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Newsleader St. Joseph

Friday, Aug. 15, 2014 Volume 25, Issue 32 Est. 1989

Town Crier

Franny Fest set this weekend

Franny Fest, the St. Francis Xavier Parish Fall Festival, will be held Friday-Sunday, Aug. 15-17 on the parish grounds. Highlights include a Teen Night for grades 7-12 from 6-8:30 p.m. Friday; a 10K, 5K, 1K walk and run, food, refreshments, kids’ games, silent auction, a 4 p.m. Mass followed by live music by Tres and Big Toe and the Jam on Saturday; and 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Masses, bake and plant sales, Belgian waffle breakfast from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and a raffle drawing on Sunday. For more information, visit

St. Cloud hosts summer art crawl

The annual St. Cloud Sizzlin’ Summer Art Crawl will be held from noon to 9 p.m. Friday Aug. 22 in Downtown St. Cloud. The Art Crawl features more than 30 selected artists around venues in historic downtown St. Cloud. There will be musicians, art demonstrations, performers and activities that are fun for the whole family. For more information visit

Unused med collections set Aug. 16, 20

Two unused medication disposal collections, sponsored by the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office and Stearns/Benton Physicians Association, will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 16 at the Senior Expo in the River’s Edge Convention Center, St. Cloud; and from 5-9 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 20 during Summer Time by George at Lake George, St. Cloud. These collections are in addition to the permanent drop boxes located at the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office and the Sartell, Melrose, Paynesville and Waite Park Police Offices. For further information on the program please call 320-259-3700.

Postal Patron

Flippin’ Cancer the Bird benefit set for Bruno by Cori Hilsgen

A Bruno’s Hooters’ benefit, also known as Flippin’ Cancer the Bird, will take place for local business owner Mary Bruno from 3-10 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 16 at the Middy Bar in St. Joseph. The benefit will include Bruno live music, food, beverages and a silent auction. Bruno said she was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer in mid-April. She had a lumpectomy to remove cancer calcifications and also did genetic testing for the cancer gene because her mother, Maryann Bruno, had the same diagnosis about four years ago and a maternal aunt also had breast cancer two years ago. “I was positive for that gene and informed that once you have had cancer the probability of its recurrence is significantly higher in the breast and ovaries,” Bruno said. “(I) decided to go ahead and be aggressive about getting those body parts out of the picture.” She said her surgeries were long, and recovery has been painful, but the doctors and nurses did a good job with helping manage the pain through medications. Bruno said Dr. Paul Mitchell at the St. Cloud Hospital and Dr. John Houle at Midsota Plastic Surgeons in St. Cloud have been wonderful through everything. Both

of her two surgeries were performed at the St. Cloud Hospital and a follow-up surgery will be done at Midsota. “Turns out Drs. Mitchell and Houle are masters at what they do,” Bruno

Let me out, let me out, let me out!

contributed photo

Three-year-olds Elijah Mixteco (left) and Landon Nothnagel, both of St. Joseph, plead with local authorities to “Let me out” during the Aug. 5 National Night Out held in Morningside Loop. The neighborhood enjoyed a potluck and children were able to tour police and fire department vehicles while all visited with local police officers and firefighters. Neighborhood organizers said they want to say a big “thank you” to both police and fire departments for stopping by with stickers, tours of the rigs and coloring books.

Ribbon-cutting set for Army Reserve building The public is invited to a ribbon-cutting for the new U.S. Army Reserve headquarters building at 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 16 in St. Joseph. The 40,000 square-foot, one-story brick building is located in east St. Joseph, just off CR 75, east of the former Del-Win Ballroom location. The building is battalion headquarters for the 367th Army Engineer

Battalion, which has about 1,000 members in five Upper Midwest states. Those members get together annually for joint training in one place, otherwise they customarily train in their own facilities. Ground was broken for the new building last April. Paid for by federal funds, the approximately $10-million structure houses classrooms, training simulators,

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maintenance, storage and other resources geared to training, equipment and special meetings. There are other Army Reserve headquarters in various places throughout Minnesota, including in Brainerd, Buffalo and Willmar. A full-time staff of about two dozen people will work in the building.

