Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader - June 3, 2016

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Bronze Star awarded at Memorial Day ceremony

Friday, June 3, 2016 Volume 21, Issue 22 Est. 1995

Town Crier

by Dennis Dalman

Travel basketball opens registration

Rep. Tim O’Driscoll (R-Sartell) prepares to present a commendation from the House of Representatives to Rachel Petersen and her grandfather, Vietnam veteran Earl Kothman of St. Cloud.

Like all Mermorial Day ceremonies, the one at Veterans Park in Sartell May 30 was all about memory, about not forgetting, and guest speaker Rachel Petersen exemplified that need not to forget. She refused to accept the fact her beloved grandfather, Earl Kothman of St. Cloud, did not receive the honor that was his due for so long. Finally, thanks to lots of hard work on Petersen’s part, Kothman finally received a Bronze Star, the medal he had earned in Vietnam 50 years ago. During an ambush, Kothman brought a wounded comrade out of the jungle, saving his life. At the time Kothman was serving a 10-month tour of duty

Officers with the Sartell Police Departments helped rescue a woman who jumped from the Sartell bridge on the afternoon of May 26. The 63-year-old woman, a Sartell resident, parked her car on the side of the Sartell bridge, then climbed onto the railing and jumped into the Mississippi River. Police received the emergency call from a witness.

launched. The woman was able to reach the rock where she rested for a few minutes before letting go and swimming for the Sauk Rapids side of the river bank. At 3:50 p.m., she managed to reach the shore below where the Fischer’s Garden Mobile-Home Park is. She clung to the shoreline until rescuers could reach her. She was trans-

Registration for the 2016-17 Sartell Area Youth Basketball Association Travel Basketball grades 4-8 is now open. Online registration and printable forms are on the SAYBA website at Register prior to Tuesday, June 7 to receive early bird priority. Please see the website for more information on the SAYBA program.

Libertyville set June 10 as part of SummerFest

The fourth edition of Libertyville! will be presented by Liberty Bank Minnesota at 5 p.m. Friday, June 10 at Pine Meadow Elementary. Along with the usual assortment of giant inflatables, face painting, crazy hairdos and other free activities, this free event will include two special features this year. The first is two appearances by the Timberworks Lumberjack Show from Hayward, Wis. The entertainment will include chainsaw carving, log-rolling competitions, pole climbing and other demonstrations of lumberjack skill. The second feature of the evening is Davis Smith Junior, the Human Cannonball. The evening will conclude with Smith being shot from a cannon across the Pine Meadow playground. Smith’s father performed a similar feat at one of the Liberty Block Parties several years ago. Food will be provided by the LeSauk Lions. The Lions Club has agreed to provide a wide variety of food and beverages for sale. The net proceeds are given to Sartell Schools to support activities. “It’s a great opportunity to give something back to the Sartell community that has been so welcoming to Liberty since we opened our branch here four years ago,” said Mark Bragelman, Liberty president. “We are really grateful to the LeSauk Lions for their willingness to make this a great fundraiser for our schools.” For more information, contact Bragelman at 320-252-2841 or by email at

Register now for Farm Camp

Farm Camp Minnesota, a fun and educational day camp for kids entering third-sixth grade, will be held from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday, July 26 on Schmitt Family Farm, near Rice. The camp is put on by and sponsored by farmers, farm organizations, agribusinesses and volunteers. Advance registration is required and will close July 8. Farm Camp allows campers the opportunity to learn about today’s agriculture, where their food comes from, how it’s grown and how farm products are used in our daily life. For more information, go to and click on June 3 Criers.

See inside for our Salute to Grads keepsake!

photo by Dennis Dalman

in Vietnam as a U.S. Army infantryman. He was one of 33 men in a platoon the day of the ambush. His platoon sergeant recommended him for a Bronze Star for his heroic action, but later the sergeant died and the paperwork for the honor became lost. Nearly 60 years later, Petersen told about her grandfather for a Voice of Democracy contest. Then she decided to see to it that he should, at long last, get the medal he so deserved. She spent 18 months and 350 hours of research and making contacts with officials and political leaders such as Rep. Tom Emmer to convince them Kothman was long overdue for the honor. Finally, on Jan. 22 of this year, Kothman received his Bronze • page 5

Sartell woman saved from drowning A Sartell police officer saw the woman floating on her back in the middle of the river. She appeared to be making efforts to stay afloat, the officer noted. Other officers moved further downstream and began yelling at the woman, who began yelling back for help. One officer urged her to try to reach a large rock in the middle of the river. Meantime, rescue boats were

SummerFest promises weekend of fun, food by Dennis Dalman editor@thenewsleaders

Sartell SummeFest 2016 will kick off a weekend of fun starting Friday, June 10 with a parade, an outdoor dance and fireworks, and the annual family bash known as Libertyville featuring a lumberjack show and a “human cannonball.” The following is a line-up of SummerFest activities:

Friday events Running races

There will be two running races – the St. Cloud Orthopedics-sponsored 5k Run and the Vein Center-sponsored Kids’ Fun Run.

Both will take place at the Sartell Middle School. The kids’ run is meant for kids ages 5-11 and will begin at 5:30 p.m. The 5k run will follow at 6 p.m. People may register right before the races begin. Prizes will be given to the top three male and top three female 5k runners. The registration fee for the 5k run is $30. For the kids’ run, the fee is $15. Proceeds from the two events will be given to Sartell schools to help support their recreational programs.


The family fun bash dubbed Fun • page 6

photo by Dennis Dalman

The Sartell Sabre Pride Marching Band performs at Sartell SummerFest 2015.

ported to the St. Cloud Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The incident is under investigation. Assisting the Sartell police in the rescue were the Sartell Fire Department, the Sauk Rapids Fire and Police departments, the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department, Minnesota DNR and Gold Cross Ambulance.

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


Friday, June 3, 2016

People Four Sartell students will graduate this spring from Apollo High School. They are Shamsa Ahmed, Justin Hengel, Tyson Pozorski and Abby Ring. Four St. Stephen students will graduate this spring from Holdingford High School. They are Trever Pierskalla, Logan Schwinghammer, Faith Thompson and Ashley Wallenstein. Eight Sartell students will graduate this spring from St. Cloud Tech High School. They are Brittany Berven, Jenna Corrigan, Aline Glazos, Jodi Lipp, Madison Potter, Mikena Reinert, Elias Wirz and Justice Young. Sydney Lo of Sartell will graduate this spring from St. John’s Preparatory School. Michael Heim, son of Sue and Dan Heim of Sartell, received the Presidential Honor Scholarship in the amount of $10,000 and the NDSU Bookstore Textbook Scholarship, a $1,000 credit for textbooks from North Dakota State University, Fargo. The scholarships recognize high academic achievement, community service and leadership.

Forty-eight Sartell students were recently named to the spring dean’s list at St. Cloud State University. They are the following: Sandra Babcock, undecided; Anna Bathen, community psychology; Jill Bergstrom, nursing; Thomas Bevans, biomedical sciences; Daniel Bloom, mass communications; Jordyn Brandt, biology; Brandon Burggraff, information systems; Molly Carey, early childhood education; LeeAnna Christensen, statistics; Jessica Condon, social studies education; Samantha Deans, film studies; Ashlee DesMarais, travel and tourism; Kyle Driesse, pre-medicine; Cole Fischer, finance; Julie Frana, management; Arielle Gapinski, psychology; Zachary Gnahn, entrepreneurship; Courtney Goulet, biomedical sciences; Tonya Grow, finance; Jordan Heinen, undecided; David Kroger, mass communications; Taylor Kruse, elementary/K-6 education; Brittney Lechner, psychology; Kelsey Maas, psychology; Alex Mayer, undecided; Natalie McIntire, biomedical sciences; Raelin Miller, elementary/K-6 education; Ryan Nguyen, nursing; Katie Olson, nursing; Marissa Rapaway, mathematics teaching; Hannah Rod-

ness, communication sciences and disorders; Clare Rueter, elementary/K-6 education; Jenna Runge, English; Holli Sauerer, elementary/K-6 education; Cassandra Schiller, elementary/K-6 education; Alexa Secord, accounting; Tessa Sondrol, nursing; Carly Spoden, accounting; Rashad Starks, community psychology; Mikayla Stockinger, undecided; Michelle Stonebarger, social work; Robert Tancre, mechanical engineering; Sally Traut, elementary/K-6 education; Catherine Tripp, community psychology; Jenna Turner, elementary/K-6 education; Rachel White, political science; Steven Wright, community psychology; and Ann Zierden, nursing. Branton Stowell, son of Carrie and Craig Stowell of Sartell, was named to the spring dean’s list at Alexandria Technical College. Stowell is majoring in law enforcement and is a 2015 graduate of Sartell High School. Amanda Flemming recently received an excellence scholarship to attend Concordia College, Moorhead. Flemming, a graduate of Sartell High School, is the daughter of Susan and Jeff Flemming, Sartell.

