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Newsleader Sartell
Friday, Jan. 2, 2015 Volume 20, Issue 1 Est. 1995
Town Crier
Sesame Street Live winners announced
The following individuals won the Newsleaders drawing for Sesame Street Live ticket vouchers on Dec. 19: Katie Stang, Cheryl Freihammer, Bonnie Weisser, Cindy Lindbloom, Angie Fox, Ricky Hess, Matthew Hoeschen, Amanda Reitan, Justin Kottom, Melanie Klisch, Kari Salzer, Kim Nauman, Kelly Neisen and Mary McCarney.
Moonlight Ski set for Jan. 9
The annual Moonlight Ski event, along with a giant toasty bonfire, is set for Stearns County Quarry Park from 6-10 p.m. Friday, Jan. 9. Quarry Park is located at 1802 CR 137, Waite Park. Everyone is welcome, and there are no fees. The ski run will become a hiking trek if snow is inadequate. Moonlight Ski is sponsored by Stearns County Parks and the Nordic Ski Club of Central Minnesota.
Driver improvement program now available online
The 55+ Driver Improvement Program, which offers local eight-hour and four-hour courses, is now available online. Online courses are also available in eight-hour and four-hour courses. These courses are targeted at reducing serious injury and fatal crashes. Classes provide valuable updates to traffic trends, laws and safety issues. The online 55+ Driver Improvement Program can be found at
Teach youth how to knit
The Catholic Charities Transitional Youth Home provides services to youth ages 16-21 who are homeless or at risk of being homeless in the Central Minnesota area. They are looking for volunteers to teach youth how to knit. For more information on this or other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit thenewsleaders. com and click on Jan. 2 Criers.
U.S. youth ice-fishing dates announced
Youth anglers across the country will have the opportunity to compete in a youth ice-fishing season this winter. Starting Jan. 1, kids can earn points for going ice fishing and catching fish on any frozen body of water. The competitive ice-fishing season is open to boys and girls between the ages of 5 to 17. Anglers will be allowed to fish anytime on any frozen lake or river from Jan. 1-Feb. 28. For more information or to register, visit and click on Jan. 2 Criers. For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.
Harbor Freight Tools
Postal Patron
Year in Review
2014 was a very good year for Sartell by Dennis Dalman
(This is Part 1 of a three-part series.) 2014 was a very good year for Sartell, with great strides made in many citywide projects and an economy clearly on the rebound from a sluggish recession that began nationwide in 2008. The city’s two new parks – Pinecone Central and Sauk River Regional – are shaping up nicely, with a trail system worked out for Sauk River and athletic amenities as well as music and movies in the park at Pinecone. Road improvements, including the addition of more roundabouts, made Sartell roads more navigable in 2014. The diverging-diamond interchange by Epic Center was completed, and motorists seemed to get the hang of it from the get-go. Once again, Sartell received a topnotch credit rating from Standard and Poor, a sure sign the city’s finances are sound and flexible. Voters in all area cities, including Sartell, approved an extension of the regional half-cent sales tax, which is good news for the planned amenities Sartell residents would like, including a community center and improvements for roads, trails and parks. The Sartell paper mill, which closed permanently after more than 100 years of business, is
photo by Dennis Dalman
St. Francis Xavier students perform a song-and-dance from the mountainous Andes region in South America. From left to right, clockwise, are Taylor Vos, Tricia Castro, Elizabeth Hamak, Tim Haas, Ricky Emslander and Frankie Tomczik. The dance was part of the entertainment provided for Grandparents’ Day at the school. being demolished by a firm for the city’s two elementary recommits itself to developing which is recycling its massive schools. Sartell students scored solid, go-ahead plans for a comamounts of metals and other above their statewide peers on munity center in 2015. recyclable items. A Canadian several important achievement The council rang out the year firm expressed interest in set- tests. with the passage of a $6.2-milting up a specialty truck-trailer Sartell will have a new mayor lion budget for this new year. The following are some of business on part of the paper- in 2015, former council member mill site. Sarah Jane Nicoll. Also elected the highlights of 2014 based The Sartell-St. Stephen in the Nov. 4 election were in- on a review of all of the SarSchool District hired a new su- cumbent council member David tell Newsleader issues from the perintendent in 2014 and two Peterson and former council year. new principals were named member Pat Lynch. The council Review • page 3
Shop-with-a-cop a double success The annual shop-with-a-cop was a double success in December, with enough gift cards to cover two shopping trips for area children. Twice as many gift cards made possible two shopping trips for more children than usual – trips on Dec. 16 and Dec. 22. The program, which allows children to shop for gifts for their families, is made possible by grants from Walmart and Bernick’s Pepsi. Area police officers volunteer to accompany the children on the shopping trips in the Walmart store. Representing the Sartell Police Department were Sartell Police Chief Jim Hughes and officers Jill Lundquist and Adam Vande Vrede. contributed photo The children chosen for shopA boy named Samuel considers purchasing a CD during shop-with-a-cop at Walmart a few with-a-cop are from the school days before Christmas. Assisting Samuel is districts of Sartell, St. Cloud and Sauk Rapids. Sartell police officer Jill Lundquist.
