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Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid St. Joseph Newsleader St. Joseph, MN 56374 Permit No. 21 ECRWSS Postal Customer
Newsleader St. Joseph
Friday, July 11, 2014 Volume 25, Issue 27 Est. 1989
Town Crier Meetings set July 16, 21 for sales tax project input
Two sales tax project input meetings, where residents will have the opportunity to share their opinions on potential uses for the one-half-cent sales tax, will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 16 and at 5:30 p.m. Monday, July 21 at St. Joseph City Hall, 25 College Ave. N.
Brain Health as you Age set July 11 at Whitney
Learn how to keep your brain function at its peak as you age and how to ward off stroke — the fourth-leading cause of death nationwide during a discussion at 10 a.m. Friday, July 11 at Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St Cloud. This will include an overview on brain games from your daily crosswords to the new Luminosity craze led by a staff person from the St. Cloud Hospital Center for Neurosciences. The event is free.
Walkabout set July 12 in downtown St. Cloud
A walkabout, which creates a safe, fun, open space for people to get out, be active and learn more about the resources within the community, will be held from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, July 11 in downtown St. Cloud. Bicyclists, pedestrians, skaters and wheelchair users will have the opportunity to explore and enjoy St. Cloud’s Downtown neighborhood without the presence of motorized traffic. In addition to walking, biking and skating, there will be programmed activities along the streets, including yoga, dancing, music, classes, games, an animalfriendly bark park, a farmers market and healthy-living exhibitors. The event is free. For more information, phone 320-255-7245.
Postal Patron
St. Joseph celebrates by Cori Hilsgen
A steady stream of cars and other vehicles started heading into St. Joseph about 5 p.m. July 3 to begin celebrating the annual Catholic church festival. As the night continued, the crowd grew larger. Lines at the Joe Burger stand, Mexican stand, beer stand and others grew longer as people waited their turn to get a bite to eat and the picnic tables soon drew a crowd. Local residents Al and Judy Thomes said they came to get Joe Burgers because they are so tasty. Sartell residents Ben and Jessica Imdieke and their children Eva, 3, and Elliot, 1, enjoyed their food picnic style on the parish lawn. The Imdiekes met as college students at St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict. The ring toss and other games drew participants who hoped to be the lucky winners of a variety of prizes. Many people stopped in front of the church to view the pictures of quilts to be auctioned off. Volunteers wearing yellow shirts, many who have been working the same stands for too many years to count, made their tasks look easy. Volunteer Connie Horsch commented what a blessing the weather was and how she antici-
photo by Cori Hilsgen
Al and Judy Thomes show off their patriotic shirts as they wait in the Joe Burger line. pated it would contribute to a successful festival. Old friends greeted each other and stopped to catch up with new happenings. People perused the Handiwork and Craft stand, Country Store and Candy stand in the new parish center. Local resident Judy Meyer stopped to
Festival of Farms to take place July 12 by Cori Hilsgen
The fifth annual Sustainable Farming Association’s Festival of Farms will take place from 11 a.m.- 4 p.m. Saturday, July 12. The event celebrates connections between farmers’ markets, co-ops, local restaurants and farmers. It shows consum-
ers where and how area food is grown on farms. The Stearns County Farm Crawl will include tours at five area farms and market gardens, which produce vegetables, fruits, eggs, beef, sheep and more. Area farms include the Common Ground Garden at the College of St. Benedict, the Central Minnesota Sustainability Project Market and Dancing Bears Organic Farm
For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.
in St. Joseph, Bakers’ Acres in Avon, and Emmerich’s Produce in Albany. The farms are located within three miles of the Lake Wobegon Trail. Between 50-100 people attend the event each year. “The Common Ground Garden is excited to participate in the festival and welcomes people of all ages to see an Farms • page 4
Habitat for Humanity 500 bike ride July 13-19 by Cori Hilsgen
Stearns County lifts ‘No Wake’ restrictions
The Stearns County Sheriff’s Office recently lifted the “No Wake” restrictions throughout the county. While still a bit high, lake levels have decreased to levels more consistent with pleasure boating. Sheriff Sanner urges boaters to boat safely and sensibly and to avoid creating a wake near shorelines. Marked “No Wake” zones will still be enforced.
admire a wooden bible case in the Country Store. Pastor Jerome Tupa opened the festivities with prayer. As the band KJ and the Graduates started playing, people moved toward the many chairs placed in front of the grandstand, preparing to settle in for the night.
contributed photo
A free festival will be held July 19 at the College of St. Benedict to celebrate the local Habitat for Humanity’s 25th anniversary. This is in conjunction with the 22nd annual Habitat 500 Bike Ride which kicks off July 13 at the college and returns on July 19. The ride is limited to 135 riders who will travel 500 miles, with 40 volunteers, to raise funds and awareness to provide homes to low-income families.
