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Newsleader Sartell
Friday, June 6, 2014 Volume 19, Issue 23 Est. 1995
Town Crier
St. Stephen sets Centennial Planning meeting
The St. Stephen Centennial is planned for July 18-20. A meeting will take place at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, June 8 at City Hall. No Parking Signs will be assembled – bring your stapler. Can’t attend but want to volunteer? Contact the St. Stephen clerk at 320-290-0424.
Movies in the Park begins June 12
Come snuggle up outside in your blanket or lawn chair and enjoy an outdoor cinema experience. BankVista presents Movies in the Park June 12 and Aug. 21 at Pinecone Central Park, 1105 Central Park Blvd., Sartell. The June 12 movie is Up; Aug. 21 movie is Despicable Me. Movies start 15 minutes after sunset. Bring a snack or purchase one from the concession stand. This event is free.
ATV riders can explore Minnesota trails for free New trail atlas available to help with trip planning
Minnesotans with all-terrain vehicles registered for private or agricultural use won’t need to pay the additional registration fee to ride the state’s public ATV trails on Saturday, June 7, and Sunday, June 8. Out-of-state riders can explore Minnesota ATV trails that weekend as well, without the need for a nonresident trail pass. This is the second year Minnesota is providing ATV riders with free access to more than 3,000 miles of state forest and grant-in-aid trails during “No Registration Weekend.” Several riding destinations are featured in a new 72-page OffHighway Vehicle Trail Atlas. The atlas includes maps, descriptions, parking and other information for 51 state and GIA trails for ATVs, off-highway motorcycles and offroad vehicles. For more information, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on June 6 Criers.
CMAB to showcase artists during June 13 art crawl
The Central Minnesota Arts Board showcase to be held Friday, June 13 during the St. Cloud Art Crawl at Falcon National Bank will feature Established Artists Award recipient: Larry Schug, Avon, and Samuel Spiczka, Sauk Rapids; Emerging Artist Award recipients include Heidi Jeub, St. Cloud, and Johnne McMahan and Jill Dubbeldee Kuhn, both of St. Joseph, and others; and Artist Career Development recipients including JD Jorgenson, Avon, Chuck Norwood, St. Cloud, and more. For more information, visit and click on June 6 Criers.
For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.
Postal Patron
Park’s grand opening brings praise, thanks by Dennis Dalman
help Sartell move forward for decades, places, with not enough playing fields Perske said, noting that for many years of their own. so many Sartell children had to leave Perske said that without the halfThey built it, they came and they’re still the city to play games on fields in other Park • page 6 coming – by the thousands. The success of the baseball fields in Pinecone Central Park echo the one in the famed movie Field of Dreams, as Greg Neeser pointed out during a May 30 grand opening of the park. Neeser is one of three Sartell businessmen who formed the Pinecone Central Park Association. Through a partnership with the City of Sartell, Neeser, Paul J. Hanson and Gordy Meyer developed and built facilities in the park. The nearly 40 acres of private golf-course land was purchased in 2008 by the city with money from the half-cent regional sales tax. Last Friday’s grand opening, emceed by Sartell resident Pat Edeburn, took place at the park’s large concession stand, dubbed Park Café. About 75 people gathered there to hear speeches from many people involved with development of the park. Sartell Mayor Joe Perske said, “This is contributed photo the happiest and one of the greatest days A flurry of high-fives followed the Sartell Muskie’s first-place win in the Omann Sartell has ever had.” Baseball Tournament last weekend. See page 3 for team photo. The park and its athletic facilities will
Muskies clinch tourney title
So far, four have filed for city positions Nicoll
So far, as of press time this week, only one person has filed to run for the position of Sartell mayor, and three people have filed for two city-council seats. Another candidate, Dustin Johnson, filed but then withdrew because, being under 21, he later learned he is not old enough to qualify – candidates must be age 21 or older.
The filing deadline was 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 3. Filings opened May 20. Sarah Jane Nicoll, a current council member, filed for the mayor slot. Another current council member, David Peterson, filed for re-election. The two others who filed for council seats are former council member Pat Lynch and newcomer Bill Fahrney.
The seats that will be up for election Nov. 4 are those now held by Peterson and Nicoll. Thus, two of the three who filed will be elected to the atlarge seats. To file for mayor or council, a person must be at least 21 years of age and a resident of Sartell for at least 30 days before the general election in November.
Sports, faith can counter adversities by Dennis Dalman
With only one lung, Pat Forte said he can still ride a bicycle downhill as good as ever, but going uphill is the toughest part. His audiences always get a good laugh with that line – a line that encompasses Forte’s attitude about how he’s learned to live life – with persistence, practice, hard work and good humor. Recently, Forte gave an inspirational pep talk to a gathering of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Sartell High School. Forte, a Sartell resident, is a teacher who is currently on leave from Kennedy Community School in St. Joseph. For years, a virulent form of cancer dogged Forte’s heels,
but he fought back and won after a doctor told him he had six months at most to live. And that was eight years ago. The rare cancer has the dread-sounding name of thymic carcinoid cancer, so rare there have been only 200 cases of it reported worldwide. Doctors removed Forte’s right lung, then he underwent radiation, chemotherapy and a whole series of tests and other procedures. As the tumors spread rapidly, the treatments became more intense. Those painful endurance tests came on top of the 16 knee surgeries he needed. Everyone he knew – even strangers – asked Forte how he did it? How in the world could he face such a bleak prognosis, endure pain and weakness, and then seem to bounce right
contributed photo
After an inspirational talk by teacher, coach and cancer survivor Pat Forte, members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes gathered to say a prayer for the graduating seniors at Sartell High School. back? athlete and coach. One such Through it all, Forte reminds lesson is this: If you strike out, others he relied upon the in- don’t get discouraged; rather, nate lessons he’d absorbed live to fight again another day. Forte • page 10 through his many years as an
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, June 6, 2014
Lot-use amendments again bring concerns by Dennis Dalman
Zoning-ordinance amendments regarding impervious surfaces submitted by Sartell city staff were once again the basis for concerns from city council members at a meeting held late 2013. At an earlier meeting, which was a public hearing on the ordinance, the council agreed to table any decision on the proposed ordinance changes until a future meeting. However, the same questions and concerns surfaced once again. City staff, based on input from the Sartell Planning Commission, recommended a maximum impervious surface of 45 percent per lot for single-family homes and townhomes. The current maximum area is 40 percent. The planning commission recently recommended that be changed to 50 percent. Sartell City Planner and Development Director Anita Rasmussen told the council city staff decided 45 percent would be an acceptable compromise. Up to 35 percent of a lot would be allowed for an impervious area on which the structure sits. For multi-family projects, such as apartment complexes, the maximum impervious sur-
If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.
