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Newsleader Sartell

Friday, May 9, 2014 Volume 19, Issue 19 Est. 1995

Town Crier Senior Connection presents Lemonade, Laughter May 13

The Sartell Senior Connection presents the sixth annual Lemonade and Laughter at 2 p.m. Tuesday, May 13 at the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Gathering Space. The guest speaker “Shirley from Dez Moines” will tickle your funny bone with real life stories we can all relate to. We’ll laugh about the everyday occurrences and we may even laugh at ourselves. Don’t miss the fun! Admission is $3 at the door. Refreshments will be served. Bring a friend. Everyone is invited.

Summer farmers’ market opens today, Friday, May 9

The St. Joseph Farmers’ Market summer market opens today from 3-6:30 p.m. and will run every Friday into October. The market is located north of St. Joseph on C.R. 2 next to the Wobegon Trail Center (near Resurrection Lutheran Church). All are welcome – come on out, rain or shine, and purchase locally grown produce and more. Follow the market at to stay informed.

Stamp Out Hunger food drive set May 10

On May 10, postal carriers across the country will collect food for families in need. It’s easy to help. Collect and bag non-perishable food items. Place items by your mailbox for letter carriers to deliver to a local food bank or pantry.

Fishing opener creates traffic safety concerns

The fishing opener weekend of May 10-11 will be a busy traffic period, especially in northern Minnesota. According to Regional Public Information Officer Sgt. Jesse Grabow, “Some of the main concerns are drivers who are not paying attention, following too closely and speeding, especially around the lakes areas. Drivers are strongly encouraged to buckle up, take your time and pay strict attention to your driving.” Drivers are also asked to keep an eye on their following distance and stay back far enough to prevent a crash with the vehicle ahead. For more information, visit and click on Criers.

For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.


Czarnetzki’s Hardware Hank Toro

Postal Patron

Children lift hearts, instill pride on Grandparents’ Day by Dennis Dalman

The afternoon was gloomy and nippy, but there was plenty of sunshine in the Gathering Place in Sartell – sunshine in the form of bright tuneful music and grandparents beaming with pride. It was the annual “Grandparents’ Day” May 2 at St. Francis Xavier Elementary School. After a 1 p.m. Mass led by fourthgrade teacher Mary Winter and her students, all 212 students in the school (pre-K through 6) met in the Gathering Place to entertain their grandparents with song and dance. At the front of the room, standing on risers, each grade sang a song. The songs ranged from humorous to serious, from Spanish to English, from playful to spiritual. One group played recorders to the tune of Shall We Gather at the River? Another group played tone chimes as they sang The Pretty Planet. Enthralled by the music, so Grandparents • page 8

photo by Dennis Dalman

St. Francis Xavier students perform a song-and-dance from the mountainous Andes region in South America. From left to right, clockwise, are Taylor Vos, Tricia Castro, Elizabeth Hamak, Tim Haas, Ricky Emslander and Frankie Tomczik. The dance was part of the entertainment provided for Grandparents’ Day at the school.

Perske wins DFL endorsement by Dennis Dalman

Sartell Mayor Joe Perske, who has run more than 90,000 miles as a marathon man, is not done running Perske yet – not by a long shot. After winning the DFL endorsement last Saturday, Perske told his applauding supporters he will “run until he drops” for the U.S. Sixth Congressional seat now occupied by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Stillwater). Perske called it the “race of a lifetime.” Bachmann announced last year she would not seek a fifth term. That seat will be determined in the Nov. 4 election this year. Perske’s Republican opponent will be Tom Emmer, who won the Republican endorsement. After his endorsement triumph, Perske told the audience if he is to win, it has to be a

race in which others are running, too, along with him. “This race is not about me,” he said. “It is about you, your kids, your grandkids, the elderly and the kids who haven’t been born yet. It’s about coming together to solve problems.” Saturday, May 3 was a very big day for Perske, Sartell mayor, middle-school teacher and long-time soccer coach in Sartell. In Monticello, the Sixth U.S. House District delegates voted four times until, on that fourth voting round, Perske garnered 62 percent of the votes. He needed 60 percent to win the endorsement. The other contender was Jim Read, a political science professor at the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University. Read promptly announced he would support Perske throughout the election season. Endorsing Perske on stage at the district convention in Monticello were former U.S. Rep. Bill Luther and Twin Cities businessman Jim Graves, who Perske • page 11

photo by Dennis Dalman

Sartell Police officer Dan Whitson chats with Luke Hintgen of Sartell at the annual bike rodeo on the grounds of Sartell City Hall. To the left are Luke’s mother, Julie Hintgen, and his brother, Leo.

Bike rodeo boasts record turnout by Dennis Dalman

Young bikers galore showed up May 3 for the 10th annual bike rodeo in the parking lot of Sartell City Hall. The Sartell police officers, who conducted the rodeo, said they had never seen such a good turnout in the 10 years

they’ve offered the event. People from the CentraCare Health Foundation and Emergency Trauma Services fitted and adjusted more than 100 helmets and gave away 40 helmets to children who didn’t have any. There was a pedestriansafety trivia wheel and blinky Rodeo • page 5

Sartell Newsleader •



Friday, May 9, 2014

contributed photo contributed photo

Pictured (from left to right) are Audrey Pederson, Donna Traut, Dorothy Fridgen, Mary Mader, Jennifer Walker, Margaret Stang, Lisa Kirchner, Jane Will, Diane Offerdahl and Bonnie Nies. St. Monica’s Christian Women recently donated to the Supportive Housing for Youth Program from Catholic Charities. This program assists our area homeless youth

in providing immediate assistance and help in finding housing, employment, medical care and a more stable life. Outreach Worker Jennifer Walker described the program

and received the check for $710. The Christian Women (from St. Francis Xavier Catholic Parish) made and sold “Franny Bread” to raise the funds for this program.

Sartell Middle School fifth-graders excel at regional Math Masters competition The Sartell Middle School Fifth-grade Math Masters team of: David Zhang, Dylan Cummings, John Engelkes, Julianna Moore and Carter Vonderahe placed second overall in the 2014 Fifth-grade Regional Math Masters tournament held April 26 at Sartell Middle School. The team of Ava Homerding, Hannah Hackenmueller, Christa Weide, Trevor McCollum and Adrienne Gefre took 10th place and the team

of Henry Chen, Robert Hanson, Mitchell Grahek, Madison Kobler and Ethan Schroers took 11th place. Several individuals also placed. In the fact drill, David Zhang took fourth; Julianna Moore, seventh; Robert Hanson, eighth; Henry Chen, 10th; and Madison Kobler, 10th. In the individual round David Zhang took first; John Engelkes, fifth; Julianna Moore, eighth; Hannah Hackenmueller,

12th; Adrienne Gefre, 15th; and Dylan Cummings, 17th. Sartell students competed with a total of 125 students representing 12 schools from around the area. The Math Masters program challenges students to use critical thinking skills and problemsolving abilities in mathematics, while recognizing academic effort and achievement. The Sartell teams were under the supervision of Carly Larson.

