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Friday, Dec. 2, 2016
Christmas tree-lighting Town Crier kicks off holiday season Volume 28, Issue 47 Est. 1989
Boy Scouts to sell Christmas wreaths
Boy Scout Troop 84 will sell wreaths at 9 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 3 in front of Coborn’s in St Joseph.
St. Joseph Chamber hosts annual ‘Winterwalk’
The St. Joseph Chamber invites all to celebrate the holiday season from 6-7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 2. A tree lighting will kick off the evening at Bello Cucina followed by various activities at Heritage Hall including a photo-op with Santa, a visit from Mrs. Claus, treat bags, craft making and refreshments. Heritage Hall is located inside the Church of St. Joseph. Also, be sure to look for luminaries outside of businesses offering treats and deals. We’ll see you there.
Red Cross urges those eligible to donate
The American Red Cross urges eligible donors to give the perfect gift this holiday season – a lifesaving blood or platelet donation. By rolling up a sleeve, donors can help ensure patients continue to receive treatment throughout the holiday season. Busy holiday schedules and travel plans make it more challenging for regular donors to give, and many businesses and organizations postpone hosting blood drives during the holiday season for these same reasons. This can lead to a decline in blood donations, but the need is constant. For more information, visit and click on Dec. 2 Criers.
by Frank Lee
Teresa Ning didn’t experience many white Christmases while living in California, but the College of Benedict student was expecting a little more snow when she moved to St. Joseph. The first-year student from La Habra Heights is majoring in global business and communications but took time out of her studies to help with the holiday festivities on campus Nov. 29. “It’s a little chilly outside, but it’s OK,” Ning said as she lined up a hundred or so mason jars filled with chocolate powder inside the warm Haehn Campus Center along College Avenue. Ning didn’t get to see much snow during the tree-lighting
ceremony at St. Ben’s on Nov. 29 as temperatures in the high 30s had melted the snow that blanketed the area earlier this month. The outdoor Christmas tree-lighting at St. Ben’s was held between the center and the Benedicta Arts Center Nov. 29 and was put on by the Student Activities and Leadership Development. “We put it on every single year – most of the behind-thescenes stuff you don’t see, like the reception, the pathway (on campus) that’s lit,” Ning said of SALD’s involvement. “And we do the marketing for ‘Christmas at St. Ben’s.’” The long-standing tradition on campus, which was followed with a small reception, was billed by organizers as “a
For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.
The CSB Women’s Choir performs seasonal selections, such as “Silent Night,” before College of St. Benedict President Mary Dana Hinton delivered a short speech prior to lighting a locally-donated Christmas tree on the St. Joseph campus on Nov. 29.
Holiday • page 2
Rassier, Larson plan to sue law enforcement by Dennis Dalman
Two men, who claim their civil rights were violated, plan to sue local law enforcement for actions taken after two notorious murder cases – that of St. Joseph boy Jacob Wetterling and of Cold Spring-Rich-
mond Police Officer Tom Decker. A man who lives just down a driveway from the rural road where Jacob Wetterling was abducted 27 years ago intends to sue for alleged defamation against him. Dan Rassier plans to sue the Stearns County Sheriff’s Of-
fice, Stearns County Sheriff John Sanner and the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. Rassier is claiming those law-enforcement personnel and agencies treated him unjustly for years, implying he was a person of interest in the Wetterling case when there was absolutely no credible ev-
idence against him. Another lawsuit is pending in a similar case, brought against the same law-enforcement agencies by Ryan Larson, who claims he was defamed after the murder of Cold Spring Police Officer Tom Decker almost five years ago. Rassier • page 3
Salvation Army rings bells to help less fortunate by Dennis Dalman
GNTC to hold auditions for Ernest in Love
Auditions for Ernest in Love will be held at the Great Northern Theatre Company headquarters, located in Rockville, just off Highway 23. Auditions are from 6:308:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 5 and 6 with callbacks on Thursday, Dec. 8. No pre-audition materials are necessary. Come prepared to read a bit of script and sing a song. Visit our website for character descriptions. Show dates are Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Feb. 10, 11 and 12; Tuesday, Feb. 14 (Valentine’s day) ; and Thursday, Friday and Saturday Feb. 16, 17 and 18. For more information, visit thenewsleaders. com and click on Dec. 2 Criers.
photo by Frank Lee
contributed photo
Salvation Army volunteer Arlin Pocklington puts food items on the shelves of the Food Pantry food-shelf service, which distributed more than half-a-million pounds of food in the first 10 months of 2016.
Salvation Army bell-ringers are ringing for a good cause and reminding one and all of the admonition “There but for fortune go you or I.” The bell-ringing goal this Christmas season is to raise $429,000 overall, with about $200,000 of that raised directly from kettle donations. The rest of the funds come from generous business, corporate and individual donations sent via the mail or online. Last year’s amounts raised were similar, just a tad lower. People who come for help to the Salvation Army shelter, food shelf or community-meals program are all hurting in one
way or another, most often because of a situation beyond their immediate control: loss of a job, inability to find a job, a personal trauma like divorce or a death in the family or any number of circumstantial difficulties. The good news is those people – the overwhelming majority – do well once they have had a helping hand, and that is what they get thanks to the Salvation Army – a helping hand. For example, of the people in the Salvation Army emergency-housing shelter since January 2016, 181 people who were at the 69-bed shelter during that 10-month period found some sort of housing that was considered suitable for themRings • page 4
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Holiday from front page great way for fellow Bennies and Johnnies to join together during the holidays.” “It’s so magical outside,” said Ning, who works as a graphic designer and videographer for the Student Activities and Leadership Development. “I’m from southern California, so if you really want to see snow, you either go up north or you go to the mountains.” The drizzle and cold, however, didn’t seem to dampen the enthusiasm of the crowd that had gathered at the evening ceremony and held battery-powered candles to illuminate the night. The CSB Women’s Choir performed seasonal selections, such as “Silent Night,” before CSB President Mary Dana Hinton delivered a short speech prior to lighting the locally-donated tree. “I have to tell you there is no more beautiful sight than when we all come together as one St. Ben’s community,” Hinton told the crowd before the tree was lit with a light switch prop. The Christmas tree was eventually lit by Hinton and three CSB students simultaneously – representing the student body – who gathered by the tree adorned with 7,500 lights.