The 22nd annual Habitat 500 Bike Ride kicks off July 13 at the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph. The ride is limited to 135 riders who will travel with 40 volunteers. Riders will check in on Saturday, July 12. The Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict will serve an evening meal and Resurrection Lutheran Church will serve breakfast to the riders before they travel to Osakis. Participants will travel 500 miles from July 13-19 across central Minnesota to raise funds and awareness to help provide decent, safe and affordable homes to low-income families. Riders bike 50 to 100 miles each day and stop six times throughout Minnesota. This year’s route begins in St. Joseph
and then travels 56 miles to Osakis, 70 miles to Menahga, 82 miles to Bemidji, 75 miles to Pine River, 81 miles to Little Falls and 62 miles before returning to St. Joseph. Habitat for Humanity of Minnesota special events and communications manager Kristin Skaar said six local riders from St. Cloud, St. Joseph and Sartell are participating in the ride and hope to raise $10,000. Jim Parsons, who is an associate director for research, reference and instruction at the libraries of CSB and St. John’s University, is participating in the Habitat 500. Last year was the first year he participated. “I am doing it again because I found a perfect mix of things I have always wanted to do – participate in a weeklong bike tour and raise money for a Habitat • page 5
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Meyer turns 100 July 4th parade winners named L u c i a Catherine Meyer will turn 100 years old today, Friday, July 11. She was born on July 11, 1914. She is the fourth of seven children born to Margaret and Peter Holbach of Minot, N.D. Lucy married Jerome Meyer in August 1940 and had nine children. She has 18 grandchildren, 16 greatgrandchildren, one great-greatgrandchild and three more on the way. Lucy lives in her own house north of St. Joseph and does her own cooking, cleaning, mowing lawn and flower gardening. She keeps busy in the winter, working Word Find puzzles and jigsaw puzzles. Her advice for future generations: “Start the day with thanks to God. End it the same way. There are good and bad days but we can’t do anything about it. We are not in control.” Three St. Joseph students were recently named to the spring dean’s list at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. They and their majors are as follows: Cody Athmann, senior, human development; Samantha Evander, senior, liberal arts; and Luke Teigen, freshman, biological sciences. Students must attain a minimum 3.66 grade-point average to qualify.
The St. Joseph Lions Club thanks all participants and sponsors of the 2014 July 4th parade. Winners selected by independent judges in the following categories were: Wow Extreme!!: 1) Pineview Park BMX and 2) The Change Hair Salon; Cool Youth: 1) Life Assembly of God Kidz Jam and 2) St. Joseph Boy/ Club Scouts; Best-Dressed Busi-
ness: 1) Woods Farmers Seed and Nursery and 2) Van’s Flags and Flagpoles; Classy Vehicles: 1) St. Cloud Antique Auto Club and 2) Rock on Trucks; 4th of July Theme: 1) Kennedy Community Schools and 2) Thomsens Greenhouse and Garden Center; and Animals: 1) Emergency Veterinary Services and 2) Jade’s Grooming.
Taylor Mehr, daughter of Michelle and Dave Mehr, St. Joseph, was recently name to spring dean’s honor list at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law. Students must earn a grade-point average of at least 3.25 to be recognized.
Douvier, Justin Feld, Vanessa Hansen, Emma Plantenberg, Dean Scherer, Laurie Schuneman and Adam Solarz. Students must earn a 4.0 gradepoint average to qualify.
Two St. Joseph students were recently named to the spring dean’s list at the University of Minnesota, Morris. They are Kathryn Evenson and Maryanna Kroska. Students must achieve a grade-point average of 3.66 or higher to be eligible for this honor. John McCall of St. Joseph recently earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science and mathematics from the University of Minnesota, Morris. Nine St. Joseph students were recently named to the president’s list at St. Cloud Technical and Community College. They are the following: Matthew Bedel, Nathan Bedel, Cole
Six St. Joseph students were recently named to the dean’s list at St. Cloud Technical and Community College. They are the following: Adam Anderson, Heather Czeck, Hannah Hinnenkamp, Randy Larson, Raechel Lodermeier and Kevin Weyer. Students must earn a 3.5-3.9 grade-point average to qualify. Sarah Rauchbauer of St. Joseph recently graduated with honors and earned her associate’s degree as a public welfare financial worker from Pine Technical College, Pine City, Minn. Michelle Faber of St. Joseph recently graduated with a doctorate of pharmacy from North Dakota State University, Fargo.
