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Peternell, 102, plans to attend Centennial

Friday, July 11, 2014 Volume 19, Issue 27 Est. 1995

Town Crier Sartell celebrates National Night Out

Neighborhoods throughout Sartell are being invited to join forces with thousands of communities from across the nation for the 31st annual National Night Out, a program where neighborhoods are invited to hold social gatherings within their community. From 7-10 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 5, residents in neighborhoods throughout Sartell are asked to lock their doors, turn on their porch lights and spend the evening visiting with neighbors and police. Many neighborhoods throughout Sartell will be hosting a variety of special events such as block parties, cookouts, parades, flashlight walks and contests. Officers from our department and the Sartell Fire Department will make the attempt to stop at each social gathering. Please contact Officer Rob Lyon at 320-251-8186 if your are interested in hosting and/or organizing a block party for your neighborhood or apartment complex.

Stearns County lifts ‘No Wake’ restrictions

The Stearns County Sheriff’s Office recently lifted the “No Wake” restrictions throughout the county. While still a bit high, lake levels have decreased to levels more consistent with pleasure boating. Sheriff Sanner urges boaters to boat safely and sensibly and to avoid creating a wake near shorelines. Marked “No Wake” zones will still be enforced.

Walkabout set July 12 in downtown St. Cloud

A walkabout, which creates a safe, fun, open space for people to get out, be active and learn more about the resources within the community, will be held from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, July 11 in downtown St. Cloud. Bicyclists, pedestrians, skaters and wheelchair users will have the opportunity to explore and enjoy St. Cloud’s Downtown neighborhood without the presence of motorized traffic. In addition to walking, biking and skating, there will be programmed activities along the streets, including yoga, dancing, music, classes, games, an animalfriendly bark park, a farmers market and healthy-living exhibitors. The event is free. For more information, phone 320-255-7245.

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by Dennis Dalman

If Eddie Peternell, age 102, rides in the St. Stephen Centennial Parade Saturday, July 19 – and chances are he will – he’s likely to nab the grand prize for the parade’s theme of “Old, Antique, Classic.” Peternell, St. Stephen’s longest-living resident, is definitely “old” and “antique,” but he is a “classic” example of someone who’s managed to keep the “young kid” inside of him alive and well and thriving. Currently, Peternell is in an Albany nursing home, recovering from a fall that broke one of his hips about six weeks ago. His children say he is recovering nicely and doing his physical therapy five days a week. He’s told his children he would be happy and honored to ride in the big parade. Peternell, widely considered as the venerable St. Stephen patriarch, is supposed to ride in an antique truck that is as old as he is – 102. contributed photo “He’s getting back to his old self,” said one of his Eddie Peternell operates an old-fashioned threshing binder during a threshdaughters, Helen Frie of St. Wendel. “If he feels up ing festival, the kind he used for many decades of his long life. Peternell • page 6

Whereabouts of Sartell woman sought A woman from Sartell has been reported as missing, and the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department is ask- Winscher

ing the public to help find her. On July 5, the department received a missing-person report from the family members of Sara Winscher, 36, of 1891 40th St. N., Sartell. Her family had not heard from her for two weeks and began to worry about her. They

said she may be living out of her vehicle and noted in the past she has frequented the Clearwater Travel Plaza and the Uptown area of Minneapolis. Her car is described as a 1998 green Toyota Corolla with hail damage. The license plate is 605 JVK.

Anyone with information as to Winscher’s whereabouts should contact the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department at 320-251-4240. The department wants to contact her only to check on whether she is safe and free from harm.

Perske keeps running – in more ways than one by Dennis Dalman

When Sartell Mayor Joe Perske said he was running for elective office, he wasn’t kidding – in more ways than one. So far this season, the DFL’er has run in five marathons while campaigning for the U.S. Sixth Congressional House seat now occupied by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Stillwater). On June 29, Perske ran an 8k race in the Spud Fest Lakers Run in Big Lake. He crossed the finish line with John Bruns,

Big Lake High School’s crosscountry coach. On July 4, he ran a 5k race down the parade route in front of thousands just prior to the parade in Delano. Perske’s previous races were in the Old Glory Run 5k in Cold Spring, the Killebrew Root Beer Run 5k in St. Francis, and the Sartell SummerFest 5k, which he ran with two of his three daughters, Jenna and Michaela. Perske, a former teacher and coach, has run 100 marathons Perske • page 3

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Sartell Mayor Joe Perske (right) crosses the finish line in the 8k Spud Fest Lakers Run in Big Lake. Also crossing the line is John Bruns, cross-country coach at Big Lake High School. Perske has participated in many marathons during his run as DFL candidate for the U.S. House Sixth Congressional seat.

St. Stephen eager to welcome Slovenian ambassador by Dennis Dalman

The St. Stephen Centennial party planners were delighted when their invitation was accepted by Dr. Bozo Cerar, the ambassador to the United States from the Republic of

Slovenia. The distinguished ambassador said he was more than happy to take a trip to St. S t e p h e n , Cerar

Minn., the oldest continuous Slovenian town in the United States. It will be the second time a Slovenian ambassador has visited St. Stephen. Cerar was appointed ambassador to the United States in September 2013. Born in 1949 in Ljublijana,

the capital of the Republic of Slovenia, Cerar is highly educated, with a master’s degree in diplomatic studies from Westminster University, London; and a doctorate in law. He has had a long, honored career in foreign service, inCerar • page 8

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, July 11, 2014


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The Sartell 15AAA Gopher State Baseball team volunteered at the Miracle League at Whitney Park in St. Cloud on Saturday, June 21. Team members include (from left to right): Al Schneider, Ben Gault, Isaac Schneider, Jadon Ludewig, Brandan Walz, Brandon Anderson, Ethan Stark, Brandon Kramer and Scott Stark. Not pictured are Christopher Belling, Justin Hammerl, Will McCabe, Spencer Meier and Riley Weihs. Forty-five Sartell students were recently named to the spring dean’s list at St. Cloud State University. They are the following: Einas Alkhatib, biomedical sciences; Alisha Anderson, psychology; Jill Bergstrom, nursing; Matthew Bethke, undecided; Tara Bishop, communication arts and literature; Garrett Brennan, computer science; Brandon Burggraff, information systems; Jill Chaika, nursing; Jessica Chan, communication studies; Nadesha Dohm, undecided; Brooke Evans, community psychology; Chase Gertken, undecided; Courtney Goulet, biomedical sciences; Curtis Grosz, undecided; David Grow, management; Travis Hess, psychology; Andrew Hessler, computer engineering; Anne Jensen, communication arts and literature; Noah Kelm, biomedical sciences; William Kopf, community psychology; Jonathan Lahr, marketing; Nathan Lahr, community psychology; Victoria Lewis, Spanish; Tomas Lorincz, electrical engineering; Seraphina Loukas, undecided; Andrew Math, undecided; Emily McIntire, biomedical sciences; Natalie McIntire, biomedical sciences; Samantha Mills, anthropology; Michelle Moran, biomedical sciences; Ryan Nguyen, nursing; Brady Olmscheid, criminal justice studies; Kaitlin Reichel, undecided; Alyssa Reinholz, community psychology; Holli Sauerer, elementary education; Sean Schlosser, business economics; Amanda Smith, pre-business; Ann Stang,

music; Justin Stodolka, recreation and sports management; Cassidy Swanson, English; Sally Traut, elementary/K-6 education; Rebecca Triplett, community psychology; Jaclyn Yasgar, finance; Katie Yurczyk, early childhood education; and Krista Zipp, elementary/K-6 education. Students must earn a gradepoint average of 3.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale.

