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Newsleader St. Joseph

Friday, Nov. 15, 2013 Volume 24, Issue 45 Est. 1989

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Studer flies flags in honor of veterans by Cori Hilsgen

Town Crier

What are you thankful for?

Kids Fighting Hunger, a Sauk Rapids-based humanitarian hunger-relief organization is hosting a “We Are Thankful” food-packaging event before Thanksgiving. Volunteers are needed to help assemble food packages for shipment to children who are in desperate need of food. “We Are Thankful” will take place on Saturday Nov. 23; 180 volunteers are needed to participate in two-hour sessions to package “hunger packs.” The packaging sessions are from 9-11 a.m., 11 a.m.-1 p.m., and 1-3 p.m. at the Kids Fighting Hunger warehouse in Sauk Rapids. The goal is to package approximately 30,000 meals that day. For more information, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers.

photos by Cori Hilsgen

On Nov. 10, Darol Studer’s flags were waving in the morning breeze in honor of the United States Marine Corps birthday and Veterans’ Day. American Legion of St. Joseph member Al Torborg helps set up flags at the home of Darol and Ellie Studer.

St. Ben’s Senior Community offers memory screening Nov. 19

St. Benedict’s Senior Community and St. Cloud Hospital Home Care and Hospice will host free, confidential memory screenings and information about successful aging from 2-5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19 at St. Benedict’s Senior Community, 1810 Minnesota Blvd. SE. There will also be a presentation at 3 p.m. by Jeffrey Kearney, LP; PhD, St. Cloud Neurobehavioral Associates. The events are part of National Memory Screening Day, an annual initiative the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America holds each November during National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. More than 2,000 sites across the country will be participating. To schedule a memory screening, call 320-654-2355. For more information, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers.

Car seat clinic offers free checks

A free car seat clinic will be held from 3-6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20 at the Gold Cross Ambulance Garage, 2800 7th St. N., St. Cloud. This is a free service. To schedule an appointment, call 320-656-7021. For more information, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers.

Women’s risk for cancer talk set

Discover the most common cancer risks faced by women today and symptoms for early detection from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 21 in the Windfeldt Room at CentraCare Health Plaza. Early screening and prevention for breast, ovarian, uterine, lung, colon, cervical and skin cancers will be discussed. For more information, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers. For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.

Motorists driving on CR 51 Sunday may have seen many flags flying on the front lawn of Darol and Ellie Studer’s home. Both are longtime residents of St. Joseph. Darol has been flying the flags for many years, and this November was no different. On Sunday, Nov. 10, four members of the American Legion of St. Joseph gathered to set up flags in front of the home Studer built 50 years ago. Studer was flying the flags in honor of the 238th birthday of the United States Marine Corps, Nov. 10, and Veterans’ Day, Nov. 11. Studer himself is a Korean War Marine Corps veteran. “I enlisted, honorably served and was honorably discharged,” Studer said. He flies the flags to honor all veterans. Studer started Studer • page 8

Local groups work to de-stigmatize mental illness by Dennis Dalman

and fourth Tuesdays of every month at Calvary Community Church, 1200 Roosevelt Road, Mike Stringer knows all too St. Cloud. well the tragedies that can hapThere was also a family suppen when mental illness goes port group at the Unity Spiriuntreated. One of his grand- tual Center, but that recently fathers, an uncle and a cousin relocated to Albany. all committed suicide. Those are just two support More than 90 percent of those who take their own lives suffer from untreated mental illnesses, according to the Naby Cori Hilsgen tional Alliance on Mental ness. The suicides in the StringAmber and Allie Hilsgen, er family were the impetus both 8, were chosen to be door for Stringer to take a 12-week greeters at the solemn vespers course entitled “Family-toservice for the installation of Family,” taught by Steve and the ninth bishop of the Diocese Wendy Hennes of Sartell at of St. Cloud, Bishop Donald Unity Spiritual Center, also in Kettler. Sartell. Amber and Allie are the After taking that course, twin daughters of Mark and Stringer helped form the St. Lisa Hilsgen of St. Joseph. Cloud Family Support Group, Lisa Hilsgen said they were which is for family members, initially surprised and unsure friends and caregivers who what the event would be like. live or deal with people who The Hilsgens handed out have mental-health issues. The programs at a door close to group is not religiously affilithe church elevator and had a ated. Anyone from anyplace is chance to greet former bishop welcome to attend the group. John Kinney and many others. Some come from as far away Both said they were glad they as Little Falls. The group meets were chosen to greet. from 7-8:30 p.m. the second “It was a special oppor-

groups sponsored by NAMI throughout the nation and in the greater St. Cloud area by way of NAMI, St. Cloud. NAMI’s “Connections” groups, as they’re called, can be specialized to meet specific needs. For example, there is one just for the parents of children suf-

fering from mental illness. Another group is meant for social workers and school personnel to help them identify and get help for school students who may be experiencing some form of mental-health disorder. The purpose of NAMI naIllness • page 3

Twin sisters chosen to greet new bishop tunity and it was fun meeting these nice people,” Amber said. “I really enjoyed it and am thankful that I got picked,” Allie said. Attendance for the event was much larger than organizers had anticipated, and so the new bishop was welcomed by an overflowing crowd.

contributed photos

Above, Amber and Allie Hilsgen, 8, stand in front of a sign welcoming the new Bishop Donald Kettler to St. Mary’s Cathedral the evening of solemn vespers. At left, Allie (left) and Amber served as door greeters for the solemn vespers welcoming the next bishop of the Diocese of St. Cloud. Bishop Donald Kettler will be the ninth bishop to oversee the 131 Catholic diocese parishes.



