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City department heads Town Crier to get salary increases Friday, March 1, 2013

It looks like Narnia!

Volume 18, Issue 9 Est. 1995

Senior Connection

hosts speech team

Enjoy a fun afternoon listening to the Sartell High School Speech Team students present their meet speeches, which include dramatic and comedic presentations, during the Sartell Senior Connection meeting at 2 p.m. Tuesday, March 12 in the Sartell Senior Center, 212 3rd Ave. N., Sartell. Refreshments will be served.

Alleged ‘peeker’ arrested in city

An alleged window-peeker was arrested in Sartell on the evening of Thursday, Feb. 21 and booked into the Stearns County Jail. Shortly after 9 p.m. on that night, the Sartell Police Department received a call about a male looking into a window in a home on the 700 block of 7th Avenue S. An officer arrived quickly and stopped a man on foot for questioning. The man’s boot treads matched the tread patterns left in the snow at the residence, according to a police report. The man, Vinh The Vu, 22, of St. Cloud, was then arrested. He is expected to be charged with trespassing and interfering with privacy.

by Dennis Dalman

The Sartell City Council voted 3-2 Feb. 25 to give the city staff’s nine department heads salary increases for 2013. Voting for the increase were council members Amy BraigLindstrom, Steve Hennes and Sarah Jane Nicoll. Voting against it were council member David Peterson and Mayor Joe Perske. The final resolution for the salary increase was suggested by council member Nicoll, who is a member of the city’s personnel committee, along with Braig-Lindstrom and Sartell Administrator Patti Gartland. That committee had studied salaries for department heads in other cities, as well as other employment factors, such as experience and job performance, that might influence salary levels. Salary adjustments have been more or less level during the past five years for department heads in Sartell. In 2009, there was a voluntary freeze in salary

increases as the council agreed that was the right thing to do in light of a serious recession. The nine Sartell department heads are not unionized employees. Many city employees, such as clerical, are members of the Teamsters’ union, and most police employees are members of the Law Enforcement Labor Services Union. Non-union employees received wage increases as low as 1 percent during the past few years. Records show salaries for the nine department heads remained virtually stagnant since 2008, with, at most, increases of only $2,000 to $3,000 from the total 2008 salaries to the 2012 salaries. During that time, for example, the salary of the public-works director went from $73,900 in 2008 to $76,150 in 2012. The average amount of wage increases for union employees (both unions combined) in the last three years was 4.3 percent each year, said Sartell Finance Increase • page 5

Sartell High School sophomore Sam Chappell took this photo on his walk to school Feb. 14 along the walking path for students behind the high school around 7:45 a.m.

Woman starts ‘Sartell Superstars’ 4-H club

Register to be bone marrow donor

Register to become a bone marrow donor on Tuesday, March 5 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Aspen Room at St. Cloud Hospital, 1406 6th Ave. N., (park in the North parking lot/ramp and enter at North lobby) or from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Cloud Technical and Community College, 1540 Northway Drive. All you need to provide is a cheek swab sample. You will be contacted if you are a possible match for a patient. There is no cost to participate. Candidates should be between the ages of 18 and 44. Every four minutes someone in the United States is diagnosed with a blood cancer. Many will need a bone marrow transplant to survive. About 70 percent of people in need of a transplant do not have a matching donor in their family. For more information, call 320-654-6195 or visit and click on Criers.

photo by Sam Chappell

contributed photo

Josh Maricle-Roberts loves animals. He raises chickens and these goats as 4-H projects and even makes a bit of extra money by selling the fresh eggs from his chickens. by Dennis Dalman

Sartell now has a fledgling 4-H club, the “Sartell Superstars,” thanks to a woman and her son who thought it was about time 4-H members have a close-to-home place to meet. Kris Roberts-Cornett and her son, Josh Maricle-Roberts, an

eighth-grader at Sartell Middle School, live at the very western edge of Sartell. Before moving there a few years ago, they lived in St. Joseph, and Josh was a member of a 4-H club in Rockville. After moving to the Sartell area, it was a long trip – at least once a month – to drive to and from the Rockville club’s meeting place.

“That drive got to be a bit much in the winter,” RobertsCornett said. She and Sara Budde decided it would be a good idea to form a club in Sartell. Budde, an employee of the Stearns County Extension Service, is the county coordinator for 4-H clubs. Roberts-Cornett agreed to become leader of the club. She was a 4-H leader years ago when she lived in Iowa and was also a leader of the Sauk Valley 4-H club. In addition, she was leader of the Rockville club for a couple of years. So far, organizers have not publicized the Sartell Superstars 4-H club very much, although there are already two families interested in it. “It’s seems like I’ve been a member of 4-H forever,” Roberts-Cornett said. Daughters Megan and Amanda, now grown, were 4-H members for years. Josh remains an avid member. He has been doing 4-H woodwork projects and is also raising chickens and goats. Josh is keen about the subject of robotics and is pondering a plunge into the study of genealogy for a 4-H project.

At one time, many years ago, 4-H clubs largely centered around agricultural pursuits, such as raising animals and pets as hobbies and growing vegetables and fruits. Decades ago, the organization mainly attracted parents and children from family farms. Everyone is familiar with 4-H from visiting the 4-H exhibit barns at county and state fairs. Typically, they contained a wealth of exhibits – prize-winning vegetables, flowers and animals, along with some scientific-type projects done by youth. In the last few decades, 4-H is no longer tied solely to agriculture-related topics. It has expanded hugely to accommodate a proliferation of hobbies and interests that were virtually unheard of years ago, such projects as those dealing with computerization, robotics and rocketry – to name just three. And, throughout the years, an increasing number of city children have joined 4-H clubs. Some of the subjects pursued by today’s 4-H children include photography, writing musical plays, arts and crafts, 4-H • page 5

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, March 1, 2013

LEgal notICE

REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 748 JAN. 28, 2013, DISTRICT CENTER BOARD ROOM The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 6 p.m. by Chair Michelle Meyer. Members present: Meyer; Mary McCabe, vice chair; Jason Nies, clerk/treasurer; Pam Raden, director; Krista Durrwachter, director; Joseph Hill, superintendent; and Sienna Schneider, student member. Members absent: Dan Riordan, director.