“Together, we embody the hope for tomorrow and the promise of a bright future, which Christmas represents,” Hinton told those assembled who were trying to keep warm. “Together, we can create the peace that the season proclaims and the joy the season delivers.” Hinton also said from the podium in front of the Christmas tree that she was honored to help light the tree on behalf of the 1,936 students at the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph. “We light it in honor of your hopes and dreams,” Hinton said. “May each one shine brightly in the darkness. In honor of your tears and your fears, may the light illuminate your pathway forward . . . Continue to be a beacon of light for those near and far, friend and strangers.” The public was invited to the tree-lighting ceremony, which was a joyous gathering of faculty, staff, students and members of the monastic community in a luminous celebration of the beginning of the Christmas season. “When you go outside and it’s really chilly, and you see your breath frost the air and hear the music outside, you really, really kind of feel welcomed, and you feel happy,” Ning said. “This is what I imagined what a real white Christmas will begin to feel like.”
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Friday, Dec. 2, 2016
If you have a tip concerning a crime, call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301, or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crime. contributed photo
All Saints Academy of St. Joseph participated in the St. Joseph Y2K Lions’ Peace Poster contest. This year’s theme was “Celebrate Peace.” Lions Club International is sponsoring the contest to emphasize the importance of world peace to young people everywhere. Contestants included (from left to right) Clare Schleper (third place), Samantha O’Donnell (first place) and Andrew Moneypenny (second place). O’Donnell’s poster has been sent to face competition at the district level.
contributed photo
Winners from the St. John’s Preparatory School in the St. Joseph Y2K Lions’ Peace Poster contest are (from left to right): Delrose Fischer of the St. Joseph Y2K Lions, Ava Nellans (third place), Della Lee (first place), Campbell Sheperd (second place) and Ann Reischl of the St. Joseph Y2K Lions. Lee’s poster has been forwarded on to the district level. District winners advance to the multiple district with the top 24 posters competing at the international round for a grand prize which includes a cash award of $5,000 plus a trip for the winner
and two family members to the awards ceremony at Lions Day with the United Nations. The 23 merit award winners will each receive a certificate and a cash award of $500.
Amanda Theisen, St. Joseph, will participate in the annual Christmas in Christ Chapel worship services Dec. 2-4 hosted by Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minn.
studying in Chile during fall semester 2016 through the Center for Global Education at the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph and St. John’s University in Collegeville. Cofell is a sophomore Hispanic studies and political science major at St. Ben’s.
Leela Cofell, St. Joseph, is
St. Stephen City Hall • 2 6th Ave SE St. Stephen Fire & Rescue will bring Santa to City Hall
Sept. 11 1:29 a.m. Noise complaint. Hwy 52. Police were dispatched to a report of a loud party. The windows of the residence were open, and authorities heard loud voices and music. The owner of the house was warned to shut his windows and keep the noise to a minimum. He agreed. No further action was taken. 9:28 a.m. Open door. Dale Street E. Officers responded to an open door at a local residence. Upon arrival, the side garage door appeared to have been kicked in. The door leading into the house was open, and the house was cleared. It appeared as if the current owners were in the process of moving out. While clearing the house, there were no signs of criminal behavior or suspicious activity. 4:20 p.m. Theft. Second Avenue N.W. Police were advised to call a complainant who thought her purse had been stolen while she was at a gas station. She stated she called there, but no one had returned her belongings. She called other places she had been to that day, but her purse had not been returned. Later that day, she stated she found her purse along the road near Coborn’s. It’s believed she left it on her car when she drove away. Sept. 12 10:57 a.m. Arrest. 10th Avenue S.E. Police assisted with a warrant arrest. The suspect was arrested and transported to Stearns County Jail for further processing.
CRAFT-VENDOR SALES Saturday, Dec. 3 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sal’s Bar & Grill
Sleigh rides with real reindeer! Cookies • Crafts! In lieu of admission, please bring a new, unwrapped toy or food shelf item to donate to the Giving Tree.
St. Joseph
109 W. Minnesota St.
Door Prize Drawing!