May 20 10:17 a.m. Sunset Avenue. Theft. A report was made regarding a gallon of gas and a bicycle that was taken sometime overnight from outside a residence. 12:40 p.m. Walmart. Theft. An adult female was witnessed attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. The female admitted to the theft. She was issued a citation and released. May 21 3:37 a.m. Twin Rivers Court. Suspicious activity. A report was made regarding a possible older male with a very young female.
face allowed is 55 percent, with natural areas, greenery and wetlands qualifying as open-space requirements. Accessory structures on properties would be allowed up to 25 feet to the roof peak, an increase of five feet from the current allowable height. The council voted 3-2 to accept the ordinance-amendment proposal, with Mayor Joe Perske and council member David Peterson voting no. But on the next vote – a proposal to publish a summary of the amendment in the Sartell Newsleader – the council voted unanimously in favor. The amendment can go into effect as soon as Sartell publishes a legal notice in the city’s “official newspaper,” (which was published Nov. 1, 2013). The full zoning ordinance is 300 pages, Rasmussen noted, which would be virtually impossible to print – thus, a onepage summary (was) printed in the newspaper with a notice residents can view the actual ordinance online or in person at city hall. Virtually all council members expressed concerns about the amendments. Perske said he is strongly against making it allowable to add 100 percent of wetlands as an allowable
Officers were able to locate them and found they were both 18 years old. 5:31 p.m. Riverside Avenue. Suspicious activity. A report was made regarding an adult male holding a juvenile male’s arm in what appeared to be a hard way. An officer was able to locate the individuals and found the adult male was the child’s caregiver and both parties stated there was no assistance needed. May 22 1:13 p.m. Sundance Road. Suspicious activity. A report was made regarding the door open to a foreclosed residence. Officers arrived and checked the residence, finding nothing damaged. The home was secured. 5:12 p.m. Twin Rivers Court. No pay. A report was made regarding a driver failing to pay for gas. An officer was able to locate the male and he statedhe forgot to go inside to pay. The driver returned to the store and paid for the gas.
option for meeting open-space requirements on lots. Peterson agreed with Perske’s concerns, adding wetlands and waterways require more protection, not less. Council member Sarah Jane
Nicoll said she is concerned about such varying requirements for a variety of different zoning designations: singlefamily, multi-family, commercial and more. Council members Steve
Andrew Zamlen, son of Brenda Zamlen and grandson of Roberta Zamlen, both of Sartell, recently graduated from basic Zamlen military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. Air Force Airman Zamlen completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate’s degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Zamlen is a 2013 graduate of Sartell High School.
lege, Moorhead, Minn. They are the following: Alexa Cole, daughter of Amy and Norm Cole, a graduate of Cathedral High School who majored in international business with a minor in Spanish; and Megan Osendorf, daughter of Virginia and Mark Osendorf, a graduate of Sartell High School, who majored in businesss-healthcare management with a minor in Spanish. Osendorf also graduated magna cum laude from Concordia.
Two Sartell students recently graduated from Concordia Col-
May 23 2:56 p.m. 1st Street NE. Suspicious person. A report was made regarding three adult males standing outside a business harassing customers as they entered. An officer arrived and the males stated they were waiting for a friend and they were not harassing others. They stated they would be leaving shortly. 10:36 p.m. 8th Street N. Loud music. A report was made regarding loud music coming from a residence. The owner agreed to turn down the music and then failed to do so. He was issued a citation. 11:06 p.m. 23rd Avenue N. Loud music. A report was made regarding loud music coming from a residence. An officer arrived and the owner agreed to keep the noise down. May 24 12:53 a.m. Oriole Avenue. Suspicious activity. A report was made regarding a male walking around outside a residence. An
Twenty Sartell students were among 3,104 students to be named to the spring dean’s list. They and their major are as follows: Nathan Anderson, new media and web design; Andrew Arnold, university studies; Jonathan Carlson, art; Jordan Clitty, mechanical engineering; Abby Fenlason, dietetics; Alyssa Frank, English education; Darrin Laudenbach, electrical engineering; Justin Lieberg, accounting; Andrew Lindmeier,
officer arrived and found it was the homeowner who was spraying for wasps. 7:53 p.m. Riverside Avenue. DWI. After checking a vehicle’s registration, it was found the vehicle was displaying false tabs. The driver stated she was unaware of the issue and the officer detected the odor of alcoholic beverages on her breath. She was unable to pass field sobriety testing and was placed under arrest without incident. 10:44 p.m. Evergreen Drive. Verbal. A report was made regarding a male and female standing on the side of the road yelling. Officers arrived and both parties admitted it was only verbal and they needed no further assistance. May 25 8:54 a.m. 1st Avenue N. Lost juvenile. A report was made regarding a young child running in the roadway with two dogs. An officer arrived and the mother came outside looking for the child. She was sleeping and un-
Hennes and Amy Braig-Lindstrom also had questions. Rasmussen said in reality it would be virtually impossible for a developer to use wetlands as 100 percent of an open-space Lot • page 8 mechanical engineering; Kirsten Miller, pharmaceutical sciences; Nicholas Miller, public history; Derek Mumm, chemistry; Bernard Omann, construction management; Jena Sattler, nursing; Samantha Shand, zoology; Kayla Sorenson, nursing; Bryan Symanietz, management information systems; Kyle Thorson, computer engineering; Noelle Torrance, zoology; Anna Wenzel, pharmacy. A student must earn a 3.50 grade-point average or higher to qualify. Carly Spoden, daughter of Brenda and Gary Spoden of Sartell, has been selected to receive a Foundation Distinguished Student Scholarship for the 2014-15 academic year from Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall. Recipients of this scholarship are recognized for their academic accomplishments and outstanding leadership abilities. Her planned major field of study is accounting.
aware the child had left the residence. 9:48 a.m. Oriole Avenue. Harassment Restraining Order violation. A report was made regarding an adult male violating a current HRO. The male was located and placed under arrest without incident. May 26 9:01 a.m. Tradewind Avenue. CO alarm. A report was made regarding CO detector alarm going off. An officer arrived and did find high level of carbon monoxide. The building was cleared without any injuries. 9:10 a.m. 13th Avenue N. Vehicle vandalism. A report was made regarding a vehicle being egged sometime overnight. 12:38 p.m. 10th Avenue N. Vehicle vandalism. A report was made regarding a vehicle being egged sometime overnight. 1:24 p.m. Lawrence Circle. Vehicle vandalism. A report was made regarding a vehicle being egged sometime overnight.
