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Newsleader Sartell
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014 Volume 19, Issue 6 Est. 1995
Town Crier ‘Night at the Oscars’ by John Augustin
A “Night at the Oscars,” sponsored by Sartell Senior Connection, will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11 at the Sartell District Service Center, 212 3rd Ave. N. John Augustin has been a fan of the Acadamy Awards since he saw Grace Kelly in the 1954 Academy Awards. He has recorded every show since 1979 and has a personal library with hundreds of books and movies pertaining to the Oscars. Augustin will speak on the history of the Academy Awards and how it started. Since the nominations will have just been announced Augustin will make some predictions. There will be time for questions and looking at memorabilia.
Registration now open for summer youth baseball
Registration for Summer 2014 Youth Baseball is now open. To register first- through ninth-grade youth, visit www.sartellbaseball. com and click “On-line Registration.” General registration will be open until April 1 (first- and second-grade registration will stay open until May 1). For registration questions, contact Mike Connolly at 320-252-5743.
by Dennis Dalman
When Josh Johnson of Sartell fell through the ice, he struggled and screamed for help for 25 minutes until his strength gave out, and he sank under the icy water of Little Rock Lake near Rice. He remembers, before he passed out, seeing the sandy bottom and thinking, “This is it; I’m going to die.” Luckily for Johnson, two men had seen him go through the ice and called for help. Shortly before 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 15, two good buddies – Shane Sabraski and Neil Maidl, both of Rice – were about to go hunting together. They ate a breakfast at Pine’s Edge Restaurant just off of Highway 10 south of Rice, then with Maidl behind the wheel, they drove on a residential road that goes by Little Rock Lake. The two men looked out and saw a man fishing by Rock Point on the southeast side of the lake. They were completely stunned because they knew how unsafe the ice probably was Rescue • page 8
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A near-tragedy late last fall on Little Rock Lake near Rice brought the victim, Josh Johnson of Sartell (center), and his two rescuers together after Johnson was released from the hospital. On Nov. 15, Johnson came very close to death when the ice on the lake gave way under his feet. Two long-time buddies from Rice, Shane Sabraski (left) and Neil Maidl (right), saw the accident and hurried to the rescue.
Perske begins the ‘toughest’ marathon by Dennis Dalman
Ready for spring? Get your hands dirty at the Farmers’ Market from 10-1 this Saturday, Feb. 8 at Sartell City Hall. Potters wheels will be available to try your hand at making something.
Student ambassador hosts Parents’ Night Off Feb. 14
Hot off the press
If you’d like to receive the Newsleader hot off the press, send us your email address and we’ll notify you with a link when our website is updated, which is typically by noon a day in advance of the print edition. Send your email to and you should start receiving your reminder at that address within a week. Notify us otherwise.
Postal Patron
Man’s rescue forges bonds with life savers
Try potting tomorrow at Farmers’ Market
Parents’ Night Off will be held from 6-9 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14 at Celebration Lutheran Church, 1500 Pinecone Road, Sartell. Ayleigh Hammond, a Sartell student, is earning money so she may travel with the People to People Student Ambassador Program this summer. Hammond will babysit with friends (and adult supervision). Call 320-203-1050 to register. For information regarding Hammond’s endeavors, see the Dec. 5, 2013 edition of the Sartell Newsleader at www.thenewsleaders. com.
ve Song -7
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photo by Dennis Dalman
Joe Perske is flanked by his family as he formally kicks off his campaign Feb. 1 for the Sixth U.S. Congressional seat. His daughters (left to right) are Greta, Jenna and Michaela. His wife, Janet, is at right.
Sartell Mayor Joe Perske, a long-time marathon runner, estimates he’s run close to 90,000 miles so far in his life, but recently he just started a marathon he says will be the toughest one – running for the Sixth U.S. Congressional seat. A campaign kick-off took place with Perske, family, friends and well-wishers Feb. 1 at the Westside Liquor Learning Center in Sartell. Perske hopes to receive the DFL endorsement for the race. There are two other DFLers vying for the position – Jim Read of Avon, a political
Superintendent finalists interviewed by Dennis Dalman
The choice for a new superintendent in Sartell was expected to be announced as early as Friday, Feb. 7. As of Newsleader press time Wednesday morning, only one of the three finalists has been interviewed – Paul Neubauer, director of curriculum and in-
struction in St. Francis, which is in Anoka County just north of the Twin Cities. The other two candidates were expected to be interviewed mid-week and later. Candidate Debra Lechner was scheduled for Wednesday, and candidate Jeff Schwiebert was slated for Thursday. Lechner is director of teaching and learning in the
Brainerd School District, and Schwiebert is superintendent of the North Scott Community School District in Eldridge, Iowa. Lechner has worked for the Sartell-St. Stephen School District previously. She was director of teaching and learning before taking the job in Brainerd about 12 years ago. Her Super • page 10
science professor at St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict; and Judy Adams, a political activist from Circle Pines. There are three Republican candidates who hope to get the Republican endorsement – former state representatives Tom Emmer and Phil Krinkie, as well as Anoka County Board Chair Rhonda Sivarajah. The Sixth Congressional seat is now occupied by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Stillwater), who is not seeking a fifth twoyear term. The seat will be decided late this year in the Nov. 4 election. “It’ll be a heckuva marathon,” Perske told his wellwishers. “This one I can’t run alone.” Perske said his decision to enter the race was an agonizing one because he’s had to quit, forego or take away time from so many aspects of his life he loves deeply: his wife and three daughters, his teaching, his students, his school colleagues, his serving the city as mayor. However, Perske said he is so disappointed and saddened by the constant gridlock in WashPerske • page 10
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014