contributed photo
Liam Emery, 3, Sartell, snuggled with the man in the red coat himself during Little Saints Academy’s Holiday Social on Dec. 16 at El Paso in St. Joseph.
Sartell Newsleader •
2 If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Dec. 10 10 p.m. Suspicious vehicle.
Brianna Drive. A report was made regarding an alarm sounding on a vehicle. An officer arrived and found it was a newer vehicle and the owner was unaware on how to turn it off but was finally able to stop it. Dec. 11 10:56 a.m. Welfare check. Lowell Lane. A report was made regarding a possible physical fight between an adult male and female. Officers were able to
locate them and found evidence supporting an assault had occurred. The male was placed under arrest and transported to Stearns County Jail. 6:58 p.m. Suspicious person. Amber Avenue S. A report was made regarding an adult male following another adult male in a vehicle. The male was placed under arrest for damage to property. Blotter • page 4
MORTGAGOR: Wayne P. Johnson and Amy M. Schwinghammer-Johnson, husband and wife. MORTGAGEE:Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING:Recorded June 8, 2009 Stearns County Recorder, Document No. 1289233. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: Matrix Financial Services Corp. Dated Oct. 20, 2014 Recorded Oct. 30, 2014, as Document No. A1431730. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT’S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100052550261125982 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Lendsmart Mortgage LLC RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: Flagstar Bank, FSB MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 800 Brookwood Lane, Sartell, MN 56377 TAX PARCEL 92.56817.0000
LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot Eleven (11), in Block Four (4), of Meyer Park
Plat 5, Village of Sartell, Stearns County, Minn. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Stearns ORIGINAL AMOUNT OF $205,529.00
AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $201,023.90 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Feb. 19, 2015 at 10 a.m. PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Office, Law Enforcement Center, Room S-136, St. Cloud, Minn. to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys’ fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is
Friday, Jan. 2, 2015
contributed photo
Girl Scout Daisy Troop #106 met at Hancock Fabrics on Dec. 11 to pick out fleece to donate to the the St. Cloud Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Family Support program. The girls used a portion of last winter’s cookie sales to buy the fabric. The fabric is then used by parents to make “Tummy Time” blankets at the baby’s bedside in the NICU, which the parents then take home once the baby is ready to leave. Most of the troop is from Sartell. (Front row) Emma Pickett, Elka MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED Sowada, Mckenzie Steiner and Lauren Pederson; (back row) FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGA- Lucy Conda, Katelyn Noble, Emma Johnson, Amelia Bjerke, TION ON MORTGAGE: None Caitlyn Hollenkamp and Chloe Wolford. 11:59 p.m. on Aug. 19, 2015, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it’s the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to five weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032.
“THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROP- contributed photo ERTY USED IN AGRICULTURDan Anderson of Sartell, the State Farm bear played by Taylor AL PRODUCTION, AND ARE Frank, along with Trent Thompson from the Dan Anderson ABANDONED.” State Farm agency, rang bells for Salvation Army at Byerly’s prior to the holidays. Dated: Dec. 16, 2014 Matrix Financial Services Corp. Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416
Now Hiring Sartell/St. Cloud
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Full-time position responsible for all aspects of day-to-day apartment management. Applicants must demonstrate skilled decision making, great organization, ability to foster professional relationships with staff, residents and vendors, and follow laws and company policies. College graduate preferred, related experience required. Great pay, 401K, time off and medical/dental benefits included. Email resume & cover letter to:
(952) 925-6888 92-14-007202 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Document version 1.1 Dec. 11, 2013 Publish: Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 & Feb. 6, 2015
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
Newstands Country Store and Pharmacy Holiday on Riverside Drive Holiday on 7th Street N House of Pizza JM Speedstop
Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens
Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon
Operations Manager Logan Gruber
Production Manager Tara Wiese
Editor Dennis Dalman
Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen
Delivery Glen Lauer Greg Hartung
P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Jan. 2, 2015
Review from front page
For the fourth time in just two months, the names of priests who had been the subjects of sexual-abuse charges in the past were released by the Diocese of St. Cloud, under pressure from attorneys. The list contains 36 names, many of them now deceased. They served in dozens of parishes, some in multiple parishes. In one case, one of the priests had served in St. Francis Xavier Church in Sartell. That priest, Fr. Allen Speiser, has long been deceased. Janagan Ramanathan, a sixth-grader, wins the spelling bee at Sartell Middle School. His winning answer was an obscure question having to do with an Asian country. The City of Sartell has set five goals to accomplish in 2014. The goals are the following: Local-option sales-tax extension; more progress toward a “downtown” Sartell area; more amenities for Pinecone Central Park; moving forward on a community center; and acquiring property for Sauk River Regional Park. The city makes plans to repair a seriously damaged por-
tion of Pinecone Road from 2nd Street S. to 15th Street N. Extremely heavy traffic and flooding on that roadway have caused all sorts of erosion problems. The city is also planning a longer-term fix along that road, a project planned to start in 2015. The Sartell-St. Stephen Knowledge Bowl team returns with a second-place award from the invitational meet at Eden Valley-Watkins High School. The team is comprised of Sam Chappell, Adam Dullinger, Curt Koopmeiers and Quinn Skoog. Another member, Gopi Ramanathan, could not be at the meet so Dawson Rogers filled in for him. The Sartell City Council downsizes a planned dog park in Pinecone Central Park from seven acres to four acres. The larger area would have interfered with a pond and a skiing trail. Dog-park enthusiasts are trying to raise money to install a chain-link fence. The Great River Regional Library agrees to research a conceptual plan for a possible branch library in Sartell. A library has long been close to the top of a citywide facilities wish list by residents. The Sartell-St. Stephen School Board lays out a plan for its search and interview process for a new superintendent
Home Health Aides/Homemakers
We are seeking Home Health Aides/Homemakers to work oneon-one with clients in their own home. Looking for applicants with day/evening availability as well as every other weekend. Must be 18 years or older to apply. EOE, drug-free work place. Please apply online at:, click on employment and choose the St. Cloud Branch. Or email: Prairie River Home Care is a Medicare Certified Home Care Agency, serving 60 of Minnesota’s 87 counties.
to replace Dr. Joe Hill, who announced his resignation. The interviews will be conducted at public meetings, with plenty of citizen input.
Sartell mayor Joe Perske formally announces he will run for the seat occupied by Rep. Michele Bachmann, representing Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District in the U.S. Congress. Perske, a long-time teacher, coach and marathon runner, says the race will be the “toughest” marathon of his life. Supporters of Perske’s effort host a kick-off celebration at the Westside Liquor Learning Center in early February. Jeff Schwiebert of Eldridge, Iowa is selected as the new superintendent for the Sartell-St. Stephen School District. The school board made the decision Feb. 6, the third of three full days of interviews with candidates, as well as several public meet-the-candidate sessions. Most recently, Schwiebert was superintendent of the North Scott Community School in Eldridge. A citywide survey by the Sartell Planning Department shows high satisfaction with city services. Almost 200 people took the survey online or on paper. There were some
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Review • page 4
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Sartell Newsleader •
Review from page 3
photo by Dennis Dalman
Stunned by surprise, Jan Sorell accepts a best-actress Oscar from John Augustin for her role in “The Senior Connection.” At right is Bill Morgan, who won the best-actor Oscar for his performance, also in “The Senior Connection,” an intriguing mystery movie about a group of people, mainly elderly, who live in a Minnesota city named Sartell. Augustin, a former Sartell science teacher and long-time Oscar buff, invited his audience to pose and have fun spoofing with his “prop” Oscars after his talk about the history of the Academy Awards. Augustin was guest speaker for the weekly Thursday talk, Feb. 13, sponsored by the Sartell Senior Connection.
