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Friday, Nov. 4, 2016
Wobegon honors Jacob’s memory
Volume 28, Issue 43 Est. 1989
Town Crier
by Frank Lee
Daylight-saving time ends this weekend
Daylight saving time, which started in March, ends Sunday, Nov. 6 at 2 a.m. Residents should turn clocks back one hour before retiring Saturday evening, Nov. 5, to reflect the ending of daylight saving time.
Metro Bus offers free rides Nov. 8, 11
Metro Bus will join transit systems throughout Minnesota to provide free rides to encourage voting on Tuesday, Nov. 8. And, for the first time ever, all veterans and active military may ride Fixed Route or Diala-Ride free in honor of their service on Veterans Day, Friday, Nov. 11. For more information, visit and click on Nov. 4 criers.
Catholic Charities looking for groups to adopt
It’s an American tradition to serve the poor during the holiday season, but one area program is serving not just the poor, but those in our community in the greatest need. Catholic Charities Share-the-Spirit program matches families who are experiencing hardship with groups of people who want to adopt such a family for Christmas. The organization is accepting donors to adopt families now on their website. For more information, visit and click on Nov. 4 Criers.
Red Cross in need of holiday season donors
The American Red Cross encourages eligible donors to give blood to help stock the shelves before the busy holiday season. Many regular donors delay giving between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day because of holiday activities. This often causes a drop in donated blood available for patients. Therefore, more donations are needed in the weeks leading up to the holidays to help ensure the blood supply is sufficient throughout the winter months. For more information, visit thenewsleaders. com and click on Nov. 4 Criers. For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.
Bromenschenkel Fischbach/Howe
contributed photo
Lisa Klaphake (left) and her husband Dewey Klaphake (right) of Avon show Patty Wetterling (center) of St. Joseph and mother of the late Jacob Wetterling, one of the new signs they helped fund, which can be found along the Lake Wobegon Trail. The signs encourage trail users to practice the traits Jacob valued, such as “Be positive.”
Jacob Wetterling’s remains were recovered earlier this year after his killer confessed to the crime almost three decades after the 11-year-old boy was abducted at gunpoint from St. Joseph. The Lake Wobegon Trails Association is making sure his memory is kept alive by honoring the boy with new signs along the 46-mile-long trail urging trail users to practice the traits Jacob valued. “They have the 11 traits the Wetterling family has put out there as Jacob’s values,” said Cliff Borgerding, a Lake Wobegon Trails Association board member and past president. “The signs will be up there forever – at least that’s the plan, anyways.” The signs were attached to each mile marker on Oct. 7 from the St. Joseph trailhead at mile marker 82 through Avon to the Schwinghammer Lake Bridge at mile marker 94 east of Albany. “If you are going from St. (Joseph) out to mile marker 94, you will see all the traits listed Memory • page 2
Get ready, get set and vote on Nov. 8 by Dennis Dalman
Although many people have already voted early for Election Day on Nov. 8, most people will vote the old-fashioned way – at the polls on the day of the election from 7 a.m.-8 p.m in St. Joseph, as well as elsewhere.
It’s recommended, if possible, that people go to the polls in midday hours to avoid longer lines that tend to happen in early morning and after 5 p.m. Information about forms of identification and polling places for St. Joseph are listed below: Voters should remember to bring the proper
The following forms of ID must have a The following IDs will photo of the bearer on be accepted (choose one): them (choose one): form(s) of identification to the polling places.
• A valid, current Minnesota driver’s license, driver’s learner’s permit or a receipt for either of those.
• Tribal ID with name, address, photo and signature. • Driver’s license, state ID or learner’s permit issued by any state. Those Vote • back page
Police chief, fire chief request equipment by Cori Hilsgen
St. Joseph Police Chief Joel Klein and St. Joseph Fire Chief Jeff Taufen recently spoke about equipment requests their departments could use, at the October Y2K Lions meeting held at the Church of St. Joseph Parish Center. Their requests included a defibrillator, batteries, extrication gloves and even an aerial drone. Lions president Becky Staneart had asked both of them at a Local Heroes appreciation picnic, held at the St. Joseph Millstream Park in August, if they had any equipment-funding requests. Both said “yes” and she invited them to the meeting
to discuss those requests. Klein and Taufen thanked the organization for their support and for organizing the picnic. Both spoke about what types of equipment their departments could use if funds were available. Taufen said the department could use two additional secondary batteries for their thermal-imaging cameras. The batteries cost about $800 each. He also said they could use 30 pairs of extrication gloves for members. Each pair costs about $50. Taufen said the extrication gloves are different than fire gloves because they are more user-friendly when it comes to Chiefs • page 5
contributed photo
St. Joseph Fire Chief Jeff Taufen (left) and Police Chief Joel Klein discuss equipment needs for their department at the October Y2K Lions meeting.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Schneekloth-Scherbing Rajahna Schneekloth and Jacob Scherbing, both of St. Cloud, announce their engagement. Parents are Bruce Schneekloth and Newsleaders Publisher Janelle Von Pinnon of St. Cloud, and Bonnie and Glen Scherbing of Foley. Schneekloth graduated in 2016 from St. Cloud State University with bachelor’s degrees in community psychology and music. She is employed at the Newsleaders of St. Joseph, Sartell-St. Stephen and Sauk Rapids-Rice. Scherbing attends SCSU, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in community psychology with a minor in psychology.
from front page that way,” Borgerding said of the new signs featuring white lettering on a blue background. “And if you turn around and go back to St. (Joseph), you’re going to see them repeated on the back side.”
