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Newsleader St. Joseph

Friday, Aug. 29, 2014 Volume 25, Issue 34 Est. 1989

Town Crier CNN to feature Wetterling case

The long search for Jacob Wetterling will be featured on an episode of The Hunt, which will air at 8 p.m. (Central time) Sunday, Aug. 31 on CNN, the Cable News Network. The Hunt is hosted by John Walsh, whose young son, Adam, was abducted and murdered many years ago. Walsh then dedicated much of his life to exposing and helping capture dangerous criminals. Many felons on the run were located and arrested because of Walsh’s efforts. The Hunt is his new show, which debuted in July. Wetterling is the St. Joseph boy who was abducted when he was 11 years old by a masked man wielding a gun. The crime occurred 25 years ago, on Oct. 22, 1989, while Jacob was on the way home from a convenience store with his brother and a friend. The three boys were on a country road. The man ordered Jacob into his car and told the other boys to run away. Jacob is the son of Patty and Jerry Wetterling, who still live in St. Joseph.

Market Monday open Labor Day

Market Monday’s open for Labor Day from 3-6 p.m. (new fall hours) at Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. Try your hand at pasta making. Come for the food, stay for the fun.

St. Cloud VA to host Veterans Rendezvous

Central Minnesota Veterans, service members, their families and friends are invited to rendezvous for support, music and fun from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 6 at the St. Cloud VA Medical Center located at 4801 Veterans Drive, in St. Cloud. For more information on the event or to reserve booth space, visit and click on Aug. 29 Criers.

Postal Patron

Fall brings changes for Colts Academy by Logan Gruber

Early Childhood Education Services for St. Cloud School District 742 are on the move. Much of Colts Academy, the former Kennedy building, will now play host to our district’s youngest students. Roosevelt Education Center, on 3rd street in St. Cloud, burned down this June, likely from a lightning strike. That forced the Early Childhood programs that were hosted at the Roosevelt building to move out just before summer school started, working temporarily out of both Discovery Community School and Apollo High School, both in St. Cloud, for the summer months. According to the school district’s website, childhood photo by Logan Gruber programs including ECFE, Three-year-old Emmaleigh Kinnear plays with Tom Schnabel, a pre-school and ECFE teacher at Academy • page 5 Colts Academy’s open house Tuesday evening.

Lions hope to help Chad’s Wing at Place of Hope by Dennis Dalman

“Chad’s Wing” at Place of Hope in St. Cloud is badly in need of restoration, but it will take at least $5,000 to do the job. At Place of Hope, temporary homes, meals and other resources are provided for people who are down on their luck for one reason or another.

To help create Chad’s Wing, the Y2K Lions in St. Joseph will host two brat sales this weekend – from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 29 and from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 30 right outside the St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW in downtown St. Joseph. People who come to the brat sale are requested to bring along old pairs of eyeglasses, hearing aids

For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.

See page 8 for back-to-school tips!

Boeckers hope to help others who are suffering from mental illness or other problems. Chad’s Wing is being developed on what is the third floor of Place of Hope at 511 9th Ave. N. in St. Cloud, a building that used to be the St. Rafael’s Retirement Home and Hospital. Currently, some of the rooms on that floor are used to house Hope • page 2

Kids get clothes, school supplies at RLC’s ‘Kids Connect’ event by Dennis Dalman

Volunteer Sept. 25 for Day of Caring

A Day of Caring, sponsored by United Way of Central Minnesota, will be held Thursday, Sept. 25 and is designed to bring people together to volunteer on community projects including painting, packaging food, fall clean-up, children’s activities and crafts. Project sign-up will be available until Sept. 12 at For more information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit and click on Aug. 29 Criers.

and cell phones so the Lions can give them to those in need. The Y2K Lions became involved in “Chad’s Wing” partly because it’s named after Chad Boeckers, who suffered mentalillness issues that led to his tragic death in 2006. His parents, Ralph and Jan Boecker of St. Joseph, gave a generous donation recently to create Chad’s Wing at Place of Hope. The

contributed photo

Onyx and Kaya Deschon of St. Joseph are pleased as punch with their backto-school items they received from Kids Connect held last weekend at Resurrection Lutheran Church in St. Joseph.