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people dissatisfied with street conditions, snow plowing and recreational offerings, but by and large, most residents said they are happy with city amenities and feel safe living in Sartell. The nine-question survey, which is the third annual one, helps city staff get ideas on how programs and services can be improved. The City of Sartell receives a AA rating from Standard and Poor’s, one of the nation’s most prestigious financial-rating companies. The rating is based on many factors in the financial picture for Sartell, including budget flexibility, healthy reserve funds, strong liquidity and good financial management. The good news will save the city about $73,000 on a refunding-bond sale approved by the city recently. The new rating is just one of many excellent ratings for Sartell from Standard and Poor’s during the past decade or so. Brian Jose, Sartell resident, receives the top North American “Presenter of Fine Arts” award in New York City. He was honored for the wide variety of arts offerings and cultural events as director of Fine Arts Programming for St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict. Sartell joins the “Greenstop Cities” program, which assists
Minnesota cities to develop “Best Practices” methods for energy efficiency, economic development and all-around healthier cities and residents. Pinecone Central Park will soon get a concessions stand and attached restrooms. Construction will start in spring 2014. Students at Sartell High School perform Suessical the Musical Jr., a musical play based on characters and plot lines from Dr. Seuss storybooks. The Sartell Sabre Dance Team takes second in high kick and third in jazz at the statewide dance meet at Target Center. It’s the second time in two years the team placed second in high kick. The Sartell Varsity Knowledge Bowl team nabs first-place honors at the invitational meet in Sartell. The team earned 109 points. St. John’s Prep School was second with 96.5 points. Chaska was third. Sartell agrees to staff its two wading pools with lifeguards provided by the St. Cloud-based YMCA. The council voted to accept a one-year contract for pools at Watab Park and Celebration Neighborhood Park. Has football become too dangerous to offer as a school sport? That question was tossed back and forth during a “Sartell Says” debate that took place in the Sartell City Hall council chambers. The first debate of others planned, the event was produced by Patty Candella of Sartell. The debate panel in-
Friday, Jan. 2, 2015 cluded a doctor, a university coach, a professor and a news sports columnist. Those who argued for football remaining a school sport were declared the winners because most minds in the room had been changed by their arguments. Audience members registered their viewpoints before and then after the debate. The Sartell Public Works Department is going through a veritable mountain of salt used for city streets – 1,450 tons of the stuff just through midFebruary. That’s an all-time record for salt use in Sartell, made necessary by one of the snowiest and coldest winters on record. The cold has caused at least 20 major freeze-ups of water lines in the city.
St. Stephen River Runners, a snowmobile club, hosts ‘Community Day’ March 8 with a get-together for past and present members at Trobec’s Bar and Restaurant. The members expressed happiness over all the snow, snow and more snow that has fallen so far this season. St. Stephen is busy planning its centennial celebration for the summer of 2014. A big parade, special guests, music and food are planned. Seven Sartell Middle School students return with awards from the 68th annual Central Minnesota Regional Science Fair at St. Cloud State University. The winners are Peter Amundson, Peyton Braun, Kobey Cofer, Elizabeth Ruder and Madeline Thieschafer. Luke Payne of Sartell has a minor but plum role – Vince – in the musical, Grease, a production by St. John’s Prep School at the Paramount Theater. He is one of five SJP school students from Sartell who has roles in the popular play, the others being Kyra Hulsebus, Sydney Lo, Evan Morrison and Cormac Smith. The new Sartell Apple Duathlon directors have plans to expand the race for its 32nd
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Jan. 2, 2015 year. The new co-directors are Lisa Bollinger and Adam Konczewski. They plan to offer bike workshops and co-sponsor a Bike Rodeo with the Sartell police. A man was arrested in Sartell for allegedly shooting and killing another man outside the Sprint store in PineCone Marketplace in south Sartell. The incident, which happened March 13, led to the death of Maurice Galvin Jr. who had been shot in the chest with a handgun. He later died at the St. Cloud Hospital. Just before the shooting, McGinnis had been working inside the Sprint store, then went out to talk to two men in the back parking lot. That is where the shooting occurred.
Mrs. Minnesota, Kimberly Stommes, a 2006 graduate of Sartell High School, vows to help fight diabetes as a focus of her reign. Her stepfather was diagnosed with that disease several years ago, and so Stommes knows first-hand how important it is to fight diabetes and, hopefully, to conquer it someday. A tragic occurrence happened March 27 when a Sartell police officer, Jeff Schmitz, died
contributed photo
