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City agrees to YMCA Town Crier lifeguard contract Friday, Feb. 28, 2014 Volume 19, Issue 9 Est. 1995

Summer Fastpitch Softball, ages 6-18

Register now! Sartell Fastpitch Softball Association is forming girls 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U and 18U summer teams. Registration deadline is Monday, March 31. (Pay by Saturday, March 15 and receive last year’s rates.) For more information about our league or to register, visit A parent meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 4 in the Sartell District Office. If you are unable to attend the meeting and would like more information, please contact Bill Davison at 320-291-4069. Like us on Facebook!

Resources for those experiencing homelessness

Project Homeless Connect, a one-day event for individuals and families experiencing or near homeless, will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, March 6 at River’s Edge Convention Center, downtown St. Cloud. The event provides a welcoming environment and a way to connect individuals with needed resources in the community. The Wilder Homeless Study conducted in Minnesota in October 2012 reflects the growing needs. From 2009-12, long-term homelessness increased faster in greater Minnesota (28 percent) than in the metro region (1 percent); last year, 325 children experienced homelessness in Central Minnesota. For more information, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers.

SSEF hosts Family Story Hour

The Family Library Story Hour, sponsored by the Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation, takes place from 11:15-12:45 p.m. Mondays, March 3 and 17, April 7 and 28 and May 12 at the District Service Center, 212 3rd Ave. N., Sartell. Approximately 15 children, as young as 9 months up to 5 years, participate with their parents or caregivers.

Hot off the press

If you’d like to receive the Newsleader hot off the press, send us your email address and we’ll notify you with a link when our website is updated, which is typically by noon a day in advance of the print edition. Send your email to and you should start receiving your reminder at that address within a week. Notify us otherwise.

INSERT: Quiznos

by Dennis Dalman

The two wading pools in Sartell will be staffed by certified lifeguards from the St. Cloud Area Young Men’s Christian Association. At its Feb. 24 city council meeting, members voted unanimously to sign a one-year contract with the YMCA to provide a lifeguard at each of the city’s two kiddie pools – the one in Watab Park, the other in the Celebration neighborhood area. It will cost the city an estimated $1,800 more than what the city usually pays on an annual basis to staff, maintain the pools, repairs and equipment costs – an amount of about $28,000. Wages for the lifeguards, as they were for previous lifeguards, are estimated at about $17,000. Sartell City Administrator Mary Degiovanni told the council she is convinced the city will come out ahead in expenses, largely because the city’s public-works staff will not have to do hiring of collegestudent lifeguards or spend time on scheduling and management issues. That will free up the staff for other summer work

they must do, she noted. The YMCA contract is for a fixed amount of cost. The only thing that could change is if there are some hot, busy days when a second lifeguard is needed. But, as Degiovanni noted, in previous years the city had to hire extra lifeguards on days like that, anyway. Last year, in fact, some YMCA lifeguards helped out in Sartell after college-student lifeguards had to quit their jobs to go back to school. The pools will be open from 11:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Monday through Sunday from May 26 through Labor Day, Sept. 1. The YMCA contract requires Sartell to provide a defibrillation machine at each pool, and so the city has decided to use the two AEDs currently housed at each of the city’s two water plants. In making the decision to enter into the contract, council members Steve Hennes and Amy Braig-Lindstrom called it a good partnership. Member David Peterson said a one-year contract is well worth a try to see how it works. He also said the city has required more and more summer tasks of the public-works department in recent years, and the YMCA contract should help YMCA • page 5

Perske referees last game

contributed photo

Joe Perske, candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives’ District 6, bid an emotional farewell to coaching and refereeing adaptive floor hockey on Feb. 18 at North Junior High. For many years, Perske has been involved in adaptive floor hockey, which offers special-needs kids a chance to play in a competitive sport, build physical and social skills, and work as a team. Tuesday’s game was an exciting one because Perske’s team, the St. Cloud Slapshots, fell behind early in the game, but they fought back in a valiant effort, bringing the score from 7-1 to 7-6, but the team ultimately lost to the Maple Grove Crimsons. The demands of a full schedule of campaign activities for a seat in the U.S. House has forced Perske to limit his coaching activities. Perske is the current mayor of Sartell.

Verbal football tossed back and forth (Part 1) by Dennis Dalman

Has football become too dangerous to remain a high-school sport? That was the lively topic of the second “Sartell Says” debate that took place Feb. 19 at Sartell City Hall. Before and after the debate, the overwhelming majority of the audience (close to 80 per-

cent) were in favor of football remaining a high-school sport. However, the other side of the debate – those who argued against the resolution – were declared the winners of the debate because more people changed their minds during the debate to jibe with their way. Before the debate began, audience members were each given two cents. They were encouraged to put one of the pen-

nies in one of three buckets that reflected their opinions: a green bucket for those in favor of football remaining a high-school sport, a red bucket opposed to that resolution, or a yellow bucket for “Undecided.” Before the debate, 76 percent of audience members were for high-school football. After the debate, that side gained by 3 points, to 79 percent. Those against continuing

football as a high-school sport before the debate accounted for 5 percent of the audience. After the debate, pennies in buckets showed that percentage had increased by 10 percent, from 5 percent to 15 percent. The “Sartell Says’ series of debates is moderated by Patty Candella of Sartell, who is the executive producer of the series. It’s funded by contributions, and Football • page 4

Sartell Supt. Schwiebert to start July 1 by Dennis Dalman

As of July 1, the Sartell-St. Stephen School District will have a new superintendent. At the Schwiebert Feb. 24 school board meeting,

members unanimously agreed to a three-year work contract negotiated between the board and Jeff Schwiebert, who is now officially superintendent of Sartell schools. Mike Spanier has been interim superintendent after Joe Hill resigned from that position last year. Earlier this month, the board selected Schwiebert from among three finalists for the position from 40 applicants

who applied, but his official hiring was dependent upon him and the board agreeing to a work contract. In the first year of his job Schwiebert will be paid $156,500, which is an amount comparable to other school districts of the same size in the state. He will receive an increase of 2 percent in the second and third years of the contract. The contract also calls

for 11 days of paid holidays and 30 days of paid vacations. Schwiebert is seeking a residence in Sartell. He and his family currently live in Eldridge, Iowa where he has served as superintendent of the North Scott Community School District since 2009. His starting salary there was $150,000. Before his job in North Scott, Schwiebert • page 5