Thirty-four children walked away happy from Resurrection Lutheran Church in St. Joseph last weekend with new clothes, shoes, backpacks, school supplies and books, and some of them even sporting new hair cuts. The event, dubbed “Kids Connect,” was a way to get children and their parents ready for the new school year. “Our purpose,” said organizer Amber Wiese, “is to defray back-to-school costs and to promote children’s selfworth so every child is valued and feels good about themselves as they start school this year.” Many people put in a lot of work to gather supplies and make the event successful. A huge room at Resurrection church was filled with tables on

which stacks of good-but-mostly-used clothing were arranged by sizes. Another table held storybooks. Children, according to their needs, could choose their own clothing and a book or two. Then they were given backpacks, pencil boxes, cell phones with 200 free minutes on each one donated by Life Wireless. And, if needed, children could get their hair cut free, thanks to a volunteer from Cedar Street Hair Salon. Coborn’s donated a $25 gift certificate given away to the winning name drawn from a box. “Kids Connect” took place for a few hours Friday, Saturday and Tuesday night (after this story was written). Anybody was welcome to come to the event, with no income eligibility required. Besides Wiese, other helpers includConnect • page 4

St. Joseph Newsleader •


People Four St. Joseph students have enrolled at St. John’s University for the 2014-15 academic year. They are the following: Logan Battig, son of Sally and Troy

Battig; Tyler Meyer, son of Jeny Meyer; Noel Teigen, son of Marcia and Cliff Teigen; and Adam Zimmer, son of Leslie and Rudy Zimmer.

Cedar Street Salon & Spa


Welcome back Bennies and Johnnies! Come check out our newly remodeled salon! Business Hours: Monday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.-6 p.m. • Saturday 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

235 E. Cedar St. • St. Joseph •

Friday, Aug. 29, 2014

Hope from front page homeless people with mentalhealth problems, but the rooms are mostly bare and shabby with worn-out flooring. The entire third floor, in fact, is in a depressed state. Most of all, it needs new flooring – either carpeting, tile or wood-laminate, according to Pastor Carol Smith, who operates Place of Hope with her husband, Pastor Geary Smith. The Smiths hope to install new flooring, paint all the rooms and put cheerful shades and curtains on all the windows of Chad’s Wing. The third floor consists of a common area (large day room); a communal bathroom, showers, toilets; and 18 bedrooms. There are 32 windows in Chad’s Wing. Place of Hope has started an “Adopt a Window” program, at $45 per window, for curtains, curtain rods and blinds. Also needed to spruce up the place are pillows, quilts, twin sheet sets, dressers, area rugs for each room and decorations (such as artwork for the walls). The Smiths are also keeping an eye out for the donation of furniture for the day room, which measures about 35 x 18 feet. Currently, Place of Hope is a temporary home for 35 people, with men on one floor and women and children on another. All are homeless, suffer from mental-illness issues or

If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320255-1301 or access its tip site at www. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.

July 28 9:35 p.m. 911 hangup. Chapel Lane. A police officer was dispatched for a 911 hangup call. The dispatcher was able to re-contact the caller, who stated it was an accident. July 29 9:54 p.m. Gas drive off. College Avenue N. A 56-year-old male left a local gas station without paying for $60 in fuel. Staff members said the man had come into the building at one point. Police spoke with the driver, who stated he was on his way back to pay the bill. He said he had gone


This is one of the stark, nearly empty rooms of Chad’s Wing at Place of Hope. There is an effort now underway to make the rooms look inviting and comfortable for the homeless people who need them temporarily. are struggling with chemical and/or alcohol problems. “We are hoping to finish the project in early October,” said Pastor Carol Smith, “but realistically it probably won’t be done until sometime in November.” Already, some of the rooms have been painted in cheerful colors – yellows, greens and blues – blue being Chad’s favorite color. Smith is a firm believer that bright, cheerful, homey surroundings have a very positive and long-term beneficial effect on the moods of people who live in them. That is why she and her husband are determined to make Chad’s Wing bright, comfortable, cheery and welcoming – so important for people who may be feeling “down” when they arrive at


inside to purchase a pop, but must have forgotten to pay for the fuel. July 30 12:16 a.m. Curfew violation. Dale Street E. Three vehicles were observed parked in Klinefelter Park. One vehicle was occupied by four people; one male and three females. One of the females was only 15 years old. The party told officers they had been swimming, went to McDonald’s, and met up at the park afterwards. The mother of the 15-year-old was contacted and advised of the curfew violation. The mother was OK with her daughter riding home with one of the officers. 8:08 a.m. Dog loose. Able Street E. A German Shepherd was reported running loose, with a collar in the area of the old Kennedy school. An officer located the dog, and recognized it as belonging to a local resident. The officer contacted that resident, who sent their daughter to