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
Newstands Country Store and Pharmacy Holiday on Riverside Drive Holiday on 7th Street N House of Pizza JM Speedstop
Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens
Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon
Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen
Editor Dennis Dalman
Design/Layout Tara Wiese
Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer
P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Everythin Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, June 6, 2014
Bill Fahrney files for city council On May 20, Bill Fahrney filed for a Sartell City Council seat to be determined in the Nov. 4 elecFahrney tion. Bill and Jean Fahrney moved to Minnesota from Wellsville, N.Y. in April 1974 where he served on the planning board and board of trustees as director of public works. The Fahrneys moved to the Watab Springs subdivision in Sartell in March 2014 from Watab Acres subdivision in Collegeville Township where he served on the Collegeville Township Planning Board and as a supervisor. Fahrney was employed in Minnesota with Electric Machinery/Turbodyne/Brown Boveri as construction manager for turbine-generator electric-power plants similar to the one that is currently being dismantled at the Verso Paper mill. He organized the building of churches with Miller Co. and Shingobee Builders. As a consultant with the St. Cloud Area Economic Development Partnership, he led a team of local leaders to start airline service with Mesaba/ Northwest in 1993 between
St. Cloud and Minneapolis airports that ceased operation in 2009 when the Delta merger happened. As a graduate and registered civil engineer, Fahrney’s passion is to advocate for government-transportation investments, especially for local roads. As a founding member of the Central Transportation Alliance, he has traveled to the capitols in St. Paul and Washington to lobby solutions for regional needs. Currently, he serves as a marketplace chaplain to area employers and attends Avon Community Church. He has traveled to Africa, Guatemala and Russia on various mission projects. Fahrney is a founding member of the Avon Hills Initiative and volunteers as a monitor of properties for the Minnesota Land Trust. The Fahrneys have two grown daughters and three grandchildren. Fahrney said he believes the City of Sartell is the local leader of investment and success in local government in central Minnesota. He said he believes he can contribute even greater visions to that success by serving on the Sartell City Council to help all residents thrive here doing what they do best.
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Muskie team members
contributed photo
The Sartell Muskies took first place in the Omann Invitational Tournament on the weekend of May 31-June 1, which was hosted by the St. Stephen Steves and the Muskies. The Muskies won three games to earn the championship. Winning pitchers were David Deminsky, Travis Weaver and Adam Wenker. Luke Sweeter was chosen MVP of the tourney. Pictured above are (kneeling) Dave Schlangen, Cody Partch, Luke Sweeter, Andrew Deters, Weaver, Drew LaBeaux, Jake Sweeter, Shawn Schoen, Rob Voshell; (standing) Manager Randy Beckstrom, Wenker, Dan O’Connell, Brian Schellinger, Cole Jenkins, Deminsky, Tim Burns, Grant Mackethun, Max Koprek, Adam Schellinger, Jase Otto and Tony Schmitz.
Sartell Newsleader •
Our View
Pinecone Central Park is regional treasure
The grand opening May 30 of Pinecone Central Park was indeed a grand day, a historical day, for Sartell. As time goes by, more and more people will begin to realize what a great facility it is – a crown jewel for Sartell and the entire region. Some people, six years ago, thought it was foolish to spend more than $4 million to purchase golf-course land for a new park. Some reacted as if that purchase were akin, on a local level, to “Seward’s Folly,” a term detractors at the time used to describe the purchase of the Alaskan territory in 1867 under then Secretary of State William Seward. However, just as in the case of Alaska, those with genuine long-range vision realized what a wise purchase that golf-course land was for the future of the city and the region. Located in central Sartell, the beautiful park, with gorgeous tree lines throughout, is a perfect, sprawling green space now graced with four baseball diamonds, six multi-use playing fields, a concession stand, a soon-to-be dog park and possibly an in-line skating park. More amenities, in time, will be introduced, with the only limitations being imagination and funds. As several speakers said at the grand opening, Pinecone Central Park is a park for many generations to come. It’s the quintessential example of a wise investment in the future of a proud city. It’s an enhancement for human potential, a park for everyone. Estimates are as high as 30,000 people coming to Sartell as a result of this park, a welcome influx that will boost the city’s economy. Already, there are locked-in plans for usages other than athletic – such as movie nights and musical programs. Possibilities are endless. Imagine a regional arts-and-crafts fair at that venue. Or science fairs. Or even Shakespeare in the Park. So many people deserve credit for this landmark development. They include the Sartell City Council then and now, Sartell City Staff and department heads and the founders of the Sartell Pinecone Park Association (especially “The Three Amigos,” aka Paul J. Hanson, Gordy Meyer and Greg Neeser). Their longtime dedication and hard work as a partnership with the city has been – and continues to be – nothing less than astonishing. Those three are true visionaries, and they deserve our undying gratitude. And, not to forget, the cash and in-kind labor contributions, as well as volunteer sweat equity, are in the final analysis what made this park a workable marvel. It’s so good to know so many Sartell girls and boys, men and women will have superb, well-maintained fields on which to play. No longer will they have to rely on facilities in other cities, with some exceptions, of course. Sartell’s Pinecone Central Park is already a statewide envy. The proof is in the happy children and adults who quickly realized what fun it is to visit and to play on its many fields. It is, in a word, a treasure.