ISD 748

$3,000.00 Books for Leveled Library

Helen M. Wiseman Sartell-St. Stephen $200.00 Community Education

Art supplies, paints, pastels and tools

Mary Leisten

100 solid wood high end cabinet doors

Sartell-St. Stephen $100.00 Community Education

A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Durrwachter to approve the agenda. All in favor. Motion carried. uperintendent’s Report: Superintendent Hill reported on: S • District Service Center Grand Opening which occurred on Jan. 24th. Several families attended the event. Recognition of visitors and public forum: Shannon Freeman, 1125 First Many families signed up for preschool for the 2013-2014 school year. Community members were able to St. S., Apartment 316, Sartell; Melissa Anderson, 1745 Blackberry Cirvisit Community Education and the Sartell Senior Center that had a display of ISD 748 School District cle, Sartell; and Melissa Lahn, 1813 34th St. N., Sartell, addressed the history. Board on the topic of revisiting the 2013-2014 academic calendar. • National Geographic Society map of Africa is on tour at SMS and PME which is on loan from SCSU. • Middle School Science Rocks was held on Jan. 10. A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Durrwachter to approve • Sabre hockey players visited our elementary schools. consent items a-e as presented below: • Kindergarten Round-Up will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 29, at PME, and Thursday, Jan. 31, at ORE. Superintendent Hill is anticipating our enrollments to climb. a. Minutes of the meeting held on Dec. 17, 2012 and the organi• Superintendent Hill will meet with administrative staff on Jan. 29 to discuss projected enrollments and zational meeting held on Jan. 7, 2013. unique program offerings. Attention is on the operation side of what will be happening in 2013-2014. b. Checks in the amount of $2,859,989.48 as presented: • Safety walks will be happening on Tuesday, Jan. 29, and Wednesday, Jan. 30 with Superintendent Hill, General Fund 2,373,693.49 Clerk/Treasurer Nies, principals, custodians, law enforcement and fire safety personnel. Food Service Fund 142,257.89 • Interviews for the administrative assistant to the superintendent position will be conducted the first week Transportation Fund 113,259.15 of February. Community Service Fund 54,942.95 Capital Expenditure Fund 65,551.01 Student Representative Report: Superintendent Hill stated this is a new agenda item. He introduced student Building Fund 107,793.14 representative Sienna Schneider, who is a senior at Sartell High School. High School highlights included: Scholarship Trust 2,000.00 • Art Club is working with artists on beautifying the high school with art and plants in livening up the enSummer Rec Agency Fund 491.85 vironment. Check numbers 150229 to 150775. • Task force is working on creating a hydration station in the commons area at the high school. This hydration station allows students to refill water bottles and tracks how many bottles are saved by doing so. Receipts in the amount of $4,464,106.30 as presented: • Winter Wonderland Coronation festivities were held Jan. 28 at SHS. General Fund 4,102,522.43 • A talent show will be held at the high school on Friday, Feb. 1. Food Service Fund 110,985.14 • There is a high school dance on Feb. 2 at Blackberry Ridge. Transportation Fund 27,153.29 Community Service Fund 52,489.80 School Board Committees: Pam Raden and Jason Nies shared information from a technology workshop preBuilding Fund 77.53 sented by Apple. Debt Service Fund 170,878.11 Flipped Classroom Model: Matt Darling and Shannon Vickerman, Grade 5 math teachers, presented on how Receipts 38018-38127 they are using the Flipped Classroom in their math classes. This model of teaching delivers instruction at home through interactive, teacher-created videos, and moves homework to the classroom. This allows students the Wire transfers in the amount of $3,603,790.81 as presented: opportunity to ask questions and work through problems with guidance from their teachers. General Fund 2,131.68 Food Service Fund 2,348.48 Summer Recreation 2013: Ann Doyscher-Domres, community education program coordinator, and Andria Community Service Fund 171.27 Kelley, community education, presented information about moving forward with summer recreation program Debt Service Fund 3,599,139.38 planning FY 2013 as an extension, yet separate entity of community education. Wire transfers 201200030-201200038 c. Accept the resignations of Tanya Peterson, ORE special education teacher, effective 12-21-12; and Jennifer Nash, executive assistant to the superintendent, effective 01-11-13. d. Accept the retirement of Debra Stock, SMS special education paraprofessional, effective 05-31-13. e. Accept the following donations:

Athletic Family Scoreboard and Communication System: John Ross, athletic director, reported on and explained the differences in the sound system options for consideration on the athletic complex communication system. The Booster Club will explore additional revenue streams to support the purchase of an upgraded system.

CATHOLIC UNITED FINANCIAL MATCHING GRANT Friday, March 1 4-7 p.m. Enjoy fried fish,

Professional Growth and Appraisal Tool for Principals and Directors: Superintendent Hill presented the Professional Growth and Appraisal Tool that is being used for principals and directors.


potato salad, potato chips, coleslaw, baked beans, bread and homemade desserts

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Proceeds go to SFX School and Religious Education Program, plus the Catholic United Financial will provide matching funds up to $1,000.

Student Activity Account Report: Steve Wruck, business services director, presented the annual report on student activity accounts.