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, Feb. 28, 2014



Four Sartell Sabre dancers sciences broad field and pre-prachave been named to two all-tourna- tical nursing; Sarah Gross, liberal arts and sciences; Andrew ment teams. Hannah Carey and Jenna Hollencamp, carpentry; Scott Klein are members of the Class Hollenkamp, machine tool techAA Girls’ High-Kick Dance All- nology; Hanna Johnson, health Tournament Team. Sarah Erickson sciences broad field and pre-dental and Avalon Schlecht were named hygiene; Melissa Jokela, adverto the Class AA Girls’ Jazz Dance tising communication and design and liberal arts and sciences; John All-Tournament Team. On Feb. 14-15, the Sartell Sabre Kitzmiller, network administraDance Team took second in high- tion; David Mattson, plumbing, kick and third in jazz at the state shop management; Brian Menke, tournament in Target Center in the accounting; Rebecca Peterson, child and adult care and education Twin Cities. The all-team honors were an- and paraprofessional educator; Wisbar-Arnesen Paul and Juli Arnesen of Sartell, nounced by Wells Fargo, which is Megan Rech, advertising commuMr. and Mrs. Paul Arnesen of Sartell, MNMinnesota announce the engagement of their Chad contributed Han photo nication and design; Jody son, Schave, a prime sponsor of the announce the engagement of their aul Arnesen of Sartell, MN announce the engagement of their son, Chad Han machineof tool David ofNolan Frank of Sartell recently signed with the University of High School League. The all- daughter son, Chad Han Arnesen Arnesen ((한샘),), to State Megan Rose Wisbar (박근영), Garytechnology; and Mary Wisbar Schepers, commercial heating, team honors recognize student athWisbar ( ), , to Megan Rose Wisbar (박근영), daughter of Gary and Mary Wisbar of Jamestown (N.D.) Jimmies golf team beginning in 2014. Stillwater, MN. daughter of Gary and Mary Wisbar letes who demonstrate exceptional air conditioning and refrigeration; Brian automotives service – Local sportsmanship, teamofcommitment, of Stillwater, Minn. The future bride received a Bachelor Arts degree from theSmith, University of Wisconsin River student signs with University of Jamestown golf team technician; Scott Sova, machine athletic and leadership dur-– River Wisbara earned a bachelor’s de- from e received Bachelor of Arts degree the ability University of Wisconsin “We are excited to add Nolan in basketball and Fellowship of Falls. She taught English in South Korea fortournathree years. She is currently enrolled at St. Cloud tool technology; Derek Stahnke, to the University of Jamestown Christian Athletes. He plans to ing She the isstate high-school fromin the University ofthree Wis-years. t gree English South Korea for currently enrolled at St. Cloud State University her Master of Arts degree. plumbing; Dana Svensson, liberal family,” said Dustin Jensen, U major in business administration. consin-River taught forments. for her Master Falls. of Arts She degree. arts and sciences; Kendra Voigt, of Jamestown’s head men’s and He is the son of Sheila and Randy English in South Korea for three The future groom graduated from theofUniversity of Minnesota with care a Bachelor of Arts degree. child and adult and education Ryan Deroeck Sartell was and isfrom currently earning her women’s golf coach. “He has a Frank. myears graduated the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He is a Veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom. He is currently employed by the Minnesota and paraprofessional educator; recently named to the dean’s list at master’s degree at St. Cloud State passion for bettering himself both “I chose University of Jamesof Operation Enduring Freedom. He is currently employed by the Minnesota the Safety. University of Minnesota, Mor- and Jennifer Vonderhaar, office inside and outside of the class- town because I really like the University. Department of Public Public Safety. room. On the golf course, he has smaller campus and feeling of Arnesen graduated with a bach- ris. Students must achieve a mini- technology assistant/medical. mum grade-point The wedding is currently planned foraverage Springofor3.66 SummerThose 2015. earning dean’s list sta- only scratched the surface of his community where students and elor’s degree from University currently planned forthe Spring or Summer 2015. tus with a minimum grade-point potential. We are expecting great staff know and help each other,” of Minnesota. He is a veteran of to qualify. average of 3.5 are the follow- things from him as he dons the Frank said. “Also the four-year Operation Enduring Freedom and black and orange!” graduation guarantee and good Five Sartell students were re- ing: Rebekka Carriere, dental is currently employed by the MinFrank is a three-time Minne- business program, which I plan nesota Department of Public Safety. cently named to the fall dean’s list hygiene and liberal arts and sci- sota Junior PGA champion and to major in. Finally, I am excited ences; Aaron Couch, liberal arts team captain for Sartell High for the opportunity to be a part of The wedding is planned for at the College of St. Benedict. They, their parents and majors and sciences; Nichole Erickson, School. He has also been active the golf team.” spring/summer 2015 in Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community in are as follows: Kelly Husmann, liberal arts and sciences; Timdaughter of Barb and Randy Hus- othy Gratke, energy technical Wayzata, Minn. mann, first-year, global business specialist-nuclear and instrumenleadership; Brandi Bollig, daugh- tation and process control; Alyssa Five Sartell students were re- Amendment to digitize part of MyHauer, liberal arts and sciences ter of John Bollig, sophomore, cently named to the fall dean’s list ron Hall’s large collection of photo If any readers have tips concernand practical nursing; Cameron chemistry and biology; Catherine negatives in order to broaden pubat St. John’s University. ing crimes, they should call the Sartell Kazik, electrical construction Wohletz, daughter of Sandy and lic accessibility. The Minnesota They, their parents and majors Police Department at 320-251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255- Frank Wohletz, sophomore, nurs- technology; Emily Kelm, prac- are as follows: Timothy Immel- Historical Society, the organiza1301 or access its tip site at www. ing; Nikki Orth-Awenus, daughter tical nursing; Jessica Kinkaid, man, son of Pamela and Aubrey tion responsible for administering Crime of Holly Orth, senior, communica- health sciences broad field and Immelman, first-year, political sci- the grants, recently awarded 111 Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 tion and English; and Tracy Sche- pre-dental hygiene; Brandy ence and psychology; Isaac Lind- grants and more than $4.2 million for information leading to the arrest fers, daughter of Lynn and Kevin Klinkner, dental hygiene; Brant strom, son of Matt Lindstrom, for non-profit and educational orand conviction of those responsible for Schefers, senior, management. Luzier, liberal arts and sciences; first-year, undeclared; Alexander ganizations, government units and crimes. Students must earn a minimum Tara Nelsen, advertising commu- Baxa, son of Diana and Don- tribal organizations to preserve grade-point average of 3.80 to nication and design and advertis- ald Baxa, senior, biology; Jared and share the state’s history and Feb. 12 ing web design and development; Baxa, son of Diana and Donald cultural heritage. The grants are achieve this honor. 9:12 a.m. 1st Street NE. Found Joseph Newinski, liberal arts and Baxa, senior, biology; and Alex awarded according to professional Property. A walker was found lying Forty-one Sartell students sciences; Brent Orndorff, en- Hanson, son of Michelle and Ron standards and criteria. on the roadway. It is being held at were recently named to the fall ergy technical specialist, instru- Hanson, senior, individualized. the Sartell Police Department. president’s and dean’s lists at St. mentation and process control, Four Sartell students were reStudents must earn a minimum 2:13 p.m. Boulder Drive. AniCloud Technical and Community mechatronics, and robotics and grade-point average of 3.80 to cently named to the fall dean’s mal complaint. An unleashed dog College. automation technology; Marissa achieve this honor. list at the University of North was witnessed running down the Those earning president’s list Rapaway, liberal arts and sciDakota, Grand Forks. They are road. The owner was issued a citastatus with a minimum grade-point ences; Dennis Schneider, water Tayler Dahlman, Ashley RegniJohn Milam of Sartell, was tion for failing to leash or contain average of 4.0 are the followenvironment technologies; and er, Katelyn Rykhus and Brandrecently named to the fall dean’s their pet. ing: Melanie Anderson, practical Mark Seelen, machine tool tech- list at Augsburg College. He is onYurczyk. Students must have a nursing; Lauren Cruze, child and nology. studying business and marketing. grade-point average in the top 15 Feb. 13 Students must attain a minimum percent to earn this honor. 3:49 p.m. 14th Street N. A ju- adult care and education and paraIan Lo, son of Rachel Schun- 3.5 grade-point average to earn venile male reported a suspicious professional educator; Candace Kiley Sullivan of Sartell was vehicle parked in his driveway. Dezelske, liberal arts and sciences; eman and Yang Lo of Sartell, was this honor. Officers were able to contact the Bradley Emslander, liberal arts recently named to the fall princirecently named to the fall dean’s registered owner and found he was and sciences and practical nursing; pal’s honor roll at St. John’s UniThe Stearns History Muse- list at the University of Wisconsin, with the juvenile’s father. Katelyn Evenson, liberal arts and versity. He is a seventh-grader. um and Research Center in St. Madison. She is a business major. 9:35 p.m. 3rd Avenue N. Driv- sciences; Cody Fisher, commer- Students must attain a minimum Cloud recently received a $9,069 Students must achieve a minimum ing complaint. A report was made cial heating, air conditioning and 3.0 grade-point average to earn Minnesota Historical and Cultural of a 3.75 grade-point average to Blotter • page 5 refrigeration; Faye Flicker, health this honor. Heritage grant from the Legacy qualify.



Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

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Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Friday, Feb. 28, 2014

Sartell Newsleader •



REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 748 JAN. 27, 2014 DISTRICT CENTER BOARD ROOM The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 7 p.m. by Chair Michelle Meyer. Members present: Meyer: Krista Durrwachter, vice chair; Jason Nies, clerk; Mary McCabe, director; Pam Raden, director; Dan Riordan, director; and Michael Spanier, interim superintendent. Members absent: None.

Finance and Operations Committee • Discussed staffing for the 2014-15 school year and how it aligns with the district budget and goals. • Looked at enrollment and the impact on budget and facilities. Negotiations Committee • The committee continues to work with multi-unit 284 group.

A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Nies to amend the following items on the agenda:

Report on Science Curriculum: Teachers Angela McSorley, Jenna Blomgren and Becky Thompson presented on the district’s science curriculum.

C. Action Items – Personnel Omnibus- Sophie Lohn – Leave – Feb. 10, 2014 through Feb. 10, 2015

Report on High School Course Changes: Brenda Steve, principal at Sartell High School, presented on the changes and updates of courses for the 2014-15 school year.

D. Discussion Items – 3. Discussion of Adjustment to 2013-14 Instructional Calendar to Account for School Cancellation on Jan. 27 and 28, 2014. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Nies to approve consent items a-d as presented below: a. Minutes of the Property Tax Hearing held on Dec. 16, 2013 and the regular school board meeting held on Dec. 16, 2013 b. Checks in the amount of $2,975,840.17 as presented: General 2,390,582.36 Food Service 183,456.10 Transportation 113,786.08 Community Service 68,277.78 Capital Expenditure 218,859.95 Building Fund 379.25 Debt Service Fund 375.00 Summer Rec Agency 123.65 Check numbers 154554 to 155057. Receipts in the amount of $2,891,604.84 as presented: General Fund 12,559,121.88 Food Service Fund 229,680.00 Transportation Fund 6,612.99 Community Service Fund 58,659.14 Capital Expenditure Fund 3,422.75 Building Fund 1.07 Debt Service Fund 33,747.01 Summer Rec Agency Fund 360.00 Receipts 39302-39415 Wire transfers in the amount of $20,814,315.91 as presented: General Fund 1,833.49 Food Service Fund 2,704.65 Community Service Fund 177.14 Debt Service Fund 20,809,600.63 Wire transfers 201300033-201300036 c. Accept the following donations: Weetrees, Pine Meadow Elementary School, $125 – Undesignated by donor Gail and Mike McCarty, Sartell-St. Stephen Early Childhood, $180 – Preschool and beginning reader books d. Accept the resignation of Vanessa Axtell, SMS, lunchroom supervisor, effective 01-04-14; Mike Glauner, Sartell School District, substitute bus driver, effective 12-20-13 and Randy Husmann, ORE, principal, effective 06-30-14. Student Representative Report: Shawn Sullivan, senior at Sartell High School • With two days off due to weather at the beginning of January, SHS students had a modified finals schedule and took finals with a smooth transition to a new semester. • Winter Wonderland week and dance was shifted. The dance was sold out and there was a positive response from the 300 students who attended. • Sartell High School registration is coming up. There are several new and interesting course offerings. • Janagan Ramanathan won the SMS Geo Bee and took the state qualifying test. • Sartell Middle school Ski and Snowboard Club is currently being offered. • Sartell Middle School and Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up within the next few weeks. • Elementary students are in the middle of their mid-year NWEA MAP assessments which provide growth data for students and families • Kindergarten registration is being held this week. • Having the days off can be difficult for SHS students but some are using Schoology to get assignments completed and stay caught up when days are missed.

