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Newsleader St. Joseph
Friday, Nov. 29, 2013 Volume 24, Issue 47 Est. 1989
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Tillemans, man of conscience, subject of documentary by Dennis Dalman
Town Crier
Christmas Tree Lighting
A tree lighting ceremony and caroling will be held starting at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6 in downtown St. Joseph on the corner of Minnesota Street and College Avenue on the Bello Cucina patio. The tree is donated by Dr. Joseph Styles. A gathering with Santa, refreshments and ornament making will be at 7 p.m. in the social area of the La Playette. The event is sponsored by the St. Joseph Action Group with assistance by Sentry Bank and Central Minnesota Credit Union.
St. Joseph survey helps guide city services
City of St. Joseph taxpayers are encouraged to participate in a community survey to aid elected officials in determining the efficiency of city services and measuring residents’ opinions of those services, along with assisting in determining community amenities. The survey contains 12 questions and takes less than five minutes to complete. A link to the survey is provided on the city’s website at Paper copies are also available at city hall.
Short-call sub training to be held Dec. 9-10
People who want to teach but don’t have the full credentials will have an opportunity to become certified as short-call substitute teachers under the Minnesota Limited Short-call Substitute program. A four-year bachelor’s degree is required to qualify. Resource Training and Solutions in St. Cloud has announced it has coordinated a two-day program on Dec. 9-10 to prepare individuals to apply to become short-call substitute teachers. Training will cover topics such as the substitute teacher’s role in the classroom and district, basics of classroom management and instruction, basics of child development, and communication skills. For more information, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers.
Hot off the press
If you’d like to receive the Newsleader hot off the press, send us your email address and we’ll notify you with a link when our website is updated, which is typically by noon a day in advance of the print edition. Send your email to and you should start receiving your reminder at that address within a week. Notify us otherwise. For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.
photo by Dennis Dalman
Larry Tillemans, shown here in his Country Manor apartment, has given more than 450 talks about the importance of remembering the Holocaust and its more than 10 million victims. Next to Tillemans is one of his posters he displays during his presentations. Tillemans, who lived for many years in St. Joseph, was a clerk typist for the U.S. Army who typed up and prepared transcripts during the trials of Nazi war criminals at the end of World War II.
A lunch at Kay’s Kitchen in St. Joseph three years ago led to a television documentary about a local man renowned for sharing his first-hand knowledge of Nazi war crimes. Chuck Czech is a producer at KSMQ, the public television station in Austin. When he and his wife stopped at Kay’s Kitchen three years ago, he noticed a flyer on the wall about a public open-house birthday party for a man by the name of Larry Tillemans. The flyer included a few mentions about how Tillemans is one of the only known living survivors of the Nazi war-crimes trial in Nuremberg, Germany. Tillemans, a sergeant in the U.S. Army, served as one of the clerk typists at that trial, as well as at the war-crimes trial at Dachau, site of a Nazi death camp. At Kay’s Kitchen, Czech’s wife noticed her husband’s instant fascination with the flyer. Tillemans • page 3
Credit union trumpets importance of financial fitness by Dennis Dalman
Moderation in spending can lead to financial fitness just as moderation in eating can lead to physical health. The employees of the St. Cloud Federal Credit Union and its two branches, including the Sartell one, have launched a
program they call “Financial Fitness.” It’s an effort to help all of their customers better manage money to bring their lives into balance financially. They believe when a good financial balance is achieved, other elements important to a balanced life (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) will more easily come into a harmonious balance.
Recently, the Newsleader interviewed three credit-union employees at the Sartell branch office about Financial Fitness – Duane Otremba, vice president of marketing; Tammy Butler, Sartell office supervisor; and Bridget Deutz, social-media marketing coordinator. “Financial fitness means more than just getting out of debt,”
Deutz said. “It’s a lifestyle, like eating healthy every day. It’s a cycle, an ongoing process.” Many people, Butler said, live paycheck to paycheck, which means they can be just one paycheck away from disaster, unless they have prepared for financial fitness. Most importantly, all three Credit Union • page 4
Residents are staying ‘Forever Fit’
by Cori Hilsgen
A number of area residents are trying a “Forever Fit” approach to exercising and staying healthy by participating in exercise classes held at the Church of St. Joseph Heritage Hall. The class, instructed by Paula Woischke, is part of the Whitney Senior Center’s “Whitney WithOut Walls” program, an outreach activity that brings Whitney-type programming to local areas. Woischke is a certified fitness instructor who has a master’s degree in gerontology. She has been teaching fitness classes and working with seniors for more than 10 years.