Commemorating Jacob contributed photos photo by Ty Becker, S-E Photography
A June 17, 2017, wedding will be held at Molitor’s Quarry in Sauk Rapids.
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Grad. from HS/College, Military Honors, Awards Submit to For contact purposes only, please include first/last name and phone.
(behind Coborn’s in the Industrial Park)
St. Joseph • 320-363-1116
BEAUTY Mary Kay Cosmetics Joyce Barnes St. Joseph • 320-251-8989 CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Jerry Wetterling College Ave. • 320-363-4573 CHURCHES Gateway Church - St. Joseph Saturday 6 p.m. • Sunday 10 a.m. Northland Plaza Bldg. • 708 Elm St. E. 320-282-2262 • Resurrection Lutheran, ELCA
Sunday Worship 8:15 & 10:30 a.m. WoW! (Worship on Wednesday) 6:30 p.m.
610 N. CR 2, St. Joseph 320-363-4232 St. Joseph Catholic Church Masses: Tuesday-Friday 8 a.m. Saturday 5 p.m. Sunday 8 & 10 a.m.
St. Joseph • 320-363-7505 YOUR INDUSTRY Your Business Address City • Phone • Website
Friday, Nov. 4, 2016
DENTISTRY Drs. Styles, Cotton & Milbert 1514 E. Minnesota St. St. Joseph • 320-363-7729 Laser Dentistry 26 2nd Ave. NW St. Joseph • 320-363-4468 ELECTRICAL HI-TEC Electric • St. Joseph Residential • Commercial Remodeling • General Services 320-363-8808 • 320-980-0514 EYECARE Russell Eyecare & Associates 15 E. Minnesota St., Ste. 107 St. Joseph • 320-433-4326
Left: Deputy Adam Johnson and Jax; Right: Deputy Matt Mayers and Eddie The Stearns County Sheriff’s Office is pleased to introduce two new K-9 teams: Deputy Adam Johnson with Jax and Deputy Matt Mayers with Eddie. Jax and Eddie are certified narcotic detec-
tor dogs. Their breed is Shepherd Belgian Malinois, and they came from Czechoslovakia. Both dogs are between 1 to 2-years-old and will probably have a 6 to 9-year service life.
If you have a tip concerning a crime, call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301, or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crime.
patched to a report of a possible domestic occurrence at a local residence. Upon arrival, authorities found the parties outside. Both individuals denied that anything had occurred. There were no signs of a physical assault. The area was cleared, and the situation was diffused. 10:51 p.m. Noise complaint. Ash Street E. Police responded to a noise complaint. Upon arrival, nothing could be heard or seen in the area. After a few moments, officers heard the sound of an engine revving up. Authorities made contact with the homeowner who stated they were done for the night and would not be making anymore
Aug. 30 7:37 a.m. Public assist. Minnesota Street W. Officers visited all classrooms and spoke with staff on the first day of school. No further action was taken. 8:14 p.m. Domestic. College Avenue S. Police were dis-
The signs were the brainchild of Lisa and Dewey Klaphake of Avon, one of the small towns along the Lake Wobegon Trail, which opened on Sept. 30, 1998. The married couple called Borgerding in late September of this year with their idea to commemorate Jacob Wetterling. “They were willing to take on the project, including fundnoise. Aug. 31 10:48 p.m. Unlocked door. Police found an unlocked door. The building was cleared, and the key-holder was informed. The area was secured. 10:58 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. First Avenue N.W. Authorities responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle on the road in front of a local residence. The complainant stated she had not seen the vehicle before and did not think it belonged in the area. Officers checked on the vehicle. It was legally parked and not a hazard. No further action was taken.
PUBLISHING Von Meyer Publishing 32 1st Ave. NW St. Joseph • 320-363-7741 TECHNOLOGY Computer Repair Unlimited 24 W. Birch St. St. Joseph • 320-492-2814 TRUCKING Brenny Transportation, Inc. Global Transportation Service St. Joseph • 320-363-6999
Call the St. Joseph Newsleader at 320-363-7741
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Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
Newsstands Casey’s General Store Coborn’s
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Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office SuperAmerica
Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon
Editor Dennis Dalman
Operations Director Tara Wiese
Assignment Editor Frank Lee
Operations Assistants Cady Sehnert Rajahna Schneekloth Delivery Bruce Probach
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Friday, Nov. 4, 2016
St. Joseph Newsleader •
ing it and putting up the signs themselves,” Borgerding recalled. “The Klaphakes actually purchased the metal, the material, that was needed for the signs.” Lake Wobegon has come to represent small-town America, and the values and personalities that help make America great, said Borgerding, who lives in Avon, which is one of the cities located along the 10-foot wide, bituminous-surfaced hike-and-bike pathway. “Garrison Keillor’s ‘The News from Lake Wobegon’ stories reminded us every week for over 40 years what life in America is about,” Borgerding said. “Here’s a great real-life example of those values and the people (who) go with that experience. “It’s about the efforts of two people who use the trail regularly who had an idea and followed through on it and created a lasting memory they hope will make people pause and think about how they live their lives,” Bergerding added. A community memorial service was held Sept. 25 for Wetterling at the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph, and countless numbers of people attended the public service and joined the Wetterling family for “an ecumenical prayer service of remembrance, hope and healing.” “Jerry and Patty (Wetterling) had sent me a note saying they had been out several times on the trail and had seen the signs, and they really liked seeing the signs out there,” Borgerding said of Jacob Wetterling’s parents.
