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Newsleader Sartell-St. Stephen
Friday, April 21, 2017 Volume 22, Issue 16 Est. 1995
Town Crier
Taste of St. Cloud set May 1
Taste of St. Cloud, an annual fundraiser sponsored by the Franciscan Community Volunteers, a ministry of the Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls, will be held from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Monday, May 1 at the Territory Golf Course/Coyote Moon Grille in St. Cloud. The event features an array of cuisines from local restaurants as well as live entertainment and a silent auction. Meet the Franciscan Community Volunteers and see the ways they enrich the lives of people of the St. Cloud area. You’ll also have an opportunity to visit many Franciscan Sisters and friends. Visit or fslf. org to purchase tickets. For more information, visit thenewsleaders. com and click on April 21 Criers.
Scam protection talk for older adults set April 27
“Older Adults and Scams: Protect Yourself and Your Money,” an interactive session delivered on behalf of the Sartell Police Department, will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, April 27 at the chapel in Country Manor, 520 First St. N.E., Sartell. Protect yourself from fraudsters and scam artists. Consumers 65 years and older control 70 percent of the nation’s wealth, and crooks know it. Con artists scam older Americans out of an estimated $3 billion a year. This talk will provide resources to protect finances, including updates on the latest scams and how to identify the red flags of fraud. Contact Officer Rob Lyon for questions: 320-258-7360.
Newsleader names bunny winners
Bunny winners in the Newsleader Easter bunny giveaway include the following: Local Blend: Westin Crue, St. Joseph; Central Minnesota Credit Union: Roberta Anderson, St. Joseph; Cold Spring Country Store: Russ Voight, Cold Spring; Once Upon A Child: Shelby Marthaler, New Munich; St. Joseph McDonald’s: Riley Deters, Sartell; Sisters & Co.: Emma Blenkush, St. Joseph; and St. Joseph Meat Market: Debbie Emery, St. Joseph.
International Fest set for April 23
Eighteen countries and cultures will be represented when the “International Community Festival” takes place from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Sunday, April 23 at Celebration Lutheran Church, 1500 Pinecone Road N. in Sartell. For more information, visit and click on International Fest..
Postal Patron
Roundabout landscaping causes rifts by Dennis Dalman
A plan to spend up to $100,000 to landscape three roundabouts in Sartell has drawn vigorous disagreements from many residents who think the cost is far too high.
It’s also opposed by two city-council members (Mike Chisum and David Peterson). A third council member (Ryan Fitzthum) has expressed serious reservations about spending that much. All three said they have heard from residents who are totally opposed to spending that much on
Sartell has ducks in a row
photo by Carolyn Bertsch
Ducks enjoy the sunshine in Sartell on April 16 after several days of gray skies and rain.
roundabout landscaping. Sartell City Mayor Sarah Jane Nicoll and council member Pat Lynch, however, who approved the measure, have said the roundabout-landscaping project is long overdue on Pinecone Road and should be done, especially when there is already money to cover it left over from the extensive Pinecone Road reconstruction project. Sartell City Administrator/Financial Director Mary Degiovanni, who has also advocated the project, said she, the council and a committee worked hard in the past year to get the costs lower, in conjunction with landscapers. At the March 27 council meeting, the vote was 3-1 to approve up to $80,000 to landscape two roundabouts on Pinecone Road (at Scout Drive and at Second Street S.) and up to $20,000 for the one at Heritage Drive. Chisum voted against the proposal, saying it was way too much money. Council member David Peterson was not at the meeting. At the next meeting, April 10, Peterson made a motion to rescind the landscaping approval from the previous meeting. Degiovanni told Peterson the rules do not allow someone to rescind a motion that was approved unless the one who Rifts • page 10
Financial auditor gives Sartell high praise by Dennis Dalman
Sartell received a glowingly positive audit report for financial year 2016. At the April 10 city-council meeting, an Degiovanni overview and critique was presented by Steve Wischmann, audit partner with the St. Cloud-based financial firm of BerganKDV. He told the council the city has
earned the “highest level of assurance” deserving of “congratulations.” No financial controls are ever perfect, he noted, but Sartell demonstrates “very, very good internal controls . . . very clean and very accurate.” The auditing process, which began months ago, went very smoothly with great cooperation and management from city staff. Wischmann was profusive in praise for Sartell Administrator/Financial Director Mary Degiovanni. “Mary and her team did a great job keeping books nice and clean . . . very efficient, consistent in budgeting,” he said.
Among the highlights as noted by Wischmann are the following: • The tax-capacity rate, which is less than those of surrounding cities, has been consistent throughout the years, and the city has done a good job managing it. • Local government aid to Sartell was only $139,000, and Wischmann praised the city for adapting and becoming less reliant in expecting increases in LGA. • The expenditure of city money was $305 per capita, up a bit from the year before but still considered quite low – the lowest of the surrounding cities.
• Water and sewer services are beginning to be a bit more self-supporting. • The stream of income revenue was 3 percent above budget expenses, which Wischman termed a “very good variance.” • The city’s fund balance is $3,811,000, which is slightly higher than required. • The biggest categories for expenses, as expected, were public safety, public works and parks and recreation. Total expenditures were $5,243,000 for 2016. • The city maintain a good debt level and ample bonding capacity.
Wood to read/perform tonight by Cori Hilsgen
Local author and musician Douglas Wood will read his latest book in the Old Turtle series and perform a free concert with Wood the Wild Spirit Band from 6:30-8 p.m. Friday, April 21 at First United Methodist Church, located at 1107 Pinecone Road S. in Sartell. Wood’s book Old Turtle: Questions of the Heart, illustrated by Greg Ruth, is being published this month by Scholastic Press.
Wood said the book is gorgeous because the illustrations literally glow. He said the book is for all ages and tackles some of the timeless and important questions human beings face in life such as: • Why are we here? • How do we find happiness? • What is family? • How do we deal with evil and even death? Wood said the First United Methodist Church graciously offered to host his first official reading and signing event for Old Turtle: Questions of the Heart in central Minnesota. Wood’s Old Turtle series includes Old Turtle, Old Turtle and the Broken Truth and now Old Turtle:
Questions of the Heart. He said it’s gratifying to know Old Turtle has touched so many hearts around the world for several generations. The books were never really meant to be childrens’ books, although each one is a picture book. The series of books is cross-generational for people of all ages. Each book builds upon the previous one and each has its own illustrator. Wood said some readers prefer the original, some like Broken Truth even better. He plans to see where the new latest book in the series will fall. “This one might be the last, which would make it a trilogy,” Wood said. “But who knows?
Wood • page 11
Re Conse TOLIA
© FO
See pages 5-7
for our Earth
Day Supplement!
Friday, April 21, 2017
Leads sought in alleged kidnapping, assault by Dennis Dalman
Police officers and deputies are seeking leads to a kidnapping, physical assault and possible sexual assault that allegedly occurred the night of April 17 in Rice. At 10:30 p.m. that night, officers answered a call about a male standing in the middle of Northeast River Road near the intersection of 119th Street NW. The man was wearing pajamas. Officers made contact with the 18-year-old man who said he had been kidnapped and
assaulted. According to the report, the man said he had been walking on Northeast River Road on the south edge of Rice when a stranger stopped his vehicle and offered the man a ride. The man told police that right after he got into the van, he was knocked unconscious. When he woke up he was lying by the side of the road. The perpetrator was described by the victim as being a white male, about 50 years old, medium build, with a gray mustache and wearing a baseball cap, a blue denim
jacket and blue denim pants. He was driving a full-sized van, dark-blue or purple in color, possibly with a partition behind the front seats. The model of the van might be year 2000 or in that range. The victim also said that man had what appeared to be a “Southern accent.” The police report states the man complained of several injuries that could be consistent with a sexual assault. He was taken to the St. Cloud Hospital and treated for the injuries that were not considered to be life-threatening. Leads • back page
People Adam Fritz recently graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. U.S. Air Force Airman Fritz completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training also earn four credits toward an associate’s degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Fritz is the husband of Andrea Fritz of Sartell, and son of Robin Fritz of Pipestone, Minn., and Rodney Fritz of Brandon, S.D. He is a 2007 graduate of Pipestone Area High School. Eden Garman, a sophomore from Sartell, was recently named to the fall dean’s list at Concordia University, St. Paul.
