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St. Joseph Coalition Town Crier wants splash pad Friday, July 18, 2014 Volume 25, Issue 28 Est. 1989

Independent Lifestyles holds fundraiser July 19

Independent Lifestyles will hold its Summer Nights fundraiser, featuring 176 Keys Fun Pianos Show and silent auction, at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, July 19 in the St. Cloud VFW Granite Post 428, 9 18th Ave. N. All proceeds will go to veteran retreat center. For tickets, call 320529-900 or visit

Coffee with a cop set July 24 at McDonald’s

Join your neighbors and Police Chief Joel Klein for coffee and conversation from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Thursday, July 24 at McDonald’s Restaurant, St. Joseph. No agenda or speeches, just a chance to ask questions, voice concerns and get to know the officers in your neighborhood. Contact 320-230-2433 or 320-363-8250 for additional information.

St. Stephen Centennial in full swing this weekend

St. Stephen, the oldest continuous Slovenian town in the United States, will kick up its heels for a three-day bash this weekend to celebrate its 100th birthday. There will be literally something for everyone during the fest: a parade, car show, tractor show, polka Mass, lots of music, raffles, food, baseball, Centennial books for sale, baseball and softball games and a breakfast featuring Slovenian specialties. A shuttle service will provide pick-up and drop-off service after the 2 p.m. parade until 8 p.m. on Saturday at the following locations: Church of St. Stephen, Schmidty’s, Trobec’s Bus Service, City Hall, Smoley Fields and the crossroads of CR 2 and 5. For a complete list of events, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and search “Birthday bash.”

Garage sale to benefit Roosevelt School

St. Cloud School District 742 Extended School Year programs at Apollo High School will host a garage sale, July 31 and Aug. 1, to benefit Roosevelt Community School. Donations will be accepted from 8:30-11 a.m. Tuesday-Thursday, July 22-24 in the back of Apollo, east side by the back door of the DAO. Students and staff will be available to take your donations. No need to price donated items. Garage sale will be held from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Thursday and Friday, July 31 and Aug.1 in the Apollo High School Commons, enter Door 7. For more information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on July 18 Criers.


Gruber’s Quilt Shop

by Cori Hilsgen

A group of local citizens has formed a coalition to try to bring a splash pad to St. Joseph. Two members of the St. Joseph Splash Pad Coalition are Matt Killam and Jen Warnert. Both said they believe forming a coalition is beneficial to all. Killam is a member of the St. Joseph Lions Club, and Warnert is the president of the St. Joseph Jaycees. Killam and his wife, Michelle, have three sons ages 7, 4 and 3. Warnert and her husband, Abe, do not have any children. Killam has discussed the proposed project with Mayor Rick Schulz and has presented ideas to him. Warnert said he believes a splash pad would be a good way to bring people together, keep people in the city and bring oth-

ers to the city to patronize businesses. “Right now there really are no options in St. Joe other than neighboring towns, and I would like to bring it here,” Warnert said. The coalition is reaching out to contacts, has gathered information and has compared materials and costs of other splash pads. The coalition members recently gave a presentation to the St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce and were able to gain some new members. “With a project of such magnitude,” Killam said, “we want the city involved.” Killam said they have formed a plan and are following a progression but are not scheduling any time frames until they have received approval from the park board and the city. Splash • page 4

Volunteers needed for kennel project Thanks to a grant, the TriCounty Humane Society will be able to repaint its dog kennels and spruce up its walking path, but volunteer human labor is needed. The Society is asking for able-bodied adults who will be able to prep the kennels for painting and/or who can help widen and spread mulch on the dog-walking trail. The work will take place from

8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Saturday, July 19. There will be a free lunch for participants. To sign up, contact Kim at 320-252-0896. The Society received a $5,000 shelter-renovation grant from the Pedigree (pet food company) and, as well as $5,000-worth of Pedigree dog food. The kennel rooms will have to be emptied for re-painting. That is why Society members contributed photo

Y2K Lions member Bernice Heim restocks the fruit table with freshly washed strawberries at the Collegeville Orchards rest stop, which riders reach at the 27mile mark. Y2K Lions members help at this rest stop, and the Tour of Saints makes an annual donation to the Y2K Lions which then uses its funds to help others.

Little Saints celebrates family

contributed photo

Three-year-old student Liam Emery, son of Jennifer and Chad Emery of St. Joseph, enjoys a burger and chips as he shows off his face painting at the July 9 family night at Little Saints Academy. Children and their families had the chance to watch a clown create balloon animals and to dance to music from the Teddy Bear Band. Face painting was provided by Jamie Conway; the meat served was from the St. Joseph Meat Market. are hoping adoptions will happen – the very best way to “empty” a kennel. From now through the month of July, all dog-adoption fees will be discounted. Those who want a dog can take 1 percent times the number of days a dog has lived in the shelter, and that number in dollar terms can be

deducted off the adoption fee. For example, a dog that has been at the shelter for 50 days would translate into 50 percent off the fee. Dogs for adoption and other animals can be seen at the TriCounty Humane Society’s website at