St. Joseph Newsleader •

contributed photo

St. Joseph native Jessica Studniski, currently a senior at the College of St. Benedict, designs the sound effects on a sound board for a theater department production of “The Good Woman of Setzuan” which opens this week and runs through Nov. 24. She is researching bird calls, trumpet music, choir music, doors slamming, sounds of rain and thunder and many other effects which she will form into the sound plot. Most of the work is done with special computer programs. St. Joseph native Jessica Studniski, currently a senior at the College of St. Benedict, designs the sound effects on a sound board for a theater department production of “The Good Woman of Setzuan” which opens this week and runs through Nov. 24. She

If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Oct. 5 8:58 p.m. Intoxicated person. Minnesota Street W. Individual was lying on the kitchen floor intoxicated. Stated he could not get up. Gave a .18 blood-alcohol content for breathalyzer test. Gold Cross ambulance was dispatched and individual was transported to St. Cloud Hospital. Oct. 8 10:32 a.m. Assist St. Cloud Police Department. 103rd Avenue. Picked up a bike found at 103rd Avenue near I-94. Green 10-speed Kensington bike with a black metal rack on back. Will be placed in evidence. 11:37 a.m. Traffic stop. College Avenue S. Officer was running stationary radar on CSB campus off College Avenue S. Observed a car traveling south at a high

is researching bird calls, trumpet music, choir music, doors slamming, sounds of rain and thunder and many other effects which she will form into the sound plot. Most of the work is done with special computer programs.

rate of speed. Activated radar and received a reading of 45 mph in a 30-mph zone. Stopped vehicle and identified the driver by his Minnesota driver’s license. He admitted to speeding but did not know how fast he was going because he said he was not paying attention. Issued citation for speed. 12:47 p.m. Traffic stop. CR 75/ CR 133. Officer observed a driver texting while driving. Stopped vehicle and identified the driver by his Minnesota driver’s license. He admitted he was texting his girlfriend. Citation issued for texting while driving. 6:20 p.m. Suspicious activity. CR 75/CR 133. Complainant stated he was traveling east on CR 75 and his back window shattered. He stated he thought someone shot the window out, however it could have been a rock. He did not hear a gunshot. Officer checked the area and did not locate anything suspicious. Oct. 10 8:09 a.m. Property damage. Second Avenue NW. Sometime overnight a rear window was smashed on a vehicle. The vehicle was left at the business for repairs. Unable to see any item used to break the window. Unknown suspects. Value $500. The owner of

Friday, Nov. 15, 2013

St. John’s Preparatory School honors two families with the Armor of Light Award

contributed photo

contributed photo

Alver and Jean Leighton and their nine children.

Joe and Mary Bauer

St. John’s Preparatory School recently named the 2013 recipients of the Armor of Light Award. Joe (Class of 1966) and Mary Bauer as well as Alver and Jean Leighton. More than 100 people attended the evening filled with prayer, music and laughter. The Legacy Dinner is Prep’s annual celebration of its founding on Nov. 10, 1857. Five Prep Schoolage students were the first to enroll in the new Benedictine school. The dinner is Prep’s opportunity to celebrate their alumni, friends and supporters.

The Bauers were nominated by Joe’s classmates from the Class of 1966 for their efforts to establish Quiet Oaks Hospice, a residential hospice care facility in St. Cloud. Joe and Mary have worked tirelessly to create a tranquil and comforting home dedicated to serving the terminally ill. Their welcoming spirit brought together fellow Prep alumni and community members to collaborate and provide professional expertise and financial assistance. Today Quiet Oaks is an invaluable resource for the terminally ill and their

families. The Leightons have been stalwart community servants in the St. Cloud area and give generously of their time, talent and treasure to civic and community affairs. They have dedicated their lives to a personal involvement in and commitment to higher education issues, religion and philanthropy. Sadly, Al passed away on June 28, 2012, but the impact he has made at Prep lives on. The Leightons have nine children, the youngest four attended Prep; Robert ’79, Mary Jo ‘80, Judith ’84 and Jeffrey ’88.

the vehicle was advised by the business. 9:26 a.m. Traffic stop. College Avenue S./Minnesota Street. Officer observed a vehicle traveling north on College Avenue S. at what appeared to be a high rate of speed. Activated radar and received a reading of 45 mph in a 30-mph zone. Stopped vehicle and identified driver by her Minnesota driver’s license. Citation was issued for speed. 4:40 p.m. Property damage. Ash Street E. Complainant and her husband were gone camping from Monday until today. Complainant’s neighbor noticed two days ago complainant’s residential window was broken. First pane of glass was broken. Found a small Angry Bird Star Wars toy in the window. Toy is made of rubber and complainant does not believe this would have broken the window, but thought it was suspicious it was placed in there. Wanted incident documented in case of other stuff in the area. Stated kids live in the area and she has no suspects.

and was cooking soup and moved to get out of the wind. She stated she was fine and was just going to play her guitar. She refused any help from the officers.

after the radar was locked. When officer approached the vehicle for the traffic stop he asked the driver if he knew why he was stopped. He stated yes and that he was trying to make the light. Citation was issued for speed.