Place of Hope. To donate to the Chad’s Wing project, go to the following website: and donate online. Donations can also be sent via postal mail to Place of Hope, 511 9th Ave. N., St. Cloud, MN 56303. Be sure to put “Chad’s Wing” on the memo line of the check as well as on the outside of the envelope. For those who want to donate in person, they can go to Place of Hope or bring donated items there. Its hours are 9 a.m-5 p.m. Monday-Friday and from 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday. Donations via credit card can be accepted over the phone. Call 320-203-7881. For the background of Place of Hope, see related story in today’s paper.

catch the dog. The dog was returned home. 10:48 p.m. Dumpster fire. 10th Avenue SE. An officer arrived on the scene of a dumpster fire. The fire was contained to the dumpster, but a section of a vinyl fence about 2 feet away had melted. Another section of the fence had some discoloration. The fire department arrived shortly after the police and put out the flames. A woman said her children had set off some legal fireworks earlier that night. At about 10:30 p.m., after the fireworks had cooled off, she bagged up the fireworks and put them in the dumpster. July 31 2:25 p.m. Gunshots. 3rd Avenue NE. A caller reported gunshots in the area. The officer spoke with an 18-year-old neighbor, who said he was shooting varmints with a CO2 BB gun. The officer advised him not to shoot the gun in town anymore.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Coborn’s

Kay’s Kitchen The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Operations Manager Logan Gruber

Production Manager Tara Wiese

Editor Dennis Dalman

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Delivery Glen Lauer Greg Hartung

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Friday, Aug. 29, 2014

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Place of Hope: labor of love, leap of faith by Dennis Dalman

Almost all of the 15 staff members at Place of Hope stayed there at one time or another when they were down on their luck before they had their own housing and good, steady jobs at the very place that gave them hope and purpose to begin with – Place of Hope. Those employees are living testaments to the many success stories generated by Place of Hope, which was founded in St. Cloud 17 years ago by Pastors Carol and Geary Smith of the Assemblies of God. Thanks to support from churches throughout the area, including the churches in Sartell, Place of Hope has managed to carry on what at one time seemed a virtually impossible mission – housing homeless people, providing clothing and serving 7,000 meals per month, including breakfasts and dinners seven days a week to anyone who is hungry. Why did the Smiths even dare to dream of such an ambitious mission? The answer, Carol said, is simple. It comes from the Bible, Isaiah, Chapter 23, where it says, “Feed the hungry, clothe the naked and shelter those in need.” And that is exactly what the Smiths set out to do so many years ago. At first, they opened a street-front mission on St. Cloud’s east side, handing out drinks of cold water to passersby. Several years later, in 2001, they acquired the old St. Rafael Nursing Home and Hospital building on 9th Avenue N. in St. Cloud. “God had called us to St. Cloud,” Carol said. Carol hails from Sauk Centre, Geary from St. Anna. Many years ago, when Carol was preaching a sermon, she noticed children in the church were fussing and whining as their mothers tried to hush them. After the service, some of the mothers came up to Carol to apologize. Their children were fussing, they said, because they were hungry. “That’s the day I said ‘This is the last straw!’” Carol recalled. “How can I preach the Word of God if they’re hungry? We started feeding breakfast in the mornings and then one meal each month. The need was so great it just kept growing.” The Smiths derive sweet satisfaction from their work because not only are they helping others in need, but they are also providing a way for churches and organizations to help people in a very direct way in the area. “Place of Hope is a way to serve,” she said.

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Pastors Carol and Geary Smith opened Place of Hope in St. Cloud 17 years ago. Thanks to widespread support from churches, businesses, civic groups and individuals, the facility has helped many down-and-out people get back on their feet. “It’s a win-win for everybody.” Though they are devout Assemblies of God home missionaries, Place of Hope is entirely an interfaith organization, and churches of all denominations support it on a regular basis. It also gets support from civic organizations, businesses, other groups and many individuals. An example of its interfaith dedication is the name of its food program, Anne’s Meals. “It was named after my mother, Anne,” Carol said. “She was Catholic, but she was very supportive of what Geary and I did, and she loved what we were doing.” All the many meals served at Place of Hope are cooked in the first-floor kitchen. “We cook, cook and cook some more,” Carol said. “It’s a labor of love.” Then, laughing, she added, “Oh, and it’s a also a leap of faith.” She gave an example. One of the cooks decided to pray to God because they were out of butter. The very next day, someone showed up out of the blue to donate 10 pounds of butter. Such unexpected, needful gifts turn up all the time, Carol noted. “We pray to the Lord to provide,” she said. “As the prayer goes, ‘Give us our daily bread.’” On Aug. 25, Carol and her grandchildren made a trip to Zimmerman, where a church donated 100 backpacks for Place of Hope, which it will use for its Back to School program, one of many outreach offerings it does throughout the year. Sometimes all of the work can become a bit overwhelming, but the Smiths don’t know what the word “quit” means. “I love to do this,” Carol said. “I feel so privileged God would ask us to do this.”