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
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Friday, Dec. 2, 2016
Rassier from front page Both men are suing in separate lawsuits because they claim their reputations were ruined by speculations, causing nearly intolerable pressures in their lives for themselves and their loved ones. Wetterling, 11 at the time, was abducted on Oct. 22, 1989, by a masked, gun-wielding man on a road leading from the boy’s home to a convenience store in St. Joseph. After being sexually molested, Wetterling was shot to death by Danny Heinrich, a man who admitted to the crime and who showed authorities just last September where the boy’s body was buried near Paynesville. Rassier, a long-time music teacher in Cold Spring, had long proclaimed his innocence, telling authorities again and again he had nothing to do with the disappear-
St. Joseph Newsleader • ance of Wetterling. In fact, Rassier told law enforcement about a car that turned into his driveway and then turned around and drove off at about the same time Wetterling was kidnapped. Rassier lives on the farm place where he grew up just down a long driveway from the place on the road where Heinrich saw three boys on their bicycles – Wetterling, his brother and their friend. Rassier was interrogated as a person of interest after the 1987 crime and even agreed to be questioned twice under hypnosis. Rassier was never arrested. In 2010, investigators with legal permission used heavy-duty equipment to dig up and haul away many tons of dirt from the Rassier property to search for possible physical clues in the Wetterling case. Nothing was found. The excavation, Rassier has noted, caused suspicions against him to deepen in the years since, until Heinrich finally confessed to the crime
of abducting, molesting and killing Wetterling. After the excavation of his property, Rassier told the St. Rassier Joseph Newsleader he had never had anything to do with Wetterling’s disappearance and that he, his parents and others had suffered terribly because of the aspersions and speculations against him. He claimed law enforcement since the first days following the kidnapping did not fully investigate or connect leads that were offered, causing the actual perpetrator to go undetected while suspicions unfairly fell on him, Rassier, merely because his family farm was near the scene of the crime. Rassier’s lawsuit is expected to be filed formally sometime after Jan. 1.
Larson lawsuit
After losing a lawsuit against media, Ryan Larson intends to sue law enforcement for allegedly ruining his reputation. Larson is the man who was a person of interest in the days following the ambush murder of Cold Spring Police Officer Tom Decker in 2012. Larson recently lost his lawsuit against KARE-11 TV, the St. Cloud Times and the Times’ parent company, Gannett Publishing. A jury in that trial ruled those media not guilty of defamation, that they had merely reported – accurately – the information provided by law enforcement. Larson had claimed those media had broadcast and published stories that implied carelessly he was the killer. Larson spent several days in the Stearns County Jail after Decker’s murder. At the time of the killing, Larson was living above a business in downtown Cold Spring when officer Decker drove up to
Brewery, Lions join forces for JDRF fundraiser Dec. 4 by Frank Lee
Bad Habit Brewery and the St. Joseph Lions Club will hold a fundraiser in which part of the proceeds from every Killam pint sold will benefit Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation,
HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, Dec. 7 • 3-7 p.m. American Legion of Cold Spring FAMILY VACATIONS & CRUISE PROMOTIONS 2017 Motorcoach Tours
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which is focused on type 1 diabetes research. The JDRF Benefit will take place from noon-5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 4 at 15 E. Minnesota St., Suite 108, in St. Joseph. For every pint sold, a dollar will go to the JDRF to help find a cure for the chronic disease in which the body stops producing insulin. “I have been a diabetic for 23 years, so it’s something that’s always kind of been near and dear to me,” said St. Joseph
City Council member Matt Killam. “When I was 9 years old, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, so it’s always been part of my life in some way.” According to JDRF, “Type 1 diabetes strikes both children and adults at any age. It comes on suddenly, causes dependence on injected or pumped insulin for life, and carries the constant threat of devastating complications.” JDRF • page 7
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the parking lot in back of the business on assignment for a welfare check after someone called concerned about Larson. Someone then ambushed Decker in the parking lot, killing him at the scene. Later, Larson was released from jail without being charged. Still later, while police were questioning Eric Thomes of Cold Spring, he allegedly ran to an outbuilding on his property and hung himself. That man, investigators later said, would have been charged with the murder of Decker had he not committed suicide. In his lawsuit, Larson is asking the Decker murder case be officially closed and release to the public all details of the investigation and the return of his property confiscated by law enforcement. Like the lawsuit Dan Rassier intends to file, Larson is also claiming those law-enforcement agencies and personnel violated his civil rights.
Masses: Tuesday-Friday 8 a.m. Saturday 5 p.m. Sunday 8 & 10 a.m.
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Rings from front page
contributed photo
Major Mike Parker and his wife, Cindy, began working at the St. Cloud Salvation Army last July after heading the one in Mankato for seven years. They said they are very impressed with the St. Cloud facility and its staff and volunteers, as well as its success in helping people get back on their feet after experiencing hard knocks.
selves, such as rental units or being able to move in with a family member, friend or someone else. Of those people, almost all of them had jobs (full- or part-time) during the time they needed a place to sleep and assistance to help them get back on their feet. From January through October 2016, there were 400 people who stayed at the emergency shelter at one time or another, some longer than others. Of that number, 347 were men, 53 were women. There were 30 families at the shelter, with a total of 102 children, said Karla Rolfzen, SA program coordinator. The shelter is more than just a bed for the night. Residents of the shelter are offered an entire range of classes that cover topics such as financial fitness, how to do a job interview, how to find and keep a rental unit, and other pertinent information that helps residents transition with confidence from homelessness to a secure place to live and a job to support themselves and their families. For more about programming, see “Programs” below in this story. The emergency shelter, however, is only one of many SA programs that helps people get back on their feet and find productive ways to live. The following are some of the other SA services:
Gifts/Toy Shop
The SA gives holiday toys
and other gifts to economically-strapped families, and donations of gifts are always welcome. This year, as every year, there is a shortage of gifts appropriate for teen-aged boys and girls. Such gifts can include make-up, flat irons, curling wands, perfume, cologne for boys, nail polish, ear buds, headphones, basketballs, soccer balls, skate boards and wallets. Toys and gifts can be brought to the SA headquarters at 400 U.S. Hwy. 10 S., St. Cloud, Minn. 56304. For more options, see “How to donate” at the end of this story.
Community Lunch
The SA Community Lunch program has served 30,815 meals so far in 2016. One relatively new feature of the lunch program is called PhilanthroFeed during which an area company foots the bill for a lunch, and then some of its staff and employees actually serve the meal in the SA lunch room. People need not be staying at the emergency-housing shelter to partake of the daily noon meal. Anyone can just show up and enjoy a hot, nutritious dinner. Volunteers are always needed.