A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Nies to APPROVE THE PERSONNEL OMNIBUS RESOLUTION. New Employees or Changes: Tori Altermatt, ORE, LTS elementary education, $184.81/per day, replacing Rebecca Monahan Quinn Anderson, SHS, assistant gymnastics, $1,587/ BS1 (9.5%), new position outside funded Jill Haehn, ORE, reading intervention, $25.98 per hour, board-approved position Krista Heim, ORE, Title 1, $23.10 per hour/BA,S1, replacing Jill Haehn Richard Hicks, SMS, server/kitchen employee, $13.49 per hour, replacing Joy Kowalke Neshaw Houg, ORE, student supervisor $12.65/R1,S1, replacing Deb Gallus Joy Kowalke, SMS, cafeteria worker, $14.34 per hour, replacing Sharon Schnapp Kayla Lord, SMS, teacher, $184.81 per day/BA, S1, replacing Mary Jo Vigoren Taunja Moe, SHS, receptionist – sub, $16.58 per hour/R2, S1, substitute for Lisa Schoon Nicole Pride, SMS, lunchroom supervisor, $12.65 per hour, replacing Vanessa Axtell Kathleen Porwoll, SHS, cashier, $15.54 per hour, replacing Traci Schuneman Doreen Schmidt, PME, reading interventionist, $23.10 per hour/BA, S1, board-approved position Traci Schuneman, SHS server, $14.91 per hour, replacing Kathleen Porwall Janet Summerall, SHS, homebound, $23.10 per hour/BA, S1, new position Kathy Wolf, transportation, bus monitor, $14.42/5.5 hours per day, replacing Breanna Hubbard Leave of Absences: Jennifer LaBonne, ORE, teacher, leave, April 4-June 4, 2014 Sophie Lohn, ORE, teacher, leave, Feb. 10, 2014 – Feb. 10, 2015 Emily Meyer, SHS, teacher, leave, March 21-June 5, 2014 Rebecca Monahan, ORE, teacher, leave, April 3-June 3, 2014 Judy Ohman, PME and ORE, student supervisor, leave, Jan. 10-March 1, 2014 Joe Perske, SMS, teacher, unpaid leave, Feb. 3-June 5, 2014 Lisa Schoon, SHS, receptionist, leave, Jan. 2-March 26, 2014 A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Durrwachter to HAVE SECOND READING AND APPROVE REVISED POLICY 616 and 618. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Nies to HAVE THIRD READING AND APPROVE NEW POLICY 711. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Nies to APPROVE THE MSHSL GRANT REQUST – TARGET CLUB/SARTELL HIGH SCHOOL. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Nies to APPROVE THE ADOPTION OF DISTRICT 748 WORLD’S BEST WORKFORCE PLAN. All in favor. Motion carried. Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings Community Outreach Committee – Feb. 12 at 4:15 p.m. at City Hall Facilities Committee – Feb. 13 at 4 p.m. at the District Service Center Policy Committee – Feb. 18 at 4 p.m. at the District Service Center Discuss School District Calendar for 2014-15: Kay Nelson, director of Curriculum and Instruction presented on the Calendar Committee process. Discussion of 2013-14: The board members discussed making up one or more of the days from Jan. 27 and 28. A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Riordan to APPROVE MONDAY, APRIL 21, AS A REGULAR INSTRUCTION DAY. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 p.m. was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Riordan. All in favor. Motion carried.

SPECIAL BOARD MEETING SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 748 JAN. 27, 2014 DISTRICT CENTER BOARD ROOM The special meeting to approve a Riordan, director; and Michael TENDENT BEING BROUGHT slate of candidates for the super- Spanier, interim superintendent. FORTH BY SCHOOL EXEC intendent was called to order at Members absent: None. CONNECT. All in favor. Motion 5 p.m. by Chair Michelle Meyer. carried. Members present: Meyer; Krista A motion was made by Durrwachter, vice chair; Jason Durrwachter and seconded by The board took a recess until they Superintendent Report: Mike Spanier, interim superintendent • Mike Spanier, Brenda Braulick, ISD 748 food service director, Nies, clerk; Mary McCabe, di- Raden to APPROVE THE 7 resumed to the regular school along with Rochester and Rosemount-Apple Valley school districts rector; Pam Raden, director; Dan CANDIDATES FOR SUPERIN- board meeting. attended the MSBA Conference and presented the USDA Nutritional Guidelines to the state’s school board members. The presentation SPECIAL BOARD MEETING was introduced by Pam Raden, Sartell-St. Stephen School Board SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 748 member. Braulik was also recognized as a member of the Alliance FEB. 6, 2014 DISTRICT CENTER BOARD ROOM Food Service Director Network, a group of the 35 best-in-class The special meeting to approve Spanier, interim superintendent. TENDENT OF ISD #748 SARschool nutrition directors. the candidate to move forward for Members absent: None. TELL-ST. STEPHEN SCHOOL School Board Committees contract negotiations as superinDISTRICT. All in favor. Motion Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Advisory Committee tendent was called to order at 8:45 A motion was made by carried. • Discussed how Academic Extensions/Gifted and Talented is using and seconded the Cognitive Abilities Assessment to better identify students for p.m. by Chair Michelle Meyer. Durrwachter Members present: Meyer; Krista by Nies to APPROVE JEFF A motion to adjourn the meeting services. • Sartell High School course updates and offerings were shared with Durrwachter, vice chair; Jason SCHWIEBERT AS THE CAN- at 9 p.m. was made by Riordan the group. Nies, clerk; Mary McCabe, di- DIDATE THAT WILL ENTER and seconded by Raden. All in fa• Kay Nelson, director of Learning Services shared district and build- rector; Pam Raden, director; Dan INTO NEGOTIATIONS FOR vor. Motion carried. ing improvement goals. Riordan, director; and Michael THE POSITION OF SUPERIN-

Sartell Newsleader •


Football from front page the City of Sartell hosts it in the city hall’s council chamber. The two debaters in favor of the resolution were Julie Alexander, an athletic trainer for the athletic programs at St. Cloud State University; and Dave DeLand, St. Cloud Times sports writer who has covered college and high school sports, including football, for 30 years. The two debaters arguing against the resolution were Tony Cunningham, a former boxer and current philosophy professor at St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict; and Dr. George Morris, a sports and family practitioner at CentraCare.

