Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader - Feb. 17, 2017

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Newsleader Sartell-St. Stephen

Friday, Feb. 17, 2017 Volume 22, Issue 7 Est. 1995

Town Crier Swing Dance set Feb. 20 at SHS

The Sartell High School Swing Dance, a first-time event, will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 20 at Sartell High School. Three performance groups will play in the SHS Commons: the High School Jazz Band, the Middle School Jazz Band, as well as special guest, West Metro Big Band. Before the main event, swing-dance lessons will be provided fro 6-7 p.m by StudioJeff of St. Cloud. These lessons require no payment. Free-will donations are encouraged. All donations benefit the Sartell High School Band Activity Fund, which covers the Jazz Band, Pep Band and Marching Band.

FUMC to host Muslim presentation

“The Faith and Experience of Our Muslim Neighbors,” a Sharing our Sacred Stories presentation held in cooperation with the Jay Phillips Center for Interfaith Learning, will be held at 5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 26 in First United Methodist Church of the St. Cloud region, 1107 Pinecone Road S., Sartell. Abdirizak Jama, a St. John’s University junior pre-med and chemistry major, will present on his personal experience and those within our community. Born in Somalia, his family fled the country due to the civil war and settled in a refugee camp in Kenya for six years before resettling in the United States in 2010. Jama attended St. Cloud Technical High School where he won the Partners in Education Award. At SJU, he also won the Caritas Man of Extraordinary Service Award. A Somali dinner will be held at 6:30 p.m. RSVPs may be emailed to For more information, call 320-251-0804.

Postal Patron

Molitor wins 150th high school wrestling match by Darren Diekmann

On Jan. 19, Sartell senior Rylee Molitor won his 150th high-school wrestling match against Trent Kerzman of Rocori High School. He won on what’s called a “technical fall” in 5:06 minutes. To achieve this milestone, a high-school wrestler must be a dominant wrestler for at least three years. Molitor’s milestone win was fairly typical for him. Molitor took Kerzman down with a single leg for two points and then quickly earned near fall points on a tilt. Throughout the remainder of the match, Molitor continued to score near-fall points using arm-bar combinations, yet he was unable to get the pin. Before Molitor could get the actual fall, and earn six points for his team, he gained a lead of

15 points which ends the match as a technical fall, giving the team five points. “The kid was a fighter,” Molitor said. “He just didn’t want to give up. It was a good match. I couldn’t quite come up with the pin, but I got the team as many points as I could.” Molitor said he was happy about the 150 wins, but it has not been the focus of his season. “Obviously it had significance because it was my 150th win, but that is not my biggest goal,” he said. “I am looking at bigger things like trying to keep improving and to win a state title this year.” Most wrestlers don’t reach this milestone in as few matches as Molitor. He started on varsity his eighth-grade year as a small 106-pounder, but his season was cut short by a broken hand, Molitor • page 6

In a recent match at 126 pounds, Rylee Molitor throws and nearly pins Alex Kern of St. Cloud Tech who is currently ranked 4th in the state at 120 pounds. Molitor went on to win the match 11-0.

Get down in Sabre Town with swing dance by Mollie Rushmeyer

Sartell-St. Stephen Middle and High schools are bringing the love of jazz music and swing dancing to a new generation with their upcoming “Swing Dance” event, featuring free dance lessons starting at 6 p.m. and a main dance from 7-9 p.m. Monday, Feb. 20 at the Sartell High School Commons. David Lumley of St. Cloud, the Sartell High School band

director, organized the event – the first-ever for Sartell. There will be no charge for the event, but a free-will donation will benefit the Jazz ensembles, Pep Band and Marching Band. “I have always been interested in doing this,” Lumley said. “Jazz is very important for the kids to participate in. It’s a truly American art form.” Originating in New Orleans, jazz has been around since the 1920s and is usually lumped together with big-band music.

Kids might see jazz and swing dancing portrayed in the movies and television, Lumley said, and this is an opportunity for them to be a part of it. He hopes the older generation, who may have seen some of these dance moves and heard jazz music in person, will come out to relive it at the Swing Dance night at SHS. Dance teachers from StudioJeff, a St. Cloud dance studio, will teach anyone who wants to learn swing dancing techniques

from 6-7 p.m. The dance lessons are free. Starting at 7 p.m., the main dance begins, including performances from both Sartell Middle School jazz bands, the High School Jazz Band, and from 8-9 p.m. West Metro Big Band from Buffalo, Minn., a professional jazz band, will play. Current and former music teachers form West Metro Big Band, Lumley said, are coming to the event to help promote Town • page 11

Three SMS students take top honors in spelling bee

Community Showcase set Feb. 25 at SMS

The 12th annual Community Showcase, entitled Sartell’s Red Carpet and sponsored by the Sartell Area Chamber of Commerce, will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25 at the Sartell Middle School, 627 Third Ave. N. This family-friendly event introduces community members to Sartell area businesses. It will feature business booths, kids’ activities, entertainment and demonstrations for the whole family. For more information, visit

See inside for our Abduction Awareness special section honoring Jacob Wetterling.

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by Dave DeMars

photo by Dave DeMars

Jayke Peters, an eighth-grader from Sartell–St. Stephen Middle School, listens intently as the definition of a word, along with its pronunciation, is repeated for him. Peters says the pronunciation of a word can sometimes reveal the proper spelling of a word. Peters finished fourth out of 27 in the morning session.

You can tell what time of year it is without even looking at the calendar. Just ask what’s happening at the local schools. Winter Snow Festival? Valentine’s Day Dance? Spelling Bee? Yes indeed. If it’s February, it’s spelling-bee time. And this year Sartell–St. Stephen Middle School sponsored a team. While the emphasis on spelling is not what it used to be, and spell check helps many of us through much of the tedium of proofing our writing, a good speller can save time just by knowing how to spell a word with-

out using the spell-check crutch. Students from Sartell who were slated to participate in the regional spelling bee were fifth-grader Nivanthi Wijetunga, seventh-grader Anthony Berndt and eighth-grader Jayke Peters. The Newsleader had a chance to talk with the students about what it was like to participate and how they prepared for the event. Many of the older participants had competed in previous spelling bees. A few had success and moved from the initial in-school bee to the regional bee. Berndt and Peters competed at Sartell Middle School first and Bee • back page