Mitchell Koopmeiners, Sartell, was recently named to the spring dean’s list from Bemidji (Minn.) State University. Two St. Stephen students were recently named to the spring dean’s list from Bemidji (Minn.) State University. They are Troy Monson and Brianna Pilarski.

Kari Tschida, St. Stephen, was recently named to the spring dean’s list at St. Cloud State University. She’s majoring in psychology. Students must earn a gradepoint average of 3.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale.

Two Sartell students were recently named to the spring dean’s list at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis. They and their major are as follows: Matthew Peckskamp and Julie Wick. Both are earning master’s degrees in physician assistant studies.

Lucas Reitz, son of Heidi and Alan Reitz of Sartell, was recently named to the spring semester dean’s list at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa. A student must earn a grade-point average of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale

Madison Thompson of Sartell was recently named to the spring president’s list at Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. Students must have a perfect 4.0 grade-point average to receive this honor.

Adam Genereux, Sartell, recently graduated with a master’s degree in business administration from the University of St. Mary, Leavenworth, Kan.

Emily Marincic of Sartell was recently named to the spring dean’s list at Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. Students must achieve a grade-point average of 3.5 or above to earn this honor.

Array makes donation to Pinecone Central Park Jim Christensen, former CEO of Array Services Group, has long known the prominent role his businesses play in central Minnesota’s workforce. But now, his generosity will benefit generations to come by way of a $50,000 donation to the newly opened Pinecone Cen-

tral Park in Sartell. In honor of Array’s donation, the company’s name can be seen above the gazebo between the baseball diamonds, as well as on the donor board near the concession stand. For more information, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on July 11 People.

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Sartell 12U AAA Youth Baseball team took first place in the Sauk Rapids Tournament on June 1, competing against eight teams from North Dakota and Minnesota. Team members include the following: (front row, left to right) Thomas Ellis, Wes Nesland, Matt Sieben and Dylan Pringle; (middle row) Carter Hemmesch, Dom Hagy, Max Fesenmaier, Will Schiffler, Shane Corbett and Brady Schmidt; and (back row) Assistant Coach Jeff Hagy, Gage Vierzba, Assistant Coach Bill Schmidt, Assistant Coach Jay Vierzba and Head Coach Tom Schiffler. The boys worked hard for this win which qualified them to participate in the state “Tournament of Champions” in July.


If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.

stated he was aware of his speed. He was issued a citation and released. 3:51 p.m. Suspicious activity. Amber Avenue S. A report was made regarding an adult female possibly attempting to break into a car. An officer arrived and found the new owner had locked themselves out of the vehicle.

June 18 6:47 p.m. Theft. Walmart. An adult male was witnessed leaving the store with unpaid merchandise. The male was located and he admitted to the theft. He was issued a citation.

June 20 2:27 p.m. Vandalism. 16th Avenue N. A report was made that, sometime during the past week, a boat cover had been cut in two separate locations. 4:45 p.m. Welfare check. Riverside Avenue. A report was made regarding a small child, with an adult, hanging their feet over the side of the bridge. An officer arrived and was not able to locate anyone.

June 19 11:30 a.m. Suspicious activity. Riverside Avenue. A report was made regarding a blanket that was lying over the top of a fence. The officer found maintenance had laid the blanket there when they mowed. The officer disposed of the blanket as it had been outside for several days. 12:22 p.m. Traffic stop. Pinecone Road. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 55 mph in a 40-mph zone. The driver

June 21 2:22 p.m. Welfare check. CR 120. A report was made regarding two young children sitting in a car. An officer arrived and was unable to locate the vehicle. 11:23 p.m. Welfare check. Blotter • page 5

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

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Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

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P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, July 11, 2014

Perske from front page and won 20 of them. His first was in 1974 – the Paavo Nurmi Marathon in Michigan. His last big-event marathon was the Pittsburgh Marathon in 2000. His fastest time in a marathon was in Berlin, Germany when he finished in 2 hours 17 minutes 52 seconds. “Running for the Sixth U.S. Congressional seat,” Perske has often said, “will be the toughest marathon of my life.” In his life, Perske estimates he has run more than 96,000 miles, the equivalent of nearly four times around the circumference of planet Earth. Perske keeps running – in more ways than one.

Two presents on 4th of July contributed photo

Two dreams came true for Tom Gerds of Sartell on the Fourth of July when he had a chance to fly on a World War II vintage B-17 bomber, as well as a World War II N3N biplane. It happened when Gerds and his wife, Pam, (both pictured at right) attended a fly-in event at the St. Cloud Airport. Dr. Pam Gerds and Tom are the owners of Advanced Pet Care Hospital in Sartell. “I got my birthday and Christmas presents early this year and checked two events off my bucket list, both in one day,” Tom said. The B-17 is a restored aircraft that was commissioned in 1945, too late in the war to be used as an actual bomber. The open-air biplane was a trainer plane used by the U.S. Navy in the early years of World War II (1939-1945). Gerds flew in the B-17 for a fly-by above Sartell, St. Joseph and St. Cloud.


Sartell Newsleader •


Our View

Let’s learn to speak up for endangered kids, dogs

The horrible incident of a hot-car death in Georgia should have us all concerned about the vulnerability of children and pets in hot weather. What’s doubly horrible about the death of the 22-month-old toddler named Cooper is his father is suspected of leaving the child in that hot car on purpose. The mind reels with revulsion at such a vile possibility. Whatever the case, it’s a terrible way to die. Most adults know first-hand how oppressive it is just to open the door of a car that has been parked in the hot sun for any length of time. And yet, time and again, some parents leave children or pets in a car while on shopping trips or other errands. Some foolishly believe if they “crack open the window a bit,” it will make the car more comfortable. It does not. Innocent young children and pets, who of course do not know how to open car doors, can get debilitating heat stroke or suffer death within minutes if they are stuck in a vehicle with the sun blazing down on a hot day. Most people understand that; others, sadly, do not. It’s devastating to think how many children and pets have died in hot cars. It’s just as disturbing to imagine how many have suffered terribly long, agonizing moments in a stifling car waiting for their parent or owner to come back. A child should never be left alone in a car, period, in whatever weather. Dogs, too, are better left at home, especially on hot days if they are going to be left in vehicles even for short periods of time. People have got to start learning: Do not do it! However, in the meantime, good Samaritans should learn to be vigilant and aware. If they see or hear children or pets clearly in distress in a hot car, they should take immediate action. Call 911 at once. If the situation looks drastic, a bystander should try opening one of the vehicle’s doors until law-enforcement arrives. People unwilling to try opening the vehicle should at least go into a nearby store or residence and report what they have seen so the police and/or emergency medical personnel can be summoned. All parents or guardians should work out a foolproof system that would prevent leaving a child accidentally in a hot death-trap vehicle. They should work out a call system between husband and wife and with daycare owners so a definite confirmation of a child drop-off can be ascertained daily. In addition, it’s vitally important for a parent or guardian to do a visual check inside the car before they get out and go about their business. In the case of dogs, there is another terrible hotweather endangerment that goes on far more than we’d like to think. Some dogs are tied up on scratchy patches of yard with the sun beating down on them. Some have dog shelters that are nothing but brutally hot “boxes” without ventilation. Often, the dog’s water dish is empty or filled with stale, putrid water. Bugs and summer storms can also beset these poor pets, causing them ‘round-the-clock misery. These people should not own dogs, period. Why they would keep a “pet” in such misery is beyond comprehension. And so, once again, we should be vigilant Good Samaritans. If you know of a dog or other animal in such dire, miserable conditions, call the police or the sheriff’s department. You might also want to have a friendly chat with the pet’s owner, saying you’d be glad to help make the dog’s life a bit more comfortable and happy. These innocent children and pets cannot speak up for themselves. Therefore, responsible, caring people must be determined to speak for them.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Opinion Verdict’s in: ObamaCare is working The proof is in the pudding, and the glass is half full. The verdict’s in: The Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is working quite well, according to researchers from the University of Minnesota’s State Health Access Data Center. We should all be happy 8 million of our fellow Americans have enrolled in health-insurance plans. Here in Minnesota, 180,500 people signed up during the enrollment period from Sept. 30, 2013 and May 1, 2014. That’s a remarkable 40.6 percent drop in the numbers of uninsured, a number that fell from 445,000 to 264,500. And those numbers are sure to improve during the next enrollment period for 2015. Granted, the lion’s share is due to increases in enrollment into state and federally subsidized health programs – namely Medical Assistance (Medicaid) and MinnesotaCare. But so what? How can we expect working people at or below the poverty line to afford health-care plans that aren’t – partly at least – subsidized? It goes without saying that in a society riddled by income inequalities, so many individuals and families would just have to do without health care, get sick and die – if it weren’t for subsidies. Perhaps, if wages increase substantially, more people now subsidized will be able to afford plans without the need for any subsidies – or at least less subsidies. In the meantime, there is good news popping up here, there and everywhere ObamaCare is causing good changes. In May, executives from the health-care industry testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee that the ACA has not – as opponents had claimed – led to a “government takeover” of the health industry, that most who signed up are paying their