Food Pantry
In the first 10 months of 2016, the SA Food Pantry distributed 506,064 pounds of food to 5,241 people. That number includes 1,871 children. There is a need for vol-
Friday, Dec. 2, 2016 unteers to help at the Food Pantry.
Learning programs
The SA works in close conjunction with outreach programs to help people who need a boost in their lives beyond the immediate needs of shelter, food and clothing. There are the rental and financial fitness courses mentioned above, but in addition there are parenting classes (through St. Cloud School District), a Rebuilding Lives program (through Tri-Cap), weekly case management and goal-setting sessions to help with accountability, dentists who visit through “Operation Grace,” doctors and nursing students who visit the SA to address medical needs, a SMART Kids program for children in the shelter, a VA social worker who visits weekly to meet with veterans at the shelter and a veterans’ transitional-housing program. There are also on-site resources at the SA headquarters, such as a room with computers and resume assistance, as well as help for applying for jobs online. For more immediate needs, there are clothing vouchers available, school supplies for children and the Christmas gift program mentioned above.
New managers
The new managers of the St. Cloud Area Salvation Army are Major Mike Parker and his wife Cindy. They began their jobs at the SA last July after working for the SA
Riverbluff Christmas Tree Farm Take I-94 to St. Augusta Exit 171, turn right on Hwy. 75, take immediate right on 255th Street. Go one mile west.
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Joe Styles, DDS • 320-253-3146 (Home) • 320-363-7729 (Work)
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Friday, Dec. 2, 2016
in Mankato for seven years. “I am so impressed with what’s going on here (at the St. Cloud SA),” said Major Mike during an interview with the Newsleaders for the story above. The Parkers have four children and 11 grandchildren.
How to donate
One obvious way to donate is to put money and/or checks into the red kettles of the bell-ringers. However, people can also mail checks to the Salvation Army, 400 U.S. Hwy. 10. S, St. Cloud, Minn. 56304 or drop them off at that address. Toys, gifts and non-perishable food items can also be dropped off at SA headquarters at that address. It’s across Hwy. 10 from the Cash Wise store and near Michael’s Restaurant.
Volunteers needed
There is always a holiday need for SA bell-ringers. Call Shannon Smithers at 320-2524552 if you, your family or a club or organization are willing to spend a few hours bell-ringing at area stores. Other volunteers needed year-round are people to work in the Food Pantry food shelf and at the Community Luncheon to help with serving meals and clean-up. Money can also be donated by calling 1-800-SAL-ARMY or online at the SA website: There is also lots of information on that website about volunteer options and about the SA and its programs.
contributed photo
Members of the St. John’s Boys’ Choir and Sartell Middle School students (left to right) are Jack Skahen, Paul Heuer, Charlie Magnuson, Dean Rothstein, Clayton Fuller, Carter Trombley, Carter Vonderahe and Dolan Binder practice at St. John’s University to prepare for the American Choral Directors Association of Minnesota Honor Choir public performance, which was held on Nov. 19 at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Mahtomedi.
St. John’s Prep student named to honor choir by Cori Hilsgen
St. John’s Prep eighth-grade student Jack Skahen was recently named to the American Choral Directors Association of Minnesota Honor Choir for the second year in a row. The honor recognizes outstanding young Minnesota choral musicians. Skahen sings in the SJP middle school choir and has been a member of the St. John’s Boys’ Choir since 2014. He auditioned under the direction of Andrè Heywood for the state choir and is one of seven members of the SJU Boys’ Choir who was named to the ACDA Honor Choir. The ACDA offers six choirs, with about 2,300 children au-
CUSTODIAL Saint John’s Abbey is accepting applications for a full-time (32-40 hours per week) benefit-eligible custodial/housekeeping position. This position is responsible for cleanliness and laundry duties in the Abbey Guesthouse, Abbey Church, Monastery, Retirement Center and Health Center.
Applications accepted online only at:
Westwood Church in St. Cloud is hosting this two-hour seminar on Saturday, Dec. 10, from 9-11 a.m. Call 320-230-6700 to register.
ditioning for 800 spots. If a child is selected, he or she is required to memorize four or five pieces for the ACDA public performance. Skahen learned his pieces during rehearsal with Heywood and also practiced more at home. Besides singing, his interest in music also includes playing the trombone and performing as a member of the St. John’s Prep concert band and jazz band. “I am excited to be a part of the state honor choir again this year,” Skahen said. “The opportunity allows me to meet other kids who enjoy singing as much as I do, and it’s a great chance for us to share our musical talents.” “We are thrilled for Jack,”
said the choir’s executive director, Angela Klaverkamp. Members of the SJU Boys’ Choir rehearse between four to 14 hours each week and perform at about 30 events each season. Skahen was one of seven boys selected from the Boys’ Choir this year and one of five selected last year. The ACDA seventh- and eighth-grade Boys’ Honor Choir brings together about 120 of the state’s best singers in that age range. Boys are chosen from more than hundreds of auditions across the state. Heywood said he has served as both a judge for the auditions and as a conductor of the Honor Choir, so he knows the standard for selection is “extremely high.”
