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Newsleader Sartell
Friday, April 12, 2013 Volume 18, Issue 15 Est. 1995
Town Crier CSB’s Gorecki hosts Bert Blyleven
Circle Me History with Bert Blyleven fundraiser for Stearns History Museum will be held Wednesday, April 24 at Gorecki Center, 37 S. College Ave. N, St. Joseph. To purchase tickets or for more information, contact Stearns History Museum at or 320-253-8424.
Compost site opening delayed
Because of the nasty vagaries of Mother Nature, the Sartell Compost Site will not open Saturday, April 13, as earlier planned. As soon as the weather starts acting like spring, the site will open. To find out when, visit the City of Sartell website at www.sartellmn. com, watch local-cable Charter Channel 19 or keep an eye on the community digital sign on Pinecone Road S.
City seeks volunteer for park commission
The City of Sartell is seeking a volunteer to serve on the Park Commission due to a recent resignation. The person would fill out the remaining nine months of a three-year term. To obtain an application, visiting or stop by City Hall. Deadline to apply is noon Monday, April 15.
SHS performs ‘Fiddler on Roof’
Sartell High School will perform “Fiddler on the Roof” at 7 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, April 18-20 and at 12:30 p.m. April 20. Tickets may be purchased at the door.
Earth Day Run is April 19-20
Central Minnesota’s largest running event returns with the April 19-20 Earth Day Run. About 4,500 runners, spectators and volunteers are expected to participate. To register and for more information, visit and click on Criers. For additional criers, visit www. and click on Criers.
Postal Patron
Four residents prepare for Boston Marathon by Dennis Dalman
As she looks forward to running in the Boston Marathon, Laura Nordby of Sartell feels a mixture of nervousness and excitement. It will be the Sartell woman’s first time in the world-famous event. “I’m nervous, thinking this can’t be real,” she said. “But I’m very excited after all I’ve heard about the Boston marathon.” Nordby is one of five Sartell residents who qualified for this year’s marathon, which will take place in the greater Boston area on Patriots’ Day, Monday, April 15. The others are Jereme Fimrite, Shane Johnson, Curt Karolus and Dr. Liliana Lucas. Although Lucas, who participated in last year’s marathon, did qualify again, she had to change her plans. She will, however, take part in the Boston Marathon next year. Nordby has been training for the big event all winter. Her training, indoor treadmill and outdoor running, is based on a marathontraining book suggested by Dr. Liliana Lucas, who has been a running partner – usually on weekends – for several years. Nordby qualified for the Boston event by her performance at the Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth. “I’ve always liked running, ever since I was in track in high school,” Nordby said. “Since then, I’ve just kept running. I love running because all it takes is yourself and a pair of shoes.”
She and her husband, Sam, will fly to Boston on the weekend of April 12. Their young chil-
dren – Dutch, Anna and Lincoln – wish they could go, too, but they will have a chance to see the
marathon, and perhaps “mama,” on YouTube or on a television Marathon • page 4
‘What’s the buzz, DON’T tell me all about it’
photos by Jack Hellie
Above: Minnesota State Trooper Tony Mazzone talks with a student following an assembly April 5 at Sartell High School. Mazzone visited the school to share insights about the dangers of distracted driving, including texting while driving. He also emphasized the importance of wearing seatbelts for the driver and all passengers in any vehicle. Left: Mazzone answers a question from the audience.
Chamber honors Hurd as ‘Senior Volunteer of Year’ by Dennis Dalman
One morning recently, Ron Hurd was enjoying a morning ritual – having a chat session and coffee with his retired buddies – when a woman popped in holding a bunch of balloons. To Hurd’s surprise, the woman from the Sartell Area Chamber of Commerce announced to Hurd he had been selected as the chamber’s “Sartell Senior Volunteer of the Year.” He will be formally honored, along with other honorees, in April at the annual Chamber Banquet. Hurd was surprised; his pals weren’t. Even though they joshed him, they knew he deserves the award, aware as they are of all the volunteerism he does. In fact, Hurd’s life practically revolves around volunteering. He has learned how to combine
volunteer tasks with his hobby, woodworking, and how to make volunteer work not “work” but lots of fun. His “reward,” he said is seeing smiles on the faces of those who benefit from his volunteering. One of those tasks was to build a wheelchair ramp at the
home of an 8-year-old handicapped girl. When she took her first “trip” down that ramp in her wheelchair, she looked up at Hurd, smiled and said a big “thank you!” “That smile said it all,” Hurd said. “That smile was the best thank you I could ever get.”
Another time he built a wheelchair ramp in the dead of winter for a Vietnam veteran, who hadn’t been out of the house in four months. The man was as eager as a caged tiger to scoot his wheelchair down the ramp, get on a bus at the end Volunteer • page 5
Vagle humbled by ‘Citizen of Year’ award by Dennis Dalman
Pastor Doug Vagle was stunned with surprise when one day recently someone showed up at his office carrying balloons and telling him he has been honored as “Sartell Citizen of the Year” by the Sartell Area Chamber of Commerce. Vagle was stunned and surprised because he never expects to be rewarded for the kinds of service he loves to do anyway. “I was absolutely so humbled,”
he said to the Newsleader. “I’m never looking for an honor. I love to serve because it’s my calling.” Vagle, who is the pastor of The Waters church, was officially recognized April 11 at the annual Sartell Area Chamber of Commerce banquet, along with “Senior Citizen Volunteer of the Year” Ron Hurd. The winner of the “Sartell Business of the Year” was announced as a surprise on the banquet night (to be featured in the April 19 edition as winner’s name was unavailable at press time).