Dennis Dalman Editor monthly premiums and that premiums will not skyrocket next year, as ACA detractors argued. Data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services show the ACA has a direct bearing on major increases in patient safety, preventing almost 15,000 deaths and saving 560,00 patients from further health dangers, all while toting up $4.1 billion in cost savings. Those outcomes were made possible largely because the ACA improves health-care delivery systems by working with public and private partners and by changing the way hospitals are paid. According to HHS data, from 2010 (when the partnerships began) until 2012, there was a 51-percent decline in ventilator-associated pneumonia in hospitals; a 65-percent drop in early elective deliveries (often the cause of health problems in newborns); a 16-percent drop in the rate of obstetric trauma; a 25-percent decline in cases of pressure ulcers; and a 13-percent decline in cases of venous thromboembolic complications (which has been responsible for the deaths of about 300,000 people a year, with two-thirds of them contracting the cardiovascular illness in hospital stays). Under the ACA, hospitals get paid based on “best practices,” one of which is reimbursing them more for Medicare if they have fewer re-admissions. The ACA also made possible the formation of Partnership

for Patients in 2011, a coalition of the HHS, hospitals, employers, health plans, doctors, nurses, state governments and others. That coalition is helping reduce preventable hospital-acquired sicknesses and subsequent re-admissions, saving lives and saving money for patients and taxpayers. Those kinds of behind-the-scenes ObamaCare successes almost never make the news. There’s more news – good news: “junk” insurance plans have been exposed for what they are, people cannot be denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions, children can stay on their parents’ health plans until age 26, women cannot be discriminated against by having to pay higher premiums, and there are now all kinds of free or low-cost preventive check-ups, thanks to the ACA. All those successes do not mean ObamaCare will not have glitches, setbacks, bureaucratic tangles, financial constraints and other problems. However, what program doesn’t have a constant need for adjustments? It’s bound to be an ongoing process, with fixes here and there as needed. The successes of ACA cannot be denied. But, of course, those successes, ironically but not surprisingly, have become the very targets of those who have hated the law from the get-go, from those who have voted more than 50 times in the U.S. House to repeal it. These opponents – the loudest of them – are people who despise any sort of social contract among their fellow Americans, who decry any sharing of costs through subsidies and who think more tax-cuts for the very rich and corporations will benefit working people through the ol’ rabbit-in-the-hat “trickle-down” theory. ObamaCare is working; TrickleDown is not.

Letter to editor

MNSure most likely to see taxpayers digging deeper in pockets J. Ted Plombon, Sartell

There was a recent poll released from MNSure, Minnesota’s equivalent to ObamaCare, touting a reduction of medically uninsured in Minnesota dropping by nearly 50 percent. With full implementation of the ACA/Obamacare effective Jan. 1, 2014 there has been great interest on the law’s early impact. Let’s take a look to see where those previously uninsured people are now getting their coverage. Some of this information is taken from the State Health Access Data Assistance Center. View the entire report at The authors of the report took data

from Sept. 30, 2013 and May 1, 2014. Their finding was there was a drop of 180,500 of uninsured people in Minnesota or 40.6 percent. However, the drop was primarily driven by an increase in the number of Minnesotans who enrolled in the state’s health-insurance programs, Medical Assistance (Medicaid) and Minnesota Care. Of the 180,500 newly insured, over 155,000 were enrolled in these two taxpayer programs. This is possible because Obamacare expands the eligibility for Medicaid. That equates to less than 25,000 insureds that actually purchased private health plans through MNSure. Most of those plans were also subsidized by you and me,

the taxpayers. The federal government doled out $4.6 billion to the 15 states that are left running their own exchanges. Minnesota and the 14 other states will need to figure out how they will fund their exchanges starting next year in 2015. Minnesota does have the highest tax at 3.5 percent of premium to help offset some of the cost, but I have a feeling they will be asking the taxpayers to once again dig a little deeper into their pockets. You know, it’s all about shared responsibility! (Plombon is president and CEO of Advantage 1 Insurance in St. Cloud.)

Shredded carrots in green gelatin, other peculiarities While we are one country with one language, there are obvious differences. Winston Churchill famously said Brits and Americans were one people separated only by a common language. People from Louisiana often speak English differently from people in Tennessee. Our diets are as varied as our dialects as well. We are the product of our heritage. Our habits and our lifestyles are handed down through the generations. I remember when I was a child being raised in the South, thinking white potatoes were “Arsh potatoes.” Everybody called them Arsh potatoes. It was only years later that I learned they were actually saying “Irish potatoes.” Irish potatoes are what I know today as russets. Regular milk was known as sweet milk. The other milk was buttermilk. Bread was either cornbread or biscuits. We ate three hot meals a day – breakfast, dinner and supper. Vegetables were cooked in bacon grease and chicken was always fried. Is it any wonder I and many of my southern brothers and sisters are what some might call “plump?” In different parts of the country we have developed our own languages. In the South we had many colloquialisms that seemed to me to be correct. I didn’t know any other way. Recently someone asked me what was

Ron Scarbro Guest Writer the number value of a “mess” as in “a mess of fish.” I remember my grandfather answering that question for me as a young child. “Well,” he said, “you got nary which is none, ary which is one, two which is self explanatory and any more than two is a mess.” That answer worked for me. I’ve had the pleasure of living in many parts of this great country and I’ve found every part has its own peculiarities. When I first moved to Minnesota, I ordered a meal in a local restaurant. It was the lunch special. Everything on the plate was white. Minnesota is where they soak fish in lye which turns it into the consistency of geltain. They call it lutefisk. Yummy??? Also they think Miracle Whip is mayonnaise. Oh, and they drink a lot too. I wonder why. Uff Da. In California, where I spent several years, they have what I call a hippie diet. They eat a

lot of raw food. They don’t season anything, preferring its “natural” taste. Those people eat a lot of salads. In other words they eat what my food eats. In the restaurants you get a plate that is two feet wide with a tiny serving of food stuck in one corner. The rest of the plate is smeared with colorful swatches of sauces and little green bits that are inedible. No wonder they all wanted to come to my house for supper. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve loved every moment in every area of the country. I’ve loved the different interpretations of foods and the style of preparation. I appreciated the different uses of the same language. Out in California there is the heavy influence of Hispanics. In Minnesota the German and Scandinavian heritage prevails. The same is true in the Northwest; there are a lot of Scandinavians. I’ve enjoyed the differences. But I’ve also became painfully aware of the similarities too. Somehow, someway, somebody decided shredded carrots would go well in green gelatin. You can get that dish in every part of this country. My biggest question is why? Why would you do that to gelatin and why ever would you do that to carrots? Oh well. I guess some things are better left uninvestigated.

