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Newsleader Sartell

Friday, May 16, 2014 Volume 19, Issue 20 Est. 1995

Town Crier

Duathlon set May 24; causes road closure

The 32nd annual Apple Duathlon will take place Friday and Saturday, May 23 and 24 starting at the Sartell Middle School, 627 3rd Ave N. The Apple Kid’s Duathlon begins at 6 p.m. Friday. The Apple Duathlon begins at 8:30 a.m. Saturday; it’s a 5k-run, 33k-bike, 5k-run event. All ages and abilities are welcome. Pinecone Road in Sartell will be closed to traffic between 15th Street N. and 40th Street N. from 8:30-10:30 a.m. Saturday, May 24 due to the Apple Duathlon event. For more information, visit

CentraCare offers ‘Hit me with your best shot’ May 22

Practice simple, self-defense martial arts moves with your daughter and American Martial Arts instructor Claude Hancock at “Hit me with your best shot,” a free program from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, May 22 at CentraCare Health Plaza. Elizabeth Riesgraf, MD, CentraCare Clinic, will share how recommended immunizations function and how they protect you and your daughter at every age. Light snacks and a door prize included. Advanced registration is required. For more information, visit and click on Criers.

Postal Patron

Pinecone Park to host open house by Dennis Dalman

A grand opening will take place for the public at Pinecone Central Park from 4-5:30 p.m. Friday, May 30. Organizers and volunteers are eager to show off the latest amenities at the park, the result of a massive amount of long-time planning, fundraising and hard work – much of it volunteer work or in-kind donated labor and supplies. The event will begin at 4 p.m. with socializing. At 4:30 p.m., the program will kick off with a welcome from Sartell Mayor Joe Perske and Pat Edeburn of Granite Equity Partners, who will emcee the program. At 4:45 p.m., Paul Hanson will give an update about the park’s progress and the overall vision for the facility. Gordy Meyer will then recognize the many contributors and hand out the honorary baseball bats. Hanson and Meyer, along with Greg Neeser, are founders of the Pinecone Central Park Park • page 3

photo by Dennis Dalman

Parents and players chat in the bleachers during a tournament at Pinecone Central Park in the summer of 2013. The tourney took place during a grand opening of the park’s multiplex baseball fields. During the Friday, May 30 grand opening, the public will have a chance to see and/or experience even more amenities at the park.

Nicoll files for mayor race

Who Lived in My House? at Stearns History Museum

Who Lived In My House?, a workshop designed for people interested in researching the history of their St. Cloud home, will begin at 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 21 at the Stearns History Museum, 235 33rd Ave. S., St. Cloud. In this class, archivist Sarah Warmka will explain the steps people should take when tracing a home’s past, and the many resources available in the Museum’s Research Center that help facilitate home history research. To register or for more information, visit and click on Criers.

Hot off the press

If you’d like to receive the Newsleader hot off the press, send us your email address and we’ll notify you with a link when our website is updated, which is typically by noon a day in advance of the print edition. Send your email to and you should start receiving your reminder at that address within a week. Notify us otherwise. For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.

photo by Dennis Dalman

Denise Uy beams with pride at her daughter, Amanda, who had just presented her mother with a homemade fancy hat. The event was a Mothers’ Day celebration created by the kindergartners and their teachers Jenna Courrier and Sherri Schmit of St. Francis Xavier Elementary School in Sartell.

Students salute moms on special day by Dennis Dalman

Music and a few surprises delighted many mothers during a Mothers’ Day celebration May 9 at St. Francis Xavier Elementary School. In the Gathering Place af-

ter Mass, mothers gathered in rows of chairs as their kindergarten children raised their voices in song, singing a wide variety of songs they had taken great pains to learn in previous weeks. The mothers smiled and Moms • page 8

S a r a h Jane Nicoll announced May 9 she will run forSartell mayor in the Nov. 4 general elecNicoll tion. Currently, Nicoll is a member of the Sartell City Council, serving her first term after being elected in 2010 for a fouryear term. So far, Nicoll is the only candidate who has filed for the mayoral position. Current Mayor Joe Perske is the DFLendorsed candidate for U.S. House District 6, a seat now occupied by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Stillwater). His Republican opponent in that race is Tom Emmer. Nicoll said her experience in city government, her pride in Sartell and her business skills are all good attributes for being mayor. “I have decided to run for mayor because I believe strongly in the future of this city,” Nicoll said in her announcement statement. “I was privileged to grow up here and graduate from Sartell High

School and it’s where I have chosen to raise my family, so I have a vested interest in ensuring this remains a strong community. I believe my experience serving on the council, along with my previous experience as a business owner, has provided me with the skills necessary to lead Sartell.” Nicoll previously owned and operated Sarah Jane Nicoll Agency Inc., representing American Family Insurance, for 10 years. She provided insurance products and financial services. She is now a stay-athome wife and mother with three daughters. Nicoll serves on Sartell’s Economic Development Committee, the Personnel Committee and the Seniors and Law Enforcement Together Committee, also known as S.A.L.T. Previously, she was a member on Sartell’s Public Works Commission and has served as the city’s acting mayor. Nicoll is on the Catholic Charities Board of Directors and serves on the supervisory committee for the St. Cloud Federal Credit Union.