Four Sartell students recently graduated from Concordia College, Moorhead. They are Sarah Kremer, daughter of Laurie and Michael Kremer; Taylor Lauermann, son of Valerie and John Lauermann; Richard Satterness, son of Lori and Neil Satterness; and Zachary Zitur, son of Jeanne Cashman. Two Sartell students were recently named to the spring dean’s list at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kan. They are Brigid Brew and Jocelyne Kleinsmith. Joy Plamann, MBA, RN, BC, of Sartell was honored by the Minnesota Hospital Association at its 32nd annual awards ceremony on May 20. She won the Spirit of Advocacy award for her work to prevent and manage patient aggression and violence toward healthcare staff. Plamann is known as an expert in the field and

has presented on the topic locally, regionally and nationally. She has presented to numerous MHA committees, testified before the Minnesota Legislature and served on a statewide task force on violence prevention led by the Minnesota Department of Health. She was also named vice president of operations, Acute Division, for CentraCare Health and chief nursing officer for St. Cloud Hospital, effective June 6. Ashley Nistler, Sartell, a member of the class of 2017 majoring in mechanical engineering, was recently named to the spring dean’s list for academic excellence at Worcester (Mass.) Polytechnic Institute. Lucas Wheeler of Sartell was named to the spring president’s list at the Minnesota State Community and Technical College in Wadena. Student must earn a minimum 3.5 grade-point average to qualify.

Have any Achievements? Grad. from HS/College, Military Honors, Awards Submit to For contact purposes only, please include first/last name and phone.

Congratulations Class of 2016! Not pictured: Ella Edelbrock Mengmeng Hao Jiayu Li

Mikayla Illies

Parents: Shelly & Jim I plan to attend CSB and major in global business.

Peter Bennett

Parents: Danielle & Peter I plan to study biology at Auburn (Ala.) University.

Chandler Karki

Parents: Carrie & Allan I plan to attend St. Thomas University in St. Paul starting in September.

Elizabeth Botz

Parents: Chantel Braegelmann and Chris Botz I plan to attend the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

Matthew Gruber

Parents: James & Janell I plan to attend the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. and have the University of Minnesota Twin Cities’ College of Science and Engineering as a backup.

Kendall Kearney Parents: Maria & Jeff I plan to attend North Dakota State University in Fargo.

Sarah Loberg

Parents: Dawn & Jeff I plan to attend the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

Mason Halstrom

Lauren Herker

McKenna Hupf

Parents: Parents: Kerry & Chris Gina & Mark I plan to attend the I plan to attend the University of Notre College of St. Benedict, obtaining a deDame in Indiana. gree in nursing, and also be on the CSB golf team.

Parents: Cindy and Pat I plan to attend Mankato State University.

Michaela Marcum

Hannah Windschitl

Parents: Kelly & John I plan to attend Bemidji State University and major in elementary education.

Ryan Schwieters

Parents: Jennifer & Steven I plan to attend Minnesota State University-Moorhead to study construction management.

Parents: Jacque and Mike I plan to attend the College of St. Benedict.

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, June 3, 2016


Janette M. Weis, 93

Sartell Jan. 15, 1923 – May 28, 2016

Janette M. Weis, Sartell, died May 28 at Sterling Park Care Center in Waite Park. Her funeral was held June 2 at the Williams Dingmann Family Funeral Home in Sauk Rapids. The Chaplain James Neppl officiated and burial was in the Clear Lake Cemetery. Weis was born in St. Cloud to Paul and Pearl (Richardson) Almer. She married Roland “Rollie” Weis on April 22, 1945 at Peace United Church of Christ in St. Cloud. She worked as a substitute teacher for two years and later worked at the Sartell and St. Cloud post offices for 37 years. Weis was a member of Peace United Church of Christ in St. Cloud and was active as the

If you have a tip concerning a crime, call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crime. May 18 6:06 a.m. Vehicle accident. CR 120/50th Avenue. An officer was dispatched to a two-vehicle accident in a roundabout. One vehicle attempted to change lanes in the roundabout and hit the other vehicle. There were no injuries and an accident report was completed. 2:29 p.m. Medical. Connecticut Avenue S. Officers responded to a 911 medical call at the St. Cloud Medical Group. A child, who had been sick with a fever, started to have a seizure. Gold Cross Ambulance responded and transported the child to the hospital. 11:21 p.m. Medical. Scout Drive. Officers responded to a 911 medical call for a female experiencing a possible heart attack. Upon arrival, an officer provided the female with oxygen until Gold Cross Ambulance arrived and transported her to the hospital.

choir director for 25 years as well as women’s fellowship for many years. She was a Girl Scout leader for many years, a member of the American Legion Auxiliary in Waite Park and a charter member of the Eagles Auxiliary. Weis was a very social person who loved being around people and family. She loved to spend time doing ceramics and oil paintings in her spare time. Survivors include her husband of 71 years; daughter, Sue Primus of Sartell; son-in-law, Jan Freier of Minnetonka; grandchildren, Melissa Widseth, Sean Primus and Mikah Primus; and six greatgrandchildren; a sister, Leona Flakne of Onamia; and brother, Robert Almer of Denver. She was preceded in death by her parents; daughter, Sandi Weis-Freier; brothers, Paul Jr. and James; and sister, Phyllis Olson. Her obituary and guest book are available online at:

May 19 4:52 p.m. Intoxicated person. Riverside Avenue S. While on patrol, an officer observed a male walking down the street who appeared to be intoxicated. The male was transported back to his residence. 11:26 p.m. Domestic. Riverside Avenue S. A report was made by a female that her husband was getting violent with her. The caller was uncooperative to dispatchers and officers. Officers spoke to both the caller and her husband and cleared the call. May 20 2:12 a.m. Suspicious vehicle. Seventh Street N. While on patrol, an officer found a vehicle with the trunk open. There was property in the trunk and it didn’t look suspicious. The area was checked for any suspicious activity and the officer cleared the call. 7:17 a.m. Suspicious activity. Knottingham Drive. A report was made by a homeowner who he found a broken bong at the end of his driveway. The caller stated he has had three prior vandalism incidents at his residence. Information was passed on to the school resource officer. May 21 12:40 a.m. Suspicious smell.



contributed photo

contributed photo

Sartell High School was among nine schools who recently received a donation by the Central Minnesota Builders Association’s Tools for Schools program to purchase cordless drills for building technology classes. A representative from each school accepted the monetary award as follows: (from left to right) Michael Rien, Albany; Jeff Zimmer, Becker; Jake Masters, Apollo; David Masters, ALC McKinley; Brian Kemmy, Foley; Tracy Nelson, Kimball; Alan Walz, Melrose; Bill Garceau, St. Cloud Tech; and Nick Phillips, Sartell.

Garrett Klein, a 2007 graduate of Sartell High School, recently completed training at the Minnesota State Troopers Academy. Klein previously worked for the Wright County Sheriff ‘s Department. He is the son of Mike and Nancy Klein and is pictured here with his fiancée Ammie Whelan.


Riverside Avenue N. A report was made about three people in a park possibly smoking marijuana. An officer checked the area after clearing another call and was unable to locate anyone. 7:42 p.m. Gun complaint. 11th Avenue E. Officers were dispatched to investigate a complaint by a caller stating someone had pulled a pistol on him. The caller approached another resident’s apartment after being told his car exhaust was too loud. The resident (with valid permit to carry) opened the door with his gun in hand, pointed downward. The officers spoke to both parties and advised them on how to handle the situation peacefully. 9:48 p.m. Intoxicated driver. Seventh Street N. An officer was dispatched to a report of an intoxicated driver. The driver was stopped, tested and found to be just under the legal limit. The officer had the man find another driver to drive his car. May 22 1:44 a.m. Intoxicated person. Second Street S. A taxi cab pulled into the police department parking lot for assistance. A male passenger had vomited in the cab. The male paid for the damages and the officer allowed him to walk across the

street to his apartment. 1:07 p.m. Burglary. Riverside Avenue. A report was made about a lock broken off the door of a storage unit and items being taken. A list of stolen items (totaling about $1,880) was recorded; the area was photographed and the locking mechanism was taken as evidence. A stolen property report was filed. May 23 12:33 a.m. Alarm. CR 120. Officers were dispatched to an alarm. Upon arrival, officers found an open door, entered the building and found all to be normal. An employee arrived, secured the door and reset the alarm. 7:15 p.m. Motorist assist. Fourth Avenue S. An officer was dispatched to unlock a vehicle. The officer was able to unlock the vehicle and told the driver her license plates were impounded for alcohol. The female stated her attorney told her not to hand in her plates. The officer advised her she would be issued a citation if she was found driving the vehicle. 11:13 p.m. Property damage. Riverside Avenue N. While on patrol, an officer found damage to property and nobody around. A report was made to city maintenance.