Friday, July 11, 2014


Sartell Newsleader •

Kimberly Foster recently joined Laraway Financial Advisors Inc. as financial advisor and senior admin- Foster istrator. In 1993, Foster graduated from St. Cloud Technical and Community College with a word-processing degree and continued onto St. Cloud State University where she took business administrative courses. She earned securities licensures which helped lead to a career as director of operations with a local financial planning firm. Continuing to expand her background and expertise, Foster is working toward Chartered Financial Con-

sultant-ChFC® designation. In her free time, she volunteers as a recovery coach for Recovery Plus. Originally from St. Stephen, she joined the Army where she was stationed in Giebelstadt, Germany. There she met her husband Nicholas and left the Army when their first daughter was born. The family moved to Fort Carson in Colorado where their second daughter was born. When Nicholas was discharged, the family moved to Minnesota which they attribute to excellent school systems. “When the opportunity with Laraway Financial Advisors came along, it seemed like a perfect fit,” Foster said. “The position broadens my compliance responsibilities yet I can still work with clients.”

Bailey O ’ H o t t o was recently nominated as one of the top seven outstanding women softball high O’Hotto school players for the state of Minnesota. She is the daughter of Todd and Wendy O’Hotto of Baxter and the granddaughter of Jim and Marge O’Hotto of Sartell. She played for the Brainerd Warriors all four years and now plays for Bo Diddley’s of St. Cloud before going on to the College of St. Benedict on a scholarship this fall. Bailey’s dad Todd graduated from Sartell where he played baseball for the Sabres.

The Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation awarded more than $30,000 in grants to support leading-edge programming (preK-12) in the Sartell-St. Stephen School District 2014-15 school year. The programs receiving grants include: Sartell High School Sabre Splash, Art in Motion, AP Summer Institute, Electronic Data Equipment, and Student Council Leadership Training; Sartell Middle School Academic Extensions, High Interest eb-

ooks, STEM Initiative, Learning Lab and Lab Quest 2; SMS/ Oak Ridge Elementary/Pine Meadow Elementary Schoology Conference, ORE/PME Leveled Library, Elementary Academic Extensions, Kindergarten Flip-It Books and Math SmARTS; Early Childhood Family Education Early Weekly Readers, Family Library Story Hour and School Readiness Preschool Books. This spring marks SSEF’s 10th year – and more than $200,000 – of giving grants and

scholarships to the students of District 748. This is another record-breaking year for SSEF as they continue to increase the amount of funds awarded to programs in the district. The Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation is a non-profit 501c(3) organization whose mission is to provide support for leading-edge ideas and programming for the students in District 748. For more information about the Foundation visit


June 24 5:08 p.m. Accident. 2nd Street S. A report was made regarding a vehicle hitting a bicyclist. The bicyclist received minor injuries. 5:38 p.m. Accident. 7th Street N. A report was made regarding a turned over pontoon leaking gas. The boat was reloaded and the gas leak was contained.

the male and informed him he needed to move to public property. The male left without incident.

from page 2 Pheasant Crest Loop. A report was made regarding a 6-year-old boy going to his neighbor’s residence stating he couldn’t find his mother. His mother was located, she was in the shower. June 22 5:41 a.m. Suspicious person. Birch Circlae. A report was made regarding a young male running and yelling in the street. An officer arrived and was able to locate a group of juvenile males who admitted to yelling. The boys’ guardian was informed. 6:22 p.m. Lost juvenile. 1st Avenue N. A report was made regarding a 6-year-old girl lost at a business. Upon officer arrival, the mother had arrived. She stated the daughter came over without her knowledge. June 23 10:57 a.m. Traffic stop. Riverside Avenue. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 48 mph in a post 30-mph zone. The driver stated he was aware of his speed. He was issued a citation and released. 10:43 p.m. Suspicious activity. Troop Drive. A report was made regarding an unknown vehicle driving and parking in several closed business lots. An officer was unable to locate the vehicle.

June 25 10:06 a.m. Suspicious activity. Connecticut Avenue. A report was made regarding a vehicle being egged sometime during the overnight. 11:50 a.m. Vehicle theft. 11th Avenue E. A report was made regarding tools being taken from an unlocked vehicle. 3:53 p.m. Theft. Walmart. An adult female was witnessed attempting the leave the store with unpaid merchandise. The female admitted to the theft. She was issued a citation and released. June 26 12:35 a.m. Suspicious person. Brianna Drive. A report was made regarding a male lurking in a parking lot and attempting to look in residents’ windows. Officers checked the area and were unable to locate anyone. 7:39 p.m. Suspicious person. Pinecone Road. A report was made regarding an adult male standing and holding a sign on private property. An officer arrived and spoke with

June 27 6:46 p.m. Domestic. 1st Avenue N. An emergency call was placed stating an adult male and an adult female were physically arguing. Officers arrived and both parties became aggressive. Both parties admitted to becoming physically combative with each other. They were both placed under arrest and transported to Stearns County Jail. 10:52 p.m. Traffic stop. CR 120. After checking a vehicle’s registration, it was found the driver had a revoked license. The driver stated he was aware of his status. He was issued a citation and released. The vehicle was parked until a valid driver came to remove it. June 28 12:25 p.m. Juvenile problem. 7th Street N. A report was made regarding juvenile males, in a parking lot, shooting BB guns. Officers arrived and spoke with the boys; they admitted to shooting the BB guns but that they had put them away. The officer explained they were not allowed to shoot those in town and the boys stated they were unaware. 10:25 p.m. Gunshot. Lowell Lane. A report was made regarding several possible gunshots in the area. An officer arrived and heard one large

