Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader - April 1, 2016

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Newsleader Sartell-St. Stephen

Friday, April 1, 2016 Volume 21, Issue 13 Est. 1995

Town Crier Bird house building set April 3 in St. Stephen

The St. Stephen Sportsmen’s Club will have building materials cut and ready to assemble at their Bird House Building Event from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday, April 3 at St. Stephen City Hall, 2 Sixth Ave. SE.

St. Stephen City Council meets now at 6:30 p.m.

Beginning Monday, April 6, the St. Stephen City Council meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m. in St. Stephen City Hall, 2 Sixth Ave. SE.

Registration open for youth athletics

Registration runs now through April 20 for St. Stephen Athletic Club Youth Programs. Registration forms are available at Schmidty’s in St. Stephen or online at and on Facebook by searching “City of St. Stephen, MN.” For more information, contact Cindy Vanderweyst at 320-529-8498.

Bunny basket winners announced

The winners for the Newsleaders’ Easter bunny giveaway are as follows: Avon State Bank, Rosalyn Brickweg, St. Cloud; Central Minnesota Credit Union, Nick Heltemes, St. Joseph; Local Blend, Lovana Benston, St. Joseph; Once Upon a Child, Cora Cuperus, Sartell; St. Joseph Meat Market, Mary Kay Moening, St. Joseph; and the Wenner Co., Chloe Thomes, Waite Park.

Postal Patron

PineCone team brings gift of vision to Panama by Dennis Dalman

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There were the ones who went to Panama and those who did not, but the trip was a huge success largely because of the ones who did not go but who contributed so generously for the trip’s mission. What they gave before the trip were used eyeglasses, hundreds and hundreds of them, enough to fill many, many bags. They also donated money. “Our community (Sartell and beyond) came out in waves to help,” said Dr. Stacy Hinkemeyer, struggling for words to express her gratitude. “The response was just unbelievable.” Hinkemeyer and her husband, Dr. Nicholas Colatrella, are the owners/operators of PineCone Vision Center in Sartell. Recently, those two; their children Alice, 13, and Tony, 10; and Hinkemeyer’s mother, Delrose, of Clearwater, returned from Panama where they donated their time and talents to help people see. The trip was made possible through the Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity, which gives the great gift of vision to people in need worldwide through more than 75 regional, state and school chapters. The PineCone Vision team was part of a group of 40

Dr. Nicholas Colatrella examines the eyes of a nun in Panama.

Minnesotans who did the Panama mission trip. Only 16 of them were doctors; the rest were trained helpers who helped measure vision, escorted patients, helped move equipment or did any other tasks that had to be done. In just three days, they saw, examined and fitted 1,800 people with eyeglasses or other forms of help for their poor

School bond question, public meetings set by Dennis Dalman

The May 24 ballot question for the school-bonding request and a series of public information meetings on that topic have been approved by the Sartell-St. Stephen School Board. School-district voters on

that day will decide whether to approve $105.8 million for a new high school and other improvements at current school buildings. In the meantime, the district has scheduled five public information meetings, so that residents can learn more about the rationale for the bond issue. The first public meeting was held last week.

Sauk Rapids-Rice High School band and choir will host its second annual mattress fundraiser from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, April 9 at Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School to raise funds for band equipment, instruments and student fees. Delivery and free lay-away is also available. Beds also include factory warranties. A referral coupon is available from any member of the band. For more information, visit and click on April 1 Criers.

by Jenna Trisko

Robotics team wins state, heads to world’s


Batteries Plus

For the four remaining meeting times and places, see bottom of this story. The May 24 ballot question will read as follows: Shall the school board of Independent School District No. 748 (Sartell-St. Stephen) be authorized to issue its general-obligation school-building bonds in an amount not to

exceed $105,800,000 to provide funds for the acquisition and betterment of school sites and facilities, including the acquisition of land for the construction and equipping of a new highschool site and facility, and the completion of various light and heavy remodeling projects, the construction of secure entries to Bond • page 5

Sartell student starts farming business

Mattress fundraiser set April 9 at SRR High

Six Sartell boys will promote dinein and take-out business for the House of Pizza from 4:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 5, and 10 percent of all proceeds from dine-in and take-out sales will be donated directly back to their team to cover expenses to attend the World’s Competition held April 20-23 in Louisville, Ken.

vision. There were two clinics in which they worked – one in the village of San Felix, the other in a place called Boquete. It’s the first time the PineCone Vision team went on such a trip. “I’m a huge fan now,” Hinkemeyer said. “Such a trip has always been on my Bucket Panama • page 4

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Alex Bertsch of Sartell and Community Development Director Jim Muellenbach from the Salvation Army of St. Cloud shake hands prior to unloading 100 pounds of food for the St. Cloud Salvation Army food shelf.