contributed photo
Sartell Middle School students (left to right) Tyler Anderson, Zach Ittel, Austin Haus, Hannah Congdon and Sarah Owens were recently honored at a luncheon at the Wells Fargo Bank Building in Minneapolis for their accomplishment of placing first in the state in the Stock Market Game, a 14-week program where students are given a virtual $100,000 to invest in the stock market. Students research companies and buy/sell stocks and bonds. The winning team had a final portfolio balance of $107,344.72 A special thank you to Sartell resident, middle school parent and Wells Fargo Advisors employee John Elliott (at far right) for volunteering to lead the Stock Market Game program. with expertise in interventional and musculoskeletal radiology, neuroradiology, body imaging, women’s health and pain management. Hou Spoden Drs. Andrew Hou and Darrin Spoden recently joined Regional Diagnostic Radiology in Sartell. Hou was previously a senior instructor of radiology at University of Colorado Denver – Anschutz Medical Campus. He completed his neuroradiology fellowship at the University of Colorado Hospital and diagnostic radiology residency at Los Angeles County Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Hou is an American Board of Radiology-certified neuroradiologist with specialization in neuroradiology. Spoden received his doctorate in osteopathic medicine from Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. He completed his magnetic resonance imaging fellowship at St. Luke’s Medical Center and diagnostic radiology residency at St. Joseph’s Medical Center. Certified by the American Board of Radiology, Spoden’s specific areas of interest include neuroradiology and general radiology. Numbering more than 20 physicians, Regional Diagnostic Radiology has partnerships with more than 10 facilities which provide innovative imaging solutions across Central Minnesota. Radiologists are sub-specialized,
A s h l e y Queenan, Sartell, recently joined Finken Water Solutions and Finken Plumbing HeatQueenan ing and Cooling as the marketing coordinator and will handle advertising, charity donations, social media and corporate-wide promotions. Ten Sartell students were recently awarded Philip Halenbeck scholarships to St. Cloud State University. They are the following: seniors Meredith Herman, Rachael Knutson and Amanda Schepers were awarded $300 each semester for fall 2013 and spring 2014; Edward Chappell, senior, was awarded $300 for fall 2013; seniors Sally Traut and Emily McIntire and juniors Russell Klever and Katie Yurczyk were awarded $250 each semester for fall 2013 and spring 2014; and juniors Noah Kelm and Nicole Grant were awarded $200 each semester for fall 2013 and spring 2014. The scholarships are available to full-time undergraduate students who have displayed a high level of academic achievement, demonstrated financial need and graduated from a Central Minnesota high school.
The Central Minnesota Builders Association recently announced its 2014 Board of Directors who took the oath of office on Jan. 8. Officers are as follows: Gary Bechtold, president, St. Cloud Overhead Door Co.; Craig Schoenberg, first vice president, Schoenberg Construction Inc.; Matt Cecko, second vice president/treasurer, Home Check Plus; Holly Ruether, associate vice president, Mathew Hall Lumber Co.; and Kevin Maleska, past president, Maleska Custom Builders Inc. Re-elected directors include
the following: Sue Lentner, TriCounty Abstract and Title Guaranty; and Rachel Thoennes, secretary, Birchwood Electric Inc. Newly elected directors include the following: Ron Euteneuer, Great Northern Environmental Solutions, and Chris Froelke, RetroGreen Energy who join Jason Dale, J. Dale Builders Inc., Nicholas Delaney, Rinke-Noonan; Keven Dunlap, Liberty Savings Bank fsb and Pam Petron, Gopher State Contractors Inc. making up the 13-member board. CMBA is a non-profit trade association with approximately 400 builder and associate mem-
ber companies representing 23,000 employees involved in all phases of the building industry. The Petron CMBA strives to improve the Central Minnesota building industry by advocating for the industry at the local, state and national levels; educating members about building industry best practices; and engaging members in activities that strengthen competitiveness, professionalism and the public’s confidence in the industry.
Three Sartell students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at Creighton University, Omaha, Neb. They are the following: Ashley Hanson, a junior majoring in pharmacy and health professions; Alysha Illies, a freshman majoring in arts and sciences; and Erin Kurvers, a sophomore majoring in arts and sciences. Students must attain a minimum 3.5 grade-point average to earn the honor.
lished in 1999 by Roy Johnson, who returned for his degree as a married father of two children who were also in college, this annual scholarship is awarded to nontraditional students admitted as engineering majors.
Two St. Stephen students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at St. Cloud Technical and Community College. They are Tamara Hagerty, nursing LPN to ADN mobility; Monte Pierskalla, child and adult care and education and paraprofessional educator.
Kathryn Haglin of Sartell was recently named to the high honor list at Minnesota State University, Mankato. She earned a minimum 4.0 grade-point average to qualify. Five Sartell students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at Minnesota State University, Mankato. They are the following: Spencer Ahrendt, Nicholas Evans, Joshua Kremer, Cassidy Ross and Rebecca Sonbol. Students must achieve a minimum 3.5 grade-point average to qualify for the honor. Dina Almafreajy of Sartell, a St. Cloud State University senior, was recently awarded a Roy Johnson annual scholarship in engineering in the amount of $500 for spring semester 2014. Estab-
Adam Kourajian of Sartell, Minnesota, was recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. Students who achieve dean’s honors at Notre Dame represent the top 30 percent of students in their college. Matthew Worzala of Sartell was recently named to the fall dean’s honor list at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He’s majoring in engineering. Three Sartell students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. They are the following: Marissa Glazos, majoring in agriculture and life sciences; Zachary Heim, majoring in letters and science; and Kiley Sullivan, majoring in Business. Jessica Tapper of Sartell was recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. She is majoring in nursing and health sciences.