DNR seeks designs for pheasant stamp Wildlife artists can submit entries for the 2015 Minnesota Pheasant Stamp from Monday, Sept. 8, to 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 19. The pheasant stamp is sold along with hunting and fishing licenses or as a collectable. Rev-

enue from stamp sales is dedicated to pheasant managementrelated activities. For more information or to submit entries, visit and click on Aug. 29 Criers.

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, Aug. 29, 2014

contributed photo

Left: Shaina Poepping of Cedar Street Hair Salon in St. Joseph cuts the hair of Morgan Wiese at a back-to-school event at Resurrection Lutheran Church last weekend.


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photo by Dennis Dalman

Maintenance Tech/Painter Full-time position available for apartment management company in Sartell/St. Cloud area. Must have basic knowledge of plumbing, electrical, painting, basic remodeling and be able to trouble shoot. Previous experience preferred. Valid driver’s license and clean criminal background required. Great wage and full benefit package. Email resume to

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Above: It took several organizations and many volunteers to make last weekend’s Back to School event a success at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Sartell. Some of the volunteers included (from left to right) Sabrina Schultz, Theresa Farell, Meg Schrafft, Michael Volgman-Mercuri, Catherine Maland (holding Amara Wiese), Dominic Wiese and Amanda Wiese (holding Morgan Wiese).

Connect from front page ed Michael Volgman-Mercuri of Sartell and Catherine Maland of Sauk Rapids, both with KUMON, a math-andreading testing and assistance center; Meg Schrafft of the Twin Cities; Theresa Farell of Rapid City, S.D.; and Sabrina Schultz of LaCrosse, Wis. The latter three are students at the College of St. Benedict who were donating their time via the Bonner Program, whose members commit themselves to activities for social justice and leadership development. Wiese, who has lived in St. Joseph for nine years, had participated in several projects through Resurrection church and Gateway Church. Most people know there is a need to help the less fortu-

nate at Christmas time, Wiese said, but too many forget there is a year-round need to help people, including just before the start of school each year. That is why Wiese decided to start the Kids Connect event. By providing some clothes and school supplies, Wiese and others involved with Kids Connect are hoping that will free up some families’ money to spend for other school necessities. The volunteers enjoyed the excitement and smiles on the children’s faces when they had a chance to pick out their own back-to-school items. Most of the clothing came from a woman in Monticello who donated 50 bags of them from her “For Kids” shop. Local churches and garage sales also contributed to the success of Kids Connect, Wiese noted.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Aug. 29, 2014

Academy from front page Early Childhood Special Education and preschool will be hosted in St. Joseph starting this fall. While not as centrally located for the students as Roosevelt once was, the district said moving into Colts Academy is the best interim option due to time constraints and space needs. Other services, such as the Welcome Center and homeless outreach, will remain at Discovery. “We need to have [those services] centrally located,” said Alicia Jepsen, director of Early Childhood Services in an exclusive Newsleader interview. She expressed the Welcome Center and homeless outreach can do the most benefit by remaining in St. Cloud. Classes begin at Colts Academy on Tuesday, Sept. 2. St. Joseph residents will see some increased bus traffic; the district says about 8-10 additional buses per day will be going to Colts. Some construction was needed to get the space ready. “All the tiling is done, the carpet is in,” Jepsen said. The school also received a fresh coat of paint and new furniture, she said. Many donations were received from the community to help prepare Colts to host the Early Childhood programs, which Jepsen said the dis-

trict is very grateful for. The Early Childhood programs will be able to expand their space a bit more in the spring. Little Saints Academy, a local child care center, currently occupies a portion of the former Kennedy building. On July 1, a couple of weeks after the Roosevelt fire, owner Amy Bonfig received word the school district would be taking over Little Saints’ space before the end of her contract. Bonfig said the Little Saints contract originally extended to April 15, 2015 but a clause in the contract allows the school district to give Little Saints six months notice if they are in need of the space. That leaves them until the end of the year to find a new place to host Little Saints Academy. “They are my babies, they are everything to me,” Bonfig said regarding the children who attend her care center. She said Little Saints Academy is considering several options for a replacement location, but chose not to disclose any of them at this time. While the new Early Childhood space might be further from St. Cloud residents, Jepsen said since she lives by Avon, for her, “it’s actually closer to home.” She also says residents can expect the programs to be at Colts for a couple of years, until the school district finds a new home for them.