Students must earn a minimum 3.6 grade-point average to achieve this honor. Cindy Zhang, a sophomore at Sartell High School, was recently named a first-place individual 10thgrade winner at the 50th annual Mathematics Contest, a one-day statewide competition held April 6 on the St. Cloud State University campus. Ten St. John’s Prep students were among more than 1,700 local area seventh- to 12th-grade students from across Minnesota who participated in St. Cloud State University’s 50th annual Mathematics Contest, a one-day statewide competition held April 6 on the SCSU campus. The second-place team was the junior team made up of Tony Zhou, Zander Haws and Toto Chen; and third-place teams were the senior team made up of Jim Song, Hobart Chen, Leo Fang and Risa Fines and the sophomore team made up of Steve Wang, Christine Xu and Tina Chen.
SAINT JOHN’S PREP Summer Program Day Camps
• Leadership • Spanish • Art and Nature
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Call the Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader at 320-363-7741 if you would like to be in the Business Directory. Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
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Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone: (320) 363-7741 • Fax: (320) 363-4195 • E-mail: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Friday, April 21, 2017
Sartell singers part of area premier at the Paramount contributed by Laurie Johnson Paramount Center for the Arts
Thirty-three Sartell students are among more than 100 high school singers and 20 orchestra players from 27 cities and 23 schools who will premier Dan Forrest’s Requiem for the Living, at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 21 and 3 p.m. Sunday, April 23 at the Paramount Center for the Arts in downtown St. Cloud. The choral work is performed by the Youth Chorale of Central Minnesota. Spencer Lathe, the boy soprano soloist, also lives in Sartell and is the son of Garrett Lathe, founder of the Youth Chorale, and Holly Lathe, a music teacher for the Sartell-St. Stephen School District. All have been rehearsing every week most of the year in preparation for this concert, and a lengthy list of other appearances as well. The most recent appearance was last month at Orchestra Hall during the American Choral Directors Association’s national convention in Minneapolis. These Sartell students sang in front of thousands of people at prestigious Orchestra Hall. Laurie Johnson, director of performing arts at the Paramount and the initiator of the Requiem project, created this event more than two years ago. It’s taken 20 months to make this a reality for
these high school students. “The work itself is very accessible for high school and church choirs to do,” Johnson said. “We are hoping choir directors and choir members from around the area will support the tremendous efforts and dedication of these 100-plus high-school students and attend one of the performances. The work is very much in the romantic tradition, with lush harmonies throughout. There are hundreds of requiems written to honor the memories of the dead. This is the only one written specifically to honor the struggle of those left living.” Published in mid-2013, Requiem for the Living offers an inspiring perspective and reflective journey on life, love, loss and renewal. A requiem, at its core, is a prayer for rest – traditionally, for the deceased. The five movements of Forrest’s Requiem for the Living, however, form a narrative for the living and their own struggle with pain and sorrow when dealing with the loss of a loved one. “Overall, the work is a prayer for rest (‘requiem’) for the living, not for the deceased,” according to the composer’s website. “The plea of this requiem is to ‘grant us rest, O Lord,’ not ‘grant them rest.’” For tickets, visit paramountarts. org, or call the box office at 320-259-5463.
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Garrett Lathe Spencer Lathe Conductor Soloist
Chris Baugh
Peyton Braun
Alyssa Brennhofer
Emily Callan
Laura Carlson
Hannah Congdon
Riley Dalby
Erika Evers
Madison Franzmeier
Evan Gertken
Grace Jorud
Hannah Kosloski
Elijah Lawson Anna Lehto
Nolan Lund
Krista Maruska
Jacquelyn Middendorf
Sierra Moore
Taelor Nebel
Kale Nelson
Jaden Nguyen
Rachel Otremba
Stephanie Otremba
Caleb Otteson
Sarah Reiger
Mack Sathre
Tom Schultz
Aidan Speckhard
Gillian Spencer
Chloe Spoden
Nathan Stoebe
Max Svensson
Abby Veitch
Our View Why make roundabouts so expensively pretty? Sartell City Council member Mike Chisum said it best: “They (roundabouts) are not a tourist attraction; they’re not a claim to fame; they’re a traffic tool . . . a glorified stop sign.” Chisum made his comments at the March 27 city-council meeting just before voting against a roundabout-landscaping proposal. On a 3-1 vote, the proposal was approved by Mayor Sarah Jane Nicoll and council members Ryan Fitzthum and Pat Lynch. Fitzthum, however, noted he has serious reservations about the cost involved and – with the mayor – will meet with the landscaper to find out more about the project and its estimated cost. Council member David Peterson was not at the March 27 meeting. What the council approved at the March 27 meeting was a proposal to landscape three roundabouts in Sartell – two on Pinecone Road (Scout Drive, Second Street S.) a cost of up to $80,000, the other (Heritage Drive) at a cost of up to $20,000. After that decision, many readers contacted the Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader to express their vigorous disagreement with the decision, saying that is way too much money to spend just to landscape roundabouts – any roundabouts. Some noted they had landscaped their yards with new grass, trees and shrubs for a fraction of that cost. Why should a roundabout be so expensive? Some readers said that money would be better spent on other city needs, such as road repairs or park amenities, for example. This talk about landscaping of roundabouts began at the city council in February 2016. At that time, a committee was formed to study the matter. The impetus, said Sartell Financial Director/City Administrator Mary Degiovanni, was to arrive at a lower cost and to have city input as to how the roundabouts would be landscaped. Years ago, a roundabout at Heritage and 50th was landscaped at a cost of $60,000, a decision that was in the engineering contract of which the city had no control as to the roundabout-landscaping specifics. That is why the city wanted to find a less-expensive solution with its own input, Degiovanni noted. The money to pay for the landscaping is money left over from the Pinecone Road repair and reconstruction project. She also said nearby cities, like Sauk Rapids, have spent similar amounts of money – in some cases, far more – to landscape their roundabouts. However, just because other cities spent that much, does that mean Sartell should, too? Degiovanni and Mayor Nicoll have emphasized the roundabouts should be aesthetic, attractive to motorists. However, who cares – while circling a roundabout – whether they are pretty or not? What is wrong with simple grass and perhaps a few shrubs? The plain green-grass mound of a roundabout, to most motorists anyway, looks perfectly fine – even attractive. Just who is going to stop to admire the spiffy landscaping? Wouldn’t it be far better to spend that money to landscape areas of the city, like Town Square, where pedestrians could admire the beauty while strolling or biking? Degiovanni said even a minimal landscaping – grass, a tree or two – would still cost about $20,000 per roundabout. Most people who’ve landscaped their lawns, even with automatic sprinkler systems, would balk at that amount. If the roundabouts are hooked up to water, as we’re told they are, why would installation of an automatic soaker system add so much to the cost? The public has not been given specific plans as to the landscaping, not even an artist’s conceptual drawing. What landscape features could possibly cost that much? Residents deserve answers. The Sartell city financial director (Degiovanni), city staff, council and department heads recently received glowing praise in an annual audit for excellent handling of finances and for keeping taxes and costs down. They truly deserve residents’ thanks. However, is this roundabout-landscaping project an example of keeping costs down? It certainly doesn’t seem so.
The ideas expressed in the letters to the editor and of the guest columnists do not necessarily reflect the views of the Newsleaders. Letters to the editor may be sent to news@thenewsleaders. com or P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374. Deadline is noon Monday. Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only.) Letters must be 350 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for space.