Four Sartell students recently graduated from North Dakota State University, Fargo. They are the following: Joel Peerman Gotta, bachelor’s degree in construction management; *Molly Granzow, bachelor’s degree in accounting; Joshua Jack, bachelor’s degree in geology; and Joshua Yapp, bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. *Denotes graduation with honors. Three Sartell students were recently named to the fall headmaster’s honor roll at St. John’s Preparatory School, Collegeville. They are the following: Ana Deal-Hansen, daughter of Terri and Dick Deal-Hansen, a seventh-grader; Luke Payne, son of Sandy and Troy Payne, a junior; and Cormac Smith, son of Penelope and Daniel Smith, a seventh-grader. Students must attain a minimum 3.5 grade-point average to earn this honor.
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
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Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon
Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen
Editor Dennis Dalman
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Friday, Feb. 7, 2014
Sartell Newsleader •
Panel demands stringent safety against clergy abuse
by Dennis Dalman There are 14 priests or monks living at the St. John’s Abbey who may still pose a danger to children, according to two attorneys, a former monk and two grown men who say they were abused by priests when they were children. A press conference Feb. 4 at the Bradshaw and Bryant law firm in Waite Park featured the following speakers: Jeff Anderson, a Twin Cities attorney widely known for his prosecution of clergy sexabuse cases; Mike Bryant of the Waite Park firm; Pat Wall, a former monk at St. John’s Abbey who assists attorney Anderson; Peggy LaDue, executive director of the Central Minnesota Sexual Abuse Center; and two men who say they were abused by priests many years ago – Troy Bramlage and Bob Ethan, both from the St. Cloud area. All of the speakers took issue with comments about safety made by St. Cloud Catholic Diocese Bishop Donald Kettler and St. John’s Abbey Abbot John Klassen. At a recent public discussion with the St. Cloud Times editorial board, Kettler and Klassen said all the names have been released of priests or monks who had been accused of
photo by Dennis Dalman
Officials gathered Feb. 3 in Waite Park to discuss security issues concerning priests who have records of sexually abusing minors. From left to right are Mike Bryant, Waite Park-based attorney; Jeff Anderson, Twin Cities attorney; Peggy LaDue, executive director of the Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center; and Bob Ethan, a victim of sexual abuse when he was a child. “credible” reports of sexual abuse against minors. They also said a safety program now in place is effective in guarding against any future abuse by clergy. Those at the press conference strongly disagreed with both of those contentions. Anderson said there are more names that must be released and that the safety program is inadequate because it still allows priests likely to re-offend ample time to travel freely and to circulate freely on campus and throughout the entire area. Anderson had intended to show a tape of a legal deposition taken of Fr. Allen Tarlton, who is part of a lawsuit filed by Troy Bramlage, who accused Tarlton of molesting him during the 1970s. Anderson said the video clearly demonstrates why current safety precautions are not adequate. The video, however, could not
be shown at the press conference because of a last-minute judge’s decision. It will, Anderson said, hopefully be shown to the public in the near future. Statements by Klassen and Kettler have been misleading and incorrect, misrepresenting the truth, according to Anderson. He bluntly stated they and others have concealed or minimized what has really been happening at St. John’s Abbey and in the St. Cloud Catholic Diocese. Anderson gave three reasons for his contention: missing names on list of clergy charged with credible offenses; a lack of transparency and accountability regarding clergy offenders; and “deeply disturbing” safety plans that are not adequate. While safety plans may state those clergy cannot be working closely around children, priests or monks with credible previous charges against them Abuse • page 11
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Our View
Heeding seven good tips can prevent identity theft
There is a silver lining in the wake of the news about Target accounts being hacked by crooks. The good news is more people are paying attention to the many devious ways these scoundrels breach security. Scott Merritt, an expert in identity theft and CEO of the Michigan-based Merritt and Associates, has some very good, updated tips on how to keep personal information safe. People should read and heed the following seven tips: 1. Be aware of where identity thefts can occur. Most occur in places where you do daily business so be careful when divulging any personal information in those places, and make sure you are dealing with reputable people. Try not to enter into transactions you yourself did not initiate. 2. Make sure all of your personal information is consistent. Check information down to the smallest detail. Discrepancies, such as using your middle initial on some documents but not others, or having different addresses, can cause big problems if ever you need to prove your identity. Such mismatched information can also affect credit scores. 3. Change your passwords at least twice a year on a non-scheduled basis. Don’t be predictable. Have a strong firewall if you shop online and only access sites protected by a strong firewall and the highest industry standards. Access accounts of a financial nature only from your athome computer. 4. Protect your banking information. When in your bank, keep all account numbers and other data out of sight and avoid stating account numbers others might overhear. When planning a bank visit, do all your deposit and withdrawal slips in advance. 5. Photocopy everything in your wallet: photos, credit cards (front and back), membership cards – every single item. Place the copies in the order the items are arranged in your wallet. Place them in a strong box or safe. It’s also a good idea not to carry credit cards in your wallet. Just take them with only when you are going to use them. 6. Account for all interactions with vendors. Every time you do business with someone, write down the time, the date and the outcome of the transaction. If identify theft occurs on the vendor’s end you will be able to trace prior transactions effectively. Also, be sure to note any animosity or reluctance from the vendor. 7. Never carry on your person your birth certificate or Social Security card. Keep them in a safe or firebox. If you know someone will need a copy of your birth certificate or Social Security card, make copies of them ahead of time. That will avoid the necessity of some employee leaving the room with such information and copying it down in some back room. We hope our readers discuss – and share – these tips with everyone they know. Remember, knowledge is power. And, not to forget, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, especially when it comes to identity scams.