District Contract Timelines: Nicole Hylen, director of human resources, presented contract timelines for the multiple bargaining units within the district. Superintendent Hill presented a State of the District progress report that will be shared with faculty and community. The report highlights the district performance goal progress, as well as a number of points celebrating our operational and academic achievements as compared to similar-sized districts. The Board took a recess at 8:35 p.m. The meeting began again at 8:42 p.m. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Nies to APPROVE THE PARKING LOT BID FROM KNIFE RIVER. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Raden to APPROVE THE HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULUM REVISIONS AND GRADUATION REQUIREMENT UPDATES. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Raden and seconded by McCabe to HAVE A SECOND READING AND APPROVE REVISED POLICIES 604, 606, 607 and 611. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Durrwachter to HAVE THIRD READING AND APPROVE NEW POLICY 534 AND REMOVE POLICY 530. All in favor. Motion carried. Work Session and Committee Meetings scheduled: Policy Committee Meeting is scheduled for Feb. 5 at 4:15 p.m., Work Session Meeting on March 6, at 5 p.m. A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Raden to APPROVE THE PERSONNEL OMNIBUS RESOLUTION. Board • page 7

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, March 1, 2013 Jennifer Rapatz-Harr has been hired as a physician’s assistant at Sartell Pediatrics. Rapatz-Harr has practiced Rapatz-Harr in the greater St. Cloud area for 20 years, as well as at Oakdale Pediatrics in Minneapolis for 10 years. RapatzHarr’s specialty is in adolescent and female medicine. She is a 1981 graduate of the University of Wisconson-Madison, and she completed her pediatric training in that state. She and her husband, Steve, have three adult children. The family has lived in St. Cloud for 23 years.Sartell Pediatrics, located at 111 2nd St. S., is one of the few independent pediatric practices in Minnesota and the only independent one in central Minnesota. “Jennifer is a tremendous practitioner, and I am honored to have her as part of the team,” said Dr. David Smith, owner of Sartell Pediatrics. The clinic will have extended hours through the end of March. For more information, call 320281-3339. Aron Hoover, Sartell, a political science major, recently toured with the choir from Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn. Hoover, the son of Valery and Chris Hoover, Sartell, is a sophomore at Concordia. The choir’s 2013 tour includes performances in Des Moines, Iowa; Kansas City, Mo.; Fort Smith, Ark.; Waco, Houston, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Austin and Plano, Texas; Oklahoma City, Okla.; Topeka, Kan.; Lincoln, Neb.; Sioux Falls, S.D.; and Duluth, Virginia, Moorhead and Minneapolis, Minn. World-renowned composer and conductor Dr. René Clausen conducts the 74-voice a cappella choir and is the artistic director of the Emmy-winning Concordia Christmas Concerts seen by audiences of 18,000 people each year and televised nationally through the Public Broadcasting Service. Lori Raiber has been named executive director of Tri-CAP. She has a wide range of experience in the non-profit and govern- Raiber ment sectors of Human Services. Most recently, Raiber served as the human services supervisor for Stearns County in the gateway services division. Prior to working for Stearns County, she served as the housing and planning director


for Heartland Community Action Agency Inc. in Willmar, Minn. She holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from St. Cloud State University. Tri-CAP assists residents of Stearns, Benton and Sherburne counties, and beyond through the provision of a wide range of services that allow people to maintain or increase their economic self-sufficiency. Three Sartell students were recently named to fall semester dean’s list at Bethel University, St. Paul. They are the following: Morgan Boe, a senior, daughter of Lisa and Mark Boe; Alexis Eickhoff, a junior, daughter of Amy and William Eickhoff; and Adam Wagner, a senior, son of Lori and Paul Wagner. Students must achieve a grade point average of 3.6 or greater to be honored. Two Sartell students were recently named to the fall semester dean’s honor roll at Creighton University, Omaha, Neb. They are the following: Charmin Amundson, a fourth-year school of pharmacy and health professions student; and Erin Kurvers, a sophomore college of arts and sciences student. Full-time students who earn a 3.5 grade-point average or better on a 4.0 scale are eligible. Eleven Sartell students were recently named to the fall semester dean’s list at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. They are the following: Yazan Alkhatib, junior, college of biological sciences; Giana Ballard, senior, college of design; Dylan Benoit, sophomore, college of liberal arts; Nathaniel Burge, freshman, college of biological sciences; Matthew Nahan, junior, college of biological sciences; Ryan Nahan, junior, college of biological sciences; Taylor Nelson, senior, college of education/human development; Lindsay Poplinski, senior, college of biological sciences; Ashley Stainbrook, freshman, college of education/human development; Jenna Stang, senior, college of education/human development; and Megan Udermann, senior, college of food, agriculture and natural resources science. To qualify for the dean’s list, a student must complete 12 or more letter-graded credits while attaining a 3.66 grade-point average. Two members of the SartellSt. Stephen High School Girls’ Jazz Dance Team were recently named to the Class AA Girls’ Jazz Dance All-Tournament Team, sponsored by Wells Fargo. They are Ashley Bartlett and Ashley

Regnier. The awards recognize student athletes who demonstrate exceptional sportsmanship, team commitment, athletic ability and leadership during the state high school tournaments. Athletes are selected to the Wells Fargo AllTournament Team by a panel of coaches attending the tournament. Jazz provides 36 awards for the three classes of competition. Wells Fargo is the premier corporate sponsor of the MSHSL. This sponsorship helps offset the costs associated with tournaments and fine-arts events for Minnesota students. It also supports programs such as the MSHSL High School Hall of Fame, along with the Challenge Cup, a program which selects the best Minnesota schools in Class A and Class AA for athletic and fine-arts competitions.


