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Newsleader Sartell

Friday, July 18, 2014 Volume 19, Issue 28 Est. 1995

Town Crier Independent Lifestyles holds fundraiser July 19

Independent Lifestyles will hold its Summer Nights fundraiser, featuring 176 Keys Fun Pianos Show and silent auction, at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, July 19 in the St. Cloud VFW Granite Post 428, 9 18th Ave. N. All proceeds will go to veteran retreat center. For tickets, call 320-529-900 or visit

St. Stephen Centennial in full swing this weekend

St. Stephen, the oldest continuous Slovenian town in the United States, will kick up its heels for a three-day bash this weekend to celebrate its 100th birthday. There will be literally something for everyone during the fest: a parade, car show, tractor show, polka Mass, lots of music, raffles, food, baseball, Centennial books for sale, baseball and softball games and a breakfast featuring Slovenian specialties. A bus shuttle service will provide pick-up and drop-off service after the 2 p.m. parade until 8 p.m. on Saturday at the following locations: Church of St. Stephen, Schmidty’s, Trobec’s Bus Service, City Hall, Smoley Fields and the crossroads of CR 2 and 5. For a complete list of events, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and search “Birthday bash.”

Postal Patron

After son’s suicide, mother asks questions, gets no answers by Dennis Dalman

After her 14-year-old son, Taylor, committed suicide, the grieving process is never-ending for Kristine Brugh of Sartell, who keeps asking herself questions that have no answers. “Why didn’t I tell him I love him the last time I saw him?” “Were his problems diagnosed incorrectly?” “How could such a sweet boy turn into somebody I didn’t know?” “Why do so many people, including schools, want to avoid the topic of teen suicide?” Taylor’s taking of his own life remains a heartbreaking mystery to his mother. The unthinkable tragedy happened May 14, 2013 when Taylor shot himself in a basement area of his father’s house in St. Cloud. Kristine and Taylor’s father had been divorced years ago. Taylor and his brother, Tanner, then 12, shared a bedroom at their father’s house when they would visit him. It was Tanner who found Taylor dead. He frantically called his mother. At first, Kristine thought Tanner was yelling something about how Taylor had “cut” himself since he had been known to do “cutting” before – making cuts or scratches on his skin, a compulsive behavior that afflicts some young people. Then Kristine, in another split second, heard the word “dead,” and in that split second her world reeled crazily, crashing down in devastation, and then her heart broke. What was so horrible and baffling for Kristine is that just two days before, on Mother’s

Day, Taylor was his loving sweet old self again, and he and his mother had the most pleasant time, going to church, talking, laughing.


Gruber’s Quilt Shop

Suicide • page 3

Shine on like a supermoon

“We all shine on like the moon and the stars and the sun.” ~John Lennon contributed photo

A “supermoon” rises over Ruth Lake near Emily, north of Crosby-Ironton. This photo was taken by Mary Reinke of Rice, who was vacationing with her family at that lake when this moon appeared at about 9 p.m. Friday, July 11. A supermoon is the name for the moon when it is full and during its closest approach to Earth during its elliptical orbit.

Quan Li K’an hosts free martial arts seminar

Quan Li K’an Martial Arts Group will host a free MultiStyle Martial Arts Seminar from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, July 26 at 416 12th St. N, Sartell. Unlike other seminars, this seminar does not promote competition or any single style. Instead, it promotes education, openness and cooperation between styles by offering teaching from many different viewpoints in a noncompetitive format. The seminar is popular with martial artists of many styles because of the level of instruction. In recent years it has attracted both students and instructors from many styles in the surrounding states as well as from England and Germany. Presenters this year will be Chuck Phillips (Mushin and Kobudo), Chris McWethy (Eskrima), Bob Odegard (Kama), Sifu Rick Jacobson (Sanchin) and Bruce Miller (efficiency in martial arts). Water and snacks will be provided; bring a dish to share if you would like to participate in a potluck starting at 6:30 p.m. A music jam session led by Dave Cofell will be held from 7:30 to 10 p.m. For more information, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on July 18 Criers.

But then the very day after Mother’s Day, Taylor plunged into a dark side again. She found out he’d left school

Sex-trafficking: ‘Our’ girls could become ‘those’ girls by Dennis Dalman

photo by Dennis Dalman

Dennis Herschbach, Sartell novelist and poet, reads from his new novel, A River Through Two Harbors, a suspense-mystery novel about the crisis of sex-trafficking between Thunder Bay, Canada, and Duluth harbor. The meeting took place July 9 at Celebration Lutheran Church.

With his Emancipation Proclamation, Abraham Lincoln freed slaves, but slavery continues widely in the United States in the form of sex-trafficking. That was the topic of discussion July 9 at Celebration Lutheran Church in Sartell when more than 100 people gathered to learn about what many do not like to think about – that young girls and boys are being used as sex slaves far and wide, including right here

in Minnesota. Sex-trafficking thrives on the coercion of vulnerable young people who are troubled and hurting. Some are moneyless and hungry; others are homeless; still others have run away from abusive families; and in some cases they have been abducted, especially young girls or boys who “met” predators disguised as “loving protectors” via the Internet. The informational meeting in Sartell was hosted by “Celebrate Freedom,” a group of Celebration Trafficking • page 5

Volunteers needed for kennel project Thanks to a grant, the TriCounty Humane Society will be able to repaint its dog kennels and spruce up its walking path, but volunteer human labor is needed. The Society is asking for able-bodied adults who will be able to prep the kennels for painting and/or who can help widen and spread mulch on the dog-walking trail.

