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Newsleader Sartell
Friday, March 22, 2013 Volume 18, Issue 12 Est. 1995
Town Crier Winter farmers’ market extended to April, May
“Winter Market,” the farmers’ market in Sartell, is extending its hours into the spring. It will be open from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, April 6 and Saturday, May 4 in the council chambers of Sartell City Hall. About one dozen vendors will display a wide variety of locally grown and produced products. The warm-weather Sartell farmers’ market, known as “Market Monday,” began two summers ago next to the Bernick’s Arena along Pinecone Road. On Monday, May 13, “Market Monday” will again open for the season, this time in Pinecone Regional Park near Sartell City Hall. Amy Braig-Lindstrom, founder and coordinator of the market, said the market site was changed to the city-hall area for several reasons, including consistency season to season, location at a controlled intersection and a venue that is clearly visible from Pinecone Road.
Sartell Youth Baseball sets registration
Postal Patron
Sabres left Tuesday for state tourney
The Sartell Sabres boys’ basketball team had a rousing send-off Tuesday when they headed out for the state championship tournament in the Twin Cities. It is the Sabres’ first time at a state tourney. The school gave the players a lively pep rally in the gymnasium before they left for Minneapolis at 6 p.m. Tuesday. As of Newsleader press time Wednesday, the team lost 70-55 to DeLaSalle, ending their chances to advance. The Sabres propelled themselves into state competition March 14 in a suspenseful,
squeak-through 57-55 victory made the winning basket. over the Fergus Falls Otters The Sabres are led by coach in Halenbeck Hall on the St. Dave Angell. For more about Cloud State University campus. That game was the Section 8-3A championship. At the culmination of what had been a virtually tied game all through, a breathtaking last moment clinched the Sabres’ victory when Tim Immelman, with time running out, plunked the ball into the basket, causing fans to erupt in joyous jubilation. Just seconds earlier, a distant shot attempt by Patrick Fischer had missed the basket, but Immelman, who was near the hoop, recovered the ball and quickly
Once upon a storybook
‘Safety Walk Through’ completed at schools A “Safety Walk Through” at Sartell schools was recently completed with an aim to improving security and safety. The walk-through included administration officials, building-maintenance personnel, school-board members and people from the lo-
cal fire department and police department. All aspects of safety were scrutinized during the walk-through. It is just one step of an ongoing, year-round review of security and safety issues at all Sartell school buildings. Safety • page 3
photo by Jack Hellie
Sartell High School Senior Ashley Regnier reads to a class of first-graders recently. The reading was part of a project by the National Honor Society students to share time and talents with young students at Oak Ridge Elementary School.
Sartell employees experience eerie déja vu in Alabama by Dennis Dalman
Registration for summer 2013 baseball closes on March 31. To register 1st- through 9th-grade youth, please go to and click “Youth Baseball.” For registration questions, call Mike Connolly at 320252-5743.
For seven Sartell city employees, a recent visit to Alabama was like a tragic déja vu that reminded them of a sad and hectic week in late May of last year. May 28, Labor Day, was the day the Verso paper mill exploded and burned, killing one employee and wounding several others. The seven employees, along with other employees in the greater St. Cloud area, spent several days in disaster-
School board to meet March 25
The Sartell-St. Stephen School Board meeting has been rescheduled to 4:30 p.m. Monday, March 25. The meeting had been slated for Monday, March 18, but the threat of blizzard-like weather caused its cancellation. The board meets in the School District Services Building in Sartell.
The Waters Church
training exercises in Anniston, Ala. They, along with other city employees in the area, flew to Atlanta, Ga. in mid-May and then boarded a bus there for a two-hour ride to Anniston’s Center for Domestic Preparedness. Their trip was totally paid for, including meals and lodging, by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which operates the CDP. The seven from Sartell and the others learned in a handson way the key factors in planning, training, respondAlabama • page 5
Baltes, parishioners hail election of new pope
Empty Bowls set March 24
The Empty Bowls Soup Feed Benefit and Silent Auction will be held from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, March 24 at Calvary Community Church, 1200 Roosevelt Road, St Cloud. Empty Bowls is an internationally recognized program designed to draw attention to the problem of hunger in the United States and the world. For more information, visit and click on Criers.
