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Newsleader St. Joseph

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013 Volume 24, Issue 46 Est. 1989

Town Crier Winter Market opens Nov. 23

The Sartell Farmers’ Market is in full swing. It will be open at 10 a.m. Saturday Nov. 23 at Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. Stop in for all your favorites to add to your Thanksgiving dinner. Winter Market features locally raised meats, eggs, canned goods, lefse, coffee, tea, baked goods, vegetables and much more. “Foods grown close to home taste better!”

St. Joseph survey helps guide city services

Postal Patron

Constant changes help Schwalboski create art by Cori Hilsgen

Local artist Jo Schwalboski’s creativity is fueled by constant change from her travels and life experiences. Much of her success has come as a result of her mixing up her media when she lost interest in one project and moved on to work on another one. Schwalboski is constantly exploring different kinds of pencils and paints, as well as different settings because much of her creativity is affected by what is going on around her. “Constant contact and constant change is really important to me,” Schwalboski said. Schwalboski was recently chosen by Cream City Tattoo in St. Cloud to be the featured artist for the month of November and was part of the Downtown Art Crawl. She said this was a

City of St. Joseph taxpayers are encouraged to participate in a community survey to aid elected officials in determining the efficiency of city services and measuring residents’ opinions of those services, along with assisting in determining community amenities. The survey contains 12 questions and takes less than five minutes to complete. A link to the survey is provided on the city’s website at by Dennis Dalman Paper copies are also available at city hall.

new location for her to display her art. The Crawl was a good experience for her. Many of the people who came to see her work had also never been in a tattoo place before and told her it was not at all what they expected. Schwalboski said Cream City is located in downtown historic St. Cloud and is well-designed. Owner Ryan Schepp said he wanted to do something different for the November Art Crawl. He met Schwalboski through his girlfriend and decided he wanted her to be the featured artist. Her art on display at Cream City is a series of portraits. The portraits are of her husband, daughter and her family, son and his family and of herself. Schwalboski has been painting since high school and is Schwalboski • page 4

contributed photos

Above, St. Joseph resident Jo Schwalboski sketched this self portrait. Her paintings and sketches are on display at Cream City Tattoo, where she is the featured artist for November. At right, Jo Schwalboski painted this oil painting of her granddaughter, “Gabriella.” It is one of her pieces on display at Cream City Tattoo.

Lawsuit claims priest abused boy

Volunteer for the Salvation Army

The Salvation Army needs volunteers now and after the holidays. Volunteers will assist the volunteer coordinator with Salvation Army programs and office duties. The time and shifts for this position can be very flexible but would like volunteers to commit to a minimum of two shifts per week, at least until after the holidays. For more information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit www.

Another former St. John’s Abbey monk and priest has been charged with sexual abuse in a civil lawsuit filed in St. Paul Nov. 19. Fr. Francis Hoefgen is accused by a plaintiff known as “Doe 27” with abusing him when

he was a youth in a parish in Hastings. Hoefgen had also been accused in 1984 of sexually abusing a boy at St. Boniface in Cold Spring. The lawsuit, which was announced Nov. 19 in St. Paul, also names as defendents – besides Hoefgen – the Order of St. Benedict, St. John’s Abbey, St. Luke Institute and the archdiocese of

St. Paul/Minnesota (of which Hastings is a part). The lawsuit, which is asking for a jury by trial, was filed on behalf of “Doe 27” by Jeff Anderson and Associates of Minneapolis, a law firm that specializes in abuse cases committed by clergy. The suit alleges that officials named as defendants knew

Bauer challenges students’ music experience by Cori Hilsgen

SCSU features mustache challenge

Movember, a worldwide movement to draw attention to men’s health issues, will be commemorated on the St. Cloud State University campus with activities that include a challenge event to attempt to break the world record for the most fake mustaches worn at a single event. On Saturday, Nov. 23, the Movember planning team invites community members to attend the men’s hockey game against Colorado College to participate in an attempt to break a Guinness World Record. Last year in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1,544 people wore fake mustaches at one time. St. Cloud State’s goal is to reach 4,000 fake mustaches at once. Following the game fans in fake mustaches will be asked to come together on the ice and join the challenge. For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.