The work will take place from 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Saturday, July 19. There will be a free lunch for participants. To sign up, contact Kim at 320252-0896. The Society received a $5,000 shelter-renovation grant from the Pedigree (pet food company) and GreaterGood. org, as well as $5,000-worth of Pedigree dog food.

The kennel rooms will have to be emptied for re-painting. That is why Society members are hoping adoptions will happen – the very best way to “empty” a kennel. From now through the month of July, all dog-adoption fees will be discounted. Those who want a dog can take 1 percent times the number of days a dog has lived in the shelter, and

that number in dollar terms can be deducted off of the adoption fee. For example, a dog that has been at the shelter for 50 days would translate into 50 percent off the fee. Dogs for adoption and other animals can be seen at the Tri-County Humane Society’s website at

Sartell Newsleader •



Friday, July 18, 2014


A correction is needed for a front-page story in the July 11 Newsleader entitled “Peternell, 102, plans to attend St. Stephen Centennial.” Eddie’s wife’s name was Helen Omann. Gertrude (Smoley) Peternell was Eddie’s mother.


If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 320-2518186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at www.tricountycrimestoppers. org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.

contributed photo

Kuhl with Dr. Nicholas Colatrella, owner and The Sartell Swarm 12U Blue girls fastpitch softball team won the Silver Bracket medical director of PineCone Vision Center. Championship at the Star of the North tournament on June 21. The team finished Grace Kuhl, Sartell-St. Stephen High School, with a record of 3-2 for the tournament. The games were played at Whitney Park in is the recipient of a health education scholarship St Cloud. Team members include: (front row, left to right) Annette Lahn, Elizabeth from PineCone Vision Center, Sartell. Students are Hamak, Grace Vogt and Riley Trobec; (middle row) Maren Arneson, Maggie Kulus, selected for this scholarship based their academic Shauna Schmidt, Gretta Mahowald, Marissa Martins and Sydney Lund; and (back row) excellence, volunteerism and desire to pursue a Coaches Mike Arneson, Bob Kulus and Chris Martins and Head Coach Bill Trobec. degree in medicine. contributed photo

Five Sartell students recently graduated from the University of Minnesota, Duluth. They and their majors are as follows: Brett Erickson, bachelor’s degree in accounting; Michael Kampa, bachelor’s degree in athletic training; Kyle Mareck, bachelor’s degree in economics, departmental honors; Brandon McGeary, bachelor’s degree in accounting; and Jason Moir, bachelor’s degree in management. Seven Sartell students were recently named to the spring dean’s honor list at Concordia College, Moorhead. They are as follows: Megan Erkens, daughter of Becky Houle and Don Erkens; Aron Hoover, daughter of Valery and Chris Hoover; Sarah Kremer, daughter Laurie and Michael Kremer; Katherine Miller, daughter of Patricia and Stephen Mille; Richard Satterness and Robert Satterness, sons of Lori and Neil Satterness; and Zachary Zitur, son of Jeanne Cashman. Kremer graduated from Cathedral High School; Miller from Sauk Rapids-Rice High School; and Erkens, Hoover, Kremer, both Satternesses and Zitur all graduated from SartellSt. Stephen Senior High School. Erinn Miles of Sartell, was recently named to spring dean’s list at Providence (RI) College. Miles is a member of the Sartell-St. Stephen High School Class of 2016. To qualify, students must achieve a minimum 3.55 grade-point average. Isaac Popp, son of Marie and

Ted Popp of Sartell, recently graduated with an agri-business degree from Ridgewater College in Willmar. He is currently national vice president to the Post-secondary Agriculture Student organization and is a Phi Theta Kappa honor member. Ten Sartell students were recently named to the dean’s list at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. They are as follows: Brady Anderson, sophomore, College of Biological Sciences; Edward Chappell, senior, College of Liberal Arts; Madeline Glazos, sophomore, College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences; Erin Goenner, junior, College of Liberal Arts; Stephanie Grogan, senior, School of Nursing; Molly Hurd, sophomore, College of Design; Joseph Lawson, senior, College of Science and Engineering; Jessica Malone, senior, College of Science and Engineering; Matthew Nahan, senior, College of Biological Sciences; Ryan Nahan, senior, College of Biological Sciences. To qualify for the dean’s list, a student must attain a minimum 3.66 grade-point average. Ryan DeRoeck, of Sartell, earned a bachelor’s degree in elementary education with a minor in mathematics from the University of Minnesota, Morris. Twenty-one Sartell students were recently named to the president’s list at St. Cloud Technical and Community College. They are as follows: Tiffanie