As a member of the Boys’ Choir, Skahen has traveled to Chicago and Ireland, and has been featured as a soloist at several events, including the Sept. 25 community memorial service in St. Joseph for the late Jacob Wetterling. “We are extremely proud of Jack’s selection for the ACDA seventh- and eighth-grade Boys’ Honor Choir for the second year in a row,” Heywood said. “He is an outstanding choirboy, a talented and dedicated musician, and an exceptional leader in our ensemble. We are grateful his local accomplishments are being recognized on the state level.” Besides Skahen’s musical interests, he also plays soccer, participates in Knowledge Bowl Choir • back page
St. Joseph Newsleader •
Our View
Beware of Russian propaganda as weapon against democracy News about Russian interference in the American election process is becoming more and more disturbing. A new kind of “Cold War” has begun, except this one could be dubbed a “Cyber War.” The latest revelation is that Russian propagandists distributed thousands of fake news stories via social media, such as “alt-news” sites and other means in the months and weeks leading up to the Nov. 8 presidential election. The fake news stories were mostly aimed at candidate Hillary Clinton, especially bogus stories about her failing health, portraying her as a woman who would collapse time and again if she were elected president. Other fake stories played up her email server, her and her staff’s supposed efforts to rig the election, her supposed machinations as U.S. Secretary of State and the so-called undue influence of the Clinton Foundation. The Russian-invented stories were, of course, filled to bursting with bloated exaggerations, vicious slanders and lies, lies, lies. An analysis by the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security and another one by PropOrNot (a propaganda tracker) identified more than 200 websites that featured Russian-made propaganda seen by 15 million Americans, with the fake stories viewed online more than 213 million times, according to a story in USA Today. The propaganda stories were in addition to other efforts by Russian manipulators to throw tons of wrenches into American democracy and its foundation – the voting process itself. There was a steady stream of hack jobs of Democrats and Democratic organizations such as the Democratic National Committee. The hacked information was then leaked selectively, usually woefully out of context, to smear Democratic candidates. There are even charges that Russian stooges might have dickered with electronic voting machines in some places. Some Russians have long been masters of propaganda. The Soviet Union, in fact, was founded largely on propaganda and grandiose myth-making. Vladimir Putin himself, as an officer in the Soviet Secret Police, used propaganda constantly as a threat and a weapon against supposed “enemies of the State.” With the advent of social media, those sinister manipulators now have a new “toy” to play with. And it’s a dangerous toy that has the potential to undermine our democratic process and our faith in it. These fake news stories have also targeted some individuals and groups in the Republican Party. Ultimately, the aim of these propagandists is to undermine our democratic way of life, period. Did the fake stories alter the election outcomes? Who really knows? It’s virtually impossible to prove. However, the election is over; Russian attempts to whittle away our faith in the democratic process is not over. It’s only just begun. It’s something every American should worry about. We’ve got to fight it with every means at our disposal. One of the best ways is to become educated and to learn to think critically about information and so-called “news” that has become such a big part of social media. People have to learn to become aware of where their information comes from and to be skeptical about claims that sound far-fetched. There’s the old saying, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” The same holds true for this: “If it smells and tastes fishy like rotten Russian caviar, don’t eat it, and if you do bite into it, spit it out.” Russian propaganda (and other lies) won’t “work” with people educated to be wise to their dirty tricks. Beware!
The ideas expressed in the letters to the editor and of the guest columnists do not necessarily reflect the views of the Newsleaders. Letters to the editor may be sent to news@thenewsleaders. com or P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374. Deadline is noon Monday. Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only.) Letters must be 350 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for space.
Friday, Dec. 2, 2016
Was Kennedy killed by accident? Was President John F. Kennedy killed by accident 53 years ago? Did the sniper miss? Is a missing page from a little green book the big clue to the killer’s intention on that grim day in Dallas, Texas – Nov. 22, 1963? I was 15 when JFK was killed, having skipped school that overcast, chilly day. I was home with my feet propped up on the kerosene stove in the living room, reading Thornton Wilder’s great play, Our Town, when I heard the news on the radio. My family had no TV at that time; it was in for repair. That afternoon is as vivid to me as yesterday – or today. The news was so shocking it was like being hit in the gut by a sledgehammer, knocking the wind out of me. I’ve “relived” that day hundreds of times via documentaries, magazine articles, books, newspapers and even during a visit to Dealey Plaza where Kennedy was struck down on that dark day – a day that was ironically sun-drenched with crowds cheering Kennedy as he glided along smiling, waving in the limousine with the open top. As soon as the shots were fired, theories abounded. As intriguing as all the sinister theories were, I have always believed Lee Harvey Oswald almost certainly acted alone, just as the official investigation concluded. The conspiracy concoctions were tangled webs of bizarre connect-the-dot speculations – everything from a cabal of scheming Cuban exiles to a “hit” ordered by the Mafia. Some of the theories hold some traces being believable in a weird way. That is because there were so many strange coincidences surrounding the assassination, before and after. As someone wisely said, the bigger the death, the bigger the conspiracies (recall Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe). I’d never heard of the “little green book” theory until just yesterday, Nov. 23, when a friend emailed me a column written by
Dennis Dalman Editor James Reston Jr., published in the Los Angeles Times last week. The following is a summary of that column: After Oswald was nabbed by police, a Secret Service agent, Mike Howard, was dispatched to Oswald’s apartment. There, he found a little green address book. On page 17, under a heading “I WILL KILL,” there were four names: • James Hosty, an FBI agent, who had apparently given Oswald’s wife a tough interrogation after their return from the Soviet Union. • Richard M. Nixon, vice president under President Dwight Eisenhower before Kennedy was elected. • Edwin Walker, a right-wing general. Oswald is suspected of trying to kill Walker by shooting a bullet into his Dallas home seven months before Kennedy’s killing. • John Connally, soon to become Texas governor, whose name was at the top of the “kill” list. Through Connally’s name, Oswald had drawn a dagger covered with dripping blood. Connally and his wife, Nelly, were in the limousine on that fateful day with the president and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. Connally was wounded but survived. Back to the little green book: Agent Howard turned it over to the FBI. It eventually came to the attention of the Warren Commission, which studied the assassination. Later, Howard learned the death-threat page had been torn from the little book.