Hoefgen was a pedophile after the 1983 incident in Cold Spring and did nothing to stop him from doing it again. Hoefgen served at St. Boniface from 1979 to 1984. After the alleged abuse incident in Cold Spring, officials at St. John’s Abbey referred Hoefgen to treatment at St. Luke Lawsuit • page 8

contributed photo

Kristen Bauer challenged her Kennedy fourth-grade students to expand their Native American music-and-culture unit by choosing one of nine options to show what they had learned. Shown here are fourth-grade students with a variety of projects including games, posters or Native American flutes: (front row, left to right) Aaliyah Mixteco, Taylor Wald, Grant Roob, Lindsey Zimmer, Magdalen Brands, Taylor Thoma, Alexis Waverek, Destiny Mays and Jasmine Wiener; (back row) Alex Beumer, Kaitlyn Rangel, Haley Jonas, Kiley Swenson, Garrett Munkholm, Connor Motschke, Miles Carlton, Maya Peterson, Tiegen Drontle, Ethan Wolff, Dominic Ethen, Tyler Theis, Taya Stroot-Duea and Brandon Zimmer.

Kristen Bauer wanted to challenge Kennedy Community School fourth-grade students with an interesting experience in her music room. Instead of a more traditional test, Bauer challenged her students to show their learning. This is Bauer’s first year teaching at Kennedy. She teaches general music to grades 1-4. She has taught at Lincoln Elementary in St. Cloud for the past eight years. All music teachers in the St. Cloud School District work on Native American music and culture units. Bauer expanded the unit for her fourth-grade students. Students had nine options to show their learning in a Tic-Tac-Toe board. The options ranged from writing an original story to composing a rap or song, making posters, creating a Native American flute, making a Bauer • page 3

St. Joseph Newsleader •



LEgal notICE CITY OF ST. JOSEPH PUBLIC HEARING SIGN VARIANCE The St. Joseph Planning Commis- cated at 1180 Elm St. E.; legally sion will conduct a public hearing described as Lot 001 Block 001 at 7:10 p.m. Monday Dec. 2, 2013 of ST JOSEPH PROFESSIONAL in the St. Joseph City Hall, 25 Col- PLAT P/O LOT 1 BLK 1 LYING lege Ave. N. to consider a 25-foot SLY OF FDL:COM NE COR-SE variance on the maximum height ALG E LN 248.99’ TO POB-S89D of a sign and to allow a pylon sign. W 181.78’ TO W LN and TERM. St. Joseph Code of 52.32 subd. 11(b)[5] states: The maximum The request for variance has been height of a Business Sign shall be submitted by McDonald’s, 1650 15 feet in height; and section 52.32 W. 82nd St., Bloomington, MN Subd. (d) states: Advertising or 55431. pylon signs shall not be permitted. The variance is being requested to Judy Weyrens allow the construction of a sign Administrator 40 feet in height. The property for which variance is sought is lo- Publish: Nov. 22, 2013

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

Rodney J. Ophoven, 68

in 1975. He was a registered nurse at the Veterans Administration for 30 years, retiring in 2011. He was a member of Westwood Community Church for more than 30 years. His love for the Lord inspired him to be actively involved in his church where he held many leadership roles and hosted Bible studies in his home. Ophoven was a loving husband, father and was an especially devoted grandfather. He was an avid gardener, a voracious reader and was known for his witty sense of humor. Survivors include his wife; sons Jason (Krista), Curtis (Tracy), Daniel (Tonia) and Timothy (Alyssa); 13 wonderful grandchildren; brothers David (Jean), Michael and Allen (Lois). He was preceded in death by his parents. The Ophoven family would like to extend special thanks to Quiet Oaks Hospice, the St. Cloud Hospital Hospice, and family, friends and neighbors who supported them.

