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Newsleader St. Joseph

Friday, Aug. 22, 2014 Volume 25, Issue 33 Est. 1989

Town Crier Open house to ready students for school

An open house for Project Kids Connect will be held from 4-6 p.m. Friday Aug. 22 and from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 23 at Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR 2, St. Joseph. The event includes free haircuts for kids from Cedar Street Hair Salon, a clothing swap for sizes 4 and up, free backpacks full of school supplies for the first 10 girls and boys, and a free giveaway. Project Homeless Connect helps kids who may not have resources to get ready for school.

Brat sale proceeds to help build Place of Hope wing

Y2K Lions will host a brat sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 29 and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 30 at the St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave NW. Proceeds will be donated to help Ralph and Jan Boeckers to build a memorial wing to those who struggle with overwhelming life problems so they have a safe, secure and inviting place to rebuild, repair and restore their lives at the Place of Hope in memory of their son, who killed his girlfriend and then committed suicide. Old glasses, hearing aids and cell phones will also be collected.

Disaster relief grants set for veterans, families

Stearns County veterans, their families and surviving spouses may be eligible for a disaster relief grant as a result of recent flooding and storms. The Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs is offering disaster grants of up to $1,000 for reimbursable expenses to veterans and their families who have not received other state or federal assistance. If interested, visit and click on Aug. 22 Criers.

Survey sheds light on health concerns in area

Results from a 44-question Stearns County area-wide health survey have been compiled and the results posted online. Approximately 12,000 random households were asked to complete the survey, with a wide array of questions about residents’ access to health care, nutrition, physical activity, financial stress, tobacco or drug use, driving behaviors, bullying, and other social, physical and mental health-related issues. Responses are being analyzed and used to put together a fiveyear Health Improvement Plan. For more information, visit www. and click on Aug. 22 Criers.

For additional criers, visit www. and click on Criers.

Postal Patron

New school year means many changes at Kennedy by Cori Hilsgen

needed. Parents will continue to have ware program. the option to add money to their child’s Parents will sign up for fall conferlunch account through the Skyward ences through the Skyward program. Kennedy Community student management computer softKennedy • page 3 School Principal Judy Nagel said there is a lot happening at Kennedy during the summer and many great things are coming for the 2014-15 school year. The student day has inNagel creased for all grades, kindergarten-eighth grade. The school day will begin at 7:35 a.m. and end at 2:20 p.m. Staff hours are 7:15 a.m.-3 p.m. Buses will begin arriving at Kennedy at 7:20 a.m. The earlier school start brings some changes for the breakfast program. The program will begin a weekly breakfast menu where students can get a grab-and-go breakfast meal in the cafeteria and eat it in their classrooms. In addition to the primary lunch served each day, the lunch program will offer a salad bar for students in fourth-eighth grades. Because of lack of interest, some sandwich choices previously offered three days each week will no longer be offered. photo by Kelly Brown The milk/juice district-provided options When the sun sets on the Lake Wobegon Trail you never know what you will with snack will also be discontinued. Teachcapture. The photographer was lucky enough to spot this pair of sandhill cranes ers will continue to have snack breaks in recently as they finished their evening feeding. If you stop, look and listen natheir room as they have in the past and ture always has a way of rewarding you. will address beverage and water breaks as

Craning to watch a Wobegon sunset

All Saints Academy offers new academic options by Cori Hilsgen

All Saints Academy School administrator Karl Terhaar said the St. Joseph site is offering some new aca- Tehaar demic options for the 2014-15 school year. New options include an extended day, which adds 50 more minutes to the school day. The school day will run from 7:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. ASA teachers had requested more time to work with students, and this will allow them additional time. A Spanish specialist will teach Spanish weekly to preschool through sixth-grade students who will receive lessons three times each week for 30 minutes. Students who struggle with reading will have a chance to work with a reading specialist who is trained in the Barton Reading Program, a program that helps students learn phonics so they can decode words easier and also teaches the rules

of spelling. The teaching staff at ASA will continue attending workshops related to the subjects of science, technology, engineering and math. Intermediate teachers will begin their third year of math workshops, and primary teachers will begin their second year of science workshops. Terhaar will train teachers on Project Lead the Way. This is a STEM program many area high schools use and elementary schools are beginning to use. Since transportation to halfday preschool can be a challenge for some families, ASA will offer shuttle-service transportation to families who have children in the preschool program. The Waite Park ASA campus site closed last year. That meant consolidating three schools to the two locations of St. Joseph and St. Cloud. President Chris Schellinger said the decision to close the location was a very difficult one for everyone and hard on many people. “Fortunately, we have been able to welcome more than 70 percent of the Waite Park students to either the St. Cloud or

St. Joseph campus,” Schellinger said in an email. “Also, due to a number of retirements, we were able to retain nearly all of our teachers and staff.” He said a positive result of Waite Park closing is ASA has been able to offer teachers and staff raises for the first time in many years. The school is also investing in teachers through

professional development and continuing education during the school year. Schellinger said the St. Joseph ASA location has a 10-percent increased enrollment from last year. “It looks like that will be the trend for some time,” Schellinger said.

