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Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid St. Joseph Newsleader St. Joseph, MN 56374 Permit No. 21 ECRWSS Postal Customer
Newsleader Sartell-St. Stephen
Friday, Feb. 10, 2017 Volume 22, Issue 6 Est. 1995
Town Crier Sartell Hockey Association to host gun raffle
The Sartell Hockey Association is hosting a Scheels gun raffle with 100 firearms. Participants have a 1:20 chance of winning with the grand prize being a $1,749 Baretta A 300, 12-gauge. Winners may also use the gift card for any other merchandise in the St. Cloud Scheels store or online. To purchase tickets online, to see a list of firearms and values, or for more information visit sartellhockeyraffle.com.
Swing Dance set Feb. 20 at SHS
The Sartell High School Swing Dance, a first-time event, will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 20 at Sartell High School. Three performance groups will play in the SHS Commons: the High School Jazz Band, the Middle School Jazz Band, as well as special guest, West Metro Big Band. Before the main event, swing-dance lessons will be provided from 6-7 p.m by StudioJeff of St. Cloud. These lessons require no payment. Free-will donations are encouraged and benefit the Sartell High School Band Activity Fund, which covers the Jazz Band, Pep Band and Marching Band.
Senior Connection to host Voyage to Antarctica
The Sartell Senior Connection will host Voyage to Antarctica at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 14 in the District Service Center, 212 Third Ave. N., Sartell. Marge Bates will share her adventure to the White Continent, Antarctica starting in Buenos Aires and all things along the way with lots of pictures and stories. It’s Valentine’s Day so come fall in love with the penguins, whales and seals. Refreshments served.
Mrs. Minnesota speaks on sex trafficking by Darren Diekmann news@thenewsleaders.com
Melissa Brenny of Sauk Rapids has taken every opportunity to make use of her platform as the reigning Mrs. Minnesota America. When asked to speak, she chooses the topic to which she feels a particular duty — sex trafficking. She was especially pleased to speak Jan. 25 to the senior class at Sartell-St. Stephen High School because it included a visit with fellow and sister devotees of the cause — the school’s Students Against Trafficking Club. The StAT Club is lead by senior Emma Zenzen, who invited Brenny to speak with the idea that the topic of sex trafficking would fit in with the senior class’s instruction this past January on the topic of sexual assault. “I wanted a reason for her to talk to the entire senior class and this was the perfect time for that to happen so she related some of her talk to that,” Zenzen said. The two (sexual assault and sex trafficking) are connected in that in an atmosphere where assault is prevalent there is also a disregard for women that also allows for an acceptance of trafficking. Abuse creates vulnerable young women who are more easily preyed Brenny • page 4
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StAT Club members Katelyn Goodwin (left), Caedyn Gertken (middle) and Peyton Braun create their Red Sand Project to raise awareness of sex trafficking. The red sand represents those who have fallen through the cracks of society.
Fire department answered 160 calls last year by Dennis Dalman editor@thenewsleaders.com
Last year was another busy year for the Sartell-Le Sauk Fire Department with 160 incident calls answered – fortunately none of them tragic. The 160 calls for 2016 were down just three from the year before.
Calls for December give a representative sampling of the kinds of calls handled by the department firefighters all year: mutual assistance to the Sauk Rapids Fire Department, person in distress, medical assist, false alarm, false call, smoke-detector activation (no fire), smoke or odor removal, alarm-system activation (no
fire), sprinkler activation due to malfunction, gasoline spill, dispatched but cancelled en route. During December, besides responding quickly to calls, the firefighters also did some good Christmas-related deeds. They helped with the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle bell-ringing campaign in front of Walmart
and the Coborn’s Super Store, and they also “adopted” three families so Santa could deliver gifts to those families’ children. The December Fire Department report, written by firefighter Claude Dingmann, was part of the Sartell City Council’s agenda packet for its Jan. 9 meeting.
SFX combines fun, learning for Catholic Schools Week by Dennis Dalman editor@thenewsleaders.com
SSC collecting Sartell history
The Sartell Senior Connection would like to preserve the stories of Sartell’s past. In doing so, the SSC is looking for photos of Sartell and photos of artifacts for a history project. All photos will be digitally reproduced and originals will be returned to the owners. At this time we are unable to take physical artifacts due to inadequate space. The group is looking for stories along with photos. If you are willing to share stories we would love to hear them. We will collect stories in writing or verbally if you’re willing to be recorded. To be involved or donate photos, please contact Ann at 253-4036 option 4 or email doyscher-domres@sartell.k12.mn.us. Please include your full name and address along with photos and stories so we may give you credit and return photos.
Postal Patron
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Proud and happy students and two teachers stand by the “Good Deed Wagon,” one of the many activities created for Catholic Schools Week at St. Francis Xavier Elementary School in Sartell, In the back row (standing, left to right) are Addison Nagengast, Breanna Kurowski, Gabbie Schultz, Grant Kurowski, Trevor Fleege and Camden Lund. In the front, kneeling, are music teacher Carolyn Yaggie-Heinen (left) and second-grade teacher Maria Harren.