Friday, July 11, 2014
If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at www.tricountycrimestoppers. org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.
June 14 2:12 p.m. Harassing calls/texts. St. Joseph. A 40-year-old St. Joseph male reported a 29-year-old St. Joseph female was harassing him through phone calls and texts during his visitation time with their daughter. Officer spoke to the mother who was using expletives while conveying she didn’t want the father’s new girlfriend around her house. Officer advised the mother if she’d stop swearing, the outcome might be better. The father agreed to talk to the mother about the situation over the phone and try to work things out. 5:57 p.m. Person assist. 1st Avenue SE. Officer arrived on scene. Found elderly male sitting next to toilet. He was attempting to transfer to his wheelchair and slipped off. No injuries. Officer lifted individual onto wheelchair. 6:32 p.m. Suicidal male. 3rd Ave. SE. Officer spoke with complainant on phone who stated his son continues to make comments about suicide. Earlier that evening his son was calling friends to ask what the best way is to commit suicide. Complainant wanted to speak to son first to see if he would be willing to go to hospital for evaluation. Father asked officer to assist if son refused. Officer met with both at their residence and son was willing to go to hospital. Officer stayed on scene until father left with son.
June 15 12:56 a.m. DWI. CR 139. Officer witnessed driving conduct and made contact with the driver of the vehicle behind the Middy in St. Joseph. Officers spoke to 27-year-old St. Cloud male and detected alcohol odor on male’s breath. Driver agreed to breathalyzer test, which he failed. He was transported to hospital for blood test, then transported to Stearns County jail for booking. 6:44 p.m. Deceased female. 10th Ave. SE. Officer arrived on scene and observed 88-year-old St. Joseph female lying on floor. She had no pulse and was not breathing. Officer attached AED and began CPR. Rescue arrived on scene shortly after and assisted with CPR. Ambulance arrived and took over primary care. Spoke with daughter and gathered information on patient. Patient was pronounced dead. Officer contacted a doctor and filled out medical examiner forms. Body was transported to Ramsey County. Photos taken of body, scene and deceased’s medications. 10:04 p.m. Custody dispute. College Avenue N. A 33-year-old Kimball male called seeking assistance in retrieving a tablet from a 28-year-old St. Joseph female. They share a son in common and it was the mother’s weekend to have him; she gave the child to the father because it was Father’s Day but wanted the father to return the child that same night as it was during her normal visitation time through June 18. When the father didn’t comply, the mother withheld the tablet. Officer advised both parties needed to work this out with an attorney and through civil court. The mother returned the tablet to the father who then left. June 16 5:59 p.m. Suspicious smell. 10th Avenue SE. Officer arrived and was met at door by the complainant. Strong smell of something burning in the oven, however oven was not
Property Wanted:
2 Story, 3+ bedroom home on some acreage, located between Cold Spring and St. John’s University. Buyer prefers to close by end of summer/early fall. If you have this, and are considering selling, please contact: Jon Petters, Broker, Collegeville Cos. St. Joseph, MN 320-363-7656
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Coborn’s
Kay’s Kitchen The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office
Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon
Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen
Editor Dennis Dalman
Design/Layout Tara Wiese
Delivery Glen Lauer Greg Hartung
P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, July 11, 2014 in use as the owner just returned home. Officer checked exterior and adjoining neighbor’s residence with no evidence of anything burning. Fire department arrived and continued to check. 7:02 p.m. Assist person. Elm Street E. A 23-year-old St. Cloud male requested assistance to retrieve his belongings from his 21-year-old ex-girlfriend who he said was supposed to have brought his belongings to McDonald’s at 6:30 p.m. and never showed up. While officer was there, complainant received a text stating his stuff was outside her apartment building and he could pick it up. Officer followed him to the apartment building to retrieve his property. June 28, 29 and June 30 Vandalism. The Stearns County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating numerous complaints of vandalism and criminal damage to property. The complaints involved damage to mailboxes and traffic signs located in the townships of St. Wendel, St. Joseph and Brockway. The incidents occurred during the overnight hours of June 28 and 29. During the overnight hours into the early morning hours of June 29 and 30, the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office received several further reports
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of vandalism/suspicious activity possibly relating to the previous evening. Two reports of tires on fire on the road and a report of a hay bale on fire on the road all occurred in Avon Township. The vehicle mentioned was similar to the one from the previous evening. The Sheriff’s Office is also releasing the photos of potential suspects in the mailbox and other vandalisms from June 28 and 29. To view these photos, please visit our website at www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Notices. Anyone with information on the truck and/or its occupants is asked to contact the Sheriff’s Office or Crime Stoppers. The Sheriff’s Office is requesting anyone with additional complaints, suspects and/or suspect vehicles or any other information in reference to these crimes contact the Sheriff’s Office at 320-251-4240 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-255-1301. Tri County Crime Stoppers www. Stearns County Sheriff’s Office e-mail July 1 4:07 p.m. Fatal work accident. Protech Repair, 32653 CR 2, St. Joseph. The Stearns County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of an adult male being run over