Vagle was honored for his many volunteer activities that help make Sartell a better place to live. He serves, for example, as the Sartell Police Department chaplain. He, his family and parishioners, also do a tremendous amount of volunteer activities for the Sartell-St. Stephen School District – its students, staff and teachers. “We love to give back to Sartell,” Vagle said. One of the mottos of The Waters church is this: “Families are Citizen * page 8
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, April 12, 2013
People contributed photo
The St. Joseph Jaycees held its annual Community Easter Party on March 30 at All Saints Academy, St. Joseph. More than 170 kids participated. The big winners of the day (left to right) Aryana Suess, 6, Rockville; Amber Field, 7, Cold Spring, Will Hemmesch, 4, Sartell; Lennox Henningsgaard, 2, Duluth; Anja Harju, 3, St. Joseph; and Shiloh Henningsgaard, 4, Duluth. contributed photo
The Sartell PeeWee B1 hockey team recently won the district championship and qualified for the state hockey tournament by finishing second in the regional tournament. Team members include (front row, left to right) Austin Adelman, Jonathan Lommel, Colten Sigurdson, Mitchell Marthaler, Luke Jones, Nicholas Bulceag-Arama and Brock Boerger; (back row) Gavin Reitz, Blake Webster, Trevor Skinner, Nathan Stoebe, Bryant Hanna, Grace McCabe and Brooke Walters. The team played Edina in their first game at the state tournament. They took them to overtime, but lost 3-2. They played Moose Lake in their second game and won 3-2 in double overtime. They took on North Metro in the consolation championship and lost 6-3. Coaches are Brent Boerger, Anthony Reynolds, Joe Marthaler and Jason Jones.
photo by Jack Hellie
The newly elected members of the Sartell High School National Honor Society are (left to right) Shawn Sullivan, treasurer; Janessa Engelmeyer, secretary; and Grace Kuhl and Mary Lindell, co-presidents. They will serve for the 2013-14 school year. The Sartell High School chapter of the National Honor Society held its annual banquet April 8, elected officers and inducted members for the 2013-14 school year. The executive board for next year will be co-presidents Mary Lindell and Grace Kuhl, secretary Janessa Engelmeyer and treasurer Shawn Sullivan. Thirty-four current members of the honor society will graduate at the end of this school year. Forty-five new members from the class of 2014 and 2015 were inducted at the banquet. They are Hosam Alkhatib, Haley Anderson, Amelia Barkley, Ben Bierscheid, Collin Campbell, Michaela Connoly, Samy
Czeck, Mackenzie Dockendorf, Laurana Deuel, Greta Evavold, Megan Franz, Miranda Garman, Mitchell George, Kia Grindland, Gaby Hagen, Jacob Huen, Riley Isaacson, Seth Jenkins, Matthew Jurek, Carter Kasianov, Spencer Kight, Haley Klundt, Jason Koopman, Ryan Kororll, Alysha Lohn, Jacob Lund, Clay Mackenthun, Lindsey Martens, Rowan McDonnell III, Anna Neeser, Aiden Nelson, Mackenzie Nies, Alayna PaulsonTrombley, Grace Peterson, Jackie Pinkerton, Anna Poplinski, Tianna Raden, Kendra Raths, Ginessa Ross, Austin Rutten, Avalon Schlect, Brandon Snowberger, Abby Spanier, Rachel Stroh and Jessica Warzecha.
CMAB/McKnight artist awards go to nine local artists Nine CMAB/McKnight Individual Artist Award recipients were recently announced. A panel of six professional artists volunteered more than 29 hours reviewing applications and art samples before making a recommendation to the CMAB board of directors who accepted the panel recommendations at their March 13 board meeting. The IAA program awards outstanding artists in the region who have demonstrated prominent artistic achievement. The $5,000 Established Artist Award is designed for artists with a history of exhibition, performances, publications or other notable contributions to their local arts community through personal creative output. The $3,000 Emerging Artist Awards recognize and encourage outstanding artists in various stages of their careers. Established Artist Award recipients were Mary Bruno, St. Joseph, letterpress printer; and Douglas Wood, Sartell, author of children and adult books.
Emerging Artist Award recipients included the following: J.D. Jorgenson, St. Joseph, woodfired ceramics; Stephen Zapf, Sauk Rapids, wood-strip canoes; David Paul Lange, O.S.B., Collegeville, figurative sculptures; Dan Mondloch, St. Cloud, water-media landscape paintings; Glenn Quist, Elk River, acrylic paintings; Andrea Fedele, St. Cloud, oboe musician; and Kao Lee Thao, St. Cloud, vinyl and ink paintings. For more information and to view samples of the artist’s work online, visit the Central Minnesota Arts Board website at www.
United Way difference made in Sartell Employees of Sartell businesses contributed $125,999 to this year’s United Way of Central Minnesota campaign. Throughout the year, UWCM partners with community employers, individuals and organizations to address community conditions through employee campaigns, fundraising projects and volunteerism. The need is great, and the response to this need by the Sartell community is just as great. Last year in Sartell: 2,231 children and adults received food, clothing, resided in an emergency shelter or transitional housing, received short-term financial assistance or other basic necessities; 1,091 children between birth and age five received books through
United Way’s Imagination Library program; and 69 households increased their level of financial stability and understanding of budgeting basics to help them move forward in their lives. This year’s UWCM campaign has so far raised a total of $3.7 million of our $4-million goal. On behalf of the United Way board, the staff and the numerous volunteers who conduct the UWCM work and projects in our community, thank you for your support and generosity. The Sartell community truly knows what it means to Live United.