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Opening statements

The debate began with opening statements. The following are brief, paraphrased summaries of the points made by each debater: DeLand: He told about a highschool football player who, approaching the end zone, caught the ball over his shoulder, then ran into a goal post, breaking his right wrist and being knocked unconscious. It was, he said, the only touchdown that guy ever scored and – go figure – he was unconscious and so could not enjoy the triumph. That guy, DeLand said, was he himself, long ago in high school. Despite the concussion he received in that knockout, DeLand said he has always been grateful for the chance to play football. It was, he said, an important part of his life. If football is banned from high school, almost every sport would have to go. Gymnastics has the most potential for catastrophic injuries, he said. DeLand’s own niece had to quit soccer because of severe headaches. It’s not fair to equate high-school football with NFL football because the NFL is well known for dramatic very highimpact body collisions. Highschool football programs, he said, emphasize the right, safer way to play the sport. If the criterion is “They might get

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parents and coaches so they won’t have to sit out games. Those factors, he said, make football playing a dangerous, risky sport. Alexander: The incidents of football injuries has improved throughout the 20th Century, she said. Helmets, especially, were a helpful innovation, especially those designed and made in the 1970s, which helped reduce head injuries dramatically. Football, she noted, does have the highest concussion incidence in high-school sports, but, on the other hand, there are more concussions noted in all sports. That, she said, could be due to increased awareness and reporting. Concussions are actually more common in females than in males. It’s also a false assumption that concussions surely lead necessarily to brain damage. Nowadays, in all states, there is an immediate removal of all players from play if they suffer a concussion. Education and awareness must be stressed, playing techniques must be monitored, practices should be limited and heads in high-school sports must not be used as “weapons.” And concussions must be treated, not ignored. There are twice as many concussions in high schools than in colleges, and that, she said, is due mainly to a “glaring” lack of medically

trained personnel and trainers present at high-school games. Morris: Football is a “collision sport” not a contact sport. It involves high speed, high impact, high powers. It’s not intentional, but such force can result in harm to another individual. Football has the highest risk of injuries. Even a small hit to the head can exert as much G-force as that felt by an F-15 fighter in acceleration. A major hit can exceed what an astronaut experiences on takeoff from the Earth. Hits in football can be the equivalent of running into a brick wall at 35 mph. Yes, changes and safety improvements are all good, but they’re not always successful. Some studies show safety measures like helmets offer no definitive benefits to prevent internal head injuries. There have been good changes that made hockey safer. When it comes to football, parents, coaches, teachers, administrators must insist on safety changes. Cutting down on the number of practices is important to minimize the chance of heat injuries. Kids are growing bigger and faster than in previous times, making football more potentially dangerous. Football is worthwhile, but we can change how it’s being done in high schools today. (See Part 2 in the March 7 edition)

Wintry city streets needed 1,450 tons of salt by Dennis Dalman


hurt,” DeLand said, then all high-school sports would have to be abolished, and nobody wants that, he added. Cunningham: Adults and school personnel are stewards for the well-being of students. Yes, students can get hurt if jabbed by a pencil, but football can result in serious brain injuries. In most high-school sports, athletes can get hurt when they miscalculate or make mistakes. However, football is different because its players at the highschool level have been bigger, faster and stronger and, thus, body collisions are more likely to cause concussions and other serious injuries. Six high-school players in the United States have died in just one year. And even if injuries don’t result in death, they can lead to neurological brain damage in later years. A high-schooler’s brain does not develop fully until later, when they are in their mid-20s. Cunningham said he’s in favor of improving safety, such as helmets, but safety measures cannot prevent serious injuries from such a hard-hitting sport. Helmets, he said, can stop the head from opening up, but it cannot stop a brain from being jarred and joggled inside the skull. Young men’s brains are “wired for taking risks,” he noted. Young football players are likely to hide any injuries from

Friday, Feb. 28, 2014

The Sartell Public Works Department street crew has put down a veritable mountain of salt on city streets throughout the long, cold winter. It was an all-time record amount of salt for the city – a stupendous 1,450 tons of the stuff so far. And, as shivering persons know all too well, win-

ter’s not over. Borders told the council at its Feb. 24 meeting the department just put in an order for 250 more tons of road salt. During most winters, he noted, the street workers spread about 600 tons, average, per year. On the very coldest, sunless days, the salt is mixed with sand. That is because salt alone will not melt ice unless sunshine hits the salt to start the melting pro-

cess. If sand is mixed with it, the sand will prevent vehicles from slip-sliding, and the sand tends to help the salt activate when there is no sun. Borders said his crew has been extremely busy because of the frequent onslaught of snowfall and blowing snow for the past four months. Weekend work was required quite a few times to keep the roads open. Snow drifting into roads had to be dealt

with many times, he noted, with Pinecone Road being especially troublesome. Due to drifting snow, all of the city’s three snow plows were required many times. Overtime hours were necessary, especially during the month of January. Sartell Administrator Mary Degiovanni told the council any costs in excess of the street budget would come out of the general fund.

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Friday, Feb. 28, 2014

Sartell Newsleader •


Alumni pets wanted for portrait sessions by Dennis Dalman

of their animals, with an option to buy more prints if the owners so choose. To make an appointment for a photo session, call 320-2520896. Those who already have professional-quality photos of their pets are encouraged to email them with the owner’s name, the pet’s name and when they were adopted. Then put “WKB Slideshow” in the subject line and send them to tchs-events@ The two photo sessions at the Tri-County Humane Society are as follows: For dogs: Saturday, March 8 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday, March 9 from noon-5 p.m. The location will be outdoors behind the TCHS shelter. The photographer will be Cahlean

Klenke of “About a Dog Photography.” Each photo session will take about 15 minutes. For cats and small pets: March 8 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. The location will be indoors in the training facility behind the TCHS shelter. The photographer will be Adam Lewis, a TCHS employee. Each session will take about 15 minutes. A pet sale continues at TCHS. Two kittens (under 6 months) can be adopted for the price of one. For cats 6 months and older, customers can name their own price to adopt them; and cats 2 years and older are free to seniors, veterans and military personnel. To adopt, call 252-0896 or to find out more information, go to

Schwiebert started his career as a teacher in the Mount Vernon (Iowa) Community School District. There, he spent the early years of his educational service: teacher, assistant prin-

cipal, principal, athletic director and superintendent. Schwiebert earned bachelor’s degrees in history and education from Cornell College (Mount Vernon, Iowa) in 1981. He then earned a master’s degree in secondary education from the University of Iowa and a superintendent certificate from the University of

Northern Iowa. His first job was as a teacher in the Mount Vernon district. He spent most of his career there, working his way up to assistant principal, principal, athletic director and superintendent. After his job at Mount Vernon, he was hired by North Scott.


light. The driver admitted to both violations and he was issued citations.

from page 2

Feb. 15 2:58 a.m. 7th Avenue S. Domestic. A report was made regarding yelling and pounding noises coming from a nearby residence. Officers arrived and spoke to two adult males and one adult female. None admitted to any yelling or arguments. 9:42 p.m. Walmart. Theft. A juvenile female was witnessed attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. She admitted to the theft. She was issued a citation and released to her mother. Feb. 16 2:03 a.m. Domestic. An emergency call was placed requesting officer assistance regarding an adult male physically fighting with an adult female. The adult male was

placed under arrest and transported to Stearns County Jail without incident. 11:32 a.m. Found property. A found iPhone was turned into the Police Department. An officer transported the phone to the carrier who would contact the owner.