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Newsleaders is looking exclusive for andealsentry-level associate to and updates! become a member of our team and family. The person we are seeking must enjoy variety; be flexible and a team player; have a strong interest in learning all aspects of the newspaper and publishing business; exhibit a positive, “can do” attitude; and be teachable and coachable. Participation in business and creative meetings as well as good communication skills is a must. Primary duties and responsibilities include: 1. Advertising sales 2. Administrative Support 3. Production Support 4. Community Engagement Email a cover sheet, resume and at least three references to Janelle at
by a semi-truck. St. Joseph Police, Fire and Rescue, Gold Cross Ambulance and North Air Ambulance also responded. Responders found an unresponsive male and attempted life-saving measures, but were unsuccessful in reviving the male. The male was pronounced dead at the scene. He was identified as Christopher Clavin, 45, of St. Cloud. Investigators learned Clavin was a tow-truck driver for Collins Brothers Towing from St. Cloud. Clavin was sent to Protech to retrieve a disabled tow truck (also owned by Collins Brothers Towing) and tow it back to the Collins Brothers shop to have an engine put in. Workers at Protech reported they saw Clavin as he was in the process of connecting both tow trucks to prepare for a tow and they continued with their own work. At one point they heard a shout and went out and found the disabled tow truck was no longer near the towing vehicle and had rolled back, apparently rolling over Clavin. Workers attempted CPR and called 911. Both tow trucks were semi-tractor-size tow trucks and owned by Collins Brothers Towing. The incident remains under investigation and the Sheriff’s Office is being assisted by the Commercial Vehicle Division of the Minnesota State Patrol and U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
International exchange students seek host families in St. Joseph Visiting students, ages 1518, from around the world including Germany, Spain, Switzerland and Thailand are seeking host families in and around St. Joseph for the upcoming 2014-15 academic school year. Host families are needed for the fall semester and full school year. Host families (traditional families, singles, empty nesters and others) serve as mentors and a home base for their student. Visiting students par-
ticipate as active members of the family and integrate into their host’s daily routines and traditions just like any other family member. Hosting an international student is a great way to explore a new culture and promote a sense of lifelong learning and adventure. Families interested in hosting this year must apply by Aug. 15. For more information, visit and click on July 11 Criers.
Cedar Street Salon & Spa
will be closed for remodeling July 20-Aug. 5.
Business Hours: Monday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. • Saturday 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
235 E. Cedar St. • St. Joseph •
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, July 11, 2014
Resurrection Lutheran Church’s Indoor
Garage Sale / Bake Sale / Craft Sale
Huge selection of household goods and everything in between.
Thursday, July 17 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Friday, July 18 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
contributed photo
The Common Ground Garden at the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph is one of the farms included on the Stearns County Festival of Farms tour.
Farms from front page
James Kramer III of Kramer Financial Recognized as a Top Financial Advisor by LPL Financial James Kramer III, an LPL financial advisor with Kramer Financial, was recently recognized as a top advisor and named to the Financial Chairman’s Club. The top advisor distinction is based on an annual production of all registered advisors supported by LPL Financial and is awarded to less than 6% of the approximately 13,500 advisors who are affiliated with LPL Financial nationwide. “We congratulate James Kramer III for this remarkable achievement, which signifies excellence and a proven ability to deliver innovative financial services and solutions,” said Andy Kalbaugh, managing director, Institution Services. “Chairman’s Club advisors are without a doubt among the premier financial advisors in our industry. They serve as trusted resources and counselors for their clients and their communities.” 320-253-8256 1260 32nd Ave. N. in St. Cloud Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC.
example of local, sustainable agriculture,” production manager Kate Ritger said. “Gardens are inspiring places of beauty, hope, community and
nourishment. It would do our souls good to spend more time in gardens.” These farms sell their products to consumers, chefs and various retail locations in central Minnesota and in the Twin Cities area. Visitors will be able to see where food comes from while enjoying live music. The event
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includes children’s activities, Bossy bingo and a lunch prepared by chef Daniel Dean from Nick’s Third Floor restaurant. Door prizes will be awarded. The registration fee includes lunch. For more information, call 320-309-0746 or visit the website www.