Two Sartell students were recently inducted into Beta Gamm Sigma, an international honor society for top business students, at St. Cloud State University. They are Jim Scully, entrepreneurship major, son of

Kim Schulze and Dan Scully of Sartell; and Thomas Terwey, finance major, son of Deb and Arnold Terwey, Karen and Jim Steckman, all of Sartell. Beta Gamma Sigma recognizes high academic achievement in

business students at schools accredited by AACSB International—the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The top 36 students were honored at an induction banquet on March 22.

If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 320-2518186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at www.tricountycrimestoppers. org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.

was broken into and several items were taken. 9:10 p.m. Hi-Vue Drive. Juvenile runaway. A report was made regarding a juvenile male who had left his residence and could not be located. Officers located the male and returned him to residence without incident.

5:52 p.m. Walmart. Theft. An adult female was witnessed attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. The female admitted to the theft. She was issued a citation and released.

April 23 6:19 p.m. Hi-Vue Drive. Juvenile runaway. A report was made regarding a juvenile male who had left his residence and could not be located. Officers located the male and returned him to residence without incident. April 24 12:05 p.m. Amber Avenue S. Burglary. A report was made regarding a personal storage closet that


April 25 1:41 a.m. Evergreen Road. Welfare check. An emergency call was placed by a cab driver requesting assistance with a female. Officers arrived and found the female was intoxicated and she was transported to the St. Cloud Hospital. Officers spoke to the other individuals at the residence and found they were all under the age of 21 and intoxicated. They were all issued citations and one was transported to his residence and released to his mother.

April 26 7:00 a.m. 4th Street N. Suspicious activity. A report was made regarding an adult male possibly sleeping in a vehicle parked on the road. An officer arrived and found the male had fallen asleep while waiting for a friend to arrive. 9:43 a.m. Riverside Avenue. Traffic stop. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 48 mph in a posted 30-mph zone. The driver stated he was aware of his speed. He was issued a citation and released. 10:29 a.m. Kings Way. Vandalism. A report was made regarding a Blotter • page 3

Four Sartell Youth Hockey players were a part of the Rum River Renegades team (AAA hockey team based out of Elk River, Minn.) that took third place in the Mountain Dew Blast Hockey Tournament held April 25-27. Players are (from left to right): Jace Jansky (Pine Meadow Elementary); Baylor Stebbins (Oak Ridge Elementary); Shaun Paulson (Pine Meadow Elementary); and Gavin Welsch (Oak Ridge Elementary). All four boys also play for the Sartell Youth Hockey Association. K e l s e y Ramseth, daughter to Karen and Erik Ramseth, Sartell, has been acccepted into Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Ramseth Society at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. B e c k y Thompson has agreed to be the staff representative on the board of the SartellSt. Stephen E d u c a t i o n Thompson Foundation. She will serve exofficio as the communication link between the board and the district staff. She will also provide the board with the staff viewpoint on ideas as they come up. Thompson has been teaching chemistry and physics in the Sartell-St. Stephen School District since 2005. She has been able to see first-hand the benefits of strong community support through SSEF both as a teacher and as a parent of three children in the district. L i n d say Zerfas, daughter of Vicky Ray of Sartell and Pat Zerfas of Elk River, is among the top 10 honors Zerfas seniors who will graduate May 24 from St. John’s Preparatory School in Collegeville. Zerfas has been participating in marching

band for four years and was selected as the drum major two years ago. She has also been a member of the National Honor Society for two years and was involved in dirt-track racing for three years. She participated in Student Council and was a Peer Mentor at the Prep school for two years. Zerfas will receive an International Baccalaureate Diploma, an optional two-year program of rigorous study during a student’s junior and senior years. She will attend Syracuse University in the fall and hopes to double major in psychology and philosophy and plans to become an attorney. Crystal Kroska of Sartell will graduate with honors May 10 with a bachelor’s degree in management from Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall. Students must maintain a 3.3 overall grade point average to attain honors status. Harrison Gerdes, son of Terri and Jeffrey Gerdes of Sartell, was part of the 72-student group accepted into the Theta of Minnesota Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University. Gerdes is a senior chemistry major at SJU. The students were formally initiated at a ceremony April 23 at Pellegrene Auditorium, SJU. The criteria for being inducted into Phi Beta Kappa are gradepoint average (3.75 for juniors, 3.65 for seniors) and a liberal arts major. The selection committee also looked at breadth and depth of the student’s program and other achievements, such as a thesis or other research.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands Country Store and Pharmacy Holiday on Riverside Drive Holiday on 7th Street N House of Pizza JM Speedstop

Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, May 9, 2014


Dennis W. Whitson, 74 Indiana, Pa. November 1939-May 3, 2014

Dennis W. Whitson of Indiana, Pa., 74, died May 3 after a long struggle with Parkinson’s Disease. His funeral was held May 10 in the Bowser-Minich Funeral Home, Indiana. He was born in Nov. of 1939 in Onamia, Minn. to Gertrude and Walter Whitson. His early days were spent in Sauk Rapids and Brainerd, Minn. He graduated from Brainerd High School and went on to Brainerd Junior College where he majored in chemistry. After two years, he transferred North Dakota State University in Fargo. He received his bachelor’s degree in physics there and participated in football, as well as wrestling. It was in Fargo he met and married his wife of 52-plus years, Sandra (Sandy) Docktor. They moved to Minneapolis where he graduated from the University of Minnesota, with a master’s in physics. Three of their four children were born in Minneapolis. The family then moved to Pittsburgh, where he received his doctorate in physics at the University of Pittsburgh. His doctorate research thesis was “Nuclear Spin Relaxation of Protons in the Antiferromagnetic Materials.” In 1969, he came to Indiana, Pa. where he joined the physics department and taught for 34 years. He thoroughly enjoyed working with the students and put in many hours in the lab and teaching. He spent several summers doing research at Westinghouse in Pittsburgh and also at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. His sabbatical year was also spent at the Wright Patterson Air Base. He participated in a summer visiting professor program at NASA at the Houston, Texas Space Center doing research on the space shuttle and electrostatic effects on the tiles. At IUP, he was instrumental in the development of the electro-optics course, and also served as chairman of the physics department for several

