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Newsleader St. Joseph
Friday, June 20, 2014 Volume 25, Issue 25 Est. 1989
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Ballou hopes to build a play area for children by Cori Hilsgen
Town Crier
Outdoor University hosts Collegeville Kidstock
Collegeville Kidstock, sponsored by St. John’s Outdoor University, is a family-friendly outdoor festival from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 28 at Watab Picnic Grounds in St. John’s Abbey Arboretum, Collegeville. Register by June 25 and save 50-percent off the gate price. Enjoy a variety of outdoor activities, including canoeing, a bonfire with s’mores, educational tables, bouncy houses, lawn games and more throughout the afternoon. Parking will be available at the St. John’s Parish Center and at SJU. In the event of inclement weather, the festival will be moved indoors to the Warner Palaestra on the St. John’s University campus. For more information, visit www. and click on June 20 Criers.
Catholic Charities program to help Roosevelt rise from ashes
In order to begin again from the June 14-15 fire, the staff of Roosevelt Early Childhood is scrambling to secure a number of books, clothing and play items for pre-school children and is asking the public for help (visit for a complete list). Donations may be delivered between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to Catholic Charities Administrative Offices, 911 18th St. N, St. Cloud. District 742 is also accepting monetary donations sent to 1000 44th Ave. N., Ste. 100, St. Cloud, MN 56303. Please make checks payable to ISD 742/Roosevelt.
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Dominic Ballou accepts a donation from Eric Medelberg at Medelberg Chiropractic in St. Joseph. Ballou is collecting donations to build a playground, barbecue area, bus shelter and more for low-income housing families.
Items stolen from the Catholic Church by Cori Hilsgen
The Catholic Church recently experienced a robbery. Items taken include an old monstrance, a set of handbells and a microphone. Pastor Jerome Tupa said the monstrance is valued at around $11,000, the hand bells at between $10,000-$14,000 and the microphone $150-$200. The items were noticed missing June 3. The monstrance, SCSU hosts 41st which is used to display the Lemonade Concert, Art Fair consecrated Eucharist host during St. Cloud celebrates the 41st adoration or benediction, is at
annual free Lemonade Concert and Art Fair from 11 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Thursday, June 26 at St. Cloud State University. More than 200 vendors will display their arts and crafts including pottery, photography, stained glass, clothing, woodwork and various sculptures. Food vendors will provide freshsqueezed lemonade, reuben sandwiches, cheese curds and more. Farmer’s Market vendors will offer fresh local produce, hand-made fudge and prepackaged gourmet cooking spices. A free shuttle service will be provided throughout the event. For more information, visit and click on June 20 Criers. For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.
Howe for House
Dominic Ballou isn’t your average 10-year-old boy. He has already experienced some difficulties in his life and is working hard to make changes. Ballou wants to make a difference for himself and other children by fundraising for playground equipment for a low-income housing development. He has started his own nonprofit, called “Kids 4 a Safe Place to Play.” Ballou lives in the development with his family. He hopes to raise enough money to buy a Rainbow Play System. The company has offered to match funds. So far he has raised $2,000. Other donations have come in, but he is waiting to open those envelopes with children from the neighborhood. He hopes to have a celebration party with the other children after he raises $5,000 for one playground area or $10,000
for two playground areas. Ballou also hopes to put in a barbecue area, community garden and a bus shelter. The barbecue area is for residents of the complex to gather and share food. Ballou’s mother, Amber Wiese, believes the garden would help with sustainability and would add self-worth to residents. Ballou is working with St. Cloud State University to implement the garden. The bus shelter would keep more than 15 children warmer on cold Minnesota winter mornings. If Ballou receives enough donations, he plans to donate them to a local mobile-home park that does not have a play area so they can also get equipment, a garden and other needed items. Ballou is in the Chinese immersion program at Madison Elementary School – a program he has been in for five years. Through the program, he is receiving written and oral education in the Mandarin Chinese Ballou • page 5
least 50 years old or more. The parish has had the choir bells about 20 years. Both items were kept in a locked cabinet in the front sacristy. The monstrance is in a large black case, weighs at least 25 pounds and the case about five pounds. The bells are kept in three black cases and weigh around 35-45 pounds. “These items are precious heirlooms of the parish because of their beauty and also how they enhance our liturgies,” Tupa said in an email. Because of the weight of the items, the thieves had to be strong
enough to carry them for a distance. They also must have been familiar with the church to know where the items were stored. Tupa did not think anything else was touched or disturbed. Tupa thought disposing of the items would not be easy for thieves. The monstrance is ornate and would most likely cause people to question it. It does not contain gems or precious metal such as gold or silver. The bells are heavy and made of solid metal. They are finely tuned and would only be valuable to certain buyers.
A police report has been filed and they are investigating the matter.
Jim and Carol Kuebelbeck
izens organized the club, hoping to improve the quality of life in St. Joseph. Club members celebrated their 50th anniversary in May. In the 1960s, the annual July 4 parade had become very small. Lions charter members Kuebelbeck, Ray Krebsbach and Leo Sadlo approached the club to try to make the parade an event people would want to attend. Their request did not receive an enthusiastic response because the club lacked the funds needed to attract marching bands, floats and more. Kuebelbeck’s father mentioned to him the St. Joseph Boosters Club had tried a similar effort, but the club had become inactive.