Oct. 11 1:32 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. CR 3/CR 75. Female was driving in the park with all the windows covered. Stated she was homeless

Oct. 12 5:43 a.m. Found property. Dale Street W. Female called to report a bike along the side of the curb by Daisy A Day Floral. Officers picked it up. Oct. 13 1:29 a.m. Fight. Minnesota Street W. Received a call from CSB security stating there was a fight on the west side of Sal’s. Officers were a half-block away. Pulled up and people took off running in all directions. Located two victims. Both victims said they were punched for no reason. The did not want to pursue the matter any further. Oct. 15 5:59 p.m. Traffic stop. CR 75/ Northland Drive. While driving northbound on Northland Drive, officer observed a car traveling south in what appeared to be a high rate of speed. Activated squad radar and the radar gave a clear tone and sound of 44 mph in a 30-mph zone and continued to increase

Nov. 8 6:45 a.m. CR 75/CR 3. Motorvehicle crash. A 43-year-old male was driving eastbound on CR 75 when he crossed over into oncoming lanes of traffic and into the ditch on the other side. His vehicle struck two trees and rolled over twice before coming to rest on its roof. The Stearns County Sheriff’s Office, St. Joseph Police Department, and St. Joseph Fire and Rescue responded. He was treated on scene by St. Joseph Rescue and transported to the St. Cloud Hospital by Gold Cross ambulance. The accident is under investigation by the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office.


Due to incorrect information given to the Newsleader, the times for the MNsure Health Insurance Exchange presentation are from 6:30-8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 18 at the St. Joseph Community Fire Hall.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen

The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Friday, Nov. 15, 2013

Illness from front page tionally, statewide and locally is to improve the lives of children and adults with mental illnesses, along with their families. A big part of that effort is to raise awareness and educate the general public so the stigmas often associated with mental illness can be laid at the wayside, making it more likely people and their families will seek help when it is needed. That is the reason Stringer became involved. He is not only a support-group coordinator, but he also serves on the NAMI St. Cloud Board. “Mental illness can be an isolating experience,” Stringer said. “For many caregivers, the NAMI Family Support Group is their first opportunity to learn there are other caregivers who are experiencing similar challenges and frustrations. Our groups provide a social-support network that is a vital part of recovery for families and their loved ones.” The group, Stringer noted,

St. Joseph Newsleader • offers support, education, advocacy and information so people can learn how to best cope with ways to help loved ones and friends suffering from mental-health problems. The need to de-stigmatize the topic of mental illness is also what inspired the Henneses of Sartell to become involved in NAMI. Steve Hennes’s father committed suicide many years ago after suffering from a lifetime of untreated mental-health issues, including severe depression. The Henneses decided to teach the Family-to-Family course in Sartell, a way to train facilitators who can then go on to teach the course themselves and/or to coordinate various kinds of support groups. Recently, Steve and Wendy Hennes hosted a brainstorming session at their home. They invited legislators, who participated in a discussion on things the legislature might do to help in the fight against mental illness. Stringer is one who attended that meeting, along with Sen. Michelle Fischbach, Reps. Tim O’Driscoll and Jeff Howe; and Stearns County

Commissioner Mark Bromenschenkel. Sartell Police Chief Jim Hughes discussed the challenges law enforcement faces when dealing with people suffering from mental-health issues and how to best get them the help they may need. Other participants included some Sartell residents who talked about the challenges of family members who have mental illnesses. Matt Burdick of NAMI Minnesota facilitated the discussion at the Hennes home. “That evening we let a light shine on a subject that affects each of us,” Wendy Hennes later wrote in a letter to editor (see Opinion page today). “We helped the light break through the clouds of stigma that surround mental health/mental illness. We took a step to let the light shine on treatment, housing, employment and making lives better for those who live with mental illness.” Stringer and those involved with the NAMI groups are determined to spread the good word – that mental illness is treatable, that help is widely available and that there is a

slow but gradual decrease in the stigmas associated with mental illness. Every month or so, Stringer and others distribute small folded cards to hospitals, clinics, law-enforcement centers and counseling services centers. The cards contain resource and information numbers to call, including crisishotline numbers. Those key numbers are these: To reach a four-county (Benton, Sherburne, Stearns, Wright) crisis-response team, call 1-800-635-8008 or 320253-5555. To reach NAMI St. Cloud, call 320-654-1259 or visit its website: www.namistcloud. com. A good website for learning how to help de-stigmatize mental illness is www.Make For the national Suicide Prevention Hotline, call 1-800-

3 273-1259. The NAMI information card also gives 14 tips for de-escalating situations in which loved ones or even strangers are dealing with people undergoing mental-illness crises. Here are the tips: 1. Start low-key. 2. Put assertive tendencies aside at the beginning. 3. Do not disagree with psychotic thinking. Instead, offer your support. 4. Don’t try to reason with a person in psychosis. 5. Speak and act slowly and clearly, using simple sentences. 6. Avoid quick movements. 7. Keep the stimulation level low. 8. Ask casual observers to leave. 9. Give the person space; avoid touching. 10. Do not shout. 11. Avoid continuous eye contact. 12. Sit to the side of a person who is paranoid. 13. If handcuffing is policy, explain the policy. 14. If suicide is a concern, ask!

Heidi: ‘Learn to speak up for the mentally ill’ (Editor’s note: The following is a personal-testimony story on a website called MakeItOK. org, a site dedicated to efforts to de-stigmatize mental illness. The true story was written by a woman whose first name is Heidi.) Some days, a girl can beg for peace of mind and wish to be saved from a day of total despair and depression. I grew up in a family with my two sisters and my brother. I loved playing softball and basketball and hanging out with the neighbor kids. When I was 9, my Grandma came to live with us. My Grandma was my comfort, my safety blanket. I just think my parents had a lot going on that they needed to figure out, so Grandma took care of us. When I was 14 my Grandma died. She had been the glue keeping our family together. She made our home feel safe and secure. Suddenly she was gone! A year later, my Dad left us. It was out of the blue. And that is when I feel my symptoms of mental illness really started for me. In addition to all of the changes at home, I had also changed schools. High school was pretty much one big episode of depression. I didn’t even know I was depressed. I just figured I was a kid who’d experienced some big life changes that caused me to think about freeing myself. I wanted to hurt myself, to commit suicide, to be out of the pain I was feeling . . . After graduation, I went to technical school and graduated with a degree in computer and voice networking. That led to