2 If you have a tip concerning a crime, call the Sartell Police Department at 320251-8186, or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301, or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for a crime. Feb. 1 3 p.m. Medical. 14th Avenue E. Officers were dispatched for a medical emergency involving a person possibly having a seizure. Upon arrival, officers located the person and administered high-flow oxygen until Gold Cross Ambulance arrived. 9:48 p.m.. Physical domestic. Willow Lane. Officers were dispatched to a physical domestic in progress. Upon arrival, officers separated both parties and obtained information regarding the incident. It was determined one party had slapped another. Both parties did not want to press charges and advised no further assistance was needed. Feb. 2 1:01 a.m. Traffic stop. 19th Avenue S/Sixth Street S. While on patrol, an officer located a vehicle that appeared to be traveling at a high rate of speed, approaching the officer’s squad car from the rear. The officer activated his rear radar and locked the vehicle in at a speed of 90 mph in a 50-mph zone. Upon speaking with the driver, they became verbal and started yelling at the officer. The driver was issued a citation for speeding and no proof of insurance. 10:42 a.m. Medical. Oak Pond Drive. Officers were dispatched for an elderly party who could not get out of bed and was experiencing knee and chest pains. Officers and Gold Cross paramedics assisted the party out of bed and transported them to the hospital. Feb. 3 11:50 a.m. Counterfeit. Twin Rivers Court. Officer was dispatched to a local business for a report of counterfeit $5 bills being passed within the past two weeks. The officer took custody of the bills which had matching serial numbers

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


and appeared similar in manufacture. The bills were placed into evidence for further investigation. 6:43 p.m. Motorist assist. CR 1/River Oaks Lane. While on patrol, a reserve officer located a semi tractor-trailer combo parked with its hazard lights on. The driver advised they had taken a wrong turn and needed to back out of the dead-end road. Officers assisted with stopping traffic until the driver could clear the roadway. Feb. 4 10:54 a.m. Fire. Cheval Drive. Officers and Fire Department were dispatched for a refrigerator that was smoking inside a residence. Upon arrival, the officer unplugged the refrigerator and the fire department responded to check the residence. No further assistance was needed from police. 10:38 p.m. Suicidal. Utah Road. While on patrol, an officer located a female in the roadway screaming for help. The officer was directed to a nearby fight in progress between two parties. The parties were separated and it was determined one party was suicidal and the other was attempting to restrain them. Officers transported the suicidal party to the hospital for an evaluation. Feb. 5 8:12 a.m. Animal complaint. Riverside Avenue S. Officers were dispatched to a complaint of two dogs at large in the area. Officers spoke with the owner of the dogs who advised the dogs had tricked them and took off running. The dog’s owner was issued a citation for dogs running at large. 9:52 p.m. Traffic stop. 18th Street N/Oak Pond Drive. While on patrol, an officer located a vehicle with a broken headlight and no turn signal. Upon speaking with the driver, it was determined there was no insurance on the vehicle. The officer issued the driver a citation for no proof of insurance and advised them to get the headlight fixed. Feb. 6 11:58 a.m. Motorist assist. CR 1/ Highway 15. While on patrol, an officer


located a vehicle stalled and blocking traffic in the turn lane to a nearby business. The officer spoke with the driver who advised they ran out of fuel. The officer transported the driver to a nearby gas station and back to their vehicle with fuel. The officer stood by with emergency lights until the driver could clear the roadway. 6:10 p.m. Theft from motor vehicle. First Street NE. An officer was dispatched to a report of a rear license plate being stolen off of a vehicle. The officer advised the owner to get new license plates for the vehicle and the officer entered the license plate as stolen. Feb. 10 6:20 p.m. Car accident. Hwy. 15/12th Street N. A GMC Jimmy, a Dodge Caravan and a Chevrolet Silverado were stopped at a red stoplight on north Hwy. 15 at 12th St N. A Chevrolet Cruze was traveling north on Hwy. 15 and rearended the Jimmy causing it to rear-end the Caravan which then rear-ended the Silverado. The driver of the Chevrolet Silverado was a male from Sartell. Feb. 12 5:21 p.m. Vehicle rescue. The Stearns County Sheriff’s Office received a call from an individual reporting his vehicle had gone through the ice on Pearl Lake near the public access in Maine Prairie Township. The driver of the vehicle was a 61-year-old male. He was driving a 2000 Oldsmobile Intrigue that was pulling a small trailer with a three-wheeler on it. The man was attempting to leave the lake at the public access and got too close to the cattails and the passenger side of his vehicle broke through the ice. The passenger side of the vehicle came to rest in roughly 3-4 feet of water. The man was able to get out of the vehicle without any injuries. The Stearns County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the accident. Stearns County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by Collin’s Brothers towing to remove the vehicle from the water. Alcohol is not believed to be a factor. To view Jan. 27-31 blotter items, visit

Friday, Feb. 17, 2017

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BEATBOTZ, Boy Scout Troop 211 from Sartell, won Tournament Championship at the 2017 VEX Robotics Minnesota State Championship held Feb. 3-4 at the River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud. This event is the largest event in Minnesota, with teams from high school, middle school and grade school competing under one roof. More than 100 teams competed for a chance to compete at the World’s VEX ROBOTICS Competition; BEATBOTZ will represent Minnesota at Worlds Competition to be held April 19-22 in Louisville, Ken. In addition to the championship, they were awarded the Excellence Award. This is the highest honor awarded and is bestowed upon the one team exhibiting excellence in each of 12 separate judging categories, including robot design, engineering notebook, robot reliability and judging panel interview. Thirteen Sartell students were recently named to the fall president’s list at St. Cloud Technical and Community College. They are the following: Abe Anderson, Karissa Bienusa, Travis Decker, Shelby Hall, Jacquelyn Hallermann, Zoey

Kenning, Teri Kleinsmith, Cole Nelson, Nathan Nierenhausen, Alex Spoden, Sandra Tabor, Emily Then and Jake Welle. Students must attain a 4.0 minimum grade-point average to qualify for this honor.

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, Feb. 17, 2017



Faith Thompson of St. Stephen was recently named to the fall president’s list at St. Cloud Technical and Community College. Students must attain a 4.0 minimum grade-point average to qualify for this honor. Two St. Stephen students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at St. Cloud Technical and Community College. They are the following: Alexis Stanlake and Bonnie Vouk. Students must attain a 3.5 minimum grade-point average to qualify for this honor. Taylor Manzella of Sartell is a member of Student Senate at Bemidji State University. Manzella is a senior majoring in biology. Student Senate is the official voice of BSU’s students. It also serves as the official body that recognizes student organizations in compliance with policies and constitutions set by the senate and the university. Student Senate proposes regulations, creates services, initiates activity or policy, enforces compliance, petitions particular action by appropriate authorities and adopts resolutions to benefit the university’s students. Robert Sobania of Sartell recently received the Chancellor’s Award for the fall 2016 semester from the University of Wisconsin-Stout. The award is presented to students who have a grade point average of 3.5 or above. Nine Sartell students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul. They are the following: Scott Ballard; Alexander and Christopher Hornung, Kayley Isaacson, Paige Pawlenty, Ginessa Ross, Sienna Schneider, Hannah Tilstra and Sophia VanSurksum. Students must attain a minimum 3.5 grade-point average to qualify for this honor. Two Sartell students were recently named to the fall dean’s honor list at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. They and their majors are as follows: Amy Conard, and Dawson Rogers, both engineering, Students must attain a minimum 3.25 grade-point average to qualify for this honor.