Flashback to 1959: Oswald had been discharged honorably from the U.S. Marines. Apparently radicalized toward a Soviet persuasion, he moved to the Soviet Union where he intended to defect. He met a Russian woman, Marina, whom he married. They soon had a child. Disillusioned with life in the Soviet Union, Oswald and family returned to the United States. Meantime, the Marines learned about his intention to defect and downgraded his honorable discharge to “undesirable” discharge. Because of the stigma and his ninthgrade education, Oswald had a difficult time finding a job. He wrote a plea to Connally, head of the U.S. Navy Department, begging him to help reinstate his honorable-discharge status. Oswald received back a “brushoff” letter, with Connally’s smiling face on the front of it, a campaign-mail pitch touting his candidacy for Texas governor. Oswald – ever the disaffected loner – began to seethe with hatred toward Connally, blaming him for his bitter disappointments and personal miseries. Many acquaintances at that time, even Oswald’s wife, said his rage was aimed at Connally, not JFK, whom Oswald had once praised for his efforts for détente with the Soviets. Why the missing page? Reston Jr. offers two possible explanations: One: FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover squelched the information because it may have implicated the FBI as a cause of Oswald’s rage (the Hosty connection). Two: President LBJ may be a reason for the missing page because he did not want his best friend, Connally, to be embarrassed and guilt-ridden as the unwitting catalyst for the crime. Did Oswald miss? We will never know. Just one more theory to ponder about that awful day that haunts us all.
Is the Electoral College outdated? With several states on a knife-edge, and the popular vote total favoring Clinton over Trump, much talk has occurred during the last few weeks about whether the Electoral College still has a place in today’s America. The Electoral College, made up of 538 electors, is still the formal body, not your vote, that elects the President of the United States. During the founding of our republic, the Founding Fathers were debating how best to structure the presidency and how it would be elected. If the president was elected by the Congress, powerful factions would end up controlling it. On the other hand, if pure popular vote was to decide, the founders feared swings of popular opinion could put an unqualified or malevolent person into the office. For those reasons and some others, the system of electoral votes was created. Each state would receive as many electoral votes as representatives in Congress. The electors would be chosen by state legislatures or political parties but had the freedom to cast their own votes. It was hoped this system would spread out the power among the states and reduce the influence of larger or more powerful groups within the country. Today, this process continues in a similar way. When the people of a state cast their ballots, they are not voting directly for the candidate of their choice, but for the slate of electors that that candidate’s party has chosen. Minnesota, with 10 electoral votes, picked Hillary Clinton for the presidency. That means the Minnesota Democrats’ 10 electors are the ones who will formally cast the state’s votes on Monday, Dec. 19. In theory, these electors can choose any of the candidates, but the tradition is they will vote for the winner of that state. In this
Connor Kockler Guest Writer way, our national election is in a sense 51 separate elections, including the District of Columbia, that then cast the electoral votes for the winners of each of their states. The national popular vote is record of how many people voted for who across each of these separate contests. The argument made for the popular vote is a fair one. Why shouldn’t the person who gets the most votes win the presidency? The Electoral College counts states, not people, so how is that fair? The problem is the popular vote was never really supposed to factor into the national election. The votes cast in each state reflect the general issues within them, and the founders hoped the Electoral College would keep one region from having too much power over another. That creates the problem of swing states in our modern elections. States like California and Texas get almost no attention because their citizens consistently lean toward the Democrats or the Republicans. It doesn’t matter how large the margin a candidate wins a state by; they get all of the electoral votes in all but two states if they succeed. This leaves “purple” states such as Ohio that change their votes more frequently in the sights of the political parties, as they just need to win a certain number of these to get over the top and win the Electoral College. An argument can be made that this leads to the
candidate with the most states winning and therefore having a mandate from the majority of the regions of the country. While the most-states-wins theory has its advantages, there are several points undercutting it. First, in a theoretical situation, the 11 most populous states alone could carry a candidate to victory. Though highly unlikely, this could leave the other 39 states without a voice. There have also been three elections in American history where the candidate who won the most states did not win the Electoral College, so this situation does not always occur. In the end, the 2016 election is also notable that despite Hillary Clinton’s lead in the popular vote over Donald Trump, she does not have an absolute majority of the votes of the American people. Somewhere around 52 percent voted for Trump or someone else. If we went to straight popular vote, would we be comfortable having a president who won an even smaller majority of the popular vote, like John Quincy Adams did with only 30.9 percent of nationwide votes in 1824? The Electoral College isn’t perfect, just like everything else, but it has provided a way to balance the desires of the states and the people. Out of 58 presidential elections, the electoral vote and the popular vote have not lined up only five times. Although I dislike these inconsistencies, this is a 91-percent accuracy rate. Until we can figure out a system that beats this number and keeps good representation for all regions of the country, the Electoral College might still be our best bet. Connor Kockler is a Sauk Rapids-Rice High School student. He enjoys writing, politics and news, among other interests.