Tour of Saints set July 20 by Cori Hilsgen

The 34th annual Tour of Saints will be held July 20. Riders from 200 Minnesota cities gather in St. Joseph for this ride through rolling hills. Event director Michael Doyle said more than 1,000 riders participated last year. “St. Joseph has always been a very welcoming community to cyclists,” Doyle said. “Many participants who travel here from other parts of Minnesota, and neighboring states, arrive on Saturday afternoon and stay overnight at the College of St. Benedict to be ready for the

ride on Sunday morning. They have a chance to relax and enjoy the town, often by bicycle or on foot. The Local Blend, Bo Diddley’s Deli, Kay’s Kitchen and Bello Cucina are all popular destinations for tour participants, both on Saturday and after they’ve finished Tour of Saints on Sunday.” The event, which is not a race, begins and ends at CSB. The course travels 35 miles of scenic byways and includes 18-, 35- and 50-mile options. The ride is held, rain or shine. Check-in for the tour begins at 6:30 a.m. Riders can enjoy food and drink at various Saints • page 4



A correction is needed for a story about the Festival of Farms that was published in the July 11 St. Joseph Newsleader. The Common Ground Garden, referred to in the story, is located on the

St. Joseph Newsleader •

grounds of St. Benedict Monastery and is owned and operated by the monastery. It is not owned by the College of St. Benedict. CSB and the monastery are two distinct entities.

Cedar Street Salon & Spa

will be closed for remodeling July 20-Aug. 5.


Business Hours: Monday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.-6 p.m. • Saturday 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

235 E. Cedar St. • St. Joseph •

Alex Generous of St. Joseph was recently named to the spring president’s list at Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. Students must have a perfect 4.0 grade-point average to receive this honor.


Friday, July 18, 2014

Fifteen St. Joseph students recently graduated from St. Cloud State University. They and their majors are as follows: Jordan Barrett, bachelor’s degree, business economics; Luke Brinkman, bachelor’s degree, biochemiscontributed photo try, summa cum laude; Todd The St. Joseph Y2K Lions sponsored Joe and Shirley Miller as the Corrow, bachelor’s degree, Senior King and Queen in the St. Joseph 4th of July parade. liberal studies; Amber Davis, master’s degree, industrial-or- the University of North Da- a first-year computer science ganizational psychology; Lynn kota, Grand Forks. He earned and global business leadership Davis, doctorate degree, higher a grade-point average of 3.8 or major at SJU. To be included education administration; Lu- higher to qualify for the honor. on the dean’s list, students kas Gohl, bachelor’s degree, must have a semester gradecommunication arts and literaKathryn Evenson of St. point average of at least 3.80. ture, summa cum laude; Eri- Joseph is a recipient of the Dik ka Klein, bachelor’s degree, Munson Art Award from the Adelaide Carlson, daughcommunication studies, magna University of Minnesota, Mor- ter of Michelle and Thomas cum laude; Rebecca Krasselt, ris. The award is presented to Carlson of St. Joseph, was bachelor’s degree, communica- outstanding first- and second- recently named to the spring tion studies; Scott McDonald, year studio art students dem- dean’s list at the College of St. bachelor’s degree, information onstrating creative potential in Benedict. Carlson is a sophosystems, cum laude; Jenni- future discipline course work. more environmental studies fer Neu, bachelor’s degree, This award is intended for and chemistry major at CSB. physics; Brent Nyhammer, purchase of materials and sup- To be included on the dean’s master’s degree, public safety plies for the recipients artwork list, students must have a seexecutive leadership; Kevin and experimentation with new mester grade-point average of Schreiber, bachelor’s degree, media. at least 3.80. information technology security; Jenna Stoneking, masMaryanna Kroska of St. Chelsea Christman of St. ter’s degree, science, special Joseph is a recipient of the Joseph recently received the education; Katelyn Tiffany, Bos Undergraduate Research James B. Anderson English bachelor’s degree, social work, Award from the University Scholarship from St. Cloud summa cum laude; and Amber of Minnesota, Morris. This State University. Established Wiese, bachelor’s degree, so- fund was established to en- in 2001, this scholarship was cial work. hance the successful under- created to honor James B. Three St. Joseph students graduate research experiences Anderson who was a profeswere recently named to the of UMM students. Funds are sor in the English department. honor list at Minnesota State made available to cover ex- This award is intended for deUniversity, Mankato. penses for travel, conference clared English majors with a They are sophomores Aren registration and other costs minimum grade-point average Gerads and Breanna LaRue associated with the pursuit of 3.5. Christman, a senior at and senior Tanner Walsh. of undergraduate research op- SCSU, received $1,500. Students earned a grade- portunities. point average of 3.5 to 3.99 to Robert Roseland of St. qualify. Matthew Dorn, son of Joseph recently earned his Mark Dorn of St. Joseph, bachelor’s degree in physiAaron Goerger of St. Jo- Minn., was recently named cal education: exercise from seph was recently named to to the spring dean’s list at the University of Wisconsinthe president’s roll of honor at St. John’s University. Dorn is Superior.

PORK CHOP DINNER Fundraiser Friday, Aug. 1 Take-out Serving: 4:30-7:30 p.m.


Menu: Grilled pork chops (from the St. Joseph Meat Market), cucumber pasta salad, tomatoes, corn, dinner roll, rhubarb crisp with whipping cream, coffee and water.