molested several boys during a period of years, but it was only recently Heinrich confessed to sexually assaulting and killing Wetterling as he pleaded guilty to child pornography charges on Sept. 6. “While the Minnesota Department of Transportation generally frowns on signage along the trail, we felt this was an exception that could be accommodated,” Borgerding said. Gov. Mark Dayton, who attended the Jacob Wetterling Memorial Service on Sept. 25, stated in an official state proclamation that Oct. 22, 2016 was to be “Jacob Wetterling Day” – 27 years to the date after Wetterling was abducted in 1989. “Dewey Klaphake had lived in the neighborhood where the Wetterlings lived when Jacob was taken, and so the couple mentioned to me they were thinking about making this donation (for the signs),” Borgerding said. “They just felt it was something really important to them.” Dayton mentioned in his proclamation how the boy’s abduction profoundly affected the lives of Minnesotans and that Wetterling’s parents dedicated their lives to children’s safety by helping to create the Jacob Wetterling Act of 1994, the start of a state registry to help keep children safe. The governor urged all in Minnesota to commit their lives to fairness, kindness and compassion – all qualities Jacob and his family always held dear.
Wetterling case
Lisa Klaphake works for Sentra-Sota Sheet Metal Inc., which is owned by Jeff Bechtold and Jeff Popp. And when she told them about her idea, they agreed to donate the labor for the signs, and one of her co-workers, Mike Witte, cut the signs into the proper shape, Borgerding said.
Wetterling was abducted in 1989 in a case that drew national attention. His remains were located on a Paynesville farm after Danny Heinrich, 53, of Annandale, was arrested last summer for possessing child pornography. As part of a plea agreement, he led investigators to the remains. “I haven’t heard any negative comments at all,” Borgerding said about the signs. “We had checked with the (Jacob) Wetterling Foundation (for the prevention of the exploitation of children) just to let them know we were doing it.” About the time of Wetterling’s disappearance, a man in the Paynesville area had
Lasting legacy
Lisa Klaphake then took the blank signs to North Star Signs & Engraving Inc., which is owned by Craig and Josh Laudenbach. Upon hearing about the project, they offered to do the lettering free of charge. “The weather may have been a little chilly and windy, but it warmed my heart to see what people can do to touch the lives of their friends, neighbors and complete strangers . . . and what one person can do to make the world a better place for all of us,” Borgerding said the day the signs went up. Borgerding said he was friends with the Wetterling family when he lived in St. Joseph from 1973 to 1988, and he was part of the St. Joseph Jaycees. Borgerding and Lisa Klaphake had worked together many decades ago at Merrill May Printing in St. Cloud. “With each mile and with each sign, we are inspired to incorporate Jacob’s traits into our own life’s journey and to remember the life of a young boy who believed in the good in others,” Borgerding said. The No. 11 was Wetterling’s favorite number and his jersey number. In early September, the Minnesota Twins wore the No. 11 and red jerseys in the boy’s honor after his remains were recovered. The #11forJacob movement is an effort “to remember and honor Jacob Wetterling’s hope for our world,” according to the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center in Minneapolis, and the movement centers around these 11 simple traits he valued: 1. Be fair 2. Be kind 3. Be understanding 4. Be honest 5. Be thankful 6. Be a good sport 7. Be a good friend 8. Be joyful 9. Be generous 10. Be gentle with others 11. Be positive
for Monica Segura-Schwartz for School District 742
Through my work in Catholic Charities with after-school programs, I’ve gotten to know many students and their families at our district. I have experience working in collaboration with the district administration especially with outreach events and parent involvement. Also working for a non-profit, I know budgets are tight and one needs to be very creative and fiscally responsible. If you would like to know more about me, please visit my website: or look for monicaforeducation@schooldistrict742 in facebook. E-mail:
“Time for a New Generation of Leadership.”
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Help Anne buck the system! • A forceful advocate for families • Committed to cross-partisan problem-solving • A fighter for finishing the North Star rail • Real tax reform for the middle class
Anne Buckvold on Nov. 8! This is an independent expenditure in support of Anne Buckvold, prepared and paid for by DFL Senate District 13, 327 Pleasant Ridge Drive, Sauk Rapids, Minn. It is not approved by any candidate.
Minnesota Street Market Food Co-op, Art & Gifts 27 W. Minnesota Street
Friday, 3-6 p.m.
