Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader - Feb. 26, 2016

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Friday, Feb. 26, 2016 Volume 21, Issue 8 Est. 1995

Town Crier

Local parties hold caucuses March 1

Local branches of political parties are holding caucuses across the area at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 1. Precinct Caucuses are meetings run by Minnesota’s political parties. Generally, they are the first in a series of meetings where parties may endorse candidates, select delegates and discuss their goals and values. In 2016, a major part of caucuses will be for attendees to indicate their choice for the party’s endorsement for President via the presidential preference ballot. In order to participate in a caucus, Minnesotans must be eligible to vote in the November 2016 general election, live in the precinct and generally agree with the principles of the political party hosting the caucus. The Democratic-Farmer-Labor, Green, Independence, Libertarian and Republican parties have all supplied this newspaper with their local caucus locations. For your preferred party’s caucus location, see the community calendar located on page 7 or the Calendar tab on our website,

Brackets For Good begins online fundraiser Feb. 26

From Feb. 26-April 1, Brackets For Good is hosting an online fundraising tournament for Twin Cities and surrounding area nonprofits. Online donations from individuals help nonprofit organizations advance in the Brackets For Good tournament and get one step closer to a $10,000 prize. The organizations compete to out-fundraise their opponents, earning increased exposure along with the chance to win the prize. Nonprofits keep all of the donations received during the tournament. Donations can be made at

Prepare meals for women’s shelter

Anna Marie’s Alliance is looking for small groups of men and women (teenagers welcome if supervised by an adult) to prepare meals for residents on the weekends. Volunteers will prepare a menu of their choice or one can be selected for them. Time commitment is three hours on a Saturday or Sunday. Volunteers will also have the opportunity to eat with the residents. They ask groups try to commit to one shift a month. Anna Marie’s Alliance mission is to provide a safe place for victims of domestic abuse and to achieve systems change that reduces violence. For information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit and click on Feb. 26 Criers.

photos by Angie Heckman

Above left: Pamela Sukhum paints live in front of an auditorium full of students and staff on Nov. 20; Above right: Sukhum spent time with students during an art project on Nov. 20, including sophomore Monte Belmont.

Accomplished local painter brings art to SHS by Logan Gruber

A Sartell native, world traveler and accomplished artist stopped at the high school on Feb. 17 to unveil a painting she worked on in front of students three months ago. On Nov. 20, Pamela Sukhum

was invited by the school to do a live-painting demonstration along with a DJ in front of the entire student body and staff as part of the Art-in-Motion program. This project included an artist residency by Sukhum with 60 students and a one-day pop-up art gallery. And at the end of it all, the school has a

new piece of art for the school’s permanent art collection. “We hit it out of the ballpark with the live performance,” Cori Schneider said. Schneider spearheaded the founding of the Art-in-Motion program in the Sartell-St. Stephen School District. “It was a great team effort

to make this happen, and it’s a testament to how Sartell High School is dedicated to bringing extraordinary opportunities to its school community,” Schneider continued. Sukhum, formerly a cardiovascular researcher, left the bio-medical field to pursue Painter • back page

In the summer of 2014, Edmonton Trailer opened a welding operation in a 30,000 squarefoot building that had been part of the Verso Paper Co. which ceased operations after an explosion and fire ruined the plant. The huge storage-type building occupied by E.T. was located at 101 Benton Drive just to the southeast side of the Sartell bridge.

Edmonton Trailer Sales and Leasing, based in Acheson, Alberta, specializes in the production and sale of heavy transportation equipment for the trucking industry. The Sartell plant, the first U.S. branch of E.T., was a place where truck trailers were welded. E.T. CEO Brent Horn said the Sartell plant’s closing was a very hard decision to make. It was

made necessary, he said, because of worldwide economic factors beyond the company’s control. Those circumstances, he added, included the precipitous decline in oil prices and the subsequent devaluation of the Canadian dollar. Due to the decline of oil production in North Dakota’s Bakken oil fields, E.T. was forced to export many of its transportation products to other countries.

Canadian-based company to close in Sartell by Dennis Dalman

After less than two years of operation, the Canadian-based E.T. Manufacturing will close its plant in Sartell at the end of this month. The news was a disappointment to many, especially to the nearly two dozen employees whose jobs will be terminated.

Johnson, Lahr roll with S.C.A.R. Dolls by Logan Gruber

A few times a week, Tami Johnson and Nicky Lahr strap on skates and get rough-andtumble in a roller derby at Johnson River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud. Johnson, a Sartell resident, and Lahr, a Sartell native, are St. Cloud Area Roller Dolls. S.C.A.R.

Dolls was founded in 2011, and is the first and only women’s flat-track roller-derby league in central Minnesota. S.C.A.R. Dolls, a non-profit, was created as a chance for women in the St. Cloud area to participate in a modern roller derby.


Johnson has been a S.C.A.R Doll for about four years. She is a skating official/referee, which means she keeps the other skaters in line while they play very intense matches. Dolls • page 4

photos courtesy of Steve Diamond

Above left: Sybil Disobedience, otherwise known as Nicky Lahr, races around the track. As a jammer for the S.C.A.R. Dolls, her job is to lap the opposing blockers as many times as possible to score points for her team; At left: Dita Von Payne (left), also known as Tami Johnson, is a referee for the S.C.A.R Dolls. Her job is to keep an eye on the proceedings and make sure the game is played fairly. Pictured jockeying to get past is jammer Rosie Ratsnest in yellow and blocker Head Trauma Helen in black.