Fairness and ethics
Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014
Opinion Beatles were ‘soundtrack of our lives’ Fifty years ago, Feb. 9, 1964, after seeing the Beatles perform on the Ed Sullivan Show, my neighborhood was abuzz with conversation. Some alarmed parents, freaked out by the hordes of screaming girl fans, thought the world was coming to an end. They had barely had time to get over the shock of “Elvis the Pelvis” in the 1950s when their eyes and ears were assaulted with four lads from Liverpool with mop haircuts that made them look like invading barbarians. We kids, of course, thought the Beatles were cool – cooler than cool. We were wild about their music. Our conversations centered around bets we made about how long the Beatles would last on the Hit Parade. Back then, it was the Age of Fads – Davy Crockett hats, hula hoops, ant farms, magic rings in cereal boxes, you name it. Many parents hoped and prayed the Beatles were just another fad – hair today, gone tomorrow. I bet my buddies the Beatles, much as I loved their songs, would be kaput in six months. In those days, the very notion of a rock ‘n’ roller performing much beyond the age of 25 was utterly ridiculous. Oh, were we wrong! And I’m so happy to have been so wrong. As someone (I forget who) once insightfully said, “The Beatles were the soundtrack of our lives.” So true. One snowy day in the winter of 1963, I was sitting in a lounge chair in my living room by the bay window, reading Charles Dickens’s “David Copperfield.” The radio was on
Dennis Dalman Editor low – KDWB-Channel 63. I wasn’t listening to it. All of a sudden I dropped the book. A song had captured my attention. It was the strangest song – a kind of happy explosion of energy with the oddest chord changes I’d ever heard. I didn’t know its name or who sang it. It was something about “holding your hand.” A few days later, I popped over to the house of twins Judy and Janey Townsend. They wanted me to hear a new album they’d bought. It was called “Meet the Beatles.” My jaw dropped when I saw the cover – four strange-looking guys with caveman haircuts. Weird! Judy put on the album, and I was instantly hooked, stunned to hear “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” the song that captivated me days earlier on the radio. The next year, the Beatles made their historic Sullivan Show appearance. Still later, their album “Rubber Soul” blew us kids away with its luscious tunes, amazing harmonies, astonishing lyrics and musical innovations that included the mysterious sound of an Indian sitar on “Norwegian Wood.” Still later, we friends would sit for hours listening to “Revolver,” which was even more musically innovative,
a dazzling series of songs that combined surreal poetry with stunning studio sound effects so new and fresh to our ears. There was no doubt, after that album, the Beatles were not only superb musicians and incredible singers but accomplished poets who, with a song like “Eleanor Rigby,” had married words and music in a somber lyrical vision of a woman whom life had passed by. And still later, along came “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” which took our minds right off the hinges. And then there was the double “White Album,” another astonishment, followed later by “Abbey Road,” which we played constantly until the album wore out. Years later, in 1980-81, I was studying in London, living just six blocks from the Abbey Road studio where the Beatles had recorded so many masterworks. One morning while getting ready for school I heard the news: John Lennon had been shot and killed in New York City. It took many mournful days for that news to sink in. Years later, George Harrison’s death of cancer was another shock. And now there are two – just two Beatles. Such a shame they all couldn’t have lived longer, reuniting to make more great albums. But then, why wish for the impossible? Let’s just be grateful those four lads from Liverpool, in a seven-year creative miracle, left us so many songs that still have the power to astonish us, as much as they did in those young happy days when we first heard them.
I know pornography when I see it Back in 1964, the U.S. Supreme Court was hearing a case to determine whether certain publications or movies were pornography or obscenity and therefore illegal under the law. There had been many attempts to get a definitive ruling to make clear what the law could and would allow. It was during that case Justice Potter Stewart made his famous statement. He said, and I will paraphrase, I really can’t define pornography but I know it when I see it. That statement is the basis for this column. Did you see the Grammys? How about Miley Cyrus’s performance on another of the many awards shows that permeates the television screen? I confess I don’t watch these kinds of shows because I have no interest in these awards. I did, however, see numerous news reports and snippets of the performances. I will further add I am not unhappy I missed those particular pornographic displays. If you watched either of those shows, I’m pretty sure you would have to agree they were pure pornography. Now I recognize some will disagree. Some might even think these displays are “free speech” and as such are protected by our constitution. This then brings us to the point of “community standards.” What does the community allow? Under our constitution, what can the community al-
Ron Scarbro Guest Writer low or forbid? Can an individual run around undressed? Can the perverts among us expose themselves without fear of repercussion? Can couples engage in overt sex acts in public? Of course not. We have, through legislation, passed laws forbidding those activities in public. Not too long ago there was the famous “wardrobe malfunction.” You remember. A young singer “accidentally” undid the young girl singer’s gown exposing body parts which the community had decided must be covered in public. The television network was fined for the offense. Well, clearly, that was nothing when compared to Miley Cyrus’s on-stage sexact simulation, as well as Beyonce’s similar performance on the Grammys. What have we become? First, let me assure you I am not a prude. In my years I have seen and experienced a lot. I appreciate art. I appreciate the beauty of the human form. But, there is a time and a place. The time is not “prime time.” The place is not net-
work television going into the homes of young families with children glued to the screen. The same is true of language. I am a military veteran. There is probably no word or combination of words I have not heard. But again, there is a time and a place. Network television at prime time is neither the time nor the place for vulgarity. Communities have decided public use of obscene language is illegal. Even in the face of “free speech,” some speech is illegal. Radio and television networks subscribe to codes of conduct. They recognize we all have standards that must be met. I have tried to listen to some of the lyrics in the so-called music my grandchildren like. To me these lyrics are just obscene garbage. Their only value is to shock the listener. Fortunately I have an on/off dial on my radio and television I use liberally. While that works in my house, I fear for the many kids who have no parental control or restriction. Their minds and souls are being poisoned and there will be a price to be paid. That is not a happy thought. Justice Potter Stewart knew pornography when he saw it and so do I. I believe we all know. The question is what, if anything, will we the community do about it?
The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374 Email:
Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only).