He thought, however, that there might still be some funds from that club in the bank. After meeting with then bank president Claude Crever, Kuebelbeck and others learned there were some funds in a dead account. Crever was receptive to transferring those funds to the newly formed Lion’s Club if the inactive members of the Boosters Club would hold a meeting to officially disband the organization and approve the transfer of funds. Kuebelbeck sent letters to all members of the inactive Boosters Club, asking them to meet one more time to officially consider the proposal. The group met, Kuebelbeck • page 8
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The 50-year-old monstrance and handbells taken from the Church of St. Joseph.
Jim Kuebelbeck chosen as grand marshal by Cori Hilsgen
Jim Kuebelbeck doesn’t usually like to be the center of attention, but this year on July 4 he will be. Kuebelbeck has been selected to be the grand marshal for the annual July 4 parade. His wife, Carol, said she isn’t sure if she or their grandchildren will be riding with him in the parade. Kuebelbeck was chosen by St. Joseph Lions Club President Keith Schleper, who nominated him because he has been a dedicated Lions Club member, helping with many fundraisers and other events throughout the past
50 years. Kuebelbeck is the only charter member of the St. Joseph Lions Club still active with the organization. He signed up the first year the club was founded and is still a member today. The Lions was chartered in March 1964 when a group of cit-
St. Joseph Newsleader •
2 Becca Sauerer of St. Joseph was recently hired as a client support specialist at ProcessPro in St. Cloud. She obtained Saurerer her bachelor’s degree in business management from the College of St. Benedict. Since then, she has been in several positions at CH Robinson. Simultaneously, Sauerer has held the head coach position for Rocori High School’s swim and dive program.
Haley Huls of St. Joseph re- mester dean’s list at the University cently graduated from Ridgewater of Minnesota, Duluth. College, Willmar, Minn. They are the following: Justin Anderson, senior, studio art; Three St. Joseph students re- Lauren Holan, senior, accounting; cently graduated from the College Joseph Justin, senior, chemical of St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minn. engineering; Nicholas Maleska, They are the following: Troy junior, Hispanic studies; and Jared Lundell, cum laude, bachelor’s Walz, junior, theater. degree in marketing; Olga RozStudents must attain a minimum muszcz, master’s degree in busi- 3.5 grade-point average to qualify. ness administration; and Courtney Taufen, master’s degree in family Danica Smith of St. Joseph, a nurse practitioner. sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences, was recently named Five St. Joseph students were to the spring semester dean’s list recently named to the spring se- at Creighton University in Omaha, Neb. Students must earn a minimum 3.5 grade-point average to be eligible for this honor. Two St. Joseph students were recently named to the spring dean’s
list at the College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minn. They are Tasha Johnson and Lindsay Sand. Students must achieve a minimum 3.75 grade-point average to qualify. Vanessa Ulrich of St. Joseph is a recipient of the Susan Lynn Webb Memorial Scholarship at St. Cloud State University. This scholarship is presented to incoming students with a strong academic record, participation in activities and demonstrated leadership qualities. Ulrich, a freshman, received $1,000. Brandi Anderson of St. Joseph recently received the Floyd and Virgie Beumer Scholarship for $1,000 from St. Cloud State University. The award is given to a
Friday, June 20, 2014 graduate of Rocori High School in Cold Spring with demonstrated financial need. Anderson is a freshman at SCSU. Two St. Joseph students recently graduated from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minn. They are the following: Zach Jergenson, bachelor’s degrees in computer science and mathematics; and Timothy Krippner, bachelor’s degrees in computer science and history.
If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at www.tricountycrimestoppers. org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. May 24 7:21 p.m. Information. Minnesota Street E. Complainant called because tenants in apartment were calling her son names. Officer spoke to tenant in apartment and advised her to stop calling the neighbor names. Ongoing situation with these parties not getting along. Advised both parties this is a landlord/tenant issue that will need to get resolved with the landlord. Neither party happy with the situation. They were advised to tough it out. May 26 5:31 p.m. Assist person. Elm Street E. Complainant broke her phone and lost directions on how to get back to Willmar. Had language barrier and was somewhat distraught. Officer gave her directions to Hwy. 23 in Cold Spring to which she stated she knew how to get home from there. She followed the officer to CR 2, where he then pointed her in the direction to Cold Spring. Officer advised Cold Spring officer to watch for her vehicle in case she got lost again. May 30 6:11 p.m. Traffic stop. Minnesota Street E/First Avenue SE. Officer observed driver with her cell phone up on the steering wheel and appeared to be texting while driving. Stopped vehicle and identified driver by her Minnesota driver’s license. She admitted she was texting her babysitter. Citation issued for texting. May 31 3:52 a.m. Harassing phone calls. Able Street E. Complainant stated they had received several phone calls from the same number. No conversation when they answered. When asked, he said it was possible it was a “butt dial.” Officer advised he would call the number, but in the mean time advised complainant to take his phone off the hook or unplug it so he could get some sleep.
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Coborn’s
Kay’s Kitchen The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office
Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon
Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen
Editor Dennis Dalman
Design/Layout Tara Wiese
Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer
P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Friday, June 20 St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2. Singles Dance, sponsored by St. Cloud Singles Club, 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m., American Legion, 17 2nd Ave. N., Waite Park. 320-217-8779 or Saturday, June 21 Church Open House, 10 a.m.2 p.m., bounce houses, games and more. Park Fellowship Church, 32932 Veterans Drive, Sartell. 320-281-3201 Living History: Meet the Lindberghs, costumed characters and stories, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (last tour at 4 p.m.), Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site, 1620 Lindbergh Drive, Little Falls. 320-616-5421. 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Miller Auto Plaza community room, 2930 2nd St. S., St. Cloud. 1-888-234-1294. Monday, June 23 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Market Monday, 3-6:30 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell.