Friday, Dec. 2, 2016
JDRF from page 3 Killam has been part of the St. Joseph Lions Club for several years and said the partnership with Bad Habit Brewery presented itself. The club had never before partnered with the Is your event listed? Send your information to: Newsleader Calendar, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374; fax it to 320-363-4195; or, e-mail it to Friday, Dec. 2 St. Joseph Area Historical Society open, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Old City Hall, 25 First Ave. N.W. Christmas on the Home Front, 1-8 p.m., Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site, 1620 Lindbergh Drive, Little Falls. 320-616-5421. St. Joseph Winter Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., 27 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph. www.stjosephfarmersmarket. com. Arts and Crafts Sale, 4-8 p.m, Church of St. Joseph (Heritage Hall), 12 W. Minnesota Street. 320-363-7505. St. Joseph Winterwalk, 6-7:30 p.m., Tree Lighting at Bello Cucina, all other events following will be in the St. Joseph Catholic Church. A Mosaic of Joy, presented by Great River Chorale and guest musicians, 7:30 p.m., St. Mary’s Cathedral, 25 Eighth Ave. S., St. Cloud. Saturday, Dec. 3 Town Hall with Mayor Rick Schultz, 9-10 a.m., Colt’s Academy Community Center Gym, 124 First Ave. S.E., St. Joseph. Quality Craft and Bake Sale, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Park Fellowship Church, 32932 C.R. 4, Sartell. Cookie Walk, 10 a.m.-noon, First United Methodist Church, 1107 Pinecone Road S., Sartell. 320-251-0804. WANTED TO BUY: Basswood and Birchwood by truckload delivered to Dodgeville,WI. Bark intact, harvested in dormancy, delivered FRESH cut. Pre-arranged purchases only. Call Al Ladd at 608-935-2341 ext.333 (MCN) AU TO M O B I L E S / M OTO RC Y C L E S WANTED MOTORCYCLES: TOP CASH PAID! For Old Motorcycles! 1900-1979. DEAD OR ALIVE! 920-371-0494 (MCN) EMPLOYMENT/HELP WANTED CLASS-A CDL Regional Driver. Good home time. Great pay and benefits. Matching 401k. Bonus’s and tax free money. No touch freight. Experience needed. Call Scott 507-460-9011. Apply on-line WWW.MCFGTL.COM (MCN) MAKE $1,000 WEEKLY! Paid in advance! Mailing Brochures at Home! Easy pleasant work. Begin Immediately! Age unimportant! (MCN) ADOPTION Birthmothers, Planning an Adoption? Unique Adoptions can help. We have an excellent Adoption program. Choose from open or closed, select adoptive family. Financial Assistance. Ask about 4-day recovery packages. Call 24/7 to speak to an adoption specialist. 1-888-637-8200 (Void in IL) (MCN) PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical, and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. 855-3906047 (MCN)
St. Joseph Newsleader •
brewery, he said. “I thought it would be a good opportunity,” Killam said of the fundraiser, which will feature a taco bar and St. Joseph Lions Club Meat Raffle, with all the proceeds from both benefiting JDRF. Killam said there will be information about type 1 diabetes at the fundraiser in St. Joseph
and the kinds of struggles those with type 1 diabetes go through day to day and how they handle those struggles on a daily basis. According to JDRF: “People with the disease must carefully balance insulin doses (either by injections multiple times a day or continuous infusion through a pump) with eating and other
activities throughout the day and night.” Killam said those with the disease must also test their blood-glucose level by pricking their fingers for blood several times a day. He said he also owns an insulin pump that helps with his condition by giving him insulin constantly rather than taking insulin shots
several times a day. “The biggest thing about the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is two-fold,” Killam said. “No. 1, they are trying to find a cure, that’s the biggest thing that they do, and the second thing is advocacy or awareness because a lot of people don’t necessarily know what diabetes is.”
Sartell Winter Farmers’ Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N., Sartell. Live Nativity Scene, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m., Coborn’s parking lot, Sauk Rapids. Craft-Vendor Sale, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Sal’s Bar and Grill, 109 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Holiday Parade of Lights, 5 p.m., along Second Avenue, Sauk Rapids. Christmas on the Home Front, 1-8 p.m., Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site, 1620 Lindbergh Drive, Little Falls. 320-616-5421. Gingerbread Festival, 2-4 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 1107 Pinecone Road S., Sartell. 320-2510804.
Party, for individuals with special needs and their families, 6:30 p.m., Moose Lodge, 1300 Third St. N., Waite Park.
Sunday, Dec. 11 Children’s Christmas Pageant, 9:30-10:30 a.m., First United Methodist Church, 1107 Pinecone Road S., Sartell. 320-251-0804.
Dashing Through the Snow Softball Tournament, 10 a.m., Whitney Recreation Center, 1527 Northway Drive. 320-650-3051.
Sunday, Dec. 4 Breakfast, sponsored by St. Joseph Knights of Columbus, 8:30 a.m.-noon, Heritage Hall, St. Joseph Catholic Church, 12 W. Minnesota St. Christmas on the Home Front, 1-8 p.m., Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site, 1620 Lindbergh Drive, Little Falls. 320-616-5421. A Mosaic of Joy, presented by Great River Chorale and guest musicians, 4 p.m., Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 4310 C.R. 137, St. Cloud.
Thursday, Dec. 8 St. Joseph Senior Citizens, noon, St. Joseph Community Fire Hall, 323 Fourth Ave. NE.
Community Calendar
Monday, Dec. 5 St. John’s Prep Discovery Day, Collegeville. 320-363-3315. St. Joseph City Council, 6 p.m., council chambers, St. Joseph City Hall, 25 College Ave. N. 320-3637201. Arc Midstate Annual Christmas
Tuesday, Dec. 6 Walk-In FAFSA Workshop, get help completing a FAFSA application for state and federal financial aid, 4-7 p.m., Miller Center, St. Cloud State University. 400 Sixth St. S., St. Cloud. 320-308-2022. Wednesday, Dec. 7 Introduction to the Gale Family Library, presented by the Minnesota Historical Society, 9:15 a.m.-10:15 a.m., Gale Family Library, Minnesota History Center, 345 W./Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul.