Adults: $9, Children (ages 5-10): $4 Handicap accessible and air conditioned dining room

St. John the Baptist Parish 14241 Fruit Farm Rd. • Collegeville 320-363-2569

Poirier Trucking in Rice, MN

Help Wanted

Part-time driver wanted. Class A license and tanker endorsement needed. 320-393-4270. If no answer, please leave a message.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Coborn’s

Kay’s Kitchen The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Delivery Glen Lauer Greg Hartung

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Friday, July 18, 2014

St. Joseph Newsleader •


A historical perspective from 25 years ago - June 23, 1989

B&B: a memorable human experience for both Lambs and weary travelers by Stuart Goldschen

If you’ve seen one motel, you’ve seen them all. But not every accommodation for the weary traveler is alike. Take a bed and breakfast establishment, for example. It touches your mind, your heart and your soul as well as your rubbery limbs and empty stomach. It’s a memorable human experience instead of a fleeting flop in the night. Patricia and Karl Lamb of St. Joseph like to tell it this way about their bed and breakfast on Island Lake, just south of County Road 51, three miles west of town. “Our bed and breakfast sits on a country lane,” Karl said, “in a quiet setting where country life strips away human armor – a haven intended for a serene and peaceful getaway.” It’s not the Holiday Inn, as some expect, “but some bed and breakfasts “have gotten out of hand,” Karl said, offering “the ultimate experience” – with hot tubs, whirlpools and

Warehouse assistant

bedroom fireplaces. “That’s not the object of a (traditional) bed and breakfast,” he said. And certainly not the character of the Lambs’ bed and breakfast, the only one in the greater St. Cloud area. The Lambs invite their guests to “the gathering room around the fireplace, on the decks or in the wicker-filled sun room, for a convivial glass of wine, light repast and lots of friendly conversation. The key ingredient, as the Lambs see it, is the friendly conversation. While proud of their neatly-crafted reproduction of an 18th-century saltbox colonial house full of early period antiques, they stress the personal, over the material, touch. “Some bed and breakfasts are not much different than a hotel,” Pat said. “They are more like a business and not very personal. We enjoy people and like to make them feel at home here.” The Lambs themselves are very much at home in their

own house and don’t like to stay away too long. They recently returned from a fourday trip along the Mississippi River to Prairie du Chien, Wis., enjoying the rural countryside and visiting several other bed and breakfasts. “We enjoyed our trip, but we’re really happy to get home,” Karl said. “We stayed at several bed and breakfasts and picked up some tips, but we like what we do and think we do a pretty good job in comparison.” Few, if any, of the more than 100 guests who have stayed at the Lambs’ since it opened more than a year ago would disagree. They have come from all corners of the country, have returned several times and have recommended the home to family and friends. “Just last night there was a couple (Barb and Ted Loiselle) here from Eden Prairie who were celebrating their 10th anniversary,” Pat said. “Her sister and husband had stayed here and recommended it to them.

It was their (the Loiselles’) first time in the area since they graduated from St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict in 1976.” Karl said most guests come for seasonal or special events at St. John’s and St. Ben’s, including graduations, sporting events, parents’ weekend, musical festivals and campus tours. They usually stay one or two nights, he said, “re-dis-

covering the simple pleasures of listening to the loons, crickets or frogs, and watching the deer wander through the back woods.” The Lambs offer fishing equipment, a canoe and a sailboat for use on Island Lake, and guests can ski, hike, bicycle and walk in the surrounding picturesque countryside. “We get more and more business through word of mouth,” Lambs • page 8

Starring St. Joseph resident Brad Busse!

(temporary on-Call) Liturgical Press, located on the Saint John’s campus, has on-call warehouse positions available. Responsibilities: process orders using warehouse management system, ship packages, determine best method of shipping. Applicants should be able to use computer, stand for extended periods of time, lift up to 50 pounds and use warehouse ladders. Training will be provided. Applications accepted on-line only at: Click on “employment opportunities.”

Maintenance Tech/Painter Full-time position available for apartment management company in Sartell/St. Cloud area. Must have basic knowledge of plumbing, electrical, painting, basic remodeling and be able to trouble shoot. Previous experience preferred. Valid driver’s license and clean criminal background required. Great wage and full benefit package. Email resume to

in St. Joseph RoomS avaIlable at arlington Place the best things come together...from convenient design to make your life your peace of mind and sense of security.

Thursday-Saturday July 31-Aug. 2 at 7 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 3 at 2 p.m. & Wednesday-Friday Aug. 6-8 at 7 p.m. Glanville Smith Auditorium, ROCORI High School Call 320-241-4682 (GNTC) for reservations or visit

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If interested call Karen at (320) 363-1313. 21 16th Ave. SE • St. Joseph

NOW HIRING ** Direct Support Staff ** A nationwide provider with over 30 years experience serving people with disabilities is hiring quality, dedicated caregivers to empower & assist individuals in realizing their own potential! We are now hiring part-time and fulltime openings in Sauk Rapids, Clear Lake and St. Cloud. Hours are mornings, evenings, weekends and asleep overnights. Experience is preferred but not required. Minimum requirements: 18+, valid driver’s license and good driving record and high school diploma/GED. Excellent pay and benefits, 401k & PTO! Responsibilities: provide direct care, medical administration, transportation to activities, light housekeeping and cooking. $11.59/hour. Apply online to Requisition #14-0124 at:

Love What You Do! EEO/AA

Dining Service

The Department of Dining Service at Saint John’s University invites applications for long-term temporary positions. Service Associate This position provides front service to all customers of Dining Service and Events, provides service at catering functions on campus, assists in the daily assembly of menu items and is involved with other aspects of day-to-day operations of the department. The typical schedule for this position consists of working lunch and dinner meal-time shifts, weekdays and with regular weekend assignments. This position is approx. 24 hours per week. Food Production I This position will work an average of 20 hours per week, which includes every other weekend. This position provides service to all customers of Dining Service and Events and assists with daily assembly of menu items. In addition, this position will coordinate and assist in preparation of all menu items in accordance with production and catered events orders using standard and special recipes, ensures timely delivery of prepared foods to service area throughout meal times and ensures proper care, cleanliness and sanitation of all assigned spaces and equipment. For more information and to apply online visit: Women, individuals of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Saint John’s University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.