Adopted pets are wanted for an “Alumni Photo Shoot” March 8-9 at the Tri-County Humane Society. The idea for the photo shoot is to get updated photos of animals that have been adopted so they can be added to the “Before” photos that are already at the humane society, which always photographs animals before they are adopted. The “Before” and “After” photos can then be combined for a crowd-pleasing slide show at the society’s next Wine, Kibbles and Bits annual fundraiser, scheduled for April 25 this year. The photographs will be taken free of charge, and both photographers will give the pets’ owners a free 8” x 10” portrait

Schwiebert from front page

regarding vehicles driving erratically in a parking lot. Officers arrived and found four juvenile males, who admitted to the violations. They were all issued citations and released. Feb. 14 10:04 p.m. 19th Avenue S. Welfare check. Officers were asked to check on two juvenile males who were sitting on the curb of the road. Officers were unable to locate the males. 11:45 p.m. Highway 15. Traffic stop. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 100 mph in a posted 60-mph zone. The driver was also witnessed making a left-hand turn on a red

contributed photos

These three cats and three dogs are featured on a poster about photo sessions for “Pet Alumni” for the Tri-County Humane Society. The Society is asking people who have adopted pets there to bring them back in for free photo sessions so a series of “Before” and “After” shots can be made into a promotional slide show.

YMCA from front page free up city staff time. Member Sarah Jane Nicoll said she is concerned about spending an estimated $1,800 above what the

city normally spends, and she said she is also concerned that amount could get much higher when the YMCA decides a second lifeguard is required. Still, Nicoll decided to vote in favor of the contract, anyway, deciding the pluses are worth trying it for one year.



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Feb. 17 4:03 p.m. Riverside Avenue. Traffic stop. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 50 mph in a posted 30-mph zone. The driver stated she was not aware of the speed limit or her speed. She was issued a citation and released. Feb. 18 12:49 p.m. Walmart. Theft. An adult female was witnessed attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. She was placed under arrest and taken to the Stearns County Jail without incident.

CNC MACHINIST $1,000 SIGN-ON BONUS Industry-leading manufacturer of precision granite solutions is seeking a 2nd Shift CNC Machinist. Candidates applying for this position should understand blueprint reading, G&M codes and have a degree in Machining or two years experience. GibbsCAM and SolidWorks knowledge helpful but not required. We offer competitive wages and excellent benefits. We also offer a $1,000 sign-on bonus to those who qualify. If you would like to join this progressive, industryleading company, please send resume to: Paula Thompson, Human Resources Manager P.O. Box 430 1101 Prosper Drive Waite Park, MN 56387

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, Feb. 28, 2014

Opinion Our View

New work-site driving laws should at least be tried A law to ban cell-phone use in roadway work zones begs the question: Shouldn’t cell-phone use be banned on every street and roadway in the state? As they say, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Yes, it’s good legislators are considering how to make work zones safer. There’s no excuse for the shocking number of accidents, injuries and fatalities that have occurred at or along roadway work sites in just the past 10 years – 41 deaths and more than 4,000 injuries. Work-crew members at those sites have often remarked about how many motorists breeze blithely through those sites, yakking away on cell phones or indulging in other distractive behaviors, often while exceeding the posted speed limits. That observation was made by Deb Carlson during a State House committee hearing at the St. Paul Capitol earlier this month. Carlson is the widow of Craig Carlson, who was killed, along with Ron Rajkowski, at a worksite by Burnsville in 2011. Ron’s widow, Jodi Rajkowski of St. Joseph, also spoke at the hearing. They urged legislators to ban cell phones and lower speed limits at work-zone sites. As every motorist should know by now, speed kills; and speed plus distractive behavior is a double danger. That is especially true at work sites when so many things going on at once can be distractive and/or confusing, including detours, rerouting configurations, heavy equipment, noises and workers that can easily become vulnerable to distracted drivers. Speeding or using a cell phone greatly exacerbates the distractions beyond the vehicle’s windshield. People forget a serious or fatal roadway accident usually happens – literally – in the blink of an eye, in a millisecond. Drivers who talk on cell phones, fiddle with radio knobs, eat dinner, put on makeup or do other forms of roadway multi-tasking are asking for trouble. These adults seem to act as if they are perpetual teenagers – immortal, invulnerable, indestructible. They are, in fact, irresponsible operators of fast-moving vehicles; they are threats to public safety. It’s really discouraging drivers have to be reminded driving demands one’s full attention at all times on any street or roadway. We have to wonder if any law at all is going to persuade distracted drivers to start keeping their eyes and their minds on their driving. However, it’s certainly worth a try. It took a long time, but seat-belt laws have gradually convinced an overwhelming majority of drivers and passengers to buckle up. Laws against drunken driving have convinced an increasing number of drivers not to drive while intoxicated. Perhaps if enough drivers are caught – and prosecuted – for driving while doing distractive activities, it might convince more and more drivers to realize, at long last, it’s a very dangerous thing to be doing and they should stop it before they injure or kill themselves or somebody else. Two years ago, the legislature passed a law against texting while driving. However, it’s difficult for law enforcement to determine visually if someone is talking or texting while driving. The real solution is to ban cell-phone or iPad use, period, while driving. The legislature, for now at least, should pass the workzone law. Later, if that law proves effective, it should be extended to all streets and roads. In short, no cell-phone use while driving, period. We can only hope such a law will make the difference.