College entrance gets a face lift

Contest gives $10,000 to help neighborhood improvement projects

One charitable organization, nonprofit organization or local government agency will win $10,000 in the Build Your America contest, sponsored by Stanley Black and Decker. To enter the contest, go to and submit a brief essay of your proposed project on how you would like to honor your community with the $10,000 grand prize for a neighborhood-improvement project, renovations to a historical landmark, school, park, recreation center and more. The contest will run through Dec. 31. For more information, visit and click on Aug. 15 Criers.

said. “Both are total rock stars and had a great bedside manner and knew exactly how to deal with me. They were not only excellent at what they do, but Bruno • page 5

by Cori Hilsgen

photo by Cori Hilsgen

The College of St. Benedict’s north entrance is being reconstructed and was expected to reopen this week.

The College of St. Benedict’s north entrance off of Minnesota Street is getting a face lift. “Our 2006-07 Campus Master Plan identified a need to make the north entrance as recognizable as our main entrance,” said Brad Sinn, executive director of facilities for CSB, in a recent email. The college purchased and removed three homes during several years with this project in mind. Sinn said the 2014 Landscape Master Plan showed the need for

a more visible entrance. “The new north entrance is also our first project that highlights a more sustainable landscape with lower-maintenance native plant materials, use of local materials and permeable paving surfaces to reduce runoff,” Sinn said. The road was scheduled to reopen this week, pending no delays for weather conditions. Landscaping is planned for early September. Most traffic is currently being routed to the south entrance during the closure.



Collegeville Community Credit Union President Mark Douvier recently announced the credit union has received a grant from the Minnesota Credit Union Foundation to assist in establishing a student-run branch of the credit union on the campus of St. John’s University in Collegeville. Douvier said, “This branch will be one of the first credit unions on a university campus in Minnesota. Even more importantly, it will be largely student managed, with a student board and leadership.” While financial oversight will take place from the main credit union office, the branch will hire up to six students as part-time employees and include a 2014 SJU alumnus as its manager. CCCU hopes to have partnerships with

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several departments and organizations on campus to offer real-life experiences for students, ranging from accounting to finance and marketing. “We want the students involved in this branch to make decisions and see, firsthand, the successes and struggles that result from these decisions,” Douvier said. “The administration from SJU has been welcoming and supportive of this collaborative effort. Finding space on a college campus is a challenge, but President Hemesath and his team have made it come together.” The branch will be located next to the SJU Bookstore in Sexton Commons, and plans to be open this fall.

If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. July 3 10:53 p.m. Underage consumption. College Avenue S./ Baker Street E. Officer observed male carrying open container coming into a designated drinking area. Contacted male and found he was under 21. Officer administered breathalyzer which read .248. Issued citation for underage consumption. 10:54 p.m. Intoxicated female. College Avenue N. Officer met with intoxicated female who was waiting for her boyfriend at her car but had fallen. After making several attempts to contact her boyfriend, he did not answer. Officer spoke in length with female who said she was extremely tired but would be fine to walk back to concert area to find him. Female appeared OK. 11:01 p.m. Missing person. 1st Avenue NE/Minnesota Street E. Caller reported 59-year-old vulnerable adult male had not been seen since just before the fireworks when he left to use the restroom. He was found a short time later and turned over to his guardian. 11:45 p.m. Fight. 1st Avenue NW. Responded to a fight in the parking lot of a downtown business. A 29-year-old male had an argument with his girlfriend and another 34-year-old male stepped into defend the female. First male threw a swing at the second male and missed. Second male threw a punch back and connected. Both parties chose not to pursue the matter and left in separate directions. July 4 12:53 a.m. Domestic. College Avenue S/Minnesota Street E. Officers arrived on scene of assault that occurred in the 200 block. A 24-year-old Sauk Rapids female victim was lying on ground unresponsive but breathing. Several officers were attending to victim at this time. One officer received a description of the suspect from a witness at the scene who stated suspect ran to St. Ben’s campus. Perimeter was set up around campus. Officer was later advised by radio that state patrol had