years. He was a member of the Sigma Xi Science Fraternity and also of the ATO Social Fraternity. Upon retirement, he was awarded the Professor Emeritus honor. He loved football and soccer. The Pittsburgh Steelers very quickly replaced his Minnesota Vikings upon the move to Pennsylvania. Even in the lean years, he would say: “ This is a year for building the team!” He was among those who started the soccer program in the Indiana School District for both boys and girls, and served, at one time, as the soccer boosters’ president. The PTA at Horace Mann School saw him serve and work with their organization. He also helped push for Title IX implementation in the school district. The couple loved to travel, and they took many trips throughout the world and this country. Many of these were river cruises as well as the big ship cruises. Tennis was his major participation sport, and he loved to read. He belonged to a book club and read mostly non-fiction and science fiction. Survivors include his wife, Sandy; four children and families: Denise and Emir Gurer of Scotts Valley, Calif.; Carmen and Tony Blanco of Arlington, Va.; Shereen and David Lobdell of Las Vegas, NM; and Steven and Becky (Flack) Whitson of Strasburg, Pa.; and five grandchildren - Megan Gurer, Tobin and Steven Lobdell, and Elizabeth and Caroline Whitson; two brothers and wives: Donald and Kathy Whitson and Larry and Rosemary Whitson; and his mother - Gertrude (Cash) Whitson. He was preceded in death by his father, Walter. Memorial suggestions include the IUP Physics Department, Indiana, Pa. 15705; or the First Unitarian Universalist Church, 285 Twolick Drive, Indiana, Pa. 15701; or the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, Suite 1509, 1359 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018; or the Indiana Free Library, 845 Philadelphia Street, Indiana, Pa. 15701.

Phoebe is a 5-year-old spayed white and black cat. She came to the shelter because her owner had too many animals. She’s described as an ‘in your face’ affectionate cat and will come find you when she wants attention. Phoebe is a sun worshiper and claims her lounging spots by following the rays of sunshine around. At night she’ll claim a spot in the bed with you if allowed. If not allowed, she may just wait until you fall asleep! Phoebe qualifies for the Name Your Own Price Sale or would be free to a senior citizen. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 16 Puppies - 2

Cats - 37 Guinea Pigs - 2

Gerbils - 2 Rabbit - 1

Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302


Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.

Blotter from page 2 residence that was egged sometime during the overnight. 4:55 p.m. Duchess Court. Vandalism. A report was made regarding a residence that was egged sometime during the overnight.

April 27 3:30 a.m. 11th Avenue E. Person assist. A report was made regarding a CO detector alarm going off. An officer arrived and checked the residence and found no signs of a leak. The battery was replaced. 4:42 p.m. Riverside Avenue. Traffic stop. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 51 mph in a posted 30mph zone. The driver stated she was aware of her speed. She was issued a citation and released.

3 April 28 1:31 p.m. Roberts Road. Welfare check. An adult female received a message, from an unknown number, stating she was ill. An officer was able to make contact with the sender and found the message was sent in error. 9:45 p.m. Heritage Drive. Hazard. A report was made regarding male attempting to hitchhike in the area. Officers were unable to locate.

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, May 9, 2014

Opinion Our View

We should ponder lessons from the Smith killings

The trial in Little Falls of Byron Smith in late April was very disturbing, but there are lessons to be learned from it. Smith was convicted of shooting to death two teenagers (male and female cousins) who were in the process of burglarizing his home just north of Little Falls. The jury took only three hours to make up its mind that Smith is guilty of premeditated murder. Now age 65, he will likely spend the rest of his life in prison. Lesson 1 we can learn from the trial is all parents should warn their children what can happen if they break into someone else’s house or apartment. This is not to say young people have a penchant for burglary, but as every parent knows, many children, even well-raised and courteous ones, sometimes indulge in foolish escapades and larks, some verging on the illegal and/or the felonious. One such escapade could be trespassing or entering a place where they don’t belong. It would have been good, obviously, if the two young burglars had been caught and arrested by law enforcement, as they should have been. They could then have been punished and eventually redeemed from their criminal behavior. Their crossing the boundary line into an illegal action, sadly, led directly to their hideous deaths. Lesson 2 we can learn from the trial is people who are festeringly frustrated, as Smith clearly was, should not let that frustration boil over into the kind of anger that can lead to cold-blooded murder. Smith should have called law enforcement as soon as he heard via his tape-recording system that the young burglars had broken the glass window on the first level of that house. Instead, he sat in a chair in his basement with a rifle and handgun, waiting for the intruders to come down those basement steps. It was meticulously planned well in advance. He was ready to kill. His excuse is he was afraid for his life. The jurors, however, saw right through that ruse. Smith did, in fact, practically “lure” the burglars there by parking his vehicle out of sight, then sitting down calmly and waiting to kill the both of them. After wounding and incapacitating them, Smith’s life was certainly not in danger. He proceeded to shoot them again in a form of gleeful revenge. It was a classic case of letting a seething rage take charge, over-reacting, going way beyond the reasonable limits of defending one’s own life and property. The evidence clearly demonstrated Smith took the law into his own hands in what amounted to a couple of swift, grisly, summary executions. It’s just a tragic shame such an unthinkable collision had to happen: two foolish teenage burglars and an angry man set on vengeance. The outcome was a doomed one for all three. The lessons to be learned from it, in brief, once again are these: Don’t break into houses; don’t take the law into one’s own hands.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

It’s time to abolish executions A rope that was too long led to the abolition of the death penalty in Minnesota. A convicted man, 28-year-old William Williams of St. Paul, had shot to death a 16-year-old boy with whom he’d reportedly had a two-year sexual relationship. He then also killed the boy’s mother. Williams and the boy had met in St. Paul when both were recovering from diphtheria in a hospital. Williams was sentenced to die by hanging, with his death date set for Feb. 13, 1906. In the basement of the Ramsey County Jail, workmen set up the scaffold and obtained the rope. In measuring the rope, however, they did not take into account how far down a rope can stretch when a body is dangling from the end of it. Normally, a rope will break the hanged man’s neck. In Williams’ case, he fell through the trapdoor, the rope stretched and his feet hit the ground. Three frantic policemen had to hold the rope up for nearly 15 minutes, the time it took for Williams to strangle to death. News of the botched hanging spread far and wide. Many in Minnesota were outraged, including State Rep. George MacKenzie (R.-Gaylord), who began an impassioned fight to abolish the death penalty. His legislative effort was successful in 1911, five years after the botched hanging. Minnesotans should be proud this state has not executed a person in 103 years. Let’s hope the botched execution last week in Oklahoma convinces that state’s citizens and legislators to abolish capital punishment there, too. In fact, let’s further hope it helps bring an end to the death punishment in all 50 states.