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader • LEGAL NOTICE


Friday, Feb. 26, 2016

REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS JAN. 25, 2016 SARTELL HIGH SCHOOL, MEDIA CENTER The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Krista Durrwachter, chair. Members present: Durrwachter; Michelle Meyer, vice chair; Patrick Marushin, treasurer; Mary McCabe, director; Jason Nies, director; and Pam Raden, director. Jeff Schwiebert, superintendent joined via conference phone. A motion was made by Nies and seconded by McCabe to approve the agenda. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Marushin to approve consent items a-d as presented below: a. Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on Dec. 21, 2016 and the organizational meeting on Jan. 4, 2016 b. Checks in the amount of $2,896,511.64 as presented: General Fund 2,527,151.57 Food Service Fund 177,435.56 Transportation Fund 125,506.75 Community Service Fund 42,877.54 Capital Expenditure Fund 23,540.22 Check numbers 162551 to 162929 Receipts in the amount of $4,572,356.94 as presented: General Fund 3,936,615.12 Food Service Fund 324,931.38 Transportation Fund 34,355.45 76,750.16 Community Service Fund Debt Service Fund 177,704.83 Summer Rec Agency Fund 22,000.00 Receipts 41719 to 41820 Wire transfers in the amount of $3,506,977.47 as presented: General Fund 1,046.92 Food Service Fund 4,045.08 Community Service Fund 760.01 Capital Expenditure Fund 45,022.96 Debt Service Fund 3,456,102.50 Wire transfers 201500041-201500052 c. Accept the following donations: Jack McCann, Sartell High School Athletic Department, $100, Athletic Department-undesignated; Minnesota Fishing Museum, Sartell-St. Stephen Community Education, $1,500, fishing program; Sartell Music Association, Sartell High School, $900, musicians for concert; Oak Ridge Elementary PTC, Oak Ridge Elementary, $2, 914.72, Oak Ridge PTO Book Fair Proceeds for Media Center d. Accept the resignation of Aaron Sutliffe, DSC, cleaner, effective 1/20/16; Janice Pfannenstein, ORE, cafeteria worker, effective 12/23/15; and Scott Vadnais, ORE, custodian, effective 1/4/16. Report from School Resource Officers: Jill Lundquist and Adam VandeVrede, school resource officers, presented a report on the roles and responsibilities as school resource officers within the school district. Student Representative Report: Gopi Ramanathan, senior at Sartell High School Pine Meadow and Oak Ridge • Both Oak Ridge and Pine Meadow held their annual Jingle Bell Olympics • PME students have spent some time searching for the “Giraffe in the Caf”, which hides out in different places in the PME cafeteria • ORE held a Compassion Drive for local families in need • PME first-graders surpassed their reading goals by reading more than 35,340 pages • “Three Districts, One Book” kicks off this Friday, which is their major project for “I Love To Read” month • ORE has a Science and Engineering Night coming up this Friday, which is a free event that includes free projects for kids to do Sartell Middle School • The Life Skills class held its first Holiday Café, selling food and drinks to students in order to benefit the community • Fifth- and sixth-grade students attended the 10th annual Science

Rocks and Nature Conference on Jan. 5 • SMS Student Council helped re-launch NuVal during the week of Jan. 11 • SMS Student Council helped put on seventh- and eightgrade Activity Night on Jan. 8 • Janagan Ramanathan won the SMS Geography Bee Sartell High School • Sartell High School honored the memory of Tommy Bearson by dedicating its Jan. 7 basketball game to him. Called “Hoopin’ for Tommy B,” proceeds from the game went toward the Tom Bearson Foundation. • Hannah Yackley and Gopi Ramanathan were honored on Jan. 19 as the first recipients of the St. Cloud Times 2 Under 20 Award, held in conjunction with the 5 Under 40 Award. Nicole Yang was also honored as a nominee for the award. • SHS Student Council helped re-launch NuVal on Jan. 19 • Sartell High School was honored by the St. Cloud Times with the “Best Mascot/Nickname” Award • Sartell High School Gymnastics took fourth place at the State True Team Meet • Sartell Boys Swim and Dive won the Section True Team Meet and qualified for the State True Team Meet Superintendent Report: Given by Durrwachter on behalf of Jeff Schwiebert, superintendent Durrwachter gave a brief summary of the board’s decision to move forward with the bond and location of a new school. Details will be discussed in the motion that will be presented later in the meeting. School Board Committees: Communications Committee • Pam Raden provided a Communications Committee update • The Communications Committee will continue to work to provide messaging to our community regarding the bond proposal and the projects that will be encompassed in it Benton-Stearns • Michelle Meyer provided an update on Benton-Stearns Education District • Meyer is on the search sub-

committee for the new executive director • Benton-Stearns is in the process of getting an outline of the qualities wanted for the new executive director Sartell Senior Connection • Michelle Meyer provided an update on the Senior Connection • Meyer continues to attend meetings and answer questions regarding the facility planning process and potential bond Report on Enrollment: Durrwachter reviewed the enrollment report.

Tom Kuhn, effective 02/15/16; Karen Klein, SMS, temporary cook’s helper, $18.39/hour RII, S6 6.5 hours/day, temporarily replacing Shelly Starz, effective 01/04/16; Elena Koch, SMS, LTS – seventh-grade language arts, $19,724 BS1 ($35,737) .5519 contract, replacing Kirsten Anderson, effective 01/07/16; Angela Kost, SMS, student supervisor, $13.53/hour R1, S1 2 hours/day, replacing Brady Brouwer, effective 01/19/16; Jessie Kovall, SMS, temporary server, $17.04/hour R1, S5 4.5 hours/week, temporarily replacing Karen Klein, 12/17/15;

A motion was made by Meyer and seconded by Nies to APPROVE #1-32:

Monica Mills, ORE, media assistant, $21.33/hour RIV, S6 7.5/ day, replacing Terri Laudenbach, effective 02/17/16; Hollie Neitzke, ORE, cashier, $16.33/hour RI, S4 .75 hour/day, additional assignment – replacing Lynn Thene, effective 01/04/16; Jennifer Nelson, PME, LTS – student supervisor, $13.53/hour R1, S1 2 hours/day, replacing Angela Burnett, effective 01/27/16; Cheryl Nies, SHS, temporary cook’s helper, $18.39/hour RII, S5 5.5 hours/day; temporarily replacing Cindy Heins, 01/14/16; Brandon Nordhues, SHS, musical vocal director, $2,107 (5.35 percent) BS5 ($39,388), replacing Kelli Killmer, effective 02/15/16;