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Friday, April 21, 2017
Opinion Cruel fiends flourish on Internet Once again, we have a terrifying example of how the Internet can be used for unspeakable ends. In this case, it’s the fiend in Cleveland, Ohio who, angry with his girlfriend, decided to take out his anger on a total stranger – a 74-year-old man walking on the sidewalk. The killer walked up to the elderly man and told him he was about to die because of his (the shooter’s) girlfriend. Then he shot dead the poor guy. Then he recorded the killing on his cell phone and posted it on Facebook. Even before he killed the man, he indulged in a sick selfie by pointing the cell phone at his face and telling one and all how he intended to kill a bunch of people. Apparently, through some warped rationale, his random murders would somehow be a kind of revenge to “get back” at his girlfriend. That is just the latest despicable outrage that just might not have been committed were it not for the Internet. Many deranged people, including terrorists, commit crimes of violence as attention-getting ploys. There was a time, not too long ago, when a person would kill somebody he hated because of motives like jealousy or greed – not to bask in publicity. The Internet made possible these “show-off” crimes by sick people who think they might as well not just commit their senseless murders – but publicize them, as well. Bite the dust in fame. What a way to go. With the advent of the Internet, all of a sudden anybody could be famous for “15 minutes,” if not longer, as pop artist Andy Warhol predicted. Mentally unbalanced people, sadly living in the well of their own loneliness, began to connect via Internet with others suffering similar imbalances, delusions and
Dennis Dalman Editor mindsets. Suddenly, they were no longer isolated individuals. They’d become a group, a mutual-admiration sub-society, an extended family. They suddenly had a reason-for-being. They had buddies; they had fans; they had a legion of enablers. At long last, these festering ingrown toenails had found empowerment. And we all know what happened: • Timothy McVeigh and his conspiring buddy used the Internet to connect before their atrocious bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building. • Terrorist attacks on 9/11 and other atrocities worldwide were made possible largely through instant electronic communications (cell phones, Internet and more). Terrorism, as we know it, would be almost impossible without the Internet. One example: ISIS recruitment of vulnerable wannabe jihadists. • The Russians attempted (or succeeded, depending on the investigative outcome) to undermine the last American presidential election. The Cold War of the 1950s has become, in a very real way, the Cyber War of this century, with cyber disruptions and thefts from various countries. It’s even possible sinister cyber subversion and trickery could cause a launching of nuclear missiles. • Vicious libels have been made against many good people through distortions and lies posted on the Internet. Some people commit suicide because of sleaze posted against them, including
cyber-bullying or compromising photos or altered photos. How many parents have come home to see their precious teenagers dead by suicide because of relentless Internet bullying or slanders? • Fake news is rampant on the Internet where posters are not held accountable for their bogus claims. There are now employees in shadow agencies who work all day to make up fake news stories to post in an effort to sway gullible people. The Internet browsers are told never to trust any mainstream media reports, and like lockstep lemmings they step right in line and keep believing the fake-news tidbits the illegitimate fake-newsters post on sites. The more outrageous the “news,” the more the gullible long to believe it. It’s really just a variation on the fake news splashed across the front of the trashy tabloids in the check-out lines (Haggard Hillary punches Bill, spends night in jail!). That’s the kind of lunacy people laugh at, but some of those same people parrot the sensational “news” to friends – other gullible people. The Internet made possible not only a proliferation of fake news and horrific postings but a world in which nothing whatsoever can be totally trusted, where everything is in doubt, where even the most outrageous assertions are at least entertained if not believed. Skepticism is a good trait, mostly, but not to the dangerous degree promulgated by Internet grotesqueries. Like the invention of the atomic bomb, the invention of the Internet (I should say the evil uses of that innovation) just might precipitate – some terrible day – the death of us all. We must fight back against its rampant distortions.
Letters to the editor:
Thank you for Fort Snelling support Jessica Kohen, St. Paul Public Relations Manager Minnesota Historical Society Dennis Dalman, thank you for the
wonderful editorial you wrote in the April 6 Sartell-St. Stephen and St. Joseph Newsleaders (“Pass bonding bill to fix Fort Snelling”). I think it’s more critical now than
ever for legislators to hear from their constituents about their desire to see a revitalized Historic Fort Snelling. Your paper is just the key to getting their ear. Thank you, again.
Cost of roundabout landscaping outrageous Nancy Schramel, Sartell
Three cheers for Mike Chisum, Sartell city council member, who seems to be the only one in Sartell governing that is looking out for the taxpaying citizens of the city. $80,000 for just the landscaping of two roundabouts is outrageous as you drive around the city on
all the roads that need repair, and which have for a long time. What is wrong with grass and a few small trees?, as some people have suggested. The mayor and the other council members who approved this money are working for us. They are there to do what is best for its people, save them money wherever they
can. The mayor says we need to do this to impress visitors. I agree with Chisum, roundabouts are not tourist attractions; they are traffic tools. I think if enough Sartell citizens let the city hall know how they feel, it may make a difference. Our taxes have just been raised to pay for a new school. The city hall number is 320-253-2171.
Reader disagrees with political viewpoints of Newsleaders Parker Robinson, Sartell
I’m not sure who will read this or if it will even get passed on, but I need to send this for my own satisfaction. I’ve been a resident of Sartell for 15 years and love the community. It’s a wonderful place to live and now that I’m a father, my child will be able to take advantage of the best school district in central Minnesota. There is no town in this area my wife and I would consider raising our family in other than Sartell. My wife and I both work full time and consider ourselves contributing members to the community. We both exercise our right to vote on the local and national level. I would like to comment on the views of a couple members of your staff without naming them. Just as freedom of speech allows us to voice our opinion on topics, it also can portray people in a negative light, sometimes unfairly. It’s my opinion articles written in the Newsleader about our president are over the top and one-sided. Just as I don’t feel politics should play a part in our
children’s education, I also don’t feel it has a place in a community newspaper that’s put in the mailboxes of every resident. If there was a political section where both sides of a topic were shared, then I wouldn’t be bothered. It seems as if the views of the newspaper are one-sided and that’s the message our community is receiving. Without expressing my opinions on President Trump and his policies/accomplishments in his short term, I think it’s obvious the people were looking for change when they elected him. I think politicians in general are standing with their hands out and often wasting taxpayers’ money. I would challenge the Newsleader to post the presidential votes from the Sartell-St. Stephen community. I think a couple of your columnists would find the community they are sharing their views with to actually oppose the majority of what they are writing. Every week when I get to the page where the column is, I tell my wife that I’m going to write into your news outlet. I have asked many friends in the community if they think some of these
one-sided articles are worthy of going to print and they are not impressed either. I’m not expecting anything back, but I have self satisfaction in sending this to you. Thank you for taking the time to read this. (Editor’s note: This newspaper did, in fact, publish detailed summaries of presidential votes right after the presidential election, and a front-page story did state that Donald Trump had won the election by a wide margin in Sartell and in St. Stephen. Just because a majority in a community voted for one candidate over another does not mean a newspaper’s editorial opinions must reflect that majority opinion. This newspaper has long published opinions from a variety of viewpoints – left, middle, right – including letters to editor harshly critical of the opinions expressed in its columns and editorials. Furthermore, many, many positive editorials, columns and letters on the Opinion Page week after week have nothing to do with politics. Very often, the editorials are highly laudatory about Sartell, St. Stephen and the area.)
Friday, April 21, 2017
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
ccording to the Earth Day Network, the idea came to Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, after witnessing the ravages of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, Calif. Inspired by the student anti-war movement, he realized that if he could infuse that energy with an emerging public consciousness about air and water pollution, it would force environmental protection onto the national political agenda. Senator Nelson announced the idea for a “national teach-in on the environment” to the national media; persuaded Pete McCloskey, a conservation-minded Republican Congressman, to serve as his co-chair; and recruited Denis Hayes as national coordinator. Hayes built a national staff of 85 to promote events across the land.
Born on April 22, 1970, Earth Day is designed to mark the anniversary of what many consider the birth of the modern environmental movement. © FOTOLIA
dumps, pesticides, freeways, the loss of wilderness and the extinction of wildlife suddenly realized they shared common values.
Earth Day 1970 achieved a rare political alignment, enlisting support from Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, city slickers and farmers, tycoons and labor leaders. The first Earth Day led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts. “It was a gamble,” Gaylord recalled, “but it worked.” In 2000, as the millennium approached, Hayes agreed to spearhead another campaign, this time focused on global warming and a push for clean energy. With 5,000 environmental groups in a record 184 countries reaching out to hundreds of millions of people, Earth Day 2000 THE BEGINNING As a result, on the 22nd of combined the big-picture April, 20 million Americans fervor of the first Earth Day with the international took to the streets, parks and auditoriums to demon- grassroots activism of later strate for a healthy, sustain- years. able environment in massive coast-to-coast rallies. STILL GOING STRONG Thousands of colleges and More than 45 years later, universities organized proEarth Day Network notes tests against the deteriorathe fight for a clean envition of the environment. ronment continues in a cliGroups that had been fight- mate of increasing urgency, ing against oil spills, pollut- as the ravages of climate ing factories and power change become more manplants, raw sewage, toxic ifest every day.