28-year-old St. Cloud suspect in custody. Officers spoke and obtained two statements from witnesses who assisted in capturing the suspect. Transported suspect back to scene where victim had already been transported by ambulance to St. Cloud Hospital. Two additional witnesses at scene identified suspect through patrol car window. Suspect was arrested and transported to Stearns County Jail. Suspect was charged with disorderly conduct and third-degree assault. 8:04 p.m. Found property. 4th Avenue NE. A black purse and contents was turned over to St. Joseph Fire Department members. Contents included bug spray and a wooden nickel from a fast-food restaurant. Also turned over was a black cell phone which was dead so no owner information available. Unknown if both belong to same owner. Items were tagged and placed in property room of St. Joseph Police Department. 8:05 p.m. Found property. Minnesota Street W. Flip key/ remote combo located by volunteers on church grounds. Three days later, male contacted police department, told where his car was parked and officer checked to ensure it was correct key. It was and male’s father picked it up later that day. July 5 10:30 p.m. Fireworks. Morningside Townhomes. Officer arrived on scene and did not see or hear any fireworks. No one near playground and did not locate any fireworks in the area. July 6 12:45 a.m. Traffic stop. Division Street W/25th Avenue N. Officer observed motorcycle without any tail lights. The 30-yearold male stated he did not have a valid driver’s license and did not have insurance on the motorcycle. Citations issued for both. 2:17 p.m. Traffic stop. CR 133/ CR 75. While parked in McDonald’s parking lot, officer observed a vehicle exit the Coborn’s/CentraCare/Central Minnesota Credit Union exit heading north on CR 133 then make a U-turn around the yellow markers at the No U-turn sign. Vehicle then headed south and turned west on CR 75. When stopped, driver admitted to U-turn and was issued a citation. 2:11 p.m. Welfare check. Hackberry Drive. Report of a female lying in the yard. When officer arrived, caller stated woman had crawled inside. Officer made contact with the woman who was

Friday, Aug. 15, 2014 very angry and very intoxicated. After she calmed down, officer gave her breathalyzer test which registered .378. She was then transported by ambulance to the St. Cloud Hospital. Her 15-yearold daughter stayed with a neighbor until her uncle in Sauk Centre could pick her up. Social services will be contacted to fill them in. July 7 9:45 a.m. Medical. Elm Street E. CentraCare Clinic called for an ambulance and St. Joseph Police were dispatched as well. Victim was already inside so staff needed ambulance only. 4:26 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. Third Avenue SW. A white older extended cab two-door pickup with a maroon stripe, maroon topper and loud muffler with a middle-aged male driver has been seen driving around and parking at Third and Iverson three or four times in the past few days. Unknown plate. 5:49 p.m. Fraud. Northland Drive. Female complainant stated she received multiple calls saying she owes money and if she doesn’t pay she will be arrested. The person who keeps calling speaks broken English and stated he was an attorney but would not identify himself or his law firm. He also stated he would not accept checks or card payment; only method of payment accepted is a pre-paid cash card. She told caller she was calling the police. He hung up. Officer advised female to block number and disregard any similar calls. July 10 5:10 a.m. Suspicious activity. Pondview Lane and Cedar Court. Caller reported he observed at least a few individuals with flashlights going through vehicles when he was dropped off by his girlfriend. Caller said nothing disturbed in his vehicle but witnessed individuals going into vehicles along Cedar Court and Pondview Lane. One of the vehicle owners along Cedar Street made contact with officers. She said her unlocked vehicle had been gone through and her purse was missing. Officers advised she contact her bank and credit card companies to cancel her cards; she said no cash was in purse. Later that same day, she called police to state she had found her purse in the woods behind her house and nothing was missing. 5:20 a.m. Suspicious activity. Pondview Lane E. Caller reported seeing about three individuals going through vehicles in the area. Blotter • page 8

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

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Kay’s Kitchen The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Operations Manager Logan Gruber

Production Manager Tara Wiese

Editor Dennis Dalman

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Delivery Glen Lauer Greg Hartung

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

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Friday, Aug. 15, 2014 Marie C. Reber, 93 St. Joseph June 7, 1921 - Aug. 12, 2014

Marie C. Reber, 93, of St. Joseph died Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2014 at Good Shepherd Nursing Home in Sauk Rapids, surrounded by her loving family. Her funeral will be held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 16 in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, St. Joseph. The Rev. Dan Walz will officiate. Burial will take place in the parish cemetery. Family and friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday at the Daniel Funeral Home in St. Joseph. Parish prayers will be held at 6 p.m at the funeral home. Visitation will continue after 9:30 a.m. Saturday at the Heritage Hall Parish Center. Reber was born June 7, 1921 in St. Joseph, Minn. to Michael and Catherine (Fuchs) Warnert. She married Art Reber on Sept. 18, 1950 at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in St. Joseph. She was a homemaker all of her life as well as

