St. Joseph Newsleader – Oct. 2, 2015

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Thousands enjoy Millstream Arts Festival

Friday, Oct. 2, 2015 Volume 26, Issue 39 Est. 1989

Town Crier

by Dennis Dalman

Vietnam Veterans of America to hold annual pig roast

Central Minnesota Chapter 290 of Vietnam Veterans of America will hold its annual pig roast and auction from 4:30-7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 3 at the Sauk Rapids VFW Post 6992, 901 N Benton Drive. Both a silent and live auction will be held with proceeds going toward veteran needs.

Collegeville Colors set this Sunday

Collegeville Colors will be held from 1-4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 4 on the grounds of St. John’s Outdoor University. Spend the afternoon hiking in the woods at St. John’s as you enjoy the fall colors, artwork, live music, nature activities and more along the Chapel Trail – rain or shine.

League of Minnesota Cities seeks student essays

The League of Minnesota Cities seeks submissions for its third annual essay contest. Students from grades 4-6 are invited to submit their entries. Three prizes of $100 will be awarded and the winning essay will be published in a future edition of Minnesota Cities magazine. The deadline for participation is Friday, Oct. 23. For more information, visit and click on Oct. 2 Criers.

Oct. 4-10, NAMI promotes Mental Illness Awareness Week

National Mental Illness Awareness Week is Oct. 4-10. To learn more about anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, or to find support groups, family educational classes and other resources, contact National Alliance on Mental Illness-Minnesota. For more information, visit and click on Oct. 2 Criers.

St. Cloud Hospital offers nicotine dependence program

CentraCare Heart and Vascular Center at the St. Cloud Hospital will offer its Outpatient Nicotine Dependence Program from 5-6 p.m. starting Wednesday, Oct. 7. This is a five-week program. For more information, visit and click on Oct. 2 Criers.

For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.


Lily’s Wings, Burgers & Things

photo by Dennis Dalman

St. Joseph potter Joel Cherrico arranges his pieces during the Millstream Arts Festival Sept. 27 in St. Joseph.

The weather was a bit blustery but beautiful for the Millstream Arts Festival in downtown St. Joseph Sept. 27 as thousands of people casually strolled closed-off Minnesota Street, admiring arts and crafts, socializing and enjoying a variety of foods. More than 50 white tents, some of them shimmying in the wind, lined both sides of the street for several blocks as artists showed and, in some cases, demonstrated their arts and crafts. There were paintings in oil, acrylic, watercolor; drawings; metal works; ceramics; photography, jewelry; printmaking; textiles; woodworks; candles; glass; folk arts; and more.

There were also art activities for children; a booth of local writers with their books; musical performances, including the CSB/SJU Jazz Ensemble, The Half Steps, Charter Kats, Dennis Warner and the Stearns County Pachanga Society. Street performances included Chris Gustafson (street art), the Granite City Cloggers, Carnivale Revolver and musician Paul Imholte. Many people also took in the vintage car-and-tractor show or stopped into the St. Joseph Historical Society, which was featuring Civil War memorabilia and vintage toys. The festival, which took place from 11 a.m.-5 p.m., was one of the best-attended in its history. A video which the festiFestival • page 11

Pope meets Saint John’s Bible, again by Dennis Dalman

Pope Francis, once again, had another glimpse of The Saint John’s Bible when it was presented to the U.S. Library of Congress last week during the pope’s visit to Washington, D.C. Earlier this year, Pope Francis was presented a copy of The Saint John’s Bible when a delegation from St. John’s Uni-

versity traveled to the Vatican in Rome to present the historic book. This particular edition of The Saint John’s Bible is known as the Apostles’ Edition. It’s one of only 12 sets. When the pope saw the book with others, he smiled his approval, as he did the first time he saw it. It was given to the Library of Commerce to commemorate the Pope • page 5

Dog park meeting seemed constructive, positive by Logan Gruber

A St. Joseph Park Board meeting held Sept. 28 in regards to a dog park seemed to have everyone leaving Deuhs in a positive mood, park board member Andy Deuhs said. About 30 people attended. No d e c i s i o n s Killam were made,

but a lively discussion was held. Nearly all of those who attended were reportedly interested in having a dog park in St. Joseph, but the sticking point for some is the possible location. “We haven’t ruled any parks out for the dog park but many of them wouldn’t work out,” Deuhs said in a Newsleader interview. He continued, saying the parks were all rated by the park board in regards to how well they could support a dog park, and the easement in question near the Wobegon Trail was rated the highest with Millstream Park rated second highest. Park • page 2

contributed photo

Pope Francis touches The Saint John’s Bible seconds after a copy of it was presented to the U.S. Library of Congress during the pope’s visit last week. The world-renowned hand-written Bible was presented in honor of the pope’s visit and of his commitment to working people and justice. From left to right are St. John’s Abbot John Klassen, Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, Library of Congress Director James Billington, the pope, a translator, U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, St. John’s University President Michael Hemesath and GHR Foundation’s CEO Amy Hauenhorst Goldman. The Minneapolis-based GHR funded the gift of The Saint John’s Bible to the Library of Congress. This is the second time the pope has seen this particular Bible. An edition of it was presented to him in the Vatican in Rome earlier this year.


St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Oct. 2, 2015

Family honors Roman Bovy, killed during WWII by Cori Hilsgen

contributed photos

Roman W. Bovy and his fiancée, Adeline Keller, are pictured in their uniforms beside a notice of Bovy’s death.

Some members of Roman W. Bovy’s family think he deserves to be remembered for his sacrifice to our country. Bovy was killed in France during World War II when he was 23 years old. About 24 family members recently gathered for lunch at the American Legion Post 328 in St. Joseph and the St. Joseph Historical Society to view his military memorabilia. Three brothers, Edward Bovy, 84, and his wife Ellie; Alvin Bovy, 82, and his wife Bernie; Urban Bovy, 92; sister Martha Stock, 88; sister-in-law Arlis Bovy; many of their children; deceased sister Viola Loesch’s children and others visited St. Joseph for the lunch, which included chicken dumpling soup, whole wheat sandwiches, dessert and more. Lunch was prepared by club manager Patti Torborg and Sherry Bullivant; desserts were provided by Cheryl and Everette Bovy; and Shirley Traeger photographed events of the day. “This man gave his life for our

country,” said sister-in-law Arlis of Chanhassen. “He deserves to be remembered.” Roman grew up on a farm north of St. Joseph. He was the third of 10 children born to Ida and Joseph Bovy. He was drafted into the U.S. Army and was killed in France Aug. 11, 1944. Stock, Roman’s sister, said it was hard when Roman was drafted, because her father did not agree with sending their young boys overseas to fight the war. She said Roman had been shot in his left shoulder before he was killed. “They patched him up and put him right back on the front lines,” she said. Part of Roman’s regiment was killed when a land mine exploded. Roman was originally buried in northern France. When American veterans’ remains were sent home to their families, about 35 years ago, he was transferred to Fort Snelling. Roman is now buried in the front of the Fort Snelling cemetery with other WWII