Dennis Dalman Editor Currently, 32 states allow for capital punishment, and there are slightly more than 3,000 inmates awaiting execution in those states. There was a four-year moratorium on executions because of a 1972 U.S. Supreme Court decision, but in 1976 executions were allowed to continue. Since then, 1,378 people, including a few women, have been put to death, mostly by lethal injection. Clayton Lockett was the man who took 43 minutes to die last week in Oklahoma. Apparently, one of his veins popped open, preventing the lethal drugs from doing their sinister work. Lockett writhed, gasped, convulsed and attempted to speak as he endured the slow torture of dying slowly, strapped down on the gurney in the death chamber. There are some who have not a drop of pity for Lockett. On June 3, 1999, a recent high-school graduate, Stephanie Neiman, gave her friend a ride to her home where they stepped into a homeinvasion burglary in progress. One of the three men, Lockett, tried to grab Neiman’s keys to her brand-new Chevy truck. She fought to retain the keys. He beat her up. The men bound and taped her mouth, then forced her into the truck and drove her into the country where Lockett raped her. Lockett’s accomplices dug a shallow grave in a ditch. Lockett then shot Neiman with

a sawed-off shotgun, but she was still alive. He reloaded, shot her again and ordered the two men to bury her. One man said, “She’s still alive.” Lockett told them to bury her anyway. They did. Lockett’s suffering on the death gurney was nothing compared to the agony his 19-year-old victim endured along that country road. Despite that, we as a supposedly civilized society should abolish the death penalty, especially when these cases of botched executions (“cruel and unusual punishment,” according to the U.S. Constitution) keep happening. It’s easy to understand the rage and need for revenge of the loved ones of victims of such fiendish crimes. Still, killing these criminals in so-called “humane” ways is almost worse than deeds done by crazed killers because these executions are committed with such cool, calm, “rational” state planning and deliberation. Such executions are truly cold-blooded, more befitting beastly tyrannies like Syria than supposedly civilized countries like the United States. There are many arguments against capital punishment: They don’t really deter crime, the endless appeals are too expensive, the penalty is unequally applied due to race or socio-economic factors, all too often there have been people waiting on death row or even executed who have been determined to be not guilty. Those are all good reasons for getting rid of the death punishment in all states. There’s another good reason: Enlightened societies should not resort to such barbarism.

Easter-egg hunt goes high-tech I’m always up for a treasure hunt. As a child I remember a small version of one, let’s call it a trinket hunt, when I was visiting my grandma. All the neighbor kids got together and were rummaging through my grandma’s and her next door neighbor’s yards, looking in trees, digging up containers with costume jewelry and matchbox cars, all while following a list of clues we would find in each location. The final prize was a jar full of coins, enough for everyone involved to go a few blocks away and get ice cream at the local shop. It kept all of us kids busy for hours and out of trouble. This past Easter weekend, three generations, including my two daughters and me, my parents and my brother, headed out of town to visit my sister and her family. Most Easter weekends with our family tend to include egg hunts, candy and a visit from the Easter Bunny. While our trip included all of those, my dad and brother wanted to make it extra special by adding a new tradition, a geocaching Easter candy

Tara Wiese Guest Writer hunt. This hunt included having to follow along using a battery-operated global positioning system with a list of coordinates pointing us in the direction we needed to locate the Easter cache. My brother had pre-programmed four destination points. Those original sites were where clues were hidden. The gps would say approaching within 16 feet and then they would have to search high and low. We helped my daughters and my two nieces follow the directions on the gps to find the clues. Each clue stated a compass heading and number of paces in the right direction to find each prize. Imagine the looks on the girls’ faces after following all the steps to find their gold. Geocaching is the modern-day search for buried treasures using gps-enabled

devices. There are more than two million active geocaches and more than six million geocachers worldwide. For more information, visit A friend of mine, who has found almost 150 treasures, told me there is a phone app you can download in addition to the website. This app shows you locations and coordinates where caches are hidden, the level of difficulty and their sizes. It also shows you the nearest caches to your current location. Once you find one of these caches, there is a logbook for you to sign. Some of these caches even have trinkets and treasures for you to swap out and keep for yourself. If you did not find the cache, the owner can email you hints so you can return a second time and keep looking. I think everyone likes to find a prize, whether you’re 5 years old or 80 years young. Even as an adult, I will never turn down the chance to get the overwhelming feeling of anticipation when I find the “pot o’ gold at the end of the rainbow.”

The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374 Email:

Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only).

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, May 9, 2014

Greenhouse tip: Don’t love plants to death by Dennis Dalman

It’s OK to love your plants; just don’t love them to death. That’s a good bit of advice from Arno Shermock, owner of Thomsens Greenhouse and Garden Center near St. Joseph. Loving a plant to death means giving it more care than it really needs, such as overwatering and overfertilizing. “It’s important to find a balance between too much and not enough,” Shermock said. One way to do that is to read and heed directions on fertilizer products and water only when the top half inch or so of the soil is dry. Killing plants with love can happen to green plants, flowers and even trees and shrubs, Shermock noted. There are many good fertilizers available, but at Thomsens, they have had good luck with Miracle Gro and Bloombusters, Shermock noted. But no matter which product someone chooses, always follow the directions carefully, he added.

Rodeo from front page lights provided by CentraCare’s BLEND, which stands for Better Living: Exercise and Nutrition Daily. Bike safety checks and tuneups were done by Revolution Cycle and Ski. This year’s rodeo was a multi-event in many respects. The Farmers’ Market inside city hall coincided with the rodeo.

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Underwatering, of course, is the other extreme. Some people think their hanging baskets outdoors need only a little drizzle of water. As a result, it isn’t long before the flowers wilt and die. Outdoor baskets and containers dry out quickly in the sun. When they are watered, they should be drenched until water is running out of the bottoms. Then let them dry out a bit so the top inch or so of soil is dry, then (usually the next day in hot summer weather), give them another good soaking.

Be sure to prune

Chickie Meyer is the production manager for Thomsens. One of her perennial tips, every spring, is to warn customers about the dangers of overwatering and overfertilizing. Another favorite tip is to encourage customers not to be afraid to pinch and prune and cut back plants. Almost every plant benefits from some judiPlants • page 10 Participants at both events had a chance to review pedestrian maps and the comprehensive Sartell Safe Routes to School planning information. Adults were also able to vote for favorite projects that would be funded if the regional half-cent sales-tax is approved by voters this year. They also had a chance to review the 2014 Sartell City Comprehensive Plan. Some children at the rodeo signed up for the Kids’ Apple Duathlon. Some also signed pledges to become part of the BLEND Fit Kids Club.