Wednesday’s results and reactions, see the March 29 Sartell Newsleader.
by Dennis Dalman
contributed photo
Students at the Center for Domestic Preparedness prepare to enter a school bus during a mock-disaster drill in Anniston, Ala. Nearly 24 people from the greater St. Cloud area, including seven from Sartell, recently participated in a course at the CDP. All of their costs were paid for by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The people in this photo are not the Sartell participants.
The election of a new pope has made Father Tim Baltes of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church and many others in Sartell very happy. Members of the congregation are also pleased with the selection of Jorge Mario Bergoglio (pronounced BerGOAL-io) as the new pope of
the worldwide Roman Catholic Church. The 76-year-old man, who chose the name Pope Francis I, hails from Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he has lived for years in humble simplicity in a modest apartment. He is also the first non-European pope to serve in more than 1,200 years and the first member Pope • page 4
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, March 22, 2013
contributed photo
Two Sartell Sapphire Gymnastics teams qualified for the Midwest Amateur Gymnastics Association Divisional State Meet. The Sartell Sapphire Blue Team qualified for the Division 7 State meet held March 3 in Monticello. Above, the Blue Team members include the following: (sitting) Sarah Klimpel and Courtney Kosloski; (kneeling) Annie Dummer and Marley Michaud; and (standing) Paige Grabow, Abigayle Starz, Lexi Dalton, Ali Hess and Kristin Martens. The team placed seventh, setting a new Sapphire Blue Team record score of 111.675. Top individual placings include: Kosloski placing third on uneven bars, second on floor exercise and third in the all-around for the Children’s Division; Hess placed third on vault in the Children’s Division; Michaud placed third on the floor exercise in the Children’s Division; Grabow placed second on vault in the Junior Division; and Dalton placed third on the uneven bars in the Junior Division.
contributed photo
Two Sartell Sapphire Gymnastics teams qualified for the Midwest Amateur Gymnastics Association Divisional State Meet. The Silver Team placed fourth with a season high score of 125 points. Above, Silver Team members include the following: (front row, left to right): Marisa Murphy and Madilyn Fesenmaier; (middle row) Kenadee Meyer, Brenna Chisholm, Emma Schwartz and Christa Meyer; and (back row) Shelby Hall, Katie Cashman and Morgan Gugger. Top individual placings include: Hall placed third on vault and balance beam and second on uneven bars, floor exercise and all-around in the Senior Division; Fesenmaier placed first on balance beam in the Junior Division; Kenadee Meyer placed first on vault, third on balance beam and fifth in the all-around in the Junior Division; Christa Meyer placed fifth on the uneven bars in the Novice Division; Schwartz placed fifth on vault in the Novice Division; Murphy placed fifth on vault in the Junior Division; The Sartell-St. Stephen EduChisholm placed fifth on the balance beam in the Children’s Divication Foundation welcomes two sion. The Sartell Sapphire Silver Team qualified for the Division 3 new members to its board. They meet held in Menomonie, Wis. on March 16. are the following: Amy Trombley is a mom of Three Sartell students were Two Sartell students were recently named to the fall dean’s among 297 students who recently two daughters and has been inlist at Bemidji (Minn.) State Uni- graduated from Bemidji (Minn.) volved with the Sartell-St. Steversity. They are the following: State University. They are the fol- phen Education Foundation since Kylie Faber, Mitchell Koop- lowing: David Fabian, bachelor’s 2004. She currently serves the degree in prototype engineering, Sartell-St. Stephen School Dismeiners and Nathan Williams. and Nathan Williams, bachelor’s trict as the district assessment and degree in biology.
communications coordinator and is a former teacher in the district. Tonya Miller has two young children just entering the 748 District. She moved to Sartell in 2011 for the great educational opportunities this community has to offer. She is enjoying this role and grateful for the opportunity to become more involved with the education of tomorrow’s leaders.
Amanda Scott, a Sartell native and local business owner, was recently named the new Sartell Area Chamber of Commerce sales and event coordinator. Prior to being hired for this position, Scott was a very active board member joining the Chamber board in summer 2012 to fill a vacated position. She was reelected to the board last November. During the past four months, she has volunteered her time, service and expertise as the Chamber board treasurer and has handled all of the Chamber’s bookkeeping and accounting needs along with many other daily Chamber-related tasks during this time of staff transition. She also served as co-chair for the Chamber’s golf outing last September. Scott will continue to serve her clients for her AKAccounting Solutions business as she has for the past three years. She graduated from Sartell High School and completed her accounting degree at Minnesota School of Business. Scott and her husband Andy recently built a home in Sartell. She is committed to making sure her daughter has all of the great opportunities she had growing up in Sartell. In addition to her Chamber role, Scott is the current chair of the Sartell Summerfest Planning Committee. As an independent contractor to the Chamber, she will office out of her home and will have the Chamber’s cell phone. If you need to reach the Chamber for any reason, contact Scott at 320-258-6061.