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The Sartell Area Youth Basketball Association’s Fifth-grade Boys Basketball Team took first place in double overtime in the Foley Falcon Basketball Tournament held Feb. 11 at Foley. Team members include (front row, left to right): Easton Sabart, Carson Hankel, Ethan Parker, Bode Keller, Caiden Eischens and Wesley Johnson; and (back row) Aidan Hessler, Isaiah Williams, Palmer Baynes, Marcus Congdon and Eddie Durrwachter. Not pictured: coaches Aaron Nordmann, Krista Durrwachter and Pete Johnson.

Braxton Wiebusch was matched with Can Do Canine Blue, a two-and-a-half-year-old poodle.

Sartell Youth Hockey Association’s Squirt A team had a fun weekend at the Hermantown Tournament on Jan. 28-29, winning the consolation championship. After losing their first game to Proctor 4-1, they bounced back to defeat Red Wing 4-3 in an exciting double-overtime game, then went on to down Faribault 3-2 in another overtime to bring home the hardware. Team members include the following: Connor Anderson, Carter Bollinger, Noah Hacker, Jace Jansky, Shaun Paulson, Brooke Pogatchnik, Kyan Rieder, K.J. Sauer, Nora Sauer, Rylan Schultz, Baylor Stebbins and Gavin Welsh. Coaches are Ryan Hacker, Kelly Rieder, Kent Sauer, Robbie Schultz and Troy Stebbins. Gary Olson, a drag racer from Sartell, was one of the recent Muscle Car Series champions and will be honored next week during Brainerd International Raceway’s annual Racer Banquet. He won the Strip Eliminator 2 title. He lost in the second round of the Street Car Showdown, lost in the third round of the Show & Go but then won the class in the Muscle Car Shootout, giving him enough points for the championship. Two Sartell students were recently named to the fall dean’s high honor list at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

They and their majors are as follows: Jared Baxa, pharmacy; and Megan Murphy, agricultural and life sciences. Students must attain a minimum grade-point average to qualify for this honor. Twelve Sartell students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at St. Cloud Technical and Community College. They are the following: Jenna Bohlman, Lauren Ditmarson, Sonja Hocking, Kyerstun Jackels, EvaLynn Johnson, Adam Lemke, Jordan Nelson, Miranda Pogreba, Brianna Reimann, Adam Reinholz, Kamryn Scoles and Brent Wolters. Students must attain a 3.5 minimum grade-point average to qualify for this honor. Three Sartell students recently graduated from the College of St. Scholastica, Duluth. They, their majors and any honors achieved are as follows: Brittaney Nathe, cum laude, bachelor’s in nursing; Abigale Petroske, bachelor’s in nursing; and Katherine Windschitl, bachelor’s in elementary education. Brooke Traut of St. Stephen, recently graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor’s in nursing from the College of St. Scholastica, Duluth.

Sartell resident and canine to graduate from Can Do Canines this weekend Braxton Wiebusch, a Sartell resident who enjoys hunting, fishing, camping and competing in wheel-chair hockey, is one of 15 teams graduating from Can Do Canines assistance dog program at 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 18 at the Can Do Canines facility in New Hope, Minn. Various breeds of assistance dogs helping people with a variety of disabilities such as diabetes, seizure response, hearing loss, mobility and autism will be featured. Wiebusch is a 20-year-old college student with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a degenerative muscle disease that affects every muscle in Wiebusch’s body. He and his family all wanted an assistance dog, but they were uncertain about this decision because of the fur allergies they collectively deal with. Wiebusch was matched with two-and-a-half-year-old poodle, Blue. Not only is Blue specially trained as a Mobility Assist Dog because of his temperament and

abilities, but he also rarely sheds due to his unique hair. All of those things made Blue a perfect fit for Wiebusch and his family. Blue loves helping Wiebusch with things like opening and closing doors, picking things up from off the ground like his keys or the remote, and providing comfort to Wiebusch while staying in his room at night. Wiebusch and Blue will be recognized as well as receive their diploma and Nylabone during the graduation ceremony. The graduation ceremony represents the culmination of a long journey for the assistance dogs and their partners. Beginning with puppy raisers, either in the homes of volunteers or at one of four Minnesota and Wisconsin prisons, the dogs are reared and taught basic obedience and early assistance dog skills. After 18 months, they are returned to Can Do Canines for final training and to begin their new life with a person in need, free of charge.

Gaslight Creative, a full-service, boutique-style advertising agency in St. Cloud, took home 15 awards at the 2017 American Advertising Awards Show held Feb. 11 at 912 Regency Plaza in downtown St. Cloud. The annual awards competition was hosted by the American Advertising Federation of Central Minnesota and celebrates excellence in advertising. Gaslight’s innovative body of work impressed the out-of-market judges, including work created for local and regional clients Eel River Brewing, Vertex International, Rail~volution and Third Street

Brewhouse. Among the 15 awards, Gaslight Creative received two coveted Judge’s Choice Awards. Gaslight’s 10-member team, comprised of graphic designers, web developers, copywriters, account managers and marketing strategists, is led by co-founders Kelly Zaske and Jodie Pundsack. Since its inception in June 2009, the agency has worked with a wide range of local, regional and national clients and has garnered 80 American AdvertisingAwards, including 2013 Best of Show. The agency is headquartered in downtown St. Cloud.

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


Our View Support immigrants after ban’s ugly shadow The framers of the “travel ban,” signed by President Donald Trump, keep insisting it’s not a “ban on Muslims.” However, imagine how it feels to be a hard-working, law-abiding, tax-paying Somali man, woman or child right here in our area – many of whom have become by now full-fledged American citizens. Imagine how they felt when Trump, as a candidate, promised a ban on the entry of Muslims into this country. And imagine how they now feel? We are told the ban is not a blanket exclusion of Muslims, and yet – remembering Trump’s campaign promise – how can we and especially the Muslims among us be reassured of the intentions behind that ban? And, now, imagine how our ancestors – German, Scandinavian, Irish, Slovenian – would have felt if our government back then suddenly one day placed a blanket ban on travel from those areas of the world. Fears, suspicions and insecurities would have surfaced quickly. Immigrants to this country have often been faced with hostilities, with tensions and prejudices one against another because of ethnicity, religion or color. There was often a fear of the “other,” a fear of “differences,” with too many people bemoaning with a sigh, “Why can’t they all be like us?” When a president of the United States and his inner-office advisors initiate blanket bans almost literally overnight, with no wise planning and with no rational explanations, who can blame anyone for being angry or distraught? No one is faulting the Trump Administration for trying to beef up security by meticulously reconsidering methods to vet any newcomer to this country. Vetting procedures are already lengthy and involved, but if they can be improved, they should be. Border security is important, and it should be strengthened, absolutely. However, this blanket ban is not the way to do it. It’s like trying to swat a fly (a potential terrorist) with a giant fly swatter that is comprised of only a frame with no swatting surface. Apparently, the framers of the travel ban are rewriting it, hopefully this time with common sense and constitutional guarantees uppermost in mind. In the meantime, we who have long lived in America, thanks to our immigrant ancestors, should make sure the newer immigrants in our midst are safe, welcomed and protected. Signing an order for a blanket ban is certainly not the way to do that.