Yussuf wins over Andreasen by one vote Who says one individual’s vote doesn’t make a difference? Not Hassan Abdullahi Yussuf. After a suspenseful St. Cloud School District recount Aug. 19, Yussuf won the opportunity to be placed on the Nov. 4 ballot over fellow candidate Scott Andreasen by only one vote – Yussuf with 1,317 and Andreasen with 1,316. In the recent primary election, there was a field of seven at-large candidates, but only six of them can be listed on the November ballot. Among the candidates’ vote totals in the primary, Andreasen came in at sixth place, and Yussuf was in seventh

place. There was a paper-thin difference of four votes between the two, Andreasen with 1,321 and Yussuf with 1,317 which prompted the recount. The votes were recounted at the Stearns County Administration Center in St. Cloud with all votes scrutinized from the 59 precincts in the three-county area involved with the schoolboard primary election. The other candidates whose names will appear on the November election for St. Cloud School Board are Michael Conway, Peter Hamerlinck, Bruce Hentges, Bruce Mohs and Jerry VonKorff.

St. Joseph Newsleader •


County warns: no campaign signs in rights-of-way Stearns County reminds property owners that placement of campaign signs and other unauthorized objects in highway rights-of-way is prohibited. In addition, campaign signs may not be placed on private property outside of the right-of-way limits without landowner consent. Highway rights-of-way typically include the driving lanes, inside and outside shoulders, ditches and sight corners at intersections. Crews will remove

any unlawfully placed signs and impound them at one of the county’s local maintenance garages. County staff will hold the signs at the garage for a period of 10 days to be picked up by owners or staff will discard. Violation of this law is a misdemeanor. Civil penalties also may apply if the placement of such material contributes to a motor-vehicle crash and injures a person or damages a motor vehicle that runs off the road.

If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. July 12 10:09 a.m. Traffic stop. 2nd Street S. While stopped at 10th Avenue S. and 2nd Street S. in Waite Park, officer observed driver with no seat belt. Officer stopped driver and issued citation. Driver was verbal stating officer had no authority to stop him because he said officer was outside his jurisdiction and should not be able to write him a citation. Driver was unsatisfied and very upset. 10:23 a.m. Intoxicated person. CR 133. Female caller said 64-yearold St. Joseph male had just left his residence drunk and gave a list of possible locations. Officer checked all locations with no contact. Later another officer drove by residence and saw male there. 8:10 p.m. Animal welfare. 7th Avenue SE. Dog in house for sale appeared in good condition and had dog tags attached to collar. Dog appeared in good spirits. House appeared in good condition with no dog feces showing from exterior window. House still had tools and furniture to move out. Attempted to find number through dispatch and unable. Left message with realtor in attempt to locate homeowners’ number. July 14 2:16 a.m. Unwanted individual. Elm Street E. Officers arrived and observed three males standing by two vehicles in a parking lot talking. They stated they were inside the store, then came out and got carried away talking. They were told the business employees were concerned they were hanging out in the lot. All parties left. Advised business management they had left. 5:13 a.m. Traffic stop. CR 75/8th Avenue NE. Observed a vehicle traveling 57 mph in a 45mph zone. Identified 48-year-old male as registered owner of vehicle. Driver said insurance had lapsed on vehicle about a month ago. Issued citation for no insurance. Towed vehicle and gave driver ride to his work in St. Cloud. July 15 10:21 a.m. Suspicious vehicle. 2nd Avenue SW. It was reported a male was sleeping in his front seat. Officer spoke with male, who