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Friday, April 21, 2017
A taste of urban farming
Let’s Let’sTalk Talk Waste Waste
veryone loves fresh fruits and vegetables, but until recently, the only place to find farm-fresh produce was in the country.
Since most people live in more urbanized areas — and America continues to produce more city dwellers with each passing year — it's not easy to find that perfect, picked-off-the-vine produce where most people live. That's why urban farming is becoming so popular lately. It combines several Earth-friendly trends, including organic farming and the local produce movement, into one delicious idea that's catching on across America.
One way people are farming in cities is by creating neighborhood farms. Since urban land is so expensive and few individuals have the money to purchase their own land for farming, clubs, churches and neighborhood groups will often band together to create an urban garden. By working in a group farm, everyone shares the costs and workload of running a small farm, but they also get to share in the benefits.
Another option is growing fruits and vegetables right on your own patio. It doesn't take much space to grow a few pots of tomatoes or herbs just outside your window, making it both convenient and delicious. Nothing is fresher than vegetables that ripen near your own kitchen. Some plants can be visually attractive, too, which lets you create edible
rash. rash. Garbage. Garbage. Rubbish. Rubbish. These These are are thethe names names we we givegive to items to items thatthat we we have have littlelittle useuse or or value value for.for. Humans Humans produce produce a lota of lot it. ofAnd, it. And, thanks thanks FOOD CO-OPS Finally, there's another option for city dwellers to modern to modern sanitation, sanitation, we we don’t don’t have have to live to live withwith it. it.
landscaping that looks as good as it tastes.
who don't have the time or interest to do their own gardening. It's called a garden co-op. With a cooperative produce arrangement, peolion tons of our ofyearly our yearly waste waste is food is food However, However, this also this makes also makes it easy it easylion tons ple who want locally grown, fresh foods will to ignore to ignore exactly exactly how how much much waste waste waste. waste. If that If food that food were were to be to combe compool together to buy in-season produce posted posted instead, instead, we would we would reduce reduce we produce we produce — and — in and turn, in turn, how how we we from local farmers. the amount of greenhouse of greenhouse gas at gas anat an harming are harming our home: our home: Earth. Earth. It’s It’s the amount Different groups operate inare differtimeistime to talk to trash. talk trash. amount amount equivalent equivalent to taking to taking 2 mil2 milent ways, but the basic principle the same: you pay a flat rate to • The• United The United States States generates generates a a lion cars lion off carsthe offroad. the road. receive fresh foods on a regular Not ofall our ofwaste our waste makes makes it to it to little little moremore thanthan 250 million 250 million tons tons of of • Not• all schedule. Everyone in your group a landfill. According According to National to National municipal municipal solidsolid waste waste everyevery year,year, a landfill. will get a share of the fruits and according according to the toUnited the United States States Geographic, Geographic, therethere are 5.25 are 5.25 trillion trillion vegetables that are purchased. pieces pieces of plastic of plastic debris debris in the in the Environmental Environmental Protection Protection Agency. Agency. Not only will this provide fresher ocean. • This averages averages out to out beto more be more ocean. foods than what you usually find in • This that four pounds pounds of trash of trash per day, per day, • This• This is notissurprising, not surprising, if youif you grocery stores, but it can alsothat four save you money because theper person. consider consider that 85 that percent 85 percent of the of the per person. produce is bought in bulk. world’s plastic plastic is notisrecycled, not recycled, • More • More thanthan 89 million 89 million tons tons of of world’s this waste this waste is either is either recycled recycled or comor comaccording according to the toOcean the Ocean Recovery Recovery posted. posted. This This is equivalent is equivalent to a 34 to a 34 Alliance. Alliance. percent percent recycling recycling rate. rate. • The• largest The largest ocean ocean garbage garbage site site inworld the world is known is known as the asGreat the Great • That • That might might seemseem like alike good a good in the Pacific Garbage Garbage PatchPatch — located — located off off start,start, untiluntil you hear you hear that the thatEPA the EPA Pacific estimates estimates that at that least at least 75 percent 75 percent of of the coast the coast of California of California — where — where plastic pieces pieces outnumber outnumber sea life sea life our waste our waste is recyclable. is recyclable. If this If were this wereplastic six tosix one. to one. school, school, we would we would be failing. be failing. • We •could We could do better, do better, as more as more If you If want you want to learn to learn more, more, visit:visit: 87 percent 87 percent of Americans of Americans havehave access access to curbside to curbside recycling recycling pro- pro- waste. waste. The report The report breaks breaks downdown waste waste production production and landfill and landfill data data grams grams or drop-off or drop-off centers. centers. by state, as well as as well the asevolution the evolution of of • According • According to to dosomething.orgby state, — a global — a global movement movement for positive for positivelandfills landfills in the inUnited the United States States over over environmental environmental change change — 21.5 — 21.5 mil- milthe past the past century. century. PHOTO: ELENATHEWISE / YAYMICRO.COM
Keep Up the Good Work With Recycling! HAPPY EARTH DAY! Proud to be a recycling collector!
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Friday, April 21, 2017
veryone loves fresh fruits and vegetables, but until recently, the only place to find farm-fresh produce was in the country.
Since most people live in more urbanized areas — and America continues to produce more city dwellers with each passing year — it's not easy to find that perfect, picked-off-the-vine produce where most people live. That's why urban farming is becoming so popular lately. It combines several Earth-friendly trends, including organic farming and the local produce movement, into one delicious idea that's catching on across America.
One way people are farming in cities is by creating neighborhood farms. Since urban land is so expensive and few individuals have the money to purchase their own land for farming, clubs, churches and neighborhood groups will often band together to create an urban garden. By working in a group farm, everyone shares the costs and workload of running a small farm, but they also get to share in the benefits.
landscaping that looks as good as it tastes.
Finally, there's another option for city dwellers who don't have the time or interest to do their own gardening. It's called a garden co-op. With a cooperative produce arrangement, people who want locally grown, fresh foods will pool together to buy in-season produce from local farmers. Different groups operate in different ways, but the basic principle is the same: you pay a flat rate to receive fresh foods on a regular schedule. Everyone in your group will get a share of the fruits and vegetables that are purchased. Not only will this provide fresher foods than what you usually find in grocery stores, but it can also save you money because the produce is bought in bulk.
Another option is growing fruits and vegetables right on your own patio. It doesn't take much space to grow a few pots of tomatoes or herbs just outside your window, making it both convenient and delicious. Nothing is fresher than vegetables that ripen near your own kitchen. Some plants can be visually attractive, too, which lets you create edible
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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Friday, April 21, 2017
Miracle League bowling set for April 23 by Cori Hilsgen
The annual Miracle League of Central Minnesota bowling event will take place from noon-3 p.m. Sunday, April 23 at Great River Bowl in Sartell. The event is a kick-off event for the league’s baseball season so players can register for the upcoming season. Kim Notsch, a member of the Miracle League Board and parent of a player, said The Miracle League is unique in many aspects of the game. Here are a few: • The game is played on a specialized baseball field designed without the barriers of a traditional baseball field. The entire field is made of a rubber material to cushion falls and prevent injuries. The field is completely flat, allowing for walkers, wheelchairs and those with mobility challenges to participate in the game. Entrances and exits, as well as the dugouts, are wide enough to accommodate walker and wheelchair access. • A Miracle League baseball game is played with the assistance of a “buddy.” Each player has a volunteer buddy, either one the player chooses themselves or one the league provides on a weekly basis. (The league seeks volunteers from various groups around the area.) The buddies are asked to support the player while he/ she is playing the game, as much or as little as the player needs it. Some buddies help the players bat and push them around the bases while other buddies simply stand back during the at-bat and run with the players around the bases, offering words of encouragement, and help build excitement as the players round the bases. Buddies also help players in the outfield by stopping ground balls, picking
balls up for players who may not be able to get the ball off the ground and more. The buddies also help ensure the safety of the players throughout the game. They stand with the players during the National Anthem, which is played at the beginning of the game, stand with the players when the lineup is called, and when the players shake hands at the end of each game. Buddies also help coach the teams, serve as pitchers, catchers, umpires and announcers. • Every player on the team bats each inning, base runners are safe, every player scores each inning and each player and team wins every game. There are usually three innings to each game, lasting about one hour. If three innings are completed and there is still time remaining, there may be a fourth inning added to the game. There are about 100 players each season. Notsch said each year the league recruits a few more players and would love to see even more. She said many families and organizations are still not aware a league such as the Miracle League exists and it’s her desire to help bring awareness to this league and the positive impact it can have on youth in the area. Recommended ages of league players range from 5–21 but there are a few players with the league who are younger, if parents feel the child is appropriate to play, and a few players are older, particularly those who have been playing from the beginning and were in the recommended age range during league start-up. The league is for both males and females. “My son will be starting his eighth season of buddy baseball,” Notsch said. “As soon as he sees
Duties include: Provide nursing services in accordance with the residents’ written care plans and communicate any pertinent resident information to appropriate personnel. Communicate to supervising RN, physician and family of changes in residents’ conditions and/or needs. Oversee the administering of medications and treatments as ordered by the physician and nursing staff. Maintain records of residents’ medications, treatments and conditions. Provide support, assistance, direction and supervision to the HHA as needed. Medication and medical supply ordering and monitoring. Receive and process telephone, faxed or written orders. Responsible for complete and accurate follow-up, admission, weekly and discharge charting. On-call and other duties as assigned. Requirements: Successful completion of a practical nursing education program approved by the State Board of Nursing. Current LPN licensure in the State of Minnesota. CPR certification. Must be able and willing to assume responsibility for client care and safety.