Sartell Newsleader •

2 A a ro n Evans, of Sartell, was one of seven high school seniors who was recently awarded an art scholar- Evans ship from the Central Minnesota Arts Board. He earned $2,000 to study industrial design at Iowa State University. He is a senior who is home schooling with Veritas Christian Academy. His other activities and interests include the following: Civil Air Patrol, cadet commander; Aerospace Education Officer; Summer Encampment deputy commander; Integrated Leadership Academy executive officer; Cadet Officer School; Minnesota Ground Team Academy; National Christian Forensics and Communication Association; International Air Cadet Exchange; Federal Emergency Management Agency; Sartell boys swim; Greater Evansville youth lacrosse; volunteering at homeless shelter, American Legion/ VFW, Wreaths Across America;

Friday, May 16, 2014

People swimming; lacrosse; basketball; hiking; skiing; drawing; foreign policy; church ministry; camping; cartooning; surfing; church youth group; reading; researching; cooking; biking; and rapping. Each applicant must submit up to five art samples and three references along with answers to a set of questions. Applicants are scored according to evaluation criteria and awarded funding in rank order. Claire Miller, Sartell, was one of two students recently awarded art mentorship grants from the Central Minnesota Arts Board. She earned $1,500 to work with Yudong Shen MeiLin, renowned Chinese ink and oil painter, to focus on improving observational drawing skills and quick drawing techniques to create a college portfolio. The Student Arts Mentorship program supports intensive, specialized learning experiences between Region 7W students and arts professionals (mentors). Students may apply for up to $2,000 to fund a minimum of 30 hours of study over a maximum of six

NOW HIRING! QWIK STOP (formerly Benton Drive Mini-Serve) Is now accepting applications for its new location opening soon at the intersection of C.R. 29 & Benton Drive in east Sartell. Call 320-252-3040 and ask for Anne to receive an application and set up a possible interview.

Sartell area Youth BaSketBall aSSociation Registration for 2014-2015 SAYBA Travel Basketball Grades 4-8 is now open. Online registration and printable forms are available on the SAYBA website at

Deadline for returning players to register without a late fee is Sunday, June 1. New player deadline is Friday, Sept. 19, 2014. Please see the website for more details on the SAYBA program.

months. Grant Wintheiser, son of Maria and Robb Wintheiser of Sartell, was among the more than 1,000 students who were recognized for academic achievement during Honors Day convocation on May 2 at St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn. He is a biology major. Honors Day recognizes students who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.60 or higher on a 4.0 scale. The convocation also recognizes students who have been awarded scholarships and fellowships, including Fulbright scholars, Goldwater scholars, and senior members of leadership and academic honor societies. Three Sartell students recently graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato. They and their majors are as follows: Andrea Winkels, master’s degree in counseling and student personnel; Joshua Kremer, bachelor’s degree in chemistry, cum laude; and Rory Traut, bachelor’s degree in international relations. If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.

contributed photo

Sartell student council gives thanks The bounce house was one of many fun activities at this year’s Fun Fest Children’s Carnival which helped the Sartell High School Student Council raise more than $1,200 for Children’s Lighthouse of Minnesota. The council said it has had another fantastic year. Some additional highlights include winning the National Gold Council of Excellence Award for the second straight year

and achieving record attendance at their Homecoming Dance. Members of the council said they really appreciate all of the help from local businesses from donating supplies, concession items and merchandise to volunteering time to ensure each and every event ran smoothly. The group wishes to thank all for their time and help and looks forward to working with everyone again next year.

of his speed. He was issued a citation and released. 12:37 p.m. Brianna Drive. Unwanted person. A report was made regarding an adult male yelling and becoming unruly. An officer arrived and was able to calm the male down without incident.

the theft. He was issued a citation and released. 10:22 a.m. Leander Avenue. Found property. A report was made that a gun was found lying on the sidewalk. An officer arrived and secured the weapon. 1:40 p.m. 50th Avenue. Welfare check. A report was made regarding a possibly confused male in the road. An officer arrived and found the male had become stuck in his wheelchair. The officer assisted the male in sitting up straight and he went on the sidewalk to go home.


May 1 12:15 a.m. 2nd Street S. Traffic stop. A vehicle was witnessed with a broken tail light. After speaking with the driver, the officer found he had a revoked license. The driver stated he was unaware of his status. He was issued a citation and released to a valid driver. 4:24 a.m. 15th Street S. Suspicious vehicle. A report was made regarding an unknown vehicle parked on the street. An officer contacted the owner and found it was stalled and would be removed that day.

May 3 1:35 a.m. 12th Street N. DWI. A vehicle was witnessed failing to make a complete stop at a stop sign and traveling 75 mph in a posted 60-mph zone. The driver emitted the strong odor of alcoholic beverages and was not able to pass field sobriety testing. He was placed under arrest and transported to Stearns County Jail. 7:00 p.m. 7th Street N. Vandalism. A report was made regarding super glue being put into the lock of a resident’s door. This occurred sometime during the overnight. 8:46 p.m. Willow Lane. Welfare check. A request was made to check the welfare of an adult female. An officer arrived and spoke with the female and found she needed to be evaluated by hospital staff. The officer assisted the family and followed them to the hospital to ensure their arrival.