Sartell students excel at Math Meet Sartell students scored several triumphs at the 46th annual Math Meet April 4 at St. Cloud State University, with two top team awards and an individual award. Both the Sartell-St. Stephen seventh-grade and eighth-grade teams scored first place in their grade categories. The seventh-
In Business
St. Cloud Federal Credit Union announces results of board election St. Cloud Federal Credit Union, a community credit union with
grade team is comprised of David Anderson, Nicholas Juntunen and Cindy Zhang. The eighth-grade team members are Morgan Gugger, Joshua MaricleRoberts and Bryn Rogers. Rogers also garnered a thirdplace win in eighth-grade individual competition. In that contest, a student from Willmar placed first, and a student from Champlin was second. In the seventh-grade team competition, teams from Osseo and Lino Lakes earned the second- and third-place awards, behind Sartell. In eighth-grade competition, teams from Willmar and Anoka were second and third, after Sartell. More than 2,000 students from 46 schools throughout Minnesota, grades seven through 12, competed in the event. Area schools that also earned honors at the Math Meet are St. Cloud Tech, St. Cloud Cathedral and St. John’s Prep School. Mounds View High School won the most awards, individual and team, at the event.
assets of $100 million, with offices in Sartell and St. Cloud, recently announced its volunteer board and supervisory (audit) committee members for 2013. Following a recent membership election, the board of directors includes Andrew Johannes, chairperson (elected by the board); Rick Wurst, first vice chairperson; Jackie Schoenfelder, second vice chairperson; and Paula Erdmann, Larry Keenan, Barry Kirchoff and Melissa Johnson, directors. Board-appointed supervisory committee members include Rod Heiser, Gary Gillitzer, Jill Hoffmann, Luke Seifert and Jon Grahek. The credit union website is Everyone who lives, works or worships in Stearns, Benton or Sherburne counties is eligible to become a credit-union member.
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon Editor Dennis Dalman
Newstands Country Store and Pharmacy Holiday on Riverside Drive Holiday on 7th Street N House of Pizza JM Speedstop
Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens
Design/Layout Tara Wiese
Contributing Writers TaLeiza Calloway Mark Lauer
Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke
Contributing Writer/ Administrative Assistant Cori Hilsgen
Delivery Glen Lauer
P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Sartell Newsleader •
contributed photo
The award-winning Sartell Student Council members are (front row, left to right) Lindsey Martens; Paige Seegers-Kyle; Mac Nies, secretary; Hannah Yackley; Theresa Slivnik; Haley Kaufman; Kaylee Isaacson; Hayley Johnson, president; and Karrie Fredrickson, advisor; (second row) Jack Hellie; Eden Garmen; and Tianna Raden; (third row) Shawn Sullivan, activities coordinator; Kelsey Frank, treasurer; Emily Schmidt; Katie Stuttgen; Grace Kuhl; Tucker Isaacson; Gopi Ramanathan; and Lauren Hennen; (fourth row) Paige Pawlenty; Maiah Cameron; and Ryan Kororll; (back row) Bryan Sanchez; Riley Isaacson; Thron Haley; Brady Anderson, vice president; Hosam Alkhatib; and Curt Koopmeiners. Not pictured are Amelia Barkley, Sam Chappell, Mytch Johnson, Izzy Plaine, Cody Ranschau.
‘Gold Excellence’ award given to SHS Student Council by Dennis Dalman
The Sartell Student Council has been honored with a “National Gold Council of Excellence Award” from the National Association of Student Councils. It is one of 180 high-school councils nationwide honored by the NASC, but only 163 of those, including Sartell Student Council, earned the highest “Gold” award. The Sartell council was cited for meeting a wide range of award criteria, which includes having a written constitution, holding regular meetings, maintaining a democratic election process, leadership training for council members, teacher/staff appreciation activities, studentrecognition programs, schooland community-service projects, goal-setting, financial planning and participation in state and national council associations.
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“I am very proud of them,” said Karrie Fredrickson, socialstudies teacher and council advisor. “They work so hard all the time, including in the summer. And their leadership skills are spread to other students.” Sartell High School Principal Brenda Steves also expressed pride in the council’s award. “I am very proud of the Sartell High School Student Council,” Steve said. “They (members) continue to provide leadership for our students and are integral to several activities and programs that happen at our school. They are deserving of this award for their high-quality work, dedication and service.” NASC promotes leadership development that helps students serve their schools and cities. NASC is a program of the National Association of SecondarySchool Principals. The NASSP also sponsors the National Honor Society.
If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 320-2518186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at www.tricountycrimestoppers. org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. March 23 7:39 p.m. Dog complaint. 4th Avenue N. A complaint was made regarding a dog being outside all day and barking. The caller was concerned the dog was not being cared for. Officers spoke with the homeowner who showed the dog had access into the garage. The dog did not seem to be in any distress. 11:59 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. Riverside Avenue N. While on patrol, an officer noticed a vehicle parked in a driveway with the trunk left open. An officer contacted the homeowner who stated they just forgot to shut it.
March 24 1:37 a.m. Open door. While checking local businesses, a reserve officer found an unlocked door. The building was cleared and the keyholder was contacted to secure the building. 2:31 p.m. Theft. Walmart. A fe-
male was witnessed attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. She admitted to the theft. She was issued a citation and released. March 25 11:35 a.m. Disorderly conduct. 14th Avenue E. A male had become enraged and threatened staff while in a local business. He threw open a door and caused damage to the sheet rock. He was issued a citation for disorderly conduct and property damage. 5:03 p.m. DWI. Riverside Avenue N. A report was made of an intoxicated male who had driven into a yard and was stuck in the ice. Officers arrived and performed field sobriety testing. He was arrested and transported to Stearns County Jail. March 26 2:12 p.m. Stalled vehicle. Highway 15. An officer came across a vehicle stalled on the side of the highway. The male stated his wife ran out of gas and she took his truck while he waited for Andy’s to bring gas for her vehicle. The officer transported him to a local gas station to obtain gas and then brought him back to the vehicle. March 27 3:45 p.m. Traffic stop. 7th Street N. A vehicle was witnessed traveling
3 49 mph in a posted 20-mph zone. The driver stated she was unaware of her speed. She was issued a citation and released. 11:19 p.m. Vehicle theft. CR 120. Sometime between 2:30 p.m. and 11 p.m. Someone removed a side mirror from a vehicle. March 28 6:25 a.m. Suspicious person. CR 120. Complaints were made regarding a male yelling and banging on a car window while a female was inside. Officers arrived and found the male and female were in a verbal argument. The female stated it was not physical. It was found the male had a warrant for his arrest. Officers placed him under arrest and transported him to Stearns County Jail without incident. 8:33 a.m. Stalled vehicle. Riverside Avenue. While on patrol, an officer came across a vehicle stalled in the turn lane. The driver stated she didn’t know what was wrong and that it needed to be towed. The officer called a tow service and provided safety lights until the tow truck arrived. 7:45 p.m. Traffic stop. Pinecone Road. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 64 mph in a posted 40-mph zone. The driver stated he was unaware of the speed limit. He was issued a citation and released.