Fairness and ethics
Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Opinion Driverless cars? They’re already here! While breezing down Highway 10 the other day on my way to Sartell, I turned on Minnesota Public Radio and heard a woman talking about how “driverless cars” are in store for us in the future. I laughed so hard I almost lost control of my Dodge, almost veered into the ditch. “Driverless cars in the future?” I thought to myself. “They’re already here!” Oblivious people sitting behind steering wheels texting, gobbling down junk food, fiddling in purses or pockets, reading newspapers, putting on makeup and in some cases even indulging in awkward hankypanky, so to speak. Those are the driverless drivers who do just fine, thank you – that is, until their fast-moving machine comes to an instant stop when it collides with another fast-moving machine, at which time phones, newspapers, fast food and – horribly – sometimes even body parts go flying. The woman on the radio said they’re already making driverless cars, which are kind of roundish comfy pods with no steering wheels. Sounds a bit like the kiddie bumper cars at county fairs. The new vehicles can go up to 25 mph. Fat chance they’ll sell any, not with the speed fiends who burn rubber on roads around here and have no clue what a speed-limit sign is, especially on that race track known as Highway 10 where “65” means you have to go faster than that – much faster – to get from here to hell and back in time for supper. As speed demons kept passing me, the radio woman kept talking, telling me there’ll be a lot of tweaking before the driverless car
Dennis Dalman Editor hits the roads. Well, I guess! Like getting its speed up to at least 80 mph so some hurryup folks can get to places faster, like they do now. Maybe the driverless car, I’m thinking, is not such a bad idea, after all. Maybe with its super-smart radar beams, it could see stops signs, yield signs, no-passing zones, yellow and red lights – the things so many blinddummy “drivers” don’t see now. The new car might be an improvement, but what if its complex circuitry has a breakdown, and everything goes haywire like the mental lapses of some of these current driverless vehicles? Whoops. More accidents, more phones, more newspapers, more junk food going flying. On the way home from Sartell, with demons still whizzing past, a couple of them flipping me off for being an old 65-mph slowpoke, I kept thinking about a book I read way back in 1970 called Future Shock by Alvin Toffler. It’s one of the most fascinating but confounding books I’ve ever read – fascinating because it gave a tantalizing glimpse of what the future would look like, confounding because it reminded me of how I would’ve been much happier living in the
19th Century. I was – and am – a true victim of “future shock.” In his book, Toffler and his wife, Heidi, predicted such future developments as cloning, home-schooling, constructs of Internet and YouTube, therapeutic drugs for just about every condition, people having 18 jobs in a lifetime, an increasingly throwaway society, same-sex marriages, transient relationships and living conditions, artificial intelligence, constant mobility and flurries of information overload. Some of the Tofflers’ predictions made sense to me. Others I laughed at, dismissing them as preposterous. That’s mainly because my 19th Century mind-set couldn’t grasp anything technological beyond an electric typewriter or a four-slice toaster. When the Tofflers asked readers to believe a flying car will become a future reality, I lost it. “That’ll be the day,” I scoffed derisively. “If it’s so, I hope I’m dead by then.” Could it be the driverless car will be just a transition to the ultimate mode of transportation – the flying car? I shudder to think of it. Let me put it this way: Thank goodness I’m getting old – whoops, I mean even older. Someday, you can all zip around in your driverless pods; you can zoom into the wild blue yonder with your flying cocoons. As for me, when that future shock arrives, you can bet your bottom buck I’ll be driving a horse and buggy, galloping backwards, fast as hell, right back into the middle of the 19th Century.
Letter to editor
Tri-Cap director thanks Central Minnesota Lori Schultz Tri-Cap Executive Director As Community Action Turns 50, TriCounty Action Program Inc. would like to reflect on its service to the residents of Stearns, Benton and Sherburne counties. On Aug. 20, 1964 in Washington, D.C., President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Economic Opportunity Act. The EOA created a variety of programs – including Community Action Agencies – as part of his War on Poverty. Tri-CAP was one of those agencies established to address local poverty problems in rural, urban and suburban communities across the country. Tri-CAP got its start on Jan. 12, 1965 as the first Community Action Agency in a non-metro area in Minnesota. The agency’s
creation was due to efforts of then St. Cloud Mayor Ed Henry, who called together a group that included representation from all three counties and worked hard to cajole and convince others that having this agency would be beneficial to area residents. The agency started with no staff and a $10,000 budget to “research problems relevant to the antipoverty program.” From that point, the agency grew as programs and services developed. In the first year of operation, the organization had total revenues of $16,480. Forty-nine years later, Tri-CAP has grown into an agency that provides more than 20 different essential services all geared toward helping people and changing lives. The agency’s most recent fiscal audit showed total revenues of more than $5.8
million directly serving more than 22,000 people in Central Minnesota. Our staff prides themselves on providing exceptional customer service through a professional and kind approach as people build their skills and work toward economic and social stability. The unrelenting duties of volunteers who served the agency during the past year are invaluable. The commitment of the board of directors and the community have kept us on the path toward maintaining family stability, while endeavoring daily to assure all of our practices are transparent and sound. Community Action changes lives every day, one person at a time. Thank you Central Minnesota for supporting our endeavors now and into the future.
The clock is ticking for Mexico to release Marine Sgt. Tahmooressi U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is sitting in a Mexican jail for the crime of accidentally entering Mexico at a legal entry gate with three completely legal firearms in his vehicle. According to his phone call to his mother, he got into the wrong lane and could not turn around quickly enough. The Mexican authorities pounced upon him and hauled him off to their jail. That happened two months ago. As I write this column, there has been no resolution and he’s still there. I think it’s important to report Tahmooressi was in San Diego for medical treatment. He had just returned from several tours in combat. It’s been reported he was being treated for PTSD. If you are like me, you are probably wondering where are the people we pay to handle situations like this? Well, our U.S. Senate has been extremely busy. Not working on this marine’s situation, no, they have been diligently working on a letter signed by 50 intrepid U.S. senators. That letter was directed to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell demanding the Washington Redskins, a privately owned professional football team, change its name. It seems these politically correct morons believe the most important thing on their agenda is not an American hero who has been kidnapped by a foreign
Ron Scarbro Guest Writer government and held for two months. No, the most pressing item in their thoughts is not offending a few American Indians. Is it any wonder the Congress of this great country has the reputation it has? I’ll bet if you polled Native Americans across this country, the vast majority would think this is just political nonsense. Here are some interesting facts: Illegal aliens living in our country send $22 billion to Mexico every year. U.S. tourists spend more billions in that country annually. U.S. companies are building manufacturing plants in Mexico and employing thousands of their citizens. What if all that came to an abrupt halt? Here is what should happen and should happen immediately. Our ambassador to Mexico picks up his phone and calls the Mexican ambassador and gives him this simple message. You have one hour to deliver Sgt. Tahmooressi and all his pos-
sessions, including his firearms, to the U.S. border. Failure to do so will activate a plan designed to bring Mexico to her knees. Tourism will end. Illegals will be rounded up and returned to Mexico and our border will be sealed. American companies will be faced with tariffs that would essentially eliminate any possibility of a profit. Mexican agricultural products will rot in the fields. Oh, and the clock is ticking. There is another option, of course, and that is for the Marine Corps to go into Mexico in force and retrieve their brother marine. I’m pretty sure Mexico would not like that. Now some may feel these are extreme measures, and I can understand how you would come to that conclusion. But here is a reality. Mexico, as well as the rest of the world, should understand who they are dealing with. We absolutely will not tolerate this kind of treatment of our citizens, period. To Sen. Harry Reid and to the signers of the infamous letter to Commissioner Goodell, we are not paying you to go to Washington to interfere with private businesses and their choice of brand names. Let the market decide. You have real problems to deal with. Deal with them. Get your job done and get this Marine home. Oh, and your clock is ticking also.
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, June 6, 2014
Before buying a property you should try to surround yourself with competent people who will know how to help you. Beware of con artists and do business with recognized professionals.