May 2 10:27 a.m. Riverside Avenue. Traffic stop. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 50 mph in a posted 30-mph zone. The driver stated he was aware

May 4 12:21 a.m. Walmart. Theft. An adult male was witnessed attempting the leave the store with unpaid merchandise. The male admitted to

April 30 4:33 p.m. Walmart. Theft. A juvenile female was witnessed attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. She was issued a citation and released to her mother.

May 5 12:08 a.m. Meadow Drive. Suspicious vehicle. A report was made regarding a vehicle parked and running. An officer spoke to the female driver and found she was calming down after a verbal argument with her husband. She stated she did not need any assistance and would be going home. 5:48 p.m. 11th Avenue E. CO alarm. A report was made regarding a CO alarm. An officer checked the residence and was unable to get any reading. The resident stated he would get a new detector. May 6 3:59 p.m. Fieldcrest Lane. Suspicious activity. A report was made regarding an adult male looking in the patio door of a residence. Officers checked the area and were unable to locate.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands Country Store and Pharmacy Holiday on Riverside Drive Holiday on 7th Street N House of Pizza JM Speedstop

Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, May 16, 2014

Park from front page Association. The three were recently named as Sartell Citizens of the Year by the Sartell Area Chamber of Commerce for their hard work in developing the park through a private-public relationship with the City of Sartell. The city bought the 168 acres of land in 2008 for $3.4

million. It was then the association was formed and an ambitious private fundraising program began to develop the park. At 5:20 p.m., there will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the youth baseball fields, and a tour of the park will follow for those interested. Pinecone Central Park is located at 1105 Pinecone Central Blvd.

Council amends refusecontainer ordinance by Dennis Dalman

more study. At the May 12 meeting, the proposed new language in the ordinance includes the following: “Up to two refuse/recycling containers per residential housing unit may be stored outside. Any refuse/recycling containers exceeding a total of two must be stored inside or screened from view from the public and neighboring property owners.” Such containers cannot be placed on a street or sidewalk where they could interfere with traffic or pedestrians. Containers should be placed for pick-up no earlier than 6 p.m. the evening before the garbage truck arrives. The containers must be removed from the pick-up site no later than 8 p.m. after collection occurs. Council members noted most Sartell residents are very good about keeping garbage containers out of sight until pickup times. The amended ordinance is purposely vague to allow for residential variables, and flagrant violations can still be handled and corrected. The vote for the amended ordinance was approved 4-1, with Mayor Joe Perske voting against it, saying he would have preferred the ordinance have more “teeth” to it.

Sartell residents will be allowed to have up to two refuse/recycling containers per residential housing unit, according to a refuse-container ordinance approved by the Sartell City Council at its May 12 meeting. The ordinance is the result of extensive discussion and study by council members and city staff. The issue became a slippery dilemma at a council meeting early last month when council members were not sure just how to tweak the then-current ordinance. The subject of unsightly garbage containers surfaced because of complaints from some residents. One of those residents, who spoke at the early-April council meeting, was Bob Pogatshnik, former mayor of Sartell, who said he and his wife had become concerned about how many unsightly garbage containers were visible when kept all week long in so many front yards, street-side or on garage driveways. The previous ordinance specified garbage containers should be stored, except on pick-up days, on the rear of a residential property by the alley; or, where no alley exists, near the rear door of the residence. Council members agreed there are so many variables, home to home and lot to lot, that being specific in the ordinance about alleyways and More trips to be added! such can become meaningless. They tabled the issue for

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May Click-it or Ticket returns Memorial Day big concern

Seat-belt and child-restraint violations will be the target May 19-June 1, as troopers, deputies and city police officers work together to save lives and prevent needless tragedies on Minnesota roadways during the annual May Click-It or Ticket seat belt enforcement campaign. Since many of our crash injuries and fatalities involving the non-use of seat belts occur at night, about half of the enforcement hours can be expected to be held during the time period between 4 p.m. and 1 a.m. Minnesota’s seat-belt law is a primary offense, meaning you can get stopped for not being appropriately restrained. Memorial Day will be a main focus time period, as it is in the top six dangerous holidays on our state roadways. Looking back from 2009-13, the Memorial Day holiday weekend was the deadliest of the holidays, with at least 31 deaths and more than 2,060 reported crashes. According to Sgt. Jesse Grabow, regional public information officer, “This is nothing new we expect from our motorists, and everyone needs to work together to ensure a safer environment on our roadways, especially since we are certain seat belts save lives.” Preliminary data provided by the Department of Public Safety’s Office of Traffic Safety shows in 2013 there were 94 deaths and 247 injuries where the vehicle occupant was not buckled up. That data also shows deaths of at least two children under the age of eight and seven more seriously injured – who were not properly restrained in a car seat. These enforcement and education projects are components of the state’s Toward Zero


Safety belt enforcement is being stepped up everywhere. It doesn’t matter where you drive, they’ll be looking for you. Simply, law enforcement writes tickets to save lives. So buckle up or you will get a ticket. No exceptions.

Death initiative. A primary vision of the TZD program is to create a safe driving culture in Minnesota in which motorists support a goal of zero road fatalities by practicing and promoting safe and smart driving behavior. TZD focuses on the application of four strategic areas to reduce crashes — education, enforcement, engineering and emergency-trauma response. Local traffic safety coalitions strongly support these efforts.