Students and teachers at St. Francis Xavier Elementary School enjoyed intermingling for six days bursting with activities during National Catholic Schools Week Jan. 29-Feb. 3. It is the 43rd year that Catholic schools nationwide, including SFX, have celebrated Catholic Schools Week. The students and teachers began the week by celebrating Mass Sunday morning, with students involved in the functions of the celebration. That same day, there was a cinnamon-roll fundraiser for an environmental camp attended by fifth-graders and also an open house for pre-K and kindergarten with tours of
the school and meetings with teachers. The rest of the days of the week were equally packed with activities that combined learning and fun. Among the events: • A “Mission Impossible” game between teachers and students. (The students won.) • A talk by Florence Orionzi, who shared her story of coming to the United States as a refugee. • Personal prayers written and read by some students at the end of each school day. • Students encouraged to dress differently each day, such as Pajama Day, Spirit-Apparel Day, Western SFX • page 3
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader • www.thenewsleaders.com
Thrivent Financial inducted into CMHFH Hall of Fame
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Tim Jurek, driver for Brenny Specialized Inc. of St. Joseph since 2007, has been selected as the Minnesota Trucking Association’s March 2017 Driver of the Month. As one of the 12 drivers chosen for 2017, Jurek’s nomination form will be forwarded to the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the Minnesota State Patrol and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. It will be their task to select the MTA 2017 Driver of the Year. As a Driver of the Month, Tim will be honored at the annual Driver of the Year Awards Banquet in January 2018, and he will also be featured in an upcoming issue of the MTA’s monthly magazine, Trucking Minnesota. Three Sartell-St. Stephen students were recently named to the fall D.J. Robertson Award at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks They are the following: Hannah Brennan, Mckenzie Fossen and Mckenzie Roehrich. Students must earn a 4.0 gradepoint average to qualify for this honor.
fall dean’s list at Bethel University, St. Paul. They are the following: Keagen Blommer, senior, son of Linda Blommer; and Isaac Eickhoff, senior, son of Amy and Bill Eickhoff. Students must earn a minimum 3.6 grade-point average to qualify for this honor.
Brandon Yurczyk of Sartell was recently named to the fall president’s honor roll at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. Students must earn a minimum 3.8 grade-point average to qualify for this honor.
Three Sartell-St. Stephen students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter. They are the following: Lindsey Martens, Elisabeth McCabe and Anna Neeser. Students must earn a minimum 3.75 grade-point average to qualify for this honor.
Seven Sartell-St. Stephen students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. They are the following: Hannah Brennan, Tayler Dahlman, Mckenzie Fossen, Ashley Regnier, Mckenzie Roehrich, Zoe Weiler and Brandon Yurczyk. Students must have a grade-point average in the top 15 percent of their class to qualify for this honor. Two Sartell-St. Stephen students were recently named to the
Seven Sartell-St. Stephen students were recently named to the fall dean’s list for Concordia College, Moorhead. They are the following: Megan Erkens, Adam Flemming, Amanda Flemming, Megan Franz, Curt Koopmeiners, Carl Minnerath and MacKenzie Nies. Students must earn a minimum 3.7 grade-point average to qualify for this honor.
News Tips?
After an exciting and eventful 2016, Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity kicked off the new year by thanking and recognizing its many donors, volunteers and business partners at the annual Dream Builders Reception at the Kelly Inn. Each year CMHFH recognizes a local business that has been donating cash or in-kind services and materials to its organization. They also demonstrate a consistent, longtime, active interest in helping CMHFH reach its goals. The partner businesses also demonstrate a passion for the mission of Habitat for Humanity that is at the heart of their donations. This year’s inductee is Thrivent Financial. “One of Habitat for Humanity’s strongest partners locally, nationally and internationally is Thrivent Financial,” said Bruce Johnson, executive director of CMHFH. “Through our partnership, we will have built and sold 25 homes to local, low-income families in Central Minnesota by the end of this year.” During the past 10 years, Thrivent Financial has awarded more than $2 million in grants to Central Minnesota, helping 24 families attain safe, affordable housing. CMHFH will once again be partnering with Thrivent to build the 25th Thrivent Builds home for the Jama-Aynab family in 2017. The $66,000 grant from Thrivent will be used to build a home on a reclaimed
lot in the Seberger neighborhood in St. Cloud. Construction is set to start this summer. The grant, a part of the Thrivent Builds program, provides half of the financial support needed to build a home. The rest of the support is raised from local businesses, churches and members of the community. The homes are built by volunteers from sponsoring businesses, churches the partner family and the general public. “The Thrivent/Habitat partnership is a great fit because it engages the whole community and gives them the opportunity to live out the values of connecting finances with faith and living generously,” said Steve Reetz, a Thrivent Financial representative in St. Cloud and CMHFH board member. “It’s inspiring to see Thrivent members and others continuously give of their time and talents to help families in local communities and around the world have safe, affordable housing,” said Brad Hewitt, president and CEO of Thrivent. The Jama-Aynab family of six is excited for the construction to start on their Habitat house. Khadra and Saleban and their four children are most looking forward to being able to settle into a permanent home where their family can thrive. Through homeownership, the couple plans to teach their children how to be responsible and take care of a house.