Rodman, please go; the plane’s waiting. Dennis Rodman has said he will exchange himself for Kenneth Bae, an American prisoner in North Korea. What a good idea. It’s got to be the best idea Rodman ever came up with. I’m still waiting for that exchange, for his departure. What a happy day it will be, with Bae back in America where he belongs and Rodman kept safe and sound in a North Korean camp, where they might even let him play basketball. One of the most nauseating photos of recent years is the pathetic picture of Rodman hugging North Korean thugleader Kim Jong-un. Rodman’s basketball exhibition trips to that unspeakable dictatorship turned into a buddy-buddy love fest, and he’s been trying to convince us Kim Jong-un is really a “nice guy.” Yeah, right. This son of former dictator Kim Jong-il is the nice guy who presides over a system of prison camps, rape, torture, starvation, forced abortions, public executions and unspeakable acts of brutality as detailed in a recent United Nations report. He’s also the nice guy who keeps threatening the United States and other countries with his nuclear weapons. These all-powerful tyrants have long used food as a weapon of coercion. Those who do not measure up to the state’s expectations get little or no food, and many starve to death, including children. The worst vicious abuses take place in a series of secret prison camps where hundreds of thousands are believed to have died through starvation, execution

Dennis Dalman Editor and other sadistic methods. The U.N. report is difficult to read because it’s so disturbing. People who escape into China are, often with Chinese complicity, returned to North Korea to face the most appalling treatment. For example, women who are snatched back into the country and happen to be pregnant, are put in camps. The newborn baby is drowned or, in other cases, chemicals, beatings and surgical procedures without anesthetic are used to terminate pregnancies. The North Korean regime considers any pregnancy caused by a Chinese man to threaten the “racial purity” of North Koreans. It’s no wonder the U.N. report compares the North Korean brutality to Nazi Germany, with also a similar racial-purity lunacy. What a grim irony these tyrants, including Rodman’s Mr. Nice Guy, dare to call such a despicable dictatorship the “Democratic Republic of North Korea.” Rodman has called Kim Jung-un “best friend” and a “great leader” after joining in singing “Happy Birthday” to such a nice guy on his 31st birthday. Rodman affectionately calls his good friend “Kid.” In an interview with newsman Chris Cuomo, Rodman invited Cuomo to accompany him on his next trip to North Korea, and Cuomo accepted.

Rodman assured him if he sits down to dinner with Kim Jungun and avoids the topic of politics, he’ll see what a nice guy he is. Rodman, no doubt, would have found Adolf Hitler a nice guy, too – a charming fellow who was fond of children, dogs and who was a strict vegetarian. Heckuva guy! Kenneth Bae is an American missionary who was arrested while leading a tour in North Korea and accused of “antigovernment acts.” In 2012, he was sentenced, like so many thousands of innocent North Korean victims, to 15 years of hard labor. In one interview, Rodman strongly suggested Bae might be guilty of plotting against North Korea. Later, he changed his mind and made the following statements: “I would do anything . . . if they (North Koreans) said, ‘We’ll take Dennis Rodman and we’ll let Kenneth Bae go.’ You know what? I’d do that, straight ahead. Take me. I would do that.” We’re waiting, Mr. Rodman. We’re waiting . . . The plane is waiting. Once you have completed treatment in your current rehab center, Mr. Rodman, maybe your head will be screwed back on tight enough so you’ll deeply regret your mindless dalliance with that vicious dictator. If such a change of heart should result – here’s hoping – the first thing you should do when you’re released from rehab is to apologize, in person, to the family of Kenneth Bae and then go change places with him.

Letters to editor

Reader responds to ‘Hillary haters could help her win big’ Ruth Wochnick St Joseph You forgot to mention Benghazi. (The writer is referring to Dennis Dalman’s Feb. 21 column, Hillary haters could help her win big.) Hillary Clinton is not worthy of a presidential nomination. She is not trustworthy. Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State when our consulate in Benghazi, Libya was attacked where four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador, were killed. Clinton made one phone call to the National Security advisor who then called the president and that’s the only call that we know about. That’s it. Hillary Clinton said “With all due respect, the fact is we have four dead Americans. Whether it

was because of a protest or because guys outside for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans. What difference at this point does it make?” She yelled into a camera with the world watching and said “who cares.” I will never forget that day and the disgust I felt. We want somebody who’s taking care of business, making sure our sovereign soil and our people are protected, and that’s not what she did. Americans died due to gross negligence and incompetence on her watch. Many of us are alarmed at the degradation that is happening to our nation. I mourn for our country under the current leadership and I pray every day for all government officials. I believe God wants us to be positive influencers and it’s only through his grace that we will restore America.

(Editor’s note: The quote from Hillary Clinton about “What difference at this point does it make?” has often been taken out of context by many Clinton detractors and used to imply Clinton does not care about the four men killed. The exchange happened during a congressional hearing with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) asking questions of Clinton. She went on to say, “It is our job to figure out what happened and to do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again.” The entire JohnsonHillary exchange can be seen on Furthermore, despite intensive investigations, Clinton has not been found to be guilty of any wrong-doing whatsoever in the Benghazi tragedy.)

Reader supports Read and urges ‘Let’s make Congress work’ Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Maxwell C. Hall Jim Read for Congress Regional Field Representative 6th Congressional District of Minnesota Being the regional field representative on the “Jim Read for Congress” campaign, I know firsthand the dedication Jim Read has to improve the lives of the people

of the 6th District of Minnesota. We realize for too long the people of the 6th District have been ignored and pushed aside with Michele Bachmann representing us nationwide. We have not been adequately represented in the U.S. Congress, and we need change. We in the 6th District have some of the brightest and most creative minds in the state, and we have the capacity to elect a person who

listens to the people of the district, pays attention to the needs of the people and one who really wants to make a difference for our country by moving it forward. We have a chance to make a difference in the lives of Minnesotans by electing Jim Read to the U.S. House of Representatives. Join us and “Let’s make Congress work!”

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, Feb. 28, 2014 Friday, Feb. 28 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767 “How I Learned to Drive,” 7:30 p.m. SCSU Theater Department, Arena Stage, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University. Play runs through Saturday, March 1. 320-3084636 or Saturday, March 1 “How I Learned to Drive,” 7:30 p.m. SCSU Theater Department, Arena Stage, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University. Play runs through Saturday, March 1. 320-3084636 or

Community Calendar

Nuremburg Trials, 1 p.m., Church of St. Joseph, St. Joseph. Wind Ensemble Friendship Concert, 3 p.m., Stewart Hall’s Ritsche Auditorium, St. Cloud State University. 320-308-3223. Monday, March 3 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Sartell Lions Club, 7 p.m., upstairs of Blue Line Sports Bar andGrill, 1101 2nd St. S., Sartell. 2483240.