“I love what I’m doing,” Woischke said. “I cannot imagine myself giving up teaching my classes due to all of the friendships and the opportunity to see the impact of the benefits of the exercise, as well as the social part of the classes.” Sue Meers from St. Joseph has been attending the classes. Meers is in her mid-70s. She couldn’t start the classes when they first began because of other commitments but has been attending for about two months. Meers said she enjoys the classes because it’s exercising with other people which is easier than exercising alone. She said it can be hard to motivate herself when she is exercising Forever Fit • page 8
contributed photo
Paula Woischke (center) instructs a fitness class for seniors. She is currently teaching “Forever Fit” classes at the Church of St. Joseph Heritage Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She encourages individuals to attend a session to learn more about the program.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Joel Roske, son of Peggy and Michael Roske of St. Joseph, is studying in Chile during fall semester 2013 through the Office for Education Abroad at the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph and St. John’s University in Collegeville. Roske is a junior environmental studies and Hispanic studies major at SJU. The Chile program is hosted by Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, a private university located in Viña del Mar, a city of 350,000 residents. The campus is situated in central contributed photo Chile, 70 miles west of Santiago, All Saints Academy winners are (front row, left to right) An- the country’s capital. Students are drew Weisser, third place; Kian Siasu, first place; and Levi encouraged to advance their SpanPosch, second place; (back row) Y2K Lions Delrose Fischer and ish language skills and integrate Ann Reischl. into the rich and diverse culture through service learning opportunities and by living with Chilean host families. Gladys White, associate professor of Hispanic studies at CSB and SJU, is the director of the program for fall 2013. The College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University are ranked No. 2 nationally among baccalaureate institutions with students who participate in mid-length study abroad programs according to the annual report on international education, Open Doors 2013, published by the Institute of International Education. The two schools, which contributed photo St. John’s Preparatory School winners are (front row, left to shared the No. 2 spot with Colright) Josha Stroeing, third place; Justine Meyer, first place; gate University, Hamilton, N.Y., and Miranda Curnutt, second place; (back row) are St. Joseph had 360 students study abroad on mid-length programs during the Y2K Lions members Delrose Fischer and Ann Reischl. 2011-12 school year, the latest year measured by IIE. There are 20 semester-long programs administered by CSB and SJU, 16 of which are faculty-led. Three St. Joseph students will perform at the Carol Concert at the University of Minnesota, Morris. They are Andrew, Clara and Maryanna Kroska. The concert will be held Dec. 6–8 at Assumption Catholic Church, 209 E. Third St., Morris. This will be the 35th Carol Concert and the first under the direction of Christina Armendarez contributed photo ‘00, assistant professor of music. Kennedy Community Elementary School winners are (left to Featuring seasonal favorites and right) Kaci Ostendorf, third place; Hope Hartwig, first place; well-known choral arrangements, and Savannah Henkel, second place. the annual concerts promise festive holiday music and entertainment St. Joseph Y2K Lions announce peace poster winners inspired by a bygone era. Performance times are as follows: 8 p.m. All Saints Academy student The contest is to emphasize Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6 and 7, Kian Siasu, St. John’s Prep the importance of world peace and 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8.A meal School student Justine Meyer to young people everywhere. prepared by Bello Cucina will be and Kennedy Community Each poster was selected for available at an additional cost. DinSchool student Hope Hartwig its originality, artistic merit and ners will be served in the lower were named first-place winners portrayal of the contest theme, level of Assumption Church 90 at their respective schools in “Our World, Our Future.” The minutes prior to each performance. local competition of the Peace three posters have been for- Tickets may be purchased online at or by phone at Poster Contest, sponsored by warded on to the district level. 320-589-6077. the St. Joseph Y2K Lions.
Friday, Nov. 29, 2013
Cold Spring woman dies in St. Joseph car accident by Cori Hilsgen
Marcella Cheeley, 90, of Cold Spring, died Nov. 21 in a car crash at the bypass near Interstate-94. The collision occurred at the intersection of CR 2 and Minnesota Street W., west of St. Joseph. It was reported at 9:20 a.m. Several deputies from Stearns County were at the scene of the crash. According to a news release from Stearns County Sheriff John Sanner, Cheeley was attempting to turn left onto CR 2 when her 1991 Chevrolet Corsica was struck broadside and pushed into the west ditch by
a semi-truck driven by Aaron Birr, 58, of Eden Valley. Gold Cross Ambulance Service transported Birr to the St. Cloud Hospital. He was later discharged. Birr’s vehicle tipped and lost the load of sand he was hauling. The bypass was completed a year ago to route truck traffic away from downtown St. Joseph. Several crashes have occurred at another intersection connecting to the bypass. Stearns County is moving ahead with plans to install a traffic signal at the intersection where CR 2 connects to CR 75 from the south and CR 3 joins from the north.
If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Oct. 26 12:42 a.m. Found property. Minnesota Street W. While conducting bar checks, officer observed a male entering Sal’s Bar with a U.S. flag on a flagpole. The flagpole was shoved down the front of his pants. Officer asked him where he got the flag and he stated from a friend’s house. He said he picked it up off the ground. Flag appeared to be one the Legion puts on the lightpoles on College Avenue and Minnesota Street. Flag was confiscated and placed into evidence room. 10:29 a.m. Suspicious activity. 19th Avenue NE. Report of a woman in a storage unit. Officer arrived and found her in the shed knitting. She stated she was fine and was dressed for the weather and did not want any help with food or shelter. Officer advised her he would stop back later if she changed her mind. She stated she would be going to St. Cloud later on in the morning. She did have a lock and key for the storage unit. Did appear to be homeless. Oct. 27 1:15 a.m. Intoxicated person.