The ideas expressed in the letters to the editor and of the guest columnists do not necessarily reflect the views of the Newsleaders. Letters to the editor may be sent to or P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374. Deadline is noon Monday. Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only.) Letters must be 350 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for space.

Friday, Feb. 17, 2017

Opinion Replace Obamacare? Look to Minnesota As hungry hounds get ready to rip apart Obamacare, all Americans should start looking to Minnesota for answers on how to replace it. In 1992, Republican Gov. Arne Carlson and bipartisan legislators created what’s called MinnesotaCare, a state-operated health-insurance program. Thanks to that program, close to 110,000 Minnesotans now have affordable health coverage, based on income levels. And, as Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton recently noted, the program runs with less than 3 percent in annual overhead costs, which is vastly more efficient than other kinds of plans. Dayton and DFL’ers Sen. Tony Lourey and Rep. Clark Johnson recently wrote a column recommending all Minnesotans should be allowed to buy health insurance through MinnesotaCare. Their premiums would cover the full costs of their policies so there would be no need for state subsidies, say Dayton and the two legislators. They call it the MinnesotaCare Buy-in Option. On the national scene, leaders like Bernie Sanders have long called for a similar national plan called the Medicare Buy-in Option. What these options would amount to, more or less, is a one-payer health-care system, although people could still buy their own insurance plans in the marketplace – those who could afford it, that is. All other civilized countries on this planet have one-payer, universal-coverage health systems, and contrary to long-entrenched propaganda, their health-care outcomes are not substandard, not train-wrecks, not dealers of death. In fact, they rate highly year after year, according to studies by the World Health Organization and other watchdog agencies.

Dennis Dalman Editor To be sure, Obamacare has its problems, as does health-care insurance in general (in many cases, escalating premiums and/or high deductibles). Those could be remedied if all factions would come together to improve it. But those who have hated it lock, stock and barrel since its inception are committed to killing it off – never mind 20 million Americans are covered because of it. And never mind the historic firsts it introduced, such as no denial because of pre-existing conditions, to name just one. It’s always mordantly amusing when pollsters ask people if they approve of the Affordable Care Act, and many answer “Yes.” When those same people are asked if they approve of Obamacare, they answer an outraged “No!” In fact, they are different names for the same thing. And those knee-jerk responses are proof positive those who most disfavor Obamacare with a kind of blind hatred have not done their homework; they’ve been listening to the noisy propagandists. The Republicans are promising to replace the ACA with a system that will be far more affordable, more cost-efficient and one that will cover every American. Well, I for one, say, “Bring it on!” If they can manage that miracle, they’ll get my vote for sure in the next election. Even former President Barack Obama said such a Republican-devised system, if it delivers such sunshine promises,

would be worthy of universal support. However, let’s not count chickens before they hatch, especially not when the chickens are now in the embryonic stages of healthsavings accounts and increased market competition, both notoriously ineffective when it comes to the health-care industry, although of course competition is part of the solution. There is intense competition, for example, in a one-payer system. The following is an excerpt from the Dayton-Lourey-Johnson column: “Republicans, Democrats and all Minnesotans agree we need more affordable health insurance. We also agree there needs to be more competition to give consumers better choices while purchasing the coverage they need at prices they can afford . . . We ought to take our lesson from a program – MinnesotaCare – that has worked successfully for decades, and now give more Minnesotans the choice to purchase this high-quality insurance at lower prices.” One of the Republican replacement ideas is to let states come up with their own solutions. Trouble is, states have been doing that forever – states like Mississippi and Texas where so many residents have no health insurance at all (coverage they cannot afford) and where some people are literally dying because they could not get preventive services that might have saved them. This is America; we are all Americans; and we should demand all Americans have affordable access to health care across the board, in all 50 states, not just some. Minnesota has long been a leader for that goal, and that is why these Obamacare-replacement planners should start paying closer attention to how health care is handled here in the “Star of the North.”

Letter to the editor:

Trumpian birds of a feather flock together Kent Nelson, Sartell

When I and my friends used to do something naughty or unwise, my mom always called it silly-goose behavior. Geese always fly in a V formation. The lead goose breaks wind for those that follow, making it easier for those in the rear to benefit from the effects of the wind and as the lead goose tires, another goose flies forward to take its place. Breaking wind has two connotations, and the one most apt will describe what is to follow. Donald Trump, being the lead goose, is hooting and hissing about the popular-vote election results. Everyone knows his take. So now as

he has been breaking wind on this issue. The connotation most apt is that another goose has flown up and taken his place in the lead. The most recent is Steven King, Republican representative from the great conservative, Biblethumping state of Iowa. He is the one who was so infatuated with our own Rep. Michele Bachmann. King, Gohmet (R-Texas) and Bachmann took a cozy little trip to Egypt in 2013 together to offer support for the military takeover of the government. And, of course, Michelle is also known for her ability to tell whoppers: i.e. the human papilloma virus (HPV) causes mental retardation. As long as we are talking about geese, the saying “Birds of the feather flock together” is most appropriate.

King illogically concluded, believed and voiced with no evidence to support himself the alternative-fact concept so popular in Republican circles today. King said what if eight people in 1,000 precincts of the 100,000 precincts in the United States voted illegally? That means there would be 80,000 illegal votes. When the lead goose proclaimed 3 million votes King lined right up as the next goose. And so the silliness continues. The head goose is now proposing to appoint a committee to investigate this illegal-voting phenomenon. When asked about this, U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said, “If he wants to do it, I suppose he can.” And so he will. And again the silliness will continue.

So-happy ice fishing can turn tragic “Why are you fishing in the minnow bucket? You need to put your line in the ice hole to catch a big one.” That was the response from my daughter’s father when I sent him a picture of the palm-sized perch I caught two weekends ago on Julia Lake near Clear Lake. It was the only fish I caught after two full days of ice fishing. I should have kept it as a friend to my eight-inch goldfish at home. I hadn’t been ice fishing in years until my dad and brother asked if I’d like to go with them to a few local lakes. I love to fish, but I don’t get very many opportunities to go, so I jump at every chance I get. But, much as I love ice fishing, I am often haunted and deeply saddened by two tragedies, both related to ice fishing, that occurred in my past. I will revisit those tragedies toward the end of this column. The recent warm weather has also been a factor as to how often we can go. At first, I thought how nice it was, that I wouldn’t have to freeze. But as soon as we got out to the lake and ready to drive out, we realized there was three inches of water on top of the ice. The temperature was about 37 degrees. I was a little skeptical, but once on the ice we were able to see there were many other trucks, trailers and houses that had already beaten us to the good spots. And we determined the ice was 16 inches thick. After trudging through the water, setting up the fish house, auguring the holes and putting the lines down, we were finally settled and ready to catch the big one. All