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, July 11, 2014
Habitat from front page very worthy cause, all at the same time,” Parsons said. “What I didn’t expect to find was the great camaraderie of fellow riders and other wonderful people I’ve met along the way – volunteers and Habitat homeowners. The experience was amazing, and one I can’t wait to repeat this year and hopefully for many years to come.” “The Habitat 500 Bike Ride route started and ended in St. Joseph in 2011, so we’re very excited to be welcomed back by the community again this year,”
Skaar said. Participants will spend two nights in Bemidji and will have a chance to work on two homes, which Habitat 500 is sponsoring through the Northwoods Habitat for Humanity affiliate. One of the homes is a new construction site and the other is A Brush with Kindness project, a program that focuses on keeping people in their homes by improving them. Both homes are about a mile from a Bemidji bike trail and bicycles, helmets and bike pumps will be donated to each family to encourage a passion for cycling. Veteran rider Kim LivezeyEisenbarth has been participating in the ride for the past 16
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years. “The week is challenging, but I get to ride through beautiful lake country, I get to visit with old friends and I get to promote and raise funds for a truly incredible organization,” Livezey-Eisenbarth said in a news release. Each rider is required to raise at least $1,000 to participate. Most raise more, and average $2,700 each. This year’s goal is $400,000. Since it began in 1993, $5.19 million has been raised and contributed to 2,200 homes through the fundraising ride. For more information about the Habitat 500 ride or to donate, visit the website at
Central MN Habitat for Humanity 25-year celebration set July 19
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by Cori Hilsgen
The Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a free family festival from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, July 19. A Pedal. Play. Party! event will be held at the College of St. Benedict and will include food vendors, music, inflatables, crafts, entertainment and more. The event will be held on the final day of the Habitat for Humanity 500 bike ride which runs from July 13-19. In case of rain, the event will be
held in the Clemens Field House. Prior to the festival, CMHFH will host a 2.5-mile family bike ride by the CSB campus and a 25-mile bike ride on the Lake Wobegon Trail from Holdingford to CSB. People are encouraged to cheer on the riders as they cross the finish line, along with the Habitat 500 riders who will be completing their week-long ride. Everyone is invited to register for either ride and to attend the celebration. More information about this festival or the rides can be found at http://cmhfh. org/ways-give/25.
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Our View
Let’s learn to speak up for endangered kids, dogs
The horrible incident of a hot-car death in Georgia should have us all concerned about the vulnerability of children and pets in hot weather. What’s doubly horrible about the death of the 22-month-old toddler named Cooper is that his father is suspected of leaving the child in that hot car on purpose. The mind reels with revulsion at such a vile possibility. Whatever the case, it’s a terrible way to die. Most adults know first-hand how oppressive it is just to open the door of a car that has been parked in the hot sun for any length of time. And yet, time and again, some parents leave children or pets in a car while on shopping trips or other errands. Some foolishly believe if they “crack open the window a bit,” it will make the car more comfortable. It does not. Innocent young children and pets, who of course do not know how to open car doors, can get debilitating heat stroke or suffer death within minutes if they are stuck in a vehicle with the sun blazing down on a hot day. Most people understand that; others, sadly, do not. It’s devastating to think how many children and pets have died in hot cars. It’s just as disturbing to imagine how many have suffered terribly long, agonizing moments in a stifling car waiting for their parent or owner to come back. A child should never be left alone in a car, period, in whatever weather. Dogs, too, are better left at home, especially on hot days if they are going to be left in vehicles even for short periods of time. People have got to start learning: Do not do it! However, in the meantime, good Samaritans should learn to be vigilant and aware. If they see or hear children or pets clearly in distress in a hot car, they should take immediate action. Call 911 at once. If the situation looks drastic, a bystander should try opening one of the vehicle’s doors until law-enforcement arrives. People unwilling to try opening the vehicle should at least go into a nearby store or residence and report what they have seen so the police and/or emergency medical personnel can be summoned. All parents or guardians should work out a foolproof system that would prevent leaving a child accidentally in a hot death-trap vehicle. They should work out a call system between husband and wife and with daycare owners so a definite confirmation of a child drop-off can be ascertained daily. In addition, it’s vitally important for a parent or guardian to do a visual check inside the car before they get out and go about their business. In the case of dogs, there is another terrible hotweather endangerment that goes on far more than we’d like to think. Some dogs are tied up on scratchy patches of yard with the sun beating down on them. Some have dog shelters that are nothing but brutally hot “boxes” without ventilation. Often, the dog’s water dish is empty or filled with stale, putrid water. Bugs and summer storms can also beset these poor pets, causing them ‘round-the-clock misery. These people should not own dogs, period. Why they would keep a “pet” in such misery is beyond comprehension. And so, once again, we should be vigilant Good Samaritans. If you know of a dog or other animal in such dire, miserable conditions, call the police or the sheriff’s department. You might also want to have a friendly chat with the pet’s owner, saying you’d be glad to help make the dog’s life a bit more comfortable and happy. These innocent children and pets cannot speak up for themselves. Therefore, responsible, caring people must be determined to speak for them.