Broughton, Rebekka Carriere, Lauren Cruze, Candace Dezelske, Aaron Dresow, Kim Evjen, Cody Fisher, Timothy Gratke, Michelle Harris, Dawn Herbst, Madison Hicks, Melissa Jokela, Christopher Lawson, Ethan Licht, Andrew Lieser, Brant Luzier, Rebecca Peterson, David Schepers, Joshua Schneider, Kendra Voigt and Mary Williamson. To earn this honor, students must achieve a minimum grade-point average of 4.0. Twenty-four Sartell students were recently named to the dean’s list at St. Cloud Technical and Community College. They are as follows: Jessica Abel, Douglas Berthiaume, Myles Bous, Aaron Couch, Nichole Erickson, Sarah Gross, Maggy Hiza, John Kitzmiller, Ethan Kleinschmidt, Brandy Klinkner, Katie Koloski, Jeremy Limpert, Megan Lindbloom, McKenzie Lloyd, Brian Menke, Candace Miller, Brent Orndorff, Marissa Rapaway, Morgan South, Derek Stahnke, Andrew Stellmach, Dana Svensson, Jennifer Vonderhaar and Cameron Whitaker. To earn this honor, students must achieve a grade-point average of 3.5 to 3.9. Array Services Group with its three innovative business units, CareCall, ProSource and J.C. Christensen and Associates, has invested in a company garden to promote wellness among its employees. The garden is located on the Array campus and is being tended by employee volunteers

who helped plant, and are now weeding and watering it on a regular basis. Produce from the garden will be donated back to employees of Array. “The idea came from our company’s wellness committee,” said Greg Bockrath, wellness coach at Array. “We’re excited about our garden. It’s a great way to encourage healthier eating; it can help alleviate stress; and it shows people how easy and fun it can be to get outside and do some gardening.” Volunteers planted tomatoes, green peppers, carrots, radishes and green beans, to name a few, in a 4-foot by 16-foot garden plot. While not very big, if this year’s garden is successful, there are plans to expand the garden so more vegetables can be grown and more people can participate in caring for it. When asked what will make a successful garden, Bockrath replied, “If people continue to contribute to this effort; if the garden thrives; and if people are having fun with it, it’s a success and we will continue to support it.” Array has been a longtime proponent of promoting healthier living among its employees providing nutrition and exercise counseling and working with employees to develop nutrition and exercise plans that meet their individual goals. Fitness challenges and activities designed to help employees keep active, motivated and reduce stress are common at Array and on-site gym equipment help employees save time and money by working out at work. A garden is just one more way Array has chosen to promote wellness among its employees.

July 2 8:48 p.m. 7th Street N. Suspicious activity. A report was made regarding three juveniles wearing masks and going in the road. An officer located the juveniles on a pathway. The boys were warned to stop and they agreed. 10:27 p.m. 11th Avenue E. Noise. A complaint was made regarding three juveniles playing in a parking lot. An officer arrived and the boys stated they were not aware it was so late. They agreed to keep the noise down. July 3 12:18 p.m. Walmart. Lost juvenile. A report was made regarding a lost juvenile found in the parking lot. An officer arrived and the child’s grandmother and aunt were located. The child was spoken to about staying with his caretakers. 11:25 p.m. 1st Avenue N. Suspicious person. A report was made regarding an adult male loitering in a parking lot for an hour. An officer located the male and found he was waiting for a friend. July 4 8:41 p.m. Oriole Avenue. Threat. A report was made regarding a neighbor dispute between two males. One male was issued a citation. 11:06 p.m. 11th Street S. Fireworks. A complaint was made regarding fireworks. An officer arrived and located the source. The owner agreed to stop without incident. July 5 9:31 a.m. 15th Street S. Dog. A complaint was made regarding a barking dog at a residence. An officer notified the owner regarding the complaint and he brought the dog inside the home. 11:34 p.m. 24th St N. Suspicious vehicle. While on patrol, an officer saw a parked vehicle in an empty development. It was found they were going there to set off legal fireworks. They were asked to clean up and leave the area. They left without incident.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands Country Store and Pharmacy Holiday on Riverside Drive Holiday on 7th Street N House of Pizza JM Speedstop

Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Delivery Glen Lauer Greg Hartung

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, July 18, 2014

Suicide from front page early with some of the “rough” kids he’d been hanging around with. He wouldn’t answer his cell phone. “I begged a police officer to find him and arrest him,” she recalled. “I didn’t know what else to do. But the officer couldn’t arrest him.” Finally, Kristine drove around to places she thought Taylor might be. Crying, she drove here, there and everywhere until, finally, she found him sitting on a bench with friends at Sartell’s Watab Park. “Get in the car!” she told him, angrily. She decided to drive him to his father’s house in St. Cloud. Utterly frazzled, she did not know what else to do or how to handle him. “I’m tired of your lies,” she said. “You’re always lying to me. Your dad can deal with you.” Taylor, crying, said, “I just want to kill myself.” The threat sent a wave of dread through his mother. When they reached the father’s house, Kristine – out of ear shot of Taylor – cautioned those there to keep a very close eye on Taylor all through the night as he had threatened to harm himself. Just hours later, doom struck. “I felt so guilty,” his mother said. “I didn’t tell him ‘I love you!’ “

Early years

Taylor and Tanner spent their early years with their parents in St. Cloud. Kristine began to notice, when Taylor was only 4 years old, that he sometimes had a hard time dealing with things. He would throw tantrums and collapse into virtual meltdowns. She would have to hold him tight during those times for fear he might fling himself into something and hurt him-

self. About that time, Kristine obtained a divorce. She took Taylor to counseling, and it seemed to help. “Then everything seemed fine,” she recalled. “He was polite, friendly, a leader in school. He was outgoing and had lots of friends.” About three years ago, Kristine and the two boys moved to Sartell. “Taylor hated that we moved,” she said. “He still made contact with his friends from the St. Cloud school, Westwood.” In Sartell, Taylor began to come undone. He fit in at first in school, and teachers and fellow students liked him very much. But in the afternoons, after school, he would come home moody. “He loved music and even wrote his own rap songs, but some were devastating to read because they were about people not liking him and how he didn’t fit in” Kristine recalled. “He was so good at hiding his real feelings, even right before the day he died. He played football in school, but later his grades went down, although he didn’t seem depressed. He’d never been in trouble before – ever – until eighth grade.” At the time, Kristine was hoping it was the sudden onset of puberty that was causing Taylor’s unpredictable behavior. It was around Christmas time in 2012 that Taylor spiraled out of control. He began an infatuation with a girlfriend from his former school, and problems worsened: verbal scuffles with school officials, church members, counselors and now and then skipping school. “The last year of his life was hell,” she said. “I knew he was such a sweet boy, but he’d turned into somebody I didn’t know.”