St. Joseph Farmers’ Market comes inside the Co-op. Food demos, recipes and samples provided by the College of St. Benedict Nutrition Club Reserve your antibiotic-free, grain-fed Ferndale turkey • Independent, community-owned grocery store • Locally sourced, season, chemical-free, whole foods • Everyday staples • Quality of a farmers’ market in your neighborhood store • Pop in-and-out in minutes
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Nov. 4, 2016
Under-12 soccer team wins championship by Dennis Dalman
contributed photo
The CMYSA championship Under-12 Girls Soccer Team is comprised of (front row, left to right) Mikayla Gorder, Athlos Academy; Olivia Bauer, Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School; Madden Quinn, Clearview Elementary; Bella Lee and Jaden Perry, both of St. John’s Prep; and Emily Koepp, North Junior High; (back row) Coach Kevin Quinn; Annabel Walk, South Junior High; Hope Schueller, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School; Claire Quinn, South Junior High; Mya McKnight, Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School; Reese Kloetzer, Sartell Middle School; Kenzie Oksa, South Junior High; Nora Miller, St. John’s Prep; and Head Coach Stuart Perry.
Cedar Street Salon & Spa any
$20 off Color Must present coupon. One coupon per customer per visit. Expires: Nov. 30, 2016
Business Hours: Monday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.-6 p.m. • Saturday 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
235 E. Cedar St. • St. Joseph •
News Tips?
The Central Minnesota Youth Soccer Association Girls Under-12 team defeated Hastings Futbol Club United to win the Minnesota State Youth Hockey Association state championship Oct. 15 and 16 in Rochester. Three students from St. John’s Prep School are members of the team. They are Bella Lee, Nora Miller and Jaden Perry. It was among 41 teams that played the Fall League through the Minnesota Youth Soccer Association. Eight of those
teams qualified for the state championship. Single-elimination play on Saturday resulted in a 7-0 win over Richfield Soccer Association and a 0-0 tie with River Falls, earning CMYSA a spot in the semifinals. A 2-0 semifinal victory Sunday over Dakota Rev led to the championship game, a 3-0 win over Hastings Futbol Club United. The Girls Under-12 team increased its cumulative fall team record to 11-0-1. What’s remarkable is they had only two goals scored against them the entire season. The team, coached by Stu-
art Perry and Kevin Quinn, is made up of 13 girls who will attend Apollo, Cathedral, Tech, Sartell, Sauk Rapids-Rice and St. John’s Prep high schools in the future. Established in 1980, Central Minnesota Youth Soccer Association is a volunteer-driven soccer program that provides for the growth and development of players, coaches and referees. The association promotes fun while helping develop players’ skills, sportsmanship, teamwork and self-confidence. The recreational and competitive teams are comprised of youth ages 5 to 18.
Absentee ballots now available Absentee voting is available for voters choosing candidates vying in the Nov. 8 general election. Absentee voting can be done by eligible voters who will be gone from their precincts during the official voting day or who, for one reason or another, cannot make it physically to the polls on election day.
There are several ways absentee ballots can be cast. Ballots can be filled out in person at county courthouses or ballots can be obtained online or by mail from the courthouses. To obtain an absentee ballot online, go to Or contact the auditor’s/ treasurer’s office for an application to be mailed or faxed.
The ballots can be returned in person, by fax or via email. The fax number is 320-656-3916. For more information, call the Stearns County Auditor/ Treasurer’s office at 320-6563920 or email elections@ The Stearns County Courthouse is located in downtown St. Cloud.
St. Joseph snow-season parking begins St. Joseph city residents are reminded snow-season parking started Nov. 1. No parking is allowed on any city street between 2-7 a.m., lasting through March 31.