May 24 Search warrant. CR 1, Le Sauk Township. A Sartell homeowner was arrested for harboring a fugitive. The fugitive, wanted for second-degree assault, was identified and taken into custody. 6:30 a.m. Fire alarm. Pinecone Road N. Officers were dispatched to a report of a fire alarm on the third floor of a building. There was no smoke or fire and the fire marshal was able to reset the alarm. 10:29 a.m. Intoxicated person. Third Street S. A report was made by a female who stated her husband had been drinking for five days and went out onto the balcony to have a cigarette and fell. Officers made contact with the man, who was transported by Gold Cross Ambulance to the hospital. 3:29 a.m. Suspicious person. Edinburgh Street. A report was made regarding two males who approached a homeowner asking to check their cable box, then asked to use the bathroom and for a glass of water. Officers located the two males after they left the residence and found out they worked for Dish Network and had a Minneapolis solicitor permit. They were told to stop until they filled out a city application.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Production Manager Tara Wiese

Editor: Dennis Dalman

Contributing Writers Dave DeMars Cori Hilsgen

Assignment Editor Frank Lee

Newsstands Coborn’s - Riverside Country Store & Pharmacy Hardee’s Holiday - Riverside House of Pizza

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Little Dukes - Pinecone Sartell City Hall School District Offices SuperAmerica Walgreens

Operations Assistant Cady Sehnert News Clerk Rachel Givens Delivery: Bruce Probach

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


Our View

Art of compromise seems to be a dying art; is it dead already? The art of compromise, alas, seems to be a dying art. In fact, it may be dead, period. At least politically. We’ve come to expect disgusting, never-ending deadlock in the U.S. Congress, where virtually nothing major has been accomplished in the past seven or eight years. Of course, many who do not pay attention other than to do anti-Obama slandering on Internet screeds will blame Obama for the deadlock. It’s all his fault because he wouldn’t compromise with Congress. Sure, and the moon really is made of cheese. It was the Tea Party radicals who refused to compromise. Here in Minnesota, normally a state of progressive enlightenment in so many respects, we don’t expect our elected senators and congress people to be so intransigent and bullheaded as Tea Party do-nothings like Rep. Ted Cruz and the former (thank God, former) Rep. Michele Bachmann. In previous years, we Minnesotans could usually review happily or unhappily depending on one’s viewpoint, what the Minnesota Legislature accomplished in one of its sessions. After this past session, we can review what the legislature did not accomplish. First and foremost, it did not pass a comprehensive plan to fund infrastructure work for the next 10 years – roads, bridges and mass transit. The legislature did not approve a short-term funding bill. In the process, it shot down a billion-dollar infrastructure bill that had previously been supported by both sides of the political aisle. The legislature did not act on a “Real ID” law. To its credit, the legislature did manage to pass a few good things, like a tax break to help families save for college, more spending for early-childhood education and broadband expansion for rural Minnesota. All three sides (the Democrat-controlled Senate, the Republican-controlled House and Gov. Mark Dayton) are all pointing fingers – at one another. Granted, crafting legislation is very difficult, but there are no excuses in this case, especially for not approving the long-term transportation infrastructure plan so vital for this state’s successful future. The failure of that bill was caused by a stubborn inability to compromise, and there’s lots of blame to go around. When you talk to your legislators in the coming weeks, ask them point blank to explain why the legislative session was such a fiasco. Before they even open their mouths, rush to admonish with: “Don’t give me any finger-pointing excuses!”

The ideas expressed in the letters to the editor and of the guest columnists do not necessarily reflect the views of the Newsleaders. Letters to the editor may be sent to news@thenewsleaders. com or P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374. Deadline is noon Monday. Please include your full name for publication (and address and phone number for verification only.) Letters must be 350 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for space.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Opinion Help veterans with actions, not just words I was both moved and bothered by the many speeches I heard at two Memorial Day celebrations last Monday in Sartell and Rice. The speeches were moving because what the speakers said was so true – that all veterans must be honored, respected and never forgotten. What bothered me, though, is so many people in our nation, especially politicians, trumpet wars that later prove to be unjust and/ or unwinnable. Vietnam was one of them, and the never-ending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are two other examples. The honorable men and women who served so selflessly, in many cases dying or being wounded, deserve our utmost respect and gratitude, regardless of whether a particular war is or was unjust. Those men and women sacrificed in ways most of us cannot even imagine. Their sacrifices, as the Memorial Day speakers rightly noted, should never be forgotten. But sadly, during the other 364 days in a year, too many veterans tend to be forgotten, off the radar. That thought kept occurring to me during the speeches. We must all do more than just give rhetorical tributes to veterans one day a year, Memorial Day. First of all, what would really help is we should hold warmongering elected officials accountable for getting us into unjust or unwinnable wars. It’s become all too easy for presidents and officials to send others off to serve, suffer and die. That said, not all conflicts are avoidable, but at the very least there must be exit strategies and we should stick to them. In addition, we should be giving all veterans our gratitude – and our help – 365 days a

Letters to the editor

Dennis Dalman Editor year. The speakers at the ceremonies, I’d bet, would agree with that. But we’ve got to put words into actions. Many veterans are homeless, many cannot find jobs, some are waiting a long time for desperately needed forms of care, some struggle to get disability payments and so many are trying to adjust to life back home. Still others are so filled with frustration and anguish they are committing suicide. Those are problems we can all help do something about. We have to keep elected officials’ feet to the fire to make certain veterans’ services are funded to the max and the very best help is made available medically and psychologically. It’s a shameful irony this country can spend billions and trillions on wars and yet too often cannot seem to find enough money and expertise to help veterans. They should receive the top moral responsibility from this nation. Some elected leaders do realize that and try their best to help veterans – leaders like Rep. Tim O’Driscoll (R-Sartell). Not to forget, many of today’s veterans were deployed in terrible danger zones multiple times. Each time they return home, their former world – the civilian world – seems almost alien in many cases, and adaptation and reintegration becomes a struggle. What is most needed in every case is a

solid emotional support network from family members, friends, co-workers and acquaintances, and that network has to go hand-inhand with a solid, reliable medical and psychological network. Research shows veterans who had contemplated taking their own lives do not do so once they are fortunate enough to hook up with solid social and medical networks of support. The very least all of us can do is listen. Listen closely with compassion and then try to understand. And here is why. The following was posted on a website dedicated to returning soldiers. It was written by an unnamed veteran: “When I got home everything was changed. You missed out on months of life back home and have no idea where the time has passed. Your kids are older, your wife acts differently, your friends look at you differently, but it’s all because the veteran has changed. Having no connection to the world, no news, no TV, no magazines, you are in kind of a shock to see so much has changed and you feel like you lost out on it. “Your mind is still in combat mode. You constantly are on watch and get startled easily and all you think about is the things you saw. For both of my tours I had a panic attack when I finally got back home. You feel like you don’t know what to do. You are confused about how to act and talk. And you know nobody is going to understand what you did.” All veterans have to relearn their former world, all over again. That is why all of us have to start listening to them every day of the year and then helping them with their needs – both minor and major.

A special thank-you from the Apple Duathlon Sartell Apple Duathlon Board The 2016 Sartell Apple Duathlon (May 2728) and was a great success and we couldn’t have done it without our many partners in the city and local community. We extend our thanks to the city of Sartell, to Mayor Sarah Jane Nicoll, City Administrator Mary Degiovanni and the Sartell City Council. We are especially grateful the city closed Pinecone Road to 40th Street on Saturday morning out of concern for the safety of our bikers. Karen Atkinson, facilities scheduler for the Sartell-St. Stephen School District, and Mark Hedstrom and Linda Janski, custodians at Sartell Middle School, helped us with organization and set-up. The Sartell Police Department,

especially Sgt. Kelly Mader, and Sartell Reserve Police Officer Todd Ackerman, and the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department provided traffic control, made sure all the athletes were safe and the road closure went smoothly. Thanks to Sartell Public Works, especially Director Brad Borders and Assistant Director John Kothenbeutel, for managing our equipment, cleaning the roads and providing extra equipment. Special thanks to all volunteers who made sure participants were safe, had fun and were encouraged along the way. To the parents who brought kids to the race, you are teaching them the importance of fitness, health and sportsmanship. Last but not least, we are grateful to our

generous sponsors and supporters, including Sartell Pediatrics; Williams Integracare Clinic; Granite Equity Partners; Globe Builders; St. Cloud Subaru; Bernick’s; Dahlin Development; Nemeth Orthodontics; Rinke Noonan Attorneys; PineCone Vision Center; Sartell House of Pizza; Minnesota Computer Systems Inc.; Great River Bowl & Partner’s Pub; SuperAmerica; Custom Accents; Dutch Maid Bakery; Rollga; Gear West Bike & Triathlon; Revolution Cycle & Ski; Fitzharris Ski, Bike & Sport; HED Cycling; Bicycle Fit Guru; and Trek Bikes. There are simply too many people to thank by name. This is a local community event and it is community collaboration that made the 34th Sartell Apple Duathlon so successful.

supporting Trump’s candidacy, Emmer is standing for the small-minded politics of fear and hate and against values rooted in the Golden Rule. By embracing Trump, Emmer is failing to represent the majority of us who seek to welcome and include our diverse friends, appreciating they contribute daily to our society through their work ethic, friendship and citizenship. We in Minnesota deserve better. We need someone who will serve our better instincts and our ideals. We need a representative who will focus on building community, inclusion and consensus. We need a voice in Congress that

will promote the development of jobs, transportation and education to enhance the future of all citizens – not just billionaires like Trump. Fortunately, we have a breath of fresh air with David Snyder. Give him a good look and you’ll like what you see. He’s a fresh alternative with solid ideas, a pragmatic style and the kind of values that better reflect the caring, thinking people of the Sixth District. He will represent the future you want – for yourself, your District and your country – and will make you proud to say you live in Central Minnesota.

Emmer’s endorsement of Trump reveals his true instincts Cindy Harner, St. Cloud

Tom Emmer has been pretty quiet during his elected term as our U.S. Congressman. For the most part, he has kept his head down and his name out of the headlines. Say little, do little. Michele Bachmann he isn’t – and for that we can be grateful. But with his endorsement of Donald Trump, Emmer’s true instincts have reared their ugly head. By endorsing Trump, he has ratified the politics of division, exclusion and prejudice. The Sixth District and the nation deserve better. By

Stigmas cast dark pall over realities of mental illness “Can’t you just get over it?” “Try to think more positively.” “Snap out of it!” Whether it be the occasional bout of anxiety or a decade of battling depression, these phrases are not uncommonly heard throughout the lifetime of a person who lives with the daily trauma of mental illness. The certain stigmas that revolve around this illness are sometimes worse than the plight itself. As someone who has dealt with anxiety, depression and other similar complications since childhood, I can firmly attest nothing breaks my heart, or at times infuriates me, more than having my illness degraded and delegitimized. One would never presume to walk into a hospital room and tell a cancer patient if they had a better perspective on life or a more reasonable outlook, their cells would cease to produce abnormally. I have known plenty of cancer survivors

Cathryn Sehnert Guest Writer who eat healthy diets, exercise regularly and are of great spiritual strength. On the other end of the spectrum, I know people who live at the drive-thru and smoke three packs a day with no risks to their health whatsoever. Whatever illness you might have, it chooses you, no matter how much Kumbaya you may sing in a day. What strikes me as odd is mental illness is as much of a debilitating disease as cancer, diabetes or heart disease, yet it’s so often quietly swept under the rug, as if to have imbalanced chemicals in the brain is a shameful malady.