Jeff Schmitz, a Sartell police officer, died tragically March 27 due to post-surgical complications at the St. Cloud Hospital. after complications which set in after surgery. Schmitz leaves behind his wife, Stacy Landborg-Schmitz and a 4-year-old son, Andrew. Schmitz, who was only 44, was described by Sartell Police Chief Jim Hughes as an “outstanding officer . . . who was tall in stature with a big heart and a smile just as big.” Schmitz, originally from Paynesville, had also worked for the Paynesville Police Department and part-time for the Cold Spring/Richmond Police Department. The school board chooses two new elementary-school
principals: Sara Nelson for Pine Meadow Elementary and Kristopher Lynk for Oak Ridge. They will replace Greg Johnson at Pine Meadow and Randy Husman at Oak Ridge, both of whom are retiring from their jobs. Nelson is a Sartell resident, and Lynk hails from Eden Prairie. Two Sartell fundraisers abound in arts and crafts during the first Pine Groove Arts Festival at Sartell Middle School and an evening bigband dance at Mulligan Event Center. Proceeds benefited the Sartell Music Association, a non-profit group dedicated to enhancing musical programs for students. The school board approves a weighted grade system in which the grades for more difficult college-level courses are adjusted (“weighted”) to reflect the difficulty, so some grades will not pull down grade-point-averages. Dan Miller, a Sartell police officer, is honored with the Distinguished Service Award by the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association. He is given high praise and thanks for his efforts to keep central Minnesota drug-free and safer. Jan Sorell is named SeReview • page 7
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Sartell Newsleader •
Our View
Let’s break stupid stereotypes about law-enforcement officers
The vicious killings of two police officers in Brooklyn just days before Christmas should hit close to home here, there and everywhere. Such killings can happen anywhere at any time. No law-enforcement officer is ever safe – anywhere. We learned that in central Minnesota 13 months ago when Cold Spring officer Tom Decker was ambushed and shot to death while making a welfare check. In 1996, St. Joseph police officer Brian Klinefelter was shot to death during a traffic stop. All law-enforcement officers know when they leave their homes for work, there is a very real chance they may never see their families again. That’s because they are constantly on the front line of danger – accidents of every description and, horrifically, the risk of being murdered. Since 1791, a total of 20,267 law-enforcement officers died in the line of duty in the United States, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Association. Such deaths were caused by accidents that included car crashes, drownings, being hit by trains, being struck on bicycles, falling objects, natural and man-made catastrophes, stabbings, beatings and shootings. In just the past decade, nationwide, there were 1,501 officers killed by accidents, including 78 women. Of that number, 548 were shot to death, including 31 in 2013. One of the biggest indirect causes of assaults against officers are the stupid stereotypes that have been promulgated for years by TV shows and movies. Cops are often portrayed as reckless, corrupt, on-the-take, unstable or trigger-happy psychotics who enjoy shoot-‘em-up frenzies. These twisted versions fit right into the sick minds of sociopaths who, like the killer in Brooklyn, had no qualms about assassinating two policemen just because they happened to be there. Too many people who have had scrapes with the law, including that killer, blame cops rather than their own behavior for the messes they get themselves into. They seethe with anger against authority figures, including law enforcement, until one day they snap and start firing away. In New York City, just days before the officers’ murders, some demented people in the streets were chanting “Death to Cops.” Imagine the effect of those chants on the minds of some angry malcontent who gets the idea it’s somehow “heroic” to go kill a cop. If only such assassins could realize, before they grab their guns, how they will not become heroes but merely disgusting scoundrels of the worst order. It’s too bad more people cannot attend citizen police academies, in which students learn about the true nature of police work. Those TV-movie stereotypes fall by the wayside mighty quickly when academy students learn, firsthand in many cases, the staggering variety of hard work law-enforcement officers actually do: traffic patrol for public safety, responses to accidents, every conceivable type of emergency assistance, help during catastrophes, checking on the welfare of children or vulnerable adults, writing up a flurry of reports, responding to domestic disputes during which tempers flare and get out of control, rushing to the scenes of robberies, doing many community-service jobs (often as volunteers), having to deal with a myriad of nuisance complaints that range from neighborhood disputes to animal-control issues. Dangers are inherent in almost all of those tasks. We should stop criticizing law-enforcement officers when they do their jobs; we should quit whining, as some people do, about the “blue meanies” who issued them a citation for speeding or some other infraction. Yes, there are some “bad” cops, and when they cross the line they should be prosecuted just like anybody else who commits a crime. There are, of course, “bad” apples in every profession. The overwhelming number of officers are doing mostly thankless and dangerous daily tasks for the sake of our public safety. We should help them by working with them, not bad-mouthing them or stereotyping them. The surest way to win against crime is for all citizens to cooperate closely with local law enforcement. Such cooperation goes a long way to squelch the stupid image of cops as “blue meanies.”