If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-2551301 or access its tip site at www. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. March 6 3:49 a.m. Traffic stop. 6th Street S. A vehicle was witnessed displaying an expired registration. The driver stated he was unaware of the expiration. He was issued a citation and released. 4 p.m. Theft. Walmart. An adult male and female were witnessed attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. It was found the male had a warrant for his arrest. He was placed under arrest and given
citations for drug paraphernalia, trespassing and theft and then transported to Stearns County Jail. The female was issued a citation for theft and released. March 7 1:47 a.m. Suspicious activity. Kings Court. A complaint was made regarding the homeowner hearing noises behind their home. Officers checked the area and were unable to locate anyone. 10:38 a.m. Burglary. 1st Street N. A report was made of a stolen iPad from a home. The home was unlocked at the time and it’s the only item that was taken. March 8 12:42 p.m. Traffic stop. C.R. 1. A vehicle was witnessed displaying an expired registration. The driver stated
Blotter • page 3
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon Editor Dennis Dalman
Newstands Country Store and Pharmacy Holiday on Riverside Drive Holiday on 7th Street N House of Pizza JM Speedstop
Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens
Design/Layout Tara Wiese
Contributing Writers TaLeiza Calloway Mark Lauer
Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke
Contributing Writer/ Administrative Assistant Cori Hilsgen
Delivery Glen Lauer
P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, March 22, 2013
Now is good time to get dogs licensed Now is a good time to get a dog license from the City of Sartell. The cost of a license is lower now until June 1. During this time, a license for a spayed or neutered dog is $15, or $30 for a dog that is not spayed or neutered. After June 1, that cost will go up to $25 and $40. If an owner has three or more dogs, a kennel license is needed.
City staff recently sent out license-renewal notices to dog owners. Renewal costs are the same as above. All that people need to get a license or renew one is a certificate showing the dog has been vaccinated for rabies. There is a good reason why the city requires dogs be licensed, city staff noted. If someone finds a stray dog and
calls the city, the dog is taken by city maintenance workers and stored in the maintenance garage until the owner is notified. However, that can be done only if the dog’s name is on the license data base and if the dog is wearing its license tag. If the dog is not wearing its tags or has no license, it’s taken to the Tri-County Humane Society. The owner will have to pay a
fee to get the animal back and another fee to the city. Money from dog licenses goes to buy doggie potty bags the city makes available to people when they walk their dogs. Dog licenses can be purchased at Sartell City Hall or online. Be sure to bring a certificate for the dog’s updated rabies vaccine. For more information, call 320-253-2171.
internal and external security cameras; employee I.D. badges; name badges for all visitors; numbered-door access areas for emergency personnel; intercom systems; emergency radio access; updated signage for visitors to buildings; periodical
drills for fire, lock-down and threatening weather; school resource officers on duty; and an All-Hazards Plan developed in partnership with emergency-response personnel in the SartellSt. Stephen area.