St. Joseph Newsleader • LEgal notICE The City Council for the City of St. Joseph HEREBY ORDAINS That Ordinance 56 of the St. Joseph Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to include a fence provision in Section 56.05 adding prohibited fence materials, modification to the footing requirements for a wall fence and a provision whereby the City can withhold a land-use application due to an outstanding invoice/fee. Section 56.01: APPLICATION. This ordinance shall apply to the construction and maintenance of all walls or fences, to include living fences as defined herein, within the City. The requirements of this Ordinance may also be subject to modification by the terms or conditions of a Conditional-Use Permit or Rezoning applicable to an individual parcel of property. Section 56.02: PURPOSE. This Ordinance was enacted for the following purposes: a) To regulate fence or wall construction and location.
Tuesday, June 24 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767.
b) To protect property from a loss of use, enjoyment or value due to the construction of aesthetically objectionable fences or walls on adjacent property.
Wednesday, June 25 Tours of Anna Marie’s Alliance, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Registration required. 320-251-7203, jacquef@ SummerTime by George, 5-9 p.m., Lake George, St. Cloud. Free live concert by Coyote Wild.
c) To assure that fences and walls are constructed adjacent to the property line or within the property of the party who will maintain the wall or fence.
Thursday, June 26 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Lemonade Concert and Art Fair, 11 a.m.-8:30 p.m., St. Cloud State University campus. Arts, crafts, food vendors, farmers’ market vendors. Music throughout the day. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Friday, June 27 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Blood drive, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., St. Cloud Hospital, 1406 6th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Brat Sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Y2K Lions, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW. All tips donations, and profits contributed to St. Joseph Food Shelf. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2. Saturday, June 28 Brat Sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Y2K Lions, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW. All tips donations, and profits contributed to St. Joseph Food Shelf. Collegeville Kidstock, family friendly outdoor music festival, noon-5 p.m., St. John’s University. 320-363-3163; OutdoorU@csbsju. edu. MFCA Tackle Cancer High School All-Star Football Game, 1 p.m., Clemens Stadium, St. John’s University, Collegeville.
d) To assure consistency in the location of fences and walls constructed in residential districts. e) To require walls and fences be constructed of a low maintenance material. f) To require walls or fences to be constructed of non-toxic materials. Section 56.03: PERMIT. Prior to constructing or reconstructing a fence or wall within the City, the person or entity owning the property on which the wall or fence is to be constructed or reconstructed shall first secure a fence permit from the City Building Official. A permit fee, in an amount set by resolution of the City Council, shall be paid at the time the application for a permit is submitted. The application shall contain the following: a) Legal description of the property on which the fence or wall is to be constructed or reconstructed, b) Sketch showing the location of the fence or wall on the property, c) A description of the materials to be used in the construction of the fence or wall, d) A description or sketch of the design and dimensions of the fence or wall, e) Compliance with the provisions of Section 56.07 (Border fence or wall). The application shall be reviewed by the City Building Inspector for issuance of a building permit upon a determination the proposal
RESOLUTION 2014-20 AMENDING ORDNANCE 56 FENCE ORDINANCE complies with this Ordinance. The e. Snow Fences, except in the Agfence or wall shall be inspected ricultural/Rural Residential Disby the Building Inspector upon trict completion of construction or reconstruction, to assure compliance f. Plastic webbing, except when with this Ordinance. used for police control. This shall not prohibit the use of plastic maSection 56.04: FENCE HEIGHT. terials intended to resemble wood products. a) Fences and walls located within a residential area shall not exceed g. Makeshift, flimsy materials or the height of seven feet; except material such as paper, twine, fences located between the front rope, tin except when used for trafof the residential structure and the fic control or police security. adjacent roadway, including alOther materials which are not leys, shall not exceed four feet. specifically allowed by this Secb) Fences and walls located in a tion, nor specifically prohibited commercial area shall not exceed may be permitted subject to City the height of eight feet; except no Council review and approval. fence shall be permitted in the front yard, unless the fence enhances Section 56.06: LIVING FENCES. the visual appearance of the site/ Living fences may be constructed landscaping and the fence does not out of trees or shrubs. Trees and exceed two feet in height and is of shrubs used as fencing are not a reasonable linear length. Chain restricted in height; except the link fences, including those with height of the living fence located slats are prohibited when visible to the front of a residential structure shall not exceed four feet. The from the public right of way. owner of the property adjacent to a c) Fences and walls in an indus- living fence may trim or prune that trial area shall not exceed eight part of the tree or shrub which exfeet unless a higher fence or wall tends across the property line over is approved as part of the special- his or her property. use permit allowing the industrial use; except fences located between Section 56.07: BORDER FENCE the front of the industrial structure OR WALL. and the adjacent roadway shall not a) A fence or wall constructed of exceed four feet in height. maintenance-free materials may d) If two different zones abut, the be constructed adjacent to the zoning requirements of the prop- property line so long as all parts of erty owner constructing the fence the fence, including post anchors, are located within the property shall control. of the owner and so long as the Section 56.05: FENCE MATERI- bottom of the fence (exclusive of posts or anchors) is at least two ALS. inches above the ground. For purFences constructed in residen- poses of this paragraph, the term tial zoning districts shall be not be "maintenance-free materials" shall constructed with prohibited ma- include stone, brick, stucco, vinyl, terials as listed in Section 56.05 plastic or chain-link which is finSubd. 