Call the Newsleader at 363-7741
Teacher openings for 2016-17 school year. Provide early childhood ed for children ages 3-5. AA or BA/ BS degree in Early Childhood or related field req. 40 hrs/wk, 11 mos/yr. Wage scale starts at $21,674/yr w/AA or $26,950/yr w/BA/BS and great benefits. Applications available at Reach-Up Inc., 350 Hwy 10 S., St. Cloud, MN 320-253-8110 or apply at Positions open until filled. EOE
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Sartell City Hall
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Friday, Nov. 4, 2016
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Chamber to kick off membership drive Spooktacular Halloween by Dennis Dalman
If Jeny Meyer could make a wish come true, she’d wish for 50 new members for the St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce. But wishing won’t make it so, and that is why Meyer, the Chamber Board and other members plan to kick off a membership drive by early winter. In July, Meyer was named administrator for the Chamber, which currently has about 100 members. “The more people, the stronger the organization,” she said. “More members – that will be the most important thing we do.” Meyer said she is happy to be administrator for the Chamber because the Chamber reflects the city she loves – St. Joseph. She loves the many small
Chiefs from front page working with their extrication equipment. Fire gloves are made to protect the firefighters’ hands from the heat, which makes them a little more bulky and not the easiest to use when working with smaller tools. Before Klein spoke of his requests, he joked about a quote he had recently read “God created cops so firefighters would have heroes.” He said he’s also seen it written as “God created firefighters so cops would have heroes.” Klein spoke about how well the two departments get along
businesses in the city, the artsy feel of the downtown area and elsewhere, the creative forces, and the strong local connections between the city and the area colleges. As administrator, the task will be to help implement the decisions made by the Chamber Board, she noted. “I’m still learning,” Meyer said. “My goal would be to make the Chamber more active and more visible in the area.” Meyer has long been an enthusiastic volunteer. She has done many hours of volunteer work for the elementary school and for the Catholic Church of St. Joseph. She said she loves helping at events of any kind, as well as fundraising for good causes. Recently, she was named a “newbie” honoree by the St. Joseph Parish Quilters, a group her mother-in-law, Josephine, 87, has belonged to for many
years. The quilting ladies spend enormous amounts of time and talent creating fabulous quilts that are auctioned off every Fourth of July as a fundraiser for the St. Joseph Catholic Parish and its good works. Meyer has been helping the women sew the quilts Mondays and Tuesdays at the church. Some years ago, Meyer was the sales manager in the catering and events department of the Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites, St. Cloud. Meyer’s husband, Mike, is co-owner of Pam’s Auto. They have three children: Tyler, a junior studying physics and computer science at St. John’s University; Josie, an eighthgrader at St. Cloud Cathedral; and Max, a seventh-grader at Cathedral. To find out more about the St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce or how to join, go to
and work together in St. Joseph. He said he appreciates how the fire department is always professional and ready to help out. “I love coming to work in St. Joseph,” Klein said. “The people here have always been good to me.” He said his department could use another automated external defibrillator for its fifth squad car, which does not have one now, as well as additional defibrillator pads. He has received some donations for it already, but more money is still needed. Another idea that came to him as he was visiting with people at the Lions’ meeting, was the police and fire departments could use an aerial drone. He said it
could be used as an important part of public safety to help locate people with dementia and more. He added with new senior-living areas such as Country Manor and Fortitude Senior Living of St. Joseph being built there will be a greater need for this type of equipment. “In our line of work, equipment can be expensive, but if we save one life it’s worth it,” Klein said. “What’s a life worth?” Staneart also presented Klein and Taufen with “thank-you” signs with photos of pictures taken at the appreciation picnic. Both said they planned to display them for their departments to see.
display haunts holiday
photo by Frank Lee
Halloween decor and a yard full of dead leaves outside a home in the 100 block of Fifth Avenue SE in St. Joseph the day after the holiday make a spooky site for the previous night’s trick-or-treaters.
Drive Carefully! School is in Session Scott Andreasen for District 742 School Board
Fiscally responsible! Paid for by Scott Andreasen. 9047 Crestview Drive, St. Joseph, MN 56374
Hard working • Approachable • Family values • Local roots Fiscally responsible • Trusted community service
Proven Leadership, Personal Integrity
Joe Perske for
Stearns County Commissioner • Former Sartell Mayor and Council Member
Get to know Joe Perske: • Candidate for U.S. Congress 2014
• Recently retired local teacher and coach with 37 years of classroom experience • Area Planning Organization Executive Board, Greater St. Cloud Development Corp., Area Human Rights Board • Married with three adult daughters Paid for by....
• MA St. Cloud State University BA St. John’s University Apollo High School Grad • Avid bow hunter and longtime member of the Rice Area Sportmen’s Club • Former world class marathon runner and Eagle Scout
Our View Express gratitude to veterans by hiring them for good jobs It’s disgraceful veterans who sacrificed for this country cannot find jobs when they get back home. Here in Minnesota, there are some bright statistics, to some degree. There were 3,940 veterans listed as unemployed in 2015, a big improvement over the 15,285 who were unemployed in 2010 when the economy was so much more depressed. Still, many of the employed veterans now are working, like many non-veterans, in two, three or more part-time jobs – often far below their talents and skill levels, and most often without any benefits. Thus, underemployment is an ongoing problem. There is hope, however. Many companies are developing strategies for meeting and hiring veterans. In some cases, if the veterans need to hone their skills to fit a particular company’s needs, the company pays for courses to teach a veteran the requisite skills. That’s only one hire-a-veteran strategy. There are other good ones proposed by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, also known as DEED. Here are some strategies companies can put in place: • Make a commitment. Take definite steps to hire veterans rather than just talk about it. • Get the word out. Let others know you want to hire veterans and then make an effort to meet veterans through organizations and support groups. Reach out, give veterans interviews, give them a chance. • Start a support network for veterans on the company staff. Blue Cross/Blue Shield, based in the Twin Cities, matches up veterans on staff, and their support network becomes aware of other veterans in need, including prospective employees. They also help deployed veterans through yard work, repairs or other needs for their families. • Make connections with veterans outside the company. For example, the Wells Fargo banking system donates homes to wounded veterans, provides grants to veterans’ organizations and supports a wide range of veterans-related events. • Deploy communications strategies to reach out to veterans: word-of-mouth, social media, job fairs, advertising and more. Let veterans know you are there; let them know you are willing to consider them for hiring. Employers who used one or more of the above strategies are happy they did. One of them is Erick Ajax, co-owner of E.J. Ajax Metalforming Solutions in the Twin Cities. “We really started to discover the gold mine of hiring military veterans,” he said. “Our retention rate of our veterans is somewhere north of 80 percent. They come in with just awesome transferable skills.” Veterans have served our country, in many cases risking their lives. It’s time for all of us to express our gratitude and not just through words but through giving them the decent jobs they deserve – and have earned.