5 Are you energetic with a positive attitude? Do you want to make a difference in the life of a senior? Home Instead Senior Care is looking for experienced CAREGivers in the St. Stephen area for a variety of day shifts and possible overnights.

Apply on line at or call for an application 320-656-2182 photo by Dennis Dalman

After a long, cold winter, it’s time to plant. JoAnn Fleischhacker, an Albany resident, tends to a small field of daisies at Thomsens Greenhouse and Garden Center near St. Joseph.


Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, May 9, 2014

contributed photos

Becca Cherry’s firstplace winner in the “Two Dimensional” category is titled Another World, which she created with plastic wrap and spray paint.

Hana Krebs’ painting, titled Bananas, earned a second-place award in the “Acrylic Painting” category.

Bree Kreutzer took first-place honors in the “Acrylic Painting” category for this portrait of her sister, Krystal, relaxing while reading a book.

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Great selection of mature maple trees! Balled and Burlapped • 15’-20’ trees $299.99 • Planting available

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Scott’s BEST Annual Program for a picture-perfect lawn. Builds thick, green lawns from the roots up.

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, May 9, 2014


Young artists’ works take top honors Three artists from Sartell High School – Becca Cherry, Hana Krebs, Bree Kreutzer – won top honors at the annual Visual Arts Minnesota High School competition. Their works, with other award-winning pieces, were on display all through April at the St. Cloud Public Library and at the Paramount Theater lobby.

Becca Cherry, a ninth-grader, took first place in the “Two Dimensional Design” category for her futuristic picture called Another World, which was created with spray paint and plastic wrap. Cherry is the daughter of Lisa Cherry of Sartell. “I do all my art works with just spray paint and magazine paper to add texture,” Cherry said. “It took me about three months to learn to control the amount of spray paint to use. This painting took about 15

minutes to complete.” Hana Krebs, the daughter of Lori and Douglas Krebs of Sartell, took a second-place award in the “Acrylic Painting” category for her painting called Bananas. “I do art because it is relaxing and I can express myself,” Krebs said. I chose to do the bananas because they created an interesting line in the picture. It was difficult to get the textures correct, especially the ends of the bananas.”



Ten steps to successful renovations Perhaps you’ve finally decided to carry out the renovations you’ve been dreaming about for years. But where to start? And how to avoid botching the job? It’s all a matter of careful planning. These 10 steps are a guide to make your task easier; follow them, and you’re sure to be proud of your finished renovation project. 1. Evaluate your needs in a realistic way. If you expect to sell your home in a few years, you won’t see things in the same way as if you plan to spend the rest of your life there. If you’re there for the long term, try to anticipate the needs of your family down the road; determine if the work you’re planning to do now will make sense in a few years’ time. 2. Your aesthetic desires are important, but major home maintenance should come first. If your electric wiring is old and the roof is beginning to show its age, this kind of maintenance work should be carried out before you consider any other types of improvements to the house. The golden rule: maintenance before renovations. Ignore this particular guideline at your peril! You won’t enjoy your new sun room if rainwater is dripping through your ceiling elsewhere in the house. 3. Read all available information about the type of renovations you’re considering. Useful sources include documents published by government organizations, specialized magazines and websites. Grill friends, neighbors and material suppliers about their knowledge and experiences with renovation. You’ll want to avoid reproducing their horror stories! 4. Draw up several different plans. You might entrust this step to a professional (architect, architectural technician or interior designer), having first looked through their portfolios and checked their references. They can draw up definitive plans and, if you wish, prepare estimates for the materials required. 5. Don’t go any further before having your plans approved by your municipality. Renovation regulations vary considerably from one town to another. 6. In order to prepare as precise a budget as possible, shop around for the different types of materials, comparing their prices as well as their durability. Plan for an extra 10 or 20 percent of your budget to meet unexpected expenses, which have an amazing ability to sneak up and take you by surprise. 7. If you need financing, a consultant at your banking institution will be able to explain the various avenues open to you, taking into account any equity available in the home and your assets. They will be well informed about any financial products intended specifically for homeowners to fund renovations.

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Krebs, a senior, plans to attend the University of Minnesota, Morris, where she will study pre-veterinary science. Bree Kreutzer, a sophomore and the daughter of Tiffany Belland of Sartell, earned the first-place award in the “Acrylic Painting” category for a portrait of her sister, a work entitled Krystal. “I like art because it’s fun and it comes natural to me,” Kreutzer said. “I painted this picture of my sister, Krystal,

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because I’d taken a picture of her in Florida. Krystal is also a very accomplished artist, and she inspires me.” The artists’ painting teacher is Deb Rollings, who teaches drawing, painting and ceramics for grades 9-12. Sartell High School also has two other art teachers – Angie Heckman and Jeff Voline. The girls’ award-winning works started as class assignments, Rollings noted.


by Dennis Dalman

8. Now comes the critical step: the choice of contractor. Verify he or she is well-established, has all the required permits, is a member of a professional association and has worked on similar projects. Ask them for references, a detailed estimate and a clear-cut contract with a deadline for completion of the work. Deciding to carry out at least some of the renovation work yourself will translate into substantial savings. 9. Once the work has started, be present at the work site as much as possible in order to quickly detect any mistakes and rapidly resolve any problems by discussing them with the contractor. 10. When the work is finished, ensure it has been done as stipulated in the contract – don’t sign anything until all is completed to your satisfaction. Finally, wait until the end of the payment time limit stated in the contract to pay the contractor your last installment. This gives you some leverage if any unresolved details arise in the days after the work crew clears out.

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, May 9, 2014

Grandparents from front page

photos by Dennis Dalman

Above left: Swirls of motion abound in a song-and-dance from the northern area of Colombia in South America. The performers are (left to right) Tricia Castro, Ricky Emslander and Elizabeth Hamak. Above: After Mass and a musical extravaganza, grandparents gather for cookies and lemonade in the Gathering Place at St. Francis Xavier Church in Sartell. Left: Musical director Carolyn Yaggie-Heinen leads students in a group song during Grandparents’ Day at St. Francis Xavier Elementary School. Below: The pre-kindergarten class sings a song called One Small Voice during Grandparents’ Day at St. Francis Xavier Elementary School.