I wonder at times if perhaps depression were contained in the stomach or the intestines, rather than the brain, if there would be a different sort of reaction. Mental illness can kill you, just as any of the other life-threatening illnesses I previously mentioned can. Positive thinking, meditation and other techniques can indeed benefit any person suffering from mental illness, just as chemotherapy and radiation can benefit a cancer patient, but it does not guarantee a cure. Remission, perhaps, but a full recovery is not promised. It’s why my mother, who battled endometrial cancer more than a decade ago, must still continue to have regular checkups as to ensure it’s not resurfaced. Additionally, simply because one method of treatment works for a single individual does not make it a universal antidote. This sort of mentality is one that further cripples and belittles those who have been designated carriers

Stigmas • page 23

Friday, June 3, 2016

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


photos by Dennis Dalman

Above left: Earl Kothman (left) finally received the Bronze Star he had earned 50 years earlier while serving in Vietnam, thanks to the efforts of his granddaughter, Rachel Peterson (second from left). Her parents, David and Amy Petersen of St. Cloud, are on the right. Earl is the father of Amy. Above right: At the May 30 Memorial Day ceremony in Sartell, Earl Kothman wore his Bronze Star on his shirt.

Bronze from front page Bronze Star. At the Sartell Memorial Day ceremony, Petersen introduced her grandfather just before a surprise was announced by State Rep. Tim O’Driscoll. He called Petersen and Kothman to the dais and presented them with a commendation given by the Minnesota House of Representatives. Petersen, who is a student at North Dakota State University, recently enlisted in the North Dakota National Guard. She also founded a group called “Abiding Bronze Star” that helps veterans get the rights and recognition they deserve. To learn more

about that organization or to donate to it, go to its Facebook page, “Abiding Bronze Star.” The Sartell Memorial Day ceremony included the posting of the colors as Joe Linneman played bagpipes. The Sartell-St. Stephen High School Band performed The Star-Spangled Banner and other patriotic tunes. Guest speakers included O’Driscoll, Emmer, State Sen. Michelle Fischbach, Pastor Jim Goodew and Sartell City Council member Steve Hennes. Hennes served in Vietnam as a U.S. Air Force firefighter. At the ceremony he introduced fellow council member David Peterson, also a veteran, having served tours of duty in Afghanistan as a member of the Minnesota National Guard.

Hennes recalled accompanying many older veterans during an Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. He was comforting many of the members as they relived memories on the trip. Then, while Hennes was gazing in contemplation and memory in front of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, he could see his reflection in the highly polished black granite of the memorial, which is inscribed with the names of the American men and women who died in Vietnam. His reflection was a reminder to him he had survived while so many did not. It was at that point when it was the other Honor Flight veterans to comfort Hennes. The average age of the soldiers who died in Vietnam was only 19 years old, Hennes noted.

photo by Dennis Dalman

The Sartell Marching Sabres perform a medley of patriotic songs May 30 at the Memorial Day ceremony in Veterans Park.


Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, June 3, 2016

photo by Dennis Dalman

A band performs in the parade during Sartell SummerFest 2015.

photo by Dennis Dalman

Children line up for the inflatable slide at Sartell SummerFest 2015.

Fun from front page Libertyville will begin at 5 p.m. on the grounds of Pine Meadow Elementary School. The free event will include a Lumberjack Contest Show, a flying “human cannonball” shot from the mouth of a cannon, many activities for children, live music, face-painting, inflatables and more. Food will be served by the LeSauk Lions Club, and proceeds will benefit Sartell schools. The event is sponsored by Liberty Bank Minnesota.

Saturday Parade

The “ Parade” will start at 10 a.m. and will proceed north on Riverside Avenue from Sartell

Street to Seventh Street N., ending at the middle-school area. Eleven bands are scheduled to perform in the parade competition, along with more than 70 parade units. The judges’ stands will be located on Riverside Avenue near the DeZurik plant. Handicapped parking is available in the DeZurik parking lot.


A Great River Bowl Partners Pub Street dance will take place starting at 5 p.m. with music by Radio Nation, featuring Sartell schools’ music director Dave Lumley. The band will start playing at 5:30 p.m. Another band, Diamondback, will take the stage at 8:30 p.m. and perform until 12:30 a.m. The beer garden and food court at Partners’ Pub will open at 5 p.m., a half hour

before the dancing starts. At about 10 p.m. The Blue Line Sports Bar & Grill Fireworks show will begin in the area behind Great River Bowl.

Sunday Golf

The Blackberry Ridge Golf Club will offer a SummerFest Special that will include 18 holes of golf, along with a cart, for $19.07, in honor of 1907, the year Sartell was founded. To register call 320257-4653 or go to


Sartell SummerFest 2016 is made possible by sponsorships from Liberty Bank Minnesota, St. Cloud Orthopedics, The Vein Center, ILoveLiberty. com, Great River Bowl & Partners Pub, Blue Line Sports Bar & Grill and Blackberry Ridge Golf Club.

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, June 3, 2016


Congratulations Class of 2016

To accomplish great things, we must not only act,

but also dream, not only plan, but also believe. ~ Anatole France

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


Alec Adelman

Parents: Chris & Dean I plan to attend University of St. Thomas, St. Paul.

Emily Baxa

Parents: Diana & Donald I plan to attend Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa.

Nathan Boenish

Parents: Susan & Matthew I plan to attend Minnesota State University-Mankato.

Caleb Anderson Parents: Richelle & Eric

Alexandra Becker

Parent: James Becker I plan to attend the College of St. Benedict.

Christopher Braaten-Kapsch Parent: Lisa Braaten & Shawn Kapsch

Chase Anderson Parents: Tammy & Ross

Joseph Becker

Nathan Anderson

Logan Anding

Timothy Asfeld

Parents: Michele & Joseph

Parents: Wendy & Timothy I plan to attend the University of Minnesota Duluth.

Parents: Lori & Gregory I plan to attend the University of Minnesota Duluth.

Charles Beckering

Friday, June 3, 2016

Nicholas Baggenstoss

Parents: Martha & Bruce I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.

Adam Baloun

Parents: Deb & Brian I plan to attend St. John’s University.

Dillion Blommer

Parents: Elizabeth Simoneau & Bill Becker I plan to attend the University of Minnesota- Duluth.

Parent: Pam Beckering I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.

Joshua Behrendt

Parents: Corrine Skoog & John Behrendt I plan to attend St. John’s University.

Kyah Bengston Parents: Elizabeth & Jason

Parents: Patricia & George I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical & Community College.

Parents: Stefanie & Dereck I plan to attend Dunwoody College of Technology, Minneapolis.

Jessee Bramstedt

Nolan Brenhaug

Hannah Brennan

Logan Brookins

Courtney Buley

Maiah Cameron

Parents: Cindi & Dean

Parents: Janna & Paul I plan to attend University of Minnesota-Duluth.

Congratulations Class of 2016!

HEY GRADS! Luther Honda of St. Cloud

Parents: Heather & Patrick I plan to attend University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.

Parents: Pamela & Barry I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical & Community College.

Karissa Bienusa

Parents: Lynn & Chris

Parents: Anne & Troy I plan to attend Concordia College in Moorhead.

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, June 3, 2016

Brittany Casper

Parents: Erin & Rhett I plan to attend Utah Valley University.

Alexis Cottrell

Lynn Chan

Parents: Sarah & Henry

Aaron D’Allesandro

Cullen Chisholm Dilan Christiansen

Parents: Lucy & Luke I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.

Parents: Jenni & Craig I plan to attend University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Michael Davis

Kyle Decker

Jessica Deters

Parents: Melinda Jacobsen & Brandon Cottrell I plan to attend Brainerd Central Lakes College.

Parents: Kelly & Aaron Molitor I plan to join the U.S. Navy.

Parents: Karen & Shon I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical & Community College.

Parents: Rose & Duane I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical & Community College.

Olivia Dols

Devin Douvier

Kianna Doyel

Tatum Duea

Parents: Pamela & Paul I plan to attend either Bethel University in St. Paul or Crown College in St. Bonafacius, Minn.

Amy Conard

Parents: Eve & John I plan to attend St. John’s University.

Parents: Parents: Victoria & Scott Sheri & Ronald I plan to attend Uni- I plan to attend University of North Da- versity of Hawaii Maui. kota, Grand Forks.

Parents: Amiee & Benjamin I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical & Community College to become an automotive service technician.

Parents: Kari & Tim I plan to attend North Dakota State University, Fargo.

Braeden Dykhuizen

Parents: Lynn & Brian I plan to attend University of Minnesota-Duluth.

Kathleen Connolly Parents: Lori & Michael

Diana Deuel


Katchen Conway-Haehn

Parents: Heather & Ryan I plan to attend the College of St. Benedict.

Lindsay Dierkes

Alexyss Corpus Parent: Kelly Rieder

Kacy Dobe

Parents: Estella & David

Parents: Amy Gilchrist & Troy Dierkes I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.