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Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, May 16, 2014

All residents invited to ‘Trends, Visioning’ meeting Sartell residents can help determine the future of their city by attending the “Comm u n i t y Brower Trends and Visioning” meeting from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Monday, May 19 at Sartell City Hall. Those who plan to attend should call Anita Rasmussen, Sartell planner and developer, at 320-258-7306 or email her at Please put Attn: Visioning” on your communication with Rasmussen. The guest speaker for “Community Trends and Visioning” will be Minnesota Demographer Susan Brower, who will discuss trends and issues affecting Sartell and the state in general. Among those trends are these: current population projections and trends; consequences of

an aging Baby-Boomer generation; the new “normal: and its implications for the future; health-care costs in Minnesota; and applying demographic information in local communities. The meeting will be facilitated by John Shardlow of Stantec Inc. Shardlow will review existing input gathered by the City of Sartell and ask for additional ideas and suggestions on the following topics: housing and land-use policies, community health and sustainability, roadway priorities and intersection improvements, and quality-oflife needs and wants. For several months, the City of Sartell has been soliciting questions, ideas and suggestions at six public meetings for its long-term comprehensive plan. The May 19 meeting is another chance for residents to give input before the city develops and considers approval of the plan.

contributed photo

The Pine Meadow Elementary Student Council clowns for the camera during an input session on what they’d like to see in a future Sartell. A visioning meeting for the public will take place 5:30-7:30 p.m. Monday, May 19 at Sartell City Hall.

Hornseth named volleyball head coach The Sartell High School Volleyball team now has a new coach – s i x t h - g ra d e teacher Sarah Hornseth Hornseth. Hornseth has been assistant

volleyball coach at the high school for the past five years and has also coached several years in the Sartell Junior Olympic Volleyball program. Hornseth will replace former head coach Ronell Uran, who has retired from coaching after 20 years of being the Sabre team’s head coach. In 2005,

Uran was honored as State Volleyball Coach of the Year. Hornseth is a 2005 graduate of Marshall High School, where she played volleyball. She received her bachelor’s degree in elementary education from the College of St. Benedict in 2009 and currently teaches sixth grade at Sartell Middle School.

Metro Bus introduces CNG fleet by Dennis Dalman

St. Cloud Metro Bus is expected to save $300,000 in fuel costs, thanks to its new line of buses that runs on compressed natural gas. A ribbon-cutting ceremony to introduce the new buses is set for 10 a.m. Friday, May 16 at the Metro Bus Operations Center, 665 Franklin Ave. NE, St. Cloud. Speakers at the event will include St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis and Metro Bus Executive Director Ryan Daniel, as well as officials from Xcel Energy, the Minnesota Department of Trans-

photo courtesy of

St. Cloud Metro Bus is the first public-transit agency in Minnesota to operate a bus fleet fueled by compressed natural gas. portation, the local New Flyer natural gas. The CNG project bus company and the office is the most complex project of U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar. ever undertaken in the serSt. Cloud Metro Bus is the vice’s 55-year history. The first public-transit agency in investment cost $8 million Minnesota to operate a bus for construction and renovafleet fueled by compressed tion and $11.4 million for brand-new buses. Each new CNG bus costs $445,000, which is $40,000 more than a non-CNG, dieg n i n sel-fueled bus. However, e Op Luxury 1 & 2 Bedroom ! 4 1 Metro Bus officials say the 0 2 June new buses will save an estiApartments mated $300,000 in fuel costs annually throughout a 10year period. Another plus is that CNG buses are much cleaner, more environmenWasher/Dryer In Every Home • 9 ft Ceilings • Tuck Under Garages • Controlled Access tally friendly vehicles. Key Fob System • Fitness Center • Theater Room • Community Room • Elevator Non-Smoking Community • Fiber-Lit Community/High Speed Internet Available The 35-foot Xcelsior CNG Professional Managed By MaxCel Management, Inc. buses are built by the New Rental Information: 320.333.7789 / 320.656.4118 Flyer company in St. Cloud. 551 Victory Ave. S. • Sartell, MN 56377 Currently, Metro Bus has

Victory Court

Bus • page 7

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, May 16, 2014


300 set to compete May 24 in Apple Duathlon by Dennis Dalman

There are 300 duathletes registered so far for the 31st annual Sartell Apple Duathlon, which will take place starting at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, May 24 at Sartell Middle School. The Kids Apple Duathlon will take place the day before. (See story below.) Adam Konczewski, Apple Duathlon co-director, updated the city council about the race at its May 12 meeting. So far, 300 duathletes are registered, most of them from out of state, including many Canadians. Last year, he noted, there were 100 Minnesotans who participated in the event out of the 400 adults who competed; 200 children took part in the Kids Apple Duathlon. Konczewski thanked and praised the Sartell Police Department and the Sartell Public Works Department for their cooperation in the planning for

closure of part of Pinecone Road during the race. From 8:30-10:30 a.m., Pinecone will be closed to vehicles between 15th Street N. and 40th Street N. Konczewski also said more volunteers are always welcome. “They say it takes a village to raise a child,” he told the council. “It takes a community to run a race.” People who want to volunteer for either the adult or kids Apple Duathlon can sign up on the following website: www. The Sartell Apple Duathlon, which is known internationally, has been a world-qualifier in many of its years, attracting competitors from far and wide. The race involves a 5k run, a 33k bike course and a 5k run. This year, the top cash prize of $400 will be awarded to the overall winners, the top female and top male. Other cash prizes will be awarded in other categories.

photo by Dennis Dalman

Runners in the “Elite” category set out at 8:30 a.m. Saturday at the 30th annual Sartell Apple Duathlon. Midway through the race rain began to pour, and most duathletes crossed the finish line sopping wet.