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Sartell Newsleader •
Marathon from front page broadcast. Sam will be one of an estimated 500,000 cheering supporters who line the streets of the greater Boston area every year for the event. Such supporters come from all over the world to cheer on the runners and wheelchair-bound racers. The actual race participants number as high as 36,000. Nordby has been to Boston before but never as a marathon runner. At one time, she never dreamed she would one day participate in “the Boston,” but because of personal contacts, including runners she knows like Lucas, she realized it could – and did – become a possibility. Nordby has met and spoken with famed runner, Minneapolisborn Dick Beardsley, who placed a close second in the Boston Marathon in 1982. He vividly described to her the excitement and drama of the race. Nordby is a stay-at-home mom who formerly taught third grade and fifth grade at Cold Spring Elementary School. Husband Sam is a counselor at the St. Cloud Area Learning Center.
contributed photos
Above: Laura Nordby is one of several Sartell residents who will run in the famed Boston Marathon April 15. This is a photo of Nordby running in the last Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth. Inset: Jereme Fimrite, Sartell, will have plenty of fans tuned into television sets and iPhones during the April 15 Boston Marathon. Besides his four children and many friends, Fimrite’s students are also keenly interested in the marathon. Fimrite teaches sixth-grade math at South Junior High School in St. Cloud.
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Dr. Liliana Lucas, owner of Pediatric Dentistry in Sartell, knows very well the excitement Nordby can look forward to at the Boston Marathon. It wasn’t an easy course, though, that’s for sure. “The weather was 85 degrees last year,” she said. “It was so hot that day. But running in the marathon was wonderful. The crowd along the way was just amazing, and the race was so well organized. It was my first time in Boston, which is a very fun city. And the crowds’ support from mile one all through was wonderful.” Lucas finished the 26-mile course in 3:27:00. Just being a qualifier for the Boston Marathon is a “huge accomplishment,” Lucas said, largely because qualifications become tighter every year in every age category. The race organizers take people’s qualifying times from other marathons, and then most get weeded off the lists as only the fastest runners are selected to be in the race. Before last year’s race, Lucas spent months training on a treadmill in her home. “Being in Minnesota (with the winter weather) makes training for it more challenging,” she said. Lucas enjoys lots of camaraderie while training outdoors. She gets up at 5:30 a.m. and runs with one or more women who live in her Sartell neighborhood: Lisa Bollinger, Hilary Burns, Shannon Houghton, Erin Lemke, Ally Parker and Jill Smith. Houghton and Smith have already qualified for the Boston Marathon for next year. The others may well qualify soon. “When we run together, it’s also our social time,” Lucas said. “We’re all busy moms.” Lucas has enjoyed running at Central High School in LaCrosse, Wis., where she was raised. Other marathons she’s run in include Grandma’s in Duluth and races in
the Twin Cities, Chicago, Madison (Wis.) and LaCrosse. Her husband, Josh, and their children Mark, Nathan and Lauren are very proud of her and are already looking forward to seeing her compete next year in “the Boston.” It will be good to be there as a celebration of my qualifying in the Twin Cities.”
Jereme Fimrite
Jereme Fimrite is going to Boston with a buoyant attitude. He considers the Boston Marathon a “celebration” of his diligent training that paid off. Qualifying for the famous race was not easy. In one Minnesota marathon, Fimrite’s finishing time was 3:17:00, just seven seconds short of the time he needed to qualify for Boston. That disappointment just made Fimrite more determined. After four months of strenuous training, he ran the Twin Cities Marathon and qualified for the Boston Marathon. That was last October, and he has been training ever since, despite what he described as a “lousy, horrible spring for training.” But nasty weather didn’t stop him. Last week, for instance, Fimrite’s running sessions totaled 88 miles. “I’m ready for Boston, and I’m excited,” Fimrite said. “I don’t have a goal for the Boston Marathon. It will just be good to be there as a celebration of my qualifying in the Twin Cities.” Fimrite said it took him five years “to forget” the pain of his first marathon – the “Grandma’s” in Duluth in 2005. After that brutal experience, Fimrite more or less gave up the idea of such long running. But friends, much later, convinced him to give marathons another try. They convinced him, and he was hooked. Two years ago, he tried the Duluth event again. “I enjoyed it more that time, even though a friend suffered a stress fracture during the run,” he said. “But he vowed to do it again, and so last year we finished the Grandma’s. My third time.” Fimrite’s entire approach to running is to “do a little bit better than last time, to better my time every time.” He and his wife Tammy, a chiropractor at Minzer Chiropractic, plan to spend a week on the East Coast after the marathon. They’re looking forward to seeing a Boston Red Sox game in Fenway Park. Back home, their fans will be watching the marathon. Those fans include his children – Michaele, Nathanael, Madalyn and Maycee; and his students. Fimrite is a sixth-grade math teacher at South Junior High School in St. Cloud.