Tools for Schools seeks donations, connections How do you define a tool? Of course it’s a hammer – it could also be a calculator, a computer program, knowledge, experience. A tool is anything used as a means of accomplishing a task or purpose. Such as education is a tool for success. The Central Minnesota Builders Association Tools For Schools Committee wishes to renovate the term “tools.” Tools For Schools, an initiative of the CMBA, has been diligently supporting High School Industrial Arts programs in the Central Minnesota area since 2004. In 2016,
$12,000 in funds were donated to purchase supplies; upgrade tools and finance skill-building contests to support the next generation of construction-trade professionals. Through connection, communication and promotion, the members of the CMBA Tools For Schools and Presidents’ Fund and Initiative are hoping to create an even stronger bridge for the future workers to walk across. To learn more, go to www.cmbaonline.org/careers-education/tools-schools. For more information, visit thenewsleaders. com and click on Feb. 10 People.
Call the Newsleader at 363-7741
Friday, Feb. 10, 2017
If you have a tip concerning a crime, call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186, or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301, or access its tip site at www.tricountycrimestoppers.org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for a crime. Jan. 24 9:12 a.m. Traffic stop. BentonDrive/First Street N.E. While conducting speed enforcement on the Sartell Bridge, an officer observed a vehicle approaching at a high rate of speed. The officer activated radar and the vehicle was traveling 51 mph in a 30-mph zone. The driver was issued a citation for speeding and given a verbal warning for no driver’s license in possession. 10:58 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. 22nd Street S. Officers were dispatched to a complaint of a vehicle parked in the parking lot, shining its headlights at the windows. Officers spoke with the driver who said he/ she was just coming home from work. The caller was advised to shut their blinds when this occurs to avoid the issue. Jan. 25 1:28 p.m Traffic accident. CR 120/Pinecone Road N. Officers were dispatched to a report of a traffic accident near Sta-Fit. The driver said he/she was looking for oncoming traffic at the intersection and rearended the vehicle in front of him/her. The officer assisted both parties involved with exchanging information. 5:04 p.m. Driving complaint. 100 block of Second Street S. Officers were dispatched to a vehicle driving recklessly in a parking lot. Officers located the vehicle as it was leaving the area. The driver was issued a citation for driving with a revoked license and the vehicle was towed for having no insurance. Jan. 26 8:59 a.m. Suspicious vehicle. Amber Avenue S./Heritage Drive. While on patrol, an officer located a vehicle that appeared to have recently been involved in a crash with rear-end damage. The officer made contact with the owner of the vehicle who said he/she had already reported the incident and would get the vehicle moved off the roadway. 7:33 p.m. Unwanted person. 700 block of 11th Street S. Officers were dispatched for a person attempting to gain entry into a residence through a garage. Officers spoke with the suspect and said it would be considered trespassing. The suspect left the area without incident.
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
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P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone: (320) 363-7741 • Fax: (320) 363-4195 • E-mail: news@thenewsleaders.com POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
Friday, Feb. 10, 2017
SFX from front page Day for Round-Ups, and Jersey-and-Hat Day. • An All-School Bingo event, an Ice-Cream Social and a “Drop Everything and Read” session. • A Mass at Cathedral High School officiated by St.
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader • www.thenewsleaders.com Cloud Diocese Bishop Donald Kettler, with students from all area Catholic schools. • For each day, there was an overarching theme: Celebrating Our Parish; Celebrating Our Community (Faith, Knowledge, Service); Celebrating Our Students; Celebrating Our Nation; Celebrating Vocations; and Celebrating Our Fac-
ulty, Staff and Volunteers. • A “Pay it Forward Good Deed Wagon” that was pulled through the schools’ hallways, with “good deed” notes pinned to it. Each note mentioned a good deed or helpful comments observed or heard in the school by students, teachers or staff. Some examples: “We saw Ellie holding the
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School After-Care Program
After-Care Coordinator - Part time
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School is accepting applications for the position of After-Care Coordinator. This leadership position is responsible for coordinating all after-school programing. The coordinator is responsible for planning, coordinating, leading and working closely with the principal, and other team members in providing a safe, effective and enjoyable program for students. The focus of the after-school program is to continue to develop the whole child – spiritual, academic, social, emotional and physical.
Employment begins Monday, Feb. 20. Candidates applying for the position should enjoy working with children, have a minimum of a high school diploma, three years’ experience working with children, plan, develop, organize and evaluate student programing with an understanding of child development and safety requirements, computer literacy with programs such as word processing, spreadsheet and internet use and have good communication skills. A favorable background check is required as a condition of employment. To learn more about the school and the position, you can download the employment application by referring to the school website: http://www.stfrancissartellschool.org. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until the position is filled. Submit a letter of interest listing at least two references, resume, two letters of recommendation and the completed employment application to:
Attn: Kathy Kockler, Principal
St. Francis Xavier School
P.O. Box 150 • 308 2nd St. N. Sartell, MN 56377 St. Francis Xavier School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities.
door for people.” “Caiden invited Gavin to sit by him.” “Helped a classmate clean up around the desk.” “Aden and Jaelyn both said ‘excuse me’ to the preschoolers.” SFX School Principal Kathy Kockler said the activities for National Catholic Schools Week were unqualified successes.