Throughout the last year of Suicide • page 4

How Spa Nala got it’s name In late 2012, while Taylor Brugh was battling depression and his family was trying to help him, his mother Kristine had a dream about opening a laser spa. She and her two boys, Taylor and Tanner, were looking for a way to have Kristine spend more time with her sons. Right after she had that dream, an unusual circumstance happened. “It was late October,” Kristine said. “I remember there was snow on the ground and it was cold outside. One night I saw a small animal in the distance. Upon approaching it I discovered it was a very small kitten. I scooped her up and brought her into the house. She couldn’t have been more than a few weeks old. She was starving and cold and I’m sure she would not have made

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it through the night. I convinced myself I was only going to nurse her back to health and then I would find her a good home. Little did I know the home I would find for her was mine. She was the sweetest kitten I had ever known, and since I already had a Simba and Pumba at home, it was only fitting to name her Nala.” After Taylor’s tragic death in spring 2013, Kristine had to fight to move on with her life. Her second son Tanner needed her. “Then Taylor spoke to me,” Kristine said. “He said, ‘Mom you have to go on for Tanner and me. We created this dream and now you must complete it. You can do this mom. Tanner needs you too.’ So once again, I put all my faith and trust in God who has kept

all his promises thus far. I pushed forward creating a spa in honor of Taylor.” Kristine says she thanks God for Tanner and for the 14 years she was able to have with Taylor. She also counts her blessings and says “God’s protection has surrounded Tanner and me during this past year – including many, many friends and family.” “I couldn’t have done it without all of your support,” she continued. “Thank you everyone for supporting me while I fought to carry out Taylor’s wishes, all the while preserving his memory and presence thru Spa Nala.” And the spa’s name is more than fitting, especially since “Nala” in African culture means “successful and beloved.”

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Sartell Newsleader •


contributed photo

Tanner and Kristine Brugh hold a photo of their loved one – Taylor, the son and brother who committed suicide when he was only 14. Kristine and Tanner, who find strength in each other, continue to mourn Taylor’s tragic loss.

Suicide from page 3

Immaculate Conception Church 145 2nd Ave. N.E. • Rice

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Taylor’s life, he and his mother went through a teeter-totter of emotions. At one point, all seemed fine, and they would both be feeling up and having

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a happy time with good communication between them, and then – suddenly, with no warning – moods would plummet downward, and Taylor again would turn into a frightening young stranger to his mother. In the best of times, Kristine and her sons would choose a state on a United States map, agree on a destination and then take a 10-day trip to that state. They always had a ball traveling together. But such good times could so easily give way to bad times during the last year of Taylor’s life. School officials would often call Kristine, often during her lunch time at work, because of some problem with Taylor. She always broke off what she was doing and went to school to see what the matter was. One night, during an April snowstorm, Kristine woke up and just knew by a mother’s instinct something was wrong. Taylor’s bedroom door was locked from the inside, but Kristine just knew he was not in the room. She called the police. After worry, pacing and agony, Taylor returned the next morning. Just three weeks before he died, Taylor chose to go to church with his mother. “He’s making good choices,” she thought to herself. “He’s turning around.” One day in April he skipped school, and they called the police. His mother wondered if he was doing some kind of illicit drugs, but there was no proof of that. Meantime, Taylor was being treated for depression and anxiety after being diagnosed with possibly a borderline personality disorder. In his writings, Taylor often noted he felt his mother and his brother did not love him and he was always disappointing them, not living up to their expectations. His attitude was baffling because she and Tanner always loved and supported him, thick and thin. “We had a great relationship,” Kristine recalled.


Kristine has spent many agonizing hours pondering what went wrong, what could have been changed, how could the suicide have been prevented? “I was doing everything I could do (to help him),” she said. Her children did not like the fact their mother worked so hard. She had always worked for herself, for years as a hair stylist and for a time as general manager of her boyfriend’s restaurant. For years, Kristine and Taylor shared a happy secret – that someday, soon as possible, she would open her own business. It gave them both something to look forward to in times of trouble. After Taylor’s death, Kristine spoke with many of his friends. She also talked at her church, The Waters Church. She is determined to reach out to help prevent suicides, but her efforts are sometimes stymied. She wanted to talk to Tanner’s class in school, but school officials nixed the idea, fearing that talk about suicide might cause, through a spin-off effect, one or another student attempting such a drastic act. Kristine also wants to start a suicide-prevention support group and a group for loved ones of suicide victims. “I don’t know the answer,” said Kristine, who is left with only a series of “maybes” to every question she’s asked. But some things she does know, one of which society cannot brush off the topic of teen suicide. “We cannot ignore the subject,” she said. “We can’t hush this stuff up. The problem’s getting worse and worse, and I feel we’re not doing anything about it. We’re not doing enough.” Parents, she said, should never minimize children’s problems and not dismiss them by blithely saying, “Oh, just get over it!” When kids are hurting, such as when they are jilted after a love crush, they should be taken very seriously, Kristine believes. “To a kid, a crush is every-