Alex Bertsch of Sartell is 16 years old and enjoys spending his free time outdoors, kayaking and gardening. Last summer, he decided to take his interest in gardening to another level. Bertsch’s grandfather owns six acres of land in Milaca, and the teen was allowed to use the land for gardening. With encouragement from his family and friends, he started his own farming business called Epic by Nature Farm. Bertsch sectioned off half an acre of the property and last year grew a couple tons of produce to sell to local families and businesses. He hopes to expand his production this sum-

mer and sell vegetables and fruit through the Sauk Rapids and Foley farmers’ markets. He is also taking orders through his website. “The produce is all natural – pesticide and herbicide free,” Bertsch said of his venture. “Just eco-friendly gardening and farming.” He will begin planting again in two to three weeks. Produce will include but is not limited to kale, spinach, lettuce, zucchini, tomatoes, sweet corn and pumpkins. Bertsch hopes someday to supply several restaurants in the area with quality produce to serve to their patrons. Along with the success of this business venture, the Sartell teen had a desire to give Farming • page 3

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •



Bicyclist killed in traffic accident in Sartell by Frank Lee A 54-year-old Sartell bicyclist was struck and killed by a motorist on the morning of March 29 at Highway 15 and Stearns CR 1 in Sartell.

If you have a tip concerning a crime, call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186 or TriCounty Crime Stoppers at 320255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crime. March 12 7:52 a.m. Theft. Seventh Avenue N. A report was made regarding an unlocked vehicle being stolen sometime overnight. With an estimated value of $500, the vehicle has not been located. 1:26 p.m. Domestic. 11th Street N. Domestic-abuse report was made regarding an argument

Scott Erickstad died at the scene. Jason Stocker, 40, of Sartell, was driving southbound on the highway at 5:45 a.m. in his 2001 Saturn SC2 when the bicyclist tried crossing to the east side of southbound Hwy. 15. Stocker was not injured in the collision.


between an adult male and an adult female. The female stated the male was intoxicated and refusing to go to detox. An officer was able to convince the male to go to the hospital for an evaluation. March 13 9:38 a.m. Suspicious person. 15th Street S. A complaint was made regarding a person sleeping on a curb. An officer arrived and found it was a juvenile female, who stated she had run away from home. The officer transported her back to her residence, where her parents were searching for her. The officer spoke with the family and no further action was taken. 11:02 p.m. Suspicious activity.

Friday, April 1, 2016

The Minnesota State Patrol shut down traffic in the area for a period after the fatal accident. As of press time Wednesday, funeral arrangements for Erickstad were pending at Williams Dingmann Funeral Home, Sauk Rapids.

Sixth Avenue N. Suspicious activity was reported in the area. Officers drove and walked through the area and were unable to locate anyone. March 14 5:08 p.m. Gunshot. Pinecone Regional Park. A complaint was made regarding five males shooting guns in the area. An officer located the males and found they were not within city limits. The officer spoke to them about gun safety and no further action was taken. 7:26 p.m. Theft. Nuthatch Avenue. A report was made regarding items taken from an unlocked vehicle sometime during the weekend.

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The Sartell Area Youth Basketball Association Seventh-grade Boys Team finished third in the Minnesota MYAS B2 State Tournament during the weekend of March 12-13. The team had a successful season, including first-place wins in the Sartell SAYBA Tournament Jan. 30-31, and in the Paul Bunyan Classic Tournament on Feb. 6-7 in Brainerd, Minn. Their record for the year was 23-6. The team was coached by Steve Hartwig and Curt Landowski. Team members include the following: (front row, left to right) Gus Gunderson, Zach Boelz, Blake Hartwig, Jack Greenlun and Jalen Winburn; and (back row) Coach Curt Landowski, Logan Landowski, Ben Hennen, Kristoff Kowalkowski, Brayden Lenzmeier, Scout Thorstensen and Coach Steve Hartwig,


(behind Coborn’s in the Industrial Park)

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Call the Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader at 320-363-7741 if you would like to be in the Business Directory.

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The eighth-grade team from Sartell Middle School won the regional Academic Triathlon Meet at Kennedy Elementary recently and will be going to the state meet on April 16 in Woodbury. Team members are the following: (left to right) Alex Erickson-Murphy, Ayleigh Hammond, Sarah Ufearo, Jaden Nguyen, Sam Brant and Coach Nicole Maslowski. Janagan Ramanathan of Sartell will compete with 100 other contestants, grades 4-8, April 1 in the Minnesota National Geographic Geography Bee at St. Cloud State University. Ramanathan is an eighth-grader at Sartell Middle School. The winner of the state bee will go on to compete May 23-25 at the national level in Washington, D.C. Last year’s

champion, Karan Menon, a boy from New Jersey, was awarded a $50,000 college scholarship. The defending champion at the state level is Shreyas Varathan of Shakopee Area Catholic School. Janagan’s brother, Gopi Ramanthan, was a two-time Minnesota State Geography Bee champion – in 2010 and again in 2012.