If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 251-8186 or TriCounty Crime Stoppers at 255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.

Feb. 12 7:59 a.m. Vehicle in ditch. Roberts Road. While on patrol, an officer came across a vehicle in the ditch. Another truck stopped and helped pull the car out while officers provided lights for safety. 10:13 a.m. Suspicious activity. Pine Tree Court. A report was made of suspicious shoe prints outside of a home. The prints went to all basement windows and back to the road. Feb. 13 7:31 p.m. Vehicle in ditch. C.R. 133. While on patrol, an officer found a vehicle that had gone in the ditch due to the snow. Officers provided emergency lights while the vehicle was removed.

Sean Mann, a graduate of Sartell High School, was recently named to the dean’s honor list at the University of MinnesotaDuluth. Students must achieve a 3.5 or higher grade-point average Feb. 14 to earn this honor. Mann is a 10:54 a.m. Domestic. A complaint sophomore majoring in chemical was made regarding a male and female engineering at the university. couple yelling at each other along with Chelsea Jacobson, Sartell, recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in mass communication from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Halle Gustafson, daughter of Julia Gustafson and stepdaughter of Roland John of Sartell, recently completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Ill. During the eight-week program, Navy Seaman Recruit Gustafson completed a variety of training which included classroom study and practical instruction on naval customs, first aid, firefighting, water safety and survival, and shipboard and aircraft safety. An emphasis was also placed on physical fitness. The capstone event of boot camp is “Battle Stations.” This exercise gives recruits the skills and confidence they need to succeed in the fleet. “Battle Stations” is designed to galvanize the basic warrior attributes of sacrifice, dedication, teamwork and endurance in each recruit through the practical application of basic Navy skills and the core values of honor, courage and commitment. Its distinctly ‘’Navy’’ flavor was designed to take into account what it means to be a sailor. Gustafson is a 2012 graduate of Sartell High School.

strange banging noises coming from a residence. When officers arrived, the male had left and the female admitted to the argument but stated it was not physical. After speaking with both parties, officers left. 11:34 a.m. Traffic stop. Sartell Bridge. After checking a vehicle’s registration, it was found the driver’s license and plates were revoked. The driver stated he was aware he did not have a license. He was issued a citation for both violations and released to a valid driver. Feb. 15 2:08 p.m. and 2:17 p.m. Traffic stops. Riverside Avenue. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 46 mph in a posted 30-mph zone. The driver stated she was aware of her speed. She was issued a citation and released. Another vehicle was witnessed traveling 44 mph in a posted 30-mph zone. The driver stated she was not aware of her speed. She was issued a citation and released.

Feb. 16 9:10 a.m. Traffic stop. 15th Street N. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 39 mph in a posted 30-mph zone. The driver was not aware of his speed. He was issued a citation and released. 9:21 a.m. Traffic stop. Riverside Avenue N. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 42 mph in a posted 30-mph zone. The driver was issued a citation and released. 9:53 a.m. Traffic stop. Pinecone Road. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 57 mph in a posted 40-mph zone. The driver stated his speedometer wasn’t working so he couldn’t have Birth Alexia Rose Woehl, daughter of known. He was issued a citation, given Jen and Jayme Woehl, Sartell, was a warning to fix his speedometer and born at 5:47 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 29 released. 10:50 a.m. Traffic stop. Riverside at the St. Cloud Hospital. Avenue S. A vehicle was witnessed

traveling 50 mph in a posted 30-mph zone. The driver stated she was not aware of her speed. She was issued a citation and released. 6:04 p.m. Traffic stop. C.R. 78. A complaint was made regarding a driver passing others on the shoulder and driving erratically. Officers found the vehicle and witnessed the driver pass another vehicle from the left-turn lane. The driver stated he wasn’t aware he couldn’t do that. A citation was issued and he was released. 6:51 p.m. Warrant arrest. 8th Street N. After checking the name of a person who made an earlier driving complaint, officers found this person had a warrant for their arrest. Officers went to their home and placed him under arrest and transported him to Stearns County Jail without incident. Feb. 17 12:33 a.m. Suspicious activity. 23rd Street S. While on patrol, an officer noticed a vehicle parked and running at a construction site. When the officer was able to get to the site, the vehicle was gone but the building was secure and nothing was missing. 8:17 p.m. Theft. Walmart. Two adult females were witnessed attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. One female was placed under arrest for warrants from another county and the other was given a citation and released. Feb. 18 12:47 a.m. Dog complaint. Lowell Lane. A complaint was made regarding two dogs that were left in a parked vehicle and barking. Officers made contact with the owner and he agreed to bring them into his friend’s residence. 9:40 a.m. Traffic stop. Riverside Ave S. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 46 mph in a posted 30-mph zone. The driver stated he was unaware of the speed limit. He was issued a citation and released. 11:07 a.m. Traffic stop. Pinecone Road. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 58 mph in a posted 40-mph zone. The driver stated he was unaware of the speed limit. He was issued a citation and released. 10:16 p.m. Traffic stop. Hwy. 15. After checking a vehicle’s registration, it was found the registered owner had a revoked license. The driver was aware of the status and could not provide proof of insurance. She was issued a citation for both offenses, the vehicle was towed and she was released. Feb. 19 12:28 a.m. Noise complaint. 7th Avenue S. A complaint was made regarding the loud sounds coming from the above residence. Officers were unable to make contact with the resident. 8:06 a.m. Vehicle in ditch. 1st Street NE. A vehicle slid on the roads and hit a street sign and a guide wire to an electric pole. The city was notified regarding the damage to the sign and Xcel Energy was contacted regarding the guide-wire damage. The vehicle was towed from the scene but no injuries to the driver.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon Editor Dennis Dalman