Friday, July 18, 2014 thing,” she said. “The girl Taylor knew was a lifeline, and both of them were dealing with issues.” It makes Kristine angry when she hears people say that suicide is a selfish act. “It wasn’t selfish!” she said. “I just know what he must have felt like. He felt there was no other way out of those feelings than to do what he did. He didn’t have the capacity to think at the time because he was feeling so down. He was hurting so bad he just wanted it to stop.” Sensitive professionals can be a big help during crises, Kristine said. Police officer Dan Whitson and a school counselor treated Taylor with the utmost respect even when he had serious troubles in school. They also went to bat for Kristine when she requested to speak in the school. Having that kind of support from professionals, she said, gave her strength and courage to go on. Always take suicide threats seriously and intervene, Kristine advises. “If a kid in school says something like, ‘My life sucks; I just wanna die,’ that is a call for help,” she said. “Report it and get help immediately for that person from school officials, parents or someone else.”

Secret come true

The sweet secret Kristine and Taylor shared years ago has come true: Kristine recently opened her business, Spa Nala, in Sartell. She does laser treatments for hair removal, tattoo removal, skin rejuvenation and the erasure of sun spots and scars. She’s recently added Botox treatments and massage therapy. Sadly, Taylor is not here to realize their secret-come-true. Kristine’s Spa Nala logo is a circle of life, designed with Taylor and Tanner in mind. “Tanner and I are still evolving, helping each other as we learn to live with only Taylor’s memory now.”

Maintenance Tech/Painter Full-time position available for apartment management company in Sartell/St. Cloud area. Must have basic knowledge of plumbing, electrical, painting, basic remodeling and be able to trouble shoot. Previous experience preferred. Valid driver’s license and clean criminal background required. Great wage and full benefit package. Email resume to

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, July 18, 2014

Trafficking from front page members who want to shine light on the sex-trafficking crisis. At the meeting, Sartell novelist Dennis Herschbach was the keynote speaker. He read a passage from his new novel, A River Through Two Harbors, a mysterypolice book that deals with sextrafficking of young Indian girls between Thunder Bay, Canada and the Duluth harbor. For many years, Herschbach taught high school in Two Harbors before moving to Sartell three years ago. What’s ironic is A River Through Two Harbors is a fiction book – and yet it is not. It is based on facts and on actual characters. Sex-trafficking is happening along the North Shore, and although the victims in Herschbach’s novel are Indian girls, it happens to girls and boys of all races and socioeconomic categories, as the author noted. What stunned and disgusted the audience at Celebration is the average age of girls and boys used as sex slaves is 14, with some as young as 10 and even, in a few cases, younger than that. Herschbach said there are 650 girls and women reported as missing from Thunder Bay, the port city on Lake Superior in Ontario. Most of those, he said, are Indians. It can be assumed, he said, many if not most of those females are now being forced to work as sex slaves under control of brutal pimps. Herschbach said 30 percent of girls in the United States are molested in some way during their young lives. For Indian girls and women, it

is 80 percent. Racism, poverty and hopelessness seem to be the triggering factors that make such girls targets for predators, including pimps, Herschbach noted. According to some studies, a pimp can earn up to $300,000 in one year from just one girl used as a sex slave-prostitute. Even though local law enforcement and the FBI crack sex-trafficking rings and perpetrators are arrested and tried, the crime continues virtually unabated, Herschbach noted. And far from being “just” a metro problem, sex-trafficking is widespread, urban and rural, he added. It has even been known to happen among high school students, with some students acting as pimps of other students. “The problem is very, very real,” Herschbach said. “It’s very extensive. It’s worldwide.” Although such a horrible crime will probably never be stopped altogether, Herschbach said the one thing everybody can do is to “save one girl at a time.” He gave tips on how to do that: Become aware of the problem and know it’s happening, sometimes right in one’s own town. Become aware of the groups and organizations on the front lines, battling sex-trafficking and other forms of sexual exploitation. Get to know the dedicated people in those groups and then support them monetarily or in any other way. Help them, their work and their message get recognized far and wide. Speak out about the problem. Tell anyone who will listen. Men have a particular responsibility to speak out against the exploitation of females since those who are brutalized could

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be daughters, sisters, mothers, wives. People must put efforts into changing the “culture” that “boys will be boys,” which can lead to dismissive societal attitudes when male disrespect and exploitation of girls and women occurs. Herschbach said those attitudes must change from “boys will be boys” to “Enough is enough!” Some things, he said, we must realize are just wrong, period, and the sex-trafficking of girls and boys (as well as adults) is not only wrong – it’s a vile crime. A question-and-answer session followed Herschbach’s talk. One woman was applauded after Roofing • Siding • Gutters • Windows • Metal Roofs HAAG™ Certified Roof Inspectors for hail/wind