Fairness and ethics
Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
Friday, Jan. 2, 2015
Opinion Obama has many reasons to brag It’s too bad President Barack Obama is not a braggart; he has good reasons to be. At the start of this New Year, this nation is heading in a good direction thanks to Obama’s far-reaching vision and cumulative achievements. Here are just some of them (among many more): In November, 320,000 jobs were created. That was the 20th consecutive month of job growth. Wages have increased slightly, overall, in recent months. Unemployment fell from more than 10 percent six years ago to 5.8 percent. Gas prices plummeted last year, putting more money into people’s pockets. Consumer confidence has increased markedly in the past couple of months, and consumer spending is up. The federal deficit, under Obama’s watch, shrank steadily and is now the smallest it’s been since 2008. There is still a long way to go, but it’s been a good start. Major spending cuts were made and programs trimmed under Obama, contrary to the stubborn contentions of his constant detractors. After the financial disaster of 2008, Obama’s stimulus packages brought us back from the brink of near collapse. The American auto industry was revived, brought back from certain death. Restrictions against Wall Street recklessness were passed. Obama, through executive action, opened up diplomatic relations with Cuba after 50 years of an illogical and selfdefeating snub of that small country. The new relations will make it possible for the Cuban and American people to share common aspirations, thus undercutting the propaganda pumped out by the Castros about the Yankee tyrant to the north. This diplomatic bridge is as historically refreshing as Nixon’s visit to China and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Through executive action, Obama put the kibosh on deportations for up to five million undocumented workers. This step would have been even better if Congress had helped by working with the presi-
Dennis Dalman Editor dent and passing comprehensive immigration reform. But, lest we forget, the Republican-dominated House wouldn’t pass reform, and the new Congress, led entirely by Republicans, probably won’t. Obama’s action is a better-than-nothing first attempt toward what is long overdue – an orderly, legal, reasonable path to citizenship combined with beefed-up border security. And lest people think Obama is slack on enforcement, under his watch there were more undocumented residents deported than under any other president. The ACA (ObamaCare) has succeeded in signing up 10 million people for private and public health insurance, with enrollment figures still increasing. The law has initiated a number of remarkable firsttime-ever health-care quality standards and guarantees; it has helped reduce overall medical costs and has slowed and, in some cases, reduced premiums. The ACA would be even more successful if some states, out of mean-spirited spite against Obama, had not nixed the ACA’s expansion of Medicaid. Thanks to Obama, the ACA is a historic first step toward eventual quality health coverage for all Americans. In time, it will be universally regarded as a landmark achievement. When that time comes, the entrenched ACA-haters will have egg yolk all over their faces. There have been important strides toward the development and use of renewable energies, fuel-efficiency standards and reduction of greenhouse gases. Thanks to Obama’s efforts, an environmental-protection agreement was recently signed during Obama’s trip to China. Under Obama’s watch and with his permission, a sneak attack on Osama bin Laden’s hideout was authorized, and that
vicious terrorist was killed. The president resisted pressures to put troops into wars, and there is some evidence an alliance with other countries against terrorists is having an effect, at the very least by slowing advances made by murderous extremists like ISIS and the Taliban. Why doesn’t the president mention those successes? Well, in fact, he has from time to time. But his positive messages were drowned out by all the noisy static raised by ultra-right-wingers who would rather bite the dust than admit our president has ever done one single, solitary good thing. And those clamoring detractors certainly can’t take any credit for anything because in the past six years they have done virtually nothing whatsoever except howl about Obama. If our president had bragged a bit louder more often and if he had been loudly supported by Democrats defending him, Democrats might not have taken such a drubbing in the last election. Too many of them, alas, were campaign cowards attuned only to polls rather than progressive realities. They cut off noses to spite their faces. Some will claim the achievements listed above have nothing to do with Obama, that they happened in spite of him; others will blindly insist those achievements are not achievements at all but ill omens for the future; still others will point to Obama’s unfavorable ratings in current polls as proof of his failures. However, let’s remember some very good and even great presidents were unpopular during their terms. No president, including this one, ever succeeded in fulfilling all of his campaign promises. None of them has ever been anywhere near perfect in achieving goals. Major disappointments litter the trails of every president. Let history – not current polls – be the final judge. Considering Obama’s indisputable achievements so far, he is likely to get a fairly high grade, far higher than the yipping hounds at his heels will ever have the decency to admit.
With Republican-led Congress, I have great expectations Back in high school I had a teacher who was fond of citing what he called the “Eleventh Beatitude.” Blessed is he who expects nothing for he shall not be disappointed. Perhaps he was referring to our class and what he might expect from us in the way of learning, or maybe it had bigger meaning. Regardless of his meaning, I have remembered the quote and use it regularly. It comes in handy today as I consider the next Congress. In just a few days the Republicans will take the reins. They have a huge job in front of them. Probably the first thing for me would be the approval of the Keystone Pipeline project. No single act of this government will have a more positive effect on us than this simple approval. Conservative estimates are it will provide more than 20,000 new jobs and those jobs will be high-paying jobs. Also we will come a step closer to the energy independence we have sought for so many years. Today gasoline prices are tumbling with just the possibility of this approval. Next on my wish list is a reasonable and fair immigration policy. I have written before we need to require legitimate identification by everyone in this country to get a job, go to school, partake of our health care and to get any benefits from our very liberal welfare programs. By the way, if we required legitimate identification, the millions who are here illegally
Ron Scarbro Guest Writer would deport themselves. If these illegals spent half as much energy improving their own countries as they spend trying to steal our resources, our problem and theirs would be solved. Next on my list of matters the new Congress needs to consider is health-care insurance. In reality health-care insurance is none of the government’s business. We were doing pretty well until the president started messing with it. Now it’s a disaster. Republican Congress, fix it. While I could go on for hours, I will try to bring this list to a close with this minor requirement of Congress. Get to the bottom of the many scandals permeating this White House and get the guilty before courts of law. It all stinks. It is un-American. We are not a “banana republic” and we shouldn’t act like one. These are my expectations. Are they great expectations? Am I asking too much? Oh, wait a minute. I just remembered Obama still has two more years. There’s no way he’s going to allow the Republicans to do the things I want done.