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working at Kennedy Elementary School as a cook. She was a member of St. Joseph’s church, Christian Women, Eagles Auxiliary #622, and St. Cloud VFW Auxiliary #428. Reber enjoyed camping, puzzles and playing cards. She was very dedicated to her faith. Reber was a very devoted wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Survivors include her children: Ann (Jerry) Schreifels, Steve (Anita) of St. Joseph, Sue (Tom) Dullinger and Paul Reber, all of St. Joseph; Lois Wei-

man of Cold Spring; and John Reber and Joan (Jay) Schmidt, all of St. Cloud; son-in-law, Jerry; 30 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband in 2007; daughter, Mary Stangler in 2011; sisters and brothers, Rose Mayer, Lorraine Romain, Herman, Lenard and Robert. A special thank you to the staff at both Good Shepard Nursing Home and Memory Cottages, and St. Croix Hospice for all the loving care given to Marie.


Meet the Lindberghs set Aug. 16, 30 Meet the Lindberghs, a character re-enactment, is set from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (last tour leaves at 4 p.m.) Saturday, Aug. 16 and 30 at the Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site, 1620 Lindbergh Drive, Little Falls. Learn what life was like for Charles Lindbergh growing up on a farm during World War I. Costumed characters portray-

ing Lindbergh family members and neighbors will provide insights into young Charles’ interests in aviation, technology and nature. Try some of the chores Charles did around the farm. A nominal fee is charged for adults, seniors and students. Children 5 and under are free. For more information, call 320-616-5421.


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Friday, Aug. 15, 2014

Stolen church hand bells found

by Cori Hilsgen

St. Joseph Pastor Jerome Tupa said the church hand bells that were stolen from the Catholic church have been found in St. Cloud. He said they were located after the police had put out a notice and the owner of the shop, where they were pawned, contacted the police. “The alleged perpetrator has about 60-some theft charges against him, and it’s presumed he pawned it to support drugs,” Tupa said. The three cases of hand bells

are valued at $10,000-$14,000. The monstrance and microphone, stolen at the same time, are still missing. The monstrance, which is used to display the consecrated Eucharist host during adoration or benediction, is valued at about $11,000 and the microphone $150-$200. Tupa said the monstrance is a very old piece. “We are not sure how old it is,” Tupa said. “It is probably 60 or 70 years old and is a very historical piece for the parish. It’s a beautiful work of metalwork and to replace it would be

very expensive. We are hoping if someone knows where it is they would simply return it. We would be happy to not press charges in order to get it back. That would be sufficient.” The items were stored in a locked cabinet when they were stolen. The monstrance is a heavy item. “The person who did this had to have been quite strong,” Tupa said. “The monstrance weighs about 40-45 pounds in its case. They would have had to make more than one trip or there was maybe more than one person.”

for the U.S. Sixth Congressional seat now occupied by Michele Bachmann (R-Stillwater). Tuesday’s primary elections narrowed the races and determined which candidates will face off come November.

Emmer defeated Rhonda Sivarajah by nearly 3-2 in the primary. Independence candidate John Denney will also be on the ballot for the Sixth District seat in the November election. In other primary races: Republican Jeff Johnson, a Hennepin County commissioner, defeated three other contenders to take on Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton in the next election. Dayton handily defeated two sets of challengers in the primary. U.S. Democratic Sen. Al Franken won a primary against Sandra Henningsgard and will face off against Republican candidate Mike McFadden, a Minneapolis investment banker, who topped four other Republican contenders in Tuesday’s primary. Stearns County Sheriff John Sanner and challenger Mark Bromenschenkel, a Stearns County commissioner, were the top winners in the primary for the Stearns County sheriff’s position. They will both be on the November ballot. Bruce Mohs, Bruce Hentges and Jerry Von Korff garnered the most votes for St. Cloud School Board seats, from among seven candidates. Voters were allowed to choose their top three.