College Avenue S. Officers received a report of an intoxicated male who pushed a female at the bus stop on campus. Officers met with security who had the male and female. Spoke with the male who appeared to be very intoxicated. A breathalyzer was administered which indicated a blood-alcohol level of .281 percent. He was unable to understand officer asking if a sober party could care for him, so he was transported to detox. He was given a citation for underage consumption. Female was spoken to at scene and stated male party had pushed her after a verbal argument. She stated she was unsure who was actually the aggressor and who had pushed first. She was very intoxicated and released with a group of sober friends. Oct. 28 7:24 a.m. Accident. College Avenue N./CR 75. Vehicle one was stopped at a red light. Vehicle two was behind vehicle one and for what he said was unknown reasons, hit the rear of vehicle one. Very minor damage to vehicle one. Info sheet was exchanged. Oct. 29 1 a.m. Noise. College Avenue S. Complaint of noise. Officer heard individual working with tools in the garage. Individual stated he was working in his girlfriend’s garage. He was advised of the complaint and he stated he would be done for the evening.
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
Newstands BP Gas Station Casey’s General Store Holiday Gas Station Kay’s Kitchen
The Local Blend St. Joseph Meat Market St. Joseph Newsleader Office
Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon
Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen
Editor Dennis Dalman
Design/Layout Tara Wiese
Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer
P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Nov. 29, 2013
Tillemans from front page She suggested they should attend the birthday party at Tillemans’ home in St. Joseph. She also suggested he might consider doing a documentary about the man. After meeting Tillemans, Czech was convinced the man would be the perfect subject for a riveting documentary, made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Legacy Amendment. Czech eventually enlisted the help of David Klassen, a freelancer who co-produced the film with Czech. It took them three years to complete the documentary, entitled “The Typist.” Two weeks ago, at Country Manor in Sartell, where Tillemans now lives, a virtual “movie premiere” took place with Tillemans as the center of attention. All of Tillemans’ six children, from throughout the nation, gathered with other special guests in Country Manor’s Oak Community Room to watch “The Typist,” a 56-minute tribute to Tillemans. There was rousing applause and even a few tears after the showing. The movie features scenes of Tillemans talking to audiences, something he has done 450 times in the past 20 years. Talks in schools, service organizations, churches, synagogues, jails and prisons. His basic message, one that he vowed to keep hammering home, is “Never forget!” He was – and is – determined to remind people what happened in Europe during World War II when Hitler’s Nazis were responsible for the vicious and systematic extermination of millions of people. Tillemans is disgusted some people claim the Holocaust did not exist. One of those deniers is the former leader of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Tillemans vividly remembers U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first reactions when his troops came upon the stacks of bodies and the skeletal survivors in the Dachau death camp. Eisenhower insisted German villagers be brought to the camp so they could see the horror of what had happened
there. Eisenhower also ordered troops to film and document the horrors because, as he predicted, someday some “S.O.B. is going to say it never happened.” When Tillemans, who lived in Minneota, was a student in a high-school typing class, he of course had no clue that just a couple years later, he would by typing up page after page of testimony about some of the worst atrocities in the history of the world. At Nuremberg and Dachau, after typing up transcripts of unimaginably heinous crimes and seeing horrific slides of mass murder at the trials, Tillemans would often go back to his barracks at night and cry, unable to sleep. “It took me a long time to get over the hate I felt in my heart and my soul and my mind for them doing what they did,” Tillemans said. “You can’t hold that hate in you if you’re a Christian, and later I learned to forgive them.” But he vowed never to forget what he had read and heard and witnessed. “Never forget!” became a heartrending plea from all death-camp survivors. And it’s a plea Tillemans took to heart. Using photos, news clippings and memories, he has shared the historical truth of the Holocaust with countless thousands of people. For his untiring efforts, he has won
grateful praise from many, including the famed Nazi hunter Eli Rosenbaum, who has spent time getting to know Tillemans. Rosenbaum, now with the U.S. Department of Justice, wrote a letter to Tillemans after viewing the documentary. “This stellar documentary . . . will ensure your powerful and crucial messages of tolerance, faith and humanity live on forever. I hope the film becomes a staple of classroom instruction throughout Minnesota, and beyond. Thank you so much for the gift of your inspiring moral leadership and for according me the very high honor of being your friend.” “The Typist” includes interviews with Tillemans’ family members and with those who have honored him for his tireless work. Another former soldier, Gerry Boe of Crosslake, is also featured in the movie. Boe, who also attended the movie at Country Manor, was a regimental sergeant who helped organize the daily protocol at the war-crimes trials. One part of the documentary explores the alcoholism Tillemans battled for years until one night in a Fergus Falls jail, he began to pray, inspired by a priest at Dachau who died of disease helping doomed and dying prisoners. After that prayer, Tillemans experienced new strength. Besides his hundreds of talks about the Holocaust, he has given just as
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many talks about his struggles with alcohol and his strong belief in the power of prayer and of human kindness. “The Typist” was broadcast for the first time Nov. 20 in southern Minnesota. It will likely be broadcast on public-TV stations throughout Minnesota in the near future. It can also be viewed on YouTube at: About two years ago, Tillemans, who is now 87, sold his house near St. Joseph and – because of some health concerns – moved to Country Manor Villa apartments in Sartell. He lost his wife, Josie, about three years ago. He now suffers from vertebrae problems and, reluctantly, has had to give up his talks. Even in his bouts of illnesses, ailments and pain, Tillemans never com-
3 plains and, in fact, his family members say his humor and good cheer seem to increase under adversity. He loves to smile, give gentle wisecracks and laugh with a deep-down merriment. Tillemans sloughed off pain and difficulties. “It comes with the territory,” he is fond of saying, keeping troubles at bay, accepting whatever comes his way. He cannot give his talks, anymore, and he accepts that, too, as “part of the territory.” However, he is still eager to share a video of his presentations with anyone who will watch, listen and learn. Tillemans can be reached at 320-203-7357 or via letter at Larry Tillemans, Country Villa #261, 520 1st St. NE, Sartell, MN 56377.