St. Joseph Newsleader •

Splash from front page

photo by Cori Hilsgen

Jen Warnert and Matt Killam are part of the St. Joseph Splash Pad Coalition that hopes to bring a splash pad to St. Joseph.

The coalition has a meeting scheduled with the St. Joseph Park Board in August to seek approval to move forward with the project. If the park board approves the plan, the coalition hopes to meet with the St. Joseph City Council in September for its approval to move forward. If the council approves the plan, the coalition would then begin fundraising for the pad. “The last thing we want to do is raise money and then have to give it back,” Killam said. He said they estimate the project will cost about $600,000 to complete. The coalition plans to raise $200,000 for the project and then ask the city to approve the use of the half-cent sales tax for the remaining $400,000.

Friday, July 18, 2014

“The city would be able to start the project as soon as we raise the funds if they agree with the $400,000 part,” Killam said. Killam and Warnert said multiple splash pads are referenced in the city’s 2008 Master Park Plan’s long-term goals. “We are just looking at one,” Warnert said. “We understand the financial aspect of this, but we feel this is going to be a project that will pay for itself.” The splash pad they are proposing is comparable to those in St. Cloud and Waite Park. Two potential locations the coalition is considering for installing a pad are Centennial Park and Northland Park. Currently, people involved with the coalition include Killam, Warnert, Geri Bechtold, Kathy Schmidt, Travis Moore, Clair Rodgers, Keith Schleper, Larry Hosch, Derek Lee and Mike Deutz.

St. Joe’s Best Kept Secret

Smokey is a 4-and-a-half-year-old spayed Domestic Shorthair mix. She came to the shelter because her owner was moving and could not bring her with. Smokey is used to living indoors and prefers this lifestyle. She has lived with cats and children of all ages and was friendly with all of them, but she has not had the chance to make any dog friends yet. Smokey can be shy when first meeting new people, but give her some time and she will warm right up. Once she does she is quite the playful and energetic little cat who loves to chase around feather teasers and jingle balls. If an affectionate and playful cat is what you are looking for, Smokey could be just right!

“Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 16 Parakeets - 2 Hamsters - 2

Cats - 39 Kittens - 9 Rats - 6

Guinea Pigs - 4 Rabbits - 4

Saints from front page rest stops along the course. Refreshments include pastries and cookies, fruit, cool water, energy drinks, candy bars, watermelon and lemonade. The first stop after 12 miles is in Cold Spring. The second stop after 27 miles is at Collegeville Orchards near St. John’s University. After 31 miles, riders can choose the short course to finish for a 35-mile ride or can follow the 50-mile course. Riders taking the 50-mile course can get refreshments at the Avon city park, next to the Lake Wobegon Trail, and then travel back to CSB for more refreshments at the finish. Participants who might need a lift during the tour can call the St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club who will send one of the support trucks to pick them up. Bike shop mechanics are available at the food and rest stops to offer assistance. “Each year we have new participants who discover the joy of bicycling by taking part in this event,” Doyle said. “We also have a lot of people who look forward to riding it every year. “ Doyle gave an example of a retired couple, now in their 90s and living in Florida, who plan their visit to Minnesota so they can take part in the tour. For more information visit the website www.tourofstaints. com.

Find us on

Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302


Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.


Join our team! Are you looking for an environment where you are a key member of the team? Where your input and ideas are welcome? A place where you can have an impact? Newsleaders is looking for an entry-level associate to become a member of our team and family. The person we are seeking must enjoy variety; be flexible and a team player; have a strong interest in learning all aspects of the newspaper and publishing business; exhibit a positive, “can do” attitude; and be teachable and coachable. Participation in business and creative meetings as well as good communication skills is a must. Primary duties and responsibilities include: 1. Advertising sales 2. Administrative Support 3. Production Support 4. Community Engagement Email a cover sheet, resume and at least three references to Janelle at

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Friday, July 18, 2014

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Student spotlight:

Liebl stands on front lines for those with disabilities by Cori Hilsgen

Danielle Liebl hopes to increase awareness for people with disabilities. It’s what pushes her to stand on Liebl the front lines and promote social inclusion and better relationships. Liebl, the 23-year-old daughter of Sherri and Michael Liebl, graduated from the College of St. Benedict. She has one sister, Casey, 25. While she was a senior at CSB, Liebl was one of 10 winners of the inaugural Peace First Prize, a national award recognizing leading youth peacemakers who work to create peaceful schools and communities. She received a $50,000 fellowship to continue her peacemaking work. Liebl was one of 700 people nominated for the award. The process took six months and included five interview sessions, most of them with president and co-founder of Peace First, Eric Dawson. The final interview was with Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of President Bill and Hillary Clinton. Liebl applied the grant toward the expansion of the student club, Students for the Advancement of People with