St. Joseph July 24, 1945 - Nov. 13, 2013

Rodney J. Ophoven, 68, of St. Joseph died Nov. 13 at his home with his loving family at his side. His funeral was held Nov. 19 at Westwood Community Church, St. Cloud. The Rev. Steve Schoepf officiated. Burial was in St. Joseph’s Parish Cemetery in St. Joseph. Ophoven was born July 24, 1945 in St. Cloud to Sylvester and Leona (Otto) Ophoven. He attended St. Anthony’s grade school, and graduated from Tech High School in 1963. He served in the U.S. Army as a medic in Vietnam from 1965-67. He married Janet Kerzman on Sept. 12, 1970 at Assumption Church in Eden Valley, Minn. Ophoven graduated from St. Cloud School of Nursing


Direct Care Specialist Tired of looking for “Just a Job”? Stop, shift gears and find a fulfilling purpose and get paid! Stop dreading going to work each day. Look forward to an exciting and rewarding career! Due to expansion J & J Holmes is seeking compassionate, caring individuals who want to help others and have a positive impact on the lives of people with developmental disabilities. No previous experience necessary. We will provide all required training. We have part-time morning/afternoon/evening and overnight positions available. Will it be challenging? Yes, at times. Will it be fun and rewarding? Yes, every day! Must be willing to have fun at work; take clients to the movies, community events, play games, help them to learn life skills and more.

Notice is hereby given the Council will meet at 7 p.m. or shortly thereafter on Dec. 5, 2013 in the City Hall Council Chambers to consider, and possibly adopt, the proposed 2014 Fee Schedule.

All persons wishing to speak will be heard and oral testimony will be limited to five minutes. Written testimony should be mailed to City Administrator, P.O. Box 668, St. Joseph, Minn 56374.

The proposed 2014 Fee Schedule is on file for public inspection at the City Offices, 25 College Ave. N. and on the city website:

Judy Weyrens Administrator



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News Tips?

Publish: Nov. 22, 2013

Serving from 8:30 a.m. to noon

Menu: Swany pancakes, Kay’s Kitchen caramel rolls, sausage and eggs

Adults: $7 Children (ages 6-12): $5 Under 6: Free Heritage Hall at the Church of St. Joseph 12 W. Minnesota St. • St. Joseph

Donors give to the max to St. Ben’s Monastery At midnight Nov. 14, 330 donors had given $42,445 online to the St. Benedict’s Monastery. In addition, a group of donors pooled their gifts to form matching grants equaling $32,385 for a grand total of $74,830. “The monastery is so grateful to you for your generosity,” said Sister Gen Maiers, OSB. “Thank you! For more than 150 years, St. Benedict’s Monastery has been a place of prayer and service to the community. Thank you for joining us in our ministry.”


If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at www.tricountycrimestoppers. org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Oct. 16 11:45 a.m. Agency assist. 69th Avenue. Assisted Stearns County Sheriff’s Department with the apprehension of a vehicle and detaining its occupants involved in a shooting. Oct. 17 5:09 p.m. Assist person. Cedar Street E. Caller requested a standby while he picked up his brother’s property from ex-girlfriend’s apartment. Officer ID’d all individuals present for landlord and found one of the males had an active warrant. He was arrested and transported to jail. Another officer arrived to standby until all parties were finished at the apartment. Oct. 18 3:29 p.m. Harassment. 10th Avenue SE. Complainant stated another female keeps calling, texting and Facebooking her stating she better watch herself walking alone. Officer called her and advised her to stop or she may be charged. She accused the complainant of the same. Both were advised to delete each other off everything and to leave each other alone. Both were advised to save what they have now if needed later. Nothing further at this time. 3:27 p.m. Hit and run. College Avenue S. Sometime since Oct. 15 and today complainant’s vehicle was hit parked in the west back lot of Lottie Hall. Unknown suspect vehicle. Minor damage to left rear corner. Oct. 19 4:07 p.m. Found dog. Baker Street E./12th Avenue SE. Caller was walking and saw a small brown fluffy dog with no tags near the side of the road. She thought it was their neighbors and brought it to them but it was not theirs. Officer put dog in the pen.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen

The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

Bauer from front page television or radio advertisement and many others. “The kids put a lot of time into their projects and were very creative,” Bauer said. There were 42 projects. Some students chose to do a project with partners and others decided to work alone. Many students chose to create replicas of a Native American love flute; a television or radio advertisement announcing the purposes of a powwow; a poster showing what to find at a powwow; a thinking map comparing and contrasting the orchestral flute and the Native American flute; or a game about the Native American drum, flute, dance and powwows. Many students loved the option of creating a game. They will soon be able to play all of the games they created during a stations’ day in the music room. Bauer said she was proud of the students.