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she told a personal, frightening story that pointed out how sextrafficking can hit close to home. The problem, she said, we must stop viewing from a “we versus them” perspective. People in an upper middle-class group must understand sex-trafficking and the endangerment of girls can happen right in our own neighborhoods and schools. The woman told about a granddaughter who was having trouble with a science class in school, and her failures in school bothered her deeply. She met a Rhode Island man online who said he and his wife would be happy to home-school her. Unbeknown to

the girl’s parents, of course, the man sent the naive, troubled girl a bus ticket to come to Rhode Island. Fortunately, the girl’s family found out about the bus-ticket scheme. As luck would have it, the girl’s grandmother (the one telling the story at the Celebration meeting) happened to be in Chicago during the crises. They figured a Greyhound bus en route from Minnesota to Rhode Island would likely stop at Chicago. The family contacted Chicago police, and at the depot they and the grandmother intercepted the girl when the bus arrived. Her mother then flew to Chicago to take her back home. Trafficking • page 8

te celebra Come with


ne Central Pa o c e rk in 1105 Central Park Blvd. • Sartell

Music in the Park

Thursdays July 31 at 7 p.m. – Ring of Kerry Aug. 7 at 7 p.m. – Belle Amour Aug. 14 at 7 p.m. – Tim Sparks & Phil Heywood Aug. 21 at 7 p.m. – Gypsy Mania

Movie in the Park Sponsored by:

Thursday, Aug. 21 at Dusk

Music sponsored by: • Chris & Deb Stalboerger • The Bierscheid Family This activity is made possible, in part, by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Central MN Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

The Waters Church auditorium is the rain site in the event of bad weather for the music events. Thursday, Aug. 28 at dusk is the reschedule date for Despicable Me in the event of bad weather.


Our View By helping pollinators live, we help our precious food supply

Sartell Newsleader •

Opinion Fear-filled kids living in limbo

Imagine, after days of terror on a long train ride, you arrive in another country where you are placed inside a big building and you do not know from one minute to the No bees, no food. next what will happen to you. Oh, and by the Well, that’s an exaggeration, but it’s not too way, you are only 10 years old, with no parent much of a stretch because a good amount of our to comfort you. You are utterly alone, fearful food supply depends upon pollinating insects, in an alien land. That, sad to say, is the plight of more than like bees and butterflies. 50,000 children who crossed the Texas border It’s good to see many news reports are addressing the decline in the populations of pol- in recent months. It is an appalling dilemma that has left everyone baffled. linators. Hopefully, people will become more Why did these children come here? How aware and do something about the problem. did they get here by themselves? Eighty-seven percent of the worlds’ 124 This past weekend, those questions were most commonly cultivated crops are pollinated hounding me. News reports were contradicby insects or other creatures, according to the tory and confusing, so I did some online Department of Natural Resources. More than 80 research. This is what I found: The Central American countries of Hondupercent of the world’s 250,000 or more flower- ras, Guatemala and El Salvador are rife with ing plants depend on animals for pollination. In drug cartels, gangs, coercion and extortion, fact, more than one-third of the world’s food all of it boiling in a foul elixir of horrific viosupply comes from foods made possible by the lence. This past June, 23 children were killed in Honduras, the murder capital of the world. pollination of bees. Some of the most commonly known pollina- In San Pedro Sula, one of its most vicious 7-year-old Anthony Castellanos was tor-dependent foods are blueberries, strawber- cities, tortured and then beaten to death by young ries, raspberries, cranberries, tomatoes, peppers, gang members. His older brother had been a apples, melons, sunflowers, plums, squash, “lookout” for that particular gang but decided canola and pumpkins. There are many, many to quit. An order from prison was given to more. Our diets would be dreary without the kill the older brother. The gang members shot to death the brother and a friend when work these pollinators unwittingly do. they were going around looking for Anthony In a nutshell, bees are our friends. who’d already been murdered. Arrests were In recent years, there has been an alarming made. decrease in numbers of butterflies, honey bees, In those three countries, young children birds and bats. Last year was an all-time low are routinely forced to join gangs. If they do, for the number of migrating Monarch butter- they have a chance of being killed during flies. Those worrisome losses are attributed to criminal activities or ending up in prison. If shrinking habitats, use of pesticides, diseases, they don’t join, they will likely be hounded

parasites and the spread of invasive species. But it’s not time, yet, to despair. There are things everybody can do to help our pollinating friends, right at home. Here is a list of suggestions from the DNR: • Avoid or minimize use of pesticides. • Plant native wildflowers and grasses that have lots of blooming flowers. Use a wide range of colors and shapes of wildflowers. Flower diversity is very attractive to pollinators of all kinds. • Plant at least three plant species that can bloom in spring, summer and fall. Earlyblooming and late-blooming plants are especially valuable for the survival of pollinating creatures. • Reduce tillage • Avoid plastic ground-cover sheeting because some bees rely on ground-nesting. • Delay mowing grassy meadows or roadsides in order to leave some habitat for pollinators. • Provide warm-season, clumping grasses for bumblebee nest sites. • Avoid swatting at bees. Let them be. Flailing and swatting makes them mad and increases the chance you will be stung. For more information on how to help protect our pollinating friends, please visit the following website:, then click on “Pollinators and Roadsides.”