DIFFERbilities, now Differbilities Experience, which she cofounded and created as a sophomore at CSB and SJU. The club helps raise awareness for people with disabilities, promotes social inclusion, and educates students and faculty about better ways to treat, interact and build relationships. She hopes to bring it to other campuses and to start it at the high school level. Liebl, herself, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy as an infant. Fun Facts about Liebl: Favorite subject: Theology “It challenges me to think in the grey instead of the black and white,” she said. Activities she is involved with: Institute for Women’s Leadership, DIFFERbilities Club, Magis Ministries Favorite leisure activity: “I enjoy walking, reading and starting my own non-profit,” Liebl said. Favorite movie: Father of the Bride, parts I and II “They are such classic movies that allow you to relax and have a good laugh,” she said. Favorite music: “I don’t have a favorite genre,” Liebl said. “In my car, I usually jump between Christian, country and alternative.” Favorite food: “Chocolate without a doubt,” she said. “There is not an occasion where it’s not appropriate.” Favorite thing she likes to

help other people to do: Listen Favorite quote: “Never doubt a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead One of the hardest obstacles she has had to overcome in the school environment: “How to accommodate to my surroundings so I can join my peers,” she said. Has she ever witnessed bullying at school? “I have witnessed bullying in high school,” Liebl said. “By the time I did anything, my classmate, the one who was bullied, walked away. I approached my classmate (who was bullied) and invited her to eat lunch with me. Sometimes, all it takes is a friend.” One of the biggest challenges students face today: Being able to juggle it all. “It takes a lot to be able to juggle your academics, extracurriculars and your social life,” she said. How does college differ from high school? “In college, you are much more independent,” Liebl said. “While you look forward to it all year, your senior year of high school, you call your parents within the first week to ask for their advice.” Favorite technology device: Liebl • page 8




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Our View By helping pollinators live, we help our precious food supply

No bees, no food. Well, that’s an exaggeration, but it’s not too much of a stretch because a good amount of our food supply depends upon pollinating insects, like bees and butterflies. It’s good to see many news reports are addressing the decline in the populations of pollinators. Hopefully, people will become more aware and do something about the problem. Eighty-seven percent of the worlds’ 124 most commonly cultivated crops are pollinated by insects or other creatures, according to the Department of Natural Resources. More than 80 percent of the world’s 250,000 or more flowering plants depend on animals for pollination. In fact, more than one-third of the world’s food supply comes from foods made possible by the pollination of bees. Some of the most commonly known pollinator-dependent foods are blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, tomatoes, peppers, apples, melons, sunflowers, plums, squash, canola and pumpkins. There are many, many more. Our diets would be dreary without the work these pollinators unwittingly do. In a nutshell, bees are our friends. In recent years, there has been an alarming decrease in numbers of butterflies, honey bees, birds and bats. Last year was an all-time low for the number of migrating Monarch butterflies. Those worrisome losses are attributed to shrinking habitats, use of pesticides, diseases, parasites and the spread of invasive species. But it’s not time, yet, to despair. There are things everybody can do to help our pollinating friends, right at home. Here is a list of suggestions from the DNR: • Avoid or minimize use of pesticides. • Plant native wildflowers and grasses that have lots of blooming flowers. Use a wide range of colors and shapes of wildflowers. Flower diversity is very attractive to pollinators of all kinds. • Plant at least three plant species that can bloom in spring, summer and fall. Earlyblooming and late-blooming plants are especially valuable for the survival of pollinating creatures. • Reduce tillage • Avoid plastic ground-cover sheeting because some bees rely on ground-nesting. • Delay mowing grassy meadows or roadsides in order to leave some habitat for pollinators. • Provide warm-season, clumping grasses for bumblebee nest sites. • Avoid swatting at bees. Let them be. Flailing and swatting makes them mad and increases the chance you will be stung. For more information on how to help protect our pollinating friends, please visit the following website:, then click on “Pollinators and Roadsides.”

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, July 18, 2014

Opinion Fear-filled kids living in limbo Imagine, after days of terror on a long train ride, you arrive in another country where you are placed inside a big building and you do not know from one minute to the next what will happen to you. Oh, and by the way, you are only 10 years old, with no parent to comfort you. You are utterly alone, fearful in an alien land. That, sad to say, is the plight of more than 50,000 children who crossed the Texas border in recent months. It is an appalling dilemma that has left everyone baffled. Why did these children come here? How did they get here by themselves? This past weekend, those questions were hounding me. News reports were contradictory and confusing, so I did some online research. This is what I found: The Central American countries of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are rife with drug cartels, gangs, coercion and extortion, all of it boiling in a foul elixir of horrific violence. This past June, 23 children were killed in Honduras, the murder capital of the world. In San Pedro Sula, one of its most vicious cities, 7-year-old Anthony Castellanos was tortured and then beaten to death by young gang members. His older brother had been a “lookout” for that particular gang but decided to quit. An order from prison was given to kill the older brother. The gang members shot to death the brother and a friend when they were going around looking for Anthony who’d already been murdered. Arrests were made. In those three countries, young children are routinely forced to join gangs. If they do, they have a chance of being killed during criminal activities or ending up in prison. If they don’t join, they will likely be hounded

Dennis Dalman Editor or killed. Young thugs sliced the throat of an 11-yearold boy because he refused to pay them the equivalent of 50 cents in extortion money. Other children are killed when gang members or druggies go to butcher their parents. From January to May of this year, more than 2,200 children have fled to the United States from the horrors of just that one violent city, San Pedro Sula. How do these children manage to come all the way to the United States? Parents or relatives pool money to pay traffickers to bring them to the Mexican-American border. If there is no room in the trains, many children have to cling to the tops of train cars for days and nights during the harrowing journey. They are sometimes robbed or raped along the way. The traffickers who profit from these children’s misery make golden promises these kids will be welcomed in the United States and find a safe life there. What they find instead is a limbo their young, traumatized minds cannot understand. Here’s a question that nags at my mind: Are all of these children victims of back-home violence? Or, are some of them pawns manipulated by those who want laxer immigration laws? Those who think America should have