3 “It was a fun, exciting, upbeat, faith-filled way to explore how amazing our school community and church really are for all,” she said. “It’s a fun reminder of who we are – awesome! It’s a reminder of our Catholicity as a full-school community. We are grateful to celebrate a national event with others from around the country.”
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader • www.thenewsleaders.com
Brenny from front page
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Students Against Trafficking Club leader senior Emma Zenzen meets Mrs. Minnesota America Melissa Brenny of Sauk Rapids.
upon by traffickers, Zenzen explained. When Brenny spoke to the Sartell seniors, they listened to her with unusual quietness and respect. She attributed it to both the surprise over the revelation of how prolific the problem is and how young the girls are, as well as the discomfort the topic causes many people. “One of the things I think is so important to emphasize is that it’s happening here, in this area,” Brenny said. It’s important for people to be aware trafficking occurs by such an alarming number of teenage prostitutes and customers or ‘Johns’,” she said. Brenny distinguished between trafficked prostitutes, those who are pressured against their will, and those who prostitute willfully. The majority are believed to be trafficked.
Citing a video produced by WJON Radio, Brenny told the class the average age of a girl entering prostitution is 13. Of the 200 or so prostitutes in the area, 60 percent are underage. And traffickers or pimps target the homeless, the abused and otherwise vulnerable teens. An actual manual exists to instruct traffickers on how to manipulate teenage girls into prostitution, Brenny said. The traffickers gain power over a teenage girl by first befriending and helping her and thus gaining her trust. Then they isolate her and create dependence. Before speaking to the seniors, Brenny met informally with the StAT Club and was happy to see that, unlike many students, they were informed about the issue, having accessed some of the same resources as herself. The StAT members were aware of the Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center and its need for volunteers. They were also familiar with a women’s advocacy company called
Friday, Feb. 10, 2017 My Sister. And like Brenny that day, many in the group were wearing the same T-shirt sold by My Sister that reads, “Stop Trafficking.” The group was unaware there is a local sex-trafficking task force. Brenny was able to inform them that it was comprised of local area police departments – Sartell, St. Joseph, St. Cloud, Sauk Rapids, Waite Park and Cold Spring. Jaren Martin, a StAT Club member, said he loved what Brenny had to say and was impressed with her motivation to speak out on such a difficult topic. “She was a fantastic speaker,” Martin said. “Her speaking has inspired me to find my own platform and help educate the people around me and my family.” Martin said Brenny’s visit has motivated other members of the club to volunteer at the Sexual Assault Center and the new Terebinth Refuge, which was the subject of an article in the Jan. 6 issue of the Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader.
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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader • www.thenewsleaders.com
Friday, Feb. 10, 2017
On Valentine’s Day, Don always remembered (Editor’s note: The following was written and submitted by Sartell resident Betty (nee Smelter) Swedziak, 84. She submitted the story after the Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader requested readers send in their love stories to share with others for this upcoming Valentine’s Day.) by Betty Swedziak, contributed story
When I was about 10 years old, my family moved from our farm near Gilman to a place southwest of Morrill in Morrison County. We joined the St. Joseph Church in Morrill, and I would sit in front with all of the other children on Sundays – boys on the left, girls on the right. Don and a few of his friends always sat up there too. The first time he saw me walk to the front (he didn’t even know me), he said to his friends, “That’s the girl I’m going to marry.” (I had long curls to my waist.) Time went on and he went into the Army, was discharged and then worked on local
farms baling hay and harvesting wheat. I was 16 by then and dating. He came along, and my life changed forever. We were married in June when I was 18 years old, and that was the best thing I ever did in my life. Don was kind, understanding and always generous – a man of integrity and truth. He was so good to me. There was never a birthday, anniversary, Easter, Mother’s Day, Christmas or Valentine’s Day he did not gift me with something beautiful. Early in the morning one Valentine’s Day, he had to leave on a business trip and I was feeling so bad because this
would be the first Valentine’s without a gift. I was sure he might forget. Before noon there was a knock at the door, and I was delivered a very large beautiful bouquet of flowers with a note expressing his love. He remembered! Life went on, and in our later years I asked him if he was afraid to die. “No,” he answered, “But I worry about who will take care of you.” Don passed away shortly after that one day in September 2015. We were married 65 years and three months. It was a wonderful life!
SHS to host Swing Dance Feb. 20 A first-time event, the Sartell High School Swing Dance, will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 20 at Sartell High School. Three performance groups will play in in the SHS Commons: the High School Jazz Band, the Middle School Jazz Band, as well as special guest, West Metro Big Band. Before the main event, swing-
dance lessons will be provided by StudioJeff of St. Cloud from 6-7 p.m. These lessons require no payment, just a good pair of shoes. Throughout the night, an array of desserts and coffee will be served to guests. Water will also be provided as another beverage option. This event is open to the pub-
lic and requires no purchase of a ticket. Free-will donations are welcomed and encouraged. All donations received will go into the Sartell High School Band Activity Fund (which covers the Jazz Band, Pep Band and Marching Band). Mark your calendar and join your neighbors and friends for a music-filled night.
contributed photos
At left: Betty Smelter and Don Swedziak enjoyed 65 years of happily married life. Don died in 2015. They were married in the St. Joseph Catholic Church in Morrill, Morrison County. At right: After decades of marriage, Don and Betty Swedziak continued to have “a wonderful life!,” as Betty described it in a Valentine memory of her life with her husband.