New Employees or Changes: Chad Claybough, SHS, asstistant track, $3,395 (9.5 percent) BS1 ($35,737), replacing Ross Anderson, effective 03/14/16; Samantha Collen, SHS, musical choreographer $804 (2.25 percent) BS1 ($35,737), replacing Kelli Killmer, effective 02/15/16; Rachel Ertl, SMS, cafeteria worker, $14.18/hr R1, S1 2 hours/day, operational change, effective 01/04/16; Salle Gaches, ORE, cafeteria worker, $14.18/hour R1, S1 2.25 hours/ day, replacing Janice Pfannenstein, effective 01/12/16; Kelly Hanson, SMS, server, $14.18 /hr R1, S1 2.5 hours/day, replacing Lynn Thene, effective 01/04/16;

David Plante, ORE, custodian, $17.81/hour RIII, S3 8 hours/day; replacing Scott Vadnais, effective 01/14/16; Natalie Reardon, SHS, LTS-SPED teacher, $17,575 BS1 ($35,737) .4918 contract, replacing Lindsay Kramer/Barb Melsha, effective 01/25/16; Cody Rose, SHS, LTS-phy. ed., $17,575 BS1 ($35,737) .4918 contract, replacing Jeff Kellerman, effective 01/25/16; Traci Shuneman, SHS, dishwasher, $17.04/hour RI, S5 2.75 hours/day, replacing Beverly Wiebe, effective 01/04/16; Shelly Starz, SMS, temporary cook, $20.13/hour RIV, S4 8 hours/day; temporarily replacing Robin Zormeier, effective 01/04/16;

Angie Heckman, SHS, visual arts advisor, $804 (2.25 percent) BS1 ($35,737), new position, effective 01/11/16; Ryan Hiltner, SHS, musical assistant director, $804 (2.25 percent) BS1 ($35,737), replacing Julie Grundhauser, effective 02/15/16; Jason Johnson, SMS, lead custodain, $16.92/hour RIV, S1 8 hours/day, Replacing Mark Hedstrom, effective 01/25/16; Sheila Johnson, SHS, server, $14.18/hr R1, S1 2 hours/day, replacing Tracy Schuneman, effective 01/05/16; Kelli Killmer, SHS, musical director, $3, 441 (8.35 percent) BS7 ($41, 212), replacing

Grant Strom, SHS, one-act play, $1,197 (3.35 percent) BS1 ($35,737), replacing Tayler Hamilton, effective 01/15/16; Grant Strom, SHS, musical accompanist, $1,912 (5.35 percent) BS1 ($35,737), replacing Mo Putnam, effective 02/15/16; Rhonda Wieneke, ORE, dishwasher, $14.18 /hour R1, S1 3 hours/day, replacing Rachel Ertl, effective 01/11/16; Carol Williamson, SMS, temporary server, $17.04/hour R1, S5 3.5 hours/day, temporarily replacing Jessie Kovall, effective 01/19/16;

Student Activity Report: Steve Wruck, director of business services, reported on the 2015-16 student activity account. Report on High School Course Changes: Brenda Steve, SHS principal, reported on the Sartell High School course changes. There are new courses being offered in computer programming, sports and activities.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon Editor: Dennis Dalman Admin. Assistant Cady Sehnert

Newsstands Coborn’s - Riverside Country Store & Pharmacy Hardee’s Holiday - Riverside House of Pizza

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Operations Manager Logan Gruber Contributing Writers Cori Hilsgen Steven Wright

Production Manager Tara Wiese Delivery Bruce Probach Greg Hartung

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, Feb. 26, 2016 Leaves of Absence: Melissa Anderson, ORE, paraprofessional, LOA, effective 4/15/16 to 4/25/16; Jeff Stang, SHS, paraprofessional, LOA, effective 1/11, 2/1, 2/22, 3/21, 4/11, 4/18 and 4/25; Adam Thiel, SMS, custodian, LOA, effective Jan. 16-May 4, 2016 4 hours per week; Denis Waldvogel, ORE, paraprofessional, LOA, effective May 2016-dates TBD All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Marushin to APPROVE THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH PARTNER FOR STUDENT SUCCESS. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Meyer and seconded by Nies to APPROVE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER WITH THE SARTELL POLICE DEPARTMENT. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Marushin to AP-

PROVE MSHSL FOUNDATION GRANT REQUEST. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Meyer to APPROVE THE MSHSL SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVES. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Meyer to APPROVE CONTRACT WITH CONSULTANT FOR SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY SERVICES. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Meyer and seconded by Nies to APPROVE FUNDRAISER FOR SARTELL HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Marushin to APPROVE AUTHORIZATION OF THE DISTRICT TO COMPLETE THE REVIEW AND COMMENT SUBMISSION TO MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCA-


SPECIAL SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 748 FEB. 8, 2016 DISTRICT CENTER BOARD ROOM The special school board meeting A motion was made by Nies and of Independent School District seconded by McCabe to AP748 was called to order at 6 p.m. PROVE 2016 REFEREDUM REby Vice Chair Michelle Meyer. VIEW AND COMMENT SUBMembers present: Meyer; Pam MISSION TO THE MINNESOTA Raden, director; Pat Marushin, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCAtreasurer; Mary McCabe, direc- TION FOR THE SARTELL-ST. tor; Jason Nies, director; and Jeff STEPHEN INDEPENDENT Schwiebert, superintendent. Mem- SCHOOL DISTRICT #748. All in bers absent: Krista Durrwachter, favor. Motion carried. chair. A motion was made by Raden and A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Marushin to adjourn the seconded by Marushin to approve meeting at 7 p.m. Motion carried. the agenda. All in favor. Motion carried. /s/ Pat Marushin, Treasurer


Ten Sartell students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of St. Thomas-St. Paul, Minn. They are the following: Nathan Hahn, Alexander Hornung, Christopher Hornung, Darin Lunde, Ginessa Ross, Sienna Schneider, Hayley Schuchard, Tyler Tillotson, Hannah Tilstra and Sophia VanSurksum. Students must earn a minimum 3.5 grade-point average to qualify for this honor.

contributed photo

YMCA Gator swim team members are sisters Claire (left), 9, and Isabelle Westling, 7. Two Sartell students are part of the St. Cloud YMCA Gator Swim team, which competed Feb. 14 at the YMCA State Meet at the University of Minnesota. The Gators brought home the high-points-per-capita trophy for the fourth time in five years. The gators were the fourth-smallest team and took fourth place overall. They are the following: Claire Westling, 9, placed third in 100 IM and 50 back, second in 50 breast, fifth in 200-medley relay and ninth in 400-free relay; and Isabelle Westling, 7, earned state champ in girls 8-and-under 25 back, first place in 25 breast and fourth place in 25 fly.