Once you’ve moved into your new home, you will probably want to personalize the decor. For small as well as big jobs, finding the right specialist will make all the difference.
The real esTaTe agenT A real estate agent will help you find the ideal property. But above all, he or she will write the purchase offer, negotiate in order to obtain the best possible price for you and, finally, will coordinate the inspection of the property.
repair and renovaTion specialisTs Whether it’s for electrical work or for plumbing, it is always best to use the services of a professional rather than doing the work yourself. A good way of saving money is to have all the same type of work done at the same time. Ask for an estimate first. For painting jobs, treat yourself to an expert painter. He’ll decorate your walls at incredible speed, without making a mess. Payment structures may vary from one painting specialist to another, however the investment is well worth it if you want professional results. To be on the safe side, remember to always work with someone who comes with good references. Finally, a handyman can turn out to be a rare pearl. But, to avoid catastrophes, always ask for references or employ established businesses. You will gain time and money by employing the right person for the right work.
The lender or The morTgage broker Numerous establishments grant mortgage loans, including banks, credit unions and financial institutions. You can also call on the services of a mortgage broker, who will be able to find you the best available rate. The lawyer or noTary This specialist will ensure all legal aspects of the purchase are in order. He or she will examine all the necessary contracts before you sign them, particularly the purchase offer. The inspecTor Inspectors will advise you if anything in the home does not work correctly or is not safe. They can even tell you where they think problems have arisen in the past. Generally speaking, an inspection will cost a few hundred dollars depending on the size and the state of the property inspected. The evaluaTor You can choose to have a home evaluated by an independent evaluator before making a purchase offer. An evaluation will insure you are paying the proper market price.
decoraTor, designer or oTher specialisT? Decorators will freshen up the interior of your home without turning it upside down. They can match fabrics, paint and wallpaper, choose floor coverings, window dress-
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Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, June 6, 2014
New park has solid line-up of sports, music, movies Even though it barely just opened, Pinecone Central Park in Sartell is already a magnet for team sports and cultural activities from throughout the area. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding – or in this case, the scheduling. There are only two weekends that have not been booked so far, both in July. Here is the playing and entertainment schedules as it now stands: • May 30-June 1: This was the start of the Sartell Sabre Classic Baseball Tourney. • June 6-8: The Sartell Sabre Classic Baseball Tourney. • June 12: Movies in the Park sponsored by Bank Vista. • June 13-15: Sartell Sabre Classic Baseball Tourney. • June 20-22: Sartell Sabre Classic Baseball Tourney. • June 27-29: Star of the North Soccer Tourney. • July 18-20: Central Minnesota Community Baseball League Tourney (ages 9-12). • July 25-27: Minnesota State Federation Baseball Tourney. • July 31: Music in the Park with Ring of Kerry, an Irish-themed band. • Aug. 2: Minnesota Twins “Play Ball” baseball clinic (two events). • Aug. 7: Music in the Park with Belle Amour (vintage jazz). • Aug. 14: Music in the Park with Tim Sparks and Phil Heywood. • Aug. 21: Bank Vista’s Movies in the Park. Also Music in the Park with Gypsy Mania. • April-May: High school lacrosse (18 practices, 15 games). • May-August: Minnesota Amateur Soccer League (Rock City, 19 games). • May-July: Sartell Baseball Association (more than 70 days of multiple games and practices each day). • June-August: Central Minnesota Youth Soccer (6U, 36 games). • June-August: Central Minnesota Youth Soccer (8U, 54 games). • July-August: Fellowship of Christian Athletes (youth baseball).
photos by Dennis Dalman
Top left: Founders of the Pinecone Central Park Association, sometimes affectionately called “The Three Amigos,” are (left to right) Gordy Meyer, Paul J. Hanson and Greg Neeser. Bottom left: Three city officials who had a hand in the development of Pinecone Central Park are (left to right) city council member Steve Hennes, former Sartell City Administrator Patti Gartland and former council member Sandra Cordie. They were thanked profusely by speakers at the park’s grand opening May 30. Above: Theo Edeburn steps up to the concession-stand counter, ready and eager to take a customer’s order. Theo, sporting his Sartell baseball uniform, was helping his parents, Pat and Ann Elise, at the grand opening of Pinecone Central Park.
Park from front page cent sales tax, the park would not exist. He thanked many people who were instrumental in securing the land and helping develop the park during the past six years. Many of them attended the grand opening, including city council members Steve Hennes, David Peterson, Amy BraigLindstrom; former council member Sandra Cordie; city development/planning director Anita Rasmussen, former
financial director and now city administrator Mary Degiovanni; former city administrator Patti Gartland and the trio sometimes dubbed “The Three Amigos” – Hanson, Meyer and Neeser. Perske noted those three were recently named “Citizens of the Year” by the Sartell Area Chamber of Commerce. They could just as well be named “Citizens of the Decade,” Perske said as the audience applauded. Neeser gave statistics about the mammoth amount of work that went into the making of Pinecone Central Park. Much of the playing-
field parts of the park had to be raised four feet by massive movement of soil. That is equivalent to raising four football fields with dirt to a height of 70 feet. Fifteen thousand feet of sod had to be installed, thanks to hundreds of hours of volunteer labor. Water, sewer and electric lines were added. A road was built through the park, east to west. A large parking lot was constructed. None of it would exist if it weren’t for the intensive fundraising efforts by the Pinecone Central Park Association, led by Neeser, Meyer
Friday, June 6, 2014
Sartell Newsleader •
photos by Dennis Dalman
Top left: Parents and a few siblings relax, getting ready to watch kids play baseball at the fields of Pinecone Central Park in Sartell. Left: Right after the grand opening May 30 at Pinecone Central Park, baseball boys start practicing for games slated to start at 6 p.m. In this photo, boys from Mahtomedi practice catching and throwing. The fields are booked solid all through the summer, except, so far, for only two weekends. Above: Baseball buddies, all Sartell residents, enjoy ice-cream cones on a hot day at the grand opening May 30 of Pinecone Central Park. The friends gave rave reviews to the playing fields at the new park. From left to right are (front row) Dalton Notsch, Logan Carlson, Matt Sieben, Max Fesenmaier and Gage Vierzba; (back row) Gavin Swenson and Wesley Nesland. and Hanson. The association has also taken on responsibility of managing and operating the park facilities. Currently, the park features four baseball fields and six multi-purpose fields (soccer, lacrosse, football, Frisbee), a pavilion, concession stand and bathrooms. Next in line are playing fields for younger children (ages 1314), a fenced-in dog park and – possibly – an inline skating park. Hanson told the audience the summer schedule is already filled except for just two weekends that remain
open. An estimated 30,000 people will come to the park this summer for activities, including for planned Music in the Park and Movies in the Park nights. Hanson said it took a lot of work and coordination to get the park up and running but that “It was all worth it.” Seeing kids come to play on fields right in central Sartell is the best reward for the money and work that went into the park, Hanson said. Sartell baseball coach Pete Johnson said 375 local children will now be able to play games on local fields.