“I could not have been more proud of the time and energy these fantastic fourth-graders put into their projects,” Bauer said. “They showed much enthusiasm when coming into the classroom, and during the work time. Many students took other time during the day to come down and work, and many did independent work outside of the school day to create outstanding projects that showed their learning throughout our Native American music and culture unit.” Principal Judy Nagel was able to visit the classroom during a part of one of the presentations. “The students enjoyed learning more about Native Americans and Minnesota history through this unit in Mrs. Bauer’s music class,” Nagel said. “Everyone did a great job demonstrating what they’ve learned with their creative presentations and activities that engaged the entire class.” Several students commented on their excitement of the unit. “It was fun to express our creativity,” Zach Stang said.

“It was very fun,” Justin Funk said. “It was challenging and fun,” Allison Moon said. “No two projects were the same,” Lindsey Zimmer said. “I liked doing something different and having many choices,” Taylor Wald said. Bauer found inspiration for the projects while completeing her graduate classes. She focused her final thesis project for her master’s-degree program on differentiation in the music classroom. “A lot of assessing in the music room is me listening, observing and of course some writing, but I wanted students to be able to expand their horizons when choosing a way to show their learning,” Bauer said. “I also got the idea when I was taking graduate classes through St. Mary’s University, and we were focusing on differentiation in the classroom. I realized how important it was to allow students to learn and show their learning in many different ways.”





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Schwalboski from front page a lifelong student of the arts. Throughout the years she has realized how important art and creativity have become for her. “If you ask anyone, they will tell you I’m always involved in something artsy,” Schwalboski said. Throughout the years, she has tried many art-and-craft trends. Some of them include sketching, painting, macramé, dough art, scrapbooking, quilting and others. Schwalboski, 60, took her first art class at a Pleasanton, Kan. workshop in 2002 with an artist from Zhostovo, Russia and has been dabbling in classes ever since. She is certified as a level two instructor in the Zhostovo style, a beautiful floral style of painting usually done on metal trays in oils. She said the Zhostovo workshop classes fueled her passion for painting, the arts and her desire to share her knowledge with other people. Schwalboski became a certified “Traditions” painting instructor in 2008 and finds rewards in teaching students the color theory that is the basis of that type of painting. Her classes are for the beginner to intermediate artist experience. Although she has been painting since high school, she had not previously done any drawing. This might sound contradictory, but Schwalboski said you don’t have to have great drawing ability to be a great painter. There are other means of getting a good end result with painting. She took her first drawing class from St. Joseph artist Anne Meyer in February. This is her first experience with drawing and she has seen a great deal of improvement in her ability. Schwalboski is currently working with pencil-sketch portraits where she had worked with oils and acrylics in the past. “I love doing the portraits,” she said. Schwalboski has also started wire wrapping, which is wrapping stones in wire. She started doing that in June and has many pieces displayed at Cream City. “I am a woman possessed with drawing and wire-wrapping, and of course any other type of art,” Schwalboski said. Since that first workshop, she has traveled across the United States and has learned many new techniques she shares with her students. Schwalboski has painted with artists from England, Australia, Japan, Russia, Canada and many others from the states. She is very active in organizing and attending events, seeking new and existing artists and in producing art. Schwalboski is the Avon Area Arts President and has been a member of the