moving away from the Twin Cities for some great work opportunities and building new relationships. Those relationships eventually led to break-ups and more depression. Sometimes my behavior was truly out of control. See, here’s the thing: I know the state of depression really well. But I still don’t always recognize when I am in a manic state. That’s because mania, at the beginning, seems like so much fun! Why would I want to take my medication and stay stable when I can run around so high that I’m sure I will be the next president of the United States. But then there are the consequences: shopping out of control, buying a motorcycle without knowing how to drive it, drinking way too much, eating way too much and not using enough discretion before delving into relationships. But a good thing came out of those bad relationships: I finally realized I needed help and called the Employee Assistance Program at work. The EAP referred me to a psychiatrist. I was diagnosed with bipolar II disorder and put on medications. I didn’t know anything about mental illness or medications and I didn’t think I really needed them. I thought I’d be “cured” within six months. Three months went by and my depression got worse. I thought about overdosing on medication while no one was around. My family and friends didn’t know about the racing thoughts, the nightmares, the almost constant thoughts of suicide – thoughts I couldn’t stop even with meds

and therapy. I didn’t really talk about it. I didn’t think my family would understand and I wasn’t sure they would believe it. I thought I was the only one with those feelings. And I was embarrassed. In 2005, I decided to move back to Minnesota. I got a good job in my field as a manager of network operations. But I was still really depressed and thinking about suicide a lot. I didn’t realize my meds weren’t working right and I ended up being taken to the hospital by ambulance. Eventually, I found help again and I also found a community support program run by Guild Inc. Everyone who works there is extremely supportive, loving and caring. I’m not judged there. Today, I work in my desired field, and I’m also working to break the stigma of mental illness. I speak for the National Alliance for Mental Illness locally and spoke at its national conference in June of this year. I’m no longer quiet about my illness. People ask me, “What could someone have said/done to make it OK when I was going through all that depression and trauma?” This is what I tell them: “Education is important. Take the time to learn what people with mental illnesses go through each day. If you have a family member or friend and hear rude comments, speak up for your loved one. Hearing someone speak up for me so I’m not feeling ashamed is extremely validating and loving.”

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, Nov. 15, 2013

Mill Stream Village is open by Cori Hilsgen

photos by Cori Hilsgen

Gary Osberg is the first person who built a private home in the Mill Stream Village. The home next to Osberg’s home is available to rent or own.

Colleen Hollinger Petters stands in the dining room of the shared-care cottages at the Mill Stream Village. Residents in both the assisted living cottages and private homes can use the dining room.






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If you are interested in living in the heart of a thriving and vibrant college town, than Mill Stream Village might be a good option for you. The Village is a place for both working and retired adults. So far, three private homes and eight shared-care cottages have been built. One of the private homes is available to rent or own. Just recently opened, the shared-cared cottages are available for an assisted-living experience. The cottages are clustered together and include an on-site, “Home Instead Senior Care” in-home care provider. The cottages are available for lease and include all utilities except phone and high-speed internet. Detached garages are also available for an additional fee. All cottages have individual front porches for private entry but also center around a community dining room where residents can gather for meals. Residents can plant flowers, hang bird feeders and otherwise decorate their front entries. Most pets are allowed, with a few exceptions. A damage deposit for cleaning is required for pet owners. The care provider is based in a centrally located office connected to the cottages. Each household receives a minimum of seven hours of personal-care assistance each week. Additional services can be added as

needed or desired. The cottages are one-bedroom or one-bedroom-plusden designs. Each has a full kitchen, in-floor heat, washer and dryer and many features to make retirement living easier. Each offers enough space for one or two individuals. The Village is owned by Jon Petters, Colleen Hollinger Petters, Peter Gillitzer and TJ Properties. Hollinger Petters, vice president of marketing and sales, said baby boomers have changed the game and really raised the bar of expectations for what 65-plus living should look like. Many don’t want it to be retirement, but want to remain actively working. Adult children of parents who are in their mid-80s and 90s are also wanting and expecting more for their parents in assisted living. She said college towns offer a variety of reasons why they are a good place to retire. Living in a vibrant community is not just desirable but also really important. “We have taken our research, experience and – most importantly – listening to people right here to develop high-quality yet not-so-big homes in a location very close to downtown St. Joseph,” Hollinger Petters said. “This includes the assisted-living cottages that each have their own private entrance, along with a main entrance, yet are part of this community.” Hollinger Petters said many local residents who do not want to relocate to St. Cloud for their retirement might want to con-

sider the Village. It’s located very close to downtown St. Joseph, offering pharmacies, a health clinic, groceries, church, restaurants and a coffee shop, a library, shopping and other options. The area includes many walkable streets with sidewalks leading to the downtown area or the college campus. “We want residents at Mill Stream Village to get involved in the community if they are interested and physically able to do that,” Hollinger Petters said. “We want them to be so familiar at the local coffee shop, food coop, or on their walking or biking route that they become a regular.” Hollinger Petters said they know that for some people in assisted living, that familiarity might be as close as their immediate neighbors in the cottage next door. She added they don’t want to malign the residents and developers of larger retirement community apartment buildings and feel those buildings offer unique components such as organized activities, craft rooms and other options for people who want them. The Village differs from other retirement areas because it’s located close to town, so transportation is not as difficult. Being closer to town also helps strengthen involvement options for volunteering in town or on the College of St. Benedict campus. There are options to participate in activities and other Village • page 5

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St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Nov. 15, 2013

Village from page 4 things at the college. “Being part of a town and community means you are involved in the lives, activities and events of people of all different ages,” Hollinger Petters said. “This is just a more natural and interesting lifestyle for most of us.” Hollinger Petters said this has become the trend in many areas of the United States instead of socializing within an age-homogenous, isolated, large retirement-apartment building. “Many boomers are part of the group named the Greatest Generation,” Hollinger Petters said. “A lot of them want to

continue to volunteer and be part of their community and the location of Mill Stream Village is key to accessibility by the residents to this college town, what it needs from our residents and what the town has to offer back to them.” People within the assisted-living community have told the Village owners they want to retain their privacy and sense of normalcy, even when a spouse or partner needs home care. This is what led to the concept of the shared-care cottages – one individual of a couple needing help and the other not needing it. A single person might enjoy the security of others being near, having some household help but yet continuing with their usual lifestyles.