stated he was waiting to pick a person up, and was tired from driving. There were no problems. 6:54 p.m. Property damage. College Avenue N/Date Street W. Officer came upon a single motorcycle crash. Driver stated hydraulic wheel stands didn’t retract when he began moving, causing the bike to wobble, jump the curb, and strike the Lake Wobegon Welcome Center and parking sign. No injuries reported. The sign post was damaged. July 16 10:54 a.m. Theft. Ridgewood Court. A male had his boat parked at a local business. While there, two amps, a rope, a speaker and a tackle box were taken. Value was estimated at $700. July 17 8:13 a.m. Warrant. 2nd Avenue NE. An individual was wanted for a felony. Police found and transported the individual to Stearns County jail for booking. July 18 6:26 p.m. DWI. Baker Street/17th Avenue. An officer observed a vehicle roll through a stop sign. The registered owner/driver had a warrant out for his arrest. Officer also detected the odor of alcohol from the suspect. The suspect stated he had two beers earlier. The suspect then failed the standard field sobriety test. The suspect was arrested for DWI and warrant. July 19 1:16 a.m. Open container. Minnesota Street W. Officer observed two males and one female walking in the alley behind Sal’s Bar. One male was carrying a glass, while the other was carrying a white plastic cup with “Miller Lite” written on it. Both males were issued a citation for having open containers. July 20 9:24 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. Able Street E. Caller complained of a suspicious vehicle in front of their home. Officer observed a red passenger car leaving the area upon arrival. Caller said the vehicle left shortly after they turned on the yard lights, but just before the police arrived. Nothing was stolen or damaged. Caller was asked to contact police if the vehicle was seen again. An extra patrol was assigned to the area. July 21 8:59 a.m. Unwanted person. Ash Street E. Officer arrived, and was met by the caller. A man was at the residence who had lived there off and on for years. Caller and man had an agreement the man will not

Friday, Aug. 22, 2014 drink when he is there. The man admitted to drinking. Caller agreed to give the man a ride to his parents’ residence for the night. July 22 3:28 p.m. Gas drive off. College Avenue N. A vehicle left a local gas station without paying for $48.09 in fuel. Police contacted the driver later, and he had already called the gas station to take care of the bill. The manager also stated the situation was taken care of. July 23 4:26 p.m. ID theft. Fir Street E. Caller discovered someone had attempted to use his name to draw unemployment insurance. Unemployment insurance office contacted and stopped the transaction. No funds were taken. The caller was advised to watch their accounts and notify the police if something comes up. July 24 8:59 a.m. Dog barking. 6th Avenue SE. A dog was found in his kennel in the backyard. The dog was whining and barking. No one was home. A red warning notice was placed on the residence’s front door. 8:37 p.m. Driving complaint. CR 75. Caller said a vehicle was heading west, swerving in and out of traffic and traveling at a high rate of speed. The caller also said the female driver “flipped him off” when she passed him. Officers attempted to locate the vehicle without success, and advised Avon police of the complaint. July 25 9:56 a.m. Suspicious activity. Cypress Drive. A homeowner reported around 5 a.m., one of her window screens came off. Her window had been open, and strong storms and winds were in the area about that time. The officer advised it was most likely the strong winds blew the screen off. 9:47 a.m. Gas drive off. Birch Street W. An employee at a gas station helped a driver fuel their car. When the driver finished, she left without paying. The employee wasn’t sure if she tried to use a credit card first. The police later contacted the driver, who had already called the gas station and paid the balance. The driver stated she had a lot of problems with the pump, and had swiped her credit card before pumping the fuel. 4:46 p.m. Alarm. Pearl Drive. The fire department was called to assist the county with an alarm. A sheriff’s deputy was also on the scene. The building was secure.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

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Kay’s Kitchen The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Operations Manager Logan Gruber

Production Manager Tara Wiese

Editor Dennis Dalman

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Delivery Glen Lauer Greg Hartung

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Friday, Aug. 22, 2014

Kennedy from front page Information on how to do this will be reviewed at open house from 4:30-6 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 26 in the school’s computer labs and media center. Nagel said parents who already have access to Skyward and know their passwords are all set for open house. If parents haven’t yet signed up for Skyward family access or have forgotten their password, they should visit the Kennedy website for detailed instructions on how to complete the process before open house. She emphasized it’s important to do this before the open house. “Staff will be available to assist in this process, which has been incorporated by at least one other school in the district and some surrounding districts where families have appreciated the transition to online access vs. signing up on paper at open house,” Nagel said in an email. “Once the program is implemented and future conference dates are acces-

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St. Joseph Newsleader • sible, families may sign up for conference times from any computer location.” School staff will also use Skyward for the monthly family newsletter, important messages and as a resource for parents of students in grades six-eight to monitor weekly academic progress in all classes. “Please note, we will also have only electronic report cards this year,” Nagel said. “Any families that do not have internet or smart-phone access should contact the Kennedy main office for further assistance with these updates.” Kindergarten families should have received a kindergarten family packet and more information by mail in mid-August. This will invite them to a student and parent/