Emmer wins primary for Sixth District by Dennis Dalman

It’s official: Republican Tom Emmer of Delano and Democrat Joe Perske of Sartell will face off in the Nov. 4 election

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St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Aug. 15, 2014

Bruno from front page they always came to check on me personally. They also took the time to explain everything to make me feel heard and understood. Dealing with me and my attitude and mouth cannot be easy, but they were champs with a great sense of humor.” Bruno said she worried about what she might look like after the surgeries. “The scars are not as bad as I thought,” she said. “I thought I was going to be hideous.” She said her nurses at the St. Cloud Hospital were also awesome. “There were so many and they were patient and laughed at my insanity and told me stories when I couldn’t sleep and laughed at me when I swore a lot,” she said. Bruno is well known in the area for her printing business where she uses a very old printing press that she inherited from her father, Don Bruno, who died of an abdominal aneurism in 2003. Besides her printing business, Bruno also bartends part-time at the Middy. She was born in State College, Penn. and moved to St. Joseph when her father accepted a teaching position in the art department at the College of St. Benedict. Bruno


graduated from Apollo High School and then earned a bachelor’s degree in printmaking at St. Cloud State University. “I have worked a million different jobs, but I am a printer by trade,” she said. Bruno has bartended most of her life for extra cash and said she enjoys it. Her career path has included many other jobs, such as cake decorator, camp counselor, bill collector, pizza-delivery driver, clothing-store retail worker, restaurant manager, stone mosaicist, wood worker and an enrichment coordinator at the National Primate Research Center in Madison, Wis. where she drew blood samples from monkeys. She said the variety of jobs has all been part of her journey. Bruno lives in St. Joseph with her dog, Callie, whom she said is “wicked smart and hilarious.” Her mother has been taking “great care” of her throughout her surgeries and recovery. She also has one older brother, Marty, who is married to Jill and lives in Foley. They have two daughters, Sam, 23, and Lexi, 20. She said the benefit is happening because of the kindness of many “big wigs” in St. Joseph. Some of them include Will Wittrock at the Middy who is offering his establishment for a fun party; Thomas

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Cabot and Jeff Vee from Rockhouse Productions, who are working the sound and music; Scherer Trucking for donating the stage; St. Joseph Meat Market for donating the meat; Jeff and Stacie Engholm from the Local Blend; and Police Chief Joel Klein from the St. Joseph Police Department, as well as many others. Donations for the silent auction will be handled through her “very organized” friend Jodi Millerbernd. Anyone with questions about the silent auction should contact Millerbernd at jmillerbernd@ Bruno is used to being independent and didn’t really want a benefit at first, but others persuaded her to ask for help. Once she allowed herself to accept a little help from her friends, she was overwhelmed by the support she began receiving. She set up an online fundraiser at where people could donate money to help fund her medical expenses. She said the online link is going like gangbusters and that it takes her breath away. Bruno doesn’t want to dwell on her illness but instead wants people to come and enjoy the party. She wants to keep things lighthearted and fun. “My attitude at this point is ‘(expletive) cancer, let’s party,’” Bruno said. Brochures avail ab at Whitney Senio le r Center!

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She said it is so much easier getting through tough stuff when you are having a good time with friends who love you. “It makes people feel good to help a friend and some-

times a big tough chick like me needs to accept that help no matter how it makes me feel,” she said. “It’s part of growing up, I hear. Though I don’t know a lot about that.”