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014
Knowledge Bowl teams excel at invitational by Dennis Dalman
Two Sartell-St. Stephen Knowledge Bowl teams returned home with awards from the invitational meet last week in Eden Valley-Watkins High School where 52 teams, mostly from central Minnesota, competed. The Sartell varsity team took a second-place award in the contest. St. John’s Prep School team was first; an Albany team took third place. The Sartell team is comprised of Sam Chappell, Adam Dullinger, Curt Koopmeiners and Quinn Skoog. Gopi Ramanathan, also a member, could not be at the meet because of illness so Dawson Rogers filled in for him. Rogers, a sophomore, is a member of the junior varsity team. Dullinger, Koopmeiners and Skoog are seniors; Chappel is a junior; and Ramanathan is a sophomore. One of the Sartell-St. Stephen junior varsity teams placed third in the meet, after firstplace and second-place wins by two teams from St. John’s Prep School. The members of the Sartell team are Erik Maas,
If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 320-2518186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at www.tricountycrimestoppers. org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.
Dawson Rogers, Derek Schmidt, Adam Schroer, R.J. Sobania and Michael Volgman-Mercuri. They are all sophomores. Another Sartell-St. Stephen junior varsity team took eighth place at the meet. Its members, all ninth-graders, are Katie Connolly, Max Hennen, Adam Johnson and Rory Spanier. The teams’ coach is Sartell High School science teacher Luke Walker, who has coached Knowledge Bowl for three years. “We have a really big group this year,” Walker said. “There are 37 kids in the program. We are now running seven teams.” So far, Sartell-St. Stephen Knowledge Bowl teams have competed in three invitational meets – one in Buffalo, one in Big Lake and the last at Eden Valley-Watkins. The Big Lake meet was one of the largest in Knowledge Bowl history, comprising 97 teams in competition, Walker noted. The contests consist of a written round that lasts about an hour, followed by oral rounds of 45 questions on a wide range of topics. Walker said invitational meets will continue into early
stay at for the evening.
Jan. 22 3:32 p.m. Open door. 10th Street S. A report was made regarding a front door left open at a residence and that the dogs had been running around the neighborhood. Officers arrived and were able to locate all the dogs inside the residence and secured Jan. 19 the front door. 9:56 a.m. Stalled vehicle. Pine7:20 p.m. Bomb threat. Walcone Road. While on patrol, an Mart. A report was made regardofficer saw a vehicle stalled on the ing a bomb sitting inside a bathside of the road. It was found the room. The building was searched driver had a suspended license as and no bomb was located. well as no proof of insurance. He was issued a citation for both violations and the vehicle was towed. Jan. 20 6:32 p.m. Unwanted person. 2nd Street N. An adult female requested officers help remove an adult male who would not leave her property. Upon officer arrival, the adult male had left. The female did find another residence to
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contributed photos
Above right: The Sartell-St. Stephen Knowledge Bowl Varsity Team 1 took second-place honors at an invitational meet at Eden Valley-Watkins. Its members are (left to right) Dawson Rogers, Sam Chappell, Dalton Foss (score-box operator), Quinn Skoog, Adam Dullinger and Curt Koopmeiners. Rogers, who is a member of a junior varsity team, filled in for member Gopi Ramanathan, who was ill the day of the meet. Below right: One of the junior varsity Knowledge Bowl teams took third place at the Eden Valley-Watkins invitational meet. Its members are (left to right) Derek Schmidt, Michael Volgman-Mercuri, Adam Schroer, R.J. Sobania and Erik Maas. March. Sartell High School will itself host an invitational meet in February. In the second week of March, there will be a subregional meet after which up to five teams from each of the state’s regions will go on to state competition. At the state level, competition will be separated into smaller schools and larger schools.
Jan. 23 12:39 p.m. Person assist. 1st Street S. An elderly male had fallen in his home and was unable to get to his feet. An officer arrived and was able to help the man to a chair. No medical assistance was needed. 1:36 p.m. Motorist assist. Heritage Road. While on patrol, an officer noticed a vehicle driving with a flat tire. The driver requested a tow company be contacted. The officer contacted a tow company and provided safety lights.
Sartell Newsleader •
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014 Friday, Feb. 7, 2014
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Sartell Newsleader •
Rescue from front page
Centennial Photo Book Help us celebrate St. Stephen’s Centennial on July 19, 2014 with a commemorative book. Submit photos
(digital or hard copy) All photos will be returned.
Contact Anita or Verdell via St. Stephen City Hall at 320-251-0964.
Quality Assurance Technician (NIGHTS) PouchTec Industries is looking for a Quality Assurance Technician for our Night Shift. We are a flexible food packaging facility, located in Foley, MN that has a long history of satisfying customer needs through innovative flexible packaging techniques and resources. The available position is a 12-hour shift (shift time is 6 p.m.6 a.m. on a rotating work day schedule). This position will assure PouchTec’s quality system which includes monitoring the sanitation program. The quality policies, GMP’s, HACCP, and Allergen program are enforced. Incumbent will use excellent verbal and written communication skills to train on quality, Kosher, organic and customer requirements. Decision-making, problem-solving and teamwork skills are essential. Experience in a previous manufacturing experience is necessary for consideration. A background in food safety and sanitation is a plus. Incumbent must have previous experience in areas of quality assurance in beverage-bottling or food-manufacturing environment; and strong analytical skills and decision making, problem solving and teamwork skills are a must. Must possess good computer skills. Familiar with food safety and FDA regulations/audits for food and dietary supplements helpful.