Two Sartell students were recently named to the fall president’s honor roll at the University of North Dakota-Grand Forks. They are the following: Benjamin Davis and Brandon Yurczyk. Student must earn a minimum 3.8 grade-point average to qualify for this honor. Four Sartell-St. Stephen students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of North Dakota-Grand Forks. They are the following: Rebecca Sylte of St. Stephen; and Benjamin Davis, Jacqueline Pinkerton and Brandon Yurczyk, all of Sartell. Students must be in the top 15 percent of their class to qualify for this honor.

TION FOR PROPOSED $105.8M BOND TO BE PAID BACK OF 25-YEAR BOND. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Nies to APPROVE KNUTSON AND FLYNN AS BOND AND ELECTION COUNSEL. All in favor. Motion carried. Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings • Feb. 2 at 4:15 p.m. – Board Policy Committee Meeting, District Service Center, Board Room • Communications Committee – To be determined • Community Outreach Committee – To be determined Durrwachter announced a fiveminute recess. A motion to close the meeting pursuant to Minnesota Statue Section 13D.05 Subd. 2(b) to consider concerns related to an employee was made by Meyer and seconded by Nies at 7:51 p.m. All in favor.

Motion carried. A motion to reopen the meeting was made by Raden and Nies at 8 p.m. All in favor. Motion carried. Board Member Meyer introduced the resolution and moved its adoption to release Ryan Templin, an employee of Independent School District No. 748. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Board Member Marushin, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Meyer, Raden, Durrwachter, McCabe, Nies and Marushin and the following voted against the same: None Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. A motion to close the meeting pursuant to Minnesota Statue Section 13D.05 Subd. 2(b) to consider concerns related to an employee was made by McCabe and seconded by Meyer at 8:02 p.m. All in favor. Motion carried.

3 A motion to reopen the meeting was made by Nies and McCabe at 8:03 p.m. All in favor. Motion carried. Board Member Nies introduced the resolution and moved its adoption to release Rebecca Hoye, an employee of Independent School District No. 748. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Board Member Meyer, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Meyer, Raden, Durrwachter, McCabe, Nies and Marushin and the following voted against the same: None Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 p.m. was made by Meyer and seconded by Marushin. All in favor. Motion carried. /s/ Patrick Marushin, treasurer Publish: Feb. 26, 2016

St. Stephen home burgled last Friday by Logan Gruber

The Stearns County Sheriff’s office responded around 8:20 a.m. Feb. 19 to a burglary call from a newly constructed home. The burglary occurred at

If you have a tip concerning a crime, call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Feb. 7 12:49 a.m. DWI. CR 75. While on patrol an officer witnessed a vehicle speeding and driving erratically. The driver was unable to pass field sobriety testing. He was placed under arrest without incident. 9:02 a.m. Suspicious activity. Brianna Drive. A report was made regarding a door left open to a residence. An officer spoke with the resident, who stated the door was broken and they were aware of the issue. The residence was secured. 9:54 p.m. Gunshots. Sartell Street. A report was made regarding gunshots in the area but the caller was unsure of the direction. Officers drove through and sat in the area but were unable to hear any more. Feb. 8 11:37 a.m. Medical. Pinecone

some point during the night prior. Items stolen include a Polaris Ranger with a cab (camouflage colored), a Bombardier snowmobile and various tools. Authorities believe the vehicles stolen were driven cross county

from the property. Sheriff’s deputies followed the tracks in the snow as far as they were able. Investigators are following up with the case. Anyone with information should call the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office at 320-259-3700.

Road. A report was made regarding a female falling and hitting her head. An officer monitored her until she was transported to the hospital. 5:42 p.m. Theft. An adult female was witnessed attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. The female eventually admitted to the theft. She was issued a citation and released. 9:19 p.m. Intoxicated male. Fieldcrest Court. A report was made regarding an unknown intoxicated male inside a residence. The homeowners stated they did not know the male. He was transported to detox and stated he thought he was at a family member’s home.

a business. An officer arrived and provided oxygen until Gold Cross arrived and took over care.


Feb. 9 2:12 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. 27th Street N. A report was made regarding a taxi possibly picking a child up and parking on a nearby street. The vehicle was located and it was found they had dropped a person off at the school and were waiting for another pick-up. No further action was taken. Feb. 10 2:20 p.m. Medical. Pinecone Road. A report was made regarding an adult female fainting inside

Feb. 11 12:06 a.m. Domestic. Riverside Avenue. A report was made regarding two males fighting and one male had left the residence. Officers were able to locate the male, who stated he did not want to pursue charges or give any information. No further assistance was needed. 7:20 p.m. Noise complaint. Brianna Drive. A complaint was made regarding loud music coming from a residence. An officer spoke with a resident, who stated they have band practice but will end before the noise ordinance goes into effect. Feb. 12 1 a.m. Agency assist. Second Avenue N. Officers assisted a neighboring agency with a domestic assault complaint. Officers entered the residence and found the adult male and adult female were not in distress and did not need police assistance. 3:49 p.m. 911 hang-up. Fourth Avenue E. Officers responded to an address with multiple reports of 911 hang ups. It was found a child was playing with the phone.