“Being able to sit outside on your own front porch in the morning with a cup of coffee, watching kids leave for school and neighbors walk their dogs is a pleasure and something you might normally do at home,” Hollinger Petters said. “This is much harder to do in a larger building, away from a community.” All meals are catered by Kay’s Kitchen. Evening dinners can be ordered from the menu. Residents can eat their meals privately in their own cottage or can eat in the community-dining room. Other local restaurants will also deliver to the Village. Private home residents are also able to participate in the catering services. St. Joseph resident Gary Osberg was the first person to

have a house built in the Village. He moved there in March seeking a more peaceful and quiet setting and something close to his work. He said he has found it. Osberg, 70, works for Minnesota Public Radio. He said he loves his job and doesn’t plan to retire for a long time. It’s only about six miles to work for him. “I love it,” Osberg said. “It is very quiet and comfortable.” With 22 years experience in office-furniture design, he helped contact sound specialist experts that helped design the shared wall of his home. Osberg enjoys the high ceilings, in-floor heat and other features of his new home. He said even when there have been large campus activ-

5 ities, his home has been quiet. Located on Callaway Street and College Avenue South, the Village is a 55-plus community but younger people can live there too. At least one household member must be 35 years of age to reside there. Home prices start at $189,000. The homes offer Hardie plank siding, Andersen Windows, in-floor heat and other options. The grounds for the village are association-managed. Rent for one-bedroom cottages is currently $2,325 per month, and a two-bedroom is $2,495. On-site care services for each cottage are $1,500 each month. For more information, contact 320-363-7656.

CSB, SJU students present ‘The Good Woman of Setzuan’ by Cori Hilsgen

Fifteen students from the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University will present “The Good Woman of Setzuan” play for two weekends in November. Written by German playwright Bertolt Brecht, the play is a parable about a young woman who is torn between morality and human society, love and the realism of her own desires and those of friends

and neighbors. In the play, three ancient Chinese gods arrive in search of honesty and goodness but find only evil, dishonesty and greed. An exception is Cin Te, a young prostitute who donates a night’s wages to let her family rest at her home. The gods reward her with a large sum of money, making her a target for the greed of others. Cin Te reinvents herself as a powerful male cousin named Shue Ta. Her problems become more complicated when she falls in

love with an unemployed pilot named Yangsun, and he exploits her for his own selfish needs. The cast includes CSB seniors Marcelline Gangl, Rose Gangl, Cindy Gonzalez and Sue Yang; sophomores Abby Baggenstoss, Heidi Hurrle, Julia Odima and Emily Schoenbeck. SJU seniors include Gabriel Oldrych Drouet, Tom Schultz and Alex Yanik; junior Rob Goetzke; sophomores Kurt Baldwin, Elliot Drorlet and Cristian Zamora.

Volunteers sought to read to pre-school-age children Reach-Up Inc. has multiple classrooms with lots of wonderful preschool age children who would love to have someone from the community come in and read to them.

There is not a huge time commitment with this opportunity. Nor do you have to make this an ongoing commitment. But if you have a love of reading and enjoy preschool-age children, this is a perfect match for

VA to host Great American Smokeout, Healthy Living Fair on Nov. 21 The St. Cloud VA wants all veterans to stay healthy and invites everyone who uses tobacco to quit. In support of this effort, the St. Cloud VA is hosting a Healthy Living Fair in conjunction with the annual Great American Smokeout from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 21 in the Auditorium (Bldg. 8) on the St. Cloud VA campus. The Fair will feature testimonials from ex-smokers and

provide the opportunity and resources to quit smoking – for a day or for life. Information for everyone will be available to help manage stress and maintain a healthy brain and body. The event is free and open to veterans, their family members and employees of the St. Cloud VA Health Care System. For more information, visit and click on Criers.

November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month! Dogs 7+ years are 25% off, and cats 8+ years may be adopted at no fee. At 10 years of age, Buster is as priceless as this promotion and is waiting patiently to be adopted. Buster is a neutered, brown and white Domestic Shorthair tabby who came into our care because his owner was moving. He has lived indoors with other dogs, cats, and school-aged children and is a mellow soul who loves basking in the sun–or a warm lap during the cold months ahead! “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 7 Puppies - 6 Mouse - 1

Cats - 20 Kittens - 28

Rabbits - 2 Gerbils - 6

Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302


Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.

you. For information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers.

The cast of students represent a wide variety of majors from peace studies to chemistry. Many cast members are playing a couple of roles. Students will present seven performances of the play at the Gorecki Theater in the CSB

Benedicta Arts Center. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 15-16 and Nov. 22-23; and 2 p.m. Nov. 17 and 24. Admission is free for the Nov. 15 performance. For more information, contact the BAC box office at 320-363-5777.