Have any Achievements? Grad. from HS/College, Military Honors, Awards Submit to For contact purposes only, please include first/last name and phone.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Production Manager Tara Wiese

Admin. Assistant Cady Sehnert

Editor: Dennis Dalman

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Delivery Bruce Probach

Assignment Editor: Frank Lee

Newsstands Coborn’s - Riverside Country Store & Pharmacy Hardee’s Holiday - Riverside House of Pizza

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

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Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone: (320) 363-7741 • Fax: (320) 363-4195 • E-mail: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Farming from front page back. March happens to be Minnesota FoodShare Month. This campaign is the largest food drive in the state, encouraging people to stock the shelves of local food banks to supply food for families throughout the year. In the spirit of this campaign, Bertsch initiated a food-collection drive on March 11 by handing out donation bags to homes and businesses to urge people to gather non-perishable food items. Collection bags were donated by Cash Wise. In exchange for donations, residents


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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader • were given a coupon for fresh produce from Epic by Nature Farm. He collected 200 pounds of donated food from residents, which was disbursed to Catholic Charities and the St. Cloud Salvation Army. In honor of his efforts, he was invited to have lunch with the residents of the Salvation Army and received a tour of the facility on March 23. “This was such a successful drive I would really like to do another one this fall,” Bertsch said. Central Perk Coffee Shop in downtown St. Cloud also learned of Bertsch’s project and invited him to appear at the 912 Regency building on March 18 for the St. Cloud Art Crawl.

A table was set up in the front entrance where he was able to speak with art enthusiasts about the food drive and the farm. Central Perk will have a food donation box at its shop for those who would like to contribute to Bertsch’s project. Contributors to this site will also receive a coupon for Epic by Nature Farm. “I just want to provide people with sustainable and natural healthy food delivered to their home,” Bertsch said. To learn more about Epic by Nature Farm, visit www. or email Bertsch at


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Roughly 200 pounds of non-perishable food items were collected by 16-year-old Alex Bertsch of Sartell during the Epic by Nature food drive from March 11-13 to benefit the Salvation Army of St. Cloud and Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud.

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


Friday, April 1, 2016

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Right: Tony Colatrella, 10, takes a well-deserved hammock siesta after helping out at one of the eye-care clinics in Panama.

contributed photos

Above: There was some time for a bit of sightseeing during the VOSH team’s trip to bring the gift of vision to so many people in Panama. Alice Colatrella, 13, and her mother, Dr. Stacy Hinkemeyer, paid a visit to the world-famous Panama Canal (in background). Left: A mother waits with pride and hope as Dr. Stacy Hinkemeyer measures her daughter’s eyes for a pair of glasses she will receive.

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Panama from front page List, and last year we were asked by VOSH to join the effort. Next fall I hope to go on a trip to Tanzania and next winter maybe to El Salvador.” In fact, Hinkemeyer is so enthused about the missions she was recently voted to serve on the Minneapolis-based VOSH Board. Hinkemeyer and the others were astonished at how cast-off pairs of glasses can make such a happy difference in the lives of so many people who would otherwise never have glasses and would have to grope and stumble through life with such defective vision. All of the eyeglasses were donated, from Sartell and elsewhere. Before the PineCone Vision team even left for Panama, Alice and Tony and others spent many hours checking the prescriptions of each pair of donated glasses, which were then written down before each pair of glasses was placed with its prescription in separate bags. In Panama, Drs. Colatrella and Hinkemeyer then spent long days examining the eyes of patients, then matching them up with donated glasses that would match the corrections their vision needed. Translators from the Peace Corps helped bridge the language barrier. It was a labor of love for all concerned. Hinkemeyer said she was so moved by a very old man who came down from the mountains when he heard about the clinic. The man, who was at least 80,

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was virtually blind because of cataracts. After being examined, they told the man that in the near future, a team of doctors would come from Indiana, and they would do surgery on his eyes that would make him see again. The old man was speechless with joy when given the hope and the promise he would be able to see again someday soon. The patients the VOSH team treated ranged in age from about 3 to some in their 80s and even 90s. “After they’d get their glasses, they could suddenly see so much better,” Hinkemeyer said. “Some were very near-sighted, and they’d never had glasses before. They were amazed by their sudden sight. And there were grateful hugs and kisses all around.” Hinkemeyer firmly believes the Panama trip was a lifechanger. The many interactions they had with people so far away was humbling and inspirational at the same time, giving all of the participants, including Alice and Tony, a much more expansive world view. Hinkemeyer gropes to find words to express the Panamanian experience. She finally finds the word she was groping for. “Incredible,” she said. “Incredible!” PineCone Vision is still accepting used eyeglasses for an upcoming trip. They can be dropped off at the clinic located at 2180 Troop Drive just off of Pinecone Road S. in Sartell. Volunteers will be accepted to help determine the prescription parameters for the pairs of glasses. To find out more, call PineCone Vision at 320-258-3915.