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Friday, Aug. 15, 2014

Opinion Our View

Robin Williams was his own great gift to this world

What an awful feeling it is to lose Robin Williams. More than any comedian-actor in the past few decades, Williams had become an ongoing part of everyone’s lives. Who in the entire world has not seen and enjoyed one or more of his many classic films? It is such a memorable list: The World According to Garp, Good Morning Vietnam, Mrs. Doubtfire, Dead Poets Society, Moscow on the Hudson, Aladdin, Good Will Hunting, Awakening, The Fisher King, One-Hour Photo, Night at the Museum, Insomnia . . . And not to forget his many TV talk-show appearances and his first brilliant, hilarious role as Mork on TV’s Mork and Mindy. The word “genius” is over-used to describe so many entertainers these days. However, Williams was one of the few who merited the word. His many talents were nothing short of phenomenal: one of the funniest people who ever lived, an actor of astonishing range who could have you laughing one minute and breaking your heart the next, a lightning-quick inventive mind and master of on-the-spot improvisations. At times, Williams’ manic, rapid-fire comedy style was almost too much. It was almost exhausting because viewers had to pay close attention to keep up with his galloping wit. Besides his vast range of talents, Williams was an unfailingly kind and generous human being, helping raise millions for homeless people and performing many times for the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Like many great comedians, there was a sadder, darker side to Williams, including his brushes with drugs, alcohol and depression. It was apparently a severe depression that caused him to take his own life at his California home. That darker side is what Williams tapped into for many of his finest performances. That genius was in touch with all of his emotions, bright and dark, and fearless access is what allowed him to deliver so many moving performances. Beneath the hilarity, there was that onscreen vulnerability and sensitivity so reminiscent of another great actor, Jimmy Stewart. What is amazing is Williams thrived for so long without burning out and crashing. He was so manic, so filled with energy, so hard-working and so generous it must have taken a toll on him now and then. And, basically, that is what Williams did with all of the talents he was blessed with – he gave, gave and gave some more. Perhaps toward the end, in his 60s, all that constant giving of himself left him exhausted, feeling as if his inner well was about to go dry, leading to the bleak depression. His loss is such a tragedy, not just for his family and loved ones but because there is no doubt Williams could have turned in wonderful performances into his 70s and 80s. Robin Williams was his own great gift to all of us, and this world is a sadder place without him. We are going to miss him.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Tighten screws until Putin sags, falls Finally, European nations have joined the United States in ratcheting up economic sanctions against Russia. They had been wavering, cowardly, because they are largely dependent on natural gas they get from Russia. What changed their minds? Maybe it was the awful reality of a plane blown up in mid-flight and 298 human beings, including 40 children, falling six miles down to land dead on a field in northeast Ukraine. Although Russian President Vladimir Putin trotted out the usual dissembling lies and blame games after that atrocity, there is no doubt the surface-to-air missile that struck that plane was provided by Russia with Putin’s approval, along with many other missiles, to Ukrainian Russian separatists. It’s about time Putin pays a price for his reckless, brutal interference in Ukraine. Putin is a thug, a throwback to the “good old days” of Soviet communism, which he obviously wants to revive to some degree. A former key member of the KGB (Soviet Secret Police), Putin was wired long ago to function as a spy, a cog in the Soviet State, and his thought patterns and strategies still bear the stamp of the hammer-and-sickle. He has learned through sly manipulations how to gain and retain power and how to play one faction against another for his own benefit in a kind of Machiavellian chess game. Even his mask-like, dead-looking face seems to conceal all kinds of underhanded schemes. In his speeches, he has often pined for the supposedly wonderful old “Mother Russia.” In that respect, he is like those extremists, so-called Muslims, who seek to destroy anyone who doesn’t agree with

Dennis Dalman Editor their ludicrous nostalgia for a medieval glorious past that was anything but glorious. There is nothing more dangerous in this world right now than sentimental nostalgic nationalism. It is a throw-back distortion of the most hideous order; it’s an unfounded self-righteousness that feeds on bloodshed; it’s what caused most of the cataclysmic wars throughout history, including Hitler’s mythic Aryan delusions that led to the deaths of millions of Jews and others. Unfortunately, Putin is popular in Russia. People in troubled times learn to love a dictator. During the first of his three presidencies, (1999-2008) it’s true the Russian economy, such as it is, showed tremendous growth, partly the result of foreign investments. Putin also initiated some good reforms that helped fight rampant organized crime and helped increase production, the energy industry and the standard of living. There’s no doubt he’s brought about successes and done many good things, including encouraging religious freedom and the protection of endangered animal species. However, not to forget, other Soviet/ Russian dictators, namely Lenin and Stalin, had their “successes,” too. Like those two, Putin has been hostile to dissenters, to human rights and to press freedoms. He has also shown open support for the oppressive,

murderous tyrants in Syria and Iran. Putin is an opportunist, a wheeler-dealer, a sly-and-slippery fish – the very product of the sinister, double-dealing network that was the KGB. He knows exactly when to turn on his “charm” to schmooze and boondoggle the Western democracies, but at heart he remains a monstrous egotist, a virtual dictator, a silly macho strutter and a sentimental nationalist with all that blather about “Mother Russia,” which was, in fact, a land of indescribable misery. Putin knows exactly how to garner favorable reviews. For example, he spent tens of billions of dollars to showcase the last Winter Olympics, his expensive bid to be admired across the globe. Those who know his history and how he operates with his sense of entitlement and self-aggrandizement were not fooled one bit. Putin is a volatile, highly dangerous man. It’s a shame he holds democratic countries such hostages to his energy exports. Someday, as his expansionist policies turn into more bloodshed and more horror, those European countries will come to regret their tacit, cowardly approval of his expansionism. For now, at least, most nations in Europe have agreed enough is enough, that Putin is a threat to world peace on multiple fronts. We can only hope under economic pressure the thug backs down and Russians realize what a slippery snake he is. Bring on the sanctions! Tighten the screws! Let Putin sag and collapse and let the Russian people finally wake up to the thug-in-disguise who is making a mockery of what he claims, hollowly, to stand for: freedom, humanity, decency and democracy.