guardian-scheduled conference time on Tuesday, Sept. 2. “Kindergarten students should not ride the bus on Tuesday,” Nagel said. “The first full day of school for all kindergarteners will be on Wednesday, Sept. 3.” The meeting will allow time for kindergarten staff, students and families to review the schedule and expectations, and to gain knowledge about each child and his or her learning needs before the first day of school. Families should check the Kennedy website, watch for their information packet in the mail and attend open house to obtain more information. Kindergarten through sixthgrade homeroom teachers’ placements were scheduled to be mailed to families last week by postcard. Seventh-

and eighth-grade schedules are now available online. Printed copies of seventhand eighth-grade schedules will also be available at open house Aug. 26. Nagel said staff is looking forward to welcoming everyone back for the 2014-15 school year and seeing them at the open house. Another change at Kennedy is the addition of assistant principal, Michelle Hanson, who started her position July 1. Nagel said much of their work will be “framed” for the next five years by the district’s new strategic plan, which the board adopted this past spring. A new district literacy curriculum in all grades is being started and several staff are piloting two math programs

3 for next year. Fifth- and sixthgrade students will begin a new program, Advancement via Individual Determination, which is a college- and career-readiness program being implemented district-wide, and eighth-grade students will study a new career and postsecondary planning course. In the fall, sixth- through eighth-grade students will start the district’s first 1:1 iPad initiative. Students will also be transitioning from semesters to trimester scheduling. Planning is also underway for the Kennedy facilities expansion. Enrollment at Kennedy fluctuates at this time of year but is currently around the mid-700 range for kindergarten through eighth grade. This does not include pre-school students.

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, Aug. 22, 2014

Student spotlight:

Braegelmann hopes to become a lawyer by Cori Hilsgen

contributed photo

University of North Dakota student Jake Braegelmann plans to study law and become a lawyer working on the east coast.

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Jake Braegelmann enjoys studying psychology and hopes to put his studies to practice when he becomes a lawyer. Braegelmann is the 20-yearold son of Lisa and Gerald Braegelmann and is a senior at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. He has one sister, Samantha, 23. Fun facts about Braegelmann: Favorite subject: Psychology “It breaks down the way people think and gives a different perspective into human behavior,” Braegelmann said. Activities he is involved with: Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity and Nodak Nation, a club that supports student athletic events. Favorite leisure activity: Spending time with friends Favorite movie: The Guardian “Because of the message about teamwork,” he said. Favorite music: “I listen to nearly all types of music so there really is no favorite,” Braegelmann said. Favorite food: Homemade baked chicken. He prefers eating home-prepared meals over

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Something he would change if he could: “I would like to rid the world of prejudices,” he said. What he wants to do when he graduates: “I would like to go to law school out on the East Coast,” Braegelmann said. What he would like to be doing five years from now: Working as a lawyer for a law firm on the East Coast, practicing either contract law or litigation. Currently, he finds the legalization of marijuana controversy and all of its ramifications very interesting. If he won $1 million and was asked to donate all of it, where would he donate it? “I would donate it to the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization because it’s the organization our fraternity raises money for during our philanthropy,” he said. “It’s also influenced a lot of people.” The thing he likes best about St. Joseph: “It might be a small town, but it’s filled with a lot of people who have really big hearts,” Braegelmann said.


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dining in restaurants. Favorite thing he likes to help other people do: “I enjoy helping others with yardwork,” he said. Favorite quote: “Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” - Theodore Roosevelt One of the hardest obstacles he has had to overcome in the school environment: Being the only male in an all-female class. The class was Teaching and Learning 310, Introduction to Elementary Education. One of the biggest challenges students face today: “The biggest challenge would be the fact people don’t know how to communicate face to face,” Braegelmann said. “Everything involves social media or another type of mediation.” Favorite technology device: A computer “There is a lot of information available at your fingertips,” Braegelmann said. How does college life differ from high school? “There is a lot more independence and responsibility,” he said. “No one is responsible to take care of you.”

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St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Aug. 22, 2014


A historical prospective from 25 years ago – Aug. 4, 1989

City of St. Joseph issues watering ban by Janelle Von Pinnon

The City of St. Joseph has imposed an odd-even watering ban effective now until further notice to relieve peak water usage demands by city residents. Even-numbered houses may water on even days, odd-numbered houses may water on odd days. “The city’s demand is larger than our water supply capability,” said Rachel Stapleton, city clerk. “If we had a larger water tower with a larger storage area, we might be able to catch up at night, but with a 50,000-gallon tower, it’s just not possible to keep up with demand.” The average household, a three-person dwelling, uses approximately 250 gallons of water per day, Stapleton said. An aver-