St. Joseph Newsleader • AAArts since its beginning in 2005. She is also a member of the Society of Decorative Painters and the Central Minnesota Watercolor Society. Schwalboski teaches art classes at her St. Joseph studio and through various painting groups to which she belongs. Her primary art passion and stress reliever is creating on canvas, paper, wood and metal with color pencils, acrylics, water colors and oils. Currently, she is working on pencil, acrylic and oil portraits. Schwalboski recently hosted a color-pencil class at the St. Stephen City Hall. The instructor was from Seattle and people from throughout the United States attended. “Fantastic weekend, fantastic fun,” Schwalboski said. She and a group of about five meet weekly to work on art. They currently are drawing but have painted in the past. “Art is an earned skill,” she said. “The more time you spend on it the better you become.” Schwalboski grew up in Sartell and has lived in the area all of her life. She and her husband, Ralph, have been St. Jo-

seph residents for 22 years. They have a son, Eric; a daughter, Tracy; and five grandchildren. Schwalboski says she has the most understanding husband in the world. “He has to be ‘the best’ to put up with my painting passion and wanderlust when it comes to visiting grandchildren and attending painting workshops,” Schwalboski said. She works for the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. Schwalboski nonchalantly states she has a couple of college degrees, none of which are in art-related fields. She has a bachelor’s degree in organizational management and communication and an associate’s degree in mechanical drafting and design. Schwalboski has made a conscious choice not to make art her career but rather to keep it a hobby. “When you are forced to do something, it takes away from the fun,” Schwalboski said. Located at 11 6th Ave. N., Cream City is open from noon-8 p.m. Mondays-Saturdays.

Conservation Corps accepts applications Young adults, ages 18 to 25, are encouraged to apply for one of 160 positions available with Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa. Conservation Corps is currently accepting applications for AmeriCorps field crew leader and member positions for the 2014 program year. Positions are available statewide. Priority application deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 4. Corps members receive on-the-job training in natural-resource management

and put those skills into practice working on habitat restoration projects throughout the midwest. Crew members also receive a living stipend, health insurance, student-loan forbearance during the service term and a post-service AmeriCorps Education Award that may be used for college expenses or to repay qualified student loans. For more information, visit www. and click on Criers.

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

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LEgal notICE

CITY OF ST. JOSEPH PUBLIC HEARING The St. Joseph Planning Commis- pied, the owner must be a natural sion shall conduct a public hearing person, and all owner(s) occupy the at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2, 2013. property as their principal residence The purpose of the hearing is to and have for at least two years. consider an interim-use permit to The owners may not exceed two allow a non-owner-occupied rental in number. For the purpose of deat 803 Morningside Loop. The termining ownership, the owner(s) property is legally described as Lot must provide a copy of a recorded 17, Block 1, Morningside Acres deed or recorded contract for deed. Second Addition. A purchase agreement will not be accepted as evidence of ownership. St. Joseph Code of Ordinances 52.27 Subd.5(b) allows for an in- Katie Schmitz, 803 Morningside terim-use permit as follows: Res- Loop, St. Joseph, MN 56374 has idential rental provided the prop- submitted the request for interim erty owner is relocating and the use. dwelling has been actively for sale and on the market for at least three Judy Weyrens months. For purposes of establish- Administrator ing if the property is owner occu- Publish: Nov. 22, 2013