Newstands Country Store and Pharmacy Holiday on Riverside Drive Holiday on 7th Street N House of Pizza JM Speedstop

Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens

Design/Layout Tara Wiese


Contributing Writers TaLeiza Calloway Mark Lauer

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke

Contributing Writer/ Administrative Assistant Cori Hilsgen

Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, March 1, 2013

Exhibitors welcome to join ‘Sustainable Expo’ Round, round, round it goes... Museum of Minnesota. Lakes Aquarium presentation of

by Dennis Dalman

There is still room for booth exhibitors at the upcoming third annual “St. Cloud Area Sustainable Expo” that will take place from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday, April 21 at the River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud. As many as 100 exhibitors are expected at the expo. Sartell is one of the main sponsors of the event, which is an informational meeting with demonstrations about the many ways companies, organizations and individuals are working to make a more environmentally sensitive “green world.” The City of Sartell will sponsor a demonstration at the expo entitled “Water” by the Science

Sartell City Planner and Developer Anita Rasmussen said the Expo involves all area cities and counties, who are all part of creating a regional framework for sustainability. That effort, she said, includes the development of environmentally friendly land-use methods, energy policies and stewardship of natural resources. One of the exhibitors, for example will be Market Monday, the winter farmers’ market in Sartell. The event will be free and open to the public. Other cities involved include St. Joseph, Sauk Rapids, Waite Park, St. Augusta and St. Cloud. Other features at the expo will include the Minnesota Zoo’s “Zoomobile,” the Great

“Water’s Incredible Journey,” and live music and creative projects for children to enjoy. A highlight of the expo will be a ceremony at which the “Sustainability Awards” for 2013 will be announced and presented. The keynote speaker for the event will be award-winning, retired Twin Cities newsman Don Shelby. The expo organizers are seeking industries, government agencies, non-profits, educators and student organizations to share their existing work and ideas with others. The deadline to sign up for exhibit space is Friday, March 15. For more information or to register, go to

photo by Dennis Dalman

Aidan Oglesby, 9, of Sartell, waits to see what a spinning wheel of fortune will bring him during the annual Sartell Community Expo, held Feb. 24 at Sartell Middle School. Oglesby is the son of Shawn and Terri Oglesby. The Expo, which had an excellent turnout, was comprised of dozens of information booths set up by businesses and service agencies, as well as entertainment and lots of games for children.

LEgal notICE

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Ordinance No. 13-02 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 7 ARTICLES A AND B INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS The following official summary of the ordinance referred to has been approved by the City Council as clearly informing the public of the intent and effect of the amendments. TITLE 10, CHAPTER 7 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS

nance is available for inspection by any person at the office of the City Clerk any Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. This document hereby is made a part of this ordinance and is attached hereto.

This ordinance updates the current industrial zoning district ordinance. Expanded performance measurements, clarification of permitted uses and setbacks from residential uses and the addition of the interim-use permit requirement for certain activities within an I2 Heavy Industrial district.

/s/Joe Perske Mayor

A printed copy of the entire ordi-

Publish: March 1, 2013

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Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, March 1, 2013

4-H from front page woodwork, metal work, clothing and textiles, food and nutrition and, of course, the agricultural projects of raising animals and growing gardens. One the best things about 4-H, Roberts-Cornett said, is members select their own projects to do, and they can come up with their own ideas for

Increase from front page Director Mary Degiovanni. Nicoll said the council should compromise by granting all nine department heads either salary bumps in the same percentages as those received by city union employees or a salary increase as suggested by the personnel committee, whichever is lower. The council, on its 3-2 vote,

projects – virtually anything they wish to pursue. In fact, “self-determined” is one of the category choices. Based in Washington, D.C., 4-H was founded in 1902 as a non-profit organization under the aegis of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Its logo is the familiar four-leaf clover with an “H” on every leave. The “H” letters stand for Hands, Heart, Health and Head. There are 6.5 million 4-H members in the United States.

The purpose of 4-H is to help children learn, through projects and social interactions, such life-time skills as motivation, confidence, kindness, decision-making, communication skills and leadership. Being a member in 4-H may involve field trips, camping, schoolenrichment activities, educational visits from guest speakers and community involvement, including volunteerism. In some cases, 4-H children get the chance to attend statewide

agreed with that approach. The resultant salaries lie somewhere between union increases and those recommended by the committee. Council member Steve Hennes said Nicoll’s resolution was a “fair compromise.” Both Perkse and Peterson said they have misgivings about the salary increases and suggested increases could be phased in gradually over a period of years. As approved by the council, the salary increases range from

2 percent to 6.3 percent, depending on various factors and step adjustments, Degiovanni said. The 2013 salaries for the following nine department heads are these: deputy clerk $59,800, chief building officer $72,125, public-works director $80,996, assistant public-works director $63,818, police chief $79,028, assistant police chief $73,391, planning and development director $75,837, finance director $88,000 and city administrator $115,600.

Community Calendar

Friday, March 1 World Day of Pray, an ecumenical celebration of informed prayer and prayerful action. 10 a.m. Love of Christ Lutheran Church, 1971 Pine Cone Road, St. Cloud. Fish Fry, 5-7:30 p.m., Immaculate Conception Church, 145 2nd Ave. NE, Rice. Folk rocker “The Wrong Omar” solo acoustic show, 8 p.m., at the Local Blend, downtown St. Joseph.

ing, 7 p.m. Call Kris at 320-828-1121 for location and directions.

St. Stephen City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-251-0964. Thursday, March 7 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell.