Fairness and ethics
Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Opinion Verdict’s in: ObamaCare is working The proof is in the pudding, and the glass is half full. The verdict’s in: The Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is working quite well, according to researchers from the University of Minnesota’s State Health Access Data Center. We should all be happy 8 million of our fellow Americans have enrolled in health-insurance plans. Here in Minnesota, 180,500 people signed up during the enrollment period from Sept. 30, 2013 and May 1, 2014. That’s a remarkable 40.6 percent drop in the numbers of uninsured, a number that fell from 445,000 to 264,500. And those numbers are sure to improve during the next enrollment period for 2015. Granted, the lion’s share is due to increases in enrollment into state and federally subsidized health programs – namely Medical Assistance (Medicaid) and MinnesotaCare. But so what? How can we expect working people at or below the poverty line to afford health-care plans that aren’t – partly at least – subsidized? It goes without saying that in a society riddled by income inequalities, so many individuals and families would just have to do without health care, get sick and die – if it weren’t for subsidies. Perhaps, if wages increase substantially, more people now subsidized will be able to afford plans without the need for any subsidies – or at least less subsidies. In the meantime, there is good news popping up here, there and everywhere ObamaCare is causing good changes. In May, executives from the health-care industry testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee that the ACA has not – as opponents had claimed – led to a “government takeover” of the health industry, that most who signed up
Dennis Dalman Editor are paying their monthly premiums and that premiums will not skyrocket next year, as ACA detractors argued. Data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services show the ACA has a direct bearing on major increases in patient safety, preventing almost 15,000 deaths and saving 560,00 patients from further health dangers, all while toting up $4.1 billion in cost savings. Those outcomes were made possible largely because the ACA improves health-care delivery systems by working with public and private partners and by changing the way hospitals are paid. According to HHS data, from 2010 (when the partnerships began) until 2012, there was a 51-percent decline in ventilator-associated pneumonia in hospitals; a 65-percent drop in early elective deliveries (often the cause of health problems in newborns); a 16-percent drop in the rate of obstetric trauma; a 25-percent decline in cases of pressure ulcers; and a 13-percent decline in cases of venous thromboembolic complications (which has been responsible for the deaths of about 300,000 people a year, with two-thirds of them contracting the cardiovascular illness in hospital stays). Under the ACA, hospitals get paid based on “best practices,” one of which is reimbursing them more for Medicare if they have fewer re-admissions. The ACA also made possible the formation of Partnership for Patients in 2011, a
coalition of the HHS, hospitals, employers, health plans, doctors, nurses, state governments and others. That coalition is helping reduce preventable hospital-acquired sicknesses and subsequent re-admissions, saving lives and saving money for patients and taxpayers. Those kinds of behind-the-scenes ObamaCare successes almost never make the news. There’s more news – good news: “junk” insurance plans have been exposed for what they are, people cannot be denied insurance because of preexisting conditions, children can stay on their parents’ health plans until age 26, women cannot be discriminated against by having to pay higher premiums, and there are now all kinds of free or lowcost preventive check-ups, thanks to the ACA. All those successes do not mean ObamaCare will not have glitches, setbacks, bureaucratic tangles, financial constraints and other problems. However, what program doesn’t have a constant need for adjustments? It’s bound to be an ongoing process, with fixes here and there as needed. The successes of ACA cannot be denied. But, of course, those successes, ironically but not surprisingly, have become the very targets of those who have hated the law from the get-go, from those who have voted more than 50 times in the U.S. House to repeal it. These opponents – the loudest of them – are people who despise any sort of social contract among their fellow Americans, who decry any sharing of costs through subsidies and who think more tax-cuts for the very rich and corporations will benefit working people through the ol’ rabbit-in-the-hat “trickle-down” theory. ObamaCare is working; TrickleDown is not.