Parents: Diane Schiffler-Dobe & Dave Dobe I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.

Mathew Eisenschenk

Trevor Erickson

Samuel Fandel

Parents: Brenda & Keith I plan to attend Milwaukee (Wis.) School of Engineering.

Parents: Sheri & David I plan to attend University of Denver.

Parents: Kelly & Neil I plan to attend University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


Wyatt Fenlason

Jacob Fernholz

Benjamin Fern

Jacob Fisher

Kaleb Fisher

Parents: Rhonda & Tim

Parents: Julie & Rick I plan to attend the College of St. Scholastica.

Parents: Tamara & Scott I plan to attend St. John’s University.

Parents: Amy & Dean I plan to wait a year before making any definitive plans.

Parents: Amy & Dean Koshiol I plan to attend Concordia College in Moorhead.

Jorah Forthun

McKenzie Fossen

Alyssa Franzmeier

Jacob Fredrickson

Devon Gahlon

Parents: Kari & Kip I plan to attend either St. Cloud Technical & Community College. or St. Cloud State University.

Olivia Garner

Parents: Kelly Cox & Mark Fredrickson

Parents: Noelle & Brian I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical & Community College.

Alyssa Griepentrog

Zakary Guetter

Parents: Paula & Martin I plan to attend Macalester College in St. Paul.

Parents: Kerry O’Neill & Kyle Fossen I plan to attend University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.

Andrew Grant

Ethan Gibb

Parents: Dawn & Jerome I plan to attend University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.

Grandparents: Parents: Paulette Disburg & Louann & Bill I plan to attend MinBrad Alexenko nesota State UniversiI plan to attend ty-Mankato. Montana State University in Bozeman.

Parent: Parents: Shani ChristoNcole Depetro & pher-Wilson Jeremy Guetter I plan to attned Uni- I plan to attend St. versity of Minneso- Cloud Technical & ta-Duluth. Community College.

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Friday, June 3, 2016

Madison Flaherty Amanda Flemming

Morgan Forbes

Parents: Stacie & Robert

Parents: Susan & Jeff I plan to attend Concordia College in Moorhead.

Parents: Julie Blum & Clay Forbes I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical & Community College.

Taylor Gainsforth

Alysa Gallagher

Eden Garman

Colton Gunderson

Anngel Gunion

Parent: Taunja Moe

Parents: Shawn & Brian

Parents: Julie & Scott

Parents: Anna & Allan I plan to take a year off.

Parents: Chris & Robert I plan to attend Concordia University in St. Paul.

Abigail Haehn

Parents: Jill & Michael I plan to complete my generals at St. Cloud Technical & Community College.

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, June 3, 2016

Tessa Hager

Parents: Jennifer HermannCastro & Matthew Hager I plan to attend University of Minnesota-Duluth.

Isaac Hesse

Kira Haglin

Rachel Haider

Parents: Parents: Amy & Kevin Joyce & Keith I plan to attend Min- I plan to attend Minnesota State Universi- nesota State University-Mankato. ty-Mankato.

Nicholas Hill

Wyatt Hill


Robert Hesse & Jennifer Morrissette-Hesse

Parents: Lisa & Kenneth I plan to attend Hamline University in St. Paul.

Parents: Jennifer & Harlan I plan to attend University of Minnesota-Duluth.

Crystal Huston

Matthew Immelman

Kayley Isaacson

Parents: Cecilia & Lowell I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.

Parents: Pamela & Aubrey I plan to attend St. John’s University

Parents: Rebecca & Tom I plan to attend the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul.


Ethan Hanson

Taylor Harren

Hunter Haugeto Parents: Teresa & Daniel Fletcher

Michael Heim

Parents: Sue & Daniel I plan to attend North Dakota State University, Fargo.

Hunter Held

Brianna Hinnenkamp

Miranda Holland

Kiahna Hubert

Tyler Hubert

Jacob Hughes

Parents: Parents: Shawna & Jeffrey Candace & Curtis I plan to attend Uni- I plan to attend St. versity of Minneso- Cloud State Univerta-Twin Cities. sity.

Parents: Michelle Hinnenkamp & Shane Gohman In the future I plan to

Jordan Jacobson

Parents: Angela Hughes & Jonathon Jacobson I plan to Minnesota State University-Mankato.

Parents: Karla & Scott I plan to take a year off to earn money.

Gavin Jansen Parents: Dawn & David

Parents: Jessica Eisenschenk & Berlie Hale

Jonah Jemming Parents: Christine & Brian


Marsha & Matt

Colin Johnson Parents:

Rachel & Ed

Parents: Wendy & Scott

Parents: Tammy & James I plan to attend Minnesota State University-Mankato.

Elli Johnson

Parents: Dawn & Matt Hanson and Jack & Kimberly Johnson I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


Laura Johnson

Taylor Johnson

Johnathan Killmer

Samantha Killmer

Parents: Jean & Jeffrey I plan to attend South Dakota State University in Brookings.

Parents: Amber & Nathan

Austin Krusemark

Parents: Jenny McDanel & Lee Krusemark I plan to attend Alexandria Technical and Community College.

Parents: Linda & Wayne

Jasmine Johnstone

Parents: Angela & Kevin I plan to attend the Model College of Hair Design.

Megan Knutson

Bethany Joul

Alexis Kaas

Tyler Kadlec

Friday, June 3, 2016

Halie Kaufman

Ethan Kiffmeyer

Parents: Brenda & Steven I plan to attend Concordia College in Moorhead.

Parents: Michelle & Steven I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.

Parents: Stephanie & Mark I plan to attend University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

Parents: Teresa & Darren I plan to attend the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul.

Parents: Makenzie Landsberger & David Kiffmeyer I plan to attend St. Scholastica-Duluth.

Christine Koch

Audrey Kotaska

Kevin Krauel

Bree Kreutzer

Gabrielle Kringstad

Parents: Kim & Wayne I plan to attend North Dakota State University in Fargo.

Parents: Christine Berger & Pete Knutson I plan to attend Ridgewater Community College in Willmar.

Parents: JoAnn & Karl I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.

Parents: Melissa Warner & Paul Kotaska I plan to attend St. Catherine University in St. Paul.

Parents: Chad & Susan I plan to attend University of Minnesota-Duluth.

Parents: Tiffany Belland & Scott Kreutzer

Parent: Andi & Dane

Garrett Kukowski

McKenna Lalim

Olivia Lamont

Jillian Lawson

Trenton LeMieur

Cole Lewis

Jacob Lieberg

Parent: Kristi Yates

Parents: Mary Jo & Kraig

Parents: Carey & Jared

Parents: Lisa & Michael I plan to attend University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

Parents: Angela & Thomas I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.

Parents: Karin & Phillip I plan to attend St. Cloud Tech.

Parents: Julie & Michael I plan to attend South Dakota State University.

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, June 3, 2016


Parents: Amy & Scott I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.

Parents: Mary Kay & John I plan to attend University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

Parents: Linda & Brian I plan to attend Bemidji State University.

Parents: Diane & David I plan to attend University of Minnesota-Duluth.

Parents: Cynthia & Keith I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.

Keenan Lund

Parents: Megan & William

Anthony Lunde Parents: Veronica & Heath

Parents: Madonna & Kevin I plan to attend Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Va.

Erik Maas

Melissa Maas

Sara Maas

Madison Marthaler

Daniel Matveyev

Collin May

Madison McGrew

Chase Meyers

Anna Lindell

Nicole Lindmeier

Gabrielle Linn

Parents: Madonna & Kevin I plan to attend Arizona State University in Tempe.

Parents: Madonna & Kevin I plan to attend Loyola University in Chicago.

Parents: Leslie & Matt I plan to attend Winona State University.

Matthew Michaud

Claire Miller

Elise Miller

Parents: Shelly Smith & John Michaud I plan to attend St. John’s University.

Parents: Debra & Todd

Parents: Debra & Todd I plan to attend the University of Minnesota College of Biological Sciences.

Sydney Lloyd

Parents: Carrie Gasperlin & Keith Marthaler

Justin Miller

Parents: Jennifer Landgreen & Tim Miller I plan to enroll in the U.S. Army.

Emily Locnikar

Bridget Maas

Parents: Galina & Aleksandr

Parents: Lisa & Duane I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.

Parents: Andrea & Chris

Parents: Lori & Kevin I plan to attend University of North Dakoita, Grand Forks.

Jonathon Mills

Clare Minnerath

Madison Molitor

Matthew Moran

Parents: Michelle & Jon I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.

Parents: Sylvia & Dale I plan to attend Providence (R.I.) College.

Parents: Kimberly & Troy I plan to attend San Diego (Calif.) State University.

Parents: Kris & Ron I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


Cole Moritz

Karissa Muehring

Parents: Michele & Trevor I plan to attend North Dakota School of Science in Wahpeton.

Parents: Deb & Greg I plan to attend Bemidji State University.

Chelsea Nies

Tyler Nies

Bailey Mumm

Parents: Tonya & Michael I plan to attend Minnesota State University-Mankato.

Reese Nordin

Katherine Muntifering

Parents: Kathleen & Mark I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.

Gavin Oftedahl

Mitchell Murtley

Parent: David Murtley I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.

Grant Olson

Jonah Nebosis

Friday, June 3, 2016

Christen Neil

Parents: Parents: Beth & Kevin Deborah & Timothy I plan to attend St. I plan to attend St. Cloud State UniverJohn’s University. sity.

Kayla Olson

Parker Olson

Katie Pierskalla

Tyler Prasnicki

Parents: Rhonda & Roy I plan to attend Winona State University.