Residents can participate in survey by Cori Hilsgen
St. Joseph residents can participate in an online survey that rates general city business and performance. The survey asks 12 questions about overall appearance of the city, feeling of safety in the city, condition of city streets, quality of fire protection services, snowplowing, city sanitary sewer service, water supply, city recreational pro-
grams and facilities, services provided by the city, licensing, permitting and building inspection services in the city, new compost site for the city, fiscal management and health of the city. The survey will be available through Friday, Dec. 6. Participants can rate the questions from “excellent” to “poor” or “don’t know.” They can also add additional comments. To find the survey, visit
Sunday, Dec. 1
Serving from 8:30 a.m. to noon
Menu: Swany pancakes, Kay’s Kitchen caramel rolls, sausage and eggs
Adults: $7 Children (ages 6-12): $5 Under 6: Free Heritage Hall at the Church of St. Joseph 12 W. Minnesota St. • St. Joseph
St. Joseph Newsleader •
At the table
contributed photo
Employees of the St. Cloud Federal Credit Union are helping customers balance their lives and finances through a program they call “Financial Fitness.” Three of the Sartell branch employees are (left to right) Duane Otremba, vice president of marketing; Tammy Butler, Sartell office supervisor; and Bridget Deutz, social-media marketing coordinator.
Credit Union from front page heartily agree, it’s never too early or too late to create a financial-fitness plan. And it does not
matter whether someone makes a lot of money or not very much money; financial-fitness planning is good for everyone who does it, they added. The following is a basic outline of how the plan works:
First, a family should reserve a quiet, non-busy evening to sit down together at the kitchen or dining-room table. Children should be involved, too, at least in the part of the process that involves their spending habits. The family should gather every bill or receipt in the house. All bills and their amounts should be written down in a notebook. Then the family should work on a very detailed expenditures list. Ideally, all family members should save every single receipt for every single purchase for a month before tackling the expenditure list. Every cent of spending should be accounted for and written on the list, right down to that cup of coffee on the way to work or quick snacks purchased on the go. Otremba said most people would be amazed at how much they spend in a month on such “small” expenses like cans of pop, cups of coffee or snacks. Next, the family should list other expenses that will occur
throughout the year, such as estimated income taxes paid, property taxes, medical needs, school supplies and fees and money for various gifts, including Christmas, birthdays, weddings and more. Family members should be brutally honest and thorough when they make the detailed lists. Once the lists are completed, they should be scrutinized carefully. Then another list should be made of absolutely essential expenses that must be paid, such as bills. Yet another list should include all of the expenditures that can be eliminated. This does not mean they will all be dropped, but it will give the family a way to prioritize such expenditures, dumping the ones that really are not necessarily wanted. This list-making can take place over a period of various evenings in, say, a week’s time, but the process should not be delayed much longer than that. When scrutinizing the lists and coming up with a budget, it’s
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Friday, Nov. 29, 2013 important to see the “bigger picture,” Deutz said. Otremba added it’s also most helpful if people can be objective and honest about their own financial situation from the very start of the list-making and budgeting process. Many people unconsciously kid themselves about just how much they spend, greatly underestimating the problem.