‘No Parking’ signs may be installed

veterans. Arlis was married to Roman’s brother, Leo Bovy. She never met or knew Roman because she met Leo after Roman had been killed, but she has been told by several people that Roman was an exceptionally nice person. Leo was also drafted in the U.S. Army and was stationed in Germany during the Korean Conflict. They were married 22 years, and he is now also buried at Fort Snelling. As a travel tour escort, Arlis traveled to Europe 45 times. During one of those trips to Normandy Beach and other World War II historic places, she started thinking about the sacrifice Roman had made for his country and how many younger people probably don’t understand that sacrifice. “We owe these veterans so much,” Arlis said. “He was such a good-looking guy,” Stock said. “He was the best looking one of the family.” Stock has lived in Sartell for 25 years and has volunteered at the St. Cloud Hospital for 17 years. Edward had kept and gathered together most of Roman’s military memorabilia. He said family members thought it would be a good idea to have the gathering to honor Roman. Edward was 5 when his brother was killed, but he remembers they would often tease each other and got along well. Edward has lived in the Minneapolis area more than 60 years and has traveled throughout Europe and the United States. Urban was 18 when Roman

left and said his death made it much harder. He has lived in the St. Cloud area most of his life. Alvin was 11 when Roman was killed and remembers his family having Roman’s wake at the house without a casket. Alvin has lived in St. Joseph all of his life. Roman and his fiancée, Adeline Keller, had planned to get married after he returned home. Both sets of parents had suggested they should wait until Roman had finished serving his time in the military. Arlis said Keller introduced herself to her at a wake in Sartell several years ago. Keller thanked Arlis for decorating Roman’s grave and said she (Keller) remained single for 12 years after Romans’s death, before she married. For Roman’s sacrifice to his country, the family received a certificate of service, a letter signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a bronze star and a purple heart. All of those items, along with photos of Roman in his uniform, a book about his regiment and a Bovy family history were donated to the St. Joseph Historical Society. The older generation of Roman’s family did not want his military memorabilia to get misplaced or lost, and the younger generation didn’t really know what to do with the items since many of them had never known Roman. After discussion, Arlis contacted the American Legion in St. Joseph about donating the military memorabilia to the club. Bovy • back page


Killam said of the meeting. “There wasn’t any fighting, it wasn’t heated at all.” Killam said Terry Thene, the public-works director for the city, thought the dog park would probably take up about one acre of the proposed fiveacre site at the easement. “The end of the meeting was really positive,” Deuhs added. “A lot of people realized . . . it won’t affect me as much as I thought.” The dog-park issue will be discussed at another meeting with the park board which is set for 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 26 at city hall.

from front page photo by Logan Gruber

The St. Joseph City Council recently authorized staff to look into installing "No Parking" signs on Hwy. 75 on either side of the College Avenue stoplight. The city will have to communicate with the county on the issue. The request was brought forth because police have been getting an increased number of calls about semi-truck drivers stopping along the highway to run into local gas stations and restaurants in the area around the stoplight. This image was captured earlier this week.

“Privacy won’t be much of a concern at the easement location,” Deuhs said. “It would probably be out of sight for homeowners there.” Matt Killam, the city council liaison to the park board, said nothing is set in stone, and even if the park board were to recommend a location, the city council would still need to approve it. “A lot of people came away with really good information,”

There’s No Place Like Home! You can help the elderly by providing care in their homes. Our CAREGivers provide light housekeeping, meal preparation, transportation, personal cares if needed and a friendly smile. Flexible day, evening, overnight and 24-hour shifts available to begin immediately. Paid training! If you have experience in caring for the elderly either personally or professionally, we want to hear from you.


St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Oct. 2, 2015

St. Joseph child survives fall from window by Logan Gruber

A 1-and-a-half-year-old boy survived a fall from a thirdfloor window Monday evening. Around 5:50 p.m. Sept. 28, St. Joseph Police along with fire and rescue and Gold Cross Ambuland were called to the 400 block of First Avenue NE to a report of a male child who had fallen out of a third-story window. A press release states the child had been in his room for a nap, but instead crawled up to the window, slid it open

and pushed the screen out, allowing him to fall. The parent found the child on the ground, and asked a passerby to call 911 while the parent attended to the child. Authorities arrived on the scene to find the child crying and responsive. The child was transported to the St. Cloud Hospital by ambulance. The only injuries which were reported were a fractured jaw. The child was moved out of intensive care, but was still in the hospital as of Tuesday. The incident is believed to have been an accident.

The Central Minnesota Arts Board awarded $81,271 in support of 18 regional arts projects, including the following nine local organizations: Chamber Music Society of St. Cloud, $7,000; College of St. Benedict, $6,115; Great River Chorale, $2,791; Great River Educational Arts Theatre,

$7,000; Helping Hands Outreach, $3,203; St. Cloud Symphony Orchestra, $7,000; The St. John’s Boys’ Choir, $3,518; Visual Arts Minnesota, $5,110; and Youth Chorale of Central Minnesota, $3,646. For more information, visit and click on Oct. 2 People.


Custodian The Department of Custodial Maintenance at the College of Saint Benedict invites applications for a full-time, benefiteligible Custodian position. This position will work 3-11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. The Custodian position is responsible for maintaining a high level of cleanliness, disinfecting and light maintenance in areas such as; offices, classrooms, conference rooms, lounges, dorms, apartments, kitchens, dining, bathrooms, showers, lockers, pool decks, gym floors and more as assigned in all of our Academic and Residential Buildings. For more information and to apply online, go to Questions, contact Human Resources at 320-363-5500. As a condition of employment, a successful background check is required. Women, individuals of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The College of Saint Benedict is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

If you have a tip concerning a crime, call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Sept. 13 12:24 a.m. Noise complaint. Minnesota Street W. Police were dispatched to break up a house party at the above location. The owner of the residence stated the party had gotten out of control, and he wanted to have his house cleared. 12:25 a.m. Lost property. Minnesota Street W. Police were sent to a local bar regarding a female who had misplaced her driver’s license. She stated she had lost it on the dance floor. Authorities located the ID and returned it to the rightful owner. 1:30 a.m. Suspicious activity. Elena Lane. Police were dispatched after receiving a



call from a complainant that an anonymous person had rung the doorbell. The area was cleared.

down in the middle of the road. It was returned to the owner’s residence.

Sept. 14 8:43 a.m. Speed trailer. Minnesota Street W./Sixth Avenue N.W. A speed trailer was placed at the above address. 3:49 p.m. Rental violation. Ash Street W. A female was issued a citation for violating a previously agreed-upon rental agreement. She had already previously broken the agreement which resulted in her second violation having an increased fee.

Sept. 17 2:41 p.m. Stolen identity. College Avenue S. A woman called police after discovering she had two separate credit cards open in her name. She was advised to close them both and call the credit card company. 5:29 p.m. Social event. Jade Road. Police attended an ice cream social, meeting with local residents.

Sept. 15 12:22 a.m. Medical. College Avenue S. Police responded to a report of a young woman who was going to attempt suicide. She had been drinking all day. Officers located the woman and transported her to the St. Cloud Hospital.