Friday,Nov. 22, 2013

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Our View Like RomneyCare, ObamaCare is going through birth pains If the Affordable Care Act’s website is not functioning well by the eve of Dec. 1, those who abhor that law will say “told you so – it’s a train wreck.” But whoa! The train has barely left the station. A derailment is not inevitable, much as the law’s opponents would like to think so. They gloat, they salivate, they applaud at every ObamaCare glitch that comes down the track. But, at this point, those who hated ObamaCare from the very beginning, since its passage in 2010, do have some new ammunition in their arsenal. Yes, the website rollout was an unmitigated disaster. Why the president and his staff did not demand testing of that website beforehand is inexcusable since it is the very key to the program’s success. As if that weren’t bad enough, insurance cancellations began, countering the president’s repeated reassurances that people who have and like their insurance can keep that insurance when the ACA begins. Issues of bad planning, incompetence and the credibility of the president have surfaced. It’s understandable the doubters – including some doubting Democrats – have new questions and second thoughts. The president, during an awkward press conference last week, admitted his mistakes and apologized, saying it’s incumbent upon him to regain the trust of the American people. Before we give ObamaCare its last rites, let’s remind ourselves of the pluses that have already happened: insurance companies barred from refusing people with pre-existing conditions; allowing children to stay on parents’ polices until they are 26; policies required to include – at the very minimum – such benefits as preventive care, maternity care; prohibitions against gender discrimination; and no annual or lifetime dollar limits. Another huge plus of the ACA is an expansion of Medicaid to states from the federal government now covers millions more people living at the poverty level. Some states led by Republican governors, refused to accept the Medicaid expansion, thus cutting off their noses to spite their faces and leaving millions of their citizens without access to care. One reason for recent insurance-policy cancellations is they do not meet the standards required by ObamaCare as listed above. Another reason is healthinsurance companies have long been known to cancel policies at any time and to raise rates often, with annual increases amounting to 14-20 percent. The ACA is one of the most ambitious programs ever launched in this nation. As such, like Social Security and Medicare, it’s bound to go through its birth pains, just as RomneyCare, on which ObamaCare was based, had its share of early glitches in Massachusetts. The hurdles are not over. One hurdle is how many young and healthier people will enroll in plans through the insurance-exchange markets? That could ultimately make or break the program. The bleak alternative to ObamaCare is this: Up to 40 million Americans will remain unable to afford insurance, and the rest of us will have to pay for their emergency care, indirectly, through increased hospital costs, increased insurance premiums and increased taxes. ACA detractors claim ObamaCare itself will cause –not solve – those bad outcomes. Instead of licking their chops about a “train wreck,” ObamaCare opponents should get on track to help people buy affordable insurance. We should be hoping the ACA succeeds instead of longing so eagerly for its demise.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

Opinion JFK murder turned TV set into box of doom Fifty years ago today, Nov. 22, I skipped school. Sitting in a comfortable chair, I propped my feet up against the side of the old kerosene stove and began reading Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town,” an assignment for 10th-grade English class at Tech High School. I kept glancing up from the book to the glum light coming through the bay windows of the living room. Bare oak branches shivered against the gray sky. It was a good day to be home, reading by the toasty stove in my creaky, cozy old house in south St. Cloud. I could hear the radio playing in the kitchen. All of a sudden, there was a news bulletin – something about President John F. Kennedy having been shot in Texas. Right away I figured he’d been hunting with Vice President Lyndon Johnson at his Texas ranch. Minor wound from a stray bullet. I shifted my focus back to “Our Town.” Minutes later, I was stunned to hear: “The president of the United States is dead.” Felled by an assassin’s bullet in Dallas. Ma came hurrying from the kitchen to tell me what I’d already heard. I remember looking out at those bare oak branches against that dreary sky, which looked suddenly much gloomier and ominous. I knew instantly that something dark and ugly had shattered our world. That bright young hope, Kennedy, had been extinguished in a split second. Then disbelief took over. “This just can be true,” Ma and I kept saying. “There must be some mistake. He can’t really be dead.”

Dennis Dalman Editor Our TV set was on the fritz. All we had were occasional radio updates blaring from the kitchen. Later that day, we Dalmans all walked a block south down the alley to our good friends, the Fahnhorsts. And that is where we “camped out,” more or less, for three days – in front of their black-and-white console TV where we became instant conspiracy theorists. Our first theory: It was the Soviet communists, and the killing of Kennedy was the first phase of their takeover plot. Our second theory (this is embarrassing to admit): Lyndon Johnson planned the assassination so he could take over as president. Our third theory: There must have been more people involved other than that Harvey Lee whatever-his-name is. (We were getting the news in dribs and drabs, and several times newsmen got Oswald’s name wrong.) I vividly remember Ricky Fahnhorst calling me after I’d gone home for lunch, “Hey, Denny, guess what?! That Oswald they captured? Somebody just shot him! Right on TV. Live TV!” I ran down the alley, back to the Fahnhorsts, back to the morbid-butfascinating TV marathon. Later, there was the funeral with its haunting images: the riderless horse, the muffled drum beats, the caisson