NOW HIRING! Laborer Form Setters for Footings/Walls: Stop by and fill out an application at: 1374 105th St. NW, Rice, MN

contributed photo

Above: Little Saints students (from left to right) Felicia Santiago, Tyson Zauhar, Claire Ralph, Carter Simon and Isla Bruns enjoy some coloring time at Little Saints Academy. photo by Logan Gruber

Right: Some classrooms are still under construction, but will be ready for Early Childhood classes next week in Colts Academy.


St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, Aug. 29, 2014

Opinion Our View Careful planning, scheduling can make school year successful After a long summer, parents are probably a bit apprehensive – and likely relieved – their children are soon headed back to school. Such a time can bring stress for both parents and children. However, there are ways to reduce that stress during the first week of school and – indeed – throughout the rest of the school year. Here are some tips for ensuring a happy, productive school year: • Make sure children have a nutritious breakfast before leaving the house. It need not be a big breakfast. It can be as simple and easy as toast, cereal and a glass of milk or orange juice. • Always tell your children you love them and give them a hug before they go to school. • Get to know your school, its staff and your children’s teachers. Attend all orientation meetings and don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions. Be sure to consult the school’s student-parent website throughout the year to know what is expected as far as homework and other assignments from classroom to classroom. • Set a specific time each school afternoon or evening for the children to sit down in a quiet place and do their homework. Let them help decide the specific times for homework and for recreation. While they are doing homework, be sure you are in the vicinity, available to help them and to encourage them. Offer them nutritious snacks while they are doing their studies and projects. • Once studies are done (or before) strongly encourage the children to do physical fun out of doors or in the house, if possible. Electronic games and TV watching are OK, but their use should be strictly limited to perhaps only two or (max) three hours per evening. Parents should set good examples and try to do physical recreation with children whenever possible: taking walks, riding bikes, playing ball or other games in yards or parks. • Bedtime, especially for younger children, should be strictly enforced. A lack of sleep – along with poor nutrition – is one of the biggest hurdles to effective learning. • For younger children, read to them or listen to them read as often as possible. Children and parents develop strong bonds while reading, and it leads to a love of both reading and learning in the children. • Network with other parents to compare strategies for school success and to discuss how to handle any problems that arise. • During the year, show enthusiasm for children’s efforts and achievements, even seemingly minor ones, to boost their self-esteem and confidence. Always gently praise children and never yell at, scold or humiliate them. • If a child’s behavior seriously changes toward a dark side, seek help immediately to find out if the child is being bullied or if there are other problems – medical or psychological. School counselors are always eager to help with such concerns. • One of the best ways to keep on track through the school year is to start a scheduling-assignments calendar for each child. Children and parents can then sit down and write down which assignments, projects or extracurricular events are coming up in the month to better be prepared for them. It will also allow parents to make plans around times when their children will be busiest with school-related tasks. Writing down tasks is one of the best ways to de-clutter and streamline one’s days. We sincerely hope all children and parents in the district have a happy, productive school year.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

ISIS may be cutting its own throat When the black-clad killer used a knife to saw off the head of journalist James Foley, his vicious action just may have signaled the eventual death knell for ISIS. The widely disseminated video of that vile murder has outraged civilized people throughout the world, so much so it’s possible some unexpected alliances will soon be forming, all of them united against ISIS, which stands for “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.” Even some countries like Iran, hostile to the United States, are in danger of ISIS spreading its foul poison far and wide. The lunatic (but dangerous) ambition of ISIS is nothing less than the destruction of all Western societies. Are you listening, Europe? Like Adolf Hitler, who thought his Aryan State would last a thousand years, the mania of ISIS leaders is just as ridiculous. Grandiose dreams like those, stupid as they are, often spawn genocidal catastrophes; we should never forget the magnitude of relentless horrors visited upon the world by the Nazi thugs in trying to achieve their Aryan “perfection.” The decapitation of Foley is just the latest in a string of crimes committed by ISIS extremists during their rampages through Syria and a large part of Iraq. They have exploded civilians; they have butchered women and children; they have abducted women to use or to sell as sex slaves; they have gunned to death, en masse, captured Iraqi soldiers; they have decapitated many people they regard as heretics; they have perpetrated mutilations and torture; and they have also reportedly buried people alive and even crucified some. There is no end to their sadistic savagery, which they relish. That kind of barbarism, which harks back to Genghis Khan, is a wake-up call to the world. ISIS has declared itself to be