an anything-goes immigration policy might think all those children in a terrible plight will melt the hearts of Americans, who will allow them to stay. Then, later, parents, siblings and others in those countries might have an easier time gaining legal status north of the border. The blame game has begun. Obama’s fault? Bush’s fault? A 2008 law addressed the trafficking of children from Central American countries. If such children arrive here, they must be given a chance to prove they were in imminent danger in their countries, in which case they can be granted asylum. Mexican children who come here can be deported almost immediately. Why the difference in treatment between Mexicans and Central Americans? I’m still seeking an answer to that question. Some say the 2008 law gave traffickers just the excuse they needed to ship children to the United States. Others claim Obama’s “Dream Act” was misconstrued by traffickers and their victims as a “free ticket” to this country. Obama wants to spend $3.7 billion to help deal with the mess. Many want the 2008 law changed so children from Central America can be deported, like Mexicans, in just days rather than letting them stay here for court appearances that can be delayed for up to three years or more. The urgency, of course, is that the more children we let stay here, the more children will come, coaxed on by despicable traffickers. If there were only an easy answer. But one thing we do know: This crisis underlines the long-overdue need for a comprehensive immigration reform, something that continues to keep the U.S. Congress in its inexcusable, stupifying deadlock.

Letter to editor

Local-option sales tax to be discussed July 21 Mayor Rick Schultz

Good day fellow residents. Since the creation of the local-option sales tax, the six area cities have used the money throughout their communities to add numerous amenities faster and at less cost. Money can only be used on roads, parks and trails and community buildings. St. Joseph started participating in 2006. It’s set to expire in 2018. In November residents will be asked to extend the sales tax again for another 20 years, which is estimated to bring in $291 million in regional funding. When major regional project(s) are funded, the rest of the sales-tax money is divided up among the participating cities, according to

a formula partly based on population. The revenue comes from the extra half-cent added to a sale every time someone buys something taxable in any of those six cities. St. Joseph used sales-tax revenue for a master park plan ($52,000), trail extensions ($700,000), for two sidewalk-construction projects ($750,000 and $200,000), for Centennial Park playground equipment ($33,200), for a park-and-trails development plan ($43,000) and for installing a heating system in the Lake Wobegon Trail building ($15,000). This month, at 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 16 and 5:30 p.m. Monday, July 21, there will be brainstorming open house(s) at the St Joseph City Hall. Residents’ input on how to use the rest of the revenue (which will be distributed

to St. Joseph) is important because voters once again must approve it. Area cities can use the money for their own projects. It’s extremely important to hear from our community, to learn and understand the needs and future demand with which these funds may be used. If you didn’t make it to the July 16 session, please plan to attend the July 21 session. As always, the public is welcome to email, text, call or write a letter as we are very open to suggestions and feedback. Here is the link to the city’s website where comments may be added also: http://www. Here are my email(s) and phone number:,, 320-260-0393 and 218-839-9378.

We miss you ‘center stage’ Bobby Vee

Paul Ritzenthaler, St. Joseph

“My tears are falling since you’ve taken her away.” Nine words that were the preamble to one of the greatest ballads of the early rock ‘n’ roll era and a constant reminder of a terrific liaison I will affectionately dub “Bobby Vee and Me.” Bobby doesn’t remember – by his own admission – the first time we met. It was a very long time ago when I was working at a radio station in Rochester, N.Y. How long? At the time we were introducing an unprecedented venue in broadcasting. We were actually committed to challenging the powerful AM music moguls who controlled rock ‘n’ roll by – wait for it – daring to move pop music to an FM setting. Back then, FM was what we called elevator music. Or alternatively, classical opera, extreme political forums (left and right) or whatever we could get advertising dollars for. I believe our program director – a name I have thankfully forgotten (British accent and all) – spent more time talking to Bobby about the tragic plane crash of Buddy Holly that thrust Bobby onto the rock ‘n’ roll center stage than promoting Bobby’s musical talents. Little did I know back then that chance meeting would lead to a wonderful relationship with a man whom I came to respect as one of the most genuine, caring and sharing pop stars of the great musical era. Bobby Vee and me (what a fortunate radio windfall for yours truly) fell into each other

Paul Ritzenthaler Guest Writer when I elected to move to Fargo, N.D. I can’t even remember how we hooked up the first time. But throughout the years when I was on the radio and looking for someone to share some conversation interspersed with musical memories, I could always count on Bobby to be ready to talk to me (and my listeners). As I moved from station to station – Fargo, Fergus Falls, Grand Forks via Thief River Falls – I always found this guy (formerly from West Fargo) ready to talk and enjoy the musical reminiscences. Over and above that, I found Vee had an ability to deliver some great rock-roll-andremember-shows, including such great acts as the Crickets (they sounded just about as great without Buddy). Danny and the Juniors (without Danny), Chris Montez and (among others) Del Shannon who, in interview, confessed his lack of excitement over another expensive road tour that included a European excursion. In fact, somewhere in the musical messes of my basement, I have the last interview he did with the Thief River Falls/Grand Forks station

for which I worked before he flew back to Las Vegas and ended his own life. There are so many other delightful situations I could share regarding my fortunate acquaintance with Bobby Vee, like the time we did a three-stop North Dakota rock concert venue in Grand Forks, Grafton and Devils Lake. The Devils Lake performance was a Saturdaynight show, and we stayed at a motel overnight before going our separate ways on Sunday morning. Three hours after we picked up and skedaddled from that guesthouse, it was blown away by a tornado. There is one dream we (Bobby Vee and me) never got to deliver into reality. We would always talk about doing a show at the Maple Lake Pavilion (which doubled as a skating rink) a scant 20 miles from Crookston, where Vee (and I believe it was the Shadows) was loved for his musical talents long before he became a world renowned rock ‘n’ roll star. I thought my friendship with Bobby had ended when – low and behold – we bounced off each other in a little Minnesota community called St. Joseph, which we both were now calling home. We would share some of those great memories while squeezing oranges at the old Loso’s Grocery Store or just casually chatting outside of his production studio in the center of town. But what sparked my yearly excitement was to hear all those wonderful musical Bobby Vee memories, in “center stage” vocal form, at the annual July 3 concert at

Vee • page 7

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, July 18, 2014

Vee from page 6 the St. Joseph musical site. Year after year, the songs sounded so much more memorable. And, year after year, each performance reacquainted me with what I related to as a melodic montage that, sadly, is disappearing from our musical culture.