Even though he knows, or should know by now, that what he has wrought is not what this country wants. Then I have to ask the question. Am I expecting too much from the Republicans? Is there any chance they will do what is right for the American people? From what I am hearing, I would say there isn’t much hope. Politicians seem to park their loyalties at the door when they enter the hallowed halls of government. Will they say we should just wait until 2016 when the Republicans take the White House too? People accuse me of being an optimist. I guess I am. I’m also a patriot. I want what is best for this country. Based on the election results from the midterms, the American people want that too. And so I am left with the Eleventh Beatitude. Should I expect nothing in order not to be disappointed? Or should I expect the Congress to get to work and fix the mess we have gotten ourselves into? I think I’m going to expect excellence. I can live with disappointment. I have for years. Scarbro is retired and spends most of his free time with his grandchildren having moved from Sartell to St. Simons Island, Ga. Writing and commenting on the news of the day is a pastime. Visit his weekly blog at for more commentary.
Friday, Jan. 2, 2015
Monday, Jan. 5 Sartell Lions Club, 7 p.m., upstairs of Blue Line Sports Bar andGrill, 1101 2nd St. S., Sartell. 248-3240. Tuesday, Jan. 6 Blood drive, 1-7 p.m., Atonement Lutheran Church, 1144 29th Ave. N, St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Wednesday, Jan. 7 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 5-9 p.m., Kennedy Community School, 1300 Jade Rd., St. Joseph. 1-888-234-1294. Optional online courses: St. Stephen City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall, 2 6th Ave SE. 251-0964. Thursday, Jan. 8 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, 520 1st St. NE, Sartell. Friday, Jan. 9 City of Sartell Christmas tree drop-off, open to all city residents, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., site located on 30th Avenue N., near CR 4. 320-253-2171. Moonlight Ski Event, 6-10 p.m., Quarry Park, 1802 CR 137, Waite Park. 320-255-6172. Saturday, Jan. 10 Winter Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. ANNOUNCEMENTS Machinery Consignment Sale, Mon., Jan. 19, 2015 at 9:00 A.M. Consign early by Jan. 5, 2015 for complete advertising. No Small Items, Tires or Pallet Items Accepted After Friday, Jan. 9. Gilbert’s Sale Yard, LLC, 641398-2218. 2 Mi. N. of Floyd, IA On Hwy. 218. Tractor House Internet Bidding Available. (MCN) Horse Sale: Belle Plaine Western Exchange, Belle Plaine, IA. Next Scheduled Sale: Saturday, January 10, 2015. Tack 10:00 a.m., Horses immediately following. Sale 2nd Saturday of every month. Upcoming Sales: February 14, and March 14, 2015. Check out our website for details and sale results:; Info/ To Consign: 319-444-2320; email: bpwe@ (MCN) HERO MILES - To Find Out More About How You Can Help Our Service Members, Veterans and Their Families in Their Time of Need, Visit the Fisher House Website at (MCN) FOR SALE End of the year TRAILER SALE! Dump trailers 12 different models, Gooseneck Hidecks 24k 5 models; 6’x12’x72’ v-nose ramp door $2,750.00; Used 2-place motorcycle trailer; Aluminum Snowmobile trailers; Steel & aluminum utility trailers. 130 trailers in-stock, SERVICE after the SALE!! 515-972-4554 - Like us on Facebook! (MCN) EMPLOYMENT/HELP WANTED CDL Drivers needed to haul livestock, home on weekends. Great Benefit Package for Full-Time Drivers! www.lynchlivestock. com or call Angie @ 563-776-3051 for more information. EOE (MCN) CLASS A CDL Regional Driver. Good home time. Great pay and benefits. Matching 401K. Bonuses and tax free money. No touch freight. Experience needed. Call Scott 507-437-9905. Apply on-line www.mcfgtl. com (MCN) PAID IN ADVANCE! MAKE $1000 A
Sartell Newsleader •
Review from page 5
nior Volunteer of the Year by the Sartell Area Chamber of Commerce. Sorell, an active member of the Sartell Senior Connection, has been a motel owner, teacher, yearbook director, school media director, computer instructor and chair or member of countless committees and organizations throughout her long career. Liberty Savings Bank in downtown St. Cloud is named Business of the Year by the Sartell Area Chamber of Commerce. The bank is praised for
its many forms of community involvement and for sponsoring the annual Libertyville in Sartell, a festival of music, food and games during Sartell SummerFest. Three men are named Citizens of the Year by the Sartell Area Chamber of Commerce for their visionary plans and hard fundraising work to make Pinecone Central Park an outstanding venue for recreation and cultural events. The three are Paul J. Hanson, Gordy Meyer and Greg Neeser. Ten Sartell runners head for the Boston Marathon. For more Year in Review, please see next week’s issue.