‘Tis the season for political letters There are only 11 Newsleaders – 11 Fridays – until the mid-term general election Tuesday, Nov. 4. As in every election season, the Newsleader fully expects to receive many political letters to editor – praising some candidates, criticizing others. We welcome letters to editor. However, as in every campaign season, there is a need to set some limits regarding political letters: Letters must be no more than 150 words each, otherwise they will be edited to accommodate that word limit. Each letter must include the writer’s

name, home address and telephone number, or the letter will not be published. We will not accept “form letters” – those written by a campaign committee and merely signed by an individual. A writer may submit a limit of one political letter per 30-day period. Due to space considerations, when there are a slew of submissions, the Newsleader will try, in its print editions, to publish a representative sampling of letters received. Those that do not make the published papers will be found on the Newsleaders’ website:

In letters, please stick to the issues and document any facts. Be sure to provide sources for allegations so they can be verified. No letters critical of candidates will be published in the Oct. 31 Newsleader, which is the last newspaper before the Nov. 4 election. That is because candidates criticized would not have a chance to respond to accusations in the Newsleaders before the election takes place. Any questions? Call the newspaper office at 320-363-7741.

I confess, I am an old fogie I have some confessions to make. That will probably come as a surprise to some but it’s true – I have some flaws. At least that is what I am being told by some younger people, especially those directly related to me, like grandchildren. This is what happened just recently. My lovely wife and I were out to dinner at a quiet, peaceful, little restaurant. We prefer quiet because that allows us to speak to each other without having to yell. In my mind, dinner out should be a calm experience. It doesn’t have to be “fun.” It certainly shouldn’t be loud. If there is background music, it should be barely audible. To me it’s a time to communicate and relieve oneself of the worries of the world. Four people came into the restaurant and sat beside us. They appeared to be a family of parents and their teenage children. Immediately upon being seated, they all four took out electronic devices and buried their heads in those devices. For the entire time they were in the restaurant they never looked up. Even while ordering their food, they stayed glued to their screens. When their food came, they didn’t look up. All during their meal, they stay tuned into their electronics. I don’t think any one of them spoke a single word during the entire meal. When they had finished, they made their

Ron Scarbro Guest Writer way out of the restaurant still clicking away while walking. I was amazed. At least they were quiet. They didn’t bother anybody, but I wonder if they even knew what they ate. I wonder if they tasted their food. Of course it’s their business how they spend their time and none of mine. I mentioned this experience to my own grandchildren as a way of trying to teach the value of direct communication versus electronic communication. They told me, “Grandpa, you just don’t get it. This is the new way. You’re just an old fogie. This is the new communication.” OK, I confess. I don’t get it. How can that experience even be compared with actually looking into a person’s eyes and talking together? It all seems so impersonal to me. How does one hear the laughter? LOL is not laughter. How does one feel the presence of

another when they are connected only by electronic devices? Why would you go to a restaurant and spend money to get expertly prepared food, eat it and never know what it tasted like? It all seems silly to me and I would guess I am not alone. Is this the direction of the future? Are we to believe interpersonal communication is passe? Do you want me to believe speaking to my wife over some device is the same as holding her hand? Listen, I understand the need for the phone. I understand the need for modern electronics. I get all that, but none of that will ever take the place of person-to-person contact. Sometimes I truly appreciate the fact I am 73 years old. As Joe Soucheray used to say on his radio program, Garage Logic: “Sometimes I just don’t feel I am made for these times.” I guess I am an old fogie. I will take holding my wife’s hand over a text message anytime. Scarbro is retired and spends most of his free time with his grandchildren having moved from Sartell to St. Simons Island, Ga.. Writing and commenting on the news of the day is a pastime. Visit his weekly blog at for more commentary.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Aug. 15, 2014

Community Calendar

Friday, Aug. 15 Burger and brat sale, sponsored by Knights of Columbus, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2.