Still time to register for Kids Apple Duathlon There is still time to register for the Sartell Kids Apple Duathlon, which will take place starting at 5:50 p.m. Friday, May 23, the night before the adult duathlon at Sartell Middle School. This year, there will be a short course, a long course and an Apple Seedling race just for the very youngest competitors. Plenty of prizes will be awarded. Last year, 200 children took

part in the event, which has grown in popularity ever since it began about a decade ago. The long course consists of a half-mile run, a 7-mile bike course and another half-mile run. It is open to children in three categories: ages 11 and 12, ages 13 and 14, and ages 15 and 16. The short course involves a ¼-mile run, a 3.5-mile bike

Honor Your Grad with an Ad! Honor your 2014 graduate with a congratulatory advertisement in the Sartell Graduation Special Section saluting all grads to be published Cong ra May 30 as a second section to the We’re tulations Ca so pr oud o rmen! f you Sartell Newsleader for only $49! ! Deadline: Tuesday, May 20 by noon Send a greeting and photo digitally with contact information to Pre-payment is required.

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course followed by a ¼ mile run. There are three categories: age 6, ages 7 and 8, and ages 9 and 10. The Apple Seedling race, which will be confined to the middle-school parking lot, is suitable for children ages 3 to 6. To register or to volunteer, go to the Apple Duathlon at www.

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Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, May 16, 2014

Opinion Our View Denying man-made climate change makes matters only worse

Everyone dreads these words: “It’s too late.” Those words are dreadful when it comes to cancer diagnoses, blasted chances for plans and, last but not least, scientific warnings. Someday, that winter vacation to Florida will become impossible unless you and the family want to go scuba diving in a place where Florida used to be. Someday, Manhattan will be a mere memory. Someday, people will be living crammed together on high plains and mountain slopes. Someday, the border of the United States will be so different most of us wouldn’t recognize it on a world map. Sadly, it’s the coming generations who will have to live (or try to live) with this rapidly altered world we left to them. The latest news is that icy Antarctica is indeed melting so fast sea levels are bound to rise by as much as a foot in the next 100 years and will accelerate rapidly up to 10 feet after that. Coastal lowlands won’t just be flooded, they’ll disappear; they’ll be part of an ocean floor. Two groups of scientists are about to publish papers on the crisis in Science and Geophysical Research Letters, according to the New York Times. This doomy news comes on the heels of a report released just two weeks ago that man-made climate change (global warming) is, in fact, occurring, with the average temperature having increased an average of about 1 degree in the past century. Scientists think the abnormally rapid melting of the massive glacier sheets at Antarctica are caused by a combination of global warming, warmer ocean currents in that area and depletion of the ozone layer above that continent. Science-deniers derive glee from blasting any talk of man-made climate change. It is, they claim, nothing but kooky nonsense cooked up by egg-head scientists and by liberals like Al Gore. So-called global warming, they insist, is nothing but part of the natural weather cycles of the Earth. They would rather drown in a quickly rising ocean than admit any climate problems are even remotely man-made. Then there are the eternal optimists, those people who think even if climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels, we’ll be able to “fix” the problem with new technologies in time to avoid disaster. We might even be able to flee to a colonized Mars by that time. Heck, nothin’ to worry about. Then there are the defeatists who say, “Oh, well, we’ve all got to come to an end sooner or later so why worry about it?” Fortunately there are the realists who are trying to address the problem and to do something about it. They have to fight reactionary forces all the time, factions that are stubbornly – and often self-servingly – opposed to development and deployment of safe-energy alternatives like solar and wind power. It will be difficult to initiate the changes required to slow this planet’s warming and pollution. China, for example, has become one giant power plant spewing out zillions of tons of carbon dioxide and pollution from oil- and coal-burning facilities. It’s going to be hard to stop such a destructive juggernaut. Europe has taken giant strides toward energy alternatives. The United States is becoming a leader in that regard, too. But everybody on the planet should do more now – not in some distant future. What could be most helpful is if all these scoffers, optimists and defeatists would someday soon agree there is a man-made problem and then join the realists in demanding solutions.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Northstar ride leads to breezy conversation Last Sunday afternoon, when I boarded a Northstar railroad car in Minneapolis, I thought for a split second I’d entered a railroad time machine from The Twilight Zone. As I walked down the aisle of the nearly empty car, there in front of me sat a man reading a newspaper with a big front-page headline about Martin Luther King Jr. being assassinated. “What?!” I thought, stopping in my tracks. A second later, I noticed the discolored newsprint. The man said to me, “Hello, why don’t you sit down here and read these papers with me?” I sat down. I noticed he had two newspapers, both from 1968, the San Francisco Examiner about King’s murder, the other the Oakland Tribune, which screamed with bold headlines about another assassination, Robert Kennedy’s. We introduced ourselves. Steve Berkness and his teen son, Jon, had just returned from a trip to San Francisco for a visit to his eldest daughter. After taking the rail link from the airport, they’d transferred to the Northstar bound for Elk River. The newspapers, I learned, he’d bought at a garage sale in California. Apparently, someone had saved them for posterity because of the momentous but tragic news they contained. For a few minutes, we both perused those papers. Glancing at the movie page, I smiled when I saw an ad for that great comedy, The Graduate, which I’d seen in 1968 and several times since. We put the papers down and began to talk: about the Civil Rights era, about too many kids lacking discipline these days, about our jobs. He works in a group home for troubled young people. One of them, a muscular hot head, attacked Steve one day