St. Joe’s Best Kept Secret

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, Nov. 15, 2013

Opinion Our View

Don’t let Black Friday lead to the January blues

Americans can be generous – to a fault – and that character trait is never more evident than during the holiday shopping season. At this time of year, millions of people put their financial common sense on the shelf, tucking it away into a winter hibernation of sorts, thereby making it much easier to take part in the once-per-year phenomenon known as Black Friday, the mother of all shopping days. The problem with this practice is financial reality is just around the corner, never failing to emerge in January as a mailbox full of credit-card statements. Here are just some of the ramifications of overspending: • Adding new debt on top of old is never a good idea, yet many people will enter the 2013 holiday shopping season still paying for 2012 purchases. When debt is carried over from month-to-month, cardholders lose the benefit of a grace period, the time during which a person can pay the monthly credit-card bill before interest begins to accrue. When debt is revolved, new purchases begin to incur interest immediately. • Paying interest on the interest occurs when debt is carried over from month-to-month. When a debt is not paid in full by the due date, interest is added to the balance. This amount adds up over time, creating an impediment to becoming debt free. • Late fees and over-limit fees can cause balances to grow to an unmanageable level. Issuers may charge a late fee of $25 with the first late payment, and with 45 days notice, increase the Annual Percentage Rate to a higher interest rate on new purchases. However, consumers who make late payments more than once in a six-month period may be assessed a higher late fee with the penalty APR also applied to existing balances. • An inability to pay as agreed could result in negative notations on a person’s credit report, with late or missed payments remaining on the report for seven years. Furthermore, the all-important credit scores are based on information in the credit report. Along with other factors and depending on the extent of the delinquency, the drop could be by as much as 100 points. • Less credit will be available on existing cards. Credit cards have a spending limit beyond which the user cannot charge without penalty. Since no one knows what tomorrow holds, over-utilizing open lines of credit can leave a person without a credit safety net for future purchases, unplanned expenses or emergencies. Other adverse consequences of overspending may include diminished access to new or additional credit; diminished funds for saving or investing; serious consequences including collection efforts, lawsuits, judgments and wage garnishment; and desperate choices such as bankruptcy or debt settlement. In addition, other life decisions may be adversely affected by a person’s inability to manage debt making a long-term negative impact on future borrowing power. For a quick and easy snapshot of your current financial picture, use the free online financial selfassessment tool at Doing so in advance of holiday shopping positions you to make wise spending decisions, a gift that will last long beyond the holidays. For help constructing a workable holiday budget, or to discover how to pay off existing debt, visit with an NFCC-certified financial professional at or 1-800-450-4019.

FDA should definitely ban trans fats The federal Food and Drug Administration plans soon to outlaw trans fats in our food supply. Good. It’s about time. It has long been established that trans fats raise levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and lower levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL), according to the Mayo Clinic website. Trans fats lead to clogged arteries and heart attacks. Trans fats are created by bubbling hydrogen gas through vegetable oil, which through the “wonders” of chemistry, makes the oil remain fairly solid at room temperature. Such fats, we are told, can prolong shelf life of products and produce a less-greasy feel to the palate. Culprits include many kinds of cookies, cakes, canned frostings, French fries, pie crusts, shortening, microwave popcorn, powdered coffee creamers, potato chips and other processed foods. To their credit, some fast-food chains (McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, to name just three) have eliminated trans fats from their foods. Like many people, I do not like the idea of “food police” determining what we can and cannot consume. However, trans fats should be banned. There is apparently no good excuse for using such fats, other than prolonging shelf life of products. It’s doubtful if trans fats add much in the way of taste. For example, McDonald’s French fries are every bit as good without trans fats as they used to be with them. In an ideal world, we should all

Dennis Dalman Editor make healthy food choices based on a knowledge of nutrition and knowing how to read food-product labels. I’m grateful for the law mandating nutrition labels, which I consult quite often. However, I’ve found through the years reading food labels can often be a frustrating game of hide-and-seek. For instance, the tub margarine I’ve been using for years on my toast every morning claims to contain “0 trans fat.” Just the other day, I learned the FDA allows manufacturers to claim “0 trans fat” as long as the trans fat does not exceed 0.5 grams per serving. A serving is one tablespoon of that particular margarine. A total trans-fat ban, let us hope, removes such “loopholes.” Sodium, in my opinion, is another ingredient the FDA should ban – or at least limit in our foods. Most people, I would bet, have no clue as to how our food products are sodium-saturated. I didn’t know until doctors recommended I start a low-sodium diet. The average person should consume no more than 2,000 milligrams of salt each day. Who, you might ask, would eat THAT much salt? OK, here’s a little homework project: Open your kitchen cupboards and check the sodium amounts on the labels of each

of the food products. You’ll soon see how easy it is to consume far more than 2,000 milligrams daily. The average person’s salt intake is 3,400 milligrams daily, according to the Mayo Clinic website. One day, to start my low-salt diet, I spent hours in a grocery store scrutinizing labels on favorite products I often use in cooking. I was stunned. Here are just a few of the results: 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 38 percent of daily value (recommended daily amount); one-half cup of canned cream of mushroom soup, 35 percent, two teaspoons (dry) of chicken-broth powder, 37 percent; one-half cup of jar spaghetti sauce, 17 percent. Beware of “low” or “reduced” sodium advertising claims, not to mention the same claims for fats. In many cases, those claims amount to nothing. A small amount of sodium is vital for life (some fat too). Sodium occurs naturally in foods, even in vegetables. The problem arises when manufacturers pour so much of the stuff into their products. I don’t have enough space in this column to address the sugar epidemic. Suffice to say that trans fats, sodium, sugar and other ingredients added to processed foods constitute a publichealth hazard. We should all try to become more nutritionally educated. Eat more fresh products; consume a variety; cook from scratch; avoid convenience foods; exercise. Yes, we should do those things. In the meantime, the FDA should help us out by banning or limiting harmful additives.