Sept. 19 10:49 a.m. Found property. College Avenue S. College security found a female yellow lab with no collar. The dog was reunited with her owner a few days later. 12:01 p.m. Theft. College Avenue N. The manager of a local boutique reported two recent thefts from her store. A watch and earrings were stolen. No suspects have been determined as of yet.

Sept. 16 6:08 p.m. Lost property. CR 121. While on patrol, an officer located a cell phone lying face


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Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon Editor: Dennis Dalman Admin. Assistant Cady Sehnert

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Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Our View

Pope is best kind of leader, using humility, kindness, wisdom Just before the election of President John F. Kennedy in 1960, there were jokes and even some ridiculous worries that since Kennedy was a Catholic, the pope in Rome was packing his bags to move to the United States and take over the country. Last week, one could almost think it had actually happened – that the pope had “taken over.” He actually did for a time. He captivated everyone he met; he inspired and moved millions of Americans of every walk of life; he gave a spiritual “pep talk” to the U.S. Congress; he showed that humility, kindness and wisdom should be the qualities of a great leader – not weapons, threats and cruelty. What is most remarkable about the pope’s visit is how he kept underlining, through his actions, the essence of the gospel messages about helping the poor, the dispossessed, the outcasts, the marginalized. Pope Francis met with homeless people, with immigrants, with school children in East Harlem, with victims of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy, with prisoners. All through his American trip, again and again, he emphasized the gospel message, which is basically the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” His many talks were powerful and convincing in their quiet and simple ways. He did not harangue people; he did not politicize issues; he did not use ornate word constructions; he spoke very simply, using down-to-earth language, right from his heart. There are an estimated 70 million Catholics in the United States, but Pope Francis reached and moved many more people than Catholics. His messages are truly universal ones that have the power to touch a chord in everyone, no matter what their religion or lack of religion. He even moved many people in the U.S. Congress to tears. What a spiritual feat that was. Wouldn’t it be grand if Pope Francis could make a similar trip to Russia, to Iraq, to Iran, to North Korea, to Syria. There are many tyrants, monsters and terrorists living in those places who need to hear the pope’s message of kindness and love for others. As is the case with ISIS, however, such people bent on cruelty and destruction are almost certainly tone-deaf to any messages promoting decency and kindness. It would take more than the pope – and more than a few miracles – to get through to such rocky hearts and stony minds. It’s a shame. But, in the meantime, we can certainly hope the pope keeps traveling, inspiring with his messages, being an example of simplicity, humility and good works. Maybe – just maybe – some kind of miracle will take place, and the pope’s deeply human messages will catch on and touch hearts and minds in the most unlikely places.

The ideas expressed in the letters to the editor and of the guest columnists do not necessarily reflect the views of the Newsleaders.

Friday, Oct. 2, 2015

Opinion Long live the Paramount Theater! I was born a diehard movie buff. When we were kids in the 1950s, going to the Paramount Theater was like dying and going to heaven, over and over again. My two sisters, three brothers and I were St. Cloud southsiders who grew up just west of the college. We would walk the mile to that theater at least once a week in all weathers, our quarters, dimes and nickels jingling in our pockets, our eager minds anticipating the excitement of a big-screen spectacle while munching popcorn and slurping on boxes of Jujy Fruits, Junior Mints and Black Crows. Before the films began, we pint-sized movie addicts would sit there in our seats squirming with anticipation. Then, at last, the lights would begin to dim in two oval chandeliers, the curtain would begin to open and we’d hear the roar of the MGM lion or the trumpet-blaring flourish of 20th Century Fox just before the movie started. We would be thrilled beyond words. Many a Sunday, after sitting through catechism classes at St. Mary’s (or, just as often, while playing hooky from catechism), we’d rush over to the Paramount and watch the same matinee over and over all day, sometimes three times in a row. When we were very young brats, our favorites were westerns, war movies and sword-fighting spectacles – the bloodier the better. Later, I began to enjoy more sophisticated pictures, especially those spellbinding Alfred Hitchcock movies, which always came to the Paramount, not the other two theaters in St. Cloud – the Hays and the Eastman. To this day, a half century later, Hitchcock is my favorite movie director. I still associate his movies with the Paramount Theater because that’s where I first saw some of his very best – To Catch a Thief (1955), The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956), Vertigo (1958), North

Dennis Dalman Editor by Northwest (1959) and Psycho (1960). After seeing Vertigo, the eerie images and soundtrack from that movie haunted my mind like ghosts for weeks, and I begged everybody I knew to go see it. At the time, it was considered a critical flop, but I knew, young as I was, that it was a genuine masterpiece. It remains to this day, after so many viewings, at the top of my Top-10 movie list. Every time I’ve seen Vertigo on video or CD, my experience of viewing it in the Paramount is still palpable. That theater with its drafty popcorn aroma is indelibly entwined in memory with that movie – and so many others. It’s the same with Psycho, that other macabre work of art from the Master. I saw it in the Paramount with my cousin from Benson, Mary Lou O’Malley. What a stunner it was. And what spooky ambience, what with a couple actual bats flying through the flickering darkened air above us. Yes, indeed. In those days, sometimes bats did fly and flutter in that theater. Nearly 40 years after Psycho first shocked and thrilled me, I saw it again – lo and behold – right in the Paramount again during a special showing. After seeing it on video many times on TV, what a treat it was to view that moody classic again digitally projected on the great big screen in the very place I’d first seen it.

From the early 1950s through the 1980s, I must have seen at least 500 movies at the Paramount, which is the greatest movie palace of all time, as far as I’m concerned. Its plush ornamental elegance, its glimmering chandeliers, its lacey filigreed ceiling, its scalloped balconies hanging there as if by some magic levitation made the moviegoing experience extra-special. In the 1950s, so long ago, the Paramount’s magnificent grandeur and its big colorful movies were special treats because back home, all we had for viewing pleasure were clunky TVs whose picture screens looked like ship’s portholes through which we could see rather fuzzy images floating around in a hissing snowstorm caused by bad-signal reception. The Paramount, in contrast, was the Real Thing: Technicolor! CinemaScope! Bigger than Life! Thrilling! Some of the classic movies I first saw in the Paramount and still associate with my experience of them in that wonderful theater are Old Yeller, Swiss Family Robinson, The Searchers, The Bridge on the River Kwai, Some Like It Hot, Summer and Smoke, The Godfather, Chinatown and so many more, too many to mention. When I returned to St. Cloud in the late 1990s, I was astonished one day when I walked into the Paramount for an art exhibit and beheld that theater’s magnificent restoration, of which I’d been unaware, having lived elsewhere for years. I’d assumed it was still a decrepit shadow of its former glory. Words cannot express my amazement upon seeing that restoration, and it still astonishes me every time I enter that theater, which in my memory and even now is one of the happiest places of my long life. Its restoration is like a vivid dream revived. Long live the Paramount!