Dennis Dalman Editor the new Muslim Caliphate, founded and to be perpetuated by constant “jihad” (armed struggle). The leader of ISIS, Iraqi-born Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (now also known, megalomaniacally, as Caliph Ibrahim), is vowing his jihadists will extend the Caliphate throughout the Middle East under iron-clad Sunni Sharia law, Sunni being one of the major sects of Islam. Such a scheme is bound to fail, partly through its own absurdity, partly because such top-heavy ambitions eventually sink under their own weight or are ripped apart by their own contradictions, power struggles and ideological schisms from within. However, in the meantime, groups like ISIS can cause enormous destruction and suffering, as we have already seen in the news. Who can forget the heartbreaking stories and images of the Yazidi people forced onto Mt. Sinjar in northern Iraq where they were doomed to starve or be massacred if they dared come down the mountain into the clutches of ISIS? Thankfully, the United States, Britain and France came to their rescue. ISIS wrongfully believes the Yazidi are devil worshippers, therefore in the twisted ISIS belief system, deserving of slaughter. In some cases, ISIS rebels will give a captured “infidel” a chance to convert to Sunni Islamism. It’s only insecure fools who would “force” someone to convert, an

almost comic absurdity. If ISIS has any doubt about the sincerity of the conversion, it’s a bullet through the brain, off with the head or even worse. What is frightening about ISIS is the experts tell us they are well funded, highly trained and possess powers of recruitment through their well-developed media-propaganda machine, which includes social media of every conceivable kind. It’s an alarming fact many of their members and/or sympathizers come from other countries, including the United States. The killer who murdered Foley, judging by his accent, was obviously a British national. One of the suicide bombers was a young American man. What kind of people anywhere on the planet would be attracted to this band of butchers? What is wrong with their minds, their hearts? But, then again, we shouldn’t be too surprised as there are neo-Nazi groups right here in the United States who actually think Adolf Hitler was quite a fine fellow. As President Barack Obama said, ISIS is a cancer that must be cut out, as long as it may take. This time around, it’s likely even the usual congressional obstructionists will agree with Obama and authorize at least air strikes, as well as material aid to Iraqi soldiers and the Kurd fighters north of Iraq. But ISIS can only be weakened and destroyed if other countries join together in that effort. The video of Foley’s decapitation just might help jump-start some powerful alliances against these blood-drenched criminals. It’s got to be done one way or another because it’s only a matter of time before ISIS starts exporting its terrorism here, there and everywhere. How bad is ISIS? Well, let’s put it this way: al Qaeda broke its ties with it, disturbed by its acts of arbitrary brutality.

Letter to editor

Emergency food shelf drive in two weeks Community Food Shelf Drive set 8 a.m.-noon Saturday, Sept. 13 The Food Shelf Board & Volunteers Food: “any substance - taken in - to enable (something) to live and grow. Anything that nourishes.” Nourish: “to provide with substances that are necessary to live and grow.”

- Webster’s New World Dictionary

Most residents reading this promotional notice are all too aware the price of food has gone up significantly in the last

few years – to an all-time high. By most estimates, prices have gone up significantly while median household income has fallen for a five-year low, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. For the first time, there are more part-time workers than full-time employees. While we all can argue about the means of improving the economy so as to diminish the need for food shelves, the need persists here and now. Cogent arguments do not in and by themselves fill hungry bellies. There does still exist in this age of

moral relativism, some non-negotiable truths – among them, the moral imperative to feed those in need given our capacity to do so. The food shelf board and volunteers respectfully ask for your generous support. Whatever is on our shelves to distribute to those in need is in actuality your gifts to them. Please don’t “give ‘til it hurts” but “give ‘til it feels good.” Thank you. Checks may be made out to St. Joseph Food Shelf and mailed to Church of St. Joseph, 12 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph, Minn. 56374.