Monday, March 4 Blood drive, 2-7 p.m., Celebration Lutheran Church, 1500 Pinecone Road N., Sartell. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit Sartell Superstars 4H Club meet-

Tuesday, March 5 Bone Marrow registry, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. in St. Cloud Hospital, 1406 6th Ave. N, St. Cloud, or from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Cloud Technical and Community College, 1540 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. 320-654-6195. “Becoming a Love and Logic Parent” registration deadline, to be held 4-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 12 and 19, Resource Training and Solutions, 4150 2nd St. S, Suite 550 St. Cloud. Wednesday, March 6 Living Well with Chronic Conditions, 9-11:30 a.m., today and March 13, 20, 27, April 3 and 10, Realife Cooperative at Mueller Gardens, 6670 Northwood Lane, St. Cloud. 320-2294591.



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Saturday, March 2 Sartell Farmers’ Market Saturday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N.

GOLD AND SILVER CAN PROTECT YOUR HARD EARNED DOLLARS. Learn how by calling Freedom Gold Group for your free educational guide. 877-371-2354. (MFPA)

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Friday, March 8 St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall, 610 North County Road 2, St. Joseph. www. Fish Fry, 5-7:30 p.m., Immaculate Conception Church, 145 2nd Ave. NE, Rice. Saturday, March 9 Har-di-Har, an Iowa pop/folk duo, 8-10 p.m., Local Blend in St. Joseph. All ages welcome, free event.


and national leadership conferences. A study by Tufts University found 4-H youth tend to have better grades and are more emotionally involved in their school than non-4-H members. They are also twice as likely to be civically active and contribute to their societies. In addition, they are 47 percent less likely to exhibit risky or problem behaviors. 4-H is for any children grades K-12 (and up to one year after

5 high school). The Sartell Superstars 4-H Club meets the at 7 p.m. the first Monday of each month. If interested in joining, they should call Roberts-Cornett at 320-828-1121.

Find us on

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, March 1, 2013

Opinion Our View

Gun-violence debate must consider bullying In the heated debate about gun violence, many factors are being considered: mandatory background checks, the possibility of banning assault weapons and multi-ammo clips, beefing up school security, a scrutiny of violent video games and more attention to people suffering from mental illness. All are good approaches. Hopefully, they will all be adopted. However, there is one factor in violence that hasn’t been mentioned much at all in this important ongoing national debate. That factor is bullying. It is a tragic fact most people who commit these massacres have been the victims of bullying of one kind or another, usually when they are school students. Bullying can cause its victims to feel like outsiders, and that isolation can eventually turn to anti-social rage – the kind of rampant anger that can lead to horrible violence or to suicide. Some bullied outsiders turn for “entertainment” to vicious video games that show animated “people” blowing away others with assault weapons. Social alienation combined with absorption in violent images is an explosive combination, a recipe for disaster. Until schools and workplaces can stop bullying, these mass shootings will likely continue. A solution to bullying starts in the home, in each and every family. The following are some anti-bullying tips for parents often suggested by experts on bullying: 1. Do not deny bullying as many do, thinking it doesn’t happen “here.” Realize it happens to some degree in every school, every neighborhood. Also understand even normally “nice” children can sometimes bully or be drawn into bullying behavior. 2. Sit down and talk heart-to-heart with children about how bullying can be hurtful, even if the verbal taunting or other acts might seem “innocent.” Use examples and ask children how they would feel if that happened to them. 3. Parents should be keen to the signs of bullying, which can include reluctance to go to school, falling grades, outbursts of anger or emotional withdrawal. If a child bullies or is the victim of bullies, parents should intervene immediately to stop it. That includes meetings with school officials and even with police if the problem seems to spell danger. 4. Parents should teach empathy for others through examples and most of all through their own actions by being kind in dealings with others. 5. Talk with children to make sure they know bullying can be perpetrated via the Internet as well as in person. 6. Be sure to find out the details of a bullying policy in schools and then find out if the policy is enforced consistently. Meet with administrators and school board members. Schools are doing some good work these days against bullying. Parents can help on the homefront by learning about and teaching the dangers of bullying.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Reader-friendly world is fading fast A frustrated woman, who lives in Kensington, has my undying sympathy. In a regional newspaper, there is a paragraph item in a “Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down” column, a compilation by the editor of praises and peeves submitted by readers. The woman’s complaint is titled “Dumb Labeling.” Here it is: “A Kensington woman was frustrated with a change in how her prescription medicine is labeled. The name of the medicine and the refill number are now printed in dark blue over a black label, making it nearly impossible to read. If there is anything that should be easy to read, it’s prescription medicine. Companies doing the labeling should realize that.” Exactly! Just the other day, I picked up my bottle of cholesterol medication to double-check how many milligrams per pill. Squinting to decipher the tiny print, I felt like I was on a scavenger hunt in a haystack, looking for the needle. Finally, there it was, the tiny thing, playing peek-a-boo with me: 20 mg. In many daily respects, this world isn’t very reader-friendly anymore. I’ve had one heckuva time trying to read words on food boxes, on bills, on medical forms and in magazines. Why do these designers/printers assume we all have 20/20 vision? Even the eagle-eyed have trouble reading some printed material these days. The very worst example is that miser-