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proud of their grandchildren, the audience burst into rounds of applause as each grade took its turn singing. The performances were energetically conducted by musical director Carolyn Yaggie-Heinen. Two of the most colorful performances were given by six sixth-graders, who danced to two Spanish songs, one from northern Colombia in South America, the other from the mountainous Andes region of Colombia. The dances, in honor of Cinco de Mayo, were real crowd-pleasers – swirls of color, energy and intricate choreography. Cinco de Mayo (the fifth of May in Spanish) is an annual holiday to celebrate Mexico’s history and heritage. It also commemorates May 5, 1862 when Mexican forces defeated the French in the Battle of Puebla in the state of Puebla in Mexico. Those dances and some of the songs sung reflected the school’s semi-immersion Spanish program through which all teachers and staff are learning informal day-today Spanish, thanks to programs developed by Myriam Mansell, who was born and raised in northern Colombia and who retired from teaching at Cathedral High School a year ago before joining St. Francis Xavier Elementary School. She and the school’s new principal, Kathy Kockler, who is also a former Cathedral teacher, worked long and hard to implement the Spanish program. In the hallways, children often use greetings in Spanish, and they enjoy saying their luncheon prayers in Spanish. Another highlight of the concert was when sixth-graders read advice given to them by their grandparents. From Carol, Jacob Stolzenberg’s grandmother: “Choose wisely, treat kindly.” From Richard, Ricky Emslander’s grandfather: “Never intentionally hurt anyone. Work hard and make your own way.” From Ana Rose, Tricia Castro’s grandmother: “Sleep well, eat well, be involved in physical activity and work within the community to feel self-fulfillment and to help make a better future.” From Char, Elizabeth Hamak’s grandmother: “Give back by being active in your community and church.” From Karen, Shane Corbett’s grandmother: “Enjoy everything you do.” And from Corbett’s grandfather Louie: “Be kind to everyone and

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, May 9, 2014 you will be happy.” From David, Tim Haas’s grandfather: “Do the right thing. Always try to follow God’s and Jesus’s way they want you to live.” From Judy, Frankie Tomczik’s grandmother: “Treat people kindly, and try to learn something new every day.” And from Tomczik’s grandmother Cindy: “Try new things and be open to new ideas.” From Nancy, Max Ehlen’s grandmother: “Trust in God; live a clean, moral life; eat healthy and never stop learning.”

From Sandy, Emily Hansen’s grandmother: “Be thankful for your blessings.” After the musical performances, the students joined their grandparents for cookies, lemonade and lots of conversation and laughter. Principal Kockler said “Grandparents’ Day” is just one example of the St. Francis Xavier mission, which is to bring everyone together for the sake of each and every student. “We want to let parents and grandparents know what their children and grandchildren are doing,” she said. “It’s a way

for them to be part of their lives. They love to see what’s going on with the grandchildren. And the children love to share their spirit of life, their love for each other and their love for music and dancing.” Even during the Mass that preceded the program, there were readings and introductions by the students, as well as singing by them. “There’s that cliché that it takes a village to raise a child,” Kockler said. “Well, this school is that village. It’s everyone working together – parents, grandparents, godparents, teachers, staff and friends – the entire community.”

CITY OF SARTELL Summary Financial Report


District seeks input from community stakeholders The Sartell-St. Stephen School District will conduct its annual community survey to gain input and insights from district families and community members about the school district. The survey will be available online between Wednesday, May 14, and Wednesday, May 21, via a link on the district website. If you would like to request a paper copy, please contact Amy Trombley at 320-656-3779, or stop in at the District Service

Center. “The goal of this survey is to provide the community an opportunity to have input and provide feedback to the school district,” shared Mike Spanier, interim superintendent. “We will be sending a link out to all families via our Skylert system.” Once the survey is closed, results are shared with the school board, district leadership and on the district’s website.

CITY OF SARTELL Summary Financial Report

The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of financial information concerning the City of Sartell to interested citizens. The

The purpose this report is to atprovide a summary financial concerning complete financial of statements may be examined City Hall, 125 Pine Cone Roadof North. Questionsinformation about this report should be directed to the City of Sartell to interested citizens. The complete financial statements may be examined Degiovanni, City Administrator andQuestions Finance Directorabout at (320) 258-7309. at City Hall,Mary 125 Pine Cone Road N. this report should be directed to Mary Degiovanni, city administrator and finance director at (320) 258-7309. REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL OPERATIONS (GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS) Total 2013

REVENUES: Taxes: Property Sales Tax Increment Special Assessments Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services Fines and Forfeitures Miscellaneous Total Revenues


Total 2012

4,768,088 1,076,758 23,900 1,871,166 1,028,878 1,168,566 1,788,254 72,937 810,080 12,608,627


4,798,283 1,042,337 23,901 2,592,575 942,932 1,824,264 1,341,154 78,306 955,158 13,598,910

-0.63% 3.30% 0.00% -27.83% 9.11% -35.94% 33.34% -6.86% -15.19% -7.28%

EXPENDITURES: Current: General Government Public Safety Public Works Community and Economic Development Culture and Recreation Debt Service: Principal Interest and Fiscal Charges Capital Outlay: Total Expenditures

619,330 2,491,006 1,190,989 966,264 294,195

652,460 2,572,536 1,014,972 281,499 345,680

-5.08% -3.17% 17.34% 243.26% -14.89%

3,395,550 1,069,210 794,763 10,821,307

3,580,650 1,111,177 2,030,878 11,589,852

-5.17% -3.78% -60.87% -6.63%

Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures




6,053 3,119,939 (4,099,000) (973,008)

5,450,000 104,695 34,855 4,292,046 (5,577,105) 4,304,491

OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Issuance of Debt Premium on Issuance of Debt Sale of Property Transfers In Transfers Out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Net Change in Fund Balances


FUND BALANCES: Beginning of Year Prior Period Adjustment Beginning of Year, as Restated

19,988,673 (2,330,415) 17,658,258

End of Year

$ 18,472,570


-100.00% -100.00% -82.63% -27.31% -26.50% -122.60%



13,675,124 13,675,124

46.17% N/A 29.13%



CITY OF SARTELL STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND NET ASSETS - PROPRIETARY FUNDS For the Year Ended Dec. 31, 2013 OPERATING REVENUES: Charges for Services OPERATING EXPENSES: Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Maintenance Utilities and Telephone Professional Services Sewer Treatment Depreciation Other Services and Charges Total Operating Expenses Operating Income (Loss)



$ 1,722,222

$ 1,759,358

314,593 289,888 178,337 22,745 922,409 89,270 1,817,242

136,434 159,064 45,043 19,559 570,080 596,113 45,716 1,572,009

Stormwater $



$ 3,820,387

14,387 440 24,909 412,207 3,412 455,355

451,027 463,339 223,820 67,213 570,080 1,930,729 138,398 3,844,606



NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Investment Income Refunds and Reimbursements Interest Expense Total Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses)