Letter to editor

My daughter’s poem – suffer the little children Will Marwitz, St. Joseph This child is not yours, this child is mine Whether born in Kiev, Tokyo, New York or in Palestine – This child is not yours to gnash and devour As fodder of decades, centuries or clicks by the hour – Your all-consuming bombs and masquerading mines – Your funnels of despair and desperations and vulgar time Steal what I have painfully

Joyfully offered to this platter of life, this raucous celebration – So, who, I ask, has sought this slaughter of my child – My son, my daughter? Who has filled the beaches, the schools, cafes, sidewalks, With severed limbs, weeping eyes, of those I have hugged at breakfast bleak sunrise? My children – Buried within skyless nights – They are not part of your twisted metal – your twisted rites – My child must be everyone’s child,

Not a pawn or portion of some demented god-game, Or a peace plan offered in its name – Out! Out! Damned Spot! Do not memorialize your bloody sword, nor your dented shield – Nor lances that would not yield – Serving only as museum artifacts of slaughter – Of my son – of my daughter – Do not let my children sleep in their shoes.

Amidst turmoil, I have good news If you turn on your TV set you are going to hear bad news. If you read your newspaper, you are going to read of bad news. If you listen to the radio, there is nothing but bad news. The Stock Market is in the toilet. ISIS is taking over the world and it’s just a matter of time until they are here and killing innocent Americans in the streets. The Iranians are soon going to have nuclear weapons and they are going to use them on us. Young people have lost all respect for authority, especially police authority, and they are running wild. Soon, very soon, our country will be eliminated from the earth by, your choice, global warming, bird flu, AIDS, the Russians, the Chinese, high-fructose corn syrup or anything else you can imagine. Just fill in the blank. Most of this frightening stuff is designed to sell TV time, newspapers and radio commercials. But I have good news. We, all of us, are part of a great experiment that got its start more than 200 years ago. A relatively small group of fed-up individuals decided they would throw off the oppression of a foreign government and rebel. They decided they would take up arms and defend their new homeland. They wrote a constitution that was their law and they created a new country. That country was and is America.

Ron Scarbro Guest Writer They knew what they were doing was dangerous. They knew if they were caught by the oppressive government, they would be executed. But they also knew what they were working for was worth the sacrifice. These were strong people. These were courageous people. These were daring people. Sure there were some doubts. I am positive many never really thought they could pull it off. Some even probably stayed out of the fight and left it for others. Let me tell you also there was bloodshed. Many were killed in the effort to establish this new country. Most, fortunately, survived. They went on to establish America and make this country the most powerful force for good in the world. I said I had good news. Well I have even better news. The blood that flowed through the

veins of those early patriots still flows today in the generations which have followed. The daring and the courage that caused this great nation’s beginning is just waiting to be called on again. There is no people, no government and no army which would have a chance of defeating this country. And the world knows it. The blood of the early ones has been diluted to be sure. Some think it has disappeared. Don’t you believe it. It has been strengthened by the challenges of two world wars. It has been made stronger by immigrants who fled their own oppression to live free. Diverse races and ethnicities have come together to make a stronger America. We know some have come here with the goal in mind of destroying us. We know some have come here in an effort to create the same cesspool from which they escaped. But what we also know, and they have yet to learn, is they will fail. They will fail as others have in the past. The fire of revolution that burned in the bellies of our forefathers burns yet today in the hearts of their offspring. “Don’t Tread On Me” continues to be our motto, and that should be a word to any who think they have a chance against us. Don’t even try it. You have no idea what awaits you.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Oct. 2, 2015

‘Blood moon’ rises




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photo by Carolyn Bertsch

This is the “blood moon” as seen from Sartell at 9:10 p.m. Sept. 27. The sky was clear for the moment, and it was a warm, beautiful night to view the “blood moon” and the lunar eclipse.

Pope from front page pope’s visit to the United States. The gift was funded by the Minneapolis-based GHR Foundation, which funds causes that promote peace and justice throughout the world in the areas of health, education and global developments. The Saint John’s Bible will be on public view with other historic books, including the Bible printed on the press of Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press in the mid-1400s. “The Library of Congress is truly honored to receive this priceless work of human creativity and divine inspiration in honor of Pope Francis’s visit,” said Library of Congress Director James Billington. Those who presented the Bible as the pope looked on were St. John’s Abbot John Klassen, St. John’s University President Michael Hemesath and GHR Foundation CEO Amy Rauen-

horst Goldman. Also present in the room were Billington, Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Missouri) and U.S. House Speaker John Boehner. The Saint John’s Bible has earned world-wide acclaim for its ambitious scope and its dazzling aesthetic beauty. It is the first handwritten and hand-illuminated Bible in 500 years and was created just as the monks of yore made books – by a meticulous, labor-intensive calligraphy and with illustrations (known as “illuminations”) using special inks and gold leaf. The book was commissioned by St. John’s University and Abbey almost 20 years ago. Through many years, the work was created by scribe-calligraphers in a scriptorium in Wales under the direction of master calligrapher Donald Jackson, who is the official scribe for Her Majesty the Queen’s Crown Office at the House of Lords in London, England. Upon completion, The Saint John’s Bible was hailed as one of the most beautiful books and historic examples of the book-making art in world history.


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St. Joseph Newsleader •


St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Oct. 2, 2015 Friday, Oct. 2, 2015


St. Joseph Firefighters!

Jim Marthaler, 38 years

Bill Lowell Jr., 30 years

Randy Torborg, 26 years

Paul Phillipp, 16 years Captain

Keith Simon, 15 years

Andy Loso, 13 years

Mark Winter, 23 years Captain

Shirlie Brill, 11 years

Justin Honer, 19 years Assistant Fire Chief

Ken Jacobson, 11 years Captain

Jeff Taufen, 19 years Fire Chief

John Prom, 11 years

Kurt Krekelberg, 16 years

Dan Muyres, 10 years Captain

St. Stephen Firefighters!

Dave Salzer, 10 years Captain

Josh Schloemer, 10 years

Greg Koutoupas, 6 years

Keith Louwagie, 6 years

Brian Arms, 5 years

Mike Schmotzer, 5 years

Front row (left to right): Brian Quaal, 21 years (captain); Aaron Rudolph, 20 years (assistant chief 2); Jeff Drais, 18 years (fire chief); Gene Skaj, 32 years (assistant chief); Jeff Blenkush, 18 years (captain) and Rodger Bellinger, 16 years (captain). Middle row: Chris Hoeschen, 8 years; David Trobec, 16 years; Lauren Hoeschen, 6 years; Al Vouk, 43 years; Jason Trobec, 10 years; Jason Paggen, 16 years; and Steve Trobec, 12 years. Back row: Joe Gordon, 6 years; Eric Gillitzer, 2 years; John Knettel, 7 years; Ralph Barhorst, 42 years; Tim Borgert, 3 months; Brad Kostreba, 4 months; Jim Schumer, 38 years; and Jeff Supan, 21 years. Not pictured: Jeff Jefferson, 10 years; Keith Patrick, 11 years; Adam Seifermann, 3 years; Mike Ringstad, 6 years; Paul Patrick, retired.