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-

Friday, July 18, 2014

Dennis Dalman Editor or killed. Young thugs sliced the throat of an 11-yearold boy because he refused to pay them the equivalent of 50 cents in extortion money. Other children are killed when gang members or druggies go to butcher their parents. From January to May of this year, more than 2,200 children have fled to the United States from the horrors of just that one violent city, San Pedro Sula. How do these children manage to come all the way to the United States? Parents or relatives pool money to pay traffickers to bring them to the Mexican-American border. If there is no room in the trains, many children have to cling to the tops of train cars for days and nights during the harrowing journey. They are sometimes robbed or raped along the way. The traffickers who profit from these children’s misery make golden promises these kids will be welcomed in the United States and find a safe life there. What they find instead is a limbo their young, traumatized minds cannot understand. Here’s a question that nags at my mind: Are all of these children victims of back-home violence? Or, are some of them pawns manipulated by those who want laxer immigration laws? Those who think America should have

an anything-goes immigration policy might think all those children in a terrible plight will melt the hearts of Americans, who will allow them to stay. Then, later, parents, siblings and others in those countries might have an easier time gaining legal status north of the border. The blame game has begun. Obama’s fault? Bush’s fault? A 2008 law addressed the trafficking of children from Central American countries. If such children arrive here, they must be given a chance to prove they were in imminent danger in their countries, in which case they can be granted asylum. Mexican children who come here can be deported almost immediately. Why the difference in treatment between Mexicans and Central Americans? I’m still seeking an answer to that question. Some say the 2008 law gave traffickers just the excuse they needed to ship children to the United States. Others claim Obama’s “Dream Act” was misconstrued by traffickers and their victims as a “free ticket” to this country. Obama wants to spend $3.7 billion to help deal with the mess. Many want the 2008 law changed so children from Central America can be deported, like Mexicans, in just days rather than letting them stay here for court appearances that can be delayed for up to three years or more. The urgency, of course, is that the more children we let stay here, the more children will come, coaxed on by despicable traffickers. If there were only an easy answer. But one thing we do know: This crisis underlines the long-overdue need for a comprehensive immigration reform, something that continues to keep the U.S. Congress in its inexcusable, stupifying deadlock.

Letter to editor

The Affordable Care Act is not affordable for my family Stuart Bailey, Sartell Last October, I voiced an opinion that, based upon what we knew at the time, I and my family could not afford the Affordable Care Act. This belief was based upon what we knew and surmised at the time: There would be little in the way of benefits for us, and the costs to administrate the program would be astronomical. Fast forward nine months, and from the looks of things, I was right on both counts. Everyone is well aware of the failures of the federal and state websites, and at the state level, audits and a re-build of the system have cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars over and above initial projections. Hundreds of additional staff were added to reduce the unacceptable response times at added taxpayer expense. That’s the administrative cost. Has it improved? Probably yes, but only until the next enrollment period begins.

And numbers? It depends on whose poll numbers you may believe. I had heard the goal nationwide was for 23 million enrollees, but after March 31, was it only seven million? Since last October, the health-insurance plans provided by most private employers to their employees rolled over on Jan. 1, and plan premiums immediately reflected the changes brought on by the Affordable Care Act. Premiums rose to the tune of about 20 percent for our family. At our benefits meeting, the representative stated the increase was in part to the provisions of the Affordable Care Act. OK, tighten your belt, shift some things around and a family can absorb this. But that’s not all. We, like many others, take maintenance medications that are renewed on a 30- or 90-day basis. Usually the money-saving generics are perfectly fine, but in some cases, the doctor prefers the use of a brand-name drug for their patients instead of the formularies. The doctor would

make a request to the insurance company stating reasons for the preferred brandname. Prior to the Affordable Care Act, these requests had been accepted by our insurance, and the cost of the expensive medications were reduced in line with formulary costs. Since Jan. 1, all of these requests have been rejected. Recently, we found out this practice of rejection is now the rule and not the exception for the insurance companies, due to the costs of the Affordable Care Act. Suddenly, it’s not a tighten-your-belt issue any more, it’s a matter of what does a family cut? I would guess our family is not the only family experiencing this crunch. I see no let up and no help down the road. So, what is the solution? Repeal or change this bad legislation, and don’t wait. So far, our family can’t afford the Affordable Care Act. Consider this my letter to the President. I’d be happy to sit down and have lunch with him and we could talk about it like Rebekah did. We could go to Val’s.

Control the rhetoric, control the conversation What do you think is happening at our southern border? Some 50,000 children have been dumped and abandoned for us to take care of, and it’s going to get a lot worse. Estimates are at least another 50,000 will hit before the year is out. Instead of calling this what it is, the Obama Administration chooses to call it a “humanitarian crisis.” They would have you believe these are just desperately poor people who are escaping oppression and poverty. They don’t want you to call them illegal aliens. That would be politically incorrect. No, call them refugees or immigrants. Well, I choose to call it as I see it. These are illegal aliens and they are cheating the system, breaking our laws and looking for a free ride in the “Land of Milk and Honey.” They are re-introducing diseases which we have long dealt with. They are covered with body lice. Many test positive for tuberculosis. Once again we are seeing H1n1, also known as swine flu. These are not immigrants; they are thieves, cheats and trespassers. We are told these people are paying cartels