Ask a Trooper


Is moving over for pedestrians walking on the shoulder a law or courtesy? Q: What is the law regarding motorists moving over when meeting a person walking on the roadway? I often walk my dog on the side of the road (but not in the gravel shoulder or grass.) I walk against traffic so the vehicle I’m meeting is very close to me and rarely moves over when the other lane is open and rarely slows down, even to the point of spitting rocks at us. Am I right, are motorists legally supposed to move over if they can do so safely and slow down? Or am I supposed to quickly get on the shoulder out of fear they could hit us? Or is it not the law in Minnesota and just myself and some others do it for walkers and bike riders as a courtesy? A: Pedestrian safety is a twoway street. As a reminder, pedestrian traffic walks facing the direction of oncoming traffic, while bicycles must ride in the same direction as traffic. Here is what Minnesota law says about pedestrian traffic. “Pedestrians when walking or moving in a wheelchair along a roadway shall, when practicable, walk or move on the left side of the roadway or its shoulder giving way to oncoming traffic. Where sidewalks are provided and are accessible and usable it shall be unlawful for any pedestrian to

walk or move in a wheelchair along and upon an adjacent roadway.” While out walking, get off onto the shoulder and move out of the way as far as possible of oncoming traffic. With that said, I would encourage other motorists to extend some courtesy to pedestrians and give them some room and slow down, when possible. “Sharing the road” is covered quite extensively in the Minnesota driver’s manual but, more importantly, I believe it’s good common sense. Each year in Minnesota, approximately 40 pedestrians and 10 bicyclists are killed as a result of collisions with motor vehicles. Fifteen percent of those pedestrians killed were not using or crossing the highway properly. Everyone needs to pay attention and do the safe and smart thing. A portion of state statutes were used with permission from the Office of the Revisor of Statutes. If you have any questions concerning traffic-related laws or issues in Minnesota, send your questions to Trp. Jesse Grabow – Minnesota State Patrol at 1000 Hwy. 10 W., Detroit Lakes, MN 56501-2205 or follow him on Twitter @MSPPIO_NW or reach him at, jesse.grabow@

firework but could not find the location.

opposite shore but went into the Sauk River and swam to the male’s location. The Sartell Fire Department responded with their Zodiac, an inflatable boat, and entered the river. The male and dog were picked up and returned to the Heim’s Mill canoe access. The male was identified as Michael Lenarz of St. Cloud. The male was not complaining of any injuries and the dog appeared to be fine as well. Lenarz left the access on his own. Also assisting with this matter was the Benton County Sheriff’s Office and the Sauk Rapids Fire Department. 10:57 p.m. Suspicious person. Pinecone Road. A report was made regarding an adult male loitering in a parking lot. An officer arrived and located the male sleeping in the bushes. The officer transported the male to Detox without incident.

June 29 1:38 a.m. DWI. Riverside Avenue. A vehicle was witnessed with expired tabs. The driver emitted the odor of alcoholic beverages. She was unable to pass field sobriety testing and was placed under arrest. 3:12 p.m. Assault. CR 120. A report was made regarding an adult male possibly hitting a child inside a vehicle. Officer located the family and found the child was throwing a tantrum and the father did not use unnecessary force. June 30 8:52 a.m. Traffic stop. Riverside Avenue. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 47 mph in a posted 30-mph zone. The driver stated she was not aware of her speed. She was issued a citation and released. Water rescue. CR 1 bridge over Sauk River. The Stearns County Communications Center received a report of a male who had gone into the Sauk River. The female caller originally indicated the male had gone in after a dog and she could still see the dog but had lost sight of the male. Stearns County deputies responded and assistance was requested from the Sartell Police department. When officers arrive they located the 61-year-old male on a small island east of the CR 1 Bridge over the Sauk River. The dog was on the

July 1 3:49 a.m. Suspicious person. Pinecone Road. A report was made regarding two males setting off car alarms in a parking lot. An officer arrived and was unable to locate the males. 3:27 p.m. Property damage. Parkview Lane. A report was made regarding two juvenile males jumping on a trailer, parked on private property. An officer arrived and located the males. They stated they were unaware the property was private and they would pay for the damage to the trailer. Their guardians were contacted.

Sartell Newsleader •


Peternell from front page to riding in the parade, we’ll get a care cab for him for the ride from Albany, then somehow manage to get him into that 102-year-old truck. He is confined to a wheelchair, ever since he broke the hip.”

Born in log house

Peternell was born on a loghouse farm north of St. Stephen April 6, 1912, one of seven children of John and Gertrude Peternell. John was an immigrant from Slovenia (at that time part

of the Austrian Empire). He met Gertrude Smoley in St. Stephen and married her. Gertrude lived until the ripe age of 92 but died 11 years ago of a heart attack during surgery. In the 1930s, Peternell moved to a farm house west of St. Stephen where he continued to farm and live for many decades, working also at Franklin Mfg. in St. Cloud during some of those years. In those days and nights, he would get by on a skimpy four hours of sleep per day. After retirement, he has continued to live on the farm – that is, until his recent fall. Although Peternell was of-

Friday, July 11, 2014

ficially retired, most people would never know it. Looking far younger than his age, he continued whirlwind of activity, including participating in plowing contests, going fishing and staying active ‘round the clock. Ten years ago, at the age of 92, he won a big plowing contest in South Dakota.

Memories of Pa

Everyone who knows Peternell has favorite memories of their days with him, especially his children. They all remember fondly what they call “pile-on Sundays.” Many a Sunday afternoon, as one of his daughters,

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photo by Dennis Dalman

Eddie Peternell sits with his lunch pail on the steps of the old one-room schoolhouse he attended so many years ago. Now 102, Peternell is the oldest St. Stephen resident, and he will be honored July 18-20 during the St. Stephen Centennial Celebration. This photo was taken in 2011. Roofing • Siding • Gutters • Windows • Metal Roofs HAAG™ Certified Roof Inspectors for hail/wind

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Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, July 11, 2014 Helen Frie of St. Wendel described it, Peternell would go out onto the lawn, lie down and relax – but not for long. His young children would attack and pile onto their daddy like new-born puppies, wrestling with him, squirming, giggling and yelling. His straw farm hat usually fell off of his head as they all wiggled and rolled in one big happy clump. “Peternell had a deep love for his farm dogs,” Frie said. “He was proud of them, and when he retired he was so proud of the potatoes and corn he raised. He did more fun stuff after he retired and had a chance to go fishing more often, which he loved.” Three years ago, when Peternell turned 99, his children arranged for him to spend part of a day at his boyhood school – a one-room schoolhouse, now decrepit but still standing, about a mile northwest of St. Stephen. It was something he’d always had a hankering to do – going back in time to that schoolhouse. He brought a lunch of peanut butter-jelly sandwiches in a maple-syrup can, just like he did when he was a boy. Then he sat on the school steps and munched down his lunch, remembering vividly the school days of eight decades earlier.

Lucy’s memories

Lucy Senstad of St. Wendel,

another of Peternell’s daughters, has some precious memories of her own. She remembers she and her siblings going to Rice in the car when their dad had to buy farm supplies. “We’d stop by a creek, which is no longer there,” Senstad said. “Then we’d wade around, watching the pebbles and the minnows. Those were such happy times.” She also recalls how her father loved to go watch son Frank dirt-track racing in Sauk Centre. “He had his favorite spot in the bleachers, and he would run to get that spot every time.” He was also the first to make it to the pit stops after the show.