History of the race
The Boston Marathon, which began in 1897, is the oldest annual footrace marathon in the world and arguably the most famous. It’s also well known for its men’s and women’s wheelchair races. It began by coordinators who were impressed by the first modern-day running marathon a year before, in the 1896 Summer Olympics. For the first race, there were only 18 participants. During the Boston Centennial Marathon in
Friday, April 12, 2013 1996, the number had grown to almost 36,000 finishers in the race. This year, about 27,000 entrants are expected to compete. Operated by the Boston Athletic Association, the 26-mile marathon course runs through eight cities in the greater Boston area, starting at noon at Hopkinton and ending with the finish line at Copley Square next to the Boston Public Library. The course is known for several brutally challenging hills, including “Heartbreak Hill,” where runners typically lose steam and sometimes even drop out. Women were not officially allowed to participate in the marathon until 1972, although a few chose to run, unofficially, as early as 1966. Nowadays, female participants average slightly more than 40 percent each year. Besides the thousands of runners, the marathon typically attracts 500,000 or more spectators – many of them from countries throughout the world who line the streets and loudly cheer on the participants. The event always takes place on Patriots’ Day in Boston, which is the third Monday in April. Last year, a man and a woman from Kenya were the winners of the event – Wesley Korir and Sharon Cherop. Korir had a time of 2:12:40; and Cherop’s time was 2:31:50. The all-time record runner in the marathon’s 116-year history is Geoffrey Mutai, also of Kenya, who crossed the finish line with a time of 2:03:02, which is an unofficial world’s record for a 26-mile footrace. The first winner of the marathon was American John. J. McDermott with a time of 2:55:10. In the first 50 years or so of the race, almost all winners were either Americans or Canadians. As the race became more famous worldwide, more people from other countries began to enter it, resulting in many winners from around the world. Runners from Kenya, known for their intensive training and running stamina, won the Boston Marathon for 10 consecutuive years from 1991 to 2000, and some of those Kenyan runners were repeat winners with several having won two and three times previously. Since 1991, 20 of the winners have been Kenyans, with two from Ethiopia and one from South Korea. In 2008, Kenyan Robert Kipkoech Cheruiyot won his fourth Boston Marathon race. Female winners from Kenya and Ethiopia have also dominated the race in the past 20 or so years. United States runners will hold the record for total wins in the 116 years of the race, with 95 men’s and women’s winners combined. Kenya is second with 29 winners, Canada third with 21 winners and Japan fourth with 15 winners. The all-time champs for multiple wins are Ernst Van Dyk (South Africa) in the Men’s Wheelchair Division (nine wins), Clarence DeMar (United States) in the Men’s Open Division (seven wins) and Catherine Ndereba (Kenya) in the Women’s Open Division (four wins).
Friday, April 12, 2013
Volunteer from front page of the block and spend the day people-watching at Crossroads shopping center in St. Cloud. Hurd’s volunteering runs the gamut: building handicapped ramps, working at the Bernick’s Arena, building log furniture for a number of good causes, such as for the Boys and Girls Club silent auctions, all kinds of work for his church (St. Francis Xavier), tasks for the Senior Connection (Hurd is a member of the group’s board) and other jobs here and there too numerous to mention. When there is a good deed to be done, Hurd is eager to step up, roll up his sleeves and lend a helping hand. Hurd is also a member of the current task force studying options for building a community center in Sartell. “It’s so much fun to do things for people,” he said. One of his most gratifying volunteer jobs is to build ramps for the annual deer hunting
Sartell Newsleader • event at Camp Ripley for physically disabled veterans. Another impetus for Hurd to volunteer, besides his love of people, is the fact he grew up in Sartell, a city he dearly loves. He attended grade school in what is now the School District Services Building. Then he graduated from Tech High School (Sartell did not have a high school in those days). For many years, Hurd worked as a pipefitter in the construction trade in the greater St. Cloud area. After his knees became problematic, he became a realestate broker for Castle Realty for about a dozen years until he retired at age 57. His wife, Sandy, worked for Northwestern Bell Telephone in St. Cloud for many years. One of the groups both Ron and Sandy do volunteer work for is “Telephone Pioneers,” a group of retired telephonecompany workers. One of their tasks is to build handicapped ramps. Sandy does a number of other volunteer jobs, including singing with the “Family Fun” singers who perform at nursing homes, churches, schools and other venues.
When Hurd isn’t sharing time with family or volunteering, he can often be found in his large basement woodworking shop, making his specialty log items: coffee tables, chairs and just about anything imaginable. Some of his rustic log chairs for children seem to have come right out of the storybook of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” Hurd chooses the poplar logs from the woods way up north. Back home, he debarks them and then his imagination takes over as he cuts, sands, glues and polishes. Most of his woodwork is donated for good causes. The Hurds have two sons – Eric, who works for Northland Capital, a leasing company; and Brian, a teacher at Mary of Lourdes Catholic School. Eric’s wife is Lee Hurd, executive vice president of Bursch Travel; and Brian’s wife is Terry, a social studies teacher at Sartell Middle School. Despite Hurd’s busy life, he makes sure he finds time for his morning ritual – shooting the breeze over coffee with his old-time buddies. All of them, despite some age differences,
photo by Dennis Dalman
Hurd prepares to drill a hole on the side of one of his children’s “time out” chairs, as he kiddingly calls them. grew up in Sartell and most still live in the city. The most regular members of the group are Bob Becker, Jan Bettenberg, Jim DeZurik, Lint Edgerly, Neal
Pearson, Bill Smoley and Craig Stevens. And if the walls had ears, oh, the stories they could tell.