4. All wood fences, other ished with a rust-resistant material. than those constructed out of redwood or cedar shall be stained or b) Fences and walls shall be conpainted upon completion of con- structed at least two feet inside struction or reconstruction. Chain the property line or adjacent to link fences shall be made out of a the property line, unless the fence or wall is constructed of maintenon-rust material. nance-free materials in accordance Decorative, landscape, retain- with paragraph (a) of this section. ing and/or privacy walls may be constructed out of stone masonry c) For any fence or wall located or brick provided they are: not less within six feet of a property line, than four inches or more than 24 that side of the fence which presinches in widths. Such walls over ents the most finished appearance, four (4) feet in height shall require shall be the side which faces the footings that support the structure adjacent property. as required by the Minnesota State d) No fence shall be constructed Building Code. which is approximately parallel to Concrete decorative, landscape, an existing fence, and closer than retaining and/or privacy walls two feet so as to create an area beshall be prohibited unless they tween the fences which has limited are formed from decorative and/ accessibility for purposes of mainor colored concrete, less than 24 tenance. inches in height and included as part of an overall landscape theme Section 56.08: VARIANCE. Prowhich has been developed. visions of this ordinance may be varied by the City Council upon The following materials are pro- application, and after considerhibited for fences, but not limited ation and hearing by the Planning to: Commission with recommendation to the City Council. A fence a. Barbed wire and electrical fenc- variance application fee may be es, except in agricultural districts; established by resolution of the City Council. b. Creosote lumber; Section 56.09: PRE-EXISTING c. Chicken wire; FENCES. This Ordinance shall apply only to fences and walls d. Woven or welded wire, except constructed or reconstructed afin the industrial district; ter July 1, 2012. Any pre-existing fence that does not conform with
the provisions thereof shall not be altered, extended or reconstructed except in conformance with this Ordinance. Section 56.10: MAINTENANCE OF FENCE. a) All fence and walls located within the City shall be maintained in a safe condition. The owner of the property on which a fence or wall is located shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the fence. b) No fence or wall may be maintained in a location which obstructs the ability of a driver of a motor vehicle to see other drivers or pedestrians on any street or alley. Section 56.11: EMERGENCY ACCESS TO FENCED AREAS. An access opening for emergency entrance shall be incorporated into any fenced areas within which a building is totally or partially located. For residential-use property, the access opening shall be at least four (4) feet in width. For commercial- or industrial-use property, the access opening shall be at least fourteen (14) feet in width. A gate or unfenced area shall qualify as an access opening if of sufficient width. Section 56.12: RESTRICTIONS ON FENCES OVER PUBLIC EASEMENTS. Fences may only be erected over an easement if the landowner meets the requirements of St. Joseph Ordinance Section 32.03(b). If the request for the fence is approved, the City retains the right to require the landowner to remove or abate the fence where the fence interferes in any manner with the City’s easement use. If there is an emergency necessitating immediate access to the easement, the City reserves the right to remove the fence to obtain access to the easement. The landowner shall bear all costs for removal and restoration of the fence in the event the landowner is required to remove the fence for access to the easement or in the event the City removes the fence in the case of an emergency. The City specifically reserves all rights of an easement holder afforded under the common law of the State of Minnesota. Section 56.13: PENALTIES/ REMEDIES. Violation of this ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor as defined in this Code of Ordinance. When conditions are made a part of the terms under which this permit is granted, violation of the conditions is a violation of this ordinance. The City of St. Joseph may also seek civil remedies, including but not limited to a Court order directing maintenance or removal of the fence or injunctive relief prohibiting construction or maintenance of a fence in violation of this ordinance. This Ordinance was approved by the majority of the City Council on this 15th day of May, 2014 and shall become effective upon publication. Rick Schultz, Mayor Judy Weyrens, Administrator Publish: June 20, 2014.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, June 20, 2014
Student Spotlight: Wiese excels as a non-traditional student by Cori Hilsgen
her family moved into low-income housing. It took her seven years to complete her degree while caring for her three children, one of whom was born premature. Wiese’s goal was to get an education and move out of low-income housing. She earned her degree while caring for her three children. Her third child was born just before she was accepted into the social-work program. Fun Facts about Wiese : Activities: Wiese has been an active member of the Student Social Work Association, including serv-
A m b e r Wiese isn’t your average college graduate, but she recently graduated from St. Cloud State University with Wiese a bachelor’s degree in social work. Wiese took a different path than most college students. She started college nine months after
AdministrAtive ProgrAm AssistAnt & recePtionist Position is responsible for variety of administrative tasks for housing program (including completion/filing of housing applications, background checks, obtaining rental history information, etc.) and is responsible for providing receptionist functions for Catholic Charities West Campus. requires: two years related experience and two years post HS education, and, ability to serve a culturally diverse population. Full benefit package includes 25 days of PTO 1st year. to apply: Applications reviewed beginning Friday, June 27.