from page 2 she was not aware the tabs were expired. She was issued a citation and released. 1:47 p.m. Traffic stop. C.R. 1. After checking a vehicle’s registration, it was found the driver had a suspended license. The driver stated he was not aware of his license status. A citation was issued for driving after suspension and no proof of insurance; the vehicle was towed and the driver was released. 6:54 p.m. Traffic stop. Boulder Drive. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 50 mph in a posted 40-mph zone. The driver stated he was not aware of his speed. He was issued a citation and released. March 9 6:23 p.m. Suspicious activity. 5th Street NE. A complaint was made regarding lights on inside a home that was vacant. Officers arrived and made contact with the homeowners who were just moving some more items out of the home. March 10 3:51 p.m. Vehicle in ditch. Pinecone Road. While on patrol, an officer came across a vehicle stuck in the ditch. The driver stated they slid in and were stuck. At this time a truck stopped and offered to pull the vehicle out. Officers stood by with lights. 6:54 p.m. Loud music. McDonald’s. A complaint was made regarding teenagers in the parking lot playing loud music. Officers arrived and they agreed to turn down the music. March 11 8:47 a.m. Vehicle in ditch. Heritage Road. While on patrol, officers came across a vehicle stuck in the ditch. Officers blocked traffic while the tow truck removed the vehicle. 1:13 p.m. Warrant arrest. C.R. 120. While off-duty, an officer recognized a male who had an arrest warrant. Onduty officers arrived and were able to ID the male and transport him to Stearns County Jail without incident. 1:46 p.m. Traffic stop. Riverside Avenue S. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 43 mph in a posted 30-mph zone. The driver was aware of his speed. He was issued a citation and released. March 12 7:59 a.m. Vehicle in ditch. Roberts Road. While on patrol, an officer came across a vehicle in the ditch. Another truck stopped and helped pull the car out while officers provided lights for safety. 10:13 a.m. Suspicious activity. Pine Tree Court. A report was made of suspicious shoe prints outside of a home. The prints went to all basement windows and back to the road.
from front page The security/safety features include the following: Singledoor access at each school site;
Sartell Newsleader •
Pope Patio Home
for Sale by Owner Sartell, 1040SF $120k. Meticulous. 2BR, 1BA Call to see: 320-229-0606.
from front page of the Jesuit order to lead the church. He will replace Pope Benedict XVI who announced last month he would retire because of aging issues. Baltes said he did not know much about Bergoglio before his election as pope. As he learned about his life, however, he was impressed by what he learned. “He (Bergoglio) knows how to engage groups of people and send his message even in small ways,” Baltes said. “He seems to imitate Jesus’s message that we should not live to be served but to serve, a message of the gospels.” Baltes said he was not surprised the cardinals at the Vatican decided to elect a
man from the Western hemisphere because there has been dramatic growth in the number Fr. Tim Baltes of Catholics in Latin America in recent decades. Pope Francis I will not make momentous changes in church doctrine, in Baltes’s opinion. “He will address issues from a different perspective, though,” he said. “His style will be different, too. He will teach the need to reach out to the poor, to take care of those among us, the least among us. That is critical – always to remember the least among us. There will be changes in his life, as in the need for
Friday, March 22, 2013
security.” Baltes said the pope’s choice for a name is a good indication he intends to follow the examples set by St. Francis of Assisi, the Italian friar who founded the Franciscan Order in Italy nearly 800 years ago. St. Francis was deeply dedicated to the poor and lived a life of chosen poverty even though he had been born into a well-to-do family. “Even at his recent Mass, Pope Francis talked about caring for all of creation and for God’s people, which was the message of St. Francis,” Baltes said. “We are very excited about the direction we think the pope will take the church.” There are about 1,700 households in the Sartell area whose members are parishioners at St. Francis Xavier.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Sartell Newsleader •
contributed photo
The Sartell contingent that participated in a diaster-training course in Alabama are (left to right) John Kothenbeutel, assistant director of Sartell Public Works; Lucas Dingmann, firefighter; Joe Perske, mayor; Dale Struffert, deputy police chief; Patti Gartland, city administrator; Kelly Mader, policedepartment sergeant; and Ben Kockler, firefighter.