with the flag-draped casket, Jackie walking next to Robert Kennedy, a black veil covering her face. Riveted by the TV reports, we discussed and argued our three theories for hours, for days. It’s hard to believe it’s been 50 years. For three days, that TV set was like a box of doom, coughing up one dreadful image after another. Years later, in 2004, during a trip to Texas, I visited Dealey Plaza in Dallas, where Kennedy was killed, and I went up to the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository building and looked out the window from where Lee Harvey Oswald shot the president. The Dealey Plaza trip was an eerie déjà vu; I felt as if I’d been there before. In a sense I had been there – via the barrage of TV images throughout the years. So, who shot JFK? For decades, I’ve read and heard all the theories, including the ones we cooked up in front of that TV set 50 years ago. My strongest hunch is Oswald was the lone assassin. Conspiracy theories, if you ask me, are mainly hatched by people who want to keep reliving, in the most morbid ways, those dark days. And yet, who knows? There were enough strange coincidences and sinister goings-on back in those Cold War days to keep conspiracy theorists busy for a long time to come. In another 50 years, that murder will probably still be scrutinized and maybe even solved, proof-positive, once and for all. In any case, the assassination of Kennedy is yet another proof that life can be stranger – far stranger – than fiction.

Letters to editor

Reader says ‘thanks’ for addressing mental health issues Kevin Kluesner, St. Joseph Thank you for publishing two articles and a letter to the editor about mental illness, Nov. 15. My family has suffered from the suicides of my sister, Amy, 22, in 1985; and my brother, Michael, 38, in 1997. For the past 28 years my

parents, Al and Mary, have worked in many capacities to educate the public to prevent suicides and lessen the stigma of mental illness. Unfortunately, the rate of suicide has not declined since my sister’s death. However, I believe as a society we have made progress in lessening the stigma of mental illness. Orga-

nizations like, www., (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention) and (Suicide Awarness Voices of Education) are doing important work. Mike Stringer and Wendy and Steve Hennes are to be commended for their efforts. God bless them.

Reader celebrates public education after attending reunion Nancy Streng, St. Joseph This summer I, as many others do at predictable five-year intervals, attended my high school class reunion. I went to connect with past friends but also to meet others I didn’t know very well even though we occupied the place at the same time in our shared history. At one point in the evening, someone gathered my high school classmates into elementary school cohorts to be photographed.

I noticed the fun people had remembering elementary school even though each person’s path, following elementary school, was very different. Some of the elementary school cohorts were huge but when my cohort was called only two of us were present. Still, a respectable turn out considering there were only five in my class at the tiny country elementary school where I attended. In fact, the enrollment for my entire elementary school was only 60 students! As

I left the reunion, I was thankful for many things – friends, memories, but mostly public education. I was quieted by thoughts of where I would be, today, if not for public education. Where else, but in America, can a child from even remote and obscure places still receive a free and appropriate education? American Education Week is officially celebrated for one week, every year, in November, but I, for one, celebrate daily.

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St. Joseph Newsleader •

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

Community Calendar

Friday, Nov. 22 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Blood drive, 1-7 p.m., Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints, 1420 29th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR 2 N., St. Joseph. This week’s musical guest is Swedish cellist, Thomas Schonberg. Zonta Christmas House, 3-9 p.m., fundraiser to support women and childrens’ programs, 2607 Regal Road, St. Cloud. “The Good Woman of Setzuan,” 7:30 p.m., presented by CSB/SJU Theater Department, Gorecki Theater, Benedicta Arts Center, College of St.

Saturday, Nov. 23 Zonta Christmas House, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., fundraiser to support women and childrens’ programs, 2607 Regal Road, St. Cloud. Sartell Farmers’ Winter Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. Holiday Boutique, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., more than 30 vendors, silent auction, free admittance, Celebration Lutheran Church, 1500 Pine Cone Road, Sartell. “The Good Woman of Setzuan,”




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7:30 p.m., presented by CSB/SJU Theater Department, Gorecki Theater, Benedicta Arts Center, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph. Tickets call 3635777. “Stop Kiss,” a play written by American playwright Diana Son and produced off-Broadway in 1998, 7:30 p.m., Arena Stage, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University.