2,617 36,049 (474,810) (436,144)

3,790 (402,438) (398,648)

Loss before Contributions and Transfers





Capital Contributions Transfers In Transfers Out

14,302 939,578 (294,313)

34,188 660,000 (77,313)


48,490 1,599,578 (620,517)

Change in Net Assets









$ 19,296,203

$ 18,817,731

$ 15,950,273

$ 54,064,207

NET POSITION: Beginning of Year End of Year


Percent Increase (Decrease)

(116,548) 185 2,500 2,685

(24,219) 6,592 38,549 (877,248) (832,107)

ASSETS: Cash and Investments Cash with Fiscal Agent Interest Receivable Accounts Receivable Prepaid Items Capital Assets not Depreciated: Land and Land Improvements Construction in Progress Sewer Rights Capital Assets Net of Accumulated Depreciation: Buildings and Improvements Sewer and Water Systems Machinery and Equipment Total Assets LIABILITIES AND NET POSITION: Liabilities: Accounts Payable Salaries and Benefits Payable Interest Payable Noncurrent Liabilities: Due Within One Year Due Within More than One Year Total Liabilities Net Position: Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt Restricted Unrestricted Total Net Position

Water $ 1,004,082 759 364,422 17,434




581,115 1,812,809 436 449,474 13,790



47,104 36 87,924 -

$ 1,632,301 1,812,809 1,231 901,820 31,224


91,486 13,971,012


1,240,387 13,971,012

13,048,147 16,986,792 53,449

20,566,656 54,004

15,815,209 -

13,048,147 53,368,657 107,453

$ 32,623,986

$ 37,540,782

$ 15,950,273

$ 86,115,041





57,595 4,653 193,735

237,421 2,645 73,508


295,016 7,298 267,243

841,090 12,230,710 13,327,783

2,604,979 15,804,498 18,723,051


3,446,069 28,035,208 32,050,834

18,187,289 1,108,914 19,296,203

16,284,163 1,812,809 720,759 18,817,731

15,815,209 135,064 15,950,273

50,286,661 1,812,809 1,964,737 54,064,207

CITY OF SARTELL STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS - PROPRIETARY FUNDS For the Year Ended Dec. 31, 2013 CASH FLOWS - OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Receipts from Customers and Users Payments to Suppliers Payments to Employees Other Receipts Net Cash Flows - Operating Expenses CASH FLOWS - NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Transfer from Other Funds Transfer to Other Funds Net Cash Flows - Noncapital Financing Activities



$ 1,781,815 (569,695) (318,350) 36,049 929,819

$ 1,776,396 (810,292) (139,084) 827,020

939,578 (294,313) 645,265

Stormwater $


330,082 (48,898) 2,500 283,684

$ 3,888,293 (1,428,885) (457,434) 38,549 2,040,523

660,000 (77,313) 582,687

(248,891) (248,891)

1,599,578 (620,517) 979,061

CASH FLOWS - CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Principal Paid on Debt Interest Paid on Debt Net Cash Flows - Capital and Related Financing Activities

(815,000) (483,289)

(885,910) (370,289)


(1,700,910) (853,578)





CASH FLOWS - INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Interest and Dividends Received





Net Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents





Cash and Cash Equivalents, January 1






$ 1,632,301

Cash and Cash Equivalents, December 31

$ 1,004,082





Plants from page 5 cious pruning every two weeks or so throughout the growing season. Unpruned plants and flowers will tend to get scraggly or spindly. Wave petunias are

Sartell Newsleader • good examples of why pinching back is important. Some customers have learned that if they pinch them back (leaves, stems and blooms) right after planting, they will be fuller and bloom longer. During the season, petunias can get spindly with long branches and fewer blooms. Cutting them back every two weeks will help them look better and bloom longer,

with a compact and full look, Meyer noted. Some people think mistakenly that plants will die if a leaf, stem or bloom is cut off. “Don’t be shy about pinching and clipping plants,” she said. “Pinch them back every two weeks or so.”

When to plant?

Meyer and Shermock are of-

ten asked the Big Spring Question: When to plant? Unfortunately there is no definite answer as neither Shermock nor Meyer have a crystal ball. Some, Shermock said, like to plant on May 15. Others, however, insist planting shouldn’t begin until right after Memorial Day when the danger of a killing frost is likely not possible. Most plants should never be put in until the ground is nice and warm, Meyer advises. It depends on the plants and flowers, however. Petunias and geraniums can handle chilly weather better than most. Impatiens and coleus, on the other hand, do not handle chilly nights very well. Most container plants can be planted now, Meyer said, but she cautions people to keep a daily watch on overnight temperatures. If there is the slightest danger the temps could get down into the low to mid-30s, the containers should be taken into the house or they should be covered with blankets, towels or some other material. For overall, general planting, Meyer tends to go by her “Lilac Rule.” When lilac bushes start to bud, hardier plants can be planted. When lilacs start to bloom, anything can be planted. Another tip customers should remember is to keep an eye on their yards from sunup to sundown, carefully noting where there are areas of full sun and areas of full or partial (dappled) shade. Then, when planning a garden or flower bed, use that sun-shade information when buying plants and flowers. Some, like petu-


Friday, May 9, 2014 nias, like full sun (six or more hours of sun per day); others, like coleus and most hostas, prefer shade or dappled shade.


It’s too early in the season to determine customers’ new favorites, Shermock noted. “One year a certain color of flower won’t sell, and the next year it will be really hot,” he said. “Yellow is a good example. For years there was virtually no interest in yellow. Now it’s a hot color. Same with orange.” Geraniums – red, orange, pink, white – are a big seller every year at area greenhouses, Shermock said, noting that it’s Thomsens’ biggest “crop.” Many who buy geraniums also buy spike accent plants because the two go so well together. Hanging baskets are the pride and joy of Thomsens. One woman drives down every spring from Duluth just to purchase Thomsens’ hanging flower baskets. They are, she’s told Shermock, the very best and most beautiful of any hanging baskets of any greenhouse between Duluth and St. Cloud. Thomens’ staff creates 6,000 10-inch hanging baskets and about 1,500 14-inch baskets. Other big sellers are petunias in all their varieties. Thomsens carries about one million plants, shrubs, trees and flowers every year, Shermock said. Thomsens offers about 600 varieties of perennials (plants that come up every year) and 700 varieties of annuals (those that live only one season). Thomsens employs 30 workers during May, its peak month.