Sartell Swarm
Registration for 2017 Summer Season opens Feb. 14 Girls ages 6-18 fastpitch softball For more information and to register, go to www.sartellfastpitch.com. Updates about our program will be shared at the annual parent meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 13 at the SHS Auditorium. Parents and players encouraged to attend. Uniform sizes will be available for those who are interested.
Contact Becky Lundgren with registration questions at beckylundgren@sartellfastpitch.com
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader • www.thenewsleaders.com
Our View Learning to be anti-scam savvy a vital skill to avoid being ‘took’ Once again, phone scams are in the news. The latest involves the “Yes” scam in which the caller “tricks” a person into saying “Yes” on the phone. The crook on the other end of the line then records that person’s “Yes.” It can then be used later when the unwitting victims learn they owe a bill for something they did not order or want. If a victim scoffs at the bill, the scammer will then play back the sound of that person saying “Yes” as “proof” they agreed to the offer. According to most news reports about the “Yes” scam, the crooks have a hard time collecting money, and they have no legal basis to use a surreptitiously recorded “Yes” to force people to pay the phony costs. But some victims pay the bills anyway, thinking they ordered something and forgot about it, or because they are afraid they’ll face collection costs and/or garnishment from their wages. There’s no end to the dirty tricks phone scammers will attempt. It would take an entire newspaper just to list and to explain all the phone scams and ways to avoid them. What’s unfortunate, what’s disgusting, is these crooks are able to do their dirty work because of the kindness and trust of the people they call. Sad to say, many kind and trusting people are also – because of their good nature – gullible. However, even the wariest, most skeptical people can be tricked, too. That is because these phone scammers are so “friendly” on the phone, so slickly sly at their pitch that it’s very easy to be tricked by them. It’s been said the only sure way to avoid being “took” these days is to get rid of your telephones, trash your computers, lock the door and hide under the bed. That’s how pervasive scams of every kind have become. The more electronically sophisticated our society becomes, the more predominate the scams. The only sure – well, nearly sure way – to avoid scams, besides living under the bed, is to become anti-scam savvy. There are lots of good websites on the subject, as well as free seminars offered from time to time in cities in our area. People should start their anti-scam savvy education by remembering the following tips: • If something sounds too good to be true, it almost always is. • Do not do business over the phone or on Internet unless you, yourself, initiate the business. • Before agreeing to any purchase, check out the integrity of the company or seller. Take your time, and do not rush into purchases. • Do business locally, with reputable businesses, whenever possible. • Never give out personal information. Shred or burn old bills, receipts, bank documents and other documents that contain any personal data. • Last but not least, learn how not to be afraid to hang up the phone. As soon as the slightest suspicion about the call arises, simply hang the phone up. Experts about scams know the longer people stay on the phone, listening to a scam, the likelier they will be to fall for it. The following is an excellent website for learning how to out-fox scammers: www.consumer.ftc.gov, and then type in 10 Things You Can Do To Avoid Fraud. Be sure to share your newly acquired anti-scam savvy, with others.
The ideas expressed in the letters to the editor and of the guest columnists do not necessarily reflect the views of the Newsleaders. Letters to the editor may be sent to news@thenewsleaders.com or P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374. Deadline is noon Monday. Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only.) Letters must be 350 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for space.
Friday, Feb. 10, 2017
It can’t happen here ... or can it? Sauk Centre-born Sinclair Lewis wrote a 1935 dystopian novel entitled It Can’t Happen Here. A big seller in its day, it faded to near oblivion. Now it’s suddenly back again, its sales increasing, along with performances across the nation of a 1936 play based on that book. The reason? Donald Trump. The novel is a nightmarish account of what happens after a “populist” candidate named Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip is elected president of the United States. Candidate Windrip launches a noisy, rousing campaign, promising his cheering crowds he will make the nation great again. Like Trump, Windrip’s campaign style in the novel is politically incorrect to an outrageous degree as he insults, stereotypes and scapegoats people. He blasts liberal progressives, the press and anyone who dares to criticize him or his “Corporatist Party.” Using divisive rhetoric, he glories in America-first rhetoric, promising a return to prosperity, traditional values and – not least – $5,000 cash in the pockets of every citizen. Windrip’s speaking style is brash and bullying, gussied up with phrases of golly -gosh boosterism in his efforts to sound like the put-upon little guys, the white working men who’ve been economically disenfranchised during the Great Depression. Windrip sounds like a kissin’ cousin of one of Lewis’s most vivid creations – that windbag circuit preacher, Elmer Gantry. He lies, exaggerates and distorts. The crowds eat it up because they mistake his crude disregard for truth as refreshing honesty, something brand new, so unlike those other two-faced lying politicians and their lackeys in the press.