Parent: Jennifer Peters

Parents: Shelly & Paul I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.

Parents: Nicole & Eric I plan to attend University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.

Parents: Parents: Parents: Brenda & Roger Amie & Ross Kristin & Kyle I plan to attend Uni- I plan to attend Uni- I plan to attend St. versity of Wiscon- versity of Minneso- Cloud State University. ta-Twin Cities. sin-Madison.

Samuel Overland

Matthew Partch

Paige Pawlenty

Logan Pedersen

Gavin Pfefffer

Parents: Angela & Royce

Parents: Denise & Brad

Parents: Mary Jo & Kenneth I plan to attend University of St. Thomas in St. Paul and major in accounting.

Parents: Janice & Dan

Parents: Lisa Root, John & Amber Pfeffer

Parents: Maggie & Kevin

Parents: Mary & DeWayne I plan to attend St. Cloud State University.

Carter Neuenschwander

Parents: Kim George & Rod Neuenschwander I plan to attend University of St. Thomas in St. Paul.

Zachary Omann

Parents: Barb & Peter I plan to attend St. John’s University.

Gopi Ramanathan

Parents: Vasugi & Gajendranathan


Cold Spring Monticello Princeton Sauk Centre



Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, June 3, 2016

Bethany Reber

Taylor Regnier

Parents: Karen & John

Parents: Tammy & Chad I plan to attend St. Paul College.

Morgan Rohlfs

Jordan Roller

Addison Rengel

Parents: Lois & Mathew I plan to attend University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

Cody Rose

Matthew Rickers

Kathryn Ringhand

Lauren Rutten

Jacob Sanderson

Parents: Deborah & Thomas I plan to attend North Dakota State University, Fargo.

Parents: Shirley & Mark I plan to attend University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

Parents: Chrstine & Bradley I plan to attend South Dakota State University in Brookings.

Parents: Joyce & Trace I plan to attend Northland College in Ashland, Wis.

Parent: Kimberly Rose I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.

Parents: Alison & Bradley I plan to attend North Dakota State University, Fargo.

Parents: Lisa & Robert I plan to attend St. Cloud State University for freshman year and then University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

Kaylee Schelonka

Derek Schmidt

Alyssa Schoon

Jake Schramel

Rachael & Joseph

Doreen & Karl

Kempton Schneider


I plan to attend University of Wisconsin-River Falls.


I plan to. attend University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

Parents: Cori & Scott I plan to attend Montana State University in Bozeman.

Parents: Lisa Haro & James Schoon

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Parents: Kelli & Jody I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College. for the electrical program.


Rose Rodriguez

Garrett Roelofs

Spencer Sathre

Reid Schaefer

Travis Schroeder

Adam Schroer

Parents: Parents: Terri & Anthony Suzanne & Brian I plan to attend the I plan to attend College of St. Ben- Montana State Uniedict. versity-Bozeman.

Parents: Parents: Susan & James Denise & Robert I plan to attend South I plan to attend St. Dakota State Univer- Cloud State University in Billings. sity.

Parents: Parents: Louann Dummich & Elizabeth & Paul I plan to attend UniAaron Schroeder I plan to join the Minnesota versity of MinnesoArmy National Guard and ta-Duluth. attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.

Dawson Rogers

Parents: Meredith & Peter I plan to attend University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Nicole Schefers

Parents: Elaine & Kelly I plan to attend Minnesota State University-Mankato.

Jacob Schumacher

Parents: Nicole & Jesse Douvier I plan to attend University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


Peter Schumer

Mark Siekawitch

Abigail Silman

Parents: Marilyn & James I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.

Parents: Elizabeth & Larry I plan to. attend either Northwestern University or St. Cloud Technical and Community College.

Parents: Danette & Joseph I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.

Robert Sobania

Joselyn Specht

McKenzie Specht

Parents: Heather & Joseph I plan to attend University of Wisconsin-Stout.

Parents: Lisa & Shane I plan to attend Grand Canyon University in Phoenix.

Brianna Steffes

Joseph Steinberg

Parents: Sherry & Terry I plan to attend Winona State University.

Parents: Becky & Mat I plan to attend North Dakota State University, Fargo..

Katelyn Sinn

Parents: Kristi & Brad I plan to attend Iowa State University in Ames.

Alex Spoden

Parents: Deanna & William I plan to attend Minnesota State University-Mankato.

Parents: Michelle & Chad I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.

Jake Stodolka

Benjamin Strom

Parents: Tracy Winters & Kenneth Stodolka I plan to attend University of Minnesota-Duluth.

Parents: Tanya & Chad

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Zachary Sinn

Parents: Kristi & Brad I plan to attend St. John’s University.

Katelyn Stalboerger

Parents: Deb & Chris I plan to attend the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.

Ashley Stumvoll Parents: Michelle Harter & Mark Stumvoll

Molly Skoog

Parents: Beth Johnston & Gregory Skoog

McKenzie Stanley

Friday, June 3, 2016

Theresa Slivnik

Parents: Annette & Frank II plan to attend the College of St. Benedict.

Amy Steffen

Markia Smith

Parents: Ruth & David I plan to attend Northland College in Ashland, Wis.

Tyler Steffen

Parent: Diane Stanley I plan to attend University of Wisconsin-River Falls.

Parents: Lori Vold & Robert Steffen I plan to attend University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

Parents: Lori Vold & Robert Steffen I plan to attend University of Minnesota-Duluth.

Austin Sura

Shelby Teske

Makaela Towner

Parents: Michelle & Rick I plan to attend University of Notre Dame in Indiana.

Parents: Beth & Rick

Parents: Carrie Gramke & Emil Towner

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, June 3, 2016

Katlin Traut

Parents: Brenda Wenning & Kary Traut

Hunter Welsh Parents: Melissa & Tod

Thomas Trnka

Parents: Lisa & Mike I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.

Justin Weyer

Parents: Michelle & Mark

Tron Trondson Parents: Terri & Tron

Olivia Wheeler

Alyssa Vande Vrede

Parents: Cathy & Adam I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College for pre-optometry.

Joseph Whitney

Parents: Connie & Kevin

Parents: Julie & Daniel

Michael VolgmanMercuri

Madison Vonderahe

Parents: Mary Ellen & Albert I plan to attend Gustavus Adolphus.

Ali Wicklund

Parents: Rebecca & Adam I plan to attend Minneapolis College of Art and Design.

Parents: Melinda & Adam

Taelyre Winegar

Parents: Heather Winegar & Adrian Miller and Jenifer & Daniel Encinger I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.


Georgia Ward

Chandler Welle

Jesse Winkelman

Hannah Wohletz

Parent: Gregory

Parents: Jaclyn Opatz & Timothy Winkelman

Parents: Paige & Ron

Parents: Sandra & Frank I plan to attend the College of St. Benedict.

Congratulations Class of 2016! Not pictured:

This graduation edition brought to you by:

Isabel Drake Hannah Ronyak

Hannah Yackley

Parents: Dawn Scott-Yackley & Jonathan Yackley I plan to attend University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

Nicole Yang

Parents: Cristen & Henry I plan to attend University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

Wyatt Zapzalka

Parents: Stacey & Bradley I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College for automotive services training.

Ryan Zayas

Parents: Jennifer & Ruben I plan to attend St. Cloud Technical and Community College.

Bryce Walters

2016 National Honor Society Kathleen Connolly Jessica Deters Mathew Eisenschenk Samuel Fandel Amanda Flemming McKenzie Fossen Eden Garman Alyssa Griepentrog Michael Heim Nicholas Hill Halie Kaufman Samantha Killmer Kevin Krauel

Jacob Lieberg Anna Lindell Nicole Lindmeier Gabrielle Linn Bridget Maas Matthew Michaud Elise Miller Clare Minnerath Madison Molitor Bailey Mumm Gavin Oftedahl Grant Olson Kayla Olson

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


o s s a l C

6 1 0 f2

Friday, June 3, 2016

Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, June 3, 2016



Full service hotel seeking experienced Cooks to prepare delicious food for guests to be served in the banquet facility, restaurant or bar and grill. Placement will be dependent on previous training and experience (Sous Chef, Line Cook and Prep Cook). Previous kitchen and supervisory experience is required. photo by Ben Sehnert

LuBell Kendall (left) and Brianna Inkster watch the process by which the human body digests a golf ball. Kendall and Inkster were guests of Stearns History Museum for the opening of “Healthyville” May 26 at the museum.

New exhibit to focus on children’s health by Ben Sehnert

After an afternoon of opening its doors to area schoolchildren, the Stearns History Museum celebrated the arrival of its newest exhibit with sponsors and museum members on the evening of May 26. The exhibit, entitled “Healthyville,” is geared primarily toward families, teaching them the importance of exercise and nutrition through multiple interactive displays. “Healthyville” represents a new kind of endeavor for the museum, focusing on children’s health rather than history. Jim Davis, the museum’s chief executive officer, explained that in the future people might expect to see exhibits similar to “Healthyville” more often. “In our strategic plan, we began to look at the potential of a children’s wing in order to approach children and get them engaged in the museum’s activities,” Davis said. “To see how the market would react to a children’s wing, we thought it would be good to bring an exhibit to town on a rental basis.” The exhibit’s focus on healthy living coincides with the nationwide push to combat pediatric obesity. As a response to the concerns about inadequate exercise and poor nutrition, the Stepping Stones Museum for Children in Norwalk, Conn. developed “Healthyville” as a traveling exhibit that supports the maintenance of healthy lifestyles.