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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •



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from front page During normal play, a position called the “jammer” attempts to pass the opposing team’s “blockers” as her own team’s blockers attempt to stop the opposing team’s jammer. Each team deploys one jammer and a team of blockers during a match, so each team is playing both offense and defense at the same time. Each team has up to 14 players who field up to five members for each two-minute jam. As many jams as possible are fit into two periods of 30 minutes each. Johnson’s roller-derby nickname is Dita Von Payne. Players tend to choose roller-derby names to play under, many of which are creative examples of word play

Friday, Feb. 26, 2016 with satire, puns, alliteration and allusions to pop culture. Roller derby is currently one of the fastest-growing sports in the world with more than 1,450 amateur leagues currently in existence and new leagues forming all the time, according to the S.C.A.R. Dolls website. The S.C.A.R. Dolls field two teams, the Pin-Up Prowlers and the Gargoyle Brigade. These two teams face off against each other at home. There is also a traveling team which faces off against other regional teams. “I love the gals I skate with,” Johnson added. “We have a great group of supportive and encouraging women – not just on the track but life in general. They’re friends, not just teammates.” She is also proud of the way the group supports the community. “We’ve gathered school supplies for kids, items of need for the humane society, hosted a blood drive, skated with the Girl Scouts, done photo booths for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk and much more,” Johnson

Crafters & Vendors Wanted Resurrection Lutheran Church

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CNA POSITION Saint John’s Abbey is seeking applications for a part-time, benefit eligible, CNA position in the Abbey Retirement Center. 3 night shifts per week (11 p.m.–7 a.m.).

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Friday, Feb. 26, 2016 said. “Last weekend we plunged for Special Olympics to help out fellow athletes.” The S.C.A.R. Dolls designate a charity for many of their events. Special Olympics Minnesota is the charity for the home team playoff game at 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 27 at the convention center, where the Gargoyles will face off against the Prowlers. There are many local St. Cloud faces among the two teams. Johnson said a typical rollerderby match in St. Cloud can bring in more than 700 spectators. If it’s your first time at a roller-derby match, be prepared to be overwhelmed.


Lahr’s derby name is Sybil Dis-

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader • obedience, and while she is a Sartell native she currently lives outside of Holdingford. She is on the Gargoyles’ hometeam this year, and she is the co-captain for the traveling team this season. She has been with the S.C.A.R. Dolls for about three years. “I was really not into sports in school and definitely not as an adult,” Lahr said. “Derby seemed like more than just a sport though . . . It was a community of supportive women who just so happened to hit each other. Derby also seemed to be something unique which would push me out of my comfort zone.” Lahr says she doesn’t know what she would do without roller derby.

She once broke her leg while doing warm-ups for a tournament in Iowa. It was her first broken bone and first ambulance ride. After surgery and some physical therapy though, she was right back on the track. “It is a real athletic event . . . we aren’t punching and tripping each other, but we are strong athletes,” Lahr said. The S.C.A.R. Dolls Facebook page indicates they are recruiting both skaters and volunteers to be referees, scorekeepers and other positions. The season runs from September to May, with clinics and boot camps in the summer for new recruits. You can find out more about joining or watching them on their Facebook page at www.

Willemsen seeks DFL endorsement

by Dennis Dalman

Michael Willemsen of Sauk Rapids believes deeply in his heart in the essence of democracy as spoken so Willemsen succinctly by Abraham Lincoln in his address at Gettysburg: “of the people, by the people, for the people.” That, a longing to be a public servant, Willemsen said, is why he is seeking the Democratic-

Farmer-Labor endorsement as a candidate for Minnesota Senate District 13, a seat long occupied by Michelle Fischbach (R-Paynesville), who is now serving her seventh term. Senate District 13 includes the area of the cities of Sartell, Sauk Rapids, St. Joseph, Avon, Cold Spring, Kimball and Paynesville. Willemsen, 34, said he hopes to win the DFL endorsement at the March 1 caucuses in District 13. Willemsen, who has never run for a political office before, is a behavioral aide for a local group home. Raised in Sartell, he and his family moved to Sauk Rapids

years ago. He graduated from Sauk Rapids-High School in 2000, then earned his certification in holistic health therapy from the Tao Institute, St. Cloud. Among the many holistic disciplines he studied and practices are acupressure and massage. If he wins the DFL endorsement, Willemsen plans to do an extensive door-to-door campaign to meet the people before the Nov. 8 election. “It’s important to meet people face to face,” Willemsen said. “It’s important to listen to them, to talk with them, to find out what matters to them.”


CATHOLIC UNITED FINANCIAL MATCHING GRANT Friday, March 11 4-7 p.m. Enjoy fried fish,


potato salad, potato chips, coleslaw, baked beans, bread and homemade desserts Tickets sold at the door

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Proceeds go to SFX School and Religious Education Program, plus Catholic United Financial will provide matching funds up to $1,000.

Now Hiring!

Administrative Assistant The Newsleaders is seeking a part-time administrative assistant for three local, weekly newspapers serving the greater St. Cloud region. A successful candidate will: answer phones, direct calls and interact with clients; be creative in Wordpress, Microsoft Office, Adobe Suite (InDesign) and on social media; track and monitor news stories; and prepare legal and other documents for review by manager. Candidate must work well in a deadline-driven setting. Qualifications include: office and customer service experience. Newspaper experience a plus. Resumes and cover letters can be addressed to Logan Gruber, operations manager, at operations@ 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph



Our View President Obama, please appoint nominee as soon as possible The body of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had hardly cooled before some Republicans, including a few presidential candidates, began demanding President Barack Obama had better not dare to nominate a replacement for Scalia. It was the disgusting culmination of the arrogance, bullyism and contempt these Obama-hating obstructionists have demonstrated ever since the president was elected seven years ago. The Republicans couldn’t win the White House – twice in a row – and so they decided in their vicious bitterness to attack the one who did win, twice – Obama, whom they have since treated as a foreign-born pretender, as a flesh-eating bacterium to the Body Politic. That determination to obstruct, by the way, is on record from the very mouths of those obstructionists. Thus, the relentless nay-saying began, with right-wingers absolutely refusing to compromise with anything the president proposed, even some measures they themselves had previously favored. Reasonable Republicans, for fear of Tea Party retaliation, lined up right behind the obstructionists. And what’s unfortunate is all too many Americans bought into their nonsense, unfairly blaming the Democrats and the president for the “nothing-gets-done” Congress, an attitude that helped give rise to solve-it-all Donald Trump. These congressional spoilsports have so long accused Obama of subverting the U.S. Constitution (and of everything else) that they’ve run out of accusations. And now – look who’s talking – many obstructionists are not asking but demanding Obama not nominate a replacement, despite the fact the U.S. Constitution states the president shall appoint justices, with Senate approval, to the Supreme Court. It’s obvious why these barking dogs are doing what they’re doing. They are hoping the next election will sweep into the White House an ultra-right-wing Republican president who can then make a court appointment more in line with their extremism – another Scalia, for example. Hailed for his so-called brilliance, Scalia cast some of the most socially-economically regressive votes during the past three decades, including votes – to name just two – for Citizens United (unlimited campaign financing) and for gutting the most important portion of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. If these Obama-haters want to reject any candidate he nominates to the High Court, that is their constitutional right. However, besides demanding Obama not make an appointment, some of these do-nothings have promised to forbid holding a hearing for any nominee, period. This is just the latest – and most un-American – of the anti-Obama assaults in the past seven years. These pouters have a right not to like the president, they have a right to vote against what he proposes, but they do not have the right to demand Obama fall to his knees in submission. Especially when the president has the constitutional right to make a Supreme Court nomination right up until his last day in office. There are major decisions on the docket of the High Court which will affect our destiny. We need a ninth justice as soon as possible. Obama should appoint a non-partisan judge of sterling virtue and far-ranging vision. And then, the Republican-led Senate should open hearings and confirm the nominee, unless its members can cite very good reasons for not confirming. It’s time these losers cease their bully-power games and start acting on behalf of the nation – the way that good, rational, sane, old-fashioned Republicans used to do – until they let Tea Party radicals cow them into submission.