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the Minnesota Twins start their season, he knows his baseball league is right around the corner. From the end of March when we start talking baseball and until the day it arrives, and again as the end of summer draws near and we prepare for school, he asks every day if his Miracle League Draft letter has come in the mail. Seeing the sheer joy on his face when he sees what team he was drafted to each season are the days we live for. This league has done so much for his confidence and has really taught him how to be a good team player and a respectful spectator at a sporting event. We are so grateful to have found such a wonderful thing in our community for our kiddo. He has told me he always feels welcomed and cheered on as he plays and that makes him ‘feel great and like the best baseball player.’” Some comments from others about their experiences with the league include the following: “I love to watch and help with the games and with ear-to-ear grins,” said Angela Miller, Waite Park, volunteer buddy and league supporter. “It’s clear the athletes love it too.” “It’s great to see all the interaction between coaches, buddies, the players and the spectators,” said Cathy Pundsack, Avon, league supporter. “It’s also great to see high-school students in the area helping out.” “The Miracle League has provided my daughter with a great way to be involved in a sporting event that is fun for her and something she enjoys very much each and every game,” said Shawn Kockler, Sauk Rapids, volunteer coach and parent of a player. “It is the highlight of my week,” said Susan Sipe, Big Lake, league supporter. “It is a special place where all participants are included and celebrated. At no other sporting event will you find people cheering just as enthusiastically for the other team as they do for their own.”
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contributed photo
Players and buddies participate in a Miracle League of Central Minnesota baseball game at the Miracle Field in Whitney Park in St. Cloud. The annual Miracle League of Central Minnesota bowling event will take place from noon-3 p.m. Sunday, April 23 at Great River Bowl in Sartell. Advanced registration for bowling is required. Notsch said Buddies are an es- ible. sential and very appreciated part Players and parents usually of this game. Each season, the host a hot-dog fundraiser in early volunteer Buddies include many June, and several Lions clubs in companies, work groups or orga- the area also make donations to nizations such as baseball/soft- help keep the program going. ball and football teams from variThis year the league has also ous high schools in the area, Sauk been fortunate to be named the Rapids Fire Department volun- beneficiary of the Brenny Transteers, Coborn’s staff and St. Cloud portation/DeZurik 5k Fun Run/ SWAT Team and Drug Task Force Walk that will be held on April 29. members. The league welcomes Players pay $50 per season to more volunteers every season. play one night or $80 to play both “I really encourage the com- nights in a season. That money munity to come out for a game pays for jerseys, year-end trophies and cheer these kids on,” Notsch and field upkeep and city utilities. said. “It’s such a heartwarming “Our wish is to some day be experience, and I have yet to meet able to lower the cost of participasomeone who hasn’t been so ap- tion with the support of commupreciative for this opportunity nity donations,” Notsch said. these kids have with this league.” If anyone wants to donate for Games are played at the Mira- a player, donations can be mailed cle Field located at Whitney Park to Miracle League of Central Minin St. Cloud. nesota, P.O. Box 1935, St. Cloud, Spring games are played at Minn. 56302. 4:45 p.m. and 6 p.m. Sundays, Families who wish to particMay 14–June 25, and at 5:30 p.m. ipate in the bowling event are and 6:45 p.m. Tuesdays, May 16– asked to sign up for a designated June 20. time, prior to the event. To parA fall league starts in late Au- ticipate in the event, email mirgust and runs through September. acleleagueofcentralmn@gmail. Notsch said the league is com. mostly self-funded. The organizaFor more information about tion is a 503(c)(3) and welcomes the league, visit the website at any donations to help with league costs. Donations are tax-deduct-
Facilities Supervisor/ Custodian Maintenance/Grounds Saint John’s Preparatory School is accepting applications for a Facilities Supervisor, Custodian/ Maintenance Grounds position. This position includes management of a third-party cleaning company, delegating/completing requests for custodial or light maintenance. Responsible for all aspects of snow removal, and mowing.
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HOME HEALTH AIDE All positions available Full- and/or Part-time
including every other weekend/holiday Duties include: daily personal care, grooming, dressing, light meal prep, medication administration and light to moderate housekeeping. If interested please call Karen Hennessy at (320) 260-7316 or send resume to
Friday, April 21, 2017
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader • LEGAL NOTICE
REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS March 20, 2017 SARTELL HIGH SCHOOL ROOM C285 The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Chair Michelle Meyer. Members present: Meyer; Jason Nies, vice chair; Pam Raden, clerk; Patrick Marushin, treasurer; Mary McCabe, director; and Jeff Schwiebert, superintendent. Members absent: Lesa Kramer, director. A motion was made by Nies and seconded by McCabe to APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS added to resignations – Ken Brady. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Nies to APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS A-D AS PRESENTED BELOW. All in favor. Motion carried. a. Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on Feb. 27, 2017 Minutes of the board work session held on March 6, 2017 Minutes of the board work session held on March 9, 2017 b. Checks in the amount of $1,911,140.20 as presented: General Fund 1,525,867.58 Food Service Fund 140,338.61 Transportation Fund 125,832.52 Community Service Fund 38,494.54 Capital Expenditure Fund 70,554.13 Summer Rec Agency Fund 10,052.82 Check numbers 167167 - 167423 Receipts in the amount of $3,672,467.59 as presented: General Fund 3,248,754.90 Food Service Fund 164,720.47 Transportation Fund 3,432.74 Community Service Fund 105,035.95 Capital Expenditure Fund 1,198.99 Building Fund 68,097.41 Debt Service Fund 47,752.13 Scholarship Trust Fund 3,700.00 Summer Rec Agency Fund 29,775.00 Receipts 43049 - 43150 Wire transfers in the amount of $132,865.49 as presented: General Fund 125,772.42 Food Service Fund 4,696.04 Community Service Fund 2,397.03 Wire transfers 201600063-201600068 Building Fund Checks in the amount of $360,748.72 as presented: Building Fund 360,748.72 Check numbers 600034 to 600039 c. Accept the following donations: Knights of Columbus Sartell Council #5276, Sartell-St. Stephen School District – ISD 748, $392.00, Early Childhood Special Education; Pine Meadow PTO, District 748 – Pine Meadow Elementary, $326.48, beverages for PME Bingo night; Pine Meadow PTO, District 748 – Pine Meadow Elementary, $6,932.15, traverse climbing wall; Sabres All Sport Booster Club, Sartell High School, $1,554.53, spring strength coach.
• Clerk Pam Raden reported on the recent SEE Meeting. • Chair Michelle Meyer reported on the Benton Stearns Committee and Senior Connection meetings she attended. Student Enrollment Report: • Superintendent Schwiebert reported on current enrollment numbers. 2015-16 Minnesota Student Survey Results: • Marie Pangerl, assessment coordinator; Natalie Marcussen, MS – social worker; and Shannon Zinken, MS counselor presented the 2015-16 Minnesota Student Survey Results.