Dennis Dalman Editor and punched him repeatedly with such force his shoulders were dislocated, requiring two surgeries. Steve’s son, Jon, who was in another train seat, then came over to join our conversation. We razzed Jon, of course. “Oh, what do these kids know?” I said. “Yeah, they don’t know much, that’s for sure,” Steve agreed. Jon, grinning with a scoff, tossed jabs right back in a game of verbal tennis. I learned that Jon, in fact, is bright and responsible for his age (16), that he knows how to resist peer pressure and that he wants to become a cop. From the moving Northstar train a lot of spray-paint graffiti can be seen on bridges, on tunnels, on rusted debris in junk lots, on the butt-ends of decrepit brick buildings. “Why,” I asked, “don’t these graffiti spray-painters use their talents for some other kind of art form, like canvas paintings?” Just then, a young man sitting behind us popped up like a jumping jack and sat across the aisle from us. “They’re not called graffiti spray-painters anymore,” he told us two old-timers. “Now they’re called taggers, and I’m one. I’m a tagger.” Besides being a tagger and a Honda motorcycle mechanic, the young man, Ethan Allbrink, is an Army veteran who served

in Afghanistan, was wounded and now has a titanium right knee. He had travelled all through Europe, working on farms here and there. His tagging is another kind of adventure. He assured us he doesn’t deface private property. Most of his work is commissioned from people who want to see outdoor artwork here or there. Artistic talent runs in his family, and he does many forms of art, but he doesn’t want to stop tagging. It’s a challenge and, what’s more, it pays for itself, including all the cans of spray paint he buys at Home Depot. Ethan lives in North Minneapolis and was on his way to visit his mother in Elk River. The four of us had so much fun talking and laughing, it was a sudden disappointment when the train came to its Elk River stop, and the three of them, with hasty goodbyes to me, had to leave. I’ve had fun conversations like that so often when riding trains. Why is it that strangers can be so conversationally interesting? It might have something to do with knowing you’ll never meet again and so you relate to one another here and now, in the moment, breezily, briefly, with no long-winded stories, with no regard for the future beyond the next train stop. Sunday was my first time on Northstar. I took it from Big Lake to Minneapolis to see the magnificent Matisse exhibit at the Institute of Art. It cost me only $3.50 round-trip. Heckuva deal, and I didn’t have to worry about my directional dyslexia while driving in the big city. I recommend everybody take a ride on the Northstar, at least once. It’s a relaxing ride, and you just might happen into a spirited conversation up or down that line.

Letter to editor

Reader responds to ‘It’s time to abolish executions’

Dolores Schuh, CHM Davenport, Iowa I read the Newsleader online. This morning I read your fine column on the death penalty by Dennis Dalman (May 9). I am vehemently opposed to capital punishment and have learned a great deal during the past two years as I have a pen pal on death row in Raleigh, N.C. There are 150 inmates on death row in Raleigh and most of them have been there well over 10 years; some as long as 25 years. I have joined the National Coalition for

the Abolition of the Death Penalty, which is working hard to abolish it in the 32 states that still use this inhumane form of punishment. I wish a federal law would be passed to abolish these executions in all 50 states. I think it so unfair a guy who has committed a crime in North Carolina can be sentenced to death row and be executed and if he happened to have committed the same crime in, say, West Virginia, he would not be on death row. As a retired nun of the Congregation of the Humility of Mary who worked on the

campus of St. John’s Abbey and University from 1974 to 2004, my ministry at this time is to send birthday cards to each of the 150 death-row inmates in Raleigh and to find pen pals for those inmates who would like to correspond with someone “on the outside.” As Fr. Don Tauscher, OSB, a monk of St. John’s Abbey, has reminded us, death-row inmates are some of the most forgotten people in the world. Thank you for calling attention to a national problem. I pray each day the death penalty will be abolished nationally.

America owes huge debt to vets Today, as a veteran, I am enraged. I am enraged 40 veterans have died waiting for treatment at a VA facility in Phoenix and we are now hearing there may be more, many more. I am enraged some 400,000 veterans are waiting for their promised benefits. As an American citizen I am enraged by the callous and sometimes lethal disregard demonstrated by incompetent bureaucrats who seemingly care less about the very veterans they are employed to care for, those veterans whose sacrifices have allowed this great country to exist. Throughout history victorious armies have returned from battle to cheers, accolades and rewards. Citizens have long known their very existence depends on the warriors who come to their defense. Citizens have long known their treasuries, their way of life, their very futures all depend on a strong victorious military. Unlike armies of old, however, our veterans do not seek accolades nor do they seek reward. They just want what has been promised to them. Here in our country the fact we even have a treasury is because of our powerful military. The fact we have a country is the direct result of our warriors’ willingness to suit up, take up arms and step into harm’s way. Freedom has never been free and we,