Letter to editor

Let light shine on mental-illness issues Wendy and Steve Hennes, Sartell Recently, we hosted a house party in response to a request by the National Alliance on Mental Illness to meet with elected officials to discuss mental-health issues. We found our elected officials do indeed care about people who live with mental illness. The officials who attended were Sen. Michelle Fischbach; Reps. Tim O’Driscoll and Jeff Howe; and Stearns County Commissioner Mark Bromenschenkel. Those elected officials came, they listened and they heard. We were a small, yet powerful, group of people who learned a lot from one another about mental-health issues during our two-hour meeting. Some of our Sartell neighbors who

have family members living with mental illness told their stories. Family support-group coordinator Mike Stringer told of concerns shared by family members. Nick Johnston and Joyce Gelle, both of NAMI-St. Cloud Area, spoke about the history of services and the needs today. Sartell Police Chief Jim Hughes talked about the challenges law-enforcement personnel encounter when trying to get help for people in crisis situations who need mental-health assistance. Matt Burdick, NAMI-MN, facilitated the discussion and kept us all focused on how to move our concerns to the front lines so legislatively and socially people who live with a mental illness can get help and lead good lives. That evening we let a light shine

on a subject that affects each of us. We helped the light break through the clouds of stigma that surround mental health/mental illness. We took a step to let the light shine on treatment, housing, employment and making lives better for those who live with mental illness. Maybe, as a result of that recent evening, the light will shine on mental-health issues at a legislative session or at a county-board meeting because of the talking, listening and learning we all did about mentalhealth issues and because of the human connection that happened. Our sincere thanks to our elected officials for their support of mentalhealth issues.

Please keep letters to editor short and sweet, 350 words or less

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Newsleader staff members encourage those who wish to express a viewpoint to write a letter to the editor, but please limit the amount of words to 350 or less. Also, if more than one letter on the same subject matter is submitted for publication on any given week, the Newsleader has the right to choose which one is

published. However, all letters to editor, if they meet publication standards, will appear on our website at Each writer is allowed to submit a letter to editor once a month. The Newsleader reserves the right to approve or deny publication of any submission.

Letters that are libelous will not be published. All statistics and assertions of fact in letters should be accompanied by documentation as to where those statistics/ facts were derived. Letter writers can attribute those sources within the letter to editor or in an accompanying note

The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374 Email:

Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only).

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Nov. 15, 2013

Community Calendar

Friday, Nov. 15 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. “The Good Woman of Setzuan,” 7:30 p.m., presented by CSB/SJU Theater Department, Gorecki Theater, Benedicta Arts Center, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph. Tickets call 363-5777.

2 p.m., presented by CSB/SJU Theater Department, Gorecki Theater, Benedicta Arts Center, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph. Tickets call 363-5777. Sunday at the Abbey, 7 p.m. St. John’s Abbey Chapter House, Collegeville. Dr. Jennifer Beste, “The Integration of Spirituality and Sexuality on Today’s College Campus.”

Saturday, Nov. 16 Ladies Day Out Expo and Craft Fair, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., El Paso Sports Bar and Grill, St. Joseph. Nuremburg War Crime Trials PBS documentary, featuring Nuremburg War Trial typist Larry Tillemans, Nazi hunter Eli Rosenbaum, Jewish Community Relations Councilor Steve Hunegs and Captain of the Guard at the War Trials Gerry Boe, noon, Country Manor, 520 1st St. NE, Sartell. The Arpeggione Duo, a cellist and guitarist, 7:30 p.m. concert, Stephen B. Humphrey Auditorium, St. John’s University, Collegeville. “The Good Woman of Setzuan,” 7:30 p.m., presented by CSB/SJU Theater Department, Gorecki Theater, Benedicta Arts Center, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph. Tickets call 363-5777.

Monday, Nov. 18 Men’s Health Fair, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., blood pressure, HIV and many more health-related checks at no cost. Atwood Memorial Center, St. Cloud State University. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. “Night Gliders: Nocturnal Denizens,” a Minnesota Natural History lecture by Kristina Timmerman, CSB/SJU biology, 6:30-8 p.m., St. John’s Arboretum, St. John’s University, 2346 Science Drive, Collegeville, 320-363-3163. St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion in St. Joseph.

Sunday, Nov. 17 Turkey Bingo, 1 p.m., St. Francis Xavier, 219 2nd St. N., Sartell. A portion of proceeds goes to the Project for the People of Paraguay. “The Good Woman of Setzuan,”

Tuesday, Nov. 19 55+ driver improvement course (four-hour refresher), 8:30 a.m.12:30 p.m., Life Assembly of God, 2409 Clearwater Road, St. Cloud. 1-888-234-1294. Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767.



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Memory Screening Day, 2-4 p.m., free, confidential memory screening by qualified health-care professionals and vendor booths, St. Benedict’s Senior Community, 1810 Minnesota Blvd. SE, St. Cloud. 320654-2355. “Stop Kiss,” a play written by American playwright Diana Son and produced off-Broadway in 1998, 7:30 p.m., Arena Stage, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University. Wednesday, Nov. 20 Car seat clinic, 3-6 p.m., free service, Gold Cross Ambulance Garage, 2800 7th St. N., St. Cloud. Certified technicians check the safety and fit of your car seat in your car. 320-6567021. The Deep South: Beauty, Brutality and the Mystery of the Great Paradox, 4:30-6 p.m., gallery opening, 235 Quadrangle Building, St. John’s University, Collegeville. Exhibit runs through Dec. 17. www. “Stop Kiss,” a play written by American playwright Diana Son and produced off-Broadway in 1998, 7:30 p.m., Arena Stage, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University. Thursday, Nov. 21 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Wills and probate seminar for