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Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, May 9, 2014

Community Calendar

Friday, May 9 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Brat sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Lions, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., grilled brats and hotdogs, St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW. Art Opening, 6-8 p.m., paintings and jewelry by Lou Tollefson on display through June, The Change Hair Salon, 2385 Troop Dr., #204, Sartell, 320-764-3909.

Saturday, May 10 Stamp Out Hunger, letter carriers will be collecting food for families in need. Collect and bag non-perishable food items and place by your mailbox for your letter carrier to deliver to a local food bank or pantry. Annual spring plant sale, 8:30 a.m.-noon, St. John’s Outdoor University, new science center, St. Johns University. 320-363-3163. Brat sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Lions, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., grilled brats and hotdogs, St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW. Spaghetti dinner, sponsored by St. Joseph Boy Scout Troop 84, 4:30-7:30 p.m., American Legion, 101 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Monday, May 12 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Writers Group, 6:30-8 p.m., group for adult writers, Al Ringsmuth Public Library, 253 5th Ave., Waite Park. March theme is “The Truth.” New members welcome, 320-253-9359, Spring Bands’ Concert, 7:30 p.m., Sartell High School. Tuesday, May 13 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767.


Toddler Time, 10:30-11 a.m., toddlers ages 18 months to 3 years, stories, Al Ringsmuth Public Library, 253 5th Ave., Waite Park. Stories, songs and fingerplays. Advanced registration required. 320253-9359, Basic computer and internet help, 11 a.m.-noon, for adults, Al Ringsmuth Public Library, 253 5th Ave., Waite Park. Call to register for 30-minute session. 320-2539359, eReader/tablet help, 11 a.m.1 p.m., Al Ringsmuth Public Library, 253 5th Ave., Waite Park. Call to register for 30-minute session.320-253-9359 Sartell Chamber of Commerce, 11:45 a.m., City Hall. 320253-2171. 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 5-9 p.m., Apollo High School, 100 44th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-888234-1294. Holistic Moms Network, 7-8:30 p.m., Good Earth Co-op, St. Cloud. 320-252-2489. Wednesday, May 14 St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce, 11:30 a.m., St. Joseph Community Fire Hall, 401 7th St. S.

Friday, May 16 Pillow cleaning/perennial plant sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Y2K Lions, 7 a.m.-3 p.m., feather pillows and comforters cleaned and put in new ticking, crushed foam and polyester pillows sterilized and recovered, cleaned while you wait, St. Joseph Community Fire Hall, 401 7th St. S. 320-3638825. Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Singles Dance, sponsored by St. Cloud Singles Club, 8:30 p.m.12:30 a.m., all singles welcome, American Legion, 17 2nd Ave. N., Waite Park. 320-217-8779 or

Thursday, May 15 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Pillow cleaning/perennial plant sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Y2K Lions, 5-7 p.m., feather pillows and comforters cleaned and put in new ticking, crushed foam and polyester pillows sterilized and recovered, cleaned while you wait, St. Joseph Community Fire Hall, 401 7th St. S. 320-363-8825. Evening book club, 6:30-7:30 p.m., for adults, Al Ringsmuth

Saturday, May 17 Spring birding day, 5:30 a.m.1 p.m. and 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., fee includes guided birding walks, breakfast and buffet lunch, St. John’s Outdoor University, Collegeville. education/events/springbirdingday. Plant sale, sponsored by Stearns County Master Gardeners, 8:30-11 a.m., rain or shine, Riverside Park in the shelter, 1725 Killian Blvd. SE, St. Cloud. VA Women’s Wellness Fair, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., women veterans invited, River’s Edge Convention Center, 10 4th Ave. S., St. Cloud. or call 320255-6353.



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Public Library, 253 5th Ave., Waite Park, May book selection is “The Aviator’s Wife” by Melanie Benjamin. New members welcome. 320-253-9359, St. Joseph City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-363-7201. Spring band concert, fifthand sixth-graders, 7 p.m., Sartell Middle School north gymnasium. Spring band concert, seventhand eighth-graders, 8 p.m., Sartell Middle School north gymnasium.

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Perske from front page ran against Bachmann for the Sixth District seat in 2012 and nearly won, with just a few thousand votes shy of victory. That election was Bachmann’s fourth win for the two-year seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. “Joe is the fellow that can win in November,” Graves told the crowd. “Joe is a very tenacious, hard-working, ethical person with deep roots in the district. We all know we cannot win in November with simply our fellow DFLers. We need votes from the independents and moderate Republicans to get the job done.”

Perske, during a questionanswer period at the convention, said he would seek to improve rather than repeal the Affordable Health Care Act, often dubbed ObamaCare. He also said federal policy should address global climate change and that reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies should be a nationwide goal instead of abortion. Perske has long espoused a pro-life position. He also said the gridlock that now plagues the U.S. Congress must end. The Sixth District, which includes much of the St. Cloud area extends down along the river corridor to the northern area of the Twin Cities. It has long been widely considered as a Republican stronghold.

LEgal notICE CITY OF SARTELL REQUEST FOR BIDS The City of Sartell is currently seeking bids on the following project. 2014 Central Minnesota Area Cities JPA for Seal Coat Services

quests for bids are available on the city’s website at www.sartellmn. com. Bidding documents for project is available by contacting city hall at 320-253-2171 or city website at

The official notices of such re-

Publish May 9, 2014



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The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to

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Friday, May 9, 2014

Spring Fling set for May 18 Playing at the market A Spring Fling fundraiser for youth mission will take place from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Sunday, May 18 at Celebration Lutheran Church in Sartell. The annual event will feature a huge silent auction, food, games, mini-golf and dunk tanks. All money raised will go to cover travel expenses for a group

of senior students, members of Celebration, who will go on a mission trip to Haiti July 12-19. On the trip will be 26 youth and eight adults. On mission trips, young people spend time in their host areas helping do anything that needs to be done, such as simple maintenance, painting, gardening, working with children


or serving food. Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere, is still trying to recover from a devastating earthquake of several years ago. Other mission trips being planned at Celebration are ones to Toronto; Charleston, W.V.; and Lake Traverse, S.D.


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HOURS: Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

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photo by Dennis Dalman

David Grams, a guitarist from Plymouth, performed at the Farmers’ Market in Sartell, the last one of the “winterspring” season. The summer Farmers’ Market, an outdoor event known as Market Monday, will start Monday, May 12. It will be open from 3-6:30 p.m. every Monday, rain or shine. There is a free space available for non-profit groups. For more information, contact Amy Braig-Lindstrom at 320-309-5341 or email

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