Fire-spitting blather turns me off “You are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts.” Saying that assumes one person’s facts are more factual than another person’s facts. As a published opinion writer, I hear that on occasion. Readers will offer their opinion of my work based on what they believe as a fact. I have a simple question. What are the facts? How do you know what you hear is true? I have come to the realization one’s opinions/facts are solely dependent on one’s source of information. Most people depend on television for their news. Some even go a step further and read a newspaper. Some might even read more than one newspaper. Still others go to the Internet for their news and information. True news junkies might use all of these sources to make their decisions. On its face this would appear to be a good strategy. But there are problems with this approach too. I had a friend who was an avowed, unapologetic liberal. The only news and information he consumed was from sources that further reinforced his existing point of view. He read only the New York Times. He visited only ultra-liberal websites for news. His television choices were MSNBC and the major networks. He would never have tuned into FOX News or AM talk radio. He never got to hear any view which was in opposition to his prejudged thought. In his

Ron Scarbro Guest Writer mind he thought he had the facts and would argue those “facts.” Of course I have many friends on the other side of this issue as well. People who only watch FOX News and listen to only talk radio with such stars as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. They cannot find a newspaper to read because most of the major papers are staffed by liberals and left-thinking individuals. This is a dilemma. The mindset of these friends is of course to the right side of the political spectrum. I’m quite sure both sides believe they have truth on their side and are prepared to defend their point of view at any time. All of this contributes to the ever-increasing schism in our country. We seem to be two countries under one roof. Liberals decry the Republicans as obstructionists. Conservatives see Democrats as big government taxers and spenders. Both sides seem entrenched in their views with no possibility of concession or compromise possible.

Who is served by these entrenched positions? Does the country benefit? I think not. Regular readers will doubtless recognize me as a conservative fellow. Some might be surprised, however, to learn I also hold some liberal positions as well. In fact I try to fine-tune my positions on a regular basis. All I need is to hear a better argument for one position than for the other. The problem is trying to find an advocate who is willing to present a cogent argument that will alter my view. I can tell you clearly that name-calling and fire-spitting blather doesn’t do anything but turn my receptors off. For the good of the country, I would recommend a softer approach to our problems and to their solutions. I recommend compromise and in some cases concessions. It starts with us. Our political “leaders” take their cues from us – their constituents. We form our positions and our philosophies based on our source of information. That’s good but at the same time we should always be alert to a better mousetrap. Who knows, maybe there is a better way. Scarbro is retired and spends most of his free time with his grandchildren having moved from Sartell to St. Simons Island, Ga.. Writing and commenting on the news of the day is a pastime. Visit his weekly blog at for more commentary.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Aug. 29, 2014


A historical prospective from 25 years ago – Aug. 18, 1989

Millstream Park project entails running water baths by Janelle Von Pinnon

The St. Joseph Lions and Lioness clubs recently began a project to improve Millstream Park. They have begun constructing a 20-foot by 32-foot building, which will be blocked like the existing building, to house flush toilets and a large storage area. “The need was there,” said George Molus, project chairman. “The park has outdoor facilities now, but we felt there was a need for running water with the amount of people using the park on weekends and meeting nights. The facility is handicapped accessible, too.” Through available charitable gambling funds and an-

Friday, Aug. 29

nual fundraisers, the Lions and Lioness clubs will pay for the estimated $15,000 project. The outer building shell, located 10 feet northwest of the existing shelter, will be erected by Sept. 1. Plans to complete the entire project have been broken down into steps so as to be finished by the spring of 1990 “with the opening of outdoor activities when people will be wanting to use the park,” Molus said. The 20-foot by 24-foot storage area will harbor the Lions and Lioness’ records, parade float equipment, movie projectors and gambling winner tickets (which must be kept for two years), and will also be used as a project work area. “At this time, some of the

Lions property is in local businesses and private homes, garages and attics,” Molus said. “Right now, someone may know where everything is, but pretty soon somebody will forget where this is or where that is. Pretty soon you forget what you own. This storage place will consolidate everything into one area.” Upon completion of this project, the Lions would like to build a picnic/park shelter for the township residents, as more than 90 percent of Lion members are township residents. Proceeds from all Lions and Lioness fundraisers are used for community betterment.