from front page ing and coordinating in times of disasters both natural and man-made. A vital part of the training was helping city officials to identify all of their emergency-responder resources and to note any drawbacks therein. “It was good training for all of us,” said Sartell Mayor Joe Perske. “Absolutely, it was a good experience. We learned some potentially very valuable things about ways to respond.” Perske and others in the Sartell contingent were surprised to learn many at the CDP were well aware of the Verso paper-mill disaster and how Sartell and other communities had pulled together in mutual-aid response to that disaster. The other members of the Sartell group were Lucas Dingmann, firefighter; Patti Gartland, city administrator; Ben Kockler, firefighter; John Kothenbeutel, assistant director of Public Works; Sgt. Kelly Mader of the Sartell Police Department; and Dale Struffert, Sartell’s deputy police chief. All of those officials, in one way or another, were involved with the Verso emergency, which lasted a full week. As Sartell Police Chief Jim Hughes has pointed out during public talks, city forces had to do a lot of improvising and some guess work at the time Verso exploded because it was so unanticipated. Many things, Hughes said,
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were learned during that hectic week. The training in Alabama covered disasters that could involve chemicals, ordnance (bombs), biological agents and radiological weapons. Many such disasters, horrific as it is to think about, could be caused by foreign or domestic terrorists. The CDP is the only facility in the nation that offers civilian training for such “toxic” disasters. Training involves both command and support teams and how all the players can learn to coordinate speedily and effectively. It stresses the vital importance of well-trained first-responder teams. On the third day of the course, participants formed into five groups of eight or nine people. Some of them came from other cities in the nation. Once the teams were formed, they were presented with a mock disaster to which they had to respond over a period of six hours. Each group had to quickly develop roles for each member. Then, as
the mock disaster unfolded and changed willy-nilly, team members had to respond quickly to any new developments in their handling of the crisis, including how to release reliable information to the media. That is when the déja vu of Verso came into play for the Sartell contingent. Good communication was crucial every step of the way, in the CDP exercises as in the real-life Verso tragedy. The lessons taught at the CDP have already proved to be effective in planning and responses to disasters nationwide, including tornado strikes, floods, fires and the prevention of a car bomb in Times Square, New York City. Now back home, the members of the Sartell contingent hope, of course, there will never be another disaster that sets off a massive emergency response, but if such a disaster should ever happen, they all said they feel they will be better prepared for it.
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Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, March 22, 2013
Our View
To win again, Grand Old Party must connect Will the Grand Old Party recapture its soul and forge a “new and improved” identity, a way to win elections? It’s doubtful, based on last weekend’s Conservative Political Action Committee gathering. At that event, doubling-down seemed to predominate over soul-searching. There was vociferous doubling-down on slavish adherence to the National Rifle Association, on trickle-down economic theory, on opposition to ObamaCare and anything else “Obama,” on patriarchal and condescending attitudes to women and minority groups and on vows of no tax increases. CPAC, at times, resembled an Obama Hate Fest more than a Republican homecoming. There were, however, refreshing talks by hopefuls like Bobby Jindahl, Marco Rubio and several others. And it was good to hear sense and reason from some of the older triedand-true folks, like Jeb Bush. They have been warning their peers to steer clear of the radical right wing and to dissociate themselves from what even some Republicans call “nut-case” candidates. The only hope for winnability is to heed that advice and restore a true concern for the needs of all Americans. Analysts, both Democrats and Republicans, believe Mitt Romney lost because he could not relate to the daily struggles of working Americans. John McCain lost the election partly because of his choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate, a candidate most voters knew was simply not ready to step into the presidency. And there at CPAC was Palin again, stepping up to rally the troops. In her chipper-snide voice, she called Obama a “liar” once again. She said Republicans keep asking, “What about the Republican Party?” They should be asking, Palin added (in another dig at Obama), “What about the middle class?” Yes, what about it, Sarah Palin? What have you or any other Republican done in the past few years to help the middle class or any other “class,” for that matter? What have Republicans done but sit on their butts in the U.S. Congress and vote “NO” to everything proposed by Obama or any other Democrat? Here is a woman who abruptly abandoned her job as Alaska governor for the limelight. “Mama Grizzly” dares to blast Obama when she herself has done nothing to help the middle class or anyone else since she fell in love with star dust. Palin, now a mere shill, has lost her shine. If the Republican Party doesn’t distance itself from and even denounce (in some cases) radical right-wing demagogues and political “purists,” it’s on the road to defeat – once again. CPAC pointedly did not invite New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who was jeered as a traitor when he praised and dared to hug (for shame!) Obama after Hurricane Sandy. Go figure. The very man they should be welcoming they instead reject. It’s no wonder Joe Scarborough, morning TV host and former Republican congressman, calls (with a heavy heart) his own Republican Party the “Stupid Party.”