Saturday, Aug. 16 Burger and brat sale, sponsored by Knights of Columbus, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market. Meet the Lindberghs, character portrayals of Lindbergh family members, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site, 1620 Lindbergh Drive, Little Falls. 320616-5421. Monday, Aug. 18 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Market Monday, 3-6:30 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell.

St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion in St. Joseph.

Tuesday, Aug. 19 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Wednesday, Aug. 20 SummerTime by George, 5-9 p.m., Lake George, St. Cloud. Free live concert by Transit Authority. Thursday, Aug. 21 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Brat and hot dog sale, sponsored by Apollo High School Spanish Club, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW. 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), noon-4 p.m., Salem Lutheran Church, 90 Riverside Drive SE, St. Cloud, 1-888-234-1294. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.


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Business Hours: Monday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.-6 p.m. • Saturday 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

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LET’S TALK... Please join me for my next Town Hall meeting.

Mayor Rick Schultz Saturday, Aug. 23 • 9-10 a.m. Local Blend 19 W. Minnesota St. • St. Joseph

City Issues, Concerns, Really Anything!

NOW HIRING! Laborer Form Setters for Footings/Walls: Stop by and fill out an application at: 1374 105th St. NW, Rice, MN

Saturday, Aug. 23 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Miller Auto Plaza, 2930 2nd St. S., St. Cloud, 1-888234-1294.

We’ve remodeled! Come check out our new look!

Open House Registration for Fall Karate Classes


Friday, Aug. 22 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Sizzlin’ Summer Art Crawl, noon to 9 p.m., downtown St. Cloud. Musicians, art demos, performers and activities for the whole family. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2.

Cedar Street Salon & Spa

at Just for Kix Sartell

Aug. 12, 13, 19 & 20 5-7 p.m.

Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 5-9 p.m., Gilleland Chevrolet, 3019 Division St., St. Cloud, 1-888-2341294. St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-363-7201.


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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Blotter from page 2 When owner contacted, checked all vehicles and nothing missing from any. 6:25 a.m. Theft from vehicle. Morningside Loop. Caller reported his three vehicles were parked in driveway and all were gone through sometime overnight. All vehicles were unlocked. Only thing missing appears to be loose change and single dollar bills left in center console, approximately $30-$40 total from all vehicles. 6:31 a.m. Theft from vehicle. Morningside Loop. Caller got into vehicle this morning and found someone had gone through his belongings. Missing was loose change and possibly some check blanks. 7:09 a.m. Theft from vehi-


Part-Time Evenings

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Duties include: daily personal care, grooming, dressing, light meal prep, medication administration and light to moderate housekeeping. If interested please stop by for an application or call Karen Hennessy at (320) 363-1313. 21 16th Ave. SE St. Joseph, MN 56374

cle. Hill Street W. Caller said someone had rummaged through vehicle overnight. Missing was a wallet with driver’s license, social security card, two debit cards and miscellaneous items. A box of ammunition was also missing. Before officers left, wallet was found a short distance from vehicle with everything in it except an expired driver’s license. 7:20 a.m. Theft from vehicle. Morningside Loop. Caller said her unlocked vehicle had been rummaged through overnight. Older iPod, valued at $100, was missing. 8:14 a.m. Theft from vehicle. 1st Avenue SW. Caller said someone had rummaged through vehicle overnight. Missing was a $100 bottle of cologne. No damage. 2:19 p.m. Theft from vehicle. Hill Street W. Caller said some-

one had rummaged through vehicle overnight. Missing was $2 in change from ashtray. 7:33 p.m. Theft from vehicle. Hill Street W. Complainant walked up to police squad and said when he left for work at 7:30 a.m. he noticed his glove box open and things moved throughout the vehicle but nothing was missing. He stated the vehicle was locked but no sign of forced entry. Last time he was in the vehicle was at 8 p.m. previous night. He stated there was a small gray Ford Taurus with two people who looked suspicious in the area about a week prior. 9:32 p.m. Theft from vehicle. 2nd Avenue SW. Caller said someone had rummaged through her husband’s unlocked vehicle sometime last night while it was parked in the driveway. Missing was loose change from center console.


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