Task force seeks comments from women veterans by Dennis Dalman
A national American Legion task force will take comments from women military veterans at a “Women Veterans Town Hall” meeting from 6-7 p.m. Monday, April 15 at the American Legion Club in Sauk Rapids. Any women veterans in the area are encouraged to attend the meeting to share their thoughts and feelings, both pro and con about medical services they have received. Male veterans may also attend the meeting. What is needed are comments from the veterans about the quality of care they have received from Veterans Administration medical centers, in St. Cloud or elsewhere. The committee gathering testimony is known as the “System Worth
Saving Task Force.” It was created in 2003 to evaluate the quality of care at VA facilities throughout the nation. The task force interviews veterans far and wide. After all of the visits and interviews, the force will compile a detailed report this fall after their visits to 15 cities where there are VA medical centers. After they are through, the conclusions and recommendations will then be shared at the U.S. Congress’s veterans affairs committees and with the president. After the April 15 meeting in Sauk Rapids, the task force will spend time at the St. Cloud Veterans Administration Medical Center interviewing veterans there. The task force goes through that process every year, but this year it will concentrate mainly on the kinds and quality of care women veterans have been re-
ceiving. The task force’s ultimate goal is to improve the quality of care for all veterans in the nation. Phil Ringstrom of Sartell is keenly interested in the task force’s work, and he will be present during the meeting in Sauk Rapids. Ringstrom is chairman of the American Legion’s Department of Minnesota Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Committee. Recently, he returned from Washington, D.C. where he and other Minnesotans were lobbying on behalf of veterans’ needs. There are five veterans on the Rehabilitation Committee, including Ringstrom, two men and two women from throughout Minnesota. The committee members will join the national task force during its visit to the St. Cloud VA Medical Center April 15. Veterans • page 7
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Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, April 12, 2013
Opinion Our View
Kudos to school district for honoring all arts It’s a treat to see the interior of Sartell High School – and other schools – in Sartell so enlivened with art works. Most of us take art for granted. Life would be quite humdrum dreary without art. Imagine what the daily world would be like without all of the elements of art, of beauty. Without the architectural harmonies of public buildings and homes. Without landscaped parks and other green spaces. Without sculptures, paintings, theater and all of the other arts that surround us. It would, indeed, be a dull world. Many school districts have whittled down their arts and music programs to virtual non-existence, which is a crying shame. Some people, apparently, think arts and music are either frivolous subjects or unnecessary – the first to go during a budget crunch. That view is just plain wrong. Studies have shown students exposed to art and music not only live happier, enriched lives, but they are also more productive. The arts and music sharpen the senses, open the mind, pique curiosity and lead to innovative ways of approaching problems and finding solutions. Thank goodness the Sartell-St. Stephen School District realizes the importance of art and music. The two recent mural projects at Sartell High School are just two examples of how art is honored and is interwoven with other activities at the schools. It’s such a pleasure to see how the arts come together in the many excellent theatrical productions in Sartell schools. Those arts include music, singing, acting, stage sets, costume design, lighting and other components that add up to entertainment and often thought-provoking performances of quality plays. Our hats go off to all the art, theater and music teachers in the district. We also extend our kudos to the many fine artists-in-residence who share their talents year-round at the schools in Sartell. They include painters, poets, theater people, musicians and other instructors of amazing talents. It’s always impressive how those visiting masters instantly inspire the students, unleashing a flurry of creativity and bursts of imagination. We also want to thank the Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation, which funds so many artsrelated projects. Three cheers for the “Arts in Motion” program at Sartell High School and all of the other “arts in motion” that thrive in the Sartell-St. Stephen School District.
Fairness and ethics
Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
If not ObamaCare, then what? As implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act approaches, Obamahaters are licking their chops, hoping to see it nose-dive. One of those detractors is our very own Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Stillwater), who delivered recently in the U.S. House of Representatives what may be the most ludicrous speech in recent memory. “Repeal this failure before it kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens,” she said in her pretend-crisis voice, calling once again for the repeal of ObamaCare. Her soap-opera delivery was such bad acting, I’m surprised lightning didn’t strike. Her, I mean. Bachmann was the first to submit a bill to repeal ObamaCare years ago. She won’t be the last. The latest spoiler, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), introduced yet another effort to repeal ObamaCare, the 36th time Senate Republicans have tried. Reasonable opposition to the Affordable Health Care Act is somewhat understandable. Much as I applaud it, I’ve said repeatedly in columns and to anyone who will listen that if ObamaCare does not lower health-care costs and healthcare premiums (the two are not always mutually related), Obama had better head back to the drawing board. There are efforts underway to sabotage Obama’s plan by those guarding extravagant profits made possible by the status-quo system. As many as 40 million good, hard-working Americans still
Dennis Dalman Editor don’t have insurance and can’t afford to get it. I know all too well, personally, what that can mean. A few years ago, after decades of employer-provided health insurance, I became a freelance writer. Because of a lower income, I was eligible to pay a reasonable monthly premium to MinnesotaCare (a kind of ObamaCare). Thanks to that, I was able to get a test and surgical procedure that saved my life. It was a cancerous tumor on a vocal cord I had no idea was there. Without MinnesotaCare, I would have put off that doctor’s visit, convincing myself that, oh well, it was just a persistent sore throat. Many others I know – hard-working people – cannot afford health-care insurance. They make too much (in many cases slightly too much) to qualify for MinnesotaCare or they don’t make nearly enough to afford premiums on the open market. Will ObamaCare change that? Make it better for all? I’ve got my fingers crossed and am hoping it’s a success. However, I actually do consider what opponents of ObamaCare have to say, unless they are histrionic divas like Bachmann who
live in dread of any Obama success. The reason I listen is because I believe ObamaCare is not the best solution to lopsided health care. The one-payer system like the rest of the civilized world has is much better, in my opinion. (Oh, my goodness, as I write this, I can just hear the angry letters I will receive: people dying to come to America for health care, people waiting in long lines, death panels in those evil socialist countries.) Before you write your angry letters, readers, please do some research about just which country’s health care is the best, in delivery and in numbers of people insured. And please do some research into what has been tried before, including the fabled “managed competition,” variations of which are still being trumpeted, uselessly, by those who want to cling to the status quo. Unlike Bachmann and her Tea Party naysayers, I hope ObamaCare works. It’s better than nothing, and it’s infinitely better than status quo (people dying or going broke without insurance). And most of all, I challenge those who despise ObamaCare to come up with an alternative. Do you have any solutions whatsoever other than the current disgrace under which so many of our fellow Americans are living in anxiety, going broke, suffering or dying because of lack of affordable health care? I await your solutions. Are you listening, Rep. Bachmann?