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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, April 1, 2016


Karki thrilled to compete on ‘big’ ice by Dennis Dalman

Playing hockey on the “big ice” recently in the high-school AA state tournament at the Xcel Energy Center was Karki one of the highlights of Keegan Karki’s young life. Never mind his team didn’t win, although it didn’t matter too much because it was the experience that counted for Karki, one he will remember fondly for years. He played a hard game at the Xcel center with 43 shots on goal, 43-14. “It was one of the coolest experiences,” said Karki, 16, a Sartell resident and goalie for the St. Cloud Cathedral Crusaders. “The Xcel center is where the

Bond from front page various facilities and other safety and security improvements, the completion of electrical-panel repairs, the completion of HVAC and dehumidification systems upgrades and condensing-unit replacements, the completion of metal-roof replacements at various facilities, the construction of bus-traffic-flow improvements, the acquisition and installation of gym blinds, and the completion of skylight repairs and

Wild play, and it was cool for our team to be there, on TV, playing in front of the whole school.” This season, the Crusaders won an impressive 18 games. The 20-member varsity team is coached by Derrick Brown. Their place in the state tournament was the 12th time the Cathedral Crusaders made state. Though the team was defeated by St. Paul Academy 4-2, they went on to win the next two games in consolation at Mariucci Arena in Minneapolis and won the consolation victory, beating Mankato and Litchfield. Karki, the son of Carrie and Allan Karki, attended St. Francis Xavier Elementary School, then became a student at Cathedral High School. He has loved hockey since he was a gradeschool student and has played goalie since he was 9 years old, first as a member of the Sartell Youth Hockey Association

in the Mites, Squirt and PeeWee leagues and later for a Bantam league based in St. Cloud. “What I love about hockey is the competitiveness,” Karki said during an interview with the Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader. “Winning, obviously, is fun, too, but win-or-lose, it’s great working together as a team.” After graduation from high school, Karki will attend either the University of North Dakota or the University of Minnesota. He already has scholarships to both schools. He intends to get a business entrepreneurship degree. His biggest wish is to make it to the National Hockey League someday. He has three siblings – Chandler, 18, who also played hockey and just finished his senior highschool year; Avah, 10; and Talia, 3.

replacements? By voting “Yes” on this ballot question, you are voting for a property-tax increase.

tions and answers and even school tours after the meetings for those who would like one. To learn more about the bond proposal, visit the school’s website at bond-2016.

Public meetings

The four remaining public information meetings about the school bond requests are: April 12: 8:30 a.m. Sartell City Hall. April 18: 6 p.m. St. Stephen City Hall. April 27: 6:30 p.m. Sartell Middle School. May 3: 6 p.m. Oak Ridge Elementary School. There will be time for ques-

Spread your wings...

contributed photo

Karki is a goalie for the Cathedral Crusaders, who recently competed in the state tournament at the Xcel Energy Center.

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


Our View Republicans shouldn’t take chances: approve Garland soon If they knew what’s good for them, U.S. Senate Republicans had best seriously consider doing their sworn constitutional duty and hold a session to consider the appointment of Judge Merrick Garland as a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. In their gridlock fashion, most of them won’t even deign to meet Garland, much less give him a hearing. Their bull-headed opposition is, of course, because he was nominated by President Barack Obama, who has been for seven years the sourpuss Republicans’ archnemesis. The reason Republicans should consider giving Garland a go and probably even confirm him is because he might be the best chance they’ve got right now or in the future. Too many of these dug-in Republican do-nothings are banking their bets on what they assume is their chance to take the White House this November. Trouble is, they’re counting their chickens before – way before – they’re hatched. They’re counting on wishful thinking, hoping enough Americans will reject Hillary Clinton as an untrustworthy lying sneak, which is the image they have so persistently created through a relentless smear campaign based on unproven suspicions – the Benghazi hearings being just one example. Right now, they are seriously salivating, eager to see her indicted by the FBI. They are so cocksure Clinton (or perhaps Bernie Sanders, (if nominated) will lose the presidential election, and then, once a Republican wins, they can appoint their own right-wing nominee (another Antonin Scalia) as Supreme Court justice and all will be well. But whoa! Not so fast, amigos! With the ongoing Republican Party disaster, with headliners like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz as the only hopes (so far) for the presidency, it might be best to stop being smug about Hillary’s defeat. Most rational American voters know there is no such creature as a politician who never tells a lie, never fudges on facts, never makes a mistake or changes policies. It comes with the territory. Still, Hillary is a paragon of intelligence, virtue and experience compared to Demagogue Donald and Tedious Ted. Either one of them as nominee is not only likely to lose the election but unwittingly take down Senate Republicans in the process. Of course, in politics anything’s possible, but at this point Republicans should not be planning a victory jig. Far from it. Especially when its national nominating convention in Cleveland in the heat of this summer might be the ultimate train wreck, if not a riot. It might well lead to electoral catastrophe come November. And then, they can boo-hoo all they want about not getting their choice for a Supreme Court justice, and they can cry and whine some more when Hillary, in the next four years, has the chance to nominate one or two more justices. And if the Republicans lose their Senate majority in the next election (a real possibility, according to many shrewd pundits), Hillary’s choices will be confirmed since only the Senate, not the House, must confirm Supreme Court justices. The Senate Republicans should weigh their options. Garland, by all accounts, has long been a non-partisan, fair-minded, impartial judge, even a favorite of rational Republicans. Wouldn’t he be better than a Hillary nominee far to the left – intolerable to Republicans’ tastes? If they knew what’s good for them, the Obama-haters in the Senate would stop their obstructionist games; they should hold hearings and then approve the nomination of Garland to the Supreme Court – for their own good. It just might be the only semblance of a chance they get to influence that High Court in a long, long time.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Opinion Cast-iron skillet lasts a lifetime