IRS scam surely cost chance to golf with President Paul Ritzenthaler, St. Joseph “Be afraid! Be very afraid!” It was Chachi, on the wonderful show Happy Days who warned the world of incoming disaster. However, there are, out there, those who will use fear to swindle and con. “Be afraid! Be very afraid!” The reference has little motivation for me to alter my lifestyle until I got that disastrous call from the Internal Revenue Service, three Fridays ago somewhere around 10 a.m. My golf clubs were nestled in the back of the car, and I was ready to enjoy a late morning of golf with my cohorts. Now, understand, I am the smartest golfer in our foursome, because at any given golf outing, I get to hit twice as many balls as my golf partners for exactly the same price. Then came the call that destroyed it all. It came from the District of Columbia. My first thought was that – since President Obama was in Minnesota – he was calling to see if he could hit some golf balls with me. It’s something I would relish since, from what I understand regarding his golf game, I could finally find someone who would hit more balls than me. Actually, I didn’t answer the phone immediately, because I was checking my calendar to see if I had time for a round of golf with the Commander and Chief. Or, perhaps, I was sitting on the throne, debating on how I could best improve my five-wood shot. What transpired then was a message on my answering machine informing me I had to return a call to the IRS. And, because this was a “time-sensitive” issue,
I had to call back immediately. I returned the call ASAP, and asked for the person I was directed to talk to, Officer Heather Grey. When I phoned back I got a gentleman who had a distinct Eurasian accent and said he could help resolve my issue. He then proceeded to inform me he needed the name of my attorney because I was being assessed $6,900 in tax penalties for the years 2009 to 2013. He continued to go through the consequences for my not abiding by the commission to pay the almost $7,000. You know, liens on the house, capturing my credit card, and selling my dogs into canine slavery. When I asked why I had not been informed of this previously, he (I believe, the little thief, called himself Jeron) said the two statements had been sent to me via the U.S. Postal Service on May 14 and May 21. Now, since I collect the mail on a daily basis, I started to suspect. I told my IRS tormentor I would call my wife to see if she had gotten any notices. Jeron, being the unloveable jerk he was, said he would wait on the line while I shared my panic with my wife on my cellphone. Nope, she had not gotten any notices from the IRS, she said. It was about then she and I shared the same thought...SCAM. I then proceeded to go back on line with the little jerk and inform him (in words that are not printable) what I thought of him. After I bid a fond farewell to Jeron (again using words that are unprintable), I hopped in my vehicle and headed to the local IRS office to make sure I was not going to be shipped to Devil’s Island. The delightful St. Cloud IRS agent must have been very surprised. I could tell by the way she said “Oh, not again!” According
to her, this unfortunate scenario had been reported several times by those who had been victims of the same scam during the last couple of weeks. So here’s a warning to anyone who gets a call from the IRS scam man. First of all, don’t do what I did in a panic mode. I gave them the last four digits of my social security. That’s OK if you don’t give all of it away. Secondly, be aware when the IRS sends you information of payment issues, it will be sent Certified Mail that you have to sign for. Likewise, according to the nice lady at the local IRS office, if you get a call from the IRS, it won’t be from a number in District of Columbia. It will say “Internal Revenue Service” or “Restricted.” Also, if you don’t have a phone that shows where the call is coming from, advise the caller you would like to talk to your local IRS agent, and then, go in and see them. They are conveniently located at the corner of 8th Street and Highway 15 in the Social Security Building. And, once you get such a call, advise the local IRS, the police (as I did), and your bank, just in case. Lastly, the telephone number that gave me my panic attack is (202) 241-2158; Officer Heather Grey; and Jeron. I’m almost sure the names will be changed. But, if they do call you tell them I said...OOPS not printable. And the very worst part of this dilemma? I’m sure while I was wasting valuable telephone minutes with these idiots, I missed a call from the District of Columbia regarding a friendly round of golf with the President of the United States.