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PLAT BOOKS with 911 addresses, legal descriptions. Stearns County. Other counties available by order. Available at the Newsleaders, 32 1st Ave. NW, St. Joseph. Regular price $40; $30 spiral bound. NO REFUNDS. tfn-f
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that day. They then drove down the road, further toward the lake because Sabraski wanted to take a cell-phone photo of the fisherman. He knew his friends would not believe it if he told them he and Maidl had actually seen a guy fishing on the lake. But just as Sabraski was readying to take the photo, the man disappeared, having fallen through the thin sheet of ice. The men immediately called 911, then they raced over to the public landing near Rock Point. The man was screaming for help, and the two friends’ adrenalin was rushing through their bodies as they were desperate to help the man. He was about 150 yards from shore, struggling to stay afloat. The three men yelled to one another. The man was hanging onto a 2 x 4 board, floating with the board. Maidl went to get a boat in a nearby neighbor’s yard. Then he drove back to the landing where Sabraski and a woman were there, frantically wondering how to help the unfortunate man. About then, the Rice chief of police arrived, and they all put the boat on the ice. They got in the boat, but the boat kept sinking through the sagging sheet of thin ice. Then they threw the boat’s anchor out into the water, then kept pulling on a long rescue rope to get close to the flailing fisherman. It was exhausting work and seemed to take forever, Maidl recalled later. Then they yelled to the woman on shore, asking if her husband had a pair of ice cleats. She said yes, and then she hurried to her nearby home to get the cleats. Sabraski quickly put on the cleats. Maidl and Sabraski then walked on the fragile ice, pushing the boat ever more outward onto the lake. When they’d feel the layer of ice sinking, they’d quickly get back into the boat. Meantime a DNR officer showed up and helped get the boat out to the scene of the crisis. When they were about 30 feet from the man, he suddenly went
under the water, leaving an eerie silence behind him. From the Rice Fire Department, also at the scene, the men got a gaffe hook. They retrieved the man’s floating wallet from the frigid water, then they kept running the gaffe across the bottom of the rather shallow lake. Fortunately, they finally hooked something – the man’s leg, and they managed to pull him up with the help of the gaffe. The man’s foot was the first part of his body to surface. With Sabraski hanging onto the feet, the men spun the victim over and grabbed his shoulders. Then they pulled a yellow rubber boat toward the scene and pulled the victim into it. By then there were quite a few people on shore. Using the long rope, they pulled the boat to shore across the watery ice. They were sure the man was dead. He was ghostly white and had no pulse. On shore, first responders started resuscitation efforts, then he was quickly loaded into an ambulance for a ride to the St. Cloud Hospital. From there, a helicopter brought him to a Twin Cities hospital. Later it was learned the fisherman’s name was Josh Johnson, 30, of Sartell, who owns a treetrimming business, “Yard Guy’s Tree Care.” He and his wife, Beth, have two young children, Elizabeth, 8, and Connor, 3. A new baby is due this April. At the hospital, emergency workers induced Johnson into a coma that lasted a week. Prospects for recovery appeared bleak. His wife was even told he probably would not make it. “I did a lot of dreaming when I was in that coma,” Johnson recalled recently. Elation reigned when Johnson pulled through. Eventually, he was released from the hospital. Tubes were recently removed from his gall bladder and pancreas, which had been infected from the lake water that he ingested and that almost killed him. Other than that and some physical therapy to strengthen some atrophied muscles, he’s doing just fine. Once back home under the tender loving care of his family, he and his wife met the men who helped save him. Words failed
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014 them when they tried to express their heartfelt thanks. And now, the three men have become good acquaintances. In fact, one day they took Johnson out on the ice to the scene of the catastrophe. A Twin Cities TV news station did some filming that day for a story about the three guys. “It didn’t faze me being at that site again,” Johnson said during a Feb. 2 interview with the Newsleader. “I’m not afraid of lakes. In fact I’m going fishing today up on Mille Lacs Lake. Although Johnson has no fear of lakes, he has learned the importance of caution. All eager anglers should stay off of ice until an official “OK” is given by people who know and understand each lake. “Definitely do not go out on the ice too early,” Johnson said. “I want to tell that to everybody.” Johnson acknowledges he “trusted the ice too much.” He had been fishing at that same place a few days that week and even the night before his plunge into the lake. “I thought I could trust that ice, but I was wrong,” he said. “I had that 2 x 4 board with me because I remembered my grandpa telling me a board like that could even my weight out on thin ice if I should get into trouble. I kept putting the board up onto the ice, but the ice kept breaking. That board helped but not enough.” As for Maidl and Sabraski, they’re still happy about how Johnson survived so long under the water. Both men have been fast friends “since we were in diapers,” as Maidl put it. They have been hunting and fishing pals their entire lives. Both work at Knife River in St. Cloud, Maidl as a concrete dump truck operator, Sabraski as a ready-mix truck driver. The near disaster that brought together Johnson and his two life savers has developed into a bond. “I think we’re definitely going to become good buddies,” Johnson said. His two new friends agree. A near-death experience and a dramatic rescue from an icy lake are powerful bonds for friendship.
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014
Sartell Newsleader •
Former Verso workers wanted for get-together by Dennis Dalman
It will soon be a time of reminiscence once again for people who worked at the paper mill in Sartell, including many people who live in St. Joseph and Sartell. A group of former Verso workers have organized a social get-together for Saturday, Feb. 15 at Blackberry Ridge Golf Course north of Sartell. Currently, that core group of people are still seeking names and addresses or emails of anyone who has ever worked in the paper mill, including those from many years ago when the mill was called Champion or St. Regis. In more than 100 years, generations have worked at the historic mill. All are invited to the Feb. 15 get-together. “Our records are not complete so we ask (former workers) to share the invitation with neighbors, friends or co-workers who worked at the paper plant,” said Dennis Molitor, one of the committee members. The other members of the organizing committee are John Bemboom, Sandy Brockway, Lori Bunde, Lyle Fleck, John Lovitz and Don Miklos.