Sharon Rennie, 4 years

Activities include: • Tour the station • Visit with firefighters • Climb aboard the trucks • See the gear, equipment & tools

Open House 9 a.m.-Noon Saturday, Oct. 10

St. Stephen Fire & Rescue Station, 2 Sixth Ave. S.E. Mike Folkerts, 3 years

Cory Molitor, 3 years

Ron Schmidt, 3 years

Joe Bye, 2 years

Brian Theisen, 2 years

Andrew Kremer, 1 year

Joe Orcutt, 1 year

New members: Justin Hunt and Dan Voigt

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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, Oct. 2, 2015

Jaycees donate Chromebooks to ASA by Cori Hilsgen

photo by Cori Hilsgen

St. Joseph Jaycee members (left to right) Jen Warnert, Janelle Loehlein, Rachel Holmstrom and ASA technology director Terry Elliott watch as student Emma Kraemer shows them a program on her Chromebook.

Johnnies fall to Tommies

by Logan Gruber

The Johnnies recorded a homecoming loss against the University of St. Thomas on Sept. 26. The 12th-ranked Tommies broke a 7-7 halftime tie with touchdowns on each of their first three second-half drives and defeated eighth-ranked St. John’s 35-14 in front of an an-

nounced crowd of 17,327, the largest recorded football attendance in NCAA Division III history, on Sept. 26 in Collegeville. The crowd eclipsed the previous record of 16,421 set in the 2010 Johnnie-Tommie game. ESPN’s “Sportscenter on the Road” broadcast its show live in Clemens Stadium, with a backdrop of an estimated 3,500 fans, from 6-8 a.m. earlier that morning.

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All Saints Academy fifthgrade students were bouncing with excitement for their new Chromebooks recently donated by the St. Joseph Jaycees. As the 15 students sat on stability balls by their desks, they commented why they liked the Chromebooks and what they use them for. Sam O'Donnell said she liked being able to use them for an app called IXL and for solving math problems like mode, median and range. "We can do just about anything on Chromebooks," O'Donnell said. "They help us to learn in so many ways: Accelerated Reader tests, Byteback typing, Math Facts Pro, IXL math skills, Spelling/Vocab City, NWEA standardized testing, and research. There is something new to look forward to each day. I am thankful to the Jaycees for donating Chromebooks to our classroom." "The best thing about Chromebooks in the classroom is we don't have to wait to take tests, wait to use the computer lab, and if we have online homework, we can try to get it done at school," said Jackson Phillip, another ASA student."This allows more free time at home and for after-

school activities." "We don't have to go to the computer lab every time we need to use a computer," said Bree Muske. "It's nice to be able to sit on my yoga ball and have all my supplies at my desk as I work with the Chromebooks." Emmanuel Kutzera said he used his for Math Facts Pro. His teacher, Tess Koltes, said students are required to learn addition and subtraction of numbers 0-19 and multiplication and division of numbers 0-12. Student Emma Kraemer showed how she used a Voice Recognition program on the Chromebook. Chromebooks are laptops which run on Google's Chrome OS system instead of Windows programs. Functions are performed in the browser and over the cloud while connected to the Internet. Koltes said students can tap into apps to use and then use Google Drive to store documents, presentations, spreadsheets and more. The St. Joseph Jaycees donated 15 Chromebooks and a charging station to the ASA students. Jaycees members Jen Warnert, Janelle Loehlein, Joe Bye, Tim Nelson and Rachel Holmstrom visited with the students recently after making the

Area news available on Newsleader website by Logan Gruber

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email. An email alert is sent out every Thursday when new content is posted to the website. With three newspapers, covering St. Joseph, Sartell-St. Stephen and Sauk Rapids-Rice, combined into one website, there’s always something for everyone. If you’d like to be on our “Hot off the Press” email list, send an email to with “Hot off the Press” in the subject line.

donation. When Warnert asked if the children liked the new Chromebooks, there was a loud chorus of students shouting "Yes." "Most of our donations aren't (made) in person, and (so) visiting the school was a great opportunity for our group to see one of our actions in action," Warnert said. "The students' enthusiasm about our donation was infectious and made me very proud to be a part of an organization as generous as the St. Joseph Jaycees. The children seemed to really enjoy the learning process the Chromebooks offer and facilitate. Tess Koltes was extremely grateful and we appreciated all of her kind words as well." The Chromebooks donation was made after Koltes happened to mention to another Jaycees member, Rose Janssen, that ASA students needed more Chromebooks. Because there were some possible funds available, Janssen told her to submit a request, which she did. "I want to thank the (St. Joseph) Jaycees for the Chromebooks and the storage cart," Koltes said. "My students are thrilled to have them for a tool to assist their learning. I look forward to learning even more applications for the students to use. It makes research, writing and math practice very easy. Plus, it motivates students to learn" Because of the donation of the Chromebooks by the Jaycees, all fourth-, fifth- and sixth-grade students at ASA now have Chromebooks to use during their school days. Principal Karl Terhaar said the Chromebooks allow for easier computer/Internet access and provide greater mobility as to when and where students can do computer work. "Students are very comfortable using technology," Terhaar said. "It's an educational tool that is highly engaging to students and provides more enJaycees • page 11

Friday, Oct. 2, 2015

St. Joseph Newsleader •


St. Joseph Newsleader •

10 Is your event listed? Send your information to: Newsleader Calendar, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374; fax it to 320-363-4195; or, e-mail it to

Community Calendar

Friday, Oct. 2 Rummage Sale, 7 a.m.-7 p.m., St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 14241 Fruit Farm Road, Collegeville. 320-3632569.


PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF ST. JOSEPH The St. Joseph Planning Commis- South of the Southerly line of State sion shall conduct a public hearing Highway No. 52 and between the at 6:05 p.m., or as soon thereafter East line of Iowa Street (in said as possible, Monday, Oct. 12, 2015 Village) extended Northerly and a at St. Joseph City Hall, 25 College line parallel with and distant 150 Ave. N. The purpose of the hearing feet Westerly of the West line of is to consider the following items San Francisco Street (in said Vilrequiring a public hearing. lage), excluding therefrom the East 150 feet of said Lot 10, subReview of a Preliminary Plat en- ject to existing street easements. titled Kwik Trip 147, as required under §504.14 of the City Code. AND Review of a Special-Use Permit request for a convenience store The East 150 feet of Lot 10 lying with fuel and carwash in the B-2 Southerly of Highway 52, AUDIHighway 75 Business District as TOR’S SUBDIVISION NO. 4, required under §502.32, Subd. Village (now City) of St. Joseph, 4 of the Code. Review of a vari- according to the recorded plat ance request reducing the required thereof on record in the Office of setback for signs under §502.21, the County Recorder in and for Subd. 7 of the City Code and a Stearns County, Minnesota, LESS reduction of greenspace adjacent that part platted as SCHNEIto CSAH 75 as required under DER’S ADDITION, Stearns §502.21, Subd. 8 of the City Code. County, Minnesota. The sign setback is proposed at 10 feet, the Code requires 20 feet. AND The greenspace proposed is variable but at points is less than 10 The South 1 foot of Lot 20, feet, the Code requires a 40-foot SCHNEIDER’S ADDITION, landscaped greenway adjacent to Stearns County, Minnesota. CSAH 75. (Abstract Property) The property is located at 200 2nd Ave. NW and 205 1st Ave. NW Additional information is availand is legally defined as: able for review at City Hall during normal business hours. The reAll that part of Lots Numbered 9 quest has been submitted by Kwik and 10 AUDITOR’S SUBDIVI- Trip Inc. The property owner is SION NO. 4 Village (now City) Shingobee Real Estate Co. LLC. of St. Joseph, according to the plat thereof on record in the Office of Judy Weyrens, administrator the County Recorder in and for Stearns County, Minnesota, lying Publish: Oct. 2, 2015 AUTOMOBILES/MOTORCYCLES WANTED MOTORCYCLES: TOP CASH PAID! For Old Motorcycles! 1900-1980. DEAD OR ALIVE! 920-371-0494 (MCN) EMPLOYMENT/HELP WANTED TEAM DRIVER WANTED: Dedicated run from St.Paul, Minnesota to Frankfurt, Indiana. Tuesdays through Saturdays, Competitive Wage. CDL required. Call 563-580-6648 (MCN) ALL ZONES: ANNOUNCEMENTS Horse Sale: Belle Plaine Western Exchange, Belle Plaine, IA. Next Scheduled Sale: Saturday, October 10, 2015. Tack 10:00 a.m., Horses immediately following. Sale 2nd Saturday of every month. Upcoming Sales: November 14 & December 12 (Christmas Tack Special), 2015. Check out our website for details and sale; Info/To Consign: 319-444-2320; email: bpwe@netins. net (MCN) FOR SALE Trailer Sale! FUEL Tank trailers: 990 Gallon, 45 gpm Honda pump, 100gallon DEF tank, 35’ hose, solar charger $10,999.00; 500 Gallon Fuel tank trailer with 20 gpm pump $5,399.00; 6’x12’ V-nose, ramp door $2,750.00; 7’x16’ V-nose, ramp door $4,063.00; 102” x28’ Hideck Gooseneck, 24,000# GVWR, spare, third ramp or pop-up center, spring assist ramps $8,399.00 515-972-4554 (MCN) VACATION/TRAVEL Join us in Texas! Would you like to get away from the cold snowy winters? Why not hook up your RV and come on down to J-5 in Mission, TX. We are a small park with a country setting yet we have lots of shopping nearby. Lots of activities in the park. We have specials for 1st time residents. Call us at 956-682-7495 or 515-229-1540 or email us at (MCN)

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St. Joseph Area Historical Society open, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Old City Hall, 25 First Ave. NW. Oktoberfest Fundraiser, 4:307:30 p.m., St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 14241 Fruit Farm Rd., St. Joseph. 320-363-2569. Body Maps, 8 p.m., St. Cloud State University, 720 Fourth Ave. S., St. Cloud.

Saturday, Oct. 3 Central Minnesota Market, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., 1480 10th Ave. NE, Sauk Rapids. 320-251-2498. Craft Fair, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., St. John’s Catholic Church, 21 First St., Swanville. 320-573-4271. Benton County Historical Society, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320-253-9614. St. John’s Bible pages on display, now through mid-December, noon-4 p.m. Saturdays, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, Hill Museum and Monastic Library, St. John’s University, 2850 Abbey Plaza, Collegeville. 320-3633351. 320-363-3514. Annual pig roast, 4:30-7 p.m., VFW Post 6992, 901 Benton Drive N., Sauk Rapids. Sunday, Oct. 4 Collegeville Colors, 1-4 p.m., St. John’s University, 2850 Abbey Plaza, Collegeville. 320-363-3136. Monday, Oct. 5 Benton County Historical Society, Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320253-9614. Market Monday, 3-6:30 p.m., parking lot of Hardware Hank, Seventh St. N., Sartell. St. Joseph City Council, 6 p.m., council chambers, St. Joseph City Hall, 25 College Ave. N. 320-3637201. 637-8200. 24HR Hotline. (VOID IN IL) (MCN) PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call Us First! Living expenses, Housing, Medical and continued support afterwards. Choose Adoptive Family of Your Choice. Call 24/7. ADOPT CONNECT 1-866-951-1860 (Void in IL & IN) (MCN) FINANCIAL Delete bad credit in just 30 days! Legally remove judgements, collections, charge-offs, bankruptcies, medical bills, etc. Raise your credit score fast! Free to start. Call now (844) 560-7687. A+ rating W/BBB. (MCN) HEALTH & MEDICAL VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 50 tabs $90 includes FREE SHIPPING. 1-888-836-0780 or (MCN) Viagra!! 52 Pills for Only $99.00! Your #1 trusted provider for 10 years. Insured and Guaranteed Delivery. Call today 1-888-4038602 (MCN) CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. HIGHEST PRICES! Call 1-888-3890695. (MCN) VIAGRA & CIALIS! SPECIAL 60 pills for $99 - 100 pills for $150 - 200 pills for $220 FREE shipping. No prescriptions needed. Money back guaranteed! 1-877-215-8774 (MCN) Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-263-4059 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. (MCN) LOW TESTOSTERONE? Enhance Your Levels - No Prescription Needed. Try it before you buy with our FREE SAMPLE OFFER! No credit

Frauds, Cons and Scams, 6-7 p.m., St. Cloud Public Library, 1300 W. St. Germain St. Teen Activity: Zombie Survival, 6-7 p.m., Waite Park Public Library, 253 Fifth Ave. N. 320-253-9359. Tuesday, Oct. 6 Central Minnesota Market, 3-5:30 p.m., VA Hospital, 4801 Veterans Drive, St. Cloud. 320-251-2498. 55+ Driver Improvement Program (four-hour refresher course), 5-9 p.m., Sartell-St. Stephen Middle School, 627 Third Ave. N., Sartell. 55+ Driver Improvement Program (four-hour refresher course), 5:30-9:30 p.m., Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. Sauk Rapids HRA Board, 6 p.m., council chambers, Sauk Rapids Government Center, 250 Summit Ave. N. 320-258-5300. Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction, 6-8:30 p.m., CentraCare Health Plaza, 1406 6th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 320-290-2155. Wednesday, Oct. 7 Private Investigation: Tips and Tricks, 3-4 p.m., Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. Plato’s Republic Book Group, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Central Perk Coffee Shop, 906 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. Sauk Rapids Lions Club, 6:30 p.m., VFW, 901 N. Benton Drive, Sauk Rapids. saukrapidslionsmn. Thursday, Oct. 8 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, 520 First St. NE, Sartell. Family Farmers’ Market, 2-6 p.m., River East parking lot, CentraCare Health Plaza, 1900 CentraCare Circle, St. Cloud. 320-252-2422. Flowers for Algernon, 7 p.m., Sartell High School, 748 Seventh St. N.,