Ron Scarbro Guest Writer up to $8,000 a head for passage to our border. If they are so poor, where are they getting that kind of money? And if that kind of money actually exists, why aren’t they using it to fix their own countries? We absolutely cannot be the dumping ground for every person in the world who thinks all they have to do is show up and we will take care of them. Nancy Pelosi says this is a great opportunity for America. Nonsense. This is a liability with a huge price tag. These children bring nothing to this country. They will have to be fed, clothed, medicated, educated and taken care of for years. Many are gang members who have been systematically

expelled by their own countries. So, what do we do? Well, first of all, we change the rhetoric. We call a spade a spade. These are law-breaking trespassers whose goal is to cheat the system and get a free ride at taxpayers’ expense. These are people who, if left unchecked, will turn this country into the same cesspool from which they just escaped. There are limits. We have an immigration service that is set up to make certain those who would choose to immigrate to America are people we want in this country. They make sure immigrants are free of diseases. They check for criminal activity. Do you remember when Castro decided to dump his criminals on America by putting them on boats and sending them north? That was known as the “Mariel boatlift.” Thousands of thieves and killers were sent to America under the guise of immigration. Castro emptied his jails and laughed at us and our stupidity. Is that a part of what is happening on our border today? I don’t know but neither do

Rhetoric • page 7

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, July 18, 2014

Rhetoric from page 6

the people who are charged with our border security. Did I say “border security?” That’s a laugh. The federal government is forcing the states to act and act they will.

Especially the border states. They are not going to just sit still and absorb the costs and the liability of thousands of illegals. Stop allowing the Feds to change the meaning of words. Make them face up to the problem they have caused themselves. I am sure the Administration thinks these are all new Democrats just waiting for the opportunity to vote. Sorry, but that isn’t going to happen. Amnesty is a liberal pipe-

dream. Pay attention Congresspeople. It will soon be time for a reckoning. Scarbro is retired and spends most of his free time with his grandchildren having moved from Sartell to St. Simons Island, Ga.. Writing and commenting on the news of the day is a pastime. Visit his weekly blog at ronscarbro.blogspot. com for more commentary.

Community Calendar

Friday, July 18 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800733-2767. Burger and brat sale, sponsored by Knights of Columbus, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2. Singles Dance, 8:30 p.m.12:30 a.m., American Legion. Waite Park. Live music by the Agates. Saturday, July 19 Blood drive, 7 a.m.-1 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800733-2767. Burger and brat sale, sponsored by Knights of Columbus, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Joseph Meat Market. Tap Takeover, 4-8 p.m., Third Street Brewhouse, 219 Red River

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Monday, July 21 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800733-2767. Market Monday, 3-6:30 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell. St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion in St. Joseph. Tuesday, July 22 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800733-2767. Wednesday, July 23 SummerTime by George, 5-9 p.m., Lake George, St. Cloud. Free live concert by Collective

Unconscious. Thursday, July 24 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., Avon Community Church. 320248-3375. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800733-2767. Friday, July 25 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800733-2767. Brat sale, sponsored by Y2K Lions, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. St. Joseph Meat Market. All donations, tips and a portion of profits will go to Leader Eye Banks. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6:30 p.m., near the Wobegon Trail Center, C.R. 2.

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7 LEgal notICE

NOTICE OF FILING DATES FOR ELECTION TO THE SCHOOL BOARD SARTELL-ST.STEPHEN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 748 SARTELL, MINN. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the period for filing affidavits of candidacy for the office of School Board member of Independent School District No. 47 shall begin on July 29, 2014, and shall close at 5 p.m.** Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2014. The general election shall be held on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014. At that election, three (3) members will be elected to the School Board for terms of four (4) years each. Affidavits of Candidacy are available at the District Office located at the Sartell-St. Stephen District Office, 212 Third Ave. N., Sartell, Minn. The filing fee for this office is $2. A candidate for this office must be an eligible voter, must be 21 years of age or more on assuming office, must have been a resident of the school district from which the candidate seeks election for thirty (30) days before the general election, and must have no other affidavit on file for any other

Freelancers sought

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office at the same primary or next ensuing general election. The affidavits of candidacy must be filed in the School District Office and the filing fee paid prior to 5 p.m.** Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2014.

Dated: July 10, 2014 BY ORDER OF THE SCHOOL BOARD INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 748 /s/ Jason Nies, clerk ** the Secretary of State’s office takes the position that the office must be open until 5 p.m. to receive filings on the last day for filing. The adoption of this resolution is discretionary; the publication of the notice is mandatory. Publish: July 18, 2014


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Trafficking from page 5

With law enforcement tipped off ahead of time, the man in Rhode Island, later, was arrested while waiting with another man for the Minnesota girl to arrive on the bus. “It (the sex-trafficking problem) is here, not just there,” the woman said. “We have to realize that and understand that. Our girls will become those girls!” Another woman who spoke at the meeting works with the Starring St. Joseph resident Brad Busse!

Sartell Newsleader • Central Minnesota Human Trafficking Task Force. Some sex cartels specialize in trafficking young boys for sex, she said. It is shockingly easy, she added, to buy a girl or a boy via sex-trafficking websites. Such sites use specialized code language. As soon as their operators sense heat from law enforcement, they shift and change the websites, using new code language, trying to stay one step ahead of being busted. The woman said peer pressure, along with negative social and cultural pressures, have fostered a kind of underground “pimp society.” That woman will be one of the

speakers when Celebration Lutheran Church hosts an education program called “Survivors” from 9 a.m.-noon, Saturday, Oct. 4. The seminar will be sponsored by United Way of Central Minnesota. There are many resources from which to learn more about the sex-trafficking epidemic. The following are just a few of them: Breaking Free: www.breakingfree. net; State Minnesota Human Trafficking Resource: www.mnhttf. org; Polaris Project:; and Women’s Foundation of Minnesota (Minnesota Girls are Not for Sale): www.

Friday, July 18, 2014

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