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, Feb. 26, 2016

Opinion Will new president fix or destroy health system? Recently, in a speech, Donald Trump blasted the Affordable Care Act (Obama-Care) for premium rates going up by 35 to 55 percent, along with higher deductibles. According to PolitiFact, Trump is partially accurate. Some premiums in some insurance plans in some regions are indeed expected to go up that high. However, estimates for the national average are much lower, from 4.4 percent to 13 percent. Trump says ObamaCare must be totally scrapped as it’s a “complete disaster.” Well, it’s not a complete disaster or the train wreck so many had predicted. There are about 10 million more people who now have health insurance who could not afford it before. In Minnesota, the statistics are especially gratifying for children where their uninsured rate fell from 8.2 percent in 2013 to 4.9 percent in 2014. Overall, the drop in uninsured people is the largest decrease since 2008. About two-thirds of those people have insurance through their employer-based programs, but the biggest increases in enrollment have come through the ObamaCare private-insurance interchanges or via Medicaid. Some states (Texas, Florida and Mississippi) refused to accept the federal expansion of Medicaid and, thus, many millions of their residents who otherwise would have care do not have it. It is an enlightening fact the state with the lowest number of uninsured people is Massachusetts, with only 3.9 percent of people unemployed. That is the state which began RomneyCare years ago, the same program on which ObamaCare is based. Unfortunately, 10.4 percent of Americans still do not have health insurance. There are so many cost variables in insurance premiums and deductibles region to region, based on so many factors, that it can be a crazy-quilt system. Thus, though it’s not the unmitigated disaster some claim, there is no doubt Obama-Care is far from perfect. A sin-

Dennis Dalman Editor gle-payer Canadian-style system for universal coverage would be infinitely preferable, just as presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has been preaching and as Trump used to recommend not too many years ago. I’ve known too many people in my life, including some relatives, who could not afford insurance and who now have it thanks to the ACA. They are now healthier and happier because of it. That is why I have long championed ObamaCare as being better than nothing, although I have long said and written, too, if the Affordable Care Act becomes unaffordable either through premium increases or higher deductibles, it must be tweaked, strengthened or even scrapped. But not until another system is ready to replace it. And that is not likely to happen because the muleheaded opponents of the ACA have never offered a viable replacement system, other than the feeble solution of health-savings accounts or pie-in-sky schemes for increased competition. How are hard-working people with no disposable income whatsoever going to save for expensive health-care costs? Nor are inadequate tax-credits going to be the answer. Whoever is elected president will determine the course of health care in this country for many years, depending on the whims of whichever majorities are elected in the U.S. Congress. With vicious determination, those Tea Party darlings Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have long promised they would repeal ObamaCare and shred every trace of it. They voted dozens of times, in shows of impotent political bravado, to repeal the ACA. Cruz,

“ol’ Green Eggs and Ham” himself, even filibustered in the Senate like a spoiled bully, engineering the government into a shutdown because of his rabid opposition to ACA. Jeb Bush also called for a total repeal of ObamaCare. Trump, too, would repeal it, although he, at least, acknowledges there must be some kind of universal access to health care. However, his proposals are vague to non-existent now he’s “evolved,” as he put it, away from a Canadian-style solution. Sanders said he wouldn’t dismantle ObamaCare until a one-payer system is in place, but that is bound to be a long time coming because most in Congress won’t dare approve such a “socialist” solution, even though one-payer systems are working just fine throughout the world, in some cases more cost-efficient and with better outcomes than the American system. Hillary Clinton said she believes the ACA must remain but must be improved, that a one-payer system is out of the question at this point. This is what Trump said in an interview: Question: But the single payer (idea), you’re not interested anymore? Trump: No. No, these are different times. And over the years, you are going to change your attitudes. You’re going to learn things and you’re going to change. And I have evolved on that issue. I have evolved on numerous issues. Well, it’s become clear great numbers of Americans are evolving, too – away from corrupt congressional business-as-usual policies dictated by super-rich donors. It’s refreshing that in rally after rally, huge crowds are thrilling to Sanders’ messages of income inequality and the need for universal health care. Maybe ObamaCare should be tossed out, after all – for a one-payer system. Dare we hope?

Letters to the editor

Historian has suggestions for Sartell library Joyce Gelle, Sartell When I helped write the 2007 Sartell Centennial history book, I reviewed many sources about the history of Sartell and especially its school system. There were many objections from St. Cloud about having our own school system. My husband and I wrote to James Gardner, U.S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, for help in getting our own school. He was able to help us succeed with our mission. Recently I applied my thoughts about Sartell wanting a library. The Great River Regional Library system

has requirements for a branch library in Sartell, including how far one can be from the St. Cloud and Waite Park branches. Why not partner with the Sartell-St. Stephen School District to get a branch library in a central location? Do you realize there are libraries in all of our schools for our children? Now funding is being sought for a new high school. Why not think about another avenue to success for both a branch library and a new high school? Build the new high school in the location being considered on Pinecone Road. Consider planning for both. We could use the current

high school by expanding its current library. There is a building there that has many positive features: central location, many acres of land for expansion, parking facilities and far enough so the St. Cloud Library system can’t complain it’s too close to St. Cloud. The growth of Sartell always offers possibilities, compared to St. Cloud, which is boxed in by other towns (for example Sartell, St. Joseph, Waite Park and more). As I wrote before: thinking outside the box. It might just succeed!