A few years back, my brother and sister-in-law visited us from Fort Meyer, Fla. during the July 4 holiday. We took them to the Bobby Vee concert, and I snuck her up to introduce her to Bobby. After a brief but cordial greeting, we returned to our seats with her, a 70-year-old quilter sounding like a 16-year-old teenybopper saying “Oh my God, I met Bobby Vee.” Now, those annual stagings (which he did gratis for charity and/or community) are fading memories, not unlike the wonderful music he gave us.

Yes, this year’s July 3 concert was terrific, but those memories of rubber balls bouncing off the stage, while another great Bobby Vee hit was being shared, still linger. So I say, “Take care of yourself, Bobby Vee.” We miss you, not just for what you’ve done for music but for what you’ve done for our community. Or, (if I may be trite) in the words from an old television classic, “Live long and prosper.” In retrospect, we miss you “center stage.”

Community Calendar

Friday, July 18 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Burger and brat sale, sponsored by Knights of Columbus, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2. Singles Dance, 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m., American Legion. Waite Park. Live music by the Agates.

Saturday, July 19 Blood drive, 7 a.m.-1 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Burger and brat sale, sponsored by Knights of Columbus, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market. Tap Takeover, 4-8 p.m., Third Street Brewhouse, 219 Red River Ave., Cold Spring. 100% proceeds go to St. John’s Outdoor University. Monday, July 21 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Market Monday, 3-6:30 p.m., INJURED? IN A LAWSUIT? Need Cash Now? We Can Help! No Monthly Payments to Make. No Credit Check. Fast Service and Low Rates. Call Now 888-271-0463 www. (Not available in NC, CO & MD) (MCN) PAID IN ADVANCE! MAKE $1000 A WEEK mailing brochures from home! Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start Immediately! (VOID IN SD, WI) (MCN) SERIOUS ENTREPRENEURS URGENTLY WANTED! Interested in making money online on the internet? No products to personally sell. Never talk on the phone. Ideal for beginners, too. I will show you everything you need to know about making money on the internet. I will open your eyes to a whole new way of making money. For complete details rush a #10 size self-addressed stamped envelope to: Publishers Market Source, P.O. Box 10936, Merrillville, IN 46411 (MCN)

Sartell City Hall, 125 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell. St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion in St. Joseph.

Tuesday, July 22 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Wednesday, July 23 SummerTime by George, 5-9 p.m., Lake George, St. Cloud. Free live concert by Collective Unconscious. Thursday, July 24 Coffee with a cop, 8:30-11:30 a.m., McDonald’s, 1180 Elm St. E., St. Joseph. 230-2433 or 363-8250. Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country

REAL ESTATE PLAT BOOKS with 911 addresses, legal descriptions. Stearns County. Other counties available by order. Available at the Newsleaders, 32 1st Ave. NW, St. Joseph. Regular price $40; $30 spiral bound. NO REFUNDS. tfn-f CASH FOR CARS: Any Make, Model or Year. We Pay MORE! Running or Not Sell your Car or Truck TODAY Free Towing! Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3805 (MCN) CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-870-9134 (Minnesota ONLY) (MCN) Trailer Sale! 6’x12’x72” Enclosed cargo Trailers in Black, Black/Orange, Red/Yellow, Black/Yellow; 7’x10’ & 12’ Enclosed Trike haulers; 22’-14,000 lb Aluminum skidloader trailer; 12’, 14’, 16’ 14,000# DUMP trailers. 515-972-4554 (MCN) A UNIQUE ADOPTIONS, LET US HELP! Personalized Adoption Plans. Financial Assistance, Housing, Relocation and More. Giving the Gift of Life? You Deserve the Best. Call Us First! 1-888-637-8200. 24HR Hotline. (VOID IN IL) (MCN)

Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., Avon Community Church. 320-248-3375. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. St. Joseph Action Group, 7 p.m., American Legion, St. Joseph. 320363-7666. Friday, July 25 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Brat sale, sponsored by Y2K Lions, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. St. Joseph Meat Market. All donations, tips and a portion of profits will go to Leader Eye Banks. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2.