Joan remembers

Daughter Joan Grunerud of Corcoran cherishes the memories of the time she went to California when she was 18 to visit Peternell’s sister, Mary, who lived in San Diego. They had a blast flying out there from Minnesota. Neither had been in a plane before, and the turbulence half way through the flight caused some heebiejeebies, but they managed to enjoy it anyway, despite the butterflies in their tummies. Relatives drove Eddie and Joan to a great many places: Disneyland, the San Diego Zoo and even a one-day trip to Ti-

juana, Mexico. “Dad went with me on every crazy ride at Disneyland,” Grunerud said, “and when I heard him laughing and whooping on the scary rides like a little kid, I saw a side of him I’d never seen before. It was just amazing, I had to ask myself ‘Who IS this guy?’ “ Peternell was in his element in Tijuana because he’d always like to haggle over prices, and the markets in that Mexican city were made for bartering. Joan can still hear her father guffawing at what he thought were outrageous prices for tourists and then scuffing the toe of his shoe in the dirt until he got the price he wanted. “I got a picture of him riding a donkey with a sombrero on his head,” she recalled. “Until that time, all I’d ever seen him wear was an old farmer’s cap on his head while sitting on a tractor.” Another favorite memory of Grunerud’s is how the eight kids would all squeeze into the car to go places, especially to Frommelt’s Hardware in Rice. If he had a bit of extra money, he’d buy the children mini pieces of farm machinery for their sandbox. “But it had to be Farmall brand toys,” she said. “I remember little tractors, disks, balers and things like that. Those toys gave us so many happy hours in the sandbox.”


Yet another favorite memory of the children – a comical moment – is the time son Edward Jr. was remodeling the bathroom in the farm house west of St. Stephen. The old house was far from plumb; it had offset dimensions here and there. As Edward Jr. used the tile saw to cut tiles, Edward Sr. asked him, “Where’s the T-square? Aren’t you going to

use the T-square to make sure everything’s plumb?” Edward Jr., in a deadpan way, peered around the offplumb room and said in a jaundiced way: “T-square? Why start now?”


Peternell’s children, besides Lucy, John, Helen, Frank and Peternell • page 8


t celebra e m o C ith

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Music in the Park

Thursdays July 31 at 7 p.m. – Ring of Kerry Aug. 7 at 7 p.m. – Belle Amour Aug. 14 at 7 p.m. – Tim Sparks & Phil Heywood Aug. 21 at 7 p.m. – Gypsy Mania

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Thursday, Aug. 21 at Dusk

Music sponsored by: • Chris & Deb Stalboerger • The Bierscheid Family This activity is made possible, in part, by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Central MN Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

The Waters Church auditorium is the rain site in the event of bad weather for the music events. Thursday, Aug. 28 at dusk is the reschedule date for Despicable Me in the event of bad weather.

Sartell Newsleader •


Peternell from page 7

Edward Jr. – all mentioned above, are John of Albany, Jim of Shevlin and Rosemary Peternell of St. Paul. Frank lives in Florida, and Edward Jr. still lives on the farm west of St. Stephen.

Secrets of longevity

Many times Peternell’s children are asked what’s the secret of their father’s longevity. They do have some theories. “He was always working, always active,” Frie said. His infinite curiosity was also a big plus, she added. “He was always trying to figure out a better or an easier

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way of doing things, always trying to re-invent the wheel, so to speak. Right after his injury put him in the nursing home, he said to me, ‘You know these wheelchairs just aren’t made right. They’re way off. The wheels should be located farther out from the chair.’ “ Diet didn’t seem to play much of a roll in Peternell’s good health. He ate more or less what he darned well pleased. When he was in his late 90s, he asked Dr. Newton of St. Joseph. “Doc,” he said. “I’ve been filling up my sugar bowl too often lately. Should I cut back?” “At your age, Eddie,” Newton said, smiling, “You can eat whatever you want.”

Cerar from front page cluding ambassadorships and ministry work far and wide in places such as Canada, England, Australia, Poland and Greece. He is the permanent representative of the Republic of Slovenia on the North Atlantic Council. An author of many schol-

Friday, July 11, 2014 Another key to health may be laughter. “Dad always loved to laugh a lot,” Frie said. “He really enjoys living. One of the St. Stephen Centennial activities will be a game Saturday between alumni of the St. Stephen Steves baseball team versus a team from St. Wendel. Peternell played for the Steves many decades ago. “He could hit the ball like a madman,” Frie said, “but catching the ball just wasn’t his thing.” Frie said she wouldn’t be surprised if good ol’ Eddie the slugger wheels up to bat and gives it another try. Maybe, just maybe, once again he’d hit that ball right out of the park.

arly articles and two books, Cerar speaks six languages, including English. He is married with three children, two from his first marriage. The Republic of Slovenia is a country in south central Europe, bordered by Italy, Austria, Croatia and Hungary. Its population is 2.05 million. The country, which has a rich and varied cultural history, is a member of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Sartell Newsleader •


Book details terrifying journey from darkness to light by Dennis Dalman

When she heard the news her mother had died, Eve Woodson of Sartell was overcome by joy. “Yes!” she screamed out loud. “This is the best news I’ve gotten in a long time.” That is the opening of Woodson’s just-published book, entitled 777: The Lost Blood, a book Woodson describes as an autobiography. Readers will likely be shocked by those opening lines, as they will be throughout most of the book. It is, by turns, shocking, horrifying, brutal, spooky, weird, appalling, perplexing, distasteful and sometimes even humorous. Warning: Children should not be allowed to read this book. However, as Woodson said in an interview with the Newsleader, her book is supposed to be shocking because, as she explained, the truth of her life was shocking. Woodson believes her mother was a witch. When Eve’s first children were born – a set of twins – her mother put a spell on one of the babies, and the baby boy died. For the rest of her life, the mother worked all kinds of spells and sinister influences to weaken and to kill Eve. Much of 777 reads like a vivid horror movie. It is filled with witchcraft, ghosts, angels, emissaries of Satan, strange goings-on, disembodied voices, sudden deathly illnesses, meant-to-be car accidents and shape-changers (the mother morphing into semblances of other people). In fact, the book at times reads like a cross between those chilling horror flicks The Exorcist and Rosemary’s Baby. This is how Woodson describes her mother: “Our mother is a wellknown witch in Africa. She was the child of the devil him-

Maintenance Tech/Painter Full-time position available for apartment management company in Sartell/St. Cloud area. Must have basic knowledge of plumbing, electrical, painting, basic remodeling and be able to trouble shoot. Previous experience preferred. Valid driver’s license and clean criminal background required. Great wage and full benefit package. Email resume to

self, like I said earlier. She was nothing like an ordinary woman. She was a bully who knew she had special supernatural powers and was not afraid of using them on whoever stood in her way.” As disturbing as Woodson’s anecdotes are, there is what Woodson describes as the “bright side” to the horrors of 777. She said her point in writing it was to bring people to God. The book, which is a kind of journey from darkness to light, is dedicated to the “Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, without whom my story would have been impossible to live and write about.” The moral of her story, she says, “is no matter what you are going through in life, put God first and he will surely deliver you from the hands of darkness.” Woodson’s life story will all sound far-fetched – even utterly unbelievable – to most readers, who do not believe in such things as witches and spells. However, Woodson was born in Liberia, a country in West Africa, where witchcraft in some areas is still practiced and believed by many people. To this day, after many centuries, witchcraft is part of the cultural and psychological makeup of some Africans, the way voodoo is still a force in places like Haiti. Woodson was born into a rather privileged family, with a father connected to the government who was well known and respected. When she was 10, her mother sent her from Africa to live with a sister in Maple Grove, Minn. A few years later, she was summoned back to West Africa. By that time, her mother and relatives had moved to a country next to Liberia, the Ivory Coast. They had fallen on hard times. The mother forced Eve to become a prostitute to make money for the family, a job Eve detested. At that time, a tug-of-war between mother and