Saturday, Dec. 10 Winter Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. Winter Wonderland, 1-4 p.m., Lake George, St. Cloud. Winter Blast, sponsored by Capital One, 2-5 p.m., 30 Seventh Ave. S., St. Cloud. House and Business Front Lighting Contest, 5-9 p.m., Sauk Rapids. Jedi Tree Lighting, 6-7 p.m., corner of 10 Avenue and W. St. Germain.
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CITY OF ST. JOSEPH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RIVERS BEND PLAT 3 The St. Joseph Planning Commis- munity School and legally desion will hold a public hearing at scribed as Outlot G, Rivers Bend 6:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter as less that part platted as Rivers the matter may be heard, Monday, Bend Plat 2. The purpose of the Dec. 12, 2016 in the St. Joseph request is to facilitate the develCity Hall, 25 College Ave. N., to opment of single-family detached hear all persons present upon the patio homes located in an R4 Disproposed preliminary plat of Riv- trict. ers Bend Plat 3 as submitted by, CLC Partners LLC owner and ap- Judy Weyrens plicant; for property located north Administrator of Co. Rd. 121/College Avenue S. and northwest of Kennedy Com- Publish: Dec. 2, 2016 CITY OF ST. JOSEPH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED PLANNED-UNIT-DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT MILL STREAM SHOPS & LOFTS The St. Joseph Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Monday, Dec. 12, 2016 in the St. Joseph City Hall, 25 College Ave. N., to hear all persons present upon the proposed planned-unit-development (PUD) amendment for Mill Stream Shops & Lofts as submitted by, Mill Stream Shops LLC., applicant and owner; for property located east of College Avenue N. and north of Minnesota Street E.
and legally described as CIC # 97 Mill Stream Shops & Lofts and CIC # 97 Mill Stream Shops & Lofts First Supplemental CIC Plat. The purpose of the request is to facilitate the expansion of a restaurant and to remove the percentage maximums allowed for specific businesses. Judy Weyrens Administrator Publish: Dec. 2, 2016
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St. Joseph Newsleader •
Choir from page 5 and enjoys photography. He is unsure what field he would like to pursue after he graduates, but he is certain music and theater will always be a big part of his life. Skahen is the son of Jennifer and Sean Skahen of St. Joseph. He has two sisters, Brenna and Caitlin, and two brothers, Tom and Brady, and a Boston terrier/pug named Pearl. Skahen’s brothers and sisters also all play instruments, sing and participate in theater. His parents said they, too, very much enjoy and support the arts. “We are both very proud of Jack for his accomplishment,” Jennifer Skahen said. “We know he will be successful in whatever he chooses to do in life but are especially thrilled he has a passion for music. Everyone needs a creative outlet, and music feeds the soul.” Jennifer and Sean Skahen own Sunset Manufacturing in St. Joseph, a sheet metal-fabrication company which manufactures many dairy industry
products. Other SJU Boys’ Choir members selected for the Honor Choir include: Dolan Binder, grade 8, Sartell Middle School, son of Annette and Harvey Binder; Clayton Fuller, grade 7, Sartell Middle School, son of Peggy and Bruce Fuller; Paul Heuer, grade 7, Winsted Holy Trinity School in Lester Prairie, son of Sarah and Richard Heuer; Charlie Magnuson, grade 7, Sartell Middle School, son of Kimberly and Chris Magnuson; Dean Rothstein, grade 8, ROCORI Middle School, son of Lois and Marvin Rothstein; and Carter Trombley, grade 8, Sartell Middle School, son of Lisa and Greg Trombley. “Jack and his peers are evidence there is great music and great teaching happening here in Central Minnesota,” Heywood said. This year’s ACDA public performance was held on Nov. 19 at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Mahtomedi. Upcoming concerts for the St. John’s Boys’ Choir include: 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 2 and 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3 “Christmas at Saint John’s” concerts at St. John’s University and at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16 and
Saturday, Dec. 17 “A Ceremony of Carols” concerts at the Cathedral of St. Mary, St. Cloud. Two Sartell Middle School girls were also named for the ACDA seventh- and eighthgrade Honor Choir. They are Emma Lathe, grade 8, daughter of Garrett and Holly Lathe, and Grace Radeke, grade 8, daughter of Kate and Paul Radeke. The selection of the ACDA Girls’ Honor Choir is the same process as the Boys’ Honor Choir. The audition for 800 spots includes both girls and boys. Radeke previously participated in Honor Choir in sixth grade. She plays the piano, ukulele and clarinet. This is Radeke’s fifth year with the Cantabile Girls’ Choir. She is also active with GREAT Theatre, Sartell Middle School Theatre and performed in the Wirth Center’s School of Rock. “It is an honor to be selected to sing with the top vocal musicians in the state,” Radeke said. “I have connected with musicians from other schools through choral and theatrical programs, and I love being able to sing on the same stage with them.” This is Lathe’s fifth year
Friday, Dec. 2, 2016
singing with the Cantabile Girls’ Choir. She said being in the Honor Choir can be challenging. “It was both fun and challenging,” Lathe said. “Singing in different languages and learning that much music was worth all the work. The concert was energetic and the audience loved it.” Lathe’s mother is the elementary music teacher at Pine Meadow Elementary School in Sartell, and her father is the director of the Youth Chorale of
Central Minnesota. Her mother also directed the Cantabile Girls’ Choir program for two years. Both girls also sing in the St. Cloud State University Cantabile Girls’ Choir and upcoming concerts include: 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 2 “A Mosaic of Joy” (with the Great River Chorale) concert at the Cathedral of St. Mary, St. Cloud, and a 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 4 “A Mosaic of Joy” (with the Great River Chorale), at the Bethlehem Lutheran Church, St. Cloud.
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