Raising minimum wage long overdue Who but Scrooge himself could possibly oppose raising the federal minimum wage? President Obama called for raising the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $9 an hour. If anything in this world is reasonable, it’s that. Recently, however, the U.S. House of Representatives voted down a proposal to raise the wage to $10.10 an hour over three years. The vote was 233-184, with all of the Republicans voting against it, along with six Democrats. Minnesota Rep. John Kline, who led the opposition, called it a “job destroyer.” California’s Rep. George Miller said, “While corporate profits soar, while the Dow breaks new records and while the CEOs take home 380 times the wages of average workers, the lowest-paid workers are falling behind.” Correction: Miller should have said “HAVE fallen behind, a long time ago.” Democrats said raising the wage would pay for itself because while businesses would have to pay more in wages, their customers would increase because more people would have a bit more spendable income. That line of reasoning, however, never flies with cheapskate politicians. The wage was raised quite a few times in history. The sky did not fall. Study after study shows layoffs are rarely caused by minimum-wage increases and where layoffs did occur, new hires replaced them before too long. In 1933, the minimum wage was set
Dennis Dalman Editor at 25 cents an hour. Sadly enough, the minimum wage had its highest purchasing power in 1968 when it was $1.68 an hour, the equivalent of $10.64 in 2012 wages, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In 2009, the wage was $7.25, the last of three steps as set by the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007. Anti-minimum wage arguments always sound “benevolent,” but they are hollow. “Oh mercy, it will hurt the poor!” some trumpet through crocodile tears. “Secondary earners, like youth, don’t need higher wages, anyway, as they are in lower-wage ‘starter jobs.’ It will break businesses, they’ll have to lay off workers and maybe close for good.” Are young people in “starter jobs” some kind of sub-species, unworthy of decent living wages? Just stop and think how young people struggle to get a car, to maintain it, to pay car insurance, gas, groceries and in many cases rent – all of which keep skyrocketing. Young people are told the road to success starts with post high-school education. How are they going to save for education, which also keeps skyrocketing, when they make such paltry wages? We should
raise their wages to let them know their hard work is appreciated so they have faith in a system that works for all, not just some. The way things are going, in this lopsided economy, some of these kids’ starter jobs may well become their permanent jobs – dead-end jobs. And not to forget, there are other kinds of minimum-wage workers, and they are hardly young. They are senior citizens, some of whose investments for a happy retirement were blown out of the water because of reckless gambling by Wall Street hotshots. Thus, many now work in low-wage jobs to supplement their fixed incomes. Fortunately, many good employers pay good wages, anyway, from a sense of economic justice and because they know decently paid employees appreciate it and thus do their jobs well. If some companies cannot afford to pay an increased minimum wage, there should be a mechanism that if they can show why, they could be exempt from the wage raise. Here’s another empty argument against the minimum wage: “The government should not tell free enterprise what to do.” Ah yes, “laissez-faire” all over again. The U.S Congress has done virtual contortionist tricks on behalf of the wealthy to make them wealthier throughout the years. Isn’t it odd, isn’t it disgusting, that when it comes time to give a little help to the working poor, these Scrooges, in their tightwad chorus, scream “Humbug!”
With age comes wisdom? I’m not so sure about that With age comes wisdom? I don’t know who said that but they must be older than me. I’m still waiting for my wisdom. All I get with age is gray hair, sore feet and a multitude of unexplained aches and pains. My medicine cabinet has aged with me. What used to be a few odds and ends have become whole sections. One bottle of Tylenol has become a whole section of pain relievers. Aspirin and ibuprofen abound in all milligrams and every form. I have tablets, caplets, melt-aways and extended release. Some are for headaches, some for arthritis, some for the unexplained aches and pains. Band-aids have become arthritis gloves, knee braces, bunion pads, specialized shoe inserts and walking canes. The Flintstone chewable vitamins have aged into Centrum Silver, fish oil, calcium and joint-health pills. None are chewable; all are the size of small animals. My toothpaste has been replaced by a plastic box, denture tabs, adhesives and a brush big enough to clean off my car. The acne cream has aged into dry skin lotions, creams and balms, along
Candi Vlasaty Guest Writer with anti-wrinkle moisturizers, age-spot reducers, muscle rubs and anti-itch ointments. Some I’m not even sure are for humans. I have udder balm for dry skin, Tiger balm for working hands and emu oil for what I don’t know. I know I am changing with age. But what am I changing into? We now have a gastro-intestinal section. Tummy aches that used to be cured by 7-up or ginger ale are now handled by Tums, Rolaids, Pepto Bismal, Gas-X and fiber enhancers. That section has its own set of creams and ointments. This is a full-time all consuming section – depending on what I consume. Too much fiber requires softeners. Not enough requires more fiber. I still like the same foods, but apparently they no longer like me. My aging dog, Rocky, now has his own section. It consists of Heart-Guard, calcium, glucosamine and rimadyl for
joint health. And phenobarbital for seizures. We share the gastro-intestinals with him when needed. In addition to his lifetime of seizure medication, he has since had two ACL-tear surguries and now needs monthly adequan shots for arthritis. He should be the first of us to go on Medicare. I used to grab a pair of tweezers to pluck out an errant hair or two. That, too, has aged into a whole section. It has become hair bleachers, hair removers and hair-growth promoters. My hair has aged into the color of my choice. I can choose Clairol Loving Care, Loreal or a bunch of others. I can streak, highlight, lowlight, frost, cover or restore. My choice is anything but gray. My husband, Kermit, loves to watch a show called Big-Foot Hunters. It’s where people think they see a sasquatch. I don’t believe it. I think they see a woman who is running to get either hair-removal lotion or more Clairol Loving Care. It may be what we’re aging into. I’m not getting any wiser yet with age, but I know if they come out with a pill, lotion, vitamin or cream for wisening up, I’ll have a section for that, too, in my aging medicine cabinet.