Ron Scarbro Guest Writer the people, have a debt. We owe our military and our veterans for their service. We made a promise and we need to keep that promise. The first fruits of our treasury should belong to our military. With that in mind, can someone please tell me why we have 400,000 veterans waiting for their promised benefits? Can someone tell me why 40 veterans died waiting for promised care? I want an explanation. Who is responsible for this? Is it the bureaucracy? The Veterans Administration is granted money to do their job. Generally that amount is decided by the budget requests of the administrators of VA medical facilities. So what’s the problem? Is it possible bonuses are paid to administrators who come in under budget? Is it possible some of these administrators care more about their bottom lines than about the veterans in their care? The more money they

can wring out of their budgets, the higher their bonus. Who do you suppose suffers from this? Certainly not the administrators. As a veteran myself, I have received treatment at VA facilities in St. Cloud and across the country. For the most part that care has been exceptional. But not always. Some of the facilities are understaffed. Many have out-of-date equipment. Some are nearly impossible to reach by phone. Appointments for care are often set months into the future. Do these administrators receive big bonuses for “efficiency?” It’s a fair question. For the majority of my working career I worked as a manager. I learned early on as a manager I was the one responsible for everything that happened, both the good and the bad. Any success was my success but by the same token, any failure was my failure. The same is true for a VA medical facility. The good ones have excellent administrators. The bad ones have something less. Is it time for a changing of the guard? I think VA head Eric Shinseki has some explaining to do. Some in Congress are demanding his resignation. Personally, I don’t care who runs the show; I just want this mess fixed. This country has made promises and frankly we owe our military and our veterans. America has a debt.

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, May 16, 2014


Golf carts now OK on county roadways The Stearns County Board of Commissioners recently approved a new ordinance allowing the use of golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles along county roadways. Stearns County enacted the ordinance at the request of citizens. The board held a public hearing, and two people spoke in favor of adoption of the ordinance. No one spoke against the proposal. The ordinance provides authority over the use of motorized golf carts on county roads

located within cities. The ordinance requires that cities, which have an ordinance allowing golf carts on city streets, make an official request to the county board to allow them on county roads within the city. Three cities in Stearns County already have ordinances in place allowing golf carts on city streets – St. Joseph, Albany and Melrose. The proposed ordinance sets forth, among other things, conditions for use, permit requirements, rights and duties of the operator, and penalties for viola-

tions. Operators have the same rights and duties as drivers of any other vehicle. Golf carts can be operated only on designated roadways from sunrise to sunset, unless the cart has headlights, taillights and turn signals. They are also not allowed to be operated in bad weather or during poor visibility. Golf carts will not be allowed to operate on minor or major arterial roadways and only on roads where the speed limit is 30 mph or less. Permits are required on all golf carts driven on county road-

Friday, May 16 Pillow cleaning/perennial plant sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Y2K Lions, 7 a.m.-3 p.m., feather pillows and comforters cleaned and put in new ticking, crushed foam and polyester pillows sterilized and recovered, cleaned while you wait, St. Joseph Community Fire Hall, 401 7th St. S. 320-363-8825. Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Singles Dance, sponsored by St. Cloud Singles Club, 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m., all singles welcome, American Legion, 17 2nd Ave. N., Waite Park. 320-217-8779 or www.stcloudsingles. net

County Master Gardeners, 8:30-11 a.m., rain or shine, Riverside Park in the shelter, 1725 Killian Blvd. SE, St. Cloud. VA Women’s Wellness Fair, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., women veterans invited, River’s Edge Convention Center, 10 4th Ave. S., St. Cloud. www. or call 320-255-6353.

org. Raise the Dough, 5-8 p.m., House of Pizza and Pacific Wok in Sartell. Sartell High School Student Council fundraising event to pay for its trip to the National Association of Student Councils’ National Convention in Orlando, Fla.

Community Calendar

Saturday, May 17 Spring birding day, 5:30 a.m.-1 p.m. and 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., fee includes guided birding walks, breakfast and buffet lunch, St. John’s Outdoor University, Collegeville. www.csbsju. edu/outdooru/education/events/springbirdingday. Plant sale, sponsored by Stearns


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Monday, May 19 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion in St. Joseph. Spring choir concert, 7:30 p.m., Sartell High School auditorium. Tuesday, May 20 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., Moose Lodge, 1300 3rd St. N., Waite Park. 1-800-733-2767. Tours of Anna Marie’s Alliance, 4:45-5:45 p.m. Registration required. 320-251-7203, jacquef@annamaries.


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PLAT BOOKS with 911 addresses, legal descriptions. Stearns County. Other counties available by order. Available at the Newsleaders, 32 1st Ave. NW, St. Joseph. Regular price $40; $30 spiral bound. NO REFUNDS. tfn-f

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ways. Operators obtain the yearly $10 permit from the Stearns County License Center. Applicants will be required to have a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance.