Friday, July 11, 2014
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Community Calendar
Friday, July 11 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Brat and hot dog sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Lions, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2. Saturday, July 12 Brat and hot dog sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Lions, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW. Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Wreaths for the Fallen annual meeting, 1 p.m., Camp Ripley Snack Bar, Little Falls.
Sunday, July 13 Church bazaar, 9:30 a.m., St. Benedict’s Church, Avon. Outdoor Mass, food, games, raffle, bingo, quilt auction. www.stbenedictavon. org.
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Monday, July 14 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Market Monday, 3-6:30 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell. Tuesday, July 15 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Life Assembly of God, 2409 Clearwater Rd, St. Cloud, 1-888-234-1294. Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Wednesday, July 16 Car Seat Clinic, 3-6 p.m, certified technicians check the safety and fit of your car seat in your car, Gold Cross Ambulance garage, 2800 7th St. N., St. Cloud. Free service. 320656-7021. SummerTime by George, 5-9 p.m., Lake George, St. Cloud. Free live concert by the Chris Hawkey Band.
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Thursday, July 17 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 5-9 p.m., Gilleland Chevrolet-Geo, 3019 Division St., St. Cloud, 1-888234-1294. St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-363-7201. Friday, July 18 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2. Saturday, July 19 Blood drive, 7 a.m.-1 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Tap Takeover, 4-8 p.m., Third Street Brewhouse, 219 Red River Ave., Cold Spring. 100% proceeds go to St. John’s Outdoor University.
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CITY OF ST. JOSEPH ELECTION NOTICE The first day for filing affidavits of candidacy for the City General Election will be on July 29, 2014 with the last filing date Aug. 12, 2014. Filings will close at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2014. Affidavits of candidacy can be filed at the City Offices, 25 College Ave. N. City offices on the
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, July 11, 2014
St. Stephen Centennial Celebration July 18-20, 2014 Trobec’s Bus Shuttle Service AFTER Parade from: Church of St. Stephen, Schmidty’s, Trobec’s Bus Service, City Hall, Smoley Fields & Crossroads of CR 2 & 5. The Shuttle will provide pick-up & drop-off service after the parade until approx. 8 p.m.
Saturday, July 19 11 a.m.-1 p.m. St. Stephen Steves Baseball Game
3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Musical Guest:
Sherwin & Pam Linton and “The Cotton Kings” with special guest Brittany Allyn - Nashville recording artist
Former Players (40+) vs. St. Wendel Team No admission ~ food stand
2 p.m. Centennial Parade - Old~Antique~Classic
Prizes awarded for: Best Theme, Originality, Entertainment Smoley Addition South to Trobec’s Bus Service via Co. Rd. 2
Special Guest:
H.E. Dr. BoŽo Cerar Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the US
Sherwin &
Pam Linton
Smoley Field Activities:
Hemker’s Petting Zoo, Inflatables,Water Activity & Food Vendors
Friday, July 18 3:30-8 p.m. Rain or Shine ! CAR SHOW
St. Stephen Church Parking Lot
6:30 p.m. Co-Ed Slow Pitch Softball Game
Upper Field: Former Summer Ball Program Members (18+)
7:30 p.m. Helping Hands Raffle Drawing 8 p.m.-Midnight Concert: 2 Mile Final Brittan
y Allyn
10 p.m. Fireworks Centennial Photo Books ~ $20 St. Stephen Lions Club Cook book ~ $10
Sunday, July 20 9 a.m. Polka Mass ~ Church of St. Stephen 10-11 a.m. Singing Slovenes Concert 9:30 a.m.-noon KSKJ Breakfast: St. Stephen
Free Admission for participants and spectators!
Parish Hall ~ Free Will Donation to St. Stephen Food Shelf
14 Classes, Pre-War Cars & Trucks, Collector, Muscle Car, Convertibles,Street Rods & Machines, Trucks, Rat Rods & Motorcycles.
11 a.m.-4 p.m. Rain or Shine! TRACTOR SHOW Former Vouk Steam Show Grounds
Limited parking by class. All 1980 and older!
“Celebrating our Heritage”
Dash plaques for first 100 participants - Awards by participant voting (ends at 6:30), trophies awarded at 7:30. Trophies awarded for each class, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place.
Restored & Originals Welcome!
Contact Tom Vouk @ 320-654-9511 for further information.
Free Admission for participants & spectators!
We may thresh, cut lath and shingles (if things work out!)
Dash plaques for first 50 participants. There will be three People’s Choice Awards! Contact Frank J. Vouk @ 320-255-7033 for further information.