Facilities – Entire Board @ this time
Leaves of Absence:
High School Steering Committee – Marushin, Nies, Raden
None. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Raden to APPROVE RESOLUTION ALLOWING POTENTIAL BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Nies and seconded by McCabe to APPROVE ADOPTION OF POLICY 427. All in favor. Motion carried.
Emergency Response Training Update: • Krista Durrwachter, director of human resources, reported on upcoming changes to the District’s Emergency Response Plan.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Nies to APPROVE #1-14:
Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings:
New Employees/Changes: Kyle Grote, SMS, junior high boys golf, $1,645 (4.5 percent), BS1 ($36,559), replacing Tyler Malotky, 4/1/2017; Kaylee Heinen, Early Childhood, child-care attendant, $13.73/hour, R1, S1, 3.25 hours, Monday, additional hours as needed, 3/6/2017; Jason Huschle, SHS, assistant boys golf, $2,756 (7.35 percent), BS2 ($37,496), replacing Eric Peckskamp, 3/20/2017; Anne Jensen, SMS, junior high speech, $1,645 (4.5 percent), BS1 ($36,559), replacing Lindsay Vernier, 12/20/2016; Alyssa Kasella, Early Childhood, child-care attendant, $13.73/hour, R1, S1, three hours/day, Tuesday/ Thursday and 5.5 hours/day, Friday, replacing Tressa Zimmerman, 3/14/2017;
Alyssa Kasella, Early Childhood, ECSE para, $16.26/hour, RIV, S1, three hours/day, Wednesday, new position, 3/14/2017; Jessica Kinkaid, ORE, student supervisor, Student Representative Report: Nicholas Juntunen, student representa- $13.73/hour, RI, S1, two hours/ day, replacing Carla Swanson, tive • Juntunen reported on happenings around the district. Oak Ridge and 3/13/2017; Nick Kirick, SHS, Pine Meadow held their Spring Music Concerts in addition to kicking head boys lacrosse, $3,562 (9.5 off their “Pennies for Patients” fundraiser. The Middle School Aca- percent), BS2 ($37,496), replacdemic Triathalon and Math Count teams finished great seasons and ing Roy Snyder, 4/3/2017; Mary eighth-graders were invited to GREAT Night last Friday. The High Knellwolf, Early Childhood, School Student Council held the annual FunFest which raised more ECSE para, $16.26/hour, RIV, than $3,000. The annual SHS blood drive produced 87 pints of blood. S1, three hours/day, Monday and Wednesday, replacing Tressa Winter sports and activities are wrapping up a great season and the Zimmerman, 3/6/2017; Angela band/choir concerts start this week for students. Kroska, SHS, color guard, $1,225 (3.35 percent), BS1 ($36,559), reArchitect Report on Building Process: placing Stacy Karolus, 3/1/2017; • Architect Dave Leapaldt, Senior Project Manager Robbie Schultz, Engineer Jay Vogle and Senior Estimator Dan Folsum gave an update Andrew Lindner, SHS, assistant on the building process and current site plan covering bid packages boys lacrosse, $1,526 (8.35 per1, 2 and 3. cent), BS1 ($36,559), (50-percent contract), replacing Ian Superintendent Report: Jeff Schwiebert, superintendent Cochran, 4/3/2017; Noel Meyer, • Superintendent Schwiebert reported the Pinecone Park Board and SMS, junior high track, $1,645 Sartell Baseball Association are working to rehabilitate Champion (4.5 percent), BS 1 ($36,559), reField and wants the Outreach Committee to review a grant opportu- placing Matt Darling, 3/21/2017; nity from the Twins Community Fund. Patrisha Rice, PME, SPED para, $16.26/hour, RIV, S1, 6.25 hours/ School Board Committee Report: day, replacing Brittany Ranck, Treasurer Patrick Marushin reported on the Steering Committee meet- 3/13/2017; Jeff Rutten, SHS, asings on Feb. 28 and March 9 and Finance and Operations Committee sistant boys lacrosse, $1,565 (8.35 meeting on Feb. 23. percent), BS2 ($37,496), (50-perd. Accept the resignation of Ken Brady, SHS, social studies, 6/5/17; Kaylee Heinen, ORE, student supervisor, 3/24/17; Bridget Kuhl, SHS, language arts, 6/5/17; Megan Lindbloom, SMS, student supervisor, 3/8/17; Sandra Robatcek, SHS, cashier, 3/31/17.
cent contract), contract reduced, 4/3/2017.
• Special Board Meeting to Approve Bids at 5:15 p.m. Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at the District Service Center Board Room • Schedule Finance and Operations Committee Meeting on Thursday, April 27, 2017 at the District Service Center Board Room. • The Regular Board Meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, April 17 St. Stephen City Hall. Committee assignments were reviewed. School Board Committees 2017: Policy – Kramer, Marushin, McCabe Finance/Operations – Marushin, McCabe, Nies Negotiations – Meyer (Marushin)
Communications – Meyer, Raden Technology – Nies, Raden Community Outreach – Meyer, Raden Curriculum Instruction Advisory – Marushin, Meyer BSED Board – Meyer SEE – Raden Stearns County Board – Meyer
SPED Advisory Board – Marushin Sartell Senior Connection – Meyer Drug Free Coalition – Kramer Community Education Advisory Council – Kramer The board took a five-minute recess at 7:26 p.m. The meeting resumed at 7:31 p.m. A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Nies TO CLOSE THE MEETING FOR NEGOTIATIONS STRATEGY PURSUANT TO MN STAT. 13D.03. All in favor. Motion carried. Business Director Steve Wruck and Human Resources Director Krista Durrwachter were invited to join the discussion. A motion was made by Nies and seconded by McCabe at 8:06 p.m. TO OPEN THE MEETING. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:07 p.m. was made by Nies and seconded by Raden. All in favor. Motion carried. /s/ Pamela Raden, clerk
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS DAYBREAK LIGHTING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: TIME AND PLACE: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Sartell, Minnesota, will meet in the council chambers of the City Hall at 6 p.m. on Monday, May 8, 2017, to consider the construction of the following improvements, to-wit: Street lights within the Daybreak development. NATURE OF IMPROVEMENT: The addition of street lights within the Daybreak development. ESTIMATED COST: The total estimated cost of said improvements is $51,500. A reasonable estimate of the impact of the assessments affecting your property will be available at the meeting. AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED: The area proposed to be assessed for such improvements is
as follows: Each of the 40 platted lots within the Daybreak development. AUTHORITY: The Council proposes to proceed under the authority granted by Chapter 429 M.S.A. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be heard at this meeting. Written or oral objections will be considered. A reasonable estimate of the impact of the assessments will be available at this meeting. DATED: April 10, 2017. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL /s/ Mary Degiovanni City Administrator Publish: April 21 and 28, 2017
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
If you have a tip concerning a crime, call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301, or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for a crime. This information is submitted by the Sartell Police Department.
April 5 3:10 p.m. DWI. Hwy. 10/CR 4. Officers were dispatched to check the area on Hwy. 15 for a possible intoxicated driver. Officers located the vehicle and conducted a traffic stop. The driver failed field sobriety tests and blew a breath sample of .26. The driver was arrested and charged with third-degree DWI, open container and no valid Minnesota driver’s license. The person was transported to jail without incident. 6:16 p.m. Domestic. First Street N. Officers were dispatched for a report of a domestic disturbance that had occurred at a residence. It was determined a father and stepdaughter had gotten into an argument over living arrangements for the stepdaughter. Both parties involved were separated and did not need any assistance from police.
license. The driver was issued a citation for driving after revocation and no proof of insurance in the vehicle. April 7 8:36 a.m. Accident with injuries. Ninth Street N./Eighth Avenue N. Officers were dispatched for a report of a juvenile who had been hit by a vehicle. The juvenile suffered minor injuries. The driver of the vehicle told the officer the sun was in his/ her eyes and he/she was driving slow as he/she drove through the crosswalk. The juvenile’s parents were advised of the incident and all parties received a copy of the police report. 2:43 p.m. Traffic stop. CR 120. While running stationary traffic in the area of CR 120, an officer located a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. The officer conducted a traffic stop and learned the driver had a revoked driver’s license. The officer also located a marijuana pipe on the floor near the driver. The driver was issued a citation for driving after revocation, no proof of insurance and possession of drug paraphernalia. The driver was told to park the vehicle and call someone to drive for he/she.