age apartment dwelling uses 150 gallons per day. There are 600 connections to the St. Joseph water system. “Right now, with school not on, we’re not full (in the apartment buildings),” Stapleton said. “That’s the only way we (St. Joseph) survive the summer. “Young people use more water than older people who are very conservative due to living during the Great Depression.” An average daily water consumption figure for St. Joseph on any given day would be 221,000 gallons. On July 27 (1989), St. Joseph pumped 500,000 gallons of water that day to area residents, more than double an average day. “That’s filling the water tower 10 times in one 24-hour period,” Stapleton said. “It’s just not set up to do that. We’re using water so fast the pump can hardly keep

the lines full let alone try to store any in the tower. “Restricting lawn water cuts the demand back to where it’s under control – to a manageable amount,” she said. “A certain amount of water must be stored in case of fire and to maintain water pressure for regular use. “The watering ban is for everyone’s good,” Stapleton continued. “We’re not trying to be mean to people. In the event of a fire, a water supply shortage could be critical. This is the latest we’ve imposed a summer watering ban, but it just hasn’t rained. When it is this hot, the electricity demand is also high so there’s potential for an inadequate power supply,” she concluded. The city has applied for governmental funding to build a 500,000-gallon water tower in the near future.

United Way volunteer opportunities No child should sleep on the floor You can help by donating gently used items to help out a low-income family in need. Items accepted include couches, love seats, lamps, re-

cliners, rockers, kitchen tables and chairs, end tables, night stands, dressers and complete bed sets (no king). Furniture with rips, stains, rust, tears or

mold cannot be accepted. Tax receipts and pick-up is available. Contact the Community Furniture Program at 320-6569004.

contributed photo

Megan Henry, 3, daughter of Judy and Greg Henry, quenches her thirst.


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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Our View

As sales-tax renewal approaches, all involved should pay attention

Residents in St. Joseph should pay close attention to the regional half-cent sales-tax question on the ballot this Nov. 4. The time to start paying attention is now. Voters will be asked to either approve or to reject an extension of the half-cent tax from Jan. 1, 2019 through 2038. Since 2006, when voters approved the tax, the City of St. Joseph has received about $2.1 million in revenue. By the time the current tax expires at the end of 2018, the city will collect another million in revenue, according to St. Joseph City Administrator Judy Weyrens. So far, the money has been used for city projects that have regional significance, more or less: trail extensions, sidewalk construction, Centennial Park playground equipment, a park-and-trails development plan, installation of a heating system in the Lake Wobegon trailhead building and money to purchase land just north of the city-hall/police department building. So far, so good. Who can argue with such good projects? The trouble erupted, however, when all kinds of misunderstandings and miscommunications developed between the city council and residents about a proposed construction of a new city hall/ police department/public-meeting-room building. During several public meetings, many residents – some of them angry – emphasized they do not want money (sales-tax revenue or other forms) spent on a community room. A community center, fine, but not a community room or rooms. The community-room concept would qualify a new city-hall building as a “regional” project since anybody, including out-oftowners, could rent the gathering room. By state law, any regional half-cent sales-tax money must be spent on projects that have some “regional significance.” The council, after listening to constituents, decided to nix the idea of a new building and go back to the drawing board. The reason everyone in the city must start paying attention to these sales-tax issues is because they are certain to happen again, especially if St. Joseph voters approve a 20-year extension of the tax. What must happen is the council and residents must hold surveys and public meetings to determine how the money should be spent. Most importantly, all input must be carefully documented and recorded in detail. Any consensus must also be impeccably recorded as specifically as possible. Vague terms such as “community meeting place” must be avoided. After all, there is a big difference between a “community room” and “community center.” By insisting on focusing on specifics and recording them in detail in the public record, such misunderstandings and miscommunications can, hopefully, be avoided in the future. And that won’t happen unless all involved pay close attention and insist upon good, specific, detailed communications.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Friday, Aug. 22, 2014

Opinion Stove-pipe collar has tale to tell I have a stove-pipe collar that talks; it’s one of those very old objects with tales to tell. The collar was part of my boyhood home in south St. Cloud and now hangs on a wall of my at-home library-office. About 25 years ago, I rescued it when they demolished that house, which had stood on the corner of 5th Avenue and 9th Street, near the college, since the late 1880s. A stovepipe collar was common in old homes heated with coal, wood or oil. From a first-floor stove, usually in the living room, a six-inch-wide metal stove pipe rose up right through the ceiling and through the room above. The hot pipe carried stove exhaust that was vented from a chimney on the roof. The flat round collar, installed on the floor of the room above the stove, encircled the stove pipe. Serving as an air vent, the collar could be turned clockwise or counterclockwise to let more (or less) warm air into the room from the rising heat of the stove directly below. The collar I have is a rather rusted wrought-iron one 15 inches wide with a 6-inch hole in the middle through which the pipe extended. Its design is an ornate leafand-vine pattern with open air spaces all through the metal filigree. Of all the souvenir objects I have from the good old days, that collar is the one that “speaks” loudest and most often. Now and then, while sitting in my library-office, I will look up and see that collar hanging there, and it will begin to “talk” – not literally, of course, but it has the transporting power to unlock the past instantly and vividly, as if it’s sharing sweet old secrets. As a wee tot, late at night, when I was supposed to be fast asleep in my darkened bedroom, I would often grab my pillow, sneak out of bed and lie down by the stove