Tara Wiese Guest Writer the hustle and bustle to sit and sit and sit. My line went down and I tried to set the line. Just as soon as I could no longer see the bobber, the line came back up to the top. The big one got away. Or did it? I wanted to make sure it didn’t take the bait and up came my little perch buddy. We laughed and laughed. I had to get a picture of me holding my “enormous” catch. A short time later, my brother caught its close relative. What a great day of fishing. Although we didn’t catch the big one, I still had a great day out with my dad and brother. It’s times like these I cherish so much. Years from now, I’ll be able to look back and remember all the water on the ice and how difficult it was for us to catch our little friend. We had planned on heading out again the following weekend, but the weather was in the 30s all week. I hoped for a few cold days so the ice would have a chance to refreeze. In recent weeks, there had been a truck that went through the ice on Horseshoe Lake in Richmond, a truck went through the ice with two St. Joseph residents just north of Grey Eagle, a snowmobile and an ATV went through the ice near Cold Spring, and on

Feb. 12 a car went through the ice on Pearl Lake. Fortunately, nobody died in any of those incidents. If you think you are invincible, that it can’t happen to you, think again. Thirty years ago this March, my grandfather and his friend were ice-fishing and both of them were walking to shore when they fell through the ice at a place where there was an unmarked spear-fishing hole. They were not able to make it to safety. They drowned. Twenty-three years ago, my daughter’s grandfather and uncle on her dad’s side had their truck go through the ice. Her uncle was able to make it to safety but unfortunately her grandfather did not make it. Please, please understand that ice is never completely safe under any conditions. Here are the ice-thickness guidelines, according to the Minnesota DNR’s website. 2” or less – stay off 4” - ice fishing or other activities on foot 5” - snowmobile or ATV 8-12” - car or small pickup 12-15” - medium truck Cars, pickups or SUVs should be parked at least 50 feet apart and moved every two hours to prevent sinking. If you plan on driving out on ice with a car or truck, make sure to have your windows open, your seatbelt off and discuss an emergency plan with your passengers. For more information about fishing guidelines, regulations or safety, visit

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, Feb. 17, 2017


Retired firefighters give paper-mill print to city by Dennis Dalman

A painted evocation of the former Sartell paper mill was presented to the Sartell City Council at its Feb. 13 meeting by members of the Sartell Retired Firefighters Engine Co. 844. The firefighters commissioned the print from an artist to commemorate the mill and to sell as a fundraiser for the retired firefighters’ good deeds. Ken Schulte, a retired firefighter, presented the framed painting on behalf of his colleagues in the audience. It’s important the paper mill, now utterly gone, be commemorated because people moving here now are unaware it even existed, Schulte noted. The site where it was is just a vast empty space after the plant’s demolition. An explosion at the plant May 28, 2012, killed one worker and caused the historic mill to shut down forever. It had stood for more than 100 years, first as Watab Paper, then St. Regis, Champion Paper, International Paper and, finally, as Verso Paper. Schulte said the fire that re-

sulted after the explosion was one of the biggest fires in Minnesota history, with 90 fire departments helping fight the fire for seven days. And yes, Schulte added, there is little or nothing on the Internet about the extent of the major fire. “The only way to learn is to look back,” Schulte said. “We have to preserve what we had, what we did and what we want to do.” Preserving the past is important, he told the council, adding the Sartell Senior Connection is now working on a plan to preserve the city’s historical artifacts. Schulte’s family moved to Sartell in 1953 when he was only 3. At the time, the city’s population sign said 377. In all the years since then, Schulte said, the city’s growth amazed him, especially during the 1980s when, with all the other new amenities in Sartell, the paper plant was expanded. Having grown up in Sartell, Schulte is keenly aware of how those changes throughout the decades should be commemorated for future residents. He gave one example. As a resident of the city’s east side, Schulte lives next to Val Smith

photo by Dennis Dalman

Ken Schulte of Sartell, a retired firefighter, holds the art print he and fellow retired firefighters donated to the Sartell City Council at its Feb . 13 meeting. The commissioned painting, which was made into prints, shows the nowgone Verso paper mill from across the river. The print, framed or unframed, can be purchased by calling Schulte at 320-761-4460. Park, which was nothing but a pasture way back when. “And now it (that pasture) is a shining star in the city’s park system,” Schulte said. The colorful painting Schulte presented to the council depicts the mill across the river with ducks flying and someone fishing from a Lund boat. Sartell Mayor Sarah Jane Nicoll thanked the retired firefighters for the gift to the city, which will be displayed inside city hall. “We look forward to displaying it proudly,” she said. Copies of the painting, as art prints, can be purchased by calling Ken Schulte at 320761-4460.

‘Coffee with Cop’ set for Feb. 28 The next “Coffee with a Cop” in Sartell will take place from 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28 at the Liquid Assets Hughes coffee shop at 1091 Second St. S. Sartell Police Chief Jim Hughes welcomes anyone to just show up to share questions, concerns or suggestions.

The “Coffee with a Cop” sessions, in Sartell as well as in other cities, are chances for police officers and residents to get to know one another. There are no agendas, no speeches, just a casual ongoing conversation. Studies have shown residents and police officers getting to know one another is a way to enhance safety and to prevent crime. The “Coffee with a Cop” session in Sartell is sponsored by

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, Feb. 17, 2017

photos by Dennis Dalman

At left: A pro-life contingent shows its signs to passing motorists in front of the Planned Parenthood clinic Feb. 11 in east St. Cloud. Second from left is one of the pro-life organizers of the event, Brody Hagemeier, a student at St. Cloud State University. Middle: The Dan and Heidi Shub family of Sauk Rapids demonstrate in favor of Planned Parenthood at a rally Feb. 11 in front of the clinic in east St.

Cloud. Mother Heidi Shub is holding her sign and her baby, Clementine. At right is son Hawken, 3, who holds the sign he created the night before. At right: Even though there were passionate differences of opinions, many demonstrators held amiable conversations with one another at a gathering in front of Planned Parenthood Feb. 11 in east St. Cloud.

Defunders, defenders rally at Planned Parenthood by Dennis Dalman

To defend or to defund? That question hung in the nippy air when nearly 150 people carrying signs stood on front of the Planned Parenthood Clinic in east St. Cloud last Saturday morning. The demonstration lasted from 10 a.m. until noon. Some showed up to support national and state efforts to defund Planned Parenthood clinics throughout the nation, claiming it is an anti-life organization that promotes and performs abortions. Those efforts to defund the organization have gathered congressional momentum after the election of Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency. Other demonstrators, most of them holding bright-pink placards, stood streetside to proclaim

their strong support for Planned Parenthood and its commitment to women’s health issues. Many noted the St. Cloud clinic does not perform abortions, contrary to what some opponents claim. Pro-choice proponents, like pro-life factions, have both been energized since Trump became the nation’s president. Similar demonstrations, proand-con Planned Parenthood, occurred Saturday in many cities in Minnesota and elsewhere in the nation. As demonstrators hoisted their hand-made signs along East St. Germain Street in St. Cloud, many vehicles sped past, some of the drivers loudly blaring their horns, but it was not evident if they were honking with agreement or disagreement – or in support of or against the two factions of demonstrators. The Planned Parenthood