The ideas expressed in the letters to the editor and of the guest columnists do not necessarily reflect the views of the Newsleaders. Letters to the editor may be sent to news@thenewsleaders. com or P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374. Deadline is noon Monday. Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only.) Letters must be 350 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for space.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Nov. 4, 2016
Opinion Why electoral votes? Why not popular vote? What’s all this fuss about “battleground states?” The answer, in two words, is “Florida.” That state is a big recent reminder of how a presidential candidate can win the popular vote but lose the election. It’s happened four times in American history – 1824, 1876, 1888 and 2000. The last time was the George W. Bush vs. Al Gore race. Florida became a battle about ballots that lasted six weeks during which time none of us knew for sure who would be our next president. On Election Day, Bush had won Florida by 1,784 popular votes, such a razorthin margin that a ballot recount was triggered. The patient counting, legal wrangling and nasty accusations continued. Finally, on Dec. 12, the U.S. Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision granted Bush the victory. Gore had won the nationwide popular vote by 543,895 votes. Nonetheless, he didn’t win a majority of electoral votes – 270. Florida’s 25 electoral votes were what mattered win or lose. Bush prevailed by 271 electoral votes, only two more than needed. Gore won 266. If the recount and/or Supreme Court had ruled in Gore’s favor, he instead of Bush would have been granted Florida’s 25 votes for a winning grand total of 291. Many Americans, including some election scholars, think the electoral system is outmoded and should be dropped in favor of election by popular vote. However, even with the best of intentions, it’s almost impossible to overturn what the U.S. Constitution ordained 230 years ago. After America defeated the British, it was time to draw up a “blueprint” for a new nation. One of the big questions was how to elect a new president. All agreed George Washington should be the first, but who should be the next?
Dennis Dalman Editor All too fresh in the minds of the Founding-Father visionaries were the monarchial tyrannies rampant in Europe, as well as feuding rebel factions that can destabilize any society, any country. The architects of the U.S. Constitution were meticulously careful to create a system of checks and balances to rein in tyrannies and factionalisms. The electoral method was just one of many compromises arrived at within the checks-and-balances framework. Momentous questions hung over the Constitutional Convention in 1787: If Congress elects a president, couldn’t one powerful congressional faction hold sway in a form of possibly corrupt cronyism? If the popular vote decided who is to be president, wouldn’t that favor the powerful interests concentrated in the big urban centers? Or could it favor a growing number of frontier people in westward expansion at the expense of urban interests? And what about the smaller states, with less population, that might be left out of any say so? They compromised – thus, the electoral system, yet another way of dissipating power, of checks and balances. Basically, here is how it currently works: In the months preceding a presidential election, political parties at their state conventions choose a slate of electors. They are the people who will officially cast votes affirming who won the presidential election in their state. Each state has its own number of electors,
based on population, on how many U.S. representatives that state has in the U.S. Congress. One representative is “equal” to about 700,000 people in a state. Thus, Minnesota has eight U.S. Congressional districts, eight representatives, and so it currently has eight electors, plus one for each of the two U.S. senators – a total of 10 electors. New York, heavily populated, has 35 electors. Seven states have only three electors each. The District of Columbia also has three electoral votes. In total, there are 538 electors in the nation. The electors pledge to deliver their votes in accord with which president and vice president win in their state. They cast those votes in their state capitals in December weeks after the presidential election. The votes are then sent to Washington, D.C. for official certification. Back to Florida, to battleground states. The reason presidential candidates spend so much time campaigning fiercely in battleground states is because those are states that are usually more or less evenly split in the number of people who vote Democrat and Republican. And battleground states are typically those that have a large number of much-needed electors in order to win the presidency: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, to name just three. California and New York have huge numbers of electors, but both usually favor Democratic presidential candidates. Most Southern and Western states typically favor Republican contenders. Thus, they are usually not battleground states. This election season is interesting because tightening poll numbers between Trump and Clinton have given the typically Republican-leaning states of Nevada, Arizona, Georgia and Texas “battleground” status. Ultimately, it’s electoral votes that count. Stay tuned to Nov. 9.
Letter to the editor:
Fantastic article on Michael Maurer, Perfume River Nights Joe Muehlegger, St. Paul, Minn.
I just read the article about Michael Maurer and his book Perfume River Nights. I am a friend of Mike’s, and we went to grade and high school together. I attended
his initial book signing and talk on May 22 at the College of St. Benedict. Since he and I are Facebook friends, I see all the events he has been at with his talk and book signings. Your article is the best coverage and addresses the message Michael conveys.
When he returned from Vietnam, he was definitely a changed person. After reading his book and listening to his talk, I now understand why. Thank you for the excellent report on Mike’s presentation.