Dennis Dalman Editor able weekly, TIME magazine, a magazine I grew up with and read just about every week of my long life. The wretched thing has become virtually unreadable. My TIME subscription is about to run out, never to be renewed. Good riddance to it. And here is why. On page after page, there are words printed in very light yellow on the white pages, or very light blue on white, or white on light blue. The words are so tiny, you have to haul out your microscope, if you have one. This printed lunacy is a “light” variation of the “dark” version (blue on black) mentioned by the frustrated Kensington woman about her medication bottles. I have written TIME, via email and actual letters, several times complaining about their “invisible-ink” printing methods. I knew when I wrote that it would likely do not a bit of good, but I was hoping others – going rapidly blinder from trying to read TIME – would also complain, and a critical mass of tiny-print critics would cause them to change their ways. Obvi-

ously not. I just received the Feb. 25 issue, with the departing Pope on the cover. There is a full-page in the section called “The Culture” (silly pretentious title) about Oscar picks by TIME critics. The background of the page is outer-space black. The black is filled with colored circles, as if they fell from a clown’s costume. The circles are connected by zippy lines leading here and there. The entire production number looks like a diagram of an exploding atom inside a particle accelerator. The circles, garishly colored, are filled with tiny, tiny print. The white print on the orange is fiendishly unreadable. I didn’t even try to read that page. Whoever designed it should be adjusting his medication for severe Scatterbrain Disorder – that is, if the designer can manage to read the directions on the pill bottle. That TIME page is exactly the kind of razz-ma-tazz nonsense that makes this world so reader-unfriendly: zippy graphics at the expense of words. It’s a sad sign of a post-literate world in which more people, so seduced by online eye-candy, are getting their “information” from photos, graphics, symbols, signs. Who needs those secondfiddle nuisances called “words?” Dear frustrated Kensington woman, I wish I had a solution for this plague of faded, tiny, disappearing, unreadable words. All I can recommend is you buy a big magnifying glass. I did. But I won’t read TIME with it. I’ve had it up to here with its infuriating unreadability.

Letter to editor

Reader responds to ‘More guns are not the answer’ (Editor’s reply: My “name-calling” is meek and mild compared to the barrage of vicious name-calling and libelous personal attacks from the ultra-far-right in print, on TV and on radio. Such attacks, ridicule and outright lies are constantly aimed at President Obama, Democrats, any and all liberals, advocates of limited gun control and anybody else who doesn’t subscribe to the radical-right fringe. As an editor and a human being, I have a right – even a duty – to counter those hate-filled attacks with some name-calling of my own.) Charlie Bunde, Sartell In response to your column “More guns are not the answer,” you never identify the problem and issues or mention a solution to this gun-violence issue. You blame guns and a few extreme-minded gun owners as the problem. In comparison it would be like me blaming the pencil for liber-

al-minded anti-gun hate propaganda you spread through this newspaper. If you are the editor, why don’ t you publish some of these letters you refer to in this column that have been sent to you? They can’t be all unsigned. Your opinion column is full of mean and degrading language. You use words and statements like, “belligerent NRA leadership,” “rabid,” “God-given holy writ handed down by Moses himself,” “hate radio” and “gun huggers.” Instead of all your name-calling, mean words and statements maybe you should be the bigger person. You fit the definition of a “bully.” You are a bully with a pencil and not a gun. You sit behind your desk and name call. Your statement, “What is alarming is how some of these gun-worshippers actually think one day federal agents sent by Dictator Obama will pound on their doors and demand they turn over their guns” and

“these people have seen too many Rambo movies.” Well let’s go back not too long ago in history and look at how Hitler managed to persuade his people to turn over all of their guns. After the Germans were disarmed, Hitler was able to commit those horrific atrocities against his people. I am quite certain if you are living under Hitler’s rule your pencil would not have protected. More than likely you would have cowered in fear or have been rounded up and imprisoned. To say, “these people give up their reasoning power in exchange for every paranoid conspiracy,” I say let’s just look at history, as it tends to repeat itself. Otherwise just look at Africa, the Middle East or the old Soviet Union and the ethnic cleansing that continue to take place. These victims have no means of protecting themselves or government that is able to defend them.

True listening is crucial to judicial fairness While interviewing to become a judge, I was asked how my experience as an attorney had prepared me for the position. I responded that trying cases for 20 years in state and federal court had been like studying to become a judge. I admit I wondered how different this “studying” would be in relation to the “test” of everyday judging. Specifically, I questioned how difficult it would be adjusting from being an advocate, pleading and arguing on behalf of a client, to the role of neutral decision-maker. The Minnesota rules which govern lawyers’ conduct say a lawyer’s duty in representing a client includes the responsibility to “act with commitment and dedication . . . and with zeal in advocacy upon the client’s behalf.” In my years as a lawyer, I zealously advocated for a wide variety of clients. As a legal services attorney, I advocated for victims of domestic abuse. As a criminal defense attorney, I represented men and women charged with crimes ranging from traffic tickets to homicide. As an attorney in a law firm, I represented families fighting for better education for disabled children. In each of those roles, I did what lawyers do – worked at being as persuasive as I could to help my clients.

From the Bench

Sarah Hennesy District Court Judge When I took the bench in March of last year, my responsibilities changed dramatically. The rules governing the conduct of judges provide “a judge . . . shall perform all duties of judicial office fairly and impartially.” They also say “to ensure impartiality and fairness to all parties, a judge must be objective and open-minded.” According to Webster, I am impartial if I “treat or affect all equally.” I am no longer an advocate. I am a fair and impartial decision-maker with the ultimate duty of insuring justice is served. Prior to taking the bench, I found myself wondering how the skills I had developed as “a zealous advocate” would apply to this new undertaking. I’m finding it’s easier to let go of my role as an advocate than I thought it would be. I still get to do what I value most – listen to people’s stories. The only way I could do my job well as an

attorney was to listen, patiently and attentively, to my clients. As a judge, I have the privilege of being able to spend my days listening to people tell me about their lives, their work and their families. I spend more of my day listening now than ever before. I might spend the morning hearing a child’s testimony about her abuser, how he hurt her but she loves him and doesn’t want him to go away. My next case might involve an assistant county attorney fighting to protect the public from a man who cannot or will not stop drinking and driving. Later that morning, a public defender will ask I send a client addicted to prescription drugs to a treatment program rather than prison. The afternoon might begin with an attorney representing a credit-card company that cannot get a debtor to pay and end with a woman who cannot afford an attorney fighting on her own to get visitation with her child. These stories can be hard to hear. At the end of a long day, it might be tempting to assume you know the story behind the person in front of you without giving him or her the chance to tell it. Visit and click on Opinion to read the article in its entirety.