Clinic at 451 E. St. Germain has for many years been the site of peaceful demonstrations by anti-abortion groups. The Feb. 11 demonstration, too, was peaceful and civil, with some of the people in the differing camps exchanging respectful – if opposing – words. Those who attended were motivated by a number of organizations or budding movements, two of the main ones being “40 Days for Life,” “Protest PP Coalition,” “Defend Planned Parenthood” and “Expect Resistance.” Karen Knafla of Sartell said she was happy to be at the demonstration to rally for the pro-life cause. Standing on the sidewalk with her sign, she said she had demonstrated many times in front of the Planned Parenthood St. Cloud clinic and intends to keep doing so in the

future. Brianna Garrison of St. Cloud, standing just 10 yards from Knafla, said she organized via Facebook to rally demonstrators for Defend Planned Parenthood. Garrison works for a company that raises funds for non-profit entities. “On Facebook, it started with inviting people to attend this event, and it just grew and grew,” Garrison said. “On our RSVP Facebook page, at first 50 people signed up (to participate in the demonstration). And about 200 more people said they were interested in it. These people here show the amount of solidarity we have in St. Cloud.” The St. Cloud Women’s Center at St. Cloud State University also encouraged many people to attend the demonstration in support of Planned Parenthood. Betsy Murphy of St. Joseph

carried her sign with a message that read “I am Pro-Choice and Pro-Life.” Murphy helped organize the pro-Planned Parenthood organizers who hailed from St. Joseph, Avon, Albany and elsewhere. Murphy handed the Newsleader a written statement outlining the goals of the defenders for funding. “It’s all about what we can do today and every day to support people who are feeling frightened and discriminated against,” her note read. “We train in non-violent resistance – how to listen and interact without letting anger and emotions flare up. And we learn how to become more culturally aware and proficient. Awareness. Kindness. Action.” Other participants, both prochoice and pro-life, were from a variety of area cities, including

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, Feb. 17, 2017 St. Cloud, Waite Park, Sauk Rapids, Little Falls and Cold Spring. During the demonstration, the people in favor of defunding Planned Parenthood tended to gather in groups assembled to the east and west of a long line of people there to defend the organization. Most “defenders” were highly visible because of the bright-pink signs they carried, scrawled with messages: Real Men Defend PP, Protect Women’s Health, Resister (heart) hood (a pun on Sisterhood), 77 Percent of Anti-Abortion Leaders are Men; 100 Percent of Those Men Will Never Become Pregnant. Proponents of defunding also carried signs with large messages: Defund Planned Parenthood, I Regret My Abortion, Choose Life, Thou Shalt Not Kill, Planned Parenthood Lies to You. At times, the sounds of chanting and prayers mingled in the air. “My body, my choice! My body, my choice!” “Jesus, protect and save the unborn . . . Our Father who art in heaven . . . Hail Mary full of grace . . . “ The people in the sidewalks included children and even a couple of pet dogs. Heidi Shub of Sauk Rapids held a sign she drew showing fallopian tubes with one of the tubes “flipping the bird,” so to speak. She and her husband, Dan, were there to defend Planned Parenthood. In one hand Heidi held her sign, in the other she held her 5-month old daughter, Clementine. Son Hawken, 3, held up a small sign he had scribbled himself while his mother was creating her sign the night before. Brody Hagemeier of St. Cloud spoke on behalf of many of the defunding group. “It’s time to show our strength,” he said in an interview with the Newsleader. “There is so much opposition to life. That’s why it’s very, very important for us to show our message of the sanctity of life.”

Hagemeier is a senior student at SCSU and president of SCSU College Students for Life.


Nationwide, Feb. 11 was planned by anti-abortion activists as a day to “Rally to Defund Planned Parenthood,” and rallies took place in scores of cities throughout the nation. Talk of defunding Planned Parenthood by the Republican majority in Congress gave impetus to the movement. However, ironically, that same effort at defunding also galvanized Planned Parenthood defenders, at some rallies greatly outnumbering the anti-abortion groups that showed up. That occurred in St. Cloud where defenders appeared to outnumber defunders by 2-1; and in St. Paul where defenders numbered several thousand and defunders totaled a couple hundred. Many defenders at the rallies noted they were demonstrating not just for Planned Parenthood but against current efforts to repeal Obamacare. Even though at some rallies defunders and defenders were separated by barriers, there were no reports of nasty or violent behavior and the competing sections got along amicably for the most part, according to news reports.

Planned Parenthood

The St. Cloud Planned Parenthood clinic does not perform abortions. However, it can refer clients to other clinics that do offer abortions, such as one in St. Paul. The federal and state funds allocated for Planned Parenthood are not allowed to be used to pay for abortions except in cases of rape, incest or when the pregnant woman’s life is in danger because of the pregnancy. However, anti-abortion activists have long argued the ban is disingenuous at best because when clinics receive state and federal funds for non-abortion services, that money frees up other funds to be

St. Stephen Optical (formerly Index 53)

Larry Rudolph, Optician 306 Main St. E. St. Stephen, MN 56375 320-252-9380 Office 320-252-6924 Home Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday; 8 a.m.-noon Saturday

Sartell Swarm

Registration for 2017 Summer Season opens Feb. 14 Girls ages 6-18 fastpitch softball For more information and to register, go to Updates about our program will be shared at the annual parent meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 13 at the SHS Auditorium. Parents and players encouraged to attend. Uniform sizes will be available for those who are interested.

Contact Becky Lundgren with registration questions at

used for abortions. Abortion has been a passionately contentious topic throughout American history, especially contentious ever since the Supreme Court in 1973 legalized a woman’s right to an abortion in the case known as Roe vs. Wade, although the high court did leave open the option for regulations or laws regarding the third trimester (last three months of a pregnancy). The forerunner of Planned Parenthood began 100 years ago this year when Margaret Sanger opened a birth-control clinic in Brooklyn, N.Y. That became the American Birth Control League and in 1942, its name was changed to Planned Parenthood. There are about 650 Planned Parenthood clinics in the nation that serve an estimated 2.5-million clients per year. The clinics provide a wide range of services that include contraception methods, sex education, cancer screenings, diagnosis and treatments for sexually transmitted diseases, vasectomies for men, sterilizations for women, pregnancy tests and – at some clinics – abortions. Four of five of Planned Parenthood clients are at or below the federal poverty level. Many foundations help fund the organization, as well as some federal funding, which was made possible when President Richard Nixon signed into law the Family Planning Services and Population Research Act in 1970. According to a Planned Parenthood report released in 2014, Planned Parenthood performed 323,999 abortions that year. The organization claims only 3 percent of its total services are abortion-related. Opponents, however, claim it’s 94 percent of their services. Fact-checking organizations claim both percentages are inaccurate, with the actual figure of abortions being closer to 12 percent of all Planned Parenthood services. Abortion opponents noted Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortion in the


nation. The organization and its defenders, however, claim it’s the largest “abortion preventer” because it provides contraception services, vasectomies and sterilizations to those who request such services. Opposition to the organization has at times turned violent, with many clinics vandalized, firebombed or attacked by gunmen, in some cases killing Planned Parenthood employees

and wounding others. The deep divisiveness concerning Planned Parenthood was expressed by Trump when he was campaigning for his successful run for the presidency. The organization, he said, does “very good work for millions of women,” but he added federal funding should be discontinued if Planned Parenthood continues to offer abortion services.