Johnson presented a plaque to Meyer for helping create a “wonderful home for a generation of Sartell baseball.” Bob Jasper of the Minnesota Twins Community Fund “Fields for Kids” praised the new park, noting he was proud to have it in Twins territory. The Twins Community Fund helps develop baseball Park • page 9
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, June 6, 2014
SummerFest to feature party, parade, dance, fireworks This summer’s two-day annual Sartell SummerFest, June 13-15, will include a family party, a big parade, a school reunion, a dance, fireworks, golfing fun and much more.
SummerFest 2014 will kick off with a family-fun party on the grounds of the Bernick’s Arena, starting at 5 p.m. Friday, June 13. The free event will offer music, kids’ games, inflatables, face-painting, airbrushed tattoos and much more. Food will be available for purchase. The Sartell Community Band will start the music at 5:30 p.m., and more music will follow until 9 p.m. People are encouraged to bring blankets and chairs. Additional parking will be available at nearby Pine Meadow Elementary School, with a shuttle bus running to and from the school from 4-10 p.m.
Also on Friday evening, the
St. Cloud Orthopedics 5k Run, 3k Walk and 1K Kids’ Fun Run will take place. The 5k Run and 3k Walk will begin at 6 p.m. in front of Sartell City Hall, followed by the 1k Fun Run for kids ages 5-11 at about 7 p.m. Prizes will be awarded to the top 5K runners in each age category and to the top male and top female overall runners. Race-day registrations are possible. Before the event there will be kids’ events and much more. Proceeds from the event will help support recreational activities in the Sartell area. To volunteer to help at the race, call Andrea at 320-212-6418. To register, visit
A guaranteed annual crowdpleaser is the grand parade, which will start at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 14. This year’s parade, dubbed the St. Cloud Federal Credit Union Parade, will feature eight high-school bands. It will travel along River-
side Avenue from Sartell Street to 7th Street N. and finish at Sartell Middle School. The judging area will be on Riverside Avenue near the DeZurik plant. Handicapped parking is available in the DeZurik parking lot. For parade entry registration forms, go to photo by Larry Pearson
From 1-6 p.m. Saturday, there will be a reunion for anyone who attended the old grade school in Sartell, now the school system’s District Services Building. The reunion will take place at the Bernick’s Arena, with time to socialize with old friends and the viewing of photos from Sartell’s history, as well as all forms of city and school memorabilia. Food and non-alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase. A bus tour will allow visitors to see the many changes that have occurred in Sartell in just the past two decades. The old school will be open for guided tours
Summer reading program begins June 9 at GRRL Great River Regional Library will begin its annual Summer Reading Program for children and teens ages 0-18 on Monday, June 9, continuing through Saturday, Aug. 9. Two programs are offered, “Experiment with Reading,” for children birth through age 12, and “Read, Think, React,” for teens in grades six through 12. Each of the
32 branch libraries in the GRRL system will have weekly and grand prize drawings for children and teens taking part in the program. Libraries across the entire region are planning fun kick-off programs and special events to encourage participation. The goal of the Summer Reading Program is to encourage children to continue read-
ing during the summer. Numerous studies have found that failing to read during the summer contributes to a summer slump that puts children behind when they return to school in the fall. Children who continue to read through the summer are more likely to maintain or even improve their reading skills. For more information, visit and click on June 6 Criers.
From the far north end of Riverside Avenue in Sartell, a large crowd lines the parade route for the start of the 2013 parade. conducted by members of the Sartell Senior Connection.
The Partners Pub Street Dance will take place Saturday evening in the Great River Bowl parking lot. Gates will open at 5 p.m. for the beer garden and food court. Music by Whiskey Tango will start at 6 p.m., and Diamondback will take the stage at 8:30 p.m. Fireworks, sponsored by Blue Line Sports Bar and Grill, will begin about 10 p.m. to the south of Great River Bowl.
Lot from page 2 requirement. However, Perske said a better balance between green space and wetlands must be spelled out in the ordinance. Despite some reservations, Nicoll said the proposed amendment is a big step and a huge improvement over the present ordinance specifications. The topic, however, needs more discussion.
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Those in the mood to golf can do so Sunday at Blackberry Ridge Golf Course, where a Sartell SummerFest Special will offer 18 holes of golf with cart for $19.07 (1907 being the year Sartell was founded). There will be a free beginner’s golf clinic starting at 3 p.m. with PGA professional Brock Swanson. After 5 p.m., kids under age 10 can eat free with each paid adult meal. To register, call 320-257-4653. Sartell City Administrator Mary Degiovanni said the council can certainly approve the amendment and then discuss it later to fine-tune it or make outright changes. Council members agreed they would like to see maps and visual examples of the effects of such ordinance changes, something they can visualize beyond numbers and percentages. Perske said he would like to see any amendments finalized in 2014. City staff will bring to upcoming council meetings more research, maps and visual examples for further council discussion.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Sartell Newsleader •
Dream of swimming pond seems to recede, for now
from page 7
by Dennis Dalman
facilities throughout the state and donated about $10,000 in grants to Pinecone Central Park, a grant that is renewable through applications every three years. The last speaker, Meyer, gave lavish thanks to all who made the park possible, contributors large and small. Some of the largest who gave $100,000 or more were Dan and Mabel Coborn, Joe’s Excavating (in donated excavation work), Joe Miller for designing and planning, and Sartell businessman and former council member Pat Lynch. Many others gave cash or goods and services ranging from $25,000 up to $100,000. And still others, hundreds of people, gave smaller donations. During the grand opening, a group of seven young Sartell friends, all in their early teens, sat at a picnic table and slurped on their quickly melting vanilla ice-cream cones. The buddies were Logan Carlson, Max Fesenmaier, Wesley Nesland, Dalton Notsch, Matt Sieben, Gavin Swenson and Gage Vierzba. After a reporter asked them what they think of the playing fields, they all piped up with happy voices: “Wonderful!” “Amazing!” “I like it!” “Well, the fences are too short.” “Yeah, they are, but the fields are really nice.” “Yes, very nice.” “It’ll be good to have fields here just for our ages.”