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ing as vice president for a semester. She was also on the Student Advisory Council and that led to her serving on the planning committee for Stearns County Project Homeless Connect. Honors or awards received: Wiese is a Title IV-E Child Welfare scholar, a program which strengthens the preparation of social workers intending to work in public child welfare agencies. Because of that program, she made a commitment to try to work at least two years in child welfare. Wiese also recently received the Excellence in Leadership Award from SCSU, for her leadership roles in the St. Cloud and St. Joseph areas and on the SCSU campus. She was one of 25 of 1,200 students recognized with this award. Favorite leisure activity: Going to the beach for a day with her children. Favorite movie: The Help Favorite music: Christian, Spirit 92.9 Favorite restaurant: Roofing • Siding • Gutters • Windows • Metal Roofs HAAG™ Certified Roof Inspectors for hail/wind
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Bravo Burrito Favorite food: Mexican Favorite thing she likes to help other people do: “I like to help people find their self-worth, to believe in themselves,” Wiese said. Favorite quote: “Together we have it all.” -Anonymous One of the hardest obstacles she has had to overcome in college: Wiese said it was a struggle balancing the different roles of being a single mother and a college student and maintaining a sustainable life for her children. “There were many times I had no choice but to not work (a job) in order to complete my college course work and still be there for my kids,” she said. Wiese didn’t want her children in childcare morning and night and said she’d either go to college a semester or work. There were evenings when she would sacrifice her time with her children to complete her school work on time or sit with her laptop on the couch next to them to make it feel like she was giving them attention. “It’s been hard but manageable to be a single parent and student at the same time, and I often included my kids in all my educational activities and events,” Wiese said. “It’s been very important for my kids to still be a part of the community.
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Not having the financial stability from going to college was a barrier, but I always made sure they could be in sports and camps and to be included in mainstream society.” Favorite technology device: Her iPhone Something she would change if she could: “That all children living in low income or poverty will be recognized as important key-holders for the future, and communities need to invest in them more for the positives they can bring than to see the stereotypes of what their lives may turn into because of low income and poverty,” Wiese said. “They are worth more than the stereotypes if people believe and invest in them.” What she would like to be doing five years from now: “I would enjoy being elected to city council and having my master’s degree in social work,” Wiese said. “And if the weather doesn’t warm up soon, maybe move to a warmer state?” The thing she likes best about St. Joseph: “I really like how all three churches work together for its citizens,” she said. “The community is close (and) we have great resources like the community meal and Lunch and Learn program. The community of St. Joe helps one another when families are in need. St. Joe has a great outlook in the future with its current supporters.”
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, June 20, 2014
Ballou from front page
language. Dominic will be in fifth grade next fall. He has two sisters – Amara, 8, and Morgan, 13. Amara was born 16 weeks premature, weighing 1 pound, 5 ounces. Dominic’s mother, Amber Wiese, was on bed rest during most of her pregnancy. Amara was hospitalized for six months in the neo-natal intensive care unit and lost a kidney after experiencing kidney failure. The family moved into low-income housing the day after Amara came home from the hospital. Wiese was unable to work during that time period and medical bills accumulated fast. “It takes a lot of work to get out of low-income housing,” Wiese said. “Dominic has lived in it most of his life.” Wiese started college nine months after her family moved into the low-income housing. She recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in social work from St. Cloud State University. It took her seven years to do that while living in low-income housing and caring for her children. “Dominic knows all too well what living in poverty is like and the sacrifices that need to be made,” Wiese said. “Dominic relates to his neighborhood friends.” The neighborhood complex has outdated playground equipment that is no longer safe. Weise believes every child deserves a backyard and that is why Ballou is trying to help himself and his neighbors get one. Without public transportation or family cars of their own, many children in low-income housing
don’t always have a chance to participate in summer activities. A nice play area would give them something to do outdoors. Because her funds were and are limited, Wiese said she often brought her children along to help when she volunteered. They have helped at Kids Against Hunger, the St. Joseph Community Meal and more. She said between their development and the mobile-home park area, 100 children are living in poverty. Wiese is excited about some of the things happening in St. Joseph to help with area financial needs. She said she hopes admitting they need help isn’t too much of an issue of pride for some people who need an extra hand. With her new degree, she hopes to be able to help in new areas. One area she is researching is Project Homeless Connect and a possible clothing exchange. Ballou has been involved in Boy Scouts for the last two years. He has helped sell popcorn to raise funds and has built a good relationship with business owners. Ballou has sold $1,500 of popcorn sales each of the past two years. “He is a cool kid,” Wiese said. “Many people remember him and want to help him with his project. Being in Boy Scouts has helped to empower him to believe in himself.” Ballou has scheduled meetings with businesses on his own and distributes brochures with information about the neighborhood and his project. His non-profit is tax exempt. He earned $1,200 his first day meeting business owners and others and talking to them about his project.
St. Joe’s Best Kept Secret
The whole purpose of Ballou’s non-profit is to rebuild and restore the quality of life in low-income neighborhoods. “Because of personal experiences and socio-economic barriers, it can take a long time to get out of poverty,” Wiese said. “Some may not get out of it at all.” Like Ballou’s family’s story, many of his neighbors have similar stories of how they ended up taking a path they didn’t choose into low-income housing. Other children in the low-income development are also selling pizzas to help with the fundraising. Ballou’s family wanted the neighborhood to be involved with the project so they would also feel pride and ownership in it. Ballou does not have a special request for a specific piece of playground equipment; he just wants a playground that all kids can have fun on. Ballou has certainly been getting the word out about his project. He has appeared on the pages of several newspapers and television news programs. “Funding is coming in from all over the United States” Wiese said. “At this rate, Dominic will be able to do more than the two neighborhoods.” Donations can be sent to Dominic Ballou, #23 1002 E. Baker St., St. Joseph, Minn. 56374.