Freelancers sought

The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT SALE, Mon., Aug. 4, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. Consign early by July 21, 2014 for complete advertising. No Small Items, Tires or Pallet Items Accepted After Friday, July 25. Gilbert’s Sale Yard, LLC, 641-398-2218. 2 Mi. N. of Floyd, IA On Hwy. 218. Tractor House Internet Bidding Available. (MCN) DISH NETWORK - $19 Special, includes FREE Premium Movie Channels (HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, and Starz) and Blockbuster at home for 3 months. Free installation and equipment. Call NOW! 1-866-8204030(MCN) CONTRACTORS AND ROOFERS. Increase Income, Have More Free Time. Seeking Self-Motivated Individuals to Apply Our Quality Warranty-Backed Roof Coatings. Highly Profitable, Company Training. Be Your Own Boss! 1-888-372-0594 ext402 (MCN)

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LEgal notICE


cedent in unsupervised administration, and that any objections thereto must be filed with the Court. IN DISTRICT COURT That, if proper, and no objections SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT are filed, a personal representative will be appointed to administer the In Re: Estate of Theodore Joseph estate, to collect all assets, pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and exDuncan, deceased penses, and sell real and personal property, and do all necessary acts Court File No.: 73-PR-14-4674 for the estate. ORDER AND NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION Notice is further given that ALL CREDITORS having claims FOR FORMAL PROBATE against said estate are required to OF WILL AND APPOINTpresent the same to said personal MENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE IN UNSUPER- representative or to the Court Administrator within four months afVISED ADMINISTRATION AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS ter the date of this notice or said claims will be barred. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS AND CREDITORS: Dated: July 9, 2014 It is Ordered and Notice is hereby /s/ Vicki E. Landwehr given that on the 15th day of AuJudge of District Court gust, 2014, at 8:45 o’clock a.m., a hearing will be held at the above /s/ Timothy Roberts named Court at Long Prairie, MinCourt Administrator nesota, for the formal probate of an instrument purporting to be the /s/ Janine Gully Will of the above named decedent, Notary dated March 3, 2005, and for the appointment of Marion M. Duncan, whose address is 1408 East Dan A. Eller #26438 Main Street, St. Joseph, Minne- Attorney at Law sota, as personal representative of 2103 Frontage Road N. the estate of the above named de- Suite 25 Waite Park, MN 56387 (320) 253-3700 HELP WANTED DINGMANN BROTHERS Publish: July 18 and 25, 2014 CONSTRUCTION Experienced or non-experienced. 320-2501561. 27-2x-p. RETAIL/OFFICE STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF STEARNS

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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Lambs from page 3 Pat said. “It’s very nice – and a reflection that people are really enjoying it.” The pleasure is doubled, incidentally, by the relatively low cost. The Lambs charge $40 a night for two people in one room, and $60 for the room with a private bath. “That’s lower than most bed and breakfasts and a whole lot less than your average motel,” Karl said. “And that includes breakfast.” The Lambs serve a continental breakfast of home-baked bread, hot rolls, muffins, fresh fruit and coffee. The Lambs first experienced and enjoyed the concept of bed and breakfasts in the mid-1960s and early 1970s when Karl, 50, taught at American schools in Italy and Germany, respectively. He is currently teaching architectural drawing at St. Cloud

Liebl from page 5 A microwave Does she like using technology at school? “It depends” she said. “It’s so much easier to take notes; however, it can be quite distracting.” What she wants to do now she has graduated: “I want to make a difference,” she said. “It may not be in a job. It may be through

Technical School, and Pat, 46, is a counselor in the chemical dependency program at St. Cloud Hospital. The Lambs are natives of Walker, Minn. Their two children are Michelle, 26, of Los Angeles, who will marry Aug. 19 in a ceremony at the Island Lake house, and Patrick, 21, of St. Cloud. Karl built his first house in 1969 in St. Cloud and began construction of the Island Lake home in 1987. Soon thereafter, the Lambs decided to turn their home into a bed and breakfast and opened for business in mid1988. The house is a stately, twostory, central-air-conditioned model of craftsmanship and care. It features two guest rooms with large four-poster beds and colorful Amish quilts. There are wide-plank maple and brick floors and an array of colonialstyle furniture made by Karl, oriental rugs and an extensive collection of baskets, cast-iron cookware and antique tools. A glass-enclosed sun room with white wicker furniture and

two exterior lounging decks frame the house on three sides. They lead the eye outdoors to the Lambs’ 30-acre property of thick ground ferns and a forest of broad, 100-foot oak, maple and basswood trees. The bed-and-breakfast concept originated in Europe and has flourished there throughout the centuries. It has been growing in America, but is still a relatively unknown phenomenon in many states, including Minnesota. With some 90 bed and breakfasts, Minnesota ranks “the farthest behind,” Karl said, while Wisconsin, Michigan and states on the east coast lead the field. “Even Iowa has 94 bed and breakfasts,” he said. The Lambs stand out, then, but enjoy the exposure. They say they are doing well and plan to expand the house to accommodate more guests. People, not money, however, is their primary concern. They want very much to preserve a tradition that warms the heart as well as the feet.

an act of kindness. There is no greater reward than knowing you used your talents for the better.” Something she would change if she could: “I would change intolerance to tolerance,” Liebl said. “So many people are unaccepting of those different from them. How beautiful would it be if we embraced each others’ differences and learned from them, rather than using them as an excuse for exclusion.” What she would like to be doing five years from now:

“I would love to be working at my nonprofit, DIFFERbilities Experience, full-time and working on changing people’s perceptions of those with disabilities.” If she won $1 million and was asked to donate all of it, where would she donate it? “I would donate it to expecting and new-time parents of those with disabilities,” she said. “I would love to give them the gift of truly enjoying the time with their child instead of being burdened with medical expenses.”

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Friday, July 18, 2014

photo by Stuart Goldschen

Patricia and Karl Lamb host weary travelers at their 18thcentury replica colonial bed and breakfast three miles west of St. Joseph on County Road 51. It is the only bed and breakfast in the greater St. Cloud area.

Full-time IT Support J & J Holmes is seeking a highly motivated IT professional to join our energetic, fast-paced team!

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