The exhibit has already moved across the nation, coming to the St. Cloud area from San Jose, Calif. Ann Meline, who conducted the search that selected Healthyville as a potential exhibit, is the museum’s chief operating officer. The exhibit’s emphasis on health and its interactive approach convinced her to bring it to Stearns History Museum. “We have never had a children’s exhibit in Central Minnesota, so this is a treat,” she said. “It’s really unique for the area and fits into community initiatives such as healthy living.” The sponsors and friends of the museum had nothing but praise for the exhibit after experiencing the various displays for themselves. Museum guests could balance meals and exercise on a scale, pin muscles on a diagram of the human body and select recipes for several tempting (but healthy) meal choices. CentraCare Health is the presenting sponsor and has collaborated with Stearns History Museum in bringing the exhibit to St. Cloud. The aims of the exhibit complement CentraCare’s own health initiatives, making the partnership between the museum and the healthcare provider an excellent match. “Pediatric obesity is a problem CentraCare has been addressing primarily through the BLEND program,” said John Schnettler, CentraCare Health’s director of marketing. “We have seen progress in improving rates of pediatric obesity,

but it continues to be a focal point for the CentraCare Health Foundation. Healthyville fits perfectly with CentraCare’s own mission of promoting wellness and disease prevention.” However, in order to achieve this goal, Healthyville speaks not only to the children but to adults. Many of the displays are informative both for children and for those who buy the groceries. According to CentraCare Clinic President Dr. David Tilstra, this ability to speak to both children and parents is essential. “In any family, everybody needs to be involved in order to change what they do,” Tilstra said. “Even though the exhibit is targeted to children, parents will learn something from this if they are willing to take a look and interact with the exhibit.” Museum members who visited the exhibit also enjoyed interacting with the displays and admired the exhibit’s timely message. “Very well done and informative,” said LuBell Kendall, a longtime friend of the museum. “It’s colorful and grabs your attention. We especially need this for kids because people don’t always make the best choices for their health.” The Healthyville exhibit will be open to the public at Stearns History Museum until Sept. 4. The exhibit is bilingual (English/Spanish). The cost of tickets for those who are not members of the museum is $7 for adults and $3 for children.

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


Friday, June 3, 2016

Apple Duathlon


photos by Dennis Dalman

Counterclockwise starting above: Sartell Apple Duathlon co-directors Lisa Bollinger and Adam Konczewski greet and congratulate duathletes as they cross the finish line May 28 at Sartell Middle School; Duathlete Steve Sander of Eden Prarie, who did both the running and biking portions of the Sartell Apple Duathlon, is welcomed across the finish line by his son, Evan. Sander. Steve finished 16th overall in the race with a finish time of 1:33:26.90; Matthew Payne, overall winner of the Sartell Apple Duathlon, crosses the finish line with a time of 01:22:28.96, which was slightly longer than his time last year when he was also the winner of the event. Payne hails from Golden Valley.; After a grueling final run, Diane Hankee crosses the finish line. Hankee, of Lino Lakes, was the top female winner of the race with a time of 1:34:53.72; Two winners congratulate each other just minutes after crossing the finish line of the Sartell Apple Duathlon. Dani Vsetecka of Rochester (left) came in second of the many female participants in the race, and Hankee was the top female winner.

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, June 3, 2016


photo by Dennis Dalman

Some of the earliest finishers enjoy water, energy drinks and conversation at the finish line area of the Sartell Apple Duathlon May 28. Fourth from left is the overall winner of the race, Matthew Payne of Golden Valley. Second from right is Larry Hosch of St. Joseph, who, along with a teammate, won the men’s relay-team division. Hosch, a former St. Joseph mayor and former State House representative, rode the 33-mile biking portion of the race, mainly because of an Achille’s-tendon injury, which will keep him from running for five weeks.

Payne, Hankee win Apple Duathlon – again by Dennis Dalman

It was a virtual déjà vu when Matthew Payne crossed the finish line first, followed shortly afterward by Payne Patrick Parish at the 34th annual Sartell Apple Duathlon May 28 at Sartell Middle School. The top overall win- Hankee ner, Payne, also won last year’s Apple, and Parish came in second place last year too. Payne, 39, of Golden Val- Hosch ley won with a time of 01:22:28.96. Parish, 31, of Minneapolis, crossed the line at 01:22:56.50 – less than

30 seconds after Payne. Third overall winner was Wade Cruser, 29 of Sauk Rapids, with a time of 01:36:56.22. Diane Hankee, 39, of Lino Lakes, was the female winner of the Apple, with a time of 1:34:53.72. It was her second Apple win, a race she said she has competed in “six or seven times” throughout the years. Second was Dani Vsetecka, 32, of Rochester, at 01:35:15.43; and Susie Fox, 33, of Chaska, was third with 01:36:56.22. Nearly 300 duathletes participated in the event. Many of the participants were Sartell residents, and some of them won in various age categories. Pam Stevens, for instance, was first in her age division of females ages 60-64. Her husband, Daryl Stevens, came in second of his age division of 70-74. For many years the Stevenses were the directors of the Sartell Apple Duathlon, years during which it became known as one of the most admired and prestigious duathlons in the nation. The Apple is a 5k run, a 33k bike course and another 5k run. On the morning of May 28,

the current co-directors, Adam Konczewski and Lisa Bollinger, greeted and congratulated the duathletes as they crossed the finish line. Many commented on the nice, cool weather that made the race less grueling than usual. “It was an awesome race because of the beautiful weather,” said top winner Payne. “It was ideal for me.” Payne, the father of two children, is an electrical engineer.

Relay winners

Larry Hosch of St. Joseph was a relay winner who did the biking portion of the Apple. “It was good,” he said. “I put out the numbers I was hoping to get.” Hosch and his running teammate, Steve Pekarek, finished first in the two-member team category with a time of 1:25:08.88. Their team is dubbed Team Rocket. Second was Team PikusSchmitz (Matt Schmitz of Woodbury and Chris Pikus of Minneapolis) and third was Team Px2 (Steve Pleghaar of Elk River and Joe Palicaka of Ramsey). The winning female relay

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team was Team Twinning So Hard!, with a tie of 01:37:26.14. Its members were Cheri Bates of Sauk Rapids and Marey Scully of Hastings. Finishing in second place was Team Grade A Teachers (Jennifer Olson of Rice and Shannon Houghton of Sartell). Third was Team Just Duel It! (Jessica Paul of Sauk Rapids and Cricket Vierzba of St. Cloud. The co-ed winning teams were first place Call Me An Uber (names not specified) with a time of 01:41:43:40; second place Minds Over Matter of St. Cloud (names not specified) and third place Pavlov’s Army (Jon Kern of St. Cloud and Beth Flynn of Sartell). The three-person relay team winners were Team Raldree of Minneapolis (names not specified) in first place at 1:37:55.55; The Three Amigos of Maple Grove (names not specified) in second place; and Trip ‘n’ Fall (Ryan Hunstiger of Golden Valley and Katie and Sean Bailey of Sartell).

Kids’ race

The Kids’ Apple Duathlon took place the night before the

adult race, on Friday, May 27, also at Sartell Middle School. The overall winners of the 77 participants in the ages 6-10 division were first-place Faith Quinn, 9, of Winona with a time of 13:36.17; second-place Bella Farrow, 8, of Rochester; and thirdplace Ryan Karls, 7, of St. Cloud. The winners of the girls’ division were Faith Quinn, Farrow (see also overall winners above) and Madden Quinn, 9, of St. Cloud. The winners of the boys’ division, ages 6-10, were Ryan Karls, 7, of St. Cloud with a time of 14:35.67; Bennett Brown, 9, of Plymouth; and Noah Johnson, 8, of Rochester. The overall winners in the ages 11-16 division were firstplace Johnny Nemeth, 10, of Sartell with a time of 23:27.16; Macy Iyer, 12, of Edina; and Jacob Lemke, 13, of Sartell. There were 38 participants in the ages 11-16 category. The Kids’ Apple Duathlon offers two courses, a short one and a longer one with a maximum of a 4.5-mile biking portion sandwiched between two .5 mile runs.

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •


Community Calendar

Is your event listed? Send your information to: Newsleader Calendar, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374; fax it to 320-363-4195; or, e-mail it to news@thenewsleaders. com.

Friday, June 3 Benton County Historical Society, Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320253-9614. St. Joseph Area Historical Society open, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Old City Hall, 25 First Ave. NW. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2. Saturday, June 4 Brinkman’s Farmers’ Market, 8 a.m.-noon, First Street and Second Avenue next to Manea’s Meats, downtown Sauk Rapids. Sartell High School Commencement, 7:30 p.m., 748 Seventh St. N. Monday, June 6 Benton County Historical Society, Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320253-9614. Market Monday, 3-6:30 p.m., parking lot of Hardware Hank, Seventh St. N., Sartell. marketmonday. org. Sartell Lions Club, 7 p.m., upstairs of Blue Line Sports Bar andAU TO M O B I L E S / M OTO RC Y C L E S WANTED MOTORCYCLES: TOP CASH PAID! For Old Motorcycles! 1900-1979. DEAD OR ALIVE! 920-371-0494 (MCN) FOR SALE BUILDING MATERIALS WHY OVERPAY? FACTORY DIRECT! BUILDINGS MUST GO 1-45’X75’ 1-50’X125’ 1-65’X125 GRAIN 1-99’X258’ May Split 1-800-411-5866 Ext255 Call Today & Save Thousands! (MCN) ADOPTION PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical, and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. 855-390-6047 (MCN) *ADOPTION:* At-Home-Mom, Education Consultant, Financially Secure Family, Outdoor Adventures, Travel awaits 1st baby. Expenses paid*1-800844-1670* (MCN) Birthmothers, Planning an Adoption? Unique Adoptions can help. We have an excellent Adoption program. Choose from open or closed, select adoptive family. Financial Assistance. Ask about 4-day recovery packages. Call 24/7 to speak to an adoption specialist. 1-888-637-8200 (Void in IL) (MCN) A childless loving couple seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on parents. Financial security. Expenses paid. Todd & Sharon. toddandsharonadopt@hotmail. com 1-844-377-4077 (MCN) ANNOUNCEMENTS Benton County “Countryfest”! Little Texas & Lee Roy Parnell plus 2 special guests-Sat., June 4, starting at 4 p.m. at the Benton County Fairgrounds, Vinton, Iowa. For complete information www. (MCN) AUTOMOBILES DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free

Grill, 1101 Second St. S., Sartell. 320-248-3240.