Vote local to make a bigger difference
Have you ever felt powerless in politics? Do you feel like no one listens to your views and every election cycle is a slate of the same old candidates? I sure do, and I have a feeling many others feel this way as well. It’s not always our fault. After all, the president has more than 300 million constituents. Our U.S. senators from Minnesota have more than five million, and even our U.S. House Representative for the 6th District, Tom Emmer, has more than 760,000 constituents. Can you imagine trying to listen to such a large amount of people giving you advice and opinions? Let’s take Emmer’s situation for example. Say every constituent of Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District were to write him a letter, and he was to take just five minutes reading each letter nonstop, it would take a whopping 2,639 days to read them. Even with the congressional staff he surely has, adjusting this amount to a normal workday schedule would still be horrendously time consuming and unrealistic, considering all of the other commitments one has as a U.S. representative. Even with their best intentions, it would be almost impossible for our national representatives in Washington to hear all our concerns if they tried. State politics is not much better. Despite the average State House legislator having about 41,000 constituents, these are still
Connor Kockler Guest Writer entire cities we are talking about. The short legislative session also doesn’t help to get anything done, as we’ve seen in the past few months, much less common-citizens’ concerns. Overall, this is getting depressing. Democracy is just way too big; one voice in a sea of thousands and millions is never going to get traction right? There is a glimmer of hope though, and one the national news media never gets time to cover: local and city politics. How many of us can name the mayor of our town, or our city councilor for that matter? Like national politics, some of us can, but a large portion of us cannot. This lack of knowledge is an even worse problem with local politics because it affects us much more directly. The road being repaved or a school referendum is close to home or just feet away. There is also an advantage to it. We can be much more involved. City council meetings are minutes rather than hours away.
The councilors and mayors are our neighbors, maybe even people we know. This is why we need to start paying more attention to, and participating in, our local politics. When we look at too big of a picture, we miss a lot of the details. This includes many municipal officers who run unopposed every cycle. How can we have democracy if we unquestionably vote someone back into office again and again without any need for him or her to prove they are doing their best for us? How do we explain when city council meetings in towns of more than 10,000 have less than 30 people participating? If we want to be heard, and we want politics to change for the better, look to our local cities and towns. Here, one’s voice is stronger, and our convictions are clear: we want what is best for ourselves and our neighbors. We are not just one person in a sea of millions; we are the person who lives right down the street or just outside of town. This isn’t random politicking hundreds or thousands of miles away; this is our towns and livelihoods at stake. There is a big movement now to “Buy Local.” I think we should start to “Vote Local,” too. Connor Kockler is a Sauk Rapids-Rice High School student. He enjoys writing, politics and news, among other interests.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Nov. 4, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE
Community Calendar
CITY OF ST. JOSEPH PUBLIC HEARING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS The St. Joseph Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing at 6 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, on Monday, Nov. 14, 2016 in the St. Joseph City Hall, 25 College Ave. N. for the purpose of amending Ordinance 520, Zoning Ordinance, Section 520.04 Rules and Definitions, and Section 520.50 B-1: Central Business District. The purpose of the proposed changes is to review and consider changes to add Bed and Breakfast as a Permitted Use within the B-1 Central Business District and to change the definition of a Bed and Breakfast to be non-owner occupied. A copy of the proposed changes are available for review at City Hall.
Is your event listed? Send your information to: Newsleader Calendar, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374; fax it to 320-363-4195; or, e-mail it to news@thenewsleaders. com.
All persons wishing to be heard will be heard and oral testimony will be limited to five minutes. Written testimony may be mailed to: City of St. Joseph, P.O. Box 668, St. Joseph, Minn. 56374.
Saturday, Nov. 5 Craft Sale, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Eagles Club, 730 41st Ave. N., St. Cloud.
Judy Weyrens Administrator Publish: Nov. 4, 2016
Friday, Nov. 4 Craft Sale, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., St. Benedict’s Senior Community, 1810 Minnesota Blvd. S.E., St. Cloud. Arts and Crafts Sale, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., St. Scholastica Convent, 1845 20th Ave. S.E., St. Cloud. St. Joseph Area Historical Society open, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Old City Hall, 25 First Ave. NW. St. Joseph Winter Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., 27 W Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Ladies Night Out, 4-8 p.m.,, VFW, 901 N Benton Drive, Sauk Rapids.
Holidays at Whitby Gift Shop, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Whitby Gift Shop, St. Benedict’s Monastery, 104 Chapel Lane, St. Joseph. Holiday Craft and Bake Sale, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Great Hall, St. John’s University, Collegeville. Craft-Vendor Sale, 9 a.m.3 p.m., American Legion, Second Ave. N., Waite Park. Craft-Vendor Sale, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., VWF 428, 9 18th Ave. N., St. Cloud. The Hunt is On, deer-hunting widows’ event, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., LaPlayette, 19 College Ave. N., St. Joseph. Sartell Winter Farmers’ Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N, Sartell. Dashain and Tihar Night, Nepal students showcase their singing, dances and skits, 5 p.m., Ritsche Auditorium, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud. Fall Chamber Recital, 7:30 p.m., Recital Hall, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University,
St. Cloud.