Dennis Dalman Editor pipe, my head next to that collar. Lamp light from the living room glimmered up through the holes in the collar’s filigree and so would the voices of my parents and their neighbor friends. They loved to get together, drink beer and talk; and I loved to listen to the adult sounds and verbal rhythms of their conversations and laughter, trying to understand what they were gabbing about. One night they kept discussing a neighbor woman, about how she was PG. I was stumped. Next day, I asked Ma what PG means. “What do you think it means?” she asked, grinning. “Part German?” I guessed. She and her friend, Alma, burst out laughing. “Well, Denny’s close,” said Alma, taking a puff of her Pall Mall. “Ann is part German and the baby will be too.” My bedroom, which I shared with brother Johnny and later with brother Michael, was always very chilly in winter. We’d wake up and poke our faces out from under those big old patchwork quilts Grandma would make for us. We’d see silvery patterns of frost on the windows. Then, we’d hear Mom’s voice coming up through the stove collar. “C’mon, you kids,” she’d shout. “Get up right now! Time to get ready for school. And I’m not gonna tell you again.” We’d groan, snuggle down deeper under

the quilt and wonder what we ever did so bad to be punished with school on a frosty morning. Then, we’d smell the aromas of hot cocoa and toast, wafting up through the collar. Hunger would coax us from our bed. Some mornings, we’d hear a wind howling, rattling the storm windows like whistling ghosts. “Sounds like a blizzard!” I’d say. “Good!” Johnny would answer. We both loved blizzards. Not only were they fun to watch from the windows, but they meant we wouldn’t have to go to school. From the living room, on a nasty winter morning, Mom would lift her voice to the ceiling, to the pipe collar. “You kids awake yet?” she’d ask loudly. “Yeah?” we’d shout, our little delinquent voices filled with tingling anticipation. “Well, you’re staying home today,” she’d say. “It’s 20 below out. Too cold for school.” At which time, Michael and I – happy as Christmas-morning kids – would leap from bed, scramble downstairs, shiver and huddle around the stove, eat our Cheerios and then sit down with our favorite board game, Monopoly. It was from that stove collar one afternoon I heard the sounds of my parents crying. Scared and stunned, I listened closely and finally figured out Grandpa Saunders had died, not really understanding what dead meant, but thinking, “We’ll never get to go to the farm in Benson anymore.” That old collar has so many memories, mostly good, embedded in its wrought-iron heart. I always encourage people to save and display souvenirs from childhood. They never fail to keep you connected to your childhood and grounded in the magic past that made you.

Letter to editor

Emergency food shelf drive set Sept. 13 St. Joseph Food Shelf Board Citizens of St. Joseph Community - the Community Food Shelf Board respectfully asks for your cooperation in replenishing the shelves. The shelves are literally empty. For any number of reasons, donations have diminished dramatically. The need for food items has not diminished in spite of news the economy is turning around. There are obvious logistical reasons as to why we can not feed those starving halfway around the world in Iraq. Those poor and displaced tug at our hearts as we

witness their suffering on television. We nonetheless can mobilize as a community to help those experiencing hard times. While the needs of our neighbors may not approximate the life-threatening situations noted, they nonetheless pose a serious problem as well as an opportunity for the community to share their bounty. Besides non-perishable food items (not expired), the food shelf needs: cash/ checks; personal-care items;paper products; and cleaning products. An Emergency Food Shelf Drive will be held from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept.

13. Donations can be dropped off at the food shelf. We are located just across the street from the St. Joseph Meat Market. Volunteers will be available to assist in collecting your much-needed donations. As a small expression of appreciation, you will be offered a donut and a beverage. Those in our community who now find themselves in need are not our burden. Rather, they provide us the opportunity to live out in action those charitable precepts that define the measure of our character. Please consider making a donation. Thank you.