Sunday, March 2 “The Typist,” documentary about Larry Tillemans and the WWII

Tuesday, March 4 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. MNsure information meeting,



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presented by the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Minnesota, noon-1 p.m., Hope Community Support Program, 157 Roosevelt Road, Suite 300, St. Cloud. 651-645-2948 or 1-888-NAMI_Helps. Blood drive, 1-7 p.m., Atonement Lutheran Church, 1144 N. 29th Ave., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Wednesday, March 5 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 5-9 p.m., Gilleland Chevrolet-Geo, Inc., 3019 Division St., St. Cloud, 1-888-234-1294. St. Stephen City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 251-0964. Thursday, March 6 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell.


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THE NEWSLEADERS seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to

Project Homeless Connect, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., a one-day event for individuals and families experiencing or near homeless to help connect with needed resources, River’s Edge Convention Center, 10 4th Ave. S., St. Cloud. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Great River Regional Coin Club, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Miller Auto Marine Sports Plaza, 2930 2nd St. S., St. Cloud. Friday, March 7 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St..

Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Fish Fry, 4-7:30 p.m., St. Francis Xavier School, 219 2nd St. N., Sartell. Fish Fry, 4:30-7:30 p.m., parish center, St. John the Baptist Parish, Collegeville, 320-363-2569. Fish Fry, 4:30-8 p.m., St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club fundraiser, American Legion, St. Joseph. Fish Fry, 5-8 p.m., 2012 Lions fundraiser, El Paso Sports Bar & Grill, St. Joseph. Saturday, March 8 Sartell Farmers’ Winter Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N.

LEGAL NOTICES CITY OF SARTELL PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Sartell has completed Copies of the AUAR Update docuan update of the Alternative Urban ment are available for review at: Areawide Review (AUAR) for Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone the Sartell Epic Center (formally Road N., Sartell, MN 56377 known as the Sartell 34/35 Development Area AUAR). The City Or online at: http://www.sartelcompleted the original AUAR in 2007, and this update was prepared as required by State Envi- Comments will be taken during ronmental Quality Board Rules. the comment period ending April The AUAR covers an area of ap- 2, 2014. Written comments can be proximately 225 acres in Section sent to Anita Rasmussen at City 34 and 35 of the City of Sartell, Hall at the above address, or by Minn., analyzing a number of is- email to city’s consultant, Tina sues including land use, Bald Ea- Goodroad, at tina.goodroad@stangle nest, transportation, provision of public services and infrastructure, management of storm water Publish: Feb. 28, 2014 and others. CITY OF SARTELL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON AN APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE 673 and 677 BRIANNA DRIVE S. LEGENDS AT HERITAGE PLACE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That a public hearing will be held before the city council of Sartell, Minn., at 7 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Monday, March 10 in the Sartell City Hall, to hear all persons present upon application by IRET Properties, applicant and owner; to

obtain a variance to wetland buffer and minimum wetland buffer setback requirements. Mary Degiovanni City Administrator Publish: Feb. 28, 2014

CITY OF SARTELL ORDINANCE NO. 14-01 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REPLACING CERTAIN CHAPTERS WITHIN TITLE 10 – ZONING ORDINANCE: The following official summary of the ordinance referred to has been approved by the City Council as clearly informing the public of the intent and effect of the amendments. Title 10 – SARTELL ZONING ORDINANCE

A printed copy of the entire ordinance and a full list of the highlights of the proposed amendments are available for inspection by any person at the office of the city clerk any Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or on the city’s website at

Chapter 5, Residential Districts; Chapter 10, Parking and Loading Requirements; Chapter 12, Landscaping; Chapter 19, Comprehensive Design Zone; of city’s zoning ordinance.

This document hereby is made a part of this ordinance and is attached hereto.

The purpose of repealing and replacing certain chapters within Title 10 of the zoning ordinance(s), is to address the changes proposed within the zoning ordinance related to multiple-family residential accessory structure and parking setbacks, building coverage and additional landscaping requirements.


Joe Perske Mayor

Mary Degiovanni City Administrator SEAL Published: Feb. 28, 2014

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, Feb. 28, 2014

Brutal winter causes 20 freeze-ups School calendar approved by Dennis Dalman

There have been about 20 pipe freeze-ups in Sartell since this long, brutal winter began. In the past two weeks, the problem seems to have gotten better, Sartell Public Works Director Brad Borders told the city council at its Feb. 24 meeting. It could be worse, Borders noted. So far, St. Cloud has had about 200 pipe freezeups, while Waite Park and Sauk Rapids have had about 30 each. Sauk Rapids had four pipe freeze-ups in just one day – the morning of Feb. 24. The likeliest place for freezeups, Borders noted, is at a residence located in a cul de sac.

There is still one stubborn place in Sartell where a pipe freeze-up just cannot be thawed for one reason or another – at a townhouse. Borders said the people there were placed on a temporary water hook-up until spring arrives. A city advisory states residents, to prevent pipeline freeze-ups, might want to keep their water running from a faucet in a trickle about the size of the width of a pencil. The water-bill increase, perhaps a dollar or more per day, will be less expensive than getting a frozen pipe thawed. Since below-zero overnight temperatures are predicted, at this point, well into early March, at least, residents might want to remember this

Shop/Yard Foreman: Experience in the concrete business needed. Duties include direct maintenance man as to repairs needed, maintaining maintenance logs, keeping shop a clean safe environment, ordering supplies and some materials and preparing materials for jobs daily. Qualified applicants please stop by and fill out an application at: 1374 105th St. NW, Rice, MN or contact Mark at 320-393-4485.

method: Take the temperature of water coming into the residence. From the faucet nearest to the pipe where water comes into the house, fill a glass with water. Place a thermometer in the water and note the temperature several times per day and in the evening. If the temperature remains steady, the pipe probably won’t freeze. If the temperature of the water samples begins to decrease, open the faucet and let a pencil-thin trickle of water run.

Visit Saint John’s Prep for

Discovery Day Friday, March 14 Friday, April 11 Students in grades 5-11 are invited to experience Prep! Call 320-363-3315, option 3 to RSVP and reserve your space.

Laborer Form Setters for Footings/Walls: Stop by and fill out an application at: 1374 105th St. NW, Rice, MN

The Sartell-St. Stephen School Board has approved a calendar for the 2014-15 school year, which will include a five-day spring break, from March 23-27, 2015. The school year will begin Sept. 2. Some of its highlights are these: Oct. 16-17: No school, teachers’ meetings statewide. Nov. 3: No school, teachers’ workshops. Nov. 27-28: Thanksgiving break. Jan. 20: No school, teachers’ workshops. April 3-6: No school, April break. June 2: Last day of school.

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