“Stop Kiss,” a play written by American playwright Diana Son and produced off-Broadway in 1998, 2 p.m., Arena Stage, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University. “Pictures at an Exhibition” St. Cloud State University’s Wind Ensemble performs once this season, 3 p.m., Stewart Hall, Ritsche Auditorium, St. Cloud State University.

Sunday, Nov. 24 Love of Christ Celebrates 20th Anniversary, 10:45 a.m. service, luncheon and program noon-2 p.m. 1971 Pinecone Road, St. Cloud. “The Good Woman of Setzuan,” 2 p.m., presented by CSB/SJU Theater Department, Gorecki Theater, Benedicta Arts C enter, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph. Tickets call 363-5777.

Monday, Nov. 25 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767.


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7 1:30 p.m., exercise for older adults adaptable for all fitness levels. Church of St. Joseph Parish Center, St. Joseph. 320-363-4588. Thursday, Nov. 28 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Forever Fit, a senior fitness class, 1:30 p.m., exercise for older adults adaptable for all fitness levels. Church of St. Joseph Parish Center, St. Joseph. 320-363-4588.

Tuesday, Nov. 26 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Forever Fit, a senior fitness class,

Friday, Nov. 29 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. (Complimentary T-shirt for presenting donors, while supplies last.)



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St. Joseph Newsleader •


Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

Retailers to open earlier on Thanksgiving day by Cori Hilsgen

Many retailers have decided to open earlier on Thanksgiving Day this year. Some say it is what customers are wanting and asking for and others say it’s because the shopping season is almost a week shorter than last year. A few states have laws which prohibit them from opening before midnight on Thanksgiving

Lawsuit from front page Institute in Maryland, where he spent several months. Later, he was assigned to the parish in Hastings. The lawsuit alleges that is where the sexual abuse against a boy occurred between the years of 1985 to 1992, starting when the boy was 10 and ending when he was 13. “Doe 27,” the plaintiff, is now in his 30s. The lawsuit documents

Day, but for many states the opening time for “Black Friday” has begun to creep up earlier and earlier each year. For serious shoppers, it might be a hard decision whether to spend the day going to church services, spending time with family and friends eating the traditional turkey meal and sitting down to watch a game of football or to head to the store for the advertised deals. Retailers have previously

opened the Friday after Thanksgiving at 6 a.m. for many years, but in recent years, some have begun opening at 5 a.m. and then 4 a.m. Most usually offer enticing sales to boost the start of the holiday shopping season. In 2011, some retailers began opening at midnight on Thanksgiving Day. In 2012, others opened their doors to customers at 8 p.m. This year, retailers such as Best Buy, Target Corp., Walmart

do not indicate where he now lives. Hoefgen, according to court records, lives in Minneapolis. The lawsuit alleges the defendants knew or should have known about the dangers posed by Hoefgen in his working with children. The suit requests at least $50,000 in damages to the plaintiff, who is claiming mental and emotional damage because of the abuse. The suit is also asking St. John’s Abbey release to the public a list, with current addresses, of

17 clergy who have had “credible” child-abuse charges against them, as well as names and addresses of 33 clergy members of the archdiocese of St. Paul who have been credibly accused. The plaintiff and attorneys also want all documents relating to those charges to be made public. There has been an increase in lawsuits against clergy in the past year because of the Child Victims’ Act in Minnesota, which did away with a statute of limitations on child-sexual-abuse cases.

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and others are planning to open at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving. KMart plans to open their doors at 6 a.m. and some other stores plan to open part of the day, close for a few hours and then reopen. The Friday after Thanksgiving has been called “Black Friday” since it got its name in Philadelphia in the 1960’s, due to increased traffic congestion. It’s often considered the start of the Christmas shopping season and has been the busiest shopping day of the year for a number of years. During the rest of the year, many retailers operate at a financial loss until “Black Friday,” at which time they begin to earn a profit. To read the article in its entirety, visit



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