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Friday, Oct. 2, 2015 Sartell. St. Joseph Action Group, 7 p.m., American Legion, 101 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph. 320-262-7666. Friday, Oct. 9 Brat and hotdog sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Lions, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 First Ave. NW. Flowers for Algernon, 7 p.m., Sartell High School, 748 Seventh St. N., Sartell. Saturday, Oct. 10 5k/1k Run, Walk and Roll, 8:30 a.m., UCP Central Minnesota, 510 25th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 320-2530765. St. Stephen Fire Department Open House, 9 a.m.-noon, St. Stephen Fire and Rescue Station, 2 Sixth Ave. SE. Central Minnesota Market, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., 1480 10th Ave. NE, Sauk Rapids. 320-251-2498. Brat and hotdog sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Lions, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 First Ave. NW. Charles Fillmore 5K Fun Run, Walk and Roll, 10 a.m., Unity Spiritual Center, 931 Fifth Ave. N., Sartell. 55+ Driver Improvement Program (four-hour refresher course), 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Miller Auto Plaza, 2930 Second St. S., St. Cloud. St. John’s Bible pages on display, now through mid-December, noon-4 p.m. Saturdays, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, Hill Museum and Monastic Library, St. John’s University, 2850 Abbey Plaza, Collegeville. 320-3633351. 320-363-3514. Central Minnesota Chapter of the Federation of the Blind of Minnesota, 12:30 p.m., American Legion, 17 Second Ave. N., Waite Park. Flowers for Algernon, 2 p.m., Sartell High School, 748 Seventh St. N., Sartell. NOW 1-888-840-7541 (MCN) ADT Security protects your home & family from “what if ” scenarios. Fire, flood, burglary or carbon monoxide, ADT provides 24/7 security. Don’t wait! Call Now! 1-888-607-9294 (MCN) 19.99/mo. for DIRECTV - HD Channels + Genie HD DVR + 3 months FREE HBO, SHOW, MAX & STARZ + FREE NFL Sunday Ticket! Call Now 1-888-552-7314 (MCN) Get CABLE TV, INTERNET & PHONE with FREE HD Equipment and install for under $3 a day! Call Now - Toll Free! 1-844-373-3655 (MCN) DIRECTV Starting at $19.99/mo. FREE Installation. FREE 3 months of HBO SHOWTIME CINEMAX, STARZ. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade! 2015 NFL Sunday Ticket Included (Select Packages) New Customers Only. CALL 1-800-203-4378 (MCN) DISH NETWORK - Get MORE for LESS! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months). PLUS Bundle & SAVE (Fast Internet for $15 more/month). CALL Now 1-800-390-3140 (MCN) Save with DISH! Free Hopper Upgrade + Free HBO®, SHOWTIME®, and Cinemax® for 3 months + Free HD for LIFE! Starting at $19.99/mo. Call 844-330-8494 (MCN) AUTO INSURANCE STARTING at $25/Month! Call 877-929-4394 (MCN) PERSONALS MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800-357-4970 (MCN) AUTOMOBILES DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 1-800-283-0205 (MCN)

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Oct. 2, 2015


Festival from front page val put together is available by navigating to our website,, and clicking on the Millstream Arts Festival logo, on the right-hand side under Informational Links. photos by Dennis Dalman

Clockwise, from lower left: This jazzed-up 1964 Oldsmobile turned many a head at the Millstream Arts Festival Sept. 27 in St. Joseph. Its owners (in photo) are Jerry and Doris Johnson of St. Joseph. Jerry bought the car from a man in Dassel in the early 1980s. After getting its engine overhauled and hiring someone to do its razzle-dazzle paint job, the Johnsons took to the road with it, visiting car shows in 48 states throughout the years; The Granite City Cloggers kick up their heels and entertain an enthusiastic crowd at the Millstream Arts Festival in St. Joseph Sept. 27. The warm, breezy weather drew thousands to the annual arts-and-crafts gathering; Paul Imholte (left), a widely admired local musician, entertained with two drop-by guests during the Sept. 27 Millstream Arts Festival in St. Joseph. Imholte usually plays the hammered dulcimer (seen in center of photo), but he invited Sue Pundsack to play it for one song, as well as guest Caitlin Stiles on fiddle. Both women are from St. Cloud; Lily Woods of St. Joseph and Kieran Meyer of Sartell paint to their hearts’ content at the Millstream Arts Festival Sept. 27 in St. Joseph.

Jaycees from page 8 riching learning opportunities. Teachers can quickly provide feedback on students' writings and projects via Google Drive. There is so much good educational material and apps available online for students." He said computers are replacing a lot of research time that was previously spent in the library, and ASA staff work with students to teach them to recognize reputable and trustworthy sites on the Internet. ASA technology director Terry Elliott said the Chromebooks

help him prepare students for the future. "Our Chromebooks initiative is a vital part of our vision for students to have access to the digital tools and learning environments that they will need to succeed at the middle/high school level and beyond," Elliott said. "As the world moves on with innovations in technology, development of 21st Century skills is more important than ever." Jaycees member Tim Nelson said it was fun to see the Chromebooks being used by the students. "There has been a lot of advancements in education since I've been in school and the

CRAFT-VENDOR SALE Saturday, Oct. 3 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. VFW 4847 104 Franklin E., St. Cloud (off Hwy. 10)

Additional shows Nov. 7 & Dec. 5 Watch for future ads.

REAL ESTATE PLAT BOOKS with 911 addresses, legal descriptions. Stearns County. Other counties available by order. Available at the Newsleaders, 32 1st Ave. NW, St. Joseph. Regular price $40; $30 spiral bound. NO REFUNDS. tfn-f


THE NEWSLEADERS seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to

Chromebooks are just one of those tools that makes learning fun and more efficient," Nelson said. "I enjoyed getting a tour of the school and to see how the students were using the Chromebooks donated by the (St. Joseph) Jaycees. Please support any events the Jaycees do as the money is used locally and this is just one example of what the group is doing out there in your community." Warnert said the St. Joseph Jaycees is always looking for new members to join them in serving and giving to the area. For more information, visit them at or email them at

St. John’s Parish Center Collegeville Take-out available!

German Buffet and Silent Auction Fundraiser Friday, Oct. 2 from 4:30-7:30 p.m.


Live Music by Nathan Neuman of Nathan’s Oldtime Band!

German Buffet including: country-style ribs and kraut, St. Joseph Meat Market sausage, German potato salad, beans, dinner roll, pickled beets, rhubarb/ apple crisp, coffee or water.

Tickets will be sold at the door Adults: $10 Children (ages 5-10): $5

Lady is an adorable, 8½-year-old Maltese mix who originally came to the shelter because her owner didn’t have enough time to spend with her. In her previous home, she lived with another dog and young children, all of whom she adored. Lady is spayed and was used to being kenneled at night or while left alone. She was taught the commands sit and down. Lady enjoys going on daily walks and chewing on chew toys. She weighs 14 lbs. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 17 Hamster - 1 Gecko - 1

Cats - 29 Kittens - 20

Puppy - 1 Rabbit -1

Join our team! Von Meyer Publishing seeks a full-time, experienced advertising sales representative for three local, weekly newspapers and one website serving the greater St. Cloud region.

Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302


Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.