Sunday, Nov. 6 Breakfast, sponsored by St. Joseph Knights of Columbus, 8:30 a.m.-noon, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Heritage Hall, St. Joseph. Veterans’ Day Parade and Social, 1 p.m., St. Cloud VA Medical Center and Apollo High School. Monday, Nov. 7 St. John’s Preparatory Discovery Day, Collegeville. 320-3633315. St. Joseph City Council, 6 p.m., council chambers, St. Joseph City Hall, 25 College Ave. N. 320-3637201. French Film Festival, showing of Quai D’Orsay 7 p.m., College of St. Benedict (Gorecki 204), 37 S. College Ave., St. Joseph. Thursday, Nov. 8 Board Development, Policy and Governance Committee Meeting, 8 a.m., District 742 Administration Offices, 1000 N. 44th Ave., St. Cloud.
Wednesday, Nov. 9 St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce, 11:30 a.m., St. Joseph Community Fire Hall, 323 Fourth Ave. NE. Thursday, Nov. 10 Lunch ‘N’ Learn with Willow Sweeney “Top 20 Training,” Business and Professionals Alliance, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Rasmussen College, 226 Park Ave. S, St. Cloud. 320-492-3420. St. Joseph Senior Citizens, 1:30 p.m., St. Joseph Community Fire Hall, 323 Fourth Ave. NE. Walk-In FAFSA Workshop, get help completing a FAFSA application for state and federal financial aid, 4-7 p.m., Miller Center, St. Cloud State University. 400 Sixth St. S., St. Cloud. 320-3082022. St. Cloud Area Mothers of Multiples, 7 p.m., VFW Granite Post 428, 9 18th Ave. N., St. Cloud. Friday, Nov. 11 Veterans Day Program, 1:30 p.m., St. Cloud VA, Building 8 Auditorium.
“Time for a New Generation of Leadership.”
St. Stephen Optical
Michael Willemsen
(formerly Index 53)
Larry Rudolph, Optician
for State Senator, District 13
306 Main St. E. St. Stephen, MN 56375
Now is the time for a fresh, energetic and pragmatic voice to represent us in the Minnesota State Senate.
320-252-9380 Office 320-252-6924 Home
Michael will fight for:
Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday; 8 a.m.-noon Saturday
• A fair taxation structure • Job growth at livable wages • Environmental protection • Affordable health care • Quality public education
Michael Willemsen on Nov. 8! This is an independent expenditure in support of Michael Willemsen, prepared and paid for by DFL Senate District 13, 327 Pleasant Ridge Drive, Sauk Rapids, Minn. It is not approved by any candidate.
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Vote from front page IDs can be expired, but they must have a photo on them. • U.S. passport • Minnesota university, college or technical college ID. •Minnesota high-school ID.
Approved documents (choose one):
• Bill, account or start-ofservice statement due or dated within 30 days of the
election date (Nov. 8). Those documents can include any of the following: • Phone, TV or Internet. • Garbage service, sewer, electric, gas or water. • Banking or credit card. • Rent or mortgage. • Residential lease or rent agreement valid through Election Day (Nov. 8). • Current student-fee statement. Another way to verify identity is to bring along a registered voter from your precinct who is willing to sign an oath confirming your address. (This method is known as
“vouching.”) For a more detailed list about registration or proof of identity on Election Day, and other information about voting, go to
St. Joseph polling places:
• Precinct 1: All voters living west of College Avenue. The polling place is at the Haehn Campus Center on the College of St. Benedict campus. • Precinct 2: All voters living east of College Avenue. The polling place is at Heritage Hall, 12 Minnesota St. W.
Scott Andreasen for District 742 School Board
Fiscally responsible! Paid for by Scott Andreasen. 9047 Crestview Drive, St. Joseph, MN 56374
Interested in local election coverage?
We cover: • City council elections • County commisionner elections • Mayoral elections • School board elections
Check out the “Elections 2016” tab at the top of our website. Visit us at, and get your election fix this season!
Saturday, Nov. 5 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Waite Park American Legion 2 Ave. N. Waite Park
The Hunt is On! Hey Ladies! away, The boys are ! ay pl so let’s fun, e th Come join drop! u yo il and shop ‘t
$ Ama 3 Mimos zing a door s prize s!
When: Nov. 5, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Where: LaPlayette in St. Joseph
Sponsored by Beautycounter and Thrive Other vendors include: Poppy Stella Rose, Young Living, Stella & Dot, Lularoe, Tupperware, Jamberry, Scentsy, Norwex, Imagine Chiropractic, Wildtree, The Red Door Decor, Usborne Books and Thirty-One!
Saturday, Nov. 5 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. VFW 428 9-18th Ave. N., St. Cloud Bring a donation for Anna Marie’s Alliance and get your name in a drawing. Get a Jump on your Holiday Shopping!
Holiday Craft Sale
Ven2d4 o + rs
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Saturday, Nov. 12 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Resurrection Lutheran Church 610 CR 2, St. Joseph Proceeds to benefit Youth & Family Ministries. Lisa:
Friday, Nov. 4, 2016