April 6 11:54 p.m. Suicidal. Officers were dispatched for a suicidal juvenile. It was determined the juvenile had been sending photos to friends over the phone and talking about cutting themselves. Officers located numerous superficial wounds to the juvenile’s arm. Officers transported the juvenile to the hospital for treatment and an evaluation. 10:19 p.m. Driving complaint. 800 block of 10th Avenue N. Officers were dispatched to the area for a driving complaint of a vehicle driving through the area at a high rate of speed. An officer located the vehicle in question and conducted a traffic stop. The driver admitted to the officer he/she did not have a valid
April 8 1:01 a.m. DWI. 32000 block of CR 1. While on patrol, an officer located a vehicle traveling in a manner that showed an intoxicated driver. The officer conducted a traffic stop and the driver failed field sobriety testing. The driver blew a breath sample of .18. The driver was arrested and charged with third-degree DWI. The driver was transported to jail without incident. 9:17 a.m. Domestic. 11th Avenue E. Officers were dispatched to a physical domestic disturbance. It was determined one party had punched another in the face and left the residence. Officers located the person who assaulted the other in a nearby city and he/she was placed under arrest. The person was charged with domestic assault and transported to jail without incident.
Is your event listed? Send your information to: Newsleader Calendar, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374; fax it to 320-363-4195; or, e-mail it to
S., St. Cloud. St. Cloud Singles Club Dance, 8 p.m.-midnight, American Legion, 17 Second Ave. S., Waite Park. 320-3394533.
Friday, April 21 Benton County Museum, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320-253-9614. Prince’s Life and Legacy, Minnesota Historical Society display, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. today and April 22, noon5 p.m. April 23. Minnesota History Center, 345 W. Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul. Burger and brat sale, sponsored by Knights of Columbus, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 First Ave. NW. Tae Guk Kwon Do, 3-4 p.m., Independent Lifestyles, 215 N Benton Drive, Sauk Rapids. 320-267-7717. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church fellowship hall, 610 CR 2. Sing Into Spring, presented by the St. Cloud State University Concert Choir and Chamber Singers, 6:30 p.m., Newman Center, 396 First Ave.
Saturday, April 22 St. Cloud VA Career Fair, 9 a.m.noon, Rasmussen College, 226 Park Ave. S., St. Cloud. 320-252-1670, ext. 6571 or ext. 7276. Craft Vendor Sale, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Centennial Shopping Center, 2018 Veterans Drive, St. Cloud. Burger and brat sale, sponsored by Knights of Columbus, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 First Ave. NW. Drugs and Their Impact on the Community, 4:30 p.m., Shepherd of the Pines Church, 1950 125th St. NW, Rice. Japan Night: Night Parade of 100 Demons, 5:30 p.m., Atwood Memorial Center, St. Cloud State University.
Rifts from front page votes to rescind it was one of the members who voted previously to approve it.
Costs reasonable
In an interview with the Newsleader April 14, Degiovanni said the two Pinecone roundabout-landscaping projects will probably come in at about $35,000 each. The option of planting just some kind of grass with three trees would cost about $18,000 for each roundabout, she added. She said the tree on one of the roundabouts will be about 30 feet high, 25 feet high on the other one. Degiovanni noted Mayor Nicoll and council member Pat Lynch both are strongly in favor of making the Pinecone roundabouts aesthetically pleasing, being both are on the Pinecone corridor, a strong business area of the city. Chisum and Peterson strongly disagree.
Costs too high
In an interview April 15 with the Newsleader, Chisum said he has yet to hear one Sartell resident who is not opposed to spending that much money for roundabout landscaping. On the contrary, he hears from people very opposed to it, he added. Chisum said residents should call, email or write city hall and the city council to express their feelings, one way or another, about roundabout landscaping. Peterson, also in an interview April 15 with the Newsleader, said he has always been against spending that kind of money for roundabout landscaping, even when the idea was first brought up by Degiovanni at a council meeting in February 2016. Roundabouts, he said, should be planted with some kind of grass or drought-resistant native prairie grass with
possibly a few hardy perennial shrubs. Money saved, he said, could be used, for example, to set up a linked, safe hiking-biking path along Pinecone Road to the site of the new high school, as well as on the schools’ grounds in that area. If the two Pinecone roundabout-landscaping projects will cost that much, how much will future landscaping projects cost at Sartell’s many other roundabouts?, Peterson wondered.
Complex projects
Degiovanni said residents would be very surprised if they knew how much other cities spend to landscape roundabouts, such as Sauk Rapids – in some cases, much more than the prices for those in Sartell. She said landscaping a roundabout properly involves soil improvements, sod-laying, irrigation, power, trees, grass, flowering plants, trees and shrubs. Those things cannot be done without serious investments, she said. In an email April 14 to the Newsleader, Degiovanni wrote this: “We set up a committee of Sartell commission and council reps, along with public works maintenance staff, and thoughtfully developed a plan that is lower cost than in the past and yet looks better and is more affordable to maintain. This topic has been on numerous public agendas as we have worked to refine design and lower costs . . . Yes, that means we have spent more than a year on this process as we have continually reduced the costs while still delivering an attractive result for our most heavily traveled street corridor.” Degiovanni also noted that years ago, $60,000 was spent to landscape a roundabout at Heritage Drive and 50th Avenue. That landscaping cost was part of the engineering contract to build the roundabout. The landscaping was a failure, according to Degiovanni
Community Calendar
Sunday, April 23 Coming to Grips with Suffering series, 10:30 a.m., Northland Bible Baptist Church, 3686 CR 8 SE, St. Cloud. 320-252-5677.
Monday, April 24 Benton County Museum, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320-253-9614. Lunch and cards, sponsored by Helping Hands Outreach, noon-2 p.m., The Rusty Nail, 4 CR 2 S., St. Stephen. Blood donation for American Red Cross, 1:30-7:30 p.m., St. Mary Help of Christians Parish, 24588 CR 7, St. Cloud. Sartell City Council, 6 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. 320-253-2171. Tuesday, April 25 National Alliance on Mental Health, 7-8:30 p.m., Calvary Community Church, 1200 Roosevelt Road, St. Cloud. 320-259-7101. Her Story, Her Song, presented by St. Cloud State University Women’s Choir, Cantabile Girls’ Choir and faculty, 7:30 p.m., Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 4310 CR 137, St. Cloud. Thursday, April 27 Coffee and Conversation, a se-
nior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, 520 First St. NE, Sartell. Coffee with a Cop, 9-11 a.m., Rock Creek Coffeehouse, 214 Second Ave. N., Sauk Rapids. 320-493-5699. Older Adults and Scams: Protect Yourself and Your Money, 10 a.m., Chapel, Country Manor, 520 First St. NE, Sartell. Sauk Rapids Chamber Meeting, 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Sauk Rapids Government Center, 250 Summit Ave. N. 320-251-2940. West Side Story, 7 p.m. tonight and April 28 and 29 and at 2 p.m. April 29, Sartell High School Theater. Friday, April 28 Benton County Museum, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320-253-9614. Stearns County “Open Courthouse,” 12:30-4:30 p.m., Stearns County Court House, 725 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud. Tae Guk Kwon Do, 3-4 p.m., Independent Lifestyles, 215 N Benton Drive, Sauk Rapids. 320-267-7717. Spring Bling Jewelry and Accessories Sale, 4-7 p.m. today, 9 a.m.-
Friday, April 21, 2017 and some council members. To avoid a similar mess, the city decided to pull the landscaping funds from the Pinecone Road project so the city could not only get the cost lower but ensure the project would be done properly and last well into the future. Degiovanni, in defending the landscaping costs, mentioned how Sartell had recently won high praise in its annual city audit. “Sartell continues to spend less per capita, and (that is) why our city tax rate continues to be the lowest in the area year after year after year. We take expenditures seriously, and we think about both short- and long-term costs and impacts, and that is exactly what we have done here.”