Early education investments will place kids on path to success Much has been written about the longterm benefits of high-quality early education and all-day kindergarten, especially for poor children. Research abounds to support investments in young learners as a critical way to close achievement gaps and improve student outcomes. Gov. Mark Dayton’s budget contains significant new investments for both early childhood education and all-day kindergarten, and every sign indicates substantial investments for early learning will be coming out of the legislature as well. Minnesota is home to some of the most compelling research on the high return of investment for early learning – up to $16 for every $1 invested according to former Federal Reserve Chair Art Rolnick. And there’s more: Childdevelopment researchers at the University of North Carolina recently published a study that found low-income students who attended preschool had higher math and reading scores in third grade than their low-income peers who did not. City University of New York conducted a study showing one in six students who can’t read at grade level by third grade will not finish high school by age 19 – nearly four times the rate of their more proficient peers. A study begun in 1962 in Michigan tracked two groups of low-income students – those who attended preschool and those who did not – and found at age 40, participants who attended preschool had attained higher levels of education, earned higher wages, were more likely to own a home and were less likely to have been incarcerated than those who did not attend preschool. Yet, despite the evidence, pockets of opposition continue to question the wis-
Brenda Cassellius MN Commissioner of Education dom of early childhood education. To which I say this: if you want a real life success story that illustrates the potential for high- quality early education to change a life, look at me. I was a Head Start baby. I can personally attest to the value of early learning, not only the early benefits to a poor girl growing up in the projects of south Minneapolis, but the long-term effects on my life. I could easily have ended up in a cycle of poverty and dependence, but I didn’t. Why? For many reasons, including hard work and a little bit of luck, but also because of the early opportunities I received and the parenting support given to my mother, who had my sister at 16 and me at 20. Head Start allowed me to develop school-readiness skills and a love of learning that have lasted a lifetime. I remember the fun of outlining my 4-yearold body on a big sheet of paper and labeling my parts, of watching a celery stalk turn red in a glass full of tinted water, of reading my first book, Harold and the Purple Crayon, and imagining my own dreams for adventure as I drew them with a purple crayon. My best memory, though, is when my teacher would round us up in a circle at the end of the day to touch the tip of her “magic wand” to the top of our heads, and if we were good and had done all of our work, the magic star on the end would light up. Why do these experiences matter now,
nearly four decades later? Because they taught me perhaps preschool’s greatest contribution to a students’ future success; the so-called “soft skills,” which help children learn how to pay attention and stay on task. My earliest teachers shaped me by instilling not only a love of learning, but also the principles of hard work, goodness and perseverance. These qualities cannot be measured by a test, but they matter a great deal in a competitive and diverse global economy and are necessary for success in life. I’ve been lucky. Lucky to be born in the right decade and that my mother had access to resources and support. Lucky to have had great teachers who pushed me to be my best. Lucky that wise Minnesotans who came before me realized a good education for every child was the surest way to strengthen our state’s competitive edge, leading a generation’s War on Poverty and crafting a Minnesota Miracle along the way. But should it come down to luck? The Governor and I believe not. We believe all children deserve access to the same great start I had. Investing now, this year, in our youngest learners – with more scholarships for high-quality earlyeducation programming and increased access to all-day kindergarten – gives us the best chance to fully leverage the potential that lies within every child. We may never be able to fully measure the profound impact early learning has on life success. Or maybe we can. Maybe we’re just waiting for a future education commissioner – a little girl or boy learning and dreaming in a sun-filled classroom today – to show us just how it’s done.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Sartell Newsleader •
Emergency-responder fashion show set for April 15 by Dennis Dalman
Emergency-response women will strut down the runway, modeling their responder gear, during a fashion show called “Response Couture” from 4-6 p.m. Monday, April 15 in the ballroom near the Gorecki Center on the campus of the College of St. Benedict. If the weather is decent, the event may take place outdoors. “Response Couture” is free and open to anyone. The fashion show is a chance to give women and men information about careers involving emergency response and emergency management. Organizers of “Response Couture” are members of EMPOWER-Minnesota, which means
“Emergency Management Professionals for Women’s Enrichment.” One of those members is Jill Luehmann, a Sartell police officer. The purpose of the organization is to let women know there are professional-development opportunities available for careers in emergency response and management. The runway modeling shows will take place at 4:15 p.m. and again at 5:15 p.m. At the fashion show there will be many women from area police departments, fire departments, emergency-management agencies, public health, the American Red Cross, community emergency-response teams and the Minnesota Responds Medical Reserve Corps. This year, the target group
for the event is Girl Scouts of Central Minnesota, as EMPOWER-Minnesota wants to make young girls aware of the potential for rewarding careers in those fields. Rachel Erickson is the emergency-preparedness specialist for the St. Cloud Hospital. As a member of EMPOWER-Minnesota, she serves as logistics and coordinator for events. EMPOWER is a nationwide network of organizations. Its local groups are non-profit. EMPOWER-Minnesota was started three years ago. There are eight core members, each of which has a specific duty in its chain-ofcommand structure. Erickson said she hopes people of all ages and walks of life come to the “Response Cou-
ture” event because there are so many things to learn there. For example, there will be a “rollover simulator” that gives participants a first-hand feel of what it’s like to roll over in a vehicle during an accident. The professionals at the event will all have equipment on hand, and they will show visitors how they use that equipment in an
informal setting. They will also answer any questions visitors may have. There will also be ambulances, fire trucks and other emergency equipment at the event. People don’t have to register; they can show up. They are also welcome to attend part of the show and leave, Erickson noted.
Ringstrom is encouraging women veterans, of whatever age or years of military service, to attend the Sauk Rapids meeting. The Sauk Rapids American Legion is located at 415 Benton Drive N.
from page 5 “We’ll be there mainly as observers,” Ringstrom said.