A successful candidate will be: a self-starter, highly motivated and excited to be on the bleeding edge of print and digital advertising. Qualifications include: 3-5 years in advertising sales, extensive experience in the greater St. Cloud region and previous experience selling digital advertising. Resumes and cover letters can be addressed to Logan Gruber, operations manager, at For any questions, call 320-363-7741.

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, Oct. 2, 2015

photo by Cori Hilsgen

Bovy from page 2 The information was referred to Legionnaire Fran Court who discussed it with the executive board. The board said they felt the St. Joseph Historical Society would be a good place to preserve Roman’s military memorabilia, and so Court contacted Ellie Studer and Marlin Eich from the historical society. “They were enthusiastic about getting the material,” Court said. Court scheduled a meeting June 16 at the American Legion to meet with Torborg, Studer, Eich, Edward and Ellie, Al and Bernie, and Arlis. The memorabilia was given to the historical society at that meeting. “After the (June) meeting, the Bovys toured the historical building and were very happy with their decision to turn the documents over to the history group,” Court said. The Bovys wanted other family

members to be able to view the military displays at the historical society and asked Torborg if she could organize a lunch for them if they scheduled a date and came as a group. Because it’s the anniversary of Roman’s death, they planned the lunch for Aug. 11. Court said it was interesting to meet the family. “They are really congenial people,” he said. “I’m happy the family got together to do this,” Studer said. “I feel happy for them. A lot of families don’t get together.” After viewing the memorabilia, other area veterans and friends joined some of the Bovy family at the American Legion and spent several hours sharing stories. The lunch was served by Legionnaire Commander Chuck Kern, historian Dave Keller and the society’s finance officer Court. Kern said it’s great the family chose to honor Roman, adding it’s important to talk to veterans who served in wars such as World War II, the Korean Conflict and others so people can hear their stories. The American Legion in St. Joseph was started more than 95 years ago.

At left: Military items donated by the Roman W. Bovy family to the St. Joseph Historical Society include a certificate of service, a letter from President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a bronze star, a purple heart, photos of Bovy in his uniform, a book about his regiment and a Bovy family history. photo by Cori Hilsgen

At right: The surviving siblings of Roman W. Bovy sit and visit at the St. Joseph Historical Society, while other family members view Bovy's military memorabilia. Pictured (left to right) are brother

Edward Bovy, 84; sister Martha (Bovy) Stock, 88; brother Alvin Bovy, 82; brother Urban Bovy, 92; and Urban's son Everette Bovy.

Jan & Ralph Boeckers: Gladys & Donald Schneider: In memory of Hildegard & Michael Pfannenstein In memory of Chad Boeckers and Tina Torkelson and Agnes & Jacob Schneider Susan Borgert: In memory of Luanne Borgert Viola & Bernard Simon (Living Family): In memory of deceased Tom Brannan: In memory of Mame Brannan family members of Viola & Bernard Simon Deutz family (Jodi & Mike, Dorothy, Karen & Dan Wippler: In memory of Wippler and Dockendorf family Tracy, John & Tyler): In memory of Glenn Deutz Joyce & Marlin Faber: In memory of Faber and Kremers family Brenny Transportation Inc., Joyce Brenny: Barb & Steve Frank: In memory of Mom Nancy In memory of Claude Dullinger & Brother Larry Frank; Mom Ella & Dad Leonard Covey Collegeville Artisan Bakery LLC: In memory of Rose & Don Nelson Sharon & Nick Froehle: In memory of Christopher Klehr Collegeville Community Credit Union: Marilyn & Dale Haug: In memory of our parents In memory of Alloys Pfannenstein Jr. Margy Hughes: In memory of Tom Hughes Daisy Blue Naturals, Jim & Carol Theisen: Margy Hughes: In memory of Mary & Mario Retica In memory of Maxine Hodge Muske Patty & Dan Jakovich: In memory of Evelyn & Jerry Hughes Edward Jones, St. Joseph office, Ashley Dooner: Joseph & Mark Klocker Family: In memory of Mark Klocker In memory of Mary Wensmann Helen Krebsbach: In memory of Tom Krebsbach Susan Bruce Nolan: In memory of Mercedes & Ted Broussard Kay’s Kitchen: In memory of Cody Knuckolls LaPlayette Bar, Peg Zimmer: In memory of Mark Zimmer Lori Pfannenstein: In memory of Gene Pfannenstein Local Blend, Jeff & Stacie Engholm: In memory of Mark Ness Nettie Pfannenstein: In memory of Bob Pfannenstein Mike’s Dirtwork LC: In memory of Helen Klisch & Delphine Smieja Nel Pfannenstein: In memory of David Pfannenstein Minnesota Street Market: In memory of Adella Schmitt Louise & Robert Pflueger (Living Family): In memory of Omann Insurance Agency: In memory of Olivia & Ben Omann deceased family members of Louise & Robert Pflueger Pam’s Auto: In memory of Cyril Meyer Deborah Reber Family: In memory of Frederick J. Reber Rockhouse Productions LLC: In memory of Karen Velline & Barb Reber Sorenson Dorothy Sadlo and Jean & Jerome Salzer: In memory of Leo Sadlo & In honor of Bobby Vee Jean & Jerome Salzer: In memory of Francis, Lucille & Jacob Salzer St. Joseph Meat Market: In memory of Aloys Pfannenstein Jr. Gladys & Donald Schneider: In memory of Gladys Schneider, St. Joseph Newsleader: In memory of Elaine Von Pinnon Brian Klinefelter, Zoe Ann &Jacyln Ann Schneider Styles, Cotton & Milbert DDS: In memory of Mary Peterson Thanks to Terry Thene, his crew and the City of St. Joseph for their special care of the baskets. Special thanks to the “water boys” Joe Bechtold, John Anderson and Dan Weisser.

THANK YOU! to all who donated to the Fourth Annual St. Joseph Hanging Flower Basket Project!

Reserve your basket for 2016 with your year-end donation. Contact Carol M. Theisen at 320-363-8496 or or Joyce Faber at 320-363-7682.

American Legion Auxiliary St. Joseph American Legion Post 328 St. Joseph Bello Cucina Bo Diddley’s Deli Borgert Products Inc. Cedar Street Salon & Spa Central Minnesota Credit Union - St. Joseph Coborn’s St. Joseph College of St. Benedict Dr. Michael Contardo DDS/Laser Dentistry Daniel Funeral Home St. Joseph Marian & Bill Durrwachter Gary’s Pizza St. Joseph Kluesner Financial

Lee’s Ace Hardware Little Saints Academy Sandy & Phil Maus Diane & Kevin McGrew The Middy Mary McCarney & Michael McDonald Russell Eyecare St. Joseph Action Group; Closet 2 Closet St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph EDA St. Joseph Family Chiropractic Dr. Jerry Wetterling DC St. Joseph Jaycees

St. Joseph Knights of Columbus St. Joseph Lions Sal’s Bar & Grill Scherer & Sons Trucking Sentry Bank Sisters & Co. Consignment & Boutique Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict Thomsens Greenhouse & Garden Center Verizon, Travis Miller - St. Joseph Y2K Lions St. Joseph *And numerous anonymous donations.

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