I kept forgetting to ask my brother Michael before he died if he had “inherited” the big old cast-iron skillet that was the backbone for our family meals. Ma used that pan long before I was born; we all used it daily for years and years. It was about 14 inches wide, deep black, so heavy we had to lug the hefty thing onto and off of the stove. I told Ma I wanted that pan, but somehow I didn’t get it. I did, thankfully, inherit the orange carnival-glass Kool-Aid pitcher, to this day a prized artifact from my childhood. Michael had his talents, but cooking wasn’t one of them. He couldn’t boil water, so I have no idea why he’d want a frying pan. His wife, if I recall, preferred Teflon pans. Throughout the past 30 years, I have purchased cast-iron skillets, but every time I’d get discouraged and give them away because I could never manage to “season” them properly with oil and oven heat. I’d follow directions, but what resulted was a tacky, sticky surface about as appetizing as fly paper. Recently, I decided, “OK, one more try.” I bought a 14-inch Lodge-brand skillet. After doing Internet research on ways to season (everybody has their own “foolproof” ways, go figure), I decided to try a stovetop method. First, I heated the pan on high flame until it was extremely hot. I put a teaspoon of vegetable oil in it and then, using a fat wad of paper towels, I rubbed the oil

Dennis Dalman Editor all over the inside of the pan. I turned down the heat to medium and let the pan sit there until it started smoking. I let it cool awhile, then used another wad of paper towels to wipe it thoroughly, repeatedly, getting rid of any trace of excess oil. To my satisfied surprise, it worked. A surface smooth and slick. It worked so well, in fact, that I bought another cast-iron skillet, a 12inch one. Like Ma did, I store both of them in the oven where the warmth of the pilot light keeps them nice and dry. “Seasoning,” by the way, forms a bonded surface onto the pan, caused by a chemical reaction of the highly heated oil and the iron. The more one uses the skillet, the more the protective patina builds up, creating an excellent frying surface. If there is any such thing as a triedand-true kitchen “friend,” it’s a castiron skillet. They’re just the thing for searing-browning meats and crisping potatoes. The pans can be placed right into the oven for cooking. They will last for a lifetime and then some. They do, however, need some pampering. I re-season mine after every use. Eventually, I might not have to, after using them many more times.

But, for now, yes, I wash the pans, then season as described above. There has long been a tug-of-war about how to clean a cast-iron skillet. Some people just use hot water, a dish cloth and/or nylon bristle brush – no soap. The thought of a soap-less wash turns me off. I use mild dish soap, hot water and a Scotch-Brite sponge pad (the one with the yellow sponge side and the green mild abrasive side). As soon as the pan is well rinsed, I immediately place it on the stovetop and do the re-seasoning process – takes about 10 minutes. And the main reason I keep re-seasoning it is because the soap and the scrubbing probably erode the patina a bit. But in a year or two, once the surface is durably, strongly bonded, I’ll season it only once a month, at most. The skillet I grew up with we washed with soap every day, and it was just fine. We also never once had to re-season it. Cast-iron pans really do get better with age. Two drawbacks, though: It’s easy, at first, to grab the handle without thinking, without using a pot-holder. (Ouch!) Second, you can’t use acidic ingredients in them, such as tomatoes, because the foods can develop a tinny taste. And third, a cast-iron pan can rust, so dry it by heating it on the stove right after washing. Then keep it very dry. In these days of trendy gimmickry and cheap gadgetry, a good old-fashioned cast-iron skillet is the real McCoy – practical, solid, a friend for life.

Letters to the editor

Resident says council majority proves nothing Henry Smorynski, Sartell In a recent letter to editor (“Sartell library is a bone of contention”) the writer claims a vocal minority has skewed the issue of a branch library. The writer is wrong. The Friends of the Library obtained more than 500 petition signatures urging the council to honor past pledges for a branch library. There are more than 4,000 library cardholders in Sartell. That’s not a “vocal minority.” Other than coaches and sports supporters, less than 10 people have attended council meetings stating their preference for the southern site. The council has never provided any proof the majority of residents support the southern site. The writer of the “bone of contention” letter

cites the 2014 half-cent sales tax vote as proof there was never any promise of a branch library, which was in the earlier vote on the half-cent sales tax raising $1.6 million. It is odd that the community-resources-facilities statement lists “a branch library” as the first amenity in the vote and does not mention at all gyms, walking tracks or other amenities at the proposed center. The council majority has not responded to what the majority of residents want. They have provided no data proving the vibrancy of the “Town Square” site for the center. They have provided no data on property-tax income on the south side. They have done no research on other community centers. They have done no research on the many cities that

have GRRL libraries in their city-hall complexes. They have refused to have a referendum on the library issue. They did not hold even one public hearing on the selection of the community-center site nor have they held even one hearing on the amenities to be included at the site. They have failed any reasonable test of democracy. They have confirmed by their actions and continued arrogance the criticism of John Stuart Mill in his essay On Liberty. They have suppressed the First Amendment rights of citizens of Sartell wanting a branch library. That is all the sad result in their believing that elections provide them an unaccountable mandate to decide everything until the next election.