Tuesday, June 7 55+ Driver Improvement (fourhour refresher course), 8:30 a.m.12:30 p.m., Life Assembly of God, 2409 Clearwater Road, St. Cloud. Wednesday, June 8 St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce, 11:30 a.m., St. Joseph Community Fire Hall, 323 Fourth Ave. NE. Thursday, June 9 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, 520 First St. NE, Sartell. Sartell-Sauk Rapids Moms’ Club, Lutheran Church, 1500 Pinecone Road N., Sartell. Family Farmers’ Market, 2-6 p.m., River East parking lot, CentraCare Health Plaza, 1900 CentraCare Circle, St. Cloud. 320-2522422. St. Cloud Area Mothers of Multiples, 7 p.m., VFW Granite Post 428, 9 18th Ave. N., St. Cloud. Brigadoon, performed by Homeschool Educated Youth, 7 p.m., Sartell High School (Auditorium), 748 7th St. N. Friday, June 10 Brat Sale, sponsored by the St. Joseph Lions, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. N.W. 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 1-800-283-0205 (MCN) DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-752-6680 (MCN) EMPLOYMENT/HELP WANTED Experienced CDL-A TRUCK DRIVERS. Great pay and benefits. Driver friendly. All miles paid. Upper Midwest Region. Family run for over 75 years. Home when needed. Nice equipment. WWW. MCFGTL.COM Call now 507-437-9905 (MCN) Fuller Brush Co. Distributors Needed. Start your own Home Based Business! Looking for people to earn extra money servicing people in your areas. No investment required. Call 800-882-7270 (MCN) MAKE $1,000 WEEKLY! Paid in advance! Mailing Brochures at Home! Easy pleasant work. Begin Immediately! Age unimportant! (MCN) OWNER OPERATORS wanted. Paid all miles. No touch freight. Many operating discounts. Family run business for 75 years. Many bonuses and good home time. Direct deposit paid weekly. Call 800-533-0564 ext.205 (MCN) MAKE $1000 Weekly!! Mailing Brochures From Home. Helping home workers since 2001. No Experience Required. Start Immediately! www.centralmailing. net (VOID IN SD, WI) (MCN) CAREER TECHNICIAN/MECHANIC Join a great staff and work with friendly customers at our well-established, family-owned Vehicle Sales and Repair business in Northeast Iowa! Full-time position. Experience, schooling and certification preferred. Great working environment. Competitive pay. Benefit package. Paid holidays and vacation. Check us out on Facebook. Call for an application, 563-547-9994. Northeast

Benton County Historical Society, Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320253-9614. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2 Libertyville! sponsored by Liberty Bank Minnesota, 5 p.m., Pine Meadow Elementary, 1029 Fifth St. N., Sartell. 320-252-2841. Brigadoon, performed by Homeschool Educated Youth, 7 p.m., Sartell High School (Auditorium), 748 Seventh St. N. Saturday, June 11 Brinkman’s Farmers’ Market, 8 a.m.-noon, First Street and Second Avenue next to Manea’s Meats, downtown Sauk Rapids. Brat Sale, sponsored by the St. Joseph Lions, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 First Ave. N.W. 55+ Driver Improvement (fourhour refresher course), 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Miller Auto Plaza (Community Room), 2930 Second St. S., St. Cloud. Central Minnesota Chapter of the Federation of the Blind of Minnesota, 12:30 p.m., American Legion, 17 Second Ave. N., Waite Park. Brigadoon, performed by Homeschool Educated Youth, 2 p.m., Sartell High School (Auditorium), 748 Seventh St. N.

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Friday, June 3, 2016 LEGAL NOTICES

CITY OF SARTELL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REZONING AND THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SANDSTONE VILLAGE 2 PLAT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Development. Both public hearings the Sartell City Council will hold a have been requested by RST Land public hearing at 6 p.m., or as soon LLC, as applicant. The site is located thereafter as the matter may be just north and east of County Road heard, Monday, June 13 in the coun- 4, west of 19th Avenue and formally cil chambers of the Sartell City Hall, known as Sandstone Village. to consider the rezoning and preliminary plat of Sandstone Village 2 Plat. Mary Degiovanni The request is to rezone the property Administrator from R-3 Multiple-Family-Residential District to R-5 Planned-Unit Publish: June 3, 2016 CITY OF SARTELL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ON APPLICATIONS FOR INTERIM-USE PERMITS COBORN’S ANNUAL EVENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN including an annual greenhouse, That the Sartell City Council will produce tent and customer apprehold a public hearing at 6:30 p.m., ciation days at the Coborn’s stores or as soon thereafter as the matter at 707 First Ave. N. and the Supermay be heard, on Monday, June store at 1725 Pinecone Road S. 13 in the council chambers of the Sartell City Hall, to consider in- Mary Degiovanni terim-use permits as requested by City Administrator Coborn’s Inc., which would allow for seasonal outdoor sales areas, Publish: June 3 , 2016 CITY OF SARTELL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR AN INTERIM-USE PERMIT St. Benedict’s Senior Community DBA Chateau Waters NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Sartell City Council will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, on Monday, June 13 in the council chambers of the Sartell City Hall, to consider an interim-use permit allowing for a seasonal outdoor dining patio, as ment needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control. FREE ESTIMATES! Call 1-800640-8195 (MCN) A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-800-442-5148 (MCN) Switch to DIRECTV and get a $100 Gift Card. FREE Whole-Home Genie HD/ DVR upgrade. Starting at $19.99/mo. New Customers Only. Don’t settle for cable. Call Now 1-800-203-4378 (MCN) 19.99/mo. for DIRECTV - HD Channels + Genie HD DVR + 3 months FREE HBO, SHOW, MAX & STARZ + FREE NFL Sunday Ticket! Call Now 1-888552-7314 (MCN) ADT Security protects your home & family from “what if” scenarios. Fire, flood, burglary or carbon monoxide, ADT provides 24/7 security. Don’t wait! Call Now! 1-888-607-9294 (MCN)

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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, June 3, 2016

Police seek info Stigmas in shooting incident from page 4

Sartell police are still trying to determine how a man suffered a gun shot to his hip May 25. On that evening, St. Cloud police were informed by the St. Cloud Hospital a man had been admitted for treatment of a gunshot wound. The man is Scott A. Larson, 49, of Big Lake. Further investigation revealed Larson had been shot

in the hip at about 10:25 p.m. in an area at 119 LeSauk Drive in Sartell. When questioned by police, Larson was uncooperative, but he did tell them the shooting was “accidental.” Police also learned he had been shot with a .22 caliber gun. The incident is still under investigation. Anyone who knows more about the incident should call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186.


CITY OF SARTELL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF INTERNAL DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTS Lot 8 and 9, Block 1, Arbor Trails NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN upon motion of the city council of Sartell, Minn. a public hearing will be held before the city council of Sartell, Minn., at 6 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Monday, June 13 in the council chambers at the Sartell City Hall, to hear all persons present upon the proposed vacation

of certain internal drainage and utility easements located between two lots. The purpose of the vacation(s) are to consolidate the two lots into one. Mary Degiovanni City Administrator Publish: June 3, 2016


Join our team! Von Meyer Publishing seeks a full-time, experienced advertising sales representative for three local, weekly newspapers and one website serving the greater St. Cloud region. A successful candidate will be: a self-starter, highly motivated and excited to be on the bleeding edge of print and digital advertising. Qualifications include: 3-5 years in advertising sales, extensive experience in the greater St. Cloud region and previous experience selling digital advertising. Resumes and cover letters can be addressed to Logan Gruber, operations manager, at For any questions, call 320-363-7741.

of this disease. To those who struggle with mental illness, I am your advocate. I understand. I am proud you were brave enough to get out of bed this morning. Some days, you feel like you can take on the world, and other days it takes you three hours to decide you need to get in the shower. You are strong, even when you feel weak. I have

found people with mental illness to be the most genuine, caring souls I’ve ever known. This disease will give you a perspective you cannot learn any other way. To those who have loved ones who struggle with mental illness, educate yourselves. Take classes, read books, find resources. My mother has dedicated herself to learning about my illness, to preparing herself so she knows how to act when I feel a certain way. Because of her proactivity and her knowledge, she’s my safe place. She’s the person I long for

23 when my heart aches. Be a haven. Be aware. Above all, do not ignore. Take action. Support. Understand. These behaviors cannot cure a disease, but they can save a life. Sehnert is a 2014 graduate of the College of St. Benedict with a degree in political science and communications. She currently resides in Sartell. In her spare time, she enjoys nature walks, watching films, spontaneous explorations and being a supportive cat mom.


Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •

Friday, June 3, 2016

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