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low-income persons who qualify, 1:30-3 p.m., St. Cloud Regional Library, 1300 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. Call 320-257-4873 to register. St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-363-7201. “Stop Kiss,” a play written by American playwright Diana Son and produced off-Broadway in 1998, 7:30 p.m., Arena Stage, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University. Friday, Nov. 22 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Blood drive, 1-7 p.m., Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints, 1420 29th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR 2 N., St. Joseph. Zonta Christmas House, 3-9 p.m., fundraiser to support women and childrens’ programs, 2607 Regal Road, St. Cloud. “The Good Woman of Setzuan,” 7:30 p.m., presented by CSB/SJU Theater Department, Gorecki Theater, Benedicta Arts Center, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph. Tickets call 363-5777. “Stop Kiss,” a play written by American playwright Diana Son and produced off-Broadway in 1998, 7:30 p.m, Arena Stage, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University. Saturday, Nov. 23 Zonta Christmas House, 9 a.m.-


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4 p.m., fundraiser to support women and childrens’ programs, 2607 Regal Road, St. Cloud. Sartell Farmers’ Winter Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. Holiday Boutique, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., more than 30 vendors, silent auction, free admittance, Celebration Lutheran Church, 1500 Pine Cone Road, Sartell. “The Good Woman of Setzuan,” 7:30 p.m., presented by CSB/SJU Theater Department, Gorecki Theater, Benedicta Arts Center, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph. Tickets call 363-5777. “Stop Kiss,” a play written by American playwright Diana Son and produced off-Broadway in 1998, 7:30 p.m., Arena Stage, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University. Sunday, Nov. 24 Love of Christ Celebrates 20th Anniversary, 10:45 a.m. service, luncheon and program noon-2 p.m. 1971 Pinecone Road, St. Cloud. “The Good Woman of Setzuan,” 2 p.m., presented by CSB/SJU Theater Department, Gorecki Theater, Benedicta Arts Center, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph. Tickets call 363-5777. “Stop Kiss,” a play written by American playwright Diana Son and produced off-Broadway in 1998, 2 p.m., Arena Stage, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University.

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LEgal notICE

RESOLUTION 2013-042 Resolution Approving a Moratorium On Digital Signs WHEREAS, the City of St. Joseph, pursuant to M.S. Section 462.355, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY Subd. 4, is authorized to establish RESOLVED: an interim ordinance to regulate, restrict or prohibit any use or de- 1. The City through its Planning velopment in all or part of the Commission, will conduct studies City while the City is conducting to consider possible amendments studies, or has authorized a study to the comprehensive plan or offito be conducted, or has scheduled cial zoning controls to address the a hearing to consider adoption or issues. amendment of the comprehensive plan or official zoning controls. 2. The City Council finds the interim section should be adopted to WHEREAS, the intent of the pro- protect the planning process and posed Ordinance is to approve a the public health, safety, aesthetmoratorium on granting approval ics, economic viability and general for the construction or alteration welfare of the City. of any sign which is illuminated, contains digital lighting, contains Adopted this 7th day of Novemelectronic lighting and/or contains ber, 2013, by a vote of 4 in favor dynamic features within the City and 1 opposed. of St. Joseph. CITY OF ST. JOSEPH WHEREAS, the Ordinance outlines the concerns the City has Rick Schultz, Mayor about the safety effects, aesthetics and light pollution of illuminated Judy Weyrens, Administrator signs, digital signs, electronic signs and dynamic signs. Publish: Nov. 15, 2013

St. Joseph Newsleader •


Studer from front page with one flag on each holiday, but 10 years ago he started flying at least 21 different flags on 15-16 different holidays. The holidays include all the national holidays; the different holidays for the armed forces, including the United States Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy; Armed Forces Day; Veterans’ Day; and others. Ellie said he often re-arranges them once they are out on the lawn. Studer said he does so because he wants to put different flags in the front, depending on what holiday it is. Studer’s collection of flags is extensive. It includes flags such as the United States Marine Corps flag, flags of the 13 colonies that unified to form the United States, the “Star Spangled Banner” 15star flag, the Betsy Ross 13star flag, 20-, 21-, 30-, 32-, 37-, 38-, 48- and 49-star flags, a POW/MIA flag and others. His knowledge of the flags is as extensive as his collection, as he recalls dates that stars were added and patterns were changed. Legion members Al Torborg, Gilbert (Gib) Stock, Fran Court and Chuck Kern helped Studer set up the flags Nov. 10. Once the flags were flying, the Legion members gathered around the Studers’ dining room table for cookies, bars and coffee. Discussion turned to projects that Legion mem-

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bers have helped fund, such as the downtown Minnesota Street improvement, including the lights and flags. Commander Kern said he doesn’t think people from the St. Joseph area realize how much the members of the American Legion of St. Joseph have contributed and how the economy will benefit from the building of the new armory. “We welcome and encourage any veteran who is not a member to become a member,” he said. Kern said he is one of the younger Legion members, having been a member for 20 years. Torborg has been a member for 60 years, Stock for 57 years, Court for 33 years and Studer for 39 years. “Service means a lot to veterans,” Kern said. He added for many veterans it probably was the greatest and the best time they ever had in their lives. If many were physically able, they would go back in to serve if they were asked to do so again. Kern also talked about how the Legion’s Memorial Rifle Squad honors their fellow veterans with a final farewell on the third Monday of every month. He said families are always very appreciative of what they do and how they honor the service their family member gave. As the conversation ended and the Legion members drove away, Studer’s 21 flags were waving in the morning breeze.

Friday, Nov. 15, 2013

photos by Cori Hilsgen

American Legion of St. Joseph members (left to right) Al Torborg, Gib Stock, Fran Court and Chuck Kern set up flags at the home of Darol and Ellie Studer in honor of the 238th birthday of the United States Marine Corps and Veterans’ Day. At right, Darol Studer’s extensive collection of flags has grown throughout the years.


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