Reader expresses thanks for Safe-Routes-to-School program Danielle Fribley Lake George Neighborhood, St. Cloud I want to send out a heartfelt thanks to Reps. Jeff Howe, Tama Theis and Sen. John Pederson for their sponsorship of legislation to support the Minnesota Safe-Routes-to-School Program. The pro-

gram, which is very popular throughout Minnesota, provides funding to communities for building sidewalks, making street crossings safer and for developing bicycle routes to and from school. The program is so successful and popular that every year requests for funding far exceed available dollars. We’ve got one 2-year-old who loves biking and another

one on the way so we, like many other families, will soon take full advantage of the program. We’re grateful for the infrastructure that will help them get to and from school safely. We all owe a huge thanks to these legislators for not only recognizing the importance of the program, but also its many benefits to students in the area.

Easter poem written for Sartell great-niece heralds spring Dianne Berndt, Winona, Minn. The ideas expressed in the letters to the editor and of the guest columnists do not necessarily reflect the views of the Newsleaders. Letters to the editor may be sent to news@thenewsleaders. com or P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374. Deadline is noon Monday. Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only.) Letters must be 350 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for space.

Even though Easter is past, this does cover a parade your readers might enjoy. I wrote this poem for my niece, Kathryn Sprenger and her daughter, Danyka, who is now 1 year old. My niece and her husband live in Sartell, and their son Ryan, 7, goes to elementary school there.

I am from Winona, Minn. I have a house on Main Street and I spend half my time in Winona taking care of my mother, Olga, 97 – who did have a big garden – and the other half in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. with my husband. My mother also, did make a Little Bo Peep outfit for my sister, Gayle and she was in the Easter parade in Winona with our

pet lamb, Oscar, and a milk bottle. My brother, Roger played the trumpet in high school marching band. He is close to 60 now, hence Memory Lane. I hope the background was interesting (and explains some of the poem better).

See poem on back page

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, April 1, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE

CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to Chapter 333, Minnesota Statutes, the undersigned, who is or will be conducting or transacting a commercial business in the State of Minnesota under an assumed name, hereby certifies: 1. The assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted is: Allison Marie Photography. 2. The stated address of the principal place of business is or will be: 307 14th Street N., Sartell, Minn. 56377 3. The name and street address of all persons conducting business under the above assumed name including any corporations that may be conducting this business: Allison Marie Olmscheid, 307 14th Street N., Sartell, Minn. 56377 4. I certify I am authorized to sign this certificate and I further certify I understand by signing this certificate, I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Minnesota Statutes section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath. /s/ Allison Olmscheid Dated: March 21, 2016 Filed: March 21, 2016 Publish: March 25 and April 1, 2016 EMPLOYMENT/HELP WANTED TEAM DRIVER WANTED: Dedicated run from St. Paul, Minnesota to Oakwood, Illinois. Tuesdays through Saturdays. Competitive Wage. CDL required. Call 563-580-6648 (MCN) FARM RELATED MACHINERY WANTED: Horse Machinery-GrainBinder-Thrasher-Silo Filler-HayLoader Barn for salvage. Amish farmer 715-697-2916 (MCN) AU T O M O B I L E S / M O T O R C Y C L E S WANTED MOTORCYCLES: TOP CASH PAID! For Old Motorcycles! 1900-1980. DEAD OR ALIVE! 920-371-0494 (MCN) HEALTH & MEDICAL IF YOU HAD HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY AND SUFFERED AN INFECTION between 2010 and the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800-535-5727 (MCN) FOR SALE TRAILER SALE: Save over $200.00 on ALL 14k Dump Trailers; We are the NEW Sundowner Dealer in this area. Sundowner aluminum car hauler & utility trailers in-stock; 6’x12’ V-nose ramp door $2,789.00; Now stocking 130 trailers. 515-972-4554 Pictures; information and prices: (MCN) FRUIT TREES LOW AS $18. Blueberry, Grape, Strawberry, Asparagus, Evergreen & Hardwood Plants. FREE catalog. WOODSTOCK NURSERY, N1831 Hwy 95, Nellsville, WI 54456. Toll Free 888-8038733. (MCN) *SALE* Self Storage Buildings *SALE* No Better Time To Add On To Your Existing Facility. Or To Start Up Your New Facility. All Buildings On Sale Now For Limited Time. Order Now For Early Delivery! ABCO-America Inc. Call 844-636-5335 (M-F 8am-6pm Eastern)

Community Calendar

Is your event listed? Send your information to: Newsleader Calendar, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374; fax it to 320-363-4195; or, e-mail it to Friday, April 1 Registration deadline for Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction, 4-6:30 p.m. Thursdays starting April 7, and 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, May 14, Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. 320-255-7245. Benton County Historical Society, Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320-2539614.