Dennis Dalman Editor In the 1936 presidential election, Windrip wins over two other candidates because of a split vote. He rapidly morphs from folksy know-it-all to jack-boot dictator. He suspends rights, forbids dissent and demonstrations, muzzles the press, starts a paramilitary organization of sadistic goons known as the Minute Men, initiates kangaroo courts, recruits domestic spies everywhere, turns states into “administrative regions” and opens concentration camps that include instances of torture and murder. A war with Mexico is started. The protagonist of the book is a Vermont newspaper owner/reporter named Doremus Jessup, whose office is stalked by censors and who wavers in his opposition to Windrip and his minions. He eventually decides to fight back with other “New Undergrounders” but only after much death and damage has ensued. Make no mistake: I do not think for a minute Trump will morph into a dictator like Windrip (praise be to the Constitution’s checks and balances), nor do I think such state-sanctioned murderous mayhem as portrayed in Lewis’s book will happen in the United States. Lewis based Windrip, roughly, on the populist rabble-rouser Louisiana Gov. Huey Long, who planned to run for president but was assassinated just before Lewis’s novel
was published. Lewis conjured his disturbing plot from the early Nazis’ rise to power and from the human-rights abuses and brutalities happening in dictator Josef Stalin’s Soviet Union. I am somewhat hesitant to recommend this book. It is not one of Lewis’s finest novels – far from it. The creaky plot, slapdash as a comic book, could be described as melodrama meets apocalypse. Populated by mostly cardboard-character types, the crowded story roars along like a clanky train. Some of the dialogue is groaningly awful, like the talk of the auto mechanic who sounds like he took a couple of night courses called “Karl Marx and Class Struggle.” OK, that said, here’s the good news: The novel, despite its clunkiness, is still compelling because along the way Lewis’s famous sharp satirical jabs and acid wit are on full display, ranging from sly to sledgehammer. Uneven as the book is stylistically overall, Chapter 25 and a few other sections are masterfully written. Another reason the book is intriguing is because Windrip, in his campaign style, is indeed eerily like the outrageous Trump, that shrewd loose-cannon “entertainer” who broke all the rules to win the big prize. Yet another reason to read it is because it’s a cautionary tale about how slick demagogues in times of discontent whip up fears, divisiveness and prejudices among listeners. Windrip, ever the crowd-pleaser, offers simplistic solutions to complicated problems and big bouquets of promises to gain power. For those reasons, I would recommend It Can’t Happen Here.
Here • back page
Letter to the editor:
Animals now victims of another Trump decree Sami Nicholson, Sartell As he was signing edicts hurting one group after another during the past two weeks, it was only a matter of time before Donald Trump got around to hurting animals – already the most oppressed sentient beings on earth. The animals’ turn came this week – by taking down the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service site that reports on government regulation of roughly
9,000 animal-handling facilities. These are laboratories, dog breeders, fur farms, circuses, zoos and aquariums. The site is used every day by animal-protection activists to monitor government enforcement of the 1966 Animal Welfare Act – the only effective federal law protecting animals. Taking down the APHIS inspection site is a huge setback for animal protection. It will almost certainly lead to reduced government inspection of animal
facilities and more animal suffering – a virtual repeal of the Animal Welfare Act. Ironically, this oppressive act was launched by the same dark-of-night process as that of pulling more than 100,000 visas from thoroughly vetted Muslim immigrants one week earlier – no notice, no hearings, no due process, no public announcement. The oppressive mindset doesn’t really care who the victims are. Hopefully, the courts will.
So what can the president do? With the recent inauguration of the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, the issue of presidential power is on the minds of many. During the last few weeks, the president has issued several executive orders, some concerning heated topics. One of these orders, which included an immigration ban on seven countries, was recently stayed by a federal judge. So the question is, what power does the president have on his own, and what goes too far or is outside the limits? To start, we should define what an executive order is. Although not specifically listed in the U.S. Constitution, executive orders have been used beginning with President George Washington and continuing to the present day. Maybe surprisingly, the only president never to use what we call an executive order today was William Henry Harrison, who died less than a month into his term. Executive orders are commonly used to set policy or to set out how a president’s administration will enforce a specific law. Under executive authority given to the president by the Constitution or by laws passed by Congress, these orders can be used in a fairly routine matter to make sure business is quickly and efficiently accomplished. Where presidents have historically run into trouble, however, is when these orders sit on the border of unconstitutionality. Just like laws the U.S. Congress passed, executive orders are subject to review by
Connor Kockler Guest Writer the Supreme Court and the judicial system. The checks and balances of our three-branch governmental system were created to protect against executive overreach. This has frustrated past presidents, as both Franklin D. Roosevelt and Bill Clinton had some of their orders overturned. Even if the courts take no action against an executive order, the Congress has powers of its own. Our lawmakers could pass legislation to directly stop an order or to remove the president’s power over that particular area. They could also vote to refuse funding to the department or program carrying out the order. Both measures would require a twothirds majority to override the president’s almost certain veto, but it is technically possible. There are many powers the Constitution explicitly gives to the president of the United States. First, the president is the commander-in-chief of our nation’s armed forces. The ultimate authority of the military chain of command ultimately rests in the president’s
hands. This was considered to be a priority for the Founding Fathers because they believed civilian control of the military would best protect democracy. The president, also in the performance of his administrative duties, is entitled to make appointments to positions. While the members of the Cabinet, the Supreme Court and the heads of agencies such as the CIA are subject to Senate confirmation, thousands of jobs can be filled at the sole discretion of the president. This allows the executive to quickly replace officeholders as they are replaced or retire but also raises concerns about possible political favoritism. Not to be forgotten is the president’s ceremonial powers and roles. Unlike many other countries, where the two roles are separate, the U.S. president serves as both head of state and head of government. This means the president is both the nation’s political leader and the symbolic embodiment of the nation. He greets foreign leaders, goes on official trips and may issue pardons. Our president also participates in many annual traditions, such as the Egg Roll on the White House lawn or the first pitch on baseball’s Opening Day. Overall, the president of the United States is one of the world’s most powerful individuals. However, most of this power results from the relationships our nation’s leader builds, whether with members of Congress or in
President • back page
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader • www.thenewsleaders.com
Friday, Feb. 10, 2017
Community Calendar
Blood shortage prompts call for donations Due to a severe winter shortage of blood, the American Red Cross is urging the public to give blood now. Blood donations are currently being distributed to hospitals faster than
the blood is being donated. In the St. Joseph area, upcoming blood donations are set for 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 13-14, in the Great Hall at St. John’s University.