Police officers are not paid to be abused

What is happening in Ferguson, Mo.? What we know is during an arrest of an 18-year-old there was an apparent struggle and the young man was shot and killed. The police officer who is alleged to have done the shooting was himself hospitalized for his injuries. We are also being told the 18-yearold was unarmed. What we don’t know is anything else about the incident. There is an ongoing investigation by the FBI, among others. Soon a report will be issued and then and only then will the facts be known. Until that investigation is concluded, all we have is speculation. It appears many in that community have already made up their minds as to what happened and have decided, without any facts, to exact their own retribution in the form of looting legitimate businesses and burning down their town. They would appear to be unmoved by facts. They do not seem to care. There have been death threats against the police officer and against all police officers in that community. They have apparently decided lynch mobs are OK as long as they are the ones doing the lynching. The situation is further exacerbated by people like Al Sharpton, who arrive just in time to stir up an already angry mob. The only benefit served by the arrival of people like Sharpton is the benefit to Sharpton himself at the expense of the community he visits. He is a self-serving, political animal who seems to think only of himself. He’s

Ron Scarbro Guest Writer come a long way since his days as a drug dealer who turned into an FBI informant to escape punishment for his own crimes. Wouldn’t communities like Ferguson be better served by people coming to their aid not with fire-breathing, mob-stirring, rhetoric, but with constructive information? Teaching things like getting an education, respect for law and law-enforcement officers and responsibility for reproductive choices? Towns like Ferguson are the way they are because of their choices. If they are being held down or held back it’s because they are holding themselves back. Police officers are not paid to be abused. They are not paid to keep their hands to their sides while a criminal attempts to take their weapon and use it against them. Their job is to make sure laws are upheld. Failure on the part of anyone to obey lawful instructions from an officer is a crime. Lying to police is a crime. Attacking any police officer is tantamount to asking for the maximum punish-

ment. Besides all that, it’s just stupid. Like you, I don’t know all the facts regarding the incident in Ferguson. I believe we all will know when the investigation is concluded. If any police officer exceeded his authority, he should face whatever punishment the law allows. If it turns out he was completely justified in his actions, then the entire community should apologize for their actions. Rioting and looting by mobs is the action of uncivilized feral thugs. It wouldn’t surprise me if all the retailers packed up and moved out leaving Ferguson without essential services or grocery stores. Residents of all communities benefit by the presence of police officers. I wonder how the citizens would feel if they were left with no police protection. If the officer involved in this incident is sacrificed to the masses for political expediency, then every police officer should resign in protest and leave the entire state without any police protection. Residents of Ferguson, go home and wait for the official investigation. Try to act civilized. Justice will be served whether you like that justice or not. Scarbro is retired and spends most of his free time with his grandchildren having moved from Sartell to St. Simons Island, Ga.. Writing and commenting on the news of the day is a pastime. Visit his weekly blog at for more commentary.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Aug. 22, 2014

Community Calendar

Friday, Aug. 22 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Sizzlin’ Summer Art Crawl, noon to 9 p.m., downtown St. Cloud. Musicians, art demos, performers and activities for the whole family. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2.

Saturday, Aug. 23 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Miller Auto Plaza, 2930 2nd St. S., St. Cloud, 1-888-234-1294. Monday, Aug. 25 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Market Monday, 3-6:30 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell. www. Tuesday, Aug. 26 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Blood drive, 1-7 p.m., Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 2405 Announcements GUNS/HUNTING GEAR: GUN SHOW August 22-24. LaCrosse Fairgrounds, West Salem, WI Fri. 3pm-9pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. Large Selection of guns & ammo for sale. Info: 1-563-608-4401 (Minnesota Only) (MCN) MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT SALE, Mon., Sept. 8, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. Consign early by Aug. 25, 2014 for complete advertising. No Small Items, Tires or Pallet Items Accepted After Friday, Aug. 29. Gilbert’s Sale Yard, LLC, 641-398-2218. 2 Mi. N. of Floyd, IA On Hwy. 218. Tractor House Internet Bidding Available. www.gilbertsaleyard. com (MCN) AUCTION - August 25, 2014 at Carhart Blue Top Seed, Inc., N14743 Cty Rd M, Galesville, WI 54630. Selling Production Equipment incl. Detasseling Equipment. Questions, Call 1-608-792-2577. Preview Day: August 23, 12:00-3:00. Listing and Pictures @ (MCN) SUPPORT our Service Members, Veterans and their Families in Their Time of Need. For more information visit the Fisher House website at (MCN) Education HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FROM HOME. 6-8 weeks. ACCREDITED. No State test! Get a Future! FREE Brochure. 1-800-264-8330. Benjamin Franklin HS (Minnesota Only) (MCN) For Sale TRAILER SALE! Dump trailers 10’ tandem axle $3,999.00 and up; 12’, 14’, & 16’ 14,000# dump with tarp: $6,099.00 and up. 6’x12’x72” v-nose ramp door, swivel jack, 24” ATP $2,750.00; 101”x18’ 10k cargo job trailer; 14,000# skidloader trailers. 515-972-4554 (MCN) Business Opportunities NEED ADDITIONAL INCOME? Learn to operate a Mini-Office Outlet.