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, March 1, 2013



from page 2

New Employees or Changes: Name

Bldg. Position




Jesse Johnson


Math Counts, 2.25%

S1, $746

Replacing Joyce Schneider


Sean Rebischke


LTS Music, FTE

.4863 BA S1, $16,125

Covering leave of Amy Hart


Jenna Stoneking



BA S1, $181.19/ Replacing Tanya Peterson day


Joyce Schneider


LTS – Math


Leah Olk


Elementary tion, .5355


Joy Kowalke


Server, 2 hrs/day


Debra Leigh


Choreographer – S4, $804 Spring play, 2.25%

Replacing Kaeleah Morseth


Nancy Nieters


Para, 6.25/hrs/day

R IV S5 $19.95

New position


Sasha Hansen


Health, .9325

BA10 $33,788.21

SPED (homebound)

BA S1, $22.65

10. Pat Neuschwander ORE

BA S1, $181.19/ Covering leave day of Alecia Elfering educa- BA S1, $17,757 R1 S1, $13.49

Covering leave of Angela Seutter Replacing Joanne Daniel

S2, Replacing Patti Lutz New position

11. Wendy Goltz

ORE/ Educational speech MA S1 $21,365 SMS and language pathologist, .5082

Covering leave of Marcia Gaetz and Jacqi Scultz

12. Leah Greer


SPED para, 3.5 hrs/ R IV S1 $14.99 day

Replacing Melissa Anderson

13. Andria Kelley


SR coordinator

Replacing Ann Domres

14. Karl Scharnweber SMS/ Health/PE, .4231 SHS

$17.00/hr. BA $14,029.15


S1, Replacing Sasha Hansen

Leaves of Absence: Name



15. Marcia Gaetz


Speech language pathologist Leave of Absence 04-29-13 to 10-21-13

16. Amy Hart


LTS music

Leave of Absence 10-23-12 to 5-31-13

17. Jessica Boline


Art teacher

Leave of Absence 04-15-13 to 5-31-13

18. Cassie Gertken


Gr. 7/8 special education

Leave of Absence 05-05-13 to 5-31-13

19. John Bergeson


Transportation specialist

Extension of non- 10-15-12 to 5-30-13 work related Medical Leave of Absence, and an extension of long term Disability Leave

20. Alecia Elfering


Chair Meyer agreed to sign grievances. The Board had a second reading of proposed new Policy 530. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. was made by McCabe and seconded by Nies. All in favor. Motion carried. /s/ Jason Nies, clerk/treasurer


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Sartell Newsleader •

SMS named ‘tops’ at regional science fair

contributed photo

The Sartell participants at the Central Minnesota Regional Science Fair and Research Paper Competition brought home an armload of premium ribbons recently. The Sartell premiumaward winners are the following: (front row) Kali Killmer, Monte Belmont, Maddie Thieschafer and Becca Kucala; (middle row) Rory Spanier, Eric Schatz. Josh Maricle-Roberts, Sydney Thieschafer, Rameen Dogar, Elizabeth Millhouse; (back row) Anna Lehto, Cindy Zhang, Rachel Ditmarson, Brinn Alervok, Elizabeth Ruder, Jack Hackenmueller, Logan Jesperson and Jacob Miller. by Dennis Dalman

The hard work of 40 Sartell Middle School students paid off when their school was named “tops” at the Central Minnesota Regional Science Fair and Research Paper Competition at St. Cloud State University. At the fair, Sartell Middle School earned the “Top School” award for the highest percentage of students with purple ribbons and special awards. Twenty-three

other schools from the region competed at the fair. The total scientific projects presented totaled 250 from grades 6-12, with 40 of those projects created by Sartell-St. Stephen students who received nine purple ribbons and many other ribbons and special awards. The “Top School” award, the judges noted, speaks well not only for the students but for the science teachers at Sartell Middle School – Angela McSorley, eighth grade; Gina Anderson, seventh

grade; and Jason Anderson, Gary Rosin and Mike Holman, sixth grade. Nine of the SMS students, who won purple ribbons, will advance to state competition in April. They and their projects are: Kali Killmer and Monte Belmont, seventh grade: Fertilizer: Friend or Foe; Maddie Theischafer and Becca Kucala, seventh grade: Pathogens, Bacteria and Germs - Oh My!”; Rory Spanier, eighth grade: Video Gaming for the Blind; Eric Schatz, eighth grade: Propeller Efficiency; Sydney Thieschafer, eighth grade: Shaping Up to Disappear; Rameen Dogar, eighth grade: Eyewitness Testimony; and Josh Maricle-Roberts, eighth grade: Deforestation and Effects on the Iberian Lynx. The award-winning sixthgrade students and their projects are: Anna Lehto: Dimple Drop; Elizabeth Millhouse: Salty Surroundings; Cindy Zhang: Spy; Jacob Miller: How Far Will It Fly?; Elizabeth Ruder: Does Color Make a Difference?; Brinn Alervok and Rachel Ditmarson: Fizzy Fireworks; and Logan Jesperson and Jack Hackenmueller: Rapid Reverse. The following special awards were given: American Psychological Association: Rory Spanier; Naval Science Award: Spanier; Broadcam Masters Award: Lehto, Maddie and Sydney Thieschafer, Kucala, Dogar and Schatz.

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Friday, March 1, 2013

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