Resurrection Lutheran, ELCA
EYECARE Russell Eyecare & Associates 15 E. Minnesota St., Ste. 107 St. Joseph 320-433-4326
LAWN SPRINKLERS St. Joseph Plumbing, Heating & Irrigation St. Joseph 320-363-7224
Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11 a.m. WoW! (Worship on Wednesday) 6:30 p.m.
Masses: Tuesday-Friday 8 a.m. Saturday 5 p.m. Sunday 8 and 10 a.m.
Sue Alexander Massage 610 N. CR 2 St. Joseph Now open in Coin Laundromat 320-363-4232 Complex, Suite 3, St. Joseph 320-249-2531 to schedule St. Joseph Catholic Church
320-363-7505 St. Joseph
Metro Plumbing & Heating 545 8th Ave. NE St. Joseph 320-363-7761
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, May 24, 2013
Congratulations 2013 Graduates ALBANY
Brandon Bierbaum Micaela Huhne Jameson Kacures Clara Kroska
Rochelle Beck Calvin Birr Brandon Bloch Dominic Bonacci McKayla Botz Trentan Boyer Kendra Butkowski Justin Carrigan Paige Cordie Luke Dahlgren Matthew Danielson Abigail Donnay Kathryn Evenson Corey Geers Aren Gerads Nathan Gilsrud Holly Grisé
Seth Hennagir Calvin Hundeby Emily Iverson Erik Jarosch Brooke Johnson Katrina Johnson Hannah Kalla Lucy Kelly Sean Kelly Kalene Knoblach Tyler Koopmeiners Breanna LaRue Sara Lepinski Megan Loso Erika Lowell Maryan Maalin Brett Maslonkowski Saralicia Mustain Erin Nelson Dylan Pederson Jasmine Pelzer Jesse Pullman Martha Reisinger Roxy Sell
Darien Stegner Alyssa Steve Amber Sunder Caitlin Terres Trevor Tesch Jeffrey Witthuhn
Ted Bechtold Noah Ebel Valeria Mesa Katherine Pankratz Drew Poganski Danica Smith
hoLdiNgford Logan Athmann Amanda Beckius Nicole Birr Kyle Braun Niles Corrieri Haley Huls Elizabeth Langerud
Congratulations Grads!
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1514 E. Minnesota St. St. Joseph • 363-7729
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Local Blend
19 W. Minnesota St. St. Joseph • 320-363-1011
Michael Contardo, ddS
26 2nd Ave. N.W. St. Joseph • 320-363-4468
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Jordan Lindboe Grant Loidolt Brittany Stodolka Amanda Young
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Midcontinent Communications
217 County Road 75 St. Joseph • 320-363-7777
taco John’s
Saint John’s University
211 County Road 75 St. Joseph • 363-1045
St. Joseph Newsleader
325 19th St. S., Suite 101 Sartell • 320-251-7109 Sartell • Big Lake • Monticello • Little Falls
Admissions: 320-363-2196
32 1st Ave. NW St. Joseph • 363-7741
Yapel orthodontics