Saturday, April 2 Health 101 for Everyone, 8 a.m1:30 p.m., CentraCare Health Plaza, 1900 CentraCare Circle, St. Cloud. 320-229-4980. Community Showcase, sponsored by the St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Kennedy Community School, 1300 Jade Road, St. Joseph. Maple Syrup Festival, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., St. John’s Outdoor University, Collegeville. 320-363-3163. csbsju. edu/outdooru. Maple Syrup Open House, 1-4 p.m., Kraemer Lake (Wildwood County Park), 29709 Kipper Road, St. Joseph. 320-248-7784. Monday, April 4 Benton County Historical Society, Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320-2539614. Sartell Lions Club, 7 p.m., upstairs of Blue Line Sports Bar andGrill, 1101 Second St. S., Sartell. 320-248-3240.

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Tuesday, April 5 ICAN Prevent Diabetes, 3:154:15 p.m., Sacred Heart Church, 2875 10th Ave. N.E., Sauk Rapids. 320650-3082. Raise Some Dough Robotics Fundraiser, 4:30-8:30 p.m., House of Pizza, 1733 Pinecone Road S., Ste. 200, Sartell. Men’s golf league meeting, 6 p.m., Pine Ridge Golf Course, 801 Pinecone Road, Sartell. 320-259-0551.

Wednesday, April 6 Men’s golf league meeting, 6 p.m., Pine Ridge Golf Course, 801 Pinecone Road, Sartell. 320-259-0551. Family-to-family, 6:30-9 p.m., Unity Spiritual Center, 931 Fifth Ave. N., Sartell. 320-290-7713. 320-2492560. St. Stephen City Council, 6:30 p.m., St. Stephen City Hall, 2 Sixth Ave SE. Thursday, April 7 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, 520 First St. NE, Sartell. Eating Disorder Support Group, 5:15-6:15 p.m., CentraCare Health Plaza (Stinson Leonard Street room), 1406 Sixth Ave. N., St. Cloud. 320251-2700. Great River Regional Coin Club, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Miller Auto

CRAFT-VENDOR SALES Saturday, April 2 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Bernick’s Pepsi Arena 1109 1st St. S., Sartell Noon-3 p.m. door prize drawings start every half hour and Debt Elimination. Email Address Required Call NOW 1-877-331-8815 (MCN) Are you in BIG trouble with the IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Call 888-606-6673 (MCN) STUDENT LOAN PAYMENTS got you down? We can help reduce payments and get finances under control, call: 866871-1626 (MCN) MISCELLANEOUS TV+ INTERNET $29.99 each! That’s under $60 month for tv and high speed internet! We are Your local installers! Call us first! We have the best prices and offers! 1-888-858-0262 (MCN) Free Pills! Viagra!! Call today to find out how to get your free Pills! Price too low to Mention! Call today 1-877-5600997 (MCN) $14.99 SATELLITE TV. Includes free installation. High speed internet for less than $.50 a day. Low cost guarantee. Ask about our FREE IPAD with Dish Network. Call today 1-855-331-6646 (Not available in NE) (MCN)

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Marine Sports Plaza, 2930 Second St. S., St. Cloud. 320-252-8452.


Friday, April 8 Brat and hotdog sale, sponsored by the St. Joseph Lions, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 First Ave. N.W. Benton County Historical Society, Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320253-9614.

The St. Stephen City Council will meet with the St. Stephen Planning Commission on Tuesday, April 12 at the beginning of the St. Stephen Planning Commission meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will take place in the St. Stephen City Hall Council Chamber. Publish: April 1, 2016

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


it will be canceled, I’m afraid.

to put money in the bowl.

then layed down and did purr.

To find the Easter Bunny in time, you must both be on your way. You can not linger or for long stay. You must hurry and leave right away.”

If I see the rabbit you are looking for, I will surely let you know. One that sees everything around here though, would be Mr. Raven, the crow.”

Peter Rabbit was dressed in a blue jacket, Flopsy and Mopsy in pink and yellow. And the red Queen of Hearts who waved, also looked happy and quite mellow.

Alice looked at the Cheshire Cat, with tilted hat and big plaid tie. “From this nightmare I am leaving, to everyone here I say goodbye.”

“We need your help,” they asked the crow, “since you can see from the sky. Please find and tell Easter Bunny he is to lead the parade, is why.”

Oscar, the lamb was led by Aunt Gayle, who was dressed as Little Bo Peep. She had a milk bottle and a shepherd’s hook, that she used when she herded the sheep.

They walked over to a small village and down the yellow brick street. By the bottom of the castle wall, a broken egg they happened to meet.

“We will not be able to have a parade, without the Easter Bunny today. The little Easter chicks and ducks, would all get lost along the way.”

Uncle Roger led the band with his bugle, as they marched down Memory Lane. Then they met up with Auntie Dee Dee, and went past her house on Main.