Democrats look for good turnout on caucus night Jim Graeve, DFL Precinct Chair, St. Joseph Next Tuesday, March 1, Minnesota and 10 other states will hold primaries and caucuses to help determine who will be on the ballot for president of the United States. We in Minnesota use the caucus system. Caucus means like-minded people of the party of your choice gather together to vote on issues and candidates for the presidency. This is grass-roots democracy at its best. We Democrats will meet at 7 p.m. in the following places:

All Sartell precincts, as well as St. Stephen, Le Sauk and Brockway townships will meet at the Sartell High School. Because this is a presidential year, we Democrats have a chance to cast a ballot for either Sen. Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton. This is called a binding ballot, meaning the votes cast for either candidate help determine the votes they will have at the Democratic National Convention later this summer. This is our chance to have a say on who will be on the ballot in November. It’s an awesome choice and a serious responsibility.

If you have Democratic Party leanings, come join us March 1 and help choose the Democratic Party’s nominee for president of the United States. It does not cost you any money if you do not choose to donate. Of course, like all non-profits, we will pass the hat for a few bucks to pay for party activities, mailings and more. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for registration. You may simply cast your ballot for either Clinton or Sanders if you are not interested in other issues.

Voice your views at caucus night in Minnesota Sen. Michelle Fischbach, District 13 The ideas expressed in the letters to the editor and of the guest columnists do not necessarily reflect the views of the Newsleaders. Letters to the editor may be sent to news@thenewsleaders. com or P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374. Deadline is noon Monday. Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only.) Letters must be 350 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for space.

On Tuesday, March 1, voters throughout Minnesota will meet in auditoriums, community centers and city halls to attend precinct caucuses. These local meetings are the official beginning of the 2016 election process, where you can gather with your neighbors to voice your views on major issues facing the state and the country. You will also be able to cast

your vote in the presidential-preference ballot, which determines how many delegates each candidate will receive at their party’s national convention. Anyone eligible to vote by Nov. 8 may participate in the caucus discussions. Regardless of your political affiliation, I hope you will take time to attend your precinct caucus. If this is your first caucus, you’ll learn a lot about the political process. If you regularly attend caucuses, try to convince one

of your neighbors to attend with you. Our system of government depends on the engagement of its citizens, and these meetings offer one of the best ways to have a direct impact on the issues and leaders that will shape our future. To find more information about your caucus location and what to expect, visit the Secretary of State’s caucus website at www.

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, Feb. 26, 2016

Man could get seven years for crash fatalities by Dennis Dalman

A St. Cloud man entered an Alford plea in court earlier this week stemming from an incident in which a ve- Souvannaphong hicle he was driving last summer in Sauk Rapids collided with another vehicle, killing two of its oc-

cupants. Tom Souvannaphong, 23, entered the plea in regard to two counts of criminal vehicular homicide while he was driving impaired by alcohol. An Alford plea is one in which the defendant does not confess guilt but agrees he would likely be convicted if all evidence was presented in a trial. Souvannaphong could receive a prison sentence of up to seven years for the charges. He could also be fined at the time of his sentencing, slated

for April 14. On Aug. 8, 2015, Souvannaphong was driving a vehicle across the Sauk Rapids bridge at a high rate of speed when he went through a red light and slammed into a vehicle driven by Kevin Davey of Hibbing. Davey, 51, and his wife, Kathy, 45, were killed in the accident. A passenger was injured and later treated and released. The Daveys had come to the area from Hibbing to enjoy stock-car races. They were on their way home at the time of the crash.

N., Sartell. mnvotesinfo.sos.state. Green Party Caucus for central Minnesota, 7 p.m., LuLu Beans Coffee Shop, 1020 First St. S., Willmar. mnvotesinfo.sos.state. Independence Party Caucus for central Minnesota, 7 p.m., Chatters Bar and Restaurant Party Room, 4181 Cedar St., Monticello. precinct-caucus. Libertarian Party of Minnesota Caucus for central Minnesota, 7 p.m., Rockwoods Grill and Bar, 9100 Quaday Ave. NE, Otsego. precinct-caucus. Republican Party Caucus for all Sartell city precincts, St. Stephen, Le Sauk, St. Wendel and Brockway townships, 7 p.m., Sartell Middle School, 7627 Third Ave. N., Sartell. mnvotesinfo.sos.state. Republican Precinct Caucuses for Benton County, 7 p.m., Sauk Rapids-Rice High School, 1835 Osauka Road. 320-260-0865.

Wednesday, March 2 Family-to-family, 6:30-9 p.m., Unity Spiritual Center, 931 Fifth Ave. N., Sartell. 320-290-7713. 320-249-2560. St. Stephen City Council, 7 p.m., St. Stephen City Hall, 2 Sixth Ave SE. 320-251-0964.

Community Calendar

Is your event listed? Send your information to: Newsleader Calendar, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374; fax it to 320-363-4195; or, e-mail it to news@thenewsleaders. com.