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Our View
No matter what happens in Iraq, no more troops on the ground
It is estimated the United States will have spent more than $2 trillion in the long conflict in Iraq, including the costs of interest and the ongoing costs for many years of medical and psychological care for the courageous Americans who fought that war. That astronomical sum of money is shocking enough, but when one considers more than 4,000 American soldiers died in that war and thousands more were wounded physically and psychologically, the human cost is not only shocking but terribly tragic. It has now been proven that Iraq’s tyrannical leader, Saddam Hussein, did not have the weapons of mass destruction we were told he had. That was the pretext for getting into that war during the George W. Bush presidency. It was a false pretext. One could argue that, weapons of mass destruction or not, America’s involvement precipitated the fall and eventual capture and execution of that brutal dictator, Hussein. At least that was a good outcome. American soldiers honorably completed the mission they were assigned, with many serving multiple tours of duty. When troops were withdrawn in 2011 under President Barack Obama, there was a calm of sorts, with Iraq’s leader, Nouri al-Maliki, a Shiite, promising to share power with Sunni factions. However, Maliki has not done that. He has done just the opposite by weeding out Sunni personnel in the military and the government, thus angering Sunnis and giving momentum to the coalition of radical forces that took over the northern and western regions of Iraq and are now poised to attack the capital city, Baghdad. Horrific stories and photos are surfacing about mass executions by the insurgents, who are al-Qaeda inspired groups of bloodthirsty thugs operating in both Syria and Iraq. It’s an ugly, desperate, explosive situation that could spill over and further destabilize the entire Middle East, giving other rogue killers (most of them Islamic fanatics) aid and comfort to keep attacking and weakening fragile democracies and touch-and-go coalitions in that area. Obama has wisely ruled out the use of any onground troops in Iraq. Air strikes against the insurgents remain a possibility. The USS George H.W. Bush aircraft carrier and two support ships have moved into the Persian Gulf. There is talk of the United States and Iran working together in an effort to de-fuse the dangerous situation. Meantime, people are blaming Bush for getting us into that war. Others are blaming Obama for supposedly not keeping his eye on the ball. At this point, those blame games are pointless and unproductive, to say the least. What’s needed most is intensive 11th-hour diplomacy, which has to involve as many other nations as possible. Anything else, including military strikes, will just be adding fuel to the flames. This country cannot continue to police and to babysit unstable, dangerous countries. The United States cannot afford to act in isolation, but we should insist not one more American military man or woman dies or is wounded in Iraq again. Those soldiers have paid their dues, honorably. Let’s not make them – or any newer American soldiers – do it all over again. This depressing Iraqi mess is a frightening rock-and-a-hard-place dilemma, and we can only hope cooler heads will prevail. But, no matter what, let’s not rush in again. No more troops on the ground. Enough is enough.
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Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Opinion Like Humpty Dumpty, Cantor takes a big fall My oh my, how the mighty fall. One of the worst obstructionists in congressional history, Rep. Eric Cantor, has tumbled like Humpty Dumpty, and all the Tea Party horses and all of its men cannot put Cantor together again. To many people, including myself, Cantor’s political demise was a plus. The smug, often arrogant obstructionist got exactly what he deserved. What’s even better – a case of perfect bad karma – is he was trounced by a fellow Tea Party ultra-right-winger, David Brat, the very type of candidate Cantor has long trumpeted. Cantor’s fall is yet another example of how the Republican Party these days resembles a dragon eating its own tail or the mythical Saturn devouring its own children. You’d think by now they would have learned their lessons, but they keep stumbling over themselves and stepping in their own doo-doo. Republicans began their opportunistic flirting with radical elements of the so-called Tea Party six years ago. When Tea Party factions formed, some of its members had understandable reasons for their grievances, such as anger over the taxpayer bailouts of big banks. However, it didn’t take long for those Tea Party factions to be co-opted largely by ultra-right-wing types, some of whom included apocalyptic paranoiacs; gun-rights fanatics; anti-science naysayers; misogynists; despisers of government programs; rich contributors and smear-ad funders like the Koch brothers, Ayn Rand disciples and – most of all – Obama-haters. From the get-go, otherwise decent and reasonable Republicans began flirting with Tea Party types because the support
Dennis Dalman Editor from those ultra-rightists helped them win elections. That’s before the bullying began in the form of primary campaigns, when the word “primary” morphed into a verb. Example: “If you don’t take stands that are more right wing, I’m going to primary you.” Some of these primary challenges to reasonable, effective Republican incumbents worked; many did not. Still, even the threat of being “primaried” struck fear into the hearts of so many traditional Republicans who once knew how to legislate, to compromise, to lead. That climate of fear and intimidation caused many a Republican to waver, wobble and lurch further and further to the right – far from the mainstream attitudes of most Americans. Lest we forget, the same thing happened to the Democrats during the 1960s and 1970s when they leaned too far to the left. In the U.S. Senate and in the House of Representatives especially, the antiObama, anti-Democrat obstructionist tactics began. A cabal of ultra-rightwingers in the Republican caucus, led by Cantor and John Boehner, stymied any and all legislative proposals. They put the kibosh on everything from infrastructure projects to gun-safety policies, from a federal minimum wage and immigration reform to executive appointments and a limited military strike against the Syrian regime. They
voted 40 times in a futile effort to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act. Then, using their most despicable tactic of all, they succeeded, under Tea Party demagogue Ted Cruz, in shutting down the government for weeks. Most of the proposals Republicans obstructed were popular in public polls (including minimum wage and reasonable gun controls), and some proposals they abhorred, like the Affordable Health Care Act, were even based on Republican ideas to begin with, including RomneyCare. But that didn’t matter. Bitter and enraged they’d lost the White House to Obama not once but twice, their primary goal was – and still is – to obstruct anything and everything the president proposes. Instead of repudiating Tea Party radicals along with their crazy ideas and their bully tactics, too many Republicans got sucked right into its vortex. Many have paid the price for that foolishness, and many more will pay the piper as the Tea Party keeps wielding its arm-twisting tactics in Congress and in the town halls back home. The divisions within the Republican Party are once again apparent after Cantor’s defeat, all but guaranteeing a vicious tug of war between rational Republicans and extremist Tea Party types once the presidential campaign begins and all but guaranteeing they will lose the White House once again, in which case, they’ll have nobody to blame but themselves. As long as otherwise rational Republicans court these radicals and kooks, they will keep wrecking their own party, alienating more Americans and losing more elections.