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF STEARNS SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT Court File No. 73-PR-17-676 In re the Estate of John Francis Potter Wilkinson, Deceased Notice is hereby given, that an application for informal appointment of personal representative has been filed with the Registrar herein. No will has been presented for probate. The application has been granted. Notice is hereby further given that informal appointment of Gavin Sean Wilkinson whose address is 3206 Summer Fields Court, Stillwater, Minn. 55082 as personal representative of the estate of the above-named decedent, has been made. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal rep-
resentative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative and the personal representative is empowered to fully administer the estate including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate, unless objections thereto are filed with the Court (pursuant to Section 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders. Notice is further given that ALL CREDITORS having claims against said estate are required to present the same to said personal representative or to the Probate Court Administrator within four months after the date of this notice or said claims will be barred. Dated: Jan. 30 2017 George A. Lock, Registrar Publish: Feb. 10 & 24, 2017
Is your event listed? Send your information to: Newsleader Calendar, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374; fax it to 320-363-4195; or, e-mail it to news@thenewsleaders.com.
Friday, Feb. 10 Benton County Museum, 10 a.m.4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320-253-9614. mnbentonhistory.org. Saturday, Feb. 11 Winter Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. marketmonday.org. Sunday, Feb. 12 Breakfast and Silent Auction for ASTRIDE, therapeutic and recreational horse-riding sessions for individuals with physical and cognitive challenges, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Moose Family Center, 1300 Third St. N., Waite Park. 320250-9137. “Sounds of Grace” Vocal Ensemble, 10:30 a.m., Northland Bible Baptist Church, 3686 CR 8 SE, St. Cloud. Monday, Feb. 13 Benton County Museum, 10 a.m.4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320-253-9614. mnbentonhistory.org. Fare For All, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR 2, St. Joseph. 1-800-582-4291.fareforall. org. Sartell City Council, 6 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. 320253-2171. Sauk Rapids Sportsmen’s Club, 8 p.m., Molitor’s Quarry Grill and Bar,
(behind Coborn’s in the Industrial Park)
St. Joseph • 320-363-1116
PUBLISHING Von Meyer Publishing 32 1st Ave. NW St. Joseph • 320-363-7741 www.thenewsleaders.com
TRUCKING Brenny Transportation, Inc. Global Transportation Service St. Joseph • 320-363-6999 www.brennytransportation.com
Call the Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader at 320-363-7741 if you would like to be in the Business Directory. AU TO M O B I L E S / M OTO RC Y C L E S WANTED MOTORCYCLES: TOP CASH PAID! For Old Motorcycles! 1900-1979. DEAD OR ALIVE! 920-371-0494 (MCN)
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A childless married couple seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on mom & devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses PAID. Call Holly & Tiger. 1-800-790-5260 (ask for Adam) (MCN) **ADOPTION:** Child Psychologist & Successful Executive yearn for 1st baby to LOVE & Cherish Forever. 1-800-966-3065 Expenses paid *Abby & Jeff* (MCN) ANNOUNCEMENTS Machinery Consignment Sale, Mon., March 6th, 2017 at 9:00 A.M. Consign early by Feb. 17, 2017 for complete advertising. No Small Items, Tires or Pallet Items Accepted After Friday, Feb. 24. Next Machinery Consignment Sale is April 3, 2017. Gilbert’s Sale Yard, 641-3982218. 2 Mi. N. of Floyd, IA On Hwy. 218. Tractor House Internet Bidding Available. www.gilbertsaleyard.com (MCN) AUTOMOBILES DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-752-6680 (MCN)
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425 35th St. N.E., Sauk Rapids.
Tuesday, Feb. 14 Sartell Chamber of Commerce, 11:30 a.m., Waters Church, 1227 Pinecone Road. 320-258.6061. info@sartellchamber.com. National Alliance on Mental Health, 7-8:30 p.m., Calvary Community Church, 1200 Roosevelt Road, St. Cloud. 320-259-7101. Wednesday, Feb. 15 Free car-seat safety checks, 3-6 p.m., Gold Cross Ambulance Garage, 2800 Seventh St. N., St. Cloud. Call 320-656-7021 to make an appointment. Thursday, Feb. 16 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, 520 First St. NE, Sartell. Chinese Spring Festival Performance, 1 p.m., Ritsche Auditorium, Stewart Hall, St. Cloud State University. “The Great Debate,” part of the Cultural Cafe Film Festival, 5:30 p.m., Hoppe Auditorium, 1406 Sixth Ave N., St. Cloud Hospital.