Friday, Feb. 26 Fish Fry, 5-7:30 p.m., Immaculate Conception Church, 145 Second Ave. N.E., Rice. 320-393-2725. Saturday, Feb. 27 Sartell’s Red Carpet Community Showcase, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell Middle School, 627 Third Ave. N. Sunday, Feb. 28 Dinner, sponsored by Knights of Columbus, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Mary the Immaculate Conception Church, 113 Broadway St. W., Rockville. Tuesday, March 1 Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party Caucus for all Sartell city precincts, St. Stephen, Le Sauk and Brockway townships, 7 p.m., Sartell High School, 748 Seventh St. AU TO M O B I L E S / M OTO RC Y C L E S WANTED MOTORCYCLES: TOP CASH PAID! For Old Motorcycles! 1900-1980. DEAD OR ALIVE! 920-371-0494 (MCN) WANT TO BUY WANTED TO BUY: Basswood by truckload delivered to Dodgeville, WI. Bark intact, harvested in dormancy, delivered FRESH cut. Pre-arranged purchases only. Call Al Ladd at 608-935-2341 ext.333 (MCN) ADOPTION *ADOPTION:* A Musical, Happy, Financially Secure Home, Loving Extended Family, Travel awaits precious 1st baby. *Expenses paid* *1-800-3525741* (MCN) FOR SALE New 20’ EX Speed Loader, 14K Electric Tilt, $4,599; New 18’ + 2’ 14,000# Stand-up Ramps, $3,789; New 6’x12’ V-Nose Ramp Door Cargo, $2,750; 2012 JD 3032E Compact Tractor, 128 Hours, with 2014 Motor, Bucket & Forks. 515972-4554. www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld. com (MCN) FRUIT TREES LOW AS $18. Blueberry, Grape, Strawberry, Asparagus, Evergreen & Hardwood Plants. FREE catalog. WOODSTOCK NURSERY, N1831 Hwy 95, Nellsville, WI 54456. Toll Free 888-803-8733. (MCN) WANT TO BUY CASH PAID for antique Harley Davidson, Indian or other American made motorcycles or related parts from 19001970. Any condition. Midwest collector will pick up anywhere. Phone 309-6454623 (MCN)

Thursday, March 3 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, 520 First St. NE, Sartell. Friday, March 4 Fish Fry, 4:30-7:30 p.m., St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 14241 Fruit Farm Road, St. Joseph. 320-363-2569. Fish Fry, 5-7:30 p.m., Immaculate Conception Church, 145 Second Ave. N.E., Rice. 320-393-2725. Saturday, March 5 Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction, proceeds to benefit the Matt Blonigan family, 3-8 p.m., Sauk Rapids VFW, 901 N. Benton Drive. 320-224-2327.


CITY OF SARTELL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 2016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: opment; Public Safety; Planning; That the Sartell Planning Commis- Community Culture; Parks and sion will hold a public hearing in Open Spaces; Transportation; Susthe Council Chambers of the Sar- tainability and Community Facilitell City Hall on Monday, the 7th ties. The Comprehensive Plan can day of March 2016, at 6:30 p.m., be viewed online at http://www. or as soon thereafter as the mat- may be heard, to obtain public sive-plan-update or by viewing a input on the draft 2016 Compre- paper copy at City Hall located at hensive Plan. The 2016 Compre- 125 Pinecone Road N. hensive Plan is a policy document intended to guide City decisions. Mary Degiovanni The Plan identifies a series of nine City Administrator driving principles and goals which include: Communications and Publish: Feb. 26, 2016 Engagement; Economic DevelCITY OF SARTELL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING PROPOSED PROPERTY-TAX ABATEMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the City Council of the City of Sartell, Minn., will hold a public hearing at a meeting of the council beginning at 6 p.m. Monday, March 14, 2016, to be held at the Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N., Sartell, Minn., on the proposal the city abate all or a portion of property taxes levied by the city on the properties identified by the following parcel identification numbers (the “Properties”): 92.56570.0166, 92.57044.0903, 92.57105.0400, 92.56579.0051, 92.56570.0164, 92.57044.0000, 92.56569.0850, 92.57169.0208, 92.56823.0229, 92.56823.0209, 92.56581.0100, 92.56716.0201, 92.56705.0077, 92.56705.0078, 92.56705.0085, 92.56705.0076, 92.56571.0145, 92.57044.0909, 92.56579.0047, 92.56579.0045, 92.56570.0163, 92.56570.0155, 92.57044.0900, 92.57044.0923, 92.57105.0422, 92.56570.0153, 92.56570.0150, 92.56579.0046, 92.56569.0852, 92.57049.9800, 92.56716.0280.

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The total amount of the taxes proposed to be abated by the city on the properties for up to a 20year period is estimated to be not more than $13.5 million. The city council will consider the property-tax abatement to finance improvements to the city’s regional community center and to certain regional parks, including improvements of and amenities related thereto (collectively, the “Project”), all located in the city. The city proposes to issue General-Obligation Tax-Abatement Bonds in the amount not to exceed $13.5 million to finance the Project. All interested persons may appear at the March 14 public hearing and present their views orally or in writing. Publish: Feb. 26, 2016

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


Painter from front page painting in 2003. She has since traveled the world, from the monasteries of Tibet to the refugee camps of eastern Chad, finding inspiration in spiritual and human connections. Sukhum’s paintings are now featured in the most prominent fine-art galleries in North America, and her paintings generally cost more than $10,000. She offered to do the performance and painting for less than half of her

standard fee. “What a rich and inspiring day we shared with the students and staff of Sartell High School,” Sukhum said. “It was such a joy to work with a school and individuals so committed to helping young people open their eyes to the world, their creativity, their dreams of a better future and shared humanity.” More than 1,500 people (staff, students and community members) were exposed to the performance. Thousands more will benefit from seeing the actual artwork displayed in the Sartell High School.

Friday, Feb. 26, 2016

Little Mermaid to make splash at SHS

photo by Hannah Marie & Myles B. Photography

Above right: The Little Mermaid cast for the seventh- and eighth-grade musical has been holding dress rehearsals all week in preparation for its performances. The group’s first performance was Thursday, and additional shows will be held at 7 p.m. tonight and at 2 p.m. Saturday. Everyone is invited to attend. There is a small fee for tickets. The show will be held at the high school theater, 748 Seventh St. N., Sartell; Above left: Madison Franzmeier plays the role of Ariel in the musical.

Available for showing now!

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• 3-bedroom/2-bath • 2-bedroom/1-bath • Two-car garage One-level living & walking distance to downtown

320-267-7156 •

Benefits: a meal is provided per shift; uniform shirt; holiday pay; hotel discounts; paid personal time off after one year; 401(k)/profit sharing contribution; medical insurance contribution.

To apply: send resume to: (preferred) Or complete application at:

HOLIDAY INN & SUITES 75 S. 37th Ave., St. Cloud, MN 56301

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