Some things just puzzle me There are some things that puzzle me. Here are a few of them. Iraq is heating up again. Obviously that war hasn’t ended. Just because we decided to leave, that in no way deterred the militant radicals from continuing to pursue their goal. Now we must decide whether to go in and assist them again or to leave them on their own. To abandon Iraq seems to me to be an insult to the thousands of Americans who gave their lives in that war. By the same token I, along with many others probably, believe we have given enough. We spent billions in dollars, thousands in lives, and years in time and for what? It’s a real puzzler. It is probable Afghanistan will face a similar future when we leave there. It appears the leaders of these countries do not have either the resolve or the ability to defend themselves. Should we care? Is it our fight? And if we just abandon them what is next? Will these radicals just get stronger and once again threaten us on our soil? I think these are fair questions. It’s puzzling. Did you hear about this? It seems the IRS has lost all the e-mails from Lois Lerner to the White House, the Justice Department and to anyone else
Ron Scarbro Guest Writer who may be inconvenient to the IRS. A period of two years’ worth of e-mails is missing. It kind of reminds me of the secret Nixon tapes with the erased 18-minute gap. By the way, it didn’t work then and it’s not going to work now. These people must think we are really stupid. Oh, and when someone pleads for protection under the Fifth Amendment, what they are saying to me is if they answered the questions asked of them, they would be admitting to crimes. Is that what this is? It sure is puzzling. To date nothing has been resolved concerning Benghazi. The Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton must think if they just delay this, it will blow away. Wrong. This will blow away when the truth is told and not a minute sooner. Four Americans were killed by an organized group of terrorists and requests for security and protection were ignored or just turned down. Does that
puzzle you? We trade five terrorist killers for what may well turn out to be a deserter. All the while a legitimate Marine sergeant, suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, sits in a Mexican jail because he took a wrong turn at the border. If, as the Administration insists, we never leave our troops behind at any cost, why is nothing being done for Sgt. Tahmooresi? Is Mexico asking for something in trade? How about the thousands of children being abandoned at our border by who knows whom. What if we trade them? Oh wait, my mistake. Those children are being abandoned by their parents so we can take care of them. They don’t apparently want them back. We can feed them, educate them, medicate them and then what? Do they go home then? Isn’t that puzzling? This sure is. At a time when we all need to be particularly aware, more and more states are legalizing the recreational use of marijuana. Bad timing, wouldn’t you say? Wow man, totally. I guess I am not supposed to know everything the government does, but it sure makes me wonder. Some things just puzzle me.
St. Joseph Newsleader • LEgal notICEs
Friday, June 20, 2014
PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 9, 2014 at 10 a.m.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: Dec. 19, 2008 MORTGAGOR: Tabitha A. Sullivan, a single person. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded Jan. 2, 2009 Stearns County Recorder, Document No. 1275371. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association successor by merger Chase Home Finance LLC. Dated Dec. 3, 2010 Recorded Dec. 9, 2010, as Document No. A1332151. And by Assignment: Dated Jan. 10, 2013 Recorded Feb. 4, 2013, as Document No. A1390562. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT’S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100429600000004307 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: BankVista RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 606 Minnesota St. E., St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 TAX PARCEL 84534700203
Lot 2 Block 2 Braden and Bennet Place, Stearns County, Minn.
PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Office, Law Enforcement Center, Room S-136, St. Cloud, Minn. to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys’ fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under Minn. Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on Jan. 9, 2015, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under Minn. Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None “THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED.” Dated: May 13, 2014 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee
Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee
AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $78,038.67 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof;
4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 30 - 14-002722 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Document version 1.1 Dec. 11, 2013 Publish: May 23 & 30, June 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2014
RECITALS: WHEREAS, on, May 15, 2014 the City Council for the City of St. Joseph amended Ordinance 56, entitled “FENCE ORDINANCE;" and WHEREAS, the City of St. Joseph desires to publish the Ordinance by Summary Publication; and WHEREAS, the intent of the proposed amendment is to move fence provision from Ordinance 52.12 to this Ordinance, to modify the footing requirements for a wall fence and to include a section indicating prohibited fence materials. A provision was added whereby the City can withhold a land-use application due to an outstanding invoice or fee. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY
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Kuebelbeck from front page endorsed the transfer of funds and expressed the hope the parade would become an event that would draw thousands to the annual parish festival. The funds were transferred to the St. Joseph Lion’s Club and were used as start-up money for what is now a yearly tradition. The Kuebelbecks spent many hours and years making telephone calls, meeting with people and gaining participation for the parade, long before email was available. From a few units, the parade has grown annually to more than 100 units. Throughout the years, Kuebelbeck has helped with many of the club’s projects. He said he is less involved now, as younger members have joined. “We have a lot of good, young members now who are involved,” he said. Kuebelbeck grew up on a dairy farm that occupied part of what is now Pleasant Acres. His father bottled, sold and delivered milk locally. After the state required milk to be pasteurized, he sold the milk to a local dairy that pasteurized it, then bought it back and distributed it, owning and operating Kuebelbeck Dairy for 38 years. Kuebelbeck attended St. John’s Prep High School. He served four years in the U.S. Navy as an aviation electronics technician, assigned to a helicopter antisubmarine squadron based aboard the aircraft carrier USS Valley Forge. His experiences took him into the Atlantic and Mediterranean areas, some other international waters and more. After the navy, Kuebelbeck worked for RCA service company out of Camden, N.J. in electronics. He later accepted a job with an international investigation organization. As an investigator he traveled extensively. During a visit home to St. Joseph, he met Carol Schafer, a College of St. Benedict student from Renville. Jim and Carol married and have six daughters and 24 grandchildren – 12 boys and 12 girls, with another expected in July. Their children Amy (Mark), Karen (Tracy), Jane (Brian),
St. Joseph Newsleader • Paula, Stacy (Bob) and Molly (Tim) all reside around the Twin Cities area. The Kuebelbecks purchased Kuebelbeck Dairy from Jim’s father when he retired and owned and operated it for 41 years. They delivered to schools, restaurants and other businesses in the St. Joseph, St. Cloud and surrounding areas. The Kuebelbecks are both also well known throughout the country for their skills in locating underground water by dowsing, which they have done for more than 40 years, often having the ability to locate water when others couldn’t. One place they are very proud of helping locate water is at the Crazy Horse Memorial in South Dakota. Kuebelbeck said because sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski’s family wishes to continue to build a dream memorial without federal funds, using only private donations, they have his and Carol’s greatest respect and admiration. Helping locate a water source for the Ziolkowski family helped them stay independent and did not require hook-up to a municipal water supply. The Kuebelbecks celebrated their 50th anniversary last year with most of their family in South Dakota. They were told they are now a part of the Crazy Horse history. “The hospitality we were shown by Korczak’s wife Ruth, Rollie (Noem) and everyone in the Ziolkowski family while working at Crazy Horse will forever be remembered and appreciated,” Kuebelbeck said. “To be able to say Carol and I made even a small contribution to this great undertaking is an honor in itself and we will forever be grateful for the opportunity.” Kuebelbeck has both a commercial and private pilot’s license, and Carol too is a licensed private pilot. They are members of the St. Joseph Catholic Church, Jim being a lifetime member. Kuebelbeck also writes monthly articles for an international welldrilling magazine, World Wide Drilling Resource, enjoys making things for his grandchildren, inventing things, hunting, fishing and more. When speaking about honors and achievements, Kuebelbeck said he is most proud of his family. “I guess I am especially thank-
ful our six daughters have grown up to become decent human beings and great parents,” Kuebelbeck said. “I’ll have to give a lot of that credit to my wife, Carol.” The Kuebelbecks’ many experiences have been useful during their years of involvement with the Lions, as they contributed hours of service. They are especially proud of their hard work with building the parade to the number of units it now annually boasts. Current parade co-chairperson Joanne Bechtold said entries are about normal this year. She estimates there will be at least 100 units. Bechtold and husband Joe, along with Ken and Mary Stommes, have been parade co-chairs for six years. They usually send out the parade line-up schedule one week prior to the event. Categories include Best Dressed Business, Classy Vehicles, Fourth of July theme and more. The club’s contributions are numerous, which include the many International Lions service projects, such as recycling old eye glasses, hearing aids and cell phones, as well as many local projects. Fran Court has been a Lions member since 1978. He has reviewed records and continues to document donations the club has given to the area the past 50 years, an amount totaling at least $951,864. Court gave examples of some local donations, which include $86,000 for local families in need, more than $84,000 for Millstream Park, $72,000 for the township park, more than $56,000 for street beautification, $53,000 to area churches, more than $37,000 for local youth activities, more than $33,000 for Memorial Park, $33,000 for city Christmas tree lighting, $33,000 to the fire department, $25,000 for street signs, $18,000 for Klinefelter Park, $15,500 to Kennedy Community School, $11,000 to All Saints Academy School and more. Court said it’s impossible to put a price on the hundreds and hundreds of hours members have donated to area service. “Our motto is ‘we serve’ and I think we do a pretty good job in the community,” Court said. Kuebelbeck said he is honored and proud to have been chosen as the grand marshal.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Temporary Workers Needed! Novak’s Grown Right Vegetables in Foley, MN is hiring four temporary workers from 7/20/2014 to 9/30/2014: 40 hrs/wk. Worker will manually plant, cultivate and harvest vegetables and fruits. Use hand tools such as shovels, trowels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, shears and knives. Duties may include tilling soil and applying fertilizers; transplanting, weeding, thinning or pruning crops; applying pesticides; cleaning, grading, sorting, packing and loading harvested products. Workers should be able to lift 50 pounds. Must have one month experience. $11.49/ hr (prevailing wage). Guarantee of 3/4 of the workdays. All work tools, equipment and supplies are provided without cost to the worker. Free housing is provided to workers who cannot reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the workday. Transportation and subsistence expenses to the worksite will be provided or paid by the employer upon 50% of the work contract, or earlier. Send resume or contact Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, Foreign Labor Certification, 1st National Bank Building, 332 Minnesota St., Suite E200, St. Paul, MN 55101, Phone (651) 259-7506, Fax (651) 297-7722 or your nearest State Workforce Agency and reference job order number 7688478.