Mayor responds
Sartell Mayor Sarah Jane Nicoll also responded to the Newsleader. A 10-person study committee, Nicoll said, met five times to study options for roundabout landscaping and then voted unanimously to recommend approval by the city council. Committee members worked hard to reduce expenses for a final landscape plan, Nicoll noted. “These roundabouts are larger than most, in particular Scout and Heritage being more than 80 feet across,” Nicoll wrote. “The bare minimum to bring in the commercial irrigation, fill and sod would cost $40,000. It was the opinion of the committee that it was worth it to spend the extra money to make Scout Drive as the entrance to our city and Second Street as a commercial center attractive to help beautify our community. We also made a commitment to the business owners around Second Street, who donated the right-ofway we needed for the roundabout, that we would do attractive and enhanced landscaping. Public Works (staff) participated in the landscape-planning meetings and recommended the enhancements over plain grass to reduce maintenance.”
1 p.m. April 29, St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, 219 Second St. N., Sartell. 320-252-1363. Saturday, April 29 Rose Education Day, sponsored by UMN Extension Master Gardeners of Stearns County, 8 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. Sartell Lions Spring Clean-Up, 8 a.m.-noon, Sartell Middle School Parking Lot. 320-250-6697. Spring Carnival for Children, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 306 Norway Drive, Foley. Cold Spring Maennerchor spring concert, 7 p.m., St. Boniface Church, 501 Main St., Cold Spring., 320-237-1727. Sunday, April 30 Benefit breakfast for C.A.R.E., sponsored by the Duelm Knights of Columbus, 8:30 a.m.-noon., St. Lawrence Parish Hall, Duelm. A Mosaic of Gifts, presented by Great River Chorale, Apollo High School and Tech High School, 4 p.m., Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 4310 CR 137, St. Cloud.
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Friday, April 21, 2017
Wood from front page Maybe Old Turtle will start whispering in my ear again.” An added attraction will be the concert by his Wild Spirit Band, which Wood said does not often perform in the St. Cloud area. Besides Wood, the band includes guitarist Steve Borgstrom and bassist Bryan Wood, Doug’s son. The group plays music about the great outdoors from Appalachian bluegrass to Mississippi Blues, from Chuck Berry to Earl Scruggs. They perform three-part vocal harmonies and play the banjo, mandolin, sixand 12-string guitars and bass. The event also marks the publication of Wood’s new memoir for adults, Deep Woods, Wild Waters, which is the story of his life in the outdoors and his experiences as a wilderness canoe guide. The book is published by University of Minnesota Press. Wood, who is an author, artist, musician, naturalist and wilderness guide is the creator of 35 books for children and adults, with more than 2.5 million copies in print. Besides Old Turtle, Wood’s other award-winning books include Grandad’s Prayers of the Earth and his Can’t Do series. Wood has performed and read his books at the White House, at the Lincoln Center in New York City and many more places. Wood is a recipient of the American Booksellers Book of the Year-ABBY Award, the International Reading Association Book of the Year, the Christopher Medal, Parent’s Choice Award, Barnes and Noble Star of the North, Storytell-
ing World Award, Midwest Publishers Association Book of the Year, Smithsonian Notable Book Award, Minnesota Book Award, Minnesota State Arts Board Grant for Prose and CMAB McKnight Established Artist Award. When discussing his success, Wood said success is a relative thing. “Many folks are more ‘successful’ than I, particularly financially,” Wood said. “We live in a beautiful old cabin in the woods, as Kathy (his wife) and I both grew up dreaming of doing someday. We are fortunate to have another cabin on the Canadian border. I have made a career of spending time out-ofdoors and writing books and music about it, again just as I dreamed of. We have two great kids who got to grow up in this fine community. And now, we have two wonderful grandchildren. The career as an author is something I am proud of, because it’s not easy to do. And this new book, Deep Woods, Wild Waters speaks to some of those difficulties. Thirty-five books so far, and hopefully some more to come.” As a songwriter and musician, Wood performs on a 12-string guitar, banjo and mandolin, performing his original “Earth Songs” with his Wild Spirit Band. The band recently took first runner-up in the Minnesota Bluegrass Band Championship – “Race for a Place.” His Deep Woods, Deep Waters compact disc has sold more than 100,000 copies. Wood also received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Minnesota Association for Environmental Education. He lives with his family in a log cabin by the Mississippi River.
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Olson: Track is tough, but team spirit soars
photo by Greg Kremer, Sabre Photos
At a meet in Willmar last week, track star Carter Olson runs the first 100 meters in his specialty, the 4 x 400 meter relay race. by Dennis Dalman
Thanks in large part to Carter Olson’s efforts, the Sartell Sabre boys’ track-and-field team placed among the top three for the past four years in True Team competition. True Team is based on efforts of the entire team, not individual competitions. Olson, 17, a Sartell High School senior, is the son of Kristin and Kyle Olson. He has been a varsity track participant for five years, ever since eighth grade. He’s bluntly honest about the sport. At times, he said, it’s really tough going. “You can get what’s called runner’s high at the beginning of a race and toward the end,” he said. “But in the middle of a race, well, sometimes you just kind of want to die.” One time, when he was in eighth grade, his legs buckled out from under him while running. Grueling as competitive running can be, Olson loves the sport for its camaraderie.
“The other guys are so nice, we have good connections to the coaches, and I love that team aspect of track,” he said. “And it really helps me stay in shape.” At 6-foot-3, Olson can really take long strides during a run. He used to play basketball. He still plays football (defensive end) and likes to lift weights. His track specialty is as a mid-distance runner, the 300-meter solo run, and the four-member 400-meter relay. This season, he’s hoping to be a winner and is aiming to top his personal best in the 400-meter race. His current record is 52 seconds. When Olson was in eighth and ninth grades, he used to take part in 800-meter races. Sports were a huge component in his life when Olson was growing up. Not surprisingly, since his father was a school basketball coach in Barnesville, Royalton and Kimball and then at Sartell Middle School. Practicing for track can be just as grueling as the actual track meets. Olson and other track teammates practice from 3:30 p.m. to as late as 5:30 p.m. every day and some Saturdays on the Sartell Middle School track. “I do speed workouts, sprints eight times,” he said. “It varies, though.” Track may be tough, but team members make it all worthwhile, Olson noted. “Yes, it’s difficult, but all the team members keep our spirits up,” Olson said, “and that’s what I most like about it.”
The varsity roster for Sartell boys’ track, as posted on the Minnesota High School League website, includes the following: seniors Dean Amundson, Mitchell Dockendorf, Benjamin Gault, Jonathon Kremer, Phillip Misterman, Carter Olson, JP Schlect, Ethan Stark, Daniel Ufearo, Devin Vouk and Ian Weber; juniors Oluwakorede Adeyemi, Peter Amundson, David Anderson, Alex Bertsch, Caleb Clemens, Ryan Fernholz, Sam Fleischhacker, Garrett Freeman, James Fulgham, Even Gertken, Alexander Heckman, Patrick Hesse, Jacob Hoekstra, Joshua Hoekstra, Nicholas Juntunen, Oumar Kaba, Benjamin Meyer, Martin Miadok, Spencer Pierskalla, Benjamin Rohlfs, Riley Shaw, Brock Sorenson and Cody Steffes; sophomores Ethan Olson • back page
Leads from page 2 “I consider this a good wake-up call,” said Rice Police Chief Ross Hamann. “People must be alert to what’s going on around them.” Hamann told the Newsleader the morning of April 19 that the police and the Benton County Sheriff’s Department are both working on the case, with meetings about
Olson from page 11 Berndt, Cameron Boe, Hunter Boelz, Nicholas Buiceag-Arama, Cole Fibranz, Noah Gaffy, Zachary Harren, Logan Jesperson, Benjamin Kiewel, Drake Lalim, Aaron Lindner, Matthew Lindstrom, Michael Lindstrom, Cody Neitzke, Cameron Nelson, Alexander Nemeth, Alex Virnig and Nolan Wollum; and freshmen Sohaib Akram, Brian Amundson, Jacob Bjelland, Benjamin Boelter, Jack Engle, Joshua Fulgham, Ethan Hubert, Tyler Johnson, Dylan Joyce, Elijah Kigozi, Cooper Larson, William Nemeth, Zachary Nemeth, Lucas Nistler, Riley O’Connell and Cullen Schreiber.
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Friday, April 21, 2017
the incident planned. Hamann said anyone with any leads should call the Benton County Sheriff’s Department because it has staff in the office at all times so the sooner they hear of any timely leads, the better. Anyone who knows who the perpetrator might be or who has seen the man or the van should call the sheriff’s department at 320-968-7201 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 800-255-1301 or by texting TRITIP to 274637.
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