daughter intensified, and evil witchcraft spells began, resulting – Woodson believes – in the death of Elijah, one of Eve’s twins. Later, Eve and her mother both moved to Minnesota. Working mainly menial jobs, Woodson began a series of relationships with boyfriends, some of them abusive. She eventually became a heavy drinker and marijuana smoker. All the while, through a rocky life she admits was not healthy or positive on her part, she was battling the forces of witchcraft and hearing voices some of which were good, some bad. Many times, God told her he wanted her to suffer, to make wrong choices so she would eventually come into the full light of salvation and redemption – God’s love. But, too often, Woodson listened to the voices from sinister, satanic, witchcraft forces. She was sexually promiscuous, often just to get even with her boyfriends for cheating on her; she had multiple abortions; she continued to drink and to smoke marijuana; she had violent fits of temper at times. Even though she believed in God’s promises to her, she could not quite connect all the dots and would slip backward into darkness. Finally, she met a prophetess named Annie Wolo Johnson who guided her toward a fuller understanding of what had been happening in

her troubled, dangerous life. It was difficult to struggle out of the darkness, she said, because of so many interconnected problems: her mother’s evil hexes, a car accident, soured relationships, untrustworthy people and those who used her for their selfish ends, not to mention a series of health problems that include lupus, auto-immune deficiency and other ailments. At one point, when their problems overwhelmed them, she and her husband lost their jobs, their car, their home and had to live in a homeless shelter. “It’s been really tough,” she said. Her newfound enlightenment, Woodson notes in the book, was the strength – through God – that she needed to defeat the dark forces around her, including a sister who was working in cahoots with the mother to weaken and kill her. In her concluding chapter, Woodson calls God “The Great Boss” who has an open line to his employees so they can call on him at any time. “The (employee) pay is remarkably high,” Woodson wrote. He (The Great Boss) will bless you in many ways. You can get a hold of him at any time, day or night . . . But beware, you cannot cheat him; he is always watching.” Woodson’s major ambition, she said, is to spread the word of God to all the four corners of the Earth. The “777” part of the

photo by Dennis Dalman

Eve Woodson of Sartell holds her just-published autobiography, entitled 777: The Lost Blood. The book is a harrowing story of a string of problems and tragedies that led eventually to redemption and salvation through faith in God. title of her book, she explained, refers to the numerical symbols for Father, Son, Holy Ghost. “The Lost Blood” part of the title is the blood lost by Christ on the cross that had been found again by God. Woodson and her husband, Sumo, live in Sartell. A stay-athome mom, she is the mother of three children, two of them at home. 777: The Lost Blood is available online at or at Barnes and Noble or

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Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, July 11, 2014

Birthday bash will have something for everyone by Dennis Dalman

contributed photo

Pam Linton will perform with her husband, band leader Sherwin Linton, and with her sister, Brittany Allyn (nee Patti Trobec) at the St. Stephen Centennial Celebration the weekend of July 18-20. Pam and her younger sister, Patti, grew up in St. Stephen and demonstrated remarkable talents for music at very early ages.

St. Stephen, the oldest continuous Slovenian town in the United States, will kick up its heels for a three-day bash the weekend of July 18-20 to celebrate its 100th birthday. There will be literally something for everyone during the Centennial Festival: a parade, car show, tractor show, polka Mass, lots of music, raffles, food, baseball, Centennial books for sale, baseball and softball games and a breakfast featuring Slovenian specialties. The special guest for the festivities will be Dr. Bozo Cerar, the ambassador to the United States from the Republic of Slovenia and (possibly) the oldest St. Stephen resident, Eddie Peternell, 102, who hopes to ride in the parade. (See related stories about Cerar and Peternell.) Other guests will include Sherwin and Pam Linton with their band, The Cotton Kings, as well as

Brittany Allyn, Nashville recording artist who sang back-up many years for the late music legend George Jones. Pam and Brittany (nee Pam and Patti Trobec) are sisters who grew up in St. Stephen and who were accomplished singers from an early age. Even more music will be performed by the band 2 Mile Final. The following is a line-up of events for the three-day festival:

Friday, July 18:

• A car show will take place from 3:30-8 p.m. in the St. Stephen Church parking lot. There will be 14 classes of vehicles, all models from 1980 or older, including cars and trucks, collector cars, muscle cars, convertibles, street hot rods and motorcycles. At 7:30 p.m., trophies will be awarded for each class of vehicles. Admission is free.

Saturday, July 19:

• The St. Stephen Steves (former players ages 40 and older) will face off against the baseball play-

ers from St. Wendel from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the St. Steven Steves Field. There will be free admission to the game, and the food stands will be open for business. • A Co-Ed Slow-Pitch Softball Game will start at 6:30 p.m. at Smoley Field. Also, former summer ball program players 18 and older will have a chance to participate in a softball game during the days of celebration. • The big parade will start at 2 p.m. and wend its way down CR 2 from the Smoley Addition to the Trobec’s Bus Garage south of the city. The theme of the parade will be “Old, Antique, Classic” and prizes will be awarded for the “Best,” with prizes also given for originality and entertainment value. Cerar, ambassador from the Republic of Slovenia, is expected to ride in the parade. • Sherwin and Pam Linton and their band, The Cotton Kings, will perform twice – from 3:30-4:30 p.m. and from 6-7 p.m. Their guest singer will be Nashville recording artist Brittany Allyn. • A Helping Hands Raffle will take place at 7:30 p.m. by the church. • A band called 2 Mile Final will perform for a street dance starting at 8 p.m. by the church lot. They will play music until midnight. • The band will take an intermission at about 10 p.m. so the crowds can enjoy a fireworks show.

Sunday, July 20:

• At 9 a.m., a Polka Mass will take place outside the church, featuring the Singing Slovenes. A concert by that group will also follow the Mass. • From 9 a.m. until noon, there will be a breakfast at the Parish

contributed photo

For many years, Brittany Allyn was a backup singer for the late country-western legend George Jones. She will perform in her home town, St. Stephen, during its upcoming Centennial celebration. Allyn (nee Patti Trobec), who lives near Nashville, has recorded several discs of her own music. Jones died in 2013.

Hall cooked by a Slovenian-culture group with genuine Slovenian specialty foods. Free-will donations will go to the St. Stephen Food Shelf. • A Tractor Show will take place, rain or shine, from 11 a.m.4 p.m. at the grounds of the previous Vouk Steam Show, just north of downtown along CR 2. Three People’s Choice awards will be given. Weather depending, there will be demonstrations of threshing and cutting of lath and shingles. Admission is free to the event. • Throughout the three-day festival, there will be two books for sale – one a Centennial Memory Photo Book with hundreds of old photos, the other a St. Stephen Centennial Cook Book. Those books, plus Centennial souvenirs, will be sold at the ball park, Smoley’s Field.



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Friday, July 11, 2014

Community Calendar

Friday, July 11 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Brat and hot dog sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Lions, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2.

Saturday, July 12 Brat and hot dog sale, sponsored by St. Joseph Lions, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market, 26 1st Ave. NW. Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Wreaths for the Fallen annual meeting, 1 p.m., Camp Ripley Snack Bar, Little Falls. Sunday, July 13 Church bazaar, 9:30 a.m., St. Benedict’s Church, Avon. Outdoor Mass, food, games, raffle, bingo, quilt auction.


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Sartell Newsleader •

Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail-order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75% on all your medication needs. Call today. 1-800-406-9568 for $10 off your first prescription and free shipping. (MFPA)

Monday, July 14 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Market Monday, 3-6:30 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell. Sartell City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-253-2171.