Walden Way, St. Cloud. 1-800733-2767.

Wednesday, Aug. 27 SummerTime by George, 5-9 p.m., Lake George, St. Cloud. Free live concert by the Fabulous Armadillos. Thursday, Aug. 28 Brat and hot dog sale, sponsored by Apollo High School Spanish Club, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Friday, Aug. 29 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Blood drive, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., St. Cloud Hospital, 1406 6th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2. Brat and hot dog sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Y2K Lions, supporting “Chad’s Memorial Wing” at the Place of Hope. 9-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st. Ave. NW.


Ask A Trooper

What are the laws about turning left on a green light? Q: When you’re at a green light (without a green arrow) and you’re making a left turn, what are the laws about creeping out into the intersection? A: You can go out into the intersection on a green light to make a left turn, even if you have to wait for the oncoming traffic, because left turns are exempt from the intersection gridlock law. The intersection gridlock law applies specifi-

cally to entering an intersection (at a traffic control light) that you can’t cross because traffic is backed up through the intersection due to another red light, train or other reason. Entering the intersection in this case is against the law. It happens in many cities and creates a lot of problems with the flow of traffic when one direction of traffic cannot continue on a green light because vehicles on the cross road are stopped and blocking

the other lanes of traffic. A portion of state statutes was used with permission from the Office of the Revisor of Statutes. If you have any questions concerning traffic-related laws or issues in Minnesota, send your questions to Trp. Jesse Grabow – Minnesota State Patrol at 1000 Highway 10 W, Detroit Lakes, Minn. 56501-2205. (You can follow him on Twitter @MSPPIO_NW or reach him at, jesse.grabow@

REAL ESTATE PLAT BOOKS with 911 addresses, legal descriptions. Stearns County. Other counties available by order. Available at the Newsleaders, 32 1st Ave. NW, St. Joseph. Regular price $40; $30 spiral bound. NO REFUNDS. tfn-f

Freelancers sought

The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to

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Meet Minnie the mouser, an 8-year-old Seal Point Siamese mix. She was surrendered because she was pregnant. She’s spayed now and won’t have to go through that again. Minnie interacted with both dogs and cats in her foster home. She didn’t especially enjoy the company of other pets, but tolerated them. Her foster mom said Minnie would follow her around the house and enjoys being pet behind her ears. Minnie is located at Petsmart in Waite Park and qualifies for the Name-Your-Own-Price promotion and would be free to a senior citizen or a veteran. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 10 Rabbits - 2

Cats - 30

Kittens - 29

Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302


Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.

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St. Joseph Newsleader •


A historical prospective from 25 years ago – Aug. 4, 1989

Downtown beautification project seeks funds to begin this autumn by Janelle Von Pinnon

The recently proposed downtown beautification project in front of the St. Joseph Catholic Church along Minnesota Street from College Avenue W. to First Avenue NW. will begin this fall pending on the amount of funds available, said Dennis Stueve, project coordinator. Nearly a month ago, the city council gave Stueve the go-ahead to pursue the project, but asked it be delayed until 1990. This would allow for the construction of the new, larger water main along Minnesota Street needed for the impending 500,000-gallon water tower. The city has applied for governmental funding and hopes to attain it by next summer. Since then, the city has been informed that engineers prefer Minnesota Street be torn up closer to the north side for the water main installation. This leaves the south side available to follow through with the beautification project. Stueve, who is working through the Chamber of Commerce, estimates the cost of the project to be $20,000 excluding

the tree planter’s fees and the square sitting benches around the trees. Wally Honer will donate 16 maple trees which will be planted 26 feet apart. The cost would include paving stones, edging and the sand for the base of the more than 6,500-square feet to be covered. “Richmond, Minn., did a similar project in their town recently,” Stueve said. “We should get started sometime in September depending on how

much funding is raised. I hope to finish this in time for the 1990 centennial.” Clubs will be receiving an information letter soon in reference to the project asking for donations. A beautification bank account has been set up through the Chamber of Commerce. Send donations to St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 696, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Friday, Aug. 22, 2014


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photo by Janelle Von Pinnon

The facade of the city hall and police department building recently received a facelift (August 1989) from plans drawn up by Bud Reber. A new flag pole was also donated by Reber. The St. Joseph VFW donated the new flag.

530 County Rd. 50, Avon, MN 56310

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