A swimming pond in Sartell’s Pinecone Central Park seems to be a receding option, one the city council had hoped would become a reality someday. At the last city-council meeting, Tom Schaefer of U.S. Aquatics, gave the council an overview of what he knows about ponds, pools and aquatic centers in the state. He has worked on half of the 12 official swimming ponds in Minnesota. Right now there is a state moratorium on developing ponds for swimming in the state. Ponds can be very problematic, Schaefer noted. Most often ponds are murky, and lifeguards cannot see the bottoms. In the past three years there have been four drownings in Minnesota swimming ponds, a rate far greater than that of man-made outdoor pools, Schaefer noted. Swimming ponds also require disinfectant and filtration, which can be difficult and expensive. Water doesn’t warm up in most of them until the end of June, something most swimmers wouldn’t care for because Schaefer said the number-one asset for a swimming pond or pool is that the water should be warm, about 85 degrees, according to most polls of outdoor swimmers. “Swimmers nowadays don’t want chilly water anymore,” he said. Council member Steve Hennes asked Schaefer what is the most economical kind of swimming facility. It’s an outdoor aquatics center, he replied. Indoor pools are heavily subsidized and very expensive to operate, he noted. An outdoor seasonal pool is
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the best bet, especially if it has interactive play features such as climbing walls, water chutes or splash pads. Those amenities increase attendance, and the paid admissions to cover operating costs. The city of Kasson just finished such a center last year, and it has been a big success, with attendance increasing all the time. It is a $4.2-million, L-shaped multi-purpose pool with many interactive features. Kasson is a city of 5,200 people. Another outdoor aquatics center is in Byron, a city of 6,200 people. Both cities are near Rochester and draw people from that metro area. Both pools have large concession areas and lots of shade. The concession stands generate from 20 to 30 percent of the facilities’ operating revenues. For any kind of swimming facility to succeed – indoor, outdoor man-made or pond – admissions have to be charged, Schaefer emphasized. Even
photo courtesy of
An example of a splash pad as part of an aquatics center in Kasson, Minn. with admissions, most facilities just barely break even, he added. In Kasson, a daily admission to the aquatics center is $5. Season passes are available at $20 per child for parent-tot hour swims. A family member-
ship per season is $150 for residents, $170 for non-residents. Individual memberships are $80 for a city resident, $90 for non-residents. Passbooks of 10 daily passes are also available.
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Forte from front page Another lesson: You must fight adversity head-on. Yet another: Work hard and don’t make excuses. One of his first lessons he learned from his father. At the time, Forte was a sixth-grade hockey player. Toward the end of the game, Forte played only 11 seconds. He complained to his father, who abruptly asked him how much he’d practiced, and then his father said it wasn’t enough, that he should practice hard, then harder. He did. The next year, as captain of the team, he led it to the state tournament. “My father said we’d never have that conversation again, and we didn’t,” Forte told his
Sartell Newsleader • listeners. “I’d learned the lesson.” Adversity, he said, is part of life. “If it doesn’t grind you down, it’ll polish you up,” he said. Forte said there are three things to remember, three ways to counter adversity. “Do what’s right, avoid what’s wrong and consult the Bible.” The good thing about doing what’s right is it’s ultimately easier to do than doing what’s wrong, Forte noted. Do everything to the best of your abilities, and don’t compare yourself to others. Hang out with people who are heading in the good direction you want to go. The best bet for friends is to choose athletes and Christians. Born in Evelyth, Forte has had a distinguished, awardwinning career as a hockey player, teacher and coach. From 1984 to 1986, he played hockey for the American International College in Springfield, Mass. He was head coach for Brainerd (Minn) High School from 1991 to 1997 and led the Brainerd Warriors to two conference titles. From 1999 to 2004, he coached the Minnesota Elect 17s at the National Festival. He also managed the Upper Midwest Elite League’s North team for two years, earning a playoff championship berth. Forte coached St. Cloud Apollo in 2000 and brought its Eagles to a conference title. From 2001 to 2013, he was assistant coach at St. John’s University, Collegeville. Forte said he is convinced everything happens for a reason,
and that is a cornerstone of his Christian faith. He noted every time adversity came pounding into this life, like the time his cancer reappeared, there was someone there – friends, doctors, acquaintances, strangers – out of the blue, to help him through it. One woman named Jean Jaeger called him one day, and said she wanted to pray for him. They met at a church and prayed, and to this day, after nearly four years, they meet at that church to pray. Some people who knew Forte were never very dedicated about going to church or praying. After they witnessed the effects of faith in his own life, some now pray regularly with their families. Forte’s long illness has brought out the best in people. His fellow staff members at Kennedy Community School voluntarily gave up their own sick days to fill in for Forte during his absences. Friends, neighbors, even strangers helped with cooking, shoveling, mowing and other tasks. The vast and interconnected support system just seemed to happen, out of the blue. “We are totally dependent on God for our next breath,” Forte said. Sports, along with faith, is the absolute best preparation for life’s adversities that are bound to come to everyone, he told his listeners. Sports rapidly teaches players the value of good habits, the danger of bad habits. The importance of team-playing, in which all win as a team, is similar to how doctors and patients work together to beat back illness.
Friday, June 6, 2014
contributed photo
Teacher, coach and courageous cancer survivor Pat Forte inspires a group of students during one of his many pep talks about life, adversity and the true meaning of “winner.” “You might not like your teammates or your coach,” he said. “It will grind you down or polish you up, depending on what you’re made of. It is OK to fail; learn from failure. And it’s OK to make mistakes; learn from them. It’s too easy to sit back and cut down and criticize.” Forte’s father always told him there are basically two types of people: those who do the work; those who take the credit. “It’s easier and better to be
the first type of person,” he said. A winner, he added, is one who says, “I was wrong.” A loser says, “It wasn’t’ my fault.” Forte’s parting advice to the students was this: “Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Shoot for the stars.” After Forte’s talk, the 50 students in the auditorium walked down to the front where they joined in prayers for the seniors about to graduate.
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Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, June 6, 2014
Community Calendar
Friday, June 6 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2. Saturday, June 7 Living History: Meet the Lindberghs, costumed characters and stories, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (last tour at 4 p.m.), Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site, 1620 Lindbergh Drive, Little Falls. 320-616-5421. Monday, June 9 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Market Monday, 3-6:30 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell. Fare For All, 4-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR 2, St. Joseph. 1-800-582-4291 or www. Sartell City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-253-2171. Tuesday, June 10 55+ Driver Improvement pro-
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gram (four-hour refresher course), 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Life Assembly of God, 2409 Clearwater Road, St. Cloud, 1-888-234-1294. Blood drive, 10 a.m-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Sartell Chamber of Commerce, 11:45 a.m., City Hall. 320-253-2171. Holistic Moms Network, 7-8:30 p.m., Good Earth Co-op, St. Cloud. 320-252-2489.