Community Calendar
Friday, April 12 Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 Knights of Columbus Burger W. St. Germain St. Cloud 1-800-RED Sale, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph CROSS or Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW, St. Joseph, 320-363-8834. Wednesday, April 17 Ninth-grade Career ConferSaturday, April 13 ences, 8:30-11 a.m., Apollo and Tech Spaghetti dinner, sponsored by high schools. 320-202-6892. Boy Scout Troop 84, 4-7:30 p.m., American Legion Post 328, 101 W Thursday, April 18 Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Chronic Pain Self-management, Llama Llama Read to Me with 9-11:30 a.m., today and April 25, CSB Volleyball Team, 11 a.m.-noon May 2, 9, 16 and 23, Realife Coat the Waite Park Library, 253 5th operative at Mueller Gardens, 6670 Ave N., Waite Park, Advanced regis- Northwood Lane, St. Cloud. 320tration required. 320-253-9359. Monday, April 15 55+ driver improvement (eighthour first-time course), 5:30-9:30 p.m. tonight and April 16, Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. 1-888-234-1294. St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion, Post 328, 101 W Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. 1-800-RED CROSS or Sock Knitting Workshop, 5:308 p.m. today and April 22 at the Waite Park Library, 253 5th Ave N. Waite Park, Preregistration required.320-253-9359. Tuesday, April 16 “Lazy Landscaping,” a Master Gardener seminar, 1-2 p.m., Great River Regional Library, 1300 W. St Germain St., St Cloud. 320-2556169. 4-H 4-Paws Dog Project meeting, 6:30 p.m., Midtown Square Mall, 3400 First St. N., Room 218, St. Cloud. Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., St.
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229-4591. iPad Basics, professional development for busy people, noon-1 p.m., Resource Training and Solutions, 4150 2nd St. S., Ste. 550, St. Cloud. 320-255-3236. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. Cloud 1-800-RED CROSS or Fortify your Spine, diagnosis and treatment, 6:30-8 p.m., Windfeldt Room, CentraCare Health Plaza, 1900 CentraCare Circle, St. Cloud. 320-229-5139 or
Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. “Fiddler on the Roof,” 7 p.m., Sartell High School, 748 7th St. N. Sartell.
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Sartell Newsleader •
Citizen from front page
contributed photo
Pastor Doug Vagle’s family includes wife Peggy and children (left to right) Sophia, Abby and Nathaniel.
our passion and kids are our priority.” “That’s our driving force,” Vagle said. That commitment inspires Vagle, his family and congregation to extend that caring beyond the church and its members, to all who live in the Sartell area. “The mission of our church is to love God, love people and love life,” Vagle said. “So part of that mission is to live, love and serve others.” Born in Hancock, Mich., Vagle’s family moved to Minnesota when he was 2 years old. He grew up in
various places, such as Paynesville and Hutchinson and then graduated from Bloomington’s Kennedy High School. He then went on to flight school and became a commercial pilot of the Merry Maids Corp. Still later, he decided to study at North Central University in Minneapolis, where he earned a degree in Christian studies. For 10 years he was a youth pastor in Brainerd, and then he and his family moved to Sartell in 2007, where he and his wife, Peggy, founded The Waters church, an affiliate of Assemblies of God. The Vagles have three young children: Abby, Nathaniel and Sophia. About 750 to 800 people regularly attend The Waters church for weekend services, and up to 2,000 people in the area call it
Friday, April 12, 2013 their home church. In keeping with its dedication to families and children, the church offers a preschool, a nursery and a separate children’s worship service during the regular adult services. In addition, there are four youth pastors for The Waters for the teenagers and the more than 250 children ages 12 and under who attend church with their families. The church is now expanding its sanctuary area, from a 300-seat capacity to 600. The addition is expected to be completed by this September. The Waters church is located at 1227 Pinecone Road N. To learn more about The Waters, go to its website at www.thewaterschurch. net.
Knowledge Bowl team competes at state level by Dennis Dalman
A Sartell High School team of five students is at Cragun’s Resort near Brainerd this week, vying for the state Knowledge Bowl championship. As of press time Wednesday, the team was expected to compete Thursday and Friday, April 11 and 12. Readers can check the results of the state meet in the April 19 edition of the Newsleader. The team and its coach left together for the meet Thursday
morning in a school van. The five competitors are Bailey Evenson, senior; Curt Koopmeiners, junior; Gopi Ramanathan, ninth-grader; Quinn Skoog, junior; and Laura Somppi, senior. Those students won Knowledge Bowl competitions at the sub-region and regional levels, which qualified them for the state tournament. Their coach is Luke Walker, who teaches ninth-grade physical science and forensic science at Sartell High School. This is his second year as Knowledge Bowl coach.
“They’re great kids,” Walker said before leaving for Brainerd. “They’re fun to be around; they’re responsible; and they’re interested in competing as well as in being knowledgeable.” In recent months, the team members and Walker did a lot of practicing, using boxes of questions from previous Knowledge Bowl competitions. The team also participated in a pre-state-competition “scrimmage” last week at St. John’s University. This is the third year Evenson and Somppi have been in state competition. As part of the previ-
ous teams, they took ninth place in those two state events. Koopmeiners, Ramanathan and Skoog are newer members of the team. The state competition involves 60 written questions for the teams on Thursday, and on Friday there are five oral rounds, with 45 questions each. Based on results of the Thursday written tests, the teams are ranked and then compete with others in various rooms at the resort. Then, according to those results, they are re-ranked as competition progresses. In competition this year are 24 teams in the large-school division,
one of which is Sartell; and there are 24 teams competing in the small-school division. The Sartell Knowledge Bowl team eked out St. Cloud Tech for first place in the Class AA Knowledge Bowl during the regional tournament held recently at Celebration Lutheran Church to earn a chance for the state championship. Sartell earned 134.5 points, just 1.5 points ahead of the St. Cloud Tech team’s 133 points. In the Class A divsion, the top winner was the St. John’s Prep School team with 112.5 points, followed by Albany with 104.