Humpty Dumpty looked up at them, from the wall where he did fall. “Please help fix my cracked body, so I’ll be able to stand tall.”

As they went further down the road, who should they spot and see? Could it be? It was - the Easter Bunny! Now the day was saved and sunny.

The main singer seen was lovely Darlene, who sang the most beautiful tune. It was such a sweet lilting lullaby, that was heard all the way to the moon.

Danyka looked at Humpty Dumpty, and said “I have some glue. We will mend your broken shell and you will look like new.”

“Wake up, Danyka, wake up. You have fallen asleep, it does seem.” She opened her eyes, looked around, “Oh, Mother, I had such a strange dream.”

Danyka looked and searched around and then went up a small knoll. She tripped on a little tree root and fell down a very big hole.

The three of them then traveled, and continued in the search. When a little rabbit jumped out, from behind a thicket of birch.

Danyka was so excited now, for it was, the day for the Easter parade. Her hat had flowers and ribbons, so cute was the bonnet she had made.

White Rabbit hurried past, “I’m late I’m late! To the Sartell Newsleader, I must get this rhyme. With Easter Bunny in front leading, this parade was right on time!”

She looked around in the cave and thought, “It’s the rabbit’s lair.” Then she noticed standing there, a little girl in blonde hair.

He looked at them and said, “Peter Rabbit is my name. I was in Olga Berndt’s garden, playing Eat your Vegetables game.

The pretty eggs filled her basket, all different colors she could see. There were chocolate and some jelly, all sweet as honey from Volkart’s bee.

“My name is Alice in this land of wonder, I fell down here and so lost am I. I miss my family and my friends, I want to leave,” she said with a sigh.

As I was chased and ran away, I lost my new blue jacket and my shoe. Now I am so very frightened, I know not what to do.”

The parade started at the school, that was in the middle of Sartell. Then past Danyka’s home on Second Street, and over east to the Mississippi dell.

“This cat disappears except his grin, and the Caterpillar is blue not green, The Mad Hatter is quite mad, and the Queen of Hearts is very mean.”

Danyka walked over to the fence and said, “I see upon a scarecrow, a jacket in blue.” As she handed it to Peter, smiled “Here, this will look better on you.”

Easter Bunny was in the parade front, when he looked over at her. He said, with a big wave and smile, “Leading the parade, I do prefer.”

“I will help you,” Danyka said, as she looked to find a way out. “The entrance is over here,” said she, without the slightest doubt.

His sisters Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail, in pretty Spring outfits were dressed. “We like Grampa Russ’ garden better, like the cabbage patch,” they confessed.

Then came the floats in all colors, there was Alice and Caterpiller, too. Humpty Dumpty smiled and waved to her, who was held together with glue.

A White Rabbit with a watch in his hand appeared and said “There is no time to waste. You must find Easter Bunny because the front of the parade he’s been placed.”

Then they all went over to the brook, and under the bridge was a Troll. “I thought I saw a bunny running, when I came out for a stroll.”

Alice waved and looked so happy, her blond hair up with a bow. The little baby chicks and ducks, even walked in a straight row.

He must be there to lead it, or there might not be a parade. I think without Easter Bunny in front,

“Everyone who crosses this bridge, is required to pay a toll. But I never ask Mr. Fox or Mr. Mole,

The Cheshire Cat with the tilted hat, and strange grin reappeared for her. He gave a big smile and a wave,

Danyka’s Easter Adventure written by Dianne Berndt-Connors

Little Danyka knowing Easter was soon, said “I’ll need a basket,” to her mother. “I will find one for you, and also for Ryan, your brother.” Danyka put on her sweater and hat and then went outside to play. The snow was gone, Spring was here, what a warm and beautiful day. Far away she saw a white movement that looked like a bunny’s tail. It started hopping and hippity hoppiting, and hopped behind the hay bale. Danyka decided she would follow so she could get a better look. She had not seen the Easter Bunny, except for pictures in her book. It hopped faster to the field and then down the narrow trail. It hopped to the woods, over a brook, and across the hilly dale. Danyka had to start running to keep the bunny in sight. Across the meadow of flowers, that twinkled with dew in sunlight. They were now in the woods, when she finally caught up with him. The trees blocked the morning sun, and the forest light was dim.

Friday, April 1, 2016

The Troll and his friend Mr. Mole, and Mr. Raven all gave a big wave. “Thanks to you little Danyka, this parade you helped save.” Everyone had waved especially to her, and then she knew after a while. She HAD helped with the parade, she thought with a little smile. The hidden eggs were all gathered, birds chirped their evening song. The sun was setting in the west, on a day that seemed quite long. Danyka hung up her pretty dress, that Grandma Russ handmade. Then combed out her long brown hair, that Mom had put in a braid. She put away her Easter bonnet, to her cousins said her goodbyes. Dad tucked her in her little bed, and she closed her little eyes. . . . and dreamed a little dream. May your life always be an adventure, and Easter bring something new. May your basket overflow with love, and the ones you love with you.

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