Tuesday, July 15 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 8:30 a.m.12:30 p.m., Life Assembly of God, 2409 Clearwater Rd, St. Cloud, 1-888-2341294. Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Wednesday, July 16 Car Seat Clinic, 3-6 p.m, certified technicians check the safety and fit of your car seat in your car, Gold Cross Ambulance garage, 2800 7th St. N., St. Cloud. Free service. 320-656-7021. SummerTime by George, 5-9 p.m., Lake George, St. Cloud. Free live concert by the Chris Hawkey Band.


LEgal notICES

Thursday, July 17 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 5-9 p.m., Gilleland Chevrolet-Geo, 3019 Division St., St. Cloud, 1-888-234-1294. Friday, July 18 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2.

DISH TV RESELLER – SAVE! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months). FREE premium movie channels. FREE equipment, installation and activation. Call, compare local deals! 1-800-314-4584 (MFPA)


ATTENTION VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 pill special - $99. FREE shipping! 100 percent guaranteed. Call now: 1-800-276-0575. (MFPA)


PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1,000 A WEEK mailing brochures from home! Genuine opportunity! No experience required. Start immediately! (VOID IN SD, WI) (MFPA)

HEALTH SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB: Alert for Seniors: bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic jets. Less than 4” Step-In. Wide door. Antislip floors. American made. Installation included. Call 888743-6845 for $750 off. (MFPA)

/s/ Cris Drais City of St. Stephen City Clerk Dated: July 7, 2014 Publish: July 11, 2014


All comments, written or oral, will be heard.

You are invited to attend this public hearing. Written comments

Dated: July 8, 2014 Publish: July 11, 2014


Medical Alert for Seniors – 24/7 monitoring. FREE equipment. FREE shipping. Nationwide service. $29.95/ month. Call Medical Guardian today. 1-888-721-6758. (MFPA)


City residents are urged to consider participation in city government. The city clerk can provide candidate eligibility information and can assist with all necessary candidacy paperwork.The cost for filing is $2.

The (2) two-week filing period runs from Tuesday, July 29, 2014 to Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2014. City Hall summer office hours are from 2:30-5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. Filing closes at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2014.

The Public Hearing is being held in order to review a conditionaluse permit accepted by the City Council on behalf of Howie’s Corner Bar, 1 Main St. E. Howie’s Corner Bar is applying to have outdoor front sidewalk seating from 11 a.m.-9 p.m. and provide food and beverages. The seating would consist of three tables and 12 chairs. At 9 p.m., chairs and tables would be stacked and cable locked.

can Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Tap Takeover, 4-8 p.m., Third Street Brewhouse, 219 Red River Ave., Cold Spring. 100% proceeds go to St. John’s Outdoor University.



The City of St. Stephen will have two (2) Council Member positions to fill in the 2014 general election. Each position is a (4) four-year term.

can be submitted to the city clerk at: 2 6th Ave. SE, St. Stephen, MN 56375 or via e-mail:

ProFlowers - Send bouquets for any occasion. Birthday, anniversary or just because! Take 20 percent off your order over $29! Go to or call 1-866-983-2204 (MFPA)

If you or a loved one suffered a stroke, heart attack or died after using testosterone supplements, you may be entitled to monetary damages. Call 855-548-4272. (MFPA)


A public hearing will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, July 21, 2014 in the Council Chamber of the St. SteSaturday, July 19 Blood drive, 7 a.m.-1 p.m., Ameri- phen City Hall.

DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3-day vacation. Tax deductible. Free towing. All paperwork taken care of. 1-800-423-0656. (MFPA)

You may qualify for disability if you have a health condition that prevents you from working for a year or more. Call now! 866-446-8506. (M-Th 9-7 & Fri 9-5 Eastern). (MFPA)




Are You in BIG Trouble With the IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues & resolve tax debt FAST. Call 1-888-606-6673 (MFPA)


DirecTV starting at $24.95/ mo. Free 3-months of HBO, Starz, Showtime & Cinemax. Free receiver upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket included with select packages. Some exclusions apply. Call for details 1-800-278-0306 (MFPA)

In addition to the public meeting, the City Council will be receiving the Schedule Form for Lump-Sum Pension Plans Reporting Year 2014 for the year 2015 from the Fire Department’s Relief Association. /s/ Cris Drais City of St. Stephen City Clerk



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If you are looking for a good natured Golden Retriever mix who likes his car rides and walks, then stop by the Tri-County Humane Society and meet Dylan. Dylan was surrendered because his owner was moving. He is 8 years old and is described as having an affectionate and social personality. He lived with two children between the ages of 6 and 12 and loved to play with them as well as his squeaky toys. Dylan is always ready for a belly rub and is also housetrained. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 18 Puppies - 6

Cats - 37 Kittens - 18

Guinea Pigs - 2 Rabbits - 2

Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302


Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, July 11, 2014

St. Stephen Centennial Celebration July 18-20, 2014 Trobec’s Bus Shuttle Service AFTER Parade from: Church of St. Stephen, Schmidty’s, Trobec’s Bus Service, City Hall, Smoley Fields & Crossroads of CR 2 & 5. The Shuttle will provide pick-up & drop-off service after the parade until approx. 8 p.m.

Saturday, July 19 11 a.m.-1 p.m. St. Stephen Steves Baseball Game

3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Musical Guest:

Sherwin & Pam Linton and “The Cotton Kings” with special guest Brittany Allyn - Nashville recording artist

Former Players (40+) vs. St. Wendel Team No admission ~ food stand

2 p.m. Centennial Parade - Old~Antique~Classic

Prizes awarded for: Best Theme, Originality, Entertainment Smoley Addition South to Trobec’s Bus Service via Co. Rd. 2

Special Guest:

H.E. Dr. BoŽo Cerar Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the US

Sherwin &

Pam Linton

Smoley Field Activities:

Hemker’s Petting Zoo, Inflatables,Water Activity & Food Vendors

Friday, July 18 3:30-8 p.m. Rain or Shine ! CAR SHOW

St. Stephen Church Parking Lot

6:30 p.m. Co-Ed Slow Pitch Softball Game

Upper Field: Former Summer Ball Program Members (18+)

7:30 p.m. Helping Hands Raffle Drawing 8 p.m.-Midnight Concert: 2 Mile Final Brittan

y Allyn

10 p.m. Fireworks Centennial Photo Books ~ $20 St. Stephen Lions Club Cook book ~ $10

Sunday, July 20 9 a.m. Polka Mass ~ Church of St. Stephen 10-11 a.m. Singing Slovenes Concert 9:30 a.m.-noon KSKJ Breakfast: St. Stephen

Free Admission for participants and spectators!

Parish Hall ~ Free Will Donation to St. Stephen Food Shelf

14 Classes, Pre-War Cars & Trucks, Collector, Muscle Car, Convertibles,Street Rods & Machines, Trucks, Rat Rods & Motorcycles.

11 a.m.-4 p.m. Rain or Shine! TRACTOR SHOW Former Vouk Steam Show Grounds

Limited parking by class. All 1980 and older!

“Celebrating our Heritage”

Dash plaques for first 100 participants - Awards by participant voting (ends at 6:30), trophies awarded at 7:30. Trophies awarded for each class, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place.

Restored & Originals Welcome!

Contact Tom Vouk @ 320-654-9511 for further information.

Free Admission for participants & spectators!


We may thresh, cut lath and shingles (if things work out!)

Dash plaques for first 50 participants. There will be three People’s Choice Awards! Contact Frank J. Vouk @ 320-255-7033 for further information.

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