Wednesday, June 11 St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce, 11:30 a.m., St. Joseph Community Fire Hall. SummerTime by George, 5-9 p.m., Lake George, St. Cloud. Free live concert by the Receders/Janelle Kendall. Thursday, June 12 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. First-time homebuyer education, 10:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m., St. Cloud Public Library, 1300 W. St. Germain St. Home Stretch workshop is offered free for the month of June. Registra-
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tion required. 320-258-0681. www. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. St. Joseph Senior Citizens, 1:30 p.m., Community Fire Hall, 401 7th St. S., St. Joseph. Friday, June 13 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Brat and hot dog sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Lions Club, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2. Saturday, June 14 Celebration of the Arts, highlights artists from the Avon area, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Wobegon Trailhead Park, Avon. Brat and hot dog sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Lions Club, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW.
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Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail-order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75% on all your medication needs. Call today. 1-800-406-9568 for $10 off your first prescription and free shipping. (MFPA)
The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to
Early sponsorships needed for kids’ races Although the event is nearly four months away, sponsorships are needed for the second annual “Back to School 5K and 1K Kids Race” Sept. 13. Proceeds from the race will go to the Sartell-St. Stephen School District’s Early Childhood Center. The event is hosted by PineCone Vision Center and Dentistry for Children, both Sartell businesses. There is a need to buy large diagnostic motor, sensory and fine-motor equipment so all children can be assured they can enjoy sensory experiences, allowing them to play and learn
in the world around them. There are various levels of sponsorships, including Gold, Silver and Bronze, ranging from $1,000 to $250. There will be vending booths for sponsors at the event, which will run from 7 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 13 at Sartell Middle School. For more information, call Cathy Vande Vrede, community outreach coordinator, at PineCone Vision Center, 320255-5441. People may register online at
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LEgal notICE CITY OF SARTELL PUBLIC HEARING NPDES PHASE II PERMIT AND STORM-WATER POLLUTION-PREVENTION PLAN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the city of Sartell will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, on Monday, July 9, 2014 at the Sartell City Hall, for the purpose of implementing the NPDES Phase II permit and review the storm-water pollution-prevention plan. The National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II program is a federally mandated program established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to implement and maintain stormwater management activities through a permitting mechanism in the City of Sartell. The permit requires the City to incorporate six minimum-control measures into a storm-water pollution-prevention plan (SWPPP), which also needs to be updated on a yearly basis. Those six control measures include: Public Education and Outreach, Public Par-
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ticipation/Involvement, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction Site Runoff Control, Post-Construction Runoff Control, and Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping. These measures are expected to result in significant reductions of pollutants discharged into receiving water bodies. The City is required to hold a public hearing to gain input on the SWPPP as part of the public participation and involvement control measure. All interested persons are invited to attend to voice their opinion. Written comments will be accepted until the date of the hearing. Anyone wishing to view the SWPPP may do so at Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N, Sartell MN 56377. Mary Degiovanni City Administrator Publish: June 6, 2014
Call the Newsleader at 363-7741
Poppy is a 4-year-old neutered Chihuahua mix. He came to the shelter because he can be naughty when he’s left alone too long. It would be ideal if he could go to a home with people who are home a good portion of the day. Poppy was around children of all ages and he got along great with them. He has been friendly with dogs as well as with cats but can be excitable and play rambunctiously with both canine and feline friends. Poppy is house trained and does best when kept on a schedule. He’s a very affectionate dog and loves to sit on laps and play with squeaky toys. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 12 Puppy - 1
Cats - 39 Rats - 2
Kittens - 10
Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302
Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.
Sartell Newsleader •
contributed photo
Stearns County Daycare Provider of the Year Ashley Anderson and her little clients play a game of sorting little bears into groups of colors. Clockwise from lower left are Levi Magnusen (red shirt), Ashley Anderson, Grace Magnuson, Annie Koch, Gavin Anderson, Lucy Koch, Paisley Anderson, Bryce Willardsen and Mason Willardsen.
Anderson named ‘Daycare Provider of the Year’ by Dennis Dalman
When Ashley Anderson was a pre-schooler, the teacher asked her and other students to draw pictures of what they would like to be when they grow up.
Ashley didn’t hesitate. Using her color-crayons, she drew a picture of a woman in a rocking chair holding a baby. “I’ve always loved infants and kids, ever since I can remember,” Anderson said. “And I love to teach them.”
Her love for kids is no news to anyone who knows her, especially to those who sent in raves about her after she was nominated as Stearns County Daycare Provider of the Year. She recently won that honor, an annual award given by the
Benton-Stearns Daycare Providers Association. “I was very surprised,” she said. “I was very humbled, grateful and honored. It was so nice to learn the daycare parents who wrote good comments about me noticed the many things I do for the children – things I didn’t even think the parents noticed.” A Sartell resident, Anderson owns and operates a daycare center on the lower first level of her home. It’s called Ashley’s Boys and Curls Day Care,” also known as ABC Daycare. She cares for 10 children, including four of her own: Ava, 6; Paisley, 5; Gavin, 3; and the 6-weekold newcomer, Bentley. Most of Anderson’s daycare clients have been school teachers, and most of the children are infants and toddlers. It works out well because Anderson can take off at least two months in the summer, like her teacher clients. During her first two years of daycare, Anderson did her job year-round, but eventually she enjoyed the advantage of having some summer months off. “I wanted it to be more like a school setting with children coming during school months,” she said. Anderson was born and raised in Buffalo. After graduating from high school, she took two years of college courses, planning to become a kinder-
Friday, June 6, 2014 garten teacher, but in midstream she changed her mind and decided she wanted to do her teaching in a daycare setting of her own. By then, she and her husband, Dustin, had moved to Sartell because he landed a job in the area. Some daycare operators start their businesses so they can stay home with their own kids. Not Anderson. She opened her business in 2006 two years before her first baby was born. “Oh, sure, I love to be home with my kids, but that’s not why I started it,” she said. “I started it because of my love for teaching pre-school kids.” Anderson’s daycare is focused on fun and educational activities throughout much of the day. It is, in fact, a virtual school, with games, songs, blocks, art supplies, a little house with a little kitchen, a tool bench and lots of other fun surprises and projects. “It’s quite structured,” she said. “I put a lot into it. My own family knows all the children, and they know my family. We are all very personable.” The key to becoming a good daycare provider, Anderson said, is “to truly have a passion and love for what you do. You can’t fake it. You are in it with passion, energy and creativity for the love of the children. If your heart’s not in it, it’s not for you.”