Setting a budget
Once the lists have been made, in impeccable detail, a family should create a detailed budget plan, written down, and then stick to it. This includes the children. A very important part of the budget plan is to set aside savings, even if it’s a minimal amount each week. Those savings should be used as a rainy-day fund or for emergencies, and the money should never be raided for anything else not vitally needed. It’s also recommended, however, to set up a “fun” savings account for a family trip or something else exciting in the future. Another vital budget agreement in the family should be never to use a credit card for anything but emergency expenses. Stick to the budget strictly every day, then review how the budgeting process went in about three-months time, fine-tuning it and making necessary adjustments. The key is to stick to the budget no matter what, through thick and thin. Family members should pull together and encourage one another in positive ways during the ongoing budget process. They should sit down at the table and discuss how the budgeting is going – what is hardest, what is easiest. All ideas, suggestions and questions should be written down.
Pay yourself first
“Pay yourself first,” Deutz recommends. By that, she doesn’t mean take money up front and go on a spending spree. Paying yourself means setting aside a set amount of money
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Nov. 29, 2013 from each paycheck, even if it’s only a few dollars, for a retirement fund or for a savings account that can be designated under various categories such as Rainy Day Fund, Home Repair Savings, Vacation Fund or other. Children, too, should have accounts set up for them and get into the practice of saving, even if it’s just piggy-bank change. “Small change can make a big difference in time,” Butler said. Another way to save is to be sure to take advantage of a 401k plan if an employer offers one. The sooner you start one, the better. It’s the easiest, most painless way to save money over a period of time.
Cutting, cutting
If a family is truly honest and objective in planning a budget, they will find many ways to cut expenses and ways to save (or at least not spend) so much money. Here is a list of ways to cut expenses: quit smoking; quit gambling; take a homemade lunch to work; cut down or quit drinking coffee and pop during
the day; shop at budget “dollar” stores when possible; don’t buy children “designer” products; get as much mileage as possible from the old car instead of trading it in for a new – or newer – one; do not use credit cards unless absolutely necessary; cut down on the number of times one dines at restaurants or eats at fast-food places; make your own household cleaning products that are less expensive and environmentally friendly, as well – there are many ideas on how to do that online; if possible, a homeowner might consider paying off a mortgage or paying a bit extra – say, an extra $100 – on the mortgage principal payment each month – by doing that, a person can save a bundle over time as it pays down the amount subject to interest; shop around for the best prices, including insurance-company premiums; clip and use coupons at grocery stores; and consider switching phone companies or getting a better deal on cellphone service. Those are just some savings ideas. Each family, depending on their spending habits and
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lifestyles, will quickly find dozens if not hundreds of ways to not spend money. However, to discover those ways, all family members must be upfront and honest in separating their “needs” from their “wants.”
Don’t be afraid
An individual or family should never feel ashamed or afraid to ask for help in trying to attain physical fitness, Otremba said. Being in financial straits is nothing to be ashamed of, Butler added. “Don’t be afraid to ask for help,” Deutz said. “Sometimes bad things happen to good people.” All three agreed that seeking the help of a trained financialfitness advisor is usually the best way to go simply because an advisor/financial counselor is much more adept at being objective about any particular financial situation. Thus, the problem will come into focus for the one seeking the service.
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Our View
Women need to learn to fight back against violence
In a world where one out of three women will fight domestic abuse sometime during their lifetime and 2,000 children go missing each day, we need to teach all females and children to “fight like a girl.” Founded 17 years ago, the Fight Like a Girl program teaches women how to use their strengths and develop both physical and mental defenses. Kym Rock, founder of Fight Like a Girl, was herself a victim of domestic abuse and is also a cancer survivor, who at 5-foot-2 went on to become a seven-time world karate champion. Rock says “the program teaches girls and women to think smarter and develop the essential skills and awareness to keep themselves out of dangerous situations and to get away from an abuser, abductor or attacker.” She now travels the country speaking with and demonstrating skills to groups of women and inviting them to become trained professionals who can teach the program to others. Her knowledge and expertise may have helped a Minnesota woman, Angela Champagne-From, who in a recent KSTP Channel 5 broadcast, recounted how she was brutally stabbed with a hunting knife in broad daylight in a parking lot in downtown Minneapolis and survived. Champagne-From said she doesn’t like to think of herself as a victim and wants to empower other women so they don’t become one. Now she’s teaching others by sharing her story of how she says she “fought like a girl” and it saved her life. She said, “I scratched, screamed, bit, hit my horn, mule kicked him backwards, reasoned with him.” And he finally backed off after leaving her with a 10-inch gash in her stomach. The attacker was later identified by surveillance photos as a convicted sexual predator with a rap sheet a mile long, but at the time he was dressed in a business suit carrying a briefcase. Her attacker told her, “You’re lucky you’re a fighter.” She said it was the best compliment an attacker could give a victim. Anne Yatch, a self-defense expert also featured in the TV clip, says every woman needs to know she can fight and win, just like Angela did. Yatch says confidence wins fights. Both women said they believe all women should have some kind of self-defense training. There are tools women can carry, including a “defensive flashlight,” which is 25 times brighter than a normal flashlight and can blind an attacker. Most attacks are really about power. Champagne-From says she never surrendered her confidence that day in the parking lot, so her attitude was just as useful as her self-defense skills. And, with the Anna Marie abuse shelter as proof that violence toward women exists right here in our community every day, the Newsleader sets forth a challenge to bring “Fight Like a Girl” training to St. Joseph and for all women to take part.