Registration is required for the event. People who plan to attend should call Molitor at 320-252-7055 and, if Molitor doesn’t answer, leave a message with the name(s) of those who will attend. Earlier this month, the committee sent out lots of invitations via email and by postal mail. The Feb. 15 event will start with a 4 p.m. social hour with a chicken dinner to follow at 5 p.m. To help stretch the committee’s limited resources, a nominal fee will be charged per person/couple. There will also be door prizes. Molitor and others are hoping there is enough interest among former paper-mill employees to start a “Sartell Mill Employee Club” that could meet quarterly or as often as its members decide. Even those who cannot attend the Feb. 15 dinner should call Molitor to let him and committee members know if they are interested in an employee club. “To say a lot has happened in the last two years is an understatement,” Molitor noted in his invitation. “We hope time has made your adjustment to life after the mill a little easier with each passing
month.” After the explosion and fire on Memorial Day 2012 that shut down the Verso mill, there was a Verso reunion a year later, Memorial Day 2013, at Pinecone Regional Park in Sartell. There were some funds left over from that get-together, so the Verso committee was left wondering how best to spend the money. It had considered briefly splitting the money up among former workers, but it dropped that idea when members realized each worker would get a very small sum. Then, the committee decided to hold another gettogether. Members worked for three months trying to get together a list of names of people to invite. The funds came from American Iron and Metal, which purchased the defunct Verso plant, proceeds from a silent auction, a donation from the Steelworkers Union and donations from the Verso mill workers in Bucksport, Maine. All told, the funds amount to about $10,000, Molitor noted. Molitor worked at the paper mill, under its various ownerships, for 38 years, his last position being that of safety coordinator.
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Sartell Newsleader •
other later when more people showed up. “Gridlock is killing us,” he said, adding he is tired of hearing phrases like “fiscal cliffs” and “debt ceilings.” The stonewalling and obstructionism of Tea Party politicians, he said, does not bode well for the nation. “It is not a way to have
a democracy,” he said. “The American Dream is fading. Washington is broken.” Perske introduced his family at the podium: wife Janet and grown daughters Michaela, Jenna and Greta. “I married my high-school sweetheart who’s managed to put up with me for 25 years,” Perske said as the audience laughed. Then, Perske listed his rationale for entering the race. “It’s about people,” he said. “It’s always been about people.” Perske listed the things he would like to help accomplish by working in the U.S. Congress: making the American middle class strong and vital again, helping create decentpaying jobs, improving education for each and every person and making post-secondary education affordable for all, helping the handicapped to achieve full status in society, assisting the elderly, protecting Social Security and Medicare, making sure veterans can readjust with the help they need and fixing a broken health-care system.
dents, staff, administrators and teachers; and later in the day meeting with community members. After the busy days, each was slated for yet another interview by the school board. The three were selected by the board from seven candidates, who were interviewed in late January. Selecting a candidate does not automatically mean that
person will definitely be the new superintendent. The final selection means only the board is authorized to begin contract negotiations with the candidate of their choice. The new superintendent, if he or she agrees to take the job, will replace former superintendent Dr. Joe Hill, who resigned last year. Mike Spanier has served since then as interim superintendent.
photo by Dennis Dalman
Irene Perske, a very proud mama, attends her son’s kick-off campaign rally Feb. 1 in Sartell. Joe Perske is holding his grandniece, Gabrielle Perske of Bloomington, the daughter of Christopher and Allison Perske. Christopher is Joe Perske’s nephew.
Perske from front page ington, D.C. that he felt compelled to try to change it. At the kick-off rally, Perske gave two campaign speeches, one early in the afternoon, an-
Super from front page late husband, Leon Lechner, was activities director for Sartell schools. Each of the three candidates was scheduled to spend an entire day touring the school district; meeting stu-
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014
Water celebration set at United Methodist “Water” will be the topic of much fun and education when First United Methodist Church in Sartell presents “Are You Thirsty? A Celebration of Wa-
ter for all Ages.” The program, to which all people of all ages are invited, will take place from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8 at the church,
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which is located at 1107 Pinecone Road S. People may register online at www.fumcscr. org or by calling 320-2510804. The event will feature “In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre” from Minneapolis, as well as Douglas Wood of Sartell, a national best-selling children’s author and dedicated naturalist. He will read from his book, “Grandpa’s Prayers of the Earth.” Members of the puppet
(320) 253-1500 • 1544 45th Ave. SE • St. Cloud •
Water • page 12
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Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014 “The Affordable Care Act is trying to make things right,” he said. “Voting it down 40 times is not the way. Working together is.” One question, Perske said, would guide his every action if elected to office. “Is this what’s best for the people in my district? Is it best for the people of America?” Then, referring again to marathon-running, he said: “I want you to come run with me.” Born in St. Cloud, Perske grew up in Sauk Rapids, the son of a union railroad man who
died some years ago of cancer. His mother, Irene, is still living and attended her son’s Feb. 1 rally. Perske earned a bachelor’s degree from St. John’s University and a master’s degree from St. Cloud State University. He and Janet lived in Augsburg, Germany from 1981 to 1988, where he worked as a teacher for the U.S. Department of Defense. From 1990 to 2014, he was a teacher and coach for the Sartell-St. Stephen School District. Perske was elected as a Sar-
tell City Council member in 2005 and was re-elected, serving until 2010 at which time he ran for mayor and won the election, serving from 2011 until the present. He and his family are members of Celebration Lutheran Church in Sartell. He is also a member of the St. Cloud Regional Human Rights Board, the Area Planning Organization Executive Board, the Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation Board and an official with the Minnesota State High School League.
American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Sartell Chamber of Commerce, 11:45 a.m., City Hall. 320253-2171. Holistic Moms Network, 7-8:30 p.m., Good Earth Co-op, St. Cloud. 320-252-2489. “Birth of Flight: Post WWI Barnstorming,” 7-8:30 p.m., Lindbergh Historic Site Film Series, Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site, 1620 Lindbergh Drive, Little Falls, Free admission. 320-616-5421.