CITY OF ST. STEPHEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held in the St. Stephen City Hall Council Chamber at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 1, 2017, for the purpose of discussing a request by Daniel and Melissa Muehlbauer to rezone a parcel of real property (22.81 deeded acres) currently zoned B2 (General Business) to RR1 (Rural Single-Family Residence), legally described as follows:


Parcel ID No: 90.55908.0000

Dated: Feb. 14, 2017

Section 25 Township 126 Range

Publish: Feb. 17, 2017

Address: XXXX County Road 2 S., St. Stephen, Minn. 56375 All are invited to attend this public hearing. All comments, written or oral, will be heard. /s/ Cris Drais City of St. Stephen City Clerk

CITY OF SARTELL ORDINANCE NO. 2017-01 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY’S FEE SCHEDULE ORDINANCE The City Council of the City of Sartell ordains: Section 1. That the City’s Fee Schedule Ordinance is hereby amended to add the following fee: Public Works: City-owned street-light knock-down – administrative fee $200 (in addition to actual light replacement costs) Street-sign knock-down – replacement fee


Section 2. That the City’s Fee Schedule Ordinance is hereby restated to amend the following fees: Cemetery: Cemetery lot – resident Cemetery lot – non-resident

$600 $850

Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED THIS 13th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2017 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SARTELL. /s/Sarah Jane Nicoll, MAYOR ATTEST: /s/Mary Degiovanni, CITY ADMINISTRATOR Publish: Feb. 17, 2017

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


Community Calendar

LEGAL NOTICES CITY OF SARTELL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS PRELIMINARY PLAT OF JK REAL ESTATE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: tate. The site is located just east of That the Sartell City Council will County Road 1, south of Heritage hold a public hearing at 6 p.m., Drive. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Monday, Feb. 27, Mary Degiovanni 2017 in the council chambers of Administrator Sartell City Hall to consider the preliminary plat of JK Real Es- Publish: Feb. 17, 2017 NOTICE OF INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF MINNESOTA resentative or may object to the COUNTY OF STEARNS appointment of the personal repSEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT resentative and the personal repreDISTRICT COURT sentative is empowered to fully administer the estate including, after Court File No. 73-PR-17-676 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumIn re the Estate of John Francis ber, lease or distribute real estate, Potter Wilkinson, Deceased unless objections thereto are filed with the Court (pursuant to Section Notice is hereby given, that an ap- 524.3-607) and the Court otherplication for informal appointment wise orders. of personal representative has been filed with the Registrar herein. No Notice is further given that ALL will has been presented for probate. CREDITORS having claims The application has been granted. against said estate are required to present the same to said personal Notice is hereby further given that representative or to the Probate informal appointment of Gavin Court Administrator within four Sean Wilkinson whose address is months after the date of this notice 3206 Summer Fields Court, Still- or said claims will be barred. water, Minn. 55082 as personal representative of the estate of the Dated: Jan. 30 2017 above-named decedent, has been made. Any heir, devisee or other George A. Lock, Registrar interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal rep- Publish: Feb. 10 & 17, 2017

Friday, Feb. 17, 2017

Is your event listed? Send your information to: Newsleader Calendar, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374; fax it to 320-363-4195; or, e-mail it to Friday, Feb. 17 Benton County Museum, 10 a.m.4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320-253-9614. Tae Guk Kwon Do, 3-4 p.m., Independent Lifestyles, 215 N Benton Drive, Sauk Rapids. 320-267-7717. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church fellowship hall, 610 CR 2, St. Joseph. St. Cloud Singles Club Dance, 8 p.m.-midnight, American Legion, 17 Second Ave. S., Waite Park. 320-3394533. Saturday, Feb. 18 55+ Driving Improvement Program (four-hour refresher course), 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Miller Auto Plaza, 2930 Second St. S., St. Cloud. 1-888-2341294. Community Meal, 11:30 a.m.12:45 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 1107 Pinecone Road S., Sartell. Winter Dance with Jazz Combo, 7-9:45 p.m., Heritage Hall, Church of St. Joseph. HymnFest: One, presented by St. John’s Boys’ Choir, 8 p.m., St. John’s Abbey Church, Collegeville. Sunday, Feb. 19 Build-your-own-omelette Breakfast, American Legion Auxiliary, 8 a.m.-noon, 17 Second Ave. N., Waite Park. 320-251-5498.

Monday, Feb. 20 Benton County Museum, 10 a.m.4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320-253-9614. Sartell High School & Middle School Jazz Night, featuring swing dance lessons and guest performers, 7 p.m., Sartell High School. St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club, 7 p.m., American Legion, 101 W Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Tuesday, Feb. 21 55+ Driving Improvement Program (eight-hour first time course), 5-9 p.m., Apollo High School, 1000 44th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-888-2341294. Salome, Oscar Wilde’s Biblical tragedy performed by St. Cloud State University students, 7:30 p.m., SCSU Performing Arts Center, SCSU. Wednesday, Feb. 22 Salome, Oscar Wilde’s Biblical tragedy performed by St. Cloud State University students, 7:30 p.m., SCSU Performing Arts Center, SCSU. Thursday, Feb. 23 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, 520 First St. NE, Sartell. Sauk Rapids Chamber Meeting, 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Sauk Rapids Government Center, 250 Summit Ave. N. 320-251-2940. Salome, Oscar Wilde’s Biblical tragedy performed by St. Cloud State University students, 7:30 p.m., SCSU

Performing Arts Center, SCSU. Friday, Feb. 24 Tae Guk Kwon Do, 3-4 p.m., Independent Lifestyles, 215 N Benton Drive, Sauk Rapids. 320-267-7717. Music & Visual Arts Come Together in Performance, presented by Peter Happel Christian, 7:30 p.m., Performing Arts Center, Ruth Gant Recital Hall, St. Cloud State University. Salome, Oscar Wilde’s Biblical tragedy performed by St. Cloud State University students, 7:30 p.m., SCSU Performing Arts Center, SCSU. Saturday, Feb. 25 Salome, Oscar Wilde’s Biblical tragedy performed by St. Cloud State University students, 7:30 p.m., SCSU Performing Arts Center, SCSU. Sunday, Feb. 26 Salome, Oscar Wilde’s Biblical tragedy performed by St. Cloud State University students, 2 p.m., SCSU Performing Arts Center, SCSU. Hold Out Your Light; a Tribute to MLK, 3 p.m., Paramount Theater, 913 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. www. 320-4280622. The Faith and Experience of Our Muslim Neighbors, 5 p.m. presentation, 6:30 p.m. dinner, First United Methodist Church, 1107 Pinecone Road S., Sartell. RSVP to fumc@, 320-251-0804.