Fairness and ethics
Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
Friday, Nov. 29, 2013
Opinion Hillbillies descend from hills everywhere The other day, while channel-surfing, I glimpsed a scene from that old series, “The Beverly Hillbillies.” I watched it for a few moments. It reminded me vividly of how, once upon a time, everyone in our neighborhood would tune into that show every week, without fail, and laugh our fool heads off. That was then; this is now. Time has not been kind to that series, so brimming with its corn-pone humor. Still, the scene I watched did amuse me a bit because it reminded me of real “hillbillies” I have known in my life. Like the family from the wilds of Arkansas who moved into an apartment next to mine in the 1970s. They loved to eat jalapeno peppers, raw. They told me they were surprised at the lack of outdoor toilets in Minnesota. And one of the sons burst over to my apartment one day to ask me if I knew Paul McCartney used to be in a band called The Beatles. “No!” I said. “You gotta be kidding.” “No kidding!” he said. “It said so just now, right on the radio.” They grew up in rural Arkansas, without any conveniences. They were fun neighbors, and I still miss them. When I was in grade school, Dad would often take our family on Sunday trips to some godforsaken place in the boondocks of central Minnesota. One of his good friends, a fellow musician, lived there in an underground “basement house,” as they were called. He and his nearly toothless wife had a swarm of kids (13 of them!) who would swirl around our Studebaker like happy savages when we pulled up to their weedy lot. The littlest kids, drooling and grinning, waddled
Dennis Dalman Editor around diaperless. Piles of garbage were stacked by the tar-paper top of their “buried house.” My brothers and I had a lot of fun playing outdoor games with those kids, but we had to hide our chuckles about their hillbilly ways. Queen Elizabeth II of England is – or at least was – a big fan of “The Beverly Hillbillies” show. I heard that when I was studying in London 33 years ago. I used to imagine her watching that show and laughing at her crude American “cousins,” that nation of colonial upstart hillbillies who made the mistake of overthrowing the British king. But I would always laugh with vengeance when I’d think of all the English “hillbillies” I’d see in the streets of London, the rabble mixed in among dapper gents with pinstriped suits, bowler hats and umbrellas. I even met English-style hillbillies in a concert hall. One evening I attended a performance of Richard Strauss’ “An Alpine Symphony” at Royal Festival Hall. As the orchestra tuned up, there was a commotion to my right. A bumpkin family – an older couple and their Li’l Abner sons – were scuffling, bickering over where they were going to sit. The parents looked, for all the world, like Ma and Pa Kettle blown in from the Ozarks. The two “growed-up” sons looked like giant hulks
of dim creation who fisticuffed each other and laughed like braying mules. The symphony began; heads in the audience turned, perturbed by the noise. I surmised the family was down from north England to take in a little culture in the big city. They sat down next to me, the Pa to my right. “This is gonna be a loud one,” he said to me. “They got one of them wind machines down there.” During the performance, Pa played with his fingers and slurped noisily on peppermints. He chattered to his wife, who riffled through the program. One of the strapping sons began waving his arms, furiously “conducting” as he aped the orchestra conductor. His twin mountain of insensibility just sat there, his jaw agape in a kind of thunderous stupor, as if struck by lightning. Faces in the rows ahead kept turning around, hissing like snakes. “Ssssh!” I whispered to the family. The wife, her budget feathers ruffled, gave me a dirty look and stuck her beak in the air. When the symphony came to an end, Pa turned to me and said, “That sure was noisy!” I felt like saying, “Yes, you sure were.” As they left the lobby, the sons were punching each other and guffawing about the “dull” music. Every time I hear the word “hillbillies,” I see that family as vividly as yesterday. They are an example of hillbillies as a universal phenomenon, not restricted to the American South but descended from remote hills everywhere.