Community Calendar

Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Brat and hot dog sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Y2K Lions, supporting “Chad’s Memorial Wing” at the Place of Hope. 9-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st. Ave. NW. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2. Saturday, Aug. 30

Brat and hot dog sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Y2K Lions, supporting “Chad’s Memorial For Sale TRAILER SALE! Dump trailers 10’ tandem axle $3,999.00 and up; 12’, 14’, & 16’ 14,000# dump with tarp: $6,099.00 and up. 6’x12’x72” v-nose ramp door, swivel jack, 24” ATP $2,750.00; 101”x18’ 10k cargo job trailer; 14,000# skidloader trailers. 515-9724554 (MCN) Real Estate FOR SALE: 32 Acres, Pike Co. IL., Wooded Mississippi River frontage, 2000 sq.ft. furnished house, 900 sq.ft. cabin, B&C bucks, food plots & stands. Contact Todd Smith 217285-4720 (MCN) Automobiles CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-871-9134 (Minnesota Only) (MCN)

Wing” at the Place of Hope. 9-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st. Ave. NW.

Monday, Sept. 1 St. Stephen Parish Festival, 11 a.m.-7 p.m., St. Stephen Catholic Church, 103 CR 2 S., St. Stephen. 251-1520. Market Monday, 3-6 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell. Wednesday, Sept. 3 St. Joseph Area Historical Society, 7 p.m., Old City Hall, St. Joseph. St. Stephen City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 251-0964. Thursday, Sept. 4 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., AmeriGREAT MONEY FROM HOME with our Free Mailer Program. Live Operators on Duty NOW! 1-800-707-1810 EXT 801 or Visit WWW.PACIFICBROCHURES.COM (MCN) PAID IN ADVANCE! MAKE $1000 A WEEK mailing brochures from home! Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start Immediately! (VOID IN SD, WI) (MCN) Adoption A childless happily married couple seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on parents. Financial Security. Expenses PAID. Let’s help each other. Call/Text. Adam & Andres. 1-800-790-5260 (MCN)

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can Red Cross, 1301 W. St. German, St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. 55+ Driver Improvement program, (four-hour refresher course), 5-9 p.m., Gilleland Chevrolet, 3019 Division St., St. Cloud. 1-888-2341294. Great River Regional Coin Club, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Miller Auto Marine Sports Plaza, 2930 2nd St. S., St. Cloud. St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-363-7201. Friday, Sept. 5 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. German, St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2.

photo by Janelle Von Pinnon

Project chairman George Molus, from the St. Joseph Lions Club, stands on the site of the new building in Millstream Park, which will house running water bathrooms and a large storage area.

Livia is a 4-and-a-half-year-old spayed Giant Schnauzer. She also goes by a few nicknames such as Liv, Livvy and Liver. Livia was crated at night and when she was left alone she was in a dog run with access to a doggie door that went to the garage. In the yard they had underground fencing. Livia has fun with squeaky toys and knows sit and lay down. She lived with another giant schnauzer and they got along very well. Need an incentive to get out and take a walk? Livia loves long walks and has superb leash manners. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 17 Rabbits - 2

Cats - 34 Kittens - 22 Guinea Pigs - 4

735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302


Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.

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St. Joseph Newsleader •


The TheTen TenCommandments Commandments of ofthe the perfect perfect student student 1.

Thou shalt do your homework every evening. The best time is as soon as you get home from school, after you eat a healthy snack.


Thou shalt carry only what you need in your backpack. Carry only the things you need, morning and evening, no more, no less. This will help you prevent back injury from carrying excess weight.


Thou shalt be polite and respectful. Treat with respect your teachers, classmates, and school school personnel. personnel. Don’t Don’t forget forget the school crossing classmates and guard and the bus driver.


Thou shalt denounce any bullying. Whether you’re a victim or a witness, you have a role to play in putting an end to bullying and intimidation.

Call us for all your advertising needs!



Thou shalt wait your turn to speak. If you want to ask a question or answer one, allow others to finish talking first. Raise your hand if that is part of the etiquette of your classroom.


Thou shalt adopt healthy habits. Eat well, well, exercise exercise more, more and get enough sleep. Make these healthy habits a part of your routine.


Thou shalt have the courage to ask for help. Get help with homework if you don’t understand the material. There are many resources available to help you along, including your own teachers, tutors tutors,and andother othereducation educationprofessionals. professionals.


Thou shalt respect the dress code. You will do better in life if you concentrate your efforts on your academic success and not on how to attract members of the opposite sex.


Thou shalt learn how to be independent. Take notes, ask questions, study before an exam, and look for ways to improve yourself. These are the responsibilities of a mature person.


Thou shalt persevere. No one feels motivated all the time; however, decide now that dropping out of school is not an option. Get help to stay motivated by going to see your school’s guidance department or talking to a parent or wise friend.

Friday, Aug. 29, 2014

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