American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Blood drive, 1-7 p.m., Community Church, 204 Avon Ave. N., Avon. 1-800-733-2767.
Community Calendar
Saturday, Feb. 8 Sartell Farmers’ Winter Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. “Are You Thirsty?” 1 p.m., presented by In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre. First United Methodist Church, 1107 Pine Cone Road, Sartell. All are welcome to learn about water; freewill offering. or call 320-251-0804.
Sunday, Feb. 9 Project ASTRIDE benefit breakfast and silent auction, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. (auction to 12:30 p.m.), Moose Family Center, 1300 3rd Street N., Waite Park. www.astride. org Monday, Feb. 10 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. 55+ Driver Improvement program (eight-hour first-time course), 5-9 p.m. today and Tuesday, Feb. 11, Apollo High School, 1000 44th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-888-234-1294. Sartell City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-253-2171. Tuesday, Feb. 11 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.,
Wednesday, Feb. 12 St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce, 11:30 a.m., St. Joseph Community Fire Hall. The Beauty and Challenge of Living in Multiple Worlds, noon-1 p.m., Women on Wednesday series, Atwood Memorial Center Theatre, St. Cloud State University. jolsen@ Thursday, Feb. 13 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. St. Joseph Senior Citizens, 1:30 p.m., Community Fire Hall, 401 7th St. S., St. Joseph. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m.,
Friday, Feb. 14 Discovery Day, 8 a.m,, St. John’s Preparatory School, Collegeville Registration required. 320363-3321. Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Blood drive, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., St. Cloud Hospital, 1406 Sixth Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Youth Valentine Celebration, 6:30-9:30 p.m., 5th-, 6th-, 7th-grade students, music, food, fun, prizes. There is a fee; bring a toy for the local food shelf. Rockville Parish Center, Broadway Street, Rockville, 320-253-2917. Sunday, Feb. 16 Sunday at the Abbey, 7 p.m. St. John’s Abbey Chapter House, Collegeville. Brother David-Paul Lange, OSB, “Praying in a Modernist Space: Thoughts on Marcel Breuer’s Design for the Abbey and University Church.”
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Abuse from page 3 are virtually free to go and to do whatever they like, Anderson maintained. For years, Anderson and others have requested dioceses far and wide to release lists of the names of clergy accused of credible offenses. In 2005, St. John’s Abbey created a review board, the result of a legal settlement and later a list of names was released. Recently, the St. Cloud Catholic Diocese also released a list of names, but since then there has been a retreat from transparency and accountability, Anderson charged. “We are tired of promises made and promises broken,” he said. Bramlage said he has watched the video of Tarlton’s legal deposition, even though watching it was a painful experience. He said he is worried Tarlton and others are still free to harm other children. That, he said, is the reason he brought a lawsuit against Tarlton and church officials – to stop the harm done to children. Attorney Bryant said “structural pedophiles” (a psychiatric definition) have been known to prey upon not just children but the elderly, the sick and the mentally impaired. Allowing priests or monks known to have offended to range freely should worry and frighten the public, he said. Pat Wall was a monk at the Abbey from 1983 to 1990. He said he personally knew how officials would handle charges of pedophilia. In the case of Tarlton, for example, he was compelled by officials to do in-patient treatment four times, but after each treatment he was reassigned to ministry work and re-offended yet again. At the Abbey and on the St. John’s University campus, there are more children than ever before in history, Wall said, adding current safety policies won’t work.
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11 “Kids are not going to be safe,” he said. Ethan has filed a suit against Fr. James A. Thoennes, whom Ethan claims abused him when he was a child in the St. Cloud Catholic Diocese. Being abused, Ethan said, is like being sentenced to carry a “heavy load” the rest of one’s life. As a father and grandfather, Ethan said he doesn’t want to hear of other children abused the way he was. Ethan said the public should know who covered up for offending clergy, that people should “quit the lying” and that incomplete offender lists should be made complete. “Kids are still at risk,” he said. LaDue, who has worked extensively with victims of sexual abuse, said she would like to know who came up with current safety plans and what advice they used in drafting such plans. She also said she has concerns about who is monitoring and how the plans are enforced. Survivors of abuse, LeDue said, have a deep-seated need to be validated, to let others know they did not imagine or make up their charges against the offenders. Too often, she said, victims are afraid to speak up for fear of not being believed. That is why it’s important, she said, the truth come out – to validate the survivors so they can become “thrivers,” not just survivors. Anderson asked rhetorically: How many of the clergy whose names are on the lists have ever been incarcerated for their alleged crimes? The answer, he said, is “Zero.” He claimed church officials made “conscious choices” to put such offenders repeatedly in a position of trust to “offend and re-offend again.” Anderson and others at the Feb. 4 press conference intend to announce a public forum within a month somewhere in the St. Cloud area – a forum where safety concerns can be discussed and scrutinized. He invited Kettler and Klassen to participate in the forum.
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Sartell Newsleader •
Water from page 10 theatre will perform with puppets, and they’ll guide participants through a fun watercolor painting session on the theme of “Water.” Those who want to take part in the painting should wear clothes that contributed photo
Doug Wood, an author who lives in Sartell, will be one of the featured guests at “Are You Thirsty? A Celebration of Water for All Ages.” The educational fun event, which will feature watercolor painting, will take place from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8 at First United Methodist Church in Sartell. The program is open to everyone.
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can get paint on them. People of all ages at the event will learn about where we get our water supply in the St. Cloud area, how much water is left on the earth, tap water vs. bottled water, the earth’s water cycle and world shortages of clean drinking water. There will be free child care for children under 5.
Friday, Feb. 7, 2014