A.M. & P.M. positions available 3-4 days/week
including every other weekend/holiday
Duties include: daily personal care, grooming, dressing, light meal prep, medication administration and light to moderate housekeeping. If interested please stop by for an application or call Charles Huyink at (320) 363-1313. 21 16th Ave. SE St. Joseph, MN 56374
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Friday, Feb. 17 Benton County Museum, 10 a.m.4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320-253-9614. mnbentonhistory.org. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church fellowship hall, 610 CR 2. St. Cloud Singles Club Dance, 8 p.m.-midnight, American Legion, 17 Second Ave. S., Waite Park. 320-3394533. stcloudsingles.net.
Saturday, Feb. 18 Gardening Knowledge for Free Event, hosted by UMN Extension Master Gardeners of St. Cloud, 8-11:30 a.m., Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. Community Meal, 11:30 a.m.12:45 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 1107 Pinecone Road S., Sartell. Winter Dance with Jazz Combo, 7-9:45 p.m., Heritage Hall, Church of St. Joseph. “HymnFest: One,” presented by St. John’s Boys’ Choir, 8 p.m., St. John’s Abbey Church, Collegeville. www.sjbchoir.org.
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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader • www.thenewsleaders.com
Council to retain summer meetings schedule
by Dennis Dalman editor@thenewsleaders.com The Sartell City Council, on a 4-1 vote, decided at its last meeting to hold only one meeting per month during the summer months, with the option of holding extra ones if necessary. That has been the council’s policy for several years, but at the last meeting council member David Peterson suggested the council should consider holding two meetings every month of the year, as had been done traditionally in the past. Other council members agreed since a second meeting can be scheduled, if needed, there is no need to change the current policy for the summer months. In the summer, it’s sometimes difficult to hold two regularly scheduled meetings because of vacations taken by council members and/or staff. Leaving a second meeting as an option gives flexibility as to a meeting date, so it can be scheduled when all members will be available to attend. During the rest of the year (except for December when there is also only one meeting on the second Monday), the council meets at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at Sartell City Hall. In the summer months of June, July and August (and in December), it meets only on the second Monday of each month, unless – as mentioned – there is a pressing need for a second meeting.
Here from page 6 Here’s Windrip: “My one ambition is to get all Americans to realize that they are and must continue to be the greatest Race on the face of this old Earth; and second, to realize that whatever apparent differences there may be among us in wealth, knowledge, skill, ancestry or strength – though, of course, this does not apply to people who are different from us – we are all brothers, bound together in the great and wonderful bond of National Unity for which we should all be very glad.” Voters beware!
President from page 6 cooperation with other allied nations. A president working against the other parts of government, rather than with them, can be severely hamstrung. This to me once again shows the genius of the Founding Fathers. They did not give one person all of the power to run the United States. Different powers were placed in the hands of the three branches of government: executive, legislative and judicial. Each would complete its duties and keep an eye on the others. In this manner, our republic has endured for more than 240 years. Our country and its citizens are all the better for it, no matter who occupies the White House. Connor Kockler is a Sauk Rapids-Rice High School student. He enjoys writing, politics and news, among other interests.
Friday, Feb. 10, 2017
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Y D T L C S K z J I A
1. EXAMPLE: Life is like a BOX of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. – Forrest Gump Newsleaders 2. “We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the _______ for the moment that we’re not alone.” – Orson Welles __________________ 3. “All you need is love. But a little _______ now and then doesn’t hurt.”– Charles Schulz __________________ 4. “We’re all a little weird, and life’s a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is _______ with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” – Dr. Seuss __________________ Fill-in -the-b 5. “Love; it will not betray you, dismay or enslave you. It will set you _______.”– Mumford & Sons __________________ lank! 6. “Love is something sent from _______ to worry the Hell out of you.”– Dolly Parton __________________
Roman quotestic
7. “Love is a_______ ; love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.” – John Lennon __________________ 8. “Love always brings difficulties, that is _______, but the good side of it is that it gives energy.”– Vincent Van Gogh __________________ 9. “There is no _______ for love but to love more.” – Henry David Thoreau __________________ 10. “Love is like the _______, you can’t see it, but you can feel it.” – Nicholas Sparks __________________ 11. “Love is a _______ that two can play and both win.” – Eva Gabor __________________ 12. “Love is the greatest _______ in life.” – Pablo Picasso __________________ 13. “Love is composed of a single _______ inhabiting two bodies.” – Aristotle __________________ 14. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only _______ can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. __________________ 15. “If you have only one _______ in you give it to the people you love.”– Maya Angelou __________________ 16. “We loved with a _______ that was more than love.” – Edgar Allan Poe __________________ 17. “He whom love _______ not walks in darkness.” – Plato __________________ NAME: _____________________________________________________ AGE: ___________ TELEPHONE: _________________________________ TOWN: ________________________