Dist. 748 school bus transportation makes updates to some routes The Sartell-St. Stephen school district is reporting some afternoon school bus routes will be changing once winter break is over. Families that will be impacted by route changes will receive a yellow postcard in the mail with updated transportation information. Those who do not receive a postcard can assume their family route information will remain as it was. Updated busing information will also be uploaded to Skyward, the student information system for WEEK mailing brochures from home! Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start Immediately! (VOID IN SD, WI) (MCN) AUTO PARTS *CASH TODAY* We’ll Buy Any Car (Any Condition) + Free Same-Day Pick-up. Best Cash Offer Guaranteed! Call for FREE Quote: 1-888-654-4994 (MCN) AUTOMOBILES CASH FOR CARS: Any Make, Model or Year. We Pay MORE! Running or Not Sell your Car or Truck TODAY Free Towing! Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3805 (MCN) DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 1-800-283-0205 (MCN) AUTOMOBILES WANTED CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-871-9134 (MCN) *CASH TODAY* We’ll Buy Any Car (Any Condition) + Free Same-Day Pick-Up. Best Cash Offer Guaranteed! Call for FREE Quote: 1-888-339-5747 (MCN) ADOPTION A UNIQUE ADOPTIONS, LET US HELP! Personalized Adoption Plans. Financial Assistance, Housing, Relocation and More. Giving the Gift of Life? You Deserve the Best. 1-888-637-8200. 24HR Hotline. (VOID IN IL) (MCN) PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call Us First! Living expenses, Housing, Medical and continued support afterwards. Choose Adoptive Family of Your Choice. Call 24/7. ADOPT CONNECT 1-866-951-1860 (Void in IL & IN) (MCN) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AMAZING NEW SKID STEER POST SETTING ATTACHMENT! IF You are a POLE BUILDING Contractor, And You
the district. The updated routes are being based on best practice and feedback. The new routes will go into effect on the first day back from winter break on Monday, Jan. 5.
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stated they were just talking and would leave the area.
from page 2
Dec. 13 9:06 a.m. Theft. 18th Street N. A report was made regarding two delivered packages that were taken from a doorstep. 5:16 p.m. Theft. Walmart. A report was made regarding two juvenile females attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. The girls admitted to the thefts. Both of their parents were notified. They were issued citations and released to a family member.
Dec. 12 7:54 a.m. Stalled vehicle. Riverside Avenue. While on patrol, a vehicle was located stalled in a turn lane. The officer provided lights until the vehicle was removed. 11:27 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. 10th Avenue N. While on patrol, an officer located a vehicle parked on a dead-end street. An adult male and female
10:52 p.m. Welfare check. CR 120. A report was made regarding an elderly male walking on a median. An officer located the male and transported him to his residence due to the dense fog and unsafe conditions. Dec. 14 3:46 a.m. Suspicious activity. 2nd Street N. While on patrol, an officer heard a vehicle’s alarm sounding. The officer located the vehicle and found the driver was unable to turn it off. The alarm was disabled until it could be fixed.
Friday, Jan. 2, 2015
Mighty Ducks grant helps repair, update arena by Dennis Dalman
Bernick’s Arena in Sartell recently received a Mighty Ducks grant of $100,000 to help pay for the costs of repairs and updates at the center. The major update was to transfer to a new refrigerant because of an environmental mandate. The grant requires a match from the arena and/or the City of Sartell. Originally, the grant
application was for $200,000, and the arena offered to match that by half, $100,000, with the city matching the other half. Since the grant that was given is only half of the amount requested, the Sartell City Council at its last meeting discussed whether the city and the arena should lower their matching amounts to $50,000 each. But the council unanimously voted to keep the matching amounts at $100,000 each.