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PUBLISHING Von Meyer Publishing 32 1st Ave. NW St. Joseph • 320-363-7741

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Friday, Feb. 17, 2017

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Jacobs to take Polar Plunge by Dennis Dalman

A Sartell man is one of the team members who will take part in a Polar Plunge on Saturday, Feb. 18, to raise Jacobs funds for Special Olympics Minnesota. The event, open to public spectators, will take place starting at 1 p.m. on Pleasant Lake near Rockville. Jeff Jacobs, 55, is a member of a team dubbed the St. Cloud Puddle Jumpers. He has never done a Polar Plunge before, though he’d thought about maybe doing one someday.

Then, not long ago, while playing a volleyball game, a player named Lyndon Johnson of Sauk Rapids was talking about getting a team together for the next plunge. Jacobs decided to join the team. “I’m a kind of adventurous-type of person, so I’m looking forward to it,” Jacobs said. “Besides, it’s a good cause.” Jacobs works for the maintenance department at St. Cloud Hospital. He and his wife, Julie, have three grown children. For many years, each winter the Polar Plunge, sponsored by law enforcement, raises funds to send children to the Minnesota Special Olympics games. Participants dare to plunge into ice-cold water of a lake. Several events take place through-

out the winter months throughout Minnesota. Other members of the Puddle Jumpers team are Johnson, team captain, (mentioned above), who has raised $1,250 of his $13,000 fundraising goal, the second-highest amount of money raised so far in the statewide effort; Sarah Klehr of St. Cloud (originally from St. Joseph); Eduarda Diel, a foreign-exchange student from Brazil; and Tim Richards and his two sons, Nate and Sam, of St. Cloud. To donate to the Puddle Jumpers team, google Minnesota Polar Plunge, then click on “Donate” and type in the name of the person or the team (St. Cloud Puddle Jumpers in this case) to which you want to donate.


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Sartell man’s vehicle falls through ice Once again, another vehicle fell through lake ice in central Minnesota, and once again the motorist survived without injury. At about 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 12, a car driven by Kenneth Stofflet, 61, of Sartell, sunk through the ice into water that was about three feet deep near the shore of Pearl Lake in

Maine Township, Stearns County. According to the sheriff’s report, Stofflet was leaving the lake in an Oldsmobile car that was pulling a trailer and three-wheeler when the incident occurred at an area filled with cattail plants. A towing company removed the vehicle.

Law-enforcement agencies and weather watchers are advising people to stay off the lakes because of many areas where the ice is dangerously thin. There have been many incidents of ice crash-throughs in recent weeks, none of them fatal and none resulting in serious injuries.


“As a 10th-grader,” Lumley said, “I realized what the band director was doing was what I wanted to do.” The Sartell Middle School band directors agree and helped to plan the event. Zachary Miller of Sartell, on his second year of teaching middle school music and jazz band, said he’s looking forward to the event. “I like the idea of a swing dance because it’s a great event for school and community to join for a fun night of dancing,” Miller said. “It’s

also nice for parents to see their children performing outside of a formal concert performance.” Throughout the evening, participants will be able to dance, mingle and enjoy desserts and refreshments while the music takes them back to the time of jazz and big bands. Parents, grandparents, friends, and jazz and swing enthusiasts are encouraged not to miss a night dedicated to this iconic, Americanoriginated musical genre. For more information, call Lumley at 320-656-3712.

from front page and preserve big-band music for the next generation. The band’s purpose is to go into public schools to educate kids on the cultural influence music had in the big-band era, from about 1930 through the 1970s. Music in general has been Lumley’s calling since a young age and something he said he enjoys passing onto his students.

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

photo by Dave DeMars

Anthony Berndt, a seventh-grader from Sartell-St. Stephen Middle School, uses his pencil and paper to try out the spelling of a word. Berndt explained that being able to write a word down helps because sometimes just the way a word looks on paper gives a clue as to whether it is correct or not. Berndt finished seventh out of 27 in the morning session.

Bee from front page took top honors. They then competed at the regional spelling bee Feb. 8. Berndt took fourth, he thought, and Peters took seventh in the morning session this year. The bee had a morning and afternoon session with a total of 54 contestants (27 in each session). Eighth-grader Haley Evenson from Foley correctly spelled tantalize to take the first-place spot in the morning bee, while eighth-grader Nicholas Little from Dassel-Cokato placed first in the afternoon session. Berndt said he studied the lists regularly and had his mom quiz him. It seemed to help. Peters on the other hand did self quizzes and read the lists often to prepare. Peters was an old hand at the spelling bee, having competed last year. He took ninth last year and came in confident he would do well this year.

“This year I did a little better,” Peters said. Nervousness is always a problem, they both admitted, but Peters seemed to have an answer. “It’s a lot of trying to calm yourself down,” he said. “Focusing on the words you have spelled and the other words in the round to try and predict what type of word you are going to get.” “I just take my time,” Berndt said. He also likes to write the word down and frequently will ask for the definition of the word and re-pronunciation of the word. “It kind of helps by giving you a sense of what kinds of sounds are in the word, and then you can piece together the word with different phonics and the sounds of the letters,” Berndt said. Peters agreed but added that for words he was certain he knew, he used the mental imaging approach to spelling. But if the word sounded completely strange to him, he went back to sounding the word out. For eighth-graders, this is their final competition; for those in grades 5–7, it’s another year of practice and hanging around words to better prepare for next year’s competition. Sartell Academic Extensions Coordinator Lori Dornburg explained how the bees work at the local level. In Sartell, each grade has its own spelling bee with five students proceeding to the district bee. From 20 students, she winnows the number down to the top three from that group. Those three proceed to the regional level. “The kids did amazingly well,” Dornburg said. “They should be very proud. Anytime you go to a contest like this, whether it’s a spelling bee or a geography bee, it’s always the luck of the draw. You might get that super-hard word or you might get an easier word. I always tell the kids to grab a dictionary and have someone quiz you because you never know what the word is going to be.” Regional winners will advance to the Multi-Region State Spelling Bee Tuesday, Feb. 21 at Lakes Country Service Cooperative in Fergus Falls. That winner will advance to the Scripps National Spelling Bee from May 28-June 3 in Washington, D.C.

Friday, Feb. 17, 2017

Sartell residents place third in Newsleaders’ Love Selfie contest

contributed photo

Congratulations to Cindy and Brandon Reichel, both of Sartell, who won third place; Candice Larson and her daughter Sierra Jones, both of St. Joseph, who won first place; and Mike Myers-Schleif and his daughter Kylie, both of Sauk Rapids, who won second place. Thank you to all who entered our Love Selfie Valentine’s contest. Watch the Newsleaders for our next contest due out in March. To view all submissions, visit

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