Letter to editor
Electronic billboards – maintenance or madness? Nancy Ebel, St. Joseph On a dark November night, at a sparsely attended meeting, a decision was made that does affect you. On Nov. 12, the St. Joseph Township Board welcomed electronic billboards into our community. They determined there is no difference between these electronic distractions and their traditional counterparts. It’s merely a matter of a “maintenance upgrade.” This sets a precedent for other billboards in the township to easily get a “maintenance upgrade” also. As the electronic billboards are more profitable for the landowner and the billboard company, you can guess the outcome of this story. And so our hamlet joins the ranks of St. Cloud’s Division Street. But community aesthetics aside, why should you care? Because it might affect your pocketbook. In a 2011 study done in Pittsburgh by city planner Jonathan Snyder (Beyond Aesthetics: How Billboards Affect Economic Prosperity), it was conclusively demonstrated billboards nega-
tively affect surrounding home values. It was found homes within 500 feet of a billboard were $30,826 less valuable at the time of purchase than homes that were not. But luckily you are not that close, so why should you care? Because it still might affect your property value. The Pittsburgh study also looked at home values as related to billboard numbers within the city’s U.S. census tracts. They found within the census tracts EACH billboard reduced the value of the homes by $947. This study was done in 2011 and did not bring up the electronic billboard issue, but as electronic billboards have more visual impact, the effect on our community could be even greater. The St. Joseph City Council is also dealing with this subject. They are currently considering a request (extended for the next couple of months) for an electronic billboard on the west side of town. This billboard is located in a residential neighborhood behind Centennial Park. They have also recently placed a
one-year moratorium on electronic-sign applications in the city in order to study this issue further. So this is our chance. We need to ask ourselves if this is really maintenance, or is this madness? Are traditional and electronic billboards really the same? Do we really want commercials flashing at us as we drive down the street? Will the billboard companies plan the landscape of St. Joseph (and they are at every meeting!), or will it be the people? Is it one landowner’s right to make a profit at the expense of another landowner’s view and property values? Will the St. Joseph Township Board and City Council uphold the common good or cave to the billboard industry? Will you be heard on this issue? Note: The billboard on the east side of town is currently on a dimmer setting than previously, but the fact remains there is no entity regulating electronic billboard brightness or movement other than the owner’s discretion.
Send it to: The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374
or email us at: Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only).
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Nov. 29, 2013 Friday, Nov. 29 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. (Complimentary T-shirt for presenting donors, while supplies last.) Saturday, Nov. 30 “Christmas with the Lindberghs: 1918,” 10 a.m.-4 p.m., costumed characters portray family members and hired workers readying the house for Christmas, Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site, 1620 Lindbergh Drive, Little Falls. 320-616-5421 Monday, Dec. 2 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Tuesday, Dec. 3 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767.
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Community Calendar
Baby Bounce, 10:30-10:50 a.m., infants up to 18 months old along with an adult caregiver are invited to a program of fun activities to encourage an early interest in books. Registration required. Al Ringsmuth Public Library, 253 5th Ave. N., Waite Park, 320-253-9359. Forever Fit, a senior fitness class, 1:30 p.m., exercise for older adults adaptable for all fitness levels. Church of St. Joseph Parish Center, St. Joseph. 320-363-4588. Blood drive, 1-7 p.m., Atonement Lutheran Church, 1144 29th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Blood drive, 1-7 p.m., St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, 2405 1st St. N., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Wednesday, Dec. 4 “The Creation of NGATHA International,” Women on Wednesday series, noon-1 p.m., the National Global Association for Thrift and Humanitarian Aid was established by
Freelancers sought
The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to
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SCSU professor Mumbi Mwangi to reduce the suffering of orphans in Kenya due to the AIDS epidemic. Atwood Memorial Center Theater, St. Cloud State University. Harpist Andrea Stern concert, 2-3:30 p.m., Al Ringsmuth Public Library, 253 5th Ave. N., Waite Park, 320-253-9359. St. Stephen City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 251-0964. St. Joseph Area Historical Society, 7 p.m., Old City Hall, St. Joseph. Thursday, Dec. 5 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Senior Fitness Class, Noon, exercise for older adults adaptable for all fitness levels, Church of St. Joseph Parish Center, St. Joseph. 320-3634588. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain
St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Festival of Lights, 6-8 p.m., holiday carols, Santa and Mrs. Claus, reindeer. Front of the St. Cloud Hospital, 1406 6th Ave. N., St. Cloud. Great River Regional Coin Club, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Miller Auto Marine Sports Plaza, 2930 2nd St. S., St. Cloud. St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-363-7201.
Cloud. “Encounters in the Republic of Heaven…all the colours of speech…,” eight-channel surround sound opera in four acts, noon, free and open to the public, room 158, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University, 320-308-3291. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR 2 N., St. Joseph.
Friday, Dec. 6 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. “The Aging Brain”, 9:30-11 a.m., information related to normal aging versus not normal aging, discussion includes depression and dementia. Church of St. Joseph, Heritage Hall, 12 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Post-Polio Support and Education Group, 10:30 a.m.-noon, lunch and evalutation of the year, Ace Bar & Grill, 423 St. Germain St. E., St.
Saturday, Dec. 7 “How do you give a birthday party for a King?”, Aglow Gathering 9:30 a.m. retired music therapist Annette Aleshire will lead praise and worship, breakfast buffet, Michael’s Restaurant, 510 Hwy. 10, St. Cloud. Winter Wonderland activities, 1-4 p.m., Lake George. Santa Fun Run, 4 p.m., downtown St. Cloud. Winter Nights and Lights Parade, 5 p.m., downtown St. Cloud.
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LAWN SPRINKLERS St. Joseph Plumbing, Heating & Irrigation St. Joseph 320-363-7224
MASSAGE Alexander Method Massage Feeling pain? Stress? Why wait? Call now.