Fairness and ethics
Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
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Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, March 22, 2013
Community Calendar
Friday, March 22 “Travel Talkin’: Israel and Jordan.” Take a fascinating trip to the Holy City of Jerusalem, see views from Mount of Olives, take a walk through the garden of Gethsemane, then to the Sea of Galilee, River Jordan and finally the city of Bethlehem, 10-11 a.m., Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. 320255-7245 St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall, 610 North County Road 2, St. Joseph. www. Artist Sarah Drake talk, 5-6 p.m., Al Ringsmuth Public Library, Waite Park. Her artwork themed
around women and water will be on display in honor of International Women’s Day (March 8) and World Water Day (March 22). Drake will work with up to 20 participants on the creation of a piece of group art about the topic of water. This program is for adults, teens, and children 12 and older. 320-253-9359. Fish Fry, 5-7:30 p.m., Immaculate Conception Church, 145 2nd Ave. NE, Rice. “The Wizard of Oz,” 7:30 p.m. Paramount Theatre, St. Cloud. 320259-5463 or
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Collegeville. 320-255-6169. Aglow Gathering, 9:30 a.m., Michael’s Restaurant, 510 Hwy. 10, St. Cloud. RSVP Vera 320-253-5351 by March 20. “The Wizard of Oz,” 7:30 p.m. Paramount Theatre, St. Cloud. 320259-5463 or Sunday, March 24 Empty Bowls soup feed benefit and silent auction, sponsored by Place of Hope, noon to 4 p.m., Calvary Community Church, 1200 Roosevelt Road, St. Cloud. “The Wizard of Oz,” 2 p.m., Paramount Theatre, St. Cloud. 320259-5463 or
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Marley is an 8-month-old neutered cat with long and incredibly soft hair. He was originally found abandoned as a very small kitten. His rescuers could not keep him indefinitely, so they brought him to the shelter. He was soon adopted, but recently returned because his people had to move suddenly. So here he is again, waiting for the next leg of his journey which will take him to a new home. The people he’s lived with said he got along fine with the other cats in the home. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 10 Kittens - 1
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Sartell Newsleader •
Payne to spruce up property for Eagle Scout project by Dennis Dalman
Logan Payne is about to roll up his sleeves and launch into his Eagle Scout project that will benefit the City of Sartell. Logan, the son of Sandy and Troy Payne, is a scout in Pack 211 and an eighth-grader at Sartell Middle School. At the March 11 Sartell City Council meeting, Payne addressed the council and used a power-point presentation to share his plans for his Eagle Scout project. To become an
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Eagle Scout, a scout must complete an ambitious communityservice project, among other criteria. For his project, Payne decided to spruce up areas by the Pinecone Central Park golf course and Sartell City Hall. He will seed the edge of a holding pond at the golf course, using wildflower seed. He will remove litter (and stray golf balls) from the stream that runs by the golf course and city-hall land; and he will repair the eroded stream bank next to a culvert by using dirt, jute netting, wildflower
seed and live osier dogwood stakes. A team of volunteers will assist Payne with his repair work. Payne has already spent a lot of time planning the project. He met with numerous officials to discuss the project, including a DNR official, city engineer, manager of the golf course and Sartell city staff members. He expects his Eagle Scout project will be completed by late June, at the latest. The members of the city council commended Payne for his worthy project.
Friday, March 22, 2013