This ordinance will sunset in one year, May 31, 2015. It will give commissioners an opportunity to review how well the ordinance is working and to make any adjustments if necessary.


partment of Transportation Clean Fuels grant program, a $9.1 million MnDOT grant and a local revenue bond. St. Cloud Metro bus operates in Sartell, St. Cloud, Sauk Rapids and Waite Park, with some of its operating revenues contributed by those cities. It runs seven days a week and its total trips are about 2.4 million per year, counting fixedroute rides, commuter bus rides and dial-a-ride service.

from page 4 a fleet of 67 buses. This year, it will replace 23 fixed-route buses with the new CNG buses, along with six CNG paratransit buses. The buses are fueled at a compressed-gas fueling station. The CNG project at Metro Bus is funded by a $3.35 million grant from the U.S. De-

LEgal notICE

CITY OF SARTELL ORDINANCE NO. 14-03 SUMMARY ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 4 OF THE CITY CODE Title 4 of the City Code of Ordi- by any person at the office of the nances is hereby amended to pro- city clerk between the hours of 7 vide 24 hours from cessation of a.m. and 4:30 p.m. any Monday Thursday, May 22 snowfall to remove snow/ice from through Friday. Coffee and Conversation, a se- public sidewalks and to provide nior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country for two refuse/recycling contain- Adopted by the City Council of ers per housing unit to be stored Sartell on the 12thday of May, Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., Ameri- outside. Additional containers 2014. can Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain must be stored inside or screened s/Joe Perske, Mayor from view. St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Wednesday, May 21 Car Seat Clinic, 3-6 p.m, certified technicians check the safety and fit of your car seat in your car, Gold Cross Ambulance garage, 2800 7th St. N., St. Cloud. Free service. 320-656-7021.

Spring orchestra concert, 7 p.m., Sartell Middle School multi-purpose room.

The City Council has determined ATTEST: publication of this title and summary ordinance will clearly in- s/Mary Degiovanni, City AdminFriday, May 23 form the public of the intention istrator Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Ameri- and effect of the ordinance. The can Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain Council also directs only the title SEAL and this summary be published. A St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. copy of the entire text of the ordi- Publish: May 16, 2014 nance is available for inspection HEALTH VIAGRA - Pfizer brand! AUTO MISCELLANEOUS Lowest price from USA pharCASH FOR CARS. All cars/ macies. No doctor visit needAre You in BIG Trouble With trucks wanted. Running or ed! Discreet home delivery. the IRS? Stop wage & bank not! Top dollar paid. We come Call 1-866-903-2541. (MFPA) levies, liens & audits, unfiled to you! Any make/model. Call tax returns, payroll issues & for instant offer. 1-800-871resolve tax debt FAST. Call ADVERTISING 9134. (MFPA) 1-888-606-6673 (MFPA) TO INVESTIGATE OTHER ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES PERSONALS MISCELLANEOUS Call PaperChain at 931Meet Singles Right DirecTV - 2 year savings 922-0484 or e-mail info@ Now! No paid operators, just event! Over 140 channels only (MFPA) real people like you. Browse $29.99 a month. Only DirecTV greetings, exchange messages gives you 2 YEARS of savings and connect live. Try it free. Call MISCELLANEOUS and a FREE Genie upgrade! now: 1-800-314-4583 (MFPA) Call 1-800-831-9839 (MFPA) REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! Get a whole-home Satellite MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS system installed at NO COST Computer Problems? and programming starting at DISH TV RESELLER – SAVE! Viruses, spyware, email, $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Starting $19.99/month (for printer issues, bad internet upgrade to new callers, so call 12 months). FREE premium connections – FIX IT NOW! now! 1-855-244-0238 (MFPA) movie channels. FREE equipProfessional, U.S.-based techment, installation and actinicians. $25 off service. Call vation. Call, compare local for immediate help. 1-855MISCELLANEOUS deals! 1-800-314-4584 (MFPA) 717-2701 (MFPA) All Things Basementy! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing? Finishing? Structural Repairs? Suki is an energetic chocolate lab mix. Humidity and mold control? She’s 2-years-old and is spayed. Suki’s FREE ESTIMATES! Call 1-866been patiently waiting for the right home 691-8804 (MFPA) for over a month now. Swimming and

Freelancers sought

The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to

retrieving are some of her favorite things to do and she’s even done a little hunting. Car rides and tennis balls take high priority in Suki’s active lifestyle, but she just doesn’t have time for small children or cats. In the past, Suki interacted well with other dogs. She would be best suited with an owner who can further her obedience training. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 10 Gerbils - 3

Cats - 41 Ferrets - 2

Kittens - 10 Rabbit - 1

Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302


Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, May 16, 2014

Moms from front page beamed proudly as their precious children sang their hearts out. Also beaming proudly were the students’ teachers, Jenna Courrier and Sherri Schmit. After the choral concert, mothers and children sat at dining tables where they enjoyed muffins, conversation and plenty of humor. Then the children left the tables for a few minutes, then returned with surprises for their mothers: homemade fancy broadbrimmed colorful hats. The smiling mothers, thrilled by the surprise, donned the hats, then gave their sweethearts hugs and kisses. Roofing • Siding • Gutters • Windows • Metal Roofs HAAG™ Certified Roof Inspectors for hail/wind

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photos by Dennis Dalman

Above: Kindergartners prepare to sing many songs for their mothers during a Mothers’ Day celebration at St. Francis Xavier Elementary School. Later, the children and their mothers enjoyed snacks together and a surprise or two. Top right: Dana Olson sports a hat made by her son, Noah, Kindergarten teachers Jenna Courrier and Sherri Schmit worked hard with their students to make the day special. Right: Rebecca Kurowski and her son, Grant, enjoy a muffin and some good humor during the Mothers’ Day celebration. The kindergartners had a few other surprises for their mothers as well.


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