106 2nd Ave. NW • 320-282-2262 Coin Laundromat Complex, Ste. 3 St. Joseph 320-249-2531 Resurrection Lutheran, ELCA Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11 a.m. WoW! (Worship on Wednesday) 6:30 p.m.
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33 W. Minnesota St., Ste. 102 St. Joseph 320-492-6035
PLUMBING & HEATING Metro Plumbing & Heating 545 8th Ave. NE St. Joseph 320-363-7761
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Forever Fit from front page
strength-training workout with Therabands, a 10-minute stretching workout to keep the muscles flexible, and balance exercises throughout the class. The class is proven to increase strength, boost activity levels and elevate moods. People who regularly attend improve their balance and often become more limber. Church of St. Joseph health and wellness minister Marjorie Henkemeyer said they welcome the Whitney classes. “We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Whitney Senior Center and are looking forward to adding a variety of fitness classes at a later time,” Henkemeyer said. Woischke has taught at Whitney for more than eight years and assists with the WWOW program. “I’m very excited to work with Marjorie in bringing the WWOW program to St. Joseph this fall,” Woischke said. “Marjorie identified the need to bring senior health and wellness programming to the community.” Current classes are from 1:302:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday and will continue until Dec. 5. Individuals are invited to join the group and check out the level of the program. A nominal fee is charged for each session. A new series of classes will begin on Dec. 10 and continue until Feb. 27. Those classes will meet on Tuesdays and Thurs-
alone, but when she does it with other people it’s just more fun. “I know as we age our strength deteriorates a little bit and our balance is also affected,” Meers said. “It’s very important to keep those things up to stay healthy and to stay in our homes.” Meers likes that the class isn’t real rigid, but instead moves along with music and is a lot of fun. She said attendance varies. There are usually more people at the sessions on Tuesdays than there are on Thursdays. Classes are an hour of focusing on cardiovascular exercise, strength training and balance. Woischke can adapt the class to most fitness levels. Both men and women are welcome to join the class. Each class can include up to 15 participants who can either be with peers of their own level of fitness or a group of various fitness levels from the frail to the more fit, older adult. Classes do not require any special or expensive equipment. A typical class includes a five-minute warm-up to get blood flowing to the muscles, a 20-minute aerobics workout that gets participants moving or a walking workout to lively music that the class chooses, a fiveminute cool-down, a 20-minute
days from noon-1 p.m. Woischke plans to add more programming in the new year, which will include Tai Chi and the Matter of Balance program. All programs are planned for seniors. Woischke is also active with many other senior activities, including working with long-termcare facilities in developing exercise programs, running a Red Hat group, being a member of the Healthy Aging Network and Aging Association, serving on the “Walk to End Alzheimer’s” committee and others.
Friday, Nov. 29, 2013
December Special Events 3-6 p.m.
Friday, Dec 6: Music by Ordinary Folk Friday, Dec. 20: Music by Cathie English
Kid’s Kraft activity by Lisa Wallin “Decorate a natual Christmas ornament” In addition to the bounty of locally produced goods available at each market, a group of nutrition students from St. Ben’s is on hand with recipes and nutrition tips.
Inside Resurrection Lutheran Church North of St. Joseph on County Road 2
Do your holiday shopping with us! Purchase a gift card between Nov. 25 & Dec. 31, 2013 and we will reward you with
No matter how long it’s been since your loved one died, grief can make the holidays a painful time. But there’s hope. Join us for an encouraging seminar that will help you survive the holidays and discover new reasons to enjoy them again.
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Fresh. Local. INNOVATIVE.
Daily Lunch Specials • Pasta Features Weekly
Dec. 7 • 9-11 a.m.
at Hope Covenant Church 336 4th Ave. S., St. Cloud
Call today for more information. 320.257.4673 Visit
11 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Thursday 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Friday & Saturday
Evening will include the following: Lighting of the 17 foot Christmas tree on the outdoor plaza of Bello Cucina (corner of Minnesota Street and College Avenue).
15 E. Minnesota St., Suite 101 • St. Joseph, Minnesota
Downtown St. Joseph
Caroling by: Kennedy Community Middle School Singers, Benedictine Sisters Schola Choir and members of St. Joseph Church adult choir.
Friday, Dec. 6 6:30 - 8 p.m.
For more information, contact Margy Hughes at 320-249-6779.
Fun For all ages! Event planners:
anta S t e me Come rs. Santa! &M
St. Joseph Action Group, Sentry Bank and Central Minnesota Credit Union
T stmas i r h C g
Annual Tree Lighting & Caroling Festivities
a! l a l Fa
Bello Cucina Closet 2 Closet Coborn’s Collegeville LLC Dr. Joseph Styles, D.D.S., River Bluff Tree Farm Kay’s Kitchen LaPlayette St. Joseph Newsleader
Followed byindoor festivities at the LaPlayette dining area.
* Refreshments * Santa and Mrs. Santa * Gift Bags * Make an Ornament Support the St. Joseph Food Shelf by bringing a nonperishable food item.